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Digital Marketing and Content Strategy in Creating Impressions of Brands’ Customers Iankovets T. M.
Iankovets, Tetiana M. (2024) “Digital Marketing and Content Strategy in Creating Impressions of Brands’ Customers.” Business Inform 1:444–454.
Section: Management and Marketing
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UDC 004;339.138]:659.126
Abstract: The aim of the article is to substantiate the system and strategic approaches to content marketing as a digital marketing tool, as well as to systematize the stages of content strategy, taking into account the planning of target customer impressions by stages of the consumer journey. The analysis of research by domestic and foreign scientists shows the lack of a system approach to content marketing and content strategy, the limitation of the possibilities of using content marketing, the not taking into account of the stages of the consumer journey in content marketing, the lack of focus on creating customer impressions of brands in the development of a content strategy. As a result of the study, system and strategic approaches to content marketing are substantiated. The types of content and its components are characterized. The stages of formation of the content strategy of the brand are allocated, which is defined as a comprehensive plan (program of actions) for the preparation, creation, distribution and expansion of valuable content for customers to create impressions, which ensures the attraction of new customers, increasing the loyalty of regular customers, growing defenders and promoters of the brand and, accordingly, achieving the goals of content marketing, digital marketing of the brand and business in general. The author allocates the place of the brand’s content strategy in its strategic set, which is subordinated to the business strategy, digital marketing strategy and communication strategy. It is proved that the formation of these strategies, taking into account the influence of environmental factors, is based on brand identity and has an impact on the brand image. For the effective implementation of the content strategy, the goals, content formats and relevant KPIs are systematized, recommendations for the use of content formats depending on the stages of the consumer journey are provided. Sections of the content plan are proposed and requirements for the development of effective content to create positive impressions of brand customers are formulated. Prospects for further research in this direction are systematization of brand content by spheres of identification of customer impressions (by types of economic activity).
Keywords: digital marketing, brands, impressions, content, content marketing, system approach, content strategy, content plan.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 17.
Iankovets Tetiana M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, State University of Trade and Economics (19 Kіoto Str., Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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