


KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013.



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Proceedings of scientific conferences

Ecology and Environmental Management


Pishenina T. I.
Features of Radiation Hazard and its Impact on Complex Social and Economic Development (p. 55 - 57)

The article examines the nature of radiation hazardous activities, benefits and effects of society on the use of radiation dangerous objects and existing sources of radiation, radiation effects of hazardous activities and losses from the use of radia-tion dangerous objects.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gretskaya G. N., Kolesnyk T. M., Hretska-Myrgorodska V. V.
Prediction and Monitoring of Air Pollution in Large Cities (p. 66 - 72)

The influence of some of the most important parameters of production on emissions of harmful substances. A method for predicting emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. This forecasting technique can be used for any enterprise with a complex multistep scheme of final products.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №5-2011, Vol.1

Lihomanov O. V.
On the Issue of Forest Fire Damage Evaluation in Russian Federation (p. 123 - 124)

The study analyses the information on the area of forest fires of Russian Federation and on the damage done in some regions supplied by official and independent sources. It suggests the list of market and non-market utilities of the forest which should be taken into account when calculating the damage done by forest fires.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.1

Kucher Y. Y., Pogrebnyak E. Y.
Economic Efficiency of Introduction of Ecomanagement: Ecological and Economic Conception (p. 78 - 80)

In the article the economic efficiency of introduction ecomanagement is reasonable. The role of ecological efficiency in system of global efficiency of management is considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bashta A. I.
Economic aspects of the use of renewable energy sources in recreational enterprises (p. 78 - 82)

The basic economic aspects of renewable energy in the recreational facilities are discribed, the economic effect of energy saving systems for recreation through the use of renewable energy are calculated

Article is written in Russian

Pankratova Y. N., Tischenko A. I.
Analysis of the relationship in economic performance (p. 82 - 85)

The paper analyzes the contemporary ecological situation in Ukraine. The dependence of the indices characterizing the state of the environment based on indicators of economic development. It is proved that the level of development between the economy and its environmental situation there is a direct connection.

Article is written in Russian


Blahun I. S., Kilchytskii Y. M.
Assessment of Institutional Environment of Forest Complex (p. 56 - 58)

In the article methodical approach is offered to the evaluation of institutional environment and operating conditions of enterprises of forest complex and possible institutional configurations are explored, are able to provide steady development of the forest sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tovma L. F., Snizhko A. I.
Ecological and hygienic problems of food in modern conditions (p. 115 - 118)

Health of nation is a key indicator of civilization and socio-economic condition of the state. Based on the analysis of research results of contamination of food raw materials and food products in the eco-crisis industrial region we summarized the current state of this problem and proposed measures to reduce xenobiotical nutritional stress on the body of the population, implementation of which is imperative to maintain the capacity of public health.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tovma L. F.
Ecological and Economic Component in the Concept of Sustainable Development of Ukraine (p. 141 - 144)

In this article we study the interaction between environmental and economic components of sustainable development. The current state of environmental problems for the agricultural and industrial sectors of economics is analyzed. It is concluded that the harmonization of environmental and economic components of sustainable development can only be achieved by using innovative technologies such as nanotechnology.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lihomanov O. V.
Method of Calculation of Pecuniary Valuation of Forest in Global Carbon Cycle by the Cost of Greenhouse Emission Quotas (p. 127 - 129)

The article makes an attempt to calculate in pecuniary valuation the cost of the role of forest in global carbon cycle. The costs of greenhouse emission quotas are taken as a basis of calculation. It gives an example of calculation of the cost of woodland in Volgograd region.

Article is written in Russian

Petrushenko M. M.
Economic «Games Against Nature»: the Model of Decision Making in Field of Environmental Conflicts (p. 130 - 132)

In the article the economic-mathematical model of «games against nature» proposed to support decision making in field of environmental conflicts. The model approbated at the level of territorial natural-resource potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tadeyev Y. P.
The leontief's model extension in the conditions of ecological balance (p. 132 - 136)

The extension of Leontief input-output model with additional product (greenhouse gasses) and industry of economics (waste disposal) is proposed in the article. The effective algorithm for necessary matrices inversion is constructed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Baluyeva O. V.
Approaches to Integrated Assessment of Eсologization of Areas of the City (p. 158 - 161)

The problems of providing of sustainable development of cities, questions of eсologization of city environment, are examined in the article, the elements of estimation of ecologization of city are selected.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lukash S. V., Lukash V. О., Borovyk O. N.
mpact of the Energy on Ecological and Economic Situation in Ukraine (p. 162 - 165)

In the article the causes of environmental problems in Ukraine, proposed a series of actions that can introduce positive changes in the energy complex of Ukraine, outlined the aspects that contribute to environmentally sound management and sustainable use of natural resources, limit the harmful effects of emissions and waste power plants on the environment and human health.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Koshevets V. V., Shvindina H. O.
Production of environmentally friendly products as one of the factors of the business reputation (p. 83 - 85)

The article consists results of research in a field of production and consumption of environmentally friendly products. Authors give a definition of environmentally friendly products and approaches to creating environmentally friendly products. The problems that prevent the production of environmentally friendly products are identified, the relationship between environmentally friendly products production and company business reputation is revealed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yudin M. A.
Using the Potential of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources in Energy Efficiency through the Introduction of Modern Organizational and Economic Forms (p. 86 - 90)

The article explored the possibility of using alternative and renewable energy sources in the country's energy balance. Tools of motivation and union of energy saving process participants, including clusters, G2B-platform performance-contracting are developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panchenko O. V.
Factors of ecological and economic optimization of the use of municipal solid waste in power system (p. 90 - 92)

The paper analyzes the factors of ecological and economic optimization of the use of municipal solid waste (MSW) in the thermal power plants under environmental constraints.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shyshkina I. O.
Formation of the effective infrastructure of international renewable energy market (p. 92 - 97)

In the article the main trends in the market of renewable energy. Characteristic features of the market of renewable energy. The basic structure of the interstate in the area of alternative energy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tsaruk A. Y.
Government financing of environmental actions: in context ecological activities of mining plants (p. 138 - 142)

Main nature pollution factors of mining plants were considered. Analyses of state budget revenues by natural recourses extraction and budget expanses on environment were carried out.The features of environmental management of mining and processing enterprises of Ukraine were studied.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Babaev V. Y., Babaeva I. A.
Agroecological Production as an Innovative Line of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 116 - 119)

The article presents methods of agroecological production in Europe and the U.S., the basic principles and methods of organic farming in Ukraine, grounded introduction of innovative technologies in organic production activities of agricultural enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moskalenko N. O., Gaymur Y. S.
Economic and Ecological Aspects of the Industry (p. 120 - 124)

This topic is relevant to the global community, as evidenced by the respective conferences, forums internationally. In this article, the authors summarize the task of economic and environmental aspects, which require registration in the industrial and economic activities of industrial enterprises. Debating this topic are issues related to the dual nature of the problems and to ensure the effectiveness of the company's development - is linking economic goals and interests of the enterprises with the environmental needs of society.

Article is written in Russian


Shulga E. V., Yefremova L. V.
Economic Ways of Waste Management in Ukraine (p. 138 - 141)

This article describes the current situation in Ukraine on the garbage disposal, examines the experience of foreign countries to promote waste separation and methods of using the sorted waste. There have been surveys of the population and developed a system of waste disposal in Ukraine on mutually beneficial terms with the state, private enterprises and households.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Seleznova O. V.
Peformance Features of Environmental State Targeted Programs in Ukraine (p. 122 - 125)

In the article essence and value of the ecological government target program is considered as a main instrument of ecological policy, successful application of which allows most effectively to decide the difficult complex of problems related to the difficult state of environment of Ukraine. Basic negative lines of realization of the domestic ecological having a special target programs today and possible ways of increase of efficiency of functioning of the modern domestic system of the government having a special target programs were defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dovga T. N.
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of the Economic and Environmental Efficiency Valuation of Solid Household Waste Recycling (p. 125 - 131)

The basic organizational and methodological problems of the economic and environmental efficiency valuation of solid household waste recycling that can arise in waste processing plants and complexes of Ukraine are investigated in the article. The urgency of implementing solid household waste recycling process was justified. The new approach to the classification of the economic and environmental efficiency valuation indicators of solid household waste recycling in Ukraine was proposed by the author.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Frolov S. M., Belopolskaya A. A.
State-Private Partnership as a Tool of Investing Into Innovation Technologies of Wastes Treatment (p. 181 - 185)

The article studies possibilities of use of state-private partnership as a mechanism of investing into wastes treatment sphere in Ukraine. It provides mechanisms and forms of state-private partnership. It analyses specific features of international experience of realisation of projects on the basis of state-private partnership. It considers experience of co-operation of companies and communities in Ukraine for solving problems in the sphere of household wastes treatment. A conclusion is made that the state-private partnership is a potential mechanism of attraction of investments by local bodies of state authority and bodies of local self-government for realisation of projects directed at ensuring ecological component of stable social development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prushkivska E. V., Shevchenko Y. A.
Development of «Green Economy»: National Aspect (p. 186 - 191)

The article analises concepts of “green economy”, “stable development” and “planting of greenery”. It formulates author’s own definition of “green economy”, which is characterised by means of economic relations between subjects of economic activity. It studies the share of the “green economy” in the structure of the world GDP. It uses empiric analysis for specifying the role of “green economy” in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of the national economy. It proves that the primary and secondary sectors require most radical changes in the direction of planting of greenery at production sites, since namely here products for satisfaction of needs are created. It allocates the tertiary sector as a connecting link between the primary and secondary sectors, which ensures realisation of the “green economy” concept. It shows the necessity of development of the national economy in the direction of “planting of greenery”, which would result in minimisation of structural disproportions and stable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vlashchenko N. M., Kosyak A. P.
Monitoring of Economic Security of Recreation Companies (p. 181 - 186)

The goal of the article is to study indicators of economic security of recreation companies and identification of priority directions of its achievement. The article analyses threats and risks in conducting activity of recreation companies, identifies dynamics of resulting factors, which reflect the state of its economic security. It studies indicators of economic security of recreation companies, namely: indicators of production of services, financial, social. It determines influence of the factors upon economic security of recreation companies of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, grouped by administrative regions, with the help of the regression analysis. It generalises main problems of ensuring economic security of recreation companies of the Crimean region. It offers ways of achievement of economic security of recreation companies by means of a stable build-up of the commercial sector, solution of the problem of the year-round functioning of recreation companies and other measures. Prospects of further study in this direction is development of a mechanism of reformation and innovation development, directed at improvement of the service, creation of highly efficient information systems and complex work in the sphere of the pricing policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Saprykina L. N.
Formation of the Paradigm of Ecologically Responsible Consumption (p. 186 - 191)

The article considers a necessity of restructuring of subjects of trading activity, identifies a paradigm of ecologically responsible consumption on the basis of strengthening of the state imperative of ecologically responsible development of trade, analyses economic mechanisms of restructuring of trade companies and studies the structure of ecological capital of subjects of trading activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ibatullin S. I., Sakal O. V., Bokoch V. V.
Prospective Directions of Improvement of Management of Forest Resources within the Spatial Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine (p. 174 - 179)

