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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 336.774
Tymoshenko O. V., Hrushyna A. I.
Crediting the Small and Medium-Sized Business in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (p. 207 - 212)

The publication is aimed at researching the mechanisms of monetary and crediting policy to support small and medium-sized businesses in conditions of transformation of the national economy. Obtaining the research results predefines the following tasks: synthesis of the main provisions of the monetary and crediting policy in Ukraine, allocating the features of the system of monetary and crediting policy of supporting the small business. The results of the carried out research allow to the following conclusions: in the future, the system of support for small and medium-sized businesses is expected to be improved in several directions (in particular, improving the system of special tax regimes, creating conditions for capturing the new market niches by small and medium-sized business entities; providing access to credit resources). The Government bodies face a difficult task, because in a volatile economic environment, the small and medium-sized businesses are mostly in need of support. Active actions on the part of the State, changing economic conditions taken together can help to turn the tide. Prospect for further research in this direction could be development of a mechanism for the implementation and operation of the national system of support for the small and medium-sized businesses, adequate to today’s conditions.
Keywords: small and medium-sized business, crediting, monetary and crediting policy, enterprise, crediting.
Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 11.

Tymoshenko Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Founder, Educational platform «4People» (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Hrushyna Alina I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Show Business, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (36 Yevhena Konovaltsia Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Tymoshenko, Olena V., and Hrushyna, Alina I. (2018) “Crediting the Small and Medium-Sized Business in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects.” Business Inform 11:207–212.

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