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Transformation of Corporate Culture in the Wartime Lenda V. M., Ohanesian H. S., Skibska K. O.
Lenda, Volodymyr M., Ohanesian, Hennadii S., and Skibska, Kateryna O. (2024) “Transformation of Corporate Culture in the Wartime.” Business Inform 5:297–303.
Section: Management and Marketing
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UDC 334.01
Abstract: Corporate culture turns out to be especially important for companies during the wartime, when changes in the economic and social environment can be radical and rapid. Corporate culture determines the values, norms of behavior and ways in which employees respond to stressful situations that become critical in times of uncertainty and crisis. Culture fosters team cohesion by helping to counter internal conflicts and providing like-minded people in making important decisions for the company. A robust and supportive corporate culture can keep employees morale, motivated, and productive even in challenging environments. In addition, corporate culture influences the perception of the enterprise by external stakeholders, including customers, partners and investors, which can be of great importance in times of crisis. Corporate culture builds the image of the business, increases trust and helps to maintain positive relationships with stakeholders, which is important for maintaining stability and long-term success of the enterprise. The importance of corporate culture in the context of military conflicts and crisis management has been verified by the research of many scholars and researchers in the field of management and psychology of organizations. Research in the field of management and organizational behavior confirms that corporate culture can be transformed during crises and wars. For example, under the influence of stressful situations, the values and norms of the organization can be re-evaluated, the emphasis in communication and activities shifts depending on the circumstances. Such a transformation of corporate culture can reveal both positive and negative impact on the organization during crises and war. On the one hand, it can stimulate innovation, change of strategies and approaches to problems, which is important for the survival of an enterprise in difficult conditions. On the other hand, a change in corporate culture can generate internal conflicts, impair communication, and increase risks for the organization. Thus, management and control over the process of transformation of corporate culture is a key aspect of effective crisis management. However, this aspect requires further research and clarification of management strategies, since the impact of corporate culture during a crisis can be diverse and require specific approaches for each situation. Additional research will help unleash the potential of corporate culture in crisis management and develop effective strategies to ensure the stability and success of the organization even in the most difficult conditions.
Keywords: transformation, corporate culture, company management, crisis, staff, enterprise, management, economy.
Bibl.: 9.
Lenda Volodymyr M. – Schuco Ukraine (15a Leiptsyzka Str., Kyiv, 01015, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Ohanesian Hennadii S. – Skibska Kateryna O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Socio-Economics and Personnel Management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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