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The Efficiency and Features of Marketing Management in Enterprises under the Martial Law Conditions
Nosach I. V., Vodolazska N. V.

Nosach, Iryna V., and Vodolazska, Nataliia V. (2024) “The Efficiency and Features of Marketing Management in Enterprises under the Martial Law Conditions.” Business Inform 1:455–460.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 339.13

The aim of the article is to study the efficiency and features of management of marketing activities in enterprises. Analyzing the latest research and publications of scholars, the general theoretical foundations of the features of management of marketing activities at enterprises are considered. The article highlights and theoretically substantiates the efficiency and features of management of marketing activities of enterprise, taking into account the conditions of martial law. In the context of the introduction of market relations in Ukraine, there is a need for a new business culture, one of the carriers of which is marketing. Due to the fact that competition in the market is increasing, entrepreneurs must organize economic activities in such a way that the highest results are achieved, and the relevant costs are the lowest possible. Business conditions have become much tougher, commercial activity is significantly reduced, and consumer interest in shopping is significantly reduced. Because of this, it is necessary to adapt in time and deal with the challenges that entrepreneurs face every day. That is why adaptation on the basis of marketing is one of the most important ways to continue your own business. In this regard, a modern enterprise should primarily focus on economic effectiveness. This can be achieved only by prioritizing the interests of the consumer. However, it should be remembered that only copying the experience of marketing activities of Western countries cannot bring the expected results within the framework of domestic realities. In addition, we should not forget that there is a war going on in the country, and all this has a significant impact on marketing activities. Undoubtedly, people are trying to save more and analyze their purchases more carefully, dividing them into what you can and cannot do without. That is why it is worth offering only high-quality products that are currently popular. It should be noted that in the conditions of crisis, only those enterprises that act actively and apply a set of measures to manage the enterprise on the basis of marketing, using marketing tools, survive and function.

Keywords: economics, marketing, management, marketing management, martial law, business.

Bibl.: 9.

Nosach Iryna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Department of Education and Educational Institution Management, Institute of Management of the Classical Private University (70b Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporizhzhia, 69002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Vodolazska Nataliia V. – Head of the Department, Educational and Methodological Department, Branch of Classic Private University in Kremenchuk (3 Mykoly Zaludiaka Str., Kremenchuk, Poltava region, 39614, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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