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Corporatization in the System of Sectoral Economic Development
Hutorov A. O.

Hutorov, Andrii O. (2020) “Corporatization in the System of Sectoral Economic Development.” Business Inform 2:57–65.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC [330.3:334]:001.8

The article is aimed at researching the essence of corporatization and its descriptors in the system of sectoral economic development. The economic content of corporatization in the sectoral economic development system is researched as a process of institutionalization of socio-economic relationships on the basis of corporate forms. The descriptors of models of socio-economic systems and the basic institutional characteristics of capitalism are generalized. The economic interests of the State, corporate economic entities and society, which arise during corporatization, are analyzed. It is substantiated that the corporatist model provides that the leading institutional role belongs to the organized activities of the union of entrepreneurs and the State, which interact mainly on the basis of public-private partnership. It is determined that the principles of corporatization are: interest of the actors of corporate integration relationships; formal voluntary participation in corporate relationships; integrity and subordination of corporatization conditions; unity of the objective and subjective nature of corporate integration relationships; development of corporatization; optimal balance of corporate integration at all hierarchial levels of economic systems. The basic specific principles include the principles of: management, entrepreneurship, accountance and investment activity; and, at the international level, the principles of comparative costs and comparative advantages; global external economy; internalization of external effects. It is shown that the development of corporatization in the agrarian sector of the economy is subject to both general economic laws and specific regularities, which are not universal in nature and can be defined more exactly depending on the influence of objective factors. Among the main regularities of corporatization development in the agricultural sector of the economy are identified the following: complementarity of corporatization subjects by type of production, size, production capacity and production functions; optimal number of corporations in the economy; increase in the level of management bureaucracy as corporate integration increases; equivalence of economic relationships between the subjects of corporatization; rational level of intensity of the functioning of the corporate economic entity and all its elements; reduction of the share of raw materials in the structure of final products of a corporate economic entity; cyclical evolution of forms of corporate interaction.

Keywords: corporatization, corporatism, corporate relationships, socio-economic development, national economy.

Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 13.

Hutorov Andrii O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Organization of Management, Public Administration and Administration, National Scientific Center «Institute of Agrarian Economics» of NAAS of Ukraine (10 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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