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Management and Marketing


Nazarenko S. A.
Using of System Approach to Institutional Quality Management of Cluster of Sustainment Processes (p. 82 - 85)

In the paper the basic mechanisms of improvement of living conditions of citizens and the analysis of the housing and communal complex.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koiuda V. O.
Managerial Decisions in the System of Crisis Management of Enterprise (p. 85 - 90)

The article characterizes crisis management, generalizes approaches to development and realization of managerial decisions and their quality with the account of influence of factors of the system of crisis management of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaruba V. Y., Shasha O. I.
The Administrative Concept of Imagebuilding (p. 90 - 94)

In article the essence and specificity of methodical aspects of the organization imagebuilding is considered. It is analyzed structure of image of the enterprise. The model of formation of a subject as a result of influence of subjects of management on target audiences is offered. Process of formation of representation about an image of a subject is considered from object which forms image.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mazhnyk L. O.
Methods of Assessment of Technology of Enterprise Personnel Management (p. 94 - 99)

The article determines the sequence of analysis of components of technology of enterprise personnel management and defines and calculates its complex indicator of assessment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korsakov D. O.
The Determination of Factors which Influence the Competitive Advantages of the System of Personnel Management (p. 99 - 102)

In the article the analysis of factors which influence on the competitive edges of a personnel management system of enterprises is conducted. On the basis of this analysis the classification in which factors are selected on the sign of degree of influence on the competitive edges of a personnel management system is consisted.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mazhnik N. A., Kostin D. A.
Theoretical Bases of Management of Professional Development of Institution Personnel (p. 103 - 107)

The authors improved essence and contest of the notion «management of professional personnel development» on the basis of generalization of the given theoretical approaches. Sets of approaches towards professional development of institution personnel were presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Didenko Y. Y., Soboleva T. P.
Research of Conception of Benchmarking of Costs as the Part of Methodology of General Quality Management (p. 107 - 109)

The use of methods of quality cost management allows the enterprise not only to optimize costs but as the consequence increase competitiveness of production and enterprise as a whole. The article analyses the tendencies of development of methods of quality cost management by means of study of conception of benchmarking.

Article is written in Russian

Aleksandrova N. V.
Brand Influence on Regulation of Labour Relations of an Enterprise (p. 110 - 113)

In this article the author considers the categories of brand and internal brand, their influence on labour relations of an enterprise. Recommendations of internal brand formation in an enterprise were developed.

Article is written in Russian

Leschuk G. V.
Evaluation of Risk Project of Restructuring the Enterprise (p. 114 - 117)

The analysis of methods of estimation of risks is conducted in the article, and also the methodical going is developed near conducting of comprehensive analysis of risks of project of restructuring of enterprise with the purpose of forming of effective administrative decisions.

Article is written in Russian

Palamarchuk I. M., Storozhylova U. L.
Application of Principles of Logistic in a Management a Company (p. 117 - 119)

Authors are examining the pressing question of origin and growth company in the modern terms of market. Application of logistic principles in the management of organization are observed.

Article is written in Russian

Marchenko O. S.
The Internal Consultative Market of Firm: Essence, Structure (p. 120 - 124)

Essence and structure of Internal consultative market, his role in realization by the firm of functions of integrator of knowledge are exposed. The basic economic -organizational forms of the internal advising are reasonable, methodology of determination of internal cost of consultative services is offered.

Article is written in Russian

Solntsev S. O., Strulyev O. O.
Marketing Peculiarities of Commercial Real Estate Management (p. 124 - 133)

By analysis and generalization of the notion system, which reflects features, signs, characteristics and problems that exist in economic category of the real estate as the product of industrial market are isolated from the common number of factors are basic and defined the real estate paradigm. The theory of real estate paradigm, the stimulus for its development, consumer value, meta value and its influence to the formation of the decision making criteria in the course of the real estate site’s selling-purchase process. The systematized and identified philosophic-theoretical substance of such economic notion as industrial real estate demand formation mechanism will be useful for the specialists involved into real estate market field.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №2-2011, Vol.1

Azarenkova H. M., Samorodov B. V., Bondaryuk N. A.
Anti-Crisis Innovations in Manage-ment of Enterprises (p. 71 - 74)

The article substantiates the necessity of introduction of anti-crisis innovations into management of enterprises with the purpose of overcoming their unprofitability and securing their stable development. Special attention has been given to introduction of such innovation action as the use of acceptance credit by Ukrainian enterprises.

Article is written in Russian

Goncharenko N. G., Naumenko M. O.
Balanced System of Indicators in the System of Strategic Management of Development of Integrated Corporate Structures (p. 81 - 84)

The approach to integration of balanced system of indicators with the system of operating control of integrated corporate structure based on its architectural presentation and the use of Petri net has been suggested.

Article is written in Russian

Kapustnik K. V.
Strategic Decisions of Development of Enterprises as Subject of Economic Expert Examinations (p. 87 - 89)

The article considers problems of expediency of making economic expert examinations of strategic decisions of development of enterprises at various stages of managerial process. The concept of strategic decisions as a subject of economic expert examinations in the capacity of basic category of expert methodology has been formulated.

Article is written in Russian

Otenko I. P., Malets A. A.
Methodical Approaches to Risk Analysis at Accepting and Realization of Strategic Decisions at the Enterprise (p. 153 - 155)

In the article the types of risks according to stages of accepting and realization of strategic decisions are allocated, methodical approaches to their analysis with description of research and estimation methods are presented.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №2-2011, Vol.2

Pilipenko S. N., Pilipenko D. R.
Organization of Management of Cooperation and Loyalty in Corporate Logistic Schemes: Accounting and Analytical Aspect (p. 138 - 139)

The article presents the evolution of the conception of marketing of partnership relations and determines its interconnection with synergetic paradigm. The recommendations as to creation and use of marketing mechanism of management of logistic chains of creation of value were developed. The typology of logistic interrelations was substantiated. The peculiarities of formation of the fields of interaction of subjects of precision marketing were considered.

Article is written in Russian

Skopenko N. S.
Urgent Problems of Analysis of Integration Processes (p. 140 - 142)

The article considers the peculiarities of analysis of integration processes. It gives arguments that complex economic analysis and its scientific organization in the context of purposes, tasks, peculiarities of each stage of integration process determine the efficiency of integration.

Article is written in Russian


Prokhorova V. V.
Approach to Development and Implementation of Management of Innovation (p. 120 - 123)

The authors propose a scientific and methodical approach to introduce managerial innovations based on the diagnosis of innovative environment of the enterprise to improve its functioning.

Article is written in Russian

Yefremova L. V., Yefremov S. L.
Business Consulting – Integral Part of Market Infrastructure (p. 123 - 125)

In the article the questions of formation and development consultancy as a form of activity and one of the modern types of businesses in the production and circulation, the analysis of key factors influencing the functioning of the consulting services market and identify trends and prospects of its development in Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian

Melnik J. A.
Determination of basic factors of changing of the enterprise’s labor potential within the framework of estimation of enterprise’s value (p. 126 - 128)

The article lights up some possibilities of upgrading estimation of enterprise’s value by the way of the quantitative and qualitative estimation of personnel and of enterprise's labor potential. For this purpose author examines basic factors, which influence on labor potential of enterprise, his reproduction and development taking into account further development of estimation of the labor potential within the framework of estimation of enterprise’s value.

Article is written in Russian

Nedavnia A. V., Momot T. V.
Value-Oriented Approach to Management of Portfolio of Building Projects (p. 128 - 131)

Classification of the building enterprise projects according to a stage of their realization for the purpose of management decision-making is offered. The mechanism of management of building projects portfolio is developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pylypenko A. A., Pilipenko S. N., Pilipenko D. R.
Capitalization and Primary Distribution of Shares as Strategic Imperative of Development of National Subjects of Economic Management and Integrated Corporate Logistic Systems (p. 132 - 134)

The particularities of measurement strategic systems using are considered. The structuring of efficiency factors is organized. Need to business integrated structure strategic process orientation on capitalization and market value growing is proved. The requirements to initial public offering are generalized. The designed scenario of IPO undertaking using as regulations of integrated structure strategic direction is offered. Toolbox of balanced scorecard introducing is advanced.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Udalykh O. O., Gorbatovska N. V.
Monitoring and Assessment of Organizational Changes at Enterprise (p. 135 - 137)

In the article essence and necessity of monitoring and estimation of organizational changes is considered on an enterprise in control the system by organizational development. Custom organizational changes controls, factors of efficiency of organizational changes and methods of its estimation, are investigational.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chaplinska O. Y., Neporozhnia Y. V.
Development of Social Package with the Purpose of Motivation of Personnel (p. 137 - 139)

This article shows the problems of proposing pay packages and necessity of using different instruments connected with increasing of personnel motivation.

Article is written in Russian

Nenno I. M.
Risk-Management of Bank with Use of Tools of Stock Market (p. 139 - 144)

The article includes issues of management methodology and banking risks estimation made. Recommendations for carrying out and evaluation the hedging operations effectiveness in the banking solvency are provided.

Article is written in Russian

Nemashkalo K. R.
Theoretical Bases of Formation of the System of Management of Social Capital of Enterprise (p. 145 - 147)

The article generalizes the theoretical approaches to formation of the system of management and presents the system of management of social capital of enterprise on the basis of cybernetic approach.

Article is written in Russian

Shatokhin O. G.
Criteria of Choice of Alternatives with Verbal Assessment on Scales (p. 147 - 150)

The criteria of choice of alternatives with verbal estimations on scales and vagueness are examined in the article. It is foreseen at the estimation of variants, that present information describes the consequences of certain alternatives exactly. However often there is complete control above development of every variant. It is possible to choose a variant, only foreseeing the consequences of his realization and risk. The basic lines of risk is contradiction, alternativeness and vagueness.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Slavgorodska O. Y.
Strategic Management of Competency of Enterprise Personnel (p. 128 - 131)

The article deals with the investigation of strategic management of enterprise personnel competency as the basis of achieving strategic goals of the organization.

Article is written in Russian

Goldfarb A.
The problems of inculcation of motivation system based on key performance indicators at the enterprise (p. 131 - 134)

In the article the concept and the basic advantages of inculcation of motivation system based on key performance indicators (KPI) at an enterprise are considered; problems of inculcation of KPI at the Ukrainian enterprises are revealed and ways of the decision of these problems are offered.

Article is written in Russian

Astafyeva K.
Formation of the Structure of Economic Security According to the Stages of Company Life Cycle (p. 134 - 136)

In this article forming of structure of economic security of enterprise it is suggested to conduct in obedience to the stages of life cycle of company. Conducting the analysis of theory of development this organization, there were certain the basic characteristics in article, which provide development during the growth stages. It gives an opportunity to define what types of safety will have a more considerable influence on the process of functioning of enterprise and on this basis form the structure of safety.

Article is written in Russian

Dorovskoy A. F., Ivanisov O. V., Gidzula A.
Assessment of the Level of Organization of the System of Operational Planning With the Purpose of its Further Development (p. 137 - 138)

The article is grounded the necessity and method of efficiency planning system estimation to further development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gudz P. V., Ostapenko T.
The Analysis of the Foreign Experience of the Usage of the Logistic Activity System Administration (p. 139 - 142)

The article contains the analysis of the foreign experience of the usage of the logistic activity system administration, especially micrologistic system KANBAN, just-in-time, MRP. The method of usage of the logistic activity control at the domestic enterprises is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Seydametova L., Ablyazovа S.
Corporate Management and Investment Attractiveness: Modern Conceptual Approaches (p. 142 - 147)

In the article basic conceptions of corporate management and their influence are considered investment attractiveness of corporation. Forming of the system of corporate management is developed.

Article is written in Russian

Casich-Pilipenko T. M., Dyachko T.
Personnel as a key Component of Competitive Advantages (p. 147 - 150)

Considered and analyzed such concepts as: human resources, employment potential, human resources and the proper relationship between them. Elucidated the components of enterprise human resource capacity. The role of human resources in the overall company. The scheme of the human resources management company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lysytsia N. M.
Social Potential of Consumers as the Basic of Forming Marketing Policy of Enterprise (p. 150 - 153)

The article deals with the social potential of consumers, which helps to construct the possible models of financial behavior. Analogy and difference between the groups of consumers have been considered. Analysis of possible models of financial behavior will be the background for choosing the marketing policy of enterprise.

Article is written in Russian

Lukianchenko V.
Marketing Approaches in Management of Production Enterprise with Innovation Resource and in Formation of New Business Model (p. 154 - 158)

In article results of researches of modern methods of studying internal and external an environment of the Ukrainian enterprises are resulted. The esserice and the basic approaches to formation of innovate model of management through development and creation of new business – model is determined. In work necessity of development of marketing activity at the enterprises is considered at the big competition.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kukla O. L.
Marketing Conception Work of Horse Enterprises as Basis of Successful their Functioning (p. 158 - 160)

The questions related to marketing conception of work of stud farms are reflected. The necessity of creation in the stud farms of departments of marketing is exposed. The chart of co-operation of department of marketing of stud farm with an external and internal environment is represented in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaremba P.
Intercommunication of Publicity Strategy of Enterprises of Restaurant Economy and Conduct of Users (p. 161 - 164)

Factors, which influence on the conduct of users and also hierarchy of reaction of users on advertising which reflects intercommunication of reasons of acquisition of products and consumer conduct at the market of services of restaurant economy, are analysed in the article.

Article is written in Russian

Ivanechko N. R.
Implementation of Informational Database to Maintain the Functioning of Commercial and Entertainment Company (p. 164 - 167)

In this article the use of informational database is substantiated for the process of marketing strategy elaboration in commercial and entertainment company. Practical recommendations are given to the composition and structure of customers information database development for commercial and entertainment company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sergeeva L., Manzhura O.
Modelling of Price Structure in the Non-Uniform Markets (p. 168 - 173)

Article is devoted a market research of the goods and services on the basis of model of the harmonious market. Proposed to divide market on the submarket at use of model of the harmonious market, and also improvement of the given model at the expense of introduction of intervals of a deviation from a harmony.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №5-2011, Vol.2

Golubeva T. V., Lytovchenko I. V.
Estimation of a level of development of professional competence of the administrative personnel of the industrial enterprise (p. 83 - 88)

The methodical approach to the qualitative and quantitative estimation of management personnel’s professional competence is offered; classification of industrial enterprises depending on the level of management personnel’s professional competence is grounded.

Article is written in Russian

Нoncharova S. Y.
Directions of development of technology of human resource management (p. 88 - 89)

The essence, criteria and peculiarities of the personnel development management technologies which are necessary to take into account in the process of the enterprise functioning on the regional level are considered in this article.

Article is written in Russian

Dudar A. V., Osipenko I. M.
Models of Decision Making in Management (p. 90 - 91)

The article considers basic models of decision making in management, singles out basic directions of the research of the theory of decision making, analyses managerial decision as instrument of influence on the object of management and its certain subsystems, important part of formation and realization of relations of management in organization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klebanova T. S., Grachev V. I., Zyma O. G., Yatsenko R. M., Balykov O. H.
Systems of Organization of Group Work in Heading the Department of Institution of Higher Education (p. 92 - 95)

The article suggests the system of heading of the department of institution of higher education which is realized on the basis of distributed network information technologies. It gives the specialized information systems of organization of group work and analyses the basic instruments of the system with open code Feng Office.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stepurina S. O.
The use of cognitive approach for acceptance of administrative sanation decisions (p. 96 - 97)

In the article a cognitive model is offered for a sanation management an enterprise. The algorithm of realization of technology of cognitive modelling of process of sanation management in a crisis situation is considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Krymska L. O., Rybina M. V.
Inkremental Approach in Strategic Management and Organizational Development of Domestic Corporation (p. 121 - 123)

A world business-environment changes continuously. All time new players appear on the field, develop and acquire new force existent companies, and somebody is forced to leave from a game. A business-environment of Ukraine is too unstable for the middle category of companies, it forces them to heed after changes and operatively to amend in the strategic plans.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Teslenok I. M., Kucherenko M. O.
The Essence and Structure of Enter-prise’s Informative Potential (p. 124 - 127)

The article analyzes the concept and structure of the information potential of the enterprise. The relationship of elements of the information potential of enterprise and their components is represented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulbit Y. V.
Analysis of approaches to developing strategic decisions and their acceptance in conditions of indeterminacy (p. 127 - 129)

In this article I consider the problem of development and strategic decision-making in conditions of indeterminacy, which examined possible ways of solving this problem through the use of technology for making strategic decisions with a number of approaches that complement the classic approach intuitive factor.

Article is written in Russian

Preobrazhenska O. S.
Theoretical aspects of research in the competences of the enterprise (p. 129 - 133)

Characteristics of the professional management competences connected with the strategic aspects of the management, management functions, system of relations are given. It is noted that the enterprise competences though based on individual competences, are the abilities developed within the limits of the entire enterprise, allowing to produce product or service, which would be necessary for the consumer, and being built in a competitive position of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danilenko S. V.
Peculiarities of Activities of Joint-Stock Companies in Ukraine (p. 133 - 135)

The article makes the study of the state of corporate management at domestic enterprises. It reveals the unsolved problems and directions of improvement of the state of corporate management.

Article is written in Russian

Pavlovska I. G.
An Integration Interface Management is in Strategy of Development of Holdings Structures (p. 136 - 138)

The article researches the optimization of the integrational interaction of the corporate holding type structures. Resource providing of investment programs, interaction with the equity, regulation of the intracorporate relations, use of scientifically-practical approaches of corporate management should focus domestic holdings on overcoming of the typical problems constraining their development.

Article is written in Russian

Barysheva N. V., Nikolaieva O. G.
Information and Analytical System of Support of Making Decisions on Logistic Management of Direct and Reverse Flows of Enterprise (p. 139 - 142)

The work develops information and analytical system of support of decision making on logistic management of direct and reverse flows of enterprise which ensures timely obtaining of necessary information about direct and reverse movement of flows along all logistic system for making managerial decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Solodukhin S. V., Khoroshun V. V., Tischenko O. I.
Support Mechanisms of the Processes of Information Management of Socio-Economic Systems (p. 142 - 145)

The article considers methodological bases and instruments of processes of information management of socio-economic systems, gives the description of developed conceptual scheme of information management which is useful both for making managerial decisions and for creation of organizational systems of management, correction, optimization of structures of already present purpose-oriented organizations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nezdoiminov S. G., Dishlovoy I. M.
Scientific and Methodological Principles of the Strategy of Competitiveness of Hotel Companies in the Region (p. 145 - 149)

The modern scientific approaches to creating competitive strategies of hotel companies in the region. The factors affecting the competitive advantage of hotels and principles for developing a competitive strategy of companies hotel industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.1

Litovchenko I. L.
Vector of Transformation of Modern Conception of Marketing (p. 132 - 133)

Evolution of the concept of marketing as business philosophies is investigated. Stages of transformation of theoretical positions are considered. Conceptual bases of Internet marketing which meet modern requirements of transition to an information society are offered.

Article is written in Russian

Oklander T. O.
Transformation of Conception of Marketing in XXI-st Century (p. 134 - 136)

In articles necessity of transformation of the concept of marketing for modern conditions is considered. The reasons of "reboot" of the concept are established. The new strategic vector of actions within the new concept which provides maximum use of Internet technology is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fomichenko I. P.
Increase of Efficiency of the Systems of Management of Enterprise on the Basis of Use of Information and Communication Technologies (p. 136 - 137)

The article deals with enterprise management system based on the use of information and communication technology, which aims at forming an information strategy. At today's (information) under the national economic development, promising development and efficiency of enterprise management systems is to create a common information space venture, which is a prerequisite for the functioning of economic entities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.2

Goloburda Y. V.
Analysis and Systematization of Risk Assessment Methods (p. 146 - 148)

The article gives the analysis of existing approaches and methods of risk assessment, synthesizes the systems of quantitative and qualitative risk assessment which allow in full measure to characterize the specific risks by their qualitative characteristics and select the methods of their quantitative assessment according to the terms of calculations: the availability of information, financial resources and requirements to their accuracy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kosarev V. M.
The Use of Integrated Indexes when Assessing the Systems of Quality Management of Institution of Higher Learning (p. 149 - 151)

The increase of competition in the market of educational services and research activities in Ukraine and abroad through international certification institution are considered. A model of quality assessment of high school on the criteria focused on using the principles of Total quality management (TQM) and international standards ?SO 9000 are proposed which is the basis for the implementation of quality management systems in organizations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Martiyanova M. P., Goncharenko K. M.
M Motivation of Enterprise Personnel (p. 151 - 152)

The article provides recommendations on personnel motivation according to the type of motivation. The types of motivation depending on the orientation of human activities to satisfaction the needs of certain groups.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berezovskiy K. M.
Architectural Approach to the Synthesis of the System of Marketing Management of Industrial Enterprise in Conditions of Globalization (p. 153 - 155)

The article indentifies the role of marketing management in the processes of life activity of industrial enterprise. It defines the directions of development of the system of marketing management which have the peculiarity of orienting at multiplicity of descriptions of industrial enterprise and the use of service oriented paradigm.

Article is written in Russian

Popov A. V.
Conceptual Bases of Organization of Marketing Activity of Enterprise in Conditions of Globalization (p. 155 - 157)

The article reveals the peculiarities of marketing activity in case of considering it through the category of interest and introduction of reflexive models of coordination of interests of representatives of market of industrial production. It singles out the aspects of organization of marketing activity adapted to conditions of system-reflexive marketing.

Article is written in Russian


Ishchenko T. V.
Management of Strategic Development of the Cities of Ukraine (p. 157 - 159)

The article considers the problems of management of strategic development of the cities of |Ukraine as a system, studies the basic stages of this process and their peculiarities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Topiy I. I.
Evaluation of level of progress of the realized antirecessionary measures (p. 160 - 163)

In the article offered approach to the construction of mechanism of evaluation of level of progress of the realized antirecessionary measures, certainly inherent him advantages and it is applied to activity of conditional machine-building enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kokodey T. А.
Introducing an Efficient Format of Strategic Management at the Food Company (p. 164 - 167)

The research is targeted on defining the main principles of introducing the optimal format of strategic management at a food company.

Article is written in Russian

Myroshnychenko Y. V., Momot E. V.
Interpretation of the Conception «Crisis» and Reasons of its Emergence as the Vector of Crisis Management (p. 168 - 171)

The article researches the different approaches of determination of concept «crisis» and systematization of his reasons as direction of crisis-management, which determines his features.

Article is written in Russian

Skokov B. G., Pershyna H. O.
Development of a Model of Effective Supervisory Board Member of Joint-Stock Company (p. 171 - 174)

The issue concerning the candidates for the membership in Supervisory boards’ evaluation and the model of effective board member development covers at the paper.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babaev V. Y., Maievska N. I.
Quality Management at Enterprises (p. 175 - 178)

The article gives the comparative description of the system of total quality management (TQM) and certification of quality ISO 9000 and substantiates the propositions as to their use at enter-prises of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolodiziev O. M., Khmelenko I. I.
Development of Strategies of Enterprise Competitiveness Management (p. 178 - 180)

To occupy a worthy place in foreign markets the country should not inherit but create and develop the most significant factors of production such as skilled labour or scientific and technical base of production. What is more, the set of factors which the state has at some moment proves to be less significant than the speed and efficiency of their creation and renewal.

Article is written in Russian

Us M. I.
Modern Trends the Formation of Partner Relations (p. 181 - 183)

Updated the necessity of forming partner relations and defines the features of the concept of partnership. Propose an approach to the identification of subjects of partner relations based on the five competitive forces M. Porter.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryvanych M. V.
Estimating the sufficiency of preconditions for increase of the international competitiveness in case of an engineering organization (p. 184 - 187)

In the article a methodical approach to estimate the sufficiency of the basicaly accepted management decisions when carrying out purposeful measures on increase of the international competitiveness for engineering organizations on basis of the comparative estimation of the competitive potentials of the organizations-competitors is developed. The essence of this approach and of its use are shown in terms of a given engineering organization.

Article is written in Russian

Tiahunova Z. O.
Guidelines of Increase of Competitiveness of Marketing Potential of Trading Enterprises of Customer Cooperation of Ukraine (p. 188 - 192)

The article presents the results of the done by the author research of competitive profile of trading enterprises of customer cooperation of Ukraine which is the basis of programming of competitiveness of their marketing potential.

Article is written in Russian

Kayira Z. S.
Marketing Commodity Policy and Ways of its Improvement (p. 192 - 194)

In the article the basic features of marketing commodity policy are considered in the modern terms of management. Its intercommunication with commodity innovations in the system of activity of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naumova Y. E., Antonova A. I.
Modern State and Prospects of Development of the Market of Sausage Goods in Ukraine (p. 194 - 197)

The article contains generalization and systematization of the results of research of a condition of Ukrainian market of sausage products. The main problems are revealed and the prospects of its development are defined. The directions of increase of competitiveness of domestic meat processing enterprises are considered.

Article is written in Russian

Kosmarova N. A.
Development of Personnel as the Basis of Formation of Intellectual Organization (p. 197 - 199)

In the article a role and necessity of teaching of personnel is certain in composition intellectual organization, the tasks of the educational programs are certain.

Article is written in Russian

Chumak L. F., Nikolaenko L. P.
Modern Tendencies of the Theory and Practice of Personnel Policy (p. 201 - 204)

The article studies and analyses the approaches of domestic and foreign scientists to modern problems of the theory and practice of formation of personnel policy and personnel management. It suggests the new ways of effective personnel management.

Article is written in Russian

Otenko V. I., Gron O. V.
Strategic Changes at Enterprise: Essence, Types, Instruments (p. 204 - 207)

The definition of the essence of strategic changes means the study of correlation of conceptions «change», «condition», «process». The category «changes» characterizes the transition from one condition of an object to another one and foresees its definite transformations. The character of the changes corresponds to the direction of the processes and their types are defined by the fol-lowing signs: purposefulness of the transformations, their scale, trajectories of implementation, objects of management. The analysis of the conception of realization of strategic changes allows to create definite methodological basis for development and realization of decisions as to strate-gic changes of enterprise and to form instruments to manage them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berezovskiy K. M.
Synthesis of the System of Industrial Enterprise Marketing Potential Management (p. 208 - 210)

The article suggests the approach to the identification of the essence and quantitative assessment of marketing potential of industrial enterprise on the basis of availability of strategic gaps and necessity of securing its strategic conformity. It defines the directions of securing the strategic conformity of an enterprise and proves the necessity of its presentation as a benchmark for the system of marketing management.

Article is written in Russian

Popov A. V.
The Model of Organization of Informational and Institutional Reflective Coordination of Interests in Partnership Marketing (p. 211 - 213)

The article reveals the peculiarities of the use of approaches of reflective management and institutional designing in conditions of marketing of partnership relations. It suggests the model support of reorientation of marketing activity to reflective coordination of interests within the scope of corresponding informational and institutional environment.

Article is written in Russian


Gavkalova N. L., Sobolev V. G.
Classification of personnel managemen concepts (p. 168 - 171)

Presented the definition «concept of personnel management». Analyzed the existing concepts of human resource management. Designed, generic classification concepts of personnel management.

Article is written in Russian

Ivanova O. Y.
Intercommunication of personnel management and competitiveness of enterprise (p. 171 - 173)

In the article considered the feature of intercommunication of management and competitiveness of enterprise. Going is selected near their determination and constituents. The logical chart of direct and reverse connection of management and competitiveness a personnel is developed structurally.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Honcharenko T. P.
The level of technical readiness of consumer as an indicator choice of the direction of research (p. 174 - 177)

The article deals with issues of scientific and technical research to industrial enterprise by analyzing the level of technical readiness of the consumer as the indicator of choice in research. The problem of interaction between  science and industry has at least two main aspects: the choice of research direction, which corresponds to a promising market trends and would be compatible with the production technology producers and consumers, is another aspect – the acceleration of scientific research. Therefore, the level of technical readiness of consumers to the functional operation of future product takes special significance, consideration of which should accompany any type of work at the election in research producers.

Article is written in Russian

Gruzina I. A.
Improving the system of assessing competency of staff the company (p. 177 - 181)

The recommendations on assessing the level of manifestation of competence of employees of industrial enterprises in order to form the main directions of the motivational strategies of personnel management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malynka O. Y., Ustenko A. O., Chopovskij A. Y.
Geographical information systems as a mean of the perfection of brand management of an enterprise (p. 181 - 184)

The use of geographical|geographycal| information systems, as a mean of the optimization of the budget for brand promotion due to the orientation of communications on the target consumer in combination with the application of geographical analysis is suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ponikarov V. D., Kozhushko O. V.
Motivational constituent of mechanism of management protection of intellectual capital of industrial enterprise  (p. 184 - 187)

The motivational constituent of mechanism of management protection of intellectual capital of industrial enterprise is grounded.

Article is written in Russian

Rudenko H. R.
Increase of efficiency of logistical activity at the enterprises (p. 187 - 190)

In the article kinds of maintenance of logistical activity at the enterprises are revealed and characterized. Actions for increase of efficiency of logistical activity on example Kharkiv machine-building plant «Svitlo Shahtarja» are offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Selezneva G. A.
Features of strategy of management by personnel of competent organization (p. 190 - 193)

In the article the features of strategy of management by the personnel of competent organization are explored taking into account the specific of its activity and definite basic constituents of the given strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shtal T. V.
Forming model marketing strategy of enterprise in the system of his corporate strategy (p. 194 - 197)

In the article the strategic landscape of enterprise is considered from point of marketing and his elements are certain . The model of forming of marketing strategy of enterprise is offered in the system of forming of corporate strategy taking into account a strategic landscape and his type.

Article is written in Russian

Berezovskiy K. M.
Consolidation of marketing information is in the system of strategic management an industrial enterprise (p. 197 - 199)

The rich in content filling of processes of consolidation of information is certain in the field of marketing activity of industrial enterprise. The necessity of application of tool of intellectual analysis of data is well-proven for marketings researches and the place of this tool is certain in the model base of marketing management. Going near pereorientacii of marketings communications is grounded on consolidation of informative streams in the single informative field of co-operation of market agents.

Article is written in Russian

Vasiuta O. P.
A ground of specific of included in the market of pharmaceutical and pharmacy enterprises is in Ukraine (p. 200 - 202)

In this article the analysis of Ukranian pharmaceutical market considering entrance barriers and level of its concentration and monopolization is conducted.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gurinа I. V.
Organizational restructuring activities pharmaceutical companies on principles of logistics and quality management (p. 203 - 205)

The problems caused by lack of professional and skilled logisticians on the domestic pharmaceutical companies. Implementation of logistics positions at pharmaceutical companies was proposed. Organizational structure was designed for industrial pharmaceutical companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yeltsova І. V.
The peculiarity of decision-making process (p. 205 - 207)

Basic steps of the decision-making process are considered. Definition of the decision-making process is analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Murayev E. V.
Methodology of project management in practice management system heat supply housing and communal services of the city (p. 207 - 213)

The analysis of the problems caused by the development of housing, including heating in cities of Ukraine. Proposed introduction of project management methodology to improve the heating system in the system housing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Polubiedova A. O.
Pre-conditions of change of paradigm of management the labour conduct of personnel of enterprise (p. 213 - 217)

The analysis of pre-conditions of obsolescence of traditional paradigm of management activity of personnel of enterprise, possible variants and directions of its development, is executed in the conditions of forming of cognitive society and intellectualization of capital.

Article is written in Russian

Popov A. V.
A tool of organization of marketing activity is in the institucional'nom evaluation of competition position of industrial enterprise (p. 218 - 220)

Presentation of marketing activity of industrial enterprise through authentication and concordance of interests of market participants requires the change of approaches, both to making of strategic decisions and to organization of conduct of competitive activity. Accordingly with the indicated transformation, going near the evaluation of marketing potential of enterprise is developed through the degree of satisfaction of interests and through untapped possibilities for realization of concordance of interests. It is suggested to estimate competition position of enterprise in the context of institucionalizacii of mutual relations of enterprise with loyal users in the process of the joint producting of value.

Article is written in Russian

Ptashchenko O. V.
Commodity policy of enterprise and its marketing support (p. 221 - 223)

In the article the basic features of commodity policy are considered in the modern terms of management and possibility of forming of its support. Its intercommunication with commodity innovations in the system of activity of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Malaeva T. V.
The essence of quality control and its relationship to performance of the enterprise (p. 126 - 127)

The article presents the results of investigation of the essence of quality control. The author notes that very often the quality of management and efficiency are regarded as synonyms. However, evaluating the effectiveness of activities (including management), rather than its effectiveness, the researchers narrowed range of indicators, criteria, factors investigated processes in the enterprise. By studying the parameters of the ineffective and the reasons for this situation, it is possible to develop measures to translate the processes involved in the successful category, and therefore increase the likelihood that this activity was to become effective.

Article is written in Russian

Doronin A. V.
Management the labor conduct of personnel (p. 128 - 132)

Pre-conditions of construction socio-cultural paradigm of scientific direction – management the labour conduct of personnel are generalized. The main structural idea of new scientific direction and hypotheses, specifying its maintenance is formulated. The algorithm of research backlogs perfection of management the labour conduct of personnel is offered.

Article is written in Russian

Slavgorodska O. Y.
Strategic Priorities of Enterprise Personnel Competence Management (p. 132 - 135)

Priorities of the strategic management of the enterprise personnel competence are singled out and analyzed in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mushnykova S. A.
Methodological Approach to Assessment of the Level of Adaptive Flexibility of Industrial Enterprises in the System of Formation of Managerial Innovations (p. 136 - 140)

The article analyzes methodological support of management analysis and justifies the proposed system of indicators to measure the level of adaptive flexibility of industrial enterprises to form a system of managerial innovations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bezuglaja Y. E.
Basic Aspects of Improvement of Conceptual Provisions of the System of Management of Restructuring of Enterprises (p. 141 - 143)

The basic aspects of improvement of conceptual positions of control system restructuring of enterprises are considered, given schematically theoretical positions of development of enterprise on the basis of restructuring and stages of control system restructuring of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pishenin I. K.
Сharacteristics of the information system and technology of security management of cargo transportations with sea transport (p. 144 - 145)

The question of forming information system of management of freight traffic on sea transport is researched. Based on the results the areas of improvement of organizational and information support transport-industrial complex proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berezovskiy K. M.
Formation of the Profile of International Marketing Strategy of Industrial Enterprise in Conditions of Globalization (p. 146 - 149)

The article identifies the essence of international marketing strategy of an industrial enterprise and defines the basic types of strategic decisions, suggests an approach to formation of the profile of international marketing strategy of industrial enterprise notable for better reasons for the choice of elements through the application of combinations of matrices of portfolio analysis and OLAP technologies.

Article is written in Russian

Rudenko Y. V.
The System Approach in Enterprise’s Marketing Costs Management (p. 150 - 154)

The author considers company’s cost management technology through a set of costs functions, methods and tools. Also he explains the purpose of marketing costs at domestic enterprises. And he analyzes the calculation of marketing costs activity and proposes calculation method of marketing costs within the improvement of marketing management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Popov A. V.
Organization of Marketing Activity of Industrial Enterprise in the Context of Balanced System of Indexes (p. 154 - 157)

The article suggests the correlation of processes of organization of marketing activity of industrial enterprise and introduction of balanced system of indexes which transforms into a set of guidelines and regulations of strategic development. It proves the actuality of development of the concept of cognitive marketing by the elements of synergetic paradigm and substantiates the possibility of treatment of customer value presented by the enterprise as an attractor of marketing activity.

Article is written in Russian

Komarova O. A.
Priority Directions of Improvement of Organizational-Economic Mechanizm of Forming of Educational Potencial of Population are in System of Higher Education (p. 158 - 162)

In the article expedience of introduction of mechanism of financing of higher education is grounded on the basis of subsidies and his maintenance is exposed. Principles of expansion of autonomy of higher educational establishments are certain. Organizational and legal bases of creation of university complexes are exposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kalyuzhna N. H., Dzyubko K. R.
Decision-making features under conditions of uncertainty in the local companies (p. 167 - 169)

The article describes the necessity of factors influence consideration in the local industrial companies that contributes to effective decision-making concerning their foreign economic activity under conditions of uncertainty.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryveshko O. V.
Trade mark as strategic competitive advantage of enterprise (p. 169 - 171)

The specializes of trade mark as strategic competitive advance of enterprise are considered in the article. The necessary of transformation of trade mark into brand are explained. The scheme of trade mark management are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Razinkova V. P., Marchenko L. S.
Analysis of competitiveness as a system-component of ground of administrative and economic decisions (p. 172 - 174)

The content of the article is devoted the estimation of competitiveness as системообразующему component in the process of acceptance and ground of administrative and economic decisions.

Article is written in Russian

Ripka D. O.
Organisation of marketing research on intellectual property market (p. 174 - 175)

Marketing features on the markets of intellectual property are considered in the article, the sequence of marketing researches realization with the purpose of determination of priority direction of the use of intellectual property object is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnik N. I.
Creative organization: development of flexibility concept (p. 176 - 177)

It is founded that creative organizations develop new forms of flexibility as compared to adaptive organizations. These forms are perceptive, cognitive and communicative flexibilities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Toneva K. V.
Organization of information modeling software marketing company to ensure its competitiveness (p. 178 - 179)

Timely and necessary use of marketing information for modeling is essential for increasing competitiveness. Use of information sources on the Internet greatly improves efficiency and accuracy of data in a modern volatile and dynamic market trends are, and even required level of competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. О.
Economic nature of image and its objective basis for travel companies (p. 179 - 182)

In this paper the economic basis of the image, it offered two components: the objective and subjective features, the influence factors of the objective component to create the image, developed recommendations to improve the image of tourism enterprises in the real and virtual space.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnonosova O. M., Kotelnikova Y. N.
Staffing companies coking industry as part of their competitiveness (p. 182 - 184)

The article deals with the categories of «competitive enterprise» and «staffing company», as well as identifying the role of staffing in the coking industry competitiveness.

Article is written in Russian


Maliar D. V.
The Exogenous Risks of Corporate Management in Ukraine (p. 135 - 138)

The structure of risks of internal and external sphere of corporate management is investigated; the essence and classification of institutional risks of the share market is determined; the system of corporate management measures risk intensity reduction is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Mushnykova S. A.
Synergetic Concept in the Formation of Administrative Innovation in Enterprises (p. 139 - 141)

The article presents the basic concepts of synergy, the necessity of introducing a synergistic approach in creating a system of administrative innovations.

Article is written in Russian

Ryabik H. Y.
Systematization of Classification Signs of Basic Going Near Determination of Nature of Competitive Edges of Enterprise (p. 141 - 145)

Difficult and various differences which characterize nature of competitive edges and are carefully studied in the article, on this basis, the integral system of possible competitive edges of enterprise is created.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kizlo M. V.
Elaboration of the method for estimating the level of control at industrial enterprise (p. 145 - 151)

In the article the essence of indicator «level of control» is researched and the types of level of control are defined. The sequence of actions for estimating the total level of control at the industrial enterprise is determined. The method of estimation of the total level of control that provides an objective evaluation of the impact that the controlling system has on under control objects is elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. M.
Realization of the administrative advising of industrial enterprises on the basis of determination of their receptivity to development (p. 151 - 158)

In the article the results of the use of methods of neural networks and fuzzy sets are presented for determination of receptivity of industrial enterprises to development, expediency of their use is well-proven in the process of the administrative advising.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ukrainskaya L. O., Voloshko N. A.
Description of Structural Construction of the Control System by Equity of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 159 - 162)

The structural construction of the control system by equity of an enterprise is considered in the article. Subsystem of management mechanism, subsystem of management structure, subsystem of organization of processes of management equity and subsystem of providing of functioning are suggested to take to the basic constituents of it.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chobitok V. I.
Kontrollingovye Mechanisms of Management Potential of Competitiveness of Enterprises (p. 162 - 164)

The kontrollingovye mechanisms of management potential of competitiveness of enterprises are considered. The analysis of determination of essence of concept «kontrolling» is conducted. The decouplig analysis of concept «Kontrolling in a management potential of competitiveness» is made.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pylypenko A. A., Lytvynenko A. O.
Restructuring of Material and Technical Basis Potential in the Loop of Strategic Management of Enterprise Development (p. 165 - 168)

In the article an approach to strategic management of develop­ment of enterprise’s potential of material and technical base is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Momot V. M., Tsapenko L. Y.
Improving Intercompany in Modern Conditions (p. 169 - 173)

Article on improving the procedures for intra-enterprise planning. Relevance of the topic due to the fact that intra-firm planning as a function of management is to identify the key areas of sound and the proportions of production with material sources to ensure supply and demand market. Planning for enterprise management system has played a leading role and is one of the most important conditions for effective operation of any enterprise. In this paper, a model system in-house planning, based on the account of existing economic potential and capacity planning. Performed maintenance and communications elements of the potential in-house planning and a methodology to assess it.

Article is written in Russian

Belotserkovski A. V.
Assessment of Practicability of Personnel Development for Improvement of Efficiency of Insurance Company Business-Processes (p. 173 - 176)

The article is dedicated to the solution of practical task of determination of practicability of development of personnel for improvement of efficiency of business-processes with the help of imitation modeling.

Article is written in Russian

Dikhtyarenko K. V.
Estimation of Competitive Edges at Forming of Strategy of Development of Enterprise (p. 176 - 179)

The article studies methodical basis and explains the content of main concepts of competitive advantage management, forms a system of main postulates for the management of competitive advantages of the enterprise. On the basis of developed methodical approaches assessment of the competitive edges is performed and sources of formation thereof are grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lobazov S. M.
Improvement of Classification of Risks and Threats in the Context of the Personnel Security (p. 180 - 183)

In article risks and threats which lead to easing of a personnel security of the enterprise are investigated, their advanced classification is presented and value of threats for the enterprise is certain.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nosan N. S.
Human Capital – the Basis of Economic Development of Ukraine (p. 183 - 186)

The essence the concept of human capital, human capital theory, theoretical aspects of investing in human capital, impact and assessment of human capital investment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mironova L. G.
The International Experience of Employment Potential (p. 186 - 188)

The forms and methods of labor potential development which are inherent for American, Japanese and West-European employee’s management systems were considered. The corporative university creation particularities and role of corporative university and quality circles in the different aspects of labor potential development were analyzed. The benefits of innovative methods staff training, which are based on modern information and communication technologies, identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kvitka A. V.
The Economic Basis of Human Potential Development and Realization in Ukraine (p. 188 - 191)

Article is devoted the analysis of the economic bases of human potential development and realization. The author analyzes the existing situation of human development in Ukraine and assigns priority areas for its effective development and realization.

Article is written in Russian

Gots L. N.
Algorithm of Realisation of Organisational and Economic Mechanism of Enterprise Business Standing Assessment (p. 192 - 194)

The organizational and economic mechanism and algorithm of its realization directly at enterprise suggested in the article will give the possibility to make evaluation of such intangible assets as brand, corporate image and business standing of enterprise without involvement of services of third party organizations.

Article is written in Russian

Tovma O. A.
Trade Enterprise Business Standing as Object of Management (p. 195 - 198)

Studied business reputation trade company in the context of the object, an attempt to determine its basic components, as well as actions aimed at shaping and further developing business reputation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Kolbasin Y. S., Horbatova Y. F.
Analysis of Current Positioning of Medicinal and Health Establishments of Autonomous Republic of the Crimea (p. 199 - 209)

The article presents the results of the research of the current positioning of medicinal and health establishments of Autonomous Republic of the Crimea from the prospective of both some resort zones and the region as a whole.

