


KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013.



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Economics of Enterprise


Vasilchyk E. S., Zamalaev P. S.
The Problems and Methods of Forecasting the Financial Insolvency of the Enterprise (p. 175 - 178)

The comparative analysis of the basic methods for assessing the financial condition of the company, used to predict the probability of bankruptcy. Notes the need for additional accounting and analyzing the activities of persons, interested in the deterioration of the financial condition of the enterprise.

Article is written in Russian

Salun M. N.
Modelling of Optimal Parameters of Resource Potential of Industrial Enterprise (p. 178 - 181)

The methodical approach for forming the optimum structure of enterprise resource potential components based on methods of stochastic and imitation modeling is considered in the article. It’s oriented not only on possibility of maximal gross profit and income receipt in a short-term period, but also on economic growth is in a long-term period.

Article is written in Russian


Anіsіmova O. N.
Problems of Assessment of the Intellectual Potential of In-dustrial Enterprises (p. 124 - 127)

The paper considers the problem of assessing the intellectual potential of the industrial enterprise, summarizes the most common methods to assess the intellectual potential.

Article is written in Russian

Zagoryanskaya E. L., Illiashenko N. S., Kosenko A. V.
The Conjuncture Estimation of Competitive Edges of Business-Units of Machine-Building Enterprise (p. 128 - 131)

In the articles conducted economic researches of positions of enterprise are in an international competition environment. Strategic priorities of development of KHK «AvtoKrAZ» are certain, that able to promote the competitiveness of enterprise and his products at the international market.

Article is written in Russian

Moskalenko N. O., Kipa M. O.
Formation of Organizational-Methodical Providing of Restructuring of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 131 - 135)

Generalized the existing organizational-methodical maintenance of enterprise restructuring, defined doctrine and methodical recommendations on its formation in the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernyshov V. V.
Financial Diagnosis and Role in this Method of Decision-making, while Ensuring the Financial Security of the Enterpris (p. 135 - 138)

The article is devoted to developing a modern approach to the diagnosis of the financial condition of the company substantially superior to their potential the classical methods of economic analysis to ensure financial security through the use of decision-making. That will allow you to create an effective means of support for managers of any level of government in providing financial security company.

Article is written in Russian


Semenenko I. M.
The Use of Franchising in Activity of Industrial Enterprises (p. 102 - 104)

In the article basic questions are considered from forming franchayzing of the system and its use for the increase of competitiveness of enterprise at the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ukrainskaya O. A.
Estimation of Currency Position of Enterprise (p. 104 - 108)

The method of estimation of size of currency position of enterprise, which allows to reduce a risk degree, is offered in the article, and instrumental in providing of financial stability and increase of his competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kharchuk T. V.
Cost as Criterion of Efficiency of Functioning of Enterprise (p. 109 - 111)

In the article the results of analysis of modern approaches are presented in the field of the cost-oriented management an enterprise; intercommunication of aims and going is set near the evaluation of cost of enterprise; forming principles are certain systems of indexes, that characterize efficiency of functioning of enterprise; the use of integral index, that is formed on the basis of the system of quality and quantitative indexes that represent rationality of the use of resources and efficiency of functioning of enterprise in, is offered.

Article is written in Russian


Mishchenko V. A., Petrenko M. V.
Analysis of the methodological going near the estimation of the financial state of enterprise (p. 134 - 136)

In the articles the analysis of the basic methodological going out near the estimation of the financial state of enterprise is carried. The requirement to organization of process of evaluation of the financial state of enterprises on the basis of approach of the systems are certain.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nikolaiev I. V.
Comparative analysis of enterprise risk management models (p. 137 - 139)

The article is devoted to the analysis and the comparison of modern enterprise risk management models used in domestic and world practice. Some thesis to build such a model are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Leonova Y. A.
Improving the technology of procurement on enterprise (p. 139 - 142)

In article the technology of management by purchasing activity in LLC «Kharkiv-Kreyda» is investigated. It is offered to introduce the automated systems of the conclusion of contracts with consumers and to introduce the electronic account of document circulation («1С. Document circulation») at the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Radzivilo I. V.
The improvement of the evaluation gear of the industrial enterprise innovative capacity (p. 142 - 148)

The main approaches to the industrial enterprise innovative capacity evaluation have been examined in the article. The figures, that allow to characterize the enterprise innovative capacity as a whole, have been systematized, they allow to evaluate the corresponding capacity objectively. The paradigm, with the help of which the complex-integral index-number of the industrial enterprise innovative capacity level can be defined, has been improved.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Trided A. N.
Principles and Approaches to Revenue Management Business (p. 209 - 211)

In the articles the basic principles of revenue management of enterprises are considered. The approach to revenue management of enterprises from position of strategic management are offered. Expedience orientation of management of enterprise a profit on the receipt of the set having a special purpose income is grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Veretennikova G. B.
Improved Diagnostic Process of Enterprise’s Market Security (p. 211 - 214)

The essence of the diagnosis process of the enterprise’s market security with the company's image is defined in the article. The main classification criteria for grouping competitors are presented. Improved diagnostic process of enterprise’s market security is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poberezhnaya N. N.
Valuation of Efficiency of Use of Industrial Potential of the Machine-Building Enterprises and Definition of Strategic Directions of its Development (p. 214 - 220)

In article the system of parameters of definition of internal and external efficiency of industrial potential of the industrial enterprise which consists from partial and integrated, considering all kinds of economic resources is offered. The matrix of positioning of the enterprise in view of external and is offered to an internal efficiency of use of industrial potential which allows to determine the basic strategic directions of its maintenance.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yavdak M. Y.
Organization of Planning New Products Production of Machine-Building Enterprise (p. 225 - 229)

Article is devoted to studying the problems of preparation of production of advanced high-quality production. The algorithm of carrying out the analysis and management of expenses for quality production for providing normal conditions of profitability production of machine-building enterprise is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova Y. V.
Economic Policy as a Condition of Optimal Structure of Working Enterprise Capital (p. 225 - 229)

Under the present conditions of economic crisis in Ukraine is particularly important is to ensure effective management of enterprises, including by accelerating the turnover of their capital and optimize the structure of the sources of its formation. This leads to an objective need for appropriate organizational and economic preconditions for the effective management of working capital that will allow rational use of material and financial resources, redirect a portion of the improvement and development of production.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sierikov A. V., Granko Y. B.
«Soft» Modeling of the Consequences Distribution of Investment to Provide an Enterprise Development Strategy (p. 230 - 233)

On the basis of «soft» modeling procedure is proposed distribution of investments between the alternatives, aimed to enhance forces acceleration and to inhibition forces attenuation, which are identified by the SWOT-analysis procedures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnik L. G., Taranyuk L. N.
Essence and Nature to the Business Process During Realization of Reengineering on Industrial Enterprises (p. 88 - 92)

In this article the considered essence and nature of business processes during realization of reengineering on industrial enterprises. Investigational description and feature of business processes, the conceptual chart of management a business process is formed on a production.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Veretennikova G. B.
Diagnostics of Procurement Activity of Industrial Enterprise (p. 93 - 95)

The importance of procurement activity of industrial enterprise is substantiated in the article. The results of the critical analysis of the existing approaches to procurement effectiveness evaluating are presented. The main directions of diagnostics of procurement activity of industrial enterprise such as the quality of the organization and the resources, the effectiveness and efficiency, security of logistics operations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhylinska O. I., Voloshina V. Y.
Theoretical Aspects of Enterprises’ Competitiveness Evaluation on the Basis of Benchmarking (p. 96 - 101)

The purpose of thesis is to generalize theoretical and methodical approaches on evaluation of enterprises’ competitiveness on the basis of benchmarking. The article covers the problems of using benchmarking for improvement of enterprises activity, in particular for improvement of competitiveness evaluation process. The author explains the essence of the terms “competitiveness” and “benchmarking”, evolution of benchmarking, its principles and methods, interrelation with another improvement instruments; shows the structure of benchmarking process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koposov G. A., Shelukhin P. G.
The Automatic Stabilizers of the Enterprise Production Scope (p. 101 - 105)

The problems of enterprise management under condition of uncertainty are considered. The concept of the gestalt system and automatic stabilizers is determined. The principles and algorithm of the applying automatic stabilizers in the gestalt system are noted. The main typical problems of the enterprise production scope are given. The chain destabilized effect on the enterprise from each typical problem is analyzed. The logical scheme and algorithm of the automatic stabilizers activity in the gestalt system for the solving typical problems of the enterprise is demonstrated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Osypenko S. M., Romanchyk T. V.
Rationale for the Parameters of Science-Based Product Evaluation and Distribution of Economic Effect (p. 105 - 108)

An apparatus methodical study of parameters of new models of complex high technology products, providing cost-efficiency of their production and operation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krokhmal S. S.
Material Resources Management at Industrial Enterprise (p. 109 - 113)

In the article the author considered the categorical apparatus of materials management at the industrial enterprise, generalized definition of «material resources», proposed a definition of « materials management », and considered the material management system at the industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danilenko S. V.
Analytical Aspects of Enterprise Knowledge Assessment (p. 113 - 116)

The article considers the concepts of forming and development of enterprise knowledge; a sequence of actions to implement assessment methods of the complex of combinations of key competencies is presented, approaches used in developing a system of ranking and evaluating of managerial competencies are identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk V. M., Kalinskaya I. M.
Financial Crisis of Enterprise: Determination From Position of Cyclic Dynamics of its Development (p. 178 - 182)

In the article the essence of financial crisis of enterprise is investigated and its varieties are certain on the basis of theory of corporate lifecycle. It is grounded intercommunication between the enterprise’s financial goals and stages of its development. The description of crises of solvency, liquidity, business activity, financial firmness, financial stability and unprofitability is given.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Veretennikova G. B.
Research of the Environment as a Source of Threats to the Enterprise’s Economic Security (p. 182 - 185)

The most influential market participants are defined in the article. It's activity determines the level of enterprise’s economic security. The main threats that arise in the relationship business with competitors, suppliers, customers, financial and governmental agencies are examined. The author presents methodical recommendations on the definition of the integral indicator on the level of company economic security from its external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korenev E. N.
Evolution of Terms of Activity of Enterprises as Pre-condition of Choice of System of Corporate Management: Historical Retrospective View and Modern Tendencies (p. 186 - 190)

The historical retrospective view of evolution of the systems of corporate management in accordance with the gradual increase of level of instability of external environment is investigated. Description of modern conditions of functioning of enterprises in the context of their influence on the choice of the effective system of corporate management is presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lobov S. P.
Theoretical Basis of Economic Efficiency of Automation of Enterprises Management (p. 190 - 194)

The analysis of existing approaches to allocation of a share of AIS influence on economic efficiency of enterprises management is carried out. Features of the mining industry are considered. It is offered to result losses from equipment downtimes on all previous repartitions to equipment downtimes on last repartition. It is offered to define size of losses taking into account probability of their occurrence. It is offered to spend forecasting of change of material expenses in the conditions of AIS on the basis of production function.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shulga V. N., Serbenivskaya A. Y.
Developing and Strengthening the Competitive Advantages of the Industrial Enterprise on the Principles of the Basic Concepts of Strategic Cost Management (p. 194 - 197)

In the article investigational competitive edges of industrial enterprises and one of variants of their strengthening is offered by introduction of the system of strategic cost management. A strategic cost management will allow to pass to the new level of organization of cost management, promote its analyticity and efficiency in the management of enterprise activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yakymiv A. I.
The Modern State and Prospects of Innovative Activity of Industrial Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 197 - 200)

The analysis of innovative activity of domestic industrial enterprises is conducted in the article. The authors defined a part of innovative enterprises in the general amount of industrial organizations. The dynamics of innovation in funding, changes in the introduction of innovations is investigated. The basic barriers of realization of innovations are distinguished and the recommended measures over of their overcoming are brought.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gutsalyuk A. M.
Methodical Approach to Assessing the Technological Maturity of the Enterprise (p. 200 - 204)

The comparative analysis of existing methodological approaches to the assessment of technological maturity companies was made; their advantages and disadvantages were found out. A methodical approach to evaluating the technological maturity of the enterprise, taking into account parameters: the market share owned by the company, the purpose and status of its activities, the number and qualifications of staff, has generated quantitative-qualitative distinction between the levels of development of the scale for each parameter based on the construction of the integral index.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysmak V. O.
Features of Formation of the Relations in Supplying and Sale Activity of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 204 - 208)

The necessity of introduction to classification of types of purchases classification sign «value of relationships with a supplier» is grounded. The use of integral indicator of estimation of attractiveness of enterprise-supplier is offered. Basic strategies of forming of relations of enterprises with suppliers are selected. The methodical approach forming of relationships with a supplier in the process of purchase activity is formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Alieksieiev I. V., Mazur A. V.
The Fund of Scientific and Technical Preparation of Production Formation (p. 172 - 176)

The article examines the issue of funding the stage of scientific and technical preparation of production. Possible ways to accumulate funds for scientific and technical works are analyzed. The STPP fund formation is offered.

Article is written in Russian

Kasych A. O., Khimich I. G.
Methodological Approaches to Evaluating the Enterprise Activity Effectiveness (p. 176 - 179)

The article gives an analysis and a systematization of modern methods of the estimation of an enterprise’s activities results. Problems and consequences of their introduction are defined. Reasonability of their application on the base of studying experience of foreign enterprises is grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lepeyko T. I., Panteleev M. S.
Calculation of the Index of Flexibility of Business Processes of Industrial Enterprises (p. 180 - 183)

The calculation of flexibility indixes of business processes and enterprise is propsed. The significance of individual groups of factors of variability of the environment based on a survey of experts of the enterprise is calculated. It was done ranging of business processes based on the difference between the index of environmental variability and the level of flexibility. As a result, potential components that need to be developed are identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. M., Yablonska-Agu N. L.
Strategic Investing of Enterprises : Ways of Activation (p. 184 - 186)

In the articles application of genetic algorithm offers for determination of investment attractiveness of industrial enterprises on the basis of data of the official statistical accounting in accordance with the results of the use of all types of economic resources : material, financial and labour. It is well-proven that the got results can be drawn on for determination of strategic directions of investing of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Abass K. Jaud, Morhachov I. V.
The Development of the Classification of Expenses on the Elements (p. 187 - 191)

The article specifies the directions and features of improving the classification of expenses by the elements, as in Ukraine, so and in Iraq's enterprises. It is grounded the necessity of flexible change of the classification depending on the evolution of the composition of the factors of production employed (activity). It is proposed to carry out the division of costs between fixed and variable inside each position of the element-by-element of their classification.

Article is written in Russian

Karminska-Bielobrova M. V.
The Organizational Structures of Management (p. 192 - 195)

In the article the basic organizational structures of management are analyzed. It is grounded their adaptation and use in the modern world. It is proposed expediency of the types of organizational structures of management at the enterprise to effectively support the implementation of chosen strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kononov I. A., Kononov O. I.
Improving the Working Methods Making Management Decisions on Estimates Enterprise Value (p. 195 - 197)

The method of construction of regressive model is considered in the article. It is proved that the improved methods of decision-making is the need of time, which requires immediate attention and bring it into the proper form. On a concrete example the lack of its application is routined for a decision-making on a management. The described failing evidently explains essentially uselessness of its application for similar aims.

Article is written in Russian

Krymska L. O., Shevchenko A. A.
Enterprise Management Based on the Theory of Constraints (p. 198 - 201)

There are a lot of factors that complicate making management decisions. They include increasing world’s competition, rapid development of technology, updating problem of limited resources, increasing requirements for goods. The concept which attracts attention among the other modern management concepts with scientific and practical value is the theory of constraints. This theory allows you to extend practical implementation of system approach to managerial problems of the specific enterprises in the real market environment. The article investigates and analyzes the potential (possibility) of the theory of constraints as an effective methodology for enterprise management. It describes the experience and feasibility of the theory in Ukrainian enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sinitsa T. V., Osmirko I. V.
Actual Problems of Forming the Registration Politics of Enterprise (p. 201 - 203)

It is marked in the article, that a registration policy of enterprise is the important element of organization of record-keeping. The considered process of forming of registration policy includes the sum of principles, methods and procedures of realization the primary supervision, grouping and final generalization the facts of economic activity. The sum of factors which influences on forming of registration is selected. The analysis of existent problems of forming the registration policy was conducted. The necessity of changing the role of registration policy in the process of management the policy of enterprise and increase its quality was grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoliarchuk H. V., Rud Y. N.
Increase of Financial Results Enterprises of the Food Industry by Effective Management of Expenses (p. 204 - 206)

In article the essence of a control system is defined by enterprise expenses. Introduction of the integrated control systems by the expenses directed on increase of financial results of the enterprises of the food industry in the conditions of the competition is offered.

Article is written in Russian

Telyshevska L. I., Kalinina T. Y.
The Essence of the Impact of Investing in Commodity Innovates Modern Enterprise (p. 207 - 209)

The article discusses the basic question of terminological reasoning concepts «product policy» and «commodity innovation policy», the main stages of its relationship with the product innovation and the process of investing. It is also described the main components of investment, contributing to the formation of product strategy for the company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chumak L. F.
Innovative Activity of the Enterprise in Modern Conditions (p. 209 - 212)

In the article evolution of the concepts «innovation» and «innovative activity» is considered. The current state of introduction of innovations in production in Ukraine is analyzed and the reasons and consequences of insufficiently active investment involvement of the enterprises are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vatsyk N. O.
Research Methods for Analyzing and Evaluating the Factors Factors of Influence on the Formation of the Costs of Export Activities of the Entity (p. 213 - 216)

The methods of analyzing and evaluating the cost of export activity from a position of national and international experience were considered. The factors of internal and external environments for domestic and international approaches that affect the formation of the cost of export activity were defined. The matrix of identifying the key methods for analyzing and evaluating factors of influence on formation of the costs of export activities of the entity was formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Demyanenko T. I.
Estimation of Level of Adaptive Flexibility in Forming of the System of Adaptive Control Innovative-Investment Development of Enterprise (p. 217 - 220)

The article considered dynamic market environment which influences on the necessity of search of possibilities of creation and support of competitive edges of enterprises. Realization of these possibilities contributes in successful opposition them in competitive activity which increases constantly, by forming of the system of adaptive control innovative-investment development of enterprise within the framework of which a necessity is development of the system of indexes for the estimation of level of adaptive flexibility.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Drugova Y. S.
Scientifica-Methodical Approach to Comparative Estimation the Competitive Potential of the Enterprise With Use the Multivariate Analysis (p. 220 - 225)

In the article the methodological aspects of the comparative evaluation of the competitive potential of mechanical engineering are described. The relationship between the local component of the competitive potential is defined. An approach to group companies by the rule of «three sigma» is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nikitina A. V.
The Conceptual Model of Controlling Realization in the System of Providing of Enterprises Economic Security (p. 226 - 229)

In the article essence of basic modern approaches, facilities of management enterprises are found out on the basis of controlling. The actuality and necessity of further development of theoretical aspects of controlling in the system of providing of enterprises economic security are grounded, the conceptual model of realization of controlling on enterprises is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khavanova M. S.
The Relationship of Financial Strategy with other Key Corporate Strategies (p. 229 - 233)

Financial strategy development involves interconnection with other strategies focused on creating a modern corporate structure, which can counteract the uncertainty of the market, its possible negative aspects and critical changes of various financial relationships. The main task is to prevent the system’s regression, which may lead to its destruction. The main driving force of the system is an effective financial strategy of the corporation. Financial strategy determines the feasibility of a number of key corporate strategies that reflect the most important area of development, such as restructuring, stabilization, integration, diversification, etc., and should take into account the goals and solutions, while looking for possible sources of funding, to implement them to meet changing external and internal conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shishova Y. G.
Estimation of Impact of Ecologically Directed Enterprise Activity on its Financial and Economic Indicators (p. 234 - 237)

In the article the influence of ecological factor, depending on the forms of its display, on the basic indicators of financial and economic, investment activity of economic agents is investigated. Interconnection between ecological factor and indexes of economic development at the micro- and macrolevel is analyzed. Additional cash flows, which arise up due to the impact of ecological factor in operating, investment and financial activity of enterprise, are defined. The necessity of realization of ecologically directed development by enterprises is grounded. The reason is the receipt of considerable advantages in operating activity and general increase of investment prospects of business and enterprise value in the long term period.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Volovich Y. B.
Factors of Influence on Receivables and Payables and Their Classification (p. 200 - 204)

The approaches to classification factors of receivables and payables are analyzed in the article. In order to develop effective methods of receivables and payables management, its factors of influence are proposed to divide into three groups – macro factors, the factors of enterprises immediate environment and micro factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoliarchuk H. V., Budzinskaya V. Y.
Use of System Diagnostics of Financial and Economic Activity at the Enterprises the Food Industries (p. 205 - 207)

In article the problem of improvement of the organization of financial management of the enterprises of the food industry by introduction of system diagnostics of their financial and economic activity is considered. Stages and the principles of system diagnostics of financial and economic activity of the enterprises of the food industry in the conditions of the competition are given.

Article is written in Russian

Chalaya O. V.
Integrated Structure of Intellectual Capital of Enterprise (p. 208 - 211)

The structural model of intellectual capital is offered in the article. Integration of model constituents is executed by transformation of organizational knowledge. The approach gives an opportunity to provide steady innovative development of enterprise in the conditions of dynamic changes in an external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chumak L. F., Garkavaya L. V.
Key Aspects of Company Competitiveness Management (p. 212 - 215)

he article deals with the essence of the concepts of «competitive» and «competitive advantage». The main approaches to the management of enterprise competitiveness in the modern world are analyzed. It is concluded that the main needs of the modern enterprise management competitiveness is to determine scientific substantiation of strategic competitive advantage and the solution of the retention of the achieved level for a long time

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chumak L. F., Kotlyar G. V.
Theoretical Approaches to the Identification and Management of Competitive Potential of the Company (p. 215 - 219)

In the article the essence of the concept "competitive potential", its features and structure is investigated. Control mechanism provides competitive potential and its diagnosis. It is concluded that the company may have competitive potential subject to the achievement of high quality products, the best prices and innovations in manufacturing. To achieve these benefits is not possible without a strong, tough and comprehensive competitiveness management capacity of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Varga I. F., Litvin A. M.
The Formation of Competitive Advantage in the Enterprise (p. 219 - 222)

In the article the basic requirements are analysed to the increase of competitiveness of domestic enterprises that consist in forming and maintenance of proof competitive edges. It is educed that a process of forming of competitive edges of enterprise must be clearly structured, that will give possibility to the enterprise to purchase firmness of him to the competitive edges. Determination actual competitive edges and the prospects of their use and employment of leading positions are analysed on markets. Expediency of introduction of innovations, integrating is reasonable and recommendations are given at the choice of competition strategies on enterprises. It is well-proven that the clear sequence of determination of competitive edges of enterprise will give to them to firmness and stability.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhilyaeva I. Y.
Methodical Support of Using of Up-to-Date Recruiting Methods at the Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 223 - 227)

The methodical approach for assessment of recruiting state using the integral index of recruiting quality, and methodical approach for choice of recruiting methods using factor analysis are proposed in the article. The methodical approach for using up-to-date recruiting methods is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhukov A. V.
The Modern Theoretical Bases of Forming of Efficiency of Production and Economic Activity of Enterprise (p. 228 - 231)

In the article the existent theoretical going is analyzed near determination of concept efficiency. Differentiating and elucidation of such categories as an effect, result, efficiency and criterion of efficiency is conducted. The complex of criteria of efficiency on directions of accordance of aims and necessities to the result and expenses was grounded. The logical and structural model of forming of efficiency of production and economic activity of enterprise is built including such constituents: efficiency of subsystems of activity of enterprise, efficiency of the use of resources, socially ecological efficiency. Determination of efficiency of production and economic activity of enterprise is offered as complex description of its development, which according to the criteria of effectiveness, reflects the level of achievement of aims of production and economic activity of enterprise an economy and optimality.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kripak I. S.
Methods of Cost Management (p. 232 - 234)

The problem of accounting, analysis, and cost control in the companies significantly increased nowadays. Cost management is relevant because the achievement of sustainable competitive advantage today is possible only if there is a lower, compared to other manufacturers, the cost of the products. The article deals with the theoretical aspects and modern methods of cost management of company. The special attention is given to methods of cost management: «standard-cost», «direct-costing».

Article is written in Russian

Stolyarenko A. V.
Structure of Organizational-Economic Mechanism of the Sanatorium Resort Complex (p. 235 - 238)

The article is sanctified to consideration of structure of organizationally-economic mechanism of functioning of enterprises of sanatorium-resort complex. The author examines a category "mechanism" as totality of methods, levers and instruments, sent to the achievement of ultimate goal – a receipt positive economic and social effects. On the basis of analysis of maintenance and structure organizational and economic mechanism author offers determination of the investigation mechanism. The flow diagram of organizationally-economic mechanism is made.

Article is written in Russian


Diakonova I. І., Petrenko Y. M.
Resource-functional Approach in Study of Financial Security of a Company and Corporate Management (p. 188 - 193)

The article considers interconnection between financial security of a company and corporate management on the basis of use of the resource-functional approach. It forms an approach to corporate social responsibility as a proactive element of the system of corporate management with consideration of the nature of organisational and socio-economic production relations, key provisions of the legal environment and international standards. It substantiates the role of corporate social responsibility in provision of financial security and realisation of a corporate strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotlik A. V.
Target-Oriented Approach to Identification of Business Processes of a Company (p. 193 - 196)

The article identifies essence of the procedure of identification of business processes and its place in creation of a process model of a company. It shapes a set of properties of the business process, which should be determined at its identification. It considers approaches to construction of a process model of a company and identifies its advantages and shortcomings. It considers procedures of structurisation and identification of business processes of a company, which are alternative ones by direction of movement along levels of its hierarchy. It demonstrates that the goal (task), at achievement of which a business process is directed, directly identifies its boundaries at exit and indirectly (through production and management technology of a company and in accordance with the accepted level of detailing business processes) – boundaries at entry. The offered approach to identification of business processes on the basis of its goals is illustrated by an example of sales activity of a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Momot V. M., Kostyuchina M. A.
Development of Measures on Improvement of the Storage System (p. 197 - 200)

The article considers a set of measures directed at reduction of time of loading-unloading works at storehouses, such as: accurate calculation of stations of unloading and loading goods; reduction of time of idle run of machines with the help of sealing; acquisition of loaders; reduction of idle run of loaders at storehouse; and application of bar codes for automation of goods movement accounting.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karapeychyk I. M.
Potential and Competitiveness of Companies: Indicators of Similarity and Difference as Those of Objects of Assessment (p. 249 - 254)

The article studies correlation of notions of potential and competitiveness of industrial companies. It shows that the above notions refer to the general group of indicators that characterise certain capacities of a company and their maximum capacities in realisation of the appropriate company’s types and activities and functioning in general. It reveals similar and different indications of potentials and competitiveness as scientific notions and as objects of measuring. It states that the notions of economic potential of a company and competitiveness are correlated as a part and a whole, as simple and complex, and their main difference is in the temporary nature of relevant indicators. It shows that assessments of economic potential of a company are instantaneous and intermittent, and assessments of competitiveness are values that are integral in time. Results of the study could serve as a theoretical substantiation of a possibility of development of methods of quantitative assessment of potentials in economy on the basis of methodology and methods of assessment of competitiveness of companies and other subjects of economy.

Article is written in Russian

Melikhova T. O.
Determination of Expenses of Economic Activity of a Company (p. 254 - 258)

The article generalises methods of determination of expenses used for production of products. It improves methods of measuring the cash flow at the level of a company and its structural subdivisions, which take into account specific features of main fixed assets and circulating assets. This gives an opportunity to calculate a standard net cash flow and cash flow in cumulative and accumulated form. It offers methods of calculation of ratios of the use of expenses. They are built on the basis of correlation of the volume of costs to the volume of sold products. Calculation of these indicators would allow development of analysis of economic activity of companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petryaeva Z. F., Petriaiev O. O.
Economic Security of a Company as an Important Component of Modern Business (p. 259 - 262)

The article studies external and internal threats to economic security of economic subjects; specifies essence of the “system of economic security of a company” notion; describes the role of economic security in successful business; substantiates a necessity to develop the company’s security policy with consideration of specific features of the object; formulates approaches to creation of the security system; offers development at companies not only a market strategy, but also a security strategy, which must include special programmes on protection of intellectual property and economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnyk H. V.
Concept of Financial Planning in a Company on the Basis of Process Oriented Approach (p. 262 - 270)

The article uses the study of evolution and specific features of the process management for substantiation of a necessity of development of theoretical provisions and practical tools of financial planning on the basis of process approach as a prerequisite of harmonisation of finance management with its other subsystems under conditions of development and introduction into practical activity of modern concepts of management (strategic management, quality management, theory of constraints, value oriented management) and a factor of increase of the value of a company and provision of its balanced development in the long-term prospective. It provides conceptual provisions of construction of a system of financial planning on the basis of a process approach: original theoretical prerequisites of its formation; formulates its essence and components, specific features of realisation and advantages of implementation in a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shamota H. M., Malysh D. O.
Study of Approaches to a Complex Assessment of Financial State of a Company (p. 271 - 278)

The article states that financial stability is a qualitative feature of financial opportunities of a company under modern conditions. It says that substantiation of methods of identification of financial stability of a company and main criteria and indicators of its identification is important. It adds that establishment of factors of changes of financial stability, possibilities of management of internal and adjustment to external ones would facilitate strengthening financial stability of a company. It concludes that there is a necessity of development of a common method of assessment of financial state of a company. The article characterises existing methods of assessment of financial state of a company and its main indicators and conducts analysis using data of a sample company and gives recommendations on further perfection of the specified methods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Taranukha Y. N., Ivanchuk S. I.
Formation of the Risk Management Process in a Company (p. 278 - 281)

The article analyses the process of risk management, considers stages of risk management in detail, generalises theoretical and methodical aspects of company’ risk management. It substantiates urgency of application of a mechanism, which would allow taking into account risks and minimise losses using a rational method, in a company. It offers to define risk management as a process of influence on the object of economic activity, which ensures the widest possible range of coverage of possible risks. Risk management allows undertaking preventive measures on minimisation of risks soundly considering it when making managerial decisions and reducing the level of revealed risks to minimum limits.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bodnarchuk A. V.
Perfection of a Complex Economic Analysis of Equity Capital (p. 282 - 285)

The article scientifically substantiates and proves a necessity of perfection of a complex economic analysis of equity capital, which provides a system approach to analysis of financial stability of a company and increases effectiveness of formation and use of equity capital. It considers and generalises types and tasks of factor analysis of equity capital as one of the stages of complex analysis. It allocates main factors of influence on the effective indicator, and develops a multi-factor model of factor analysis for perfection of the system of management of equity capital.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lupak R. L.
Economic Substantiation of Strategic Management of Company Competitiveness (p. 320 - 325)

The article offers a variant of stage-by-stage formation and realisation of competitive strategy, which suits features of element division, envisages application of specific procedures and methodical substantiation and explains the system of selection of strategic behaviour of a company in a competitive environment. It systemises strategic goals of managing competitiveness of a company with respect to the levels of their performance (zero, first, second), interrelations (main, basic, and auxiliary goals) and sequence of actions. It describes typical strategies of achievement of competitive advantages of companies combining marketing approach (maximisation of coverage of the target market) and financial approach (maximisation of target profit through optimisation of costs).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Serhiienko O. A., Chuiko I. M.
Imitation Flow Models of Dynamics of Enterprise Development (p. 331 - 338)

The article considers aspects of managing cash flows of an industrial enterprise on the basis of building imitation flow models of movement of money funds in the context of three main types of activity: operational, investment and financial, introduction of which would increase justification of decision making with respect to efficient management of enterprise development.

Article is written in Russian

Lisnichuk O. A.
Main Components of the Mechanism of Readjustment of Ukrainian Enterprises (p. 339 - 345)

The article considers importance of theoretical provisions of scientific substantiation of readjustment of an enterprise. It formulates a system of readjustment measures of organisation and legal, production and technical, financial and economic and social character. It studies a structure of organisation and economic mechanism of readjustment. It develops mechanisms of managing the process of readjustment of enterprises. It generalises main goals of readjustment. It establishes stages of performance of readjustment and identifies goals of each stage. It identifies the place of readjustment as one of the elements of anti-crisis management of an enterprise. It proves that, at this stage of development of Ukrainian economy, it is necessary to improve the institute of readjustment of bankrupt enterprises, depriving competitive creditors of economic subjects and authorised bodies of a possibility to sell property in parts with the purpose of maximal satisfaction of presented claims.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shpak S. O.
Justification of a Set of Tasks of Diagnosis of the System of Sales in Planning Company’s Reconstruction. Target Approach (p. 345 - 351)

The article uses tasks of diagnosis of the system of sales as a tool of analytical provision of decision making when developing strategy and plan of restructuring of a company when developing strategy and plan of restructuring of a company for development of methodical provisions on identification of a list of required analytical studies and consequence of their conduct, which realise the methodology of target approach. It is established that, under conditions of absence of practical experience in conducting restructuring which is characteristic for management of Ukrainian companies, following widely recognised in western economy recommendation results in a problem of selection of tasks of diagnosis for specific companies out of a wide spectrum of tasks that are recommended by modern guides. It is shown that application of a target approach at the stage of formation of a tree of priority goals of restructuring allows conduct of decomposition of the general task of diagnostics upon a set of simpler tasks, identify logical and time succession of conduct of diagnostics, target purpose and requirements to the results of analysis and justify selection of appropriate methods.

Article is written in Russian


Ligonenko L. A.
Substantiation of Economic Management of a Company from the Point of View of the Theory of the Firm (p. 227 - 231)

The article considers evolution of the theory of the firm with respect to identification of the general goal, purpose, necessity and possibility of company management. It affirms a necessity and identifies basic parameters (role, goal, function) of economic management of a company, under which it is offered to understand integrating and co-ordinating type of management. Its main goal is harmonisation of managerial goals (identified in individual types of special management) and their subordination to the common goal of company existence – ensuring long-term stable functioning (viability) and maximisation (growth) of value for all groups of stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko V. I.
Formation of Analytical Tools of Assessment of Company Effectiveness (p. 232 - 237)

The article is devoted to the study of theoretical foundations and practical provisions of assessment and analysis of effectiveness of company activity. It reveals essence of such notions as effect, effectiveness, effectiveness of company activity and production effectiveness. It considers economic effectiveness as the main criterion of effective functioning of a company. It considers main approaches and methods of assessment of effectiveness of functioning of a company, which are used in modern practice. The article offers a consequence of execution of analytical work on analysis and assessment of effectiveness of economic activity of a company and identifies required tools and information provision, which is used at each stage of assessment of effectiveness of company activity. It offers the following as the main stages of analysis and assessment of effectiveness of company activity: 1) specification of objects, goals and tasks of analysis and preparation of a plan of analytical work; 2) development of a system of synthetic and analytical indicators; 3) collection of necessary information and preparation of it for analysis; 4) analysis of the structure and dynamics of indicators for assessment of effectiveness of finances; 5) assessment of taxonomic indicators by components of effectiveness and integral assessment of effectiveness; 6) multifactor correlation and regression analysis of effectiveness of economic and financial activity; 7) factor analysis of effectiveness of financial activity; and 8) assessment of results of analysis and search for means of increase of economic effectiveness of economic activity by means of application of a complex software. The offered stages of assessment of effectiveness of economic activity of a company are subordinate to achievement of a strategic goal of a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchekovich Y. S.
Operational Management under Conditions of Readjustment of a Company (p. 238 - 242)

Issues, connected with readjustment of a company, have important practical significance in the process of development of market relations in Ukraine. A necessity to conduct readjustment of a company with the purpose of taking it out of a deep crisis arose under conditions when practically all chains of the financial system are in difficult situation. At present, every subject, irrespective of the type of main activity and form of ownership of a company, should give a real assessment of both own financial state and financial state of potential partners and counter-agents. Instable financial state of a company is a reason of its insolvency and deterioration of financial stability, which results in unplanned losses and even bankruptcy. On the basis of this, the study of financial principles of conduct of readjustment measures and stabilisation of activity of a company is important for provision of its further activity under market conditions. The goal of the article is analysis of importance of the conduct of readjustment measures for a company and country economy under conditions of instability; and study of principles of conduct of readjustment and directions of stabilisation of activity of a company. The article considers main problems in the sphere of regulation of the bankruptcy procedure. It specifies types of directions, conducted within financial sanitation of subjects of entrepreneurial activity. It generalises types of readjustment actions within company restructurisation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnykova K. V.
Specific Features of Accounting Logistical Costs in Companies (p. 242 - 246)

The article analyses problems of accounting logistical costs in modern domestic companies. Due to the fact that logistical costs are included into the cost of finished products and influence its price significantly, it is necessary to carry out complete and comprehensive accounting of this group of costs. The author generalises the existing definitions of the “logistical costs” term. The article marks requirements to the system of accounting logistical costs. It describes the target function of logistical costs, on the basis of which an optimal solution is selected. When describing a criterion, expenditures on logistical functions belong to those spheres of company logistics, in which they are performed. Moreover, this function takes into account expenditures on logistical administration and on covering logistical risks. The article offers main ways of reduction of the level of logistical costs in a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Haharinov O. V., Kobziev P. M.
System Model of Assessment of the Level of Integration of Properties of System Elements of a Company (p. 246 - 253)

The article provides results of the conducted study in the field of application of a constructive system approach to creation and organisation of functioning of perfect organisational and economic systems (OES) “company” and scientific management of their system state. It considers the problem of non-competitiveness of domestic OES due to insufficient level of their system perfection as a private case of low level of integration of properties of system elements in them. It justifies urgency of creation of constructive system tools for assessment of the level of integration of structural elements of a company with the purpose of increase of their system perfection. It develops a system model of assessment of the level of integration of properties of system elements of a company, in the basis of which there is an earlier developed system model of functional converter of OES “company”, using which one can start scientific management of the process of integration of properties of elements in a system. It provides results of system approval of this model at one of engineering companies in Kharkov.

Article is written in Russian

Kramskoy D. Y., Kolotyuk Y. I.
Analysis of Tools of Study of Innovation Development of a Company (p. 253 - 258)

Application of quality tools of the study of innovation development of a company allows formation of a number of methods and methodical recommendations with respect to formation of strategies of innovation development and increase effectiveness of operation of production companies. Analysis of the tools allowed specification of two categories of models and methods: traditional and special economic and mathematical ones. When specifying traditional economic and mathematical models, we conducted a comparative analysis of their advantages and disadvantages. Assessment of special approaches to the study of innovation development of companies allowed specification of two types of approaches: approaches to formation of environment of factors of innovation development and approaches to assessment of innovation development. The study of the analysed approaches revealed their weak points and showed a necessity of creation of a conceptual scheme of innovation development, which consists of methods and methodical recommendations on formation of the strategy of innovation development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krivoruchkina Y. V.
Managing Company Productiveness on the Basis of Resource Saving (p. 258 - 263)

The article emphasises priority of growth of productivity of natural resources since they are main limiting factors of production systems. It states that ensuring positive trajectory of development of companies could be achieved by means of not formal reduction of the used natural resources but their complex use. It systemises conceptual approaches to management of resource saving. It presents the logic of formation of results of increase of productivity of natural resources. It identifies main principles of their formation and use. It proves that introduction of the resource saving type of production allows obtaining synergy of ecologic and economic results. It justifies the determining role of strategic resources in development and realisation of measures on effective use of resources of a company in general and natural ones in particular. It offers to assess effectiveness of activity of economic subjects through the prism of internal productivity, which is interpreted as company’s capacity to generate and accumulate intellectual, information and organisational products for a certain period of time, which acquire the status of strategic resources and create prerequisites for realisation of priority directions of company development in the context of realisation of resource saving type of production.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moshek G. Y., Solomko A. S., Kovalchuk M. N.
Influence of Types of Managerial Decisions on Effectiveness of Activity of Trade Companies (p. 264 - 268)

The article justifies the statement that one of the most important tasks of a manager of an organisation is mastering the technology of main managerial decisions and their making for solving individual problems and situations. At the same time, the analysis showed that insufficient attention is paid in literature sources with respect to revelation of the essence and role of managerial decisions and selection of their most optimal type for solving production (commercial) problems. The article specifies the essence and role of managerial decisions and studies their main types and influence on effectiveness of activity of trade companies. It also reflects the practical side of construction of decision making in existing companies. The article determines that a managerial decision can be presented as the main form of the impact of the managerial system on a managed subsystem with the aim of performance of specific production (commercial) tasks and achievement of the set goals. It also justifies that a modern manager of an organisation should not only know types of managerial decisions, but also should be capable of applying them in practical activity of a company. Conclusions were made during the study that the most effective types of decisions that are applied in activity of trade companies are programmed, rational, optimal and collective (collegial) decisions with participation of highly qualified managers and specialists of a company. Managers of companies that apply mostly the above-mentioned types of managerial decisions with the use of innovation approaches (models) to development and making decisions, achieve, as a rule, high economic and social indicators of activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kaliberov A. G.
Semantic Analysis of the “Marketing Strategy of a Company” Category (p. 268 - 272)

The article analyses main definitions of the “marketing” and “strategic marketing” notions. It identifies main characteristics of the marketing strategy. It conducts a comparative analysis of points of view of both domestic and foreign experts, works of whom are devoted to development of the marketing strategy of a company. The article contains theoretical views on formation of the marketing strategy of a company and key factors that have impact on this process. It focuses on the target destination of the marketing strategy. It justifies the key role of the marketing strategy as a main part of strategic planning of company activity in short-term and long-term prospects, which should be based on the potential of the product in individual markets and the aggregate organisational system of a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Somov D. O.
Specific Features of Complex Correlation of Factors of Strategic Development of a Company (p. 272 - 277)

The article studies influence of endogenous, exogenous and uncertainty factors upon economic effectiveness of activity of organisations. It considers positions of main schools of the strategy with respect to priority and mechanisms of co-ordination of factors. It shows that endogenous factors have bigger impact on profitability of an organisation than the branch ones. It reveals that degree of influence of exogenous factors and uncertainty on strategy is in inverse relation to the level of development of organisation capabilities. It marks the zone of low profitability of economic activity of companies, in which influence of exogenous factors and uncertainty upon strategy becomes stronger.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zakorko M. V.
Identification of Factors of Formation of the Cost of Financial Resources of Economic Subjects (p. 278 - 287)

The article generalises and systemises factors of formation of the cost of financial resources of economic subjects that aggregate four blocks: factors, caused by the structure of assets, effectiveness and prospects of investment activity of an economic subject; factors, determined by the structure of financing of activity of an economic subject; factors, caused by the structure of ownership; and external factors that reflect influence of macro-economic environment. The article underlines fundamental rule, according to which the higher the inefficiency and imperfection (friction property) of the financial market, the bigger the influence of specific internal factors of activity of economic subjects upon the cost of their financial resources. The article makes a conclusion on the basis of the analysis of the degree of financial development of Ukraine that there are all prerequisites for formation of a significant discrepancy between the cost of external and internal financing, which manifests itself most vividly in the period of a crisis and recession. The article assesses indicators of internal determinants of the cost of financing (size of a company, structure of assets and prospects of growth) of economic subjects in Ukraine, which could be compared with indicators of the countries with developing markets. The article generalises cost factors from the view of specific features of the formed structure of ownership of economic subjects in Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian

Nakonechnaya D. Y.
Business Model of an Energy Efficient Company: Main Components and the Mechanism of Influence on Formation of Competitive Advantages (p. 288 - 293)

The article considers different approaches of scientists in the field of the study of the essence and interpretation of the “business model” notion. It offers a descriptive definition of the “business model of an energy efficient company” term, which takes into account semantics of the “business model” notion and specific features of this phenomenon from the system point of view. It presents main tasks of formalisation and complex presentation of this business model. It identifies and characterises its main structural components for energy intensive company, including ones that deal with cement production, which are: key stakeholders of the company; offer of values for stakeholders; main task of energy saving; direction of formation of additional competitive advantages by means of increase of energy efficiency; criteria of managing energy saving; internal factors of energy saving; barriers of energy effectiveness; conditions of effective management of energy saving; system of management of energy saving; assessment of energy saving and management of it. The article identifies and describes interconnection between the offered structural components and also the system of links with external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Purii H. V.
Methodical Approaches to Managing Operation Costs of Companies With the Aim to Prevent Bankruptcy (p. 293 - 298)

The article studies the modern state of methodical foundations of management of operation costs of a company and establishes that the company’s bankruptcy risk is connected not only with the financial state, but also with efficiency of operation activity, which is reflected through interconnection of bankruptcy probability with the ratio of operation leverage and correlation of the borrowed and own capital at mining and smelting enterprises. It takes into account that increase of values of the operation leverage ratio results in increase of the bankruptcy risk. It identifies boundary fields of the bankruptcy risk of the mining and smelting enterprises by values of the operation leverage ratio within medium, restrained and critical risk of bankruptcy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lyashenko I. N., Verbitskaya V. V.
Scheme of the Process of Calculation of the Standard Price of Products in an International Corporation (p. 270 - 274)

The article offers a scheme of the process of calculation of a standard price for consideration. This scheme includes three stages. The first stage – the task of price aggregation. The article describes a model for aggregation of calculation of standard prices with the help of analysis of topical literature and modern methods of aggregation of mathematic models. The second stage is the task of optimisation of analysis of obtained indicators. The third stage is the task of decision making with many input parameters, since the strategy of behaviour should be developed individually for each company on the basis of obtained indicators and market conditions. The fourth stage, in accordance with the obtained result of the task of decision making, is development of a plan or strategy of further development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hlynska A. Y.
Advantages and Shortcomings of the Priority of the Ecological Component in Formation of Directions of Development of Companies (p. 275 - 279)

The article considers urgency, prospects and problems of introduction of ecological principles in activity of companies and also the complexity of managing this process. It pays significant attention to specific features of functioning in accordance with the concept of stable development in domestic companies. It analyses main problems of achievement and management of stable development. It underlines that focusing on the ecological component of business is a powerful tool for attracting investment resources. It also considers the existing alternatives and stages of development of domestic companies within the framework of ecologisation of their activity with the aim to increase the current and future competitiveness. It puts a special accent on advantages of formation of the strategy of companies from the position of an ecologically oriented business and achievement of a competitive and leading position in future.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oliinyk T. V.
Identification of Objects of Strategic Changes in the Processes of Managing Company Adaptability (p. 279 - 283)

One of the most important goals of an effective company is ensuring its adaptability under conditions of the changing external and internal environment. Solution of this problem is possible under condition of formation of an efficient system of strategic management and identification of objects of strategic changes. The article analyses objects of strategic changes of a company. It justifies urgency of identification of objects of strategic changes, instrumentation of managing strategic changes and indicators for their assessment. It studies identification of objects of strategic changes in the processes of managing adaptability of a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yefremova L. V., Aleynikova N. N.
Specific Features of the use of Methodical Approaches of Assessment When Determining Market Cost of a Company (p. 284 - 288)

The article considers essence and necessity of determining the market cost of a company under modern market conditions. It clarifies the company notion and marks out important role of entrepreneurship as the leading sector of market economy. It considers three main methodical approaches to determining the market cost of a company, clarifies their content and essence and marks out main methods of assessment. It studies specific features of each of methodical approaches, advantages and shortcomings of their application in practice when assessing a company. It identifies the most common goals for conducting company assessment. It justifies a possibility of use of relevant methodical approaches for assessing the market cost of a company. It pays attention to the notion of the cost of a company as a complex characteristic of its stable economic development. It justifies a requirement in a complex approach to assessment of the cost of a company on the basis of a combination of several methodical approaches.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kaminska T. H.
Intellectual Capital as a Component of the Capital Circulation in Accounting (p. 289 - 295)

The article studies intellectual capital as an object of accounting. It considers the place of intellectual capital in the general capital circulation. It provides a critical overview of opinions of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of economy and accounting on intellectual capital, issues of assessment of its significance in an organisation and reflection in accounting. It marks out different elements of intellectual capital and identifies possibilities of their reflection in accounting. It notes the growth of its importance when assessing companies in general in the context of development of globalisation processes. It also considers reports on intellectual capital published by major European and American companies and provides their characteristics. It conducts analysis of accumulation, development and use of intellectual capital in Ukraine. It makes a conclusion about the insufficient level of its accumulation and use by Ukrainian companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Partyn H. O., Farion S. Y.
Economic Essence of Property Potential of a Company (p. 296 - 301)

The article analyses economic content and marks out specific features of the “property potential of a company” notion. It studies the “company potential” notion and marks out main approaches to its interpretation. It considers views of scientists with respect to the essence of the “company property” notion. It analyses component elements of the company property, specified in accordance with the current legislation. It differentiates types of property by component elements of the law: property owned by a company and property used by a company. It offers an order of identification of property used by a company. It identifies internal and external, with respect to a company, factors that influence property potential. It studies the economic essence of the property potential of a company and offers definitions of this notion.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kravchenko V. N., Shurma R. I.
Tasks of Managing Resource Flows in a Company (p. 302 - 307)

Uncertainty of organisation of resource flows complicates the tasks of planning the production output in a company, which could result in problem situations with considerable expenditures for their overcoming, since such situations, first of all, cause temporal shifts in the process of production of finished products and, consequently, in execution of customer orders. In order to reduce expenditures on the main activity of a company and minimise losses from violations in provision of technological processes with material resources, the article studies the models of determination of an optimal volume of orders on supply of resources, tasks of volume and calendar planning and connections between these models and tasks. Moreover, provision of these connections is subject to the general managerial task on synchronisation of the spheres of provision, production and sales for reliable and economic execution of orders from customers. In order to achieve high effectiveness of multi-stage processes of production and sales of products, the article also solves the tasks of managing non-stock resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudneva Y. Y.
Development of Instruments of Ecological and Economic Management of Industrial Production (p. 308 - 312)

The article proves a necessity of significant changes in the system of ecological and economic management of a company, which would have been accompanied with a stronger attention to ecological aspects and development of the existing methodical instrumentation. It analyses obstacles that limit possibilities of the existing methods of ecological and economic analysis and assessment and that require their permanent perfection. It justifies importance of the process approach for revealing negative ecological aspects of industrial production. It establishes that results of assessment of ecological aspects of company activity could be a basis for rating production processes. It develops recommendations on improvement of instruments of the system of ecological and economic management of a company. It offers an approach to formation of assessment indicators of technological processes of an engineering company and rating assessment of processes with the use of clusterisation procedures, which allows complex assessment of technological processes by the degree of their negative impact on environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Grosul V. A.
Resources of an Enterprise: Theoretical Comprehension of the Essence (p. 236 - 242)

The article analyses the systems of categories and notions connected with understanding of the economic nature of resources of an enterprise. It proves that the modern concept of economic resources is the result of the lasting development of the scientific thought; it traces evolution of scientific knowledge about economic resources. It systemises scientific views with respect to the modern interpretation of the “resources” category in economic literature; reveals the problems connected with lack of co-ordination of the terminological set and identification of essence of the “resources”, “economic resources” and “factors of production” notions. On the basis of generalisation and systematisation of various points of view of scientists on the essence of the “resources of an enterprise”, “economic resources” and “factors of production” categories the article marks out their most significant features, identifies the areas of their application and organises the notional and categorical mechanism on the basis of differentiation of the studied notions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gnip N. A.
Study of the Results of Activity in the System of Planning of Financial Potential of Enterprises (p. 242 - 246)

The article analyses financial indicators of activity of enterprises of the Kharkiv Oblast in 2001 – 2011, which confirms the crisis state of the domestic real sector of economy. It studies impact of the results of an enterprise activity on the structure of its financial potential in the system of planning financial activity of economic subjects. It proves that the management functions are planning, organisation, motivation and control. It reveals that financial planning is planning of all financial resources and income and directions of their spendings, which constitute the basis of the financial potential for ensuring development of an enterprise. Financial planning, as one of the functions of management, allows envisaging all necessary actions and maximum of surprises that may arise in the process of activity and also offering ways of minimisation of negative consequences of “dissipation” of the financial potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yegorkina T. A.
Methods of Planning Expenditures of the Main Type of Activity of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 247 - 252)

As of today, the majority of industrial enterprises does not consider planning as a tool of optimisation of expenditures of the main type of activity, and this is very wrong. Since namely planning gives enterprise’s management a possibility to deal with the search for the most effective directions of activity, selection of more stable customers and suppliers and search for directions of minimisation of expenditures of the main type of activity, since further functioning and development of enterprises depend on this basic criteria. The article develops methods of planning expenditures of the main type of activity, which includes: building up general indicators of risks in short-term and long-term activity, which allows identification of basic risks of short-term and long-term activity and calculation of their specific weight in general risks of an enterprise; identification of risk values by means of a combination of verbal risk values and its quantitative characteristics, gives a possibility to justify general risks in short-term and long-term activity; combination of risks of short-term and long-term activity by means of the use of a matrix approach, which allows building up a management matrix with consideration of risk from the point of view of operative, tactical and strategic planning. Thus, the built matrix allows identification of the method of planning at enterprises under conditions of a combination of risks of short-term and long-term activity for effective planning of an enterprise expenditures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vashchilin S. V.
Increase of Authenticity of Assessment of Expenditures (p. 252 - 256)

The article studies the issue of increase of authenticity of assessment of expenditures. It proves that both market and non-market factors influence it. Market factors mainly regulate the composition and level of individual expenditure elements. They are: regulatory and legal, competitive and infrastructure. Non-market factors establish the order of formation of cost of an individual expenditure object. They are: object of assessment, accounting methods, methods of writing-off reserves on their retirement, methods of charging depreciation, forms and systems of payment for labour, base of distribution of indirect expenditures, methods of assessment of accompanying products, methods of distribution of expenditures between individual products in complex productions, sequence of formation of cost of individual objects of expenditures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Volikov V. V.
Principles of Assessment of Intellectual Potential of an Enterprise (p. 243 - 248)

The article identifies the role of intellectual potential of an enterprise as a moving force of innovation activity of an economic subject. It underlines that approaches to assessment of intellectual potential of an enterprise should be based on evolution of conceptions on enterprise potential and system of principles. Using the existing approaches to assessment of intellectual potential, that exist if the scientific economic literature, from the point of view of their correspondence with the essence of economic category of intellectual potential of an enterprise, the article forms three groups of principles and lists the main ones in each group. The article reveals the logic of assessment of intellectual potential specifying the cause-effect relations between the structural elements.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Golofaieva I. P.
Financial Flows in the Logistic Activity of an Enterprise (p. 248 - 252)

Financial flow could be considered as the most important factor that performs a number of indispensable functions on provision, co-ordination and accounting of movement of resources in the logistical process. Moreover, financial parameters allow determination of economic viability of an enterprise, its stability in the market and also strength of the consumer and supplier interaction. That is why importance of managing financial flows in the logistic system cannot be overestimated. Optimisation of movement of financial flows in logistics is provision of movement of material flows with financial resources in required volumes and terms with the use of the most effective sources of financing. This could be achieved by two main ways: timely receipt of funds by an enterprise in the volume required for its further activity and ensuring effective spending of funds that brings profit and is co-ordinated with the enterprise mission.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Litvinova V. O.
Increase of Product Competitiveness: Problems of Definition of Effectiveness (p. 252 - 256)

The article conducts a critical analysis of existing approaches to assessment of effectiveness of increase of product competitiveness as an economic process, on the basis of which an insufficient developmental work in this direction of development of the theory of product competitiveness is revealed. It justifies a necessity of a more thorough development of issues connected with definition of effectiveness of increase of product competitiveness. It offers to use the method of comparative effectiveness, based on definition of the criteria indicator developed by the author, for defining effectiveness of the process of increase of product competitiveness.

Article is written in Russian

Kot O. V., Pavlyuk O. O.
Definition of the Essence of the «Enterprise Development» Notion (p. 256 - 261)

The article considers the issue of development of an enterprise, which is one of the most urgent today for Ukraine. In order to ensure a continuous process of economic development, each enterprise strives for the rational use of resources, improvement of the quality of products, satisfaction of social requirements of their employees and population of the region where it functions and has a final goal – profit increase. The article studies scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, in which they consider the problem of enterprise development. It provides main directions and derives main variants of enterprise development under modern conditions. It considers development as a process, which is influenced by factors of external and internal environment. It characterises and graphically presents stages of the enterprise life cycle, each of which makes its impact of enterprise development. It analyses possibilities of development of an enterprise under crisis. It defines the essence of the “enterprise development” notion and proves importance and urgency of a detailed study of this issue with the aim to ensure a certain level of enterprise competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karapeychyk I. M.
Specific Features of Influence of Parameters of the State of an Enterprise upon its Economic Potential in the Zone of Unprofitability (p. 261 - 269)

Presentation of enterprise potentials in the form of potential functions that express dependence of the size of potentials on parameters of the state of an enterprise and external environment of its functioning requires development of a qualitatively new methodologies and methodical approaches to the measured potentials. The article considers methodical aspects of building and analysis of potential functions and also results of approbation of the proposed approach using the example of the study of dependence of economic potential of a model industrial enterprise on the state of the enterprise under conditions of profitable functioning in the zone of unprofitability. It shows that the task of measurement of economic potential is, actually, equal to the task of parametric programming of a certain structure, and an effective instrument of analysis of relevant potential functions could be a method of statistical tests of the mathematical model of an enterprise of the optimised type, the level of potential and balanced behaviour of which are functions of parameters of the state of the enterprise and external environment. Using the offered method the article conducts, for specific numeric models of the enterprise, a partial tabulation of the potential function that corresponds with the economic potential of the enterprise, which functions under favourable conditions and under conditions of unprofitability. Using the methods of correlation and regression analysis the article reveals at the quantitative level a significantly different character of influence of parameters of the state of the enterprise upon the value of economic potential of regularity in the zones of profitability and unprofitability and also identifies critical factors of the state of the enterprise, impact on which could facilitate increase of the enterprise potential.

