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The Level of Security of the Enterprise’s Development as a Balance of Statics and Dynamics: Parameterization of the Main Indicators of Activity
Mushnykova S. A.

Mushnykova, Svitlana A. (2019) “The Level of Security of the Enterprise’s Development as a Balance of Statics and Dynamics: Parameterization of the Main Indicators of Activity.” Business Inform 12:239–247.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at forming a system of key indicators of activity in evaluating the optimal level of security of industrial enterprise through the balance of statics and dynamics. It is defined that in order to obtain the optimal level of security of the industrial enterprise development, it is necessary to achieve a balance of the factors wth both static and dynamic nature of action. Moreover, the dynamic status provides two possibilities: to cover statics and characterize the transformation of the totality of all economic systems, which are not static, for a certain time. In the course of the research, considering the experience of scholars on the general economic theory, the choice of static indicators within the activities of a separate industrial enterprise is substantiated, which can include the following: value of non-current assets, including average fixed assets value and depreciation; number of production staff with a fixed salary level; constant part of the cost of sold products; amount and value of equity capital. As a result of production, investment, innovation, financial and management activities, static indicators, which are basic, are transforming into indicators of dynamics that characterize the enterprise’s activities over a certain time along with change of the positive or negative nature of its development. The level of security of industrial enterprise can be evaluated by an integral indicator, which takes into account the specific characteristics of the enterprise and the limitedness of the resources available.

Keywords: economic statics and dynamics, enterprise development, enterprise security, assessment of the security of the enterprise’s development.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 6. Bibl.: 11.

Mushnykova Svitlana A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, The National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine (4 Haharіna Ave., Dnіpropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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