Article is written in Russian

Tarasenko O. O.
Investment Activities of the Investor and its Dependence on the Long Run Savings (p. 210 - 214)

The article shows a part of theoretical and methodological issues depending on the definition of investment activities of investors of long run savings. The author analyzes the formation of the proposed structure of the investment portfolio of individual investors, depending on age. The purpose of this analysis is to facilitate more complete and objective justification principles involving savings of private investors in long-term investments. Topics articles relevant to institutional investors such as pension funds, especially given the lack of experience in systems functioning in Ukraine long-term savings by these institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Frolova T. O.
Evolution of Management Functions to the Terms of Globalization (p. 138 - 146)

The evolution of management functions and transformation pro­cesses which take place at forming of new global economy and their influence on the management of corporations is probed. The functions of administrative activity are analysed in international corporations and the modern functions of management a com­pany are offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gvozdaryova Y. S.
Work Motivation at Trade Enterprise (p. 147 - 149)

The article analyses the peculiarities of the system of motivation of the workers of trade enterprises. It considers two system blocks: material and nonmaterial stimulation. The work also considers the requirements and distinctive characteristics of the motivation sys­tem at specific enterprises.

Article is written in Russian

Chobitok V. I.
Methods of Formation of Adjectival Decisions in the System of Enterprise Competitiveness Potential Manage­ment on the Basis of Controlling (p. 149 - 152)

The article forms the methods of adjectival decisions in the system of enterprise competitiveness potential management on the basis of controlling. The methods are based on imitation experiments which lie in formation of managerial influences.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chumachenko I. V., Mozhevenko T. Y.
The Use of Media Com­binations in Planning of Enterprise Advertising Communica­tions (p. 152 - 155)

The article considers the solution of the task of the use of unique media combinations for making the model of optimization of ad­vertising budget and this very planning and budget distribution will allow to solve two interrelated tasks: selection of the carrier of advertising message, selection of the combination of these car­riers, selection of the calendar period of the release of advertising message, i.e. precisely which information carriers will be included in the model and in what combination.

Article is written in Russian

Mozgova O. O., Oliinyk T. V.
Definition of the Characteristics of Adaptive Enterprise Culture (p. 155 - 157)

The article defines and considers the characteristics of adaptive en­terprise culture, analyses their essence and content. These defini­tions give the possibility to formalize and assess the characteristics of adaptive enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babailov V. K.
Administration, Management, Production (p. 157 - 159)

The article defines for the first time the similarity and difference between management and administration (it was established that management is a part and specific form of administration). It proves that Tailor didn't separate execution from management but production, specifies translations and the essence of the most important theories of Tailor.

Article is written in Russian

Kryveshko O. V.
The Role of Enterprise Marketing Strategies in Forming of Competitive Advances (p. 159 - 162)

The sense of marketing strategies are considered. The components of marketing strategies are described. The marketing strategies' in­fluence on forming of competitive advances are characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nagaivska D. Y.
Factor Model of Enterprise Image Formation in Conditions of Realization of the Strategy of New Foreign Markets Entry (p. 173 - 177)

The work gives theoretical substantiation of the direction of en­terprise image boost in conditions of realization of the strategy of new foreign markets entry and sort out the basic approaches to enterprise image definition. It also develops the factor model of en­terprise image in conditions of realization of the strategy of foreign markets entry and substantiates the expediency of the use of each of the factors of the given model.

Article is written in Russian

Pererva P. G.
Formation and development of marketing audit in Ukraine and the world (p. 191 - 193)

In the article features of European and Ukrainian market of con­sulting services are considered, stages of marketing audit evolution in Ukraine are analyzed and generalized.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzheliev M. O., Mezhenskaya V. V.
Strategic Aspects of Dynamic Conditions of Environment Influence on Assessment of Enterprise Financial State (p. 180 - 183)

Тhe article reviews the features of estimation of the financial state of corporation are considered in the conditions of dynamic environment, the basic going is offered near creation of the system of strategic management, that will allow to promote her functioning in a long-term period.

Article is written in Russian

Mazhnik N. A., Lakhacheva A. V.
Organization of Teaching Process and Leisure-Time of Students of Various Specializations (p. 183 - 187)

The work considers the organization of teaching process, rational distribution of work time from the point of view of directions of education of different generations. Four types of education have been defined and analysed with due regard for the survey of students of various institutes of higher education and senior citizens as well.

Article is written in Russian

Mozgova H. V.
Areas of Improvement of Anti-Crisis Measures From the Standpoint of Preventive Marketing (p. 187 - 190)

This article is devoted to research and generalized anti-crisis measures which are described in modern scientific and practical literature, and on this basis, the definition of the main components of preventive marketing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novikova K. I., Kuschenko D. I.
Perspective Directions of Information Technologies Use to Improve Management Processes in Customs in Ukraine (p. 191 - 194)

The article analyzes the main areas of information system development of Customs Service nowadays. The important issues of the use of information technologies in the State Customs Service of Ukraine are investigated. The innovations that are necessary to coordinate the directions of development of customs bodies of Ukraine and coincide with the principles of customs policy implementation in lead foreign countries are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko Y. V.
Adaptation of Enterprises to Conditions of Business Crisis Operation (p. 194 - 196)

The article studies the actual problems of business development in Ukraine in conditions of crisis, defines tactical and strategic priorities of further development of national entrepreneurship.

Article is written in Russian

Tyutlikova V. V., Saifulina A. V.
Formation of a systematic approach to training in industrial organization (p. 197 - 199)

A systematic approach to training has been formed. We have considered the styles of creative solutions of problems. The relationships between the employee thinking style and methods and approaches to his teaching have been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chorna O. O., Ustianov V. V., Halych S. V.
Marketing Conception of Practical Use of Cosmonautics on the World Market (p. 200 - 202)

Analysis of different aspects priority directions of commerce has accompanied, it is to assist the letting of quality space services. The stages of marketing strategy of commercial process have considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuznetsov A. A.
Information Mechanism to Monitor the Development of a Corporate Culture of the Industrial Enterprise (p. 203 - 205)

In the article the theoretical and practical directions substantiated for the information mechanism to monitor the development of a corporate culture of the industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Russian

Pkhaladze S. G.
Motivational Theories of Personnel and Work Motivation Management (p. 206 - 209)

The article analyses various theories of personnel motivation, ways of building the policy of motivation management and peculiarities of their use in conditions of Ukrainian enterprises.

Article is written in Russian

Takhtaulov M. V.
Brand as a Competitive Advantage (p. 210 - 212)

The article presents results of studies of different authors approaches who defined the essence and nature of brand perception by consumers. The author has formed the basic definitions of this topic. Has been proposed methods of increasing the competitiveness by forming a strong brand.

Article is written in Russian


Vasylieva T. A.
Approaches to forming of marketing strategy of bank (p. 218 - 220)

In the article are conducted analysis of existent approaches to forming of marketing strategy. Certainly key requirements to forming of marketing strategy of bank. The done suggestions are in relation to keeping of brand of bank.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klokar O. O.
Development of complex of marketings communications at the market of agrarian labour resources (p. 221 - 224)

Certainly the leading stages and component developments of complex of marketings communications at the market of agrarian labour resources. Comprehensive description is carried out each of them, attention is accented on co-operation of state and private institutes in relation to the concordance of social labour relations between employers and hired workers of agrosfere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oglikh V. V., Yefanova T. I., Nikolayev T. G.
Optimization of a process of management of enterprise within the production and marketing cycle (p. 224 - 227)

The paper considers the problem of managing of company within the supply-side cycle. The possible variants of decision of this problem are in-process considered by simultaneous optimization of production and minimization costs through an effective inventory control policies, the expected consequences of related decision making are analysed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poluektova N. R.
Modern tendencies in development corporate information systems (p. 227 - 230)

The article presents data that can detect current trends in the introduction and use of corporate information systems, as well as create recommendations for a successful implementation complex information systems management in a crisis.

Article is written in Russian

Selezneva G. A.
Role of strategy of management by personnel in strategic set of competent organization (p. 231 - 233)

In the article the approaches to strategy of management by a personnel are explored. The role of the given strategy in the strategic set of competent organization and its intercommunication with general strategy is definite.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hajiyev N. J.
The role of SWOT-analysis in the formation of development strategies of e-government in Azerbaijan (p. 233 - 237)

In this article we have defined the basic structure and development principles of e-government. The results of SWOT-analysis in formation of development strategies of e-government in Azerbaijan were considered. It’s considered more informative and efficient SWOT-analysis method, implemented by using advanced mathematical methods giving the most reliable results. We’ve came to the conclusion that application of the SWOT-analysis allows to accurately and timely assess the real situation during formation as well as development prospects of e-government strategy and its implementation.

Article is written in Russian


Ramazanov S. K., Chmelyov V. V.
Concept of Information and Analitical Web-Resource Expert Assessements in Providing the Economic Security of Enterpris (p. 221 - 223)

The article considers the concept of information-analytical web resource designed for the collection, processing and analysis of of expert assessments in providing the economic security of the enterprise. Тhere is represented review of a test version of the experts assessment results of the economic security components of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Guzhva V. M.
Multiagent Technology Process-Mining for Reception of Precedents at Adaptive Management of Enterprises (p. 224 - 227)

To ensure the organizational and economic sustainability of industrial enterprises in the market conditions it is advisable to use adaptive management, in particular, on the basis of precedents. As a precedent can be used real business processes, which can be obtained through the use of technology of Process-Mining. As a tool for the practical implementation of this technology offers multiagent approach.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zakharova O. V.
Model of Semantic Web-Process for Business Decision Support (p. 227 - 229)

A model of semantic Web-process are considered. The possibilities of using modern methods and techniques for analysis, automation and integration of information systems and Web-services to business decisions support are investigated.

Article is written in Russian

Levitskiy S. I., Frunze I. A., Ilyasova I. G.
Modelling of Design Integration in Organizational Structure ME «Company «Water of Donbass» (p. 229 - 233)

In this article necessity of increase of efficiency and reliability of work of housing-and-municipal systems has been proved. In particular, construction of an effective control system by a water management of Ukraine within the limits of the centralised approach to management of projects at enterprise ME «Company «Water of Donbass» is considered.

Article is written in Russian

Milov A. V., Milevskiy S. V.
Information Structures in Decision Making Organization Systems (p. 233 - 235)

For large organizations, particularly decentralized, the assumption of a high degree processes synchronization is unrealistic. We give an analytical description of the interaction protocols between members of the organization, using the concept of data flow.

Article is written in Russian

Us H. O.
Management Presentation of Information in Companies Knowledge Systems and to Train Economists (p. 236 - 237)

The analysis of the factors influencing student ability to perceive knowledge is made. The author presents the method and means of personalization processes of perception audience information to improve training in classical and electronic education.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shilo I. V., Shilo N. V.
The System Approach for Construction of Ideal Model of Business on the Basis of Restrictions of Proprietors of the Company (p. 238 - 241)

The article deals with a preliminary phase of the process of strategic management, namely development of the formalized vision and the system of the restrictions of the proprietor. In view of the experience of some consulting projects the applied algorithm of the formation of the document «Vision and System of Restrictions of the Company» is offered, and also the practice of its use in real business is described.

Article is written in Russian


Goncharenko N. G., Naumenko M. O.
Organization of Marketing Management of Integrated Corporate Structures Activity (p. 237 - 240)

The article defines the main directions of transformation of the system of integrated corporate structures activities on the basis of marketing. It defines the specific principles of marketing management organization and gives the components of the corresponding to them transformation of paradigm section of marketing management. The peculiarity of the propositions is the orientation of the management process and contours of feedbacks at proactive creation of consumer values which in its turn is viewed as the main backbone factor for emergence and adjustment of vital activity parameters of the integrated formation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yeliseyeva O. K., Tarasenko T. V.
Quality Estimation of the Market of Educational Services Development in Ukraine (p. 241 - 245)

The article considers the problem of the quality of educational services and the market of educational services develop- ment. The method of cognitive modeling is used to diagnostic market of educational services quality development. Lines of change in educational sphere for providing of its effective development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalyuzhna N. H.
The Approach to Quantitative Evaluation of Potential of Control System by Enterprise with the Use of Fuzzy Logic (p. 245 - 247)

In the article expediency of application of fuzzy logic for the decision of task of quantitative evaluation of potential of control system by an enterprise is reasonable. The sequence of executions in the system of fuzzy inference of type of Mamdani in the context of determination of potential of control system by an enterprise as function of potentials of his making blocks is considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kvasniy L. G., Scherban T. Y.
Anti-Crisis Management of Economic Potential (p. 248 - 250)

On the basis of the analysis concluded that the main efforts of anti-crisis management economic potential as a separate business entity, and the economy as a whole, should aim at optimizing the value of net cash flows in certain periods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oglikh V. V., Kryvoruchko S. P.
System Model an Effective Business Strategy of Enterprise in a Competitive Environment (p. 250 - 255)

The question of construction of the complex system of forming of effective business-strategy of productive enterprise is marked in the conditions of competition. Economic and mathematical formalization of the problem is carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrichenko P. A., Rudinska О. V., Yaromich S. A.
Loyalty of Clients at the User Market: Basis Concepts and Progress Trends (p. 255 - 257)

The evolution of conceptions of marketing of mutual relations is examined, the looks of researchers are systematized to determination of concept «loyalty». New directions marketing activity are selected. The new vector of relations is certain within the limits of evolution of marketing’s conceptions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Plokha O. В.
Performance Evaluation of the System of Marketing Management at the Enterprise (p. 258 - 260)

The article suggests guidelines for performance evaluation of the system of marketing management. The policy consists of a comparative analysis of the actual state of the system of marketing management with objectively necessary condition which is determined on the basis of the criteria of functional completeness of the system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khytra O. V.
Synergetic Orientation of International Corporation Strategies (p. 261 - 265)

Preconditions of forming of synergetic strategy of international corporation were considered. The role of strategic decisions in the process of passing from chaos to order, increasing of informing and decreasing of entropy level of economic system was determined. Effects of synergy which are achieved from implementation of multilevel strategy of international corporation were characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hrebnyov H. M.
Categories of a Competition and Competitiveness in the Modern Economic World (p. 265 - 270)

The article is aimed to research essence of economic categories «competition» and «competitiveness», systematized basic scientific approaches in relation to their understanding. Determined the key internal and external factors of influence on the competitiveness modern enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bykhova O. M.
Brand Role in Organization of the Integrated Marketing Communications (p. 191 - 193)

Article is devoted to definition of a role of a brand in the organization of the integrated marketing communications. Classification groups of marketing communications which influence a choice of the consumer for a certain trademark are allocated. The most effective types of marketing communications depending on a stage of life cycle of a brand are analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vedernikova O. A., Babenko N. V., Rybas Y. N.
Formation of Marketing Strategies and Programs in the Context of Global Change (p. 194 - 196)

This article gived an analysis of modern trends in globalization processes and their connection with the formation of a global business strategy. It was substantiated the topicality of forming a new conceptual approach to strategy development in a «stable instability». It was proposed a model of development strategy, which involves the formation of interconnected network of alternative strategies, and allows flexible to adapt to changing conditions.

Article is written in Russian

Klunko N. S.
Process Improvement of Domestic Logistics Services for Phar-maceutical Enterprises Autsorsing (p. 196 - 199)

In the article the pressing questions of improvement process of logistic maintenance of pharmaceutical enterprises are examined subject to conditions autsorsing. The prospects of the use contract logistic are considered by domestic pharmaceutical companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Markova N. S.
Formation of the Organizational and Economical Mechanism of HR-Development Management (p. 200 - 202)

Organizational and economical mechanism of HR-development management is presented in this article considering the description of the elements of administering and administrated subsystems, external and intra-organizational factors of influence are selected.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Myroshnychenko Y. V., Filippova A. I.
Research and Conceptual Apparatus of Reengineering Business Processes (p. 203 - 206)

The article analyzed the essence of business process reengineering, a comparative analysis of different interpretations of the term «business process reengineering», investigated the functional characteristics similar to concepts such as «restructuring», «reform», «Engineering», given the author's definition of business process reengineering.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Didenko N. V.
Formation Mechanism of Organizational Culture (p. 206 - 207)

The mechanism of forming of organizational culture of enterprise is offered which the constituents of organizational culture, its functions, properties, tasks and factors, influencing on its forming, are selected within the framework of.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dolya Z. V.
The Quality of Vocational Education in Modern Times (p. 207 - 209)

The article deals with monitoring studies that the supply of skilled labour needs of the labour market of Ukraine and the determination of the level of quality in vocational education.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Seleznova O. V.
The Theoretical Basis of System Management Competitive Potential of the Enterprise (p. 209 - 213)

In article the concept of competitiveness of enterprises is considers, based on an integrated integrity of the competitive capacity and sustainability of competitive enterprise and uses a systematic approach that allows you to create an effective mechanism of competitiveness and enables the transformation of competitive opportunities for the company in its competitive advantage.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sereda A. S.
Forming of Conceptual Model of Management the Conduct of Export-Oriented Company (p. 213 - 219)

The article is devoted development of conceptual model of management the conduct of export-oriented enterprise. A model is directed on upgrading and efficiency of administrative decisions on an export-oriented enterprise by the use of the system of economic-mathematical models and methods which take into account nonlinear influence of external environment and synchronous or asynchronous conduct of spheres of vital functions of enterprise on the general trajectory of development of export-oriented enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Freeman I. M.
Evaluation of the Sustainability of the Development of Human Capital as a Factor in Increasing the Economic Security of the Industrial Enterprise (p. 219 - 222)

In hired the role of estimation of level of stability of development of human capital is reflected in providing of economic security of industrial enterprise. The value of the labour and surplus value productivity is considered in the increase of economic security of enterprise. The aggregate of criteria is offered for the estimation of dynamics of level of development of human capital of employees.

Article is written in Russian

Chankina I. V.
Formation of the Conceptual Model of the Industrial Enterprises Development (p. 222 - 226)

The article formed and grounded conceptual model that aims to provide development management of industrial enterprises based transformational effects of the current stage of economic development of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Klunko N. S.
The Assessment System Logistical Component in Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Companies which Based on the Balanced Scorecard (p. 149 - 151)

This article represents one of the possible methods of developing a system of indicators to characterize the state of logistics business processes in pharmaceutical companies of Ukraine. Main attention is paid to the sequence of development of the system performance and identify problems in the development and their effective solution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maksimiv B. M.
Forming Advertising Strategy for Enterprises on the Basis of SWOT-Analysis (p. 152 - 156)

In the article influence SWOТ analysis is certain an author on forming of effective strategy of development for enterprises. Marketing and advertising strategies are also distin-Marketing and advertising strategies are also distin-distinguished. Development of strategy must begin from a situatioonal analysis, from exhaustive verification and research of all important internal and external factors, involved in this situation. Determination of strengths and weaknesses of this company, threats and possibilities enters here.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Posokhov I. M.
Comparative Characteristics of Models of Corporate Management in a Market Economy: the Advantages and Disadvantages (p. 157 - 159)

On the basis of comparative analysis of models of corporate governance in a market economy marked its strengths and weaknesses, recommendations for their further development and use in Ukraine for the formation of the national model of corporate governance.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ptashchenko O. V.
Forming of Marketing Support of Commodity Innovative Policy (p. 160 - 162)

In the article substantive provisions are considered in relation to forming of commodity innovative policy of enterprise and possibility of optimization of the use of marketings instruments within the limits of marketing support.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ripka D. O.
Coordination of Management and Production Processes at the Enterprise (p. 162 - 166)

Features of production and management processes concordance on the basis of business-processes matrix construction are considered, criteria and indexes of achievement of coordination as end-point are offered in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. О.
Modeling Objective Indicators of the Image of Enterprises Under Modern Conditions (p. 166 - 174)

The article presents the results of the modeling objective component image of enterprises based on resource and innovation areas that ensure their development, developed recommendations for predicting quantitative values of integral indicator image.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vuytsiv N. N.
The Use of controlling Tools in the Activities of the National Management (p. 174 - 177)

In order to determine current trends in practice of accounting and control, survey and analysis of national scholars’s works, devoted to the study using of controlling tools, was held.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dolya Z. V.
Problems of State-Public Management by System of Professional Technical Educaion (p. 178 - 179)

This article dial with the questions of complex study of problems of management by professional technical education are examined and the possible variants of their decision.

Article is written in Ukrainian

TankovKonstantin N.
Marketing of Multual Relations in Supply Chains Management (p. 180 - 183)

The evolution of theory of marketing of mutual relations as pre-conditions of expansion of conception of management the chains of deliveries is investigational in conception managements by the chains of demand, which is directed on forming of competitive edges of their participants.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Alkema V. G.
Conceptualization of micrologistics evaluation systems (p. 177 - 181)

In this paper the necessity of conceptualizing the diagnostic evaluation of the economic development of the subject of security of supply. The complex of indexes is formed for the evaluation of component processes of development this system. It is suggested to carry out diagnostics of development on founding: integral, five complex and fourteen individual indexes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bozhko V. P., Kashcheeva I. A.
What is the secret to a successful reorganization (p. 181 - 183)

The article describes and discusses the features of the process of reorganization of the company, its main stages and its necessity. The main types and directions of restructuring are described in current economic conditions and the main challenges and problems faced by a typical Ukrainian firm are paid attention to. On the basis of the material processed recommendations for reorganization have been developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dmitriev I. A., Bliznyuk A. A.
Specifics of economic safety department integration in the organizational structure of enterprise (p. 184 - 186)

In the article proved the necessity of economic safety department introduction in the organizational structure of enterprise, analyzed specifics of such integration in the conditions of the most popular types of enterprise management organizational structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nusinov V. Y., Yarovaya A. B.
Evaluation of anti-crisis measures in the limits of time from the position of loss of the enterprise and its owners in the mountain-concentrating enterprises (p. 186 - 188)

In the process of crisis management, namely, to assess the feasibility of implementation and efficiency of a crisis management measures defined procedure for assessing losses of the enterprise and its owners of the mountain-concentrating enterprises in proximity of technical insolvency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dyakon L. L.
Diagnostic efficiency of controlling business processes (p. 188 - 192)

In the article investigational method of diagnostics of efficiency of controlling of business processes, resulting in its implementation it is possible to identify deficiencies controlling systems. The essence of this method is compared to the controlling systems with a reference value.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zorina Y. I., Naumova Y. E., Antonova A. I.
Application of the concept of the integrated marketing on railway transport in the conditions of branch reforming (p. 192 - 195)

In this article the necessity of using the concept of integrated marketing in the management of railway transport is proved. The main tasks of marketing divisions are defined. Stages of strategic marketing planning are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koposov G. A., Shelukhin P. G.
Enterprise Management under Condition of Uncertainty through the Development of System of Gestalts (Image) (p. 195 - 198)

The main problems of enterprise management under condition of uncertainty are considered. The creation of a new integrated approach of enterprise management which based on the gestalts system is suggested. The principles of operation of the system and one’s logical algorithm are described.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnykova K. V.
The Methodical Approach to Evaluating the Effectiveness of Logistics Strategies (p. 198 - 200)

This paper proposes a methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of logistics strategies that are being introduced for the first time in the company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naumenko M. O.
Integrated corporate structures strategic management organization by means of balanced scorecard (p. 201 - 204)

The article discusses the features of the integrated strategic management associations of economic entities. Concept of balanced scorecard is chosen as a tool of management actions. Proposed use as a reference for strategic development of integrated education to maximize the manifestation of the integration and synergy effects. The aggregate model base of integrated business association strategic management, which distributed under the balanced scorecard perspectives, is presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oganezova G. V.
Balanced Scorecard – Universal Mechanism for Managing the Strategic Development of Medical Organizations (p. 205 - 207)

In the article grounded feasibility of using a Balanced Score Card in the management of medical organization and allocated the key success factors and indicators of the functioning for the object of the health care system

Article is written in Russian

Posokhov I. M.
Investigation of risk factors for corporations (p. 207 - 211)

On the basis of the study factors and sources of risk in the corporate market economy developed a classification of risk factors affecting the corporation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tretiak V. P.
Management Consulting to Small and Medium Business in Ukraine (p. 211 - 213)

In the article the methodical going is examined near the study of efficiency of the administrative consulting in small and middle business.

Article is written in Russian

Babenko A. Y.
Problems of introduction of organizational changes on the communal enterprises of Ukraine (p. 214 - 216)

In the article grounded necessity of leadthrough of changes on the communal enterprises of Ukraine, certainly feature of their introduction on the today's stage of development of enterprises. The basic problems of development of communal enterprises and systematized indicators of changes are considered. Levels are certain leadthrough of changes on communal enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Brychko M. M.
The role of the country peculiarities of corporate governance systems development in the assessment of their effectiveness (p. 216 - 218)

The purpose of the article is to illustrate the main characteristics of the corporate governance systems of the countries (Italy and Ukraine) with different level of their development. We then address the issue of corporate governance measurement for all countries and analyse the effectiveness of corporate governance indices. The paper concludes that there is no one "best" measure of corporate governance. The most effective corporate governance system depends on context and on banks' specific circumstances.

Article is written in English

Grigorieva Y. O., Tatarchenko Y. V.
The Methodology of Strategy Selection of Anticrisis Management of Enterprise (p. 218 - 220)

The article deals with the choice of the method of anticrisis management enterprise to remove it from the crisis.

Article is written in Russian

Denysiuk O. V.
Conditions of Forming of Managerial Competences of the Enterprise (p. 221 - 224)

The article analyzes the involvement of industrial enterprises in innovation, the tendency of managers to implement innovations. The conditions of formation of managerial competences are defined by means of laying the emphasis on financial, investment, industrial, and educational and qualification factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mavridu V. Y.
Methodological Approach to Assessing the Level of the Model (p. 224 - 229)

The article proposes a model "Mosaic brand" which is adapted to the franchise business. Improved filling of essential components of the brand. Methodical approach to the evaluation of the use of model "Mosaic brand" in the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Myronenko I. I.
Features of Consumer Behavior and Principles Affecting the Industrial Consumers (p. 229 - 231)

The company cannot succeed if it ignores the needs of consumers. Economic activity covers all aspects of the functioning of the market, including consumer behavior, identifying with the help of appropriate indicators, trends in consumer demand. In the framework of relationship marketing the article deals with current issues concerning the behavior of industrial consumers of exposure to and control its behavior.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenova H. I.
Essential content and risks taxonomy in development projects (p. 231 - 235)

Risks taxonomy in development projects by commonly known classification risks attributes is presented in the article, also possible kinds of risks and their presence on stages of development project are presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sokolova L. V., Shkil N. G.
Analysis of Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Process-Oriented Enterprise Management (p. 278 - 281)

The article is devoted determination of essence of process approach in the process of consideration of his The article is devoted to the systematic nature of the historical development of theoretical definitions of the term "process approach" and the compilation of foreign and domestic experience with the process approach in the management of modern enterprise in a changing business environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boyarko I. M., Samusevich Y. V.
Theoretical Aspects of Values-Based Management (p. 282 - 284)

The article examines the existing scientific literature and regulatory approaches to the definitions of "cost" and "cost of the company". Offered own definitions of terms cost and value of the company, delimited using concepts of cost and value in practice. Determined the essence and elements of value-based management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karapeychyk I. M.
Potential Implementation Logics in Enterprise Management Tasks (p. 285 - 290)

The actuality of the task of positioning the potential in enterprises management, and expedience of implementation of potential estimations as the task selection tool in the tasks of selection of enterprises development direction has been substantiated.

Article is written in Russian

Ptashchenko O. V.
Brand as a Part of the Strategic Development of Product (p. 290 - 292)

The article deals with basic questions regarding terminology study the concepts of "brand" and "brand management", the main stages of the product based on brand and the right tools to do so. Also, the basic components of the brand to promote the formation of product strategy for the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chmelyova O. S., Alekseeva Y. V.
The Methodology of the SWOT-Analysis for the Institutions of Scientific and Research Fields of Activity (p. 293 - 297)

The article analyzes the economic environment created in the Ukraine for the development of institutions of scientific and research fields of activity. Тhe using of the SWOT-analysis method for finding the strategic directions of innovative development of institutions of scientific and research fields of activity in the planning and financing of innovation it's necessary today. The authors have proved the feasibility the using of the method of SWOT-analysis for the institutions of scientific and research fields of activity with other methods of strategic analysis. The Kharkiv Scientific and Research Institute of Microbiology and Immunology named after I. Mechnikov was chosen as the object of study.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkodin Y. V.
The Problems of the Corporate Governance in Ukraine (p. 297 - 300)

The article analyzes the basic tendencies and problems of development Corporate Governance in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaldin I. V.
The Theory and Practice of Using the Balanced Scorecard in the Sustainable Development of Integrated Business Structures (p. 301 - 315)

It is proved that the most effective tool in today, which allows to formalize the structure of an integrated strategy for the development of integrated business structure (IBS), and develop an effective system of measures for its implementation and realization of the concept of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC). The results of research on the application of the concept of BSC for strategic planning of integrated business structures, with, integrated business structure is considered in the framework of the research in the form of a complementary pool of skills.. Competence in this sense is interpreted as the ability of a particular entity to solve a certain class of professional tasks. The basis of the disclosure of the nature of "integrated business structure" in terms of competence-based approach is necessary to say that the accumulated number of critical core competencies that raise its business, provide a unique competitive advantage, the best use of existing and potential, as well as the growth of the market value. Developed a set of proposals for the application of the concept of Balanced Scorecard in sustainable development IBS.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yelesina A. A.
The Mechanism of Control of High School External Risks (p. 315 - 318)

The paper considers the classification of the external risks of high school, elementary definite risks of high school, the conditions of their occurrence, the consequences for the university and the mechanism of control of each elementary outer-risk high school.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Predein A. M.
The Role of Resources in Strategic Management of Enterprise (p. 318 - 325)

The article considers the notion of "resources of the enterprise" as well as the evolution of ideas in the resource-based approach. It also presents its own definition of "strategic resources of the enterprise" and its classification. Developed a simulation model for management of strategic resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ryabenkov A. V., Vysochina A. V.
Role and Importance of Controlling System in Strategic Management Process (p. 326 - 329)

Scientific approaches on the essence and importance of controlling are researched in the article; definition of the category "strategy" is developed by the authors on the base of critical literature overview. Controlling and strategic management common features in the context of methodology are described. The cohesion of controlling and strategy through Balanced Scorecard is characterized. The strategic map and key performance indicators in accordance with strategic goals are developed by the authors.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Popov O. Y.
Normative Arrangement of Corporate Relations is in a Joint-Stock Company (p. 235 - 238)

Composition of elements of corporate relations` normative arrangement sphere is considered. Principal reasons of incomplete perfection of co-operation processes` normative arrangement of corporate relations` participants are defined. Expediency of using the corporate management tool as a dynamic aspect of the institutional regulating the corporate relations is based.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkarlet S. M., Zhidok V. V.
Model of Strategic Management in the Furniture Business (p. 239 - 243)

The model of organization of strategic management on furniture factories is offered in the article. Here was also analyzed the basic implementation phases of the model: analysis of activity of furniture factories, drafting the strategy of development and its realization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dzhemelinskaya L. V.
Marketing Management for Innovation Products like one of the Aspects in Providing the Competitive Ability for Enterprises (p. 244 - 248)

It was elaborated the model of process marketing management innovation products with using subjects of industrial property on enterprise level. This model allows raising competitive ability for products with calculation management functions of marketing and innovation activity. It helps to define the competitive advantages and to conduct this process on the industrial level and on the level of realization innovation products with using of modern management conceptions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozenkov D. Y., Nikitin P. A.
The basic methods of risk assessment in modern risk-management (p. 248 - 253)

In the course of its business activities are faced with different kinds of risks, particularly risks to foreign-economic activity, among which the most relevant are the commercial and financial risks requiring detailed study and classification. in article the basic methods of risk assessment and the differences between the different methods of assessment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolodizieva T. O., Panasyants H. S.
Modeling of Organizational Support for Logistical System Enterprise Functioning (p. 254 - 259)

The article analyzes different approaches to organizational modeling of logical processes and suggests an improved method of division of organizational support for the logistical system enterprise functioning, which includes conceptual, meaningful, technological, reflexing and evaluating components.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kravchenko V. A., Nikiforenko V. G.
Estimation of Influence of Organizational Culture on Efficiency and Competitiveness of the Enterprise (p. 260 - 263)

In article the analysis of influence of organizational culture on efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise is carried out. The basic points of view concerning definition of basic elements of an estimation of level (force) of organizational culture are shined. The basic stages of works of an estimation of force of organizational culture are offered. The system of actions of the cultural adaptation which practical introduction provides growth of efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Luhova V. M., Grin R. S.
The Increasing Role of Manager Personal Competence in the Humanistic Approach to Management (p. 263 - 266)

The article deals with the essence personal competence of manager, its components and areas of development in a humanistic approach to management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Posokhov I. M.
The Current Status of Methodological Support of Corporations Risk Management (p. 266 - 271)

The study concluded that each of the methods of risk management has its own characteristics. At the same time, a large number of methods of risk management, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as its domain the most effective use, raises questions about the combination of different measures. The combination of selected methods is made in the form of software risk management. This study indicates insufficient research risk management techniques, lack of classification of risk management techniques, confirms the need for a classification of risk management techniques.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sochinskaya-Sibirtseva I. N.
Creative Technologies of Conflict Management in Domestic Enterprises (p. 271 - 274)

Article is devoted the problems of the use of creative technology in the process of conflict resolution and implementation of preventive measures in the practice of conflict management. The essence of the concept of "technology management", describes the main characteristics of creative management technologies in the activities of domestic enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Agarkova A. A.
Economic Ground of Efficiency of Publicity Campaign (p. 275 - 277)

The methods of measuring of efficiency of publicity campaign of enterprise are examined in the article, and also problems are related to the legal adjusting of publicity activity in Ukraine. Basic difficulties are selected in connection with the use each of methods of determination of efficiency of publicity campaign. Basic indexes which characterize efficiency of publicity campaign are exposed in the article. Incentive reasons, which compel a potential buyer with kindness to react on what an advertiser wants to obtain, are examined.

Article is written in Russian

Besedina A. A.
Competitive Investigation in System of Ensuring Strategic Development of the Enterprise (p. 277 - 279)

In article reviewed by need of creation of such structural element of ensuring economic safety at the enterprise, as division of competitive investigation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

SidorenkoViktoriia V.
Sources of the Labor Potential Formation at the Enterprise (p. 280 - 284)

The problems of the labor potential formation at the enterprise through internal processes (training, retraining, changes in the organizational structure, improvement of the economic potential components) that allow changes to the staff potential and external agents (educational institutions, business entities, employment services, foreigners) which are the source of potential employees, are studied in this article. The influence of the internal processes at the enterprise on its labor potential is investigated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Wackowski K. S., Kowalczyk T.
Nearshoring – Management Specifics of Remote Software Development Teams (p. 252 - 255)

The article describes the specifics and advantages of management of remote software development teams, so called "NearShore Center", as a one of important and appreciated sourcing strategy on the matured markets.

Article is written in English

Kuznetsova I. A.
Formation of a Competitive Strategy of a Dominant Position in the System of Value Chain: Methodological Approaches (p. 255 - 258)

Development of value chain conception is considered. Methodological approaches to authentication and support of enterprise dominant position in the system of value chain are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Blyznyuk T. P.
Cross-Cultural Peculiarities of Ukrainian Business Culture (p. 259 - 263)

The article was considered the essence of the concept of culture and determined that the culture has four levels: 1) national culture, 2) business culture, 3) corporate culture, 4) professional culture. It was reviewed and analyzed the classification of business cultures of G. Hofstede, namely, that business cultures of various countries can be classified according to the following parameters: 1) the ratio of individualism and collectivism, 2) power distance, 3) the relationship of masculinity and femininity in action, 4) relations to the uncertainty. It was founded the place of Ukrainian business culture in this classification and offered particular recommendations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kaynova T. V.
Marketing Optimization for B2B Market (p. 263 - 266)

The article presents market definition B2B, the necessity to optimize marketing B2B market, provides a system for B2B-marketing and developed stages of its formation. On this basis it was identified key factors of customer loyalty and are the stages of development of loyalty programs for customers market B2B.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnik N. I.
Epistemological Aspects of Organizational Creativity (p. 266 - 269)

The article is devoted to epistomological aspects of ogranizational creativity. The theoretical backgrounds of interactionism which is considered to be a prevailing approach in the studies of organizational creativity are analyzed. The epistomological differencies in viewing creativity by functionalist, interpretative, radical humanist and radical structuralist paradigms are investigated

Article is written in Ukrainian

Znak K. A.
Comparative Analysis of Methodological Approaches to the Diagnosis of the Corporate Culture and the Prospects for their use in the Machine-Building Industry (p. 270 - 272)

The basic approaches to the diagnosis of the corporate culture were analyzed and the main phase of the study reflect the main criteria for an effective methodology for assessing corporate culture.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Irytsyan S. A.
The Problem of Application of Management Technologies in the Modern Dynamic Market Situation (p. 273 - 275)

In the article the author considers the actual problem of the modern economy - the possibility of application of management technologies to increase the efficiency of management of the organization. In the article presents basic definitions and characteristics, which characterize the technology management as a system and process. The author gives the classification of management technologies, determine the possibility of their application in modern economic conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iakovenko V. S.
Concept of Modeling Operational Management of Logistics Processes of Distribution Systems (p. 275 - 279)

The paper proposed the concept of modeling operational management of logistics processes distribution systems management tasks grounded distribution system, a link from the infrastructural and organizational components of management, proposed an integrated approach to management of distribution logistics system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gorobynska M. V.
Estimation of the Intellectual Capital Worth (p. 305 - 308)

The use of the concept of the worth-oriented management to assess the intellectual capital worth have been proposed. The systemic-structural features of the given concept and its basic scientific concepts have been considered. Based on this concept it had been proposed classification of indicators.

Article is written in Russian

Litovchenko Y. Y.
The Choice and Justification the Strategy of Enterprise Crisis Management (p. 308 - 312)

The paper discloses the essence of crisis management enterprise and sound approaches to the selection strategy of crisis management with consideration of internal and external environment. It is concluded that the development of key strategic guidelines should take into account the time factor, which is characterized by a phase of the life cycle of the company. The basic requirements for the prospective development should be implemented considering of the interests of all stakeholders and the assessment of the external and internal environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Popov O. Y., Legostaeva Y. A.
The Material and Technical Support of Corporate Development Management Mechanism Organizing (p. 312 - 316)

The organization of corporate development material and technical support are highlighted in the context of appropriate management mechanism and within resource approach to the strategic process. The relationship features corporate presence on the markets of resources and assets of corporate development options is presented. We prove the appropriateness of fixing parts of logistics enterprise development within an appropriate system of institutional rules of corporate relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shubin A. A., Krivonos A. A.
Mental and Ethical Aspects in Juvenile-Oriented Brand Development (p. 316 - 320)

This article is dedicated to mental and ethical aspects that arise in the process of developing brands for a juvenile target group. A highly optimized way of discerning and satisfying the emotional demands of children and rational motives of their parents is proposed. To create a trademark concept that accounts for interaction of complex systems in a state of unsteady equilibrium, a matrix of dual-targeting trademark creation is developed.

Article is written in English

Kulinich O. A., Nikitina Y. V.
Theoretical and Methodological Aspect of Formation of an Effective Control System of Sales (p. 321 - 326)

The main functions and classification signs of classical tools of matrix type in the presence of any organizational structure of management are analysed. Formation of a complex of administrative, organizational and technological functions of the trading company, distributions of the goods underlying to marketing strategy is opened. Solutions of the problems connected with typical mistakes of heads are offered. Main types of modern tools of implementation of effective management of sales – the scheme of the automated information support of processes of sales, classification of base of clients by absolute criteria, algorithm of actions for increase of sales volumes are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotelevskaya Y. V., Novikova T. V.
Features Categorical System of Bank Marketing (p. 326 - 329)

The basic concepts of the bank marketing are analysed in the article, namely, «bank transaction» and «bank favour». Also, a concept «bank product» is shown out. On the basis of it the complex of measures is offered with the purpose of improvement of of communication policy of bank which is actual in the modern terms of bank market of Ukraine development from position of market of users.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mangushev D. V.
Definition of Management Consultancy as an Economic Category and its Role in Contemporary Market Environment (p. 330 - 333)

The work outlines the academic economists’ experience in defining the essence of the term «management consultancy», on the basis of which our own understanding of this concept is offered. It also provides features of the management consultancy together with its models , which, in their term, give a grounding in cooperation between customer organization staff and a management consultant in the process of innovative organizational changes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsvetash Y. O.
Backround of Formation Economic Consulting as an Independent Business in Ukraine (p. 333 - 336)

The article gives some definitions of consulting as a separate market service and history of the consulting services in Ukraine. The main directions of consultants and consulting functions are given. In this connection consaltor is presented as a financial intermediary. It is concluded that consulting is a manifestation of the revolution that is happening in the economy and business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Amosov O. Y.
The Formation of the Potential of the Enterprise: Organizational and Management Aspects (p. 337 - 340)

At the present stage of the economy development of the country in conditions of the crisis and the complex transformation processes, conditions of management of domestic enterprises significantly become more complex The effectiveness of the economic subjects activity is caused mainly by their organizational and managerial structure, which leads to the necessity of consideration of the enterprise potential formation problem in the organizational and managerial aspects. The aim of the research is to substantiate the theoretical bases of formation of the potential of the enterprise in the organizational and management aspects. In the course of research the analysis of the theoretical aspects of economic development of the enterprises, which showed that the consistency of purpose and potential building are provided by the processes of organization and management, which represent the impact of organizational potential and management competencies on all elements and stages of realization of the strategic objectives. On the basis of a scientific justification of the theoretical approaches to defining the essence of the process of formation of the potential of the enterprise in the organizational and management aspects, proposed a comprehensive approach to the formation of the organizational and management capacities and identified its key role in ensuring the effective functioning of economic entities. Accounting author's calculations, along with General updating of the process of formation of the organizational and management potential of an opportunity to clarify the strategic directions of development of the enterprises in the area of ensuring the sustainability of its administrative-organizational development, and, as a consequence, the achievement of relevant strategic objectives of financial condition.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Amosov O. Y., Didenko N. V.
Overcoming Resistance to Change: Theoretical Approaches and Implementation (p. 293 - 298)

In today's post-crisis development of the economy, businesses to survive in the market and remain competitive need to make changes to their business activities. In practice and research, more and more attention is paid to the methods and organizational change management capabilities. At present, many enterprises make changes in the forms and methods of management, aimed at stimulating the development of new economic relations. The purpose of this study is to review the rationale for the scientific and theoretical approaches to overcome resistance to change and the development of activities having an anti-crisis character. In the study, the analysis of various approaches to overcome resistance to change was made. It was identified six steps leading to effective change that focus on changing roles of employees, specify responsibilities and correct relations to solve specific organizational problems in small offices, goals and objectives that can be clearly defined.

