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Intellectual Capital Management Algorithm Stepanova O. V., Stupak O. M.
Stepanova, Olena V., and Stupak, Oleksandra M. (2022) “Intellectual Capital Management Algorithm.” Business Inform 3:108–112.
Section: Management and Marketing
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 005.336.4
Abstract: The aim of the article is to develop a new approach to the management of intellectual capital of the enterprise. Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks: analysis of the theoretical foundations of intellectual capital management (IC); development of an algorithm and structural scheme of intellectual capital management based on the assessment of IC using the additive utility function; economic and mathematical formulation of the problem of optimizing the cost of resources in the course of management of intellectual capital; choice of model and method of resource cost optimization. Intellectual capital is a priority type of capital. Intellectual capital management is presented as a multilevel dynamic open system. This system includes human, organizational and consumer capital, which should be considered as subsystems of management. Systemic and program-targeted approaches were used to study the intellectual capital of the enterprise. The concept of goal management is used in the work. An additive utility function is proposed as a criterion for optimality in achieving the goal in the process of intellectual capital management. An algorithm and a structural scheme of intellectual capital management of the enterprise have been developed. The developed algorithm of intellectual capital management on the basis of its estimation with use of function of utility allows planning, controlling and regulating a state of this system. To optimize the cost of resources associated with achieving high efficiency of intellectual capital, the problem is set and a mathematical model of the «backpack problem» is proposed. The proposed approach to the allocation of funds for activities that bring the real state of the intellectual capital management system to the planned state, allows for optimal use.
Keywords: management, intellectual capital, program-target approach, «backpack problem».
Fig.: 1. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 10.
Stepanova Olena V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Economic Security Management, Kharkіv National University of Radioelectronics (14 Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Stupak Oleksandra M. – Student, Faculty of Information and Analytical Technologies and Management, Kharkіv National University of Radioelectronics (14 Nauky Ave., Kharkіv, 61166, Ukraine)
List of references in article
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