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 Stabilization of Transformation Processes in the Energy Security Measurement System of Ukraine Matiichuk L. P.
Matiichuk, Liubomyr P. (2022) “Stabilization of Transformation Processes in the Energy Security Measurement System of Ukraine.” Business Inform 8:127–134.
Section: Industrial Economics
Article is written in EnglishDownloads/views: 0 | Download article (pdf) -  |
UDC 351:349.6
Abstract: Radical transformations of the Ukrainian energy system also caused changes in energy policy. However, the interpreted provisions did not provide for extraordinary differences regarding the modification of energy measures in terms of individual regions. These actions subsequently caused the institutional transformation of fuel, gas, and electric power measures on the way to economic liberalization. Energy policy combines legal, organizational, financial and economic regulation in the country's national policy context. Implementation of innovative technological improvements in the FEC allows for: modernization of the energy system; improvement of infrastructure; integrating advanced foreign practices into one's own system; application of innovations following the EU legislation; introduction of hydrogen technologies and the transition to clean energy. Creation of reserves to avoid the shortage of energy resources: formation of the legislation of Ukraine regarding the reservation of oil and gas storages; creation of an Eastern European gas and oil center (hub) in Ukraine; formation of a system of increasing price competition on European markets through reservation. Assimilation of experience and formation of established norms of behavior on energy saving includes: improvement of normative and legal aspects of the regulation of economic activity by business entities; technical improvement of production processes; application of systematic monitoring and energy audit; achieving the effect of scale during the production and consumption of energy resources. The energy efficiency of the use of resources in view of their diversity and the use of FEC allows for: reliability and continuity of energy supply; pricing; normative and legal instruments of regulation; projects related to the implementation of efficient energy use; measures to preserve the environment. Diversification in the application of RES in energy segments provides for: diversifying the ties with the countries of the energy society; resuming the cooperation with Poland through the ?winouj?cie LNG terminal in the context of gas and energy; activating the transit of energy resources through Slovakia, Moldova, and Romania. The function of the energy system following EU legislation and modern global challenges consists in: implementation of the priorities of the Green Deal; transition to clean energy; application of hydrogen energy; establishing the infrastructure for the use of RES.
Keywords: energy sector, transformational processes, energy market, energy in Ukraine, stabilization of processes.
Bibl.: 31.
Matiichuk Liubomyr P. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Sciences, Ternopil Ivan Pului National Technical University (56 Ruska Str., Ternopil, 46001, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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