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Conceptual Provisions of Management of Economic Security of Agricultural Enterprises Lytvynenko D. I.
Lytvynenko, Denys I. (2024) “Conceptual Provisions of Management of Economic Security of Agricultural Enterprises.” Business Inform 11:394–399.
Section: Management and Marketing
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UDC 336.2
Abstract: The article updates and analyzes the issues of managing the economic security of enterprises whose main type of economic activity is agriculture. The aim of the research is to substantiate the conceptual provisions of managing the economic security of agricultural enterprises. The author's own definition of the essence of the concept of "economic security of an agricultural enterprise" is provided. Given that agricultural enterprises are subject to significant challenges due to their dependence on external conditions (climate changes, weather cataclysms, market fluctuations, changes in prices for raw materials, features of demand and supply), the specifics of functioning and development, as well as ensuring the economic security of agricultural enterprises are indicated. It is argued that these aspects require flexibility and adaptability from agribusiness management in order to successfully minimize risks and ensure stability. It is shown that the analysis of the economic security of agricultural enterprises begins with a careful study of external and internal threats. External threats have been identified as including market volatility, resource price fluctuations, government policy changes, trade barriers, while internal threats may be related to internal management effectiveness, technological deficiencies, or supply chain issues. It is shown that in the context of the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, the decisive success factor is the flexibility and adaptability of management strategies used by agricultural enterprises. It is proven that since agricultural enterprises are faced with the constant need to adapt to changing economic and environmental conditions, their survival and development depend on their ability to innovate and effectively manage their available resources. This includes not only technological innovations, but also social and organizational transformations that can strengthen interpersonal relationships and increase overall productivity and profitability. It is concluded that an effective policy of ensuring the economic security of agricultural enterprises directly depends on their ability to integrate various aspects of production, which takes into account both economic and social dimensions.
Keywords: economy and business management, agricultural enterprises, economic security, management, strategic management, sustainability, viability, challenges, risks and threats.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.
Lytvynenko Denys I. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economics, Entrepreneurship and Hotel and Restaurant Business, Central Ukrainian National Technical University (8 Universytetskyi Ave., Kropyvnytskyi, 25006, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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