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The Role of Science and Education in the Formation of the «Knowledge Economy» Kuznetsova M. A.
Kuznetsova, Maryna A. (2021) “The Role of Science and Education in the Formation of the «Knowledge Economy».” Business Inform 4:6–11.
Section: Economic Theory
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 0 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 330.3
Abstract: The article is aimed at analyzing the peculiarities of the formation of the «knowledge economy» and identifying the role of science and education in this process. The publication considers the processes of transformation of the system of commodity relations and the emergence of prerequisites for the formation of the «knowledge economy». The formation of a new type of social ties is associated with a change in the content of the essence of labor as an economic category. The growth of the share of intellectual, creative component in labor leads to the impossibility of reduction of the latter to the abstract labor, which forms a cost. The process of formation of a new type of relationship is formed on the basis of information and knowledge as the main conditions of modern production. This creates new requirements for the educational sphere in which changes should take place, adequate to the economic transformation of commodity relations, to the processes of becoming a «knowledge economy». These processes in the educational sphere were manifested in the occurrence of corporate universities and such a phenomenon as «academic capitalism». As result of the study, the main positive results are defined, along with possible negative consequences associated with the introduction of the principles of «academic capitalism» in the educational sphere. It is concluded that the process of forming a new type of relationship, which by its nature contradicts commodity relations, changes the nature of the functioning of all elements of society, including in the educational sphere, but this should not alter the essence of science and education by providing them with market characteristics. Prospects for further research in this direction, according to the author, may be the issues of finding a balance between the market context of the functioning of the educational sphere and its social mission, which corresponds to the peculiarities of the «knowledge economy».
Keywords: knowledge economy, labor, corporate university, academic capitalism.
Bibl.: 18.
Kuznetsova Maryna A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Project Management, University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications (1 Kuznechna Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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