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The Current Scientific Approaches to Defining the Essence of the Concept of «Economic Security of Enterprise»
Kalyniuk V. Y.

Kalyniuk, Viktor Ye. (2022) “The Current Scientific Approaches to Defining the Essence of the Concept of «Economic Security of Enterprise».” Business Inform 12:221–228.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

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UDC 65.012.8:336.13

The article examines topical issues of formation of economic security of enterprises in the current economic context, which is characterized by a dynamically changing environment and an increase in the number and quality of threats. The implementation of stable activities requires strengthening of measures to ensure the economic security of enterprises in the strategic and tactical horizons to increase the competitiveness. A critical analysis of the exitant approaches to the definition of «economic security» using the system approach is carried out and the following types of approaches are identified: process (or activity); static (security as a state); integral (combining static and activity approaches); system (security as a system). It is proved that, depending on the stage of economic development, available productive forces and production relations, a certain sufficient level of economic security of enterprises, along with its sustainability and competitiveness in selected markets, is formed. Implementing a balanced effective management makes it possible to monitor the impact of negative factors on the enterprise’s activities, to develop preventive measures to eliminate and obviate their impact on economic security, and to ensure manageability of achieving the goals. The carried out study generalizes the characteristics of «economic security of enterprise». Its formation should be divided into short- and long-term perspectives, since economic security is an important component to fully provide the activities of an enterprise and optimize the use of available resources, and is the basis for ensuring future-oriented economic stability.

Keywords: economic security, enterprise, scientific approaches, competitiveness, effective management, threats, hazards, development, sustainable functioning.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 18.

Kalyniuk Viktor Ye. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Air Transport Economics, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute» (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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