Article is written in Russian

Vikarchuk O. I.
Innovation Culture as an Effective Method of Management (p. 298 - 301)

In the article were considered concept, value and essence of innovative culture in the innovative system of enterprise. Also it were defined basic pre-conditions, economic priorities and conceptual aspects which induce Ukrainian management to implement an innovative culture as effective method of management; it was defined role of innovative culture in the innovative system of enterprise.; it was improved concept definition of innovative culture as a socio-economic category, its basic tasks and functions was defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shepelenko O. V., Granish S. A.
Criteria for Evaluating of Management of Process of Advertising Activity on the Consumer Market (p. 302 - 307)

Purpose of the article is to identify the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of advertising activity of companies on the consumer market. The study used the methods of theoretical generalization and comparison, analysis and synthesis, methods of network planning and management, methods of economic-mathematical modeling. In article is defined criterion of evaluating management of advertising activities of company on the consumer market based on economic-mathematical model evaluating the effectiveness of advertising activities. To improve the effectiveness of advertising activity a company is offered economic-mathematical model to optimize the cost on advertising activity on the basis of the model of network planning and management. Using of proposed the economic-mathematical models allows to estimate the effectiveness of advertising activity of the enterprise and optimize the cost of advertising activity for increase the effectiveness of advertising activity of the company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuznetsova T. V.
The Complex Approach for Improvement of Personnel Management System in Export-Oriented Enterprise of Ukraine (p. 308 - 313)

Personnel management system for export-oriented enterprises of Ukraine was studied and the complex comprehensive approach for improving the system was proposed as the solution for the problem of complex combining of foreign personnel management systems with existing systems on the enterprises of Ukraine. The world experience of human resource management in transnational corporations, international organizations and enterprises was considered in the analysis of peculiarities of the domestic economy, social environment, Ukrainian mentality and process of external and internal information influence. The comparison of some elements of management systems in industrial and information economics was conducted.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mazhnik N. A., Bilyk I. Y.
The Influence of Financial Factors of Motivation of Personnel Management (p. 314 - 320)

The article reviews the current state of the system of the employees motivation of Ukrainian enterprises and analyzes the problem of motivation. The article shows different theories of motivation, which is the interesting points that should be considered in the formation of an organization's motivation management program. The article defines the features of foreign models of staff' encouraging in the company and and offers some recommendations for improving national employee's motivation system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Resler M. V.
General Approach to the Implementation of Automated Management Accounting (p. 321 - 323)

The important stages of automation of management accounting are investigated. The efficiency of the use of software to automate management accounting is proved. It allows significantly reduce the time and organizational costs of compiling and updating budgets and the formation of internal reporting. Such approach would immediately make independent management accounting from accounting and adequately reflect the business logic, resulting consumption of certain resources company. Next, you need to formalize the designed system at the level of internal company documents and, if necessary, or the availability of funds to go through automation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuleshova N. V.
The Model Basis of Tourist Enterprise Marketing Strategy (p. 323 - 327)

The model base of marketing strategy forming of tourist enterprise is considered in the article. The model base allows, taking into account the changes of external and internal environment, to develop the scientific-grounded and effective marketing strategies on the basis of application of economic-mathematical methods and models. The proposed conceptual model and a block diagram of the complex relationship models allows a comprehensive and systematic approach to the problem of the formation of science-based marketing strategy tourist enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnik N. I.
Types and the Specificity of the Methods of Structuring of the Demand for Products of the Industrial Enterprises (p. 328 - 331)

The article deals with the main approaches to structuring of the demand for production of the industrial enterprises. Depending on the means of obtaining information there were singled out and were characterized the intuitive, formalized and combined methods of structuring of the demand for the products of firms. Particular attention is paid to the instruments used in sociological methods. The methods of determining of the structure of satisfied, dissatisfied and perspective demand are examined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mіshin A. Y., Mishina S. V.
Optimisation of the Process of Managing Personnel Security of a Company (p. 280 - 283)

The article analyses existing approaches to managing personnel security of business units at a micro level; it considers notional and categorical mechanism, environment of formation of the system of managing personnel security of a company; specifies scientific and theoretical approach to optimisation of the process of managing personnel security of a company by means of identification of stages, subsystems of management, interdependencies and interconnections between them, which, unlike existing approaches, ensures rational combination of system and situation oriented management.

Article is written in Russian

Naumenko M. O., Gura T. V., Krasnogrud Y. S.
Perfection of Strategic Management of an Organisation (p. 284 - 286)

The article considers both theoretical and practical topical aspects of strategic development of an organisation under market conditions. It substantiates urgency of continuous perfection of the process of company management. It generalises theoretical concepts that consider the process of company management. It specifies methods and approaches to development of strategy for achievement of competitiveness of a company and also prospective directions of activity that ensure its growth and prosperity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burak T. V.
Contract Management: Organisational and Legal Form of Hotel Networks (p. 287 - 289)

Hotel business has been the most dynamic and profitable segment of economy, which is characterised with a high degree of internationalisation of capital and international character, during the recent decades. We clearly observe development of national and international hotel networks at this stage. Management contract is one of the methods of development and creation of hotel networks. The article describes theoretical basis of introduction of the contract management into the hotel business, its effectiveness and prospects of development in the national market of hotel services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zubkova M. S.
Application of Marketing in Hotel Companies (p. 290 - 298)

The article considers results of marketing research on application of marketing in hotel companies of the Crimea. Results of questionnairing showed insufficient qualification of marketing experts and availability of demand in them. Marketing research conducted by hotels are disconnected and episodic and are reduced to comparison of prices of competitors, study of questionnaires answered by hotel clients, history of hotel guests and are not of system character. It shows dependence of demand in specialists of this profile on types of companies, their size and age. It identifies approximate demand for marketing specialists.

Article is written in Russian


Meshkova N. L., Fesenko I. A.
Development of Theoretical Aspects of Managing Company’s Business Activity (p. 336 - 339)

The article conducts analysis of theoretical foundations of managing companies’ business activity. It considers modern approaches to analysis and assessment of business activity, their merits and demerits, and specific features of application. It justifies a necessity of improvement of existing methodical approaches. It offers a system of indicators, which could stand as criteria of assessment of company’s business activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Buriak R. I.
Personnel as an Important Element of the System of Quality Management of an Agrarian Company (p. 340 - 344)

The article substantiates a necessity of involvement of personnel in activity on perfection of quality management systems of domestic agrarian companies. It analyses expediency of application of a complex of standards when performing activity as an important factor of increase of efficiency and productivity of labour of the organisation personnel and ensuring its quality. It defines the essence of the “system of management of activity of the agrarian company’s personnel” notion. It develops system approaches with respect to management of activity of employees of an agrarian company in the field of quality. It conducts analysis of component elements of the system of management of personnel activity. It offers methodical approaches on involvement of personnel into activity on perfection of the system of quality management. The author proves that formation of an effective system of quality management in accordance with requirements of international ISO 9000 standards and its further perfection in an agrarian company is impossible without wide attraction of personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkromyda V. V.
Organisation of Management Accounting in the System of Management of Business Reputation of a Company (p. 344 - 347)

The article justifies a necessity of the process of management of business reputation of a company under modern conditions of conduct of business, identifies importance of its information provision and a necessity in organisation of management accounting in a company in accordance with management requirements. It presents specific features of organisation of management accounting in the context of formation of the information base for making decisions with respect to preservation and improvement of business reputation of an economic subject and identifies possible variants of its integration with financial accounting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voloshko N. A., Kurennoy A. V.
Motivational Provision of Management of Stock Capital Shares (p. 348 - 353)

The article states that the system of corporate management, which was formed in Ukraine, is characterised with predominance of insider interests over aspirations of other participants of corporate relations. Availability of such a disproportion in relations between shareholders and corporation top managers significantly complicates conditions of corporate co-operation and often invalidates all advantages of the use of the joint-stock form of organisation of entrepreneurial activity. It underlines that complexity of relations between shareholders and hired top managers of a joint-stock company is a reason of formation of relatively complex forms of co-ordination of interests of these groups of participants of corporate relations, the most perfect of which is the use of programmes of participation in the capital, for payment of labour of the top management of the corporation using the principles of realisation of programmes of long-term payment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Luhova V. M.
Professional Self-Concept of the Manager as a Fundamental Condition of his or her Professional Development (p. 354 - 358)

The article specifies the essence of the “professional self-concept” notion, which is considered as a dynamic system of evaluative opinion of the manager with respect to his or her professional qualities, motives and value orientations, style and effectiveness of his or her work, career, methods of interaction with partners, professional experience, which ensure self-regulation of behaviour and relations in the professional sphere and planning of self-development and self-realisation in profession. It allocates components of the professional self-concept: cognitive, emotional, behavioural and its components – real, ideal, dynamic and fantastic self. It offers strategies of professional making of the manager depending on the level of self-concept development: primitive functioning, career strategy, actualisation of self in profession and creative self-expression. It justifies a necessity of study of methods and means of formation of a positive self-concept, which would ensure realisation of the strategy of creative self-expression of the manager.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kinash I. P.
Policy of Development of Exhibition Infrastructure in Ukraine (p. 358 - 361)

The article states that exhibition infrastructure is a component of the social infrastructure of the state. It analyses tendencies of development of exhibition infrastructure of Ukraine and reveals problems of its functioning. The author reveals positive tendencies of development of the exhibition infrastructure: increase of the number of exhibition centres, measures, participants, etc. It offers, on the basis of studies, directions of the policy of its development by means of: adoption of necessary legislative acts on expansion of the exhibition activity; effective use of the existing exhibition facilities; development of service infrastructure; membership of Ukraine in international exhibition organisations; and attraction of various sources of financing the projects of development of exhibition centres.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozhukhivskа R. B.
Essence and Principles of Realisation of Integrated Marketing Communications (p. 362 - 367)

The article states that due to changes of marketing strategies of companies, the issues of application of integrated marketing communications, directed at provision of succession of messages and use of additional mass media means, are not yet properly described in educational and professional literature. All these confirm urgency of the topic, which justified selection of the direction of the study. The article considers and schematically presents a process of integrated marketing communications (IMC). It specifies main factors that influence the process of introduction of the IMC concept and also main factors that are solved in the process of their use. It is established that the synergy plays an important role in realisation of the strategy of integrated marketing communications. Its essence is in common application of several marketing communication measures. It is established that the main infological principles of IMC are integration of choice, integration of positioning and integration of schedule. The article analyses their essence and provides a schematic model. It offers improvement of some elements of integrated marketing communications by means of complex use of organisational and economic, advertisement and information, and interpersonal and communicative measures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrichenko P. A.
Evolution of Interrelation Marketing Concept: Priorities, Conceptual Base, Dominating Logic (p. 367 - 372)

The article considers evolution of interrelation marketing concepts and systemises opinions of researchers about the loyalty concept. It specifies new directions of marketing activity. It identifies a new vector of relations within evolution of marketing concepts and the dominating logic. It justifies that effect from the use of interrelation marketing tools would allow the use of complement about requirements of clients and strengthen company positions in a new competitive field of goods and services. The article concludes that identification of the degree of attraction of consumers to marketing activity of a company serves as a prospect of further research in this direction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Peresypkina G. A., Prodan V. A.
Methodological Basics of Staff Management in Ukrainian Companies (p. 372 - 376)

The article is devoted to the study of the system of staff management in a company. The article generalises and systemises scientific knowledge on modern state and models of staff management in turbulent and rapidly changing economic and legal environment of Ukraine. It uses the conducted analysis for characterising personnel as a factor of production, and also considers criteria of increase of effectiveness of staff management in Ukrainian companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zamlinskaya O. V.
Marketing Strategy of Integration as a Condition of Modernisation of the Lift Industry (p. 405 - 410)

The article justifies selection of a marketing strategy of Ukrainian companies of lift servicing, which would provide an opportunity to ensure their economic growth and modernisation. Having analysed literature, it systemises features of classification of marketing strategies and identifies new approaches and strategy types. It offers solution of the problem of modernisation of the lift industry of Ukraine by means of selection of the marketing strategy of growth in the form of horizontal contract integration. Its realisation would provide a possibility to additionally load production facilities of companies, reduce unemployment level, ensure accumulation of funds for modernisation of the lift industry and improvement of its technological state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lakeykhina V. S.
Organisation of Strategic Management of a Holding Structure under Conditions of Unpredictable Changes of Environment (p. 411 - 417)

The article develops a model of influence of environmental factors on strategic plans, which allows transformation of planned indicators into forecasted values. It presents a classification of main environmental factors, which identify risks of activity of engineering holding unions of enterprises – manufacturers of engineering products. It also conducts a cluster analysis with the use of a clusterisation method, based on calculation of k-averages. As a result of calculations, it provides a number of general criteria of rational selection of decision variants out of a multitude of possible ones, which are based on an analysis of the matrix of possible states of environment and decision alternatives. The offered types of managerial decisions under conditions of unpredictability give a possibility to properly correct strategy of development of holding structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Martynenko I. O.
Place of Professional Training in the Process of Personnel Development (p. 418 - 422)

The article analyses main definitions of the “personnel development” notion, which allows drawing conclusions about ambiguity of this category. Many scientists understand personnel development only as a process of personnel training, others single out professional training of personnel as one of the most important components. It considers a model of professional training, stages of formation of the budget of training and various methods of training by personnel categories. Selection of one or another method of training is a complex process, which is based on a number of factors and requires significant attention from the company management with the purpose of achievement of a maximum result from training and achievement of a positive effect. It offers own wording of the “professional training” category.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanenko O. V.
Evolution of Scientific Approaches to Determination of Content of Strategic Analysis (p. 422 - 428)

The article identifies content of main approaches to the “strategic analysis” notion, systemises interconnections of strategic analysis with analysis and management, formulates content of main characteristics of strategic analysis, which additionally argue its independence among functional spheres of an enterprise. Application of theoretical provisions of development of strategic analysis would give a possibility to identify main directions of development of methodical provisions and organisation, and this, in its turn, would ensure a higher level of complexity and scale of research of activity of economic subjects.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielova O. I.
Formation of the Scheme of Control of the Motivation Mechanism of Strategic Management (p. 328 - 333)

The article analyses stages of formation and realisation of the motivation mechanism of strategic management, identifies importance and necessity of control of the mechanism as the means of optimisation and harmonisation. It analyses requirements to the control and identifies seven stages of control of the motivation mechanism of strategic management: formation of the working group; identification of directions of control; identification of methods of control; identification of the terms of control; preparation of instructions; preparation of reporting documentation; and check of efficiency of control. It forms a scheme of control over realisation of the motivation mechanism of strategic management, which identifies connection between stages and ways of overcoming possible obstacles. It formulates main problems the company can face at the stage of control. It formulates main rules and principles managers should follow in the process of execution of control of the mechanism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bolotnaya O. V.
Marketing Tools of Increase of Company’s Competitiveness under Crisis Conditions (p. 333 - 337)

The article provides analysis of modern methods of management of company competitiveness, directed at reduction of uninsured risks connected with changes in the market situation. The study is conducted in the context of allocation of the system of traditional tools of the anti-crisis marketing. Moreover, the emphasis is put on its correspondence with realities of the information (post-industrial) society and also economic conditions in Ukraine. The article considers principles of “partisan” marketing, efficiency of which increases, which is proved on the basis of critical consideration of correlation of economic potential and expenditures of advertising campaigns on TV, radio, in printed editions and Internet. It conducts analysis of marketing strategies, which are used by the most successful modern Ukrainian companies. The study of external environment of functioning of national subjects of economy allowed making a conclusion about domination, in the structure, of methods of increase of competitiveness (acquiring competitive advantages in the market) of shadow tools, in particular, the practice of making corruption deals.

Article is written in Russian

Kryvoruchko O. N., Gladka O. I.
Justification and Selection of Directions of Realisation of Marketing of Company’s Personnel (p. 338 - 344)

The article justifies the process of selection of directions of personnel marketing. The process is based on the 8-stage scheme of managerial decision making and envisages: formation and specification of goals of the personnel marketing, identification of criteria of goals achievement, planning alternative variants of decisions, their assessment and selection of the best variant, and planning and conducting measures. The article forms methodical tools on realisation of the offered process, which envisages the use of results of assessment of attractiveness of a company as an employer, identification and formation of the common strategy of the personnel marketing, search for and selection of a maximally satisfactory variant of achievement of the personnel marketing goals. Application of such methodological approaches as the factor-and-goal and morphology analysis allowed building the goal tree and identify measures that would facilitate achievement of the set goals. In the basis of the goals-measures tree there are elements of the personnel marketing complex (working place, compensation package, system of communication with target audiences, employer branding, people, organisation of the personnel marketing process and physical environment) and goals of its two types: internal and external.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Laptiev V. I.
Realisation of Methods of Flexible Policy of Employment in the Context of Effective Personnel Management in a Company (p. 345 - 351)

The article studies the problem of release of personnel, which has negative consequences both for the released employee and for the company itself by means of reduction of labour productivity, worsening of its image in the result of irrational procedure of release and probability of legal action. Due to this, the article conducts analysis of principles, upon which employee’s release should be based, builds up an algorithm of carrying out this process with consideration of proposals of the new labour code, and also determines terms of performance of actions at each of the stages. The article studies possible changes in labour legislation of Ukraine in the event of adoption of a new labour code and analyses their advantages and disadvantages. It also considers the essence and structure of performance of outplacement as one of the most costly and most efficient methods of flexible policy of employment in a company, which would allow reduction of negative impact of the release process.

Article is written in Russian

Ievtushenko G. V.
Model of Management of the Company’s Brand Capital (p. 351 - 356)

The article shows the role of the brand capital in modern economic transformations; considers market and social manifestations of the brand capital; reveals and analyses factors of influence upon formation and functioning of the mechanism of management of the company’s brand capital; identifies stages of the process of formation of the brand capital; studies interconnection between functions of management of the brand capital; justifies theoretical and methodical foundations of the model of management of the company’s brand capital; formulates author’s definition of the model of management of the brand capital; offers a model of management of the company’s brand capital; and develops recommendations on organisation of management of the company’s brand capital.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sobchak A. P., Kovalenko S. V.
Role of After-sale Service in Promoting Industrial Equipment in the Market (p. 356 - 360)

The article provides materials devoted to the conduct of high-quality after-sale service as a necessary and effective instrument that provides stable sales of company products. It presents the following types of services: pre-sale, warranty and after-warranty. It considers factors that influence clients interest in conducting after-warranty service and risks, both basic and additional. Advancement of a production product to the final consumer and its further existence significantly depend not only on pre-sale and warranty service, but also on a correct policy of ensuring after-warranty life of a product. The article offers a consequence of performance of obligations on after-warranty service of highly technological industrial equipment. As a result, a conclusion is made: the quality of service would directly influence further interrelations after expiry of the warranty term between the customer and executor, who operates on behalf of the producer or is the producer.

Article is written in Russian

Mogyla I. S.
Managing Marketing Costs of a Trade Company (p. 360 - 365)

Under conditions of constant dynamic development of the market environment and under the influence of a wide spectrum of economic, political, scientific and technical and social factors, the majority of directors of domestic and foreign companies consider marketing as the main means of achievement of own goals. However, achievement of the set goals becomes real when directors and managers of companies carry out systematic management of marketing activity and also marketing costs. It should be noted that management of costs is an important factor of development of a firm, since it reflects, first of all, effectiveness of the use of resources, results of introduction of newest technologies, perfection of organisation of labour, production, distribution and management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielikova N. V.
Role of Advertisement in Formation of the Consumer Society in Countries that Conducted Economic Reforms (p. 361 - 366)

Permanent growth of attention of the scientific society to the problems of excessive consumption, exhaustion of resources, load on environment and the necessity of transition to the stable balanced development determines urgency of study of the consumer society phenomenon. Of special interest are post-socialistic countries, which performed transition from administrative to proto-market economy in a short period of time. The goal of the article is to study specific features of formation of components of the consumer society in post-socialistic countries and to reveal factors that determine the rate and direction of this process. The article takes positions of unification of economic, sociologic and philosophic approaches on the basis of the methods of historic analysis and synthesis in order to prove that the phenomenon of the post-socialistic countries is an unusual rate of transformation of the mass consciousness of the population from condemnation of consumption to its idealisation. The article determines a list of positive and negative economic components of the consumer society and provides analysis of their presence in the countries that conducted economic reforms. It develops a set of psychological components of the consumer society and its availability in consciousness of the population of such countries. It proposes and proves a hypothesis that replacement of both consumption models and consumption value in consciousness of the population of post-socialistic countries was conducted mainly with the help of advertisement. The article outlines the process of transformation of the object of psychological trust from the Soviet propaganda to market advertisement.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Porozhniak O. O., Yeltsova І. V.
Instruments of Managing Strategic Stability of a Company (p. 367 - 371)

The article justifies a necessity of formation of instruments of managing strategic stability of a company, which is considered from two points of view: from the position of the desired state of a company, caused by strategic goals, plans and vision, and from the position of ability of a company to achieve the set goals under any condition, connected with preservation and development of competitive advantages, adaptation to the changed conditions, changes and realisation of strategic intentions. The article identifies the essence of the “strategic intentions of a company” notion and specifies priority directions of their formation, which correspond with main components of strategic stability (production, personnel, organisation, innovation and ecological ones). Ambiguity in understanding strategic intentions is connected, first of all, with the essence of activity of the companies, their mission and strategic stability. The article offers an approach to formation of instruments of managing strategic stability of a company, which includes directions of adaptation, adaptation processes, strategic intentions and strategic measures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsiomashko Y. S., Stankevych I. V.
Evolution Prerequisites of Formation of the Process Approach to Quality Management (p. 372 - 377)

The article studies main stages of evolution of understanding and formation of approaches to quality management. It traces appearance and development of scientific thought in the theory of quality management from the point of view of the process approach. It justifies urgency of increase of the level of effectiveness and efficiency of activity of an organisation by means of creation, provision and management of the system of interconnected processes. It used the conducted studies to allocate eight main stages of evolution in quality management, which was reflected in the scheme developed by the authors. The article establishes that the process approach, which was offered in 1920s by representatives of administrative management, is the main approach today to quality management and meets requirements of the modern world. In the course of analysis of historic formation of approaches to quality management the article identifies evolution prerequisites that promoted introduction and distribution of the process approach to quality management as the basis of successful functioning of an organisation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mazaraki A. A., Bosovskaya M. V.
Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Formation of the Integration Strategy of Enterprises (p. 299 - 308)

The article presents author’s views on solution of the scientific problem of formation and realisation of the integration strategy of enterprises; justifies a necessity of development of methodological and theoretical provision of processes of formation of integration strategies as a permanent condition of ensuring effectiveness of functioning and gaining competitive advantages and a stable market position of companies. It studies the genesis of integration strategy in the context of concepts of strategic management, identifies the essence and content of the integration strategy; forms its immanent elements; pays attention to development of the strategic set of management of integration interaction on realisation of strategies of the corporate level, business format and functional block. It forms a matrix of selection of the strategy of management of development of integration interaction on the basis of use of the level of integration potential and degree of instability of the field of interaction; selection of the strategy of management of development of integration interaction (offensive, cardinal growth, defensive, elimination) is recommended for execution on the basis of modification of the Ansoff matrix. The prospective directions of further studies of the methodological basis of formation of the integration strategy are development of mechanisms of its realisation and formation of procedures of assessment of effectiveness of strategic integration development of economic subjects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Achkasova O. V.
Justification of Selection of the Format of Description of Requirements to Position Candidates by Domestic Industrial Enterprises (p. 308 - 313)

The goal of the article is to study the existing formats of justification and description of requirements to employees, determination of their advantages, disadvantages and specific features of application, and also establishment of the most expedient one for application by the domestic industrial engineering enterprises under volatile conditions of economy. Having analysed scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, the article established the most widespread formats of description of requirements to candidates, which could be used by domestic enterprises in the process of attraction of personnel. In the result of a comparative analysis, it marks out advantages, disadvantages and specific features of their application by domestic industrial enterprises. The article offers a matrix of selection of formats of description of requirements to position candidates with consideration of the size of an enterprise and the stage of its life cycle. The use of the proposed matrix will provide a basis for timely managerial decision making in the sphere of managing personnel of an enterprise under volatile economic conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kavtysh O. P.
Adaptation Mechanism of Corporations: Essence and Specific Features of Realisation (p. 313 - 320)

The goal of the article is to reveal specific features of adaptation mechanism of corporations, its essence and specific features of realisation. In the result of the study, the article systemised views on the essence of the “adaptation” notion, specific features and factors of activity of their adaptation mechanism. It identifies that corporations are among the systems that become today an important object of scientific cognition. It characterises factors of the environment, which influence adaptation of corporations, and offers to divide them into internal and external ones. It justifies that factors of external environment are primary with respect to factors of the internal one and serve as an incentive for carrying out quantitative and qualitative changes in a corporation. State plays one of the leading roles among the factors of external environment. The article analyses methods, means and variants of strategies, which could be used by companies as the basis of realisation of the mechanism of adaptation to environment conditions. Results of the study could be a basis of deepening of the theories of adaptation and corporations, development of practical tools of identification of conditions of provision of resistance of corporations to the influence of the environment factors. The further studies should be oriented at identification of the type diversity of adaptation of corporations to environment conditions and also realisation of the backward active influence upon the environment of their functioning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grebeshkova E. N., Maliarchuk O. H.
Dynamic Capabilities of an Enterprise: Methods of Revelation and Tracing Maturity (p. 321 - 326)

The article describes key provisions of the methodical approach to revelation of dynamic capabilities of an enterprise and tracing their maturity. It systemises methodological grounds and clarifies main provisions of identification of dynamic capabilities of an enterprise in the context of the resource approach. The author’s generalisation of methodological grounds of the concept of dynamic capabilities is based on revelation of a spectrum of strategic ambitions of an enterprise of the post-industrial era, described in the context of two types of market behaviour – pro-active and re-active (adaptive). The article marks out that various types of market behaviour of an enterprise are based on various methodological platforms, among which the most widespread are the concepts of bursting innovations and “blue ocean”, knowledge management and also a relational concept of a firm. Successful solution of the task of achievement by a firm of stable competitive advantages is gained due to the use of its dynamic capabilities in the spheres of strategic management, innovation and investment activity and business interaction (network of trust relationship with other market participants). The article argues that the mechanism of revelation of dynamic capabilities is based on a combination of unique competences of an enterprise, which are proposed to determine at five levels of an organisation – individual, group (role), functional, strategic and general organisational. Taking into account practical absence of methodical developments in this direction, the article offers to form a scorecard for tracing maturity of dynamic capabilities in the context of the balanced scorecard of activity of an enterprise. The proposed system of key indicators is a part of a theoretical construct and requires adaptation and development for an individual enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korzh N. V.
Instruments of Optimisation of the System of Corporate Management of Industrial Enterprises (p. 326 - 331)

Analysis and systematisation of modern scientific knowledge in the context of assessment of effectiveness allows making a conclusion that objectivity of an assessment directly depends on the level of sufficiency of assessment criteria, which could be defined as the degree of referentiality of a set of consecutively built properties, which do not correlate with each other. The specified problems require solution in the form of development and systematisation of criteria of assessment of effectiveness of the system of corporate management, which is proposed to perform by means of combining quantitative, qualitative and cost approaches to assessment of effectiveness and realisation of their predicative model of managerial decision making. This would allow formation of strategic measures on optimisation of the system of corporate management depending on the rank of the obtained mark of effectiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pashkevych M. S., Papizh Y. S., Paulo Z. M.
The Development of Mining Enterprises in the Context of Global Challenges (p. 332 - 336)

The article denotes the problem of choosing a model for sustainable development of the mining enterprise, which enables prediction of the trajectory of its development in the short and long term, and make a choice of optimal solutions. The existing ground works of domestic and foreign scholars in the field were analyzed. The necessity of focusing on the mathematical modeling of the triad of social, ecological and economic processes of sustainable development of mining enterprises was grounded. The necessity of clustering methodology and application of cluster analysis was proved. It was founded that three areas of the mining business: economic, social and environmental sphere can be represented in two-dimensional space as a set of objects with only two parameters of cash flows: income and expenses. It was proposed to describe these spheres as circles. It was determined the parameters of these circles – the coordinates of the centers of economic cluster, social cluster and the environment cluster. The prospects of further studies to determine the radii of the clusters of the triad of social, ecological and economic processes of effective development of mining enterprises were determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naumik Y. G.
Theoretical and Methodological Basis of the State Regulation of the Sphere of Communicative Activity (p. 336 - 340)

The article identifies problems and characteristics of the theoretical and methodological basis of the state regulation of development of the sphere of communication activity. It shows the multi-aspect nature of the study of the «communication» category and builds up a world view in the context of the author’s study. It outlines principles of formation and development of the sphere of communication activity. The author underlines strengthening of behavioural factors during formation of socio-economic models under conditions of growth of complexity and differentiation of the world. In order to justify the world view of state regulation of the sphere of communication activity, the article uses the foundations of the quantum-relativistic concept. Development of the theoretical and methodological basis of the state regulation of the sphere of communication activity is based on regularities of the study of open systems of economic and social processes not only at the micro-level, but also at the national level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Derykhovska V. I.
Interconnection of Development of Personnel and Strategy of Personnel Management (p. 341 - 347)

The article considers development of personnel from the point of view of its interdependence and interconnection with the strategy of personnel management, and also identifies its place in the system of strategic management of an enterprise. It offers to extend the existing classification of personnel management strategies by means of supplementing it with the “main stages of the process of management of personnel development” feature and, accordingly, mark out strategies of selection and attraction of personnel, its labour adaptation, assessment, professional training, career growth, use and movement, motivation and reduction. The article considers transformation of main tasks of the strategy of management of the process of personnel development in accordance with the strategy of an enterprise with indication of specific strategies and priority tasks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kantsir A. S.
Role and Significance of Business Reputation in Business (p. 347 - 351)

The article considers the essence of business reputation from the point of view of entrepreneurs, clarifies its components and their interconnection. It studies a correlation between the «reputation» and «image» notions and also provides a comparative characteristic and differences between the firm’s «image» and «authority» notions. It identifies connection between the business reputation and corporate culture and reveals the content of the corporate culture on the basis of generalisation of its definitions in the economic literature. It marks out and characterises four types of corporate cultures: hierarchical, market, planned and adhocratic, and ascertains the place and subordination of the «corporate culture» in the structure of «organisational culture» of entrepreneurs. It studies dependence of business reputation of a company on loyalty of employees and existence in the business of two types of loyalty. It proves that one of the factors of business reputation is a rotational personnel policy. It identifies directions of development of the corporate business reputation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuznetsov A. A.
Principles of Managing the Corporate Culture of an Enterprise in the Unstable Economy (p. 352 - 356)

The article systemises groups of principles by the content of the corporate culture and directions of managing it. It offers the author’s definition of the “principle of managing corporate culture” term. It forms own system of principles of managing corporate culture in the unstable economy. It formulates the essence of 13 principles of managing corporate culture (intelligence, individuality, integrity, realism, indirect actions, interexchange, dynamism, alarmism, adaptation, inevitability, sanctity, innovativeness, turbulence). Introduction of these principles into practice of enterprises causes formation of a principally new corporate culture, characterised with transnationality and individualism, stability and turbulence, globality and uniqueness, internationalisation and specificity, mobility and conventionality. Thus, the corporate culture would become an effective instrument of achievement of the mission of an enterprise under modern specific features of external and internal environment of an enterprise, characterised with globalisation and integration, instability, unpredictability, turbulence, dynamism and crisis tendency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Labzhaniya R. G.
Place and Role of Outsourcing in the Sphere of Services and Production (p. 357 - 361)

The article defines main notions and types of outsourcing. Special attention is paid to the international outsourcing and its role in economy of developing countries. The article identifies that outsourcing became an important instrument of ensuring competitive advantages of an enterprise in developed countries. This process in Ukraine is not so fast, but more and more enterprises recognise its advantages and expediency due to development of competition in the domestic market and development of integration processes. The article establishes that the use of outsourcing is directed at stability of development of an enterprise, efficient use of its internal potential, increase of flexibility and adaptiveness to changes in the market environment, search for new market possibilities and increase of capability of an enterprise to introduce of innovations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Strupynska N. V.
Proposals on the Quality Assessment of Efficiency of Marketing Activity of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 361 - 367)

The goal of the article lies in development of proposals on quality assessment of efficiency of marketing activity of an industrial enterprise by means of construction of a functions of membership and identification of borders of intervals of quality levels of general efficiency of marketing activity and its components by clear and unclear conditions of distribution of their quantity parameters. In the result of the study, the article justified expediency of the use of the theory of fuzzy sets with the aim of a quality assessment of efficiency of marketing activity of an industrial enterprise by means of construction of functions of belonging of quantity values of integral indicators of components of efficiency of marketing activity to its quality levels by clear and unclear conditions of membership. The article offers a flow chart of the stages of quality assessment of efficiency of marketing activity of an industrial enterprise. The prospects of further study in this direction is justification of the methodical approach to development of measures on further ensuring of efficiency of marketing activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tertychko T.
Theories of Communications in Managing Industrial Enterprises: Advantages and Disadvantages (p. 368 - 372)

The article marks out the problem of sharp necessity of increase of effectiveness of communication processes at Ukrainian enterprises. It justifies a necessity to study the existing developments of Ukrainian and foreign scientists in this field. It conducts analysis of main theories of communication in managing industrial enterprises. It studies main definitions of the “communication process” notion, and establishes stages of this process in general and at an enterprise in particular. It studies evolution of models of the communication process, starting with the very first ones and finishing with the modern ones. It reveals their advantages and disadvantages. It establishes that the main disadvantage of these models is insufficient accountability of factors of practical and economic efficiency of the communication process. It analyses modern channels of the communication process from the point of view of origination and degree of use at enterprises. It justifies advantages of some channels of the communication process over the other ones. It identifies prospects of further studies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Babych V. P., Posokhov I. M.
Analysis of Russian Scientific Schools of Risk Management (p. 325 - 330)

The goal of the article is to study establishment and scientific developments of Russian schools of risk management, revelation of Russian scientific schools of risk management and allocation of problems that are not solved and directions of scientific research. Analysing and generalising scientific works of representatives of Russian scientific schools of risk management, the article studies establishment of these schools and systemises opinions of the scientists. The conducted study showed that Russian scientific schools of risk management are at the stage of formation and actively develop. This is confirmed by high urgency of the problem of risk management under modern conditions of cyclic development of the world economy, especially after the financial and economic crisis of 2008 – 2009, which contributed to the growth of the number of scientific research and publications on this problem, both by famous and young scientists. At the same time, the modern scientific publications study and develop only individual issues of risk management and technologies, methods and methodology of risk management are studied insufficiently, while quite a number of scientific studies are devoted to the problem of assessment of individual types of risks, study of financial risks and issues of risk management in the banking sphere. The conducted study allowed establishment of the fact that two leading schools of risk management develop today in Russia: Moscow and Saint-Petersburg. Analysis of scientific studies of the Russian schools of risk management will be continued in the next scientific publications.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vedmіd N. I.
Integral Assessment of Efficiency of Service Management of Sanatorium-and-Spa and Health-Improving Institutions (p. 331 - 336)

There is an increased interest to the problems of efficiency of the service activity at the modern stage of development of sanatorium-and-spa and health-improving institutions. That is why, the goal of the article is a scientific substantiation of the methodological foundations of the study of efficiency of the service management of sanatorium-and-spa and health-improving institutions. The article justifies a necessity of the use of the qualimetric methods of analysis when calculating indicators of efficiency of the service management of the sanatorium-and-spa and health-improving institutions. It offers methods of assessment of efficiency of the service management, including: building up of a multi-level hierarchical structure of indicators, which lie in the foundation of the integral estimate of efficiency of the service management of the sanatorium-and-spa and health-improving institutions on the basis of principles and methods of the qualimetric analysis and generalises the formula of its computation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zakharov V. А., Ivanova V. I.
Analysis of the State of Operation Management at Industrial Enterprises (p. 337 - 342)

The article analyses operation management at industrial enterprises of the Kharkiv region, identifies main problems and offers ways of improvement of the quality of operation management at industrial enterprises of Ukraine. It marks out the factors of the competitive environment of the operation system, which exert significant influence on operation management of an industrial enterprise. It builds a diagram of problems and a tree of goals of elimination of problems of operation management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klimenko S. M.
Formation of the Strategy of Enterprise Development with Consideration of Risks (p. 343 - 347)

The article justifies the argument that in order to increase viability of a system and accelerate its development it is necessary to allow and, within certain limits, deliberately create sources of random events. It focuses on expediency of the complex use of existing methodological approaches to management of development of an enterprise, which allows grading influence of external factors and cyclic nature of development of the world and national economy. It forms connection of management of enterprise development with risks. It offers a quantitative assessment of the strategy of enterprise development with consideration of risks, which allows analysing influence of external and internal risks separately and jointly.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kurina Nataliya S., Darchenko N. D.
Innovation Model of the Concept of Professional Adaptation of Personnel (p. 348 - 353)

The article considers the essence and types of adaptation as an important element of the modern theory of personnel management. It analyses problems of practical adaptation of personnel at domestic and Russian enterprises. It proves urgency and offers a concept of professional adaptation – adaptation management. It describes main moments of the model-concept of professional adaptation of young specialists, possibilities and prospects of its introduction, risks and weaknesses. It shows innovation nature of the new conceptual model of personnel adaptation and its application: consistency, phasing, uniqueness, minimal terms and expenditures and long-term profit. The model envisages a multidimensional work with personnel in the spheres of scientific activity, organisation and economic provision of labour processes, development of professional competence with the use of the advanced educational technologies and psychological methods for establishment of a favourable psychological climate in the collective, successful adaptation and development of methodical literacy of enterprise representatives engaged in the system of professional adaptation. The article justifies socio-psychological and economic and financial effectiveness of implementation of the offered system of professional adaptation of young specialists.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sovershennaya I. A.
On Modern Specific Features of Technologisation of Enterprise Management (p. 353 - 356)

The article considers main provisions of the technology of managerial labour and specific features of technologisation of the enterprise management processes. It identifies the main purpose and goal of technologisation of management. It underlines operations and procedures of the enterprise management technology and provides their classification by a number of criteria. It analyses different approaches to formation of the managerial technology. It identifies advantages of technologisation of enterprise management and factors that are required for effective realisation of managerial technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherkashyna M. V., Naumenko M. O.
Competitive Intelligence and Consolidation of Marketing Information in the System of Management of Integrated Corporate Structures (p. 357 - 361)

The leading tendency of the modern stage of development of the world economy, which determines its development, is globalisation. Processes of globalisation of the most important spheres of life and activity of the humanity have impact on the mechanisms of formation of economic subjects. Such conditions of enterprise functioning cause a necessity of concentration and integration of industrial and bank capital, in other words, appearance of organisational forms of unification of economic subjects – creation of integrated corporate structures, which is the basis for sustainable development and functioning of Ukrainian industry. Financial management, based on consolidated information and process of its creation – competitive intelligence, takes the leading place in the system of management of integrated corporate structures. The article identifies the role and place of competitive intelligence in the process of creation of consolidated marketing information in the system of management of integrated corporate structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shulzhenko L. Y.
Economic Security of Strategic Alliance in the Context of Interaction Theories (p. 361 - 366)

The article reveals the essence of the studied problems of economic security of a strategic alliance. It proves expediency of its study in the context of interaction theories (micro-level theory of G. C. Homans, macro-level theory of P. M. Blau, interdependence theory of J. Thibaut and H. Kelly), since interaction is a key notion in understanding the nature of strategic alliance and its economic security and the interests of participants of the strategic alliance, their interweaving and balance form the foundation of interaction of the participants of the alliance as a single whole. Using the theses of these theories the article gives clarifications of appearance of changes of interests of participants of the strategic alliance. It uses protective and harmonisation approaches to define the “economic security of strategic alliance” notion. It shows that ensuring economic security of the strategic alliance is reduced to avoiding or softening contradictions of interests of participants of the strategic alliance, balancing their interests and foreseeing contradictions that appear in the result of various threats to the interests of alliance participants. The article analyses threats to the interests of alliance participants that appear in the course of their interaction within the framework of joint activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk O. V.
Designing a Sub-System of Strategically Oriented Management of Intangible Assets of an Enterprise (p. 367 - 372)

The goal of the article is determination and justification of main stages of designing a sub-system of strategically oriented management of intangible assets (IA) at an enterprise. The article used abstract and logical, systematisation and generalisation methods. Using the studies of scientific achievements of different economists it proves a necessity of introduction of management of IA as strategically important resources; it offers a structure of elements of the organisation and economic mechanism of realisation of strategically oriented management of IA at industrial enterprises of Ukraine. It generalises the practice of management of intangible assets and identifies prerequisites of their creation and management. It offers a concept of designing a sub-system of strategically oriented management of IA, which includes purpose directives, methods of formation and assessment of effectiveness of the use of IA and also instruments of realisation of the strategy of management of IA of various types. Practical significance is in appearance of new possibilities of achievement of competitive advantages in the long-term run and creation of a stable competitive position in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rvacheva I. M.
Conceptual Approach to Managing the Marketing Competence of Enterprises (p. 373 - 378)

The article considers a topical problem of search and justification of conceptual provisions of managing marketing competence of enterprises. The goal of the article is justification of an approach to managing marketing competence of an enterprise and development of its key components that determine direction of managerial influence and architectonics of the managerial process. The author offers a conceptual scheme of managing marketing competence of an enterprise, which consists of the following components: object, item, goals, main principles, methods, stages of managing marketing competence of enterprises, strategies, criteria of assessment of effectiveness of management, and categorical mechanism. The article justifies that managing marketing competence should be based on the following principles: orientation at clients, competitive differentiation, information awareness, dialogue, adaptability. It argues that it is expedient to execute the management of marketing competence of enterprises through the following stages: preparatory, planning, organisational, motivational and control.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Strupynska N. V.
Methodical Approach to Ensuring Effectiveness of Marketing Activity of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 379 - 387)

The goal of the article is development and justification of stages of methodical approach to ensuring effectiveness of marketing activity of an industrial enterprise, the basis of which is preliminary assessment of its effectiveness (calculation of integral indicators) and qualitative delimitation of effectiveness by levels. The article offers stages of methodical approach to formation of the programme of ensuring effectiveness of marketing activity of an industrial enterprise, which contains two iterations. The first iteration of the programme lies in reduction of measures in accordance with the co-ordination of strategic goals of the marketing activity, which correspond with the general trend of the strategy of marketing activity. The second iteration of the programme lies in reduction of measures in accordance with consideration of limitation of resources allocated by an enterprise. The prospect of further study in this direction is justification of the offered measures by means of adjustment of the values of relative deviations of partial indicators of effectiveness of the marketing activity and available budget for realisation of measures by factors of significance of measures, which correspond with factors of significance of partial indicators with the purpose of further ranking of measures by priorities. Such a justification could become an additional basis for making managerial decisions on ensuring effectiveness of marketing activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zosymova Z. S.
Measures on Realisation of the Anti-Crisis Strategy under Conditions of Unstable Environment (p. 325 - 329)

The article analyses consecution of stages of development and realisation of anti-crisis strategy of an enterprise under conditions of unstable environment, which includes 7 stages. However, the objective control of realisation of the strategy assumes feedback, which envisages execution of all stages of the consecution of development and realisation of the anti-crisis strategy starting from the first one. This would allow detection of changes in the environment and in the crisis state of an enterprise and, if necessary, selection of another strategy or adjustment of measures on realisation of the existing one. In order to implement the proposed selection of the anti-crisis strategy, the article offers anti-crisis measures, which would ensure development of the studied enterprises. The said measures (under conditions of selection of an anti-crisis strategy) would help an engineering enterprise to follow the selected strategy and avoid bankruptcy. Managers and specialists of engineering enterprises should, under conditions of the crisis state, focus not only on problems of elimination of the crisis consequences but also on the selection of such an anti-crisis strategy, which would be determined by priorities connected with the crisis consequences and ability to foresee them and forecast in order to eliminate them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Halitsyn V. K., Suslov O. P., Samchenko N. K.
Conceptual Foundations of Monitoring (p. 330 - 335)

The article states the conceptual foundations of building up and functioning of the monitoring of objects of the organisational type. It formulates a generalised definition of the monitoring as a process of object observation through collection, systematisation, processing and accumulation of information with the aim to analyse and assess its current state in accordance with the earlier developed programme, diagnostics and assessment of its expected state at a certain moment of time in the event of violation of the equilibrium and tendencies of development and formation of the information and analytical basis for managerial decision making on provision of the goals of object development. The article provides a structure and describes stages of monitoring (formation of information and analytical basis and goals, analysis and assessment of the current state of an object, diagnostics of results of realisation of its strategy, assessment of results of realisation of the strategy, formation of the information and analytical basis of the process of preparation of managerial decision making) in the system of management of the process of development of an object of the organisational type. Moreover, the monitoring is considered as a method of control over a situation, a specific feedback tool, which ensures sustainable object development as a component of the management technology and a factor of reduction of risks when realising the object strategy. The article formulates requirements to formation of the information and analytical basis of monitoring and identifies tasks of organisation of its functioning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalynychenko M. P.
Administering in Marketing Management of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 336 - 342)

The article considers administrative approach as a complex of universal actions, methods of impact on formalisation, regulation, control and provision of performance of planned goals of the marketing management of an industrial enterprise. The author provides results of the study of scientific and theoretical and practical approaches to the use of the administrative approach during formation of the structure of the marketing management of an enterprise, organisation and regulation of business processes, development and realisation of the strategy of marketing management of an industrial enterprise. The article reveals forms of administering and its role depending on levels of management of an enterprise (corporate, functional, instrumental). Combination of administrative and process approaches to marketing management of an enterprise allowed identification of methods of overcoming “chronic problems” of management by means of consecutive unification of actions, operations, stages, phases and cycles into a common process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mozgova L. O., Kotov A. M.
Methodical Provision of Assessment and Identification of a Possibility of Appearance of Corporate Conflicts (p. 343 - 347)

The article considers “corporate conflict” and “conflict of interests” notions, economic and corporate and management interests of main participants of corporate relations. It underlines reasons of corporate conflicts at domestic enterprises. It analyses American and European practices of settlement of corporate conflicts and also main reasons of appearance and development of corporate conflicts at domestic enterprises. It improves methodical provision of assessment and identification of possibilities of appearance of a corporate conflict. On the basis of the conducted assessment it gives a number of proposals on minimisation of corporate conflicts.

