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Liburkina L. M.


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Reshetnyak Olena Ivanivna

Date of birth: September 12, 1973

Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor

Place of work: Research Center for Industrial Development Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Senior Researcher at the Sector of Microeconomic Analysis and Forecasts of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Regional Development.

Research interests:
- development of scientific and scientific and technological activity as the main condition for ensuring the country’s innovation development;
- mechanisms of interaction between science, education, business, government and society to ensure the country’s socio-economic development;
- strategic planning and organization of business processes at business entities;
- cluster policy;
- international economic activity of enterprises.

Author of more than 180 scientific and educational works.

Reference links:
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The most significant scientific works:

  1. Reshetnyak, O. I. (2020) Naukova ta naukovo-tekhnichna diialnist v Ukraini: otsinka ta napriamky rozvytku [Scientific and scientific and technological activity in Ukraine: assessment and areas of development] : monografiia. Kharkiv: FOP Liburkina L. M. 720 p.
  2. Reshetnyak, O. I. (2019) Problemy nauky ta rozvytku naukomistkoho vyrobnytstva v Ukraini v konteksti formuvannia sotsialnoho kapitalu [Problems of science and development of knowledge-intensive production in Ukraine in the context of social capital formation]. In: Sotsialnyi kapital yak faktor ekonomichnoho zrostannia suspilstva: instytutsiinyi aspekt analizu [Social capital as a factor of the economic growth of society: institutional aspect of analysis] : kol. Monografiia / (ed.) G. B. Timokhova. Kharkiv : Vydavnytstvo NUA. P. 42-60.
  3. Reshetnyak, O. I., Zaika, Y. A. (2018) Ekonomichnyi mekhanizm formuvannia osvitnikh klasteriv v Ukraini [Economic mechanism of the formation of educational clusters in Ukraine] : monografiia. Kharkiv : Vydavnytstvo NUA. 204 p. URL:
  4. Reshetnyak, O. I., Zaika Yu. A. (2015) Orhanizatsiino-ekonomichne zabezpechennia derzhavnoho upravlinnia sferoiu osvity za dopomohoiu formuvannia klasternykh struktur [Organizational and economic support of public administration in the field of education through the formation of cluster structures]. In: Stabilizatsiia ekonomiky Ukrainy: novitni modeli ta mekhanizmy dosiahnennia [Stabilization of the economy of Ukraine: the latest models and mechanisms of its achievement] : kol. monografiia / (eds.) G. O. Doroshenko, M. S. Pashkevych. Dnipropetrovsk : NGK. P. 152-62.
  5. Reshetnyak, O. I. (2013) Teoretyko-metodychni aspekty rozrobky stratehii strukturnoho reformuvannia subiektiv hospodariuvannia [Theoretical and methodological aspects of developing a structural reform strategy for business entities]. In: Stratehichne upravlinnia subiektamy hospodariuvannia: problemy teorii ta praktyky [Strategic management of business entities: problems of theory and practice] : kol. monografiia. Kharkiv : Vydavnytstvo NUA. P. 45-95.
  6. Reshetnyak, Ye. I. (2012) Teoreticheskiye aspekty razrabotki prioritetov strategicheskogo razvitiya ekonomicheskikh sistem: garmonizatsiya struktury [Theoretical aspects of developing the priorities of strategic development of economic systems: harmonization of structure] : monografiia. Kharkiv : Izdatelstvo NUA. 423 p.

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Journal «The Problems of Economy»

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