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Main Approaches to Assessing the Economic and Financial security: The Essence and Directions of Improvement
Solodovnik O. O.

Solodovnik, Olesia O. (2021) “Main Approaches to Assessing the Economic and Financial security: The Essence and Directions of Improvement.” Business Inform 2:6–12.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The present day global financial-economic crisis caused by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic actualizes the problem of improving the basic approaches to assessing the economic and financial security of systems at all levels of management. The article is aimed at disclosing the essence and analyzing the main approaches to assessing the economic and financial security of the State, region, enterprises in order to substantiate the directions of improving the methodological basis for ensuring the economic and financial security of systems at different levels of management in accordance with the novel wave of challenges and threats. On the basis of research of scientific publications, the main approaches – the indicator and the functional – to the assessment of economic and financial security of systems at all levels of management are allocated and characterized; directions of their improvement are substantiated: expansion of the existing system of indicators by means of inclusion in its composition indicators of early warning of crisis phenomena in other spheres of public life that can undermine economic and financial stability; substantiation of scientific provisions on the use of the multiplier form of the integral indicator. It is proposed to improve the official approach to computing the level of economic security of Ukraine by including the ecological security indicators in the system of economic security indicators. The emphasis is placed on the need for further development of the scenario approach to the assessment of economic and financial security of the State, region, enterprise, which allows to obtain an assessment of the level of security of the research object in the medium and long term, with an average or high degree of uncertainty.

Keywords: economic security, financial security, crisis, pandemic, approach to assessment.

Bibl.: 21.

Solodovnik Olesia O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Finance and Credit, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (40 Sumska Str., Kharkіv, 61000, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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