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Liburkina L. M.
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The Theoretical Aspects of Enterprise Anti-crisis Management in the Conditions of External Environment Turbulence Lunkina I. Y.
Lunkina, Iryna Yu. (2024) “The Theoretical Aspects of Enterprise Anti-crisis Management in the Conditions of External Environment Turbulence.” Business Inform 1:22–28.
Section: Economic Theory
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 0 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 658.5
Abstract: The article is concerned with defining the essence of the concept of anti-crisis management and crisis in general. The correct definition of the essence of anti-crisis management allows you to create a system of the most effective methods of counteracting and preventing a anti-crisis. This study examines the causes of the economic crisis, consisting of two levels: objective and subjective, external and internal. The article defines the essence of anti-crisis management in accordance with the principles, and the system of anti-crisis management, which is used by the subjects of management. A general description of the main methods of anti-crisis management of enterprise is provided. It is noted that systematization and definition of the content of these methods contributes to the expansion of the capabilities of enterprises to prevent and neutralize crisis phenomena in their activities. The following principles on which the anti-crisis management system is based are analyzed: early diagnosis of crisis phenomena; urgency of response to crisis phenomena; adequacy of enterprises’ response to the level of real threat; full realization of the internal possibilities of the enterprise’s recovery from the crisis. Methods of diagnostics of anti-crisis management are considered, which are as follows: monitoring of the external environment; system analysis of factors that indicate possible changes in the state and competitive position of the enterprise; audit of the financial situation; analysis of the company’s lending policy and debt; risk identification; assessment of the current state of the enterprise and forecasting possible states in the future. In the aspect of anti-crisis management, strategy is understood as a model of actions necessary to achieve the set goal based on the coordination and allocation of the company’s resources. Within the framework of anti-crisis management, the following types of enterprise development strategies have been chosen: strategy of concentrated growth; integrated growth strategy; diversified growth strategy; production reduction strategy, or liquidation strategy.
Keywords: crisis, anti-crisis management, methods of anti-crisis management, objects and subjects of anti-crisis management, principles of anti-crisis management, enterprise development strategy.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 13.
Lunkina Iryna Yu. – Postgraduate Student, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute» (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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