The article provides results of the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of management of social relations with respect to forest resources with the aim to reveal prospects of development and potential threats in the economic, ecological and social spheres, and also formation of a strategic model of management of forest resources with the use of the SWOT-analysis. In order to realise a systematic approach to formation of a model of management of forest resources and optimisation of the process of the managerial decision making on the issues of increase of effective use and reproduction of natural resources, the article offers a structural and logical scheme of improvement of management of forest resources. It grounds that formation of a complex strategy of management of forest resources should be in correspondence with the principles and criteria that create prerequisites of a balanced use of the forest resource potential, reproduction and protection of forest resources for achievement of the parity of ecological, economic and social aspects of sustainable development. It is planned to conduct a permanent monitoring of execution of strategies of social development of the natural resource potential and their adjustment for a more efficient management of forest resources at all organisational levels of management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Varlamova I. S.
World Experience of Introduction of Ecological Audit and its State in Ukraine (p. 180 - 184)

The article studies one of the most important problems of modern economic development – keeping a proper level of ecological safety at all levels of economic functioning. Taking into account inefficiency of existing instruments of ecological and economic regulation, the article speaks about appearance of a necessity of search for creative solutions, which allow forecasting and avoiding negative influence of activity of enterprises upon environment and not resist ecological catastrophes after they appear. Aspiration of Ukraine for international integration into the world economic environment and achievement of sustainable development of industrial regions, taking into account a necessity of simultaneous consideration of economic and ecological interests of Ukraine, requires the use of modern economic instruments. One of such instruments is the ecological audit, which is studied in this article.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Konyahina T. V.
Regulatory Provision of Realisation of the Economic Mechanism of Nature Management (p. 179 - 184)

The article shows the structure of the modern legal mechanism of environmental protection, systemises sources of the domestic ecological law, provides their brief characteristics, studies priority goals and tasks of public organisations in the sphere of nature management, identifies connection between the national and international legal mechanisms of nature management. The result of the study is improvement of scientific and methodical approach to ensuring of a common principle of developing norms in the sphere of environmental protection on the basis of systematisation of original principles of functioning of the international ecological and legal mechanism (prevention principle, causality principle, “polluter pays” principle, permeability principle, principle of economic effectiveness in the process of development and realisation of ecological policy of the state, social fairness principle and subsidiarity principle) for optimisation of the national legal mechanism of ecological and economic relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klymchuk S. A.
Environics – a Dominant Vector of Development Strategy of Alternative Energy Enterprises (p. 185 - 190)

The goal of the article is the study of the modern scientific and methodical tools and development of practical recommendations for flexible adaptation of alternative energy enterprises under conditions of entropy of environment in the process of achievement of goals of their further development on the basis of use of modern achievements of environics. Analysing and systemising scientific works of scientists, the article proves that resource potential of alternative energy in Ukraine opens a prospective and economically profitable way for development of strategically important enterprises of bio-energy in the context of ensuring energy independence and energy efficiency. In the result of the study the article solves the problem of understanding semantics and action of laws of environics when studying strategy of development of alternative energy enterprises. The author offers to identify the following components of interdependence of the strategy of development of alternative energy enterprises and environics: ecological, integration and institutional, new energy paradigm, economic, optimisation of production and economic systems, social, cognitive, educational, investment and innovation, information and signal, and public image. The article justifies that alternative energy and environics are interconnected and supplement each other. The prospect of further studies in this direction is development of a mechanism of strategy of development of alternative energy enterprises, in the basis of which the laws of environics and components of interdependence would lie.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Samojlik M. S.
Complex Assessment of Efficiency of Regional Systems of Solid Waste Utilisation (p. 220 - 226)

The problem of utilisation of solid waste is one of the most important ecological-economic and social problems of regional development. At the same time it should be taken into account that justification of investments into this sphere should be based on economic assessment of various technological solutions with consideration of ecological, social and technological factors. That is why the article develops and scientifically justifies methodical approaches to complex assessment of efficiency of management of the sphere of utilisation of solid waste of a region on the basis of balanced economic, ecological and technological criteria of this sphere. The article provides a complex assessment of scenarios of development of the sphere of solid waste utilisation using example of the city of Poltava and identifies directions of its modernisation with consideration of regional infrastructure of this sphere. The article shows that, as of now, the most prospective is partial separate collection of waste, construction of waste processing plant (of 250 thousand tonnes annual capacity) and solid waste ground, at the same time, a balance of ecological (minimisation of the ecological risk and losses for polluting) and economic (maximum profit with minimum expenditures) criteria is ensured.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yachmenova V. M., Syvolap O. V.
Restrictions in the Sphere of Solid Household Waste Management (p. 188 - 193)

The article is devoted to management of quality of environment in the context of solution of problems in the process of management of solid household waste (SHW), which are the result of human activity and accumulation of which takes the catastrophic scale today. The article shows main restrictions that determine the process of SHW management, which could be used for its improvement. Based on the conducted studies the article holds that the main restrictions that determine the process of SHW management are territorial, ecological, technological, social, economic, political, time and legal. In spite of certain positive moves both in the legislation sphere and in the sphere of management, the existing system of SHW management is not perfect and does not meet requirements of protection of environment and population from hazardous impact. Insufficient financing, instability of the market of secondary resources and political situation in Ukraine, difficulty in attraction of private investments, lack of initiative of some bodies of local self-government and population hamper introduction of a modern system of SHW management. The detected restrictions could be used when improving the SHW management system. Further studies would be directed at a more detailed elaboration of certain restrictions.

Article is written in Russian

Samojlik M. S.
Complex of Marketing Measures When Organising Industry and Developing Regional Market of Secondary Raw Materials (p. 194 - 200)

The problem of secondary raw material management is one of the most important ecology-economic and social problems of regional development. At the same time, the issue of involvement of secondary resources into economic circulation within the socio-economic policy of a region with the help of formation of a marketing mechanism and its institutes, in particular by means of marketing measures, is insufficiently studied and requires further development. That is why the article develops and scientifically justifies a set of marketing measures when organising industry and developing the regional market of secondary raw materials, which takes into account ecological and educational components, on the basis of balancing interests and actions of all participants of this process and also outlines priority tasks of realisation of the concept of marketing in the market of secondary raw materials. The article identifies prospects of application of various forms and methods of marketing work for improvement of the process of secondary resource management, namely for: increase of the volume of collection of secondary raw materials, development of infrastructure for collection of secondary raw materials, establishment of interrelations between producers of products from secondary raw materials and their consumers; increase of volume of consumption of goods made of secondary raw materials; stimulation of attraction of investments into the sphere of waste management; reduction of losses of raw material, material and fuel-and-energy resources, which are taken now from economic circulation with waste; and creation of new working places, first of all, at small and medium enterprises. Scientific novelty lies in development of the complex of measures of realisation of marketing when managing the secondary raw material market, which, unlike the existing ones, takes into account ecological and educational components when interests of its participants are balanced. The obtained results of the study are directed at creation of grounds for development of a target-oriented programme of organisation of industry and development of the secondary raw material market in the context of synergetic development of a region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shkarlet S. M., Pyrig K. M.
Increase of Production Efficiency at the Forest Enterprises in the Context of Sustainable Development (p. 180 - 184)

The purpose of the article is to study the nature and characteristics of production at the forest enterprises, taking into account current trends in forestry and increase of its efficiency. The article analyzes the state of forestry in Ukraine in 2003 – 2012 years. As a result of research the specific features of forestry production, new directions to improve production efficiency in forestry enterprises, the urgency of the analysis of the production processes in forestry were identified. The prospect of further research in this direction is to build a model of intensification of production in forestry enterprises in the context of sustainable development and at the legislative level there is a need to clearly define such categories as forestry and forestry production.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Samojlik M. S.
Assessment of Risks and Threats to the Resources and Ukraine Environmental Security in the Region (p. 185 - 192)

The problem of providing resource and environmental safety, efficiency natural and economic potential of the area is one of the priorities for each region of Ukraine. Therefore, this article developed and scientifically sound methodological principles of assessing risks and threats of resource and environmental safety in the context of sustainable development of the regions of Ukraine as the basis for the formation of a regional strategy for resource and environmental safety. Found that in virtually all regions of Ukraine (except Khmelnytskyi and Chernihiv regions) were exceeded the threshold of environmental health risk (0.05) and a trend towards its growth, which is associated with long practice environmentally unjustified distribution of productive forces and the effects of existing uncovered damage pollution of previous periods and with the level of socio-economic disadvantage in the regions. It is proved that in order to reduce threats and risks of resource and ecological character of regional socio-economic development is first necessary to implement a comprehensive system for the collection and utilization of secondary resources, to develop mechanisms to promote economic development of the sector, as well as to maximize the use of the internal energy potential of the regions, while minimizing damage to the environment, in particular bioenergy. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the results of fundamental and applied research in the field of economic theory and regionalism, environmental economics, research and development of domestic and foreign scholars on governance and resource potential of the region. The results obtained allowed the research to identify ways of improving the system of environmentally sound development of the regions of Ukraine, aimed at improving the efficiency of use of natural and economic potential of the territory and resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ponikarov V. D., Yermolenko O. O.
Improving the System of Integrated Environmental Monitoring of Ukraine Regions (p. 193 - 197)

This article discusses the current state of environmental monitoring, analyzes current environmental problems, the question is raised about the appropriateness of "green" energy in the form that it has now. The article also raised the issue of strengthening the actual state supervision over compliance with the requirements of nuclear and radiation safety. The urgency of the development of the environmental inventories of Ukraine as a single geographic information system data on the state of the environmental situation of certain territories located within the state border of Ukraine. The necessity of a law approving certain periodicity of comprehensive environmental audit areas to update information on the status of the environment. This will follow the dynamics and determine the direction of changes in quality indicators of certain areas of the environment and is an essential basis for making decisions on the optimal management strategy for socio-economic development of individual regions and the formation of their labor potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhupanenko A. V.
The Economic Essence of Recreational Resource Consumption of Natural Reserve Fund (p. 154 - 158)

The aim of the article is to study the process of recreational resource consumption of natural reserve fund (NRF), the impact of environmental businesses in the development of recreation and tourism industry in Ukraine, as well as the determination of their recreational appeal and role in the modern economy. The article discusses the contradiction of industrial and recreational use of natural resources, the structure of the number of areas and territories of NRF objects of Ukraine in 2013 were analyzed, as well as the actual recreation burden on enterprises of Ukraine NRF in 2013 revealed major problems in the field of recreation and tourist use of protected areas and their subordination. The maximum recreational pressure on the recreational trail excursion of Odessa Zoological Park was calculated. The necessity of creating a tourist and recreational infrastructure was reasoned, which corresponds to the rate of consumption of the recreational resources of the enterprises of the NRF.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Agres O. G.
Ecological and Economic System: the Nature and the Need of Development to Reduce Costs of the Enterprise (p. 168 - 172)

The aim of the article is the disclosure of environmental and economic systems and the definition of the need to implement it in order to reduce costs at the enterprise. The article presents the main components of a green economy, reveals the essence of the concept of "ecological and economic system", which is widely used in today's economic and environmental literature. The study identified the main environmental problems of agricultural enterprises. The directions for ecologization of the agricultural enterprises fixed assets use were highlighted. The prospect of possible renewal of fixed assets for the purpose of energy conservation through the use of recycled animal waste was considered and justified, as in the long term, you can reduce the cost of enterprise electricity used. Also the relationship between the technical and environmental development of rural enterprises were identified and shown. Further development of eco-economic system in the company will not only reduce the costs of the enterprise, but also to a number of environmental problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kobushko I. M., Kobushko I. V.
Assessment of the Environmentally Caused Investment Damage (p. 242 - 248)