Article is written in Russian


Kovbatiuk M. V., Strilok I. I.
Justification of the Scorecard of Rating Assessment of Water Transport Companies (p. 228 - 237)

The article considers the problem of formation of the scorecard of the rating assessment, which would take into consideration financial, production and consumption indicators of water transport companies, conditions of functioning of which are rather specific. Taking into account specific features of activity of such enterprises, the article offers to conduct rating assessment separately by main segments of the industry (shipping companies, commercial ports and shipyards). The article groups categories, which have to be followed when selecting water transport companies. These are: financial and economic state of a company (assessment of liquidity indicators, business activity and profitability of economic activity), production potential of a company (assessment of scales of activity of companies and their production capacities) and orientation of a company at the client (security and reputation). The article characterises all offered indicators, provides their calculation formulae, normative values and a method of assessment of consumption indicators when performing rating assessment of water transport companies. The offered approach of conducting rating assessment by a formed scorecard can facilitate optimal selection of water transportation services among competing companies by the customer and stimulate the companies to provide quality services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koiuda V. O., Kostina O. M.
Methodical Approach to Assessment of Anti-Crisis Stability of an Enterprise (p. 237 - 242)

The article generalises approaches of specialists and scientists on assessment of the economic stability and justifies the methodical approach of assessment of the anti-crisis stability of an enterprise by components – production-technical and financial-economic. On the basis of requirements of the system of assessment, groups of indicators, tools and environmental influence, the article offers: 1) an algorithm of formation of a scorecard; 2) consecution of calculation of integral indicators by components; 3) calculation of a generalised indicator by quantitative and qualitative assessment of the anti-crisis stability of an enterprise. These indicators could be used for distribution of enterprises by zones of anti-crisis stability as a basis for development of a complex of preventive and operative measures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Strokovych G. V.
Approach to Treatment of Enterprise Development from the Quality Positions (p. 242 - 246)

The most important for domestic companies under conditions of integration of Ukraine into the world economic environment is improvement of their development. But this is impossible without high quality functioning of an enterprise. That is why, it is topical to solve the issue of improvement of approaches to treatment of enterprise development under modern economic conditions. The goal of the article is to conduct a semantic analysis of the “development” term, to identify specific features of development of modern enterprises and interconnections of development and quality. The article conducts an analytical review of the “development” term and identifies specific features of development of modern enterprises: high level of competition, integration into the world community, formation of information economy, growth of requirements to the quality of enterprise functioning, selection of suppliers and potential consumers and availability of interaction of development and quality. The author makes the following conclusions: development is a dynamic category and the result of certain changes both at an enterprise and in external environment; functioning of any subject of economic activity is focused at development; development is carried out in progressive and regressive directions; the basis of the progressive development of an enterprise is growth of quality of its functioning, quality of selection of suppliers and potential consumers; progressive development is a basis of growth of competitiveness of an enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Grynko T. V.
Managing Changes at an Enterprise is a Necessary Condition of Ensuring its Development (p. 247 - 252)

The goal of the article lies in the study of problems of introduction and management of changes at an enterprise depending on a model and development of recommendations on formation of the strategy of development of an enterprise. The article describes and systemises approaches to definition of the “changes” notion at an enterprise. In the result of the study the article specifies the “development strategy” notion, justifies interconnection between the models of an enterprise and expediency of introduction of different types of development strategies. The article identifies main problems of modern enterprises when managing changes and establishes that change management at enterprises includes several elements: aggregate of methods, instruments and processes for change management; competence of managers of all levels; strategic potential of an enterprise – however, the most important is formation of change strategy. The prospect of further studies in this direction is analysis of managerial instruments, which have to be used within the process of change management and adaptation of enterprises to complex modern economic conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherep A. V., Shytikova L. V.
Methodical Approaches to the Use of Labour Resources in Accordance with Potential Possibilities of an Enterprise (p. 253 - 257)

The article considers a necessity of efficient use of labour resources under modern economic conditions and constant development of the management system in accordance with the enterprise’s tasks. The goal of the article lies in the study of the connection of potential resource possibilities of an enterprise and the labour policy. The article offers methods of assessment of efficiency of use of labour resources in accordance with potential possibilities of agro-industrial enterprises. The article uses the offered approach to develop a matrix model (behavioural grid) “potential possibilities – use of labour resources” for selection of the strategy of provision and efficient management of labour resources. The further work in this direction should identify the quality level, select the most significant components of this problem, co-ordinate interests of various groups working at an enterprise and improve methodical grounds of assessment of influence of the results of improvement of the mechanism of management of labour resources upon efficiency of activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shpak N. O., Kyrylych T. Y.
Formation of the Sales Strategy of Small Industrial Enterprises (p. 258 - 266)

The article forms characteristic definitions of marketing sales channels, analyses advantages and shortcomings of such channels of distribution of products for small production enterprises, marks out a position of the wholesale market as a direct and indirect sales channel, and marks advantages and shortcomings of its use. It forms analytical representation of marketing costs for calculation of the forecasted profit as one of the important quantitative criteria for selection of the sales channel and improves methodical provisions on its calculation with consideration of production, marketing and logistics costs. It offers a scheme of making a managerial decision on selection of the best marketing strategy on the basis of diversification of marketing channels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hryschenko T. V., Reshetova G. V.
Theoretical and Methodical Aspects of Assessment of the Enterprise Value (p. 266 - 271)

The article characterises the “market capitalisation”, “market value” and “fair value” (of an enterprise) notions and determines relations between them. It offers to use the indicator of fair value when assessing effectiveness of enterprise activity and when determining potential of future growth. It determines key methods of assessment of a fair enterprise value using the income approach, which is based on discounting future revenues of an enterprise. It characterises specific features of the use of the expenditure approach methods, which are based on determining net assets of the enterprise – object of assessment. It provides methods of assessment on the basis of a comparative analysis of the fair value of shares and value of a similar enterprise, which belong to the market approach. It shows advantages and shortcomings of methods of each approach to assessment of the enterprise value. It identifies that the most effective method of assessment of the enterprise value is the model of discounted cash flows, which has modifications depending on the goals of assessment. It proves the model of discounted cash flows objectively reflects enterprise’s drive for stable growth and generation of the forecasted profit.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moiseienko T. Y.
Introduction of International Quality Standards into the Practice of Domestic High-tech Enterprises (p. 272 - 276)

The goal of the article is to reflect urgency of issues of introduction of the principles of international quality standards into the practice of domestic high-tech enterprises, namely: telecommunication enterprises. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of many scientists, statistical information and materials of enterprises, the article considers evolution of quality standards, their actuality and also the level of loyalty of domestic telecommunication companies towards the quality management system. In the result of the study the article identifies problems of adaptation of international principles of management on the basis of ISO 9000 standards into the practice of domestic high-tech companies. Prospects of studies in this direction are based on the study of specific features of perception of international practice of managing enterprises and personnel, development of methods of introduction of management systems and combination of the process and functional approaches to management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Buratchuk N. Y.
Place of Reserves Controlling in Financial and Logistic Management (p. 277 - 285)

The article considers and systemises approaches to interpretation of the essence of the process of reserves management. It characterises specific features of financial management of reserves compared to management and logistic management and makes a conclusion on the conceptual universality of the “financial controlling of reserves” notion. The author develops scientific and methodical foundations of the controlling of reserves as a special system of measures, methods and instruments, which is directed at functional support of enterprise management for increase of effectiveness of financial management of reserves through co-ordination of planning, accounting, control, internal consulting and information support functions. Prospects of further studies lie in the study of methodical instruments of controlling of reserves and their specific features in various fields of economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Venglyuk I. V.
Building the Structure of the Mechanism of Socio-economic Security of an Enterprise (p. 285 - 290)

The article describes a comparatively new vision of the structure of the socio-economic security of an enterprise. It considers a complex approach to formation of the structure of the mechanism of socio-economic security of an enterprise. In the result of the study the article offers an improved structure of the mechanism of socio-economic security of an enterprise from the point of view of the system approach that allows increase of the level of socio-economic security of an enterprise not only due to individual functional sub-systems, but also due to a complex approach to security problems at an enterprise, not ignoring individual components of the security mechanism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yermachenko Y. V.
Development of Methodical Approaches to Assessment of Risks of the Subjects of Foreign Economic Activity when the Execute Export Contracts (p. 291 - 295)

The article analyses and specifies the “risk” notion with respect to execution of an export operation by subjects of foreign economic activity. It provides a scheme of execution of an export contract and marks out possible threats and risk zones that might exist during its execution. It diversifies basic risk indicators and justifies approaches to calculation of a probability of appearance of these risks.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Otenko I. P., Iartym I. A.
Identification of the «Economic Security of the Enterprise Strategic Changes» Notion (p. 255 - 261)

An important requirement of ensuring economic security of activity of industrial enterprises is a justified selection of methods of its assessment and criteria of assessment of its level. The proposed methodical approach allows assessment of the level of economic security of enterprise development with the help of criteria of significance of factors and types of their changes. The formed scorecard takes into account specific features of activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine and is built on the basis of data of financial and statistical reports, which allows avoidance of lack of co-ordination and inauthenticity of analytical data. The developed algorithm of assessment of the level of economic security of enterprise development allows unification and regulation of analytical activity of employees with the aim to conduct monitoring, assessment and making managerial decisions for ensuring a proper level of economic security of an enterprise. Results of assessment of economic security of an enterprise are a certain analytical information for justifying strategic plans of enterprise development and control over their realisation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Antonets O. O.
Methodical Approach to Managing Resources at an Industrial Enterprise (p. 262 - 265)

The goal of the article lies in identification of optimal ways of managing material resources of an industrial enterprise on the basis of economic and mathematical modelling. In the process of analysis and systematisation of works of foreign and domestic scientists the article makes a conclusion about the insufficient degree of development of such complex solutions on formation of logistic systems of resource management, which would be simple and adaptive. The article provides results of the study of specific features of resource management at enterprises, among which – surplus (deficit) of resources and availability of non-liquid reserves. In order to eliminate shortcomings the article offers a situational order of management with consideration of a possible state of reserves. The article improves the model of selection of the volume of supply of material resources and identifies optimal solutions with consideration of interval uncertainty. The further direction of the study lies in integration of the proposed approach to resource management with the system of financial planning at an industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vashchenko N. V.
Essence of the «Enterprise Management through Personnel Management» Paradigm (p. 266 - 273)

The article proves a necessity of consideration of personnel as a driving force of enterprise development. It studies and generalises the existing approaches of scientists to understanding the “enterprise management” and “personnel management” processes. It marks out problem and positive points of view of scientists with respect to identification of the role of personnel in the process of enterprise management and ensuring its development. It reveals the essence of the “management” and “enterprise management” categories and, on this basis, specifies the essence of the enterprise management process. It reveals the essence of the personnel management process and, generalising positive scientific approaches, justifies the “enterprise management through personnel management” paradigm. It proves the necessity of building the process of managing enterprises of any branch of economy on the basis of this paradigm and, in particular, trade enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ovcharenko I. I.
Behavioural Stereotype as a Backbone Factor in Economic Security of an Enterprise (p. 273 - 278)

The article sets a problem of building a system of economic security of an enterprise with consideration of impossibility and inexpediency of such building on the hypothetical and logical mathematical basis. The task of ensuring functioning efficiency of such a system should be placed on the social element in the system – a human being, his or her consciousness, ability to solve problems intuitively, understanding and ensuring adaptability of the system to changes. A formal characteristic of the social element in the system is a behavioural stereotype and social role. Theoretical basis of building the system of economic security of an enterprise with a behavioural stereotype as a backbone factor is the theory of functional systems, which gives a possibility to consider understanding of behavioural acts in the functional system and behavioural stereotypes in the socio-economic system to be connected to such an extent that these two notions could be used for creation of the system of economic security of an enterprise. The article develops the author’s own model of the system of economic security of an enterprise in which the factor that stimulates the system elements to reflective and supraliminal expedient behaviour is a dominating motivation and starting afference of people, being part of these elements, which is fixed in certain behavioural stereotypes. Activity of each of the system elements depends on certain behavioural stereotypes on the basis of which the mechanisms of functioning of one or another element are based.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omelianenko T. V.
Problems and Urgent Tasks of Development of the Theory of the Production Strategy of an Enterprise (p. 279 - 286)

The article is devoted to identification of problem aspects and setting urgent tasks of development of the theory of production strategy of an enterprise. It shows that formation of the foundations of the theory of productiuon strategy started in the end of 60s and beginning of 70s of the twentieth century due to efforts of a number of researchers from western industrially developed countries. It establishes that today the theory of production strategy of an enterprise has a number of paradigmal provisions, generalisation of which shows that the production strategy is a component of the general strategy of an organisation, its goal is to provide the enterprise with strategically important competitive advantages, it refers to the category of functional strategies and is specified in the set of production and strategic decisions that cover the technological, resource, organisational and other aspects of the production activity of the enterprise, the subordinate character is inherent in it since it is developed for support of the general corporate and business strategy of the enterprise. Understanding the idea of the modern production and strategic paradigm made it possible to identify problem planes and set urgent tasks of further development of the theory of production strategy of an enterprise. These tasks are: development of methodological grounds of the study of production strategies of enterprises, systematisation of factors and specification of principles of formation of the production strategy, typologisation of traditional production strategies and specification of characteristic features of the newest, just forming and establishing in realities of the post-industrial environment, strategies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fartushnyak O. V., Pasichnyk I. Y.
Problems of Assessment of Influence of the Market Situation upon Competitive Position of an Enterprise in the Process of Managing its Products Competitiveness (p. 287 - 291)

The article justifies a possibility of use of natural-science approaches when assessing the market situation in the process of forecasting competitive position of an enterprise. In order to develop further the methods of forecasting competitive position of the producer, the article offers to use approaches of the turbulent theory of motion of continuum, in particular, the Kolmogorov law of dissipation of energy of continuum when forecasting market situation values. The practical benefit of the proposed methodical approach to forecasting lies in the fact that it gives a possibility of proposing scientifically justified solutions with respect to selection of different strategies to enterprise management. Its main purpose is to clarify the way of development of a decision on the basis of revealed basic competitive positions of an enterprise, basic tendencies, main critical zones, risks of uneven changes, most difficult problems and identification of the forecast position of an enterprise with consideration of the market situation forecast.

Article is written in Russian

Didukh V. V.
Methodical Approaches to Procedures of Re-engineering at an Enterprise through the Prism of Development Cyclicity (p. 292 - 297)

The article considers essential characteristics of re-engineering of business processes and identifies prerequisites of its appearance. It studies development of theoretical grounds of formation of the concept and conduct of re-engineering of business processes of an industrial enterprise in the environment of influence of external and internal factors and justifies urgency of this issue. It reveals specific features of formation of theoretical and methodical approaches to re-engineering on the basis of monitoring of its classification features and with consideration of stages of the enterprise life cycle in specific production systems. It conducts projection of re-engineering of business processes on the stage-by-stage approach to the enterprise life cycle with consideration of factors of internal and external environment. It improves classification of re-engineering of business processes of an enterprise. It develops a technological model of re-engineering, which is a set of measures directed at achievement of results of the enterprise activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zinkevych O. V.
Identification of Essential Characteristics of Fixed Assets: Theoretical and Methodical Aspects (p. 298 - 302)

The goal of the article lies in the study of the economic essence of fixed assets. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of a number of scientists, the article considers theoretical and methodical approaches with respect to the general economic and applied interpretation of the economic essence of fixed assets. In the result of the conducted study the article marks out expediency of consideration of the essence of fixed assets using the system approach, which allows taking into consideration possible cause-effect and functional relations and dependencies, economic relations and phenomena connected with their composition, motion and use; it marks out the most significant sides and characteristic features of fixed assets as objects of business accounting and economic analysis. The prospect of further studies in this direction is improvement of grouping of classification properties of fixed assets for business accounting and economic analysis with consideration of their specified essential characteristics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Odintsova N. G.
Theoretical Grounds of Enterprise Restructuring (p. 302 - 307)

One of the most popular means of financial recovery of enterprises in the world and domestic theory and practice is re-structuring. The article considers the essence of enterprise re-structuring, conducts analysis of existing approaches to understanding the re-organisation, re-formation, re-structuring and re-engineering notions and makes conclusions with respect to the nature of their interconnection. It analyses interpretation of the re-structuring category, approaches of scientists to revelation of the essence of the enterprise re-structuring notion. To achieve the goal the article conducts assessment of the existing approaches to interpretation of the content of the enterprise re-structuring process. It also conducts further analysis of interconnection of the re-formation, re-structuring, re-organisation and re-engineering notions with consideration of scientific interpretations, which would allow identification of the roles of each of the notions for identifying their influence and interconnection in correlation with the direction of economic activity of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rubakha M. V.
Analysis of Risks and Factors of Formation of the Structure of Financial Capital of Subject of Entrepreneurship (p. 308 - 313)

The article is devoted to analysis of the structure of sources of financing economic subjects, study of commercial and financial risks of formation of the structure of financial capital of subjects of entrepreneurship. The article pays significant attention to calculation of the weighted average cost of capital, degrees of financial and operational leverages and also to assessment of their mutual influence upon results of financial and economic activity of an enterprise. It studies impact of factors of external environment on the structure of sources of financing subjects of entrepreneurship, these factors include specific features of operational activity, quality and liquidity of assets, concentration of own capital, stages of the life cycle, level of profitability of operational activity, credit history of a borrower and a necessity to ensure the prospective repayment capacity, and financial mentality of owners and managers of an enterprise. The article also analyses factors of external environment of an enterprise (cost of attraction of financing from different sources, commodity and financial markets situations, state regulation and control over business processes, level of taxation of profit of enterprises and also income of physical persons and legal entities – investors from owning securities) that influence the possibilities to attract financial capital and, consequently, prospects of efficient functioning of a subject of entrepreneurship in a long-term prospect.

Article is written in Russian

Shevchuk L. M.
Methods of Assessment of Variants of Technical and Technological Renovation under Modern Conditions (p. 313 - 318)

The article marks out stages of planning of the moment of renovation, considers an algorithm of selection of the best variant of renovation out of alternative variants with consideration of such aspects as the degree of risk of each investment project, financial capabilities and economic efficiency of renovation. The article studies the scheme of analysis of alternative variants of technical and technological renovation, which includes preliminary, financial and economic, technical and other types of analysis. The article forms an economic model of assessment of introduction of a new technology at an enterprise moving by the technological scheme of development and realisation of novelty; it calculates expenses (engineering and design, material, technical and personnel training costs) and identifies economic possibilities of an enterprise on the conduct of renovation. In the result it allocates the indicator of realisation of a new technology in general by an aggregate group of factors. Due to absence of indicators of assessment of efficiency of renovation adapted to market conditions, the article offers to calculate the indicator of assessment of efficiency of investing into renovation, showing what portion of the investment is returned in the form of profit during one period of planning.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gryneva V. N., Hrebnyeva Y. I.
Study of Essence of Managing Changes in Ensuring Cyclic Development of Enterprises (p. 249 - 254)

The article conducts the study of essence of the change notion at stages of the life cycle of an enterprise. It justifies a necessity of study of cyclic development of enterprises within the concept of managing changes. It shows interconnection of such notions as functioning, development, flexibility and adaptability of an enterprise. It generalises and shows the essence of scientific studies of cyclic development of an enterprise. In the result of the study it reveals that evolution of concepts of managing changes and life cycle have a complex and ambiguous history. Each stage is connected with certain political, social and economic factors, which should be considered not only in the context of the international market, but, first of all, within experience of the national economy. This has to do with relatively small independent experience of the Ukrainian economy, which makes it difficult to make decisions on the basis of the organisational memory of an enterprise. The said factors make for a deeper study of theoretical and practical approaches to the study of changes at the stages of enterprise development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yukhymenko V. V.
Process Approach to Formation of the Strategy of Innovation Development of Enterprises (p. 254 - 258)

The article considers the process of formation of the strategy of innovation development on the basis of the process approach. The author studies and identifies the most significant cause-effect interrelations between the factors that influence efficiency of the process of formation of the strategy of innovation development of enterprises and their consequences. The article offers a process approach to building the K. Ishikawa diagram based on empirical assessment of management of business processes at railway engineering enterprises. The author’s approach would help solving multiple problems of railway engineering and also could be used in other sectors of economy.

Article is written in Russian

Ilchuk P. H.
Basic Stages of Internationalisation and Indicators That Characterise Them Pursuant to Innovation Theories of Internationalisation of Enterprises (p. 259 - 264)

The goal of the article lies in the study of innovation theories of internationalisation and prospects of their use when forming marketing strategies of internationalisation of enterprises. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of many domestic and foreign scientists, the article studies stages of internationalisation of enterprises in accordance with various innovation theories of internationalisation, on the basis of which it offers to allocate three stages of internationalisation of activity of enterprises: domestic stage, stage of low and stage of high level of internationalisation. The article systemises advantages and shortcomings of innovation theories of internationalisation. It offers a list of indicators that characterise main stages of internationalisation of activity of enterprises. It justifies that formation of marketing strategies of internationalisation should be carried out with consideration of results of the conducted study of innovation theories of internationalisation. The prospect of further studies is building models of activity of enterprises in foreign markets, since internationalisation of activity of enterprises is a topical method of improvement and increase of efficiency of their activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolodizieva T. O., Panasyants H. S.
Planning Approach to Organisational and Methodical Provision of Formation and Functioning of Logistic Systems of Enterprises (p. 265 - 268)

The article analyses factors of external and internal environment of enterprises that influence the process of formation of logistic systems and justifies expediency of use of the planning approach to development of the organisational and methodical provision of functioning of logistic systems of enterprises. The article offers to conduct development of organisational and methodical provision of formation of functioning of logistic systems with the use of not one but several methodological approaches: situational, process, functional and planning. The conducted analysis allowed composing a basic project, which could be laid in the foundation of formation of a logistic system by any enterprise for meeting requirements of the planning triangle: content / borders, time, cost, taking into consideration the forth limitation – quality.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Braginets A. N.
Feedback System at an Enterprise: Processes and their Criticality (p. 198 - 203)

The goal of the article lies in division of the enterprise feedback process into component processes, specifying criticality of each of them. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of many scientists, the article considers evolution of component elements and feedback processes. Scientifically speaking the feedback system is dependence of input on output results. The study proves that this dependence is based on four main feedback processes: measuring primary and secondary properties, topology measuring (comparison with the standard), search for problem solution and change of input parameters. The most critical, for the efficient feedback system and enterprise functioning, processes are: property measurement (primary and secondary) and topology measurement (comparison with the standard). These processes are associated with special management methods: monitoring and controlling. The prospect of further study in this direction is identification of monitoring and controlling functions within the frameworks of feedback processes.

Article is written in Russian

Zhezhukha V. Y.
Methodological Grounds of Formation of the Scorecard of Diagnostics of the Innovation Component of Technological Processes of Industrial Enterprises (p. 204 - 208)

The goal of the article is development of scientific provisions with respect of methodological specific features of formation of the scorecard of diagnostics of the innovation component of technological processes of industrial enterprises. The article proves fragmentariness of views of theoreticians and practitioners on this problem. It justifies a necessity of formation of these indicators from the point of view of a system approach, consequently, accounting of all interconnections and interdependencies between them, and also coverage of main factors that identify the diagnosed innovation component. Pursuant to result of the study the article specifies system properties of the scorecard of diagnostics of the innovation component of technological processes of industrial enterprises. It reveals a possibility of application of two alternative approaches to formation of this scorecard, and also establishes their advantages and shortcomings. It gives a number of requirements, which have to be met when selecting, developing and forming the scorecard of diagnostics of the innovation component of technological processes of industrial enterprises. It reflects key issues that should form the basis of the methodological approach to formation of this system. It shows typology of indicators of diagnostics of the innovation component of technological processes of industrial enterprises, which gives subjects of diagnostics a possibility to select relevant indicators depending on the set criteria and restrictions. Prospects of further studies in this direction should lie in development of the system of a specific scorecard of diagnostics of each innovation component of technological processes of industrial enterprises with consideration of methodological specific features of its formation described in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Alyoshyn S. Y.
Managing Enterprise Innovation Development on the Basis of Controlling: Theoretical Aspect (p. 208 - 216)

The article reveals theoretical aspects of management of enterprise innovation development on the basis of controlling as an integrated system of information and analytical support of decision making processes. Such an approach supplements and establishes logical connections between basic categories and special notions, which allows clarification of the essence of the “management of enterprise innovation development on the basis of controlling” notion. The article draws a conclusion that controlling is an information and functional system, oriented at solution of enterprise innovation development tasks through application of modern management concepts, in particular, system of planning, analysis, accounting and control for achieving the synergy effect from their purposeful functioning and making efficient strategic and operative decisions with the aim of ensuring realisation of the set goals.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bilenska Y. R.
Use of a Balances Scorecard for Assessing Potential of Innovation Development of a Production Economic Association (p. 216 - 221)

The article develops methodical approaches to improvement of the mechanism of assessing potential of innovation development of production economic associations. In the result of the study the article justifies expediency of use of the balanced scorecard for assessing potential of innovation development of both production economic association in general and its separate units. The proposed scorecard allows assessment of innovation possibilities of production economic associations through the prism of their complex activity, in particular, assessment of the potential of innovation development in the context of allocated components: scientific and intellectual, financial, production and marketing. Within the framework of the study the article marks out those indicators that more fully characterise each of the specified components of the potential of innovation development of a production economic association. Prospects of further studies in this direction are identification of interconnection between the components of the potential of innovation development of a production economic association and selection of its innovation strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klymchuk A. O.
Modern Paradigm of Ensuring Competitive Advantages of an Enterprise (p. 221 - 225)

The article considers evolution of development of the paradigm of ensuring competitive advantages of an enterprise. Foreign and domestic scientists focus on individual directions of development of competitive advantages and pay insufficient attention to new management concepts – development of the information society, knowledge economy and dynamism of integration processes. The goal of the study is formation of the modern paradigm of ensuring competitive advantages of an enterprise with consideration of tendencies of development of the knowledge economy, information society and integration processes. Enterprise competitiveness is a synergetic characteristic, which reflects enterprise capability of dynamic response to changes of the market situation with the aim of keeping predominance over other economic subjects. Management of the future, on the basis of the management 2.0 concept, should take into account interests not only of top management and shareholders but also employees, local communities and territories and meet requirements of the society in general, individual groups of consumers and tendencies of development of managerial and information technologies. The paradigm of the modern theory of ensuring competitive advantages should include models of keeping competitive advantages in the existing markets and models of development of future markets; strategy of development of enterprise competitiveness, human capital development and efficient enterprise management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Puyda H. V.
Depreciation Policy as a Key Element of Enterprise Technical Resources Management (p. 226 - 231)

Depreciation policy and depreciation in particular play a number of functions at an enterprise. The modern stage of scientific studies describes the essence and breadth of the “depreciation” notion for an enterprise rather deeply. The article considers depreciation as a tool of managing technical resources at an enterprise. It conducts a critical review of modern approaches to determination of depreciation and identifies its functions. The author carries out a deep analysis of modern views on the existing concepts of depreciation essence and its place in managing enterprise assets. The article reveals the essence of the “depreciation policy” notion. It provides examples of influence of different types of the depreciation policy upon the state and rate of renovation of technical resources at an enterprise. In the result the author offers types of the depreciation policy of an enterprise depending on the desired rate of renovation of the technical base and desired volume of the capital released into circulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Turylo A. M., Bohachevska K. V.
Enterprise Potential: Essence, Classification and Types (p. 259 - 263)

The article considers existing approaches to classification of the enterprise potential as an economic notion. It offers own vision of classification of enterprise potential, which meets modern tendencies of enterprise development. Classification ensures a possibility of a wider description and assessment of enterprise potential and also allows identification of its most significant characteristics. Classification of the enterprise potential is developed by different criteria: by functions, by resource support, by ability to adapt, by the level of detection, by the spectrum of taking into account possibilities, by the period of coverage of possibilities and by the level of use. Analysis of components of the enterprise potential allows obtaining a complete and trustworthy assessment of the state of an enterprise. Adaptation potential of an enterprise is based on principles systemacy and dynamism, it characterises possibilities of adjustment of an enterprise to external and internal economic conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Adzhavenko M. M.
Theoretical Grounds of Identification of the Essence of the Enterprise Development Efficiency Category (p. 264 - 270)

Modern economic conditions put a new problem in front of scientists, namely: capability of an enterprise to survive in the unfavourable external environment. This problem is a system and complex one and its solution is within the plane of management of capital, personnel, development, efficiency, etc. The article marks out that efficiency is a corner stone of the modern economic science, which justifies studies of the gnoseological essence of the efficiency category. The main goal of the article lies in the study of scientific and theoretical grounds of formation of the enterprise development efficiency under modern conditions of the changing internal and external environments. The other goals of the article are identification of the essence of the development efficiency category, deepening the theoretical foundation of assessment of efficiency of enterprise development in the modern economic science. The article conducts an ontological analysis of the essence and goals of the enterprise development efficiency notion, studies evolution of scientific approaches and systemises theoretical provisions of the specified category and their assessment in the economic science. In the result of the study the article identifies a new vector of theoretical grounds and dominating logic of formation of the methodology of assessment of efficiency of enterprises under conditions of innovation development of the state, namely: it underlines principles of systemacy, complexity, self-organisation, significance of human capital as an important factor of increase of efficiency and development. Development of methodological grounds of assessment of efficiency of enterprise innovation development is a prospective direction of further studies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kaminska T. H.
Internal Control of Enterprise Capital Turnover under the Integration Processes (p. 271 - 276)

The article tries to build methods of internal control of the capital turnover, which would meet modern integration processes in Ukraine and in the world. First of all it states that internal control should ensure realisation of interests of the enterprise owner. It marks out that despite the existing methods, the enterprise control should be started not with assets, but from the sources of their formation – own capital and obligations, and only then go to the enterprise property control. The author offers relevant methods of capital turnover control, which takes into account its stages – acquisition, production and sales – and gives practical recommendations on its use at enterprises. Special attention is paid to the capital turnover control at the stage of production, which should keep track of both quantitative and qualitative parameters. Acquisition and sales control, except for internal controllers, is carried out by marketing, logistics and other services. Generalisation of results of the control should be done in forms that, on the one hand, have evidential force and, on the other, accessible for comprehension and use in the process of making managerial decisions by managers of various levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oleksandrenko I. V.
Methodical Approaches to Diagnostics of Circulating Assets of an Enterprise (p. 277 - 283)

The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and practical grounds of diagnostics of circulation assets. It identifies essence of circulating assets and their types. It shows main stages of diagnostics of circulating assets and systemises main tasks, which should be solved in the process of diagnostics. It specifies methods used in the process of diagnostics of the enterprise circulating assets. It identifies and shows the order of calculation of indicators of efficiency of use of circulating assets. Based on the proposed indicators of efficiency of use of circulating assets the article identifies methodical grounds of carrying out their factor analysis. The provided methods of conduct of a factor analysis of the circulating assets turnover ration allows finding out how growth (reduction) of components of circulating assets influenced the change of the effective indicator. Based on the results of diagnostics of circulating assets the article shows main managerial decisions that could be taken into account. The reflected theoretical and practical aspects of diagnostics are a foundation of conduct of diagnostics of property and the financial state of the enterprise in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hulay I. O.
Increase of Efficiency of Enterprise Financial Control through Application of the Integration Process (p. 283 - 288)

The article analyses the modern state of an enterprise as of a socio-economic system, which consists of interconnected elements. The article states that each of these elements could be an individual structural subdivision of an enterprise. Establishment and maintenance of close links between the elements ensures increase of controllability of an enterprise and, at the same time, increase of economic indicators of enterprise activity. The article justifies urgency of integration, which should be realised not only at the level of an enterprise, but also at the level of each structural subdivision. It specifies selection of methods and approaches to the process of integration and shows that it is different for each enterprise and depends on goals and tasks, which have to be achieved in the result of realisation of each individual project. The article offers to use the process of integration at an enterprise, the goal of which is achievement of the system effect through unification of financial, material, information and human capital of an enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moroz O. S.
Assessing the Level of Innovation Development of an Industrial Enterprise by Example of the Zavod Krasilovmash Limited Liability Company (LLC) (p. 288 - 293)

The goal of the article lies in approbation of the hierarchical model of assessment of the level of innovation development of an industrial enterprise on the basis of instruments of fuzzy logic on the basis of the engineering enterprise Zavod Krasilovmash LLC. By means of analysis of the works of domestic and foreign scientists the article considers main modern approaches to the quantitative assessment of the level of innovation development and its components. In the result of the study the article builds a hierarchical model of assessment of the level of innovation development of the Zavod Krasilovmash LLC with the use of the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox component and GUIDE environment of the Matlab 8.0 environment. The conducted study shows that the model of assessment of innovation development of an enterprise and its components could be used for further adjustment of the process of managerial decision making with respect to formation of the enterprise strategy. The prospect of further studies in this direction is development of managerial recommendations on elimination of bottlenecks of innovation development detected in the result of use of the developed model.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Radulov D. D.
Application of the Taxonomic Method for Assessing Influence of External Factors of Enterprise Competitiveness (p. 293 - 299)

The article analyses the use of the taxonomic method when assessing external factors of the meso-level enterprise competitiveness. It shows an example of calculations with obtaining a quantitative final result. Taxonomic method was used during calculation of with the use of specific evidences, the list of which was developed in the result of the conducted studies on the basis of publicly available data of the State Statistical Service of Ukraine, territorial subdivisions of the State Statistical Service of Ukraine, Efficient Management Foundation and individual calculations. The article describes the already existing method of inserting weight ratios directly into the matrix of standardised values, which, in the author’s opinion, is the most optimal one. In the result of the studies and calculations the article obtains a quantitative assessment of external factors of the meso-level enterprise competitiveness, expressed through ranking by Ukrainian regions.

Article is written in Russian


Zborovska O. M., Halan O. Y.
Analysis of Factors of Influence of the Market Environment upon Formation of the Enterprise Labour Potential (p. 245 - 249)

The article analyses external and internal factors of the market environment, which influence formation of the enterprise labour potential. It offers supplement the existing classification properties with the following ones: international, political-legal and natural-climate factors. It shows that, in the result of the balanced reaction on the international level of influence of factors of formation of labour potential, it is possible to sharply accelerate development of the labour potential by means of realisation of programmes of international education, legal regulation of migration, active participation in various inter-state projects, etc. Influence of political-legal factors of formation of the labour potential shows up in inter-state agreements on labour migration regulation, in application of the system of uniform branch tariff-qualification reference books and in establishment of the system of licensing individual types of activity. Natural-climate conditions exert significant influence upon the level of labour potential. This influence shows up: in different life expectancies, sickness rate, labour life duration, etc. for various natural-climate zones. The article classifies the factors of labour potential with respect to the enterprise also both by exogenous and endogenous groups.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berest M. M.
Theoretical Grounds of Enterprise Anti-crisis Financial Management (p. 250 - 255)

The goal of the article lies in specification and deepening of the essence and theoretical grounds of the enterprise anti-crisis financial management (EAFM). The article analyses and generalises literature, devoted to anti-crisis management problems, marks out and characterises main structural elements of the enterprise anti-crisis financial management: goal, task, object and subject. It shows that tasks of the enterprise anti-crisis financial management should show its essence in the context of preventive, stabilising and anti-crisis components. The article groups and clarifies the concept of functions and principles of the enterprise anti-crisis financial management. It marks basic, specific and integration functions and provides their description. It also marks out and characterises individual principles, which identify the EAFM process, justify development and realisation of anti-crisis solutions and measures and also characterise EAFM organisation at an enterprise. Prospects of further developments in this direction are overview, analysis and improvement of methodical instruments of realisation of the specified EAFM tasks on the basis of the considered theoretical aspects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boyko V. V., Budynska O. Y.
Economic Justification of Minimisation of Immobilisation Funds Invested Into Engineering Enterprise Materials (p. 255 - 260)

The article improves the mechanism of minimisation of immobilisation funds invested into enterprise materials. Optimisation of this mechanism is achieved through reduction of the difference between fixed (or advanced) and actual funds, invested into materials, with consideration of their differentiation and integration in the course of the enterprise operation cycle. The article justifies the necessity of study of immobilisation funds, invested into materials, for their possible minimisation. It offers methods of calculation of ratios of influence of minimisation of funds, invested into materials, upon alteration of the level of their immobilisation and absolute disengagement. It assesses the possibility of use of the proposed ratios both in relative and absolute indicators of immobilisation funds, invested into materials. It shows calculation of the matrix of minimisation of immobilisation funds, invested into materials, and its practical application at engineering enterprises. It underlines that the proposed methodology of calculation of the above said ratios and matrix of minimisation of immobilisation funds, invested into materials, allows determination of possible disengagement of the engaged money funds by an engineering enterprise depending on specific technical and economic conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korohodova O. O.
Managing Recreation Enterprises Efficiency under Conditions of Informatisation and Globalisation of Economy (p. 260 - 265)

The goal of the article is development of recommendations on improvement of the recreation enterprise efficiency management mechanism with consideration of new tendencies of globalisation and informatisation of economy. The article considers main approaches to determination of efficiency of entrepreneurial activity and proposes a classification of types of enterprise efficiency by the following criteria: nature of expenditures and results, environmental impact of the enterprise, duration of effect and localisation. The article marks out the cause-effect relation for each type of enterprise efficiency. It develops a scheme of elements of the mechanism of management of recreation enterprise efficiency and identifies conceptual principles of this mechanism. It offers the “recreation attractiveness” notion, which, unlike existing ones, reflects the essence of demand on enterprise services more accurately and facilitates development of the recreation enterprise recreation attractiveness management mechanism by criteria of recreation potential, prices and quality of enterprise services. Using this criteria as basic, the article builds methods of rating assessment of recreation enterprises. It is necessary to study deeper the methodical instruments for diagnostics of four elements of recreation enterprise functioning: external environment, recreation potential, organisational status and management potential.

Article is written in Russian

Verbitska T. V.
Building a Complex Scorecard on the Basis of Assessment of Influence of Socio-economic Factors of Enterprise Development (p. 266 - 271)

The goal of the article lies in building a complex scorecard used for assessment of influence of socio-economic factors of enterprise development. The article specifies such groups of socio-economic factors as factors of organisational and managerial impact; workers potential and their professional development; social protection of workers; labour protection and healthcare; and social infrastructure. Having analysed and compared concepts and approaches to assessment of enterprise activity, the article identifies that insufficient attention is paid to socio-economic indicators. That is why a scorecard is developed in the context of the said groups of factors, which gives a possibility to identify weaknesses in enterprise development and to direct measures on their elimination or minimisation on the basis of it. The proposed scorecard of assessment of socio-economic factors of enterprise development gives a possibility to, objectively and timely, monitor the socio-economic state of an enterprise, which allows maintaining the development trajectory.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hurieva I. V.
Justification of the Order of Selection of Sources of Financing Investments into Technical Re-equipment of an Enterprise (p. 271 - 275)

The article analyses existing theoretical and practical approaches, procedures and algorithms of selection of sources of financing investments. It shows that the majority of scientists offer to perform selection by the criteria of financing sources price minimum. It shows that determination of a common optimisation criterion would not ensure correct results in all cases under modern economic conditions. The article proves the necessity of independent establishment of restrictions and financing sources selection criteria by the enterprise depending on economic conditions, its financial state and goals and tasks it solves. The author develops an order of selection of sources of financing investments into technical re-equipment of the enterprise. The proposed order is universal, since it takes into account a possibility of use of various restrictions and selection criteria and also could be used for justification of selection of sources of financing real investments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhukov A. V.
Methodical Approach to Diagnostics of Efficiency of Production Economic Activity of an Enterprise (p. 276 - 281)

The article offers developments of a methodical approach to diagnostics of efficiency of production economic activity of an enterprise, which, unlike the existing ones, is realised through the following stages: analysis of the enterprise external environment; analysis of the enterprise internal environment; identification of components of efficiency of production economic activity for carrying out complex diagnostics by the following directions: efficiency of subsystems of the enterprise production economic activity, efficiency of use of separate types of resources and socio-economic efficiency; scorecard formation; study of tendencies of change of indicators; identification of cause-effect dependencies between the main components of efficiency for diagnosing reasons of its level; diagnosing deviations of indicator values from their optimal values; development of a managerial decision on preserving and increasing efficiency of production economic activity of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yachmenova V. M., Volska H. K.
Methods of Assessment of Innovativeness of Activity of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 296 - 302)

The article presents the authors’ definition of innovativeness of enterprise activity. It states that, when assessing innovativeness of the industrial enterprise activity, those indicators should be taken into account, which reflect innovation potential of the enterprise, innovation activity of the enterprise and efficiency of innovation activity. The article presents the developed methods of assessment of innovativeness of the industrial enterprise activity. The article presents, within the limits of the developed methods, a scorecard of assessment of innovativeness of the industrial enterprise activity, indicators in which are combined within the following integral characteristics: activity, reliability, market value, sociality and ecological compatibility. The scorecard consists of qualitative and quantitative indicators. The article uses the method of fuzzy logic of the theory of fuzzy plurals as the method of assessment of innovativeness of the industrial enterprise activity and shows advantages of its use within the limits of the subject of this study. The article offers three levels of innovativeness of enterprise activity – low, middle and high – for identification of integral characteristics. The article offers seven levels – critical, low, lower middle, middle, higher middle, high and ideal – for identification of the integral characteristic – innovativeness of enterprise activity. Approbation of the proposed methods of assessment of innovativeness of enterprise activity is conducted using the example of engineering enterprises, namely: SELMA Public JSC, Zavod Fiolent Public JSC and Zavod Simferopolselmash Public JSC.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Plikus I. Y.
Economic Potential of Enterprises That Function in the Knowledge-based Economy (p. 303 - 307)

The goal of the article is the study of relation of economic notions that characterise efficient labour activity of enterprise personnel and approaches to assessment of economic potential of enterprises with consideration of influence of these components upon assessment. In the result of the study the article analyses approaches to assessment of economic potential of an enterprise and identifies methodological problems of this assessment. Based on the fact that the quantitative interpretation of enterprise capabilities is its cost, the article shows that increase of the enterprise cost in the knowledge-based economy is achieved by means of the intellectual capital. The article offers to use the model of real options of identification of economic potential (cost) of enterprises that function in the knowledge-based economy. The prospect of the further study is identification of the degree of influence of elements of economic potential upon its assessment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudnichenko Y. M.
Adaptation of the System of Economic Security of an Enterprise to Influence of Subjects of Customs Regulation (p. 308 - 312)

The article studies foundations of enterprise adaptation to the impact of subjects of customs regulation in the context of the bio-organisational approach. It identifies essence of the “adaptation” term and its inter-disciplinary expansion into the sphere of economic security. The main task of the article is identification of the essence and levels of adaptation of the system of economic security of and enterprise to the impact of subjects of customs regulation. In order to ensure successful enterprise functioning under conditions of change of the influence of subjects of customs regulation, adaptation of the security system should take place – its saturation with new content and composition of elements and adjustment to new influence of subjects of customs regulation, and adaptation of the security system should become the basis for the enterprise adaptation in general. The article offers to consider adaptation dually: on the one hand, as the “response” of the enterprise security system to deforming influence from subjects of customs regulation within the bio-organisational approach (actually, in this case it is possible to speak about a certain ectogenesis of an enterprise in time); on the other hand, as a set of specific predictable and previously prepared actions and measures at an enterprise within the mechanistic approach. The article offers four levels of adaptation of the security system to the impact of subjects of customs regulation: epistemologic, pragmatic, instrumental and organisational.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Synkevych N. I., Vasylyshyn T. M.
Analysis of Existing Techniques and Methods of Financial Analysis of Activity of Economic Subjects (p. 313 - 317)

Modern scientists describe a big variety of techniques and methods of financial analysis of economic subjects, which have their specific features. Today, various Ukrainian departments and ministries provide a big number of methodical recommendations with respect to financial analysis by specialised directions. That is why, further study of the existing techniques and methods of assessment of financial activity of economic subjects is topical. The goal of the article is marking out their advantages and shortcomings with consideration of specific features of each of them. In the course of the scientific study the article analyses basic techniques of financial analysis, namely: horizontal (time), vertical (structural), trend, analysis of relative indicators, comparative and factor analysis. The article analyses formalised and non-formalised methods, which are specified in the financial analysis most often, and also their sub-types. Further studies in this direction would be directed at development of classification of techniques, methods and models of financial analysis and also selection of methods for conducting a complex financial analysis of activity of economic subjects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Us Y. V., Obydiennova T. S.
Estimated Figures of Efficiency of Structural Transformations of Engineering Enterprises on the Basis of the Resource-functional Approach (p. 318 - 323)

The goal of the article is analysis and formation of the system of estimated figures of efficiency of structural transformations on the basis of the resource-functional approach. The article considers estimated figures of efficient use of enterprise resources. All resources are classified into three groups: material, human and organisational. Based on the analysis of scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers, the article selects estimated figures in accordance with the proposed classification of resources. The article marks out that majority of scientists equate indicators of efficiency of restructuring, reorganisation and organisational changes at engineering enterprises. That is why, the authors analyse recommendations of the researchers with respect to the efficiency scorecard, which is recommended for use in each specific case. Generalising the obtained results and in order to make a comprehensive assessment of efficiency of structural transformations of engineering enterprises on the basis of the resource-functional approach, the authors offer to introduce the system of estimated figures, namely: indicators of efficiency of management of investment activity, indicators of efficiency of management of financial activity, indicators of efficiency of personnel management, indicators of efficiency of management of operation activity, indicators of efficiency of management of marketing activity, and indicators of efficiency of management of innovation activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yarkina N. M.
Complexity of the Mechanism of Enterprise Management (p. 324 - 329)

The article justifies a necessity of allocation of the “complex mechanism of enterprise management” notion into an independent economic category. Based on the logic analysis and synthesis of scientific and applied approaches to consideration of the enterprise management mechanisms, the article clarifies the essence of the “enterprise management mechanism” notion and characteristics of means of management (methods and instruments); identifies functions of the enterprise management mechanism; presents the author’s vision of the complex mechanism of enterprise management as a complex synthetic formation obtained in the result of unification and interaction of different parts of functional and provisional character, classified depending on methods and instruments of managerial impact, aims, time prospect of realisation of managerial impact, subjects and objects of management; and shows a dual character of complexity of the enterprise management mechanism.

Article is written in Russian

Zhorova Y. R.
Optimisation of Financial Structure of the Enterprise Capital (p. 330 - 334)

The goal of the article lies in the study of the process of optimisation of financial structure of the enterprise capital. In the result of the study the article marks out main features of availability of the efficient capital structure at an enterprise. The article shows specific features of the financial leverage effect detected during analysis of the capital structure. The conducted study of the state of capital of domestic engineering enterprises and assessment of the structure of their capital testify to a tendency of active attraction of borrowed funds into enterprise activity. The article reveals the essence of subjective and objective factors of inefficient management of the capital structure of domestic enterprises. The article marks out advantages and shortcomings of financing enterprise activity by means of various types of capital. The article reveals the essence of the efficient capital structure, which ensures growth of volumes of profit with the minimum rate of the weighted average cost of capital and these volumes are sufficient for keeping the level of enterprise profitability higher than the rate of cost of borrowed funds and maintains a sufficient level of financial sustainability of an enterprise and keeps activity risks at low levels. The article underlines main methods of achieving an efficient enterprise capital structure. Prospects of further studies in this direction are studies of the process of the enterprise capital structure formation, which should be supported with the relevant analysis and assessment of the enterprise capital structure and its activity and estimates by a number of development scenarios depending on a market situation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Garkusha N. M., Sidorova T. O., Rudenko I. V.
Diagnostics of Competitiveness of Enterprise Products (p. 251 - 255)

The goal of the article is development of methods of diagnostics of enterprise product competitiveness. The article considers economic essence of the “competitiveness” notion in interpretation of a number of authors and justifies expediency of use of the “competitiveness” economic category. The article clarifies economic essence of the “product competitiveness” notion. It systemises modern methods of diagnostics of product competitiveness. It analyses advantages and shortcomings of each group of methods: graphical, analytical, expert and combined. It considers an algorithm of assessment when using the combined method of diagnostics of product competitiveness. It forms an integral indicator for assessment of its level. It improves methods of calculation of the integral indicator of competitiveness from the point of view of the marketing approach. It offers rules for making decisions at enterprises with respect to whether to compete or not with a specific product.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dzoba V. B.
Conceptual Grounds of Formation of the Controlling System at Enterprises (p. 255 - 260)

The article studies existing approaches to the concept of controlling. It shows that despite the existing scientific and practical developments, the issues of the common concept of controlling in the enterprise management system are still insufficiently studied and are under discussion. The article offers author’s own concept of controlling. Controlling is defined as a management sub-function directed at controlling of the financial and economic sphere of an enterprise with the aim of qualitative and operative information support of managerial processes. In order to identify conceptual grounds of controlling, the article identifies principles, clarifies factors that influence controlling, identifies subjects and objects of controlling and systemises criteria and methods of controlling. The offered conceptual grounds provide a possibility to increase quality and efficiency of managerial decisions and facilitate improvement of the financial state of an enterprise. Further studies should be directed at detailed elaboration of each element of the concept.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Laktionova O. A., Lukianienko A. S.
Structural Elements of Financial Architecture of Economic Subjects and Specific Features of Their Relation (p. 261 - 270)

The goal of the article is the study of structural elements of financial architecture of subjects and specific features of their relation. The article considers the essence of the concept of financial architecture of economic subjects through identification of its structure elements. It analyses specific features of relation between structural elements of financial architecture and also explains the essence and significance of each of the structure elements in the process of making decisions regarding selection of the structure of financing. It reveals influence of the financial architecture upon efficiency of activity of economic subjects and, consequently, upon the business value, which takes place through formation of financial restrictions. It carries out clusterisation of types of financial architecture of economic subjects on the basis of variability of possible combinations of its structural elements (characteristics). It describes specific features of aggregated types of financial architecture of economic subjects in the context of the character of their influence upon financial restrictions and, consequently, market value of a business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko S. A.
Organisational Support of the Subsystem of Economic-analytical Information Processing in Functionally Developed Systems of Management of Special Purpose of Industrial Enterprises and Production Associations (p. 271 - 279)

The goal of the article is to show, for the first time ever, main and most important sides of organisational support of the function of economic analysis under modern conditions of functionally developed systems of management of special purpose of industrial enterprises and production associations. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of many economists and the leading practical experience, the article identifies difficulties of formation and introduction of organisational support of the subsystem of economic-analytical information processing. In the result of the study the article justifies establishment of organisational support of the subsystem, which means both division of functions between a human being and digital electronic equipment and a clearer identification of functions and tasks of managerial personnel, and in some cases – improvement of organisational schemes of managerial bodies that perform economic-analytical functions. It is evident at this stage already that it is expedient to allocate, from structural chains of an industrial enterprise and production association, a leading subdivision, which would identify methodical principles of analysis, its organisation at an enterprise, and directions of development of analysis under conditions of functioning of a functionally developed system of management of special purpose of a subject of economic activity. Some of the prospects of further development in this direction are application of universal methods of creation of the management subsystem, training specialists and a number of other issues, solution of which is also urgent. Based on requirements of intensification of production and modern data processing, the further development of analysis might result in substitution of the traditional economic analysis with a functionally developed subsystem of economic-analytical information processing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Miroshnychenko O. Y., Korkonos Y. V.
Mechanism of Managing Profit of Domestic Enterprises (p. 280 - 285)

The goal of the article lies in the study of specific features of creation and functioning of the mechanism of managing profit of domestic enterprises under modern economic conditions. The study of scientific works of well-known scientists allows identification of the essence, goals, tasks, principles and elements of the mechanism of managing enterprise profit. In the result of the study the article establishes that the mechanism of managing profit consists of a set of elements that regulate the process of development and realisation of managerial decisions connected with key aspects of profit management: formation, distribution and use. The article shows that profit management at an enterprise should be done with the use of methodical, organisational and information-analytical support. It shows that the enterprise profit size is influenced by the results of operation, financial and investment activity, that is why, managing profit, especially its formation, should be done in the context of shown types of activity. Prospects of further studies in this direction are identification of factors that influence the enterprise profit size, search for reserves of its growth in order to increase its financial sustainability and provide the enterprise with resources for further development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Piletska S. T.
Essence of Economic Sustainability and its Relation with Crisis Processes at an Enterprise (p. 286 - 290)

The goal of the article lies in the study of approaches with respect to the essence of economic sustainability of an enterprise and identification of relation with crisis processes, which take place at an enterprise. The article studies scientific approaches, systemises theoretical provisions of the “enterprise economic sustainability” notion and assesses them in the economic science. This allows allocation of four main approaches to consideration of the “enterprise economic sustainability” notion and also revelation of their inherent advantages and shortcomings. Based on the conducted studies the article gives the author’s definition of enterprise economic sustainability. The article reveals the problems of assessment of economic sustainability of an enterprise. It considers relation of the type of economic sustainability and stage of crisis processes, which take place at an industrial enterprise, which allows allocation of the five-step level of economic sustainability and the stage of the crisis process characteristic for each type. A prospective direction of further studies is development of methodological grounds of assessment of economic sustainability of an aviation enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivaniienko K. V.
Generalisation of Approaches to Identification of the Essence of the “Export Potential” Notion (p. 291 - 297)

Theoretical basis of the essence of the “export potential” notion and management of the processes of management of export potential in the dynamically developed environment of business functioning requires further development under conditions of market globalisation and integration processes in economy. The goal of the article is identification of essence and content of the “export potential” notion in the business systems. The main task is to describe points of view on definition of the “export potential” category and to show its essence under modern conditions. The conducted study allows analysis and generalisation of approaches to definition of the “export potential” notion and clarification of this economic category. The article establishes relation between “resources”, “capability” and “possibility” categories that characterise different manifestations of the potential and show it from different sides. Further development of this issue would be establishment of relations between the use of resources for creation of new possibilities of export-oriented enterprises due to regulation of processes of management of enterprise export potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krokhmal S. S.
Assessment of Material Resource Reproduction Cycles at an Engineering Enterprise (p. 297 - 302)

The goal of the article is the study of material resource reproduction cycles at an engineering enterprise. The article considers main approaches to material resource reproduction at an engineering enterprise, identifies advantages, shortcomings and boundaries of application of each approach; expands definition of the “material resources” notion by means of inclusion, apart from, purchased raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, operation stock of parts and assembly units and also finished products until the moment of their shipment; and generalises theoretical provisions of the material resource reproduction process in the context of cycles of resource replenishment – order, transportation and storage and consumption cycles – manufacture of parts and units and assembly and preparation for shipment of finished products. Further direction of studies is identification of empirical ratios of the proposed models in accordance with the range of products of a multi-range enterprise with the aim of increasing efficiency of use of material resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lahotska N. Z.
Specification of Essence and Actual Principles of the Enterprise Sales Policy (p. 302 - 306)

The goal of the article is specification of essence and identification of actual principles of the enterprise sales policy. Analysis of definitions of the sales policy that are found in specialised literature allows drawing a conclusion that researchers are not quite clear in interpretation of this category along with other close terms overlooking the key essence of each of them. That is why, the article gives definition of the sales policy notion, which should be understood, first of all, as a behavioural philosophy or general principles of activity, which a firm plans to stick to in the sphere of development of channels of distribution of their goods and movement of goods in time and space. Critical review of theoretical and applied developments in the sphere of sales activity allows systemising a wide spectrum of decisions that are made in the sphere of the sales policy and allocation of the following main directions of its realisation: development and introduction of the distribution strategy; selection of the strategy of product movement through a distribution channel; ensuring processes of marketing logistics; and motivation of sales personnel. Pursuant to the tendencies of development of the sales sphere and with consideration of the general target orientation of the enterprise sales activity, the author identifies the following actual principles of the sales policy: economic efficiency, integration into the general corporate policy of an enterprise, subordination to marketing goals, strategic direction, systemacy and technological effectiveness, flexibility and adaptability, innovation, partner interaction, inter-cultural level and ethical behaviour.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Siketina N. G.
Expansion of the Set of Factors of the Engineering Enterprise Competitiveness (p. 306 - 310)

In order to take Ukraine out of the economic crisis, it is necessary, first of all, to ensure competitiveness of the national economy and, in particular, the engineering industry. The goal of the article lies in the study of the “product competitiveness” category as a factor of ensuring economic efficiency of enterprise activity and clarification of its interpretation and components on the basis of the conducted analysis of literature. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of economists, the article considers interpretations of the “product competitiveness” category. The conducted study confirmed importance of the work in the direction of expansion of the set of factors of product competitiveness that influence its economic efficiency. The article clarifies interpretation of the “engineering product competitiveness” category and expands the set of its factors. The revealed negative dynamics of the index of global competition and profitability of products of industry and engineering of Ukraine confirms the necessity of increase of competitiveness of domestic products. Prospects of further studies in this direction are justification of the said factors of product competitiveness and quantitative calculation of their influence upon results of engineering enterprise activity.

Article is written in Russian

Terentieva O. V.
Main Components of the Mechanism of Ensuring Anti-crisis Activity at an Enterprise (p. 311 - 316)

The study of processes of anti-crisis activity and actions of their ensuring allows finding out significant discrepancies at the notional level in the aspect of methods and mechanisms of fulfilment of works. That is why, interpretation of the “economic mechanism” notion is clarified and own understanding of the “mechanism of anti-crisis activity” and “mechanism of ensuring anti-crisis activity” notions is proposed. On this basis the article holds that this mechanism of ensuring enterprise anti-crisis activity should consist of interconnected elements, which should be properly arranged. Based on the tasks, which this mechanism should perform, the article offers its organisational structure that includes economic, personnel, information-communicative, organisation-regulatory, legal, technical-technological, and social elements. The article presents specific characteristics of each of the mechanism elements. Thus, according to the author, the economic component should increase efficiency of its functioning and increase the level of employees income and also ensure growth of rates and scales of formation of own profit; personnel component should increase efficiency of use of labour resources and also ensure their quantitative, professional, qualification and intellectual growth; information-communicative should create conditions for satisfying information needs of the enterprise managerial bodies under unstable conditions of functioning and ensure transfer of information between individuals and their groups; organisation-regulatory should create conditions for rational and regulated interaction of all components of the anti-crisis activity; legal should carry out regulation of relations at an enterprise and outside its walls on the basis of totality of legal acts and rules; technical-technological should create conditions for non-stop functioning of technical means, which are used in anti-crisis activity; social component should direct the whole system of management at ensuring social needs of employees and also members of their families and public groups (communities).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tomashevska O. Y.
Justification of Zones of Economic Efficiency of Water Use at Enterprises (p. 316 - 321)

The goal of the article is the study of efficient water use at industrial enterprises. The article justifies instruments of making decisions on increase of efficient use of resources. It analyses statistical data of water consumption with consideration of specific features of production function of a thermoelectric power station. It identifies three zones of water use efficiency at an enterprise. The first zone is characterised with maximum efficiency, the second zone – with its reduction, and the third one presents inefficient use of resources. The article shows possible variants of efficiency of use of a resource, characterised relevant state of an enterprise. The article conducts a discrete analysis of indicators of use of water by a thermoelectric power station. It develops recommendations on improvement of the current situation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk O. H., Nahirna M. Y.
Conceptual Foundations of the Etiologic Diagnosis of Export-import Activity of Enterprises (p. 222 - 227)

The purpose of the article is to develop the conceptual foundations of the etiologic diagnosis procedures and give the structure of all key elements of the etiologic diagnosis of export-import operations of the enterprise. The study analyzed the authors' views on the main elements of the system and diagnostic features of the diagnostic procedures. Based on the analysis of the literature the concept of the procedure of etiologic diagnosis of enterprises export-import activities was developed, etiologic diagnosis system of export and import activities of enterprises was proposed, its key elements were examined and characterized. Some functions that are inherent to the system of etiologic diagnosis were named, and the features of each of them were characterized. During further research it is planned to develop a comprehensive etiologic diagnosis technology of import and export activities of enterprises, to develop and investigate the mechanisms of etiologic diagnosis, review and improve the existing methods for etiologic diagnosis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

, Kochubei D. V.
Evaluation of the Effect of the Introduction of Logistics Information Systems (p. 228 - 232)

This paper proposes a methodological approach to the assessment of the expected effect of the introduction of information systems in logistics. The approach is based on a quantitative assessment of the level of operating performance of logistics activities that can be expected after the implementation of information systems, and their comparison with the current performance. The method is based on an analysis of the criteria of the expected effect of the implementation of information systems, which characterizes the rate of change of key performance indicators from the current values of these parameters in the implementation of information system. The novelty of the method consists in carrying out multi-criteria comparison of alternative information systems according to the predicted figures of operating indicators of logistics processes. The practical value of the method is based on the opportunities available to the trade enterprise data and information on the implementation of information systems in other enterprises to analyze the changes in the level of core operating indicators of logistics activities in the implementation of these systems, and to compare these figures to make an informed decision on the implementation of information management systems of logistics functions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grechina I. V.
Scientific and Methodical Approach to a Rapid Analysis of Potential Enterprise (p. 232 - 236)

The aim of the article is to study the major scientific and methodological approaches to the rapid analysis of potential businesses and the development of its qualitative methodological tools in the system of potential analysis. Author’s scientific and methodological approach is based on: techniques FuzzyTechnology, the theory of fuzzy quantities (integrals), and the theorem of convergence modalities. In this paper, the scientific and methodical approach to the rapid analysis of potential enterprise was proposed for the first time, using techniques FuzzyTechnology potential in system analysis. In contrast to existing approaches it takes into account the criteria of modality: "necessary", "real" and "maybe" and the direction of potentiating: "structuring", "deconstruction" and "design." The practical significance is based on the fact that the results of the rapid analysis of potential companies charge JavaScript Cardy judgments and thoughts control subjects and subjects of analysis and provide the ability to simulate different versions of management decisions based on the results of the rapid analysis of potential business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mikheyenko E. S.
Management of Intangible Assets as a Component of a Strategy to Improve a Company's Capitalization (p. 237 - 241)

The purpose of the paper is to investigate the role of intangible assets in the strategy of increasing capitalization of companies, providing its long-term sustainable development in the current economic environment. The main methodological and applied aspects of the implementation of the strategic management of intangible assets in enterprises were substantiated: the identification and registration of intangible assets in the enterprise; capitalization of intangible assets; creating effective enterprise organizational and economic mechanism of formation and development of intangible assets in order to increase a company's capitalization. The models and methods for assessing the value created by intangible factors were analyzed, systematized and generalized. The feasibility of a strategic approach was determined based on the discounted amounts of expected cash flows from the asset, leading to an increase in the market capitalization, which is one of the key targets of strategic performance of the company. Directions for further research is to determine the mechanism for the effective management of balanced growth based on cost-based approach, taking into account the composition of intangible assets and their role in the process of value creation and transformation in their own intellectual capital.

Article is written in Russian

Zelenskiy M. V.
The Study of the Essence of Outsourcing Logistics Functions of Industrial Enterprises (p. 241 - 247)

The purpose of the article is to study the nature of outsourcing and consolidation of existing approaches to the classification of outsourcing, as well as the isolation and characterization of the main ones, taking into account the importance of the implementation of business processes in the economic activity of industrial enterprises. The views of scientists on the concept of "outsourcing" were systematized. The study found that outsourcing refers to the purposeful selection of individual business processes and transfer their implementation on a contractual basis to other organizations that specialize in a particular area and have the relevant experience, knowledge and technical means. It is proved that the concept of logistics outsourcing defines the situation when the use of own resources for the organization of logistics operations is not appropriate, the company can delegate that to external partners (logistics providers), specializing in the field. The prospect of further research in this direction is to determine the effectiveness of the organization of outsourcing logistics functions of an industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kliuchnikova M. V.
Leasing as a form of Foreign Investment to Upgrade the Fixed Assets of Enterprises of Municipal Heat-and-power Engineering System (p. 248 - 252)

The degree of wear of fixed assets of municipal heat-and-power engineering system, immobilization of depreciation on municipal heating enterprises (MHE), the development of competition in the market of natural monopolies essential to study the issue of attracting foreign investment, the sources of which are the main cash and trade credit. If the monetary form of lending is studied quite well and actively used, the use of leasing as a form of commodity loan for renovation of fixed assets of MHE enterprises has been insufficiently studied. Using lease has a number of advantages compared with the credit. A substantial amount of market of heating services and relatively stable demand for them this sphere has significant barriers to attracting foreign investment and leasing in particular. Investigation of this issue makes it possible to distinguish two main groups of barriers: endogenous and exogenous. Further research of the matter involves an analysis of opportunities to minimize the destructive action of the above barriers at all levels to increase the investment attractiveness of the industry and specific enterprise, activation of renewal of fixed assets for the recovery of municipal heat-and-power system, in particular through enhanced implementation of energy saving equipment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matushevskaya E. A.
Assessing the Economic Stability of Sevastopol Dockyards under Current Economic Conditions (p. 253 - 256)

The aim of the article is to assess and forecast the short-term level of economic stability of Sevastopol dockyards on the basis of the author's methodology. The article discusses the economic sustainability (ES) of shipyards in Sevastopol. The author's model of the integral indicator of economic stability was suggested, which consists of particular indicators: financial, human, technical and production sustainability. A qualitative interpretation of the quantitative values of the integral index was developed, which will determine the level of economic stability from ultra-high to crisis level. On the basis of the author's methodology the economic sustainability for five major enterprises of Sevastopol was designed, that are engaged in ship repair, and a short term forecast was given. On the evaluation of economic stability it is possible to develop a mechanism for ensuring ES for ship repair enterprises. The development of a mechanism for ensuring ES will allow quality control of the dockyard and making adequate management decisions on time.

Article is written in Russian

Pichka A. M.
Budget Analysis of Direct Costs of the Project on the Basis of Earned Value Management (p. 257 - 262)

Control mechanism based on budgeting is formed during the evolution of the enterprise is constantly changing and requires certain modifications and clarifications depending on the direction of a business or the main activity of an organization. Specificity of the main activity of a shipbuilding enterprise dictates the order of formation of the consolidated budget in the context of projects. Project budgets themselves are altered by increasing or decreasing the duration and scope of work in the initial stages and during their implementation, which complicates the analysis and control of project costs. The article analyzes the essence of the concept of earned value method, and proposes the use of this method for the analysis and control of the budget direct costs of shipbuilding enterprise. An example of the analysis of the direct costs of the project budget and calculations of the main indicators of earned value during project implementation in the context of the construction of a hull was given.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bidyuk P. I., Omelchenko O. S., Lubar V. Y.
Integral Evaluation of Engineering Enterprises during their Restructuring (p. 262 - 269)

The problem of integral evaluation of engineering enterprises as part of the restructuring process was examined. The role and place of integral evaluation in planning and implementing of the restructuring were defined. The analysis of the nature and objectives of diagnostic of the state and the threat of bankruptcy was carried out, the evaluation of competitiveness, prospects, sanation abilities and other integral indicators of enterprises. A fuzzy model and the matrix method of integral evaluation of the enterprise were proposed and they are characterized by: forming rules based on industry quasi statistics and their correction based on the application and the industry average; construction rules and membership functions for histograms based on their general form and the ratio of average and peak values; selection of the most informative benchmarks based on their correlation with each other and influence the integral index; possibility of using different integral and benchmarks. The results of using the model and the method for evaluating the threat of bankruptcy, competitiveness and prospects of certain engineering enterprises were provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rachkovskyi E. A., Shpak S. O.
The Task of Choosing the Target Market Segments of New Products in the Planning System of Enterprise Restructuring (p. 270 - 278)

The article aims at improving the methodological tools and systematic analysis of the problem of strategic planning of industrial restructuring, determination of the place and the role of the problem of choosing target segments of new products, clarifying the content, purpose and requirements of the decision, as well as to methods of solving this problem. Based on a systematic analysis of the problem its main aspects, features, components, and instructional techniques solutions were revealed. It was shown that the analysis of the main objectives of restructuring must take into account the time factor, the structure and parameters of state enterprises, forecast trends in environmental factors. At each stage of decomposition of the main objectives of the restructuring to address the tasks of selecting attributes of decomposition purposes and their respective classifications; allocation of purposes, requiring of restructuring activities; differentiation of goals штещ strategic, tactical and operational; differentiation ща factors into both managed and unmanaged; binding performers to measures in order to achieve the targets. The fragment of the tree of enterprise restructuring purposes given in the article corresponds to an appropriate level of strategic management and includes sub-problem of selecting target market segments for new products and its main sub-problems, points to the location of the sub-problems in the structure of the general problem. Analysis and analytical support of tasks of selecting target market segments allowed to carry this task to the class of multivariate comparisons multi-parameter objects characterized by quantitative and qualitative attributes, as well as strategic objectives, allowing the use of aggregated approaches, both formal and informal methods of analysis.

