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Defining the Essence and Structure of the Supply Chain of Logistic Services as an Object of Statistical Research
Hrynchak N. A.

Hrynchak, Nataliia A. (2020) “Defining the Essence and Structure of the Supply Chain of Logistic Services as an Object of Statistical Research.” Business Inform 8:96–102.

Section: Economic statistics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 311:658.7

The research is aimed at defining the essence and structure of the supply chain of logistics services as an object of statistical research. The ability of companies to reduce logistics costs and focus on their main competitive advantages is a key factor in their survival and development. Reliable operation of the supply chain of logistic services is crucial for the growth of logistics efficiency, as it increases the productivity of the company’s activity by minimizing logistic costs. According to the results of the research it is determined that the logistics should be understood as a part of the supply chain, which is responsible for transportation of goods from the producer/supplier to the customer/customer, and the logistic channel itself includes the whole process of transmission of products from the producer/supplier to the consumer, including safekeeping, transportation, reloading, storekeeping, processing of materials and packaging, as well as the exchange of information related to these processes. It is determined that the main elements of supply chain and the operations of logistic chain are: production; safekeeping; packaging and unpacking; logistic operations such as loading and unloading, transportation, reloading, maintenance except loading, special freight transportation, storekeeping; reverse logistics, return of cargo. The traditional supply chain of logistic services consists of three phases and includes three parties: producer/supplier; provider/supplier of logistic services; customer/consumer. It is specified that the supplier of logistic services can provide logistic services directly to the customer/consumer of logistic services or through an integrator/intermediary. In terms of the flow of information, information exchange is carried out between providers of logistic services, integrators and customers. Financial flows pass from consumers of logistic services to their suppliers.

Keywords: integrators of logistic services, logistic service supply chain (LSSC), logistic channel, logistic service, providers of logistic services, functional providers of logistic services, customers/consumers of logistic services.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 18.

Hrynchak Nataliia A. – Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics and Management of Foreign Economic Affairs, The National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing (1 Pіdhіrna Str., Kyiv, 04107, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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