The purpose of the article is to develop scientific and methodological approaches to the assessment of the environmentally caused investment damage in phases of reproduction of the investment potential of the region. The article analyzed the influence of environmental factors on the reproduction of the investment potential of the region, studied the occurrence of environment-related investment damages in the phases of reproduction. The essence of the concept of "eco-investment due to damage" was defined and a scientific and methodical approach to the assessment of the environmentally caused investment damage in phases of reproduction of the investment potential of the region was developed. An assessment of environment-related investment damages in phases of the reproduction of the investment potential of the region was conducted on the example of the Sumy oblast. The necessity of ecological and economic assessment of reproductive investment potential of the region in view of environment-related investment damage was grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khudoliy L. M., Voitsekhivska V. V.
Alternative Sources of Financing for Environmental Target Programs (p. 297 - 302)

The article is aimed to improve financing of state target programs at the expense of other extra-budgetary programs and ensuring of an effective public-private partnership mechanism on the mutually beneficial terms. In the analysis and synthesis of the views of domestic scientists as well as foreign experience, alternative mechanisms for financing state target programs were considered. On the basis of the study results, scenarios of fulfillment of the state target programs under terms of additional financing from extra-budgetary sources has been suggested. Conditions for attraction of funds from enterprises and establishments for performing the scheduled tasks and activities, which are determined in the program passports, have been reasoned. The prospect of further research in this area is adjusting the process of attracting additional sources of financing until their final fulfillment through the public-private partnership mechanism, under terms which will ensure the fulfillment of the vital tasks of the state and provide an effective development of entrepreneurial activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Malikov V. V.
Environmental Audit: an Analysis of the Research Problematics (p. 161 - 164)

The article is aimed to analyze scientific publications on problematics of environmental audit in Ukraine and the suggested approaches to resolving the indicated problems, in order to determine the development state of this field at the current stage. Despite the fact that this type of audit drew attention of the both domestic and foreign scientists, there are still many issues to carefully concern with. The article analyzes the problems identified by scientists as related to environmental audit, as well as considers ways to address them. Also the expediency of further attention on the part of scholars and practitioners in this field has been substantiated. As recommendations for further research have been proposed improving the legislation on environmental auditing, cooperation of auditors-practitioners with scholars-theorists, as well as bringing in the world-wide experience. The proposed analysis of scientific publications emphasizes that, although studies of environmental audit in Ukraine are carried out and the relevance of the problem of ecological environment grows with each day, there are still many unsolved problems related to this.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Storozhuk T. M., Druzhynska N. S.
Improved Classification of Forest Resources (p. 138 - 142)

The article is aimed to improve the classification of forest resources at the forestry enterprises to be displayed in the accounting, analysis and control, with a view to an efficient management. As result of the study, the advisability of allocating the necessary classification characteristics of forest resources by the order of arrival into economic turnover, by origin, by the characteristic of potential economic use and, with certain types of the forest resources of non-wood origin, – by the flavoring properties has been determined. The prospect of further research in this area is projecting methods and technologies for displaying forest resources as a structured object of bookkeeping of the forestry enterprises. To integrate the forest resources in the accounting system, there is a need to improve the regulatory framework and clarify the conceptual apparatus for unambiguous and logical use of the obtained results in practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hrechyn B. D.
Substantial Characterization of the Methods for Evaluating Negative Impact of Production and Logistics Activities of Enterprises in the Context of the Strategic Development of Eco-Logistics in Ukraine (p. 169 - 176)

Both readings and indicators, which reflect the deepening environmental crisis in the world and in Ukraine, have been identified. The major factors, forms of appearance, and negative socio-environmental impacts of anthropogenic influence have been examined and grouped. A characterization of methods to evaluate the negative impact of logistics processes on external and production environment, in particular: ecological balance, total volume of consumed energy, carbon footprint, as well as environmental assessment with a focus on logistics and supply chain have been performed. The chronological sequence of introducing environmental norms, regulations and standards has been determined. The sectoral distribution of enterprises by types of harmful emissions has been provided. The strategic objectives for the development of eco-logistics in Ukraine have been identified. Proposals for the creation of logistic systems with reduced adverse effects on environmental and production environment, as well as systems with the efficient use of resources and energy, have been formulated and divided into four segments.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holian V. A.
The Raw-Materials Orientation of Ukrainian Economy as a Basic Determinant of the Exhausting Use of Natural Resources (p. 104 - 111)

The interrelation between the low efficiency of market reforms in the Ukrainian economy during the early stages of reforms and the increased raw-materials orientation of the most sectors of the national economy has been disclosed both in terms of the socio-economic recovery and the conditions of recession. The article determines dependence between the level of capitalization of the big business entities and the relative cheapness of natural raw materials owing to the lack of modern mechanisms for rental management of special use of natural resources. The article substantiates prerequisites for growing extent of the exhausting use of natural resources as a result of the raw-materials orientation of domestic exports and the lack of current mechanisms for the equivalent redistribution of natural resource rents. The major trends of increasing the volumes of exports of agricultural products with low value added as well as imports of the animal husbandry products have been identified. The interrelation between the sectoral shifts in the agrarian sector and the possibilities of organic farming in the face of increasing the volumes of production of grains and oilseeds has been determined. Expedience of introducing additional tools of fiscal and environmental control of the activities of the large vertically integrated formations has been substantiated in order to create favorable prerequisites for the development of traditional forms of agricultural entrepreneurship and limiting the extent of exhausting use of natural resources.

Article is written in Russian


Holian V. A.
The Economic Mechanism for Nature Management: the Waste Management (p. 174 - 188)

The article substantiates expedience of improving the economic mechanism for nature management in the part of regulating the waste management processes in connection with the high level of resource-intensiveness of production in most sectors of the economy, as well as the lack of appropriate incentives for improved recycling of secondary raw materials. The dynamics of generation, utilization and disposal of waste of the I-III hazard classes for the period from 1994 to 2015 has been analyzed, allowing to determine the relationship between economic cycles and the main trends in the waste management. It has been found that during the studied period in the dynamics of capital investments into waste management, except for certain periods, there was no upward trend owing to lack of regulatory mechanism for efficient incentives that would encourage the corporate sector to invest into the development of material-technical base and the infrastructure for storing, recycling, incineration and landfill. It has been proven that the mainstream direction for improving the economic mechanism for nature management in the part of the formation of a contemporary financial and economic instrumentarium of waste management is extending the specification of forms of the public-private partnership, with the corresponding identification of fiscal payments for the temporary use of the landfills for storing waste.

Article is written in Russian


Prytula M. Y.
A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Forms of Implementation of the Environmental Pillar of Social Reporting by Corporations (p. 139 - 143)

The article is concerned with a comparative analysis of social reporting by corporations that occupy leading positions in the industry sectors, for disclosure of information about their social, environmental and conservation activities. It has been proven that particularly social reporting is the main platform for displaying positive and negative aspects of organizational performance, as well as to gather information that could affect the company’s policy, strategy and operations on an ongoing basis. It is found that reflection of the non-financial indicators of activity of enterprises in Ukraine are either prepared in the form of reports, or in the form of information on the websites of companies. It has been substantiated that, in general, a full non-financial reporting (Report on sustainable development, Report on the corporate social responsibility) is prepared by companies that have foreign capital or implement products through exports to the developed countries. It has been determined that the main kinds of activities of companies in the field of environmental protection are: resource and energy saving, reduction of pollution of atmospheric air, reduction of water use, organizing green offices, increasing environmental education and the related culture of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sazonets О. M., Myskovets N. P.
The Theoretical Foundations of Implementation of Corporate Entrepreneurship through Use of Ecosystems (p. 144 - 148)

The article is aimed at studying the pivotal points of implementation of the ecosystem-based corporate entrepreneurship. The authors have analyzed different approaches to defining entrepreneurial activity both in Ukraine and in the world. The basic approaches and classification of corporate entrepreneurship have been considered. The article characterizes the main types of entrepreneurship that draw natural resources, identifies the types of entrepreneurship that use whole ecosystems in its activities, in particular agriculture, forestry, hunting and fisheries. A comparative characterization of forms of entrepreneurial activity has been done, determining the most effective form when dealing with natural resources. The main advantages of the ecosystem-based entrepreneurship have been determined from the position of the consumer and entrepreneur.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sazonets I. L., Prytula M. Y.
Significance of the Environmental Responsibility of Corporations (p. 115 - 120)

The carried out generalization of theoretical provisions has been indicative of the fact that the objective need for development of the environmental component of the theory of corporate social responsibility is stipulated by the low level of ecological consciousness of society, a deep environmental crisis of the State, as well as processes of integration into the system of international relations, which requires setting the stringent requirements for ecological safety of production and its impact on the environment. It has been proven that implementing this component provides at the enterprise level provides for introduction of the system of environmental liability. Essence of the environmental responsibility of enterprise has been defined on the basis of three criteria: compliance with environmental obligations, energy and raw materials management, and the efficient involvement of stakeholders. To conceptual foundations of the implementation of a system of environmental liability at enterprise have been systematized. The totality of principles and methods for implementation of this system has been determined, involving the aggregate application of organizational-legal and economic tools. The economic, social and environmental reasons together with the results of environmental responsibility at enterprise have been detalized.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sazonets О. M., Myskovets N. P.
The Macroeconomic Analysis of the Ecosystem-Based Entrepreneurship (p. 147 - 152)

The article is aimed at analyzing the entrepreneurial activity of the ecosystem-based enterprises of Ukraine (i.e. those that involve natural ecosystems into their economic activity). The authors have defined share of the enterprises, which can be attributed to the ecosystem-based, in the total number of enterprises of Ukraine. A structural-dynamic analysis of production and marketing of products (goods and services) of the researched sector was carried out. The goods structure of exports and imports of the products of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries was analyzed. The goods that have the greatest share were defined, and the export-import coverage ratio was calculated in the researched sector. A comparative analysis of profitability dynamics of the ecosystem-based enterprises as well as other enterprises of Ukraine was carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holian V. A., Savchuk V. V.
The Agrarian Natural Resource Use in the Area of Risky Farming: Principles and Priorities for Rationalization (p. 148 - 153)

The essence of agrarian natural resource use as an important prerequisite for agricultural production in the area of risky farming (drainage zone, irrigation zone, and mountainous areas) has been disclosed. The problem points of rationalizing the agrarian natural resource use in the drainage zone have been identified in relation to the structural deformations of agricultural production. The main sectoral and institutional priorities for agrarian natural resource use in the drainage zone have been determined. The principles of agrarian natural resource use in the area of risky farming have been formulated, consisting in the restoration of traditional agricultural specialization, maintaining the environmental-economic balance, ensuring the adaptability to international environmental conventions, comprehensively countering the rural poverty, overcoming the asymmetry in information, preserving the food orientation of agricultural production, and transforming negative externalities into positive effects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dzyubenko O. M.
The Investment-Innovation Provision of Energy Efficiency in the Use of Forest-Resource Potential (p. 154 - 159)

