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The Typology of Events as Objects of Event Management
Mysyk V. M.

Mysyk, Viktoriya M. (2020) “The Typology of Events as Objects of Event Management.” Business Inform 8:203–210.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article develops a typology of event types as objects of event management, considered as a separate type of management activity aimed at managing various activities of business nature (business meetings, fairs, exhibitions, conferences, congresses, marketing events, social initiatives, etc.) and of team-building nature, in terms of the activities of economic entities. At the heart of the event management lies an event per se, participated by event organizers, event managers and other event industry actors, at the same time an event represents the object of event management. It is concluded that so far in the scientific literature has not formed a single typology of events as objects of event management. This is largely due to the diversity of interpretation of the concept of event management, as well as its relative novelty as a separate direction of scientific research. Thus, the essence of the existing classification features within the specified typology of events (nature of the event, scale, venue) is covered, supplementing the typology with new items (content, frequency, subject composition of participants, nature of interaction of participants, subject composition of organizers and coordinators, national composition of participants, organizers and coordinators, attachment to the place of venue, level of novelty, form of interaction of participants, time orientation, peculiarities of financing, completeness). The developed typology of events as objects of event management enables managers and event management subjects to more reasonably choose the types of events based on the specified goals, tasks, available resource provision and existing restrictions, as well as to plan such events for the perspective. These developments also make it possible to eliminate a number of discussion provisions relating to both the separation of classification characteristics of events and their respective types within the classification.

Keywords: event industry, event management, event, team-building, MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Events).

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Mysyk Viktoriya M. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Foreign Economic and Customs Activities, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

Radionova, O. M.Konspekt lektsii z kursu «Ivent-tekhnolohii» [Summary of Lectures on the Course "Event Technology"]. Kharkiv: KhNUMH im. O. M. Beketova, 2015.
“APEX Industry Glossary“. Convention Industry Council (CIC). 2003.
Beech, J., Kaiser, S., and Kaspar, R. The Business of Events Management. UK: Pearson Education Limited, 2014.
“Event management“. Cambridge Dictionary.
Exhibition Audience Audits Ltd. UK Exhibition Facts, vol. 16. North Seaton: Exhibition Venues Association, 2005.
Exhibition Liaison Committee. The Exhibition Industry Explained. London: Exhibition Liaison Committee, 1995.
Prachi, M. “Team Building“. The Investors Book. 2018.
“Team Building Activities“. Team Technology.
“What is MICE? MICE is travel, industry, tourism & a market“. Market Width: Tourism Industries & Markets MICE.


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