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The Sustainable Level of Innovation Potential as a Strategic Priority Task for Operation of Industrial Energy Producers
Protsenko A. V.

Protsenko, Anastasiia V. (2019) “The Sustainable Level of Innovation Potential as a Strategic Priority Task for Operation of Industrial Energy Producers.” Business Inform 12:118–125.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article defines that every industrial energy enterprise in the structure of the production industry should develop an effective strategic plan for its innovative development, directed towards achieving a balance between its own solvent demand, existing supply volumes from scientific organizations and the investment opportunities. Taking account of the forecast of such kind, enterprises must define which production technologies should be developed and which should be abandoned. The increase of innovation potential should be preceded by projections of investment volumes and aggregate financing for the development of science and technology. It is concluded that the achievement of strategically innovative goals depends directly on the clear coordination of interaction between the various functional structures of industrial energy enterprises, rapid response to legal novations and the current internal situation. At the same time, an equally important forecast is both the external, aimed at verifying the compliance of economic results of industrial enterprises and a certain level of innovation potential with existing adaptive norms, and the internal, purpose of which is to ensure the implementation of innovative decisions, as well as to prevent undesirable consequences when changing the innovation-investment norms. Solving the related problems and shortcomings of the strategic system will help stimulate entrepreneurial production activity, increase business and investment innovation activity of industrial energy enterprises, as well as stimulating scientific-technological progress, technological renewal of production and, as result, the entry of national industrial enterprises into the global market of high-tech products.

Keywords: innovation potential, system, enterprise, forecasting, development, efficiency, strategy, formation.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 4. Formulae: 9. Bibl.: 8.

Protsenko Anastasiia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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