The content of problems of the investment-innovation provision of energy efficiency in the use of forest-resource potential through setting the production of fuel-wood resources has been covered. The upward tendency in the production and consumption of fuel-wood on a national scale and in the Cherkasy region is analyzed, which should be a prerequisite for reconsidering the priorities of energy efficiency projects in the State forestry enterprises with a view to reducing the loss of timber and efficient use of non-liquid wood. Expediency of the production of fuel pellets and briquettes on the basis of the processing of logging waste and woodworking waste in the State forestry enterprises is substantiated. It has been found that a catalyst in the investment for construction of pellet plants should be provision of guarantees on the part of the State, facilitation of leasing transactions, and elimination of import duties on the modern high-tech woodworking and wood processing equipment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holian V. A., Androshchuk I. I.
The Economic Mechanism of Management of Natural Resources: Rents for the Use of Subsoil Assets (p. 148 - 158)

The essential attributes of the institutional and methodological ensuring for the charging and distribution of rents for the subsoil minerals exploitation in the system of functioning of an economic mechanism of management of natural resources has been being disclosed. Consideration was given to the structure of income from the rents for the use of subsoil assets into the Consolidated, the State and the local budgets of Ukraine. The article analyzes the main tendencies in the income of rents for the use of subsoil for mining of State-owned minerals, natural gas, oil, and gas condensate, in current and comparable prices. The content of rents for the use of subsoil for mining amber has been disclosed and the results of the first year of institutionalization of this fiscal payment have been analyzed. The article suggests directions to improve the charging and distribution of rents for the use of subsoil assets by increasing the differentiation of rates, enhancing the stimulating role of the rent regulation of using subsoil, accumulation of part of the mineral-commodity rent in the special funds of budget at different levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dzyubenko O. M.
The State Investment and Innovation Policy for Development of Forest Sector: the Ecological-Economic Aspects and Mechanisms for Implementation (p. 159 - 165)

The need for formation of the State investment and innovation policy for development of forest sector has been substantiated as an important prerequisite for overcoming investment deficits in both the public and the corporate sectors of forest and wood processing production. The main tendencies in the implementation of capital investments by the entities of forestry entrepreneurship, dynamics of involvement of credit resources by forestry enterprises, and shifts in the structure of capital investments in 2016 were analyzed as compared to 2013. It has been found that an important part of the State investment and innovation policy for development of forest sector should be incentives to accelerate the modernization and upgrading of the material-technical base of lumbering and wood processing. The need to form an institutional framework for partnership between the State and business entities in the part of financing the projects of modernization of lumbering and wood processing equipment has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holian V. A., Androshchuk I. I.
The Economic Mechanism of Natural Resources Management: Rents for Special Use of Natural Resources (p. 166 - 174)

The article discloses the content of the economic mechanism of natural resources management as an orderly system of methods, means, instruments, and techniques of fiscal and financial-credit regulation of development of the natural-resource potential. It has been found that the turnpike element of the mechanism of natural resources management is the fiscal component, which is represented by rents for the special use of natural resources. It has been substantiated that the conformity of rent rates for the special use of natural resources with the real value of the natural component of national wealth, which is being engaged in the economic turnover, is a sine qua non for filling financial funds for the enhanced reproduction of natural-resource potential and increasing the motivation of natural resources managers to reduce the losses of natural raw materials. It has been found that there is no significant increase in the dynamics of the income of rents for the special use of natural resources into the consolidated budget of Ukraine at the comparable prices of 1998. It has been substantiated that strengthening of the stimulating function of the rent regulation will be possible, provided that the rent rates in Ukraine will be brought to the average European level.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dzyubenko O. M.
The Status of Organization, Methodology, and Information Support of Economic Analysis of the Financial Potential of Forestry Enterprises (p. 338 - 345)

The article is aimed at researching the status of organization, methodology, and information support of economic analysis of the financial potential of forestry enterprises. It is determined that the financial potential of forestry enterprise is the object of management and economic analysis. Founding documents and internal regulations of enterprises were tested to determine particularities of the organization of activity and management of forestry enterprises. The testing of financial plan of the researched enterprises testifies to fragmentation of economic analysis of financial potential. The analysis of indicators by the financial potential of forestry enterprises, contained in the financial plans, was carried out. It has been determined that the structure of financial plan of forestry enterprises can be represented as the following structure of indicators: formation of financial results; settlements of budgetary payments; movement of monetary means; capital investments; coefficient analysis; financial plan information.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lisichko A. M.
Forest Rent as an Object of Economic Analysis (p. 233 - 242)

The article is aimed at researching the concept of forest rent as an object of economic analysis. The essence of the concept of «forest rent» has been researched. It has been defined that the forest rent is the object of management of the forest complex of Ukraine as a whole and forest enterprises in particular. Rent for special use of forest resources is the object of interest om the part of both the State and the corporate sector, because its value depends on the cost of timber for industry and households. Works of scholars on classification of rents were studied. It has been determined that the rent for specialized use of forest resources is a special kind of natural rent. The structure of constituents in the system of rent relations in the forest sector has been defined in accordance with provisions of the tax code of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mashchenko M. A., Klіmenko O. M.
Ecological and Economic Problems of Environmental Security (p. 190 - 195)

The article is aimed at defining a common mechanism for assessing the ecological and economic threats and ecological losses on the basis of a long-term study to ensure the environmental security of the State. The necessity of a new approach to the State regulation through achievement of environmental security is displayed, that will allow to reduce tensions of the ecological-economic problems in Ukraine. For implementation of this approach, a general mechanism for estimation of ecological-economic threats and ecological losses is provided, which is carried out through formation of an integral costs system. The costs system is presented in the article in the form of an in-depth mechanism for estimating the ecological-economic threats on the example of ecological impacts. Structuring and preparation of the costs system for applied researches is the next stage of this prolonged research.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yaroshenko I. V.
The Formation of Forest Policy of Ukraine (p. 229 - 233)

The article is aimed at defining directions of improvement of the forest policy of Ukraine. The dynamics of production and trade of forest products in the world is provided. The features of organization of the State regulation of the forest industry of Ukraine are covered. The main tasks of the State regulation and management in the sphere of forest relations are presented together with powers of the State authorities on formation and realization of forest policy. The peculiarities of forest policy formation in the EU are considered. The focus is placed on forming the forest policy in Finland. The author presents the directions of improvement of organization of the State management of forest industry complex of Ukraine towards delimitation of function of regulation, supervision and control over realization of economic activity among the State authorities in order to reduce corruption and ensure the effectiveness of the State forest policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karpuk A. I., Myklush T. S., Dzyubenko O. M.
Ensuring the Complex Environmental Management: Goals, Objectives and Regional Features (p. 166 - 176)

The article is aimed at developing theoretical and methodological approaches to identification of the basic components of the complex environmental management and ensuring their complementarity with the Goals of sustainable development for 2016–2030; definition of objectives and tasks of complex environmental management in the context of ensuring ecological-economic and social efficiency of natural resource potential development, as well as specification of the objectives of complex environmental management in the separately taken region. As a result of research the basic components of complex environmental management are defined. The main production-economic, socio-economic and ecological-economic goals of complex environmental management are characterized. It is proved that complex environmental management covers a set of industrial-technical and organizational-economic measures aimed at maximizing the benefit from economic development of natural resource potential at all phases of reproduced circuits without damaging the nature. Methods and technologies of complex environmental management are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shchepak V. V., Kariuk A. M., Sharyi G. I., Tymoshevskyi V. V.
The Regulatory and Legal Provision of Lands Monitoring (p. 209 - 214)

The publication is aimed at researching the status of lands use, studying of normative-legal provision of lands monitoring, and developing a structural-logical model of the lands monitoring formation. The authors carried out a research on the status of lands use in Ukraine and identified the inefficient distribution of the existing lands fund. The results of analysis of legislation of a number of countries demonstrate that there are different restrictions in the lands use sphere. Studies of the current legislation of Ukraine prove that lands monitoring should be considered as a complex system. A structural-logical model of formation of lands monitoring is developed, which characterizes interaction of constituents, in particular dependence of efficiency of lands monitoring from organization of observation process and normative-legal provision. The monitoring of agricultural lands is proposed to be carried out twice a year: before sowing and after harvesting, to assess the degree of agricultural influence on their condition. Prospect for further research is to conduct an assessment of lands monitoring at the regional and national levels as a basis for the formation of lands observation directions and, accordingly, to improve its regulatory and legal provision.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Panova I. O.
Ecologization of the Economic Development in Conditions of Ecological Crisis (p. 251 - 255)

The article is aimed at generalizing the theoretical approaches to the research of essence and components of the process of the ecologization of economic development as the main factor of optimization of relations in the system of «human – nature» in conditions of ecological crisis. The essence, components and factors of the process of the ecologization of economic development in conditions of ecological crisis are considered, the views of researchers as to definition of the concept of «ecologization of both human and society» are systematized. It is substantiated that the ecologization of person implies the formation of a completely new view on the correlation of natural, cultural and social aspects of economic development. The contemporary socio-natural situation is such that it requires from a person to develop a new worldview, which scientists call eco-oriented and which would be free both from the pompous understanding of oneself as «king of nature», and from the «complex of inferiority» in relation to nature. It is concluded that nowadays the necessity of solving ecological problems poses a twofold problem for modern human: harmonization of relations in the system of «human – nature» and formation of a new type of the human as such.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holian V. A., Hordiychuk A. I., Androshchuk I. I.
Rents for Natural Gas in the Context of the Phenomenon of «Dutch Disease»: Ukrainian realities (p. 210 - 216)

It is determined that a simplified understanding of the problem of rental regulation of natural gas production does not allow to set reasonable rates of rent for the extraction of this type of hydrocarbons and to make a breakthrough in the direction of strengthening the energy self-sufficiency of the national economy, as well as to reduce the recurrences of domestic manifestations of the «Dutch disease». The essential characterization of the administration of rents for the use of subsoil for natural gas production as an important component of the system of fiscal regulation of subsoil use and a significant factor in terms of filling financial funds of the State and territorial communities is disclosed. It is defined that the existing mechanism for administration of rent for the use of subsoil for natural gas production has a purely fiscal focus, generates price inflections in the natural gas market and artificially inflates the cost of blue fuel and this ultimately has a negative impact on the energy self-sufficiency of the national economy. Existing approaches to setting rents for natural gas production are considered, in view of the importance of this type of hydrocarbon raw material for the development of the national economy and its permanent insufficiency. Research has shown that, despite the upward trend in the dynamics of nominal rental income for the use of subsoil for natural gas production in the State budget of Ukraine, a real increase in revenues of this type of fiscal payments to the main financial fund of the State is not observed because of the absence of an uptrend in the production volumes of this component of hydrocarbonraws. It is determined that excessively high rates of rent, which are paid by the gas producing companies, do not provide the necessary incentives to increase investment flows in the development of the material-technical basis of gas production and do increase the cost of blue fuel for different categories of consumers, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the competitiveness of industrial production and a curtailment of business activity. It is substantiated that measures to reduce the rates of rent for the use of subsoil for natural gas production should be accompanied by the application of a new formula for calculating the price of blue fuel, which balances the price of imported natural gas and the natural gas of domestic production.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dubyna M. V., Zinkevych O. V.
The Theoretical Aspects of the Functioning and Development of Forestry in Ukraine (p. 187 - 192)

