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A Typology of Crises of Non-Economic Origin in the Context of Preventive Anti-Crisis Policy for Ukraine
Ivanov Y. B., Poliakova O. Y.

Ivanov, Yuriy B., and Poliakova, Olha Yu. (2022) “A Typology of Crises of Non-Economic Origin in the Context of Preventive Anti-Crisis Policy for Ukraine.” Business Inform 11:22–30.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.124.4:168.2(477)

The study is aimed at elaborating a typology of crises of non-economic origin, which will allow to allocate their characteristic features in terms of goals, main tasks, and groups of measures for preventive anti-crisis policy for Ukraine regarding the early post-war post-pandemic period along with long-term perspective. The article analyzes and summarizes the scientific achievements and developments of international organizations on the classification of crises in the development of socioeconomic systems. The diversity, repeatability and ambiguity of classification signs are displayed, but the utmost attention of scientists is focused on the classification of financial crises. Crises of non-economic origin in the scientific literature are considered without their connection with the socioeconomic development and anti-crisis policy of countries. Therefore, the authors of the article have developed a typology of crises of non-economic origin, which is directed towards identifying those signs of crisis that are most significant for the implementation and possibility of implementing preventative measures of a preventive anti-crisis policy. Its difference is the inclusion of a new classification sign of the layering of consequences, which allows to distinguish primary and secondary crises with common consequences (complex ones) from those in which the consequences undergo distortions and changes in the process of unfolding the crisis (superpositional ones). Similar in content classification signs that are used in the scientific literature (structural scale of coverage; object; nature of imbalances in the development of the economy, etc.) are summarized into one sign – the scale of the consequences. Together with a qualitative description of each type of crisis, the directions for developing such a policy are determined for each of the signs. The classification of crises, either of biological origin or caused by warfare, in Ukraine during 2020-2022 was carried out in accordance with the defined signs. The main differences between systemic crises of biological origin or systemic crises caused by warfare are determined from the point of view of economic policy.

Keywords: crisis of biological origin, crisis caused by warfare, typology, preventive policy, sign.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 25.

Ivanov Yuriy B. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Chief research scientist, Sector of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Regional Development, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Poliakova Olha Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of, Sector of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Regional Development, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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