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A Balanced Development of the Region’s Infrastructure Krasnostanova N. E., Medlovska N. V.
Krasnostanova, Nataliia E., and Medlovska, Nataliia V. (2022) “A Balanced Development of the Region’s Infrastructure.” Business Inform 11:128–133.
Section: Regional Economy
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 2 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 332 (477)
Abstract: The article is concerned with a study of problems and directions of development of the infrastructure of the regions. Based on the generalization of theoretical developments on regional policy issues, the features of a balanced development of the region’s infrastructure have been determined. The definitions of the terms «sustainable development», «infrastructure», «regional infrastructure» are presented. Ensuring the integrated development of the infrastructure of the territories and improving the living conditions of the population is the main goal of improving the economic mechanism for managing the development of the region. The main functions of the conception of improving the quality of life of the population are determined: it has been identified what essential functions determine the place of regional infrastructure in the system of market relations. The study indicates that the balanced development of the region’s infrastructure should be aimed at ensuring domestic and foreign economic relations of the region. It is defined that the effect of an innovation-oriented strategy for balanced development of the region’s infrastructure depends on the optimal spatial and targeted allocation of regional resources, the level of their concentration in a certain territory, as well as on the content of the innovation activity per se. The article also points out that the economic essence of regional infrastructure is the savings that are obtained through the concentration of auxiliary production during the construction period and during the operation of the main production enterprises. It is also determined that regional infrastructure is of particular importance for encouraging small and medium-sized businesses. As result of the study, it is established that the effect of an innovation-oriented strategy for balanced development of the region’s infrastructure depends on the optimal spatial and targeted allocation of regional resources, the level of their concentration in a certain territory, as well as on the content of the innovation activity per se.
Keywords: infrastructure, regional development, balanced development.
Bibl.: 8.
Krasnostanova Nataliia E. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Management, Finance and Business Technologies, Institute of Public Service and Administration Odesа Polytechnic National University (22 Henuezka Str., Odesa, 65062, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Medlovska Nataliia V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, Finance and Business Technologies, Institute of Public Service and Administration Odesа Polytechnic National University (22 Henuezka Str., Odesa, 65062, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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