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Ways to Increase the Efficiency of the System of Motivation of Labor of Staff at the Sanatorium-Resort Complex Voskresenska O. Y.
Voskresenska, Olena Ye. (2020) “Ways to Increase the Efficiency of the System of Motivation of Labor of Staff at the Sanatorium-Resort Complex.” Business Inform 8:231–236.
Section: Management and Marketing
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UDC 331.101.3
Abstract: The article discusses ways to increase the efficiency of the system of motivation of labor of staff at the sanatorium-resort complex «Chaika» of the private multi-utility enterprise «Paritet». It is determined that employees consider the presence of material motivation for the proper and pay more and more attention to the additional incentives offered to them by the management of the enterprise. Both the material and the intangible types of motivation of labor of staff are considered. The motives that encourage a person to work in favor of the enterprise are determined. It is also proved that the use of only material incentives by the management does not automatically lead to good results of the employees’ performance. To achieve the best results, the enterprise’s management is encouraged to use a mixed approach and take into account the individual needs of each employee separately. That is why the article suggests dividing employees into groups according to their needs. Such division is conditional, but it is based on psychological peculiarities of personal development as a whole and allows to satisfy the economic needs, desires, interests of each employee. In order to increase the efficiency of the system of motivation of labor of staff at the sanatorium-resort complex «Chaika» of the private multi-utility enterprise «Paritet», the change in the level of motivation of the enterprise’s staff during a time period is researched. The personal career expectations of the enterprise’s staff members are determined. The employees are conditionally divided into groups, each group is given a brief description and priorities for the career growth of staff. The carried out research allows to conclude that the improvement of the system of motivation of labor of the enterprise’s staff depends on many factors that cause influence on it. When improving the system of motivation, the management of the enterprise should remember that it is impossible to motivate all employees equally. Using the proposed division of employees, the enterprise’s management can develop an individual motivation system for each employee or for a certain group of employees. Efficiency of labor of not only the employee, but also the whole enterprise in general, is the direct consequence of a successful system of motivation of labor.
Keywords: motivation of labor, material stimulation of labor, intangible stimulation of labor, system of motivation of labor.
Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 8.
Voskresenska Olena Ye. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Marketing and Tourism, Kherson National Technical University (24 Beryslavske Chss., Kherson, 73008, Ukraine)
List of references in article
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