Article is written in Russian

Pavlenko I. G.
Client-Oriented Approach to Managing Marketing Interaction of a Hotel (p. 347 - 354)

The goal of the article lies in development of the system of management of relations in the market of hotel services on the basis of the client-oriented approach to managing marketing interaction. On the basis of systematisation of scientific works of scientists on marketing of services and relations between producers and consumers the article offers a model of interaction of a hotel with consumers of hotel services, builds up a context diagram of the process of interaction, provides a decomposition diagram of the process of formation of interaction of the hotel with the consumers. The article offers to conduct execution of the marketing interaction with consumers with the help of a model of strategic map of the hotel, which allows a study of internal business processes of modelling marketing interaction of a company with consumers. The prospect of further studies in this direction is determination of the system of key indicators on identification of effectiveness of marketing interaction with consumers at the stage of maintaining marketing relations of Crimean hotels in dynamics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Solomyanyuk N. M.
Levelling Marketing and Sales at an Enterprise (p. 354 - 358)

The goal of the article is to study the category mechanism of the “levelling marketing and sales” notion, which is widely used in practical activity and insufficiently reflected in theoretical works. The article conducts a comparative analysis of foreign and domestic views on definition of the “sales funnel” notion as a methodical approach when planning marketing at an enterprise. It studies main stages of building up the sales funnel. It pays significant attention to describing the “lead” notion, its types, classification and generalisation as one of the stages of building up the sales funnel. The prospect of further studies in this direction is theoretical substantiation of expediency of the use of the sales funnel when planning marketing. The considered methodical approach allows generation of leads with the prospect of formation of target groups, plan communication measures and control the process of their realisation and backward reaction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnyk H. V.
Strategic Financial Planning in the System of Managing a Trading Company (p. 359 - 369)

The article justifies increase of the role of strategic financial planning in trading companies under modern economic conditions, which form new challenges for traditional management systems. On the basis of analysis of existing approaches to organisation of strategic financial planning the article formulates author’s own vision of its content and structure of a strategic financial plan on the basis of integration of concepts of the balanced scorecard (BSC) and economic value added (EVA), which, according to the author, could be taken as a basis of organisation of strategic financial planning in a trading company of any format and provides a number of advantages, namely: allows integration of a strategic financial plan and the process of its development into a uniform strategic process in a company; converts it into an effective tool of finance management (it formalises and specifies the financial strategy, informs about its main directions and brings its provisions to executors, allows formation of a system of personnel motivation, facilitates realisation of a strategic financial plan); integration of BSC and EVA concepts facilitates increase of effectiveness of company activity, since it integrates main provisions of strategic and value-oriented management. In this arrangement the EVA concept, apart from financial components, is supplemented with the prospect of “competence”, within the framework of which goals, indicators and programmes of improvement of business processes are substantiated and the balanced scorecard gets a clear orientation at formation of value; the specified approach could be effectively realised upon the principles of process management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naumenko M. O., Cherkashyna M. V.
Strategic Management Accounting and Balanced Scorecard in the Cycle of Anti-Crisis Management of Integrated Corporate Structures (p. 370 - 375)

Successful realisation of strategic goals of national manufacturers under modern conditions of structural and innovation development of economy of Ukraine significantly depends on effective use of existing information resources and creation of effective system of realisation of chosen strategic alternatives. The article considers the essence and directions of application of the system of balanced scorecard (BSC). It focuses on the use of BSC methods for assessment of effectiveness of innovation activity of an enterprise. It justifies principles of construction and methodology of implementation of the BSC concept and also identifies possibilities of its application for creation of synergy and strategic unity of integrated associations of enterprises. It defines basic theoretical policies, presents scientific and practical recommendations on identification of sequence and justification of specific features of introduction of a balanced scorecard into the practice of economic activity of integrated corporate structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko S. A.
Methodology of Planning and Introduction of the Sub-System of Accounting and Analytical Provision in Functionally Developed Management Systems of Special Purpose of Industrial Enterprises and Production Associations (p. 376 - 382)

The goal of the article is to develop a scientifically substantiated methodology of planning and introduction of a sub-system of accounting and analytical provision in functionally developed management systems of special purpose of industrial enterprises and production associations. Having analysed, systemised and generalised scientific works of many economists, the article identifies difficulties of planning and introduction of the function of accounting, economic and analytical provision. In the result of the study the article justifies a system approach to the issues of planning and introduction of the accounting function at enterprises. This approach considers the sub-system of accounting and analytical provision, on the one hand, as a component of the system of enterprise management and, on the other hand, as a single whole. That is why it is necessary to solve common problems, take into account all elements of the sub-system and their mutual influence upon each other and then to solve individual issues of creation of the sub-system of accounting and analytical provision. A necessary condition of this approach is a preliminary study of accounting functions at an enterprise and development of its main models. The prospect of further studies in this direction is identification of universal methods of creation of enterprise (associations) management systems and their use when planning and introducing the sub-system of accounting and analytical provision. The further development of accounting is capable of replacing the traditional accounting with a developed sub-system of accounting and analytical provision.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Daniali F.
Systemacy of Managing Small Public Catering Enterprises (p. 383 - 387)

The article studies a general notion of public catering as a specific branch of economy. It analyses economic essence of the “management” notion. It reveals structural elements, which carry out management of small public catering enterprises. It identifies typification and types of public catering enterprises. It identifies structural and branch specific features of public catering. It identifies influence of the branch specific features upon the state of management in public catering. It studies the state of the function of public catering enterprises. It identifies systemacy of management of small public catering enterprises. It underlines features of public catering enterprises. It analyses main elements of the mechanism of management of a public catering enterprise: economic (commercial) accounting, internal planning, pricing, financing and crediting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsimbalyuk O. V.
Organisational and Methodical Mechanism of Managing Technical Risks (p. 388 - 393)

The article is devoted to substantiation of organisational and methodical management of technical risks of an enterprise on the basis of monitoring conducted under conditions of the expert and analytical system. Creation of an organisational mechanism of monitoring the technical risk under conditions of the expert and analytical system is based on a multi-aspect evolution approach. The main structural elements of the monitoring system are data bases and knowledge bases that provide information and methodical instruments to those who make decisions. Organisational and methodical mechanism of study of technical risks has significant specific features depending on a stage at which it is realised: first stage – conduct of a forecast assessment of possible events and their consequences, second stage – regulation of a risk event and assessment of its influence upon results of an enterprise activity. Such a mechanism would allow ensuring a system approach to managing a technical risk from one unit of equipment to a whole enterprise in general and ground the size of the expected damage and also its reasons, place of appearance and zone of responsibility.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lysytsia N. M., Byelikova Y. V.
Variability of Barriers in the Process of Development of Personal Qualities of Future Economists (p. 351 - 356)

The goal of the article is to reveal barriers in development of personal qualities of graduates with economic specialties. The article studies groups of graduates with economic specialties depending on the degree of intensity of personal qualities; identifies socio-psychological barriers of graduates with economic specialties and their personal barriers; marks tendencies of demand on personal qualities of specialists in the labour market. The article develops further the analysis of consonance/dissonance of personal qualities of graduates with economic specialties and employers’ requirements to them on the basis of questionnaire surveys of graduates with economic specialties and monitoring of the labour market, which allowed nomination of personal barriers in the sphere of economic education: autonomous barrier, diligence barrier, overvalued self-appraisal barrier, self-organisation barrier, leadership barrier and risk-readiness barrier. Analysis and comparison of tendencies of development of personal qualities of graduates and employers’ requirements to them would ensure successful employment in accordance with their expectations and would allow increase of personal professional status in the process of career growth. Such studies form one of the directions of modernisation of modern higher education.

Article is written in Russian

Mihus I. P., Chernenko S. А.
Modern Approaches to Assessment of Personnel of Economic Subjects from the Point of View of Economic Security (p. 357 - 363)

The article studies modern approaches to assessment of personnel and offers a system approach to assessment of personnel in the context of economic security of economic subjects. It systemises main elements of the system of assessment of personnel from the point of view of economic security of economic subjects: concept of assessment of personnel (object, subject, target; functions of assessment of personnel, goal and task of assessment of personnel and principles of assessment of personnel) and the procedure of assessment of personnel (essence of assessment of personnel; directions of assessment; approaches to assessment; spheres of assessment, sources of information about personnel, methods of assessment of personnel; and indicators of assessment of personnel). The article pays special attention to systematisation of methods of assessment of personnel, which allowed their grouping by the following properties: by the character of the study (traditional and non-traditional), by the direction of the study (assessment of personal qualities and assessment of results), by the method of processing information (qualitative, quantitative and combined). It conducts a thorough study of indicators of assessment of personnel, which allowed their systematisation by indicators of assessment of personal qualities, professional behaviour and effectiveness of labour.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dubovyk T. V.
QR-technologies in Marketing Communication Activity of Trading Companies (p. 363 - 366)

The article offers creative solutions on integrated application of QR-codes with common technologies and with the help of Internet technologies in marketing communication activity of trading companies, which would allow increase the brand value of a trading company and its goods under own trade mark. It recommends to use QR-codes or bar-codes in retail trade on packing with transition to a mobile version of the Internet shop page. It characterises the process of use of QR-codes by users and gives proposals on application of QR-technologies in retail trade – provision of information through QR-codes to users, interaction with buyers with the help of QR-technologies through a software application created by a company and application in warehouse accounting by trading companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Piddubna L. I., Vasyurenko V. O.
Organisation and Management Mechanism of Development of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises of the Kharkiv Region (p. 367 - 372)

The article conducts a gnoseological analysis of the “organisation and economic mechanism of development” term and identifies essence of this notion. Using the studies of external and internal environment of foreign economic activity (FEA) of enterprises, the article specifies main factors that influence and stimulate development of FEA of enterprises in Ukraine. The article offers to conduct the search for ways of development of FEA of enterprises of the Kharkiv region under changing conditions of external environment with the help of building the attractor lines. It offers to define the organisation and management mechanism of development of FEA of enterprises in wide and narrow senses depending on existing external and internal interconnected relations between the FEA subject and elements of macro- and micro-environment of its development. It establishes that the organisation and management mechanism of development as a system should have a structure, which determines stable links and relations inside it, main directions of managerial influences and ensures integrity of the mechanism and self-identity. It marks elements of the organisation and management mechanism, namely: subjects and objects of development, goals and tasks of development, methods and resources of development and efficiency of development. It builds a conceptual scheme of the organisation and management mechanism of development of FEA of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naumenko M. O., Cherkashyna M. V.
Concept of Building a Mechanism of Management of Development of Cluster and Network Structures (p. 373 - 378)

Cluster structures give a significant impulse to development of both states with a developed economy and developing countries. In spite of this, formation and development of cluster structures in Ukrainian economy are moving slowly. The reasons are both uncertainty of the industrial policy in the country and lack of co-ordination of some issues of the theoretical character. Despite the fact that issues of strategic management are under attention of the world scientists from the middle of the past century, the problems of management of clusters and cluster and network structures are sharp today. The article justifies the concept of building a mechanism of management of development of cluster and network structures, which lies in the foundation of strategic thinking and shows main features of its application.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Didukh O. V.
Managing Outsourcing Risks on the Basis of Development of a Mechanism of Distribution of Expected Losses between the Customer and Outsourcer (p. 379 - 383)

Despite a big number of literature that studies risks of outsourcing, the problem of their qualitative analysis stays unsolved. That is why, the goal of the article is to identify main specific features of assessment of risks of outsourcing when introducing them into production and economic activity of an enterprise. Using analysis of methods of the probability theory and statistics, the article offers methods of determining and distribution of expected losses from occurrence of external outsourcing risks, which would allow minimisation losses of the customer. In order to assess the impact of outsourcing risks it is also necessary to determine the marginal risk level and its comparison with the expected volume of losses, which depends on the remainder of losses non-compensated by the outsourcer and also on the size of possible losses due to occurrence of internal outsourcing risks. If in the process of practical realisation of the strategy of management of outsourcing risks the customer establishes that the expected volume of losses is higher than the marginal risk level or is equal to it, it is necessary to develop compensation measures or refuse to co-operate with this outsourcer. The prospect of further studies in this direction is identification of methods of selection of an outsourcer on the basis of establishment of dependencies between the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of its activity in order to simplify determination of expected volume of losses.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Otenko I. P., Chepeliuk M. I.
Role of the Enterprise Corporate Culture in Concepts of Organisational Changes (p. 347 - 354)

The article analyses the “corporate culture” notion, which is an efficient instrument in the sphere of management of human resources, which influences enterprise competitiveness and factually is a must for high-quality and effective conduct of business. Corporate culture is “reduction” of the most important provisions of activity of the organisation, which identify its mission and development strategy, find their expression in a combination of social norms and values shared by majority of the employees. Corporate culture, as an indicator, characterises the level of development and operation of the organisation, since it influences, first of all, the socio-psychological climate, which sets the emotional background for activity of the whole personnel. Study of the role of corporate culture in concepts of organisational changes would allow using it as a factor of overcoming resistance of the personnel when realising changes and carrying out socio-psychological provision of managerial processes. In this event the organisation functions as an integral body and acts harmoniously to achieve the set goals.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalyova V. I., Tyutlikova V. V.
Programme of Training Preparation (p. 354 - 358)

The article considers specific features of introduction of a new type of education – training. It offers and justifies a methodological approach to formation of the programme of training preparation for a higher educational establishment. Usually, the training programme is just a reference point since deviations from the prepared scenario plan are inevitable in the process of work and the trainer has to cardinally change the strategy of the group education. However, availability of such a programme is mandatory since its preparation gives the trainer an opportunity to realise the main ways of achievement of the goal and see clearly the final result. Moreover, cardinal deviations from the stages of the programme would be a signal about trainer mistakes and further correction of the mistakes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grosul V. A., Artemenko S. V.
Justification of the Trade Enterprises Development Strategy in the Process of Strategic Management of the Marketing Potential (p. 359 - 366)

The article justifies a necessity of strategic management of marketing potential of retail trade enterprises. The article develops a general structural and logic scheme of the process of strategic management of the marketing potential of a trade enterprise taking into account specific features of the trade industry. It establishes that the main key issue in the theory of strategic management is argumentation of selection of the basic strategy of development of a subject of economy. It justifies a scientific and methodical approach to selection of the basic strategy of development of a trade enterprise in the process of management of the marketing potential, main stages of which are: assessment of the level of loyalty of external marketing environment; identification of marketing stratagems; and selection of the enterprise development strategy. The article offers to use the model of marketing stratagem, the components of which are policy of management of the marketing potential, strategic market position of the enterprise and level of loyalty of external marketing environment. The article develops an interactive strategic cube of formation of the complex of marketing stratagems on the basis of use of which marketing stratagems for various trade networks of the Kharkiv region are identified and strategies of their further development are justified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bashirov I. H., Makoveichuk K. O., Anufriieva V. V.
Methods of Modelling Marketing Activity on Software Sales (p. 367 - 371)

The article studies a topical issue of development of methods of modelling marketing activity on software sales for achievement of efficient functioning of an enterprise. On the basis of analysis of the market type for the studied CloudLinux OS product, the article identifies the market structure type: monopolistic competition. To ensure the information basis of the marketing activity in the target market segment, the article offers the survey method. The article provides a questionnaire, which contains specific questions regarding the studied market segment of hosting services, for an online survey with the help of the Survio service. In accordance with the system approach the CloudLinux OS has properties of systems, namely, diversity. Economic differences are non-price indicators that have no numeric expression and are quality descriptions. Analysis of the market and the conducted survey allow obtaining them. Combination of price and non-price indicators provides a complete description of the product properties. To calculate an integral indicator of competitiveness the article offers to apply a model, which is based on the direct algebraic addition of weight measures of individual indicators, regulation of formalised indicators and use of the mechanism of fuzzy sets for identification of non-formalised indicators. The calculated indicator allows not only assessment of the current level of competitiveness, but also identification of influence of changes of various indicators, which allows increase of efficiency of marketing decisions. Also, having identified the target customers of hosting OS and formalised non-price parameters, it is possible to conduct the search for a set of optimal characteristics of the product. In the result an optimal strategy of the product advancement to the market is formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sydorenko-Melnyk G. M.
Organisational and Methodical Grounds of Financial Monitoring of Business Activity of an Enterprise (p. 372 - 376)

The article analyses organisational and methodical grounds of financial monitoring of business activity of an enterprise, which is presented as a complex of measures of organisational, methodical and managerial nature. It justifies urgency and practical significance of introduction of the system of financial monitoring as a basic element of the system of financial management of business activity under modern economic conditions. It considers the essence and purpose of financial monitoring of business activity, presents its principles and formulates tasks. It offers methodical provision of the process of monitoring focusing on the study of essential characteristics of business activity of an enterprise. It states that introduction of the financial monitoring of business activity allows understanding of the state of an object or situation, identification of the reason of the detected deviations from the planned (forecasted) results and establishment of a base for development of applied recommendations on a relevant adjustment, which results in increase of efficiency of the financial and economic activity of an enterprise and availability of prerequisites of sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bystrov A. G.
Behaviour of the Leader when Introducing Innovations in the Organisation (p. 377 - 382)

The article justifies importance of the leader when supporting changes that accompany innovations. It offers to study favourable attitude to introduction of innovations in the organisation on the basis of assessment of innovation potential of employees and their motivation. The result of the latter is marking out situations by the level of favourable attitude to the changes, which are grouped in so-called zones: green zone is maximally attractive, yellow zone has an average level of attractiveness and red zone is the most risky state for introduction of innovations. In order to increase favourable attitude of the personnel to changes, which accompany innovations, the article gives such ways of the leader’s impact on this process, which cover the style of interaction with the employees, degree of structuredness of work, use of functional powers, development and motivation. Application of this approach to management of introduction of innovations in the organisation, depending on the level of innovation potential and motivation of the personnel, would allow: assessment of the favourable attitude to changes or, vice versa, riskiness; reduction of costs and terms of introduction of innovations; and increase of the level of innovation potential and motivation of the employees.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matyushenko O. I.
Methodical Approach to Identification of the Financial and Economic State of an Enterprise (p. 383 - 390)

The article identifies urgency of the enterprise life cycle theory in the system of managing financial and economic activity of an enterprise, identifies problems and insufficiently developed theoretical issues, namely, identification of the main indicator of the state of an organisation on the life cycle curve, which thoroughly characterises its financial and economic activity. It develops and offers a methodical approach to identification of the financial and economic state of an enterprise. The article analyses, generalises and identifies main sub-systems of an enterprise within the proposed methods. On the basis of analysis of works of scientists the article identifies main indicators that characterise each subsystem of an enterprise and identifies the entropy method, having analysed the existing methods of calculation of an integral indicator, as the most justified approach to calculation of the enterprise life cycle integral indicator.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vynogradova O. V., Piligrim K. I.
Essence of Personnel Motivation as the Basis of Enterprise Development (p. 339 - 347)

The article reveals essence of the “motivation” notion from the point of view of management theories on the basis of the informal theory and procedural theory, as the content and process; studies scientific approaches with respect to identification of the goal of development of motivation with specification of harmonious and non-harmonious with the enterprise development; reveals the essence of personnel motivation with specification of its role in the process of enterprise development, provides definition of the “personnel motivation” notion on correspondence of the informal and procedural theories of motivation; proves essence of the “personnel stimulation” notion from the point of view of its consideration as an effective tool and the decisive external factor of impact on personnel in the process of development of the motivation; generalises scientific approaches regarding identification of types of motivation; develops own classification of types of personnel motivation, which corresponds with the process of enterprise development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Druzhynina Y. O.
Direction of Assessment of Efficiency of Functioning of Integrated Business Structures of Engineering Enterprises (p. 347 - 352)

The article systemises theoretical and methodological approaches to directions of assessment of efficiency of functioning of the integrated business structure of engineering enterprises. It considers the essence of efficiency as a main criterion of assessment of activity of integrated formations. In the result of the study the article reveals theoretical grounds of assessment of efficiency of the integrated business structure. It also justifies factors that influence assessment of efficiency. It generalises properties that are inherent in an integrated business structure and that influence effectiveness of activity of the whole business group. It marks out main directions of assessment of efficiency that allow taking into consideration impact of external and internal environment on the business structure activity. It describes general criteria of assessment of efficiency of functioning of integrated formation, caused by specific features of types of impact in horizontal, vertical and diversified integrated business structures of engineering enterprises. The article conducted systemisation and generalisation of economic ratios, which allowed identification of the main scorecard that characterises effectiveness of activity of an integrated business structure.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Antonyuk O. I.
Stress Testing as a Tool of Bank Risk Management (p. 353 - 356)

The goal of the article is development of theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations on the use of stress testing by Ukrainian commercial banks. Stress testing is defined as a part of bank risk management on the basis of scientific studies of domestic and foreign scientists. The article marks the essence of the bank stress testing and identifies its role in the structure of banks’ risk management in Ukraine. It considers goals of conducting stress testing in banking institutions. It identifies main aspects and specific features of conducting stress testing of bank risks. It characterises main advantages and shortcomings of use of stress testing in the modern bank risk management. It generalises the world and European approaches to the methods of conducting stress testing in commercial banks in comparison with the Ukrainian methodical recommendations. It shows that results of stress testing have practical value, since they help to preliminary assess influence of potentially negative events upon the state of the loan portfolio of the bank and make relevant managerial decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuchumova I. Y.
Intellectual Capital in the System of Enterprise Management (p. 357 - 364)

The article considers definition of the intellectual capital and justifies the intellectual property management system, which influences changes in the structure of enterprise management. The study of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists allowed conduct of the analysis of the “intellectual capital” category, its essence and structure, formation of main tasks and identification of functions, solution of which should be ensured by the enterprise’s intellectual property management system. The conducted study showed a necessity of development of the theoretical and methodological base of managing intangible assets as full value assets of the enterprise, which could provide significant income. The article justifies a necessity of creation of a separate structure of the enterprise’s intellectual property management structure and identifies its place in the system of enterprise management. The use of this management system does not require significant increase of personnel, that is why, due to results it ensures, its use is efficient. The task of the management system is ensuring proper fulfilment of specific functions connected with the enterprise’s intellectual property management. Moreover, the intellectual property management system plays the role of the co-ordination centre, which should ensure co-ordination of action of all components of the enterprise management system in the event when intellectual products are created or used.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Myroshnychenko Y. V., Nadolko A. V.
Managing Entrepreneurial Risks under Conditions of Instability of Economic Environment (p. 364 - 368)

The article analyses the state of an organisation under modern conditions of establishment of new competitive relations between subjects of economic activity and transition to the model of market economy, justifies urgency of studies devoted to methods of entrepreneurial risk management. The article analyses factors that influence the risk level and offers own definition of this category. The article sets the task of improvement of the systemised classification of entrepreneurial risk management methods. In the result of the conducted analysis, the authors offered an improved systemised classification of risk management methods and justifies efficiency of its use.

Article is written in Russian

Chechetova-Terashvily T. M.
Rationalisation of Management of Strategic Option of an Enterprise (p. 368 - 372)

The article analyses the state of management of domestic corporate enterprises by such features: nature of management, management functions, spheres of activity, efficiency of activity and priority directions of development. It outlines problems of non-correspondence of requirements of the highly competitive environment and existing models of management. It analyses the procedure of formation of managerial competences at the level of subjects of corporate relations, in the basis of which there is identification of their functions and criteria of efficiency of activity. It identifies a necessity of the study of managerial competences through allocation of corporate management subjects, authorities of which are outlined by goals of efficient management, protection of shareholders’ rights, ensuring observation of rights of interested persons, protected by law and international regulatory rules, ensuring modern and correct disclosure of information by all existing issues that have to do with the JSC activity. It justifies a set of measures on the search for efficient decisions on accumulation and use of managerial knowledge by means of creation of a portfolio of alternatives in correspondence with certain criteria.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsyurko I. A.
Model of an Ideal Head of the Personnel Department (p. 372 - 377)

The article develops a model of the head of the personnel department, which aims at the ideal one by the classification property “orientation at the work with personnel and orientation at realisation of the strategy of efficient enterprise management”. When building the model of the “ideal head” of the personnel department, the article applied a competency approach with the use of the 20 dimensions competency model. Using the method of questioning the personnel department employees, the article conducts assessment of the head of the personnel department in accordance with the 20 dimensions competency model. The article reveals strengths and weaknesses in the work of the head by the results of the assessment. The author offers to allocate four types of managers: “ideal head”, “communicator”, “formalist” and “powerful mechanism”. Differences between the presented types of the heads of the personnel department depends on how much they are oriented in their work at the work with the personnel and at realisation of the strategy of efficient enterprise management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoliaruk K. S.
Development of the Role Scenario of the Personnel Management Specialist Activity (p. 378 - 383)

The article is devoted of the issues of development of classification and content of role, which are performed by personnel management specialists in their professional activity. It proves a necessity of development of role scenarios under conditions of application of the competence approach in training and practical activity. Thus, the author offers five key roles in activity of a personnel management specialist, which reflect different vectors of directions of the scenario of professional activity regardless of the performed function and position. The article specifies the following roles in the offered classification: partner, expert, communicator, consultant and curator. It presents results of a sociological study, which demonstrate the degree of co-ordination of opinions of employers and practicing personnel managers with respect to performance of roles in the sphere by their professional activity by the latter. This helps to identify a number of problems, which include the problem of availability of reserves of increase of the level of competence of personnel management specialists. This issue, in its turn, closely deals with main aspects of formation of competitiveness of the said specialists, since the degree of formation of competences is the key condition of formation of competitive advantages.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkurupska I. O.
Behavioural Motives of Acquisition of Solar-driven Equipment (p. 383 - 388)

The article identifies needs of the target group, namely structure of motives, which justify making a decision to buy, in order to create efficient marketing strategy of an enterprise, which sell solar-driven equipment in Ukraine. There are five segments in the domestic market of helio-systems: individual consumers, recreation industry, agrarian industry, construction and social spheres. The article allocates 15 motives of acquisition of the solar-driven equipment for these segments, the most important of which are price, availability of solar energy, alternative price and energy saving. Besides, the structure of such motives is determined for each segment individually. In order to choose specific marketing instruments in the policy of promotion of solar-driven equipment, the article identifies differences in the form of goals of use and motives of acquisition between the specified consumer segments. The article reveals certain barriers that interfere with acquisition of solar-driven equipment – low level of trust into helio-systems, conservatism of consumers, absence of free applications for consumers – overcoming which is only possible with the help of certain marketing actions.

Article is written in Russian

Yanevych M. M.
Improvement of Information and Analytical Support of Strategic Marketing Management of Confectioneries (p. 389 - 394)

The article develops and offers to introduce a mechanism of information and analytical support of strategic marketing management of confectioneries, which consists of seven components of various hierarchical levels: macro-marketing and micro-marketing environments, trade, infrastructure, consumer, resource and production and organisational components. A confectionery can justify an optimal marketing strategy within this mechanism, due to consideration of the state of external environment and its impact on internal environment with application of strategic management tools. The author identifies direction of influence of external environment components upon key business processes of strategic marketing management, reveals the nature of transformation of main qualitative indicators of marketing management by means of improvement of its information and analytical support and offers to introduce a system of quantitative indicators of its efficiency. The offered scorecard should become the basis of the methodology of assessing efficiency of information and analytical support of strategic marketing management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bryukhovetskaya N. Y., Khasanova O. V.
Modelling Investment Attractiveness of a Public Joint Stock Company as the Basis of Managerial Decision Making (p. 307 - 313)

The article analyses factors of influence upon investment attractiveness of a public joint stock company, which are factors by the sphere of origin. The article identifies the degree and direction of influence of the factors by the sphere of origin upon investment attractiveness of a public joint stock company; factors are divided into two groups, which could be regulated directly by society and which cannot be regulated. It justifies the necessity of modelling investment attractiveness of a public joint stock company under influence of the factors with the aim of managerial decision making of two groups of stakeholders: owners and managers, shareholders and investors. It conducts modelling of investment attractiveness of a public joint stock company using the decision tree method. It develops a decision matrix, on the basis of which the owners, managers, shareholders and investors can make decisions regarding directions of increase of investment attractiveness of a public joint stock company and expediency of initial or further investing into society development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dykan V. L., Posokhov I. M.
Study of International Standards of Risk Management (p. 314 - 319)

The goal of the article lies in the study of existing international standards of risk management, an important factor of improvement of risk management in domestic corporations and enterprises and development of recommendations on application of international standards in Ukraine, in particular, within the framework of building corporate systems of risk management. The conducted study shows that approaches on organisation of the process of risk management, used in standards of risk management, are of general character and differ with the degree of detailing. Their undoubted value in development of risk management in Ukraine is identification of a general direction of building corporate systems of risk management in practice. The said approaches at the national and corporate levels of standardisation in Ukraine within the framework of building corporate systems of risk management would allow improvement of risk management in corporations and enterprises. The prospect of further studies of domestic specialists in the field of risk management is development of the domestic standard of risk management with consideration of modern domestic specific features of development of risk management in Ukraine and leading foreign experience.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tytova K. V., Baranov V. I.
Personality as a Subject of Managerial Activity (p. 319 - 323)

Psychological science, along with many other natural and social sciences, studies a person and personality, but it allocates in them its own specific aspect. The psychological science has a big number of approaches to understanding essence of the personality. Professionally important qualities are individual qualities of a subject of activity, which influence efficiency of activity and success of its mastering. The considered concepts are efforts to put in order various sociological and psychological knowledge about the personality and unite the personality theory with the theory of professional choice. The problem of professional formation of the personality belongs to actively developed psychological problems.

Article is written in Russian

Donets O. S., Filipovych K. V.
Conceptual Model of Business Situation of Attraction and Reproduction of Temporary Personnel of the Event Service (p. 324 - 329)

The article considers importance of formation of the acting system of personnel management, since personnel determines the competitive potential and competitive advantages of an organisation. It develops a cognitive model of a business situation, which helps to present the process of attraction and reproduction of temporary personnel at enterprises, which deal with organisation of large-scale events, and influence of the factors upon each other. It builds a conceptual model of a business situation of attraction and reproduction of temporary personnel of the event service and, on its basis, offers a model of decision making with the use of elements of fuzzy logic on selection of a specialist for a specific position. It allocates main characteristics of employees, which are taken into account when forming decisions regarding taking on a candidate.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shapoval O. A.
Methodical Grounds of Managing the Product Quality Control (p. 329 - 333)

The article analyses the modern state of products quality control management. It justifies a necessity of organisation of the quality control system under conditions of uninterrupted flow line production. It reveals problems connected with a low level of the products quality control management. It forms a set of factors of internal and external environments, which should be taken into account in the process of selection of a type of managerial actions by the products quality control. It considers specific features of identification of the most important factors at an enterprise on the basis of use of the matrix of strategic SWOT analysis. It offers a procedure of identification of a general assessment of factors of influence. It analyses a mechanism of use of main conceptual models, which reflect the system nature of quality management in an organisation – quality pyramids and quality loops. It proves a necessity of application of a principally new scheme of relations between the customer and enterprise, which envisages that requirements of the quality management system focus not on control and screening of semi-finished products, but on creation of conditions that exclude rejects. It considers the role of ISO 9000 in the system of quality management, which recommend the customers to make a preliminary assessment of activity of the producing enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yasenetskyi V. S.
Specific Features of Functioning of Exchanges as Components of the Market Infrastructure (p. 333 - 337)

The goal of the article lies in generalisation of functions of modern exchanges, analysis of specific features of the organisational and legal status of commodity and stock exchanges in Ukraine, detection of problems in exchange trade development and development of a set of measures for their solution. The article considers an exchange as a poly-functional institute that performs specific functions: organisation of regular trade with financial and tangible assets in the prescribed place and in accordance with the established rules; development of rules of exchange trade and their observance by all participants of the trade; guarantee of execution of the concluded transactions; detection, fixation and monitoring of current prices on exchange commodities. Comparison of the organisational and legal statuses of commodity and stock exchanges in Ukraine showed that stock exchanges have higher entrance barriers (organisational and legal form, minimal size of the authorised capital, order of use of profit, specific registration procedures and licensing of activity). It was found in the result of the study that underdevelopment of the exchange segment of trade in Ukraine, on the one hand, is caused by availability of system problems in the national economic system and, on the other hand, is an inhibitory factor of economic development. Measures on improvement of the state regulation of the exchange trade includes putting in order the organisational and legal status of exchanges, overcoming the existing fragmentariness of trade areas, development of mechanisms of guarantee of execution of the concluded exchange transactions and stimulation of exchanges to introduce modern electronic trade systems. The prospect of further studies in this direction is development of approaches to assessment of effectiveness and efficiency of exchange trade in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsapuk O. Y.
Procedure of Improvement of the Marketing Mechanism of Introduction of Innovation Developments (p. 338 - 344)

The article considers the modern state of the power industry and its place in the Ukrainian economy as a basis of sustainable development and competitiveness of the country with consideration of high power intensity of the national gross domestic product. It analyses barriers on the way to increase of power efficiency of the country and pays special attention to the mechanism of implementation of innovation developments and also role of investment and innovation components of programmes of power saving and development of the Ukrainian power industry. It reviews modern scientific approaches to interpretation of the “marketing mechanism” notion, considers essence of the mechanism of implementation of innovation developments in the context of interconnection with marketing and offers a new definition of the marketing mechanism of implementation of innovation developments. It offers and justifies the procedure of improvement of the marketing mechanism of implementation of innovation developments, which takes into account key determinants of external and internal environments, is based on the use of economic and mathematical methods, which allow forecasting behaviour of an industrial consumer, identification of measures on improvement of the organisational and economic provision of implementation of innovation developments and increase of competitiveness of power engineering enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shatilova O. V.
Model of Formation of the Enterprise Business Portfolio in the Context of Ensuring Strategic Flexibility (p. 345 - 349)

The article considers urgent problems of enterprise management under conditions of external environment instability, studies problems of the enterprise strategic flexibility management. It shows that one of the efficient mechanisms of ensuring strategic flexibility is restructuring of the enterprise business portfolio in accordance with the change of the situation in the target market of enterprise functioning. The goal of the article is development of a model of formation of enterprise business portfolio in the context of ensuring strategic flexibility. The main method of optimisation of the enterprise business portfolio in the context of ensuring strategic flexibility is the use of modification of the Markowitz model of investment portfolio formation. The offered model of the enterprise business portfolio formation allows taking into account changes of external and internal environments and conducting portfolio restructuring in the event of the change of the enterprise target market situation. Prospects of further studies in this direction are detailed elaboration and formalisation of the organisational and economic mechanism of realisation of strategic flexibility at an enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yavorska K. Y.
Strategic Marketing Business Portfolio Management through Formation of Business Areas in it (p. 350 - 355)

The article states the business portfolio could be formed not only by strategic business units, but also types of activity that support them. Thus, there is a possibility of formation of a business area through creation of the second level of aggregation in the business portfolio. The article establishes that availability of business areas provides the following advantages to an enterprise: increases its resistance to the negative impact of external and internal market factors, forms input barriers against appearance of new and development of existing competitors, preserves and protects the obtained market positions by means of formation of stable and long-term competitive advantages, increases profitability of the available components in the business portfolio, etc. The article offers a model of formation of business areas, which envisages passage through three stages: detection of the market interconnections between the business portfolio components, formation of business areas on its basis, assessment of the portfolio equilibrium on the basis of the formed business areas and final selection of business areas, which would ensure the best indicators of equilibrium. The article offers a structural and logic scheme of strategic marketing management of the business portfolio, which is based on availability of business areas. Unlike the previous ones, the content of its stages envisages the business portfolio management starting from the second level of aggregation (from the level of business areas and not individual strategic business units and supporting types of activity). The offered scheme considers three situations of business portfolio management depending on the degree of its equilibrium. The article provides a method of selection of marketing strategies of development of business areas that depend on the degree of equilibrium of the portfolio and its resource potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Semak B. B.
Textile Raw Material Quality and Ecological Security Management (p. 356 - 360)

The goal of the article lies in showing the role of management and marketing in formation and assessment of quality and ecological security of the domestic textile raw material and use of the obtained information for the needs of development of this raw material market and products manufactured on its basis. It was established in the result of the conducted study that the process of marketing management should be built on the basis of a deep study of needs of textile raw material and manufactured on its basis products consumers and is a key factor of successful development of the market of ecological textile in Ukraine. The article shows the role and justifies a necessity of introduction of ecological standardisation as a necessary prerequisite of formation of the system of textile raw material quality and ecological security management for manufacturing ecological textile. Further studies should be carried out in spheres of development of systems of control over the textile raw material quality and ecological security level for ensuring its correspondence with domestic and international regulatory documents.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Budnik M. M., Ponomarenko I. S.
Creating an Efficient Process of Personnel Selection (p. 361 - 366)

The article is devoted to the problem of creating an efficient process of personnel selection at an enterprise. In the course of the analysis the article shows a methodology of the process of personnel selection with consideration of various methods. The process of personnel selection is formalised in the form of a structural and logic scheme. An important aspect of building this process is correctness of selection of personnel selection methods, which are put in its basis. In order to ensure correctness of selection of the said methods, the article develops a table of characteristics of existing personnel selection methods, which allows illustrative assessment of specific characteristics of each method and select that one, which corresponds with a specific situation. In the result of the study the article underlines factors that influence efficiency of the personnel selection process and are grouped on the basis of their influence. The article develops a scheme of efficient personnel selection process in an organisation, which reflects interdependence and orientation of action of influential factors. It provides recommendations for ensuring correctness of selection of methods with the aim of creation of an efficient personnel selection method at an enterprise. Further studies in this direction would allow creation of a universal model of personnel selection, which would be efficient for selecting candidates for any position.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Honcharenko T. P.
Assessing Seasonality in the Marketing System of Industrial Enterprises (p. 366 - 370)

The article justifies a necessity of study of the issue of application of complex integral approaches in the system of assessing the influence of the seasonality factor upon the system of marketing management of an industrial enterprise, since formation of adequate volumes of sales of products for a planned period is a key factor of acquisition of competitive advantages under modern conditions of market development. The author studies existing methodical approaches to assessing influence of the seasonality factor upon the system of marketing communications of an industrial enterprise, systemises existing forecasting methods, which include studies of the seasonal component and generalises the Box – Jenkins models. The article makes a conclusion that the analysed methods give a possibility to reveal the seasonal component of volumes of realisation of the manufactured product and form forecast in the system of marketing of an industrial enterprise, but they need some practical examination and formation of a modern approach, which would take into consideration real conditions of functioning of domestic industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova A. I.
Marketing Innovations in the Context of Interaction of Enterprises of the Production and Service Sphere on the Basis of Use of Outsourcing (p. 371 - 377)

The goal of the article lies in development of a methodical approach to identification of expediency of transfer of the production enterprise equipment maintenance to outsourcing, which would consider specific features of the servicing production and degree of its influence upon basic production processes. The existing approaches to identification of expediency of transfer of functions and business processes of an enterprise to outsourcing were systemised by the classification feature of the method type, on the basis of which the approach is built and advantages and shortcomings of each of them are marked out. The article establishes that this grouping could be used as a set of alternatives on justification of introduction of outsourcing into the practice. In accordance with the goal of the study the article builds a methodical approach to identification of expediency of transfer of the production enterprise equipment maintenance, which is based on a comparative analysis of integral ratio of efficiency of own maintenance service and efficiency of maintenance service of outsourcing companies and which takes into account main parameters of functioning and degree of influence of the servicing production upon main business processes. The developed methodical approach could be used as a tool of expansion of sales markets of the service sphere enterprises by means of assessment of needs of customers and establishment of the target-oriented market segment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Denysenko I. P.
In Some Components of Enterprise Management Quality Improvement (p. 377 - 381)

The article analyses factors of influence upon efficiency of the organisation management system. In the result of the study the article identifies components of management quality provision as a condition of achievement of manageability and high level of organisational perfection by an enterprise. The article formulates principles of ensuring balanced development of an organisation. The prospect of further studies in this direction is formation of the national management model, which would rest upon the already existing anticipatory competitive advantages in humanitarian and geo-economic spheres and would facilitate effective modernisation for achieving a high level of organisational perfection of enterprises in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sarychev D. O.
Created Value as a Key Indicator of Successful Project Realisation (p. 382 - 386)

The goal of the article is development of a universal approach to project management, based on maximisation of the created value for key project beneficiaries: customer (consumer) and organisation – project executor. Generalising theoretical and empirical achievements of the project analysis, the article considers main approaches to identification of the project success criteria and results of the study of practice of the project management in the context of effectiveness of achievement of the projects target parameters. The article presents the author’s approach to project management, oriented at maximisation and balancing the value for the customer and organisation – project executor. It offers a model for determination of the project current value based on the weighted sum of values of the project target parameters – identified as basic components of a successful project. The prospect of further studies in this direction is development of methodical recommendations by implementation of the value oriented concept into the system of process project management of an organisation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Slastianykova A. I.
Mechanism of Formation of the Resource Potential of the Management and Organisation Enterprise Development: Strategic and Tactical Aspects (p. 386 - 391)

The article considers influence of factors – reasons of origination of crisis phenomena – upon resource potential with the aim of study of management and organisation enterprise development. It identifies that correlation of managed and unmanaged processes at an enterprise is achieved only through correct selection of tactical and strategic orientation, which should take into account specific features of various types of crises, and also the process of their deployment and ways of prevention and elimination. The article generalises influence of factors – reasons of origination of crisis phenomena – upon resource potential with the aim of study of the management and organisation development of an enterprise and building a mechanism. It improves a mechanism of formation of the resource potential of the management and organisation development of an enterprise at tactical and strategic levels. It allowed finding out that managerial impact on formation and maintenance of key factors influences the formation, management and application of the enterprise resource potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Doronin A. V., Syerikov D. O.
Spiral Dynamics of Consciousness. Possibilities of Use by Collective Managers (p. 364 - 371)

The goal of the article is showing a possibility of solution of the problem of reduction of human efficiency in the information society by means of growth of psychological load. Methodological grounds of the study are ideas of the American psychologist Clare William Graves, who, while developing the Abraham Maslow theory, created a system theory of evolution development of human consciousness, which determines human behaviour. Based of systemisation of conclusions of C. Graves and his followers the article formulates a hypothesis about expediency of use of spiral dynamics ideas for identifying reserves of strengthening of influence of the collective manager upon labour behaviour of subordinates. Test of hypothesis shows that, apart from diagnostics of the sources of activation of individual labour behaviour, the theory of spiral dynamics allows identification of reserves of formation of collective consciousness and solidary labour force of a creative collective. Their use creates a basis of intensification of processes of intellectualisation of the organisation capital. In order to ensure these changes it is necessary to find mechanisms of changing external environment, which sets principally new tasks and requires principally new strategies of their solution.