The main aim of this article is to deepen the theoretical provisions of the functioning and development of forestry in Ukraine, allocating the features of economic activity in this sphere. The article puts special emphasis on the definition of the essence of the category of «forestry». To do this, the contents of such definitions as: «forest sector», «forestry», «forest complex», «forest industry», «forest-industry complex» and «forest-based industry sector» were analyzed. A detailed study of these categories, in addition to a closer definition of their essence, has also allowed us to determine their relationship. The result of the study provides the following interpretation of the essence of the category of «forestry» - this is a material production industry that studies, records, reproduces and protects forests, as well as regulates their use to meet the needs of economic actors in the forest-based and other related resources. Thus, in our opinion, forestry should be considered as a separate industry, as a part of the forest sector of the country. The article also defines the functioning and development of forestry as a separate, holistic economic system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lutkovska S. M.
The Institutional Approaches to Modernizing the System of Ecological Security in Terms of Provision of Sustainable Development (p. 281 - 288)

The article proves that the transition to sustainable development poses new demands on ecological security, which in the context of the globalization of the world-wide economic space and the internationalization of environmental problems becomes the dominant factor of global security through aggravation of the ecological situation, which requires effective policies to improve it. It is determined that ecological security can be defined as the ability of the «environment – society – economy» system to maintain equilibrium and balance through dynamic renewal and self-improvement, to counter both external and internal threats and challenges, and to provide acceptable levels of risk to the population and the sustainability of socio-economic development, as well as the reproduction of natural and socio-economic potential. It is proved that the process of institutionalization of ecological security take place in several stages: emergence of a need for security, the satisfaction of which depends on joint actions to prevent risks and threats or eliminate consequences (economic, environmental, social, etc.); formation of common goals for achieving security, public norms, in particular legal norms, to ensure the interaction of actors; formation of a system of sanctions and responsibility in order to implement the rules and regulations of conduct of the actors. A component scheme to modernize ecological security is elaborated, which should include several main components, namely, a system of legal, institutional, organizational and financial measures, which, thanks to integrated use, will contribute to the achievement of ecological policy goals and increase its efficiency. The main directions of institutional transformation in the environmental sphere are proposed. It is determined that institutional transformations in the process of modernization of the ecological security sphere are a deliberate process of changing the institutional structure and system of institutions in order to green the economy while maintaining the leading role of the State on the basis of methods that influence the modification of institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karpinskyi B. A., Karpinska O. B., Shevtsiv A. B.
Genesis of the Scientific-Practical Principles of Sustainable Development Programs in Ukraine (p. 83 - 92)

The article is aimed at researching features of the genesis of scientific-practical principles for the formation and implementation of sustainable development programs in Ukraine. It is allocated and substantiated that in the evolution of these principles and in the formation of the modern model of sustainable development there is a fundamental merit of Ukrainian scholars who crystallized this problematics in their pioneering writings (in particular, S. A. Podolynskyy, V. I. Vernadskyy, M. D. Rudenko). It is emphasized that the genesis of sustainable development is closely related to the need to develop significant financial resources for the protection of the environment. In particular, the compensation of current anthropogenic load on the environment is possible at the total cost of its protection and recovery comprising 6% of GDP, and already at 8-10% even the before caused damage to the environment can be neutralized. It is proved that sustainable development for Ukraine in the framework of these programs is strategically possible only due to the development of such ecological mechanism of motivation that will be beneficial to both business entities and consumers (population), and this determines the need for concretization of tasks and determination of generally accepted appraisal and comparative parameters for the corresponding model. It is grounded that to further ensure formation and proper financing of specific sustainable economic development programs, it is necessary to activate the process of adaptation of both the global goals and the exponential base to the needs of different regions of the State, based on the current decentralisation provisions and the new administrative and territorial division. It is emphasized that the program nature of sustainable development directly depends on the purposeful attention on the part of government institutions along with practitioners for scientific-technological progress, in particular in the part of the development of resource-saving technologies in the system of both the formation of a gross domestic product, and the stimulation of motivation to increase welfare of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pysarenko P. V., Samojlik M. S., Dychenko O. Y., Rudenko O. M.
Optimizing the Organizational Structure of Resource and Ecological Security Management at the Regional Level on an Innovative Basis (p. 60 - 68)

The publication is aimed at developing conceptual principles of cluster policy of providing resource and ecological security (RES) in the region taking into account the innovative, infrastructure and entrepreneurial potential of the region aimed at the development of ecologically oriented enterprises and eco-business. On the basis of the carried out SWOT-analysis of the factors of functioning of the management system of the RES, the article defines the necessity of introduction of a cluster model of interconnection of the subjects of the RES management system in terms of attracting and using resources available in the relevant territory to increase the efficiency of ecologically oriented enterprises, increase the competitiveness of the region and provide the RES. A methodical approach to substantiation of cluster formation and development in the regional economy to provide the RES of the region is proposed. Taking into account the existing relationships between the entities in the RES management system, a generalizing model of cluster creation in the region’s RES system is formed. And this model can be implemented for two cases: 1) creation of clusters of disclosure of innovative and investment potential of secondary material and energy resources in the region or 2) ecologically oriented production clusters, the formation of which is determined by the production specificity of regions that have the most closed technological cycle of raw materials and energy management. Thus, the developed authors’ model of the cluster can be modified depending on the specific objectives and tasks of the RES system taking into account the regional specifics. It is determined that the regional cluster in the system of provision of RES has a number of competitive advantages, which are determined by the following factors: consolidation of the efforts directed to the end result, for which all cluster participants operate; both saving and rational use of all types of resources consumed by the production enterprises of the cluster; optimization of transport support on the basis of logistical approaches, the efficiency of which increases significantly within the cluster formation; possibility of wide access to innovative ideas, progressive technologies, etc., which stimulates innovative activity of cluster participants; lack of rigid management vertical, which is characteristic of centralized management, which creates a certain freedom to choose managerial decisions, activates entrepreneurial activity. Thus, as a result of clustering a favorable entrepreneurial environment is formed in the system of provision of RES, the activity of economic entities of all forms of ownership is growing, the innovative and investment processes are accelerated, efficient economic models of production development are created.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Daker Taha Dib Elrabaya
Improved Relationship Structure of Participants in the Solid Waste Management System by Balancing their Economic Interests (p. 155 - 164)

The article is aimed at developing an alternative structure of relationships between participants of the solid household waste management chain (SHWM) by analyzing the existing economic interests and relations of participants from the European countries who have achieved the greatest success in this sphere. The methods and instruments for satisfying the economic interest of each participant of the solid waste management chain in these countries are identified, which leads to the existing structure of relationships. As a result of the study, an alternative scheme of relationships between the participants in the SHWM together with the formula for calculating profits/savings for both producers and processors of waste are proposed. A way to achieve advanced results without infusing significant funds of both budget and citizens is proposed for Ukraine and the countries of Eastern Europe. Using the proposed scheme, each participant chooses its actions for its own economic reasons, and the State is given the role of education and control. Prospects for further research in this direction are quantitative and financial analysis of the situation with SHW for each city and the identification of target indicators for each link in order to ensure the desired result, in compliance with the economic interests of all participants, with a minimum burden on the producer, processor of SHW and the State.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Нerasymenko Y. S.
The Main Tendencies in the Development of Ecologically Oriented Business in Ukraine and Worldwide (p. 83 - 88)

The article is aimed at assessing the main tendencies in the development of ecologically oriented business in Ukraine and in certain regions of the world. The major tendencies in the development of ecologically oriented business both in Ukraine and worldwide are researched. The production of organic products in the world for 1999–2018 was analyzed in terms of acreage, production volumes and structure. It is emphasized that the growth rate of this market is very high in all analyzed indicators. Global organic products market volumes in 2017 amounted to USD 97 billion, compared to USD 15.2 billion in 1999. In view of the volume of consumption per inhabitant, the leaders were Switzerland (USD 325), Denmark (USD 315) and Sweden (USD 268). In Ukraine, the amount of consumption per capita was less than 1 US dollar. The largest markets in absolute terms were the USA and the EU countries. The structure of the organic market of different countries was studied, as well as the leaders in the consumption of organic products were identified. It is specified that the structure of the organic products market in each country has significant features. Thus, in Norway, a significant proportion belongs to baby food products (33.1%), while Germany has the widespread consumption of organic bread and bakery products (8%), and eggs (21.0%). It is underlined that the vast majority of organic products produced in Ukraine are exported (EUR 104 million in 2018). In Ukraine during 2002–2017, acreages under organic crops grew at a high rate (from 164.4 thousand hectares to 420 thousand hectares). However, in 2018 there was a decrease in these areas to the level of 309.1 thousand hectares, although the number of enterprises engaged in production increased from 375 to 501. It is concluded that further development of the organic products market is possible only if the level of incomes together with the State support of producers increase.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zvarych R. Y., Kril Z. Z.
Waste Management in the Circular Economy (p. 148 - 153)

The article defines the essence and features of waste management in the circular economy. Over the past three decades, the entire progressive world has been striving to put into practice the concept of sustainable development, which involves the formation of a balance of ecological, economic and social aspects. The article is concerned with generalizing and systematizing modern theoretical and practical approaches to achieving the goals of sustainable development. A research of directions of improvement of waste management in the circular economy is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the concept of circular economy. The methodological basis of the research was the conceptual principles of sustainable development, the «green» economy, the circular economy (closed-loop economy). Analysis, synthesis, classification, observation, study of various sources of information were used as the main methods of scholar work. The possibility and significance of taking into account the goals of sustainable development in the management of general modernization processes in both society and the economy is proved. It is identified that development of the umbrella concept of the «green» economy, which acts as an instrument for achieving these goals, is based on the concepts of environmentally friendly production, the best available technologies and the circular economy. The theoretical and practical bases of circular economy as a new trend of implementation of the concept of sustainable development are considered. The normative-legal, market, financial, investment, economic, technological and organizational factors influencing the application of the principles of circular economy in Ukraine are examined. The results of the study can serve as the basis for achieving the goals of sustainable development at different levels and in the spheres of economic management with the help of circular economy instruments: circular business models, secondary markets, methods for managing the cyclicality of production and consumption.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tymoshenko O. V., Kotsiubivska K. I.
Formation of Eco Concepts in Modern Fashion Industry (p. 273 - 280)

The formation of ethical fashion is a priority and a decisive factor in the efficiency of the activities of fashion and beauty industry enterprises. In the context of accelerated development of socio-economic processes, rapid technological changes, the growing needs of humanity along with the simultaneous increase in ecological pollution and the limited natural resources, questions are increasingly pressing about the practical use of ecological aspects of doing business. The article is aimed at studying the theoretical foundations of the essence of eco products, determining its role and importance in the modern world; analyzing the conceptions of development of ecologically oriented enterprises in the sphere of fashion industry. As a result of the carried out study, the theoretical foundations of the formation of the essence of concepts «eco fashion», «eco products», «conscious consumption» are considered and their role in the modern world is analyzed; the main motives for the creation of eco products in the fashion and beauty industry, as well as the main ecological concepts, are outlined. It is substantiated that the formation of the eco products market in the fashion and beauty industry should be understood as a market mechanism that is able to make changes in ecological production focused on economic and social benefits for both producers and consumers and society in general. According to the results of the study, we can conclude that ecological clothing is safer, better, hypoallergenic and convenient, and the advantages of creating eco products are: facilitation of the preservation of the environment; preservation and restoration of soil; reduction of carbon emissions into the atmosphere during the production of ecological clothing; increasing the competitiveness of producers in both the domestic and the foreign markets; resource saving and reduction of energy intensity of production; promoting the preservation of the health of the nation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Honcharuk I. V., Babyna O. M., Yemchyk T. V.
Innovation-Investment Activity in the Development of Alternative Sources of Energy: The Factors of Influence (p. 144 - 151)

