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Researching the Factors of Influence on the Management of Educational Services in Ukraine
Dogadina V. Y.

Dogadina, Valentina Yu. (2020) “Researching the Factors of Influence on the Management of Educational Services in Ukraine.” Business Inform 8:161–170.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article identifies and researches factors of influence on the management of educational services in Ukraine. It turned out that education in all the world countries has always been the driving force of society development, since only the presence of qualified personnel in all sectors of the economy provided an opportunity for effective activity and implementation of scientific-technical progress into production. It is specified that today the principles and methods of management of educational services in Ukraine have undergone dramatic changes, as the market requirements dictate new rules, which are conditioned by certain requirements for the educational process and the creation of such an educational environment that would meet European standards. In order to improve the management of educational services in Ukraine, the factors that the most influence the quality and demand of educational services in educational institutions are singled out. To establish a statistical dependence between random values, a correlation analysis was applied, allowing to determine the presence and magnitude of the dependency between several random values. The linear correlation link between a pair of random values measured at the interval scale is determined according to the Pearson correlation coefficient. Factors of influence on the management of educational services in Ukraine are chosen, which have absolute and relative values. The absolute values of the factors that have an impact on the quality of educational services in institutes, academies, universities of Ukraine are computed; the absolute values of the factors that have an impact on the quality of educational services in colleges, technical schools, schools of Ukraine; the values of factors that have an impact on the quality of educational services in higher education institutions of Ukraine are computed as well. It is concluded that the analysis of absolute values of factors of influence on the management of educational services in Ukraine has a high link. This is explained due to the fact that regions of Ukraine, which have a certain rating as to the provision of educational services, also have competitive advantages in terms of the number and quality of scientific-pedagogical workers and, as a result, a significant number of applicants for education. For the relative factors of influence on the management of educational services, there is no high link between relative indicators.

Keywords: education, management of education services, factors of influence, research, evaluation.

Tabl.: 6. Formulae: 14. Bibl.: 8.

Dogadina Valentina Yu. – Director, Kharkov Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (3 Beketova Str., Kharkiv, 61007, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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