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Reform Processes in the Public Administration System in the Context of the russian-Ukrainian War: An Adaptive Scenario
Koroshchenko M. M.

Koroshchenko, Mykola M. (2024) “Reform Processes in the Public Administration System in the Context of the russian-Ukrainian War: An Adaptive Scenario.” Business Inform 1:6–13.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 355.43:359

The relevance of the chosen problem is due to the consideration that the transition to a modern system of public administration with strong institutions supported by the rule of law will require the Ukrainian government to make steps that should be undertaken during hostilities, to elaborate those strategic priorities that will direct the State towards democratization and the European integration. The article discusses integration processes in the field of public administration in the context of the russian-Ukrainian war. On the basis of the analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific sources, the tendencies of development of integration processes in the sphere of public administration in modern conditions are highlighted, the need for further efforts in the direction of the European integration is proved. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the substantiation by the author of the steps aimed at reconstruction and effective mobilization of public administration resources for restoring the ability of all levels of government, regions and municipalities of Ukraine to solve problems that bring the country closer to membership in the European Union. The article brings forward the argument that today the model of «proper governance» is one of the most attractive alternatives to the model of public administration, the implementation of which is possible in the presence of a number of conditions, the observance of which appears problematic, taking into account the problems resulting from military aggression, but, at the same time, even today the State can take certain steps to implement the model of «proper governance». At this, the basic postulates of the model allow us to say that «proper governance» is not just one of the options for public administration, but rather the philosophy of organizing life in the State, which provides for cooperation as the main form of interaction between various participants in those processes (social, economic, political, informational) that characterize the genuine diversity of the activities of the modern State. The author came to the conclusion that during the wartime, all authorities acquire important experience in development of the planning and financing, which can be used in the post-war period to increase the operativeness and efficiency of strategic decisions related to the approximation to the European Union. Nowadays, the executive authorities should build capacity, analyze and implement the best European experience, try to adopt the style of management and communication that is inherent in the European public administration practice.

Keywords: integration process, European Union, public administration, military operations, reform, «proper governance», public policy, management, State, efficiency, principles.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Koroshchenko Mykola M. – Head of the Department, Department of Navigation and Navigational Armament, Institute of Naval Forces of the National University «Odessa Maritime Academy» (building 5, 8 Didrikhsona Str., Odesa, 65029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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