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Section: Economic Theory
UDC 330.34.01
Silantiev O. I.
The Social Form of Wealth as a Dominant in the Development Potential of Modern Macroeconomic Systems (p. 19 - 26)

The publication is aimed at researching the role of the social form of wealth and its constituents in the development potential of modern macroeconomic systems. The essence of social wealth has been disclosed and the concept of «social form of wealth» has been defined. The ability of social capital to promote materialization of the potential reserves of development of society is characterized, that is caused by its productive value when it develops itself and develops possibilities of increase of other forms of wealth in certain combinations. The ability of social capital to be integrated into a reproduced process at almost any stage of the latter has been determined. Presence of a controversy between the traditional capitalist way of production of wealth (with a focus on the growth of private wealth corporations) and post-industrial (which in practice is manifested in the asymmetry of information) has been proved. It has been determined that the social capital is considered as an individual property of everyone, which, however, can become a public (collective) resource in whole or in part. The importance of the carried out research is an improvement of theoretical approaches to understanding how the volume of social wealth, accumulated by macroeconomic systems, impacts economic-social development. Prospects for further research are an in-depth study of the relationship between the social wealth of macroeconomic systems and the volume of their wealth.
Keywords: development of macroeconomic systems, social form of wealth, social capital, human capital, intellectual capital, potential of development of modern macroeconomic systems.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Silantiev Oleh I. – Postgraduate Student, Poltava University of Economics and Trade (3 Ivana Banka Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Silantiev, Oleh I. (2018) “The Social Form of Wealth as a Dominant in the Development Potential of Modern Macroeconomic Systems.” Business Inform 2:19–26.

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