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 Integration of Risk-Oriented Project Management into Modern Business Models Lirko T. V.
Lirko, Taras V. (2024) “Integration of Risk-Oriented Project Management into Modern Business Models.” Business Inform 1:383–391.
Section: Management and Marketing
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UDC 658:005.5
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to determine the essence of risk in project management and improve risk management methods in projects in accordance with the modern paradigm of risk-oriented thinking. The terminology in risk management has remained unchanged for many years. The definitions change depending on the field of activity, the stage of project development or the model of cooperation. Approaches, methods and tools are changing dramatically. An important driver of change is the impact of technology on society, its progress, and the need for a product. Analyzing and systematizing the scientific works of various scientists, the meaning of the concept of risk and risk-oriented thinking is clarified, the meaning of various business models and the probable threats encountered when working with each of these models are examined and explained. As a result of the study, methods and tools that should be used in risk-oriented project management are identified. The positive result of the use of updated means in the fight against threats is substantiated. The main steps in project management that will help to effectively set up the process of dealing with risks are identified. The main thesis of the risk-oriented paradigm is continuous training, analysis of the environment, consolidation of efforts and systematic introduction of new approaches and methods in project management. The integration of the new risk management system takes place at all levels of the project, the integration is systemic and considers all types of either threats or opportunities. A proactive approach to risk management in project management helps the manager to analyze data efficiently and in advance. The availability and fast processing of information in the modern world plays a crucial role. That is why one should be well versed in the business models and domain areas of your project. Therefore, after registering project risks, the key step is to monitor them and mathematically calculate their priority. Risk management remains a promising area of project management and requires further research. Living in conditions of uncertainty, it is important to quickly analyze, systematize, and integrate updated risk management methods into current projects. Studies and surveys show that there are still quite large gaps in this area, and even if organizations have already started implementing risk management in their projects, in many cases the processes are not properly adjusted. Consistency and a proactive approach are important elements of the successful integration of a risk-oriented approach into project management.
Keywords: risk, risk management, project management, project risk, proactive approach, risk-oriented thinking.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 16.
Lirko Taras V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Project Management, Institute of Administration, Public Administration and Professional Development of the National University «Lviv Polytechnic» (5 Mytropolyta Andreia Str., Lviv, 79013, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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