The article defines and systematizes the factors of innovation and investment activity in the development of alternative energy sources, followed by the separation of those groups of factors that have a dominant influence on the processes of ensuring innovation and investment activity in the development of alternative energy sources. The volumes of global investments in alternative energy sources are analyzed, in particular, it is determined that wind energy and biofuels have become the most investment attractive to foreign investors. It is identified that solar energy is characterized by rapid development and has the largest scale of construction of new capacities in Ukraine. The comparison of real indicators of renewable energy sources with the planned ones in accordance with the National Renewable Energy Action Plan until 2020 and the Energy Strategy of Ukraine until 2035 «Security, Energy Efficiency, Competitiveness» was carried out. It is determined that Ukraine, although it lags behind the global pace of implementation of the use of renewable energy sources, still has a tendency to reduce the consumption of traditional fuels, in particular imported natural gas. It is substantiated that at the center of the multidimensional system of factors of innovation and investment development of alternative energy sources should be the purpose of satisfying the interests of each individual citizen as the driving force of the necessary reforms on the effective use of territorial resources, as well as to ensure the sustainable development of the country. It is emphasized that precisely the innovative nature of development should cover a comprehensive study of all factors that are part of the relevant field of scientific knowledge, the achievement of scientific and technological progress, efficient socio-economic and environmental technologies. The need to focus on finding solutions and substantiating the effectivity of the implementation of alternative energy of the entire accumulated human, production and technological potential is determined. It is emphasized that the effective and dynamic use of alternative energy sources for Ukraine is a strategically important task, the solution of which will reduce the anthropogenic load on the environment, as well as increase the number of jobs, financial revenues to budgets of all levels, which, in turn, will lead to the sustainable development of the region and the country as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Blahun I. S.
A Model Circular Economy as a Trend of Sustainable Development (p. 124 - 132)

The article presents the advantages of implementing the conception of circular economy (CE), which are not limited to reducing pressure on natural systems, but are based on economic benefits associated with the creation of new jobs, increasing labor productivity, and increasing the competitiveness of the economy. In the course of the study, the author proves that the effective implementation of the conception of circular economy should rely on simultaneous consideration of both perspectives: taking measures by enterprises and implementing at both the political and social levels. Enterprises will only implement environmental methods if it provides them with economic benefits. However, without the support of initiative in the top-down direction (for example, grants and tax incentives), aimed at limiting the use of raw materials, limiting emissions and pollution, there will be no permanent closure of the cycle of material flows. The implementation of the conception of circular economy is based on the so-called 3R (recycle, reuse, reduce). The author analyzes the principles of circular economy, namely: preservation and increase of natural capital by controlling limited reserves and balancing the flows of renewable resources; optimizing the use of resources through the circulation of products, components and materials used with the highest utility in both the technical and biological cycle; maintaining the efficiency of the system by identifying and projecting negative external effects. The developed conceptual model provides for a balance between «top-down» and «bottom-up» approaches, taking into account (not limiting) the disparities in the motivation of different stakeholders of the CE conception in the context of harmonization of economic, environmental and social benefits. The development of sustainable business models is associated with ecodesign, as well as with reverse supply chains. The carried out research can become the basis for further empirical research and provide assistance to decision makers in creating different scenarios by including more specific and industry-specific variables.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holian V. A., Medynska N. V., Zastavnyy Y. B.
Improving the Economic Mechanism of Environmental Management at the Local Level in the Context of Decentralization Processes (p. 133 - 139)

It is determined that the economic mechanism of economic management of the nature is a set of methods, means, instruments and forms of budget-tax and financial-credit regulation of economic development and use in the reproduction process of the natural component of national wealth, as well as the implementation of activities aimed at the reproduction of natural resource potential and environmental protection. It is substantiated that in the current socioeconomic and political-legal conditions, the economic mechanism of economic management of the nature operates with an overly narrowed specification of methods and instruments, which makes it impossible to fully ensure a sufficient level of financing for the implementation of environmental projects and priorities for expanded reproduction and enhance of the natural resource potential. It is proved that in the unfavorable conditions of the European natural gas market for the national economy and crisis phenomena caused by the curtailment of business activity due to the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, budgetary opportunities for financing environmental expenditures are limited. Researches have shown that in the dynamics of the real value of environmental expenditures of both the State and local budgets in 2002-2020 in general, there is a downward trend, which indicates a real decrease in the volume of public financing of environmental protection. It is substantiated that due to the deregulation of land relations, that is, the transfer of the State-owned agricultural land outside settlements to communal ownership, additional resource opportunities have been formed to increase the efficiency of the use of instruments of the economic mechanism of economic management of the nature at the local level. It is determined that in the conditions of an overly unified system of budget and tax regulation of economic management of the nature and limited opportunities for financing environmental activities, ensuring a high level of efficiency of functioning of the economic mechanism of economic management of the nature at the local level requires the installation of a complex of incentives into the range of its instruments and methods. Such incentives will orient the entities of agrarian entrepreneurship to the introduction of additional capacities of organic farming, organic cattle breeding and organic feed production. It is substantiated that such incentives are represented by tax and budget preferences.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Medynska N. V.
Economic Mechanism of Nature Management: The Institutional Basis and Instrumental-Methodological Provision (p. 51 - 57)

It was found that the economic mechanism of nature management operates with an insufficient set of methods, instruments and levers that would make it possible to increase the complexity of economic development of natural resource potential and strengthen the effectiveness of the influence of the sphere of nature management on the pace of socioeconomic growth. It is substantiated that for the formation of a modern economic mechanism of nature management, it is necessary to create an institutional basis, which will provide for the installation in the regulatory environmental architectonics of new institutions-rules capable of ensuring more efficient involvement of natural raw materials and ecosystem services in market circulation. It is determined that the instrumental and methodological provision of the economic mechanism of nature management should cover a wide range of methods, instruments and levers, which will allow to ensure the budget-tax and financial-credit impact on the maximum number of operations related to the extraction of material substance of natural raw materials and the use of non-commodity qualities of natural complexes. Studies have shown that in the modern economic mechanism of nature management there should be present a wide range of financial-economic and managerial-economic methods. Financial and economic methods include: evaluation, accounting, programming, planning, forecasting, taxation, budget financing, investment, insurance, lending. The list of managerial-economic methods includes: licensing, expert assessment, certification, regulation, standardization, monitoring, cadastre, limiting, rationing. It is determined that the current economic mechanism of nature management should cover budget, tax, customs, credit, mortgage and collateral, stock, investment, insurance instruments, as well as instruments based on the implementation of public-private partnership agreements. It is substantiated that in the structure of the economic mechanism of nature management two types of levers be distinguished: financial and economic incentives (tax benefits, soft loans, customs privileges, price discounts/allowances, cross-subsidization. endowment) and financial and economic sanctions (fines, penalties, reimbursement, compensation, financial restrictions, budget limits).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Medynska N. V., Holian V. A., Zastavnyy Y. B.
Improvement of the Economic Mechanism of Nature Use in Conditions of Institutional Transformations: Goals, Global and National Determinants (p. 122 - 132)

It is substantiated that in the conditions of deepening institutional transformations in the natural resource sector of the national economy, which involve the reform of the natural resource management system, the diversification of ownership of natural resource and natural economic assets, the institutionalization of new organizational and legal forms of environmental protection and environmental economic entrepreneurship, the problem of improving the economic mechanism of nature management both at the national and local levels is being updated. It was revealed that the main prerequisite for the formation of a modern economic mechanism of nature use is the development of regulatory and legal support for the diversification of methods, tools and levers of regulatory influence on nature users. It has been established that the following are the main global determinants that must be taken into account when modernizing the budget-tax, monetary-credit, regulatory-permissive and advisory components of the economic mechanism of nature use: the European integration vector of Ukraine's development; modern global environmental protection architecture; the conjuncture of world commodity markets. Studies have shown that the main national determinant of the development of measures to improve the economic mechanism of nature management is the decentralization of power and the reform of local self-government, which provide for the transfer of a significant bundle of powers, in particular in the system of natural resource management and environmental protection, to the level of territorial communities. It is substantiated that when institutionalizing and differentiating the level of regulatory influence on nature users, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the functioning of the public and corporate sectors and the household sector in the field of nature use. It was established that the list of main goals for improving the economic mechanism of nature management should include: increasing the level of capitalization of the economic development of natural resource potential and the use of ecosystem services; provision of integrated nature management and environmental protection in the public and corporate sectors, as well as in the household sector; increasing the level of social and environmental responsibility of business; creation of conditions for accelerated development of various types of bioenergy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyshakevych B. Y., Nastoshyn S. Y.
Modern Approaches to Assessing the Energy Efficiency of the National Economy (p. 34 - 39)

The article notes that energy efficiency cannot simply be a vague and ambiguous concept that does not have accurate assessment methods. It should have clear measurements and evaluation methods. When the question arises as to measuring or evaluating, the lack of a clear definition of energy efficiency can cause the results to differ and it will be difficult to compare them depending on the needs or objectives. So the need to develop an accurate and unified definition of energy efficiency, as well as its classification and development of measurement methods is highlighted. It is emphasized that highly developed countries of the world have significant experience in achieving a high level of energy efficiency of national economies, but they also do not currently have developed a unified system of energy efficiency indicators at the national level, methods for their assessment and analysis. The energy intensity of GDP is almost the only universal instrument by which international and regional comparisons of energy efficiency levels of national economies are possible. It is shown that in recent years in Ukraine there has been a clear tendency to reduce the energy intensity of the national economy in almost all spheres. The State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine has developed tables of primary data and a methodology for calculating energy efficiency indicators of the Ukrainian economy. Primary data and calculation indicators are formed by such sectors as industry, transport, housing, agriculture, services. The article shows that recent methods for evaluating energy efficiency based on modeling the efficiency limit, namely, DEA and SFA models, have become a popular tool for evaluating energy efficiency. Despite a number of its advantages, the DEA method does not take into account statistical noise. In contrast to DEA models, SFA models use the Shepard distance function to determine the energy efficiency index and take into account statistical noise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nesterova K. S., Shcherbata M. Y., Hryshova R. V.
Risks for the Development of a Circular Model of the Economy in Conditions of Instability of the World Market (p. 48 - 53)

The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the risks in the global energy market, which limit the further development of the circular economy model in the leading countries of the world. The relevance of introducing a circular model of the economy due to aggravation of environmental crises, lack of natural resources to ensure sustainable development of economies is explained. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an additional round of interest in the introduction of a circular model of the economy. Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine has led to significant transformations in world markets, primarily the energy market, which will have long-term consequences for the global economy. Countries in today’s conditions are facing the problem of finding the best option for ensuring energy security and «green» development. One of these negative consequences is the emergence of risks for the further development of the circular model of the economy. The energy market is one of the backbone for the effective functioning of the world economy, so the current turbulence of the energy market poses significant threats. The actual factors of influence are analyzed; the key risks for the development of a circular model of the economy are systematized. It is determined that the current instability of the energy market has necessitated an increase in ESG investments, the aggravation of the confrontation between key actors in international relations leads to an increase in military spending in the budgets of countries. This situation increases the urgency of improving the mechanism of the State regulation of the economy, balancing instruments in order to reduce the growing number of global challenges. As a result of the study, the directions of the State regulation aimed at minimizing the risks for the development of a circular model of the economy caused by russia’s military aggression against Ukraine are identified. It is substantiated that the circular model of the economy will contribute to the more efficient use of resources, ensure sustainable development, increase the level of ecological safety.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudenko I. V.
The Economic Instruments for Overcoming Ecological Problems in Ukraine (p. 53 - 59)