Article is written in Russian

Otenko I. P., Preobrazhenska O. S.
Analysis of Specific Features of International Standards of Personnel Security of an Enterprise (p. 371 - 376)

The article marks out components of personnel security of an enterprise, outlines processes of personnel management, which correspond with conditions of security of life and labour, competent, socially protected professional activity, availability of the acting system of motivation and stimulation, and possibilities for corporate conflicts resolution. The article presents basic standards, rules and legislative acts that regulate ensuring personnel security. It analyses specific features of application of standards with respect to: life security and labour protection culture at an enterprise, including managerial systems and practice, behaviour of personnel at working places and also intellectual component of personnel security, which envisages that personnel has knowledge and competences that assist in achievement of strategic goals of an enterprise.

Article is written in Russian

Chornii H. M., Mishchenko I. A., Faychuk О. M.
Alternative Analysis of Classifications of Universal Managerial Functions (p. 376 - 380)

The article is devoted to theoretical justification of classification of general managerial functions. Critical analysis of scientific works of eminent specialists in management gave a possibility to find out that classification of functions of the subject of management should be based on the objective cyclic change of the state of information by three stages: appearance of information, its concentration and transformation into a programme of specific actions. The article offers a classification model of the integrated managerial activity in social and mixed systems, which includes differentiation of managerial functions into three orders. Providing information, decision making and realisation of the decision are functions of the second order (basic) in this model, while accounting, analysis, goal setting, planning, organisation, management and control – are, consequently, functions of the third order (derivatives). The article considers one specific example from management practice with the aim of verification of the author’s opinion regarding the processed classification of managerial functions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Derevianko O. H.
System of Enterprise Reputation Management (p. 381 - 386)

The article offers a system of enterprise reputation management directed at increase of economic benefits from formation and maintenance of high reputation in the result of maximisation of the volume of the incoming cash flows of the enterprise and also their duration and stability. It proves that reputation management, which allows achievement of economic goals of the enterprise, should be directed at key groups of stakeholders: growth of products sales is ensured by consumers, growth of internal stability – by enterprise personnel, growth of external stability – by society, including authority bodies, growth of business value – by investors, owners and partners. The article describes components of the system of enterprise reputation management, the degree of development of which are determined by three vectors: interaction with stakeholders and level of their feedback: messaging, informing, convincing and attracting; activity of the used instruments of reputation management, regularity and intensity, and also quantitative indicators of their application within the framework of directions of the product PR, corporate PR and IR, internal PR, GR and PR&CSR; level of organisational pre-requisites (functional, system and strategic) of the system of reputation management.

Article is written in English

Ziukova A. O., Zyukova I. O.
Marketing Study of the Use of Internet Opportunities as a Pre-requisite of Innovation Development (p. 386 - 390)

The goal of the article lies in the study of Internet opportunities for ensuring innovation development and increase of economic growth of market subjects. The article uses marketing instruments of the study of opportunities of Internet technologies. In the course of the content analysis the article considers evolution of the Internet market and the broadband access in general and its segments, reveals tendencies of development, identifies directions of use of Internet opportunities both for B2B and B2C markets. The article studies the competitive situation in the Internet access market in Ukraine. It shows main players in the market and their competitive strategies. It lists main operators of the Internet access market in the city of Kryvyi Rih. The conducted poll among the city communication operators and clients (consumers) of telecommunication services (1000 respondents) provided grounds to understand vision of the future market of Internet technologies by operators and consumers. The article identifies a new vector of relations of the subjects of business processes. It shows that the effect of use of Internet technologies lies in acceleration of business processes, overcoming transaction barriers and strengthening competitive positions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koiuda V. O., Mazko T. I.
Results of Diagnostics as the Basis of Development of the System of Engineering Enterprise Marketing (p. 391 - 396)

The article considers actualisation of diagnostics of the marketing system (MS) of an engineering enterprise as the most important sub-system of the enterprise and priority of use of the results of this diagnostics for improvement of development of MS and economic subject in general. It identifies main elements of results of assessment of MS of an engineering enterprise for building a model of its development as an enterprise component in the market competitive environment. It characterises components of analysis of the results: enterprise MS assessment by selected objects of assessment (product, price, sales, promotion, and organisational structure of the marketing system); generalised assessment of MS; detection of influence of latent factors upon the marketing activity; and modelling stable functioning and development of engineering enterprise MS. Quality of these results significantly depends on information provision of the engineering enterprise MS and is a basis for development of a set of measures for increasing efficiency of functioning of the system at the enterprise under conditions of activation of its marketing activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shatokhin A. L., Ihnashkina T. B.
Essence and Component Elements of the Mechanism of Management of the Enterprise Economic Security (p. 396 - 402)

The article contains analysis of existing views regarding definition of the “mechanism” notion. All types of definitions, which were found in the scientific literature, were systemised by essence and common and distinctive features, advantages and shortcomings were revealed. The first block contains definitions of the business mechanism, the second – definitions of the economic mechanism, and the third – definitions of the management mechanism. On the basis of the conducted study the article marks out main features of the “mechanism” notion in the economic theory: systemacy, organisation, independence, integration and complexity. The article underlines differences between the mechanisms of anti-crisis management and economic security management. Based on the conducted analysis the article offers a structure of the system of economic security management and mechanism of economic security management of an enterprise and studies their elements. It formulates own definition of the enterprise economic security management mechanism notion.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yarym-Agayev O. M., Debela G. O.
Formation of Marketing Activity on Organisation and Support of a Corporate Site of Companies That Operate in the Consumer Market (p. 402 - 406)

The article considers main issues of organisation of Internet marketing at small and medium enterprises of Ukraine, shows a necessity of development and marketing support of the site and provides recommendations on development, implementation and maintenance of corporate sites for marketing and advertising managers. The article considers such directions of operation with the site as analysis of sites of competitors, development of a corporate site, information provision of the site, site indexation and its promotion in search engines, placing site links at information portals, creation of pages in social networks, work at forums, information mailings, operation with site analytics and ensuring feedback with the site visitors. The listed recommendations would allow increase the site image, attract new clients, organise efficient co-operation with specialists on development and promotion of the site and achieve the maximal effect from this source of advertisement and sales.

Article is written in Russian

Golodniuk O. S.
Formation of the Innovation Component of Marketing Technologies of Enterprises That Produce Mineral Waters (p. 407 - 412)

The article considers main marketing technologies of building competitive advantages by enterprises that produce Ukrainian mineral waters. It considers individual innovations of the conceptual (eco-marketing) and applied (branding, benchmarking and competitive reconnaissance) nature with consideration of their significance for participants of this market. It offers directions of increasing the innovation component of topical marketing technologies with the aim of implementation of their results into management of competitive advantages of enterprises. It draws a conclusion about a necessity of: reducing evident and growth of a number of latent competitive advantages, based on intellectual technologies, and also development and realisation of a conceptual model of providing marketing innovations in the system of managing competitive advantages of enterprises; and formation of the system of monitoring marketing innovations with the aim of development of additional services and means of building competitive advantages of enterprises that produce mineral waters.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kniazieva N. O., Lozovska H. M.
Marketing Instruments of Introduction of a Socially Important Innovation Service (using the Example of the National Digital Television) (p. 424 - 431)

The goal of the article is development of marketing instruments of introduction of socially important innovation services using the example of the national digital television (NDTV). The article identifies the role of television services in the society as socially important. The authors analyse existing solutions in the sphere of development of marketing instruments. Based on the analysis of methods of study of the market of services, the article justifies selection of the most expedient one, which allows fast obtaining of knowledge about the situation in the market of television services. Based on questionnaire studies the article develops marketing instruments for introduction of the national digital television for various categories of consumers. These instruments allow development of specific strategic marketing solutions for each category of NDTV users, justification of sources of financial support of socially unprotected strata of the population for purchasing decoders and also outlining main directions of the information campaign for introduction and circulation of the interactive television as the most prospective one in the market of television services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kniazieva E. A., Novitskaya S. S.
Introduction of Controlling Into Activity of Major Enterprises for Increase of their Competitiveness (p. 432 - 436)

The goal of the article lies in identification of ways of optimisation of the organisational structure of a major enterprise by means of introduction of a controlling department for increasing its competitiveness in the market (using the example of the state mail service enterprise). The article considers the modern state of development of competitiveness in the market of mail services. It justifies expediency and provides pre-requisites, motives and goals of introduction of a controlling department into activity of a major mail service state enterprise. It marks out principles of functioning of the controlling system and factors that influence introduction of controlling. The prospect of further studies is identification of optimum volumes of information flows for efficient functioning of the controlling service.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hugul O. Y., Zinchuk D. M.
Neuromarketing as an Instrument of Study of Behaviour of Consumers in the System of Marketing Innovations of an Enterprise (p. 437 - 440)

The article reveals the essence of marketing innovations of an enterprise. It shows that marketing innovations should be formed at two levels – conceptual and instrumental. As for the conceptual level, it is expedient to introduce the concept of innovation development of marketing, along with the existing ones, which would ensure realisation of innovations at the level of marketing instruments. The article identifies the main goal, subject and directions of use of neuromarketing. It justifies expediency of use of the results of the study of behaviour of consumers with the help of neuromarketing instruments. The article analyses development of neuromarketing technologies by foreign companies and their use in the practice of activity of domestic companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koval T. O., Yakhkind V. P.
Study of Marketing of Partner Relations as an Instrument of Enterprise Strategic Management (p. 441 - 448)

The article analyses the modern state of changes in the sphere of functioning of enterprises and identifies a necessity to develop namely this direction of the economic science, which are as follows: onrush of the service sphere – a sharp decrease of the role of production and considerable increase of the role of services has taken place in the economy (especially in developed countries) during the past twenty years; changes in the sphere of quality management – transfer of enterprises to the complex quality management causes a necessity of involvement of both suppliers and customers in these programmes and requires establishment of long-term relations with all subjects of the marketing infrastructure; growth of complexity of relations – in the result of technological innovations the company notion is modified and its boundaries diffuse and a number and complexity of relations with external partners increase; and development of information technologies – majority of modern information systems appeared in the result of inter-firm interaction. Scientists emphasise topicality of active development of relations between business partners in many works and, first of all, due to a possibility of achievement of competitive advantages of an enterprise, which is based not only on own capabilities, but also capabilities of business partners, which together form a chain or network, within which this enterprise functions. A need in going outside the limits of the enterprise and in formation of long-term relations with other enterprises arises due to a necessity of increasing efficiency of functioning. Establishment of partner relations gives a possibility of use of abilities, skills and resources of other companies. Such changes in the modern economy facilitate introduction in practice and development of the theory of relationship marketing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shabelnyk T. V.
Mechanisms of Business Processes of Marketing-Oriented Management in the Pharmaceutical Market (p. 449 - 453)

The article conducts analysis of mechanisms of business processes of marketing-oriented management in the pharmaceutical market and identifies its specific features. It analyses the following mechanisms of business processes of marketing-oriented management in the pharmaceutical market: marketing studies of the pharmaceutical market, formation and management of pharmaceutical services, management of price formation of pharmaceutical goods, strategic marketing-oriented management of a dynamic range of pharmaceutical goods, management of dynamic reserves of pharmaceutical goods, management of transportation of pharmaceutical goods, and system of support of decision making in business processes of marketing-oriented management. Specific features of the above listed mechanisms of business processes are as follows: mechanisms of marketing-oriented business processes of the pharmaceutical market function both serially and simultaneously; outlets of one could be inlets for another; and mechanisms of marketing-oriented business processes of the pharmaceutical market cannot function without each other – efficiency of each of them depends on efficiency of realisation of other business processes. The article also specifies topical tasks of marketing-oriented management of the pharmaceutical market, a necessary condition for realisation of which is development of special methods and models.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Morhun H. V.
Strategic Controlling as a Subsystem of Strategic Management (p. 453 - 459)

The article generalises theoretical approaches to definition of the “controlling” notion, which reflect evolution of the controlling theory and supplement each other, focusing on various aspects of the target direction of controlling in the system of management. The article conducts a comparative analysis of features of main directions of controlling – strategic and operative, which quite closely interact with each other in the process of realisation of management functions. The article systemises determining characteristics of the mechanism and concept of strategic controlling, which consist of goals, tasks, principles, functions, strategies, methods, instruments, technologies and practice of its realisation. The article justifies urgency of introduction of strategic controlling in the system of strategic management. It offers definition of “strategic controlling” as a coordination-controlling and analytical-information subsystem of strategic management. Such an approach allows specification of the essence of strategic controlling and clarify the mechanism of ensuring and realisation of its functions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kobets S. P.
Strategic Management of Competitive Sustainability of Engineering Enterprises on the Basis of Innovation Development (p. 460 - 464)

The goal of the article is development of a model, identification of the essence and content of stages of the engineering enterprise competitive sustainability strategic management. In the result of the study the author offers a model of the engineering enterprise competitive sustainability strategic management, which assumes execution of the following stages: 1st stage - enterprise competitive sustainability strategic analysis; 2nd stage – adjustment of the mission and goals of the enterprise and identification of long-term goals of formation of the enterprise competitive sustainability; 3rd stage – development of a strategy of ensuring enterprise competitive sustainability on the basis of innovation development; 4th stage – development of a strategic plan of formation of enterprise competitive sustainability on the basis of innovation development; and 5th stage – realisation of the strategy of ensuring enterprise competitive sustainability and strategic control. The article describes the content of each stage of engineering enterprise competitive sustainability strategic management. Realisation of the process of engineering enterprise competitive sustainability strategic management on the basis of innovation development would allow, pursuant to the proposed model, ensuring complex solution of the problem of formation of enterprise competitive sustainability and would increase the level of justification and consistency of the strategic decisions made.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Syrotynska N. M.
Innovations and their Marketing Support (p. 465 - 469)

The article studies the issue of marketing support of innovations at engineering enterprises. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of many scientists, the article justifies main features of innovation marketing, considers competitive marketing strategies of enterprises depending on volumes of the products sales market, studies stages of the process of perception of innovations by various groups of consumers, and forms criteria that determine demand on innovations. In the result of the study the article offers definition of the “innovation marketing” notion and identifies tasks of innovation marketing at various stages of introduction of innovations for domestic engineering enterprises. The prospect of further studies in this direction is strategic planning of innovation marketing at engineering enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gryneva V. N., Yavdak M. Y.
Assessment of the Level of Functional Completeness of Fulfilment of Managerial Tasks in the System of Operation Activity Planning (p. 380 - 384)

The article is devoted to the study of problems of management in the system of planning operation activity. It identifies circumstances due to which the enterprise operation activity planning system should take into account a wide range of requirements and restrictions connected with variability of processes of operation system functioning. It offers a methodical approach to assessment of the level of functional completeness of fulfilment of managerial tasks in the system of planning operation activity, which, unlike the existing ones, is based on structuring functional works and tasks, performed by individual components of the enterprise operation activity planning system, which allows increase of validity of distribution of managerial works by subdivisions and executives that are responsible for their fulfilment. Calculation of the integral indicator allows establishment of the problems that exist in the sphere of organisational support of operation activity planning. The article identifies measures of improvement of organisational support of cost management at engineering enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasiutkina N. V.
Influence of External Environment upon Components of the System of Aviation Enterprise Management (p. 384 - 389)

The goal of the article is the study of main constraining factors of development of aviation enterprises, identification of components of influence of external environment upon development of aviation enterprises, justification of directions of influence of the external environment of an enterprise upon elements of the system of management of its development. The article analyses main factors that constrain development of aviation enterprises by three levels: institutional, infrastructural and economic. It identifies most topical issues that require solution at different levels. It justifies influence of external environment upon elements of the enterprise management system in four key directions: institutional-imperative, resource, market-competitive and technological-informational. It proves that permanent monitoring and control of technological-informational and market-competitive impact of external environment become more and more important for ensuring sustainable development since these factors result in making decisions with respect to adjustment of goals and missions of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zharska I. O.
Marketing Provision of Functioning of an Educational-training Enterprise (p. 390 - 395)

The goal of the article is improvement and further development of methodical grounds of formation of an educational enterprise. The article generalises experience of Odessa National Economic University in formation of an educational-training enterprise on the 1C Accounting 8.2 software platform. The article identifies goals of creation of a marketing block of an educational enterprise and scenarios of its conduct. It develops an algorithm of formation of an information base of an educational enterprise, which consists of three main stages. It offers a system of instruments of the communicative policy, which should be used by a newly established educational enterprise for increasing its volumes of sales and calculates costs of communicative measures for the first quarter of the year. It offers a list of works that have to be done by students during their practice in the marketing department of the educational enterprise. It shows directions of communicative links of the marketing department with other subdivisions of the developed enterprise. It shows that in the result of their practice at the educational enterprise the students would have an opportunity to perform tasks that are very close to real tasks of economists at enterprises and acquire skills of work with real forms of primary documents. The prospect of further studies in this direction is development of the system of incoming and outgoing reporting individually for each position and system of criteria of assessment of efficiency of work of students at the educational enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnik N. I.
Factors of Transfer of Tacit Knowledge in Knowledge Management Systems (p. 396 - 402)

The article is devoted to analysis of specific factors of transfer of tacit knowledge in the knowledge management systems. It shows that barriers of transfer of tacit knowledge are connected both with the process of provision of knowledge by its carrier and with the process of catching and perception of knowledge by its potential recipient. The article differentiates six barriers of transfer of tacit knowledge, namely: unawareness of availability or value of tacit knowledge by its carrier and (or) recipient; low motivation of the knowledge carrier to its externalisation; low motivation of the knowledge recipient to its perception; communicative barrier; objective complexity of codification of tacit knowledge by its carrier; and complexity of perception of knowledge by the recipient. Essential differences of the marked barriers should be taken into account when choosing specific means and instruments of transfer of tacit knowledge in the organisational environment. The article offers practical recommendations directed at overcoming the said barriers, introduction of which would facilitate increase of efficiency of transfer of tacit knowledge and functioning of the knowledge management systems in general.

Article is written in Russian

Shabelnyk T. V.
Models and Methods of Managing the Range and Promotion of Pharmaceutical Goods (p. 402 - 406)

The article analyses existing models and methods of managing the range and promotion of pharmaceutical goods and marks out their advantages and shortcomings for solution of specific tasks of management. Pharmaceutical enterprises have the problem of identification of optimal methods and models of managing the range and promotion of pharmaceutical goods in a specific market situation as a result of permanent expansion and dynamic changes of the market range of pharmaceutical goods. Each specific method is used for solution of a specific local task. There is no universal mechanism today, which would combine processes of making managerial decisions from the stage of formation of the range of pharmaceutical goods until the stage of provision of pharmaceutical services for optimisation of the structure of the range of pharmaceutical goods and reduction of trade costs. Thus, there is an objective necessity in development of new methods and models of optimal management of the range and promotion of pharmaceutical goods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko O. L.
Brand in the Context of Integration of Needs, Motives and Emotions (p. 407 - 412)

The article is devoted to the study of issues of creation and development of brands in the direction of mutual influence of such marketing categories as needs, motives and emotions. The author underlines and proves the dominating role of the said categories in building a relevant brand structure, taking into account availability of both material and mental components in it. The article studies and justifies the brand essence as an aggregate of rational, emotional and behavioural relations that are formed between the brand and consumer. It describes and analyses essence of primary and secondary needs of the consumer, which determine specific features of consumer choice and perception. It studies classification of consumer motives on the basis of their specificity and ambiguity of manifestations in real life. It studies the role and significance of emotions in building fundamental blocks of the brand and their connection with consumer needs and motives. It offers the brand structure on the basis of integration of all the said components and formulates relevant conclusions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gileta Y. I.
Urgent Problems of Import Substitution and Practical Value of Cluster Analysis in Improvement of Marketing Activity of Domestic Pharmaceutical Enterprises (p. 413 - 418)

The goal of the article lies in identification of urgent problems of import substitution and practical value of cluster analysis in improvement of marketing activity of domestic pharmaceutical enterprises. The article analyses indicators of activity of pharmaceutical enterprises of Ukraine in 2011, conducts cluster analysis of their activity, and provides a dendrogram of cluster analysis of activity of pharmaceutical enterprises. The article contains an essential characteristic of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine. It proves a necessity of solving the problem of import substitution through expansion of economic environment of functioning of business co-operation of participants of the pharmaceutical market. One of the efficient instruments in the marketing analysis is a cluster analysis, the results of which are approbated for 19 pharmaceutical companies. It is expedient to consider the formed clusters in the context of increase of efficiency of production of each enterprise through co-ordination of joint research and development works and pre-investment marketing studies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tovma O. A.
Assessment of Business Reputation of a Trade Enterprise as an Object of Management (p. 418 - 422)

The goal of the article is justification of a necessity of assessment of business reputation of trade enterprises for their further management and revelation of main tendencies of development of trade networks of Ukraine in this direction. The article studies quantitative and qualitative methods with the help of which goodwill is calculated. Based on this the article reveals the following groups of economic assessment of business reputation: methods that are based on income assessment, which is caused by availability of a brand, and also market and comparative methods. The article offers to study business reputation of an enterprise through calculation of goodwill by the method of excessive profits (income approach) and also identification of its advantages and restrictions in use. It calculates goodwill of trade network enterprises of Ukraine and analysis of its dynamics for 2009 – 2012. It shows reasons of absence of interest of entrepreneurs in increase of business reputation through calculation and analysis of goodwill.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gryshchenko D. G.
Analytical Method of Assessment of the State of Personnel Marketing at an Enterprise (p. 423 - 427)

The article considers possibilities of application of marketing elements in the enterprise personnel policy. It presents the author’s methods of assessment of the existing state of the personnel marketing at an enterprise, which are based on three key aspects: objectivity, simplicity and complexness of the approach. Objectivity lies in the statistical nature of data, which eliminates the need in additional aspects, which often contain a subjective position. Simplicity manifests itself in a small number of factors that are analysed: fluctuation of personnel, competence of personnel, development of employees, age structure of personnel, and excess of growth of labour productivity over the growth of average wages. The said factors give a possibility to assess the general state of the personnel policy at an enterprise, which ensures complexity of the approach. The article identifies the algorithm of assessment, which is universal for enterprises from various branches of industry. It presents results of approbation of the proposed methods at food industry enterprises of Ukraine, which show that the enterprise size and branch of activity do not exert a significant influence upon the state of personnel marketing. The obtained results show that the state of the personnel sphere at Ukrainian enterprises corresponds with the middle and lower than middle levels. This should stimulate development of the qualitatively new level in management of human resources – personnel marketing.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ustenko A. O.
Task Management Subsystem (p. 360 - 364)

The target subsystem of the enterprise management system comprising a mission and system goals necessary for the maintenance of the mission were considered. Objectives of the enterprise can be studied at three levels: local (target separate structural unit of socio-economic system), system (corporate) - level objectives of socio-economic system and the system-wide (in the external competitive environment, the basic idea – adapting to its socio-economic system). Proposed factor-parametric approach to the representation of the target subsystem, the basic idea is as follows: a holistic system as a set of components whose interaction generates new (integrative, system) quality not inherent in its formation, very tentatively can be described as a certain set of "factors", then there's a reason the driving forces of its existence, life, each of which is characterized by a certain system of "parameters", that is being measured permanent features and properties "factor" (meaning common terms describing essentially the components, their properties and features that are used in Property Description of factors and their parameters in a particular manufacturing process. concretely illustrated by the analysis of the target subsystem enterprise management system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Trygub O. V.
Organizational Aspects of Risk Management in the Provision of Leasing Services (p. 365 - 372)

The paper substantiates the need to improve the effectiveness of risk management in the leasing market of Ukraine in modern conditions. Verified and clarified the essence components of risk management in the provision of leasing services. The main stages of implementation of the risk management system in leasing activity were identified. In order to systematize the risks to which participants may be subject to a leasing transaction, the author presented a private data classification of risks and identification of risks carried out at each stage providing leasing services. The need for the development and adoption of the National Commission was emphasized, subject to state regulation in the field of financial services markets, in collaboration with representatives of the domestic leasing business industry standards of risk management for leasing companies. In order to enhance financial stability and reliability of domestic lessors the attention was focused on the necessity of sharing the international standards of risk management in the provision of leasing services in domestic leasing market. It was suggested to begin work on creating a reference base for leasing transactions, forming a body of information for the indicators of the probability of default of the lessee, the estimated amount of losses in the event of bankruptcy, and the optimal amount of capital of the leasing company, given the level of risk of the transactions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Zhezhukha V. Y., Gorodyska N. A.
Establishing Structure of Engineering Duties during the Implementation of Engineering Projects (p. 373 - 377)

The purpose of this paper is to develop a method of establishing the structure of engineering payments while implementing engineering project based on an efficient mathematical apparatus and allows you to choose the optimal ratio of initial and periodic engineering payments depending on the willingness of an engineering company to risk in order to obtain the expected economic effect of the engineering project. The differences between the pricing of the engineering product in Ukraine and in the economically developed countries were described. The process of making management decisions on pricing in engineering activity from a position of uncertainty, certainty and risk was considered. It was defined that engineering companies make managerial decisions regarding the structure of engineering fees at risk during the implementation of engineering projects. The possibility of using different concepts of managerial decision making under risk was considered. The study proved the usefulness of theory of games in making management decisions on the establishment of structures of engineering payments at risk. An appropriate conceptual and terminological apparatus of this theory with its projection on the operations of the engineering company was characterized. As a consequence, the task of establishing the structure of engineering payments for implementing an engineering project is presented as a game of an engineering company and environment of engineering services customer, which directly affects the results of the engineering project. The stages of application of theory of games to set the engineering payment structures for implementation of engineering projects were outlined, and also a corresponding method was suggested and the possibility of its practical application was considered. The prospect of further research on the issue is to consider the use of alternative concepts of theory of games for managerial decision making under risk when setting the structure of engineering payments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Glushchenko A. M.
The Concept of Change Management in a Metallurgical Plant (p. 378 - 385)

Each company operates in the face of constant changes in the environment, which should be considered by the enterprise management system. The purpose of this article is to develop the concept of change management at metallurgical enterprises based on classical principles of management. By systematizing the existing views the article clarifies the definition of the category "change management." The relation between change management and general management approaches highlights the functions that subjects and objects of change management, justified purpose and expected outcomes of management. The article names the analytical tools to track changes and evaluate their results. Separation of the principles of change management into general ones that apply in any management process and are applied to reflect the specific management changes was made. The methods of change management offered their classification. The prospect of further research in this direction is the development of concepts of change management for companies in other industries depending on their problems and development goals.

Article is written in Russian

Korchagina G. A.
Selecting Indicators for Assessing the Professional Culture of Management Personnel of the Enterprise (p. 385 - 389)

The purpose of this paper is to identify indicators that can be used to evaluate the professional culture of managerial personnel in the enterprise. This assessment will identify strategic directions for the formation of the professional culture of management personnel, thus improve the enterprise management level and to strengthen the enterprise culture. The study using the expert method identified indicators for assessing the professional culture of managerial personnel. The prospect of further research in this direction is to determine the general indicator for the reduction of available information and identify a certain level of professional culture of managerial personnel. Research in this area will allow the managerial personnel to determine the level of its professional culture, the way of its development to increase the investment attractiveness of the company and establishing business ties and more successful enterprise.

Article is written in Russian

Stepanova E. R.
Stimulation of Plant Personnel under the Economic and Political Crisis Conditions (p. 390 - 393)

The aim of the article is to study the features of incentives for organization’s staff during the economic and political crisis. In the analysis of the main aspects of incentives for staff the areas in which management is advisable to conduct expansionary policy have been allocated. It was proposed to introduce enterprise anti-crisis program, which will balance the costs of financial incentives for staff with the profit of an enterprise. In addition, its main purpose is to structure the actions of management and staff in terms of economic and political instability. The prospect of further research in this direction is to determine the most appropriate forms of material and moral incentives, the use of which will reduce turnover and increase the level of staff loyalty.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Somov D. O.
Strategic Enterprise Management: Western European and Ukrainian Approaches (p. 394 - 398)

The article describes the main stages of the strategic management theory. Current trends of strategic enterprise management systems were studied. The factors influencing the formation of strategic management systems of Western European and Ukrainian companies were defined. The relationship of organizational capabilities with a sustainable competitive advantage was shown. The main directions of development of strategic management systems in Ukrainian enterprises were set.

Article is written in Russian

Orlov P. A.
Some Aspects of Marketing Development and Problems of its Social Responsibility (p. 399 - 404)

The article describes the main directions of development of marketing through the use of information technology, the Internet, mobile telephony, as well as problems of its social responsibility. The concept of social responsibility of business entities with a focus on the inadmissibility of tax evasion, as well as the need to practice socially responsible marketing was introduced. The examples show the cases of marketing social irresponsibility in industrialized countries and in Ukraine, including via the Internet, mobile telephony and Internet shops. It is proved that the concept of socially responsible marketing on a large scale can be realized only whith the proper state regulation of the economy, and not only on the basis of the political consciousness of the owners of enterprises and social initiatives. The conclusion was made that in countries which economies are not able to provide the appropriate level of state regulation of the economy and its social orientation, the population is doomed to socially irresponsible business entities, moral and physical degradation and even extinction.

Article is written in Russian

Zharska I. O., Zinkovska D. V.
Features of the Study of Educational Services Consumers Behavior in the Internet Environment (p. 404 - 412)

The article aims at the improvement of methodical bases of consumer behavior research of educational services in the Internet environment. This article discusses and systematizes approaches of different authors about the nature of the concept of "educational services", as well as its proposed generic definition. The approach to the classification of the needs of consumers, as well as a classification of the needs of consumers of educational services was systematized, which includes two categories – major and minor requirements. A plan of studies of the behavior of consumers of educational services in the Internet environment was proposed, which includes two phases, as well as shows the most effective tools for conducting such a study. The necessity to use not only the traditional tools of advertising to promote the higher education institution, but also Public relations was grounded. The prospect of further research in this direction is the development of a universal study plan of the consumers’ behavior of educational services in the Internet environment with all the features of this area and uses it to improve the effectiveness of marketing activities of higher education.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsarova T. O.
Assessment of Technology Competitiveness: a five-level model of the Technology as a Commodity (p. 413 - 418)

The purpose of this paper is to develop a model product "technology" for the effective control of the technology as a commodity in a market economy. Also a matrix of competitiveness estimation technology based on this model was developed. To achieve the objectives of the study such methodological approaches and methods were used, as systematic and structural approach, which allowed us to determine the composition and the essential connection between five models of technology as a commodity (an idea how to implement a logical, physical, organizational and legal ways to implement technology); methods for summarizing, comparisons and analogies, which permitted us to analyze the existing models in the product marketing and product analysis of the experience for an object such as technology; as well as analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to develop a matrix for estimation of technology competitiveness. This has led to a five-level model with structured rationale and characteristics of the content of each level. This model reveals the features of the analysis techniques in the context of its use by the potential consumer, taking into account all its components and features of the transfer and implementation into production. Features include the introduction and use of all the components and situations: from idea goods, as a response to the basic needs of consumers of legal support to the transfer of such synthetic object, such as technology, which may consist of intellectual property objects of different nature (industrial design, patent, trade mark etc.). Development provides an opportunity to perform a more precise and qualitative assessment of the market attractiveness and competitiveness of the technology as a product that is relevant to the rapid development of technology market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Titova K. V.
Problems of Improving the Strategic Management of Trademark Portfolios in the Frozen Products Market Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 419 - 425)

The paper analyzes the effectiveness of the process approach in determining the principles of the departments of the enterprises of the frozen convenience foods sector. The study identified problems specific to domestic enterprises in the industry of frozen products, proposed appropriate measures, namely, the organizational structure was modified in terms of the requirements of modern marketing management. The proposed transformation of the organizational structure will increase the efficiency of business processes quality control of raw materials and finished products, as well as the planning of monthly and annual sales of the company. Implementation of these tools is made up of business processes: an algorithm for business process quality control of the finished product, the directions of automating the process of quality control.

Article is written in Russian


Kozyk V. V., Masiuk V. M.
Identification of Risks and Threats for an Engineering Enterprise in a State of Crisis (p. 315 - 324)

Questions of the crisis situation and anti-crisis management are relevant to many business entities. Domestic enterprises, particularly engineering, lack the necessary experience of crisis management tools, primarily preventive, which leads to poor performance, violation of their financial and economic stability, the implementation of the risks and threats that cause or exacerbate the crisis. The article described the negative factors affecting the company, in a state of crisis. The risks and threats to current operations and anti-crisis management process were identified. The stages of crisis management were outlined and the risks and threats to each of them considered, the sources of their origin were identified. The risks and threats, depending on the phase of the crisis and the different strategies of anti-crisis management were defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korol S. Y.
Management Reporting: the Nature and Formation Algorithm (p. 325 - 331)

The purpose of the publication is to define the essence of the concept of "management accounting", the place and role of management accounting in the accounting and enterprise information system and justification of the algorithm of its formation. The substantive, formal and methodological approaches to the basic economic categories of 'accountability' and the concept of "management reporting" were analyzed, systematized and summarized. Based on a comparison with other types of management reporting its essential characteristics were established and own definition of the concept was proposed. It was proved that the management reporting is a means of formalizing the requirements of internal users to management accounting. It was established that the basis for the creation of management reporting should be integrated accounting and analytical database. An algorithm for management reporting as a basis for the creation of accounting and management information base now was suggested. It was determined that the further development of the theory and practice of management reporting should be focused on the automation of accounting and reporting in the enterprise and the creation of a common information space as a basis for internal users to ensure timely, accurate and relevant information.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boyko T. L.
Risks in the Management of Intellectual Potential (p. 332 - 337)

The main aim of the paper is to analyze the risks involved in the management of intellectual potential, including the definition of the prerequisites of their origin, as well as a study of possible ways to prevent their occurrence and the negative impact on business results. As a result of analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific views formulated the key factors in the context of the origin of the risk management of the intellectual potential. Within the perspective a possible risk classification was proved, which has practical value in the management process – the stages of reproduction of the intellectual potential influence the result at the time and the structural elements of intellectual resources. The key risks associated with each structural element of the intellectual potential were identified and described. A number of activities, the implementation of which will help to reduce the impact of risks in the management of intellectual potential in the process of activity of economic entities. Detailing and improvement of such methods are the basis for further research in this direction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lobazov S. M.
Analysis of the State of Personnel Safety of Industrial Enterprises (p. 337 - 343)

The purpose of this paper is to find a theoretical basis and identify the main threats to the security of personnel and the analysis of personnel security in the enterprise. For the creation of a reliable system of enterprise personnel security the environmental impact on the economic activity of industrial enterprises was objectively assessed in the article, SWOT-analysis of the enterprise was conducted. The matrix of the SWOT-analysis shows the comparison of the links of the obtained characteristics, the analysis of the socio-motivational component of personnel security was conducted; professional staffing components of security were investigated. To summarize the analysis a profile of the company’s personnel security was made. On the basis of cluster analysis five factors that influence the level of risk of the company personnel the most were identified, an integrated indicator of human resource risk was designed, an assessment of the prerequisites for personnel risk to occur were provided, the provided interpretation of the scale shows the level of personnel risk.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pohrebniak A. Y.
Comparative Analysis of Methods of the Analysis of Bankruptcy Probability in the System of Crisis Management of an Enterprise (p. 344 - 352)

The article studies the role of the method of enterprise bankruptcy probability assessment in the process of crisis management. It found out that the execution of the process of crisis management includes several stages. Each of them is a logical continuation of the previous one. Most often it consists of the diagnostics of bankruptcy and the analysis of the environment around the enterprise (SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, SPACE analysis etc.). Considering the instantiation of the diagnostics, the author stresses the necessity of the profound discriminant analysis. The author classifies the peculiarities of using local and western models of bankruptcy probability assessment on Ukrainian enterprises. The increasing nature of crisis effects on industrial enterprises poses the necessity of controlling the quality of investigated methods of diagnostics of crisis effects on Ukrainian industrial enterprises. The study found out that the mechanical engineering is one of the backbone branches of national economy. The analytics show that this area involves a set of large enterprises that form the competitiveness of both the branch and the national economy on international markets. The PHC “Motor Sich” was used to demonstrate the practical importance of approaches investigated. The study showed that the western models examined can be used as parallel, correlating their results with the indicators calculated using local models. In addition, the modern frameworks demand to consider both qualitative and quantitative analysis, as well as different aspects (for example, behavioristic, motivational etc.).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Polova V. V.
Increasing Efficiency of Enterprises by Optimizing Staffing (p. 353 - 358)

Workers as a crucial factor that ensures the efficiency of enterprises, require the creation of favorable conditions for the activity and development, also through optimization – bringing the internal composition of management and executive teams in the best condition. Achieving this goal is possible in case of the association of a particular team, the team around a common system of values and ideas, preferably one that is the basis of corporate culture. Before you do this, it is necessary to analyze the level of value-motivational unity within the team. In this paper, the notion of "value-motivational unity", based on which, with regard to the principle of social and cultural identity, the author developed a method of assessing the effectiveness of team interaction of workers in the course of employment at the company, offered recommendations to improve the effectiveness of team interaction. Testing of this method has shown its practical value to the railway companies, and confirmed that its implementation will help with: the formation of high-performance management teams; effective acquisition of small working groups (units, teams); implementation of a correct choice when applying for vacant positions and new staff in placement; formation of a new structure of the staff of the merger, acquisition or restructuring; creating productive working atmosphere in the formation of temporary project teams.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oleksiv I. B., Lisovuch T. Y.
The Formation of the Method of Assessing the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Organizational Changes in the Company Management System (p. 359 - 364)

The purpose of the article is to provide a method of assessing the results of the implementation of organizational changes in the company by means of regression analysis of the main inter-enterprise performance. Based on the analysis of the main interrelated indicators a comparative characterization of the obtained coefficients of regression analysis was conducted. The paper used regression analysis methodology for obtaining and comparing the regression coefficients of the related data for the first time. The frequency of related data of the company prior to the application of organizational changes and after them was taken into account. It is possible to estimate the efficiency of the implementation of organizational changes in the company. The results of using this method of estimation showed some advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of organizational changes in the company. Further conditions for a more in-depth study and analysis of the results of the implementation of organizational changes in the company were developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymanska L. M.
Building a System of Mechanisms for Implementing Tasks of Strategic Development of the Company in the Field of Foreign Economic Activity (p. 365 - 369)

The article also focused on the problem of effective strategic management. The system of mechanisms for the implementation of enterprise development strategies in the system of foreign economic activity (FEA) to identify the sources of competitive advantage and improve the position of the enterprise in the markets as a result of their rational use. The system mechanisms of implementation of the strategy highlighted the economic, organizational and motivational mechanisms. Interaction mechanisms characterized in the article should be in compliance with the principles of adaptability, flexibility, with a mandatory element of rationality, which is a prerequisite for timely and effective response to environmental changes. The author shows that changes in the characteristics of any element of the functional structure or their combination should be properly taken into account in the strategic development of mechanisms, since any changes are a source of new opportunities and risks. Therefore, the considered system of mechanisms for implementing enterprise strategies will identify sources of competitive advantage and improve the position of the enterprise in the market due to the rational use of such sources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zbarzhevetska L. D.
Modeling Motivational Behavior of the Regulated and Creative Work Subjects (p. 369 - 373)

The aim of the article is to study the possibility of introducing incentives to innovative activity of the employees with the regimented and creative components of work. The regularities of the formation of a specific motivational behavior of workers, taking into account the regulated and creative components of work were defined. The attention is focused on the specific activation of creative work, because this kind of work cannot be equally inherent in all people, however, leads to the appearance of innovation activity. It was noted that it is necessary not only to attract skilled workers with creative abilities, intellectual potential, but constantly take care of investing in the development of their human capital, skills, update knowledge and the search for acceptable methods of material and moral support of creativity. As a result of a simulation performed to determine the relative benefits of creative labor regulated, peculiarities that must be taken into account by the regulation system of innovation activity of enterprises employees were found.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boyko M. M.
System of Valuable Reference Points, Norms and Rules of Social and Labor Relations as the Basis of Social Capital Services Sector (p. 374 - 378)

The aim of the article is to summarize the theoretical aspects of the formation of values in the organization; study and establish the relationship of deep human values with professional and other organizational values; study of practical tools to develop values of service industries. The author proposed a general model of the "moral core" of social capital – values of the organization, which should reflect to the religious, cultural, ethical and traditional ethnic values, traditions, social and professional interaction and others. It was determined that the values are to play the role of context business culture of the organization and to harmonize interests of each employee in particular, and the organization as a whole. A specification of organizational and personal values for the main groups (professional, hierarchical, social interaction, ethical, cross-cultural specific) was presented. The conducted breeding of values of the organization as the main instrument of social capital is based on the recognition of special purpose, which is designed to fulfill the value of transforming the organization's mission into action of personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vartsaba V. I., Ohorodnyk V. O., Dyulay E. V.
Futuristic Marketing as a Tool to Ensure the Competitiveness of a Bank (p. 379 - 383)

The article considers the futuristic marketing as a tool to ensure the competitiveness of a bank. The authors examine the questions of essence and the history of the marketing. In this paper the definition of categorical content "bank marketing" was clarified. The focus is on the futuristic marketing as a non-standard tool of struggle for the loyalty of the consumer audience. As a result, studies have been isolated and characterized by the use of new forms of bank marketing, namely the use of the Internet; the use of computer games / movies (product placement – placing the brand in the movies or in video games for advertising purposes); sensory branding (sense branding – a complex effect on the user through all the senses); love marks – approach (sincere relationship between the bank and the customer). The authors attempt to show that a futuristic marketing is an effective tool for ensuring the competitiveness of the bank.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iakovenko T. I., Pedchenko N. S.
Marketing Information System as a Condition for Effective Marketing Performance of Advertising Industry Companies (p. 384 - 388)

The aim of the article is to study the marketing information system as a condition of providing effective marketing performance of companies in advertising industry. The article examined the concept of system, analyzed the existing subsystems of marketing information system, their definitions and sources. The study found that the system of marketing information of advertising industry companies consists of well-established inter-related elements: marketing environment; marketing professionals; subsystem of marketing information, each of which is responsible for the individual questions. In particular, the subsystem's internal reporting is responsible for a set of methods for the analysis of marketing data, consisting of a statistical bank and a bank of mathematical models; analysis subsystem of marketing information (analytical system, the system support marketing decisions) – for design, data collection, processing and analysis of data, which require a special study of a specific marketing situation for the adoption of specific management decisions on product-market strategy of the company in advertising industry; subsystem of marketing research – for a complex of sources, instructional techniques and procedures used to obtain daily information about the various events taking place in the market; a collection subsystem of external current marketing information – for the presence of the data provided in the form of accounting and statistical reporting, operational and current production and scientific and technical information.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mokina S. M.
Model of the Formation of Employer Brand (p. 389 - 398)

The purpose of the article is to study the existing approaches to modeling the formation of employer brand. The model for the formation of employer brand by different foreign scientists was analyzed and generalized. Analysis allows us to form a clear view on the construction of the process in the presence of different initial objectives and available resources. The question of an employer brand model is new to the national scientific thought, so the analysis proposed in this paper is relevant and useful. In general, the article studied nine models of employer brand, as a result it was revealed that they differ in terms of components, but one element is found in all approaches – the employee value proposition (or the value of employer branding). Each of the models has a right to exist; none is sufficiently complete and perfect. In accordance with the further development of the topic it was proposed to move towards the development of an integrated model of employer brand.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lazareva M. G.
New Tools of Portfolio Analysis: Matrix of Appeal (p. 306 - 313)

The purpose of this paper is to develop such a tool matrix analysis, which would generalize the basic characteristics of the internal and external environment for the formation of a balanced portfolio of businesses. The article analyzes the modern methods of matrix analysis used in the world. The urgency of creating a tool with which to analyze the internal and external environment business portfolio was grounded, which helps the user to build a tool strategy, including a reasonable combination of profitability and risk. The conditions for a balanced business portfolio, based on the golden ratio were defined. A matrix for assessing the attractiveness of a business portfolio of a holding was developed. The horizontal axis shows the aggregate index – corporate appeal, including the three elements that characterize the attractiveness of the business for the owners: risk level, the rate of growth of the business and the average annual cash flow. The vertical axis shows integrated index – industry attractiveness, including such indicators: market growth rate, market share and the number of competitors in the industry. The value of both indices is determined by expert assessments. Diameter of the circle determines the value of a particular business portfolio. The policy options for businesses that fall into a specific quadrant were proposed. The tool seems to be quite promising to use along with the existing matrices.