Article is written in Russian

Tkachenko S. A.
Enigmatic Concept of Building a Functional Structure Subsystem of Economic and Analytical Information Processing in the Functional Development of Special-purpose Control Systems of Industrial Enterprises and Scientific-production Associations (p. 279 - 283)

The purpose of the article is reduced to the fact that for the first time a vision of building a functional structure of a subsystem of economic and analytical information processing in the functional development of control systems of special purpose industrial enterprises and scientific and industrial associations of the country was set out. Theoretical research of the papers were performed and practical experience in creating functional management systems developed special purpose industrial enterprises and scientific-production associations in a number of areas of engineering and shipbuilding suggests that the construction of a block diagram of the functional structure of the subsystem of economic and analytical information processing should be based on a priori knowledge and reduced, in fact, to adapt its structure to the a priori stated objectives. The above concept of building a functional structure subsystem economic and analytical information processing in the functional development of special-purpose control systems of industrial enterprises and scientific-production associations, as practice shows, best meets the functional requirements of the object approach, from which it follows that each economic-analytical task, on the one hand, should serve the function of the organic component of economic analysis, and on the other – at the same time be part of a specific functional management unit with a full loop control system: planning, accounting, economic analysis, regulation. Among the prospects for further research in this area of particular relevance, in our view, different questions related to the provision of comprehensive characterization of the quantitative composition of the tasks of economic and analytical information processing and its main units and other complexes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yakhina T. R., Foshchan V. V.
Stress Testing as a Method of Forecasting and Financial Risk Assessment of a Commercial Enterprise (p. 200 - 207)

The purpose of this paper is the research and development of stress-testing tools for assessing and predicting the degree of financial risks on the financial position and capital structure of commercial enterprise. As a result of studies, the authors developed a procedure for conducting stress testing for trade, which consists of four phases, namely: identification (identification) of financial risks; development of the financial model of the outlet; the development of stress-test scenarios; calculation of the stress tests and the interpretation of results. As a financial enterprise model it was proposed to use a simulation model of the balance, based on the capital structure of the company, presented as a source of funds and their investments. It was proved that to predict the effects of financial risks on the capital structure in the financial model it is necessary to analyze the sources of funds of the company and their investments in the context of the degree of liquidity and maturities. Also, the analysis of accounts receivable is advantageously carried out with the indicator of the level of reservation. It was suggested to use three types of stress-test scenarios that differ by the impact of risk factors on the parameters of the financial model (base, negative and critical). The scenarios for stress testing for trade were presented. The study revealed that the proposed approach provides a predictive assessment of the level of losses in the case of the implementation of financial risks. The results can be used to improve procedures predict the effects of financial risks on the capital structure using stress testing for both a commercial enterprise and companies in other industries.

Article is written in Russian

Zakharkin O. O.
Factors of Value Formation in the Context of Value-oriented Approach to Business Management (p. 208 - 214)

The goal of the article is to study the factors forming the value of an enterprise, their complex analysis, classification and systematization. The review of modern literature on this matter defined the main approaches to the grouping of the factors of value formation by the level and place of origin, as well as the capability of management. The research allowed to summarize the classification of approaches by local and foreign scientists in regard to the division of value factors by their financial and non-financial features. It proves that the complex account of multidirectional factors allows to put the value-oriented system on the practice of local enterprises activities, especially during their innovative transformation since innovations are an important linchpin of forming the value of an enterprise and most often belong to the group of non-financial (qualitative) factors. The perspective of future studies in this direction is to develop scientific and methodical mechanism that will allow to consider the factors investigated when taking a decision within the frameworks of the system of value-oriented management of an enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondrych V. I.
Cost Classification in Winemaking: Problems and Prospects (p. 214 - 219)

The purpose of this article is to summarize the position on the classification, the formation of a theoretical study of classifications and delineation of the costs in the field of winemaking. The basis of the choice of classification is based on the needs of the management system and its basic functions. It is reasonable to conclude that the use of the classification must be accompanied by achieving the best performance of the enterprise. As a result of research, taking into account the existing position in this regard, a classification of expenditure corresponding to the specifics of the wine industry enterprises was proposed, which allows for greater control over the costs of the various stages of production, as well as contributes to the effectiveness of the whole. Prospects of the further research are to provide the foundations to reflect the costs for the proposed classification groups in the system documentation and accounting records.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hlynska A. Y.
Time Parameters in the Context of Performance Management (p. 189 - 192)

The article considers the problem of the use and accounting of the time factor in achieving and assessing the effectiveness of the organization. It focuses on the strategic importance of the time variable in today's competitive environment. The possible use of the time characteristics of the management efficiency was given. The article examines the impact in relation to performance indicators, thus addresses the issue of finding the optimal ratio between the achievement of the final result and the efficiency of internal processes. The definition of performance is provided, taking into account the time factor. It is argued that in order to achieve short-term and long-term effectiveness of the organization its effectiveness should be balanced over time. In this connection the ranges of effectiveness over time were determined, which can be used for both the organization and for the units or employees.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Popovych A. V.
Selection Matrix for Strategy of a Restructuring Enterprise (p. 193 - 198)

The aim is to determine a strategy for restructuring the company based on the matrix. The article reveals the causes of the needs of enterprises to restructure, the economic feasibility of the restructuring of economic mechanism was proved, the available in the scientific literature approaches to determining the direction of structural changes in the company were analyzed, the author offered his own approach to the definition of the restructuring strategy developed on the basis of the matrix, "predicted state of the industry – current status of business" the choice of key parameters of the matrix axes and principles of allocation ranges of values were reasoned, the dependence of rational strategic directions of the restructuring of their combination, the basic needs and perspectives of the development of enterprises in accordance with the location in the matrix were outlined. An example of application of the matrix on the airline was given; appropriate to their condition and the forecast for the development of the aviation industry quadrants of the matrix were determined and viable restructuring strategies were recommended.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chajka T. Y.
Problems of Formation of the Integral Index of Competitiveness of Goods (Services) (p. 198 - 204)

The article considers the problem of the formation and calculation of the integral index of competitiveness of goods (services). The advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to the formation of this indicator were analyzed, depending on the purpose of the analysis and planning of the form in which the analysis is conducted, research budget. Involvement of an expert group to ranking factors will be more effective if the construction on the basis of the expert opinions of the matrix of pairwise estimates of the importance of factors affecting the competitiveness of goods (services). Calculation of the vector of local priorities of an expert, coherence index, and consistency relations enables to improve the consistency of an expert opinion and objectivity of expert assessments. The proposed algorithm for the calculation of the integral index of competitiveness, taking into account the use of expert estimation, the use of a modified the E. Harrington scale, the T. Saaty hierarchy analysis method improves the accuracy of assessing the level of competitiveness of goods (services).

Article is written in Russian

Denysiuk O. V., Hamiie A. M.
Conceptual Bases of Management of Organizational Development of an Enterprise (p. 204 - 208)

Ukrainian economy requires effective and competent actions on companies management. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of enterprises is the need for the formation and development of new approaches and methods for management of organizational development. The article analyzes the concept of organizational development, formed in the scientific literature, defines the objects of organizational development, sets the direction of organizational changes to achieve the objectives, highlights ways, forms and methods of management of organizational development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Preobrazhenska O. S., Komarkov D. V.
Methodical Guidelines for the Economic Security Management of an Enterprise (p. 208 - 212)

The paper defines the components of the concept of economic security, marks the position of the scholars concerning the interpretation of the content of economic security, and provides the main functional goals of economic security. The basic provisions of the resource-functional approach to the assessment of economic security were enunciated, the sources of threats, objectives and principles of the financial and economic security were considered. The characteristics of the market and the interface components of the economic security and methods of quantitative evaluation were presented, by the results of which it is possible to identify the extent to which the internal capabilities of the company to external opportunities, generated by the market environment, and to suggest the best strategies for ensuring the economic security of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Haprindashvili B. V.
Energy Conservation as a Factor of Improvement of Industrial Enterprises Competitiveness (p. 213 - 217)

The main aim of the paper is to study the process of energy conservation and the development of measures to improve energy efficiency and industrial competitiveness. The article also focused on the high energy intensity of domestic agricultural products, which is the cause of economic loss and the threat of stable development. The concept of "energy saving" was justified and the ways to provide it were identified. The reasons that lead to losses in production due to inefficient energy consumption were highlighted. As a result the work shows the ways to solve the problem of energy saving of Ukrainian industry that can be realized through the introduction of innovations, developed in Ukraine, as well as borrowed from abroad, and also the role of the state was defined. Material for future research involves the analysis of the basic ways to address the issue of financing of energy efficiency projects and energy efficiency management in different models of production processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Zhezhukha V. Y., Gorodyska N. A.
Setting the Upper Limit of the Income of an Engineering Company From the Marketing of Engineering Projects (p. 215 - 218)

The article is aimed at developing of the theoretical and applied ideas on forming the upper border of the income of an engineering company from the marketing of engineering projects and the formation of the corresponding method. The practical significance of the advisability of such establishing is grounded. The necessity of using the typology of the engineering payments for the development of a such method by the nature, which foresees the major and accompanying payments, was proved. For the purpose of the economic grounding of the value of the general engineering payments the reasonability of consideration of each of the specific engineering product as a product or service was proved. Hence, the possibility of applying of different pricing models to a product: cost, market and income was considered. As a result, it was suggested, that the maximum value of the main part of the engineering company's income when marketing of an engineering project can be determined with consideration for the discounted amount of profit on assets of the engineering customer. The details of applying this approach depending on the different values of the settlement terms were considered. Prospects of the further researches in this direction should be the establishing of restrictions on the use of the proposed method to determine the upper limit of the income of the engineering company from the marketing of engineering projects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Porozhniak O. O., Kosharna P. S.
Resourcing of the Strategic Position of the Enterprise (p. 219 - 223)

In the article is grounded, that the strategic position of the enterprise is inseparably linked with the business strategy and depends on the behavior pattern chosen by the enterprise. Management of the strategic position as process logically unifies the concepts such as strategic guidelines, strategy, strategic alternatives, strategic choice, competitive advantages, strategic decisions. The strategic position is both the starting and the ending point of a process of the strategic management (from analysis and planning to the control of the strategy implementation). The economic conditions of the management in the industrial enterprises have a number of new conditions relating to the resourcing of the strategy position. Its main components are the management resource (management knowledge, experience, strategic thinking, management infrastructure, technology, management techniques, motivation), the structural resource (business model, organizational structure, business processes and their flexibility), the formed material and technical base (customized production processes, technology, staff resources, scientific potential), the innovation (product innovation, technological and organizational innovation, research and development), as well as relations with stakeholders (customers, suppliers, resellers, society, State, competitors, etc.).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bezghinova L. I., Olinichenko K. S.
A Conceptual Model for Trading Stock Management at Retail Trade Enterprises (p. 224 - 229)

The objective of the article consists in studying basic scientific approaches to the content of the concept “trading stock management” and substantiation of a complex model of such management at retail trade enterprises. Basic approaches to understanding the essence of trading stock management are considered, and the author’s own definition of this concept is proposed for retail trade enterprises. A conceptual model of trading stock management at retail trade enterprises is proposed on the basis of systemic approach provisions which includes four basic groups of interrelated elements: the mechanism, structure, process and development of management. An in-depth study of the mechanism of trading stock management has allowed identifying its fundamental elements: levels, objectives, tasks, principles, functions, methods, models, criteria, and indices of management. The latter permits particularizing and increasing adequacy of the trading stock management process at retail trade enterprises as well as substantiating the methodological instruments of evaluating its effectiveness which are adequate for the specific properties of the field.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Koval’chuk N. O., Korbutyak A. G.
Approaches to the Evaluation of the Financial and Economic Safety of the Domestic Enterprises (p. 249 - 255)

The article is aimed at identifying and synthesizing the criteria and methods of evaluation of the financial and economic safety of the domestic enterprises, establishing relationships between them on the basis of an analysis of the existing research approaches in this range of problems. In the analysis, systemization and synthesis of the scientific works of many scientists the existing conceptual framework for identifying the financial and economic safety of the enterprise was considered, as well as the scientific approaches to evaluation of the level of financial and economic security at a macro level were summarized. As a result of the study an author's own interpretation of the financial and economic safety of the enterprise was proposed. The financial and economic safety of one of the largest domestic producers of light industry goods - the SLC «Trembita» was analyzed on basis of a set of indicators for evaluating the financial situation. For the studied enterprise were defined indicators and limits, while the higher (lower) position of the enterprise against these meant a financial crisis threat. The prospect of the further research in this area is related to the question of choice of criteria (indicators) to evaluate the financial and economic safety of the enterprise, the system of indicators, which characterize such safety, and the methodological approaches to determine the level of the economic and financial safety.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oliinyk T. V.
Adaptive Strategies of Financial Management in the Enterprise (p. 255 - 259)

The article is aimed at the selection of adaptive strategies for financial management in the enterprise. The adaptation as a process of customization, accompanying the functioning and development of the enterprise, was determined. Analyzing the works of numerous scientists, the article highlights such types as passive and active adaptability, distinguished by the nature of the enterprise's reaction on changes in the external and internal environment. It was determined, that the adaptive management aimes to find the most effective options for making and implementing decisions as to the functioning and effective development of an industrial enterprise in the competitive environment. To solve the problem of providing the adaptability of financial management and business development, organizational forms and tools (passive survival strategies, active survival strategies and strategies of the active influence on the environment), organizational means, forms and methods of strategic adaptability, relevant to the management processes in the enterprise, were highlighted.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Komar N. H.
The Conception of Building a Mechanism of Restructuring the Enterprise (p. 260 - 267)

The main purpose of the article is the supplement of the scientific-methodical tool set of the restructuring mechanism as a tool for the anti-crisis financial management of the enterprise. As a result of the study the author's own definition of the restructuring mechanism was formulated. Elements of the restructuring mechanism were selected. As restructuring objects are defined the enterprises, operating in a business environment, regardless of the financial and economic condition. The item comprises the structural components of the enterprise, which are exposed to the restructuring changes in order to improve their functioning. The restructuring items are divided into external and internal. The goals of restructuring are differentiated into three groups: directed to overcoming the crisis; directed to stable activity; directed to further economic growth and competitiveness. The principles of restructuring are defined and grouped under five main features (coverage with changes, theoretical basis, internal contents, spatial orientation and result). An algorithm for the restructuring of enterprises comprised of five stages was proposed. Further research in the chosen direction is to study the patterns of restructuring and to develop an algorithm of the restructuring transformations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Arefiev S. O.
The Theoretical and Methodological Approach to the Diagnosis of the Needs of Airports for Restructuring (p. 268 - 276)

The article is aimed at the scientific substantiation of priority as to one or another type of restructuring, depending on the economic situation, as well as the development of the integral efficacy indicator of the restructuring strategies implementation. When compiling the success indicators regarding the materialization of the restructuring policy as to various types of restructuring, the author has primarily taken into account that the ultimate goal of any reorganization activities will have an impact on the financial situation rates of the enterprise. Therefore the article reviewed and substantiated the theoretical and methodological approach to identify priority areas for the restructuring of airports and proposed the method for evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the restructuring strategies on the basis of the integral indicator. Depending on the weight of changes of each financial indicator in the overall volatility of the airports' financial situation, the integrated indicator for evaluation of the management effectiveness of the restructuring processes was proposed. Summarizing the obtained results and aiming to substantiate the priority of any type of restructuring, it was identified, that a complex of the restructuring measures must ultimately contribute to all levels of the economic needs of airports, as well as be shown in the positive dynamics of the 16 indicators of their financial situation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vinichenko O. M.
Elements of Risk Factors in the Control System (p. 277 - 282)

Current trends of risk-based control were examined. The analysis of scientific works on the issue of risk-based approach to internal control system showed insufficient attention to certain types of elements of the risk factors of a modern enterprise. A matrix of dependence of the control and risk factors was developed. The matrix determines the sources of risk factors, the ability to control and influence on these factors. On the basis of the identified risk factors a typical risk map was developed that will optimize the control system of the enterprise. The proposed approach is not new in itself, because the risk maps are discussed in the scientific and practical literature. Innovation is the development of a typical risk map, universal for any enterprise. The proposed map will optimize the search of typical risk factors. And by making improvements to the provided map according to the conditions of operation of a particular company, you can quickly develop a unique risk map of a certain company.

Article is written in Russian

Smoliakova O. M.
Formation of the System of Indicators for Evaluation of the Enterprise's Economic Sustainability (p. 282 - 286)

A grounding of the system of indicators for evaluation of the enterprise's economic sustainability based on the monographic approach is explicated and the implementation is recommended in the following phases: definition of substance of notion of the economic sustainability of enterprise; definition of substance of components comprising the economic sustainability of enterprise; definition of the indicators that describe the components; selection of indicators for each component using the rating criterion of the frequency of concurrence of the specialists' opinions; selection according to the requirements criterion for each of the indicators in the system. The established system of indicators for evaluation of the enterprise's economic sustainability is essential to conduct a detailed economic analysis or develop the economic-mathematical models as well as management decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sumets A. M.
Methodical Aspect of Definition of General Logistic Expenditures for Logistic Activities of Enterprise (p. 182 - 187)

The article is aimed at formalization of methodology for the calculation of general current logistic expenditures for logistic activities in the economy management process of industrial enterprises. With aim to develop the methodology, general considerations related to formation of logistic expenditures, division into capital and operating costs as well as their influence on main indicators of enterprise's activities, were formulated. The article substantiates the feasibility of methodology elaboration on the basis of consideration of the phase and functional division of types of logistic activities. This approach allows to take into account the causal relationship in process of formation of logistic expenditures and provides the ability to reasonably choose the appropriate partial and generalized indicators for their evaluation. The practical value of the proposed methodology is determined by its providing the ability to use a wide range of performance indicators, namely the partial cost indicators for estimation of logistic expenditures for carrying out logistics activities, generalized cost indicators for estimation of logistic expenditures by the functional types of logistics activities, generalized cost indicators for estimation of logistic expenditures by the phase types of logistic activities and the overall indicator for estimation of logistic expenditures for the logistic activities of enterprise. Use of the methodology will allow enterprises a feasible forming of logistic budget for implementation of logistic activities for future periods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnokutska N. S., Kruhlova O. A., Mykhailova L. A.
Analysis of Sensitivity of Efficiency of the Enterprise Activity as to the Changed Level of Use of its Resource Potential (p. 188 - 193)

The article presents the results of research on the effect of changed volume and level of use of resource potential on the efficiency of the enterprise activity. Clauses of the effects of resource potential on value proposition of economic entity were defined. Expedience of building a hierarchy of value factors for an entity was grounded. The main stages of analysis of sensitivity of efficiency of the enterprise activity to the changed volume and level of use of its resource potential were highlighted; conditions for arrangement of factors and requirements to their hierarchy were determined. On the basis of the performed calculations, crucial variables critical factors for trade enterprises were defined: for large ones – change in volume of product and financial potentials, as well as efficiency in the use of human resources; for medium-sized and small enterprises – change in spatial and personal potentials, as well as efficiency in the use of technical and financial potentials.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Arefiev S. O.
Exploring of the Mechanism of Achieving the Objectives of Airports Restructuring (p. 194 - 200)

The article is aimed at clarifying of the minimum allowable values of indicators of success of individual restructuring measures, achieving and exceeding of which would best meet the economic needs of airports. Relationships between changes in the indicators of meeting the economic needs of airports, caused by the restructuring measures, were analyzed. The minimum value of the indicator of success of the resource-technological restructuring required to achieve the main goal of image restructuring was specified. In order to meet the acute needs, the airports are primarily in need of image restructuring, which is directed to improve their profitability and investment attractiveness. The ultimate goals of image restructuring can be achieved only on condition of harmonization of activities and results of the capital-property and resource-technological restructuring. The logit regression, elaborated in the study, shows that the ability of airports to ensure return on capital, which is owned by the State, is primarily determined by the level of availability of the reserves of own operating capital. The prospects of the selected research areas include the improvement of techniques for economic evaluation of investment projects on the basis of the logit regression model, elaborated in the study, and its economic interpretation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsybulko D. I., Fartushnyak O. V.
Formation of Strategic Indicators for Evaluation of Efficiency of Technical Re-Equipment of Industrial Enterprises (p. 201 - 206)

The article is aimed to create a balanced set of strategic indicators for evaluating the efficiency of technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises with elaboration of modeling of its stages. In the article the two directions of evaluating of the efficiency of technical re-equipment are determined and characteristic of the existing system for evaluating its indicators is provided. A balanced set of strategic indicators for evaluating the efficiency of technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises is proposed, which includes three levels of assessment: technical and economic level of production, efficiency of investment in technical re-equipment and economic efficiency of implementation of technical re-equipment. Modeling of for evaluating the overall economic efficiency of technical re-equipment of industrial enterprises, using the dynamic simulation modeling, was elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotliarovа V. H.
Study of the Influence of Industry Characteristics of Coking Enterprise on the Forming of Requirements for the Material Flow Management (p. 207 - 211)

The article is aimed to define the requirements for the material flow management of coking enterprise, which are formed under the influence of industry characteristics. To these characteristics belong: an integrated and continuous nature of production and the inability to stop the process without causing losses; dependence of the quality and quantity of the finished product from feedstock; high fire and explosion risk of production; high density of production; binding location of coking enterprises to raw materials base; high depreciation of enterprise's property assets; aggressiveness of the environment and processing industry classification of establishment. These characteristics put forward the following requirements to the management of material flow: ensuring the rhythmic and complete deliveries of raw materials and basic materials to create the required level of inventory, ensuring the delivery of a wide range of supporting materials and spare parts for the timely service of production, ensuring the supply of basic materials and chemicals to clean emissions and sewage just in time, in the required quantity and quality.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kosareva I. P., Nevdachyna O. I.
Determining of Substance of the Notion of Financial-Vector Strategy of Development of the Machine-Building Enterprises in the Present Context (p. 211 - 215)

During researching the conceptual approaches to the determining of the notion of financial-vector strategy of development of enterprises in the present context, the issues were detected, which significantly influence the functioning of industrial enterprises and encourage them to seek new ways of strategic development for access to international markets, where competitiveness and rivalry act as the major levers. Thus, the strategies of development within the system of enterprise management contribute to the successful development of industrial enterprises in terms of the world market. Owing to them it is possible to monitor and direct the activities of enterprise. On the basis of analyzing the substance of the notions of «strategy», «finance of enterprises» and «vector», which was proposed by the domestic and foreign scientists, the characteristic of the new concept as «financial-vector development strategy of enterprises» has been worked out.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lepeyko T. I.
New Paradigm of Restructuring the Enterprise: the Contemporary Ukrainian Realia (p. 324 - 328)

The conducted analysis and synthesis of domestic and foreign experience related to restructuring the enterprises suggests that there are many additional factors influencing this process. This is due to existence of new information processes that affect the course of economy life, significantly increasing the transience and uncertainty of all processes. This article is aimed to develop elements of a new paradigm of restructuring the enterprise, which will increase the efficiency of the ongoing reforms. In the article, on the basis of generalization of current theory and concepts of restructuring and its management, an approach to classification of enterprise restructuring is substantiated, a new identifier is introduced. Essence of contemporary views on the processes of restructuring and their management in the terms of the new paradigm are described. Practical significance of the obtained results is that the proposed definitions, classifications and approaches can provide a theoretical framework for the management of restructuring the enterprises in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Odarchenko A. M., Sokolova E. B.
Benefits of Implementing a System of Warehouse Automation Based on WMS (p. 329 - 332)

The main aim of this article is substantiation of feasibility and benefits of implementing a system of warehouse automation at the enterprise. A proper organizing of warehouse inventory control has an effect on the speed and quality of work, as well as profitability of trading and manufacturing enterprises. Uncoordinated or poorly controlled work of warehouse entails unjustified storing of expired or obsolete goods, non-optimal waste of space, costs of redundant staff or underloaded transport mileage, losses on the part of customers because of delays or poor-quality service. All this is expressed in monetary losses for the enterprise. The most effective solution to these problems is the implementing a system of warehouse automation. Implementing a WMS-system allows an enterprise to regularize and optimize technological processes when working with material flows; ensure a complete control over the goods turnover; optimize the use of storage space through the choice of the most reliable cargo disposition strategies. The possibility to promptly receive information on depot workload, storage time and costs of cargo handling will help to efficiently manage the material flow, while applying of WEB-technologies allows to operate from any place in the world.

Article is written in Russian

Sahaidak-Nikitiuk R. V.
Substantiation of Approaches to Evaluation of Logistical Risks by Entities of the Pharmaceutical Industry Branch (p. 333 - 338)

The article is aimed at substantiation of importance of logistical risks that affect the quality of medicines, and developing a mechanism to minimize them. Logistical risks in the pharmaceutical industry branch is an event resulting in the losses for the entities of the pharmaceutical industry branch (EPhIB), predetermining the possibility of unfortunate situation or an inappropriate result, connected with flows throughout the entire logistical pharmaceutical chain when the external and internal factors change. The large number of logistical risks necessitates the development of a mechanism to manage them. Algorithm of management of logistical risks of the EPhIB consists of seven steps. In the first stage an analysis of logistical operations of the EPhIB is conducted; in the second the logistical risks and their causes are analyzed; in the third a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of logistical risks is carried out; in the fourth the external and internal factors of influence on the logistical risk are analyzed; in the fifth – scenarios for developing situations regarding the threat of certain logistical risks are elaborated and methods for their evaluation are chosen; in the sixth – the logistical risk is evaluated; in the seventh stage measures to minimize or prevent the logistical risk are worked out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moskvin B. Y.
Organizational and Economic Protecting of Enterprise at the Corporate Control Market (p. 338 - 344)

The article is aimed to develop organizational and economic foundations to protect enterprises from corporate takeovers. In the article, a study of organizational and economic foundations of providing protection to enterprises on the market of corporate control is carried out. The organizational and economic tools for managing the enterprise's protection from corporate takeovers are considered. Comparative characteristics of passive, active and planned types of enterprise's protection on the stages of prevention, counteraction and neutralizing the effects of a corporate takeover are presented, on the basis of which it has been determined that the planned type of protection management is the most effective as to providing security of enterprise at the corporate control market. The author has developed a matrix of measures for ensuring the protection of enterprises on the market of corporate control, which allows to choose the protective measures, depending on time frames of their formation, as well as retrieve results. A model of organizational-economic providing security to enterprise at the corporate control market has been elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ovcharenko I. I.
Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools when Reconciling the Goals in the System of Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 345 - 350)

The article sets up the problem of reconcilement of personal goals of subjects of the economic security of enterprise and implementation of the agreed goals in the framework of common goals of the enterprise. A personal goal is considered as a transformed threat against economic activity, the conversion of which occurs through the perception of a subject of the economic security of enterprise, towards the content, strength and direction of an economic danger. Thereby arises a problem of cooperation between subjects of the economic security of enterprise as well as developing the specific rules for collective behavior. A theoretical framework for solving the problem of reconciling the goals of subjects of the economic security of enterprise in accordance with requirements of the collective behavior is the theory of artificial intelligence, a concretization of which can be done by means of the multi-agent system. In the result, with aim to solve this scientific and practical problem the author substantiated the use of hybrid-reactive architecture of the multi-agent system. It has been proposed to use the InteRRaP-model as most appropriate to the circumstances of goal-setting in the system of economic security of enterprise, architecture of the intelligent agent in the model was refined, the most significant elements of procedure of the multi-agent cooperation were allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Aleksandrova V. O.
Methodical Approach to the Management of the Through Business Processes of Enterprise on the Basis of DATAMINING (p. 351 - 358)

In the article, a methodical approach to the management of the through business processes by use of methods of mathematical statistics and DATAMINING has been studied. The main principles and basic steps of the proposed methodology for business process management have been substantiated. The need for organizing the system of the process accounting, monitoring and statistical analysis of the through business processes indicators, as well as the indicators of financial-production state of industrial enterprises in Ukraine to ensure the efficient management of the processes related to forming of the value added products, has been highlighted. Also in the article the hypothesis, that enterprises belonging to different economic clusters, to maintain their economic status (potential) and for the purposes of transition to an upper level should use different measures, aimed at changing of the added value, is analyzed. The main result of the study is defining of the rules of changing the added value of enterprises' activities to improve their economic status (potential).

Article is written in Russian

Zhukova D. A.
Methodical Approach to Forming an Integrated Indicator for Evaluating the Influence of External Environment on the Enterprise (p. 359 - 364)

In the article the existing approaches to the analysis of the external environment factors, which influence on functioning of enterprise, are analyzed. Critical review of the literature helped to disclose the shortcomings of the existing approaches as well as discover reserves to improve the analysis of external environment. Based on the results of analysis of the existing methods, elaborating of integrated indicator of influence of the environmental factors on the activity of enterprise was reasoned and the main factors of the environmental influence, which are important for the enterprises of machine-building industry, were identified. In particular, it is proposed to complement the classical categories – economic, social, and category of buyers/contractors/competitors – with the information and technology components. For characterizing of each of these factors the calculated rates were chosen, which include the relative values of the statistical indicators of economic development, indices from rankings by international organizations, logical variable and coefficient multipliers. For the indicators, which are not relative, mechanisms for their normalization in view of the nature of influence of these parameters on the results of enterprises' activities were outlined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zelenskiy M. V.
Substantiating the Stages in Procedure of Choosing Outsourcer of Logistic Functions of Machine-Building Enterprise (p. 364 - 370)

Implementation of outsourcing of logistic functions is a complicated process that requires some preliminary analytic work around the choice of a reliable supplier of quality services. To obtain the desired result from outsourcing it is necessary to elaborate on the issue of stages' contents in procedure of choosing the logistic service provider, who will be able to ensure the efficiency of their implementation. This article is aimed to develop practical recommendations on formation stages in procedure of choosing outsourcer of logistic functions of machine-building enterprise in the context of implementation of the outsourcing transport and storage. In the study the structural-logical analysis was applied to the formation of proposals on the contents of stages of the selection procedure for logistics outsourcers; systematic approach – to build a matrix of criteria, which allows for a comparison of abilities of logistics outsourcers. In the study possibilities to develop stages in procedure of choosing outsourcer of logistic functions were created, namely: preparations for the tender for transfer of the logistic function to outsourcing; preparation of information for elaborating the tender task; creating a list of potential bidders and inviting them to the tender; mailing the tender task to the potential outsourcers, getting questions from the potential outsourcers, preparation of answers; composing of a ranked competitive list of potential outsourcer; further analysis, discussion of the technology of fulfillment of logistic function by the outsourcer, clarification of particular issues and adjustment of commercial proposal; choosing the logistics operator. The elaborated methodical approach to choosing outsourcer of logistic functions helps to obtain the most effective version of the partnership, which corresponds to the expectations of machine-building enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Katkova N. V., Matushevskaya E. A.
Methodical and Practical Aspects of Defining the Integrated Indicator of the Level of Economic Sustainability of Industrial Enterprises (p. 252 - 257)

The article is aimed at forming the theoretical and methodical provisions and practical recommendations on defining the integrated indicator of economic sustainability of industrial enterprises. Methods of of defining the integrated indicator of economic sustainability, as well as its qualitative interpretation, have been considered. On the basis of the calculated indicator, a deterministic factorial analysis of influence of the financial, personnel and production-technological sustainability on the economic sustainability of enterprise was conducted. Using the integrated indicator of economic stability makes possible to determine the level of stability, qualitative interpretation of quantitative values helps to establish an economic rationale. The proposed method allows to not only monitor the economic sustainability, but to control the financial, personnel and production-technological sustainability. The proposed method allows timely detection of dangerous reduction of sustainability as well as take appropriate actions. Based on the results of an estimation of economic sustainability, developing a mechanism for ensuring the economic sustainability at the enterprises of the shipbuilding and shiprepairing industry will be possible.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Saukh I. V.
Financial Potential of Enterprise: Principles and Specifics of the Formation (p. 258 - 262)

The article is aimed at clarification of the basic principles of forming a system of the financial potential and selecting its characterizing features. As result of the study, the principles that provide the basis of forming a financial capacity as one of the most important components of the enterprise's potential in a whole has been allocated. It has been substantiated that potential of enterprise is a weakly structured system, since its structure is only partially known. Various interpretations of the process of forming the potential structure have been analyzed on the basis of scientific sources and it has been concluded about appropriateness of implementing a systemic approach. A detailed analysis of the major approaches (block-modular and functional structuring), which are available for the formation of enterprise's potential, was carried out. It has been noted that in terms of a functional structuring the division of elements into subject-object is arbitrary, because any objective component of the potential has a close relationship with the subjective component. On the basis of a review of the existing graphic model of entrepreneurial potential, a conclusion about its positive and controversial aspects has been made. Determining the potential of enterprise in a whole as an economic system, the author highlights the characteristics of the potential and formulates their contents, with extrapolating them on the financial potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khalina O. V.
Key Aspects of Ensuring the Financial Security of Enterprise (p. 263 - 268)

This article is aimed to display the key aspects of ensuring the financial security of enterprise, as well as demonstrate the possible instruments for implementation of this task. In the article, essence of enterprise's financial security is researched, a model of the financial security subsystem, as well as a schema for defining the possible threats among all events in the system, is elaborated. As result of the research, expedience of the development and application of the mechanism to identify potential threats against the apparent stability of the financial system of enterprise has been substantiated – aimed at effective implementing of preventive measures to ensure the financial security of enterprise. Further research on methods of financial security should be led in the direction of improving the mechanism to identify potential threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Havrylchenko O. V.
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Developing the Plan of the Pre-Judicial and Judicial Sanation of Enterprise-Debtor (p. 268 - 274)

The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and practical fundamentals of improving the processes of designing and implementing the plan of the pre-judicial and judicial sanation of enterprise taking into account the characteristics of contemporary economic situation in Ukraine. Based on analysis of normative legal acts and achievements of scholars and practitioners, the features and terms of initiating the procedure of judicial and pre-judicial sanation of enterprise-debtor have been determined, advantages of pre-judicial sanation are considered. In the process of the study, specific recommendations to content, design and certification of the pre-judicial and judicial sanation were provided. It has been proven, that a qualitatively prepared plan of sanation could become an important tool for the insolvent debtor in defending his position before the creditors and the court exclusively within the legal field. Prospect of further research is to determine the characteristics of formulating and implementing the plans of pre-judicial sanation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsybulko D. I., Fartushnyak O. V.
Rationale of Organizational-Economic Supporting of Technical Re-Equipment (p. 274 - 278)

This article is aimed to substantiate the essence of the definition of «organizational and economic supporting of technical re-equipment» and determine its constituents. Organizational supporting is defined in terms of three approaches: structural, regulatory and process. Despite the absence of a definition of «economic supporting», an own vision of this notion has been formed. The definition of «organizational and economic supporting of technical re-equipment» is presented as a complex of constituents, which interact with one another through the informational component.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Naumenko M. O., Morozova L. V.
Managing the Quality of Services of Enterprise (p. 179 - 183)

The article substantiates the need and relevance of management activity at the enterprises in Ukraine to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the provision of services, aimed at increasing the level of meeting the needs of consumers. Market orientation of the economy of Ukraine requires enterprises to adapt not only to the changing market environment, but also to the rate of these changes that can be effectively achieved through implementing the requirements of the international standard for the quality management system. Implementation of the quality management system not only leads to better products, but also contributes to the optimization of business processes of the enterprise as a whole, leading to increased productivity, reduction of dependence on resources, and, consequently, to reducing the cost of production, has a direct influence on the competitiveness of enterprise in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vashchilin S. V.
Issues of Pricing for Products of Coke and By-Product Enterprises (p. 176 - 183)

The article is aimed to study the specific features of multi-production enterprises with integrated nature of production, analyze the existing order of determining the cost of separate products and elaborate practical recommendations to enhance the relevance of such component of the product price as its production cost. As object of study were chosen coke and by-product enterprises, which show a wide range and complexity of production. Based on the methods of comparative, structural and logical analysis of the currently effective approach to defining the production cost, practical recommendations to improve the accuracy of its calculation have been elaborated to enhance the relevance of the prices determined by enterprise. Application of the elaborated approach will help to avoid establishing prices that do not cover production costs, are determined on the basis of imputation of associated products. The proposed approach to the calculation of production cost of individual products can be used in the enterprises with cross-cutting nature of production, wide range of manufactured products and the numerous direct and indirect material flows (enterprises of oil-refining, metallurgical, chemical and other industries).

Article is written in Russian


Kuprina N. M., Katkova N. V.
Integrated Approach to Assessing the Degree of Transformation of Enterprises' Activity in the System of Imparity Restructuring Management (p. 180 - 186)

The article considers current approaches to assessing the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprise by means of establishing a dedicated system of indicators for integrated assessment, conducting of fractal analysis and factor analysis in order to determine the degree of transformation of enterprise's activity and its persistence in the system of imparity restructuring management at the enterprises of the food industry. Development of methodical approach to conducting the analysis of efficiency of using the fixed assets of enterprise has been taken further. The proposed methodical approach to assessing the effectiveness of using the fixed assets of enterprise allows not only to carry out a qualitative factor analysis, but also shows the main directions of growth in profitability of the fixed assets, while studying the structural changes of components helps to determine, which activity parameters have affected the most or could affect efficiency of the enterprise's equity capital.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarenko O. S.
Mechanism for Logistics-Oriented Management of Financial Flows of Enterprise (p. 187 - 192)

The article is aimed at developing a mechanism for logistics-oriented management of financial flows of enterprise. The need to develop new approaches to the management of financial flows has been proven, essence and feasibility of constructing a logistically oriented management of financial flows has been substantiated, the basic functional-information outlines for its implementation have been described. Prospects of further research will be to develop methods to assess the state of the logistics-oriented management of financial flows at enterprises as well as create a motivational-logistics environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yarkina N. M.
Econometric Aspects of Information-Analytical Control Tools for Management of Fishery Industry Enterprise (p. 193 - 198)

The article is aimed to research the possibilities of econometrics as information-analytical set of tools for management of fishery industry enterprise as well as their practical implementation by building econometric models. Econometric modeling is considered as an effective information-analytical tool in the integrated management mechanism for fishery industry enterprise. A created econometric model reflects the direct impact on the net financial result of the enterprise's activity by the characteristics-factors, which have meaning as integrators of the corresponding business processes and the use of production factors. The importance to consider evaluation of ?-coefficients as a necessary element of informational-analytical tools for management of fishery industry enterprise has been substantiated. By means of correlation and regression analysis has been revealed that the guidelines and reserves for improvement of the financial result and, consequently, improved management of fishery industry enterprise should be found, in the first place, in organizing the resource provision and rational use of basic production assets.

Article is written in Russian

Bilyk M. D., Babich V. V.
Accounting and Analytical Provision of Management of the Financial Results of Enterprises' Activities (p. 205 - 213)

The article considers the order of forming data on revenues and expenses of enterprise for a more complete, high-quality and timely accounting and analytical provision of financial results of enterprise's activity, in particular through the effective use of management accounting and economic analysis at all stages of establishing the financial results. Emphasis is laid on the need to enhance the accounting and analytical provision of the management process that will contribute to creation of sufficient amount of information on revenues, expenses and financial results by the selected segments and the business centers of responsibility of enterprise. Also, with a view to improving the efficiency of the financial results management, has been proposed to use not only the «traditional» methods for analysis of revenues, expenses, profitability, cost-effectiveness, but also the new ones such as modeling, estimation of maximum potential profitability of certain types of products (works, services), and alikes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Filipkovska L. O., Matviienko O. O., Nikitenko S. V.
Gaining the Primary Knowledge about Conditions of Air Transport Enterprise to Diagnose its Economic Security (p. 165 - 172)

The article is aimed at gaining knowledge about conditions of air transport enterprises by the indicators of their activities with a view to making managerial decisions on the economic security of such enterprises. It has been proposed to apply cognitive approach in the diagnosis of the economic security of air transport enterprise. A model of development of economic system as a set of models to describe the object has been presented. This model is regarded as the backbone for development of the methodology of cognitive modeling of economic systems based on the theory of pattern recognition. Gaining knowledge about conditions of enterprise, which are characterizing the level of economic security, requires use of the PEST- and the SWOT-analyses, as well as both correlation and cluster analyses. The results are presented only for the first and second stages of cognitive technology for diagnosing the economic security of air company, which the authors call the preliminary (primary knowledge), regarding classification analysis of economic data on condition of enterprise. The knowledge gained will be used to build the information portraits of classes on the next stage of diagnostic of economic security of air transport enterprise, using the structural-analytical method of pattern recognition.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korshunov E. A.
Methodical Approach to the Planning of Expenditures Related to the Primary Activity of Industrial Enterprise (p. 172 - 177)

Today, in most industrial enterprises, planning is hardly considered a tool for optimization of expenditures related to the primary activity, and this is not in the right way. Because planning allows to the managers of enterprises to seek and find the most effective directions of activity, the most stable customers and suppliers, the best directions to minimization of expenditures related to the primary activity, since on these basic criteria depend the further operation and development of enterprises. In the article, methodical approach to planning the primary activity expenditures has been elaborated, which includes: building common risk indicators in the short-and long-term activities, allowing to identify key risks and calculate their share in the overall risks of enterprise; determining values of the risks through a combination of verbal risk values and the qualitative characteristics of risk, which gives the opportunity to substantiate the general risks in the short and long-term activities; a combination of short-term and long-term activities risks due to the use of the matrix approach, which allows to build a management matrix with consideration of risk in terms of the operational, tactical and strategic planning. Thus, the built matrix provides for determining the kind of planning in terms of combination of risks related to short-term and long-term activities aimed at effective planning of expenditures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M.
Diagnostics of Technical-Technological Base, Organizational Level, Resource and Energy Saving of Enterprise in the Context of Saving of Expense, Zero Defects and Rhythmical Production (p. 178 - 184)

In the article, a system for diagnostics of technical-technological base, organizational level, resource and energy saving has been designed. It has been determined that key business indicators of technical-technological base are the following: 1) the integrated indicator of technical level of production; 2) the integrated indicator of the technological level of production. The business indicators of the integrated indicator of organizational level of production are the following: 1) level of consistency; 2) level of complexity; 3) level of flexibility; 4) level of adaptability; 5) level of proportionality; 6) level of direct flow; 7) level of integration; 8) level of concentration; 9) level of normativity; 10) level of competitiveness; 11) level of automation; 12) level of quantification; 13) level of laws validity at the enterprise; 14) level of stimulation. Diagnostics of resource saving in terms of enterprise production should be carried out according to the following business indicators that define the integral level of resource saving: 1) indicator of the level of influence of resource saving on the logistics organization; 2) indicator of the technical-organizational level of resource saving in terms of production; 3) indicator of the level of use of production resources; 4) indicator of the resource-saving characteristics of commodity products; 5) indicator of the level of influence of enterprise's resource saving on the environment; 6) indicator of the level of financial provision and solvency in terms of resource-saving activities; 7) indicator of the level of influence of resource saving on increase in the number of markets for supplying the products of enterprise. It has been found that the integration level of enterprise's energy saving is determined by: 1) indicator of energy consumption; 2) indicator of the financial situation of enterprise; 3) indicator of investment attractiveness of enterprise; 4) indicator of financing the activities aimed at energy saving. It has been determined that diagnostics of technical-technological base, organizational level, resource and energy saving provides formation of the system of information management in the context of saving of expence, zero defects and rhythmical production of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chystiakova A. V.
Methodical Approach to Substantiation of the Priority Direction for Intellectual Property Management at the Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 184 - 191)

The article is aimed to elaborate a methodical approach to decision-making as to choice of priorities for management of intellectual property at the enterprise with a view to increasing its capitalization. In the elaboration, the analytic hierarchy process of T. Saati was used, which, relying on the qualitative indicators, allows to obtain a quantitative estimate of the possible alternatives to solve problems, taking into consideration the «human factor». To substantiate selection of the priority direction for intellectual property management (IPM), five groups of criteria has been proposed, characterizing the degree of acceptability of the proposed tools for the specific status of implementation of innovative-investment policy and development of enterprise. As such criteria were selected the staff-related, innovative-technological, financial-economic, marketing and organizational-legal. Quantitative figures reflecting possible gains and losses from the selection of a particular direction for IPM have been calculated by the specified groups of criteria, and the relative importance of each of them has been determined. The work's result has proved that the most rational direction for IPM in case of the PJSC «Zavod «Yuzhkabel» will be creation and use of intellectual property items (IPI) at the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Denysov K. V.
Evaluation of the Indicators of Financial Status of Ukrainian Iron and Steel Enterprises as Precondition for Innovative Sectoral Industrial Policy (p. 191 - 197)

The article is aimed to explore the financial state of the iron and steel enterprises of Ukraine in the context of need to develop and implement innovative industrial policy of updating the basic production facilities. The financial and economic performance indicators for iron and steel enterprises in the period of 2011-2013 have been analyzed and, based on the obtained results, the problems of shortage of both equity capital and current assets, as well as their causes have been allocated. These are the increase of the negative indicator of financial pretax result, the reduce in both equity capital and income from product sales. The latter had a negative impact on the status of social-labor relations in the sector because of reduced potential to increase the wages. It has been proven, that only the indicator of current liquidity meets the normative values, although it is declining as result of problems with negotiable assets. The necessity of applying industrial policy for resolution of problems as well as elimination of disparities has been reasoned. The author's approach to the concept of «industrial policy» has been proposed, its objectives with a view to improving the financial strength, solvency, business activity and social responsibility of iron and steel enterprises have been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lachkova L. I., Lachkova V. М., Arkhypova V. O.
Methodical approaches to formation of tasks, functions and principles of risk management at retail enterprises (p. 198 - 203)

The objective of this article is to determine the tasks, functions and principles of risk management at retail enterprises to increase its effectiveness. Methodical approaches to determining the goal of risk management are analyzed and summarized in the article, there was substantiated the objective of managing risks of commercial activity at a trade enterprise that should lie in the early detection of potential abnormalities in performing commercial transactions and minimization of their undesirable effects. There was developed the list of tasks of risk management at retail enterprises that differs fundamentally from approaches existing in the professional literature first of all by avoiding their functional understanding. The developed tasks specify the goal of management, determine desired outcomes of managerial activity. The system of functions of commercial risks management at a trade enterprise that provides the relation of actions with the goals and tasks of their performance has been proposed. It has been substantiated that an important part of the concept of commercial risk management of a trade enterprise are the principles that determine the rules and patterns of managerial behavior, enable to combine the elements of a complex system in an integral whole, and further establish the logic of construction and implementation of the risk management process. The provisions formulated in the article develop theoretical grounds of risk management; expand its methodological and practical tools. Together, they to some extent solve the tasks of effective risk managing in commercial activity of retail enterprises.

Article is written in English


Androsova T. V., Kozub V. O., Kruhlova O. A.
Systematization of Indicators for Monitoring of Financial Results at the Enterprise (p. 127 - 132)

The article is aimed at presenting the results of a study on establishing a system of output indicators for monitoring the financial results at the enterprise. Relationship between output indicators and informative indicators in the system of monitoring financial results at the enterprise has been displayed. Criteria have been allocated and the sequence of formation of system of informative indicators and output indicators for monitoring financial results of enterprise has been presented. Types of monitoring the financial results have been specified taking into account trends in the management of financial results and the main characteristics of the monitoring. The output indicators have been systematized taking into account the sequence of formation and use of financial results of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boiarynova К. О.
Accumulative Exploitation of Resources in Ensuring the Functionality of Industrial Enterprise (p. 132 - 137)

The article is aimed at substantiation of productive accumulative resource exploitation for ensuring functionality of industrial enterprise, proving its usefulness compared to traditional. A synthesis of scientific works by scientists has determined the need to consider resources as assets. The results of the study include comparison of the simple and the productive accumulative resource exploitation. Stages of productive accumulative resource exploitation, its importance in ensuring the functionality of enterprise, in the development of innovative management of production-economic system have been determined and substantiated. Prospect of further research in this context is development of methods for detection of merchantability of the derived resources, created by enterprise in the process of production-economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmynchuk N. V., Oleksiuk T. V.
Analysis of Financial Security of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 137 - 144)

The article is aimed to characterize the implementation of financial security of machine-building enterprises. In analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific works by many scientists, the system of indicators of financial security of enterprise has been substantiated and analyzed. As result of the study, the following steps have been implemented: 1) rationale for applying the set of indicators to assess the level of financial security of machine-building enterprise (criterion-based approach); 2) analytical processing of indicators characterizing the status of development of financial security. Using the economic-mathematical method of cluster analysis helped to distribute enterprises according to quality grounds in terms of status of financial security by three following levels: high, middle and low, as well as to implement comparison of development states by the components of financial security. Prospect of further research in this area is to develop a model of activities to counter threats to financial security for enterprises with different status of financial security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenova V. G.
Stages of the Enterprises' Intellectual Property Management, Based on the Process Approach (p. 145 - 149)

In the world practice, at the modern enterprises, use of process approach in the management of enterprises' activities comes into widespread acceptance. This contributes to the further restructuring of enterprise, focusing on the strategic directions of activity, selection of prospective processes in the activity, destroying bureaucratic barriers towards the implementation of individual processes and optimizing the use of resources. The article is aimed to determine the main stages of enterprises' intellectual property management based on the process-oriented approach. The established objective has determined the need to solve the following tasks: determining the main stages of enterprises' intellectual property management; identifying features of forming each of the stages. The common approaches to allocate stages of process management have been examined. Resulted from the carried out study, stages of enterprises' intellectual property management have been allocated using the process-oriented approach, which include: determining the goal for the process of formation of enterprises' intellectual property; appointment of a «process owner»; planning resources necessary to ensure the implementation of certain process; defining relationships and interactions with other processes in the enterprise; regulating processes and elaborating documentation; definition of a system of performance indicators of process implementation; designing a schedule for control measures; analysis of deviations from the planned level; formation of a system of measures for the further improvement of the process of formation of enterprises' intellectual property. Essence of each of the allocated stages together with their features has been considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Diachenko T. A.
Competitive Strategies of Industrial Enterprises, which Provide Repair Services (p. 150 - 154)

The article is aimed to develop a classification of competitive strategies of industrial enterprises, adapted to the specifics of repair services, on the criterion of the depth of strategic transformations. Approaches of scientists to definition of the role of competition in strategic management have been analyzed. Significance of market competition in the process of developing strategies has been identified. The concept of competitive strategy of enterprise has been clarified. The necessity of developing the classification of competitive strategies based on on the criterion of the depth of strategic transformations has been substantiated. The developed classification demonstrates the necessary degree of radicalness in the strategic transformations. The content of the proposed competitive strategies has been disclosed, conditions for their use have been clarified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sukach O. O.
Relationship of the Staff Motivation and the Efficiency of Labor Costs (p. 154 - 159)

The article is aimed at studying the economic substance of categories such as «motive», «stimulus», «motivation» and «stimulation». The author has substantiated that formation of motives is typical only for human under exposure to conscious needs, and that stimuli arise, resulting from the human relationships with the environment. Special attention is given to the structure of payroll fund, namely, permanent and variable labor costs. It has been determined that the variable labor costs, unlike the permanent labor costs, are related to the performance of employees and affect their motivation. As result of the study, composition of the permanent and variable labor costs has been improved, effectiveness of the latter in the implementation of the stimulating function has been proved theoretically. It is emphasized that the variable part of payroll fund turns wage into element of stimulation at enterprise. It has been recommended to industrial enterprises that attention be given to enhancing effectiveness of the allocation of labor costs through the increase of the variable costs share in their structure. Prospect of further research is an in-depth analysis, by using economic-mathematical apparatus, of both payroll fund and its impact on efficiency of the production activity of industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Neizvestnaya V. S.
Mechanism for Management of Sanatorium-Recreational Enterprises' Sustainability on the Basis of Internal Resources (p. 159 - 164)

The article is aimed to explore the internal resources of recreational enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea that form an adaptation mechanism for sustainable operation of such enterprises. A study of the recreational complex of the AR of Crimea has revealed that by 2013 the functioning level of the recreational enterprises was quite low. The reasons were inefficient use of financial resources, high costs of the surveyed enterprises, low level of the production process organization and inefficient marketing system. Studying internal resources is proposed to carry out on the basis of analysis of selected indicators to reflect efficiency of using production resources: the property status indicators; indicators of business activity; indicators of staff management; effectiveness of using the financial resources. For more precise performance values of using the internal resources of recreational enterprises has been suggested that the weight of each of the coefficients is determined with subsequent consideration of their values. This will allow to more objectively evaluate the enterprise's performance and its production capacities, to propose strategic directions for its sustainable operation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Feshchur R. V., Skybinskyy O. S., Drymalovska K. V.
Features of Diversification of Enterprises as a Factor of Ensuring their Innovation-Technological Development (p. 194 - 201)

The aim of the article provides for an analysis of the status and a substantiation of choosing directions for the production diversification according to the established conceptual model. As a result of an analysis of scientific papers of the domestic and foreign scientists, the basic positions of the theory of production diversification have been formulated. The sequence of stages of implementing the diversified development in enterprises has been examined. A conception of production diversification in the enterprises has been created. A graphical presentation of the model for the process of production diversification related to economic entities, providing a solution to the issues of a strategic nature, has been provided. To assess the opportunities for diversification development in the enterprises, a variation of the GE-matrix by McKinsey has been suggested. Further research is related to development of tools for implementation of production diversification in the enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M.
Diagnostics of Supply and Sales Activities of Enterprise (p. 201 - 205)

In the article, a system for diagnostics of supply and sales activities of enterprise is generated on the basis of economic accounting, advertising information and system of «costs – production volume – profit», taking into account the vocational-educational level of staff. It has been determined that key business indicators of the integrated indicator of supply and sales activities of enterprise on the basis of economic accounting are the following: a) indicator of the managerial accounting level; b) indicator of the financial accounting level; c) indicator of the bookkeeping level; d) indicator of the operational-technical level of accounting; e) indicator of the statistical recording level; f) indicator of the tax accounting level. The integrated indicator of supply and sales activities of the enterprise on the basis of advertising information should be defined by the two following levels: 1) level of economic efficiency of the advertising information; 2) level of communication efficiency of advertising information. A diagnostics of supply and sales activities of enterprise on the basis of the system of «costs – production volume – profit» should be based on the relationship of the following components: costs, production volumes and profit, with influence of the vocational-educational level of staff on the key characteristics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Morhun H. V.
Integration of Information Subsystem of Export-Import Activity of Enterprise into Its Overall Information System in the Process of Introducing Strategic Controlling (p. 206 - 212)

The article considers an approach to development of the strategic information subsystem for controlling the export-import activity of enterprise and its integration into the enterprise's overall information system, taking into account solving of certain technical and organizational issues. Tasks of the informational subsystems of industrial enterprises have been determined, the necessity of developing a special scheme of information flow, concerning the results of the export-import activity of enterprise, has been substantiated. Developing the informational subsystem for strategic controlling the export-import activity of enterprise is based on the range of activities to address issues of technical and organizational nature, namely: modernization of technical provision at the enterprise; regulation of the organizational system for strategic controlling; organizing the information flow of strategic controlling as interaction of the economist-controller for strategic controlling together with structural divisions of industrial enterprise; organizing the strategic controlling process, taking into account the principle of segregation of duties between employees on the basis of informational integration of subsystems for strategic management with the aim of valuation of expected changes. An elaborated scheme of improvements on the information system of enterprise has been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miroshnyk V. V.
The Accounting-Analytical Provision of Both the Material-Technical and the Investment Constituents of the Economic Safety of Business Entities (p. 175 - 182)

The article is aimed at offering the accounting-analytical support for calculation of the indicator of the danger level related to wear of fixed assets as one of the indicators of the investment security of enterprise. Attention is focused on the material-technical and investment constituents of the economic safety of enterprise. Methodological approaches to the economic evaluation of wear of fixed assets have been highlighted. Depending on the level of wear of fixed assets, an author's own approach to graduation of the danger level of the material-technical constituent of economic activity on the basis of the indicative estimating has been proposed. The approach to assessment of characteristics-indicators is based on the data from the accounting-analytical support. The methodical recommendations will allow professionals of either accounting service or economic security service of enterprise to identify the causes of insufficiently high performance indicators of the economic activity and, in turn, to provide an economically balanced conducting of the investment policy for update of the fixed assets of enterprise to ensure its sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lysenko A. О., Mashliakevych A. О.
Evaluation of Efficiency of Management of the Costs in Operating Maintenance of Roads (p. 169 - 173)

The article is aimed at composing a list of indicators for evaluating the efficiency of costs management related to the operating maintenance of roads, grouped by the classification characteristics in terms of achieving the strategic goals of road management enterprises. As a basis for developing a system for evaluating the efficiency of the prediction results were used: indicators of the levels regarding the achievement of the objectives, for the benefit of which expenses were undertaken; indicators characterizing the relationship between the result and the costs to achieve it; indicators of trends related to changes in the unproductive costs; indicators for assessing the efficiency of costs management in the production process. The list of indicators for evaluating efficiency of costs management in the operating maintenance of roads was used to elaborate methods for calculating the integrated indicator of costs management efficiency related to the main activity of enterprise, as well as the indicator of costs management efficiency for the operating maintenance of public roads. In the course of the study, the criterion of reaching the full effectiveness of costs management in case of a road management enterprise was determined. A promising direction for further research in the indicated area is development of an appropriate model of costs management for operating maintenance of roads according to the leading contemporary methods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oliinyk I. V.
Scenario Planning for Processes of Reproduction of Fixed Assets of Industrial Enterprises (p. 174 - 179)

The article is aimed to develop organizational-methodical bases of scenario planning for processes of reproduction of fixed assets and their practical application at industrial enterprises. The necessity of using the contemporary methods of strategic management and, first of all, of methods scenario planning, has been reasoned. On the basis of generalization of the approaches, described in the scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign authors, the contents and features of scenario planning for economic processes has been determined. The main stages of scenario planning have been elaborated and a list of activities that should result from actions at each stage has been provided. In determining the procedural side of the scenario simulation, substantial features of reproduction of fixed assets have been taken into account. As a basis for development of the scenario served analysis indicators of the processes of reproduction, determined for a particular machine-building enterprise. On the basis of the results of a regression analysis of the retrospective indicators were obtained the equations, which can be used in the process of forecasting. Also three scenarios for development of reproductive processes in the enterprise have been elaborated: basic, pessimistic and optimistic – that can be differed through dynamics of the key indicators. The proposed scripts provide an opportunity to identify the promising indicators and to assess the scope of reproductive processes in the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Protsiuk T. B., Kostiuk N. R.
Internal Audit for Corporate Management System and Diagnostics of Market Value of Enterprise (p. 180 - 187)

The article discloses essence of the notion of «internal audit for corporate management system», which should be understood as activities of the specially established auditing service at the enterprise, which provides advice and recommendations to the management (institutional management level representatives) on the correctness of taking managerial decisions, aimed at achieving the goals of enterprise. A toolkit for analysis of both financial status and economic activity of enterprise has been submitted. A system for diagnostics of the market value of enterprise has been developed, which has the following key indicators: indicator of the level of enterprise capacity (integrated indicator of the financial, production, labor, socio-economic and innovation-investment capacities of enterprise); indicator of the level of enterprise capital; indicator of the level of impact of market environment on the enterprise; indicator of the net asset value; indicator of value of the liabilities of enterprise; indicator of the business reputation of enterprise. It has been found that diagnostics of the market value of enterprise should be based on both financial and non-financial information, with regard to the both retrospective and prospective parameters of its activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vinichenko O. M.
A Morphological Analysis of a System for Control over the Socio-Economic Development of Enterprise (p. 188 - 194)

The article is aimed at establishing levels of functioning, implementation of morphological analysis, defining the properties of elements of the system for dynamic control over the socio-economic development of enterprise. The necessity of functioning of a well-established management system for an effective work of enterprise and its socio-economic development has been proved. The proposed division of the system for dynamic control on three levels of functioning (at the decision-making level, the level of monitoring, the level of monitoring the performance indicators) makes possible to determine the functional designation of every element of the system that, in turn, allows to regulate operation of the system components. The provided morphological analysis allows to identify the purpose of each element of the system for dynamic control over the socio-economic development of enterprise. Determining the properties of elements of the system for dynamic control over the socio-economic development of enterprise allows to link the system with both internal and external environment of the system components.

