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 The Role of e-Business in the Development of the National Economy Verbivska L. V.
Verbivska, Lyudmyla V. (2021) “The Role of e-Business in the Development of the National Economy.” Business Inform 12:66–71.
Section: Information Technologies in the Economy
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Abstract: The introduction of modern information and digital technologies gradually changes the conditions for the functioning of society, affecting virtually all aspects of its development. E-business as a direction of economic activity today is actively developing all over the world. A special impetus to its development was made by the COVID-19 pandemic and the extremely rapid development of these technologies in the sphere of payments, sales, marketing, etc. Precisely this situation actualizes the issue of in-depth study of the peculiarities of the development of e-business, its role in the development of the national economy. The development of e-business is determined by various factors, the main among which is the level of development of information and communication technologies in the country. That is to say their use allows to form new impulses for the development of the national economy, creation of new sectors of the economy, new markets for goods and services. Thus, the article identifies two dimensions of the description of the interaction between the e-business system and the national economy, namely: the measurement of exogenous impact – the impact of e-business on economic processes within the national economy system, and the measurement of endogenous influence – the influence of macroeconomic factors on the development of e-business, its development in an open, stochastic environment where other economic systems operate as well. Taking into account the results obtained, it is determined that the further introduction of information and communication technologies is an inevitable process that will actively take place in the future, which will contribute to the development of e-business, certain sectors of the economy in which these technologies are already actively used for entrepreneurial activity. Accordingly, the role of e-business in the development of the economy will grow, which requires the development of measures to activate economic activity in this sphere.
Keywords: business, e-business, national economy, information technology, digitalization.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 11.
Verbivska Lyudmyla V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship, Trade and Exchange Activities, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (2 Kotsiubynskoho Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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Journal «The Problems of Economy»