Article is written in Russian

Mamonov K. A., Prunenko D. O., Grytskov E. V.
Definition of Intellectual Capital of Construction Enterprises: Approaches and Application Features (p. 313 - 316)

The questions on the need for the formation and use of intellectual capital in the economy of the state and the enterprises of the construction industry in particular were considered. The important role and importance of intellectual capital in the construction enterprises were identified. The features of the use of intellectual capital in the enterprises of the construction industry, given the current economic conditions in Ukraine were characterized and identified. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the intellectual capital of business entities characterized by structural elements and proved the concept of "intellectual capital construction companies" were systematized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pechenyuk A. V.
Assessment of Motivational Orientation of Academic Staff Towards Professional Development (p. 317 - 322)

On the basis of the opinion poll of research and teaching staff of higher education institutions of the Western region of Ukraine the motifs to professional development were discovered. It was found that for those researchers and teachers who have insignificant scientific results material things are the main motives. While for the employees engaged in active professional development and have significant scientific achievement, the structure of motives vary from material to creative. It is proved that in today's society of scientific and pedagogical workers must take a proactive stance in relation to their own professional development in the selection of the main forms and sources of funding. Since today the limiting factor in the commission of continuing professional development are not opportunities (i. e. The amount of funding that can be significantly increased through alternative sources), but the potential of scientific and pedagogical workers and their desire to implement professional development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Marchenko K. S.
Business Decisions in the Context of Sustainable Development Prospects of Mining Enterprises (p. 322 - 326)

The aim of the article is to determine the role of an economic decision in the management of extractive industries, peculiarities in the decision making, as well as to study the need of ecologization of economic decisions in the extractive industry of Zhytomyr area. The study defined the place and the role of economic decisions in the implementation of the management of extractive enterprises of Zhytomyr area. The necessity of ecologization of the activity of the latter was grounded. The generalized algorithm for ecologization of solutions in the context of the management of the enterprise was proposed. The prospect for further research is to determine the appropriate methods of adoption and adaptation of economic decisions with respect to the specifics of the operation of enterprises, depending on the scope of activities, taking into account the characteristics of the strategic management of a particular company and the level of influence caused by the activity of the last on the environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dorovsky O. V.
Segments of the World Pharmaceutical Market: Development Trends and Contradictions (p. 34 - 40)

Primary segments of the world pharmaceutical market and their classification based on growth rates are considered. Principal factors causing growth of the world pharmaceutical market are demonstrated. Similarities and distinctions in trends which serve as the framework for functioning of various regional pharmaceutical markets are singled out. Basic issues and contradictions are outlined which lead to the structural reorganization of the world pharmaceutical market and the world pharmaceutical industry. The most probable development lines for the world pharmaceutical market and industry in the course of adjusting strategies of pharmaceutical companies are demonstrated.

Article is written in Russian

Otenko I. P., Danevych O. S.
Key Elements of the Strategic Potential of an Enterprise (p. 302 - 307)

The article analyzes the nature and content of the concept of "strategic potential of the company," and identifies its features. In scientific works of domestic and foreign scholars on the theory of strategic management such strategic potential elements are often singled out: resources, functions and processes of the enterprise, staff competence. Also there is a control system, image and corporate culture. This decomposition is related to the search of sources of competitive advantage and long-term performance of the enterprise. So, if before the success of the company in the market was defined by the availability of the required material resources, the current economic realities define knowledge as the most valuable resource, and managerial competence – as a necessary condition for strategic development. A special place in the study of the strategic potential of the company goes to the concept of flexibility. It gives the dynamic nature of the strategic potential of the company, reflecting its ability to change in response to changes in the environment. Such key elements of the strategic potential, as: managerial competence, flexibility, organizational structure, strategic position of the company, the ability to provide production and technological efficiency were grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kruhlova O. A., Kozub V. O.
A Systematic Approach to Organizing Monitoring at a Company (p. 307 - 311)

The aim of the article is to present the results of the study of the essence and characteristics of the monitoring formation in a systematic manner. The problems associated with the definition of the essence of monitoring and its elements were highlighted. Monitoring is presented as systematic observation, exercisable within the overall management system specific object, and provides measurement and comparison of actual performance with its base (planned, regulatory) to develop and implement the development of the control object in the current period and in the long run. The main characteristics of monitoring, its place in the system of management, methods and implementation period were identified. Some aspects of the elemental composition of the monitoring as a system were studied. The monitoring system is represented as a set of interrelated elements of subsystems informational, technical, organizational, methodological support. The sequence of monitoring at the enterprise was given. Features of formation of the monitoring system in the enterprise are considered taking into account the cyclicity of the process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savchenko T. V.
The Main Stages of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Industrial Enterprises Competitiveness Management (p. 312 - 316)

This paper proposes a control algorithm of industrial enterprise competitiveness, which is based on determining the level of management efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise in the development of methodology for quantifying the level of its competitiveness. The level of management efficiency of industrial competitiveness is determined by the scoring of its competitiveness. Data are presented for the formation of methodology for assessing management effectiveness of industrial competitiveness on the basis of the achieved level of competitiveness, which is determined by calculating the integral coefficient of competitiveness of the enterprise as a weighted sum of normalized general indicators with graphically displayed results. To estimate the significance of the group indicators in shaping the competitiveness of the company the use of the Delphi method was proposed.

Article is written in Russian

Pavliuk V. I.
Problems of Identification of Anticipatory and Preventive Crisis Management of an Enterprise (p. 317 - 321)

The analysis of the literature references found that anticipatory and preventive crisis management is identified, which, in the author’s opinion, is not correct. Thus, the research objective of the present article is to compare the content of the anticipatory and preventive crisis management to determine the domain of each of them, their differences and relationships. According to the study the comparative characteristic of anticipatory and preventive crisis management was presented. Their common and distinctive features were justified. In order to distinguish these types of controls the clarified definitions of anticipatory and preventive crisis management were proposed. Their relationship and place in the system of management was defined. Prospects for further developments in this direction are to investigate the preventive crisis management from the standpoint of the individual scientific approaches, building on this basis a system of preventive crisis management and disclosure of the features of its implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kipa D. V.
Definition of Environmental Influence On the Formation of the Competitive Strategy of the Enterprise (p. 322 - 329)

The article is aimed at the determination of the impact of each group of the environmental factors on the system basis of forming of the competitive strategy. On the basis of the existing external environment models a model that consists of two levels was offered. The first level is represented by factors of the indirect impact, the second ? by the factors which interact with the enterprise directly. The indirect factors were identified as: economic, political, legal, scientific, technical, technological, international, demographic, socio-cultural. The direct impact factors were: suppliers, consumers, substitute goods, existing and new competitors, general partners. In each group of factors of the direct and indirect influence a multitude of components was defined, directly included in the cognitive model in the form of indicators. The next components of the system basis of the competitive strategy were chosen as the target-oriented factors: competitiveness of enterprise, core competency and competitive advantage. By implementing the scenario modeling on the example of the PJSC «Zavod «Yuzhkabel» the degree of influence on formation of the competitive strategy for each group of factors was defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tymchenko S. O.
The System Basis As Part of the Personnel Development Within the Organization (p. 329 - 334)

The article is aimed at studying of architectonics of the personnel development system, in particular the functioning of its system basis. In the article is suggested that the architectonics of the personnel development system can be considered in the form of a three-level structure: the system basis (organizational support), the system body (functional subsystems) and the system add-ons (self-development). The contents of the system basis is grounded, having structural, resource and process components, the system and organizational relationships; all the components and their role in the operation of staff development are reviewed in detail. It is also proposed, that the system adapter is considered as an anti-crisis mechanism to decrease the negative effects of the external environment of the system. The nature of the interaction of the system basis with other components of the personnel development system is defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Denysiuk O. V.
Theoretical Bases of Formation And Development of Strategic Competences of the Enterprise (p. 334 - 340)

The article summarizes the definition of competences relating to the professional activities of the subjects – carriers of the competence, the structure of competency depending on certain basic characteristic of the competency definition is described. The article highlights the diversity in activities of a manager, based on the individual competency models that combine to create a managerial competence directly related to knowledge management, specifically knowledge concerning the making and materialization of strategic decisions. It is found that the source of strategic skills and the asset, which displays certain directions of their formation and development, is the enterprise knowledge. As a result of the analysis of management theories regarding knowledge management and based on the selection of the object of the research, are generalized the main processes of forming the enterprise competences and the conditions for their formation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsukanova V. Y., Petrenko Y. V.
Grouping of Employee Motivation Methods (p. 341 - 346)

The objective of the article consists in theoretical substantiation of classification criteria and improvement of the classification of labor motivation methods based on utilization of the systemic approach along with identification of structural constituents of the motivation process. Depending on the motivation subject, methods of self-motivation and methods of external motivation are singled out. Depending on the object, there are motivation methods targeted at an individual employee, a group and the overall organization staff. Proceeding from the assumption that the subjective aspect is characterized by the attitude of the motivation subject to the result of the same, the following classification criteria are singled out: the type of result, the type of behavior, and the focus of the effect on the result. Based on the motivation result, methods aimed at formation of occupational behavior, achievement of a certain quantitative or qualitative outcome, and business value are singled out. Based on the type of behavior, there are methods which ensure an employee’s overall interest in work at the organization; methods ensuring performance discipline and productive standard interest as well as activeness of an employee; methods aimed at rationalization of labor. Based on the focus of the effect on the motivation result, there are methods of positive and negative motivation. The objective aspect of the motivation process is formed by the methods and means of realization of an action. In this regard, the following classification criteria can be singled out for motivation methods: by the means of exerting influence on the motivation object, by the place of origin, by the intended functional purpose, and by the economic substance. According to the means of exerting influence on the motivation object, it is proposed to single out direct and indirect methods. According to the place of origin, there are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation methods. According to the functional purpose, there are economic, organizational, social, as well as moral and psychological methods. According to the economic substance, there are methods of financial and non-financial motivation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tyrinov A. V.
Forming of the Coordination Relations In Mechanisms For Increase of Efficiency Based On Coaching (p. 346 - 352)

Analysis of recent studies has shown that, despite the large amount of scientific exploratory work it is necessary to improve the mechanisms for increase of efficiency in the process of the enterprise activity and to form the coordination relations between these mechanisms. The article is aimed at harmonization of the activities of the participants in the collective activity with the purpose of coordination of the mechanisms for increase of efficiency based on coaching. As a result of the studies the functional matrix of activity of the machine-building enterprise was worked out, which shows the relationship of functional tasks and of the participants in the joint implementation of functions. The relations for coordination of the mechanisms for increase of efficiency based on coaching were formed as a technology of the enterprise development through the training of employees during the performance of their duties. A sequence of coaching and the cognitive map of the formation and selection of alternatives for increase of efficiency of the machine-building enterprise were offered. Direction for further research is the selection and evaluation of predicted results of efficiency of the machine-building enterprise based on the cognitive map.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mokina S. M.
Conceptual Model of Building an Employer Brand (p. 353 - 357)

Strong employer brand is an instrument for securing the long-term competitive advantages for an organization participating in the labour market. The article is aimed at development of the conceptual model of employer brand together with its components. This model incorporates three platforms: identity, positioning, strength. The first step in building of employer brands is to elaborate the identity of the brand. Based on the identity, strategy and tools for positioning of the employer brand can be developed. The right positioning will result in building of the strong employer brand, represented by its attractiveness for co-working and by retaining of qualified employees. The topic of building an employer brand is a novelty to the domestic science, therefore the model proposed in the article, will appear relevant and useful. Direction for further development of this topic can be the systematic evaluation of effectiveness of the employer brand building.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shvanskiy V. S.
Analysis of Factors of Assessment Systems of Performance of Supply Chains Indices (p. 358 - 362)

The aim of the article is to study and systematize the main approaches to assessing the effectiveness of supply chain systems. The article analyzes the current state of the theory of performance evaluation, the analysis of the most common criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the supply chain. The shortcomings of such systems for the assessment and the urgency of creating integrated systems that cover financial, quality, time, and other factors of efficiency and at the same time would be applicable in practice and avoid duplication of data were analyzed. The analysis of the quality factor of efficiency, flexibility, identified by its source was conducted. Theories that define a time component efficiency and effectiveness of supply chains and some of its constituent elements, analyzes their advantages and disadvantages. Systematic organization allows us to adapt the proposed indicators and their systems to individual markets and areas, thus forming the most appropriate and accurate evaluation system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melenchuk Y. T., Bryndzya Z. F.
Marketing Analysis of the Beer Market Using the Primary Data (p. 363 - 368)

The purpose of the article is to conduct a survey and find out which brand of beer is most favored among consumers, exactly what criteria play an important role in the selection of the manufacturer. The subject of this study is the beer market of Ukraine, namely: Breweries in Western Ukraine. The sample size was 400 people. Of them 325 respondents gave a positive answer to the question: "Do you drink beer?", therefore, further analysis was conducted on the results of 325 respondents. As a result of the study, we found that the brewery, which have well-developed marketing activities, occupy a leading position among consumers. So, in the brewing industry, marketing is very important for product quality, assortment policy, the nature of the sales network, the process of promotion, market growth, pricing policy, etc. Prospects for future research are the effective planning of marketing activities on the breweries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lebedinska O. S.
Evaluation of the Status and Problems of Development of the Staff Audit in the Industrial Enterprises of Kharkiv Region (p. 368 - 371)

The article is aimed at the development of the staff audit in the industrial enterprises under crisis conditions. The article evaluates the status and problems of development of the staff audit in the industrial enterprises of Kharkiv region. Trends in the number of employees as in the region's economy in total, so for the individual industries, the age distribution of the employees and the proportion of the working seniors were studied. Several problems with use of the working time fund as well as rise of the related losses were identified, which necessitates the measures directed to increase the productivity of every employee and volume of the enterprise output. The prospect of a further research at the level of analysis is the study of the implications of using the staff audit in carrying out the economic activities of the modern enterprises. In the applied aspect the specific mechanisms and technologies for the staff audit remain insufficiently studied.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kronikovskyi D. O.
The Structure of the Controlling and Management Interaction (p. 372 - 375)

The notion of «controlling» has evolved to the modern understanding conceptually. Nowadays controlling is associated with an enterprise management system. The article is aimed at analyzing of basis of the evolutionary development of controlling. It is important also to distinguish between the modern controlling and the management and to explore their structural and informational communication. The comparative analysis of the controlling and management was conducted with consideration of the following: purpose; subsystems of the function that provide achieving of goals; actors and resources; objects; structure of the management system. The general structure of controlling, the methodological structure of the controlling execution, synchronous interaction of the controlling information flows and management of the enterprise were identified. It was determined that controlling is a kind of a self-regulation mechanism at the enterprise, providing feedback in the control circuit. It does not replace the management, but moves it to a new level. Therefore it's worth to consider controlling as an integration and coordination system. The controlling service does not provide for what namely should be planned, but renders advising of how and when some planning should be done.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Budnik M. M., Sorokina O. L.
Mechanism for Improvement of Enterprise's Organizational Structure of Management (p. 376 - 380)

The article is aimed at coverage of the mechanism for improvement of the organizational structure of management (OSM) in the enterprise as well as building of its visual model. Improving the OSM is a continuous process, dictated by both internal and external factors. Mechanism of improving the enterprise's OSM is based on the general principles and criteria for the efficiency and incorporates modern methods, tools, levers for building of the organizational structure based on the sequence of implementation of the steps of organizational diagnosis, development of a new organizational structure, implementation of organizational change, forming the optimal structure and evaluation of efficiency of the chosen model of the enterprise management and organizational change. The use of the elaborated mechanism facilitates the reorganization as well as the choice of an effective model of the enterprise's OSM.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gorlenko V. G.
Development of Employee's Labor Potential (p. 381 - 385)

The article is aimed at the theoretical and methodical grounding of necessity to supplement the employee's labor potential with the educational component and to define the essential characteristics of the modern educational potential. Classification of employee's labor potential is the subject of numerous studies by both the domestic and foreign scientists. However, the substance of educational potential attract little attention, although the presence and importance of educational component in the structure of labor potential were highlighted. Attempts to study the substance of the notion «educational potential» were made by scientists on the region and the State levels, but the educational potential of employee was left without attention. As a result of the presented research, it was confirmed that the employee's modern educational potential has a great importance in his life. The rapidly changing conditions of formation of cognitive society require that employee takes quick and innovative solutions, that is, requirements to the contemporary educational potential become increased. With this in mind, its substantial features should be determined, which will allow to build a development and management strategy. Thus, the characteristic signs of employee's modern educational potential are flexibility, autonomy, uniqueness and usefulness. Prospects for further research in this area is the quantitative-qualitative analysis and the identification of factors and catalysts for the development of the employee's educational potential.

Article is written in English

Ozarko K. S., Chelombytko V. V., Vydra N. I.
Marketing Provision of Foreign Economic Activity of Telecommunication Enterprises (p. 386 - 394)

The purpose of this paper is the formulation of the possible optimal directions of marketing component of a telecommunication enterprise activity as a subject of foreign economic activity. The analysis of contemporary trends was conducted. They are taking place in the markets of goods and services as a result of the deepening of globalization processes in the world economy and reflect the latest achievements of theorists and practitioners of marketing. It was shown that the inclusion of industrial, financial, intellectual, social and human potential of the enterprise, in order to clearly define its place in the international division of labor, may provide a high level of competitiveness and economic and financial stability, and the priority in this area of management activity is wholly owned by marketing service. An approach that highlights the company's management as two main directions of management activities was suggested that form the basis of its financial and economic stability and competitiveness – marketing management and personnel management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kasych A. O.
Implementation of the Conception of Strategic Management in the Practice of Domestic Enterprises (p. 290 - 294)

The article is aimed to study the problems of implementing of theoretical and methodological principles of strategic management in domestic enterprises. During analyzing, systematizing and summarizing of scientific works of foreign scientists, evolution of the concept of strategic management was examined, also was specified, that the process of improving the theory and practice continues up to the present time. As result of the study main stages for the implementation of strategic management in modern enterprises were allocated, as well as measures per se, by pursuing of which systematic implementation of the modern management concept will be ensured. On the basis of summarizing of practical experiences of implementation of the strategic management in the individual foreign enterprises, specifics of this process and its differences from the practice of domestic enterprises were determined. The prospect of further research in this area is the identification of organizational and economic transformations, required for the implementation of strategic approach to the management of domestic enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Morschenok T. S.
Theoretical Aspects of Business Processes Management in the Context of Implementation of the Enterprise Development Strategy (p. 295 - 302)

The article is aimed at theoretical synthesis and developing of scientific approaches to business processes management in the context of implementation of the enterprise development strategy. Analyzing the works of many scientists, the article describes the main approaches to enterprise management and substantiates the feasibility of process-oriented model, focused on building long-term relationships with customers through integrated identifying and satisfying of their needs, which is the priority in today's severe competition and dynamic market environment. Views of researchers as to determination of economic essence of the «business process» category are systematized, the main key features are identified and the author's vision of the notion of «business process management» is presented. As result of the study a conceptual model of business processes management and decision-making in the framework of the general strategy of enterprise development was elaborated, the use of which will enable the company to improve the efficiency of management and to ensure the achievement of strategic objectives by satisfying the needs of internal and external customers. It is specified that the improvement and optimization of business processes by means of re-engineering and outsourcing is an effective instrument for ensuring the effective management and competitiveness of domestic enterprises in terms of the dynamic market environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sarychev D. O.
Evaluation of Maturity and Balance in the Development of Project Management Processes in Domestic Enterprises (p. 303 - 312)

Based upon generalization of the theory and practice of evaluation of the project management processes maturity, the aim of this article is to propose and carry out practical approbation of an universal set of tools to diagnose problem areas in the system of project management of domestic organizations. The study identified levels of maturity and the weaknesses in the system of project management processes for core groups of enterprises, a comparison of groups of enterprises was conducted by types of economic activity in accordance with the criteria of maturity and balance in the development of system of project management processes. The proposed set of tools for evaluation, based on three-level project management processes maturity model, provides the possibility to conduct an internal self-diagnosis of the organization, to identify problem areas in the project management of the organization in terms of process groups, as of areas of knowledge, so of project management phases. Further optimization of the «weaknesses» (project management processes or process groups) creates the potential to enhance the success of the organization's projects implementation. Perspectives of research in this area are: first – expansion in the number of organizations – research databases in order to increase the objectivity of conclusions by types of economic activity and by size of enterprises; second – conduction of analysis for determination of correlation of the project management processes maturity with the size of enterprises and their sectoral affiliation; third – study of statistics and determination of dependence of successful projects implementation on the level of development of the project management processes in organizations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsapenko V. Y.
Economic Behavior of Enterprises as the Basis for Managerial Decision-Making (p. 313 - 317)

The article is aimed to clarify the category of «economic behavior» and to estimate the relationship between its types and range of administrative decisions of a strategic and operational character. The most common contemporary definitions of economic behavior were reviewed and analyzed, suggestions about refining this concept has been made. Under terms of the study, such known categories as strategic behavior and strategy with regard to the nature of influence on them of the economic behavior of enterprises were clarified. Based on the evidence of the existing relationship, it is noted that economic behavior represents a specific category, which is characterized by two aspects. The first aspect relates to the variative component of economic behavior, because in this sense it depends on changes in the external environment. The second aspect relates to the consideration, that company management is inclinable to the more or less risky actions. This inclination does not depend on conditions of the operation of company, therefore it can be considered as a stable component of the category of economic behavior. It is the stable component which determines the nature of the effects of the economic behavior on the enterprise's strategy. Thus, in the long-run period this aspect serves as an additional instrumental factor for the development and implementation of the enterprise's strategy. In the short-run period, the variative component of economic behavior affects the change of the managerial decisions of operational character. In the results of research was proved that consideration of such categories, as economic behavior and its constituent aspects in the decision-making process will enhance the efficiency of the company as part of its development strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matyushchenko S. S.
Intellectual Capital in the Current Economic Conditions: Meaning, Structure, Registration and Evaluation (p. 318 - 322)

In the current economic conditions, intellectual capital plays a leading role in the creation of both the enterprise profit and its market value. Considering this fact, a study which is aimed at definition of the meaning, structure, evidence and evaluation of enterprise's intellectual capital, appears very relevant. The purpose of the article is to review and synthesize the most important aspects in use of intellectual capital. In the paper the notion of «intellectual capital» is considered, a definition of intellectual capital is provided, place of intellectual capital in the capital structure of enterprise is defined, the most common structure elements of intellectual capital are reviewed, importance of intellectual capital for the successful activity of enterprise is displayed, several issues of registration and evaluation of intellectual capital of enterprise are characterized, as well as some proposals for their solution are presented.

Article is written in Russian

Lebedinska O. S.
Features of the Technique of Audit of Staff in the Enterprise (p. 323 - 327)

The article is aimed at substantiation of necessity of technique of audit of staff at industrial enterprises in crisis conditions. In the article synthesis of the main components of technique of audit of staff at industrial enterprises is carried out. Basic components of technique of organizing of audit of staff were studied. Sequence of stages, combination of tasks, procedures for conducting the audit of staff in certain subsystems of the social and labor sphere was generalized. Seven major stages of audit of staff were allocated. Prospects of further studies on the level of analysis is the study of the peculiarities of technique of audit of staff in carrying out economic activities of modern enterprises. As for the applied aspect, the particular mechanisms and techniques of audit of staff are still not sufficiently studied.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Palasiuk B. M.
Influence of the Distribution Strategies of Pharmaceutical Industry on Logistics (p. 327 - 331)

In the article specific features of the distribution of products of pharmaceutical industry are disclosed. The characteristics appropriate to distribution strategies are identified. Expediency of using the conception of logistics in the distribution of pharmaceutical enterprises is substantiated. Main types of strategies of the distribution of products of pharmaceutical industry, such as direct sales, reselling, optimization of distribution channels etc., are explored. It is displayed that the distribution strategies of wholesale intermediaries are affiliated with consolidation processes and that distribution strategies in the retail pharmaceutical market are dominated by concentration, the formal appearance of which is network of pharmacies. Advantages and disadvantages of various strategies of the distribution of products of pharmaceutical industry are allocated. Their influence on distributive logistic activities is examined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tretiak O. P.
Role of Management of Staff in the Formation and Use of the Labor Potential of Medical Institutions (p. 331 - 336)

One of the most thorny and unresolved issues in the health care sector is human resourcing. International experts have stressed that in the absence of properly trained health workers, no advances in medicine and technology will be able to positively affect the health of population of the country. Therefore the aim of this paper is to study the role and tasks of management of staff in the formation and use of the labor potential of medical institutions. Based on the analysis of employment in the health care sector, of dynamics and structure of health workers in Ukraine as well as of structure of medical specialists, problems of labor potential in medical institutions were identified. It was proven, that for solving of the above problems an effective management of staff is needed, whose task is to form and improve the efficiency of use of the labor potential of medical institutions. Management of staff in medical institutions should provide an appropriate qualitative-quantitative composition of labor forces, increase the motivation of health workers, potentiate their continuous training and retraining, taking into account the innovative processes in the health care sector, as well as contribute to the quality of medical services through introduction of corporate culture and service standards.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Solntseva N. V., Shvets E. V., Boiko K. O.
Considerations of Use of Human Factor in Forming the Strategic Potential of Enterprise (p. 337 - 341)

The article is aimed to study the specifics of use of intellectual resource in forming the strategic potential of enterprise. The essence of such categories as «human resources», «human potential», «labor resources», «labor potential», «intellectual resources», «intellectual potential» was considered. The main issues of forming the strategic potential of enterprise, of one of its main constituents – the human factor – and its relationship with the enterprise's development were characterized. The main principal points connected with the human factor in the system of strategic potential have been elucidated. Considerations of the human, labor and intellectual resources used in the process of forming of the strategic potential of enterprise were analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Konovalova S. O.
E-Marketing Tools in the System of Promotion of Educational Services (p. 342 - 346)

In the article possibilities of using e-marketing tools to increase the efficiency of the advertising campaigns conducted by educational institutions were analyzed. The specificity of educational services as a promotion object was considered. It was determined that currently most of the educational institutions of Ukraine have a home page on the World Wide Web at best, which are passively used as a marketing tool. Promotion of information products in social networks enjoys a fast growing popularity, so that educational services can as well be included among these products. Such services as Facebook and its Russian equivalent – social network VKontakte were considered as leaders in terms of placing of advertising content. It was found, that Facebook provides its advertisers with comfortable and friendly environment. Of the specialized services, which help to automatize the necessary processes, the most promising and democratic at the moment is AppInTop. Another specialized service, allowing to monitor and optimize conversions, is Google AdWords, in which each advertisement participates in an auction. Google selects ads and determines the order in which they are displayed depending on the bidding strategy and the type of advertising campaign. Of big interest to advertisers is also Google AdMob, which gives access to the ads within mobile applications.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Borisenko O. Y., Elkadi M., Onufriyenko N. L.
Improvement of Marketing Process of the Enterprise of Machine-Building Industry, Based on the Experience of Foreign Company (p. 346 - 351)

In the article, based on the experience of marketing process of the Canadian company Pratt&Whitney, ways of improving the marketing process in the domestic machine-building enterprise are proposed, that will create additional competitive advantages and new market opportunities. Prospect of further research in this area is to determine the scale and criteria for evaluating the degree of customer satisfaction regarding the marketing process of machine-building enterprise, that will enable the company to not only maximize the profitability of relations with customers, but also, by optimizing the marketing measures to minimize the expenditures for introduction of goods into the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lifintsev D. S.
Broadcasting the Values of Corporate Culture as a Tool of Forming the Company's Image (p. 440 - 443)

The article is aimed to study the use of corporate communications for broadcasting the values of corporate culture. In the analysis of functions of corporate culture, its role as a source of forming a positive image of company, its business reputation and, as consequence, of the company's brand, was disclosed. Using the economic, organizational, socio-psychological and communicational tools, management must develop a kind of culture that supports the chosen strategy and takes into account the interests of all groups of stakeholders. Building an effective system of communication with stakeholders involves broadcasting of the key corporate values. As the most effective channels of communication are considered corporate websites and official pages on social networks. In the study the official websites and the official Facebook pages of the 30 largest companies of Ukraine, Poland and the Czech Republic were analyzed. The last two have been selected due to their geographical proximity to Ukraine, similarity of transformation processes going on in our country at the present time, which also were developing in these countries years before, as well as other parameters that allow to see these countries as convenient objects for comparison. The study involved exploration of practice of using communication tools for broadcasting of the key values of corporate culture with a view to creating a positive image of the company and strengthening of its brand. Directions of increasing the efficiency of corporate communications of domestic companies against the background of globalization and European integration of Ukraine have been reasoned. Use of the proposed recommendations may contribute to improving the image of Ukrainian companies, increasing their competitiveness at the global markets. The prospect for further research is to elaborate a solution to the problem of an economic evaluation of the efficiency of formation and development of corporate culture.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Us M. I.
Ensuring the Efficiency of Enterprise's Partnerships on the Basis of Evaluation of Partners (p. 444 - 448)

The article is aimed at the elaborating of measures to evaluate potential partners and determine the efficiency of relationships with them. During the analysis, systematizing and synthesis of scientific works by domestic and foreign scientists, key steps in the process of selecting enterprise's partners were identified, that allowed to work out measures for the organization and evaluation of professional matching of potential partners. The basis for the proposed methodological approach to determining the efficiency of partnerships was to use grouping the indicators with applying of an expert estimation to calculate the importance of the components of the generalized indicator of effective partnerships. As a result, dependence of objectives as to forming partnerships and indicators of the professional matching of potential partners was defined. The main criteria and indicators for measuring the efficiency of partnerships, that depend directly on the results of the evaluation and selection of partners, were analyzed. In addition, a technique to determine the efficiency of relationship has been proposed, which provides for the calculation of the systematizing indicator of efficiency, taking into account the economic, social and psychological components. A promising area for further research is the elaborating of strategies for the development of effective partnerships, in particular the considering of the organizational aspects of partnership and the risk factor assessment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Drin O. Y.
Methodology and Form of Enterprise's Strategy: Order of Definition and Mechanism of Interaction (p. 449 - 457)

Substance of concept of the form of enterprise's strategy and its components that identify its variety were determined. It has been proved that choice of methodology for elaborating the strategy depends on the level of foresighting of changes in the external organizational environment which is causally connected with the form of strategy presentation. Ways of presenting the internal strategy elements are allocated and their classification is provided. Signs of detalization, variability and methods for parameterization of the selected indicators of strategic development are identified. The order of definition of form and methodology of the strategy development based on the predictability of environment changes, with consideration of objective and subjective factors, has been substantiated. Differentiation of instability of the external environment was carried out by levels of dynamism, stochasticity and turbulence, and their perception by singular individuals was proposed to identify on the basis of information support and the prognostic capabilities of enterprise. For analytical purposes, the level of predictability of environment changes is presented in the form of a multidimensional matrix positioning. It was proved that order of definition of the essential elements of strategy, their contensive forms and types of expression of target indicators, that match the selected strategic methodology, are integral parts of the strategic planning process in the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burak O. M.
Evaluation of Strategic Potential of SCE «Kharkovzelenstroi» (p. 457 - 462)

In the article, strategic potential of the specialized communal enterprise «Kharkovzelenstroi» as integrated indicator for 2009-2013 is estimated. The following levels of development of the strategic potential components have been evaluated: technological, human and financial potentials, as well as potential of the financial condition of enterprise, based on the modified indicators of development. Such method for evaluating the strategic potential of an enterprise in the planting sphere was used for the first time. It has been recognized, that the most developed potentials of enterprise are the human and financial, the least developed –the technical and technological potentials as well as potential of the financial state. For the investigated period, the highest level of development of enterprise's strategic potential was evidentiated in 2010, by 2013 this level was significantly worsened. The results of the evaluation of strategic potential of the enterprise are: inefficient management of resources, lack of a strategic aspect in the management of resources. The conducted evaluation can be used for an analytical justification for further strategic managerial decision-making in SCE «Kharkovzelenstroi» as well as for defining the directions for stabilization of the enterprise's activities.

Article is written in Russian

Vasilkonova E. O.
Development of the Theory of Image of Territories as an Active Tool for Regional Management (p. 463 - 468)

The article is aimed to study the development process of image of territories as an active tool for regional management. There are several definitions of concepts «image» and «image of regions». On the basis of analysis of scientific papers of many scientists, the author has proposed its own definition of the image of region and the paradigm of relations in development of the studied concept from the view of development of regional management; stages of formation of image of territories have been grouped and described; functions of image of region in the system of regional management have been systematized and defined. The study resulted in proposing several classifications of the image of region by various directions of activities as well as a characteristic of the formation; components of image of region in terms of economic, social and cultural evaluations have been defined. Also the importance of forming a positive image of regions and its influence on socio-economic regional development in conditions of transformation economy of Ukraine have been identified. The author takes into consideration problematic and conflict issues of an ineffectually constructed image of territory, cites the example of formation of negative image of the eastern regions and proposes directions for its restoration. Prospects for further research in this area is development and implementation of tools and methods to evaluate image of regions as economic category and an active tool for regional management. It has been defined, that formation of an own image for each region and strengthening of elements for recognition of Ukrainian territories will attract attention to a particular region, effectively lobby for its interests, improve the investment climate, provide for additional resources for development of the regional economy, preservation of assets of the historical and cultural heritage. Promoting the image of regions is a promising way of overcoming difficulties in forming the image of Ukraine as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stokaz Y. M.
Formation of Subject Area for Research of Enterprise's Strategic Knowledge (p. 469 - 473)

In the article the basic directions of formation of subject area for research of strategic knowledge through the definition of the basic notions, establishing the relationship between the external and internal environment of enterprise's activity are considered. The processes of knowledge formation on the basis of the model: data – information – knowledge – experience, which determines the structure of processes of conversion information into knowledge, are presented. The characteristic of types of activities – methodology, reflection, cognition, – is provided. The types of strategic behavior of enterprise in making strategic decisions by the key actors, who are representatives of the enterprise's knowledge, are determined as reactive, inactive, proactive and interactive. The individual characteristics of managers, relevant to a successful knowledge management in foreign and domestic practice, are presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kharchenko N. V.
Efficiency of Supervisory Board of Industrial Enterprises: Domestic and Foreign Experience (p. 473 - 478)

The article is aimed to identify the key factors for effective operation of supervisory board on the basis of practical experience of corporate management in domestic and foreign enterprises. Based on the analysis, systematizing and synthesis of scientific papers by many scientists, the need to include independent directors to the supervisory board has been considered. As result of the study, factors of an effective functioning of supervisory board were systematized and determined. Tools to improve the efficiency of supervisory boards in the Ukrainian enterprises has been proposed. Prospects for further research in this area is analysis of results of implementation of the proposed tools, studying of necessity for including the representatives of minority shareholders as well as regular employees in the supervisory boards. The further development of studying the factors of efficiency of supervisory boards can contribute to betterment of the level of corporate administration as well as improving competitiveness of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moroz O. V., Volovodyuk S. S.
Potential and Prospects of Branding in the Domestic Competitive Environment (p. 479 - 484)

In the article relevance of forming the principles of adaptation of business activity of domestic producers to the new information and communication technologies related to the branding type has been substantiated. The effects of the growing influence of brands on the business processes and the implementation of branding at the country level were examined. The impact of activity of construction and industrial complex on the economic development as well as formation of branding image of the country was analyzed. The sporadic nature of branding in the positioning of national enterprises of the construction and industrial complex was specified. It is recommended that in the production and supply activity of the enterprises of construction branch the algorithm for projecting of branding strategies is used, which will facilitate the acquisition of sustainable competitive positions in the selected geographical area. Application of the marketing communications with attention to the specifics of industry and the regional needs of consumer, with highlighting the emotional and rational components, was proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bilovodska O. A., Latunova D. A.
Study on Essence of Logistic Outsourcing as a Factor for the Effective Functioning of Domestic Enterprises (p. 485 - 489)

The article is aimed to analyze and systematize the basic approaches to disclosure of the notion «outsourcing», establishing the conformity of existing definitions of outsourcing and logistic outsourcing and disclosing new content of the notion «logistic outsourcing». In the article are conducted analysis and systematization of approaches to defining the essential content of outsourcing, by which is considered a transferring of one of functions to the third party, as well as providing the optimization of enterprise's activities. The substance of the logistic outsourcing has been explored. An own definition of the notion «logistic outsourcing» has been proposed, according to which is meant the process of delegating a separate logistic function or a business process of enterprise on a long-term contract basis for the optimization of enterprise's activity and the reduction of production-technological, intellectual and economic costs, as well as thrifty use of related resources. Prospects of the further researches will be directed on formation of methods and tools for providing the logistic outsourcing.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Bodaretska O. M.
Relationship Between the Concepts of «Motivation» and «Motivating» in the System of Motivating the Staff of Enterprises (p. 347 - 352)

The article is aimed at substantiation of relationship between the concepts of «motivation» and «motivating» in the system of motivating the staff of enterprises, on the basis of refining their content. The basic approaches to the concept of «motivating» are substantiated: as that, what relates to the needs, personal goals, motives and values of a human and motivates him to activity; as a dynamic process of influence on human by means of various driving forces to incite him to actions. Approaches to interpretation of the notion of «motive» as the source of forming the concept of «motivating» are considered from the economic and psychological points of view. Absence of discussion about interpretation of this concept in practice is reasoned. It has been proved that motive as a matter precedes the activity, which aims to meet certain needs of an employee. Identity of concepts of motivation and motivating, both in literature and in dictionary editions, is exemplified. The concepts of motivation and motivating have been also considered from the perspective of criminal law. A morphological analysis of economic concepts with the flexion -ння is carried out. According to the results, terminological definitions for the system of staff motivating has been elaborated, inter alia, specifying the nature of the concepts of «motivation» and «motivating» and disclosing the relationship between them, thus allowing to solve a number of terminological-scientific issues in the motivational sphere of business entities. Prospects of the further researches in this direction should base on an elaborated typology of both motivation and motivating.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grosul V. A., Afanasyevа M. V.
Benchmarking as a Tool for Managing the Competitive Potential of Retail Trade Enterprises (p. 353 - 357)

The article is aimed at studying the benchmarking as a contemporary effective tool for management of competitive potential of retail trade enterprises. Analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific works from many foreign and domestic scholars were helpful in considering the essence and content of benchmarking, as well as grouping the views of researchers as to definition of «benchmarking». The objects and results of benchmarking in terms of the individual constituent elements of the competitive potential of retail trade enterprises with attention to industry specifics have been determined, thus reasonability of use of benchmarking as an effective tool has been proven. Also the value and importance of benchmarking of competitive potential have been proven, thus it can be used not only for careful consideration of achievements and mistakes of other retailers, but also to assist the economy entities in developing their own strategies of successful development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Preobrazhenska O. S.
Organization of Management of Financial and Economic Security as a Factor in Improving the Quality of Corporate Management (p. 357 - 362)

In the article, conditions for the effective functioning of joint-stock companies are determined through management system's capability to organize economic and financial security to counter threats arising in the external and internal environment. Directions for evaluating the quality of corporate management have been determined. Threats to financial security of enterprise within the system of corporate management have been analyzed. Preconditions of corporate conflicts have been identified. Methods for corporate conflicts management have been identified according to their types as well as subjects of their settlement in the system of financial and economic security management. Analysis of distribution of responsibilities of corporate management between the competent bodies of PJSC «Volchanskii agregatnii zavod» (PJSC «VAZ») has been conducted. An evaluation of indicators of financial stability of PJSC «VAZ» has been conducted.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Derevianko O. H.
Organizational Profiles of the System of Reputation Management of the Food Industry Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 363 - 372)

The article presents results of an empirical study of the organizational elements of the system of reputation management (SRM), which was conducted by interviewing the representatives from 69 enterprises of the food industry of Ukraine. The author introduces into scientific circulation, and clarifies a number of concepts, in particular: the organizational «foundation» of SRM are the organizational preconditions (presence of relevant posts, approved strategy of RM, the anti-crisis plan of RM, etc.) for an active use of tools of RM and engaging stakeholders into forming the reputation of the company; one of the three components of the enterprise's SRM. «Organizational profile of SRM» is a type (development level) of the organizational «foundation» of the SRM, identified by the presence or absence of certain organizational elements of the system of reputation management at the enterprise. In the article, on the basis of the study of the food industry enterprises of Ukraine, is proposed to distinguish between five types of organizational profile of the SRM: customer-related – present are all elements of SRM of the functional level only; transitional – fragmentarily present are elements of organizational preconditions for all three levels (functional, systematic and strategic); developed – at least 80% of elements of the SRM-«foundation» are present; rudimentary – more than 80% of elements of the SRM-«foundation» are absent; child – absence up to 100% of elements of the SRM-«foundation», due to presence of all necessary functions at the level of the main (parent) company. It is proved that for the food enterprises of Ukraine the customer-related type of the organizational profile of the SRM is most common, because of their focus on the domestic market. However, in the coming years we can expect changes in the organizational profiles of SRM of the exporting enterprises: transitional and developed profiles of the SRM will gradually replace the customer-related type.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Нoncharova S. Y., Honcharov A. B., Ahramakova N. V.
Building the Model of Control for Sustainable Development of Enterprise (Organization) (p. 372 - 377)