The purpose of the article is to develop proposals for improving the economic instruments for overcoming ecological problems in Ukraine. A significant deterioration in the state of the environment in an unstable economic situation is emphasized. The significant aggravation of ecological and economic problems in the country during the wartime and the need to overcome them are underlined. The dynamics of changes in the state of the environment, in particular the volume of waste generation and disposal in Ukraine during 2016-2020, is examined. It is concluded that there is an unstable trend of changes in the volume of waste generated, which allowed to state the inconsistent and unsystematic ecological policy of the government recently. As a positive point, the tendency to reduction of the waste of I–III hazard classes is specified. The tendency to decrease the volume of recycled and burned waste and increase the amount of waste in specially designated places and facilities is determined, which can also be the cause of aggravation of ecological problems in the country. An analysis of the dynamics of capital investments and current costs for the protection and rational use of natural resources is carried out. It is concluded that at the state level in Ukraine the problem of greening production has not yet been resolved. It is emphasized that ecologically safe and resource-saving technologies, as well as waste processing and purification require additional financial investments. It is underlined that economic instruments for regulating the behavior of economic and ecological systems today require additional substantiation. The possibilities of more efficient use of methods of taxation, customs policy, lending, provision of subsidies and benefits, imposition of fines, etc. are considered. The need to introduce ecological management as an important direction to overcome ecological problems in the country is proved. In order to ensure the efficiency of the considered economic instruments, the need for an appropriate control system with performance control and compliance with standards is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Serpeninova Y. S., Makarenko I. O., Oleksich Z. A., Fominov R. M.
The Reporting of Leading Mining Companies in the EU and Ukraine (Disclosure of Ecological Capital): A Comparative Study (p. 106 - 114)

The purpose of the article is to study the activities of mining companies operating in both the European Union and Ukraine by analyzing their non-financial reports, in particular in terms of ecological capital, in terms of sustainable development and evaluating the efficiency of the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The article is aimed at disclosing the ecological aspects of the activities of mining enterprises of the EU and Ukraine in their reporting. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that disclosure by mining companies of information about their condition (in particular, ecological aspects – in order to identify risks that threaten the company’s sustainability) and increase investor and consumer confidence is vital for managing changes towards building a sustainable global economy by combining long-term profitability with environmental protection. Accordingly, the task of ensuring the sustainable development of mining companies is strategic not only for them, but also for the industry and the economy in general. The study analyzes the non-financial reports of the EU and Ukrainian mining entities to determine their actions in the light of social responsibility and to check whether they correlate with environmental protection and the implementation of the SDGs. The degree of disclosure of ecological information in the Management Reports of domestic extractive enterprises and Sustainability Reports of European companies is characterized. The results of this study present a unique contribution to understanding the performance of mining companies in sustainable development in Europe and Ukraine, the external driving factors that encourage them to participate in these activities, and their implementation of the SDGs in their sustainability reports. The article also emphasizes the importance of non-financial information for the sustainable development of companies and the environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gultekin O. O.
Ecological and Economic Provision of Recreational Forest Use in the Context of Decentralization: The Prerequisites, Goals, and Requirements of Wartime (p. 114 - 122)

It is defined that the factor of the presence of a large number of injured citizens of Ukraine as a result of Russian aggression requires the introduction of additional capacities in the recreational industry to ensure their recovery, in particular by means of psychological rehabilitation. It is revealed that, based on the existing natural and recreational potential of forest biogeocenoses, forestry of Ukraine has significant reserves for the development of recreational infrastructure. It is substantiated that due to the significant impact of recreational activities in forest biogeocenoses on the ecological sustainability of forest ecosystems, it is expedient to develop a system of ecological and economic provision for recreational forest management, taking into account the requirements of wartime and the consequences of deepening decentralization of power and local self-government reform. It is determined that a modern system of ecological and economic provision for recreational forest use should be based on taking into account information and digital, environmental-resource and institutional factors caused by corporatization of the forest sector of the national economy; digital transformation of the system of control over the economic development of forest resources potential; implementation of the basic provisions of international environmental conventions in the domestic practice of forestry. It is proved that an effective system of ecological and economic provision for recreational forest use in wartime conditions can be formed as a result of achieving the main, auxiliary and interim goals of forming a set of recreational and tourism products based on the development of the recreational value of forest biogeocenoses. It is found that in the spectrum of the main goals of ecological and economic provision for recreational forest management, the normalization of the tourist flow is of great importance, taking into account the maximum permissible recreational load on forest biogeocenoses to prevent manifestations of recreational digression. It is substantiated that the development of the infrastructure of recreational forest management and the expansion of the range of recreational services by permanent forest users will make it possible to ensure more efficient commercialization of protected objects that are in the use of forestry entities, thus allowing to increase the level of capitalization of forestry in different natural climatic zones.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Medynska N. V., Gultekin O. O.
Institutional Environment for the Formation of Mechanisms of Ecological and Economic Support for the Introduction of Forest Recreational Infrastructure (p. 51 - 57)

It is found that a necessary condition for preventing the manifestations of excessive recreational load on forest biogeocenoses is the formation of an institutional environment for the development of mechanisms for the ecological and economic support of the introduction of forest recreational infrastructure. It is substantiated that the institutional environment of recreational forest use is a complex of institutions-regulations and institutions-organizations that ensure the economic development of the recreational potential of forests and its further commercialization through various forms of market commodity-money relations. It is identified that the complex of modern institutions-regulations of recreational forest use should be aimed at forming in forest users such worldview orientations that will provide for more efficient use of forest ecosystem services instead of priority development of the most liquid wood component of the forest fund. It is proved that an important component of the institutional environment for the functioning of forest recreational infrastructure is the formation of a set of institutions-organizations that will provide assistance in promoting recreational forestry products to the market of recreational services, in particular, provide consulting services on the specification of forestry activities related to the organization of tourism and recreational activities in the territory of forest biogeocenoses. It i determined that the mechanisms of ecological and economic support for the introduction of forest recreational infrastructure facilities are the following: mechanism for ecological and forestry regulation of recreational load on forest biogeocenoses; mechanism for financial and economic support for the development of forest recreational infrastructure; mechanism for economic stimulation of recreational development of the resource potential of forests. It is substantiated that the specification of mechanisms for environmental and economic support for the introduction of recreational infrastructure facilities should be focused on maximizing the integrated efficiency of recreational forest use, taking into account the requirements of deepening decentralization of power and martial law.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Smirnova G. F., Shchetinina O. K., Kotlyar V. Y.
Current Innovations of the Biotechnology Market: The Advantages and Economic Benefits (p. 63 - 72)

Environmental pollution due to anthropogenic activity in many regions of the planet and, in particular, in Ukraine has reached a critical level. Thus, the situation in the field of processing, utilization and, especially, disinfection of waste of various origins has become more complicated, which leads to regular accidents at municipal wastewater treatment plants and landfills. One of the main directions of solving these problems is the development of high-efficiency biological products aimed at minimizing and neutralizing the negative effects of environmental pollution. In order to create such biological products, competitive in the world market of biotechnology, on the basis of original domestic methods, a systematic study of ash and slag waste and the impact of various types of cultures of microorganisms on their neutralization was carried out. The study included the following: analysis of statistical data on periods of self-purification of soils and waters; analysis of the results of the use of biological products for cleaning cesspools, food waste processing, compost pits, farmland and polluted water; a comparative analysis of costs during the use of chemical and biotechnological methods of wastewater treatment with the subsequent calculation of the economic effect; analysis of the initial data of coal dust from the state CHP in order to substantiate the feasibility of its further processing both for the extraction of rare trace elements and to reduce the level of ecological damage; proposal and research of domestic biological products to solve the problems of municipal facilities for the purification of domestic wastewater, purification of water bodies and to eliminate emergency spills of petroleum products on the soil and water; computation of the economic efficiency of biotechnology application in comparison with the chemical method of water purification. On the basis of the data obtained, a scheme for the use of biological products for waste disposal, yield improvement, and accident elimination by methods safe for people, animals and the environment is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Palamarenko Y. V., Chikov I. A.
A Study on Prospects for the Use of Agrobiomass in the Direction of Ensuring Environmental and Energy Independence of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 98 - 112)

The article conducts a study indicating the importance of bioenergy as one of the main directions of renewable energy. Bioenergy occupies a leading position in the global market and plays a significant role in replacing fossil fuels and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Bioenergy, in particular the use of agrobiomass, has great potential in Ukraine for energy production. However, now the development of bioenergy in the country lags behind the European level. In order to facilitate the development of this industry, it is necessary to use the available agrobiomass resources and introduce modern energy production technologies. It is further defined that for the development of bioenergy in Ukraine it is important to create a favorable legislative environment and infrastructure. It is necessary to attract investment in the industry, support research and development of new technologies, as well as have specialists trained who can effectively implement bioenergy projects. The study revealed that one of the ways to use agrobiomass for energy production is to grow energy crops such as straw, corn and sunflower stalks, corn silage, organic components of household waste, sewage sludge and waste from livestock breeding enterprises. For optimal use of agrobiomass, it is necessary to take into account environmental and socioeconomic aspects, ensure the sustainability of raw material supplies and develop efficient production technologies. The publication provides data on the consumption of renewable heat energy in Ukraine during 2007–2024. Different types and methods of energy production from agrobiomass are described and a classification of technologies for the gradual transformation of agrobiomass into energy products is presented. The publication also considers the methodology of economic efficiency of waste use for biofuel production in comparison with their traditional use at the State level. The advantages and disadvantages of energy use of agrobiomass are highlighted, as well as different types of biofuel production and raw materials used for this purpose are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karpuk A. I., Holian V. A., Butsenko R. A.
Reproduction of the Main Capital of Forestry Economy in the Conditions of Digitalization, European Integration and Decentralization: The Ecological and Economic Aspects (p. 113 - 120)

It is substantiated that the main capital of forestry economy includes the technical-technological, production-economic and natural-resource components, which requires the formation of a modern model of ecological and economic regulation of its reproduction to prevent the processes of exhausting and unbalanced forest use. It is determined that at the present moment the decisive influence on the paces, proportions and scale of reproduction of the main capital of forestry economy is exercised by the processes of European integration, digitalization and decentralization, which to some extent is reflected in the State Strategy for Forest Management of Ukraine until 2035. Studies have shown that in 2013–2021 in the dynamics of most articles of capital expenditures for the purchase of production equipment, cars, devices, machinery and mechanisms, there is an upward trend, owing to both the real growth of capital investments and devaluation-inflationary processes. It is revealed that in 2013–2021 there is a reduction in total capital expenditures for the purchase of road construction equipment, which reduces the ability of permanent forest users to develop a network of forestry roads. It is substantiated that deepening the digital transformation of the forest management system and the movement of forest products requires an increase in capital expenditures in the acquisition of modern software and other information and digital technologies, which will lead to an increase in the share of intangible assets in the structure of main capital of forestry economy. It is found that in recent years certain institutional prerequisites have been formed for diversification of sources of financial and investment support for the reproduction of fixed capital of forestry economy due to an increase in the volume of bank lending and additional attraction of foreign investments. It is proved that a perspective institutional form of diversification of sources of financing for the reproduction of main capital are public-private partnership agreements, which will ensure the consolidation of resources of the public and corporate sectors to accelerate the processes of expanded reproduction and economic development of the forest resource potential of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holian V. A., Medynska N. V., Moroz Y. O., Zamlynskyi O. S.
Formation of a Decentralized Model of Financial and Economic Regulation of Environmental Protection and Nature Management Activity: The Focus on European Experience (p. 74 - 82)

