


KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013.



According to the decision No. 802 of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine dated 14.03.2024, is registered as a subject in the field of print media.
ID R30-03156


Liburkina L. M.


Main page

Editorial staff

Editorial policy

Annotated catalogue (2011)

Annotated catalogue (2012)

Annotated catalogue (2013)

Annotated catalogue (2014)

Annotated catalogue (2015)

Annotated catalogue (2016)

Annotated catalogue (2017)

Annotated catalogue (2018)

Annotated catalogue (2019)

Annotated catalogue (2020)

Annotated catalogue (2021)

Annotated catalogue (2022)

Annotated catalogue (2023)

Annotated catalogue (2024)

Thematic sections of the journal

Proceedings of scientific conferences

in the international scientometric databases, repositories and search engines

Ulrichsweb Global Serials Directory (USA)

Ulrichsweb™ is the authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information on more than 300,000 periodicals of all types–academic and scholarly journals, Open Access publications, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more from around the world... More...

Research Papers in Economics (USA)

RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 81 countries to enhance the dissemination of research in Economics and related sciences. The heart of the project is a decentralized bibliographic database of working papers, journal articles, books, books chapters and software components, all maintained by volunteers. Over 1,600 archives from 81 countries have contributed about 1.4 million research pieces from 1,800 journals and 3,800 working paper series. Over 35,000 authors have registered and 70,000 email subscriptions are served every week... More...

Index Copernicus (Poland)

Index Copernicus (IC) is an online database of user-contributed information, including scientist profiles, as well as of scientific institutions, publications and projects established in 1999 in Poland. The database has several productivity assessment tools which allow to track the impact of scientific works and publications, individual scientists, or research institutions... More...

Directory of Open Access Journals

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is website that lists open access journals and is maintained by Infrastructure Services for Open Access (IS4OA). Until January 2013, the DOAJ was maintained by Lund University. The project defines open access journals as scientific and scholarly journals that meet high quality standards by exercising peer review or editorial quality control and "use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access."... More...

Academic Journals Database (Switzerland)

Academic Journals Database is a universal index of periodical literature covering basic research from all fields of knowledge, and is particularly strong in medical research, humanities and social sciences. Academic Journals Database contains complete bibliographic citations, precise indexing, and informative abstracts for papers from a wide range of periodicals... More...

Advanced Science Index

Advanced Science Index is an indexing service indexes scholarly journals in all areas and fields of science. It is aiming at rapid evaluation and indexing of all local and international journals... More...

Open Academic Journals Index

Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI) is a full-text database of open-access scientific journals. Our mission lies in putting together an international platform for indexing open-access scientific journals. In a short-term perspective, we are considering calculating the journal Impact Factor... More...

GetInfo (Germany)

GetInfo is the portal for science and technology and provides access to more than 160 million data sets from specialised databases, publishers and library catalogues... More...

BASE (Germany)

BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) is a multi-disciplinary search engine to scholarly internet resources, created by Bielefeld University Library in Bielefeld, Germany. It is based on search technology provided by Fast Search & Transfer (FAST), a Norwegian company... More...

OpenAIRE (European Union)

OpenAIRE and OpenAIREplus (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) are European Commission funded projects (Dec 2009 — May 2014) whose goals are to realize, enhance, and operate the Open Access European scholarly communication data infrastructure... More...


WorldCat is a union catalog that itemizes the collections of 72,000 libraries in 170 countries and territories which participate in the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) global cooperative. It is built and maintained collectively by the participating libraries... More...

Library Hub Discover (United Kingdom)

Library Hub Discover – membership organisation, providing digital solutions for UK education and research. Library Hub Discover replaces Copac and SUNCAT, offering increased coverage of university libraries along with new facilities and improved response times. The new service lays the foundations for ongoing development of search facilities alongside continuing growth in library coverage.

Open Access Library

Open Access Library is an academic search engine and publisher. You can download research papers for free and submit your paper to it. It is a shared academic database. It is a handy tool which helps researchers performing their research and helps students with their studies... More...

J-Gate (India)

J-Gate is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature. Launched in 2001 by Informatics India Limited, J-Gate provides seamless access to millions of journal articles available online offered by 11,428 Publishers... More...

Google_Scholar (USA)

Google Scholar is a freely accessible web search engine that indexes the full text of scholarly literature across an array of publishing formats and disciplines. Released in beta in November 2004... More...

Research Bible (Japan)

We share a passion to build research communities to discover and promote great research resources from around the world and maximize researchers’ academic social impacts... More...


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Conditions of Publication

Article Requirements

Regulations on Peer-Reviewing

Publication Contract

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The Plan of Scientific Conferences


Journal «The Problems of Economy»

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