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Adaptation of the Organizational Culture of Manufacturing Enterprises to the Challenges of Digital Transformation
Kostromskyi M. V.

Kostromskyi, Maksym V. (2024) “Adaptation of the Organizational Culture of Manufacturing Enterprises to the Challenges of Digital Transformation.” Business Inform 11:333–339.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.341:316.4

The article analyzes the impact of digital transformation on the organizational culture of manufacturing enterprises. In today's world, the adoption of digital technologies significantly affects all aspects of business, including internal processes, management approaches and organizational culture. Organizational culture, as a set of values and attitudes, plays a key role in the successful adaptation of an enterprise to digital changes. The author of the article emphasizes the importance of synchronizing corporate culture with technological innovations, which minimizes resistance to changes and accelerates the process of introducing new technologies. One of the key aspects is a change in approaches to work organization and internal communications, which requires flexibility on the part of the company's management and employees. In practice, for a successful digital transformation, it is necessary to review the existing work processes, roles and responsibilities of employees, as well as create conditions for the constant exchange of knowledge and information. The article also discusses the role of leadership in the process of change. Company leaders must become conductors of new technologies and changes in corporate culture, ensuring support of employee motivation and adaptation to new conditions. In this context, special attention is paid to the creation of an environment that promotes innovative thinking and readiness of employees for continuous learning and improvement. The author emphasizes that one of the important factors of successful digital transformation is the support of innovative initiatives and the creation of a culture of openness, where not only results are valued, but also the ability of employees to propose new ideas and approaches. In this context, the company must become flexible in order to effectively respond to the challenges of digitalization and ensure sustainable growth in a rapidly changing market environment. The article also provides practical recommendations for manufacturing enterprises that seek to adapt their organizational culture to new challenges. The main recommendations include the implementation of training and development programs for employees, creation of conditions for the exchange of experience and implementation of corporate values that promote innovation and support the digital transformation process.

Keywords: organizational culture, digitalization, manufacturing enterprises, adaptation strategy, digital transformation.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 9.

Kostromskyi Maksym V. – Candidate on Doctor Degree, Alfred Nobel University (18 Sicheslavska Naberezhna Str., Dnіpro, 49000, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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