The article addresses theoretical and practical aspects of forming a model of control for sustainable development at the level of an enterprise or organization. Conditions of functioning and development of domestic enterprises have been analyzed. Resulting from the study, the economic essence of the notion of «sustainable development» is determined; approaches to substantiating the concept of sustainable development are analyzed; a vertical functional decomposition of the components of sustainable development has been carried out. The basic stages in the process of working out the structure of control for sustainable development have been redefined; development of the organizational and functional model of control for sustainable development of enterprise (organization) has been substantiated. As it is proven in the article, the proposed organizational and functional model allows to define and achieve a lasting balance between the major components of sustainable development of enterprise (economic, social, environmental) together with the relevant parts of the organizational structure and control functions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naumenko M. O., Morozova L. V.
Improvement of the Strategic Management of Organization (p. 377 - 381)

In the article the essence of strategic management of organization is analyzed, measures to its improvement are elaborated. The factors of influencing the strategic management of organization are identified. It has been proven that the strategic management in today's context provides a number of important functions in the management of enterprise (organization). Improvement of the strategic approach to management in large part is determined by the need to ensure the optimal use of available resources to achieve the goals of enterprise. Choice of measures to improve the management strategy of enterprise (organization) directly depends on the purpose of its existence, scope of activities, influence of external and internal factors and is aimed at improving the competitiveness of the enterprise in the contemporary contexts.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kudyrko O. V.
Social Responsibility as a Contemporary Trend of the Consumer Behavior (p. 382 - 388)

In today's economy development the socially important issues are at the center of public attention. Most companies declare their social responsibility to the community and integrate it into managerial activity. The article is aimed to study the role and place of social responsibility in the behavior of the contemporary consumer. The concept of corporate social responsibility is considered from the perspective of the consumer, his understanding of and attitudes towards brands that support social initiatives. It has been determined that in the new economic environment when choosing a product to the consumer is no longer enough to be guided only by the functionality of the product, in the foreground comes not the usefulness of the product itself as an item, but the possibility of providing a sense of belonging and identification with the company. The consumer becomes a pragmatic and rational, he changes the culture of his own consumption, when his priority is not possessing, but saving money by means of shared use of goods. Also transformed are relations with companies, as brands that support social initiatives have bigger loyalty from consumers. Examples of socially responsible projects from domestic companies are given, which allowed to allocate social problems that are subject of such initiatives, as well as consumer motives that force the consumer to make a purchase. A definition of «social responsibility on part of the consumer» as reaction and relationship of individual towards the social initiatives of brands generating motives for buying, and in the long run forming consumer's loyalty to the company, has been proposed. Prospects for further research in this area is to examine the mechanism of consumer behavior and to elaborate recommendations to enterprises in the context of corporate social responsibility.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ishchenko A. V.
Marketing Component of the National Systems for Supporting the Exporters (p. 388 - 393)

Although an unambiguous classification of tools for State system of supporting the exports does not yet exist in the contemporary Ukrainian and foreign publications, most scientists point out the important role of the State in forming and enhancing the competitiveness of the national exports. The article is aimed to determine the outlines of marketing component in the modern systems for supporting exporters from different countries and identify prioritized from the view of efficiency methods and tools for assistance in development of the marketing activities of exporters. The article discloses principles and basic motives for establishing the national systems to support exporters. International experience of the trade promotion organizations is analyzed. The prioritized tools of national system for supporting the exports are systematized, and such tools as finance, marketing and management are highlighted. An effective system for supporting the exports helps countries to increase their own competitiveness and strengthen the competitive position of the domestic manufacturers in the foreign markets, encourages the non-exporting firms to expand the boundaries of their activities out to the foreign markets. In our country, the system for supporting the exports is only beginning to emerge, thus experience of foreign countries is quite relevant for the development of the export activities of national producers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tretiak O. P.
Marketing Aspects of Market Promotion of Innovative Products (p. 393 - 399)

Instability in the trends of development of domestic enterprises, resulting from the processes of globalization, changes of tastes and needs, technologies, increased competition, forces to search for new tools of business dealing, motivates the constant innovative development. One of the prerequisites of commercial success is the implementation of innovations. Therefore, more and more enterprises in Ukraine are stepping up innovation activities. Attempts by managers to increase profits and market share, strengthen competitive advantages predetermine the need for activating the innovation activity, one of directions of which is development and implementing innovative products into production. Innovation activity is closely associated with marketing, because unforeseen conditions of economic activity determine the active implementation of marketing tools at all stages of the development of ideas, organization of production and market promotion of innovative products. It has been determined that under these circumstances the role of marketing tools increases. It has been proven that it is marketing of innovations that helps to speed up release of innovative products to the market and gain market share. A structural-logical schema for marketing of market promoting innovative products, which regulate this process, has been proposed. Observance of it will facilitate the efficient organization and implementation of marketing of innovations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zyukova I. O., Ziukova A. O.
Modeling of Marketing Tools for the Strategic Management of Enterprise (p. 400 - 405)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical and methodical provisions and proposals, substantiation of contents and modeling the process of formation of the strategic changes at the enterprise. The model of marketing communications of enterprise in the business partnership area is proposed, its implementation will contribute to the achievement of the sustainable economic development. On analyzing, systematizing and synthesizing of scientific works of numerous scientists, methodological tools for evaluation of economic efficiency from implementing the marketing means in the enterprise had been improved. It has been proposed that effectiveness of the marketing processes management can be used as a component of evaluation of the efficiency of marketing activities. A model for choosing an optimum variant of marketing support for the enterprise's economic advance has been elaborated, an implementing of this model for the integrated evaluation of marketing processes management at the enterprise is recommended. Prospect of further research in this area is to identify opportunities for developing the business partnerships and to create values for customers, which will improve efficiency as to the use of marketing tools in the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rachkovskyi E. A.
Quantitative Analysis of the Potential Market Segments when Developing the Strategy of Restructuring the Enterprise (p. 253 - 260)

The article is aimed at development and substantiation of a quantitative approach to integral estimation of attractiveness of the potential market segments, the need for which occurs within the framework of the strategic planning of restructuring the industrial enterprises when selecting as the major directions: fundamental change of product range, development of a product, which will be ultimately new for the enterprise, and entry into new product markets. It has been proposed to assess the attractiveness of markets on the basis of a system of indicators, which reflect the status of the three groups of signs: conditions of the market (competitive) environment; state of enterprise; position of competitors, and which characterize, in terms of each of the potential market segments, the grade of favorabilities of the business environment, opportunities to enter the market for enterprise, the expected position of the enterprise among its competitors. A stage-by-stage scheme for building the integral estimate of attractiveness of the markets has been substantiated, which includes selecting and measuring the level of primary signs of the analyzed market segments, construction of the grouped estimates of attractiveness of the main components of these segments, folding of the grouped estimates in the integral estimates of attractiveness of the markets and their ranking by the level of the integral indicator. It has been displayed that an effective tool to address the specified tasks are the multi-dimensional, non-metric scaling methods, which allow comparison of multi-parameter objects whose properties can be expressed in the interval (quantitative) and the serial (qualitative) scales.

Article is written in Russian

Derevianko O. H.
Involvement of Consumers in Building the Reputation of the Domestic Food Industry Enterprises (p. 260 - 271)

The article displays the results of empirical research of consumer involvement into activities of the domestic enterprises of the food industry in general, and in processes of building their reputations in particular. An active involvement of consumers in these processes, in accordance with the author's position, will result in formation of the anti-frailty reputation of enterprise. On the basis of conducted empirical research – survey of 50 consumers as to products of 19 enterprises from different sub-branches of the food industry, a number of trends that confirm dependence of the anti-frailty of reputation as well as prospects for sustainable development of enterprise from the level of systemacity of the reputation management, have been identified. The author uses the concept of «organizational profile of the system of reputation management (SRМ)», which is identified by the presence or absence at the enterprise of certain organizational elements in the system of reputation management: a specialized PR-division (division on reputation management), a document-wise formalized PR strategy and operational plans for PR-work of different horizon periods, a document-wise formalized emergency activities plan (plan of anti-crisis PR-activities), etc. Conclusions have been made about the relationship between organizational profile of the SRМ on the one hand, and the level of involvement of stakeholders-consumers in building the enterprise's reputation on the other hand.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Antyptseva E. Y.
Organizational Provision of Mechanism for Motivation-Oriented Management of Financial Development of Enterprise in the Conditions of Knowledge Economy (p. 272 - 276)

The purpose of the article is justification and elaboration of scientific-practical recommendations that can help to improve the mechanism of motivation-oriented management of financial development of the domestic machine-building enterprises. The specifics of formation and use of the mechanism for financial development of enterprise, as well as motivational mechanism, are considered. The need to take into account the motivational component in the process of management of financial development of the machine-building enterprises is substantiated. An integrated mechanism for motivation-oriented management of financial development of the machine-building enterprises has been developed. As result of the study, a definition of the concept of «mechanism of motivation-oriented management of financial development of the machine-building enterprise» has been formulated, which, unlike the existing, is based on a systemic approach and is interpreted as a system of principles, objectives, functions, tools, methods, and measures that define the financial development of enterprise, by taking into account specifics of motivation-oriented management. This allows the enterprise, focusing on increasing the interest of organizational and managerial staff to maximize the financial state at the own level and at the level of enterprise, to develop while maintaining payment capacity and competitiveness in the face of variability of the social-oriented and motivational-oriented society. Direction for further research is adaptation of the proposed mechanism to the practical realities of activities of the machine-building enterprises in order to ensure a high level of efficiency in managerial decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boiko N. O.
Components of the System for Management of Customer Capital of Machine-Building Enterprise (p. 277 - 283)

Analysis of the scientific literature showed insufficient elaboration of existing approaches to the management of consumer capital of industrial enterprises, which are mainly aimed to separate its components without selecting the strategic and operational levels, taking into account their interrelationship, specifying the management tools, forming of managerial influences not only on the value of relations with customers, but also on the means and conditions for establishing such values, that in the result reduces effectiveness of the management process. The article is aimed at substantiation of components of the system for management of consumer capital of machine-building enterprise. A feature of the formed control system for management of consumer capital of machine-building enterprise is selecting the strategic and operational levels, for each of them relevant tools have been proposed and their relationship has been defined. Operational management of consumer capital of machine-building enterprise within the proposed system of management is being implemented on the basis of the following tools: assessment of means and conditions of formation and development of relationship with consumers; estimation of their results; determining the dependence of the result from conditions of formation and development of the relationships. At the strategic level of management of consumer capital of machine-building enterprise, use of such tools, as strategic benchmarking and matrix analysis have been proposed. Prospects for further research in this area is to form strategies for management of consumer capital of machine-building enterprise and to develop operational managerial measures to implement these strategies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chajka T. Y.
Adaptive Management of Uncertainty in Decision-Making (p. 283 - 288)

In the article the problem of managerial decision-making under conditions of uncertainty is considered. Approaches to identification and classification of types of uncertainties and ambiguities of the components of task assignment when making a managerial decision have been updated; various aspects of manifesting these uncertainties have been analyzed. Structure and key technologies of generating alternatives for managerial decision have been considered. The main difficulties encountered by the decision maker at various stages of decision making in the context of uncertainty have been analyzed. Expediency, opportunities and specifics of using adaptive management in decision making under conditions of uncertainty have been substantiated. The tasks that can be accomplished using adaptive management of decision-making have been clarified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mysaka G. V., Shmidt A. O.
Reporting of Loyalty Programs for Customers Stimulation by Banking Institutions (p. 288 - 295)

The article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of reporting of customer loyalty programs in banking institutions and substantiating ways for its improvement in the terms of using the international financial reporting standards. On the basis of structuring the factors influencing the methodology of loyalty programs reporting, four main types of programs that are implemented by domestic banks have been allocated, and the order of reflecting them in reporting has been systematized. The influence of the application of each type of the programs on the bank's financial statements has been studied. Also a list of required changes in accounting policies and internal regulations of bank has been proposed in order to improve the efficiency of loyalty programs reporting. A further direction of research can be adjusting the methodology for reporting of diversified loyalty programs in accordance with requirements of international financial reporting standards, Plan of accounts in the banks of Ukraine, Instruction on its implementation and other normative acts of the National Bank of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysarevska H. I.
Organization of Process of External Recruiting (p. 296 - 301)

The article analyses the main issues, trends and prospects for the development of external recruiting. The relevance of studying techniques of recruiting and organizing of recruiting process is substantiated, which can also be confirmed by the strong demand on the services of employment agencies in the context of crisis. The main trends in the current development of recruiting have been identified: facilitating the work on primary search for candidate by active use of the Internet and social networks, need to retain highly qualified staff, limited resources on search and selection of the personnel, change in the approach to recruiting graduates and students, lack of highly experienced recruiters, absence of new high-effective recruitment techniques. It has been determined that in order to enhance the effectiveness of the recruiting activities it is practical to explore and estimate the actions of competitors in attracting promising specialists, as well as the labor market while evaluating candidates and recruitment prospects; prognosticate the sources for attracting the talented specialists; improve the process for assessment of candidates; hire a candidate on the basis of all his achievements being analyzed; personalize the recruiting, orienting it in the selection of specific valuable and talented specialists. Recommendations concerning the need to improve the organization of the recruiting process have been substantiated, the main directions and elements of the recruiting technology, applied by recruitment agencies, have been described. Prospect of further research in this direction will be development of an instrumentarium for carrying out integrated activities and standardization of processes and techniques of recruiting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kokhan M. M.
Forming the System of Diagnostic Indicators of Marketing Capacity of Pharmaceutical Enterprise (p. 302 - 308)

The article is aimed to select a system of diagnostic indicators of marketing potential of pharmaceutical enterprise in the aggregate. Resulting from analysis of the scientific approaches to determination of marketing capacity, the initial set of indicators with a complex hierarchical structure has been received, which, depending on management objectives, may include criteria that reflect the marketing activities of individual functional subsystems of enterprise. Taking into consideration purposes of completeness, integrated nature of the system of indicators and, consequently, improving the quality of information analysis of marketing environment of pharmaceutical enterprises, a methodology for development of the information space for the diagnostic indicators to evaluate the marketing potential has been elaborated on the basis of synthesizing methods of expert and statistical analysis. This approach has greatly enhanced the credibility of estimation of informative relevance of indicators of the marketing environment where enterprise is functioning. An expert evaluation of the aggregate of initial indicators has been conducted on examples of the following pharmaceutical companies: JSC «Farmak», JSC "Darnytsia», JSC «Kyiv vitamin plant», JSC «Scientific and production center «Borshchahivskiy chemical-pharmaceutical plant». The results of this analysis indicate a potential for development of pharmaceutical enterprises in the direction of improving their marketing strategies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Otenko I. P.
Creation of Mechanism for Management of the Economic Potential of Enterprise (p. 241 - 246)

Managing the economic potential of enterprise means creating and using conditions for development of the enterprise. Creation of a mechanism for management of the economic potential of enterprise is based on the goal of developing the enterprise and the corresponding filling with functions. It is expedient to use a functional approach, which allows to determine the nature of the functions within the mechanism for meeting the needs and directs the production system to the innovative type of development. Thus, as the main functions of the mechanism for management of the economic potential of enterprise act: coordination (preventive, regulatory and stimulating); evaluation and analysis; planning; motivation to enhance the processes of self-development of employees and maximize the outcome from the creative and innovative potential of managerial staff and senior executives; organization; monitoring and technological control (preceding, guiding; following); marketing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepurda L. M.
Methodological Aspects of Strategic Management of Non-Industrial Enterprise of Servicing (p. 247 - 251)

In the article has been determined that the principle of expedient integration and optimization of «business-to-consumer» relationship is crucial when considering the servicing process with its cross-cutting, interlinked and mutually determining nature, which covers all stages of the life cycle of relations between all its participants. It has been displayed that development of the strategic management system for the enterprise of non-productive servicing is practicable to bind to services in the following order: determine strategic objectives and performance indicators of the enterprise as a whole, at the same time develop a process for the top-level servicing; to carry out regimentation of the servicing process, at the same time develop a system of indicators for this process. It has been affirmed that effectiveness of the strategic management of enterprise is provided by means of: creating and maintaining a holistic system of strategic goals, indicators and criteria for achieving them; possibility of such management on a continuous, regimented basis by setting these goals, bringing them to the level of servicing process (business unit of enterprise), which will serve as basis for managing the process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kholodnyi G. O.
Use of the Competence-Based Approach in Ensuring the Human Resources of the Product Innovation Policy of Enterprises (p. 252 - 257)

The article is aimed at the topical subject of research of essence and the main aspects of formation and implementation of enterprises' product innovation policy. Using the method of morphological analysis and synthesis of the most common definitions, essence of the product innovation policy as an economic category has been substantiated. In the article is proven that a mechanism for implementing the innovation policy should be based on use of the staffing system, which contains a set of means to achieve certain goals and activity outcomes. One of the most important features of the contemporary system for ensuring the human resources is to increase the value of competence of the specialists engaged in implementation of the product innovation policy. A methodical approach to determining the level of competence of enterprise's specialists, engaged in the product innovation policy, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

SidorenkoViktoriia V.
Methodical Approach to the Assessment of Competences of the Foremen at Production Sites (p. 258 - 264)

Stages of integrated assessment of competences of the foremen at production sites are presented. Competence-based approach has been used to assess the professional and personal characteristics. Using the Harrington's interpretation scale as a measuring grid has been proposed. Prospect of further research should be formation of an individual package of measures and managerial solutions to improve the foreman's development level of competences. As for the proposed algorithm, of practical importance can be considered the possibility to make sound management decisions regarding the further career of an employee and the eventual need for improving his level of competences.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Senenko I. A., Shchepak V. V.
Influence of Environmental Factors in Establishing the Management System of Enterprise (p. 265 - 270)

The article is aimed at studying the environmental factors and their impact on adaptability of management system. During the analysis and synthesis of scientific works from scientists various views on features of the enterprise management were considered. As result of the study, the following components of environment of the enterprises' activities have been allocated: indirect, territorial, business, domestic and international. In this context the first three components form a national environment. The main factors characterizing the environment of the enterprises' activities have been considered. Three levels of the environmental factors' influence on the activities of enterprises have been allocated: general under indirect exposure, competitive under direct exposure, and managed under controlled exposure. It has been proposed to consider these factors in accordance with the situation, which is created in the environment of the enterprise's activity. A structural-logical model of establishing the adaptive management of enterprise has been elaborated, taking into account the influence of situational environment factors. Prospect of further research is an in-depth study of the interaction of the control system components: financial management, production management and marketing management, since the degree of their adaptability to the conditions of economic management influences the effectiveness of the decision-making process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherepnia G. M.
Analytical-Instrumental Framework for Effective Risk Management of Enterprises (p. 270 - 275)

The article examines the analytical and instrumental framework for effective risk management of enterprises. It has been determined that by enterprise's risk management in terms of the analytical-instrumental framework should be understood the systematic implementation of the managerial actions to determine the degree of derating from the long-awaited result, which can be calculated according to analytical-instrumental principles, allowing, on the basis of selected analytical-instrumental technology, to ground, take over, fulfill, and to monitor the situation on implementation of the preventive measures of various kinds in order to compare the results of the economic activity of enterprise with the appropriate risk level. It has been concluded that the enterprise's risk management is influenced by a number of factors, which either fully or partially depend on the enterprise itself or can be independent. The latter factors can be attributable to the conditions of economic management activity, crisis state of the economy, tax and credit policy of Ukraine, insufficient effective demand, low level of financial market. The factors that depend on the enterprise, accounting of which involves its ability to maintain the pace of operational mode according to the pivotal financial and economic indicators, are the subject of risk management in terms of the analytical-instrumental framework.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burak O. M.
Aspects of the State Strategic Management of the Housing and Communal Facilities of Ukraine (p. 275 - 279)

This article analyzes periodization of establishing the management body in the sphere of housing and communal services of Ukraine. The basic tasks and management structure have been stage-wise explored to identify the strategic aspect of the activity. It has been detected that for all the existence time of the subject ministry of housing and communal services, no tasks of strategic management of the industry were set for it, and its main task was defined as implementation of State policy in the specified areas. In the article is proposed to rectify the deficiencies through the development and implementation of the law of Ukraine «On public strategic management», with formalizing the notions of «strategy», «strategic development», and «strategic management». Results of the study will help to realize the tasks of the Ministry of regional development, construction, housing and communal services on the part of sustainable development of the territories, which can be achieved through implementation of the strategic management of the indicated industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kipcharska I. M.
Functional Structure of the Enterprise's Corporate Security (p. 279 - 284)

The article is aimed at defining and substantiating the essence of the functional components of the corporate security of business entities. In the study, the main scientific approaches to the definition of functional components of economic security at the enterprise level have been analyzed, in particular: resource, system and resource-functional approaches; also the advantages and disadvantages of each have been discussed. As result of the carried out research, starting from structuring the economic security by representatives of the resource-functional approach and based on the position of systems theory, the relevance of allocating of the following components of the enterprise's corporate security has been substantiated: financial-economic, organizational-managerial, technical-technological, intellectual-human resourcing, informational and force component, which, in turn, are structured into the subsystems of the lower levels. The proposed structuring allows a comprehensive approach to address the concerns of securing the enterprise's development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Filippova S. V., Sukhoterina M. I.
Comparison of Methodologies for Evaluating the Effectiveness of the System of Corporate Social Responsibility of Machine-Building Enterprise (p. 284 - 287)

The article examines theoretical approaches to the evaluation of effectiveness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) of machine-building enterprise. The indicators to be taken into account while determining the effectiveness social responsibility of machine-building enterprise have been proposed. It has been displayed that the indicators, which influence the functioning of the CSR system of machine-building enterprise, can be divided into two types: qualitative – evaluated only when present or absent, quantitative – respectively those, which allow a quantitative measurement. Indicators for evaluating the internal social responsibility of machine-building enterprise have been proposed, on the basis of which can be evaluated the effectiveness of the internal CSR of machine-building enterprise; a methodology, based on the definition of the integral indicator, which includes both quantitative and qualitative estimates, has been developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokolovskyi S. A., Naumenko M. O., Cherkashyna M. V.
Improvement of the Labor Resources Management of Enterprise (p. 288 - 292)

The processes of integration and globalization, which are currently occurring in Ukraine, allow to speak not only of their innovative orientation, but also of the transformation of factors, determining the effectiveness of these processes. The human and intellectual resources are one of the key factors whose influence cannot be overestimated. This leads to the growing with each year attention to the management of people, to improving its efficiency and effectiveness and identifies new priorities, as reflected in the development of theoretical-methodological aspects of the labor resources management. Labor resources are one of the key factors of production of any kind of goods and services along with investment capital – fixed and working assets. It is the labor resources that without exaggeration can be considered the biggest capital of any enterprise. In conjunction, the whole organization and management activity (above all, the motivational part) aims to enhance the internal resources of workers and to use them in the most effective way. Thus, presently it is hard to overstate the actuality of researching the issues related to the optimization of the process of staff management. In the article has been substantiated the necessity of introduction of new principles and methods for development of a strategy of enterprise's labor resources management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuchina S. E., Kitchenko O. M.
Marketing Policy of Pricing: Analysis and Impact on Company's Revenue (p. 292 - 297)

The need for detailization of methodological bases for improving the pricing against the background of fluctuating market conditions determined the choice of the topic for research. Accordingly, the article is aimed at conducting a theoretical analysis of price as an economic category of market economy; studying the influence of price policy on company's revenue and the marketing-oriented pricing. Methodological basis consists of general scientific research techniques and special techniques based on management, economics and related sciences. Pricing is the only component of marketing, which directly determines the income. Pricing decisions have a big impact on both short-term and long-term profitability of company. A long-term keeping up of the highest possible prices can be achieved only if there is a benefit to the consumer. Selection of the optimal pricing methodology is carried out depending on the capabilities of company and its business goals. The obtained results can be applied by marketers, who research in the field of consumer markets, as well as for decision-making in the marketing control process and for generating further development strategies of enterprise. The carried out studies are the basis for practical solutions in pricing policy, which is focused on marketing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moroz S. G.
Defining the Enterprise's Competitive Position in the Pharmaceutical Market (p. 298 - 303)

The article is aimed at evaluating the competitiveness, defining the competitive position of enterprises in the pharmaceutical market and elaborating on this basis strategic directions of their development. A general description of the current status and the issues of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine are provided. In the article has been substantiated the need for periodic evaluation of the competitiveness of enterprises, including the pharmaceutical companies. An improved methodical approach to evaluation with subsequent defining the competitive position in the market of domestic producers of pharmaceuticals has been proposed. The used approach implies separation of components into the organizational and economic competitiveness, each of which contains a number of indicators-factors covering all stages of the life cycle from creation of product to its promotion and marketing. The study resulted in evaluating the level of competitiveness and determining the ranks for nine pharmaceutical manufacturers. Based on the developed matrix of competitive position of industrial pharmaceutical enterprises, four types of the strategic zones have been identified, which enable identification of weaknesses on the part of the economic entity as well as determination of the activity areas that need attention. For each of the zones a number of strategic directions for development has been proposed. Prospect of further research is the estimation of competitiveness of the pharmaceutical manufacturers not only in the operational (short-term) period, but in the long term as well, for this approach will determine not only the current state, but also the real potential for enterprise's competition.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sokolovskyi S. A., Cherkashyna M. V., Naumenko M. O.
Management of Development of Cluster-Networking Structures (p. 269 - 272)

Being formed as a clusters-based one, is a model of an competitive and investment-attractive economy, which provides a high level and quality of life of the population. Cluster associations are necessary because innovation processes need resources and competencies that often are out of reach for a single company. Cluster arrangements (or local networks of production system area) are the sources and factors of economic growth of territories. Management of development of cluster-networking structures form the basis of the momentum for development of any country, whether with advanced, or developing economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Somov D. O.
Strategic Management of System of the Enterprise's Sustainable Competitive Advantages (p. 273 - 278)

The article is aimed to analyze the mechanisms of formation and use of sustainable competitive advantages that are able to generate various forms of rent, according to the main scientific approaches to strategy of formulating a common conceptual model of strategic management of system of the enterprise's sustainable competitive advantages. In the article, influence of organizational capabilities on establishing competitive advantages and choice of an enterprise strategy is studied. A conducted analysis of scientific approaches to strategic management testifies a strong relationship between competitive advantages and economic results of the organizational strategy. The article examines the economic mechanisms for creating competitive advantages in accordance with the basic concepts of strategic management. It has been demonstrated that when using historical and dynamic approach to the analysis of formation of positional competitive advantages, related to a sectoral model of five competitive forces, the model is methodologically consistent with ideas of the dynamic resource conception for the organizational strategy. It has been revealed that any competitive advantages based on organizational capabilities can provide various forms of quasi-rent. The content of economic-managerial strategy of organization has been clarified. A model of strategic management of the system of enterprise's sustainable competitive advantages has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Getman O. O., Kyrychok Y. O.
Features of the Staff Incentive Mechanism for the Banking Sector (p. 279 - 283)

The article is aimed to develop a model of building an efficient system of incentives for bank staff, on the basis of advanced foreign and domestic practices. As methodological basis of the research served general scientific methods of learning, systematization and classification, dialectic method, system analysis. Using modern information-communication technologies in banking activities in conjunction with creation of new values and norms of professional and mental culture of bank's employees increases the requirements to the level of competence of its staff. Such demands towards the bank's employees require the creation of an appropriate incentive mechanism, because tangible and intangible rewarding the staff is the main means of ensuring its effective work. The foreign experience of stimulating the staff through «socialization» has been substantiated. The experience of staff incentives has been discussed in detail on example of the leader in the banking sector of PJSC CB «PrivatBank». An author's model of bank staff incentives together with formation of a viable strategy of personnel management in bank have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bodaretska O. M.
Diagnostics of HR-Division Competence in Motivational Sphere (p. 284 - 290)

The article is aimed at improving the method for diagnostics of HR-division competence in motivational sphere that will allow to make managerial decisions on selecting subjects of the formation and implementation of innovative technologies for motivating staff at the machine-building enterprises. Expedience of use of indicators for diagnostics of professional and personal competencies of HR-division in the sphere of motivation has been substantiated, which not only cover the apparent premise of successful implementation of innovative technologies for staff motivation (indicated by a high level of the «input» indicators), but also takes into account the specific results of similar projects at specific machine-building enterprises (on the basis of analysing the «output» indicators). A generalized sequence of diagnostics of HR-division competence in the motivational sphere is provided, also is proposed to use the Boolean function for this procedure. Criteria of declaring with a high degree of probability the possibility to ensure the successful implementation of innovative technologies for staff motivation by own efforts have been considered. The methodical approaches to establishing the weight coefficients for the proposed diagnostic indicators for diagnostics of professional and personal competencies of HR-division in motivational sphere have been described. Results of practical application of the generalized sequence of diagnostics of HR-division competence in the motivational sphere have been presented on example of a number of domestic machine-building enterprises. Prospects of further researches in this direction should provide selection of conditions for use of the advanced method for diagnostics of HR-division competence in motivational sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stepanenko S. V., Lukashev S. V.
Morphological Analysis of the Notion of «Organizational Changes Management» (p. 291 - 297)

The article is aimed to define the essence of the notion of «organizational changes management» and substantiate the existing approaches. The conducted morphological analysis has resulted in defining the organizational changes management as a continuous process of implementing the successive stages, including: planning for future organizational changes; organizing the implementation of changes (in the form of creation of an initiative group and elaborating program changes); formation of an appropriate motivational environment in order to reduce possible resistance to change on part of personnel; regulation and control of the implementation of organizational changes that will help to mitigate possible risks and contribute to the competitiveness of enterprise. The carried out morphological decomposition helped to reveal that the diversity of definitions is related to availability of different approaches used in the management as a whole and in the management of organizational changes in particular, namely: process, system, situational, behavioral, adaptive approaches.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semeniutina T. V.
Organizational Culture of Risk Management as Integral Constituent of an Effective Risk Management System of Enterprise (p. 297 - 302)

The article is aimed to study the contents, the role and importance of organizational culture of risk-management in the management system of contemporary enterprise; to conduct analysis of major challenges and elaborate conceptual frameworks for developing a high-level organizational culture of risks at the enterprise. The author substantiates the necessity for organizing an effective enterprise risk management system, capable to ensure achievement of the desired goals, despite the risks and threats of various kinds. The importance of developing organizational culture of risks as one of the key aspects for implementation of an integrated risk management system has been pointed out. Peculiarities and issues related to formation of organizational culture of risk management at the domestic enterprises have been analyzed. A list of indicating attributes intrinsic to a high-level organizational culture of risks has been provided. The basic stages of the formation have been determined, a number of recommendations for development of organizational culture of risk management at the enterprise has been elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zamula O. V.
Establishing the System for Management of Information Costs in the Enterprises of Processing Industry (p. 303 - 310)

The article is aimed to research the system for management of information costs in the processing enterprises and improve the categorical apparatus related to the designated areas of study. During the study the categorical apparatus related to system for management of information costs of the processing enterprises has been improved. In particular, information costs are determined as monetary value of the resources that are used by enterprise for implementation of the information process, which consists in finding, obtaining, processing, storing and use (distributing) messages, data, knowledge and ideas. Also, a definition of management of information costs has been formulated. In the system of management of information costs the following processes are allocated: forming a portfolio for information products and services; use of information products; consumption (implementation) of information services; optimization of information losses. It should be specified that in management of information expenses of processing enterprises the evolutionary approach is to be applied, that is, they should be systematically tested in consideration of the contemporary challenges, on the basis of study of their behavior in dynamics and in view of achievements of science in all spheres of human activity. In the future, it is necessary to explore the process of using the information products and consumption (implementation) of information services by enterprises in practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stognii K. O.
Study on Preconditions for Corporate Conflicts (p. 311 - 315)

The article considers preconditions, causes and some aspects of corporate conflicts, process of conflict at an early stage. The necessity of resolving corporate conflicts as a management issue, i.e. from the perspective of internal control, has been substantiated. Several types of conflicts have been discussed, with dividing them into external and internal – depending on the initiator party. Recommendations to reduce the risk of conflict has been given and measures for prevention of conflict situations has been specified. A formalized estimate of conflict from positive point of view has been presented, usability of this phenomenon in the development of corporation has been explained.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shostak I. V.
Grading as a Contemporary System for Stimulating Labor of Different Staff Categories at the Trade Enterprise (p. 315 - 320)

The article is aimed at synthesis of the theoretical bases and elaboration of practical recommendations to improve the system of remuneration at the trade enterprises through the use of system of grades. Progressive systems of remuneration and systems of incentives for employees of the enterprises from different industry sectors were researched. Features of the grading have been considered, as well as possibilities for its implementation at the enterprises of Ukraine, which makes possible to use an alternative payment system taking into account the contribution of each employee to development of enterprise. A comparison of grades and tariff system has been carried out, main advantages and features of the grading for both employees and enterprise as a whole have been allocated. A logical scheme of establishing a system of incentives for labor stimulation of staff of trade enterprise has been elaborated. The main purposes and effects of individual components of the system for labor stimulation of staff of trade enterprise have been allocated. Structure of the grading by the types of remuneration have been considered and distribution of remuneration components on the basis of grades by the staff categories have been accomplished. A methodology for using the grading at the enterprise has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokol K. M.
Estimation of the Degree of Readiness of IT-Company to Enter the World Market of Information Technologies (p. 321 - 326)

The article proposes to estimate the readiness of IT-companies to enter the world market of information technologies on the basis of analyzing the degree of manifestation in the company's activity of the combination of diagnostic parameters, which manifest itself in varying degrees and generally characterize the readiness to implement an appropriate marketing strategy. These parameters were conditionally classified as three main groups. In the first group were included parameters of a general nature, i.e. describing the general state of company, regardless of its industry sector and size. The second group included the parameters directly related to entering the world market of information technologies, that is, associated with the presence or absence of external, internal and in-company factors, which cause influence on the decision to enter this market. The third group included the parameters, which are peculiar to IT-companies. Assessment of the degree of manifestation in the IT-companies activities of the above parameters is implemented by expertise with applying the Delphi method, on the basis of which an average weighted expert estimation of the degree of manifestation of the above parameters in the IT-company's activity can be made.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Glushchenko T. S., Dobryanska V. V.
Trends and Prospects of Development of the Advertising-Communication Market of Ukraine (p. 327 - 332)

The article is aimed at studying the development of advertising-communication market of Ukraine and assessment of its current status. Relevance of the chosen theme results from the special role of advertising activity and the underlying communication process in conditions of financial-economic crisis and stagnation in commodity markets. The status and development trends of the advertising-communication market is important because they, on the one hand, reflect the level of development of production and market, and on the other hand, constitute as a factor stimulating for the further improvement of production and market. During the analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific and practical works of numerous scientists, regularities and tendencies in the development of advertising-communication market of Ukraine have been disclosed, also nature of changing its structure has been researched. As result of the study has been found that, under difficult economic conditions, the priority channels of advertising communications will be television and Internet advertising. Despite the overall decline in the advertising market volume, the Internet as advertising-communication channel, will continue to gain momentum due to flexibility, interactivity and targeting to the destination groups. Non-media advertising communications still did not receive widespread use, primarily due to the lack of available funds for their development. Priority direction for further research is to study the effect of different types of marketing communications on the consumer behavior and the possibilities to increase effectiveness of their application in current economic conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pulina T. V.
Building a Positive Image for Clustered Enterprises of Food Industry (p. 333 - 339)

Creating the perfect image for cluster of food industry enterprises of Zaporizhzhia region will let the clustered enterprises to take a stable market position, will enable the steady growth in sales and profits, will ensure a long-term success. The main marketing tool for building the perfect image of the clustered enterprises is a system of marketing communications, which provides for a synergy effect. This synergy effect allows to creating a sustainable brand and improving the image. The aim of this article is to determine directions of building the perfect image for clustered enterprises of food industry. The image of the clustered enterprises «Buy from zaporizhzhian – choose the native!» has been estimated by the results of an expert survey of the representatives of concerned groups and employees of the cluster. On the basis of the estimation results has been determined that the image of the enterprises is positive, though at 12.8% less than perfect. To achieve the perfect image, a plan of marketing communications has been designed, whose goal is to build the perfect image and create the brand of «Buy from zaporizhzhian – choose the native!». For the brand promotion on the market of the Zaporizhzhia region, the required budget has been substantiated and proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Butenko N. V.
Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Corporate Affiliate Relationships (p. 248 - 254)

The article is aimed to study the theoretical and methodological bases of establishing the concept of corporate affiliate relationships and coverage of the main components of the organizational-economic mechanism of corporate affiliate relationships. The current state of implementation of the concept of affiliate relationships in the activities of entities of the corporate sector has been analyzed. The concept of corporate affiliate relationships as a system of economic relations between the entities of corporate relationships, which provides an ordered set of economic, legal, technical, cognitive, social relations and is carried out on the basis of sharing the assets, optimizing the level of transaction costs, repeatability of transactions, readiness to cooperate, trust in order to gain competitive advantages for implementation of economic interests of all parties to the affiliate relationships, has been substantiated. An organizational-economic mechanism of corporate affiliate relationships has been proposed, which will provide organizational-managerial, organizational-technical, economic, socio-economic, image-related, and marketing effects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Muzhylivskyi V. V.
Definition of Market Intelligence and its Role in the Strategic Decision-Making (p. 255 - 259)

The article is aimed to study the essence of the concept of market intelligence as a subsidiary means to informed strategic decisions-making to effectively do business in the conditions of uncertain factors of the market development. As result of the study has been emphasized that market intelligence is comprised of the specific market studies, which focus on improving the quality of business decision-making. A list of major sources of market intelligence has been specified. A study of the sources of information for its further processing and analysis has showed that at the present stage almost any significant data can be freely found on the World Wide Web either by browsing companies websites, specific databases and official financial information, or by means of analyzing the structural, personnel, territorial changes within corporations. Determination of objectives of market intelligence showed that, due to this specific information, companies can solve a large number of issues arising in the process of decision-making, while research of the sectors of consumers of market intelligence confirms the benefit of using such information to companies that produce products and do not provide services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pugarska N. B.
Role of Controlling in the Organizational Structure of Bank (p. 259 - 264)

The article is aimed to define the role of controlling service in the organizational structure of bank. Based on an analysis of recent publications, the main conceptual approaches to interpretation of controlling have been researched, its objectives, tasks and functions have been determined in relation to the specificity of bank activities. The role of controlling in the process of management has been analyzed. The author's vision as to position of the controlling service in the organizational structure of banking organization has been presented. The basic task of controlling at the bank has been formulated, a list of core functions, which are necessary to achieve these tasks, has been determined. On the basis of analysis and comparison of the conceptual principles of accounting, information and managerial approaches to controlling, the need for their organic unity has been proved. This will provide for achieving synergies and an additional increase of efficiency in functioning of a banking organization. High resource intensity of processes related to search, processing and analysis of managerial information suggests that the output of activity of controlling service should be clear, relevant and analytically useful for managerial decision-making. This predetermines the perspective of further research to develop a system of indicators of controlling the bank in terms of securing its target management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchuk V. V.
Use of Preventive Crisis Management to Stabilize the Market Position of Enterprise (p. 264 - 268)

The article describes the results of research aimed at the use by Ukrainian enterprises of preventive crisis management, which, unlike the more common crisis management, whose actions are directed to interfering in the already existing crisis situation, consists in preventing the financial effects of crisis in the economic activity of enterprise. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of preventive management, differences of mechanism for crisis and preventive management of enterprise are described. The object, purpose and mechanism of preventive management have been determined, the methods and tools of management have been provided. The tools of preventive management can be used effectively in the practice of management of Ukrainian enterprises in addressing the organizational-economic problems since the economic performance indicators of most industry sectors display a slump in industrial production and onset of economic crisis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhabynets O. Y.
Personnel Security in the System of Financial-Economic Security of Insurance Companies (p. 269 - 274)

In the article the personnel security in the system of financial-economic security of insurance companies has been researched, its influence on establishing the information and financial security of insurer has been determined, the main stages of implementation of information security by means of the personnel security in the international standard for information security ISO/IEC 27002: 2013 has been analyzed. The author believes that intense changes of modern global information space put forward new requirements for selection, training and termination of staff, because nowadays personnel security is decisive in the system of economic-financial security of any company, including insurance companies. Acceptance by the staff of various levels of effective solutions in the financial-economic activity of insurer is pivotal for its financial stability and, as a consequence, its financial security together with ability to counter leakages of confidential information and data, which comprise commercial secret, so that assistance of the staff becomes the core of the insurer's information security. It has been proven that in international practice solving the problems of personnel security has received considerable attention, inter alia, in the international information security standard ISO / IEC 27002:2013 clear relationship between personnel security and information security of organization, from the hiring of an employee and to the termination of the employment contract, is well discernible.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rachkovan O. D.
Establishing an Adaptation Strategy of Trading Enterprise (p. 274 - 278)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the need for developing a strategy for adapting enterprises to the unstable environment of functioning and a methodical approach to its establishing in view of specificity of trade industry sector. The necessity of constant changes in the activity of enterprise in accordance with the conditions of the environment has been substantiated. In this context, a methodical approach to the formation of an adaptation strategy of trading enterprise has been proposed, where strategic process is considered in the sequence of its implementation at the enterprise together with identifying the key stages. As possible strategic alternatives has been allocated the following: active adaptation strategy, conservative adaptation strategy and situational adaptation strategy of enterprises. The proposed approach allows to opportunely respond to changes in the environment and takes into account the relationship of changes of environmental factors with the resulting indicators of performance of trading enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matyushchenko S. S.
Human Capital as an Integral Part of the Latent Potential of Intellectual Capital of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 279 - 283)

Intellectual capital in current economic conditions is one of the most important resources of enterprise. The foremost among the constituents of the intellectual capital of enterprise is its human capital. Without this constituent, at the present stage of economic and technological development of society, activities of economic entities turn out to be impossible. Still there isn't a system for assessing and recording the human capital in the Ukrainian practice. Disclosing the latent potential of the human capital of the machine-building enterprises is considered the first step to its identifying and further assessment. This is one of the reasons, which provide relevance of this study. The article is aimed to identify the latent potential of the human capital at the several machine-building enterprises of the city of Kharkiv. The article analyzes the situation with retraining staff at the enterprises in question and reviews the availability of personnel policy there, considers the importance of treatment of the human capital elements in the enterprise's reporting, provides recommendations for solving the issues.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gulya Y. V.
Model for Implementing a Strategy to Engage Consumers in the Brand (p. 284 - 291)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the feasibility and possibility for applying the existing international practice of such technologies as «building the brand identity» and «engaging consumers in the brand». In order to generalize the author's views on the development of different forms of branding in poultry enterprises, monographic method, method of analysis and synthesis, and economic comparison were used. The research findings include: analysis of building successful brands based on the use of new technologies of branding «building the brand identity» and «engaging consumers in the brand» using the existing laws, regulations and requirements of their creation; a developed classification of brand image series, imprinted in the minds of consumers by means of branding and combined in three blocks; the carried out identification of four levels of brand attributes related to consumer personality in them. The scientific novelty of the research results consists in: the elaborated model for implementing a strategy of «engaging consumers in the brand»; determining the components of this model based on the creation of corresponding brand images for the concerned consumers, namely: associations, acceptance, sensation, belief, trust, desire to action, unity and devotion to the brand, and their parameters in the consciousness of the latter. The practical value of the model is presented by: possibility to count the absolute and relative effectiveness of involving consumers in brands; building a graphical model regarding levels of consumer involvement in the brands; determining the four levels of transformation of the consumer consciousness, depending on the level of their involvement in the brand.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Makarenko T. Y.
Theoretical Bases of the Conception of Residual Profits and its Use as a Tool for Behavior Controlling (p. 209 - 214)

