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The Status of Risk Management in Transport Enterprises of Ukraine Tarashevskyi M. М.
Tarashevskyi, Maksym М. (2020) “The Status of Risk Management in Transport Enterprises of Ukraine.” Business Inform 8:125–133.
Section: Economics of Transport and Communications
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 3 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 656.07
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to analyze the status of risk management in transport enterprises of Ukraine. It is identified that the biggest risks in the activities of transport companies in Ukraine are associated with economic crisis phenomena, high inflation, currency fluctuations, corruption, political instability, hostilities in the east, imperfect taxation and customs clearance, bureaucracy, limited access to finance. resources, unprofitability, significant level of wear of vehicles and infrastructure, low investment attractiveness and insufficient level of innovation. The negative impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the status of risk management and performance of transport companies, which leads to market reorientation, the growing role of e-commerce and transport logistics, needs to be considered separately. It is determined that the indicators of cargo turnover in Ukraine and the volume of transported goods for 2000–2019 are reduced for almost all modes of transport. The number of operating transport companies and the number of staff involved are unstable. Due to the consequences of the crisis phenomena in 2016, the largest number of transport companies was liquidated. Negative factors are a decrease in passenger traffic, a high level of losses of transport enterprises, an increase in the number of accidents on transport, in particular the transport of dangerous goods. The risk management system in transport companies indicates the need to develop an effective mechanism that would help in the current circumstances, challenges and modern requirements to achieve better results and avoid serious problems and situations. There is an objective need to build a risk management and internal control system through enhanced procurement monitoring, implementation of tender policy, management of contracts and the policy of selection with verification of business partners at all stages of fundraising.
Keywords: transport, risk, risk assessment, risk management, activity of transport enterprises.
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 20.
Tarashevskyi Maksym М. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Business Logistics and Transportation Technology, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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