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The Theoretical and Applied Foundations for Assessing the Status of Economic Security of Regional Road Transport Complexes Kozin O. Y.
Kozin, Oleksandr Ye. (2020) “The Theoretical and Applied Foundations for Assessing the Status of Economic Security of Regional Road Transport Complexes.” Business Inform 8:75–83.
Section: Regional Economy
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 4 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 332.1:656
Abstract: The article is aimed at studying the current status of road transport complexes of regions in terms of formation of an effective system of their economic security. The current status of road transport complexes of regions is analyzed; tendencies in the development of freight and passenger transportation in the regional context are identified. Two main problematic directions of development of road transport in Ukraine are allocated: 1) status and compliance with the European road infrastructure standards; 2) updating rolling stock as a base for development of automotive services and improving their quality. The approach to the assessment of the status of economic security, based on the allocation of two functional components of road transport complexes is substantiated, which will allow to comprehensively assess the status of economic security and direct the actions of regional authorities to overcome exactly the direction at which the most critical indicators for the status of economic security can be observed. The indicators that provide an opportunity to evaluate the level of economic security according to production and infrastructure components are proposed. The assessment of the status of economic security of regional road transport complexes in 2018 was conducted. As a result of the study is identified that only two regions of Ukraine currently have sufficient level of economic security – Dnipropetrovsk and Zakarpattya regions. At the same time, while displaying a poor condition of infrastructure component Dnipropetrovsk region has sufficient level according to the production component, Zakarpattya region is characterized by sufficient indicators on both components. The status of economic security of road transport complexes in other regions in 2018 was medium or low. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of approaches to forecasting the status of economic security and development on the basis of the obtained results of effective measures to counteract threats arising in the process of operation.
Keywords: region, road transport complex, economic security.
Tabl.: 6. Bibl.: 9.
Kozin Oleksandr Ye. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (17 Chornohlazivska Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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