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Defining the Directions of Development of the National Economy in the Context of Reforms on the Basis of Ensuring Effective Public Administration in Ukraine
Melnyk V. I.

Melnyk, Viktoriia I. (2021) “Defining the Directions of Development of the National Economy in the Context of Reforms on the Basis of Ensuring Effective Public Administration in Ukraine.” Business Inform 5:102–107.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 342.951:351

The article is aimed at substantiating the major directions of development of the national economy in the context of reforms on the basis of ensuring effective public administration in Ukraine, which will allow achieving high social development in the country. The article explains the importance of increasing the effectiveness of innovation activities in government bodies to ensure the efficiency of the public administration and administration system in Ukraine in the context of reforms. The connection between the process of achieving the development of the national economy and the process of ensuring effective innovative activities by the authorities based on the implementation of effective public administration and management is established. The main obstacles to conduct an effective innovation policy in the country are defined. A further development of an integrated approach to ensuring effective innovation activities in the authorities is specified, which, unlike the existing approach, focuses on improving the regulatory, institutional, personnel, motivational, scientific-methodological, information-communication and financial provision for innovative activities in the authorities. The use of the proposed approach to ensuring effective innovation activities in the authorities will allow achieving sustainable development of the national economy in the country. The directions of development of the national economy of the country are proposed, which are based on ensuring effective public management of innovative activities of authorities in Ukraine in the context of reforms: implementation of innovative personnel policy that will allow to form the necessary professional competencies in officials and reduce resistance to innovations on the basis of accelerating their readiness for these innovations; use of modern information-communication technologies to increase the level of professional mobility of officials during innovation activities; introduction of managerial innovations by the authorities to increase the capacity of communities and reduce the deficit of local budgets; activation of project activities on the part of the authorities; strengthening institutional provision for innovation activities in government bodies to increase the efficiency of the process of coordination and support of this activity, thus creating a favorable innovation environment in the country.

Keywords: national economy, effective innovative activities in government bodies, public administration and management, professional competence of officials, readiness of officials for new developments.

Bibl.: 16.

Melnyk Viktoriia I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Sovereign Management, Public Administration and Regional Economy, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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