Article is written in Russian

Kunchenko M. О.
System of Management of Information Flows in the System for Budgeting of Trade Enterprises (p. 195 - 200)

The article is aimed to study the theoretical and methodological issues on organization of forming the information flows for budgeting of the network trade enterprises. Leaders of the market of network trade were determined by the number of trade objects as well as by the performance indicators. By examining the term of «information», the notion of «information flows» has been clarified and its essence has been defined, with regard to the both semantic and prognostic information levels. Directions of formation of the information flows in the system for budgeting of the trade network enterprises have been determined, taking into account specificity of their activities as well as provision of their coherence, coordination and monitoring. The sequence of the information modeling of budgeting has been clarified, information sources for establishing the budgets have been systematized. A matrix of using the information flows on the stages of budgets preparation, as well as for analysis and monitoring of fulfillment has been developed. Criteria for selection of implementation of a computerized budgeting system have been recommended.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Odarchenko D. M., Odarchenko A. M., Sergienko A. A.
Calculating the Economic Efficiency of the Introduction of New Methods for Evaluating Quality of Berries and Cultivated Mushrooms (p. 231 - 237)

The article is aimed at the economic substantiation of feasibility of introduction in the practice of economic enterprises of new methods for evaluating quality of wild berries and cultivated mushrooms. To address this objective, it is necessary to analyze what costs will be included in the value of the proposed methods, calculate the value of new methods and determine the economic effect from their introduction in the practice of enterprises. In order to substantiate the introduction of new, fast methods for determining the potentially hazardous or non-core components of berries and mushrooms in practice of enterprises, value of determining them in foods was associated with the cost of the current methods. The conducted calculations prove the usefulness of the elaborated methods for quality control of liquid semi-products from mushrooms and berries in evaluating their quality. Additional profit on each experiment will amount to 104 UAH for berries and 11 UAH – for mushrooms, but the costs for purchase of equipment will drop almost 11 times. Such profit is ensured due to the absence of reagents and materials for examination, as well as the need to use sophisticated equipment and involve highly qualified experts.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sharko V. V.
Competitiveness of Enterprise: Methods for Evaluation, Strategies to Enhance (p. 237 - 243)

The article is concerned with the main issues relating to both evaluation methods and strategies to enhance the competitiveness of industrial enterprise. According to results of a study, the indicators have been selected, which often act as the major characteristics of competitiveness of industrial enterprises, groups of strategies for adequate responding to the changing market environment have been provided as well. The provided system of indicators and the selected groups of strategies can be used as a guide to improve the effectiveness of businesses for the future period.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dolbneva D. V.
Contemporary Trends in Bankruptcy of Enterprises in Ukraine and Measures to Prevent Their Insolvency (p. 244 - 250)

The article is aimed at identifying the main trends in bankruptcy of enterprises in Ukraine as well as substantiation of the most appropriate measures to prevent their insolvency at the present stage of development of the national economy. The basic indicators, which characterize the status of proceedings in a case of bankruptcy of domestic enterprises in the past five years, have been specified; a comparison of them with selected indicators of other world countries has been carried out. The data obtained show the ineffectiveness and backwardness of the bankruptcy institution in Ukraine and the necessity of its perfection as well as bringing in line with international practice along with an urgent implementation of crisis management directly by enterprises. Additionally, the key causes of insolvency and bankruptcy of domestic enterprises have been identified. As a result, a number of activities has been outlined, which, according to the author, can ensure solvency and financial stability of domestic enterprises in the short and long perspective, reduce the number of bankruptcies and liquidations of enterprises, as well as to strengthen and improve the mechanism of counteraction to bankruptcy. Prospect of further research is to build a rational model for a system of crisis management, which would take into account peculiarities of the national economy and the needs of individual enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Protsiuk T. B., Leskіv S. R.
Monitoring the Financial, Production, Marketing and Product Areas of Activity, and Instant Diagnosis of Material Support of Enterprise (p. 250 - 256)

The article discloses the content of the concept of «monitoring» and presents the stages of monitoring the activity of enterprise. The key indicators for monitoring the financial, production, marketing and product areas of activity of enterprise have been identified. Both the conception and tools of the system for instant diagnosis of material support of enterprise are presented, it has been determined that instant diagnosis should be carried out by the integrated indicators of: material support of enterprise; technical support of enterprise, which will provide a promising direction for further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prytychenko T. I., Liakh I. S.
Practical Aspects of Developing the Structure of Product Portfolio of Enterprise (p. 256 - 265)

The article is aimed at improving the integrated methodical guidelines on the formation of the structure of product portfolio of enterprise on example of the veterinary preparations market of Ukraine. In order to conduct a full-fledged analysis and provide recommendations on improving the product assortment of enterprise several well-known and generic methods were combined: joint ABC-XYZ analysis, adapted BCG matrix, method of Dibb-Simkin. The results of the analysis of product portfolio, obtained with use of different methods, were mapped to each other and on the basis of the information obtained, proposals for changing the assortment of enterprise have been formulated. The provided methodical recommendations on developing the structure of product portfolio of enterprise are notable for complexity of managerial decisions, significant practical orientation. A detailed description of the specifics of combining several methods for building the assortment of products is accompanied by a real example from the practice of domestic enterprise at the veterinary preparations market. This will improve the quality of development of product policy of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Illiashenko O. V.
Estimating the Necessary Complexity of the System of Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 265 - 272)

The author's definition of «System of Economic Security of Enterprise» (SESE) has been presented. The meaning of «necessary complexity of the system of economic security of enterprise» has been clarified. The determinants, which specify the complexity of the SESE have been displayed. The modes of functioning of the system of economic safety of enterprise have been described. A model for estimating the necessary complexity of the SESE, in which the estimate is represented by the resulting indicator, has been developed. Each determinant of the system, intended for use in the proposed model, was described according to a semi-quantitative scale, with use of a five-position discrete ordinal scale. To reduce the subjectivity of the estimate, a verbal description of the gradations for the determinants of the SESE, which considers their stimulating or destimulating effect, has been provided. To determine the weighing coefficients in terms of the model's determinants, the method of analysis of hierarchies was used. With purpose of the mathematically substantiated selection of the intervals for interpretation of the result indicator of the necessary complexity of the system of economic security of enterprise the Sturges' formula was used. A verbal scale for interpretation of the result indicator of the necessary complexity of the SESE has been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babyna O. Y., Bairaktar Y. P.
Evaluating the Level of Socially Responsible Activities of Transport Enterprises (p. 273 - 280)

Evaluation of socially responsible activities (SRA) of transport enterprises is a topical and important task. Socially responsible activity of enterprise is the process of implementation of a complex of actions, aimed at provision of development of a corporate team, territory, society in the social, economic and environmental spheres, directly related to the main activity of enterprise, going beyond the minimum defined by legislation and carried out in accordance with the moral and ethical beliefs. To justify decisions regarding cooperation with enterprises, the concerned parties make use of economic tools for comparing the level of their socially responsible activities. The article substantiates both the system of single parameters and methodical provisions for integrated evaluation of the level of socially responsible activities of transport enterprises, carried out by the groups of stakeholders, because the list of parameters that are important for each of them is different. Evaluation of the level of social responsibility involves the formation of a system of integrated indicators. Today, the practical implementation of existing methodical approaches to evaluation of the level of SRA is held back by the lack of uniform and binding form of non-financial reporting, list of indicators of which would take into account the specifics of enterprises from different sectors of economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotlyarevskyy Y. V., Shtangret A. M., Karayim M. M., Ratushniak Y. V., Melnikov A. V.
Formation of Analytical Support in Application of the Anti-Crisis Technologies in the Management of Economic Security of the Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 281 - 285)

Today's conditions of functioning of the domestic machine-building enterprises are difficult to prognosticate, characterized by a considerable number of threats to their economic security. Ensuring the necessary level of economic security, as the basis for functioning and subsequent successful enterprise development, requires application of management technology, which would be adequate to the current situation. Use of anti-crisis technologies provides for not only supporting the required level of economic security of a specific enterprise, but also, by tracking all changes in the environment of functioning, – development and implementation of preventive protective measures. Success of anti-crisis technologies in the management of economic security of enterprise depends largely on the analytical support and should be based on information about the availability, dynamics of development, and the level of influence of the external and internal threats. Generalization of information on priority of impact of the aggregate external threats on the economic security of machine-building enterprises has contributed, through the application of both the system analysis and the graph theory, to their hierarchical alignment as well as building of a relevant model. The results obtained are the basis for the formation of methodical support of the use of anti-crisis technologies in the management of economic security of machine-building enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dorovsky O. V.
Improvement of the Methodology for Assessing the Effectiveness of Logistic System of Pharmaceutical Enterprises (p. 286 - 292)

The article is aimed at determining the definition of «efficiency of logistic system of pharmaceutical enterprise» and improvement of methods for its evaluation taking into account both the peculiarities of the activity of pharmaceutical enterprise and the specifics of logistic approaches. Approaches to determining the essence of the effectiveness of logistic system have been examined, the definition of «effectiveness of the logistic system of pharmaceutical enterprise» has been proposed. Some directions for the management of effectiveness of logistic system have been developed. An algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of the logistic system of pharmaceutical enterprise has been offered. The indicators, used to assess the effectiveness of logistic system, have been analyzed and on the basis of the expert method have been chosen such indicators, application of which can be suitable in the context of the pharmacy. The proposed indicators have been grouped into seven integrated areas by the activity spheres of logistic system: purchase of substances and materials, warehousing, transportation, production of medicines, their marketing, pharmaceutical waste recycling and the informational provision of the flows control. Methods for evaluation of effectiveness have been examined. A method for evaluating the effectiveness of logistic system inherent in the pharmaceutical enterprise has been chosen. The algorithm for calculation of the integrated indicator of the effectiveness of logistic system of pharmaceutical enterprise has been provided. The value of the effectiveness of logistic system of pharmaceutical enterprise has been calculated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Skrynkovskyy R. M., Semchuk Z. V., Koval N. M.
Express-Diagnostics of the Property Position of Enterprise (p. 220 - 225)

Nature of economic categories such as «property position of enterprise» and «express-diagnostics of the financial status of enterprise» has been disclosed. Under the property position of enterprise should be understood the holistic system for display of property rights and responsibilities of enterprise, which are established and subsequently formed, on the basis of both allocation and dynamics of the composition and structure of assets and liabilities of enterprise. It has been found that express-diagnostics of enterprise's financial status involves timely evaluation of the current status of the assets, equity capital and liabilities of enterprise using specific indicators with a view to the early detection and prevention as to signs of instability. It has been determined that key business indicators in the system for express-diagnostics of enterprise's financial status are: wear coefficient, coefficient of validity, coefficient of renewal, coefficient of attrition, indicator of returns on assets, capital coefficient, indicator of mechanization, coefficient of intensive use of equipment, coefficient of extensive use of equipment, coefficient of integrated use of equipment. An evaluation of the integrated level of the property position of enterprise is recommended to be carried out by using the enterprise reference method.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yemelyanov O. Y., Kurylo O. B., Symak A. V.
Structuring the Costs of Enterprise in the Process of Planning Measures for its Technical Development (p. 226 - 231)

The article is concerned with elaboration of theoretical basics for structuring the enterprise costs in the process of planning measures for its technological development. An interpretation of the notion of «structuring the enterprise costs» has been provided as the process of regulating their composition and the relationship between their individual kinds through implementing functions and using methods of cost management at the level of economic entity. A method for evaluating the impact of the ratio between value of the active and the passive parts of main assets on the amount of financial results of enterprise has been proposed. Existence of an optimal balance between the amount of the current and the investment costs of enterprise has been proved. A grouping of the current enterprise costs on processing of a production unit has been carried out, depending on level of its capital intensity by allocating: costs that are not affected by changes of this level; costs that are reduced when increasing the capital intensity of production, and costs that grow while increasing the capital intensity of production. A sequence for establishing the best ratio between the current and the capital enterprise costs in the process of implementation of the decisions on introduction of new progressive production technologies has been elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Smokvіna G. A.
Contemporary Approaches to Assessment of Economic Security of Industrial Enterprises: Theoretical Experience and Practical Use (p. 231 - 239)

The article is aimed at studying the existing theoretical approaches to assessment of the economic security of industrial enterprises and identifying the reasonability of their practical use. The article considers and analyzes the approaches to assessing economic security, which are applied at the enterprises of industrial sector. Among the commonly used is the indicator approach, according to which the indicators are grouped by functional components, the evaluation criteria and degree of their influence on the security status of the enterprise are provided, including the calculation of the integral indicator; and the program-oriented and goal-oriented approach. The prospect of further research in this area is development of a universal methodology for assessing levels of economic security, that will facilitate the adoption of managerial decisions to ensure the economic security of industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumilo O. S.
Factors of and Threats to Economic Security of Trade Enterprises (p. 240 - 245)

The factors have been allocated and the nature of their impact on the economic security of trading enterprise has been determined, which largely is determinated by the specifics of trading activities. The internal factors of influence have been allocated with regard to components of economic security, distribution of which occurs according to the impact on the level of economic security of trading enterprise. It has been suggested to arrange the totality of the factors of influence of the external environment on economic security of trade enterprise into several groups, taking into consideration the characteristics of trade: overall economic, social, political, connected with State regulation of economy, taxation of enterprise, labor sources, market infrastructure, competitive environment and conditions for the provision with information, as well as the factors that influence the relationships with customers and suppliers. The factors of influence of the external and internal environment of the economic security of enterprise have been divided into constructive and destructive. It has been specified that the destructive factors represent the threats. A classification of threats to economic security of trade enterprise has been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tolstykh M. A.
Organizational Bases of the Internal Control of Costs for Repairing the Main Assets (p. 246 - 251)

In current conditions of economic management, costs for repairing the main assets constitute a significant proportion of the overall cost structure of enterprise, which in turn affects the financial results, and therefore, requires more detailed monitoring. Particular attention should be paid to the organizational and methodological bases of internal control of costs for repairing the main assets. In the absence of a single normative-legal act to regulate the internal control at enterprises in Ukraine, this article generalizes, systematizes and substantiates the organizational bases of internal control of costs for repairing the main assets in accordance with current legislation and suggests that the totality of relationships between subjects, objects, methods and information provision of control can be considered in the form of a model of system for internal control of costs for repairing the main assets, used for implementing the functions of control, increasing the efficiency of control and taking management decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skryl O. K.
A Mechanism for Control of the Economic Sustainability of Industrial Enterprise (p. 251 - 255)

The article is aimed at developing a mechanism for control of the economic sustainability of industrial enterprise. For each particular integrated indicator of the economic sustainability, systems of continuous evaluation have been developed and structured in the form of the corresponding graph charts, which demonstrate that the goal of achieving the economic sustainability as an objective for the related goal-setting can be reduced to the decomposition of each indicator until the indivisible level. To determine the likelihood of occurrence of economic insecurity for an industrial enterprise, provided that one of the indicators of economic sustainability has gone beyond the limits of defined indicators, the Bayes' theorem is used. Next, by means of the algorithm to ensure the economic sustainability of industrial enterprise, corrective influences are carried out that will provide the necessary level of liquidity and profitability of industrial enterprise. Thus, use of this mechanism makes possible to calculate the likelihood that industrial enterprise will be economically unsustainable, provided that the value of a particular integrated indicator of economic sustainability will be unsatisfactory.

Article is written in Russian

Odarchenko D. M., Odarchenko A. M., Karbivnycha T. V., Spodar K. V.
Economic Efficiency of Production of Semi-Prepared Frozen Garnish «Borshchova Zapravka» (p. 256 - 261)

The article is concerned with economic substantiation of the feasibility of production of semi-prepared frozen garnish «Borshchova Zapravka» within the framework of economic enterprises. In order to estimate economic efficiency of production of «Borshchova Zapravka», the projected profitability of marketing this product must be calculated as well as compared with the average similar indicators. Analysis of the finished calculations of the economic efficiency of production of semi-prepared garnish «Borshchova Zapravka» provides for conclusion that production of the novelty is cost effective. This is evidenced by the calculated level of profitability, which is above the average level prevailing in the market by 15.9% (the calculated level of profitability is 35.9%, the average level of profitability in the market – 20%), thus allowing enterprise not only strengthen its position, but also improve profitability even in comparison with the planned efficiency indicators.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Oksak A. O.
Resource Motivation for Merger and Takeover of Corporations of Different Economic Activities (p. 179 - 184)

The publication summarizes the main resource motivation as to mergers and takeovers of national corporations: access to both the raw material and the intellectual resources of country. Technological processing chains for raw materials processing have been discovered, which has led to grouping the enterprises of different economic activities by the enterprises for primary production and the enterprises for production of the first and second levels of industrial processing. Also levels of dependence of activity as to processes of merger and takeover have been disclosed. Using the scoring method together with matrix approach, a ranking of all kinds of economic activities has been conducted for those with low material and labor costs; with high material costs; with high labour costs; with both high material and high labor costs. Should the efficiency of mergers and takeovers in the selected groups depend on reducing the cost of labor and is achieved by means of mergers and takeovers of a horizontal type, a decrease in the level of material costs would be achieved by means of the vertical mergers and takeovers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Saukh I. V.
Resource-Based Approach as a Direction for Strategic Analysis of the Financial Potential of Enterprise (p. 184 - 188)

The article is concerned with the resource-based approach as an important direction in the strategic analysis of the financial potential of enterprise. The author has defined that: the resource-based approach aims at identifying the uniqueness of each enterprise, resulting in additional competitive advantages while using the differences between the resources available. This has provided the need to improve the framework of categories and concepts in the context of clarifying the concept of «strategic financial resources». It has been determined that in a strategic analysis of the resource component of the financial potential can be logical to apply the resource-efficient concept that provides to assess the transformation of the financial resources of enterprise into the financial results. It has been concluded that achieving synergies when implementing the financial potential of the company is possible only if strategic financial resources will be combined with other elements of the financial potential (human, institutional and informational components). This will facilitate development of enterprise along with ensuring its steady competitive advantages.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Semchuk Z. V., Kostiuk N. R.
Diagnostics of Activities' Risks, Features of Insurance for Enterprise (p. 189 - 197)

The article discusses the matter of diagnostics of enterprise's risks, which should be understood as the process of identifying risks that arise at different stages of enterprise's activities, evaluation of their level, possible changes and identification of promising ways to eliminate or reduce them. A system for diagnostics of enterprise's activities' risks has been developed, it has been determined that this should be carried out by using the method of expert estimations. It has been found that key business indicators in diagnostics of enterprise's activities are indicators of the risk level of the following types: financial activity; supply activity; productive activity; sales activity; environmental activity; investment activity; innovation activity; staff activity. Features of insurance protection against risks of the enterprise's activities has been disclosed. Prospects of the further research in this field are developing a system for diagnostic purposes in terms of enterprise's activities with a view to the partial diagnostic purpose – diagnostics of enterprise's activities' risks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudenko I. V., Polova T. V., Tverdokhlib K. O.
Analysis of the Expediency of Formation of Material Circulating Assets of Enterprise (p. 198 - 205)

The article is aimed at developing methods for analysis of expediency of formation of material circulating assets of an production-trade enterprise. The actuality of analyzing the expediency of formation of reserves at the enterprise has been substantiated. The substance of the methods for an ABC-analysis of circulating assets has been considered, their advantages and disadvantages have been analyzed. A comparative analysis of methods for carrying out both ABC and XYZ-analysis of material circulating assets has been conducted. Reasonability of applying an integrated ABC/XYZ analysis has been substantiated. The methods for analysis of expediency of formation of material circulating assets at the production-trade enterprise OAO «Koziatinskii miasokombinat» has been approbated according to its financial and statistical reporting for the year 2014. A matrix for an integrated ABC/XYZ analysis has been created. Conclusions concerning the assortment policy of the researched enterprise in this year as well as possibilities for its forecasting has been drawn. Recommendations as to enhancing the efficiency of formation of material circulating assets of the OAO «Koziatinskii miasokombinat» have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voznenko N. I.
Theoretical Aspects of Formation of the Organizational-Economic Mechanism for Adaptive Management of Logistics System of Enterprise (p. 206 - 214)

Theoretical aspects of formation of the organizational-economic mechanism for adaptive management system of logistics system of enterprise (AMSLSE) have been considered. With this purpose a sequence of stages in its formation has been determined, content of each stage has been provided, and the priority between areas of adaptive management has been summarized. Research on the logistics system of enterprise (LSE) is suggested to carry out using determination of its internal and external logistics flows along with applying mathematical apparatus: correlation analysis to allocate the factors of both stimulating and destimulating nature, clustering for building a matrix of LSE-statuses, and location of enterprises in its quadrants. As the dependent variable was used the indicator of return on logistics costs (ROLI). The proposed mechanism for AMSLSE provides a range of measures for conditions of transition between the quadrants of the matrix. Also separation of a logistics flow into the material, financial and information flows has been considered, taking into view the levels of management. It has been proposed to correct the status of a logistics system by the tools of adaptive management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poklonska L. S.
A Methodical Approach to Determining Results of Economic Management of Enterprises as to Developing Promotional Strategies for the Technical and Industrial Products (p. 215 - 225)

The article is aimed at elaborating a methodical approach to determining results of economic managing of enterprises as to developing promotional strategies for the technical and industrial products. The indicators of economic management results as to development of promotional strategies of the machine-building enterprises have been allocated in the view of: efficiency; financial viability; costs relative to promotional strategies; innovativeness of the technical and industrial products. Using cluster analysis, dynamics of structural changes were examined at 19 machine-building enterprises, which were studied in terms of the criterion of economic management results during the period of 2010-2014. To determine the internal factors of economic management results of enterprises as well as of cause-effect relations in the system of describing indicators, clustering of indicators for the totality of the enterprises examined has been analyzed. On the basis of the computed models, a cognitive schema of the relations between significant indicators for the economic management results of enterprises, which takes into account cause-effect relations, has been built; an integral indicator has been calculated. According to the research results, the main stages of a methodical approach to determining results of economic management of enterprises as to developing promotional strategies for the technical and industrial products have been formulated

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vakulenko I. O.
Problems of Technical-Technological Modernization of Ukrainian Enterprises in the Contemporary Context (p. 225 - 229)

This article discusses issues related to the technical-technological update, modernization of enterprises operating in the contemporary context of a sharp decline of Ukraine's economy. The interrelation between the economic, political, financial, technological and social factors influencing the technological update of Ukrainian enterprises has been considered. Recommendations on reduction of the State fees in the sphere of high technologies when importing the most recent developments from advanced countries has been suggested, an approach to the depreciation charges of enterprise funds with the aim of preventing aging of equipment in the time of rapid technological update has been proposed, some hypotheses about the role of public and private finance, institutional impact on the process of updating the technical-technological base have been put forward. Several social and political aspects of such actions have been discussed. An exceptional need for providing in the shortest possible time a fundamental change in the situation of the high-tech industry at all levels has been displayed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grinchenko V. O.
Factors Influencing the Capital Structure of Corporate Enterprises (p. 230 - 238)

The article is aimed at determining the capital structure of the Ukrainian corporate enterprises together with the factors that cause influence upon it. The article identifies approaches by various scientists to the significance as well as direction of relationship of the main factors with its capital structure. The obtained values of the indicators of capital structure for a sample of Ukrainian enterprises, corporate rights of which are circulating in the stock markets, were calculated and analyzed. A vertical analysis of elements of capital structure of Ukrainian corporate enterprises has been carried out. It has been determined that the selected Ukrainian corporate enterprises are securing their activities by means of both own and the borrowed funds equally, and that in the structure of the leveraged funding sources a significant preponderance of short-term funding versus long-term can be traced. A five-factors regression model of capital structure has been built using the method of least squares. As have been identified, there is a significant positive relationship between growth opportunities of enterprise and the level of borrowed capital as well as a significant negative relationship between profitability and the level of borrowed capital. It has been determined that such indicators as company size, structure of assets and liquidity do not have any substantial connection with the capital structure of the enterprises, which have been analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tarasova T. O.
Methodological Foundations of Modeling Enterprise Architecture in the Context of Life Cycle Ontogeny (p. 239 - 245)

The article is concerned with projecting an overall enterprise architecture, which contains descriptions of the structural elements and inter-element relations, and is the major tool for managing continuity of activities. The basic laws of life cycle of enterprise have been examined, with result of update as to the interrelationships between various branches of economic knowledge and allocating the building principles of enterprise architecture. Examining the characteristics of different types of control structures has showed that at the initial stage of the life cycle satisfying information needs of management directly depends on the differentiation of responsibility centers. Interaction of financial responsibility centers has been determined, which occurs with distribution of revenue, expenses, profit from tax payments, investments, marginal revenue in the context of transfer pricing. Analysis of the scientific approaches to determining financial structure has proved that its formation is based on distribution of supervisory and regulatory competences between structural divisions of the higher and lower levels. An overall enterprise architecture has been proposed, based on the hypercube of multidimensional models of non-relational spatial databases, which offers navigation through hierarchical structures and provides communication between different groups of managers involved in development of information management system for a business unit.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Levina M. V.
Organization and Methods of Internal Control in Terms of Transaction Costs in the Enterprises of Hospitality Industry (p. 229 - 234)

The article is aimed at developing organizational-methodical foundations of internal control of transaction costs for enterprises of hospitality industry. Organization of internal control is defined as a system of interrelated means, techniques and methods that cover the entire range of control procedures. The article proposes the main elements of organization of the system for internal control of transaction costs at hospitality enterprise: development and approval of regulations on internal control department and job descriptions for the staff of the department; substantiation of the principles on which internal control of transaction costs should be based; determining the stages, information base and order of implementing control examinations, taking into account specific features of transaction costs; formulation of objectives and determining the examination methods; development of working documentation forms, execution of examination results; development of forms of reports on examination results; development of measures on elimination of the revealed deficiencies and irregularities in accounting, analysis and control of transaction costs. A methodical instrumentarium for internal control of transaction costs in enterprises of hospitality industry has been developed for the main stages of its implementation – organizational, methodical and efficient.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vizniak Y. Y., Skrynkovskyy R. M., Protsiuk T. B.
Diagnostics of Business Environment of Enterprise and the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations for the Prevention and Countering Corruption in the Field of Taxation (p. 235 - 240)

The article discloses the substance of diagnostics of business environment of enterprise, which is understood as the process of assessing the status of business environment by establishing the influence of its factors on the activity of the enterprise; identification of trends in this status under the influence of change of the factors, and determining the future prospects with a view to the adoption of efficient and effective managerial decisions in the system of both economy and administration of enterprise. A system for diagnostics of the business environment of enterprise has been developed. It has been determined that key indicators for the diagnostics of business environment of enterprise are the level indicators of relationships with: consumers; competitors; suppliers; mediators; contact audiences. It is found that non-governmental organizations as one of the subtypes of contact audiences (as a key factor of the business environment of enterprise) play an important role in preventing and countering corruption in the field of taxation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Smoliakova O. M.
Monitoring the Implementation of Operating Strategies at Enterprise Based on the Results of its Economic Sustainability Evaluation (p. 241 - 247)

The article explicates both substantiation and content of monitoring procedure concerning the implementation of operating strategies at enterprise, based on the results of its economic sustainability evaluation. It is proved that both composition and content of indicators for evaluating economic sustainability are able to maintain and diagnose the performance of all strategies at enterprise, particularly the functional ones. A standard set of current strategic goals for industrial enterprises together with indicators of economic sustainability, which provide the analytic-informational means of their implementation, has been proposed. A hierarchy of strategic goals in the current conditions of managing has been substantiated and recommended. The proposed logic of monitoring involves the computation of absolute deviations of achieved values for the indicators of economic sustainability from the optimal together with relative deviations of the predictive values of economic sustainability from the optimal. This procedure is suggested to be considered as informational-analytical provision for current processes of development and implementation of strategies at industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nazarenko I. М.
Financial Indicators for Diagnostic of Capital from the Standpoint of Value- and Cost-Based Approaches (p. 273 - 278)

The article proves that contemporary economic processes significantly impact managerial activity. In order to take dominant positions in the market, enterprise managers should review the main principles of management, the subject of economic activity, and to give priority to (or adapt) those directions, which have the greatest value for stakeholders. It has been proven that in managerial activities, emphasis should be placed on enhancing the both value and cost of enterprise, which in turn requires changing the management conception. Consideration of interests of stakeholders causes corrections of understanding of the concept of «efficiency». Special attention is paid to the matter that implementing value- and cost-based approaches to management requires the necessary accounting for the financial component of balanced scorecard. Based on the analysis of the literary sources, four zones of balanced scorecard have been allocated. Financial indicators for the practical implementation of value- and cost-based approaches for areas of both value-based and cost-based valuating issues have been grouped.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tepliuk M. A.
Resources Portfolio as a Key Factor in the Efficiency of Resourcing the Activity of Enterprise (p. 279 - 284)

The article considers theoretical-methodical provisions of efficiency of resourcing the activity of enterprise. Peculiarities of enterprise activity related to the use of both the resources portfolio and the resources tree have been determined. Both fragmented and defragmented division of resources' components has been conducted. Peculiarities of conducting a systematization of resources in accordance with their priority have been examined. It is proved that rational use of resources provides reserves to enhance functioning of enterprise. Prospect of further research on this topic is determining the criteria and methods for assessment of enterprise resources in terms of a developed resources portfolio.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Marchenko V. M., Makaliuk I. V.
Methodological Bases of Estimation of Transaction Costs in the Context of Interaction of Actors of Institutional Environment (p. 285 - 292)

The article is aimed at developing a system of indicators for estimating specific and generic transaction costs of both input and output character, encountered when interacting with groups of actors in both internal and external institutional environment. The article substantiates the necessity of accounting for direction of the transaction impact of actors of institutional environment when determining the prospects for further cooperation. Range of transaction costs arising in case of an enterprise as result of implementation of relations with public authorities, suppliers, customers, resellers, competitors, internal and external contact audiences has been determined. Indicators to estimate specific and generic transaction costs from the standpoint of focus of the transaction impact has been elaborated, which include the costs of both public and hidden character. The proposed instrumentarium allows enterprises to: determine the degree of dependence on both the external and the internal institutional environment to substantiate further development strategies; estimate the range of transaction costs in full; determine the usefulness of cooperation with partners by comparing the obtained effect and the «price» paid by enterprise for such relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Riabkova O. V.
The Functional Model for Monitoring Economic Indicators of Enterprise Performance (p. 293 - 299)

The article analyzes, systematizes and generalizes functional content of the information model for monitoring economic performance of enterprise, formulates its development on the basis of methodology of the international standard for modeling IDEF0. Feasibility of use of the IDEF methodology (ICAM Definition) has been reasoned to create a functionally-oriented model of system for monitoring economic indicators of enterprise performance, which makes possible to explore its structure, parameters and characteristics. Methods for both selecting key indicators of monitoring and their converting into system, as well as information flows that circulate in the system, have been analyzed. It has been substantiated that use of IDEF methodology contributes to the formalized description, objective analysis of monitoring processes, which also enables to make modifications in the system. Prospects of further researches have been formulated, which are directed towards comparison of this model with the existing organizational structures of enterprises, and shall ensure the development of an organizational mechanism, adequate to current conditions, to monitor economic indicators of enterprise performance.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Matyushchenko S. S.
External Subjects of Influence on the Formation of Intellectual Capital of Machine-Building Enterprise (p. 155 - 159)

Intellectual capital in the current economic conditions is one of the most important resources of enterprise. Its successful use is the key to competitiveness and profitability of enterprise. In this situation, research of factors and subjects influencing the formation of intellectual capital, appears relevant. The article suggests that three groups of external subjects of influence on the intellectual capital of machine-building enterprise can be considered: the State, market, and a group of other individuals and legal entities that are not included in the first two groups. Generalizing, it is suggested to include in the last group investors, suppliers of both raw materials and high-tech equipment, as well as professional advisers. A detailed review of each element of the last group of subjects of influence has been carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Brych V. Y., Artemchuk T. O.
Transformation Problems of the Natural Monopoly Enterprises in the Energy Industry Sector and Solutions to Them (p. 156 - 161)

The article is concerned with substantiation of necessity and direction of transformation for enterprises of natural monopolies (NM), as well as with proposing measures for their implementation in order to ensure their development and competitiveness in the conditions of market establishment, as well as efficient activity in the long-term perspective. The activity transformation of the enterprises of NM is implemented by re-engineering the structure of processes to ensure an increase in the number of services together with number of consumers, as well as reduce production costs for a given number of operations, duration of their exercising, and investment in production development. The transformation of natural monopoly enterprises to improve the legal and economic foundation for increasing the efficiency of production, transmission and supply of electricity has been considered. A model for implementing the strategy transformation of the enterprises of NM has been developed. Some measures to improve the institutional and economic components of the mechanism for management of the NM development have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. M., Dourtmes P. O.
Innovation Activity of Industrial Enterprises: Evaluation Findings (p. 161 - 168)

The article is aimed at substantiation of a system of indicators for evaluation of innovation activity results, which is implemented on the example of 19 enterprises of machine-building industry of the Kharkiv region. It was suggested to evaluate results of innovation activity on the basis of use of the official statistical data from the reporting by enterprises in accordance with the indicators, which characterize the production, implementation of innovative products, investing in innovation and the introduction of innovative technologies. Using the multivariate factorial analysis, significant indicators have been identified, their weights have been calculated and, using these, the integral indicators of the results of innovation activity of enterprises have been determined by means of the method of additive convolution. Using the cluster analysis, expedience of grouping the studied enterprises in clusters to determine the best business entity in each cluster with a view to comparing the results of innovation activity and substantiation of managerial decisions for its revitalization and development has been proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Cheberiako O. V., Kryvovyaz M. A.
Key Approaches to Evaluating the Level of Financial Security of Enterprise (p. 128 - 133)

The article analyzes and systematizes the basic approaches to evaluating the financial security of entities of entrepreneurial activity. Attention is paid to the importance of determining the level of financial security of enterprise in the current economic conditions. The main approaches to evaluating financial security have been allocated, namely: indicator; resource-functional; aggregate; the approach based on determining the probability of bankruptcy; on the basis of the criterion of «minimum aggregate damage to security»; program-target; method based on the analysis of systems for financial security and evaluation of enterprise value, using the income approach. The main advantages and disadvantages of the above approaches have been analyzed, along with highlighting the problem of adapting them to the peculiarities of the domestic economy, specifics of each individual enterprise, the industry in which enterprise operates, and the factors of external influence. The problem of insufficient research on the methods to evaluating the level of financial security with special emphasis for its micro level has been illuminated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sakhno A. A.
Motivation and Lack of Motivation of the Machine-Building Enterprises in the Business Environment of Vinnytsia Region (p. 139 - 143)

The article is aimed at developing the concept of motivation and lack of motivation of the machine-building enterprises on the basis of the features of application of the method of business environment analysis. The study was conducted on the basis of a formed business environment of 28 machine-building enterprises in the Vinnytsia region. It is proved that the economic activity of the machine-building enterprises in the business environment can be both motivated and unmotivated. The study has identified low interest in the use of the factor of labor costs for motivating the activities of enterprises, however, enterprises need to maintain the fixed assets as a factor of their existence, regardless of the type of economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Katkova N. V.
The Technical Condition of Fixed Assets of Enterprises in Ukraine: an Analytical View (p. 144 - 149)

The article estimates the technical condition of fixed assets of the economic entities in Ukraine. Depreciation of the fixed assets in the economy sectors and its dynamics has been evaluated. It has been found that 83,5% of buildings, constructions, transmission devices, machinery and equipment, vehicles, etc. are almost entirely worn out physically and morally obsolete. Coefficients of upgrade and disposal of fixed assets, commissioning and elimination of the worn-out fixed assets, intensity of renovation of fixed assets have been analyzed, testifying the low efficiency of the technical renovation of enterprises. Dynamics of both the primary and the residual value of fixed assets has been determined showing a gap in the growth rates that accumulates depreciation of fixed assets; the pace of changes in the cost of fixed assets also showed a low efficiency of the technical renovation of enterprises. It is found that over the past 15 years there have been significant changes in the structure of the fixed assets in the economy: since 2000 the material and technical support of the industrial sectors that provide the economic security of the country has been catastrophically diminished.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Siurkalo B. I., Ryabets Y. V.
The Sector-Specific Features of Composition and Structure of Current Assets of Enterprises (p. 150 - 154)

The article is concerned with identifying the impact of sectoral affiliation of enterprises on both the composition and the structure of their current assets. Difference between the concepts of «composition of current assets» and «structure of current assets» has been displayed. A selection of the individual sectors of the domestic economy has been carried out for conducting on this base a study on both the composition and the structure of current assets. Both the composition and the structure of current assets of enterprises have been analyzed and compared in terms of the industry sectors of the national economy. An influence of the sectoral factor on both the composition and the structure of current assets of enterprises has been identified. The sector-specific features of establishing the composition of current assets has been clarified. The structural features of current assets that are specific to the sectors of the domestic economy have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Skrynkovskyy R. M., Klyuvak O. V.
The Diagnostics of the Level of Enterprise's Readiness to Implement Innovation Strategy (p. 96 - 101)

The article discloses the substance of such concepts as «innovation strategy» and «diagnostics of the level of enterprise's readiness to implement innovation strategy». The article proposes a conception and an instrumentarium for a system for diagnostics of the level of enterprise's readiness to implement innovation strategy and determines that it is reasonable when the diagnostics is carried out by the following key business indicators: 1) level of technical support of the enterprise's production; 2) level of profitability of the enterprise's products; 3) level of profitability of the enterprise's innovation products; 4) share of innovative products in the total volume of marketed products; 5) self-cost of introducing innovations; 6) level of profitability from the innovation activity of enterprise; 7) productivity of labor of the personnel engaged in the innovation activity; 8) percentage of employees involved in the innovation activity. Prospects for further research in this scientific direction is development of a strategy program for management of the enterprise development in the current market conditions taking account of the level of enterprise's readiness to implement innovation strategy, which is part of the overall strategy for management of enterprise development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sakhno A. A.
The Motivational Flexibility in Achieving Profit by the Machine-Building Enterprises of Vinnytsia Region (p. 102 - 107)

The article is concerned with determining possibilities of using the approaches of motivational flexibility to ensure the existing profits of enterprises by means of the calculated profit, motivated profit, volume of possible profit in motivation, and volume of lost profits because of insufficient motivation. It has been proved that, using the method of data envelope analysis, it's possible to build a motivation area, which consists of the two lines combination: the adjusted efficiency line and the profit rate line. It has been found that the motivation area includes 21 machine-building enterprises of Vinnytsia region out of 58 studied. It was possible to reveal the motivation of enterprises by the functioning environment, wherein, depending on the financial outcome, conclusions can be drawn about flexibility in the achieved profit or loss. For example, in case of two enterprises over-motivation was discovered, because their profit exceeded all possible motivation of enterprises from the part of the operation environment. Other enterprises, on the contrary, require search for motivation resources, because their activity is unprofitable or amount of lost profits due to insufficient motivation exceeds the volume of profits.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oksak A. O.
Methodological Approaches to Forming the Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Companies' Mergers and Acquisitions (p. 108 - 113)

The article generalizes the notions of «mechanism», available in the economic literature, which provided to clarify the economic substance of the concept of «organizational-economic mechanism». The structure of the organizational-economic mechanism of corporations' mergers and acquisitions is presented as a set of logically ordered stages of the process of mergers and acquisitions plus a set of organizational and economic instruments. The main stages of mergers and acquisitions, which comprise the basis of the mechanism, are the following: identifying resources for implementation of agreement; preparing the schema of project implementation; preparing the detailed time-line of project implementation, search and selection of applicants; evaluation of the company-applicant; choice of the mode of financing the business; due diligence; procedure of conclusion of business; integration after mergers and acquisitions. The organizational instruments of the organizational-economic mechanism include: management technologies, external organizational processes, external and internal resources, external and internal regulations, rules and procedures. Contents of each of the stages of the process of mergers and acquisitions have been disclosed, the main organizational and economic instruments, the use of which provides implementation of each of the stages.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tepliuk M. A., Budiaiev M. A.
Investment Attractiveness of Enterprises in the Context of Effective Management of Resource Provision (p. 114 - 118)

The article considers the problematics of developing a resource provision system in view of the system of ensuring investment attractiveness. The scheme of interrelations between the investment strategy, management system and resource portfolio of the organization has been built. There analyzed the key problems of the management system, according to which consequent cycles of the operation process of enterprise management are considered in terms of effective resource provision of the economic activity. It is proved that to increase the level of investment attractiveness, it is necessary to coordinate the basic triad of the economic activity. As a result of the study there have been determined the principles of creating effective investment strategy, its place in the organization depending on the resource provision system and resource asymmetries. Consequently, there has been modified the concept of creating the value chain with respect to the resource concept.

Article is written in English


Melnyk O. H., Adamiv M. Y.
Developing the Normative-Methodical Ensuring the Diagnostics of Insolvency and Bankruptcy of Domestic Enterprises in the Context of the European Integration (p. 112 - 117)

The article is concerned with development and substantiation of recommendations on developing the domestic normative-methodical ensuring the diagnostics of insolvency and bankruptcy of economic entities in the context of its harmonization with international standards and the further European integration of Ukraine. The study was based on analysis and comparison of provisions of the national normative-methodical base for the legal regulation of issues regarding reconstruction of solvency and bankruptcy of enterprises with the best practice of European countries in this field. The pivotal directions of reforming of the sphere studied have been allocated. In the context of activating the European integration of Ukraine, the research results can be used to develop standardized and harmonized with international standards methodical provisions for diagnosing the threat of bankruptcy of enterprises, which would be suitable for use by the parties interested, both in the national and foreign environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sakhno A. A.
Motivation of Relationship of the Main Economic Activities of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 118 - 122)

The article is aimed at defining the most motivated relationships for developing the types of economic activities by the positions of enterprises in the functioning environment. Substantiations as to motivation of relationship of the main types of economic activities of machine-building enterprises have been provided. Using the positions of both technically efficient and technically inefficient enterprises, it is proposed to identify motivation of relationship between the types of economic activities in the functioning environment. Motivational loads on the types of economic activities of technically efficient enterprises have been identified, it has been proposed to determine the level of motivational relationship through the calculation of coefficients of motivation. Based on the analysis of the functioning environment of the Vinnytsia region for 2014, the types of activities motivated towards the development of machine-building enterprises have been identified. Such types are: production of electric motors, generators and transformers; production of hydraulic and pneumatic equipment; production of tools and equipment for measurement, examining and navigation; production of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Astapova G. V., Abazina O. A.
The Mechanism for Ensuring the Energy Efficiency of Industrial Enterprises: Theoretical Aspect (p. 123 - 129)

On the basis of analyzing works by domestic and foreign scientists, the authors developed a theoretic-methodical approach to forming an effective mechanism for ensuring energy efficiency of activity of the industrial aviation enterprises. Two approaches to defining the economic substance of the notion of «mechanism» have been allocated – genetic and heuristic. Within the terms of these approaches, various economists would define the notion of economic, organizational-economic, commercial, financial etc. mechanisms. The objects of function of the mechanisms are economic processes and phenomena along with the State, region, industry sector, enterprise, other economic entity. Thus, studies relate the already known objects, one of which is the provision of energy efficiency. On results of the studies, the authors have formed the notion of the mechanism for ensuring energy efficiency of enterprises, which is used to refer to an integrated totality of methodical, instrumental and institutional conditions to achieve energy security of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gutsalyuk A. M.
Setting the Task of Evaluation of Security of Integration Development of Large-Scale Economic-Production Systems (p. 142 - 149)

The article is aimed at identifying the characteristics and determining the directions of evaluating the economic security of development of the integrated totality of economic entities, related by the financial-economic and the production-technological ties. The features of use of the terms of «integration development» and «economic security» in relation to the large-scale economic-production systems have been determined; a conceptual representation of the space of threats to the functioning and further development of large-scale systems has been developed, using system dynamics; directions of evaluating economic security, which pertain to elements of space of threats to development of the integrated economic entities, have been defined. A feature of the proposed approach to evaluate economic security of integration development is the adoption of the resource approach both to identify the level of security and to evaluate the feasibility of integration change. The express evaluation of economic security, based on use of the Rasch scale, has been proposed. Advantages of this approach is the possibility of its expansion by detailing the evaluation process in terms of any of the selected areas, as well as evaluation of economic security in the framework of the three stages of activities of an integrated economic entity: current operation, integrative transformation and fixing the future status of the use of resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Staninov S. B.
Methods for Evaluation of Financial and Investment Potential and their Impact on Ensuring Strategic Flexibility of the Enterprise (p. 149 - 153)

The aim of the article is to study methodological approaches to evaluation of the financial and investment potential and their role in ensuring the enterprise strategic flexibility. The analysis of existing methods of financial potential evaluation is conducted and the system of indicators characterizing the financial and investment potential of the enterprise is considered. As a result of the analysis shortcomings of the existing methodological approaches to calculation of the integral index of the level the financial and investment potential have been identified and the ways to improve them have been suggested. There also considered the impact of the financial and investment potential on ensuring the strategic flexibility of the enterprise. The prospect for further research in this direction is the development of methodological approaches to determining the level of enterprise strategic flexibility.

Article is written in English

Kovtunenko K. V., Sapozhnikov R. M.
Diversification of Activities of Production Enterprise in Conditions of Globalization Changes (p. 153 - 158)

The article considers the features of realization of strategy for diversification of enterprise activities under the influence of globalization changes. It has been determined that the main driving forces of globalization, namely technological progress and liberalization, are important prerequisites for the expansion of the scope of activity of enterprise on the basis of its diversification. It is suggested to conduct the planning of a diversification strategy in four stages. In the first stage, the need to diversify the activities of enterprise, its problems, strengths, and opportunities will be determined. In the second stage, a direct selection of strategy will be made, based on the goals of the enterprise, its resources and its life cycle stage. In the third stage, efficiency of diversification will be evaluated using both absolute and integral indicators. In the fourth stage implementation of a diversification strategy at enterprise will be controlled. We recommend that further planning strategic programs would be based on these stages.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prus K. V., Marchenko V. M.
Analyzing Costing Methods in the System for Management of Enterprise Income (p. 158 - 162)

The article is aimed at examining how the choice of a system for cost accounting impacts the management of profitability of enterprise. It has been specified that only after a correct choice of a cost-accounting system at enterprise, one can make the right decision on profit management and achieve the desired goal ultimately. The following six main systems of cost accounting have been allocated and their impact on profits of enterprise have been analyzed: direct costing, standard costing (normative method), ABC costing, functional-cost analysis (FCA), target costing, kaizen costing. Selection of these systems depends on the sphere and characteristics of activities of enterprise. Subject of further research in this area will be transition of domestic enterprises from the traditional cost-accounting systems to the modern ones, or a combination of them, which is widely used in the world's leading countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Otenko V. I., Parkhomenko N. O.
Approaches to and Methods for Evaluation of Development of Ukrainian Transnational Business Systems (p. 250 - 255)

The article is concerned with comparison of approaches to evaluation of development of TNCs, defining methods and instrumentaria for evaluating the status of development of TNCs and formulation of parameters for effective development of Ukrainian TNCs. The available methods for evaluating the possibilities of enterprise, including transnational corporation, have been analyzed. A comparative characteristic of the multiobjective approaches to evaluating the development of TNCs has been provided. Methods for evaluation of the status and development of Ukrainian TNCs have been determined. Criteria for balanced status of a transnational corporation have been suggested. Expediency of formulating parameters for effective development of Ukrainian TNCs has been substantiated. A sequence of evaluation of development of TNCs using key performance indicators has been proposed. The result of the study is the substantiation of feasibility of using methods for evaluating development of TNCs based on key development indicators, with the unique list of key development indicators for each TNC.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Melnyk O. H., Adamiv M. Y.
Issues of Diagnostics of Bankruptcy and Regulation of Procedures Connected with Insolvency of Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 256 - 260)

The article is concerned with studying and substantiating the critical diagnostic aspects of bankruptcy of domestic business structures and regulating their insolvency in conditions of the European integration of Ukraine. The study was based on examining the key features of conducting bankruptcy procedure in the OECD countries and comparing them with the domestic practice, which showed significant differences for the different parameters studied. The domestic regulatory framework for diagnostics of insolvency and bankruptcy of economic entities has been carefully analyzed as well. A number of problems in the sphere of diagnostics of enterprises’ bankruptcy has been determined, mainly related to unsubstantiated and incomplete indicator-criterial provision, violation of the basic principles of building the diagnostic systems, poor quality of the interpretive-identification base. Results of the research can be used to improve the domestic regulatory and methodical framework for diagnostics of bankruptcy and regulation of their insolvency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kochubei D. V.
Formation of the System of Indicators of Logistics Processes of Enterprise (p. 261 - 266)

In the article a methodical approach to the integrated evaluation of indicators of management of the logistics processes of enterprise has been proposed. The author proposes to perform an evaluation of the logistics process using the three measures that fully characterize a logistics process of enterprise (quality and run-time of logistics operations, level of costs for performing logistics process). A scale for interpreting the obtained partial valuations together with the integrated indicator, on basis of which managerial decisions to improve the logistics system of enterprise can be developed, has been proposed. Scientific and practical usefulness of the proposed approach consists in possibility to evaluate results of management of the logistics activities from the standpoint of process approach.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bilovodska O. A.
Forming and Implementing Investment Strategies for Innovative Development of Enterprises: Essence, Main Components and Evaluation (p. 204 - 210)

The article is concerned with deepening the economic essence of investment strategy of innovative development of enterprise on the basis of a systematization of approaches to defining the strategy and allocating the related components, as well as improving the methodical approach to evaluation of the investment strategy of innovation development of enterprise. It has been specified that the process of forming a strategy should be determined by certain time and specific circumstances, with a constant consideration of the influence factors of both the internal and the external environment of enterprises. The methodical approach to the integrated evaluation of investment strategies of innovation development, based on the defining a number of normative and actual indicators and establishing a relationship between them by focusing on the strategic goals of enterprise, as well as taking account of interests of enterprise and consumer of innovations, has been improved. Future research will be aimed at determining the level and the proportions of the organization activities by the additional factors, occurring in terms of introducing and implementation of the «pioneer» innovation or markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lachkova L. I., Lachkova V. М., Postolna N. O.
The Methodical Approaches to Evaluating the Financial Security of Trade Enterprises (p. 210 - 215)

The article substantiates necessity of applying a systemic approach and the usefulness of integrated scoping the financial security of the retail trade enterprises, which is based on calculating the synthesis indicator of the level of financial security. An additive model with account of the most informative indicators for retail food trade, i.e.: return on assets, coverage coefficient, stock turnover period, turnover period of accounts payable, and the indicator of the net assets quality, has been developed. Decision-making with use of the developed methodical support is based on the proposed criteria for regulating the procedure of the integrated scoring evaluation and the identification card of type of retail trade enterprises by the level of financial security. Approbation of the suggested instrumentarium allowed to select the target group of the retail trade enterprises, for which development of a strategy for the management of financial security has the top priority and which have the capacity to implement it.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bilous T. V., Garafonova O. I., Ulchenko O. V.
Features of Management of Assortment of Goods at Small Enterprise (p. 216 - 221)

One of the major factors of the successful functioning and development of enterprise is assortment of goods, optimal in its structure. Nowadays in the most markets competition is growing, thus issue of finding the value proposition that would satisfy the needs of customers and ensure financial stability is relevant for enterprises. Principles and methods for forming an assortment of goods attract special attention on the part of management of enterprise, because at the present time there is no consistent approach to formation and management of assortment of goods, so every enterprise forms its assortment in accordance with the specific nature of their own activities along with characteristics of external environment. The article defines the contents of the category of «assortment policy», generalizes approaches to formation and management of assortment of goods, an algorithm of forming and managing the assortment of goods at small enterprises has been elaborated, peculiarities of functioning of small enterprises have been described, providing their advantages and disadvantages when compared to larger companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Balanovych A. M.
The Methodical Approach to Determining the Impact of the Market Trends as to Development of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 149 - 153)

The article proposes the methodical approach to determining the impact of the market trends on development of the industrial enterprises, which provides for the use of a wide range of methods for analysis, namely: calculation of the integral factor of enterprise development based on additive folding of the indicators derived from the factor analysis and their loading; grouping of industrial enterprises by the marketing orientation and by the capacity of the production potential using the cluster analysis; building the correlative-regression models for each of the formed clusters. Implementation of the proposed approach at enterprise will provide complexity and integrity of the strategic management, trace the interrelation of the internal management processes and the conjuncture fluctuations in the market. Usage of this approach will provide not only identifying the trends occurring in the market and ranking the significance of these changes, allocating the most powerful ones, but also developing the appropriate recommendations as to the strategic management for the domestic machine-building enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmynchuk N. V., Terovanesova A. I.
Evaluating the Level of Implementation of the Resource- and Activity-Related Potential of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 154 - 159)

The article proposes the methodical approach to evaluating the use of the resource- and activity-related potential as a criterion for achieving the competitive status of machine-building enterprise. Evaluation is carried out by two aspects: calculation of the level of imbalance in resources and the activity potential (displacement of development) and determining the efficiency of usage of the resource- and activity-related potential (based on the calculation of coefficients of both transformation and the conversion speed). It has been shown, which components of the resource- and activity-related potential that are maximum used by enterprises have the ability to grow, and which do not have this ability. The article identifies the conditions under which additional investments in the elements of the potential do not provide synergies from the interaction and use of its components, or, on the contrary, an efficient use of the potential takes place.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shyshkova N. L.
The Organizational Aspects of the Security Integration and Quality of the Accounting Information of Enterprise (p. 160 - 168)

An efficient management system and reflecting the activities of economic entity in the accounting can be subject to unintentional or intentional, openly antagonistic influences from the part of by both the internal users of accounting information (managers and employees) and the external (competitors, counteractants, regulatory bodies, etc.). It is therefore advisable to formalize the organizational aspects of integration of activities as to implementation of the principles of security and quality (accuracy, relevancy, expediency) of the accounting information into the common mechanism for the management of economic entity in general and its information security in particular. The article considers the sources of threats to security the accounting information and possible countering the activities on the development of the safe and reliable accounting-analytical framework for effective managerial decisions. An organizational algorithm for management of the information security and quality of the accounting information has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dropa Y. B.
Optimizing the Structure of the Financial Resources of Enterprise in the Current Conditions (p. 169 - 175)

The article illuminates the economic essence of the enterprise’s financial resources and determines the sources of their formation; both advantages and disadvantages of financing the economic entities at the expense of their own and borrowed capital have been disclosed; the factors impacting the formation of structure of the financial resources have been considered. The main stages, objectives and conceptions of optimization of the ratio of equity and debt capital have been described; integrated indicator for calculation of the target structure of the financial resources at enterprise, considering the coefficients of profitability, financial stability, liquidity, solvency, and cost of capital has been proposed; the algorithm for finding the optimum structure of financial resources on example of a conditional enterprise has been provided. The proposed theoretical conception of optimizing the capital structure in perspective will be useful to the public authorities in order to improve legislation on regulating the entrepreneurial activity in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lepeyko T. I., Kryvobok K. V.
Improving the Tools for Adapting Enterprises to Influence of the Competitive Environment (p. 176 - 181)

The article is aimed at improving the existing tools for analyzing the economic activity of enterprises, based on the traditional methods of strategic management, to provide an efficient adaptation to changes in the competitive environment. The basic stages of formation of the system of indicators, required for analyzing the activity of enterprise, have been defined. Peculiarities of application of the basic methods and tools of strategic management in adapting enterprises to the effects of competitive environment have been analyzed. The methods to provide the effective management of processes of adaptation of the industrial enterprises to changes of the external environment have been elaborated, considering that nowadays specialists in the field of strategic management allocate certain hierarchy of the levels of adaptation at enterprise, each of which has its own value, is responsible for addressing specific key issues of adaptation, and stipulates use of appropriate tools.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasiutkina N. V., Velychko O. O.
Formation of Informational and Innovative Potential of the Enterprise Development (p. 182 - 187)

The purpose of the article is to clarify the nature of informational and innovational potential of the enterprise development, the identification of the processes of its forming in the overall structure of the enterprise potential. It was also determined that the interaction of production, personnel, and financial potential is implemented by the informational and innovational potential and creates the possibility of the timely holding and the introduction of scientific research, experiments and design developments that can ensure the expand of the economic potential and competitiveness of the enterprise. The role of innovation in forming informational potential was shown. The essence of innovation processes was considered through the application of information modeling by a combination "task – tools". Four types of innovative products were characterised: marginal, technological, market, and radical innovation. The aim of further studies will be the formation of the conceptual approaches to the creation of the informational systems for management of the innovational enterprise development, organizational and economical directions of improving of informational support of innovational enterprise development and the model of innovational development of the enterprise on the basis of rational set of tools to support management decision making of informational systems.

Article is written in English

Trushkina N. V.
The Contractual Relations in Terms of Organization of the Sales Activities of the Coal-Mining Enterprises (p. 187 - 193)

The article is aimed at elaborating proposals on formation of the system of contractual relations of the coal-mining enterprise with different categories of consumers of coal products, proceeding from the specifics of organization of processes of sales activity. Peculiarities of organizing the contractual activities with various categories of consumers of coal products have been analyzed. The system of contractual relations of the coal-mining enterprise has been formed in view of specificity of servicing the large-, medium- and small wholesale consumers. Proposals as to clarifying and supplementing the contents of a contract for the supply of coal products have been elaborated. Prospects for further research in this direction will be developing a model of contractual relations as constituent of the sales activities of the coal-mining enterprise.

Article is written in Russian


Kutsyk V. A., Lupak R. L., Godovanyk M. A.
The Tools to Improve Management of Generating and Using Profit with the Aim to Capitalization of Enterprise (p. 167 - 171)

The article is aimed at scientific substantiation of the tools that are able to provide the improved management of generating and using profit in solving tasks of capitalization of enterprise. The article proves the importance of the constant search by enterprises for tools to improve management of forming and using profit that will acquire signs of investment in developing and implementing prospective projects. The article allocates the managerial decisions to be taken on a priority basis at enterprise for quality selection of the instrumentarium to ensure its profitability and capitalization. The studied instrumentarium was considered as separate managerial decisions relating to the totality of operations at enterprise, which would change as the influence of factors of the market environment along with the need to adapt to them strengthen, and would require quality control over the set tasks implementation by all participants. A characteristic of the relevant tools, which, in the opinion of the authors, can be practically used in the activities of domestic enterprises, ensuring a high rate of return on resource potential, has been provided. Their peculiarities and the level of factor dependency have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Riabykina K. H., Riabykina N. I., Lisnichenko O. O.
The Directions of Transforming the Business Model as a Mechanism for Ensuring Efficiency of Capital Management of Mining and Processing Enterprises (p. 172 - 179)

The article is aimed at formulating the priority directions for transformation of business models in those its blocks that increase efficiency of capital management of mining and processing enterprises. It has been determined that the production capacities of the mining and processing enterprises in Ukraine significantly exceed the needs of domestic industry. The gradual saturation of the market through the implementation of large-scale investment projects aimed at increasing production capacities by the world leading companies renders domestic enterprises sales-oriented. The necessity of integrating the conceptual provisions of business modeling together with the value and cost management in the practice of ensuring efficiency of management of mining and processing enterprise has been substantiated. The article proposes options for transforming business model, which should focus on a comprehensive modernization of equipment; enhancement of the innovation level of production; the fullest satisfaction of both the internal and the external demand by manufacturing competitive products with a high degree of added value; increase in the market value of the mining and processing enterprises and their investment attractiveness; strengthened positions in the world markets in the context of globalization of the world economy; ensuring balance between the corporate and the national interests; increase of the social responsibility of business, minimizing the social problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Batchenko L. V., Kniazieva T. V.
The Methodical Approach to Ensuring the Efficient Work of Enterprise as Entity of FEA in the Operations with Customer-Furnished Raw Materials (p. 180 - 185)

The article discloses the initial prerequisites for the enterprise-producer when switching to the tolling scheme of interaction, namely: enterprise works stably, there are no working capital shortages, any problems with supply and distribution are not existent. The article substantiates the factors required to account when switching to the tolling scheme of production: the level of prices of raw materials, which is acquired by an intermediary may be lower than prices, for which the company acquired raw materials previously; when transitioning to the operations with customer-furnished raw materials, costs for supply and marketing for the domestic enterprise-producer do not automatically disappear; in distributing the individual stages of the production process among participants the taxation of economic activity increases in general; production volume at the enterprise-producer decreases and the amount of the tax changes respectively. A methodical approach has been developed to substantiate the critical volume of customer-furnished raw materials, produced in terms of tolling, in the exports as well as the costs of exporting them.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dourtmes P. O.
The Formation of an Integrated Program for Improving Results of the Investment and Innovation Activity of Enterprise (p. 183 - 189)

The article is aimed at developing a methodical approach to the formation of an integrated program for improving results of the investment and innovation activity of enterprises. The possibility of formation and implementation of the integrated program for improving results of the investment and innovation activities has been considered, a methodical approach to this process has been developed. The article defines the main objectives, the first and the second level objectives, activities and criteria for achieving the objectives. Prospect for further research in this direction is development of methods for choosing alternative variants of implementation of the integrated program, taking account of limited resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hodiashchev M. O.
Defining the Immanent Subsystems of the Business Activity of Enterprises (p. 190 - 195)

The article defines the basic immanent subsystems of the business activity of enterprises. For this purpose, essence of the category of «business activity» has been researched. Writings of foreign and domestic scholars concerning the composition of the subsystems of the business activity of enterprises have been analyzed. A structural analysis of its components has been carried out. The subsystems of business activity have been characterized and classified by the criterial attributes. It has been found that most scholars set focus on quantification of the structural components of business activity, rather than its quality characteristic. At the same time has been determined that specially the quantitative essence of business activity is being adjusted through requirements of the quality system of enterprise. It has been proved that the problem of immanence of the subsystems of business activity of enterprises is of ambivalent, multifaceted nature. On the basis of the carried out analysis, topicality of usage in enterprises of five immanent subsystems of business activity has been substantiated. Their key features and applicability have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Falovych V. A.
The Restructuring of Supply Chain in the Context of Development of its Emergent Properties (p. 196 - 202)

The article is aimed at studying and substantiating the conditions for development of the emergent properties of the supply chain that requires use of restructuring of processes. Types of restructuring have been analyzed, expedience of use for restructuring of supply chains the re-engineering as process restructuring has been substantiated. The processes and sub-processes taking place the supply chains, both at the strategic and the operational levels, have been identified, it has been found that for development of the emergent properties of a supply chain its system properties should be improved, such as integrity, communication, autonomy, orderliness, sustainability, and availability of management functions. The stages of re-engineering have been outlined, the need to develop the mission and strategy of enterprise have been determined. On example of development of the emergent property – social responsibility of supply chain – the need for development of its system properties in the economic, environmental, legal, ethical, and philanthropic activities has been identified. In the economic sphere, re-engineering of supply chain must be related initially to the processes of value creation for the customer.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Todoshchuk A. V., Kots I. I.
The Two-Vector Method for Planning the Tolling Operations, Based on the Balanced Development of Processing Enterprise (p. 203 - 209)

The article is concerned with development and substantiation of a method for planning the tolling operations in the context of sustainable development of processing enterprises. The proposed method provides two key planning vectors: planning the mechanisms, parameters and conditions of implementation of tolling operations, and planning for sustainable development of processing enterprise in conditions of implementation of tolling operations in order to formulate prospects for setting up the independent production and economic activities. It has been proven that planning the tolling operations is inextricably linked with the diagnostic potential of processing enterprise according to its key components. The priority components of potential of processing enterprise for implementation of the tolling operations have been allocated. The optimum profiles for condition cards and for the level of implementation of potential of processing enterprise as guidelines in order to substantiate the feasibility of implementation of the tolling operations have been formed. Prospect for further research is an analysis of the current status of the tolling operations at the domestic processing enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Chumak L. F., Lavro S. M.
The Topical Tendencies of Management of Material Resources of Enterprise (p. 210 - 214)

The article is aimed at determining the topical tendencies of improving the system for management of material resources of enterprise. Organizing an effective management of material resources at enterprise becomes an acute practical problem, solution to which is associated with the new contemporary scientific research and development. Ensuring the rational use of resources requires introduction of innovative activities to optimize the management of both the existing and the potential material resources of enterprise. Changes in the management system as such, shifting focus from several elements to the more relevant ones, which are used in the advanced global practice (with adaptation to domestic conditions) and which are based on domestic innovative scientific and practical developments, can contribute to achieving this objective.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chumak L. F., Lytvynenko M. O.
The Contemporary Ways to Improve the Cost Management System in Order to Increase the Competitiveness of Enterprise (p. 213 - 218)

The article is aimed at studying the current directions and ways to improve the cost management systems, allowing to increase the competitiveness of enterprise. Costs of enterprise, in any conditions of existence, are the most significant aspect of the influence on formation of economic performance, as well as obtaining the important competitive advantages, playing a special role in achieving sustainable development. Cost management system of enterprise is one of the basic elements in developing and careful substantiating the managerial decisions, therefore its continuous improvement is necessary. Improving the enterprise’s cost management system requires an integrated approach to its formation, introduction of the latest modern approaches, methods, and elaborations. Analysis of directions for improving the efficiency of cost management systems allows to define the most promising way of adapting to the practical use of the most advanced automated systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumilo O. S.
The Conception of Management of the Economic Security for Retail Trade Enterprise (p. 219 - 224)

The general conception of management of the economic security for retail trade enterprise, proposed by the author, is based on the system-wide approach to both the management and the theory of functional systems. This conception stipulates the implementation of managerial influence on the system of the economic security for retail trade enterprises, established upon principles of the theory of functional systems, as well as provides, according to the context, to use different models of economic security – whether balancing or protective. The developed conception of management of the economic security for retail trade enterprise based on both the system-wide and the functional systems allows to increase the efficiency of management of the economic security of enterprise that will contribute to ensuring the sustainable operation of retail trade enterprise, as well as its ability to adapt to the changing internal and external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makarenko T. Y.
The Conception of the Value-Oriented Controlling Based on the Criterion of Economic Value Added (EVA®) (p. 225 - 230)

This article is aimed at studying the theoretical foundations and elaborating practical recommendations on introduction of the system of value-oriented controlling in the enterprise, using the common in practice conception of economic value added (EVA®). Approaches to calculation and directions for securing growth of the value of economic value added have been defined. Expedience of building a value-oriented controlling system based on this criterion has been substantiated. A regression analysis has been carried out, existence of a relationship between the market value and the value of the indicator of economic value added has been proved. A classification of the accounting adjustments when calculating the indicator values has been provided, allowing to reflect the actual performance and to minimize the disadvantages of the economic value added as an accounting indicator of effectiveness. Proposals to providing by enterprises the value-oriented reporting have been elaborated, which will help transforming the opportunities and prospects for growth in the real value by improving communications with investors and minimizing the information asymmetry between company and participants in the capital markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Telishevska O. B.
A Cost Typology for the Logistics and Supplying Activities of Enterprises (p. 231 - 236)

The article is aimed at systematization and development of a cost typology for the logistics and supplying activities of enterprises, as well as providing the substantive characteristics of each type of such costs. It has been substantiated that understanding varieties of costs of the logistics and supplying activities of enterprises provides the possibility of more efficient control of these costs, careful calculation of self-cost of production, formation of various key indicators of efficiency of management of such costs, identification of alternatives in the sphere of logistics and supplying operations, etc. The cost typology for the logistics and supplying activities of enterprises, provided in the article, differs from others in that the typology attributes are allocated from the position of the possibility for clear allocation and consideration of each kind of such costs (by means of the bookkeeping and managerial accounting). The provided generalized typology of kinds of costs of enterprises in terms of their logistics and supplying activities is stipulated not only by the need for more accurate management of these, but also by the possibility of their detailed analyzing as well as diagnosing with purpose of an optimization. Prospects for further research in this direction will be improving the instrumentarium of both the bookkeeping and managerial cost accounting of the logistics and supplying activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Makhova H. V., Alakozova P. E.
The Development of Ukraine’s Logistics Enterprises: Problems and Prospects (p. 240 - 245)

The article is aimed at highlighting the main problems, studying the development of logistics enterprises in the context of changes in their business models, and determining the main directions for development. The main stages of development of the Ukrainian logistics market have been considered and described, its contemporary stage has been characterized. Changes in the companies’ business models that are inherent in each stage of the market development have been analyzed. According to the results of an analysis of the Logistics Activity Index (LPI), a significant lag in the level of development of Ukraine’s logistics industry from the world's leading countries has been determined. Four groups of factors were identified and characterized: politico-legal, infrastructural, economic and social, which constrain development of the domestic logistics enterprises. The development directions for Ukraine’s logistics companies have been formulated in accordance with the current market trends. Prospects for further research in this direction will be considering changes in the business models of logistics companies, determining directions for their transformation in the context of the current conditions of external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chumak L. F., Burda K. O.
Evaluating and Directions for Improving the Efficiency of Use of the Main Production Assets of Enterprise (p. 245 - 250)

The article is aimed at studying the existing approaches to evaluation, as well as analyzing and determining the relevant directions for improving the efficiency of use of the enterprise’s main production assets. The article explores the issues such as development of the theoretical-methodical approaches to evaluating and improving the efficiency of use, finding practical ways and forms to implement innovations and upgrade the main production assets. It has been found that ensuring the efficient use of the main production assets goes along with application of technical, organizational-productive and organizational-administrative activities that are not only related to the technical side of the use, but also require the involvement and training of highly qualified professionals capable of providing with the appropriate productivity a high level of all the types of the work needed. The introduction of modern achievements in the sphere of management automation, production, advanced technologies, and the development of an optimal structure of the main assets would improve the efficiency of use of the main production assets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pienska I. O., Yudin S. O.
The Main Reasons for Loss of Solvency and Ways to Optimize It (p. 251 - 256)

The article is aimed at considering the basic indicators of the enterprise’s solvency together with the external and internal factors that influence it. The article describes ways to manage the solvency of enterprise, which is one of the most important indicators of its financial condition. Evaluating solvency is not limited to the interests of the owners of enterprise, but also is a matter of interest to all major stakeholders who seek to have reliable information on the availability of funds for payments to the public authorities, banking and credit institutions, for making-up with suppliers and partners, as well as labor remuneration. In order to optimize solvency, enterprise managers are using a variety of contemporary techniques, both in domestic operating processes and in approaches to the efficient management of the external and internal cash flows. The results, suggested in the publication, can be used extensively both in enterprises that systematically monitor and evaluate their own capacity to pay and in enterprises that do experience crisis processes that have a negative impact on their solvency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko V. I., Barannik I. O.
Evaluating the Level of the Export-Import Potential of Industrial Enterprises: Methodical Support (p. 256 - 261)

The article provides a detailed description of the methodical support for evaluating the level of development and use of the export-import potential of industrial enterprises. The place of evaluation in the system of management of the enterprise’s export-import potential (EIPE), as well as its conceptual content have been defined. An implementation of the proposed methodical support for evaluation of the EIPE has been displayed on the example of the major industrial enterprises of the city of Kharkiv. It has been substantiated that the objectivity and effectiveness of evaluation of the level of export-import potential of industrial enterprises is methodically ensured by: the system of partial indicators allowing for regular monitoring and diagnosing tendencies in the status and the use of the EIPE; the analytical tool – i.e. cluster, factor, and canonical analyzes to identify causal relationships in the components of potential and to determine the indicators of impact; the development and use of the EIPE, as well as the evaluation procedure itself, which is recommended for implementation in accordance with the appropriate stages.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yanchev A. V., Kyrylieva L. O., Shekhovtsova D. D.
The Methodical Approach to the Cost-Accounting of the Restaurant Businesses with Catering Functions (p. 155 - 159)

The article considers the methodical aspects of cost-accounting for the operating activities of restaurant businesses, which organization is influenced by the chosen accounting method (trade, production, or trade and production). The essence of each of the methods has been analyzed and the expediency of the trade and production method in the cost-accounting system has been substantiated due to its most appropriateness for the particularities of activity of restaurant businesses with catering functions. It has been proposed to use a model for methodical support of cost-accounting for restaurant businesses, which will provide to obtain detailed information on the costs by the analytical attributes required by the users of enterprise, for each process of its activity. Emphasis is placed on the logistics costs, which are characteristic of catering businesses with catering functions and need to be reflected in the accounting. A methodical approach to the accounting of logistics costs in terms of business processes for the efficient management of such costs is recommended.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyriy V. V., Liubicheva O. I., Moskavtsova K. O.
Researching the Competitiveness Factors of High-Tech Enterprises in the Dynamics of Life Cycle Stages (p. 171 - 175)

The article is aimed at studying the competitiveness factors that have the greatest impact on the IT industry enterprises, as well as determining the interrelationship between these factors and the life-cycle model of enterprise. Competitiveness factors were divided into general and sectoral according to the effect on enterprise. The sectoral factors were divided into groups by the attribute of the sphere of influence on enterprise: organizational, managerial, personal, market and factors of scientific-technical progress. The interrelationship between the competitiveness factors and the life cycle stages of an enterprise in the Greiner model has been determined. Attention is also paid to the specific weight of the factor groups at each stage, the indicators relevant to the factors by which the competitive position of the enterprise can be evaluated have been provided.

