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The Problems and Prospects for the Development of Inclusive Tourism as a Component of Socioeconomic Development of Ukraine
Davydova O. Y., Mykhalchenko O. Y.

Davydova, Oksana Yu., and Mykhalchenko, Oleksandra Yu. (2023) “The Problems and Prospects for the Development of Inclusive Tourism as a Component of Socioeconomic Development of Ukraine.” Business Inform 8:179–184.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The aim of the article is to study the current trends and initiatives of inclusive tourism in Ukraine, as well as to identify the challenges and opportunities associated with its development. The article examines the internal tourist flows in Ukraine. It has been proved that the vast majority of people with disabilities cannot afford a comfortable barrier-free travel. The physical and societal barriers faced by people with disabilities traveling in Ukraine are studied. The fundamental factors by which inclusive tourism can contribute to sustainable development in Ukraine are identified. The priority directions for the development of inclusive tourism as a great potential for providing significant economic and social benefits have been identified. By promoting the practices of accessible tourism, Ukraine will be able to demonstrate its commitment to sustainable tourism development on the world stage of the hospitality sector and to prove the ability to position itself as an entity committed to the well-being of all interested population groups. The priority problems and advantages of the development of inclusive tourism in Ukraine are identified. The accessibility rating has been studied, which highlighted the major mobility problems faced by residents of large cities of Ukraine. The distribution of domestic tourists served by travel agents is studied both by the purpose of the trip and by regions. It is proved that the political and economic instability that has affected the Ukraine in recent years has supplied additional challenges for the development of inclusive tourism in the country. The features of tourism development in Ukraine are defined, in particular the directions of promoting the development of inclusive tourism, which will allow to develop a more inclusive and sustainable tourism industry, as well as position itself as a responsible and responsive direction. It is proved that the implementation of inclusive tourism practices is crucial for the growth and development of the Ukrainian tourism industry. These practices should be integrated into a comprehensive tourism management strategy that takes into account the needs and interests of all stakeholders. Prospect for further research in this direction is to determine the economic effect of the development of inclusive tourism in Ukraine, further development of the hospitality industry.

Keywords: development, inclusive tourism, affordable tourism, travels, tourists, travel agency.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Davydova Oksana Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Mykhalchenko Oleksandra Yu. – Student, Faculty of International Economics and Entrepreneurship, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

“Zvit za rezultatamy opytuvannia «Provedennia doslidzhennia vnutrishnyoho ta vyiznoho turyzmu ukraintsiv»“ [Report on the Results of the Survey "Conducting a Study of Domestic and Outbound Tourism of Ukrainians"]. November / December 2021.
“Osobam z invalidnistiu“ [Persons with Disabilities]. Ministerstvo sotsialnoi polityky.
“Tourism for All - UNWTO Presents “Accessibility and Inclusive Tourism Development”“. UNWTO. May 19, 2021.
“Accessibility and Inclusive Tourism Development in Nature Areas - Compendium of Best Practices“. UNWTO. May 2021.
Dobrianska, N. et al. “Prava liudei z invalidnistiu v Ukraini. Za rezultatamy Vseukrainskoho opytuvannia «Dumky ta pohliady naselennia Ukrainy». Analitychnyi zvit. 2020“ [Rights of People with Disabilities in Ukraine. According to the Results of the All-Ukrainian Survey "Opinions and Views of the Population of Ukraine". Analytical report. 2020].
“Inkliuzyvnist budivel i sporud. Osnovni polozhennia. DBN V.2.2-40:2018“ [Inclusiveness of Buildings and Structures. Substantive Provisions. DBN V.2.2-40:2018]. Kyiv, 2018.
Ozymok, I. “Ukraine's inaccessible cities“. Atlantic Council. May 06, 2021.
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