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Identifying the Content and Importance of Spatial Development of Enterprise
Vitiuk A. V.

Vitiuk, Anna V. (2020) “Identifying the Content and Importance of Spatial Development of Enterprise.” Business Inform 1:359–366.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658.112.3+658.14/17

The article is aimed at defining the theoretical aspects of the content and importance of spatial development of enterprise and determining the main factors influencing this development. The importance and relevance of development of the theory and practice of spatial development of enterprises are substantiated. It is proved that the emergence of spatial development researches is primarily linked to an understanding of resource constraints and an awareness of the need for their optimal use in existing conditions, as determined by specific locations, zones, factors of influence and spatial coordinates of individual economic entities. The essence of the category of spatial development is researched on the basis of studying the category of «space» in the system of understanding in terms of different sciences. The contents of the category of spatial development as a dynamic process of interaction between objects and subjects of reality, which exist under certain conditions in the system of vectors of individual or general interactions in the system, single or chaotic influence of time, are disclosed. The circumstances that actualize the development of spatial topic are identified. The factors of influence on the spatial development of enterprises are determined, which differ depending on the type of economic activity of enterprise, the regulatory and legal conditions in the country, local customs and traditions, moods of local residents, ecology, etc. A number of applied and social problems have been formed, which can be solved by positive tendencies derived from the development of guidelines as to spatial development of enterprises, among which the following can be noted: rational use of production premises and land, release of unused areas, optimal use of engineering communications, unloading of certain territories, reducing operating costs of enterprises, ensuring the efficient organization of the engineering communications system, protecting both the cultural heritage and the environment.

Keywords: spatial development, enterprise, category, factors of influence, dynamic process, objects and subjects of reality.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 23.

Vitiuk Anna V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management, Marketing and Economics, Vinnytsia National Technical University (95 Khmelnytske Chss, Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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