Article is written in Russian

Tsybulko D. I.
The Theoretical Aspects of the Financial-Economic Support for Industry Enterprises (p. 176 - 180)

The article is aimed at studying the problem of financing the technical rearmament of industrial enterprises. The problematic aspects of the financial-economic support for technical rearmament have been explored, the alternative sources of financing for rearmament have been determined, and establishment of a Fund for technical rearmament at the expense of the percentage of income from the marketing of products has been proposed. This model of financing for the process of technical rearmament will allow the enterprise to determine its own development vector, independently of the external investment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Boiarynova К. О.
Building a Mechanism for the Function of an Innovation-Oriented Machine-Building Enterprise in Operating the Development (p. 178 - 185)

The article is aimed at developing and substantiating a mechanism for the function of an innovation-oriented machine-building enterprise in operating the development in order to increase effectuality in the space of ecosystem of operation and to satisfy the economic interests of development. The article proposes a mechanism for the function of an innovation-oriented machine-building enterprise in operating the development, its structure and building based on a business model; operating the development through responsibility centers; functional transformation of economic interest of actors in the ecosystem of function into the economic interest of enterprise; use of economic-institutional regulators and management technologies. Implementation of the mechanism would ensure the value of enterprise, the ability to manage development with the prolonged satisfaction of the joint economic interest, the ability to operate the economic interest of actors in the ecosystem, and maintenance the development mode in the operating process. Prospect for further research will be development of technologies for implementation of the proposed mechanism in the machine-building enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mastiuk D. O.
Determinants of the Effectiveness of Capital Structure Management at Ukrainian Listed Power-Producing Companies (p. 186 - 195)

This article is concerned with a theoretical and practical study on determinants of the effectiveness of capital structure management. The basic theories on the formation and management of the capital structure were allocated; other researches related to studying the capital structure of enterprises was considered. The author considers 19 independent variables of diverse effect level (micro, meso and macro levels) and one dependent variable – economically added value, which was selected as an indicator of the effectiveness of capital structure management. The studied period is 14 years from 2003 to 2016 and is based on five listed power-producing companies. Eight key determinants of the effectiveness of capital management were defined. The highest positive impact among certain factors is the rate by the National Bank of Ukraine and profitability, while the strongest negative influences are the levels of competition in the market and of inflation. On results of the study, a series of recommendations for selected power-producing equity companies in Ukraine have been proposed, with the aim of reducing negative influences and enhancing positive effects through the development and selection of financial strategies.

Article is written in English


Pylypenko A. A., Eremeychuk R. A.
Developing a Strategy for the Sustainable Development of an Integrated Association of Enterprises (p. 198 - 205)

The article is aimed at elaborating a theoretical and methodical foundations as well as methodical recommendations as to formation and implementation of a strategy for the sustainable development of an integrated association of enterprises. A formalized presentation of the sustainable development of a single enterprise along with a number of enterprises that have entered into an integration relationship has been elaborated. The sustainability of development is to be achieved through the alternation of revolutionary and evolutionary phases, limited by the principles of continuous improvement of elements of a formalized description of the strategy. A system of causality of the sustainable development process as a basis for a technological scheme of a strategy for the sustainable development of an integrated business structure has been provided. This technological scheme is based on a three-dimensional matrix of «potential – resilience – ability to change». Using segments of this matrix, it has been suggested to generate content for the elements of a sustainable development strategy. In addition, the proposed matrix is used to describe the dynamic changes in the status of members of an integrated association in the sustainable development process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailiuk M. О.
The Functional Essence of the Enterprise’s Development Resources (p. 205 - 211)

The article is aimed at studying the functional essence of the enterprise’s development resources. Essence of the category of entity «resources» has been analyzed from the viewpoint of different authors, and an author’s own definition has been suggested. The article characterizes the main types of resources: intellectual, financial, material, informational, and natural. Based on an analysis of scientific literature, the model for assessing the efficiency of a company in the process of development has been adapted. The definition of the essence of concept of «enterprise’s development resources», which is the source of a new, unique product or service, has been proposed. A comparative matrix of functionality of «conventional resources» and «enterprise’s development resources» has been developed. The basic principles inherent in the development resources of company have been defined as: identity; rationality; cost-effectiveness; quality; thriftiness; environmental friendliness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vakhlakova V. V.
Assessing the Financial and Market Components of the Enterprise’s Economic Security (p. 212 - 218)

The most common in assessing economic security of an enterprise is the functional approach, but it needs to be improved on the basis of accumulated knowledge in the science of economic security at the micro-level, thus allowing for different organizing its usage. In order to assess the economic security of enterprise using a functional approach, it is proposed to abandon many functional components in favor of focusing on the financial and market ones, and to discard the traditional rollup of the normalized single and complex indicators to obtain an integral measure of the enterprise’s economic security. In order to assess the economic security of enterprise by the financial and market components, it is proposed to use the signature criteria for the selected indicators by each component, the number of which should be small. For each of the assessed components of the enterprise’s economic security four single indicators were selected, making possible to visualize the assessments by using the elliptic form of the Euler – Venn circles for the four multitudes of assessments as to each component.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shpak S. O.
The Process of Enterprise Restructuring and the Innovation Process as Management Objects: Signs of Similarity and Differences (p. 175 - 181)

The article is aimed at studying the degree of similarity and qualitative differences of the process of restructuring industrial enterprises and innovation process, implemented at the micro level, as well as clarifying the place of innovation problematics in the overall problem of strategic management of development and, in particular, restructuring industrial enterprises. It has been shown that the process of restructuring industrial enterprises as a management object is a more general concept than the concept of an innovation process undertaken at the enterprise level; the list of tasks arising from strategic management of the innovation process is by its nature identical to the set of tasks to be solved in managing the restructuring of enterprises; the same set of methods for analysis, forecast and decision-making can be used to meet these challenges. The intersubordination of the process of restructuring and innovation process at the enterprise level, identified in the article, makes topical the problem of the correct consideration of innovation factor in the tasks of strategic management of restructuring enterprises, refining the methodology and methodical approaches to considering this factor in the strategic decision-making, which can be seen as a direction for further research in this area.

Article is written in Russian

Sukhoniak S. O.
The Probabilistic Analysis of Feasibility of Use of Outsourcing (p. 182 - 187)

A scenario modeling method has been developed that evaluates three alternative options for developing the outsourcing activity: without using the outsourcing and provider services; involving an external provider; creating an internal outsourcing service provider. Development of this method for enterprise will provide the possibility to focus sharply on profitable and prospective outsourcing agreements and to improve the competitive position of enterprise in the market. The practical application of the proposed method in the activity of OOO «Robitnya» determined that the most attractive in terms of the expected revenue for the enterprise in the future period is the conclusion of an outsourcing agreement with an external provider to ensure that enterprise marketing functions are implemented. In general, each specific case can have a combination of factors that determine the situation itself and, accordingly, require a certain unique solution, but it is important to take into account organizational costs, size of remuneration, and the relationship between the recognition of the provider and the expected quality of outsourcing services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernikova I. B., Yakuba E. V.
On Improving the Definition of Reporting and its Place in the Enterprise Development Strategy (p. 188 - 192)

The interpretations of the concept of «reporting» have been considered according to different sources and an own vision of this category has been suggested based on an analysis of the tendency of relations in the economic sphere. Also an own interpretation of accounting as a process has been suggested. The need to correctly define reporting in terms of the overall enterprise strategy and formation of the correct stakeholders’ perception of reporting as an information array has been substantiated. The authors have clarified the place of the non-financial reporting in the overall development strategy of enterprise and demonstrated the appropriateness of providing interested users with full information about the activities of enterprise. The main possibilities for introducing an open reporting mechanism have been indicated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasyliev O. V., Goi V. V.
Optimizing the Bankruptcy Rates of Corporate Enterprises (p. 281 - 288)

An important issue in forecasting the probability of bankruptcy is the formation of an optimal set of financial-economic performance indicators with high forecast capacity. The article is aimed at optimizing the indicator system, which can be used to build a model for diagnosing the probability of corporate failures. The known methods and models for diagnosing bankruptcy were analyzed and it was found that they were based on the financial performance indicators, which use empirical data only. A set of financial performance indicators has been formed that can be used to forecast probability of corporate bankruptcy or to plan for anti-crisis measures. The practical significance of the study suggests developing a theoretical basis for solving issues arising in the diagnostics of probability of bankruptcy of corporate enterprises. Prospect for further research in this direction is to develop an integrated indicator using the fuzzy logic theory, taking into account the qualitative and quantitative performance indicators of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kruhlova O. A., Kozub V. O.
The Formation of a System of Indicators of Problem Monitoring of the Financial Results of Trade Enterprise (p. 263 - 268)

The article is aimed at defining theoretical foundations and developing scientific-methodical and practical recommendations on substantiation of target values of indicators of financial results for organization of problem monitoring at trade enterprises. It has been determined that the tasks of problem monitoring of financial results depend on the certain stage of the life cycle of enterprise. Its staying at the stages of development, formation or recession requires differentiation of both management goals and target values of financial results. Taking into consideration the coherence of determination of financial results, it has been proved that the main object of problem monitoring is the indicator of net financial result. In order to ensure the break-even activity of a trade enterprise, the target setting for the formation of its net financial result is to achieve zero value; to maintain the rate of growth and profitability of equity capital – a financial result, calculated according to the maximum profitability of equity for the enterprise; to maximize the financial result and ensure the profitability of equity at the level of enterprises-competitors – the financial result, taking into account the maximum profitability of equity based on the data obtained from the benchmarking analysis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gusarina N. V.
The Conceptual Approach to Understanding the Essence of Economic Growth of Enterprises in Conditions of Dynamic Changes of the External Environment (p. 269 - 274)

The publication is aimed at developing a conceptual approach to understanding the essence of economic growth of enterprises in conditions of dynamic changes in the external environment. The essence of categorical apparatus of economic growth of enterprises in conditions of changing external environment was researched. The interrelation of factors of economic growth determining the efficiency of functioning of production systems was studied. An analysis of dynamics of structure and composition of GDP by branches of industry was carried out. It has been specified that the economic growth, determined by the growth of GDP per person, is an indicator of improvement of welfare allowing to solve various social and economic objectives. The fundamental difference between the concepts of economic growth and of economic development has been emphasized. A functional scheme of the conception of management of innovation processes and economic growth of enterprises in conditions of dynamic changes of the external environment has been proposed, in which the role of material and resource components of production is substantially reduced and the role of the intellectual component of management is increased.

Article is written in Russian

Puyda H. V.
The Theoretical Basis of Modeling the Economic Mechanism of Intellectual Security of Enterprise. (p. 275 - 281)

The article is aimed at studying the existing scientific approaches to the process of modeling the economic mechanism of intellectual security of enterprise. The author has allocated three approaches: process; based on IDFE0 methodology; system, considering the entities of economic activity as complex systems; and the so-called «information», based on the theory of economic mechanisms. The main features of each of the studied approaches have been disclosed, suggesting to consolidate them to obtain a synergistic effect in the construction of the economic mechanism of intellectual security of enterprises. The basic principles of creation of mechanisms of intellectual security of enterprise have been developed. Also, on the basis of the main postulate of the theory of economic mechanisms – reverse design, the cyclic passes process of designing the economic mechanism of intellectual security of enterprise has been illustrated. That, certainly, does not exhaust the theoretical problematics in the field of modeling the economic mechanisms of intellectual security of enterprise, raising new challenges for further researches.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Minenkova O. V.
The Methodical Approach to Assessment of Enterprise Activity on the Basis of its Models, Based on the Balanced Scorecard (p. 346 - 352)

The article proposes the methodical approach to assessment of activity of enterprise on the basis of its models, based on the balanced scorecard. The content is presented and the following components of the methodical approach are formed: tasks, input information, list of methods and models, as well as results. Implementation of this methodical approach provides improvement of management and increase of results of enterprise activity. The place of assessment models in management of enterprise activity and formation of managerial decision has been defined. Recommendations as to the operations of decision-making procedures to increase the efficiency of enterprise have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naboka S. O., Bondarenko L. M.
The Economic Aspects of Improving the Efficiency of Activities of Ukrainian Enterprises (p. 353 - 358)

The only possibility to ensure a high rate of growth of economic efficiency of production is a result of transition to a predominantly intensive type of development, especially for domestic enterprises in current conditions. The article considers, which concrete factors of the external environment of enterprise impact its activity in the present time and on the territory of Ukraine, and also substantiates the necessity of transition to the mode of «intensification». Scientific novelty consists in approbation of the method of research of the degree of intensification of activity on the example of one of the enterprises of Kharkiv, carrying out foreign economic activity. The system of the scientific and special methods was used: system approach; methods of analysis and synthesis of grouping; economic-mathematical method – the method of analysis of production intensification – to determine the degree of intensity/extensiveness of production at the researched enterprise. The calculations allowed to determine that the relative saving of the aggregate resources at the researched enterprise, using this method, amounted to more than 16 million UAH. Thus, it is possible to speak about expediency of use of the presented method in practice, especially in view of the current condition of enterprises of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chumak O. V., Nagorna I. V.
The Engineering Mechanism in Formation of Informational Basis of Analysis of Financial Sustainability of Enterprise (p. 359 - 364)

The article is aimed at substantiating the mechanism and instruments of financial and accountancy engineering with purpose of formation of information support of analysis of financial sustainability in the enterprise management system. The essence and preconditions of introduction of financial and accountancy engineering are disclosed. Expediency of application of the financial engineering mechanism at enterprise while analyzing financial sustainability has been substantiated. An analysis of methods of formation and use of derivative balance reports was carried out. Models of the conception of mechanisms and instruments of financial and accountancy engineering in analyzing the financial sustainability of enterprise have been suggested. A mega-accounts system in the working plan of the enterprise’s accounts has been recommended. Seven iterations have been provided, which constitute the basis of accounting-analytical support of the accountancy engineering. The information obtained on the basis of the financial and accountancy engineering mechanism allows to carry out real assessment of the enterprise’s financial sustainability.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chumak L. F.
The Topical Problems of Reengineering of Production Enterprises (p. 243 - 247)

The article is aimed at researching the problems of reengineering of industrial enterprises and determining the efficient ways of their solution. The essence of process of reengineering, conditions and expediency of carrying out reengineering were researched. Elements of the system of principles of reengineering, its stages, problems of implementation, and typical errors arising during reengineering, have been defined. It has been determined that reengineering should be closely connected with the strategies of industrial enterprise in order to achieve maximum efficiency of the enterprise’s activity and to prevent additional costs. Reengineering of an industrial enterprise should be supported by an appropriate organizational structure, sound information technology, and contemporary strategic considerations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalchuk N. О., Slusaryak M. M., Pusha A. V.
Analyzing the Methods of Forecasting Bankruptcy and Assessing the Financial Status of Domestic Enterprises (on the Example of PAO «Chernivtsi Fat-and-Oil Plant») (p. 248 - 253)

The article is aimed at studying both foreign and national methods of determining the likelihood of bankruptcy of an enterprise, identifying their main advantages and disadvantages together with the possibility of using in the practice of domestic enterprises, and also determining the necessity of application in the enterprise of these methods for efficient functioning. As a result of research of the financial status of the PAO «Chernivtsi fat-and-oil plant» according to the methods of Tereshchenko, Taffler and Tisshou, Altman, Springate, Sayfullin and Kadykov, it has been found that among the existing models of forecasting bankruptcy there is no methodology presently that can provide reliable results for domestic enterprises. This means the relevance of this topic for a comprehensive research and detection of such methods of assessment of bankruptcy of enterprise. Use of the most optimal model for definition of bankruptcy can be effective in order to evaluate financial activity to prevent an enterprise from entering the group of the insolvent ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shkromyda V. V., Gnatiuk T. M.
Using the Multi-Factor Multiplier of Turnover of Current Assets in Management of Enterprise’s Competitiveness (p. 191 - 196)

The necessity of analyzing of turnover of current assets and studying of influence of factors forming it, with the purpose of development of managerial decisions on improvement of results of managing and strengthening of competitive positions of enterprise in market are substantiated. Based on the experience of the DuPont System of Analysis, a detailed formula for calculating by means of mathematical transformations the turnover coefficient of the company’s current assets is proposed, which by its content and impletion is more informative for making decisions on increase of efficiency of use of current capital of enterprise. A deterministic factor analysis of the multi-factor multiplier of turnover of current assets was carried out on the example of a particular production plant, as a result of which the reserves of improving the use of available current assets of the entity have been identified and ways of their implementation have been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko V. S.
The Features of Transformation of Multinational Enterprises in Conditions of Influence of External Environment (p. 231 - 236)

The regularities of transforming the environment of multinational enterprises are considered from the standpoint of the general system theory. Tendencies of growth of pressure of the international competition on the Ukrainian branch markets have been identified. Special attention is paid to the nature of interaction between global and local forces that determine the type of operating environment. On the basis of the allocated nine main directions of transformational processes at the enterprise, the matrix of decision-making on ways of integration of the enterprise in business space has been proposed. Attention is focused on the problem of the local and the global, which is manifested in the decisions on standardization and adaptation of strategies. The dependence of degree of adaptation and standardization of strategic decisions from the correlation of local and global factors of environment, from the type of environment, in which a multinational enterprise works, has been characterized. The national and international aspects of both the internal networks and the external cooperation agreements, advantages of the joint innovative efforts in the form of cooperation are researched. The international importance of multinational enterprises is very topical, as the interaction between own capital and external sources increases the innovation potential of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gorokhovets J. A.
The Methods of Economic Analysis of Intangible Assets: Status and Proposals for Improvement (p. 236 - 241)

The article is aimed at analyzing the effective methods of economic analysis of intangible assets (IA). The existing directions of economic analysis of intangible assets are allocated and analyzed. According to the results of analysis of the allocated directions it is determined that at their implementation a considerable number of researchers do not consider specific properties of IA, duplicating the existing methods of economic analysis of the non-circulating assets of enterprise. To solve this problem, the ways of implementation of separate directions of the economic analysis of intangible assets were clarified, and attention was focused on the necessity to use market value as the main performance indicator, according to which it is necessary to perform the calculation of the IA efficiency at enterprise. Another problem of the existing methods of economic analysis of intangible assets is creation of the problem of asymmetry of information on intangible factors of value creation. To address this problem, it is necessary to provide analytical indicators on the non-material factors of value-creation for decision-making by external users, which would be calculated using information from the financial and management accounting subsystems and were filed in the form of both financial and non-financial indicators.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Say L. P., Gnylianska L. Y.
The Ecological Investments in the Context of Ecological Preparation of the Stable Development of Enterprise (p. 242 - 246)

The status and problems of eco-investment in Ukraine, as well as its importance for ensuring the sustainable development of enterprise are analyzed. The definition of the concept of «eco-investment» is clarified as an investment of capital in its intellectual, material and monetary forms in creation, modernization, introduction of ecologically safe fixed assets, technologies to be used in the production of ecological products and environmental means in order to prevent, reduce, and eliminate pollution of the natural environment. The structural elements of eco-investment process, basic conditions, tasks and principles of eco-investment at macro- and microlevels, which would ensure achievement of sustainable development goals, have been substantiated. The directions of ecological preparation of production are delineated in accordance with the objects of eco-investment and the stages of its implementation. The authors substantiate the importance of ecological preparation of sustainable development of production, which is the main vector of eco-investment, the result of neglect of which in the past has become a complex ecological situation today. This kind of preparation of production with the help of eco-investment will enable economic entities to prevent in a timely manner the negative impact of their activity on the environment or to reduce it.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makarenko V. Y.
The Determination of Essentiality as a Leading Principle of the Formation of Integrated Reporting (p. 247 - 251)

The definition of essentiality as the leading principle of formation of integrated reporting is considered. The normative basis of essentiality in the context of integrated reporting is the International standard for integrated reporting. The principle of essentiality is that the integrated report should disclose information on issues that have a significant impact on an assessment of the organization’s ability to generate value in the short, medium, and long term periods. Essential for an integrated report is information that is capable of making changes to the organization’s value creation procedure. The definition of essentiality indicates that the essential information is the one that can change the order of assessment of any particular event. Therefore, insignificant for the integrated report is the information that cannot and does not bring such changes. The lack of a clear methodology for determining the essentiality, on the one hand, facilitates application of the principle of essentiality in specific conditions, and on the other — reduces the comparability of indicators of integrated reporting.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Riabykina N. I.
Estimating the Efficiency of Use of Circulating Assets at the Enterprises of Mining and Processing Complex of Kryvbas (p. 235 - 240)

The article substantiates that the results of economic activity, financial condition of enterprise, prospects of its further economic growth depend on the level of efficiency of use of circulating assets, while a balanced approach to its estimation and management provides the basis of stable development of enterprise along with improvement of economic condition in general. As it was determined on the basis of processing of the latest researches and publications by both foreign and domestic scholars-economists, the uniform opinion on the proposed system of indicators of efficiency of use of circulating assets, latitude of the scope, and specific aspects of the estimation methodology have not yet been formed. It has been concluded about expediency of substantiation and realization of the economic-mathematical model of optimization of the mechanism for rating the efficiency of use of circulating assets. The criterion for its optimality is increase of the turnover rate of circulating assets by reducing the size of goods, production stocks, and the share of receivables, as well as optimizing the management of receivables of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk O. H., Hanas L. M., Nodzhak L. S.
The Typology of Factors of Influence on Production Stocks (p. 241 - 248)

The article is concerned with allocation of factors of influence on production stocks and their typology by the corresponding characteristics. The essence of the term of «factor» is thoroughly researched in terms of managerial, economic, organizational approaches. The author’s own interpretation of the economic category of «factors of influence on production stocks» is proposed. A number of factors of influence on production stocks is allocated, which are systematized by the corresponding typological characteristics. The typology of factors of influence of the production reserves presupposes the allocation of financial, personnel, production, infrastructural, information-communication, and managerial factors by the content component. In contrast to the existing typologies, this one specifies their content and nature of the impact, taking account of the peculiarities of functioning of production enterprises. A brief description of the influence of each factor on the production stocks is provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grytskov E. V., Velychko V. A.
The Status and Directions of Transformations of Functioning of Domestic Enterprises (p. 249 - 255)

The publication is aimed at defining the directions and features of functioning of domestic enterprises. The current status of the domestic enterprises of various spheres of economic activity is analyzed. A slowdown in the economic development of economic entities has been defined. It has been determined that in recent years there is an increase in the specific weight of the enterprises that have received a positive financial result, the largest volume of which belongs to the industry. The income generation is fulfilled by means of the net income from sale of products and the net earned insurance premiums, most of which again are obtained in industry. There is a strengthening of the production potential of enterprises due to growth of circulating assets in most spheres of economic activity (except for information and telecommunication spheres, the spheres of art, sports, entertainment and rest), and also there is a growth of turnover assets and equity. At the same time, there is an increase in current obligations, mainly due to accounts payable and other ongoing obligations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Korytko T. Y., Bryl I. V.
The Motivation and Stimulation of Innovation and Investment Activity of Enterprise (p. 234 - 240)

The article is concerned with the analysis of specificity of motivation of innovative and investment activity of enterprises. Contemporary tendencies of innovation and investment development of enterprises are explored; essence and principles of motivation of investment activity of enterprises are researched. The main motives of implementing investment at enterprise are allocated. The theoretical and methodological bases of development of a system of motivation of innovative and investment activity of enterprises, producing the products with high value added, are generalized. The indicated system allows to provide stimulation of innovation and investment activity of enterprise, to reveal reasons of underworks, and also to make the corresponding managerial decisions for their elimination. Prospect for further researches in this direction is formation of an organizational-economic mechanism for motivation of increase of innovation and investment activity of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chorna M. V., Zabrodska H. I., Zabrodska L. D., Kushnir T. В.
The Conceptual Foundations of Evaluating the Development of Retail Trade Enterprises (p. 241 - 248)

The article is aimed at formulating the conceptual foundations of evaluating of retail trade enterprises development. The conceptual approach to evaluation of development of enterprises of retail trade is presented, which is based on the author’s own definition of essence of development and its evaluation. A characteristic feature of the proposed conceptual approach is the presentation of typology of development of a retail trade enterprise in the form of two hierarchical levels – by nature of changes (quantitative, structural, qualitative) and by types of development (scale, vector, intensity, integration, character of dynamics of changes, balance, nature of use of resources). In accordance with the allocated types and kinds of development, an aggregate of evaluation objectives and criteria is defined. In turn, in accordance with the allocated objectives, an aggregate of necessary and appropriate approaches is allocated; system of obligatory principles is substantiated, within the framework of which specific principles are allocated. This conceptual approach constituates the basis for elatorating a development evaluation methodology that will facilitate creation of competitive advantage of retail trade enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lukyanov V. I.
Assessing the Current Status of Functioning of the Enterprises of Housing and Communal Services of Kharkiv Region (p. 248 - 254)

The article identifies the main factors determining the efficiency of housing and communal complex functioning in the regions of Ukraine. It is specified that the enterprises of housing and communal services of Kharkiv region have many problems connected with shortage of labor force at the enterprises of the branch; raw materials, equipment; financial constraints and other negative factors. The carried out analysis of functioning of the housing and communal services enterprises proved that by types of economic activity the share of the enterprises of supply of electric power, gas and air conditioning is insignificant, but decreases, while the share of the enterprises of water supply, sewage, the waste management, on the contrary, increases. The analysis of structure of capital investments by sources of financing of Kharkiv region (in percent to total volume of investments by region) is carried out. The monetary expenditures of households by deciles groups are analyzed depending on the size of capita equivalent money income. It is proved that for sustainable development of the housing and communal services enterprises of Kharkiv region it is necessary to ensure stable financing of construction and modernization of communal infrastructure systems, financing of technical and technological activities, transformation of organizational and administrative structures of housing and communal complex.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pashkevych M. S.
The Project-Oriented Cost Calculation in Managerial Accounting for Purposes of Management of Sustainable Enterprise Development (p. 255 - 260)

The article is aimed at substantiating the conceptual foundations of project-oriented cost calculation for purposes of information support of management of sustainable enterprise development. Approaches to the interpretation of sustainable development at the enterprise level are analyzed and the necessity of the cost approach is determined. It is proposed to consider the R. Passet’s conception of sustainable development the form of circles of economy, society and environment, coinciding among themselves, in the plane of categories of managerial accounting, namely, income and expenses. It has provided to propose the concept of project-oriented calculation of income and expenses and to interpret sustainable development of enterprise in managerial accounting as presence of social, ecological and economic projects, which generate equal amount of income and expenses. The practical value of the results obtained is the proposal of an actual instrumentarium of income and expenditure grouping to further assessing the level of sustainable development of enterprise, comparing the sustainable development of enterprises among themselves and implementing the necessary managerial impact to achieve the objectives set.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Haponiuk M. A.
The Activity of the State-Owned Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 254 - 260)

The article is aimed at researching activities of the State-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Ukraine. For this end, an analysis of financial results of activity of the State-owned enterprises was carried out, along with an analysis and a comparison of groups of the SOEs according to recommendations on their future status within the framework of strategy of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine. It is determined that more than a third of the State-owned enterprises recommended to shutdown are dominated by small-assets companies with the close to zero financial results. About a quarter of companies, among which relatively small enterprises are dominating, are subject to privatization. The exception is the State-owned banks, which are the largest actors in the financial market of the country. Almost all major State-owned enterprises are planned to be left in the public ownership. The financial result may not be the only criterion for whether a company be left in the public ownership. It is necessary to pay attention to whether the activity of a company has a social effect which is impossible or very difficult to achieve within the limits of private property. Research on this issue together with development of relevant recommendations are the topic of further study.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Alexandrova K. I.
Developing the Business Processes to Improve the Quality and Security of the Enterprise’s Products (p. 261 - 268)

The article is aimed at elaborating more effective approaches to the construction of business processes by synthesizing the theoretical basis of previous researches with practical experience. Definitions of business processes are provided, types and ways of managing them are described. The main objectives of implementation of business processes related to objective neurophysiologic limitations of human cognitive abilities are indicated. The programs of development, analysis and formalization of business-processes are presented. By means of the cost analysis of business processes, ways of reducing the self-cost of manufactured products and increasing the efficiency of production in general are highlighted. Various approaches to constructing business processes are considered and the main stages for self-construction of business processes at enterprise are allocated. On the basis of one of the efficient models, construction of business processes is described and a correction of the existing classical model is proposed. The most common errors in constructing business processes are allocated and practical recommendations on description of business processes of enterprise are suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zasadnyi B. A.
The Methodology for Evaluating the Impact of Applying of IFRS on the Financial Status of Enterprises (p. 269 - 274)

The article discloses peculiarities of the methodology of determining the general influence of the first application of IFRS in the formation of financial statements on the financial status of enterprises (improvement, deterioration or absence of changes in financial status). It also evaluates the preparation and reliability of financial statements for the first time prepared with use of IFRS in order to identify systemacity or formality. The author substantiates the statement that those enterprises whose financial status remained unchanged after the transition to the application of IFRS came from a formal position to transformational adjustments and application of conceptual principles in the formation of financial statements.

Article is written in English


Krutova A. S., Nesterenko O. O.
The Methodological Aspects of Reflection of Natural Capital Objects in Enterprise’s Reporting (p. 177 - 184)

The article is aimed at developing methodological aspects of classification and disclosure of natural capital in the integrated reporting of domestic economic entities. The evolution of natural capital is considered and the issues of introduction of the State strategy of ecological policy according to requirements of European Union directives are defined. The basic tasks of accountance of natural capital are defined. The scheme of interconnection of functions of natural capital is developed, to which at micro-level belong the functions of maintenance of continuity of activity, protective, controlling, distributive, regulating and innovative. Recommendations on disclosure of information on natural capital in the integrated reporting in a three-dimensional time space have been developed. In order to complex account the multifaceted structure of natural capital while forming integrated reporting, the classification of natural capital is developed according to the following accounting objects: turnover assets, non-negotiable assets, and liabilities. Participation of natural capital in the formation of financial results to ensure sustainable development of an economic entity has been researched.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnyk H. V., Olesenko I. S.
The Management of Solvency of Trade Enterprise in the System of Formation of Economic Security (p. 185 - 193)

The article, on the basis of research of existing approaches to the concept of «management of solvency of the Enterprise» and on the basis of identification and development of its essential characteristics, clarifies the content of the indicated concept. The main systemically important elements of solvency management of trade enterprise are defined and described in detail: object, subjects, goals, tasks, principles, functions, subsystems (outlines) of management. The target vector of management of solvency of trade enterprise is presented, which is directed towards growth of market value of enterprise. According to the specified outlines of solvency management of trade enterprise, methods and instruments of managerial influence are systematized. The structural-logical sequence of the process of solvency management of trade enterprise is substantiated, which covers strategic, current and operational levels and contains nine interrelated stages of work.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gontareva I. V., Cherednik A. O.
The Methodical Approach to Risk Assessment in the Development and Implementation of Venture Project (p. 130 - 136)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical and methodical foundations of identification and assessment of risks arising at engaging of venture business to development of industrial enterprises. The types of risks presented in the scientific literature, arising in the process of engaging the venture business, in particular, in the development and implementation of a venture project are considered. On the basis of analysis of the theoretical aspects of venture risks it is suggested to distinguish common and situational risks of engaging of venture business. The common risks are understood as the risks arising independently from the enterprise, which seeks to engage venture business, the situational risks, in turn, arise directly depending on the way of engaging of venture business. The research of methodical bases of assessment of venture risks has demonstrated that the methodical approaches presented in scientific literature do not cover the full spectrum of risks of development and implementation of venture projects. The methodical approach to the risk assessment of the development and implementation of venture project, providing for determination of the amount of possible losses at each stage of development and implementation of the venture project is substantiated according to development scenarios. Prospect for further research is a detailed analysis of the factors preventing the engaging of venture business to the development of industrial enterprises, as well as forming a list of additional risks of venture activity of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Krasnokutska N. S., Sokol N. A.
The Formation of Portfolio of the Social Responsibility Actions of Enterprise with Attention to Priorities of Stakeholders (p. 132 - 139)

The article presents a sequence of formation of portfolio of the socially directed actions at enterprise that is developed within the framework of the conception of social responsibility of business, based on the theory of interested parties. The choice of social actions and projects is proposed to be carried out with attention to: target settings and motives of social programs realization; line-up of the company’s stakeholders; priority for stakeholders of social events taking into consideration their composition (economic, social, environmental) and directions of realization (external, internal environment); readiness of enterprise for introduction of socially directed actions. A typology of the social profile of trading enterprise with allocating of key characteristics and indicators of assessment is presented. The authors provide the methodical bases for determination of priority of solving economic, ecological, social problematic issues with attention to importance of stakeholder, level of risk of activity of enterprise depending on materialization of expectations on the part of a stakeholder along with importance of social problems to the latter. Directions and indicators of readiness of enterprise for introduction of social actions are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Berezhna A. Y.
The Resource Saving as a Strategic Direction of Development of the Enterprises of Water Supply and Sewerage Services (p. 262 - 266)

In the current conditions of functioning of the market economy, the enterprises of housing and communal services (HCS) become even more important, because their main task is satisfying the priority needs of the population along with various categories of consumers. The largest share of the specific weight of the HCS services occupies the sub-industry of «water supply and sewerage services» (WSS). At present, resource saving at the enterprises of water supply and sewerage services is the absolutely essential strategic direction not just at the micro-level (enterprises), but also at the macro-level (the State). Today the government has developed a number of projects and programs on resource saving at the WSS enterprises, but most of them left their mark only on paper, and not finding reflection in the practical activities of enterprises. Therefore, the topic of resource saving acquires special relevance. The article is aimed at solving these issues.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nesterova S. V., Kovalchuk I. Y., Martyn V. V.
The Approaches to Estimation of Financial Potential of Enterprise (p. 267 - 272)

The article highlights the approaches to explaining the essence of financial potential of enterprise and considers the individual methods of its estimation. It has been determined that the most common is the resource approach, according to which the financial potential of enterprise is determined by the presence of its own financial resources, as well as the possibility of attracting along with an efficient management of such resources. The authors analyze the methods of estimation of financial potential, proposed by another researchers, most of which are based on the use of classical indices of coefficient analysis of the financial status of enterprise (liquidity, solvency, resilience, turnover, profitability), but with a focus on ensuring the sufficiency of their values in the future. A number of methods are based on the calculation of an integral indicator, which takes into account additional parameters indicating the ability of enterprise to generate financial resources. The factors that determine the level of financial potential and the indicators that provide to estimate the level of financial stability together with the ability of enterprise to maintain the degree of cover with financial resources are systematized.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tymoshenko O. V., Hrushyna A. I.
Crediting the Small and Medium-Sized Business in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (p. 207 - 212)

The publication is aimed at researching the mechanisms of monetary and crediting policy to support small and medium-sized businesses in conditions of transformation of the national economy. Obtaining the research results predefines the following tasks: synthesis of the main provisions of the monetary and crediting policy in Ukraine, allocating the features of the system of monetary and crediting policy of supporting the small business. The results of the carried out research allow to the following conclusions: in the future, the system of support for small and medium-sized businesses is expected to be improved in several directions (in particular, improving the system of special tax regimes, creating conditions for capturing the new market niches by small and medium-sized business entities; providing access to credit resources). The Government bodies face a difficult task, because in a volatile economic environment, the small and medium-sized businesses are mostly in need of support. Active actions on the part of the State, changing economic conditions taken together can help to turn the tide. Prospect for further research in this direction could be development of a mechanism for the implementation and operation of the national system of support for the small and medium-sized businesses, adequate to today’s conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Repushevska Y. O.
The Priorities of Choosing Non-Monetary or Monetary Approaches to Develop the Restructuring Strategies of Industrial Enterprises (p. 279 - 285)

The article is concerned with the tasks of defining and implementing anti-crisis transformations of the activity of industrial enterprises with a view to their restructuring from the standpoint of restoration and preservation of the capital-generating function. One of the most significant obstacles slowing or nullifying efficiency of the vast majority of restructuring strategies of national enterprises, are the not exactly correct interpretation and the practical use of the term of «market value of property and property rights». So the publication provides the author’s own definition of this category. Review of literature sources together with the author’s own elaborations allowed to conclude that, depending on goals and interests which motivate the owner or investor to restructure, two approaches can be allocated: the monetary and the non-monetary. Inefficient owner chooses the monetary approach to the restructuring strategies and makes managerial decisions in respect of property and property rights, based precisely on the market value of the object of evaluation. Effective owner sees feasable to get significantly more value added from the activities of the enterprise. He therefore chooses the non-monetary approach, involving substantial capital investment in modernization of the enterprise’s activities as an integral property complex.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lutsiuk I. V.
The Methodological Issues of the Quality Costs Control: Objectives, Stages, Control Procedures (p. 286 - 290)

The article is aimed at developing the system of internal cost control of enterprise, taking into account the information needs of the quality management system. The essence and objectives of internal control over the quality costs have been substantiated on the basis of the analysis of Ukrainian and foreign scientific research. Quality cost control being one of the efficient instruments of quality management, however, has not been given adequate attention due to the complexity of their differentiation from the total costs amount and lack of methodological base taking account of specifics of this control area. The features of internal control of various classification groups of quality costs and the key elements of its methodology have been covered: objectives, stages, information base, control methods, control procedures. The directions of improvement of the methodology of quality costs internal control have been suggested in order to enhance the effectiveness of managerial activities within quality management system.

Article is written in English

Birbirenko S. S., Malorod K. O.
The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Formation of Financial Stability of Enterprise (p. 291 - 295)

The article is aimed at researching the conceptual apparatus of the definition of «financial stability», determining the theoretical and methodological aspects of its formation and studying the list of factors influencing the management of financial stability of enterprise. Theoretical bases of formation of financial stability of enterprise are analyzed. The authors’ own vision of definition of the economic category of «financial stability of enterprise» is presented. Such types of financial stability as internal, external, general and inherited are considered and analyzed in detail. It is determined that the financial stability analysis provides an opportunity to assess the ability of enterprise to adapt to the environment and to identify its level of independence from the external sources of financing. Given the diversity of approaches to the analysis of economic activity, definition of some functions of financial stability is suggested. A summarized list of principles of carrying out an analysis of financial stability of enterprise is proposed. It is determined that the management of financial stability of enterprise is a complex system of forms, methods and principles of developing and making managerial decisions on ensuring the constantly growing profit, maintaining the level of solvency and creditability, preserving the financial equilibrium.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalevska A. V., Petrova R. V., Strokov A. Y.
The Critical Analysis of Methods of Solving the Task of Optimization of the Structure of Financial Resources of Enterprise (p. 296 - 302)

The publication is directed to defining specific characteristics, advantages and limitations of the existing methods of solution to practical task of optimization of the structure of financial resources of enterprise. Our research allows to assert that the process of optimization of capital structure itself is of managerial nature, i.e. consists of a certain sequence of actions and requires awareness along with formulation of purpose and criteria of its achievement. The carried out analysis of methods and models of solving the problem of optimizing the structure of financial resources of enterprise showed that they have different preconditions for use, are aimed at achieving different goals, selecting different indicators for the main criterion of the task, have certain limitations in practical use. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop and implement an individual approach to solving this task. The choice and substantiation of the optimization method will depend not only on the stage of the life cycle and the situation in commodity market, but also on the priority goals and tasks (the most critical factors), on the results of diagnostics and the accomplished evaluation. A substantiation for choosing a method of solving a particular task precedes the increase of efficiency of the enterprise’s financial resources management process as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasova N. O., Nosyriev O. O., Kochetova T. I.
The Features of the Status and Dynamics of Financial Results of Industrial Enterprises by the Kinds of Economic Activity (p. 303 - 309)

The article is aimed at researching tendencies of formation of financial results of industrial enterprises and features of this process in the main sub-sectors by the kinds of economic activity, as well as defining the main problems and opportunities to financing of innovative development at the expense of internal sources. The current status and the dynamic changes of financial results of industrial enterprises are analyzed in the context of the economic activity for the period of 2010–2017. The basic tendencies, features of separate stages of formation of financial results in various sub-sectors of industry by the kinds of economic activity are defined. The problems concerning possibilities of technological reorganization in view of providing the enterprises of industry of Ukraine with internal financial resources are generalized. The necessity of further researches on the specifics of formation of financial results in the enterprises of leading industries is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Osokina A. V., Snahovska Y. S.
The Modern Approaches to Building the Sales Channels of Business Organization (p. 310 - 314)

The article is aimed at researching modern approaches to building the sales channels, defining the main problems in the process of their management. The sales processes of enterprises, ways of transfer of production from the producer to the final consumer are considered. The current models of building the sales channels together with the ways of attracting and retaining the customer base of each distribution channel are analyzed. The features, main advantages and disadvantages of sales channels are considered. Examples of selection and use of sales channels are provided. The differences of management of the enterprise’s sales system depending on the chosen channel are determined. The relevance of transition from one distribution channel to another depending on the available market conditions is substantiated. Prospect for further research in this direction is to consider the possibility of using several distribution channels in the management for a large number of domestic enterprises. Further development of the enterprise’s marketing system may lead to the necessity to change the selected distribution channel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nesterenko R. V., Tsapenko N. Y.
The Scientific-Practical Approach to Development of Economic-Organizational Provision of the Logistic Activity of Enterprise (p. 315 - 319)

The article is aimed at forming a scientific-practical approach to the development of economic-organizational provision of logistic activity of enterprise in modern economic conditions. Approaches to definition of the logistic activity of enterprise are allocated. It is determined that the important provisions of logistics management are not only logistical concepts, but also logistical approaches, in particular: system, functional, and process. The bases of formation of the logistic activity of enterprises are analyzed. On the basis of the conducted research the scientific-practical approach to development of economic-organizational provision of the logistic activity of enterprise is formed, essence of which consists in combination of interests of producer, consumer and supplier, with attention to the economic and organizational support. This approach includes the purpose, tasks, functions and principles, use of the methodical instrumentarium, carrying out of complex analysis of the activity of enterprise, formation and introduction of the efficient managerial decisions concerning the logistic activity of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nesterenko R. V.
The Economic-Organizational Provision of the Logistic Activity of Enterprises: Theoretical Aspect (p. 256 - 260)

The scientific article is aimed at formation of the theoretical basis of the economic-organizational provision of logistic activity of enterprises in modern conditions of economy. The publication defines essence of th following concepts: economic provision, organizational provision, economic-organizational provision, logistic activity of enterprises. The stages of formation of economic provision of enterprises activity are provided. The main directions of the process of improvement of the economic-organizational provision of logistic activity of enterprises are determined. On the basis of the carried out research is determined that in modern permanent conditions of economy for efficient development of enterprises it is necessary to reconstruct and improve economic activity by forming the economic-organizational provision of their logistic activity, the essence of which is to form the structure of logistics management by distributing logistic functions and operations between all structural subdivisions of enterprise, in coordinated work and corresponding control on the use of material base that constitute the basis of efficient result of activity of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nikitiuk V. G.
The Theoretical Bases of Constructing the Logistic Systems of Metallurgical Enterprise (p. 261 - 267)

The article carries out an analysis of the logistic activity of the world countries (including Ukraine and other countries of the former Soviet Union) and defines the main tendencies of its development based on the value of the international Logistics Performance Index (LPI). The existing approaches are generalized and the definition of «logistic system» of metallurgical enterprise is suggested. As elements of the logistic system are suggested the purchase, transportation, warehousing, production, sales (realization) of finished products, information provision, waste management, staff carrying out the logistic activities. The properties inherent in the logistic system of industrial enterprise are determined. A generalized classification of the logistic systems of enterprise is presented. The advantages that the companies receive from the creation of the logistic system are provided. The conclusion is drawn about necessity of construction of logistic system for industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tryfonova O. V., Trushkina N. V.
The Risks Management of the Logistics Activities of Industrial Enterprises (p. 268 - 274)

The changeable and unpredictable development of the external environment of enterprise is one of the reasons of occurrence of various kinds of risks as to economic activity, including the logistic activity. The article is aimed at forming the theoretical bases and developing practical recommendations on improvement of risks management of industrial enterprises in conditions of instability. The existing scientific approaches to classifying of logistic risks of enterprises influencing the results of logistic activity and requiring account when making appropriate managerial decisions are analyzed and generalized. It is determined that the majority of scholars includes in such risks the ones connected with organization of processes of supply, production, warehousing, storage, transportation, sale of production, contract works. The content of the term of «risks of the logistic activity of enterprises» is clarified, it is proposed that this term be considered as probability of occurrence of events, resulting in damages and losses as result of happening of downtime, disruptions in the supply chain, and destabilization of the logistics system. The risks of logistic activity of industrial enterprises are identified, which are grouped into two groups: exogenous (political, institutional, market, financial, ecological) and endogenous (related to the processes of material and technical supply, stock formation, economic, technological, transport, marketing, information, ecological). Expediency of application of a complex approach to the risks management of logistic activity of industrial enterprises is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zagurskiy О. M., Pohorila A. A.
Applying the Value-Oriented Management to Estimate the Financial Condition of Enterprise (p. 275 - 280)

Creation of the system of value-oriented indicators with the subsequent monitoring of the enterprise’s value allows to predict and minimize negative consequences of crisis phenomena. The article analyses methodical approaches to the value-oriented management of finances of enterprises. The recommendations on its introduction into the domestic practice of financial management are substantiated. The main systems of indicators of value-oriented management are explained on the example of CJSC «Rosava». The financial condition of the enterprise is estimated and its main problems are defined in the short term. It is proved that using the value-oriented indicators should not be considered solely as an instrumentarium for diagnosing the crisis financial condition of enterprise. To obtain maximum effect from such use, they must be introduced into a holistic system of anti-crisis controlling, i.e. in the system of strategic and operational planning, motivation, analysis and control.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk A. О., Shtefan L. І.
The Profitability of Ukrainian Enterprises: Current Status, Dynamics, Ways of Increasing (p. 281 - 287)

The article considers the essence of profit of enterprises and examines the main tendencies of profitableness of the status of national enterprises over the last five years. The main reasons of decrease of profitableness of national enterprises are determined. The structure of net profit of Ukrainian enterprises is considered by types of economic activity. The ratio of profitable and unprofitable enterprises in Ukraine is analyzed, the dynamics of profitable enterprises is identified. The analysis of the profitability level of national enterprises on the results of operations is carried out. It is proposed to apply the scale of profitableness in order to increase the level of profitability at national enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Harkusha N. M., Rudenko I. V.
A Classification of Material Circulating Assets in the Management System of Enterprise (p. 288 - 296)

The article is aimed at researching the methodological bases for classifying the enterprise’s material circulating assets. It is specified that the efficiency of management of current material assets is significantly influenced by the existence of a scientifically based classification, which enables more thorough organization of accounting, carrying out analysis, planning and forecasting, identifying certain correlations in their kinds, sources of formation and accounting their influence on the results of operating activity of enterprise. On the basis of studying of works of domestic and foreign scholars, and also considering the available in practice classifications as to material working assets of enterprises, the most typical signs of classification are allocated and the current approaches to definition of new ones are studied. Based on the peculiarities of management of this type of assets, the authors systematize, generalize and supplement the classification of material circulating assets. The variety of these classification characteristics creates objective preconditions for increasing the level of validity of managerial decisions in the current difficult economic conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sharko M. V., Gusarina N. V.
The Business Analytics of the Key Tendencies of Development of the Shipbuilding Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 297 - 303)

The article presents results of an analytical substantiation of strategies of economic development of the shipbuilding industry enterprises on the basis of an analysis of influence of the external environment on the political, economic, technological, and social aspects. In addition to identifying the significant factors of the key market tendencies, the focus of their influence, ranks and priorities of threats together with directions of development are indicated. The methodology of calculating the expected effects of influence of the external environment (through ranking of weighted estimates of the macro-environment factors) and the degree of their influence (in the form of corresponding indices of verbal estimates of their realization) is proposed. This determines the degree of preparedness of the shipbuilding industry to respond to changes in the external environment and ensures the effectiveness of managerial decision making.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Biliavska A. V., Mizunska I. R., Kovalchuk N. О.
The Analytical Aspects of Management of the Liquidity Level and Solvency of Enterprises in the Energy Industry (p. 255 - 261)

The article is aimed at assessing the real financial condition of the JSC «Chernivtsioblenergo» and the JSC «Lvіvoblenergo» and defining possible ways to improve the management over the available assets of these two organizations. A comprehensive analysis of the financial condition of the above enterprises is carried out. Their liquidity and solvency is assessed; the corresponding indices for the analyzed period of 2015–2017 are calculated; the economic value of each indicator and its actual role in the studying of the enterprises’ statuses are summarized. The enterprises’ compliance with the «golden rule of financing» for the researched period is analyzed. The basic problems of the unstable financial condition of the organizations are determined with help of the calculated coefficients and the steps expedient for stabilization of the situation are suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk O. M.
The Principles of Formation and Use of Mechanisms for Resources Provision of Activity of a Processing Enterprise (p. 261 - 266)

The article is aimed at researching the mechanisms for resources provision of enterprise, creating the necessary basis for developing the concept of resources management. The author’s own understanding of such a mechanism for resources provision is presented, namely: as a system of institutional elements necessary for distribution and redistribution of resources by economic entities and their structural subdivisions, as well as for transformation of resources from one form to another. When constructing structure of the resources potential of enterprise, it is proposed to base upon the interaction of three components, which fully characterize the internal status of enterprise: control system unit (planning, organization, stimulation, control), resources unit (main and working capital, labor and information resources) and a unit that allocates activities (analytical, production, communication, social). In the model of strategic resources provision of the open system, it is proposed to provide for a communication unit that would ensure the movement of information flows in two main directions: «enterprise-external environment», «external environment – enterprise».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vitiuk A. V., Savelieva A. O.
The Analytical Research on the Factors of Influence on the Financial Sustainability of Machine-Building enterprises of Vinnytsya Region (p. 267 - 273)

The article is aimed at researching the financial sustainability of the machine-building enterprises of Vinnytsya region. The main reason of research of financial sustainability of machine-building enterprises is reasoned. The importance of financial sustainability of machine-building enterprises differing in size, output and volume of activity is analyzed and compared. The main factors influencing the financial sustainability of machine-building enterprises are defined. The basic macro-and micro-economic problems influencing the financial sustainability of machine-building enterprises are determined. It is proved that the main reason of worsening of financial sustainability of machine-building enterprises is ignoring of the policy of stable replenishment of both own and own working capital by enterprises. The failure of enterprises to long-term financing also has an important negative impact. It has been determined that the weak financing of non-negotiable assets, which indicates a low level of modernization of fixed funds, negatively impacts the financial sustainability of machine-building enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voloshan I. G., Volkovska I. V.
The Accounting and Tax Policy in the Management of Business Processes of Industrial Enterprises (p. 273 - 278)

The article is aimed at defining elements and factors of influence of the accounting and tax policy on formation of accounting and information system of industrial enterprise. It is proved that the accounting and information system of enterprise depends on its economic activity, i.e.: totality of internal and external business processes, which are the objects of accounting; parameters of the accounting policy of enterprise, which determine the composition, structure of information system, channels of information, and information communications. The factors of influence on the size of tax payments and the choice of the optimal tax policy are systematized according to the generally recognized aspects. The structure of a uniform accounting policy for enterprise is proposed, which consists of four sections: general provisions; accounting policy for bookkeeping purposes; accounting policy for tax purposes; accounting policy for managerial accountance purposes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lebedko S. А.
The Integral Assessment of the Level of Economic Security of Transport Enterprises (p. 259 - 266)

Ensuring the sufficient level of economic security of activities of transport enterprises in market conditions is one of the main tasks of management because the efficiency of enterprises’ performance is dependant upon. In the article, on the basis of analysis of scientific sources, is defined that the the complex (integral) approach is most widespread in terms of determination of the level of economic security of enterprise. The article proposes a methodical approach to determination of the level of counteraction to threats towards economic security of transport enterprises on the basis of integral assessment. A sequence and a system of indicators of assessment of the economic security level of transport enterprise are elaborated according to the types of threats. Concerning the results of the carried out expert survey, the integral index of the level of economic security of transport enterprises is suggested, calculated for three transport enterprises, selected for the research. The results of calculation of the integral index of economic security for the researched transport enterprises allowed to define the list of priority measures as to ensuring the target level of economic security. Application of the suggested integrated assessment will allow a transport enterprise to ensure the adoption of efficient management decisions aimed at minimization or avoiding the impact of threats on its activities, and therefore, achieving a high level of its economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nesterenko R. V.
The Methodical Aspects of Providing the Logistic Activity of Enterprises as a Direction of Their Efficient Functioning and Development (p. 266 - 270)

The article is aimed at developing the methodological aspects of providing the logistic activity of enterprises as a direction of their efficient performance and development in the current economic conditions. The stages of the evolutionary development of logistics in business in the XX century are analyzed in detail. The influence of logistics on the economic-organizational activity of enterprises is defined. It is proved that for introduction of logistics at enterprise it is necessary to analyze the economic-organizational activity of enterprises by means of the modern methods of evaluation. In the process of introduction of logistics in the activity of enterprise it is recommended to observe the following principles: use of programmed modules; phased creation of system; flexibility of the system in terms of specific application requirements; consideration of enterprise as ecological-socio-economic system; indivisibility of the logical chain of supply–production–sales; unity; communication between the information activity and the production activity; development (emergence of new goals and tasks); dynamism; efficiency and so on.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Katkova N. V., Murashko I. S.
The Algorithm of Implementation of the Mechanism for Sustainable Development of Enterprise (p. 271 - 276)

The article is concerned with building the algorithm of implementation of the mechanism for sustainable development as necessary condition of its introduction into practical activity of national enterprises. Scientific approaches to building algorithms of implementation of an organizational-economic mechanism, implementation of a strategy of sustainable development, etc. are explored. Generalizing the views of scholars and applying the bionomic approach, the authors proposed their own algorithm of implementation of the mechanism for continuous development as an instrument to ensure the implementation of both mission and strategic objectives of enterprise, which includes the following stages: diagnosis of «disorders» and available resources, definition of the short-term goals or setting goals and diagnostics depending on the influence of factors of external environment and internal possibilities of enterprise; definition of scenarios of correlation of components of sustainable development of enterprise; substantiation of the instruments of ensuring the sustainable development; control over implementation of the sustainable development mechanism; evaluation of the efficiency of the mechanism for sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kopylyuk O. I., Husar U. Y., Guta S. V.
The Modern Approaches to Organization of the System of Financial-Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 229 - 234)

The article is aimed at improving the existing theoretical and methodological approaches to the organization of the system of financial-economic security of enterprise. On the basis of the existing scientific heritage the authors’ own approach to formation of the system of financial-economic security of enterprise is proposed, covering the essence, components and mechanism, which is the aggregate of corresponding methods, levers and instruments. The methodological basis of formation of the system of financial-economic security of enterprise is proposed taking into view the unity of interrelated elements. It is specified that the functioning of the system of financial-economic security of enterprise should consider a number of fundamental components: principles of construction, its organizational and managerial structure, efficient functioning of departments and services, including the management of financial-economic security. Both the system and the safety-oriented approaches are aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the enterprise’s activity in the current and strategic dimensions. Prospect for further research in this direction is elaboration of a strategy for the development of financial-economic security, which should be characterized by close interconnection and mutual dependence of its main components.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Storozhuk T. M.
Funds Flow Statement as an Information Source of the Enterprise Monetary Flows Management (p. 235 - 240)

The analytical capabilities of a funds flow statement are significant and important, but are not used to the full extent. The statement reflects the impact of operating, investment and financial activities of enterprises on the status of its monetary assets and their equivalents during the reporting period of time and allows to explain the reasons of changes during this period. The policy of managing the balances of monetary assets should provide for cost-effective use. The movement of funds from operating activities can be carried out both by direct and indirect methods. The direct method allows to analyze and evaluate the directions of income and expenditure of money, trace the movement of funds as result of operating, investment and financial activities, to carry out analysis of the net cash flow and define its structure. The statement, drawn up indirectly, reflects the reasons for the change in balance of funds and their transformation into various forms of assets, and discloses the relation of profits with changes in circulating assets and current liabilities and reserves. Given the importance of cash, the different analytical value of the statements, compiled directly and indirectly, and with the purpose of an efficient comprehensive analysis of monetary flows for the effective managerial decision-making, it is suggested to compile the statement using both methods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Andrusiv U. Y.
Methods of Evaluating the Competitiveness of Industrial Enterprises in the National Economy (p. 241 - 246)

The article deals with the improvement of the methodology for evaluating the competitiveness of industrial enterprises of the national economy under conditions of a globalized development. The article also highlights the theoretical principles of the formation of competitive advantages of industrial enterprises in the national economy. A methodology for managing the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in the national economy, which consists of three successive stages, has been developed. At the first stage, the potential level of competitiveness of an industrial enterprise is determined. At the second stage, each of the factors is evaluated and the general indicators of the status of the internal and external environment are calculated. The third stage aims at adjustment of the competitive position of the country’s industrial enterprises in the market. The results of the study provide for making more sound conclusions about the status of the competitiveness of industrial enterprises in the national economy and facilitate the adoption of managerial decisions to improve certain areas of their activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lutsyshyna Y. V.
The Status of Integration Processes of Enterprises Development in the Economy of Ukraine (p. 247 - 254)

The publication is aimed at defining the regularities of enterprise development in conditions of integration tendencies and estimation of activity of integration processes in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of statistical data, comparison of the progress of processes of mergers and acquisitions in Ukraine and world-wide, the level of activity of integration processes in Ukraine is evaluated as low. It is determined that national enterprises prefer both control and acquisition of stocks (shares, interests), at the same time the activity of creating integration structures together with registration of a legal entity is minimal. Foreign investors and enterprises with participation of foreign investors actively participate in integration processes on the basis of concentration. The following regularity is determined: national enterprises prevail in view of the number of concluded deals, and foreign ones – in view of the value of concluded deals. The integration processes in Ukraine have a pronounced sectoral specialization. The difference of the Ukrainian market of mergers and acquisitions from the global trends lies in the active conclusion of deals in the agri-industrial complex. In Ukraine, vertical integration, integration of small and medium-sized enterprises is encouraged, while institutional limitations for concentration within horizontal integration are established as well.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Posokhov I. M., Zhadan Y. V.
Applying the Scientific-Methodical Frequency Approach to the Comprehensive Quantitative Evaluation of Financial-Economic Risks of Enterprises in the Oil and Fat Industry Sector of Ukraine (p. 255 - 264)

The article is aimed at researching the comprehensive evaluation of financial condition and applying the scientific-methodological frequency approach to the comprehensive quantitative evaluation of financial-economic risks of enterprises in the oil and fat industry sector of Ukraine. The scientific-methodical approach to the comprehensive quantitative evaluation of financial-economic risks of enterprises in the oil and fat industry sector of Ukraine contains the authors’ analytical approach to risk evaluation and is a combination of a statistical method and an expert analysis. Also the evaluation of the integral financial risk using the methods of factor analysis and logit modelling in dynamics on the example of oil and fat industry sector of Ukraine is proposed. Direction of further research is the necessity for risks management through the development and use of a risks management mechanism and construction of the risk management systems at enterprises of the oil and fat industry sector of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Кoval N. I., Grigorash M. V.
Basics of the Perspective Cost Analysis of the Activities of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 246 - 251)

