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Essence and Classification of Factors of Influence on the Entrepreneurial Activity of Households Peryt I. О.
Peryt, Iryna О. (2020) “Essence and Classification of Factors of Influence on the Entrepreneurial Activity of Households.” Business Inform 8:223–230.
Section: Management and Marketing
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UDC 334.012;334.722; 330.341; 330.354
Abstract: The article is aimed at examining the factors of influence of the external and internal environment on the household incomes from business activities in the context of direct and indirect business management, as well as the development of their classification types according to criteria and groups. The methodological basis of the work comprise theoretical conclusions and generalization of economic science and scientific works on the study of factors of influence on business. The publication uses the logical, comparative and complex approaches, as well as the methods of empirical research, comparison and comprehensive analysis. In the course of research the author analyzed and structured the most significant scientific developments concerning the views on the essence and types of factors of influence on the income of private entrepreneurs, providing his own interpretation of the main factors of influence on business income. The factors of influence on business management are proposed to group as the factors of direct management influence and factors of independent influence, within which external and internal, extensive and intensive subgroups are allocated. In the first group at the second level of detailing are additionally determined the production and the non-production subgroups. Also, groups of factors are suggested to be classified on the basis of the degree of manageability, regularity and consequences of influence on business. Also emphasized is the necessity to analyze the factors of influence on business of households in terms of taking into account the interests of the business owner and the degree of the owner’s participation in the management of the related activity. The scientific value of the research is to direct the results of scientific work to find an up-to-date understanding of the essence and classification of factors of influence on the business activity of households, which will allow businesses to be flexible towards changes, increase profitability and financial results, and as a result – to ensure the progressiveness of the domestic economy.
Keywords: household, entrepreneur, business, business activity of households, private business, income, profit.
Bibl.: 16.
Peryt Iryna О. – Applicant, Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Business, Ternopil National Economic University (11 Lvіvska Str., Ternopil, 46020, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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