It is found that in the context of martial law and deepening decentralization of power and local government reform, there is a need to form a decentralized model of financial and economic regulation of environmental management, which will allow more efficient accumulation of natural resource and environmental payments and ensure their targeted use in terms of expanded reproduction of natural resource potential and environmental protection. It is substantiated that a distinctive feature of the interbudgetary distribution of natural resource rent and environmental tax is their excessive centralization, which does not allow forming a sufficient financial base of local self-government for financial and investment support aimed at the reproduction of natural resource potential, development of a network of natural and economic and environmental infrastructure and environmental protection. It is identified that in 1999-2021, the dynamics of the proportion of local budgets in the total revenues of rent and fees for the use of other natural resources and environmental taxes to the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine shows a downward trend, which indicates the existence of gaps between the declared priorities of fiscal deregulation in the system of natural resource management and environmental protection and the actual decentralization of the accumulation of environmental payments in public budgets. It is found that the effectiveness of the decentralized model of financial and economic regulation of environmental management directly depends on the growth of the concentration of eco-resource payments in local budgets, which, in combination with the spatial and territorial communal assets, will allow diversifying the sources and methods of financial and investment support for rationalizing the use of natural raw materials and environmental protection in the adjacent territories. It is substantiated that the basis for building a decentralized model of financial and economic regulation of environmental management should be the Polish experience of organizing financial and investment support for environmental rehabilitation through the formation of a network of environmental protection funds at both the national and regional levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhurba Y. A.
Realities of the Current State of Management of Economic Transformation in the Context of the Green Transition under the Influence of War (p. 64 - 69)

The global trend of transition to a green economy has become a key component of the development of developed countries. This process is driven by many factors, including growing awareness of climate change, pollution, and the need to ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. Developed countries are actively implementing green technologies, promoting the use of renewable energy sources, and supporting the creation of sustainable infrastructure that helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This trend is also reflected in policy decisions and legislation aimed at encouraging environmentally friendly production and consumption. The green economy is becoming a source of innovation and new opportunities for job creation and increasing the competitiveness of countries in the global market. However, this process also requires serious efforts and investments in the research and development of new technologies, as well as in the training of the workforce for green economy sectors. The global trend of transition to a green economy is an important step in preserving the environment and ensuring sustainable development in the future. The need to transform Ukraine’s economy within the framework of the green economy is a relevant and urgent task. The country is facing complex challenges related to climate change, the depletion of natural resources, and environmental pollution. The green economy is an important instrument for ensuring sustainable development and reducing the negative impact on the environment. The transformation of the economy includes the transition to the use of renewable energy sources, support for energy efficiency, the development of environmentally friendly technologies and green infrastructure projects. This transformation can provide new markets and jobs, foster innovation, and increase Ukraine’s competitiveness in the global market. In addition, the green economy helps to reduce dependence on energy imports and ensures the country’s energy security. The role of the government in creating a favorable legal environment and incentive mechanisms for the development of green technologies and investment in green projects is also important. The coordinated transformation of the economy in a green direction meets global challenges and is a strategic step to ensure sustainable development and improve the quality of life of Ukrainian citizens.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Paduraru T.
The Role of Eco-Innovation in Supporting Resource Efficiency and Corporate Stability for Sustainable Economic Growth (p. 70 - 77)

In the context of the growing global concern for sustainable economic growth, the importance of managing limited natural resources and minimizing the impact on the environment is becoming increasingly evident. In this direction, joint efforts must focus on developing an economy that meets the needs of the present without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. To achieve this goal, eco-innovation becomes essential, by promoting the development and implementation of innovative technologies aimed at supporting resource efficiency and reducing the negative impact on the environment. In this context, the paper aims to analyze the role of eco-innovation in resource efficiency, where the author presents and explains the interdependence between the 2 concepts in the context of sustainable economic growth. At the same time, the paper aims to analyze the activities undertaken by companies from the Republic of Moldova in terms of resource efficiency and the impact of climate change on strategies. The methodology is based on the survey method, methods of analysis and synthesis of data interpretation and relevant comparisons. The research results illustrate different ways in which companies are adapting to changes in their environment, including climate change, and various efforts to improve resource efficiency, which remain very modest. This underlines the importance of developing and implementing resource optimization strategies within companies, through eco-innovations, while monitoring the impact of these strategies, which is a way to respond to permanent challenges in the business environment and to contribute to strengthening a more sustainable economy.

Article is written in English


Korobka R. V.
The Global Dimension of Environmental Investment: Between Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuels (p. 144 - 150)

It is determined that the conclusion in recent decades of a set of international environmental agreements related to the fight against global warming and the solution of other environmental problems on a planetary scale, forms the institutional basis for reviewing the priorities of investment activities in the field of environmental management on a global scale. The article discloses the modern global dimension of investment activity in the field of environmental management, taking into account the requirements of the world environment preserving architectonics and the challenges of transferring national economies to the model of low-carbon development. It is determined that the key feature of the modern format of global investment in the sphere of environmental management is a shift in emphasis from additional development of mineral reserves towards financial and investment support for the implementation of projects for the development of the renewable energy industry in accordance with key provisions of international environmental conventions, in particular the provisions of the New Climate Agreement. It is identified that the increase in the amount of financing for renewable energy projects in 2010–2022 was accompanied by an increase in the production of hydrocarbons, which is due to the further orientation of most developing countries to an extensive type of development, which provides for the additional involvement of fossil fuels in the economic and energy turnover. It is substantiated that the increase in investment inflows in renewable energy on a global scale is associated with the transition of national economies of a significant number of countries to the model of low-carbon development, which involves the use of a wide range of methods and tools to stimulate the processes of resource and energy saving, as well as the rejection of mineral fuels, in particular fossil solid fuels. It is determined that the positive trend in the dynamics of global financing of renewable energy is due to the growth of investments in projects to attract renewable sources for the production of various types of energy in developing countries, which are actually becoming key players in the transition to a model of low-carbon development with the support of international organizations and global climate funds.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkvarylyuk M. V.
Development of Green Energy in Modern Transformational Conditions (p. 151 - 158)

The aim of the article is to form the scientific and theoretical basis for the introduction of green energy and systematize the scientific and practical foundations for ensuring energy security in the transition to the effective use of green energy technologies. According to the results of the carried out study, it is proved that energy is the basis for the development of human civilization, the most important factor in the production and maintenance of life in modern transformational conditions. It is the active development of the energy industry sector that provides resources for all energy and temperature processes of production, information and management activities and the dynamic functioning of the social sphere of society, as well as forms the main flows of world trade and integrates international relations. The energy industry is associated with significant challenges and threats that call into question its ability to continue to meet the basic criteria of sustainable energy supply, namely: sufficiency, affordability, efficiency, and ecology. The predictable maturation of the energy crisis in the modern world has a long-term and structural nature, which forms the financial, economic and environmental crises. Therefore, there is a need to search for alternative energy sources that will have a low level of negative impact on the environmental component of society development and simultaneously increase the socioeconomic level. The article specifies that green energy can be defined as a key element of the strategy for building an optimal configuration of a balanced system of correspondence between environmental and economic factors and the transition to sustainable development of society. It is determined that consideration of economic aspects and financial support, technical challenges, the role of government and public-private partnerships, as well as the impact on small and medium-sized enterprises provides a full range of information for understanding the ways of development of green energy in the economic and social contexts. Taking into account these aspects will allow us to build effective strategies for sustainable and balanced development of the green energy sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Levkovska L. V., Mandzyk V. M., Boiko V. V.
Institutional Environment for Strengthening the Sustainability of the Water Management Sector in the Conditions of External Risks and Threats (p. 161 - 166)

The article considers the importance of the functional influence of the institutional environment on strengthening the sustainability of the water management sector and the overall increase in its efficiency in the context of the growing destructive impact of external risks and threats. The key aspects related to the formation of effective institutional mechanisms aimed at ensuring sustainable development of water resources and reducing the vulnerability of the water sector to external influences are identified. The importance of creating an effective regulatory framework that would comprehensively contribute to ensuring the sustainability of the water management sector in the long term is analyzed, taking into account the variety of external risks, such as climate change, environmental pollution, as well as the destructive impact of military operations. The issues of implementation of institutional innovations in the system of regulation of the water management sector in Ukraine are considered, in particular, such as the introduction of the latest technologies for water resources management, development of a system of interaction with non-governmental public and environmental institutions in the decision-making process, as well as promoting their participation in the formation of water resources management policy. The necessity of increasing attention to the institutional aspects of water resources management is substantiated, this will contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of water resources in the face of growing external risks and threats. It is proved that effective management of water resources requires an integrated approach, which should take into account not only technical aspects, but also socioeconomic and institutional factors. It is determined that the presence of stable institutional structures contributes to the creation of appropriate conditions for the development of the water management sector, as well as its functional adaptation to changes in the external environment. Institutional models of water resources management have been studied, based on which key principles and approaches that can be used to generally increase the sustainability of the water management sector in the context of external risks and threats have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stretovych O. O.
Application of the Theory of Change in the Greening of Business (p. 193 - 197)

The article summarizes scientific approaches to the development of the theory of changes in the greening of business. The scientific and methodological approaches to understanding the basics of the theory of change have been developed. The features of the application of the theory of change in the greening of business are presented. The specifics of the development of the theory of changes in the greening of business on the example of Ukraine are revealed. It is determined that for the Ukrainian realities, the greening of business is implemented mainly in the formal plane in the context of compliance with the norms and standards of environmental development, ensuring environmental taxation, control of environmental pollution standards, which slows down the development of the component of the Ukrainian environmental business and hinders the innovative introduction of elements of the ecological paradigm in our country. The theory of change is a rigorous but necessary process by which groups and stakeholders in planning activities formulate their long-term goals and define the conditions that they believe should precede the achievement of these goals. These conditions are modeled as desired outcomes, organized graphically in a causal structure. Change theory describes the types of interventions (a single program or a coordinated initiative) that lead to the outcomes depicted in the outcome map. Each intervention is linked to an outcome in a causal system, revealing the often complex web of actions required to bring about change. Several factors have been found to make it difficult for multinational companies to take action against climate change, such as a lack of certainty about climate policy, a lack of green technologies, and a lack of return on investment. The use of green practices also remains limited in the International Health Standards (IHR) in both developed and developing countries, due to limited access to finance and skills, lack of information and knowledge about innovation, and, in some cases, poor enforcement of rules. It is determined that for a better and more effective application of the norms and provisions of the theory of changes in the greening of business, it is relevant to introduce professional courses for managers and environmental managers of companies, which will direct the professional training of management staff to the implementation of effective environmental changes in business. It is also relevant to introduce the State-based programs to stimulate the development of greening business in terms of indirect (tax incentives for businesses that implement environmental innovations) and direct incentives for the implementation of environmental changes (preferential lending for greening business).

Article is written in Ukrainian


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