The article considers the essence of costs and specifics of the perspective analysis at enterprise, as well as the role of analytical work in order to compose a plan for the organization of a division’s activity. The nature of emergence of costs in agricultural enterprises is studied and search for possible reserves for reducing the activity costs is conducted. The theoretical-methodical approaches to cost analysis are substantiated and deepened; practical recommendations as to formation of an analytical support represented by an information system of management of enterprise’s activities are developed. The objectives of the cost efficiency analysis and the sequence of return of costs in the form of income are defined. The list of indicators applied for analyzing the dynamics of costs and use of the enterprise resources is examined and supplemented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Posokhov I. M., Zhadan Y. V.
The Marginal Analysis of the Enterprises in the Oil and Fat Industry Sector in Conditions of Uncertainty and Risk (p. 252 - 260)

An analysis of publications of the scientific researches by various authors together with a marginal analysis of the enterprises in the oil and fat industry sector in conditions of uncertainty and risk are carried out. The theory of break-even and the corresponding algebraic methods are discoursed, their graphic interpretations for conditions of the oil and fat industry sector of Ukraine are presented. The situation with the occurrence of uncertainty and risk in the marginal analysis is researched. An empirical estimation of risk is carried out for 11 enterprises in the oil and fat industry sector and a calculation of the break-even points of activity of the PJSC with Foreign Investment «DOEZ» is done taking into view the uncertainty factor for 2015–2016. Direction of further scientific researches is development of a scientific-methodical approach to calculation of the optimal level of franchise by insurance companies of Ukraine as a component of the systems of risks management of the industrial enterprises in the oil and fat industry sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Haponenko O. Y., Duchko O. O., Sheіanova E. D.
Implementation of the Technological Process of a Production and Trading Enterprise (Using the Example of PJSC Vinnytsia Food & Gustatory Factory) (p. 136 - 141)

The article highlights the study of the technological process which includes 3 groups of operations: operations related to the receipt of goods at the warehouse, storage of goods, operations associated with distribution of goods. Features of the implementation of the technological process are characterized using the example of the warehouse of the production and trading enterprise PJSC Vinnytsia Food & Gustatory Factory. Positive and negative factors affecting the technological operations in the process in the enterprise’s functioning are analyzed. Indicators of efficiency of using the warehouse premises of the enterprise and the coefficient of the level of mechanization of the warehouse operations are calculated. There proposed methods for improving the trade and technological process of a production and trading enterprise through acquiring modern high-performance lifting and transport machines for warehousing; computerization of the information system for inventory management and sales of goods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarov N. K., Barannik I. O.
Economic Security of Export-Import Potential of an Enterprise (p. 142 - 149)

Managing the development of export-import potential requires constant monitoring of risks of and threats to economic security, which should be carried out scientifically. Based on the analysis of works of leading experts, the types of potential of industrial enterprises are described, an integrated system for monitoring the level of economic security of an enterprise and the methodological principles that determine it are considered. As a result of the study, the main components of management of export-import potential of an enterprise are proposed; the environmental factors that have a direct influence on management of an enterprise, and those that affect an enterprise indirectly are identified. There proposed a model for constructing an integrated economic security system with its inherent principles, objectives, objects to protect, as well as aspects and areas of research and forecast. Based on the carried out study, the promising areas of activity aimed at ensuring security of export-import potential of an enterprise are highlighted, the need to create an efficient multidivisional structure to integrate activities of all departments and levels of management of an enterprise is emphasized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vashai Y. V., Doroshenko O. O.
Methodological Aspects of Studying the State of Industrial Security under Conditions of Military and Political Instability (p. 150 - 156)

The aim of the article is to analyze the adequacy of a set of indicators characterizing the state of Ukraine’s industrial security, and to diagnose it on the basis of indicators supplemented by the authors. The set of indicators envisaged by the current regulatory framework for assessing the level of industrial security of Ukraine is analyzed, positive and negative aspects of their application are identified. The key indicators of industrial security of Ukraine describing production performance, degree of depreciation of fixed assets, profitability of operating activities and efficiency of enterprises by key economic activities are analyzed. Based on the analysis, threats to economic security and government measures aimed at enhancing industrial security are identified. The necessity of structural changes in the economy is argued. The authors have come to the conclusion that the analysis of the industrial security of Ukraine reveals the key strong and weak positions of the country in this area. Management at the national level, aimed at eliminating the identified threats to industrial security, will make it possible to comprehensively solve the pressing economic problems. The restructuring of the industry will make it possible to strengthen the export potential of Ukraine, ensure an adequate level of profitability of enterprises and resolve a whole range of related social issues.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Biliavska A. V., Mizunska I. R., Yurii E. O.
The Comparative Analysis of the Financial Performance of the JSC «Chernivtsioblenergo» and JSC «Lvivoblenergo» (p. 169 - 176)

The article is aimed at assessing the real financial status of both the JSC «Chernivtsioblenergo» and the JSC «Lvivoblenergo», identifying possible ways to improve the management of the existing assets of the two organizations. A comprehensive analysis of the financial status of the above-mentioned enterprises is carried out. Assessment of their liquidity and solvency, financial sustainability, and business activity is carried out, the corresponding figures for the three periods under review (2015-2017) are calculated, the economic importance of each indicator and its actual role in examening the status of enterprises are summarized. The enterprises’ compliance with the «golden rule of financing» for the studied period is analyzed. The main problems of the unsustainable financial status of the organizations, taking into account the calculated coefficients, is identified and the ways to stabilize the situation are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Volkova M. V.
Features of the Management of Implementation of Investment Projects at Enterprise (p. 176 - 181)

The article defines features of the management of implementation of investment projects at enterprise. It is identified that reasonable and focused investment activity is important for any enterprise. Investing assets into various projects is intended to achieve certain goals, depending on the enterprise’s policy. It is defined that the structure of sources of financing for investment activities varies depending on the phase of the business cycle: the share of internal resources decreases during the period of revival and recovery (increased investment activity). Ways to raise capital for implementing investment projects are considered. It is indicated that management of investment projects has a number of certain rules and regulations. It is identified that evaluation of risks and possibilities of minimizing them play important roles in the management of implementation of investment projects at enterprise. A sequence of the main stages for the development of a system of monitoring the implementation of an investment project at enterprise is defined. It is concluded that in making managerial decisions as to the implementation and management of investment projects, it is necessary to use a comprehensive approach involving risks management and implementation of a system of monitoring the management of investment project as a component that ensures the quality of the management of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yakimenko O. V.
Formation of the Enterprise’s Strategic Goals Based on a System of Logistic Costs Management (p. 182 - 187)

The publication proposes the formation of strategic goals of enterprise on the basis of a system of management of logistic costs. It is identified that the financial component remains one of the most important elements of the enterprise’s internal potential. The financial criteria reflect the enterprise’s long-term goals: provide the highest return on capital. It is specified that a balanced system of indicators, even within its financial component, allows not only formation of the criteria for implementation of long-term plans, but also considering all the changes that arise in achieving long-term goals. It is substantiated that the efficiency of use of assets and investments is achieved by general indicators, e.g., increasing profitability, reducing costs, increasing the use of assets. Logistical flows are the determining factor here, the main among which appears to be the material flow. Any enterprise needs resources for its existence, which can require significant investment (it can be special equipment, the latest information systems, or qualified staff). The directions of analysis of the impact on the client component of the enterprise’s activities, the main directions of influence on the internal business processes of enterprise and the main areas of analysis and achievement goal for the component of «training and development» are defined. It is concluded that implementation of the goals set for the financial, client components and the component of internal business processes depends on the capabilities of the component of «training and development» in the system of management of logistic costs.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dushak M. I.
The Conceptual Foundations for the Formation of the Enterprise’s Financial Architecture (p. 205 - 211)

The article is aimed at researching the conceptual foundations for the formation of the financial architecture of enterprise and establishing the relationship between them. It is defined that the concept of «financial architecture» is used at macro and microeconomic levels and convey different meanings. Two basic approaches are identified to its definition: as a dynamic system, and as an aggregate of certain elements. After the systemization of existing approaches to the interpretation of financial architecture, the author’s own understanding of this concept is provided. It is defined that the main purpose of the enterprise’s financial architecture is to ensure the growth of the market value of the business and to satisfy the interests of the owners of the enterprise as the main stakeholders. The main elements of the enterprise’s financial architecture are the structure of property, structure of capital, corporate management and control, as well as the financial model. The basic principles of formation of financial architecture are proposed. The relationship between the financial architecture, financial strategy and business model of enterprise are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krymchak L. А., Rudnichenko Y. M.
Improving the Information Component of the Economic Security of Foreign Economic Activities of Domestic Enterprises in the Context of Implementation of the Main Provisions of the Post-Customs Audit (p. 211 - 216)

The article is aimed at developing proposals to improve the information component of the economic security of foreign economic activities of domestic enterprises in the context of implementation of the post-customs audit. It is specified that the post-customs audit is a form of customs control. It is defined that the purpose of the post-customs audit is to simplify customs procedures and improve the interaction of national actors of foreign economic activities with regulatory bodies. The basic principles of customs administration, which should be followed by the countries of the world, according to the World Customs Organization and the World Trade Organization, are provided. The main standards of the Kyoto Convention, which are directly related to the post-customs audit, are considered. Proposals are formed to improve the information component of the economic security of foreign economic activities of domestic enterprises in the context of their interaction with customs authorities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Abolkhasanzad Alyreza
The Methodical Recommendations on the Growth of Investment Attractiveness of the Fuel and Energy Enterprises (p. 217 - 224)

The article determines that in the current conditions of economic activity, which are characterized by constant transformations and ambiguous trends in the Ukrainian economy, the processes of development of the fuel and energy enterprises are of particular importance that impacts the functioning of other spheres. The need to form an investment attractiveness of the fuel and energy enterprises is defined. The content of the investment attractiveness is substantiated, measures to increase it in the enterprises of fuel and energy complex are proposed. Using the economic-mathematical apparatus, the author determines the relationship between systemic factors that characterize the financial and investment status, level of security, spatial support, investment infrastructure, features of the operation of the fuel and energy complex, and an integral indicator of investment attractiveness based on the application of the method of correlation-regression analysis. This allows offering the methodical recommendations on its growth to ensure the economic development of the fuel and energy enterprises. The system of information and analytical provision of economic assessment of the investment attractiveness of the fuel and energy enterprises is improved.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kotenko O. О., Domashenko M. D., Kotenko J. L.
Formation of a Specialized Investment Fund to Provide Energy and Resource Saving in Enterprises Engaged in Foreign Economic Activities (p. 117 - 123)

The article is aimed at substantiating the feasibility of forming a specialized investment fund (buffer) in enterprises engaged in foreign economic activities, allocating the directions of its creation and ways of using it from a view of sustainable development in the context of energy and resource saving. It is specified that the course towards ensuring the sustainable development of each enterprise, production, organization constitutes a tendency that is irreversible and adequate to modern realities. The need to re-equipe production facilities or to build new capacities based on the postulates of sustainable development requires financial injections that enterprise often cannot afford, having no sufficient volume of revolving resources, seeking bank credits or investors, which reduce the economic effect of the chosen course and makes the enterprise dependent on external creditors. Prospect for further research in this direction is the creation of specialized investment buffers in the form of a separate account in the enterprises, which will become the instrument that will assist ensuring the financial independence of company in terms of energy and resource saving; will be a powerful anti-crisis mechanism for ensuring financial sustainability in the face of a volatile economic climate and, at the same time, an impetus for the qualitative development of entrepreneurship for the benefit of the country and society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koleshchuk O. Y.
The Conception of Diffusion of Innovativeness of Enterprises: Space-Time Process (p. 123 - 128)

The article is aimed at elaborating the conception of diffusion of innovativeness of enterprises in the space-time process, which is formed under influence of the active development of scientific and technological progress. The flow velocity of the process of diffusion of innovativeness according to E. Rogers, depending on the main properties of innovation (new product) and evaluated by potential consumers when making a decision, is considered. The stages of the space-time process of attracting an individual consumer (economic entity) for adoption (use) of innovation (new product) are defined. It is indicated that an important component of the diffusion of innovativeness of enterprises in the space-time process takes into account the peculiarities of heterogeneity and uneven socio-economic development of enterprises. It is defined that the main tasks of diffusion of innovativeness of enterprises are the following: ensuring efficient employment of the workforce and creating additional jobs by expanding new production facilities; updating technically obsolete productions, developing the scientific-technological potential; spread of progressive, safe technologies from the scientific centers where innovation is born, etc. A conception of diffusions of innovativeness of enterprises in the space-time process is proposed as well.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bryukhovetskaya N. Y., Buleev I. P., Ivanenko L. V.
The Model of Management of Enterprise's Financial Potential: the Functional Approach (p. 129 - 135)

The study is aimed at substantiating the model of managing the financial potential of enterprise in accordance with the functional approach, directions and mechanisms for its implementation, taking into account peculiarities of the activities of domestic enterprises of the real sectorof the economy. The relevance of modification of the model of management of the enterprise's financial potential in order to ensure development and restoration of production potential is substantiated. The nature and directions of the relationship between the components of the economic potential of enterprise in accordance with the functional approach to its structuring are determined as follows: financial, production, marketing, and operational. In order to ensure the accounting of the existing and prospective opportunities for financing the operation and investment activities, relevance of determination of the financial potential of enterprise as a capability of financial service of enterprise of creating sufficient amount of resources to ensure their operating and investment activities in accordance with the principle of their balance and effective use is proved. Contradictions in the use of the common method of integrated coefficients to assess the financial potential of enterprise are defined, related to: inconsistency of the goals of external and internal subjects of analysis; lack of detail between active and passive articles of reporting on the financial condition of enterprise; difficulty of substantiating the regulatory indicators; imperfection and disunity of the economic and accounting approaches to managing the enterprise's financial potential and resources. The theoretical model of managing the financial potential of enterprise is substantiated, which includes taking into account the factors of the formation and use of the enterprise's potential, the structure of potential; indicators of its use, hierarchical and network management models, methods of management and potential assessment. It is substantiated that the use of the model will help to activate all functionally interrelated components of the economic potential of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shpak S. O.
Classifying the Functions of an Industrial Enterprise as the Basis for Classifying its Potentials (p. 171 - 179)

The article is aimed at developing methodological provisions for classifying the types of the industrial enterprise’s activities as the basis for classifying its potentials, as well as building the upper hierarchical levels of such classification. As a prototype of a classification of the types of enterprise’s activities, it is proposed to use the International Standard Industry Classification for all types of economic activities (developed at the UN), methodological provisions and principles of its development, as well as the enterprise’s functions description model provided by the IDEF0 standard. It is substantiated that the key attributes of classifying the activities of an industrial enterprise are: the targeted purpose of the activity, the type of object exposed and/or transformed in the course of the operation, the type of process (technology), the type of output product and the sphere of its applying. It is shown that the consistent use of the proposed methodological provisions and classification attributes at the upper levels of the activities’ classification leads to the need for allocating the basic and the supportive activities of enterprise; allocating in the main activities of both the production and the development activities; separating the supportive activities into types such as the input and the output logistics, support production, management, etc., with the obligatory allocation of the group of so-called supporting processes. Based on the results of the study, scientific objectives are formulated, the solution of which will improve the methodological bases of classification and will help to develop a scientifically sound classification of the potentials of industrial enterprise, oriented towards the strategic tasks for management of the enterprises’ development.

Article is written in Russian

Volosnikova N. M.
The Theoretical Approaches to Assessing the Economic Efficiency of Information Flows and Information Provision of the Integrated Logistization of Processes at the Micro-Level (p. 179 - 184)

The article is aimed at researching various aspects of information flows and information provision of integrated logistization of processes at enterprises in today's environment. Methodological and scientific approaches with regard to the formation and developing information flows and information provision of the integrated logistization of processes at enterprises are elaborated and their economic efficiency is substantiated. The model of a viable system of integrated logistization of processes at enterprises is analyzed. The total aggregate of methods for assessing the efficiency of information flows and information provision of the integrated logistization of processes at the micro-level is considered. It is concluded that the problematic nature and ambiguity of the final vector of the development of logistics processes under changing market conditions lead to the need to intensify scientific research, theoretical rethinking and stabilizing the ongoing changes. Further development of economic relations, being formed in an unstable external environment, requires highly efficient means and methods of managing logistics processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boniar S. M., Tarashevskyi M. М.
Identification and Estimation of Risks of Logistic Companies (p. 185 - 192)

The article defines the factors that cause the risks of transport companies in Ukraine. Factors were evaluated on the basis of international research data of the World Economic Forum 2017–2018. It is revealed that the main risk-generating factors for the transport sector, and the country’s economy as a whole, are constantly growing inflation, high levels of corruption and political instability resulting of the ATO. The system of logistics rules is complemented: to the rules relating to cargo, product quality, product volumes, time and place of delivery, delivery costs, an internal control system was added. The effective directions of the internal control system for a transport company are defined. On the basis of modern researches, the main elements of risk are characterized - the likelihood of occurrence and the impact level on the transport company business. The basic methods for determining likelihood as a first element are presented. The impact level is characterized depending on the business direction (life of employees, the environment, information protection, property losses, etc.) and the calculation of potential losses. The authors proposed an approach to risk assessment based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods. The approach was tested on the data of the transport company - the main risks were evaluated in accordance with each of the seven previously defined logistics rules. The proposed approach to calculating likelihood and impact is supplemented by an indicator that takes into account risk-generating factors. Each transport risk has a smoothing factor (determined by each company independently – through a committee or cross-functional expert group). Based on the data obtained after calculations, a risk gradation matrix was developed as the basis for the creation of the future portfolio and risk management plan. The matrix is based on data from an average company and provides for a combination of a probability factor and an influence. The article also dedicated to the main ways of risk responding. The risks which fell into the critical sectors in the matrix after calculation, received recommendations for their minimization.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stalinska O. V.
The Essence of the Economic Security of Enterprise and its Basic Principles (p. 144 - 150)

The need for security is basic for every individual, an enterprise, society, and the State as a whole. Despite the fact that the problems of economic security have recently become particularly relevant and important, a significant part of the scientific work explores security at the State level. At the same time, in a highly competitive environment, issues of economic security at the level of economic entity are becoming more significant, but remain not fully researched. Economic security and the mechanisms for its provision from a practical view are of individual nature for each separate enterprise. This brings in a diversity of opinions and views in the consideration of this issue. The article is aimed at defining the essence of the economic security of economic entity and analyzing the principles of organization of a security system in the enterprise. The author has systematically organized the existing variety of definitions of the category of «economic security», allocating the main features of the proposed definitions, the definitions of the concept in a narrow and broad sense are provided. The principles of organization of an economic security system in the enterprise are studied, the thoughts of both national and foreign scholars are classified, and six group signs of these principles are allocated. Prospect for further research in this direction is to clarify the content of each individual principle of the economic security organization in the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Arkhiiereiev S. I., Mieshkova V. V.
A Methodology of Phased Assessment of Competitiveness of Trading Enterprise (p. 210 - 221)

The article is aimed at achieving a theoretical certainty of interpretation of the concept of «competitiveness of enterprise», elaborating an actual methodology for assessing the competitiveness of a trading enterprise on the basis of certain relevant methods and key indicators of competitiveness. The reasons for the significant difference in the existing interpretations of the concept of competitiveness of enterprise are defined, and on the basis of the allocation of characteristic properties, the authors’ own vision of definition of the concept under research and its interpretation in terms of trading enterprise is presented. The indicators of competitiveness of trading enterprise are structured and the authors’ own criteria for their classification are defined. Based on the analysis of the theoretical base and drawing on the practice of trading enterprise, the authors’ vision of the methodology for assessing the competitiveness of trading enterprise is presented, the appropriate methodical and information bases are identified. Prospects for further research in this direction are detailed components of the methodology of phased assessment of competitiveness of trading enterprise; testing, updating and expanding the methodical base; development of a procedure for implementing competitive environment monitoring as a permanent part of the enterprise’s operations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Trachenko L. A.
Expert Assessment of the Quality of Electrical Installation Work at the Enterprises in the Sphere of Engineering Services (p. 222 - 228)

The article is aimed at defining the methodological and practical aspects of conducting an expert assessment of the quality of electrical installation work on the assembly of electrical equipment in companies in the sphere of engineering services in order to improve the quality management systems and activities of enterprises in general. The article proves that modern approaches and methods of quality management at the enterprises in the sphere of engineering services are inextricably linked with the creation of holistic and effective quality management systems in the context of the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015, which are built upon three components: assessment, monitoring and control, the most important among them being the assessment. It is noted that the performance of electrical installation work is one of the business processes in the engineering enterprise of the energy sector, so ensuring the proper quality and meeting the needs and expectations of the customers of the work is a priority for the company’s management. The algorithm for the assembly of electrical equipment has been defined, operational procedures have been developed at each stage of their implementation and in order to effectively assess the quality. An expert assessment of the quality of electrical installation work is carried out using the Ishikawa diagram, the checklist and the Pareto diagram; important information is obtained for the management of an engineering enterprise as to making managerial decisions directed towards improving the quality of work. The feasibility of applying the methodological and practical aspects of the expert assessment of quality concerning any work/services at the enterprises in the sphere of engineering services is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Diadin A. S.
Management of the Enterprise’s Finances as an Object of Anti-Crisis Activity (p. 229 - 234)

The article defines the methodological substantiation for the specific stages of management of the enterprise’s finances as a specific object of anti-crisis activity, where the main task is improving the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the enterprise’s information and legal provision. The main elements of both minimizing costs in the implementation of preventive anti-crisis measures and the ability to withstand competitive challenges by updating the production system are defined. The concept of «anti-crisis management», its constituent factors and their ratios are analyzed, the author’s own definition of the concept is provided. It is proved that the restoration of financial and economic potential is connected with the effect of the anti-crisis mechanism, which is defined as a set of statuses and processes, constituting a crisis phenomenon, as well as the capability of the system to provide resistance. A characterization of financial potential as a key link that predetermines the vector of the company’s movement is presented. It is proved that practical ways of implementing anti-crisis measures are priority and decisive for defining the degree of viability and prospects of development of an economic entity and are aimed at increasing its market value, strengthening financial condition and build-up of financial reserves, which will strengthen the protective properties.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnyk H. V., Rybak R. I.
Planning Dividends in the Enterprise (p. 234 - 240)

The article is aimed at substantiating the principles and a methodical approach to planning dividends in the enterprise, which would provide ability to ensure the enterprise’s balanced financial development, would facilitate a growth of investment attractiveness and market value. The article considers the basic concepts of planning dividends, which were formed in the classical economic theory. The position and desire of different types of shareholders regarding the payments or capitalization of dividends are clarified. The principles of planning dividends are allocated and a coherence of planning dividends is proposed based on these principles. It is proposed to plan the amount of dividend payments that an enterprise can afford according to the needs of operating and investment activities on the basis of the indicator of the «level of reinvestment of the net money flow from operating activities». A substantiation of the allowable amount of dividends is based on this indicator and the planned indicators of the net money flow from operating activities, growth of fixed assets, non-material assets, unfinished capital investments and net working capital. The dividend payments ratio and the planned amount of dividends are proposed to define on the basis of the need to ensure the planned volume of the enterprise’s activities on the basis of a sustainable growth model. The final decision as to the substantiation of the amount of dividends is made within the obtained area of the values of planned dividend payments. Prospects for further researches in this direction are in-depth planning of dividends on a multi-criteria basis, which is reduced to substantiating their volumes according to the following criteria: maximizing the satisfaction of the financial interests of owners that give an advantage to the current income; ensuring the sustainable growth; preserving the financial equilibrium; minimizing the weighted average cost of capital. Also it is provisioned to find the target value of dividends by carrying out simulation modeling within certain limits.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalenych I. S.
The Economic Essence of Costs and Self-Cost of Production (p. 241 - 246)

The article is aimed at studying the economic nature of costs and self-cost of production. The economic essence of costs and self-cost of production is considered, analyzed and disclosed, as well as the author’s own opinion as to interpretation of this concept is formulated. The main task of any enterprise is to make a profit. Its size depends directly on the costs invested in the production and sale of goods, works or services, i.e. self-cost. The more such costs, the lower the return on business. If an entrepreneur understands how self-cost is formed, distinguishes its types, knows how to analyze factors of influence on the self-cost, knows and applies in practice the formulas of its calculation – success in business is guaranteed. That is why the economic essence of costs and self-cost of production is the basis of the enterprise’s efficient operation. The relevance of this problem is due to the fact that the calculation of the self-cost of production is defined for various purposes, one of which is pricing. This value is very important for the enterprise, because it accurately shows the total amount of money spent on the production of an article. In the future, it is used to set an effective price when marketing products. Thus, the analysis of essence of costs will not allow the enterprise to become unprofitable and uncompetitive because of the high price policy. Cost management is an important instrument in the economic management of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Liubokhynets L. S., Rudnichenko Y. M.
Methodological Bases for Flexible Management of the Enterprise’s Economic Security System (p. 216 - 221)

The article is aimed at analyzing the methodologies of flexible management of enterprise and the economic security system. It is defined that the methodology of Scrum is used most often in the practical activities of enterprises when implementing agile production. Features of the integrated method of Nonaka-Takeuchi, methodology of Scrum, Spotify model, as well as methodologies of agile software development in the construction and operation of agile organizations are described. It is defined that the application of flexible management in the practical activities of enterprises allows to quickly develop and make managerial decisions, including in the sphere of ensuring the economic security. The main obstacles to the implementation of the methodology of flexible management in the modern practice of operating enterprises have been allocated. At the same time, from the position of efficient functioning of the economic security system of enterprise and minimizing the intra-organizational tension, a flexible approach to solving the problematic aspects of the operation of the above-mentioned system represents a key to its successful activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Marchenko V. M.
Risks Management of the Value of Project (p. 221 - 227)

The article is aimed at conceptualizing the research on risks of the project’s value by identifying the risks brought and created by each of the project participants. The conceptual approach to researching the risks of changing the value of project is based on the subjective principle of risk formation, according to which all possible sources of risks are distributed to the risks of the overall action (changes in the market status, changes in the purchasing power of consumer) and the risks which are carried by each participant and every interested person of a project. On the basis of studying the project’s values, three groups of subjective risks have been identified: the risks brought by project participant; the risks created by each of the participants in the course of implementation of a project; risks of losing the value of project to each of the project participants. Criteria of value for each of the project participants together with their estimation indicators have been formed; the aggregate of risks brought by each of the project participants has been identified; the risks that participants pose in the process of implementation of project are defined. The identification of the risk that each of the project participants brings and creates helps to identify both the riskiest project participant and all the sources of risk for each of the project participants. Managerial decisions directed towards reducing the negative impact of both the brought and the created risks of each participant allow to manage both the risks of the project’s value for each of its participants, and the risk of the project in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maslak O. I., Nikitiuk V. G.
Functional Features of Logistic Activities of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 227 - 233)

The functional features of logistic activities of machine-building enterprises are defined on the basis of identification of factors influencing the efficiency of logistic activities and the criteria for evaluating the level of introduction of logistics. It is noted that the essence of the problem of introducing logistic activities into the practice of machine-building enterprises is that today’s manufacturers of machine-building products have almost no proper theoretical basis and practical experience in the use of the logistic system (in order to optimize costs and manage material, financial and information flows) by integrating individual parts of the logistic process into an efficient system and accounting the functional features of the logistic activities of machine-building enterprises. It is noted that the logistic system is an adaptive and feedback-enabled system that performs certain logistical functions. It usually consists of several subsystems and has well-developed links with the external environment. The application of logistic system in the enterprises of machine-building complex will allow to integrate all the processes of the enterprise with minimal costs, while optimally adapting production processes to the external environment factors. Based on a carried out study to determine the functional features of the logistic activities of machine-building enterprises, on the basis of identification of factors influencing the efficiency of logistic activities and criteria for evaluating the level of introduction of logistics, it is concluded that the main direction of improving the efficiency of logistic activities of machine-building enterprises is to use a systematic approach to the introduction of logistics in the production and economic activities of machine-building enterprises based on the use of a complex of logistic subsystems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ptashchenko O. V., Kushch Y. M.
Features of Logistic Activity in Different Economic Conditions (p. 234 - 239)

The development of business activities in Ukraine today is influenced by globalization processes, in the conditions of the formation of an information society, the spread of the knowledge economy and a single information space. That is why consideration of modern marketing and logistics instruments, formation of logistic and marketing systems become so relevant. The article discusses the basics of logistics and logistic system. Logistics is seen as a direction of economic activity, which consists in the efficient management of material and the related information and financial flows in the spheres of production and marketing, and which is becoming increasingly demanded in modern conditions in Ukraine. Today, when a logistic system is formed, the enterprise can get the following results: detailed consistency of production and marketing systems; optimizing marketing organizational structures; formation of information provision (accelerating information processing, introducing the latest information technologies, using the best Internet marketing tools); making the best use of human resources; legal provision of the system and the establishment of reliable economic ties between all its participants; absence of disagreements between the interests of the participants in the system or achieving parity on the basis of mutual compromises; continuous improvement of marketing and management decision-making systems in the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mushnykova S. A.
The Level of Security of the Enterprise’s Development as a Balance of Statics and Dynamics: Parameterization of the Main Indicators of Activity (p. 239 - 247)

The article is aimed at forming a system of key indicators of activity in evaluating the optimal level of security of industrial enterprise through the balance of statics and dynamics. It is defined that in order to obtain the optimal level of security of the industrial enterprise development, it is necessary to achieve a balance of the factors wth both static and dynamic nature of action. Moreover, the dynamic status provides two possibilities: to cover statics and characterize the transformation of the totality of all economic systems, which are not static, for a certain time. In the course of the research, considering the experience of scholars on the general economic theory, the choice of static indicators within the activities of a separate industrial enterprise is substantiated, which can include the following: value of non-current assets, including average fixed assets value and depreciation; number of production staff with a fixed salary level; constant part of the cost of sold products; amount and value of equity capital. As a result of production, investment, innovation, financial and management activities, static indicators, which are basic, are transforming into indicators of dynamics that characterize the enterprise’s activities over a certain time along with change of the positive or negative nature of its development. The level of security of industrial enterprise can be evaluated by an integral indicator, which takes into account the specific characteristics of the enterprise and the limitedness of the resources available.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Azarenkova H. M., Maiboroda A. V.
Features of the Formation of a Subsystem of Information Provision of the Enterprise’s Financial Security System (p. 210 - 217)

The article explores the issues of collection and processing of information in order to efficiently manage the financial security system of the enterprise. The subjects collecting and processing the information are analyzed, a classification of them is proposed depending on the level of access to certain information, from the stage of formation and the department wherein the relevant subject works. Channels for obtaining information with the dividing them into internal and external ones with the definition of those responsible for sorting them are allocated. A key role in this process is taken up by the accounting and financial reporting department, on the basis of which the financial security system operates. On the basis of this, an information-providing model for the financial security management process has been proposed. The sources of threats to the information provision are researched and ways to prevent them are specified. The main legislation and regulation acts influencing the management of the enterprise’s financial security system are analyzed. The place of the State in ensuring a stable functioning of the financial security system of economic entities is defined, the factors of possible influence on increasing the level of interest of national enterprises in the implementation of this system through the introduction of benefits on the part of the State to such economic entities are considered. The role of regulatory provision at both the State level and the enterprise level to improve security of the national economy are researched.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burennikova N. V., Yarmolenko V. О., Kavetskiy V. V.
The Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Management of Efficiency of the Industrial Enterprises’ Investments from the Standpoint of the Stakeholder Theory: Essence, Indicators (p. 218 - 229)

The article improves and complements the classification of modern stakeholders with the selection of a group of main internal stakeholders and specifies the definition of the concept of «agreed (strategic) goal» with the selection of locus (tactical) goals of individual groups of stakeholders. It is underlined that the functional activity of the group of main internal stakeholders (workers of industrial enterprises) should be carried out in accordance with the principle of the «golden section», using a concrete example the practical implementation to have this principle illustrated. It is noted that in the enterprise without an effective process of creation of its gross income (newly created value) investments are impossible a priori. It is emphasized that the efficiency of interaction of stakeholders (in particular, with regard to investments) can be measured and evaluated by a system of indicators of the performance constituents based on the Burennikova (Polishchuk) – Yarmolenko models (the process of generating gross income for real industrial enterprises in the Vinnytsya region has been chosen as an example of the research object for verification of the models). It is proved that such a measurement on the principles of trialectics will help to increase the validity of managerial decisions, in this case, decisions related to the industrial enterprises’ investments as systems at micro-level with the allocation of primordial components of such a system. Based on the use of systemic and process approaches, enterprises have been rated, with the identification of enterprises-leaders in terms of investment efficiency and efficiency coefficient of investments in human capital with allocating the appropriate components.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mushnykova S. A.
The Acceptable Level of Threats and Security Risks for the Development of Enterprises as the Initial Parameter of Definition of Bifurcation States (p. 230 - 236)

The article is aimed at developing a methodical approach to determining the acceptable level of threats and risks in the activities of industrial enterprise as the initial parameters of bifurcation points. The article stipulates that the enterprise management system faces not only the issue of increasing the promptness of decision-making and finding new approaches to timely identification of the impact of risks on the main performance of enterprise, but also the issue of identifying the impact of possible risks on the evolution or revolution of either development, or degradation of the enterprise, as well as the transformation of these movements either in a certain order or in the chaos of functioning. In the course of research a methodical approach to risks management in the system of security of the enterprises’ development is proposed and an acceptable level of threats and risks in the activities of industrial enterprise as the initial point of bifurcation is defined. For the mechanism of forming alternative solutions regarding the acceptable level of threats and security risks of the enterprise’s development it is proposed to use the PDSA-cycle (Plan – Do – Study – Act = planning – implementation – study – reaction) consistently for each functional constituent of the enterprise’s activities, depending on the stages of its life cycle. Based on the selected list of possible threats to the enterprise’s activities and for each functional constituent, a model of integral assessment of the enterprise’s risk in the enterprise’s development security system and the probability of occurring risks with determining the range of their degree is proposed, which in the future will allow to determine the points of bifurcation in the system of management of the enterprise’s activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Protsenko V. M.
The Paradigm of Neo-Industrialization as an Objective Basis for the Transition of Domestic Industrial Enterprises to an Innovative-Type Economy (p. 237 - 243)

The article is aimed at forming a paradigm of neo-industrialization as an objective basis for the transition of domestic industrial enterprises to an innovative-type economy in modern economic conditions. It is defined that the development of domestic industrial enterprises should provide a balance between goals not only of the economic nature, but also of the social and environmental ones. Implementation of the process of development of domestic industrial enterprises cannot be effective in the short term, it should take into account not only the possible positive result, but also inevitable losses at the current stage of economic development. One of the main vectors of development is the neo-industrialization of the economy as an alternative to the formation of a post-industrial economy, providing for the possibility of domestic industrial enterprises to enter new, progressive levels, defining neo-industrialization as a current trend of the current stage of economic development. The transitional stage from industrialization to neo-industrialization is the process of reindustrialization as an economic policy, which is quite a complicated task. The creation of a new industrial paradigm implies a gradual transition from the raw-materials directedness of economic development to an economy based on the use of high-tech productions of domestic industrial enterprises. It is concluded that the transition to new technological foundations, the entrance of industrial production to new, progressive levels of development define neo-industrialization as a current trend of the current stage of economic development of domestic industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Posylkina O. V., Hladkova O. V.
Improving the System of Indicators for Estimation of Financial Status of Domestic Enterprises Producing Medicines In Line with Requirements of the International Standards of Financial Analysis (p. 236 - 244)

The article is concerned with the problems of implementing the requirements of international standards in the national practice of estimation of the financial status of producers of medicines. It is specified that the purpose of financial analysis of the enterprises producing medicines is to obtain an objective estimation of the financial results of their activities, to define the financial status on the basis of the system of key indicators, to define the current financial stability and prospects for its change. It is determined that the system of indicators, which exists in the national practice of financial analysis, in some directions is significantly different from that used by foreign financial analysts and investors. Thus, the most essential discrepancy is the lack of a market value estimation of a company in the national practice, as well as the presence of a large number of indicators used in evaluating the financial sustainability and business activity of pharmaceutical enterprises (FE). In order to unify the system of financial indicators used and to bring the national practice of financial analysis of FE closer to world experience and the IFRS, using the content analysis, the appropriate sum of financial indicators, allowing to estimate the liquidity ratios of the domestic FE, their financial stability (leverage ratios), profitability (profitability ratios), business activity (efficiency ratios) and market value (market value ratios) has been defined and recommended for further application. It is determined that in terms of liquidity indicators and business activity indicators, the domestic FE are at the level of foreign FE, and in terms of the market value indicators - at a much lower level, which indicates their low market position compared to foreign pharmaceutical companies, and, accordingly, the lower potential for development. The introduction of the proposed approaches in the practice of financial analysis of domestic enterprises producing medicines will contribute to greater transparency of their activities and investment attractiveness for foreign investors, also allowing to more objectively assess their competitiveness and potential of market development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mishchuk I. V.
Improving the Methodology for Assessing the Security Level of Financial and Economic Interests of an Enterprise (p. 245 - 252)

The aim of the article is to improve the methodology for assessing the level of security of the financial and economic interests of the enterprise. It is substantiated that in order to achieve this goal it is necessary to calculate the amount of profit before tax, which is not enough to state the fact of satisfying the interests of financial solvency and sufficiency of profit. The relevant components of this security are differentiated. The classification defined in the article makes it possible to more objectively select security indicators and, on this basis, qualitatively integrate them into the general system of assessing the security of the financial and economic interests of the enterprise. As indicators were chosen a model for predicting the probability of bankruptcy – to assess the level of security of financial solvency, and the absolute value of profit – to assess the level of security of profitability. The testing of the above proposals has been carried out. For this purpose, we used the actual data of PJSC Zaporizhzhya Iron Ore Plant for 2003–2018. It was revealed that during the analysis period the plant did not achieve neither very high nor high level of security of financial and economic interests. Often the level of this type of security at the plant was low or minimal. The stated methodology is of practical importance, since it allows the express method, in the presence of public access information, to assess the level of security and, on this basis, make appropriate managerial decisions. The proposed approaches can be used both within the enterprise – to assess its own security, and to determine its level relative to various groups of contractors. Prospects for further research in this direction are the identification of the relationship between the security level of the financial and economic interests of the enterprise and other factors of its internal and external environment, as well as the development of appropriate management measures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mushnykova S. A.
Formation of Parametric Constraints on Compliance with Development Safety and Enterprise Life Cycles (p. 252 - 258)

The article is aimed at substantiating a methodical approach to the formation of parametric constraints on compliance with development safety and life cycles of enterprise. It is noted that in a status of uncertainty, variability, loss of controllability, the process of making managerial decisions as to the forward-looking actions related to the development of enterprise is complicated. But the enterprise’s ability to develop depends on the stage of life cycle that the enterprise undergoes within a certain period of time. The present research defines the main positions of the theory of economic cycles, the place and role of characteristics such as crisis and development. The place of the enterprise’s life cycle in the system of crisis management has also been defined. The methodical approach to the formation of parametric constraints on compliance with development safety and life cycles of enterprise is substantiated. The key stage of the methodology of the formation of parametric constraints on compliance with development safety and life cycles of enterprise is building up a matrix, based on determining a multi-criterion integral indicator of the level of safety of the enterprise’s development, taking into account the stage of life cycle and the level of crisis in the appropriate period of time.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Protsenko V. M.
The Methods for Evaluating the Economic Behavior of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Neo-Industrial Modernization (p. 259 - 265)

The article is aimed at analyzing the methods for evaluating the economic behavior of industrial enterprises in the context of neo-industrial modernization. It is defined that in the context of neo-industrial modernization, industrial enterprises need to respond quickly to changes in the internal and external environment and have to constantly adapt to new conditions in order to survive. Changes taking place in the external environment naturally cause the emergence of new principles of management of the economic behavior of industrial enterprises. Under such circumstances, the requirements for an economic behavior management system for industrial enterprises are one of the most important criteria for evaluating the performance of their economic activities. The influence of the external environment requires more attention in studying the processes taking place around an industrial enterprise, making it necessary to develop adequate actions for long-term development. It is defined that different methods are proposed to evaluate the efficiency of management of the economic behavior of industrial enterprises, which should be used in a complex and be adapted to the conditions of neo-industrial modernization. An analysis of existing approaches to evaluating the efficiency of management of economic behavior of industrial enterprises has shown that, despite the diversity of methods proposed, there are a number of challenges. It is noted that in order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise’s performance, managers need to make specific and adequate management decisions related to improving the very structure of management of the economic behavior of industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vakhlakova V. V.
The Activities on Provision of the Enterprise’s Security: Content, Principles and Methods (p. 200 - 207)

Objective reasons for updating the needs of enterprise in the activities on provision of security are presented (exponential increase in the number of threats to the enterprise’s activities, their multiplied influence and serious consequences of their materialization). The contents of the activities on provision of the enterprise’s security is disclosed on the basis of interpretation of the concepts of «economic security of enterprise» and «ensuring the economic security of enterprise» in terms of the convergent and pragmatic approach. It is displayed, that the activities on provision of the enterprise’s security should be considered as a result of objectization of the system of ensuring the economic security of enterprise, which, in turn, acts as a subsystem of the first level of the enterprise’s economic security system. A cognitive map of the activities on provision of the enterprise’s security is elaborated, elements of which, taking into account the links between them, allow analytically, within limits of each of the methodological approaches of the economic security of the micro-level, to explore the conditions under which such activities should be carried out. A general scheme of the activities on provision of the enterprise’s security is provided, where each of the directions is complex as to content and participants. The principles of the activities on provision of the enterprise’s security, operationalization of which results in the methods for its implementation, are considered. A general characterization of methods of the activities on provision of the enterprise’s security is provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Synytsyna H. A., Zubkov S. O.
Theoretical Aspects of the Food Sphere Enterprises Functioning on the Basis of Sustainable Development (p. 208 - 216)

The article addresses the important scientific-practical task: defining the functions of enterprises of the food industry sphere and researching the tendencies of their development in the context of sustainable development strategy. Generalizing the scientific approaches of domestic and foreign scholars to define the functions of food sphere enterprises, it was found out that they are interpreted as functions of economic entities in the context of interaction of the socio-economic and industrial infrastructures of AIC. It is proved that the system of functions of enterprises in the food sphere is advisable to consider in accordance with the provisions of the conception of sustainable development. It is proposed that these functions be divided into economic, social and ecological. The indicators of activities of the «food chain» industries for 2016–2019 are analyzed in order to determine perspectives of their balanced socio-ecological-economic development. As a result of the research, it is defined that modern State policy as to development of agrarian sector is directed towards creation of organizational, legal and economic conditions for development of farm economies and agricultural cooperation, improvement of the processes of land relations management. The necessity of modernization and reconstruction of the food industry enterprises on the basis of the innovative-investment model of development, implementation of competitive clusters is substantiated. According to the results of theoretical analysis and marketing researches, the priority tasks for the sustainable development of the components of consumer market are determined, as well as promising for Ukraine directions of development in the sphere of restaurant business. The system of measures for sustainable development of food enterprises is proposed, focused on achieving the main goal – ensuring the food security of the country, high level and quality of life of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danilova E. I.
The Methodical Approach to Assessing the Economic Security in the Implementation of the System of Economic Interests of Air Transport Enterprises (p. 217 - 222)

The article is aimed at forming a methodological approach to assess economic security in the implementation of the system of economic interests of air transport enterprises, which allows to detect risky states and further on make managerial decisions on avoidance of losses and prevention of their occurrence. Building up an efficient system of economic security in the conditions of uncertainty due to influence of the external environment and conflict of interests of economy entities is possible on the basis of modern scientific and practical approaches. Under such conditions, the need to develop new methodological approaches to assess economic security in the implementation of the system of economic interests is increasing. Formation of the system of economic security based on the detection and prevention of threats to implement the economic interests of enterprise is based upon: a methodical approach to the identification of risks, estimation of them; determining the factors of influence on the formation of the risk to economic interest; forecasting the impact of factors on the condition of sustainability, stability, enterprise development; formation of management actions to prevent the negative impact of risk factors and assess the results of implementation of managerial actions; calculation of efficiency of the system of economic security of enterprise. To bring the assessment values to one qualitative expression, the Harrington scale has been applied, which essentially simplifies the perceptions of the obtained as a result of evaluation of the performance indicators of the domestic air enterprises («Aviation Company Ukraine International Airlines» PRJSC, «Motor Sich» PJSC, «Windrose Aviation Company» LLC, «YanAir Airlines» LTD) and identifies the dangers and risks in the system of economic relations of air enterprises and their stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mushnykova S. A.
The Comprehensive Assessment of the Security Level of Development of Metallurgical Enterprises: Methodological Aspects (p. 223 - 231)

The article is aimed at developing a methodological approach to an integrated assessment of the security level of development of metallurgical enterprise on the basis of a comprehensive coefficient approach with practical approbation. It is specified that domestic metallurgical enterprises are not able to compete with the foreign both western and eastern producers of metal products, which are using the latest technologies. Introduction of innovative technologies and equipment will provide opportunities to positively develop domestic enterprises. Unfortunately, not all metallurgical enterprise management systems are able to introduce innovative technologies for further development. A methodological approach to the integrated assessment of the security level of development of metallurgical enterprises on the basis of integrated coefficient approach is proposed. The proposed methodological approach provides the possibility to: identify problems of activity of individual enterprises; closer define the content and stages of information collection, formulation of goals, priorities and directions of the security management of their development; comprehensively assess the level of security of development and the level of risk of development taking into account the components of the resource base of the metallurgical enterprise, its activities and stages of life cycle; assess and summarize the ability of metallurgical enterprise to adapt in different transformational conditions. In the course of the research, the methodological approach to an integrated assessment of the security level of development of enterprise was applied in practice – on the basis of activities of metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine. 23 Metallurgical Enterprises, which operated for a long time, were selected for assessment. The source information for carrying out the analysis of activity and assessing the security level of development of enterprise was their public reporting. The analysis of the life cycle of enterprises showed that most of them were at the stage of maturity, and despite the prevailing situation, they had sufficient and average levels of security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Protsenko V. M.
Developing the Integrated Mechanism of Intensification of Management of Economic Behavior of Industrial Enterprises under the Conditions of Neo-Industrial Modernization (p. 231 - 238)

The article is aimed at developing an integrated mechanism of intensification of management of economic behavior of industrial enterprises under the conditions of neo-industrial modernization. According to the results of carried out research it is defined that modern domestic enterprises can be vulnerable to the influence of internal and external threats, which leads to negative consequences in their activities. Therefore, intensification of management of the economic behavior of enterprises is one of the priority areas in the conditions of neo-industrial modernization. It is formulated that the economic behavior of enterprise may be partly or completely changed dependent on various factors of direct and indirect influence, e.g.: time-based factors; innovative technologies; political or economic situation, etc. Basis to form the integrated mechanism of intensification of management of economic behavior of industrial enterprises under the conditions of neo-industrial modernization, in order to provide targeted movement of their functioning and development, is a set of methods and means of influence. When forming such an integrated mechanism, it is necessary to take into account the threats affecting the development of enterprise, and to form the basis for their overcoming in the form of organizational-stabilizing, administrative and disciplinary influences.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Batrak О. V., Tarasenkо I. O.
The Financial Diagnosis of Crisis in Garment Enterprises: Segmentation by Size (p. 172 - 179)

The article is aimed at defining the causal relationship between the size of garment enterprises and the depth of the crisis on the results of financial diagnosis. The article segmented twenty-three garment enterprises with over a ten-year period of activity. Based on the processing of the financial and economic indicators, it is proposed to divide into groups by asset value and sales volume in order to diagnose crisis in garment enterprises as follows: small – up to 2 million UAH, medium – from 2 to 10 million UAH, large – more than 10 million UAH. Small garment enterprises, which have a clear tendency to reduce assets and/or sales, are the most likely to experience a crisis, abandoning garment activities in favor of leasing real estate, machinery and equipment. The greatest ability to counter crisis is demonstrated by medium in terms of both size and sales garment enterprises, which have the ability to quickly adapt to changes in the external environment, as well as to cover losses of activities by owners to maintain financial competitiveness in the face of strong growth and expansion of the share of the garment market. Factors in preventing a crisis in large garment factories are compliance with structural development rules: exceeding sales growth rates over the growth rate of expenditures and assets, proportionate build-up and renewal of production capacity on an innovative basis. In forecasting the type of financial sustainability as to garment enterprises, it is necessary to take into account the average historical data, the trend of complex assessment and its latest level. The key indicators of valuation are: a slowdown in asset turnover, loss ratio of equity, presence of uncovered losses in the balance sheet, negative value of own working capital, low value of the ratio of coverage of stocks by working capital. Prospect for further research would be substantiating the methodical approaches to evaluation of money flows in the system of diagnosing crisis in garment enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalutska K. Y.
Business Processes are the Basis for Effective Interconnections of Structural Units of Business of Diversified Enterprises (p. 180 - 190)

The difficulty of effectively managing diversified enterprises, especially at the corporate level, is the difficulty of establishing the best connections between its business units. Establishing optimal interconnections involves weeding out excess information and numerical repetition in a largely descriptive nature by combining only certain key elements of a particular phenomenon, depending on the conditions in which it is located, which reduces the time it is taken and improves their quality. Accordingly, the article is aimed at allocating the basic business processes of enterprise with the identification of key elements in their composition, which will ensure the identification of optimal points of contact to establish effective interconnections between business processes of different business units of diversified enterprises at a particular time. Using the historical method, the approaches of scholars to the allocation of business processes in the enterprise on certain classification characteristics are researched, features of each type of business process and the possibility of their use to establish optimal connections between the structural units of the diversified enterprise are determined. To simplify the research, the types of business processes considered using the element-by-element theoretical method are combined into certain groups in accordance with the directions of their formation. The basic business processes in the activities of the structural business units of the diversified enterprise are allocated using the abstraction, analysis, analogy and generalization methods. In the limits of the allocated business processes are defined, uniform for all enterprises, the components and key elements of interconnections of business processes of different types. The possibility of use of the proposed key elements of business processes as optimal points of contact in establishing effective interconnections between the various units of the diversified enterprise business by more detailed focusing on the features necessary at a certain time (duration, monetary means, resource spends, etc.) is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Sopilnyk L. I., Tsyuh S. I.
Improving the Enterprise Development Model: New Solutions Based on the Principles of Management, Marketing and Economic Diagnosis (p. 191 - 199)

The object of research are the peculiarities of formation, use and improvement of the economic-mathematical model of the enterprise’s development. It is determined that the development of enterprise is evaluated through economic growth (result) taking into account quantitative and qualitative changes (in certain space-time environments), where the potential, quality of management, innovation and orientation to the processes of continuous improvement (through the development of staff, improvement of the system of interaction, opportunities, etc. based on the use of modern technologies and management systems, support and expansion of the marketing business network and ensuring the reliability of partnerships to achieve economic goals) provide economic growth (result) of the enterprise. A graphic interpretation (model) of the enterprise development is presented according to the theory of cyclical development and taking into account the influence of innovation in the system of «kind of innovation as kind of development». It is determined that the level of scale and quality of the enterprise development depends on its potential and reserves for growth. It is identified that in practice there are problems related to the formation (build-up) and use of a system of indicators to determine the level of development of enterprise. Upon the results of the study and discussion, an improved economic-mathematical model of the enterprise development is presented, which, unlike the existing ones, not only takes into account the theoretical and applied aspects of the use of independent partial models of the enterprise development for management of development (namely, content, characteristics and values of the model of the enterprise’s ability to develop, the model of selecting the enterprise’s development strategy, the model of selecting the enterprise development vector, the model of selecting the basis of the enterprise development, the model of efficient management of the enterprise based on the introduction of the marketing mechanism and the model of the the enterprise development result), but also provides for a simultaneous multi-vector target assessment of many spheres of the enterprise’s operations (based on the use of a system of parameters, indicators and criteria of the system-oriented economic diagnostics) in order to determine its prospects. In particular, it includes the main directions and the basic instrumentarium for diagnosing competitiveness, investment attractiveness and enterprise development, taking into account the relationship of modern management and marketing.

Article is written in English

Tretiak V. P., Harmash Y. O.
Modern Practices of Procurement Logistics Management at the Enterprise (p. 200 - 205)

Procurement logistics is considered as one of the main directions of activity that influences the efficiency of enterprise. The works of economists on the topic of the research were analyzed, and different interpretations of the concept of «procurement logistics» were considered. It is specified that there is no single correct definition, but all scholars tend to think that procurement logistics is a set of activities aimed at providing the enterprise with material resources, choosing sources of supply, controlling the fulfillment of orders. Each stage of the enterprise’s procurement logistics is characterized. Particular attention is paid to the stage of selecting sources of supply, as it is up to the supplier to fulfill the objectives of both procurement logistics and the enterprise in general. A detailed research on this process allows to more effectively identifying the ways to improve logistics activities at the enterprise. The process of developing a logistics strategy is considered, when managers try to reach a compromise between the three main objectives of procurement logistics: reducing capital, reducing costs and improving the level of service. It is proposed to include some aspects of procurement logistics management inherent in one of the most prominent transnational corporations (TNCs) Nestl? in the activities by other enterprises to improve their efficiency. The TNC Nestl? has developed a Responsible Sourcing Standard that reflects the current tendencies in procurement logistics to find a reliable supplier and defines the criteria that the supplier must meet. The vectors of procurement management at the enterprise have been identified, which are universal and will allow enterprises to improve the efficiency of logistics management, as well as to minimize costs.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shumilo O. S., Pakulina A. A., Daludina I. V.
Theoretical Aspects of Costs Management in the Enterprise (p. 306 - 311)

The article is aimed at researching the theoretical aspects of enterprise costs management: researching the approaches to defining the nature of costs, classifying them, and applying principles, methods and management functions to improve the efficiency of managerial decisions. The essence of the concepts of «costs» and «management of enterprise costs» are researched. According to the results of comparative analysis it is defined that there is no single concept of these categories in the scientific literature, views on these categories among scholars are very different. The costs are classified, depending on management objectives, on three following directions: costs for defining the self-cost of production and gain of profit, valuation of stocks; costs for making managerial decisions and planning; costs for implementing the process of control and regulation. In order to improve the costs management process in the enterprise, theoretical bases of management are researched and supplemented as follows: principles, functions, methods. The principles are defined in accordance with the general management principles and the special principles regarding the costs of enterprise. These principles can serve as a basis and set the direction of the entire system of cost management, for each enterprise they should be defined in view of its features, both economic and organizational. The functions of costs management in the enterprise are proposed to be defined in accordance with such elements of the management cycle: planning and forecasting, organization, motivation, accounting and analysis, control. In order to improve the management of enterprise costs, consisting in a search for costs optimization and ensuring their planned level, the basic methods of cost management are considered. The following methods of the management of enterprise costs are researched: direct-costing, target-costing, kaizen-costing, benchmarking of costs, accounting by functions, LCC analysis, theory of limitations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Levkovich O. V., Myronenko I. O.
Evaluation of and Ways to Improve the Efficiency of Use of the Non-Current Assets of Enterprise (p. 312 - 319)

In the face of a persistent shortage of financial resources, bankruptcy and the liquidation of a large number of enterprises, the problem of ensuring the appropriate condition and management of the enterprise’s non-current assets and finding ways to improve the efficiency of this process is quite urgent. Given this, as well as the importance of assets as a constituent part of the enterprise’s resource potential, there is a need for a detailed analysis of the enterprise’s non-current assets, their technical status, as well as the researching the efficiency of their use. Efficient use of non-current assets is important both for enterprise and for the economy of the country in general, as it leads to a reduction in the need for putting into operation of new production facilities, to an increase in the output volumes of production (and therefore profits), accelerates the turnover of these assets and ultimately helps to reduce the gap in terms of physical and moral wear, accelerates the rate of renewal of fixed assets. When evaluating the efficiency of non-current assets, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of economic management activity, the form of ownership and the strategic purpose of enterprise. The article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of analyzing the non-current assets of enterprise on the example of one of the domestic enterprises. The tendency of changes in the structure and dynamics of the indicators of wear and tear, validity, renewal, disposal and return on total assets is analyzed. According to the results of the study, ways to improve the efficiency of use of the non-current assets of enterprise are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Otenko I. P.
Efficiency as the Main Concept and Criterion of the Enterprise’s Activity (p. 190 - 195)

The article is aimed at analyzing the efficiency as the basic concept and criterion of the enterprise’s activity. The evolution of the concept of «efficiency of the enterprise’s activity» is considered, the views of researchers on the definition of this concept are systematized. Basically, the researchers suggest that efficiency is considered as a ratio of results to costs, or as a trajectory of operation of an enterprise. In order to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the enterprise’s performance, it is proposed to carry out an evaluation on the following criteria: economic efficiency of production (level of satisfying the market demand, production per unit of resource costs, costs of a production unit); efficiency of labor use (labor intensity of a production unit, relative release of workers); efficiency of use of the main production funds (return on main funds, fund intensity of production); efficiency of use of material resources (material intensity of production, material output); efficiency of use of financial and investment means (working capital turnover ratio, duration of one turnover of standardized working capital, relative release of working capital, relative capital investments, investment per unit of introduced capacities, profitability of investments); production quality (economic effect of improving the product quality); financial and economic indicators (liquidity, solvency); efficiency of the use of assets (return on funds, turnover of all assets). The results of the carried out research constitute the basis for the analysis of efficiency of the enterprise’s performance and the choice of the directions of its further activities. Prospect of research in this direction is the development of a methodical support for the choice of directions of the future activities of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Burennikova N. V., Yarmolenko V. О., Zavgorodniy I. V.
Aspects of the Performance Theory: Narratives, Coherent Effects (p. 166 - 174)

The article is aimed at suggesting and allocating the results of the authors’ researches on the current theory of the conceptions of narratives, cognitive projects and coherent effects as components of the SEE-management mechanism (as systems at the micro-level), in order to outline the prospects for their further development. Based on generalization of research results of the scientific works of both foreign and domestic scholars, conceptions of the aforementioned narratives are examined and supplemented by the authors’ own approaches. In particular, the trialektic paradigm construct of «narrative ? algorithm, cognitive project ? pattern» is supplemented with a constituent of the «evaluation results according to the indicators of coherence effects». This should provide a definite completeness and comprehensiveness of the mechanism of management of activities of enterprises. It is argued that the results of the study on narratives allows obtaining the necessary qualitative data on the content of the rules, norms of institutes, etc., which are impossible to obtain, analyzing solely statistical and other quantitative historical facts. It is confirmed that the narrative analysis is one of the useful methods of research, which allows to obtain realistic information about the functioning of the system. It is justified that the narrative analysis is one of the useful methods of research, which allows to obtain realistic information about the functioning of a system. It is emphasized that such information is knowledge, explaining repetitive economic actions, etc., which should become a compulsory component of the mechanism of management of modern enterprises. As a result of the study, it is grounded that an effective SEE management can facilitate the achieving of coherent effects between the mutually adjusted consequences of activities of a particular enterprise. The basic components of such management are highlighted. The prospects for further research are highlighting the applied aspects of implementing the results of the approaches proposed by the authors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhulyn O. V., Zeleniuk-Dzhun L. V.
Management of Financial Resources of Communal Enterprises and Prospects for Their Development (p. 174 - 180)

The article is aimed at researching the theoretical and practical experience in managing the financial resources of communal enterprises, allocating key problems of their functioning and developing practical recommendations for improving the system of formation and usage of financial resources. The concept of «communal enterprises», the current financial condition of communal enterprises are considered; the main problems of activity and management of their financial resources are singled out; the main measures to increase the efficiency of their use are proposed. By example of the communal enterprise «Kyivtransparkservis» the results of the study are generalized as follows: the reasons for the difficult financial situation are defined; managerial measures to improve the financial condition of communal enterprises are formed; implementation of assessing the efficiency of the management of communal enterprises by means of the system of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is proposed; a system of development and efficient management of financial resources of the communal enterprise is developed. An implementation of the proposed system will allow the researched communal enterprise: to identify problems of formation of financial resources and methods of their effective use; to increase revenues due to the de-shadowing of services rendered and organizing the parking space, carrying out an inventory of parking spaces in the capital city and stopping transferring the parking space in the lease to third parties; to increase the level of the service users’ trust by improving the service quality and implementation of innovative charge control systems, which will also increase the amount of the revenues received.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V., Khomenko I. I., Karangwa Charles
The Scientific-Methodological Aspects of Assessing the Efficiency of Innovative Enterprise Management in the Context of Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (p. 172 - 180)

The article is aimed at improving the scientific-methodological aspects of assessing the efficiency of management of an innovative enterprise in the context of implementation of sustainable development goals. The role and state of machine-building enterprises as the basis for the development of the national economy in the format of innovative ones is highlighted. For the first time, on the basis of a comprehensive approach, indicators for assessing the efficiency of management of an innovative enterprise (on the example of the machine-building industry) are elaborated in the context of the implementation of sustainable development goals of the 21st century. At the same time, the Conception of sustainable development is positioned as a synthesis of two most important ideas, i.e.: 1) development should be balanced, which involves solving economic, social and environmental problems and achieving an equilibrium between them, and this causes the overall level and quality of life of the population; 2) the current generation has a duty to future generations to leave sufficient reserves of resources (natural, social and economic) in order to ensure their level of welfare, not lower than the current one. It is proposed to supplement the elaborated indicators with three specific indicators of patent-licensing activity as a factor in improving the efficiency of management of the innovative enterprise in the context of economic, environmental and social aspects. In particular: 1) the number of security documents for intellectual property objects, in which the methods that reduce the production of individual goods or services (economic component) are patented; 2) the number of security documents for intellectual property rights, in which the methods of more environmental production of goods or services (ecological component) are patented; 3) the number of security documents for intellectual property rights, which patent ways to improve the efficiency of employees, that is, improving working conditions (social component). On the basis of formalization method and comprehensive approach, a universal format of results of evaluation of the efficiency of management of an innovative enterprise in the context of implementation of sustainable development goals is recommended. The result of its application should be timely elimination of problems, identification of causes and zeroing out consequences of ineffective management of the enterprise, which will lead to increased profits from innovation activities and efficiency of investments in environmental innovations, will form a safe environment, increase the level of satisfaction of vital interests of employees of the enterprise and the population in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Simkova T. O., Borysiuk I. О.
The Cost Management of Aircraft-Building Enterprises through a Process-Oriented Approach in the Socio-Behavioral Economy (p. 181 - 188)

The article is aimed at studying the cost management system of aircraft-building enterprises through a process-oriented approach in the socio-behavioral economy by allocating the stages of implementation of the cost management system by the processes at aircraft-building enterprises. This will help to identify sources of financial saving and to the maximum streamline the costs of enterprise, as well as efficiently administrate the activities of the enterprise as a whole. Approaches to the meaningful concept of «costs» in the scientific works of many scholars are considered. An analysis of the development of the aircraft-building industry of Ukraine is carried out. The problems of insufficient development of the industry and factors of negative influence are identified; a process-oriented approach to the formation of a process management system at domestic aircraft-building enterprises is proposed by combining the method of determining the target costs and the method of determining costs by processes. The implementation of the cost management system of aircraft-building enterprises by the processes will lead to the planning of the level of costs, identifying problem spots and determining unused reserves for the efficient management of the activities of enterprises in the aircraft-building industry in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhygalkevych Z. M.
Diagnostics of the Effectiveness of Development of the Machine-Building Quasi-Integration Structures in Ukraine (p. 188 - 197)

