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The Topical Issues of Development and Financing of the Sociocultural Sphere in Ukraine
Tymoshenko O. V., Kotsiubivska K. I.

Tymoshenko, Olena V., and Kotsiubivska, Kateryna I. (2024) “The Topical Issues of Development and Financing of the Sociocultural Sphere in Ukraine.” Business Inform 11:229–237.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article examines topical issues of the development of the sociocultural sphere in Ukraine under martial law. In these difficult times, the sociocultural sphere has become not only a means of self-expression, but also a powerful weapon in the struggle for independence, preservation of unity and international support. The authors have developed a matrix of SWOT analysis of the potential for post-war development of the sociocultural sphere in Ukraine. SWOT analysis and strategic recommendations provide insight into the internal and external factors affecting these institutions, outline effective strategies for increasing competitiveness. On the basis of statistical data, the authors prove that the financing of the sociocultural sphere in Ukraine is carried out mainly at the expense of budget allocations, and, despite the increase in allocations in absolute terms for the development of this sphere, the share of such funding in the structure of GDP remains quite low and does not meet European standards. This has its objective basis, taking into account the outstripping growth in spending on financing the country’s defense capability and strength. The authors emphasize the importance of attracting alternative sources of funding (patronage, public-private partnership, funds from international institutions), which significantly affect the possibility of implementing key areas of development in this area. Financial support of the sociocultural sphere under martial law should have certain special approaches, because this area plays a key role in maintaining national resilience, psychological endurance, patriotic education, unity and preservation of cultural values. It is emphasized that cultural and social institutions can become an attractor of economic growth in the post-war recovery of the country and help transfer our country from the status of the most promising to the status of the world’s leading economies.

Keywords: sociocultural sphere, conditions of uncertainty, limited funding, grant support, sustainable development.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Tymoshenko Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Founder, Educational platform «4People» (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kotsiubivska Kateryna I. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Employee, Project Office, Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine (8/10 Esplanadna Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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