The article is aimed at diagnosticating the effectiveness of quasi-integration structures on the basis of domestic machine-building enterprises. The relevance of the research is associated with the slow development of the machine-building quasi-integration structures in Ukraine. 11 quasi-integration structures on the basis of machine-building enterprises were examined, namely: public union «Ukrainian Aerospace Cluster» (Dnipro); aerospace cluster «Mekhatronika» (city of Kharkiv); industrial park «Vinnytsya cluster of refrigeration machine-building» (city of Vinnytsya); corporation «Scientific park «Innovation and Investment Cluster of Ternopil region»; aviation cluster of the corporation «Ukrainian aircraft company» of the State-owned concern «Ukroboronprom»; cluster of radiolocation, radiocommunication and special instrument engineering of the State-owned concern «Ukroboronprom»; cluster of precision weapons and ammunition of the State-owned concern «Ukroboronprom»; armored cluster of the State-owned concern «Ukroboronprom»; Mykolayiv shipbuilding cluster; Zakarpattya automotive cluster (Uzhhorod); machine-building cluster «AhroBUM» (Melitopol). On the basis of the information available on the Internet and by means of the analytical on-line system YouControl, an economic analysis of participants in the clusters of the State-owned concern «Ukroboronprom» and «AhroBUM» was carried out. A diagnostics of the effectiveness of these clusters represents an argument for quasi-integration of other machine-building domestic enterprises along with the interacting firms and institutions. It is concluded that the slow development of quasi-integration processes in Ukraine is connected with the ignorance of entrepreneurs and the lack of methodological recommendations for the formation of quasi-integration structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Koptieva H. M.
Maturity of Business Processes as a Basis for Assessing the Economic Security of Trade Enterprise (p. 180 - 189)

A holistic understanding of the state of economic security of enterprise is ensured by the implementation of process management and assessment of security based on the maturity of business processes. Introduction of measures to improve the economic security of the enterprise on the bases of maturity of business processes allows to optimize the operational and investment activities of the enterprise and ensures its safety against the risks of inconsistent implementation of measures in accordance with the spheres of activity. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the maturity of the business processes of trade enterprise as a criterion for their economic security and on this basis the development of a system for assessing the economic security of the business processes of the enterprise. The ground for linkage of conceptions of process management and security management are the economic interests of the enterprise, which have to be protected (in terms of economic security) and implemented (in terms of process management). The attributes of maturity of business processes (safety of business process taking into account the materialization of the stakeholders’ interests, completeness of business process implementation) and the criteria for evaluation on their basis (effectiveness, efficiency, quality, completion of the management cycle) are allocated, which are taken into account for the formalization of the system of assessment of the level of economic security of the enterprise on the basis of maturity of their business processes. The developed system of indicators for assessment of business processes of trade enterprise allows to identify the level of maturity of business processes and determine on this basis the level of economic security of the enterprise. Prospects for further research in this direction are the substantiation of a scientific-methodological approach to the assessment of economic security of trade enterprise on the basis of maturity of its business processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zinenko K. A.
The Theoretical Aspects of Assessing the Economic Security of Construction Enterprise, Formation of a System for Assessing (p. 190 - 196)

The article is aimed at researching the theoretical-methodological aspects of assessing the economic security of construction enterprise and substantiating a comprehensive system for assessing. The approaches to assessing the economic security of enterprise are researched, specifying the main ones that can be applied during the assessment of the economic security of the enterprise in construction industry; their advantages and disadvantages are defined. The need to apply quantitative and qualitative methods of economic security assessment is substantiated. A list of requirements to be met by the methodology for assessing the economic security of enterprises has been formed. The purpose of assessment, subject, and object are defined. The principles of assessment that ensure the objectivity of evaluation of economic security of enterprise are considered. The principles are divided into basic ones that correspond to the general methodology of economic analysis and specific ones that take into account the specifics of the construction industry. Based on the system approach, a system for assessing the economic security of construction enterprise was formed according to the specified components of the system. The proposed system for assessing the economic security of construction enterprise provides an opportunity to conduct a comprehensive process of assessing the defined components and their respective elements.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Garafonova O. I., Nechai I. F.
Directions for Improving the Quality of Products of PJSC «Beer and Non-Alcoholic Plant «Radomyshl» (p. 197 - 203)

In the world, product quality has long been one of the major instruments for ensuring the economic development of companies. Achieving high quality parameters, in turn, is an important part of the economic strategy of any success-oriented business organization. The article is aimed at developing directions for improving products of PJSC «Beer and Non-Alcoholic Plant «Radomyshl». The object of the research is the quality of beer produced by PJSC «Beer and Non-Alcoholic Plant «Radomyshl». The assessment of the quality level of the selected product in accordance with the requirements of DSTU 3888:2015 was carried out using the following groups of indicators: microbiological, organoleptic and physic-chemical. The process of assessing the product quality parameters is presented, which consists of seven consecutive stages and is carried out throughout the product life cycle. The factors under the influence of which the quality of products are formed and which may cause deviation from the specified quality parameters are analyzed and structured. The defects that appear due to these factors have been identified. The basis for improving the quality of products is primarily a thorough study of changes in demand for the business organization products. Three groups of measures are singled out, with the help of which one can achieve the desired level of product quality, namely: technological, organizational and socio-economic. A complex of priority measures to improve the quality of products of PJSC «Beer and Non-Alcoholic Plant «Radomyshl» is proposed. The element of scientific novelty is the development of an algorithm for the implementation of measures to improve the quality of products. During the implementation of measures to improve the quality, it is necessary to carry out systematic monitoring and generate reports on the implementation of the project in order to make possible an adjustment of the final result.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sosnovska O. O., Zhytar M. O.
The Elements of Methodology of the Economic Security Management of Enterprise (p. 204 - 213)

The article defines the structural elements of the methodology for managing the economic security of enterprise as a scientific ground for studying this process to form an outlook on their essence and identifying the possibilities of application in managerial decisions. The conceptions and theories of methodology of economic security management of enterprise are systematized according to its major functional subsystems – informational, financial, personnel, innovation and investment. It is determined that a significant place among the elements of the methodology of the process in research belongs to the system of management principles, among which a number of fundamental (generally researched) and particular (specific) principles are allocated and described. The system, functional, process, structural, situational (optional), optimization and behavioral scientific approaches to the management of economic security of enterprise are singled out and the possibilities of their implementation are defined. It is substantiated that the management process is often considered as an aggregate of functions, i.e.: certain types of activity, in the process of which the influence on the management object is carried out to achieve the set goal. With this in mind, it is proposed to use a functional feature to systematize the methods of economic security management of enterprise in accordance with the functions of forecasting, planning, analysis, evaluation, organization and control. It is specified that the proposed elements of the methodology of economic security management of enterprise are complementary and consistent. At the same time, it is noted that the choice of a specific element of the methodology of the research process depends on many factors of influence – the specifics of the enterprise’s activity, its resource capabilities, targeted benchmarks, time frame, the existing level of economic security. It is generalized that awareness of the need for skillful use of methodological basis in the implementation of such a complex and multifaceted process as the management of economic security of enterprise is the guaranty to its successful operating and a stable development in today’s conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kotliarovа V. H., Derenska Y. M., Hladkova O. V.
Formation of an Approach to Cost Management of Industrial Enterprise (p. 198 - 204)

The article analyzes existing approaches to cost management; system and process approaches are defined as the most applicable. It is determined that with both of these approaches the object of cost management is managerial actions and relationships arising in the process of formation of certain characteristics of the status of costs (compliance with the limits of the remuneration fund, consumption of raw materials etc.); the subject of management are structural subdivisions of the enterprise and responsible persons who carry out cost management procedures. The system approach considers cost management as a system in which a set of interconnected elements is allocated, there are links, mechanisms of interaction between individual elements, which help to achieve a certain goal, are determined. The process approach proposes to apply a management cycle to manage costs. Therefore, to improve the efficiency of cost management, it is advisable to apply dualism of approaches, for which it is proposed to combine system and process approaches. It is proved that the cost management system should consist of two subsystems: 1) the formation of a cost management system and 2) the functioning of the cost management system. These subsystems differ in such features as: purpose, tasks, functions, elements, mechanism of interaction. Two subsystems of the cost management system are connected as follows: the purpose of the subsystem of the cost management system formation is to develop methodological support for the functioning of the cost management subsystem. At the same time, the functioning of the subsystem of the cost management system is the management cycle: planning, accounting, control, analysis. This shows the implementation of the process approach to cost management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rogov V. H.
Evaluating the Efficiency of Economic Incentives for Development of Shipbuilding Enterprises (p. 205 - 211)

A substantiation of economic decisions in the process of using incentives and adapting to changes on the part of management necessitates applying an integral target indicator for the development of enterprise. As a result of the research, it is proved that it is advisable to choose as such an indicator the value of the business, in particular by discounting money flows. It is substantiated that in order to evaluate the efficiency of stimulating the development of the shipbuilding enterprise, the application of the revenue approach appears to be rational. Both the Ukrainian and foreign experience of horizontal and vertical integration in shipbuilding is analyzed and it is proved that the formation of integrated diversified corporate structures is an urgent stimulus for the development of the shipbuilding enterprise. Some owners of shipbuilding enterprises of Ukraine use them to build a fleet for the needs of their other business: agricultural, metallurgical, etc. Certain enterprises become part of diversified companies engaged in ship repair and port activities. The efficiency of integration of shipbuilding enterprises should also be evaluated using business value indicators. It is necessary to determine the impact of incentives relating not only to shipbuilding, but also to ship repair, shipping, maritime and other activities – not only on a separate shipyard, but comprehensively on the entire association, a structural and functional unit of which the enterprise is. The effect of the introduction of incentives is determined on the example of shipbuilding and ship repair plant «Nibulon». Evaluating the impact of economic incentives on the proposed integral target indicator enables to establish the feasibility of implementing the overall strategy of the enterprise and facilitates the adoption of informed economic decisions both at the level of individual structural units and the enterprise in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Adamenko M. V., Korolenko R. V.
Evaluating the Efficiency of Financing the Innovation Potential of the Enterprise’s Staff (p. 212 - 220)

The article summarizes approaches and defines the concept of «financing the innovation potential of the enterprise’s staff». The methodological approaches most often used to analyze the efficiency of financing objects are reviewed. On the basis of the review, the authors proposed their own methodical approach to evaluating the efficiency of financing the innovation potential of the enterprise’s staff, which includes: formation of structural-logical scheme, definition of stages, instrumentarium, development of the appropriate system of general and partial indicators, as well as criteria for such evaluation. The peculiarity of the improved methodical approach to evaluating the efficiency of financing the innovation potential of the enterprise’s staff is the association into the overall system of the following: indicators of sufficiency and timeliness of financing; the degree of use of financial resources, their profitability, worth, achievement of goals in the process of attracting financial resources to finance the innovative abilities and capabilities of the enterprise’s employees; criteria for conformity of financing to the threshold value, optimization of financing; criteria for comparability of «profitability – worth», «use of financial capabilities – achievement of goals of using the innovative potential of staff». Implementation of all stages of evaluation of the efficiency of financing the innovative potential of the enterprise’s staff allows to set the level of this efficiency in accordance with the set goals and objectives, as well as is the basis for substantiation of managerial decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. M., Iastremska O. О.
The Concept of Economic Sustainability of Enterprise and Its Quantitative Assessment (p. 220 - 230)

The article is concerned with the issues of determining and evaluating the economic sustainability of enterprise. The publication analyzes the views of scholars on the definition of «economic sustainability of enterprise». A closer definition of this concept is proposed, according to which under the economic sustainability of enterprise it is advisable to understand its complex ability to respond to and withstand the influence of negative relevant factors of the external and internal environment, while maintaining its internal structure, dynamics of operation, which contributes to the achievement of the main goals of functioning and development of enterprises. The main components of economic sustainability of enterprise are allocated, including: financial, industrial, personnel, organizational, marketing, social, environmental, investment, innovation. The main stages of the process of ensuring economic sustainability of enterprise are proposed, the basis of implementing which is the principles of unity – interconnectedness and subordination of all components of sustainability; complexity, which involves taking into account relevant factors of influence; continuity – implementation of the regulatory process on the basis of permanence and sustainability; adequacy, i.e. compliance of the system with patterns of enterprise development. The proposed components and stages of ensuring and determining the economic sustainability of enterprise are used as the basis of the developed methodical approach concerning its quantitative assessment, which is built up using methods of multidimensional factor, cluster analysis, additive convolution method for calculating the integral indicator of economic sustainability of enterprises. The developed methodical approach was tested on the statistical data of nine machine-building enterprises of Kharkiv region, which proved its applied value and possibility of further use.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zyz D. О.
Analyzing and Evaluating the Business Activity of Machine-Building Enterprises as the Basis for Increasing the Efficiency of Their Activities (p. 230 - 240)

The article highlights the concept of business activity and the main tasks of analyzing and evaluating the business activity of machine-building enterprises. The directions of increasing business activity of enterprise are considered, which is achieved by a certain set of measures: acceleration of scientific, technical and organizational progress – by increasing the technical and technological level of production, organizational control systems, rapid updating of equipment; improvement of organizational structure – by reviewing the powers of each employee of the enterprise; improvement of production structure, in particular, increase of load and turnover coefficients – by increasing the volume of products; increasing the competitiveness of products and services – by improving the quality of goods produced and services provided; development and improvement of foreign trade of this enterprise – through establishing relations with neighboring countries. Evaluation and analysis of the main machine-building enterprises was carried out. The financial condition of machine-building enterprises and factors that lead to destabilization in the crisis situation is determined; the main goals of machine-building enterprises and the planning tools, which will allow management of the process of strategy implementation, are outlined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yukhman Y. V.
The Scientific-Practical Aspects of Assessing the Adaptive Potential of Industrial Enterprises (p. 240 - 249)

The article is aimed at formulating the scientific-practical aspects of assessing the adaptive potential of industrial enterprises, taking into account the constant changes in the society’s needs. The publication defines that throughout the history of mankind industry advanced the development of civilization. Improvement of mechanisms, technologies, inventions that transformed the interaction and communication of people, irrevocably changed the development of civilization. Global industrial revolution significantly affected the lives and views of all nations. The modern era of risk and instability, globalization and new technologies all together transform the functioning conditions of the business environment and cause deep concern of many managers. On the basis of the carried out study, time ranges of the duration of crisis cycles are explored, an analysis of the cycles of crises (rise and depression) according to M. Kondratiev is carried out. The approach to overcoming the consequences of crises by industrial enterprises has been developed. Taking into account the impact of the crisis on the process of formation of an adaptively oriented management system of industrial enterprises on the basis of innovating, an algorithm for assessing their adaptive potential has been formed, which will be the grounds for producing effective managerial decisions on their development. The proposed algorithm of the scientific-practical approach to assessing the adaptive potential of industrial enterprises consists of the following stages: preparatory (research, projecting, adjustment); analytical (assessment of the dynamics of adaptive potential of industrial enterprises); pragmatic (defining development prospects).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sekirozh Y. V.
A Classification of Factors Influencing the Level of Innovative Support for Sustainable Development of Enterprises (p. 249 - 256)

The article determines that a systematic approach to the classification of factors influencing the level of innovative support for sustainable development of enterprises is characterized by a comprehensive assessment of the identification of various objective factors. Knowledge of these factors, the ability to identify their impact on the innovative support of the enterprise can influence the level of application of a systematic approach under the influence of dominant factors, to create an effective mechanism for managing them. Since each indicator reflects a certain economic category and is formed under the influence of certain economic and other factors, the factors are hypothetical reasons that affect a number of indicators under analysis. In this sense, economic factors such as economic categories, which are reflected in the indicators, are objective in nature. It is concluded that the list of factors influencing the level of innovative support for sustainable development of the enterprise is always individual and depends on the internal capabilities of the enterprise to counteract the factors of potential threat. External factors characterize the general conditions of deterioration, but with proper management, perfect organization and qualified decision-making, the company has the opportunity to avoid negative impact on the level of innovation support for sustainable development of the enterprise, despite the significant impact of the external environment. It is specified that a bankruptcy situation is largely due to internal reasons, and primarily ineffective management. All other causes are the result of errors and ineffective managerial decisions. However, these classifications are not constant, they change over time, in particular depending on the stage of the life cycle of the market product.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalchuk A. M.
Analyzing Preconditions for Motivational Management of the Economic Security of Enterprises in the Machine-Building Industry (p. 256 - 262)

The article is aimed at analyzing the external operational environment of machine-building enterprises in the context of economic security and identifying the prerequisites for motivational management of the economic security of enterprise. Nowadays, effective management of the economic security of enterprise is one of the established imperatives that provide for the sustainable development and protection of the enterprise’s interests in the face of the contemporary challenges. Industrial enterprises operate in conditions of constant uncertainty and variability, which contributes to the search for effective instruments to ensure the proper level of protection of economic interests of a particular economic entity and industry in general. The article analyzes some indicators of activity of enterprises of machine-building industry of Ukraine. It is concluded that, despite the reduction of indicators such as the share of the processing industry in the GDP of the country, the number of employed people in the enterprises of the industry and the number of enterprises, along with the other, equally important indicators, show growth. First of all, it’s a question of the growth of sales volumes, net profit and profitability, which indicates the existing potential of the industry to implement the motivational management of economic security, because it provides not only for satisfying interests of the owners of enterprises, but also of all elements of the economic security system. Prospects for further research in this direction are the definition of the main elements, stages and methods of implementation of motivational management of economic security at machine-building enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Piletska S. T., Korytko T. Y., Khrapach V. O.
Management of the Financial Sustainability of Enterprise in the Context of Provision of Economic Security in the Conditions of Strengthened Integration Processes in the Economy (p. 245 - 251)

The article is aimed at substantiating the essence of the concepts of «financial sustainability» and «strategic management of financial sustainability» in the context of providing economic security in the conditions of integration processes in the economy. The relevance of the management of financial sustainability of enterprise is proved, which is connected with the need to find new approaches to financial sustainability management in the context of providing its economic security in the conditions of strengthened integration processes. It is proposed that the financial sustainability of enterprise be understood as such state of its financial resources, when a financial balance is achieved in the long and short-term periods and which on his part, in the conditions of strengthened integration processes, results in the properties of the enterprise manifested as a system that allows to adapt to the action of destabilizing factors through flexibility and complex formation and use of financial potential and thus protects the enterprise from the influence of factors of both the external and the internal environment. It is specified that strategic management of financial sustainability can be conceived as the influence of the managing subsystem on the financial potential of the enterprise in order to implement strategic plans in the conditions of integration processes in compliance with the optimal structure of financial resources, which is achieved by flexibility and adaptability to the destabilizing factors of influence. As result of the research, it is substantiated that strategic management of financial sustainability of enterprise is a dynamic set of the interrelated management processes: information provision of the financial sustainability management; analysis of the financial sustainability of enterprise and the related factors of influence; development and forecasting of development scenarios taking into account integration processes; implementation of the strategy for achieving financial sustainability; monitoring and control of achieving the strategy goals in the dynamic development of integration processes in the economy. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of a mechanism for management of the financial sustainability of enterprise in the context of provision of its economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzoma V. V., Pavliuk S. I.
Product Quality as a Definitive Factor of Enterprise Competitiveness (p. 252 - 258)

The article considers topical issues regarding the impact of products (goods) quality on the formation of a sufficient level of competitiveness of enterprise. Views on the conceptual and categorical apparatus related to "competitiveness", "product competitiveness" and "quality" are generalized, including foreign experience. The purpose of this article is consideration and analysis of the impact of product quality on the formation of the competitiveness of enterprise and the achievement of its appropriate level in modern market economy. The essence of the concept of "product quality" from the point of view of the manufacturer is highlighted. The interdependence between product quality and ensuring the appropriate level of enterprise competitiveness is shown. The main advantages of improving product quality as a factor of competitiveness of products and the enterprise as a whole are given. The main attention is paid to quality as a factor in the formation of consumer confidence, technology "word of mouth", the importance of aesthetic indicators of products (goods). It is determined that the high quality of products (goods) provides greater return on investment and insufficient level of quality at the initial stage is a positive factor in the development of an enterprise. The main ways to improve product quality and product competitiveness are proposed. It is determined that the quality of products (goods) is influenced by a number of different factors, both internal and external (production technology, pricing policy, efficiency of product quality management system, the level of competition in the market, consumer requirements, etc.). Product competitiveness and enterprise competitiveness are correlated as part and whole. The main measures to improve the quality of products (goods), we see: the formation of consumer confidence and communication, the use of technology "word of mouth", the importance of aesthetic indicators in product or goods development, and development of competitive strategy based on marketing research of competitors, consumers, and the market as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fatyanov D. V.
The Theoretical Principles for Assessing the Efficiency of Use of the Export-Import Potential of Enterprise (p. 258 - 264)

The article discusses the actual theoretical problems of assessing the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise (EIPE). The complexity of socio-economic conditions of activities of industrial enterprises requires revision of the theory and practice of the management of export potential. The efficiency of export-import activity depends on the efficiency of the use of export-import potential at the enterprise, and this justifies the need to solve the problems of import substitution in the economy. The theoretical principles of the assessment of efficiency of use of EIPP are substantiated as follows: 1) the methodological framework for assessing the export-import potential of enterprises is substantiated, first of all, by the system of basic elements of assessment; 2) the objectivity of assessment depends on an adequate content model of the efficiency of use of this potential; 3) to carry out the assessment, it is important to substantiate a hierarchical system of indicators that reflects the elemental structure of export-import potential and their characterizations, as well as a system of criteria; 4) assessment of the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise is multidimensional and multicriterial; 5) the objectivity of assessment of the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise is determined by the corresponding mathematical instrument used; 6) effective managerial decisions are made on the basis of the results of an assessment of the efficiency of the export-import activity of enterprise. The substantiated theoretical provisions for assessing the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise contain the formed methodological framework of the assessment. The article also proposes a content model of the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise, which includes such components as: structure, elements, processes, mechanisms, types of EIPP, influence factors, indicators, criteria, results, costs, effect, efficiency. The presented improved theoretical approach to assessing the efficiency of use of the export-import potential of enterprise ensures its objectivity, adequacy and reliability.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zavgorodniy I. V.
Performance Indicators of Enterprises as Systems at the Micro Level: An Updated Paradigm in the Context of «Structure – System» (p. 210 - 215)

The article is aimed at outlining the possibilities of applying the conception of structuralism in order to interpret the indicators of the components (constituents) of the efficiency of enterprises as micro level systems in terms of the paradigm of «structure – system» taking into account the history of the origin and development of the mentioned conception. The article presents the results of a study of the evolution of concepts «structure» and «system» in the context of the relevant paradigm in view of improving approaches to management of the performance of enterprises. The interpretation of the above mentioned definitions by different scholars is provided; the author’s own interpretation of the concepts of «structure of performance indicators» and «system of constituent performance indicators» of enterprises activity are proposed. Methodological approaches to managing the performance of enterprises as complex micro level systems based on the above mentioned system of indicators based on the models of Burennikova (Polishchuk) – Yarmolenko are outlined. The structural-logical scheme of basic concepts in the paradigm of «structure – system» is proposed. The «model of interrelation» between the concepts of «structure» (quantitative and qualitative constituents of performance indicators) and «system» (as a multiplex, a set of interrelated elements, a complex of related performance indicators) is presented in a systematic approach of scientific cognition in order to more clearly identify the relationships between the studied concepts and related indicators with taking into account the system approach. It is emphasized that the lack of results of computations on certain components (constituents) of the specified system of indicators makes it impossible to create a holistic picture regarding the performance of enterprises. It is underlined that the improved by the author methodology of knowledge, measurement and evaluation of the performance of enterprises will contribute to improving their management and finding reserves for the development of enterprises as systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Horbas I. M., Linnik M. S.
Automation of Enterprise Business Processes Using the Method of Stochastic Modeling and WorkFlow Techniques – EPC (p. 216 - 222)

The article is aimed at improving the theoretical and methodical instrumentarium for automating business processes in the context of developing a universal algorithm for optimizing and automating business processes of an enterprise using the stochastic modeling method and WorkFlow techniques – EPC. As result of the research, the authors’ approaches to defining the fundamental principles of automation of enterprise business processes are analyzed. The expediency of practical use of the stochastic modeling method and WorkFlow techniques – EPC for optimization of business processes is specified. Practical recommendations on the management of automation of business processes at the domestic enterprise using the stochastic modeling method are provided. It is proved that the use of the proposed algorithm of automation of business processes makes it possible to significantly increase the likelihood of its urgent and unimpeded implementation (in terms of the project implementation). Prospects for further research in this direction are the analysis of the problems of evaluating the efficiency of business processes of enterprise, in particular, the use of the control points method for the formation of an intra-organization system of audit for basic business processes. Specific notations of business process modeling in the context of their application in the realities of domestic doing business require additional research and analysis.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kopylyuk O. I., Tymchyshyn J. V., Muzychka O. М.
Financial Sustainability in the System of Ensuring the Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 81 - 87)

The article is aimed at further developing the instrumentarium to ensure the financial sustainability of enterprise as the basis of its economic security. It is proved that the economic security of enterprise largely depends on the financial component along with sustainability, solvency, liquidity, and profitability. The position, considered undeniable, is that financial sustainability constitutes the basis of security of enterprise and its ability to implement development strategies in the context of minimizing the impact of risks, threats and dangers. It was noted that the effectiveness of the interrelationship and mutual impact of financial sustainability and security of enterprise is reflected in its financial flexibility on the basis of the ability to change the volume and structure of sources of financing, as well as the directions of investment of financial resources under the influence of risks, threats, dangers of the internal and external environment. The state approach to the gradation of levels of financial sustainability and economic security of enterprise is proposed taking into account the retrospective, current and prospective nature of the impact of risks, threats and dangers on the activities of enterprise; the relevant instrumentarium of evaluation and management tools is specified. It is substantiated that modern approaches in managing the financial sustainability of enterprise on a securely oriented basis should be grounded on systemacity, processity, functionality and synergy. Prospects for further research in this direction are the substantiation of the indicator approach to assessing the level of financial sustainability of enterprise on the basis of taking into account the parameters of its economic security and the development of an instrumentarium for identifying both the existing and the potential threats and dangers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Haidukov M. O., Shumilo O. S.
Defining the Essence of the Concept of “Financial Security of Enterprise” and Threats to It (p. 87 - 93)

The essence of the concept of «financial security of enterprise» and threats to it is researched; their classification is provided. According to the results of a comparative analysis of the scholars’ definitions regarding the concepts of «financial security of enterprise» and «threats to the financial security of enterprise», the authors’ own definitions are presented. Financial security of enterprise is considered as an instrument that ensures the sustainability and security of enterprise in the process of implementing its development strategy from the internal and external factors, threats both in the current period of activity and in the future. A threat is a course of events of an external or internal nature, which affects the financial condition of enterprise and entails consequences of varying degrees of severity, the solution of which will require financial, time, labor costs. According to the results of the study of scientific definitions on the essence of financial security of enterprise, some features are allocated. Financial security of enterprise is understood by the authors as: a component that allows choosing and implementing a financial strategy; the ability of enterprise to independently develop and conduct a financial strategy; the result of managed processes, which ensures the acquisition to some extent of its financial freedom; the state of protection of financial interests of enterprise; the financial condition of enterprise; the ability to create and maintain financial conditions at the enterprise; the status of financial security with the ensured business processes. The authors’ own classification of threats according to a number of signs and types is suggested and considered: by the place of origin, by the type of origin system, by the degree of losses, by the possibility of forecasting, by the prospect of impact, by the stability of influence, by the consequences of influence, by the fact of influence, by the threat subjects, by the type of disasters. The research of the essence of financial security of enterprise and threats to it has displayed the complexity and diversity of these concepts. This is evidenced by an extensive range of definitions, each of which has its own characteristics. It should also be noted the absence of a unified classification of threats to financial security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burennikova N. V., Yarmolenko V. О., Burennikov Y. Y.
Effectiveness of the Functioning and Development of Systems: The Updated Approaches to Definitions of SEE-Governance (p. 94 - 100)

The article covers the issue of SEE-governance as a means of improving the effectiveness of the processes of functioning of complex systems in the context of «quantity/ quality» definitions. SEE-governance is carried out on the basis of measurement and evaluation of the components of the above-mentioned effectiveness, indicating possible regulatory actions to change the effectiveness of the functioning and development of systems. It is underlined that a special interest among scholars is caused not only by the problems of system development, but also by the states that determine the order of functioning of systems, known as attractors. The article is aimed at disclosing the role and significance of attractors as a basis for the formation of synergistic potential of SEE-governance for the further development of systems, as well as supplementing on this basis the methodology of the mentioned governance on the basis of the authors’ components of effectiveness by understanding of increments and decrements in the context of the «quantity/ quality» paradigm in the «growth/development» narrative – to clarify the algorithms of actions in the process of system management that seeks to develop dynamically. It is noted that the complex of the authors’ indicators of the components of effectiveness of the functioning and development of system in practice allows to form approaches to the assessment of the system states in terms of the above-mentioned effectiveness. This makes it possible to understand what adjustments and at what time of the system functioning should be made so that it operates and develops effectively. It is concluded that resultative, effective processes can serve as attractors capable of directing the development of the system in the right direction when a system is at the point of bifurcation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovtunenko K. V., Didan K. O., Kovalchuk O. V.
Competitiveness of Enterprise: The Essence and Approaches to Definition (p. 100 - 104)

The article is aimed at generalizing the views of various scholars on the essence of the concept of «competitiveness» and allocating the properties and factors that characterize the competitiveness of enterprise. In modern conditions of economic development, of particular importance are the theoretical foundations of the conception of competitiveness, which should be based on the comprehensive approach and should be considered by means of this approach. The concept of «competitiveness» derives from the concept of «competition», which acts as an element of the market mechanism for regulating supply and demand; as a form of interaction between economic actors in the market; as an economic rivalry of individual producers for market share and receipt of an order; finally, as a mechanism for regulating the proportions of public production. In order to successfully operate in conditions of high competition in the market and to maintain the necessary level of competitiveness, enterprises and organizations master new types of services, introduce new forms of business, stimulate their employees and fight for the involvement of each client. When planning its activities, a company takes into account not only the needs of customers, but also the strategies of competitors. Based on the information obtained during the study of competition conditions, the company’s development strategy in the market is largely formed, and the general strategy of the enterprise goes the same way. Thus, a positive result in competition is achieved as a natural result of constant and competent management efforts. How positive this result will be depends largely on the competitiveness of the enterprise. The article discusses the essence of the concept of «competitiveness» as an economic category, analyzes various approaches to the definition of this concept and carries out an analysis of competitiveness of enterprise. Competitiveness is an important element concerning entering the market and keeping the enterprise’s positions at the market, especially in the context of pandemic and quarantine, so the topic under research is very relevant nowadays.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stepanova O. V.
The Methodical Approach to Integrated Multi-criteria Assessment of Intellectual Capital (p. 281 - 288)

The article is aimed at developing scientific-methodological recommendations for the integrated multi-criteria assessment of intellectual capital. Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks: analysis of the theoretical principles of intellectual capital; analysis of intellectual capital components; analysis of methods for assessment of intellectual capital; development of a multi-criteria model of integrated assessment of intellectual capital on the basis of program-target approach and utility theory. In line with the conception of management by objectives, as well as in accordance with both the systemic and the program-target approaches, the objectives of enterprise are formulated taking into account the growth, renewal and efficient use of intellectual capital. Based on the analysis of available publications, a classification of factors affecting intellectual capital is compiled. Using the structure of intellectual capital and graph theory, the «tree of purposes» of intellectual capital is built, which represents an unoriented, bound graph, the verticals (nodes) of which are purposes, and the ribs (arcs) are the links between them. A system of criteria – indicators that affect the achievement of the objectives is formulated. As a criterion for optimality of achieving the objective, it is proposed to use the multi-criteria utility function. It is noted that in order to assess intellectual capital, it is advisable to use the additive utility function, which makes it possible to compute the integral indicator of intellectual capital. This, in turn, allows to analyze the growth, renewal and efficiency of the intellectual capital of enterprise over a number of years, as well as compare enterprises with each other.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Li Guannan
Substantiating the Hypothesis on Connection of Sustainable Development of Enterprise with Basic Unconditional Income (p. 289 - 295)

The article is concerned with solving the problem of ensuring sustainable development at the level of enterprise as determined by the UN, which is relevant not only at the local level of Ukraine, but also world-wide. The article is aimed at theoretical substantiating the hypothesis on the existence of a connection between sustainable development of enterprises and basic unconditional income (BUI) using general scientific methods of critical and logical analysis and synthesis, ascent from abstract to specific, abstraction. The BUI in the research is understood as regular cash payments in the amount of the real subsistence minimum to citizens of the State, regardless of their socio-economic status. It is substantiated that BUI is the socio-economic regulator of sustainable development of the region and at the same time an instrument for sustainable development of the enterprise to achieve social, economic and ecological balance. It is proposed to consider BUI as an integrating instrument for sustainable development of enterprises and regions, which will provide a vertical link between the goals and objectives of sustainable development to overcome poverty, hunger, opening access to education and self-development at the meso- and micro levels. The example of depressed economically mono structural mining regions and mining enterprises of Ukraine to be liquidated displays the complex impact of BUI on their sustainable development through the component of social development. A comparison of development in the presence and absence of BUI is made and it is identified that the BUI will allow to «mitigate» economic restructuring, level territorial differentiation, implement the policy of social corporate responsibility and public-private partnership at the enterprise. The question has been raised about which economic agent should ensure the payment of BUI: the region or the enterprises operating in the region and using resources that could be saved for future generations. It is proposed to consider the possibility of payment of BUI both from the budget of the region and from the funds of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tymchenko I. P., Koziatynska A. I.
The Methodological Bases for Assessment of Competitiveness of IT Enterprises under COVID-19 (p. 295 - 301)

Information technologies are developing very rapidly themselves and are also developing the world. At present, the IT industry attracts specialists in various industries, «opens the door» to large international companies, makes it possible to create your own business. However, in order to become an experienced IT specialist and achieve your goals in this sphere, you first need to be trained. Thus, the sector of educational institutions in the sphere of information technology in Ukraine is quite saturated. There are both higher educational institutions of this direction, as well as special courses and schools of narrow profile for training of IT specialists. Educational institutions that can ensure the process of providing IT education online in view of the pandemic have a particularly advantageous situation today. Therefore, a study of assessing the competitiveness of companies in the IT education sector is an urgent problem. The article is aimed at improving the methodological instrumentarium for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises in the sphere of information services and modifying the algorithm for assessing the competitiveness of the enterprise on the basis of the introduction of the hierarchy analysis method of T. Saaty to determine the competitiveness criteria, which will allow to assess the preemptiveness of the criteria, one over one. As a result of the study, the need for practical use of methodological instrumentarium for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises in the sphere of information services is established. An authors’ own list of criteria for assessing competitiveness has been formed, taking into account the peculiarities of the activities of enterprises in this area. The competitiveness assessment process is proposed to be carried out by means of two methods: TOPSIS and VIKOR, in order to exclude possible miscalculations in the formation of the list of alternatives, and to coordinate the results of the assessment by introducing a concordation coefficient. Prospects for further research in this direction are the solution of the problem of forming a qualitative list of criteria, in particular, their ranking and constant adaptation to changes in the external environment, as well as issues related to a set of alternatives according to the scenario approach, which will allow optimizing the processes of strategic management of enterprises in the sphere of IT services that are most dependent on changes in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Тimchenko O. D.
Evaluating the Efficiency of Sales Management of the Trade Enterprise (p. 184 - 189)

The research is aimed at substantiating the methodological principles of evaluating the efficiency of sales management of the trade enterprise. This evaluating is carried out taking into account the objects of management and compliance with the general principle of determining performance indicators. To achieve the goal set, scientific approaches to determining the essence of sales management are generalized; the directions of this activity are determined; both the local indicators and the integral indicator of evaluation of sales management efficiency at the trade enterprise are substantiated. The research was carried out using methods of analysis, synthesis, abstraction and comparison, as a result of which the author’s own position on the essence and features of sales is substantiated. It is noted that the peculiarities of sales are the change in the forms of value and the transition of goods belonging to the enterprise into the property of the buyer. The content of sales management is defined as an aggregate of processes of planning, analysis and change of the system of sale of goods and services. To identify the efficiency of sales management at the enterprise, it is proposed to evaluate the sales system, sales department activities, sales channels for goods and services. To this end, both the local indicators and the integral indicator are substantiated. To calculate the latter, the use of the radar method is proposed, according to which the integral indicator is determined on the basis of the calculation of the relative area of the radar built within the evaluation circle according to a set of further indicators. These indicators have a wide range of applications, in particular, can be used to study the dynamics of efficiency and identify reserves of sales development at the enterprise, analyze the completeness of the implementation of functions and compliance of the sales management system with the target objectives of the functioning and development of the trade enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burennikova N. V.
Theory and Philosophy of the Effectiveness of Enterprises as Systems: An Updated Look at Ways to Implement Functions and Management (p. 190 - 196)

The article is aimed at outlining the functions of the theory of the effectiveness of systems (in particular, enterprises) by essence, as well as substantiating the role of indicators of components of effectiveness therein under modern conditions of system development. The article covers some issues of the theory and philosophy of the effectiveness of the functioning of enterprises as systems on the basis of SEE-management as a means of improving the effectiveness of the processes of functioning of complex systems in the context of definitions of «quantity/quality» based on the measurement and assessment of the components of the above-mentioned effectiveness using the criterion of progressive effectiveness. The results of computations according to the models of indicators of components of effectiveness, taking into account the values of the criterion of progressive effectiveness, can contribute to the choice of the appropriate strategy for the development (behavior) of the enterprise (active, passive, active-passive, etc.). It is emphasized that SEE-management, which is based on the author’s concepts of components of effectiveness, is a means of increasing the effectiveness of the functioning of complex dynamic systems (by which we will understand the set of its subprocesses) taking into account risks in the context of the negative impact of the external environment, in particular local and global crises in the economy. The scientific novelty of the results of author’s content analysis and applied explorations of the author for more than 20 years is the description of the essence of axiological and other functions of the theory of effectiveness, as well as the addition of methodological functions of this theory with indicators of constituent effectiveness, which can facilitate the improvement of the management of systems of different types and hierarchical levels. The above indicated management can be carried out using such a modern approach as author’s SEE-management, for the implementation of which certain indicators are presented and the appropriate managerial SEE actions in cases of different situations with respect to various values of performance indicators is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zakharkina L. S., Saltykova H. V., Novikov V. M.
The Theoretical and Methodological Principles of the Value-Oriented Approach to Business Management (p. 169 - 177)

The research is aimed at analyzing the value-oriented conceptions of business management and studying the possibility of their implementation in the activities of Ukrainian enterprises. The carried out analysis of the literature shows the considerable attention paid by the scientific community to the issue under research, since the use of value-based conceptions in Ukrainian realities is quite problematic due to a lack of understanding of their specifics and features. The publication carries out a chronological analysis of the interpretation of the essence of the conception of «business value» by various scientists during 2011-2020. The value of the business is a volume-based indicator, thanks to which it is possible to understand the further prospects of the enterprise development and its investment attractiveness. According to theoretical research, the value of business is understood as the value of invested labor and labor resources; as the results obtained by the company from operational, investment and financial activities; as an expression of the price at which the company positions itself in the market and can potentially be reorganized. The value-oriented management should be applied at all levels – from operational to strategic. It is determined that career growth, an effective system of motivation, exchange of information and knowledge are among the few factors that affect the formation of the value of enterprise. Among the methodological approaches that allow to conduct a thorough assessment of the value of business, attention is focused on earnings, value-based, market-based and optional methods. Prospects for further research relate to a more detailed analysis of the specifics of value-oriented conceptions and analysis of domestic market conditions for the possibility of spreading the value-based management approach among managers of Ukrainian companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bida M. B.
The Current State and Tendencies of Development of the Enterprises in Ukraine According to Their Sizes (p. 82 - 95)

In the conditions of the formation of a market economy in Ukraine, a significant role is given to the development of entrepreneurship as the driving force for the intensification of the activities of economic entities. An analysis of the current state and tendencies in entrepreneurship development of Ukraine was carried out taking into account the criteria for the division of enterprises into micro, small, medium-sized and large in conformity with the legislation of Ukraine. The information base of the research was statistics published on the website of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for the period 2010-2019. The article describes the dynamics for 2010-2019 of such indicators of efficiency of large, medium and small (including micro) enterprises of Ukraine: level of profitability (unprofitability) of operational activity of enterprises; level of profitability (unprofitability) of all activities of enterprises; proportion of enterprises that received net profit; structure of distribution of capital investments; number of enterprises; volume of sold products (goods, services) of enterprises. The structural distribution of indicators of efficiency of Ukrainian enterprises by type of economic activity for 2019 is displayed. With the help of econometric modeling of dynamics of the number of enterprises, volumes of capital investment and sold products of Ukrainian enterprises for 2010-2019, a trend equation (polynominal type) is built. Summarizing the results of researches, Ukrainian enterprises were divided into large, medium, small and micro enterprises by the value of performance indicators during 2010-2019. To characterize the level of riskiness of activities for each category of enterprises, variation coefficients for the performance indicators of Ukrainian enterprises for the period 2010-2019 were computed. The advantages and disadvantages of organization and functioning of enterprises of different categories are systematized. For the balanced development of the market economy, the need for cooperation and the formation of an efficient mechanism for interaction of all forms of entrepreneurship – small, medium and large, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko T. P.
The Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Forming the Economic Security System of Industrial Enterprise (p. 95 - 101)

The article is aimed at improving the theoretical and methodological principles and formalizing the methodological provision of the processes of formation of a comprehensive system of economic security of industrial enterprises. The article analyzes the theoretical principles of interpretation and management of the economic security system of enterprises. In particular, it is defined that modern scientific define the economic security system as an aggregate of elements that provide protection along with threat assessment. The author proposes to consider the concept of «economic security system» as an aggregate of resource elements and functions for harmonization of interests, complexity, flexibility, interaction and coherence of space, which determines the economic efficiency of adaptability of units, management elements, subsystems and allows comprehensively and fully diagnosing risks and threats, potential deviations, as well as substantiating the cost of resources for the systematic provision of security of industrial enterprise. A functional-resource approach to the formation of the economic security system is substantiated. Internal incentives and motivators of the formation of the economic security system are formalized, which are disclosed through structural elements of the system and process flows in the internal environment of the enterprise. To activate the resource and functional elements, it is necessary to establish the goals of the system formation and formalize their species composition. This will allow to determine and substantiate the cost of security provision, minimization of risks and the instrumentarium of the organizational and economic security mechanism. The article describes elements of the security space, which include the resource and functional constituents, methodological means of diagnostics and regulation, as well as economic agents who are in contact with external actors. Motivators, strategic guidances and tasks of its development are defined as strategic elements of the economic security system. The formation of the economic security system of industrial enterprises should be based on the conceptual coordination of elements and functions in accordance with the subjective impact of the environment, as well as on strengthening innovation and integration processes and increasing the cost of preventive activities. The specified aspects are implemented through the instrumentarium of organizational management, which is formalized through the subjects, object, tasks and directions of ensuring economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Herasymenko T. V.
Problems of Identification and Analysis of Transaction Costs at the Economic Entity Level (p. 158 - 163)

The article is aimed at identifying and analyzing transaction costs when making management decisions at the level of an economic entity. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: grouping – in determining the main forms of transaction costs based on existing classifications; generalization – when systematizing information on the identification of approaches to the assessment and measurement of transaction costs; structural and logical – to determine the place of transaction costs in the structure of the enterprise’s costs; analysis and synthesis – to substantiate the recommendations for displaying information on the level of transaction costs at the enterprise in financial statements. The main forms of transaction costs on the basis of existing classifications are researched. Information on identification of approaches to valuation and measurement of transaction costs is systematized. The place of transaction costs in the structure of the enterprise’s expenses is determined. Recommendations on displaying information on transaction costs at the enterprise in the financial statements on the basis of their occurrence in a certain sphere of activity of the market entity (transaction costs of operational, financial, investment activities) are substantiated, which represents the scientific novelty of the research. It is concluded that the institutional approach, in particular application of the theory of transaction costs before their valuation and preparation of financial statements, allows not only identifying possible solutions to existing problems in accounting theory and practice, but also seting fundamentally new tasks that require non-standard solutions. The practical significance of the obtained research results is to determine the impact of transaction costs on the efficiency of the functioning of market entities and substantiate recommendations for displaying information about their level at the enterprise in financial statements.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Orlenko O. M.
The Perspective Directions of Diversification Activity of the Oil and Fat Sector Enterprises (p. 164 - 169)

The article proves the decisive role of the oil and fat sector for the national economy. The current state of activity of processing enterprises of oil and fat industry allows to state that extensive directions of growth and development are almost exhausted for them, since there is already a tendency to exceed existing production capacities every year compared to available volumes of raw materials for processing. This is a consequence of an increase in the volume of oilseeds exports while at the same time insufficient capacity of production capacities of processing oilseeds enterprises. One of the measures that can partially solve this problem is the use by enterprises of the domestic oil and fat sector of such direction of development as diversification of production. Although it is advisable to note the presence of certain differences in the use of diversification between Ukrainian and foreign enterprises. The use of kinship diversification at oil and fat enterprises is associated with the transition from mono structural forms of technological lines of plants to the universal ones capable of working with various types of raw materials. One of the promising areas of diversification for domestic enterprises of the oil and fat complex is the market of oilseeds processing products, where only several companies currently operate. Also, the priority direction of diversification of the activities of oil processing enterprises can be the production of such a refining product as phosphate concentrate. Significant potential and reserve for the development and expansion of oilseed processing enterprises lies in the intensification of biofuel production, in particular the production of pellets. Also, an additional direction of diversification of activities of enterprises that produce and use pellets for their own needs can be the production of thermal energy, which is aimed not only at providing their own technological needs, but also at providing such services to others. Thus, by diversifying its activities, oil and fat enterprises are able not only to improve their technical and economic performance, but also to intensify and stimulate the further development of enterprises of other related and connected sectors of the national economy, accelerating their modernization and more harmonious integration into the global economic space.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Brahina O. S., Buhenko S. I., Pavlus M. H.
Profitability of the Enterprise and Ways to Increase It (p. 261 - 266)

The object of research of the article is the profit of enterprise and ways to increase it. The scholars’ opinions on the definition of «enterprise profit» were analyzed and the main approaches to its understanding are formed. According to the specified approaches, profit can be figured as follows: a monetary expression of part of the value of an additional product; net income of the entrepreneur from the invested capital; the difference between total income and total expenses; positive financial result of enterprise. According to the study, the definition of the concept of «profit» is formed and the essence of its meaning together with main functions is disclosed. The article discusses the theoretical aspects of increasing the profitability of enterprise, examines the factors of influence. Among the main factors influencing profits can be identified two groups: factors that do not depend on the activities of the enterprise (external); factors within the competence of enterprises (internal). The enterprise’s strategies related to profit are analyzed. The profitability of enterprise is an indicator that directly determines the final result of the activity of any enterprise. Increasing the profitability is one of the main goals of the management of any enterprise. There are many methods of increasing profitability, each enterprise chooses the most advantageous and convenient for itself, some of the methods are discussed in this article. The methodological and informational basis for the study of profitability of enterprise and ways to increase it are special and methodical literature by foreign and domestic authors, statistics of the Ministry of Statistics of Ukraine, periodic and reference literature; accounting, statistical, and operational reporting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kopcha Y. Y.
The Strategic Determinants of Formation of Competitive Advantages of Innovative Development of Enterprise (p. 267 - 273)

The scientific article is aimed at defining and studying the basis of strategic determinants of the formation of competitive advantages of innovative development of enterprise. Using methods of analysis, systematization, generalization and synthesis, the works of domestic and foreign scholars on the peculiarities of ensuring strategic determinants of the formation of competitive advantages of innovative development of enterprise were studied. It is noted that the strategic determinants of innovative development of enterprise are the reasons, factors and conditions that encourage the management of enterprise towards activities, managerial decisions and development of business models that lead to the formation of innovative development strategies implemented through the use of modern innovative, digital, process-oriented and cognitive instruments designed to achieve long-term goals of the enterprise in ensuring competitive advantages. As a result of the research, the structural construction of strategic determinants of innovative development of enterprise in the conditions of achieving competitive advantages is formed and substantiated. The main tendencies of modern aspects of competitive advantages of innovative development of enterprises are identified. The peculiarities of formation of innovative development of competitive advantages of enterprise within terms of strategic determinants are considered. Prospects for further research in this direction are the definition of practical aspects of strategic determinants of the formation of competitive advantages of innovative development of enterprises in a crisis. Deepening the research is directed towards the use of competitive advantages of innovative development by enterprises in the field of management of economic potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. M., Iastremska O. О.
Capitalization of Enterprises: The Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Status and Process of Development (p. 273 - 283)

The article is concerned with disclosing the theoretical and practical aspects of capitalization of enterprises. According to the theoretical aspect, it is determined that capitalization is considered as a phenomenon (a state), process and economic relations. In general, capitalization of enterprises has to be understood as the accumulation of capital. In connection with the tendencies of humanization and socialization along with prevailing in economic relations of the concept of dynamic competencies, the components of capitalization include the capitalization of not only market, but also human capital, intellectual property, ecologization, image, business relations that correspond to the peculiarities of the new economy and are based on the investment activity of enterprises that contribute to the growth of their capital. In the practical aspect, the capitalization of enterprises is researched in relation to the assessment of its condition and development. In the practical aspect, the expediency of using the concept of capitalization as a phenomenon (a state) is proved. Using the method of multidimensional factor analysis, namely the method of the main components, a system of partial indicators of the assessment of the state and development of capitalization of enterprises as a phenomenon is substantiated. The main indicators are chosen by the specific weight of: real investments at the expense of the enterprise’s own funds in the total volume of investments; investments in fixed capital in equity; real investments due to depreciations of the enterprise in the total volume of investments; investments in advertising in terms of the total amount of investments in innovations; capital investments in tangible assets in the total volume of capital investments; investments in computing equipment and software in the total amount of investments in intangible assets; investments for innovations in the total amount of investment; investments for informatization in the total volume of investments; investments in intangible assets in the total value of non-current assets; investments in intangible assets in the total value of assets combined into an integral indicator of capitalization by the additive convolution method. Particular values of the integral indicator of the enterprise for a certain year characterize the state of its capitalization, and values of these indicators for a few years – the process of capitalization development. On the example of 19 enterprises, applying the cluster analysis, the enterprises are grouped into homogeneous groups to compare the results of their capitalization. As a result of the use of the specified methods, a significant impact on its development of new components of capitalization is proved – the capitalization of intellectual property, intangible assets, communications, which should be given the most attention in the process of managing the development of capitalization.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Safonik N. Р., Kovalchuk A. M., Karpenko I. O.
Features of the Formation of an Enterprise’s Economic Potential from the Perspective of its Image in the Conditions of Adjusting to Changes (p. 287 - 293)

The article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of the formation of the economic potential of enterprise from the perspective of its image in the conditions of adjusting to changes. The article defines that the economic potential of enterprise serves as a basis for making strategic managerial decisions and determines the level of its economic capabilities. Among the structural components of the economic potential of enterprises are highlighted the following: financial, personnel, productive, innovative, investment, informational, managerial, marketing, and infrastructure. It is substantiated that an important role in the process of forming economic potential is played by the image of enterprise, which can be defined as a positive appearance, presenting its competitive advantage and based on the peculiarities of the enterprise’s activities, positive qualities and patterns, formed on the basis of a combination of internal labor relations and the reputation among consumers and partners. The factors of influence on the image components of the enterprise’s potential from the point of view of the main subjects are analyzed. Methodical approaches to quantitative assessment of the enterprise’s image are defined. An indirect assessment of the image of PJSC «UkrNDIAT» is carried out. It is determined that strategic management of the economic potential of development of entrepreneurial entities and the formation of a positive image are important components in achieving an entrepreneurial success. On the basis of the conducted research, ways to improve the level of image of enterprises are outlined, including the following: continuous improvement of the level of competence of employees; application of the best achievements of scientific and technological progress; development of marketing projects taking into account contemporary socio-political realities (environmental, social orientation, charity, etc.). Prospect for further research in this direction is assessment of the investment and innovation potential as one of the structural components of the economic potential of enterprise in the context of modern digitalization tendencies of development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalynovskyi A. O., Kalynovska N. L., Kalynovska O. R., Luchyt L. V.
The Problems and Prospects of Improving the Economic Efficiency of Aviation Equipment Maintenance (p. 294 - 301)

The article is aimed at studying the problems and prospects for increasing the economic efficiency of maintenance of aviation equipment. The article defines that all parties involved in the process of production and operation of aviation equipment have both the same goals and multidirectional goals. The purpose of interaction of all stakeholders is to create an optimal program of maintenance, repair and renewal of aviation equipment. The cost-effectiveness of activities of airlines can be additionally increased by means of a flexible approach based on MSG-3 logic. Thus, aviation equipment will be idle for less time due to maintenance, as well as the cost of such maintenance will be reduced. Collecting and processing information about both a particular aircraft and a family of the same aircraft models as a whole allows to determine safe intervals for maintenance, repair and renewal without reducing the security indicators. The transition to the MSG-3 logic-based maintenance, repair and renewal program reduces the number of maintenance, repair and renewal works and, accordingly, labor costs, as well as expands the intervals of maintenance, repair and renewal, and increase the economic efficiency of both repair enterprises and airlines. Safe operation of aviation equipment is possible subject to the collection and processing of a huge amount of information from all onboard systems of the aircraft. Such information flow requires the costs for its collection and processing. However, the economic effect of maintenance, repair and renewal of aviation equipment according to the flexible methodology will bring additional advantages and opportunities to operating organizations. At this, the indicators of reliability and workableness of aviation equipment will remain at the proper level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Usherenko S. V., Kharchenko Y. Y.
Applying the Market Multipliers to Valuate the Unprofitable Corporate Enterprises (p. 302 - 308)

A topical problem and a sought-after task is the assessment of value of the enterprise’s business and a value-oriented management of this business, which is of particular importance for diagnosing the financial condition of unprofitable enterprises, in particular debtor enterprises, at the stage of their financial sanitation and restoration of solvency. The relevance of application for unprofitable corporate enterprises of a common methodology for assessing the value of business with the help of a system of market multipliers is analyzed, which is then classified into groups, including the following: 1) earnings multipliers: «share price/earnings per share» (P/E), «price/sales – P/S», «value of business/sales» (EV/S), «value of business/profit from operating activities» (EV/Sales margin, valuates the enterprise according to the profitability of its core operations), and EV/EBITDA (estimation of the company’s total profit by all types of activities); 2) balance financial indicators: «value of business/balance value of assets» (EV/BV), «shares price/balance value of share capital» or «share price/balance value of net assets» (P/BV or P/BVE), «value of business/cost of buildings, machines and equipment on the balance sheet», or «value of business/value of non-current assets» (enterprise value/property, plant and equipment – EV/PP&E); «share price/net asset substitution value» (multiplier Q, or Tobin’s Q), «share price/net asset value», or P/NAV); 3) natural multipliers: price/volume of production, price/winning, etc. It is determined that each group of financial multipliers has advantages and disadvantages of its relevance to informativeness, and this must be taken into account when choosing multipliers for value assessment. The correctness of the choice of multipliers depends on the task of assessing the value of the share capital or the value of the business of enterprise in general. It is argued that the assessment of any enterprise or group of enterprises is a separate specific case that requires taking into account the key features of the enterprise activities. Taking into account such features, the correct choice of the multiplier and its modification is the key to obtaining a relevant assessment of the value of the enterprise. It is recommended to use a system from several multipliers for a relevant valuation of the enterprise, as well as apply several approaches to such a valuation. In case of valuation of the enterprise that is in the process of bankruptcy or systematically receives losses, the use of EV/S and EV/BV multipliers appears the most correct. To test the carried out theoretical-methodological analysis of the application of the market multipliers to valuate unprofitable enterprises, their application to valuate five unprofitable Ukrainian mines is presented, which serves as a verification of the recommendations developed in the work.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Spytska K. V., Grynko T. V., Hviniashvili T. Z.
Formation of the Competitive Strategy of an Enterprise Based on the Customer-Oriented Approach (p. 309 - 314)

Issues related to customer-oriented strategy are of particular importance, as its development and implementation determines the conditions that meet the needs of consumers with the level and quality of service, as well as economic and social growth of the company as a whole. The article identifies the main provisions and the conception of modern customer-oriented approach of the organization, in which the system-forming factor is the process of interaction between consumer and producer, which will ensure the dominant development of service activities. Thus, research of customer orientation and its estimation characterizes actual aspects: quality of service, loyalty of consumers, and strategic priorities of competitiveness of the enterprises. The presence of any developed component of the company’s customer orientation (service, product quality, customer orientation) does not guarantee the company’s success, as a comprehensive approach is needed. This approach can be implemented by developing a project to increase the company’s customer focus, as the whole problem is fully covered. The foreign and domestic scientists and economists, who paid attention to the issue of customer-oriented management at the enterprise, among them: P. Gamble, M. Stone, N. Woodcock, P. Brown, F. Kotler, I. Mann, A. Rumyantseva, N. Ryabokon, A. Proncheva, A. Panfilov, M. Yakimenko and others, also characterized different approaches to determining customer orientation. They explored general issues such as the impact of customer focus on the competitive advantages of the organization, the concept of customer focus of the enterprise and the problems of its evaluation. The purpose of the article is the development of practical recommendations for the formation of competitive strategy of the enterprise taking into account the peculiarities of modern customer-oriented policy.

Article is written in English

Chernukha T. S., Hovorovska A. V.
Development Prospects and Benefits of Production of Goods with the Geographical Indication “Melitopol Cherry” (p. 315 - 321)

It is determined under the conditions of modern development of the world economy there is a steady growth of international trade in goods and services that contain an innovative component and are protected by intellectual property rights. It is argued that this ensures the growth of exports of countries with developed market economies and forms a significant component of the national economies of their countries. The main purpose of this article is to study theoretical and practical aspects of functioning of the world intellectual property market. The main trends and features of development of the market for goods with a geographical indication are analyzed. It is noted that nowadays agricultural products of regional origin, which are in high demand due to their unique and original features, are becoming especially relevant. The growth of significance of certified local products and its influence on business development is determined. The main stages of regional branding of local traditional products are characterized and a mechanism for increasing Ukraine’s competitive position on the world market is proposed. The study analyzed the dynamics of indicators related to the use of industrial property in Ukraine, including geographical indications. As a result of the research the importance of economic functions of intellectual property is substantiated and it is proved that the use of its objects is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of an individual enterprise, organization and the State as a whole. The main focus is on the prospects for development and benefits of production of goods with the geographical indication “Melitopol cherry”. It is established that the wide use of means of individualization promotes creation of a healthy competitive environment in the conditions of market economy development. The advantages of using the geographical indication “Melitopol cherry” for Ukrainian producers are determined.

Article is written in English


Pashkevych M. S., Li Guannan
A Theoretical Substantiation of the Enterprises’ Participation Models in Achieving Global Sustainable Development Goals (p. 184 - 190)

The article is concerned with the relevant issue both for Ukraine and the world of achieving global sustainable development goals based on the participation of enterprises (businesses) in ecological conservation processes and improving social well-being against the background of economic growth. The article is aimed at presenting the results of a study of the theoretical substantiation of models of the enterprise’s participation in achieving the global goals of sustainable development. Based on the use of general scientific research methods, it was logically substantiated that under the participation of enterprise in achieving the global goals of sustainable development, it is necessary to understand the alienation of assets or the acceptance of obligations to implement projects that correspond to sustainable development in the internal and external environment. On this basis, it is proposed to distinguish between four models of enterprise participation in processes aimed at achieving global sustainable development goals: «Outsider», «Activist», «Contributor», «Active Contributor». These models are based on two important characteristics: the presence or absence of internal transformation processes in favor of sustainable development at the enterprise, as well as the presence or absence of projects for financing transformations in favor of sustainable development in the external environment. The substantiation of the company’s behavior models in terms of the implementation of the global sustainable development goals allowed to propose an interpretation of the sustainable development of the enterprise in terms of its participation in these processes. In the logical course of the study, the types of sustainable development of enterprise are substantiated as follows: «driver», «supporter», «integrator». It is proved that these types should be determined on the basis of the ratio of the enterprise’s participation in sustainable development due to its activity in transformation processes in the internal and external environment. An analysis of the compliance of four models of enterprise participation in the implementation of the global sustainable development goals with three types of sustainable development of the enterprise is accomplished. Further research will concern the effectiveness of a particular model of enterprise participation in sustainable development from the point of view of different stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko-Kulchytska K. I., Spiridonova K. O., Kakhovska O. V.
Problems and Ways to Increase the Efficiency of Inventory Management of a Trading Company (p. 191 - 201)

The article defines the economic essence of stocks from the point of view of domestic and foreign scholers, as well as in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. It is specified that the main form of sale of inventory are independent wholesale and retail trade enterprises. The detailed classification of stocks, which is necessary to track the dynamics of consumer demand and planning rational volumes of purchase of products, which is important for ensuring uninterrupted sale, is considered. The main models and systems of inventory management are analyzed, such as the system with the established volume or size of the order, the system with a certain frequency of the order, the model of the optimal size of the Harris – Wilson order. The main tasks of inventory management at the enterprise are determined as follows: minimization of warehouse costs for storage of goods by accelerating the turnover of inventory; ensuring the optimal number of goods that can be sold in the near future and will bring profit. Thus, it was clarified that the main purpose of inventory management is to form and maintain their value at a level that allows for uninterrupted trade in each product at minimal cost. The process of choosing the optimal level of stocks is considered. An ABC- and XYZ-analysis based on commodity stocks of LLC «RUSH» is carried out. Recommendations for the management of different groups of goods are elaborated. It is defined that it is extremely important for any trading network to find the optimal combination between the costs and benefits of the selected level of inventories in order to determine what value of stocks for each product group or even a goods item is sufficient, as well as to choose the correct inventory management model for each category of goods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrenko O. I., Korniiko Y. R., Lushchik K. M.
The Current Approaches to Substantiation of Criteria for Evaluation and Selection of Suppliers (p. 201 - 209)

The article is aimed at studying the current approaches to substantiating the criteria for evaluating and selecting suppliers. The study of theoretical and practical aspects allowed to distinguish modern methods of selecting suppliers in the field of procurement logistics. It is identified that there are a number of basic and additional methods for evaluating suppliers. Almost every method can be used in combination with others. In addition, modern information technologies make it possible to optimize and rationalize the evaluation process. Despite the fact that today most companies are actively working in search of directions for optimizing the work of procurement logistics, only few of them managed to fully realize the potential of at least one of the areas of procurement optimization. At the same time, after analyzing their experience, it is possible to determine what skills and methods of work are necessary for the comprehensive optimization of procurement. The authors propose an improved algorithm for evaluating suppliers, which provides for the use of existing methods of evaluation of work and the most common criteria for the selection of suppliers, taking into account the integral assessment and distribution of indicators according to additional criteria for reliability groups in order to improve the procurement logistics system of enterprises. The basis of this algorithm was the conduct of an extended assessment on additional criteria, such as: the level of supply organization, the level of loyalty of the supplier, the level of perspectivity, while the integral indicator should provide for the inclusion of coefficients of relative significance of additional evaluations by independent experts and the criteria themselves.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stepanova O. V.
The Methodical Approach to Determining Transaction Costs at the Micro Level (p. 280 - 286)

The article is aimed at developing scientific and methodological recommendations for quantitative assessment of transaction costs at the enterprise. Achieving this aim requires solving the following tasks: analysis of the theoretical foundations of transaction costs; analysis of the components of transaction costs and their classification; analysis of methods for measuring transaction costs; practical implementation of the proposed scientific and methodological recommendations. The methodical approach to the assessment of transaction costs proposed by the author includes three stages. The purpose of the first stage is to plan a complex of works that precede the conclusion of a contract and the contract itself, along with its support. It is proposed to use grid (network) methods of planning and management with the involvement of a group of experts to determine the list of works, their sequence and labor complexity. The content of the second stage is to calculate the cost elements in order to draw up an estimate of transaction costs associated with the list of works performed at the first stage. The third stage is related to the calculation of cost elements in order to compose the estimate of transaction costs associated with the support of the contract. Based on the existing methods of calculating costs at the enterprise (calculation of the cost of production, estimate of production costs), an estimate of transaction costs is proposed and an example of their calculation is presented. This allows to plan, calculate, control and analyze transaction costs at all stages of contracting together with their support. The problem of transaction costs requires further research in the direction of their separation, classification, analytical and synthetic accounting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kubetska O. M., Ostapenko T. M., Zaichenko R. A.
Increasing Profits in Order to Ensure Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 287 - 293)

The article considers the role of profit, which is a key direction of activity of any commercial organization. The purpose of the article is to generalize practical recommendations for improving the profitability of enterprise (through optimization and/or minimization of material, labor costs associated with the manufacturing of products, sales and management costs; improving the quality of products; the chosen cost control system; marketing policy, pricing policy, etc.). The tactical reserves of increasing the profits of enterprise (including: increase in production and sales of products; reduction of production costs; structural changes in the range and nomenclature of manufactured and sold works, services and products) controlled by managers of the highest and middle levels of a particular enterprise, and strategic reserves for increasing the profit of enterprise (access to new markets of goods; increasing profits for the sale of a unit of production; increasing the increase in the profits of a particular enterprise; increasing the quality of products) are examined. Traditional methods of improving the quality of enterprise products are generalized (improvement of production technology; use of high-quality raw materials and the materials in the course of manufacturing products; advanced training of production workers). The most common directions of increasing the profitability of enterprise, which are traditionally involved at enterprises and allow to increase the economic profitability of sales, are considered. It is indicated that the choice of directions should be preceded by comparing them with each other, assessing the probability of profit growth and risk level. The content of application and possible variations in the use of directions (methods, reserves) of increasing the economic efficiency of enterprises are considered. The authors research the directions (methods, reserves), capable of having the most significant impact on the formation of the company’s profits, thereby ensuring its economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Burennikova N. V.
Enterprise Economics: The Updated Approaches to Benchmarking in the Context of Performance Modeling and Multidimensional Ranking (p. 79 - 86)

The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical foundations of benchmarking and substantiating applied aspects regarding the feasibility of its use in the activities of enterprises in order to make and implement managerial decisions to increase the competitiveness and effectiveness of the functioning and development of enterprises as systems. The article emphasizes that the main issue of benchmarking is to clarify the factors of more successful and effective activities of some enterprises compared to others. In this context, it is substantiated that the approach proposed in the article is conceptual in terms of the enterprise’s desire to better and improve the effectuality of its functioning and development. Decisive in the use of a certain method is the choice of a number of indicators that characterize the objects and processes allocated when using benchmarking. As such indicators are used the author’s own indicators from the models of the components of the effectiveness of process, characterizing any process both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. Scientific novelty is the disclosure of the author’s updated methodology for the application of benchmarking on the basis of the results of the studied effectiveness of the processes of functioning of enterprises using the models of components of effectiveness with the above articulated purpose with the implementation of multidimensional ranking and the detection on its basis of a leading enterprise to enable constructive comparative analysis. It is proved that in an unstable external competitive environment, the need to develop vectors of strategic orientation of the enterprise for the best results with the help of the so-called «etalons», such as leading enterprises, are allocated by means of multidimensional ranking. Comparative analysis can facilitate the adaptation of the effectiveness of performance of individual enterprises to best practices.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Burennikova N. V., Kozlov L. G., Burennikov Y. A., Zavgorodniy I. V.
Theoretical Foundations of the Effectiveness of Technology Transfer: Essence, Evaluation, Management (p. 162 - 170)

The purpose of the article is to highlight the updated theoretical approaches to the essence, significance and evaluation of the effectiveness of the technology transfer process (taking into account such a stage of transfer as construction-technological support of the processes of production of new equipment for industrial enterprises) within the terms of the chosen management model (in particular, the authors’ SEE-management) for further development of recommendations for their practical application in the context of innovative development of industrial enterprises. The scientific novelty of the article is the delineation of the latest approaches to the application of models of effectiveness components with relevant indicators therein for determining, measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the process of technology transfer of industrial enterprises in the context of process, system, and holistic approaches with an emphasis on the possibility of using these models as proven positive experience over more than 25 years. It is proved that as a useful tool for SEE-management of the effectiveness of the technology transfer process can serve the authors’ performance matrix for visualizing possible adjustments to the indices of its components. It is emphasized that the results of calculations based on specific data of industrial enterprises according to the models of the components of the effectiveness of the technology transfer process can be taken as a basis for making a managerial decision on the feasibility of implementing a certain scientific development. It is specified that the use of a system of indicators in models of effectiveness components for the process of technology transfer opens the possibility to implement in practice an integrated approach to the analytical, predictive, and other components of management (in particular, SEE-management) of technology transfer, starting with making a decision on the feasibility of transfer and ending with evaluating its effectiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hnatkivskyi B. M.
Properties of the Economic Potential of Business Entities in the Paradigm of the Investment and Innovation Model of Development (p. 171 - 176)

The article examines the properties of the economic potential of business entities in the paradigm of investment model of development. The following main properties of economic potential are allocated: integrity; complexity; interchangeability and alternativeness of its components; relationships and interactions of the elements of the potential; ability of the potential to perceive elements of the latest and innovative accomplishments and achievements of scientific-technological progress; flexibility; class character; powerfulness. Characteristic features of the development of the potential of enterprises as economic systems are the following: the complexity of the task and the need for their study as an integral combination of different aspects; complexity of tasks to be solved; increasing the number of relationships between different individual objects; changing dynamic situation; deficit of resources; improving the level of standardization and automation of individual elements of the production and management system and the corresponding processes in them; globalization in a competitive environment, production, cooperation; strengthening the roles of managerial factors, etc. It is noted that the existing potential of an enterprise can be used with different levels of efficiency. This is confirmed by practical calculations, when an enterprise with high potential has low profitability, while an enterprise with a low, but effectively used out potential, is provided with fairly high performance. It is determined that if the company does not fully use its potential, the growth of investment resources will not increase its efficiency. It is emphasized that at the same time the economic potential involves the realization of potential opportunities, expressed in the achievement of economic effect. The economic potential of economic entity is an integrated assessment of the potential opportunities inherent in the resource potential, and their implementation to achieve economic effect. It is underlined that the economic potential of enterprise is characterized by both the availability of resources and efficiency of their use, as some organizations with the same potential differ in efficiency, and consequently – economic potential is higher in the enterprise that uses its capabilities more efficiently. Improving the level of competitiveness of enterprises, overcoming the negative consequences and situations in the current economic development, can not be determined without assessing the real potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kubetska O. M., Ostapenko T. M., Paleshko Y. S.
Management of Current Assets of Enterprise under Special Conditions (p. 159 - 165)

The article discusses the role of current assets in ensuring the normal (efficient) operation of enterprise. The objectives of the article are: studying the theoretical foundations of the assessment of current assets and searching for relevant ways to improve the efficiency of the use of current assets as factors influencing the state of the enterprise, as well as the creation for managers of numerous economic entities of an information platform for making managerial decisions on the formation and use of current assets of enterprises during the wartime. The article generalizes the likely variants for the formation of the initial value of current assets (stocks) upon receipt. Methods for assessing current assets upon disposal are considered. Indicators for assessing the efficiency of the use of current assets are systematized, including: the ratio of current assets turnover; coefficient of consolidation of current assets; the duration of one turnover of current assets; return on current assets. In special conditions (conditions of wartime), business entities are recommended to use ways to increase the efficiency of the use of current assets in the following stages: formation of current assets and their use (according to the stages of the cycle). At the stage of procurement of current assets – by improving the organization of the supply of assets; at the stage of production of current assets – applying the reuse of production waste, improving product quality, reducing the duration of the technological (production) process, reducing the cost of fuels and lubricants (FLM) and other stocks; at the stage of product sales – the introduction of sanctions or deprivation of privileges for rejection / violation of agreements / contractual conditions for the supply and payment of inventory (inventories), the formation of sources of financing of current assets (own and attracted), a rational choice of payment terms for current assets. The main instrument for managing the efficiency of current assets of modern business entities is proposed to be considered marketplaces that solve the problem of accelerating the asset turnover. The article considers the types of marketplaces, the main parameters of marketplaces: the structure of marketplaces and their functionality.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasiutkina N. V., Smirnova A. S.
Formation of Strategic Guidelines for Ensuring the Economic Security of Enterprise as a Means of Increasing Competitiveness (p. 53 - 59)

The purpose of the study is to form strategic guidelines that will serve as the basis for maintaining the economic security of the enterprise in order to increase its competitiveness. The relation between the concepts of «economic security» and «competitiveness» is considered and summarized. It is substantiated that competitiveness are in close connection with economic security: an improve in economic security leads to increase in competitiveness. The views of researchers on the factors of the external and internal environment that affect the economic security of business entity are systematized. As result of the study, the views of various scholars were analyzed, identifying the factors that, according to the authors, have the greatest impact on the economic security of the enterprise. The importance of determining the factors is substantiated, because of their influence on the difficulties with the analysis and forecasting of activities, as well as the implementation of strategic management of the economic security of the enterprise. It is determined that efficient management in any field of activity can be carried out only under the condition of the formation of an integrated system of such management, designed to solve the main tasks. Therefore, a necessary condition for ensuring the viability of enterprises in a market economy is a successful set of strategic guidelines in the management of the economic security system, which prevents the destructive impact of changes in the factors of both the internal and the external environment of enterprise. The key strategic guidelines for building the system of economic security of enterprise are identified. The stages of development of diagnostics of the state of economic security of an economic entity are formed. Prospects for further research in this direction is to build a system of strategic management of economic security as a means of improving the competitiveness of the enterprise’s activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panchenko V. A.
Management of Economic Sustainability of Logistics Enterprises (p. 60 - 66)

The conceptual provisions of the importance of establishing management of economic sustainability of logistics enterprises are substantiated. The sequence of formation of a set of strategic priorities of the logistics enterprise to strengthen economic sustainability in a competitive environment is defined, providing for: conducting and generalizing the results of internal analysis of the state and dynamics of enterprise development, also the analysis of factors of the external competitive environment; formation of conceptual principles of the strategy for ensuring economic sustainability; development of strategic goals of the economic sustainability management system; development and implementation of tactical measures to strengthen economic sustainability. The characterizations of the main elements of the strategy for managing the economic sustainability of logistics enterprises are presented, i. e.: purpose; principles, goals, measures, subjects. It is determined that the main goal of managing the economic sustainability of logistics enterprises is to create conditions for safe functioning, with proper indicators of effectiveness and of the sustainable development ensured. Because its achieving depends on the ability to adhere to the principles of consistency, flexibility, continuity, complexity, balance, multivariateness, adaptation to changes in the external competitive environment. The main goals of managing the economic sustainability of logistics enterprises are associated with an increase in the provision of logistics services, ensuring an acceptable level of economic sustainability reserve, forming an insurance and reserve fund, implementing investments, and strengthening innovation. It is proposed to include in the measures of the economic sustainability management system of logistics enterprises the following: improving the quality and increasing the level of competitiveness of logistics services; continuous planning and monitoring of financial results; continuous planning and monitoring of economic sustainability indicators; planning, projecting, and gradual replacing of economic capacities; initiating the practice of cooperation with educational and research institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Budarin O. S.
The Features of Assessment of the Efficiency of Industrial Enterprises in the Current Conditions (p. 126 - 131)

The article sets out the substantiations and practical recommendations for assessing the efficiency of industrial enterprises. On the example of assessing the efficiency of business entities of the public sector of the economy by type of economic activity in 2021, which is recommended to be calculated on the basis of applying the mathematical method of constructing an integral taxonomic indicator of development, and evaluating the efficiency of business entities of the public sector of the economy in the regional context, the advantages of its implementation technology have been justified. It is noted that in areas where there is a low level of efficiency of business entities in the public sector of the economy, it is necessary to develop programs that would systematically solve the problems of efficiency and its management. To develop these programs, the necessary step is to improve the information support for assessing the efficiency of business entities in the public sector of the economy on the basis of filling a single database of electronic reporting of business entities of the public sector of the economy and summarizing, consolidating relevant reports in accordance with the Procedure for submitting reports and information on fiscal risks to the Ministry of Economy. The assessment is recommended to be methodically implemented according to the following logic of the stages: 1) the formation of information support for the assessment in the form of a system of indicators, which has an official accounting basis; 2) selection of an analytical method for developing an integral indicator; 3) comparison of the achieved levels of values with the planned or regulatory, or reference ones for determining reserves and diagnosing critical situations; 4) determination of the influence of factors of the external and internal environment; 5) development of management measures to ensure the efficiency of activities. This logic of assessment has a scientific basis and is distinguished by objectivity and reliability.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khavrova K. S., Vashchuk Y. A.
Ways to Increase the Efficiency of IT Enterprise Management with the Help of Business Digitalization in the Conditions of Martial Law (p. 214 - 220)

In conditions of economic instability and during martial law, the choice of the right strategy for the development of enterprises plays a huge role in strengthening the company's position on the market. For enterprises in the field of telecommunications, it is important to choose a development path that corresponds modern trends in business digitalization. The purpose of the study was to substantiate the need for business digitalization as a way of increasing the IT enterprise management efficiency in the conditions of martial law. The article examines the ways of improving such management efficiency. Different approaches to defining the concept of "efficiency" are systematized, namely: functional (selective) approach; system approach; targeted approach; process-oriented approach. It is proposed to consider the management efficiency under the concept of quality of the organization of the management process through the coordination of the actions of management personnel to other personnel of the enterprise in order to obtain certain results, which allows you to clearly determine what caused the current state of the enterprise: a wrong strategy (caused by the fact that the goals were formulated incorrectly) or a non-rational use of resources. The main factors affecting the efficiency of the enterprise are analyzed. A characterization of the process of digitalization of the business of telecommunications enterprises is given. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the main ways and measures to increase the efficiency of the telecommunications enterprises activities in the state caused by military actions on the territory of Ukraine were considered. Prospects for further research in this direction are the formation of a road map for enterprises in the field of telecommunication services regarding the implementation of digitalization measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of operations in crisis market conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalyniuk V. Y.
The Current Scientific Approaches to Defining the Essence of the Concept of «Economic Security of Enterprise» (p. 221 - 228)

The article examines topical issues of formation of economic security of enterprises in the current economic context, which is characterized by a dynamically changing environment and an increase in the number and quality of threats. The implementation of stable activities requires strengthening of measures to ensure the economic security of enterprises in the strategic and tactical horizons to increase the competitiveness. A critical analysis of the exitant approaches to the definition of «economic security» using the system approach is carried out and the following types of approaches are identified: process (or activity); static (security as a state); integral (combining static and activity approaches); system (security as a system). It is proved that, depending on the stage of economic development, available productive forces and production relations, a certain sufficient level of economic security of enterprises, along with its sustainability and competitiveness in selected markets, is formed. Implementing a balanced effective management makes it possible to monitor the impact of negative factors on the enterprise’s activities, to develop preventive measures to eliminate and obviate their impact on economic security, and to ensure manageability of achieving the goals. The carried out study generalizes the characteristics of «economic security of enterprise». Its formation should be divided into short- and long-term perspectives, since economic security is an important component to fully provide the activities of an enterprise and optimize the use of available resources, and is the basis for ensuring future-oriented economic stability.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Burennikova N. V., Yarmolenko V. О., Burennikov Y. Y., Shuberanskyi V. Е.
Theoretical Foundations of the Performance of Industrial Enterprises with Consideration of Potential: The Essence, Meaning, Indicators, Approaches to Management (p. 174 - 182)

The purpose of the article is to update the theoretical and methodological issues regarding the performance of industrial enterprises, taking into consideration their potentials, and to highlight some aspects of improving this performance with the proposed approach to its total assessment, as well as the potentials of enterprises with the help of certain indicators for their effective management with the formulation of appropriate definitions. The disclosure of the essence of the performance of enterprises on the basis of the updated paradigm through the prism of potentials, as well as the identification of suitable approaches to the evaluation of this performance on the basis of its components (which constitutes the scientific novelty of the presented publication), is subordinated to the general logic and structure of the material presented in it. The relevance of questions regarding the performance of various processes (economic, social, environmental, etc.) that take place in enterprises and the potential of which allows to re-explain, evaluate, measure, predict individual parameters of the dynamics of functioning and development of enterprises as complex, purposeful systems, is pointed out. Also pointed out is the appropriateness of approaches to calculating the indicators of the components of performance of activity/process with the use of the potential of enterprises in the context of the paradigm of «knowledge – measurement – evaluation – management» of performance. To assess the management situation regarding the performance of the activity/process, taking into consideration the potential and to determine the effectiveness of management, a model for assessing the components of performance is proposed, taking into account the potential, which is based on the values of changes in the relevant indicators. The algorithm that can be a guiding means for management specialists (experts) during performance management, considering the identified potentials and indicating the role of SEE-management, is outlined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovbatiuk M. V., Shkliar V. V.
Interrelation and Differences Between the Categories of «Complex Monitoring» and «Strategic Analysis» in the System of Enterprise Management (p. 182 - 191)

The enterprise management system falls under dynamic fluctuations, accompanied by internal and external information surfeit and requiring the organization and implementation of high-quality analytical support for the management process. In this regard, the role and understanding of the essence of analytical tools, which will increase adaptability to the surrounding changes, is strengthened. Studies of the economic literature have made it possible to single out monitoring and strategic analysis among the most used analytical tools. The article conducts a detailed analysis of the essence of the concept of «monitoring» and determined that most scholars use it to replace the concept of «analysis». However, monitoring is a broader concept that combines various directions of analysis: production and economic, financial, investment, technical, technological, social, innovative, environmental, etc. and acts as its complex manifestation. Therefore, it is more expedient to use the concept of «complex monitoring», which is a more thorough and multi-vector analytical study that takes into account the results of various activities of the enterprise, which are formed under the influence of internal and external factors and serves as a basis for determining the directions of further functioning and development of the enterprise, including constituting the basis for strategic analysis. Complex monitoring essentially includes an analysis of the company’s activities over the past and current years, that is, it performs the tasks of retrospective and current analysis, which is the main difference from strategic analysis, which involves conducting analytical research for the future to develop a strategic plan and determine the development strategy of the enterprise. Despite the matter that the studied categories of «complex monitoring» and «strategic analysis» are not identical, they have a close relationship, since it is impossible to form a strategic plan for the development of an enterprise without the basis of complex monitoring, which ensures the effective implementation of strategic analysis and the correct formulation of its elements. Complex monitoring and strategic analysis occupy an important place in the management system, since they solve one of its main tasks – the qualitative formation of a strategic plan and a development strategy of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oliinyk T. I., Zahynailo V. A., Buriak M. V.
Changes in Development Strategies of the Enterprises in Ukraine and the Methodology of Their Formation in Wartime Conditions (p. 191 - 196)

The purpose of the article is to define the changes that are currently taking place in the strategies of domestic enterprises in a full-scale warfare, to determine the methodology for forming new strategies of Ukrainian enterprises, as well as to find ways to establish the activities of Ukrainian business in a crisis situation. The article analyzes the problems of changing the strategies of Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of wartime. The factors that most significantly affect doing business in the conditions of russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine are substantiated. The priority tasks faced by domestic enterprises in modern economic conditions have been determined. The priority directions of supporting the economy of our State in the conditions of warfare are considered. The main factors hindering the restoration of the full functioning of enterprises in Ukraine are presented. The principles on which an enterprise can build effective digital marketing during the wartime are revealed. The advantages of the transition of domestic business to online markets are highlighted. The tools on which the methodology used while changing the strategies of domestic enterprises in the conditions of a full-scale war should be based are determined. The stages of the process of changing the strategy of Ukrainian enterprises and the interrelations between them are considered in detail. The conclusions of the article describe the directions in which there should be changes in the strategies of Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of a full-scale war. Prospects for further research relate to the development of the latest efficient methods of rapid formation of enterprise strategies and the search for strategic alternatives in conditions of uncertainty and a changing external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Skitsko V. I., Voinikov M. Y.
The Aspects of Improving the Supply Chain Competitiveness in the Context of Digital Transformations of the Economy (p. 81 - 89)

The article considers the issue of competitiveness of supply chains in the context of digital transformations and constant economic changes. The interpretation of the concept of competitiveness may differ depending on the object under study, therefore, in addition to the general definition of the concept of «competitiveness», an analysis of the concept of competitiveness of supply chains and competitiveness of the supply chain link in the contemporary literature is carried out and an own generalized definition of the concept is presented. Methods for determining the level of competitiveness used to assess the level of competitiveness of a product or enterprise are not always applicable to supply chains because of the specifics of their operation. The publication presents possible qualitative and quantitative methods for determining the level of competitiveness, such as: points method, rank method, integral assessment method, SWOT-analysis, heuristic methods, and others. Some of the methods, including the points method and SWOT analysis, have been adapted for supply chains and demonstrated in practical application using conditional examples for visibility. The characteristics influencing the competitiveness of the supply chain, in particular flexibility, reliability, efficiency, integration, have been allocated. Possible ways to improve these characteristics are provided. It is determined that improving the level of competitiveness of an individual link in the supply chain leads to an improvement in the level of competitiveness of the entire supply chain, and while improving the level of competitiveness of several links in the supply chain, a synergy effect can be observed in the context of competitiveness. In terms of competitiveness of the supply chain, it is appropriate to take into account the specifics of the functioning of the participant in the supply chain, its business processes, the number of incoming and outgoing material flows and flows of information. The article analyzes the last link in the supply chain – the last-mile logistics in e-commerce, which is gaining momentum in Ukraine, owing not least to the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale russian invasion in 2022. Ways to improve the level of competitiveness of the last link in the supply chain on the example of e-commerce are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shumilo O. S., Kurochka A. S.
The Methods for Analyzing the Liquidity and Solvency of Enterprise (p. 105 - 111)

Stable and efficient functioning of the enterprise and its development in the current transformational economic conditions is provided by liquidity and solvency, which require constant analyzing in the indicated economic conditions. The article analyzes the definitions of scholars regarding the essence of the concepts of «liquidity» and «solvency» of enterprise. It is determined that in the scientific literature there are no uniform universal definitions of these categories. It is also noted that these concepts are different in meaning, but interrelated. The following types of solvency are considered: current (short-term), which characterizes the current state of settlements at the enterprise on the basis of financial flows and provides coverage of current liabilities of the enterprise; prospective solvency, which analyzes the ability of the enterprise in the medium and long term to pay its obligations on time. It is specified that the essence of liquidity is disclosed in accordance with its functions, among which are the following: mobility, stability, attractiveness, control, and regulatory. It is also noted that in the scientific literature there is no general methodology for assessing liquidity and solvency. The article allocates the most popular methodical approaches to evaluating and studying these concepts in order to highlight problems and advantages in practical application. Taking into account the theoretical aspects of the assessment process, the following elements are allocated: object, subject, purpose of assessment, evaluation criteria, information base, methods, and assessment result. Among the methods for assessing the liquidity and solvency of an enterprise, the most commonly used are: coefficient method, which is based on the calculation of relative liquidity indicators; method with the inclusion in the analysis process, along with relative indicators, of the absolute indicator of current assets or an indicator of the amount of capital of the enterprise; solvency assessment method in accordance with the compiled payment calendar, which shows cash inflows in accordance with the sources of their formation, as well as reflects term liabilities for a certain time; method of analyzing balance liquidity, which consists in comparing assets that are grouped by degree of their liquidity and placed in descending order of liquidity, with liabilities on the credit side, which are grouped by maturity and placed in ascending order of these terms; method of analyzing the solvency and liquidity of the enterprise, including together external and internal analysis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Levandovska O. M.
Improving the Analysis of the Enterprise Activities: The Assessment of Seasonal Fluctuations (p. 111 - 116)

Analysis of the enterprise activities allows to determine the peculiarities of the activities of a particular economic entity in accordance with the external and internal factors of its activities. Therefore, knowledge of methods for determining and measuring seasonal fluctuations, methods for forecasting demand and ways to solve problems related to seasonal dependence are very important. It is found that the activities of manufacturing enterprises, namely, enterprises for the production of building materials, have certain features. A consideration of the activities of a private enterprise in the current economic conditions prompted to carry out a study in terms of assessing the influence of structural factors on exports of products. It is proved that enterprises engaged in export activities with ceramic tiles are exposed to the influence of seasonal factors. The presence of dynamic fluctuations in demand requires enterprises to have knowledge and skills to use scientific methods for analyzing seasonality. Different approaches to the selection of a system of statistical indicators for assessing structural changes in output in dynamics have been noted. The expediency of using the index method, in particular seasonality indices, in order to measure the influence of seasonal fluctuations on the volume of exports of ceramic tiles is justified. The algorithm for estimating seasonal components on the volume of exports of ceramic tiles is determined. The size of export-import operations in the ceramic tile market during 2016–2019 is presented graphically; also presented is the seasonal wave of exports of ceramic tiles by a manufacturing enterprise and a seasonality index. Seasonal fluctuations in exports of ceramic tiles by a manufacturing enterprise were estimated according to monthly data during 2018–2022. The system of indicators based on seasonality indices is computed as follows: amplitude of fluctuations; linear mean and standard deviation to measure the effect of seasonal fluctuations. Some effective methods for improving the analysis of enterprise activity are proposed. The necessity of using the identified tendencies in forecasting the production indicators of enterprise is determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kozlova I. M., Velyka О. Y., Kozlov N. V.
Features of the Strategic Development of Enterprises under Martial Law (p. 134 - 140)

Under martial law, the business sector in Ukraine found itself in a critical situation due to a decrease in production volumes, logistics and supply problems, financial instability, an increase in situations associated with risk and uncertainty, etc. The strategic development of enterprises under martial law creates unique challenges due to restrictions on movement, communication and resources. The purpose of the study is to analyze the key factors and prerequisites for the strategic development of Ukrainian enterprises under martial law and post-war renewal. The article discusses the various challenges that enterprises may face: limited resources, uncertainty and instability, increased regulation, communication problems, security issues and mitigation of negative effects on reputation, and also identifies the main obstacles to business development according to representatives of enterprises of various forms of ownership. The development of enterprises under martial law requires a careful consideration of these and other challenges of our time, as well as a willingness to adapt to changing circumstances and take risks in the face of uncertainty. The article also suggests strategies that businesses can take to meet these challenges, such as developing a clear and flexible strategic plan, supporting core operations, exploring new opportunities for growth and innovation, building strong relationships with stakeholders, complying with regulatory requirements, and prioritizing corporate social responsibility. By implementing these strategies, businesses can meet the challenges of martial law and continue to operate effectively in the marketplace. The strategic development of enterprises under martial law requires a proactive and adaptive approach that focuses on innovation, partnership, compliance with the law, well-established communications and monitoring.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rayevnyeva O. V., Brovko O. I., Zhui Su
A Study of the Influence of Environmental Factors on the Economic Behavior of the Enterprise (p. 193 - 198)

The article is devoted to the study of factors of the external environment that have an impact on the formation of the economic behavior of the enterprise. The formation of the economic behavior of enterprises takes place under the influence of the internal and external environment, focused on entrepreneurial motivation and the provision of a high degree of security and faces "relative" freedom of economic behavior, because enterprises are in a situation of unstable economic development, which arises under the influence of factors with different etymologies of origin. It has been proved that the effective functioning and development of domestic enterprises in modern conditions requires the determination of factors of internal and external economic behavior and compliance with the necessary principles of activity. The purpose of the article is to study various types of factors of the external environment of the business entity and determine their influence on the formation of the economic behavior of the enterprise in conditions of unstable economic development. The article presents several approaches to the division of the external environment of the enterprise and offers a list of factors of the external environment that have an impact on the formation of the economic behavior of the enterprise, among which the following are highlighted: economic, international, market, demographic, technical-technological, geographical and ecological, social and cultural. Determining the influence of environmental factors on the economic behavior of the enterprise will increase the efficiency of decision-making in the conditions of the chosen trajectory of the enterprise's development.

Article is written in English


Panchenko V. A.
System Characteristics, Factors and Threats to the Economic Security of Enterprises (p. 162 - 167)

The article emphasizes the relevance of new research in the field of management of economic security of business entities, in the focus of which the leading role is assigned to the characteristics, factors and threats to the economic security of business. The purpose of the study is to generalize system characteristics, factors and threats to the economic security of enterprises. The internal factors that pose a threat to the economic security of enterprises are identified, namely, the structural deformation of the economy inherited from the period of "active reforms", the low competitiveness of the national economy, caused by the backwardness of the technological base of most industries, high energy and resource intensity, a high level of monopolization of the economy, a high level of inflation and others. The classification of threats to the economic security of enterprises according to such features as the degree of predictability, the lag of threat realization, spheres of life activities, the location of threats in relation to the socioeconomic system, the nature of occurrence, the dominance of the regional or national factor in the formation of threats, the degree of probability of occurrence, the factor of influence on the object. The levels of contradictions of the economic interests of the subjects of market relations are shown. It was established that the main task of the economic security of the enterprise is to prevent without special reasons actions that limit the self-organization and self-regulation of economic development and to promote the predictability of activity by means of diagnosing the most significant phenomena and processes for this. It is pointed out that the conditions of economic activity in Ukraine are fundamentally different from the conditions of more developed economies. In connection with this, in the domestic economy there are a number of factors characteristic only for our country, namely the non-obligation and irresponsibility of economic entities, the absence of real economic law, the dependence of a number of managers on the criminal world, the wide spread of methods of unfair competition and others. Accordingly, it was established that ensuring the economic security of the enterprise should be based on the unity of the goals and methods of the government economic policy, both at the national and regional levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozlovskii A. V.
The Features of Approaches to the Management of Working Capital of Enterprises (p. 168 - 173)

The aim of the article is to systematize and characterize the main scientific approaches to the management of working capital of enterprises. The article analyzes the provisions of scientific research related to the analysis of the indicated problematic area, on the basis of which the main approaches to the management of this category are formulated. The following approaches have been allocated and characterized: an approach to the management of working capital, associated with scaling up activities that ensure cost savings for enterprises – participants in logistics networks for the purchase of their individual components and ensuring the possibility of effective use of the latter (scaling approach); resource approach, based on aspects of resource theory, which provides for the possibility of forming a unique package of working capital, which affects the improved and competitive productivity of enterprises and their efficiency; an approach related to determining the features of management of working capital of enterprises within the framework of the benchmark for the cyclical circulation of its components (cyclic approach); an approach to the management of working capital of enterprises based on risk orientation (risk-oriented approach). It is proved that the orientation to the provisions of the considered scientific approaches is due to the characteristics of the organizational, financial and economic status, the attribute of the sector of activity, the period of functioning, and the size of the property of enterprises. It is determined that the achievement of optimal results of working capital management requires a constant assessment of the compliance of the selected approaches with the actual conditions of development of enterprises in the relevant sectors of the economy. It is determined that the choice of some of the analyzed approaches is associated with the assessment of additional factors of an external nature, in particular, it concerns the orientation toward the risk-oriented approach, or the scaling approach, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Klymova S. O., Yatsyna V. V.
Analyzing the Classical and Chandler’s Conceptions of the Cost Theory in the Long Run (p. 227 - 232)

The aim of the article is to study both the classical and Chandler’s conceptions regarding the cost theory in the long run and determine their differences. Proceeding from the current realities of increasing the role of new technologies and their impact on the competitiveness of enterprises, the article proves the need to introduce a new type of costs – «one-time» costs. The innovative essence of these costs is disclosed, which makes it possible to consider one-time costs as those that correspond to the intensive direction of expansion of production, as well as to separate them from conditionally fixed and variable costs. The possibility of the impact of one-time costs (as costs associated with the acquisition or development of new technologies) on the scale effect is also considered. It is proved that it is the distribution of one-time costs on the volume of production that allows the enterprise to achieve a positive scale effect much faster and minimize its costs. It is shown that the synergistic effect is an important component in strategic management and business development, but it can also be negative in the case when the interaction of factors leads to a negative impact or increases undesirable consequences. The article notes the reason for the absence of a negative scale effect in the Chandler’s conception, which explains the desire of many enterprises to merge. This desire is also explained by the existence of fixed and variable costs in the long run in Chandler’s conception, in contrast to the classical theory, where there are only variable costs in the long run. The possibility of further determining and applying the optimal structure and rate of change of one-time and conditionally fixed costs per unit of production in order to improve the efficiency of production and competitiveness of enterprises is considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koliesnichenko A. S., Bilgen Selim
The Theoretical Aspects of the Company’s Capital Structure (p. 232 - 239)

The article examines the concept of enterprise capital in view of the significant problems of the theoretical aspects of the capital structure. It is defined that the capital structure covers many aspects of not only financial, but also operational and investment activities. Theories of capital structure are considered. Four main theories are specified according to the evolution of the capital structure: the Modigliani and Miller theory, the peking order theory, the trade-off theory, and the agency theory. The authors substantiate such elements of the concept of capital structure of enterprise as: assets, debt, own funds, borrowed funds, profitability, financial sustainability, risk, financial reporting. On the basis of the carried out analysis of the main theoretical aspects of the capital structure of enterprise already studied by scientists, the most significant problems of formation of the optimal capital structure and the influence of age and size of enterprise on the construction of the structure are allocated. In addition, a separate role in the management of the company’s capital structure is played by its financial and investment policy. The capital structure is a powerful indicator of the impact on the ratio of return on assets and equity, determines the system of coefficients of financial stability and solvency and, ultimately, forms the ratio of the degree of profitability and risk in the process of enterprise development. In accordance with the specified circumstances, the main directions of improving the capital structure of the company are formulated as follows: improvement of accounts receivable; improvement of accounts payable; price management in interaction with suppliers; cost reduction; segmentation and credit risk analysis. As a conclusion, it is noted that the most important task of companies is to determine the optimal capital structure of the enterprise and its most effective use in order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

Article is written in English

Lytovka V. A., Prushkivska E. V., Pylypenko H. M.
Diagnosing the Corporate Culture of Metallurgical Industry Enterprises in the Context of Innovative Development (p. 240 - 246)

The aim of the article is to study the features of the corporate culture of metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine in the context of innovative development. As a result of the study of four types of corporate culture – adhocracy, clan, market, and hierarchical – according to the CVF model of K. Cameron and R. Quinn, it was determined that adhocratic culture is most conducive to innovations, since it involves flexibility and is focused on the external environment. In turn, market culture emphasizes control and stability, which is a constraint on innovation. The authors propose a modified method for diagnosing corporate culture, which is based on the CVF model and provides for a system of 5-point scale for evaluating questionnaire questions by respondents. Using Microsoft Excel and SPSS Statistics V21.0 software, the authors analyzed the parameters of the corporate culture of metallurgical enterprises. As a result of the diagnostics, it was found that PJSC «INTERPIPE» and PJSC «Tsentralnyi Hirnycho-Zbahachuvalnyi Kombinat» are characterized by a clan corporate culture, which needs to be strengthened to the desired indicator. For PJSC «ZAPORIZHSTAL», PJSC «YUZHKOKS», PJSC «KAMET-STAL» it is expedient to change the type of corporate culture from market to clan. It is proposed that the strategic vision of the development of metallurgical enterprises should be changed in the direction of innovative development, digitalization, smartization of production, the use of energy-saving technologies, the Internet of Things, etc. It is also necessary to use training activities and seminars to develop the creative potential of staff and intensify their participation in the development of green innovations. Taking into account the European integration course of Ukraine, it is expedient to change the principles of doing business related to the European Green Deal. The proposed recommendations can be used to improve the mission, strategic vision, corporate culture and its values for metallurgical enterprises. Prospect for further research in this direction is to determine the interdependence between the type of corporate culture (clan, innovative, market, hierarchical) for metallurgical enterprises and the processes of greening and digitalization at enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryvytska O. R.
To the Question Regarding the Study of the Investment Attractiveness of Enterprise (p. 246 - 252)

The article systematizes approaches and outlines the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods for assessing the investment attractiveness of enterprise in order to present itself in the most profitable way to a potential investor, which in the future will allow to maintain the appropriate level of competitiveness, increase the level of intellectualization, increase the number of innovations integrated into production. Attention is focused on the fact that enterprises that are interested in investments should be well aware of what information and in what form they need to submit to argue their investment attractiveness. It is noted that investment attractiveness as an economic value is characterized by a wide variety of indicators. The process of analyzing the investment attractiveness of enterprises should be seen as consideration of a multidimensional, multifactorial economic value, in which many independent indicators are interconnected. A necessary and important aspect in the process of assessing the investment attractiveness of an enterprise is to take into account not only its internal factors, but also external ones. It is proposed to include in the external factors those that do not depend on the enterprise as an economic entity the investment attractiveness of the industry and the region in which the enterprise operates. It is natural that investors are primarily interested in investing in enterprises with high potential, which are located in a promising region and in a rapidly developing industry, rather than in enterprises situated in depressed regions and in a stagnant industry. Separately, the importance of the ability to professionally and at the proper level substantiate the investment proposal provided to a potential investor is noted. Before attracting an investor, it is recommended to conduct several independent evaluations of the project, which could be presented to several potential investors. This will make it possible to understand and determine the real cost of the project and, if necessary, adjust the position of the enterprise interested in the receipt of investments. Four main mistakes that affect the low level of preparation of investment projects are noted: the project is at the idea stage; the project does not contain a marketing plan; there are no estimates of the profitability of the project; low quality of presentation of materials.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Koliesnichenko A. S., Avramenko T. O., Stryhul A. A.
The Economic Essence of the Categories of «Costs», «Revenues» and «Financial Results» in Ensuring the Financial Sustainability of Enterprise (p. 231 - 240)

The article determines that in the process of management the enterprise seeks to ensure financial and economic efficiency, which requires increasing its financial sustainability through the coordination of the work of all divisions of the enterprise in order to achieve the best possible financial results. Analysis of the financial sustainability of the enterprise is an important element of financial management and audit, which is based on the indicator of financial results and the factors influencing its size and dynamics of change. Therefore, information on the scientific interpretation of these concepts was summarized. Taking into account the given variants of interpretation of the concept of «revenues» by economists, it is substantiated that most of them allocate economic and financial benefits as the basis of this category. At this, some of the scholars emphasize the relationship between revenues and the assets of the enterprise or the capital of the organization, as well as with the efficiency of production. Based on the results of the generalization of approaches to the interpretation of the category of «costs», it was concluded that almost all scholars agree that costs are expressed in both monetary and material resources. Moreover, some scholars additionally distinguish the financial and investment spheres in terms of cost formation. An important aspect in understanding the essence of costs is the interpretation of this category as a decrease in economic benefits in the future. Further, economists interpret the category of «financial results» in different ways. It has been determined that modern economists mainly distinguish the synthesized theory of profit, according to which profit is revenues from the use of economic resources (factors of production). Also, financial results can be considered in the context of the value of capital, or the monetary estimation of the results of the enterprise’s work, its profitability. Accordingly, summing up the approaches of scholars to the interpretation of costs and revenues of enterprise, allowing to calculate the financial result, it can be determined that the latter is a rather complex and multidimensional category.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Arefieva O. V., Piletska S. T., Lobur Y. O.
Transparency in the Provision of Financial Sustainability in the Context of Digitalization (p. 231 - 239)

The aim of the article is to develop a model for the formation of a strategy for providing the financial sustainability of enterprise in the context of digitalization. The necessity of an effective operating system, which makes it possible to make the right managerial decisions in a timely and quick manner, using a certain set of methods and tools for their implementation, has been proved. As a result of the study, it is determined that the management of financial resources of enterprise is the key to its effective activity and determines the priority of ensuring the financial stability of economic entities, since unstable financial indicators of the enterprise’s operation reduce its solvency, hinder development and, in some cases, can lead to bankruptcy. The article determines that the strategy for ensuring financial stability in a broad sense is a program of step-by-step actions and measures in the system of development strategy, aimed at constant support of the sustainable functioning of the company’s finances in long-term development and the system of relations with the external and internal environment in the context of increased transparency, which leads to the achievement of the main goal. Taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of the operation of enterprises under the influence of transparency of processes in the context of digitalization and instability of the economy, a model for improving the strategy for providing the financial stability of enterprise has been proposed, which: contains a set of basic provisions that substantiate the logic of the process of improving the enterprise strategy; is situational in nature; has a set of factors influencing the dynamics of growth and the composition of criteria for considering alternative options for possible development scenarios and assessing the effectiveness of the strategy for ensuring the financial stability of the enterprise. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of methods for assessing the level of digitalization of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulish O. A.
The Theoretical and Applied Aspects of the Formation of a Mechanism for Managing the Adaptive Development of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Economic Transformation (p. 239 - 245)

The article discusses both the theoretical and the applied aspects of the formation of a mechanism for managing the adaptive development of industrial enterprises in the context of transformation of the economy. An analysis of the factors of influence has been carried out, the main of which is found to be the level of market prices for iron ore products, significantly depending on fluctuations in exchange rates. Taking into account the need to adapt the totality of operations in the foreign and domestic markets of iron ore products to fluctuations in the exchange rate, the principle of proportionality of income from exported iron ore products and those consumed in the domestic market is proposed. It is determined that the introduction of elements of scientific and technological progress in the activities of iron ore enterprises is a prerequisite for their successful functioning in today’s crisis conditions of economic management. The urgency of introducing elements of scientific and technological progress in the formation of investment and innovation potential, margin of financial strength, level of labor productivity, etc., of an iron ore enterprise has been proved, and the importance of the sales potential of economic entities under modern conditions has been shown. Among the numerous methods and techniques for mathematical calculation of optimized indicators, the most expedient appears the use of modeling through iterative variation of the exchange rate to optimize the volume of exports and domestic consumption of iron ore products. It is specified that, taking into account the need for a margin of financial strength and balance of production and economic programs, this approach is the most appropriate in determining the directions for improving the efficiency of using the resource and production potential of an iron ore enterprise. A model for maximizing income from the sale of products of an iron ore enterprise in the foreign and domestic markets has been proposed, on the basis of which modeling of the value of exports and domestic consumption of iron ore products has been carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaitseva A. S.
Mechanism for Managing the Transparency of the Development of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes on a Synectic-Compensatory Basis (p. 246 - 253)

It is determined that under the current conditions of intensification of competition struggle between domestic industrial enterprises and increasing market pressure from foreign competing firms, there is an urgent issue of highlighting the process of managing development transparency as one of the most important criteria for efficiency of the activities. The mechanism for managing the transparency of enterprise development on a synectic-compensatory basis, which is implemented in the context of convergence of investment processes, is formed due to the complex reflection of the dynamism and variability of economic interests and parametrization of the effective process of their balancing in a dynamic model of formation and use of the development potential of enterprises and in the presence of high quality of managerial decisions in comparison with competitors, which provides industrial enterprises with a competitive position in the market and forms a sustainable level of their development. That is, the effectiveness of managing the transparency of the development of industrial enterprises in the context of convergence of investment processes will be determined by the ability of the management system to achieve the set goals, outlining the need for their systematic and analytical research. It is appropriate to assess the quality and efficiency of the management system at industrial enterprises through the construction of a balanced system of signifiers and indicators, which is the basis for assessing the effectiveness of enterprises’ operation and is aimed at achieving their strategic goals. The unity of the backbone basis of the developed management mechanism in accordance with the managerial efficiency is confirmed by the consolidation of the elements of its construction, which is actualized in the format of accumulation of changes as a reflexive reaction to the processes of transformation. This allows to comprehensively manage all components of transparency in the development of enterprises in order to increase their efficiency, optimal organization of investment, supply, production and sales activities of the enterprise, reduce logistics costs, provide production with the necessary material resources and their effective use, optimize material, financial and information flows.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Piletska S. T., Vasiutkina N. V., Bilous N. P.
Theoretical Aspects of Management of Financial Potential of Enterprise in the Context of Knowledge Economy (p. 241 - 248)

The article highlights the theoretical aspects of management of the financial potential of enterprise. The relevance of the study of scientific approaches to the management of the financial potential of enterprise is determined, in particular, the essence of management of financial potential, structure, goals, objectives, patterns and methods of management of the financial potential of enterprise are considered. It is emphasized that the financial potential of an enterprise is an important criterion for its ability to adapt to changes in the external and internal environment and affects the ability of an enterprise to generate sufficient funds to cover current costs, make investments, be attractive to investors, competitive in the market and financially stable. It is noted that the financial potential of enterprise is a complex system, which is characterized by consistency, dynamism, openness, ability to develop, purposefulness, hierarchy, interaction with the external environment. It is proposed to understand the management of the financial potential of enterprise as a purposeful managerial influence on financial resources in order to ensure financial stability, independence, liquidity, competitiveness and strategic directions of business development in the changing external and internal environment of functioning. Management of the financial potential of the enterprise involves the development and implementation of a purposeful system of measures aimed at the formation and effective use of financial resources. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of a specific mechanism for managing the financial potential of enterprise to bring it in line with the patterns that affect changes both in the object of management and in the management system itself, which, in turn, allows influencing the ultimate goals of management of the financial potential of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaitseva A. S.
Blitz-scaling in the Strategic Configuration of Enterprise Development Transparency Management Based on Digital Coherence (p. 249 - 257)

In the investment environment, which is formed under the influence of management processes in the real sector of the economy, a kind of «vicious circle» arises: the use of outdated, technologically backward production equipment leads to the production of products that lose both price and especially non-price competitiveness, which leads to a decrease in investment attractiveness and complicates the attraction of investment loans. The blitz-scaling strategy has become popular in various industries, including the technology sector. Companies, able to scale their products or services quickly, can find success in the market by means of a rapid gaining of a share. That being said, results may vary depending on the specific industry and market conditions. In recent years, the importance of digital transparency has become even greater due to the demands of society and the growing role of ethical aspects in doing business. Businesses that demonstrate openness and responsibility in the use of digital technologies can expect greater support and trust from customers, investors, and the public. Ensuring transparency and high standards of ethics is crucial to trusting customers and partners because of the ethical aspects of the use of digital technologies. The strategic configuration of enterprise transparency management based on digital coherence is not just a task for enterprises, but also a necessity for their success in the era of digital transformation. Consistent implementation of these principles will allow not only to survive in the face of change, but also to thrive, realizing its existing and hidden potential in a world where digitalization is becoming the norm. Building a model of strategic configuration of enterprise development transparency management based on digital coherence is an important aspect of successful functioning in the modern digital world. This is the basis for the development of strategic plans, which determines the vector of development, avoids differences in the understanding of tasks, contributing to the formation of a common understanding of the goal and ways to achieve it. All these aspects of building transparency in enterprise development through digital technologies pave the way for sustainable success and increased competitiveness in a rapidly changing business environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bardadym M. V.
On the Issue of the Essence of General Production Costs of the Enterprise and Their Management (p. 139 - 145)

The article summarizes the content of general production costs, their specific composition, the order of distribution of general production costs (on the example of specific situational material), the order of reflection in accounting of the distribution of general production costs, the functions of strategic management of general production costs. The aim of the article is to study the topical aspects of formation and distribution of general production costs of enterprise, optimization of the level of general production costs in the context of their planning, analysis and control. Further, the general production costs associated with the organization, management, maintenance and control of the production activities of the enterprise as a whole. In order to avoid an arbitrary interpretation of general production costs, they are standardized with the help of National Accounting Standards (NP(S)BO 16 «Costs»). These costs form the production self-cost are the basic indicator of the enterprise’s activity, which affects the profitability of its activities. The formation of such costs is carried out in compliance with the current sectoral procedure for their accumulation and distribution (in compliance with the provisions of the Methodological Recommendations for the formation of the self-cost of production). These costs are subject to distribution. The distribution base can be: hours of labor, wages, volume of activities, direct costs, land areas, etc. General production costs are divided into: fixed and variable. The list of fixed and variable general production costs is determined by the enterprise within the framework of the approved accounting policy. Since some of the general production costs are mixed or it is difficult to distinguish either fixed or variable costs for them, individual enterprises do not carry out such a division and, accordingly, fully distribute them according to the selected distribution base, based on the actual capacity. In production, the distribution of general production costs is carried out between the main products. Among the main methods that can be used for cost distribution are the following: direct distribution; distribution based on production volume; distribution based on the cost of materials; distribution on the basis of labor; capacity-based distribution. The use of these methods involves the choice of a single base for the distribution of general production costs, which is based on the consideration that costs are written off (distributed) by types of products on the basis of a single standard – the coefficient of distribution of general production costs or the cost rate. Accounting for these costs is carried out through account 91 «General production costs». The article provides an example of the distribution of general production costs. The functions of strategic management of general production costs (planning, implementation of parameters laid down in the plan, efficiency control, analysis of results and feedback) are generalized. The introduction of these functions will make it possible to identify energy- and material-intensive units and, as a result, to control the use of material, labor, and financial resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasyleha V. V.
The Mechanism for Ensuring the Economic Security of the Enterprise under the Influence of the External Environment (p. 146 - 153)

The article is devoted to the development of a mechanism for ensuring the economic security of enterprise under the influence of the external environment. The relevance of the study of scientific approaches to the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of enterprise under the influence of the external environment is determined, in particular, the essence of the mechanism, structure, goals, objectives, patterns and methods of ensuring economic security are considered. It is proposed to understand the mechanism of ensuring the economic security of enterprise functioning as a set of interrelated and interacting elements that are aimed at creating conditions for the effective operation of enterprise and protecting it from external and internal threats. The main elements of the mechanism are defined, which include: the form of organization of production, economic or economic connections (relations), the system of incentives, management, planning, financing, taxation, and pricing. It is noted that the target orientation of the mechanism is determined by organizational forms and economic instruments. Organizational forms are organizational structures that are responsible for ensuring the economic security of an enterprise. Economic methods and measures that are used to ensure the economic security of an enterprise are economic instruments. The theoretical and philosophical component, which is the foundation of the formation of the mechanism and represents a system of beliefs in the enterprise system, which contains a way of thinking and obligations of each employee to perform their job functions in accordance with safety requirements, is substantiated. The main functional components are defined, namely: financial, intellectual and personnel, technical and technological, political and legal, informational, environmental, and power. Prospects for further research in this direction are the definition of specific instruments of the mechanism depending on the conditions of functioning of enterprise, the stage of development of its financial and economic activity and, as a result, on the level of economic security of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozyk V. V., Stepankiv N. Z.
Diversification as a Method of Ensuring the Stable Development of Enterprise (p. 153 - 159)

Diversification is considered as an effective method of stable development of enterprise in the long term, which makes it possible to timely and promptly respond to changes in the needs and market conditions by functioning in different markets, which is relevant in the current conditions of market instability, rapid decline or disappearance of demand for individual goods and services. In order to achieve the purpose of the article, i. e., clarification of the essence of the concept of «diversified enterprise», the literature sources are analyzed and the authors’ own experience of studying the activities of such enterprises is applied; the diversity and lack of a clear understanding of the very concept of diversification of production are established, which does not allow to make generalizations about the activities of the enterprise. The research in the article is carried out using the methods of generalization, abstraction, analysis, synthesis. With regard to the definition of the essence of diversification of production, and, consequently, of enterprise, the expediency of allocating the factors that characterize the causes, results, breadth of coverage of directions and spheres of activity, structural structure has been determined. This made it possible to form a definition and interpret diversified enterprises as business structures that expand existing areas of activity or create new ones, organizationally (with allcation or without separation of business units) and/or legislatively (contractual, legally formalized) independent or dependent in a pure or mixed form, ensuring the achievement of relevant goals due to current and/or strategic reasons. The presented conclusion summarizes the substantiation of a unified approach to understanding the essence of diversification of enterprise as an effective method of its stable activity in the long term, focuses on the factors characteristic of diversified enterprises, the combination of which ensures their competitive advantages. The given interpretation of the concept of «diversified enterprise» will contribute to a simpler, clearer, more effective allocation of specific universal types (kinds) of these structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudenko I. V., Melnychuk M. O., Kunicheva T. P.
Substantiating the Pricing Decision-Making, Taking into Account Cost Management Capabilities (p. 159 - 165)

The aim of the article is to develop proposals for improving approaches to the formation of pricing policy, taking into account the possibilities of cost management under modern economic conditions. The aggravation of various kinds of problems during the wartime in Ukraine is emphasized. Attention is focused on significant inflation rates and constant fluctuations in prices for goods and services, for which the dynamics of the consumer price index in Ukraine over the past decade, i. e. for 2014–2023, was studied. It is concluded that there is a need for new marketing approaches to the formation of prices, adequate to new challenges. In particular, attention is focused on the instruments for supporting decision-making on pricing, which is based on understanding the nature of the behavior of costs of economic entities. The main problems in the formation of prices in the face of new challenges of today have been identified. The imperfection of cost methods of pricing for managerial purposes and the need to classify costs into relevant and irrelevant ones have been proved. It is found out what types of costs have an impact on the justification and support of pricing decisions. Particular importance was given to the concepts of differentiated costs, as well as incurred or «drowned» costs. It is concluded that the latter do not affect the adoption of future managerial decisions and are always irrelevant. An example of determining the real amount of costs when making a decision on independent production of an article or its purchase on the side, which can be a criterion for making important managerial decisions, is considered. It is emphasized that the main factors of price formation, in addition to costs, are the results of market research, which, when pricing, take into account the motivation of consumers to purchase certain goods. It is specified that not all consumers consider the price as a decisive factor when deciding on the purchase of goods or services. It is noted that there are also personified, ethical or apathetic consumers who pay less attention to product prices. It is concluded that, taking into account different categories of consumers, it is expedient for enterprises to determine the appropriate price range, which will allow to set its optimal level and maintain it.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stepanova O. V., Obydiennova T. S., Stepanova N. S.
Defining a System of Goals and Assessing the Level of Sustainable Development of Industrial Enterprises (p. 166 - 175)

Sustainable development is an objective necessity for the effective functioning of society. In the scientific works of both foreign and domestic economists, the discussion on the essence and methods of assessing sustainable development continues. The relevance of the article relies upon the consideration that the study of the problems of sustainable development at the level of industrial enterprises, in particular the development of scientific and methodological recommendations for determining the system of goals and assessing the level of sustainable development of industrial enterprises, is yet insufficiently elaborated. The aim of the article is to improve the theoretical foundations of sustainable development by developing scientific and methodological recommendations, defining a system of goals and assessing the level of sustainable development of industrial enterprises. To achieve this aim, a number of tasks are solved: an analysis of the theoretical foundations of sustainable development is carried out; on the basis of the system method of research, the factors of influence and criteria-indicators of sustainable development of enterprises are determined; according to the conception of management by goals, making use of the program-target method, a system of goals for sustainable development of industrial enterprises is defined; a hierarchy of the goals of sustainable development of enterprise has been built; the global (main) goal and sub-goals of sustainable development of industrial enterprises are formulated; on the basis of graph theory, a tree of goals (graphs) for sustainable development of industrial enterprises has been built; on the basis of the theory of utility, a multi-criteria model of integral assessment of sustainable development of enterprises has been proposed. The global (main) goal of enterprise development is formulated as «Achieving sustainable development of industrial enterprises». The tree of sustainable development goals of enterprises is a graph, the vertices of which are the goals, and the edges (arcs) are the connections between them. Depending on the purpose of the study, as well as the degree of specification of goals, it is possible to build many variants of the tree of goals, which will identify and illustrate various compromise alternatives for achieving goals. A system of criteria-indicators that characterize the achievement of the set goals has been formulated. As a criterion for achieving the goal, it is proposed to use a multi-criteria utility function. For an integral assessment of sustainable development, it is expedient to use the additive utility function, which makes it possible to calculate the integral indicator of sustainable development of enterprise. This, in turn, makes it possible to analyze the dynamics of sustainable development over a number of years, as well as to compare enterprises with each other.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tanklevska N. S., Miroshnychenko V. O.
Financial Sustainability of Enterprises in the Digital Economy (p. 249 - 255)

The aim of the article is to study the concept of financial sustainability of enterprise and digital economy, to analyze the impact of the digital economy on the financial sustainability of enterprises; identify and describe the positive and negative aspects of the functioning of enterprises under the influence of the transformation processes of the digital economy; to generate theoretical provisions on an effective mechanism for strengthening the financial sustainability of enterprises, which will be adapted to the current conditions of digitalization of the economy. In the course of the study, it was found that financial sustainability represents the basic indicator of the enterprise’s functioning and reflects its overall money balance, the availability of resources necessary for stable development. Due to a number of negative factors, the financial sustainability of domestic enterprises has been significantly shaken. However, the way out of the crisis was the active development of the digital economy, which is a system of economic relations where the basic means of production and driving factors are digital data and transactions on the Internet. It is found that Ukraine’s position in the ranking of the use of information and communication technologies has increased significantly. This suggests that enterprises have begun to rapidly and successfully adapt to new challenges. The article also analyzes the positive and negative aspects of the impact of the digital economy on enterprises and their financial sustainability. The negative aspects of digitalization of the economy are a significant obstacle for domestic enterprises, but they are not crisis ones and can be solved by developing and applying effective development strategies. To increase the financial sustainability of domestic enterprises, it was proposed to apply a number of measures that will strengthen the position of the enterprise in the market and allow it to be more active in the context of active development of the digital economy; allowing to qualitatively monitor the situation and respond in a timely manner to threats and risks associated with competitors, consumers, the State and international relations. Also, new prospects are opening up for the enterprise to attract funding and international partnerships, as well as prospects of an active training on international and domestic platforms remotely and free of charge.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kapeliusha T. V.
Formation of the Security Plane of Enterprise under the Influence of Risks and Threats (p. 255 - 262)

The article is devoted to the issue of security, which is currently in sight as the most demanded and necessary need for the functioning of economic entities, the population, and the world. The etymology of the concepts of «risk» and «threat» is analyzed, arguments on the need for a clear distinction between these categories are provided. It is noted that risk is the probability of occurrence of an event and does not always lead to negative consequences. The threat is the result of the realization of the risk, the degree of its impact on the results of activities is significant, and sometimes destructive, which can lead to significant losses on the part of the enterprise. Definitions of the concepts of security and danger, which correlate and are a reflection of each other, are provided. It is emphasized that security and danger are opposite in their meanings, since security consists in the absence of danger, in addition, the enterprise is secure when it is really protected from dangers. It is found that both concepts are states, while security is characterized by development, and danger is characterized by decline and stagnation. It is proposed to consider security and danger in the formed plane to eliminate the confusion of the concepts of risks and threats. The areas of display of the state of security (danger) under the influence of risks and threats are allocated, their graphical representation is provided. The reflection of the difference between the impact of risks and threats, their action in the form of the results of changes in the signs of security with the formation of prerequisites for danger is presented. It is proposed to consider the features of enterprise through the following results of activity: ability to develop, competitiveness, sustainability, solvency, profitability and profitability, interests of stakeholders. The plane of security along the vector of movement of risks and threats depending on the strength of their action is outlined. In this way, the state of security varies, starting from the traditional absolutely sustainable; followed by sustainable and conditionally sustainable – up to the states that will be destructive. The key features of the security status are defined by reflecting the difference in the impact of risks and threats. The importance of the obtained results of the study, in particular the differentiation of risks and threats, for the formation of the security plane of the enterprise and the choice of effective approaches to security management depending on the location of the enterprise in a specific plane is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaitseva A. S.
Conceptual Bases for Managing Transparency of Enterprise Development in the Context of Convergence of Investment Processes (p. 263 - 270)

In the process of studying the conceptual bases of managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes, methods of analysis and synthesis, empirical methods, procedures of induction and deduction, graphical and logical method, method of financial and economic, cluster and statistical analysis are used. The methodological ground of the study is parametric and integral methods of evaluation, the results of which allow to improve the conceptual bases for managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes. The article improves the conceptual bases for managing the transparency of enterprise development in the context of convergence of investment processes, which provide for an empirical study of the convergent features of the functioning of industrial enterprises and the identification of problems of transparency in the development of their individual divisions, allowing for making sound managerial decisions and creating conditions for the implementation of potential investment reserves, focusing on the formation of intellectual, informational, analytical and material resources, as well as on the interaction between the links of the organizational structure and the regulatory framework. This determines an increase in the interest of the administrative apparatus in ensuring continuous and stable development, as well as a strategic orientation, which necessitates an analysis of the impact of management and investment target programs on the level of transparency in the development of industrial enterprises, defining the role of the mechanism of radical changes in the development management system; establishing renovation requirements for strategically relevant parameters of change; creating the basis for the implementation of radical changes at the level of strategic management which requires a systematic reformatting of interaction with the external environment and the internal organization of processes, technologies, and structure.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Verkush D. M.
The Influence of the Process of Intellectualization on the Innovative Development of Entrepreneurial Activity of Economic Entities (p. 271 - 279)

The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of the process of intellectualization on the innovative development of entrepreneurial activity of economic entities in turbulent conditions. According to the results of the carried out study, it is found that intellectualization plays an important role in the formation of an innovative environment and ensuring competitive advantages for the active development of economic entities. The article analyzes an aggregate of approaches to the definition of the concept of «intellectualization». On the basis of the carried out analysis, the author’s own definition of the concept of «intellectualization» is formed as follows: it is the process of effective use of the intellect of an individual or a group of individuals through the production of innovative knowledge, the use of a creative approach and the introduction of creative technologies for the formation of effective tasks aimed at achieving the tactical and strategic goals of development of economic entities. A scientific and practical approach to determining the level of influence of the process of intellectualization on the innovative development of entrepreneurial activity of economic entities through the prism of the main functions of entrepreneurship is proposed. On the basis of the analysis, it is determined that the process of intellectualization should be considered in the analysis of not only the innovation function, but also other functions of entrepreneurship. With the help of the analysis, it is found that intellectualization should be considered in symbiosis with the concepts of «creativity» and «motivation». For this purpose, the creative aspects of the process of intellectualization, which affect the development of economic entities, were considered in detail. Separately, the ways of development of the innovative and creative environment of economic entities have been studied and suggested. The study emphasizes the importance of developing intellectualization, creativity, creatively oriented corporate culture by economic entities to ensure high productivity, efficiency and competitiveness in the global market environment. Through the development of intellectualization and creativity, economic entities can adapt to the challenges of the modern environment, develop the potential abilities of staff and become more competitive in domestic and foreign markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shuberanskyi V. Е.
On the Issue of Identification of a Representative Enterprise in the Post-Industrial Market (p. 154 - 162)

The aim of the article is to present the author’s own methodology for interpreting the essence of enterprise based on the knowledge accumulated by economic science so far, as well as the experience of enterprises that actually are functioning at present. Hence, it is necessary to carry out a description of the factors of efficiency of the enterprise, which would claim a certain universality. The article is devoted to the issue of methodology of efficiency of the enterprise institution. An epistemological study of the theory of enterprise has been carried out, which in its modern form assumes a multiplicity of factors of the model of organizational efficiency and includes both traditional economic factors and the factors, which are non-economic by nature. Attention is focused on the fact that the theory of enterprise, for all its importance, continues to be the subject of discussion. The thesis of the special status and structural state of the post-industrial enterprise is presented. The author’s own methodology of the market is substantiated, according to which the activity and efficiency of a modern enterprise mainly depends on a complex of primarily internal organizational factors, this complex was defined as «internal potential of enterprise». At this, the main goal of the processes of management of the enterprise, in addition to traditional economic criteria, provides for the maintenance of this complex in a state that will ensure the ability of the enterprise both to adapt to the conditions of a particular market and to purposefully influence the market. The latter depends on a set of factors of «management system – internal potential of the enterprise» that is present at each enterprise. The implementation of this multitude of factors determines the efficiency of the enterprise’s activities. Improvement of the mentioned complex of factors can be carried out according to a certain structure of criteria that characterize the uniqueness of each enterprise. Considering this, improvements should be made in relation to those criteria, the characteristics of which will be lower than the desired ones. This allows you to create a well-grounded program of optimizations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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