The main aim of this article is to explore the theoretical bases of the concept of residual profit and characteristics of its use as a tool for behavior controlling in the enterprise. The essence of indicator and key aspects of its calculating have been determined. Based on statements of the Preinreich-L?cke theorem, use of indicators of residual profit in making investment decisions, assessing the value and motivation of staff has been substantiated. The information and motivational functions of the indicator have been identified and examined. The four forms of compliance of indicators of residual profit with the criterion of goal congruence have been analyzed: weak, strong, moderate, and advanced. It has been proven, that compliance with the criterion of goal congruence when selecting the key performance indicator helps to harmonize interests of investors and managers, allows to reduce the conflict of interests and motivate managers to take effective administrative decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherpak A. E., Shershnova Z. E.
Efficiency of Corporate Management in the Targeted Models of Corporate Capital Owners and Other Stakeholders (p. 215 - 222)

The article analyzes the essence of efficiency of corporate management, the necessity of its consideration from the view of the various groups of stakeholders has been substantiated, with this in mind, a definition has been proposed and methods for assessing external and internal corporate management efficiency have been summarized. Complexity of separation of the concepts of «organization performance efficiency» and «efficiency of management» in terms of an organization as well as delineation of organizational performance results and results of management impacts are considered. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors' own definition of «corporate management efficiency» and integrating criterion of economic efficiency of corporate management have been proposed. Special attention is paid to consideration of efficiency of corporate management from the view of the theory of «civil corporation», the authors complement the list of known approaches to determining the efficiency of organization's activities (target, system, internal-organizational, competitive) with the innovative and the socially-oriented approaches. The authors analyze in detail the possible composition of effects of corporation's activity, determine the dominant and associated effects for each group of stakeholders, build a profile of stakeholders' interest in the efficiency of corporation's activity as the basis for subsequent building of tuple of stakeholder preferences. The article also presents recommendations for improving the efficiency of corporate management through the generation and use of knowledge about tuple of preferences of key groups of the company's stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gural N. R.
Structural Components of System for Strategic Management of Labor Potential Reproduction of Trade Enterprise (p. 223 - 228)

It has been determined that for trade enterprises, taking into account specifics of their activity, increase of role of an employee is significant for achieving the results of business activities, which requires changes in approach to the management of employee labor potential. The target imperatives, objects, actors and the subject of strategic management have been defined. A study of methods, principles and functions of management have been carried out. The stages of strategy implementation, contributing to increase of intensity of management process, have been allocated. The list of common features in strategic management of special features, which determine the mission of trade enterprise especially, has been supplemented. Expedience of the managerial decisions, taken by the managed components of the system for strategic management of labor potential reproduction of enterprise, has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shvets I. B.
Development of Labor Potential as an Element of Functional System of Enterprise (p. 229 - 233)

The article is aimed at studying the mechanism for development of labor potential as an element of functional system of enterprise through continuous education. The approach of physiology to management of biological system has been interpreted as management of socio-economic system «enterprise», where staff is considered as the most valuable and specific resource. Features of continuous education based on the results of scientific works of the Nobel Laureates in economics concerning the two systems, which are peculiar to a thinking person during everyday and work activities, have been explored. Components of functional systems in the context of continuous education have been analyzed, which are: afferent synthesis, decision-making, apparatus of the result acceptor (model for results of actions and program of actions), purposeful action, efferent synthesis (feedback). A sequential analysis of these constituents has helped to identify problems and features that may take place at the enterprise. Also types of motivational climate have been considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kahlyak O. V.
Model for Development of Human Resources at the Food Industry Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 234 - 239)

The article suggests the author's definition of human resources development model at the enterprise and provides the appropriate schema as a triad of «planning – implementation – evaluation». Specific features have been systematized and importance of developing an effective model for development of human resources at the food industry enterprises of Ukraine has been argued. A comparative analysis of three typical patterns of human resources development at foreign and the domestic food industry enterprises, which operate on the Ukrainian market, is presented, their advantages and disadvantages are provided. The omni-purpose components of a typical effective model for development of human resources at the enterprise have been determined, appropriate recommendations for management boards of domestic enterprises on improvement this model have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Peniuk V. O.
Personnel Potential of Trade Enterprise: Definitions and Constituent Elements (p. 240 - 248)

The article is aimed to determine the essence of personnel potential of trade enterprise and its constituent elements. A study of the etymology of the word «potential» has been carried out. Theoretical approaches to interpretation of the notion of «personnel potential» have been systematized, with allocation of the resource, system, factorial, attributive-synthesizing (integrative) and indicative-resulting approaches. A critical analysis of the existing definitions of this notion has been conducted, its essence has been revised and the distinctive features have been identified. As result of the study, correlation between the personnel potential, staff and labor potential of enterprise have been determined. The author's vision of the essence of notion of «personnel potential of enterprise» has been submitted. The groups of competencies (personal, professional, instrumental, interpersonal and system) have been defined, which work as constituent elements of personnel potential of trade enterprise. The obtained results can be further used for research on personnel policy as well as staff and labor diagnostics at both trade enterprises and enterprises in the other economy sectors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malikov V. V.
Removal of Personal Limitations in Training Accountants and Auditors (p. 249 - 252)

The article is aimed at substantiation of importance of removing personal limitations in training preparing accountants and auditors, elaboration of practical recommendations on how to improve this process. The most common personal restrictions include: inability to solve problems; lack of creativity; inability to self-management; insufficient understanding of specifics of managerial work; vague personal values; unclear personal goals; inability to influence people. The indicated limitations can be partially removed in the course of professional practice, using special techniques for each of them. It should also highlight some of the aspects of social activity of a specialist, namely: reactions to criticism, mistakes made and presence of positive emotions. The result of professional training, together with report on the practice, should represent a personal development plan, concrete and realistic, mobilizing all the abilities and requiring the entire efficiency of student.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rudyk V. K.
Role of Pension Management in Controlling the National Pension System (p. 277 - 281)

The article highlights the issues of role of pension management in controlling the national pension system in the context of carrying out the pension reform. Establishing a contemporary pension model requires improvement of control system in the pension sphere, which should be based on the principles of pension management. The basic premises of establishing and development of pension management has been considered, the main elements of its organization has been determined. It has been proved that specialized financial institutions that will operate together with the pension insurance system should become a linchpin for the effective functioning of pension management. The basic principles of the pension management, which contribute to understanding of its essence, have been defined. It has been determined that consolidation of the State regulation and corporate governance in the pension sphere is a feature of contemporary methodological approach to creation of a pension management system. Particular attention is drawn to the fact that, in the pension insurance system, pension funds serve as the basic financial institutions, thus improving the control over them is an important task of the pension management. It has been determined that the structure of controlling the pension fund provides for the separation of operational functions and oversight functions, as well as presence of certain qualification and the accountability of the persons and entities, entrusted with exercise of these functions. Attention to this matter stays in the focus of the pension management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kukharuk A. D., Zmitrovych D. D.
Evaluation of Management Efficiency Related to the State of Enterprises' Competitiveness (p. 282 - 287)

The article is aimed at development of scientific-applied provisions for evaluating management efficiency related to the state of enterprise's competitiveness in terms of an unstable environment. The substantial proportion of the concepts of «management efficiency» and «effectiveness of management» has been determined. The results of evaluation of the management efficiency level of the state of enterprises' competitiveness are presented using both the static and the dynamic efficiency indicators. Using the static efficiency indicator, the level of achieving the planned values of competitiveness indicators as result of managerial decisions has been evaluated. In the dynamic aspect, management efficiency has been described as achievement of stability of competitive advantages. A matrix visualization of the management efficiency levels has been accomplished. The topological matrix zones have been allocated, according to which the measures, necessary to improve management efficiency, have been formulated. A promising direction for further research is evaluation of effectiveness of management of the industrial enterprises' competitiveness and defining the features of such assessment, depending on the size and specifics of activity of economic entity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romaniuk V. M.
Evolution of Corporate Management Models in a Competitive Environment (p. 288 - 294)

The article explores evolution of the three classical development models of corporate management: English-American, German, and Japanese. The author also analyses the fourth model of corporate management, more inherent to the economies of transformation (transitional) type in the countries with high levels of corruption: the family model. Attention is drawn to the identification of essential aspects in evolution of mechanisms for development of corporate management system. Using the appropriate tools together with methodology of scientific research, the author has designed substantiated recommendations to address the problem of selecting an effective national model of corporate management i.e. formation of a completely new domestic model of development of the corporate sector of economy, taking into account specific features of the existing classic theoretical-generalized models, as well as characteristics of the institutional environment in Ukraine and the level of development of market relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fomina O. V.
Organization of Managerial Accounting at the Trade Enterprise (p. 295 - 299)

Correctly organized and well-functioning system for information support of management should result in providing the appropriate level of competitiveness and, consequently, its long-term development. The article is aimed at scientific substantiation and development of conceptual foundations for organization of a managerial accounting system at the trade enterprise. The article provides studying together with outlining of basic constituents for organization of management accounting in view of features of the trade enterprises' activities. The current approaches to organization of managerial accounting have been determined. A scientific substantiation of theoretical-methodological foundations of organizing a managerial accounting system has been accomplished on the basis of systematic approach.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tikhonchenko R. S.
Developing CRM-Strategies on the Basis of Process Approach at Retail Enterprises (p. 300 - 304)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the coherence and content of the processes that define the logic of actions in developing CRM-strategies at retail enterprises. On the basis of studying the common approaches to developing strategies as well as features of client-centered approach as a criterion for the strategic management, a structural-logic model of process approach to formation of the client-centered (CRM) strategies for retail enterprise has been elaborated. In terms of this model, the main business processes have been determined: strategic analysis by the projections of client-centered activities of retailer enterprise (client and value projections, sales channels and STEP-environment); goal-setting on the criterion of the overall strategy of enterprise development; analysis and selection of strategic alternatives by the criterion of development strategy fitting the strategic analysis results. To ensure the effectiveness of the proposed process model, inputs, information supply and outputs (results) for each process have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gron O. V.
Consumer Experience as a Competitive Advantage under Contemporary Conditions (p. 305 - 310)

The article is aimed to explore the experience of consumers as the basis for creation of competitive advantage of enterprise by ensuring long-term customer loyalty; to analyze methods for evaluating consumer experience based on the exploration of possible behaviors of consumers. During analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the scientific publications by scientists and recommendations by practitioners, the concept of «experience of consumers» and specificity of its use have been considered, views of researchers on the definition of «consumer experience» have been systematized. The study identified the relationship of customer satisfaction with the experience gained in the process of interaction with the company, which is necessary to take into account for ensuring the long-term customer loyalty. It has been determined that the discussed methods of analysis and assessment of consumer experience, based on the exploration of possible behaviors of consumers, should assist enterprises in considering the current challenges and result in better approach to form the customer experience in the future. Prospect of further research in this area is the development of tools to form consumer experience and its management, taking into account specifics of domestic enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Smyrnov S. O., Hilorme T. V.
Methodological Platform of Forming the Organizational-Informational Mechanism for Marketing Promotion of Energy Saving Technologies (p. 311 - 315)

The article is aimed at development of theoretical, methodological guidelines and practical recommendations on formation of organizational-informational mechanism for marketing promotion of energy-saving technologies, which is based on constant organizational interaction and information interactive support (building the flexible on-line information systems) with introduction of the modern energy technologies in the markets of energy services in Ukraine. The article considers the methodological platform for building the organizational-informational mechanism for marketing promotion of energy-saving technologies based on the life-cycle conception and the model created by Kurt Lewin. Further considered is a classification of groups of methods, taking into account peculiarities of marketing communication support for creation and market promotion of innovative energy-saving technologies (selection of communicative and analytical groups of methods). An assessment of economic feasibility of the proposed approaches on the basis of methodology by Gronbach and Gleser has been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kholodnyi G. O.
Marketing Analysis of Both the Current Status and the Perspectives of Development of the National Market of Higher Education Services (p. 316 - 321)

The article is aimed at the topical subject of analyzing both the current status and the perspectives of development of the national market of higher education services. Using the method of morphological analysis and also synthesis of the most common definitions, the essence of higher education together with the market of higher education services has been substantiated from marketing standpoint. In the article the results of marketing analysis has been considered, the purpose of which is to evaluate the influence of external and internal environment factors on the level of demand for higher education in Ukraine. It has been substantiated that the national higher education system needs a new concept for its further development, which is targeted to development of individualized higher education services, where special value is attached to the educational methods, which provide evolvement of individual's abilities for self-fulfillment and adaptation to the rapidly changing environmental conditions. The material, presented in the article, summarizes the situation at the domestic market of educational services related to the higher education system and creates a basis for substantiation of the main trends in developing this market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Doronina M. S., Golubiev S. M.
Social Reserves of Development of the Collective Total Labor Potential. Role Context (p. 249 - 253)

The rate, heterogeneous character of the changes in the internal and external environment of business entities go beyond their ability to make effective decisions in critical situations timely. Only the collective mind of the creative collective laborer allows to effectively respond to the unique challenges at work now. For the formation of such a laborer in modern conditions it is necessary to use social reserves of the collective development, as they provide an additional growth of its total labor potential due to organization of emotionally positive interaction between employees. The article considers the labor collective as a social control object. There argued a possibility of transforming it into the team due to diagnostic and development of the total labor potential within the role structure. The successful combination of the functional labor and social roles in a team gives a birth to synergistic effect, which is manifested in its mechanical and organic solidarity. The created on this basis collective laborer is a new productive force of the cooperative labor, exceeding the amount of the abilities of separate individual employees.

Article is written in English

Krups’kyy O. P.
Influence of Style of Leadership onto the Characteristic Features of the Organizational Culture of Tourism Enterprises (p. 253 - 260)

The article is aimed to identify the influence of style of leadership onto the characteristic features of the organizational culture of tourism enterprises. A detailed analysis of the scientific literature about leadership styles has been conducted, wherein some peculiarities of their implementation in the tourism enterprises of Ukraine has been disclosed. The integrated definition of leadership has been updated in view of the current socio-economic conditions. Role of style of leadership as a determinant for type of organizational culture has been proven. Particular attention is paid to the devastating (neurotic) style and the style of non-intervention, which are still not covered by Ukrainian researchers, however, they are relevant for understanding peculiarities of formation and management of the organizational culture related to the tourism and hospitality enterprises. In course of the study the following methods of scientific research have been used: ideographic; formal; content analysis; analysis and synthesis; correlation analysis. The results obtained can be used by practicing managers for selection of a management style, suitable for the established or emerging organizational culture at the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savchenko S. O.
Gender Analysis in HR Management (p. 261 - 265)

The article is aimed at studying competitiveness of managerial staff on the basis of personal and business qualities. Theoretical and methodical provisions, as well as practical recommendations on the estimation of competitiveness of managerial staff on the basis of psychological diagnostic analysis of personal characteristics were considered. Results of the study were analyzed from the perspective of gender differences between men and women in management. The main objectives of the studying were choice of personal qualities that characterize a successful leader-manager, determination of their weighing coefficients and conducting a psychological diagnostic analysis. A statistical processing of the results has been accomplished. Tests were carried out targeting intellectual abilities of men and women while using two tests. The first test served to determine individual's mental agility, the second test examined logic, mental processing, consistency of thinking. The presented results of research will allow to staff the contemporary enterprises with managerial personnel regardless of the psychological, physiological and biological gender differences of individuals. Further accumulation of empirical material will refine the results and make adjustments to assessment of competitiveness of managerial staff, taking into consideration gender differences and other gender forms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Momot T. V., Zhang H.
Determining Indicators of Personnel Security as Constituent of Financial-Economic Security (p. 266 - 271)

The article is aimed to identify the personnel security indicators as constituent of financial and economic security. In analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific works by numerous scientists, a methodology for diagnosis of personnel security has been developed, views of researchers on the definition of «staff loyalty» have been systematized. The indicators for estimating the status of the personnel security of enterprise in the machine-building economy sector have been substantiated. This process of substantiation is quite complex and contains potential opportunity for systematization and generalization of theoretical positions, recommendations and suggestions by professionals, academics, international experience, including both developed countries and the native developments, carried out studies, legislative-normative base. Based on the above, a sequence of formation of a system of indicators to estimate the status of personnel security has been developed. A sequence of estimation of the status of personnel security of enterprise has been developed. It will enable to form a system of indicators, which provides for integration of the relations between the main directions of the enterprise's development strategy, which in turn allows to more consciously choose indicators of personnel security and to determine on their basis the integrated indicator of personnel security at the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babiak N. D., Ivaniuk K. B.
CVP Analysis: Traditional and Managerial Approaches (p. 272 - 276)

The article researches one of the methods for profit management – «CVP analysis». The article mainly focuses on the development of theoretical and practical recommendations that provide lightening to the practical use of the CVP analysis tools by domestic enterprises. With this aim features of the indicated tool for costs controlling have been disclosed, issues for its use in practical activities of enterprises have been identified. In order to overcome certain limitations in using CVP analysis, as well as to improve its efficiency, has been proposed to apply the managerial approach to this tool, which differs from the traditional approach by the process of fixed costs allocation as for product kinds. Also, as an alternative to the traditional approach to CVP analysis, the article proposes the use of process-oriented method, which is based on using different cost drivers for the allocation of fixed costs. In connection with this a modified formula for determining the break-even point according to process-oriented approach to CVP analysis has been proposed. Use of this tool should be a challenge for the contemporary scholars and practitioners as well as an impetus for its further modifications to increase the adaptability of the method and its adaptivity to economic realities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skakalskyi Y. S.
Strategic Planning of Risks on the Basis of Balanced Scorecard (BSC) (p. 277 - 281)

The article is aimed to study the features of strategic risk management of enterprise in the context of primary identification, planning and monitoring. The main risk classifications were analyzed and then was proposed to divide them on the financial and the non-financial based on the principle of projections of a balanced scorecard. Definitions for the main types of financial risks have been suggested. The necessity of an integrated approach to risk management at the enterprises of the real sector of economy has been substantiated. The modern BSC-based concepts of risk planning were examined, with allocating their strengths and weaknesses, as well as the author's vision of the strategic risks planning on the basis of controlling has been submitted. Usage of BSCplus approach has been proposed, where the key indicator will be added value, calculated using the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Expedience of considering the interest rate risk when planning a weighted average cost of capital of enterprise has been emphasized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Kharuk K. B., Maksymchuk I. S.
Diagnostics of Enterprise in the Areas of Vocational Education, Employment Activity and Motivation, Innovative Labor and Social Development (p. 282 - 288)

In the article a system of the enterprise's diagnostics in the areas of vocational education, employment activity and motivation, innovative labor and social development has been created, bearing in mind the responsibility of management when targeting the best strategy possible. It has been found that the key business indicators of the level of vocational training of the enterprise's staff are: 1) the skill level of staff; 2) the training level of staff; 3) the level of professional knowledge and skills of staff; 4) the mobility level of staff. The integrated level of enterprise's diagnostics in the area of employment activity and motivation should be determined by: 1) indicators of the activity level of staff; 2) indicators of the level of motivational complex of enterprise; 3) indicators of the level of development and structure of staff; 4) indicators of the staff incentive level; 5) indicators of the level of staff labor evaluation; 6) indicators of the level of economic-productive evaluation of staff. Diagnostics of enterprise in the area of innovation should be determined on the basis of 23 indicators, which are presented in the article. It has been found that the key business indicators of the enterprise's diagnostics in the area of social development are: 1) the level of social activity of staff; 2) the level of working conditions at enterprise; 3) the level of creative development of staff; 4) the level of staff motivation; 5) the level of social protection of staff.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mochona L. G.
Analysis and Selection of Operational Controlling Tools in the Enterprise (p. 288 - 296)

The article is aimed to study the theoretical and practical possibilities of using the operational controlling tools in the enterprise in order to make timely and effective management decisions in the industrial and economic activity of the enterprise. Theoretical aspects of using the operational controlling tools to identify deviations of the actual controlled indicators from the planned ones, as well as economical use of time, staff motivation to productive work, reducing the costs level of the enterprise have been considered. Essence of operational controlling has been defined and its main tasks have been characterized, interaction and distinction between the strategic and the operational controlling has been determined. In addition, operational controlling methods and tools have been delineated, along with identifying the major ones and specifying their advantages and disadvantages. Prospects for further research in this area will be practical use of the tools for implementation of operational controlling of the industrial and economic activity of enterprise as well as implementation of a detailed analysis of the results obtained regarding the effectiveness of implementation of specific tools.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Liakh O. O.
Improving the Budgeting in Terms of the System of Financial Controlling in the Enterprise (p. 297 - 302)

The article is aimed to study the budgeting in terms of the enterprise's controlling system in a rapidly changing environment. Based on research works by numerous management accounting professionals, evolution of budgeting was considered and the main advantages and disadvantages of using various methods were systematized. The article focuses on the budgeting from scratch as an effective tool for controlling costs in the enterprise. The basic approaches of specialists to this method have been generalized. On the basis of experience of various consulting companies, the use of budgeting from scratch was considered in practice, the main factors influencing the success of this method were specified. A further research is needed in the direction of integration of the budgeting from scratch into the enterprise's cost management system that will be able to enhance its cost and increase competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanov A. D.
Assessing the Status of Socio-Psychological Climate in the Enterprise (p. 303 - 308)

The article is aimed to provide methodical recommendations on assessing the status of socio-psychological climate of collective in the enterprise taking into account its key dominants from the standpoint of the synergistic approach. The study has proved the possibility of considering a system of socio-psychological climate in terms of the synergistic approach by means of comparing the basic principles, methodical recommendations for assessing the status of socio-psychological climate as a complex dynamic system with taking into consideration both bifurcation points and attractors have been proposed, the advantages and disadvantages of such an approach have been formulated, as well as the key dominants of the socio-psychological climate (personal, group and organization (corporate) dominants) that have priority impact on its status have been identified. The purpose of further research is determination of the influence of the three components (dominants) of socio-psychological climate of collective on its overall level at the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tiahunova Z. O., Bondarenko V. M.
Development of the SPA Industry: Management Aspect (p. 358 - 364)

The article is aimed at studying and analyzing the world market of the spa industry, the main stages of its development, its impact on economic processes and services, consideration of the worldwide experience of managing this business. A close interrelation and interdependence between different business elements within the cluster of the spa industry, as well as their impact on formation of the staff management system of the spa structures has been disclosed. It is proved, that implementation and application of the proposed system for staff management in the spa organizations will increase the efficiency of enterprise management, strengthen its adaptability and ability to change, improve the level of knowledge and competence of staff. The author's vision of the concept of «spa management» has been proposed, allowing to identify specific approaches to the management of the spa structures. Prospect of further research in this direction is to carry out studies of the market of spa industry in Ukraine, its problems and ways to solve them. Development of both the domestic spa industry and the spa tourism is a promising area for investment and public support, the favorable geographical and climatic situation together with rich natural curative resources provide the basis for the formation of a powerful sector in the service business.

Article is written in Russian

Gryshova I. Y., Bondarenko V. M.
Theoretical-Methodological Foundations of the Management of Restructuring the Enterprises for Agrarian Production Processing (p. 365 - 370)

The article examines the issues relating to restructuring of agrarian enterprises, as well as particularities of restructuring, both in general and in terms of its individual components. Issues of the relationship between the concepts such as reforming, restructuring, competitiveness and reorganization of enterprises and companies have been reflected. Objective preconditions of restructuring the agroindustrial enterprises have been evaluated. Methodological foundations of restructuring have been considered and its main directions have been analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnykova O. A.
National Branding as a Factor of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine (p. 370 - 374)

The article is aimed to determine the essence and importance of the national brand and national branding, to elaborate guidelines for development of this marketing concept in Ukraine. Attention is focused on two main approaches to the definition of national brand – as national product brand and as country's national brand, with direct emphasis on the country's branding. The main objectives of the country's national brand have been outlined, among which the major ones: improvement of the internal and external image of the country, attracting investors, tourism development, growth and stability of the national economy, enhance of competitiveness of the domestic products in the international market, development of international cooperation, etc. The main problem in the external image of Ukraine have been allocated, which may be solved by means of targeted branding. The study provided for highlighting the basic guidelines for development of Ukraine as a brand, together with key areas of marketing communications policy to advance the national brand.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ryabik H. Y.
An Economic Substantiation of Marketing Activities Concerning the Development of Competitive Advantages of Enterprise (p. 375 - 380)

The article is aimed at studying strengths and weaknesses of the existing approaches to definition of the economic evaluation of measures in the course of marketing and distribution activities of enterprises as well as problems arising in the process of this evaluation, in order to provide further development of a methodical approach to the evaluation and substantiation of marketing activities on development of the competitive advantages of enterprise. It has been determined that existing approaches do not allow to the full extent determine the causes and preconditions that contribute to efficiency and effectiveness of the marketing activity impact on competitiveness. It has been indicated that insufficient clarification remains relevant for the theoretical and methodical aspects of concentration of marketing measures, which are being developed in the framework of the respective functional strategy, on solving the problems of achieving competitive advantage and strengthening the competitive position of enterprise. From the author's point of view, addressing of this task requires a necessary strengthening of selectivity in applying the tools of the marketing impact (based on the in-depth market segmentation and a substantiation of priorities for the formation and implementation of a balanced product policy). Prospect of further research in this area is study on additional strategic planning of the procedures for the formation and use of the competitive advantages of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sadovska I. B., Blyakharchuk M. O.
Conceptual Framework of Formation of the Accounting Policy of Managerial Accounting (p. 381 - 388)

The article is aimed at both definition and substantiation of conceptual framework of formation of the accounting policy of managerial accounting at enterprise. Essence of the notion of «conceptual framework of formation of the accounting policy of managerial accounting» has been allocated as an exposition of individual conceptions (views), on which the methodology of formation of the accounting policy together with practice of its application is based. A hierarchical model of the conception of formation of the accounting policies of managerial accounting at enterprise has been built, which contains objectives, directions, factors, principles, elements, implementation and assessment of effectiveness. Constituents of the conceptual framework of formation of the accounting policy of managerial accounting at enterprise have been disclosed. When forming the accounting policy of managerial accounting of enterprises, has been suggested to use both traditional scientific principles and specific principles of managerial accounting, as well as those that have not yet been applied in the accounting policy: principles of constructiveness, promptitude, employee-centredness, morality and ethics. It has been proposed to evaluate the efficiency of applying the accounting policies of managerial accounting at enterprise by objectives, factors, elements and practical implementation.

Article is written in English

Semenova V. G.
Improving the System for Management of Intellectual Property of Cable Companies (p. 389 - 393)

Innovative development of contemporary enterprises is essential to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, in the both domestic and external markets. However, nowadays there is a number of reasons, which hinder the innovation development of Ukrainian enterprises. Success of the innovation activity of enterprise depends largely on the effective forming and use of intellectual property. For its rational use in the enterprise, it is necessary to create an effective system for management of these processes. The article is aimed to define the main directions of improving the system for management of intellectual property of enterprises in the cable industry. The basic problems of forming the intellectual property of enterprises were considered. The basic trends in the development of enterprises in the cable industry were examined, perspective directions of increasing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises in the indicated sector were allocated. Areas for improvement of the system of intellectual property management at the enterprises in the cable industry (transition from mechanistic to organic structures of management; creating specialized intellectual property management division; formation of a system for evaluation of effectiveness of the use of intellectual property; improving systems for accounting of intellectual property, etc.) have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koiuda V. O., Pasko M. I.
Methodological Approach to Business Planning of Development of Enterprise (p. 394 - 402)

In a competitive environment, development of enterprise depends largely on its substantiation on the basis of business planning. Formation of business plan for enterprise requires an informed approach to its prospects and potentials for successful operation, proposals of new products (works, services) to meet the needs of consumers. A methodological approach to developing a business plan is proposed, which takes into account particular characteristics for a particular enterprise on the basis of the «black box» components and in interdependence with preparation – development – adoption and implementation of managerial decisions. Stages of the process of forming a business plan were clarified and supplemented (information-retrieval, preparatory-analytic, development) concerning the areas of managerial decisions within the frames of business planning, where management is a key component in determining the ways and the in concretization of goals and objectives of the structural units for strategic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarieva T. I.
A Classifier for Business Models, Focused on Business Processes (p. 403 - 408)

The article is aimed at creating a classifier for business models of enterprise's activity, focused on the internal environment of organization, its business processes. A description of stages of the business modeling development in the management of enterprise is provided. An analysis of existing approaches to classification of business models has been conducted. The actuality of developing a fundamentally new classifier for business models that will adequately display diversity of existing business models, have distinct border sections and possibility of following the classification signs in the identification of a particular type of business, has been substantiated. An approach has been proposed and a classifier for business models has been developed, which is focused on the internal environment of enterprise, its business processes, based on the means of forming an income flow.

Article is written in Russian

Ivanov Y. B., Kapustnyk S. K.
Economic Expertises of Strategic Decisions in the System for Strategic Management of Enterprises Development (p. 409 - 414)

The article is aimed at defining the essence of economic expertise of strategic decisions for enterprises development, as well as basic components of the general methodology for conducting such assessments. In result of the study, strategic decisions has been defined as the basic category for the expert methodology. An analysis of practices of commission and conduct of the legal expertises concerning the results of implementation of strategic decisions for enterprises development has been carried out, the reasons for conduct of economic expertises of strategic decisions have been classified, definition of the objective and subject of such expert assessments have been formulated. The basic components of a common methodology for the economic expertise of strategic decisions have been determined. For the perspective of further research in this area has been suggested a definition of the main categories of expertises related to the implementation of the strategy of economic development of enterprises, as well as development of a common algorithm for economic expertise of strategic decisions has been recommended.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Minenkova O. V.
An Analysis of the Current Analytical Methods for Management of the Enterprise Activities (p. 415 - 420)

The article analyzes the current analytical methods for management of the activities of industrial enterprises. Special attention is paid to allocating the advantages and disadvantages of the economic management methods, which are based on concepts and methodologies of information systems as well as IT-technologies. Complexity of adjusting these methods to the working conditions of domestic enterprises have been specified. A detailed analysis of the analytical economic methods, based on the balanced scorecard (BSC), has been conducted. Objectives and principles for evaluation of activities of enterprise according to BSC have been substantiated. Since today the domestic industrial enterprises are operating in the extremely difficult economic conditions dependent on the socio-political processes that are going on in the country, the effectiveness of activities is subject to the methods and tools used by administration in the management activities. This can be provided only by means of the analytical economic method, which provides for consideration of enterprise from the position of system approach, i.e. – in the light of the processes, mechanisms, structural organization, manifestation forms on the one hand, and the mission, policies, strategic objectives on the other. The article suggests a structural model of the analytical method for management of enterprise. One of the core places in this method hold measures, criteria of efficiency and the key factors of effectiveness that constitute the analytical provision of the method.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrenko O. O.
A Methodical Approach to Prioritization of Managerial Functions in the Formation of Adaptive System for Professional Training of Staff (p. 421 - 427)

The publication is aimed at a theoretical substantiation and description of approbation in practice of a methodical approach to identifying priority of management functions in the process of formation and development of the adaptive system of professional training of staff (SPTS). On the basis of characteristics of adaptive systems, a list of measures for the formation of an adaptive SPTS within the limits of the functional approach has been composed. Use of the method of hierarchies provides for obtaining the baseline data for implementation of the proposed methodical approach in practice, when the array of the studied companies is split into three groups: with high, medium and low levels of the SPTS-adaptation. Calculations of priority of managerial functions as well as individual measures within each of the functions are performed by using the software Expert Choice. Economic interpretation of the research results allows to draw conclusions about priority of planning and organization of the process of formation of an adaptive SPTS for enterprises with low level of adaptation, as for enterprises with medium or high level of the SPTS-adaptation, the priority of the function of motivation and control increases. Results of studying the priority of selected measures allow to generate advanced recommendations for improving the SPTS-adaptation for the entire array of the surveyed industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Russian

Semenchenko A. V.
Improvement of Personnel Security as an Element of Strengthening Financial-Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 428 - 433)

The article is aimed at identifying the key objectives of personnel security as component of the economic-financial security as well as substantiating effective ways to counter threats to personnel security of enterprise. Consideration is given to the definition of «personnel security» and improving the classification of risks and threats to the personnel security of enterprise. The objectives of ensuring the personnel security have been clarified, the most important of which are: timely identification of both actual and potential threats to the vital interests of enterprise on the part of staff; effective countering and combating factors impeding the realization of the legitimate interests of enterprise and its employees; preservation of intellectual and material property of company; identifying the causes and sources of causing material, psychological, physical and other damage to the company. Functions of personnel security in the system of personnel management have been determined and improved. Effective methods for countering threats to the personnel security of enterprise have been substantiated, the professional competences required of specialist in this field have been identified. Types of professionally unacceptable qualities were considered, among them: authoritarian style of management, propensity towards conflict, self-contradictoriness, demagogic style of discussion, intriguery.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stetsenko V. V.
The Complex System for Management of Marketing Communications in Enterprises (p. 433 - 437)

The article is aimed to highlight the issue of organizational provisions for the marketing communications management process at the consumer cooperation enterprises in Ukraine. It is suggested to consider the complex system for management of marketing communications in the indicated enterprises as a set of management, information, financial, material, and other resources in the field of communications, which ensure the readiness and the ability of enterprises to interact with community, to influence the latter, to organize its appropriate actions taking into account changes in competition and the external marketing environment. It is specified that the complex system for management of marketing communications covers three blocks: information system for management of marketing communications (accumulation of information resources and management of the internal information resources), system for marketing management of communications (planning, implementation, control) and system for support of marketing communications (HR, marketing and anti-crisis support).

Article is written in English


Otenko I. P., Chepeliuk M. I.
Characteristics of Corporate Culture of Implementing the Organizational Changes by Industry Enterprises (p. 396 - 402)

The article analyses the characteristics of corporate culture of implementing the organizational changes by the machine-building enterprises of Kharkiv region. Corporate culture of organizational changes appears as a unique set of manifestations, corporate values, traditions, principles and standards connected with the activities of participants in all groups of corporate relations that have arisen as result of planned, substantial changes in the enterprise at the expense of striking a balance of interests and social responsibility to society. Analysis of manifestations of corporate culture of organizational changes was conducted on the basis of data from corporate sites of 15 machine-building enterprises of Kharkiv region. It has been proven, that strategy of the enterprise cannot be changed without altering the corporate culture, same as corporate culture cannot be changed without changing the enterprise strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Martynec V. V.
Strategies to Provide the Competitiveness of Enterprise in Current Conditions of Institutional Environment of the Economy of Ukraine (p. 403 - 407)

The article is aimed at determining the factors of establishing competitive advantages of enterprise, selection and substantiation of strategies for providing the competitiveness of enterprise in current conditions of institutional environment of the economy of Ukraine. Both the external and the internal factors of establishing competitive advantages of enterprise have been identified and analyzed. The relevance of establishing a system of competitive strategies of enterprise, which represent a generalized plan of actions for achieving competitiveness, has been justified. Within the author's approach, a system of competitive strategies consists of general (basic) and specific (individual) strategies. The general (basic) competitive strategies are related to provision of competitiveness for the target subsystems of enterprise and form the basis for establishing the specific (individual) strategies. The author has considered as general strategies the following: financial, production, marketing, and strategy of staff management. The individual competitive strategies would be established taking into account the characteristics of the sectoral activity, policy and strategic direction of development of enterprise. The author also has proposed: strategy for adaptation to changes in the institutional environment and market competitiveness, pricing strategy, strategy for building positive personal image of enterprise, strategy for minimizing transaction costs, strategy for regulating opportunistic behavior.

Article is written in Russian

Ivashchenko O. V., Girman A. P.
Realities and Prospects of Development of Staff at Domestic Enterprises (p. 408 - 413)

The article is aimed at studying the topical problems of development of staff as well as finding solutions to them. The value of the staff development system for competitive business has been considered, as well as parallels between the approaches of foreign and domestic companies to the staff development have been drawn. The direction of overcoming problems and optimizing the costs for development of staff have been identified. It has been proved that both development and implementation of an effective system for development of staff in the domestic enterprises in current conditions are multidimensional, a large proportion of theoretical and practical questions remain undetermined and require further comprehensive studying, along with a thorough theoretical and methodical support. Prospects for further research in this area is to determine and implement a long-term strategy for development of the system for personnel management. To achieve this goal, significant changes in the organization of staff training system, as well as its normative, personnel-oriented, educational-methodological, informational, and material supporting will be required.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnik N. I.
Evolution of Knowledge Management in an Organization (p. 413 - 418)

The article is concerned with studying evolution of knowledge management in an organization. In the current literature becomes usual to distinguish between knowledge management of first generation, which is based on the product approach, and the knowledge management of second generation, based on the process approach. On the basis of existing views, the article proposes to differentiate five stages of development of knowledge management in organizations, depending on their focus, understanding of essence of knowledge, content and features of the infrastructure provision. The following stages of the development of knowledge management in organization have been allocated: 1) spontaneous: situational information exchange between employees upon request; 2) awareness of the value of knowledge: accumulation of personal knowledge through vocational training; 3) information-technological: broad use of information technology for the transmission of codified knowledge; 4) socio-behavioral: broad use of social tools to generate and transfer of codified and tacit knowledge; 5) integrated: integrating knowledge management into both the overall organization management and the global on-line space.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kruhlov V. V., Nikitina K. S.
Managing Intangible Rewards for Retaining Staff at Trade Enterprise (p. 419 - 423)

The article is aimed at substantiation of approaches to the management of intangible rewards for trade enterprise staff. The necessity of ensuring the productive activities of employees through intangible rewards to achieve the goals of enterprise identified. Requirements to collective stimulating, psychological approaches and basic components of a system of incentives for employees at trade enterprise have been considered. The necessity of raising the profile of intangible rewards in the motivational mechanism to encourage the high effective performance has been substantiated. Recommendations on the implementation and use of intangible motivational techniques for the promotion, development and stimulating employees have been proposed. The concept of «training» as a method of non-pecuniary incentives has been provided. Methodical instructions on introduction of a system of psychological trainings, which will affect the results of motivational activities, have been elaborated. Further research of psychological training issue in the system for stimulating the staff can provide a solution to the numerous problems associated with the interest of workers in the high performance indicators of trade enterprise at which they are working.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrova I. L., Bielova O. I.
Motivational Strategy in Enhancing the Competitiveness of Trade Enterprise (p. 424 - 430)

The article identifies the importance of developing motivational strategy as a key factor to ensure the appropriate level of competitiveness of trading enterprise. It has been proven that motivational strategy is one of the main elements of the motivational mechanism for strategic management of trade enterprise, which contributes to the enhancement of strategic activity of both enterprise and staff. The place and role of motivational strategy in establishing the strategic set of enterprise has been determined. The main stages of establishing a motivational strategy of enterprise have been allocated, the tasks that must be formulated and implemented at each stage have been analyzed. A list of the main elements of motivational strategy, covering the main areas of activity of trade enterprise, which contribute to its strategic development, has been provided. Efficiency of motivational and strategic tasks, which were fulfilled by the trade enterprises of Ukraine in recent years, has been analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chystiakova A. V.
Organizational-Methodical Provision of Implementing the Mechanism for Management of Intellectual Property in the Context of Knowledge-Based Economy (p. 430 - 437)

The article is aimed at developing the organizational-methodical provision of implementing the mechanism for management of intellectual property in the enterprises, operating in the context of knowledge-based economy. In the publication, the methods of cluster and taxonomic analysis as well as matrix approach were used, which helped to distribute enterprises in the plane of «level of the management of intellectual property – level of the implementation of conditions of knowledge-based economy». The article proposes provision of implementing the mechanism for management of intellectual property, a feature of which is building the matrix of «level of the management of intellectual property at enterprise» – «level of the implementation of conditions of knowledge-based economy». The axes of matrix are defined, on the one hand, by a calculated, using the taxonomic analysis, integrated indicator of the level of the management of intellectual property at the enterprise level, on the other hand – by the level of the implementation of conditions of knowledge-based economy in the enterprises studied, which have been obtained by means of cluster analysis. For each quadrant of matrix, useful recommendations on the management of intellectual property at machine-building enterprises have been developed, that will improve quality of the functional management processes and will help to provide both the competitiveness and the capitalization of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volchkova H. K.
Social Capital: Diagnostics of Evolvement in the Enterprises of Kirovograd Region (p. 438 - 443)

The article is aimed at determining the impact of social capital (trust) on the socio-labour relations, taking into consideration diagnostics of its evolvement in the enterprises of Kirovograd region. Based on the results of the conducted sociological research in budget organizations and enterprises of different ownership forms of Kirovograd and Kirovograd region, it can be concluded that the farther from the interpersonal relationships (family, colleague), the higher is the level of mistrust in society. Also the most significant factors of the formation of social capital in enterprises of the region have been identified. According to the degree of the greatest influence on developing trust at the workplace have been allocated: material factors – timely pay, fair appraisal; organizational – appropriate working conditions and socio-psychological – employees' interest in the results of their work, personal involvement, execution by the leaders of the obligations imposed on them, interpersonal respect, professionalism and competence of staff. Developing social capital (trust) at all levels of social interaction in society should be seen as an important factor in the release of the systemic crisis, positive changes in the economy, creation of quality jobs, growth of socio-economic welfare of employees, as well as the country's population as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mokerova N. V.
Methodical Approaches to Economic Evaluation of the Social Capital of Consumer Cooperatives (p. 444 - 450)

The article is aimed at substantiation of methodological foundations of the economic approach to measuring and evaluating the social capital of consumer cooperatives. The article describes features of the economic approach to the studying social capital and proposes guidelines for measuring and evaluating social capital in the system of consumer cooperatives. The decomposition of the social capital of consumer cooperatives on the basis of a three-component economic model, proposed by the author, includes three components of social capital – resource, efficient, and environmental. Operationalization of the social capital of cooperative organizations, in accordance with the three-component economic model ensures the formation of basic methodological provisions of its measurement and evaluation. The elaborated system of indicators provides opportunity for an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of the formation of social capital of cooperative organizations with further comparison of the evaluation results and the development of managerial activities aimed at strengthening the relations of social capital in the system of consumer cooperatives.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rodionov S. O.
A Study on Theoretical Aspects of Developing Systems for Customer Relationship Management as an Alternative Direction of Development of the Marketing Activity for Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 450 - 456)

The article considers a theoretical analysis of systems for customer relationship management, which serve as an alternative direction of development of the marketing activity of machine-building enterprises. It was determined that CRM information systems are the most relevant and promising tools towards management and building relationships with customers for machine-building enterprises. The article considers and generalizes the evolutionary aspect of information technologies and their impact on the production processes of enterprise, particularly on the marketing activities. The approaches to defining the essence of the notion of ‘CRM’ were analyzed and a definition of this notion has been proposed. The both distinctive characteristics and common features of the information systems for customer relationship management were studied, systematized and classified. The author has proposed some supplement to the classification presented.

Article is written in English

Polishko G. H.
International Rankings for National Brands (p. 457 - 462)

The article is aimed at a theoretical substantiation and an analysis of major international ratings for national brands. As a methodological basis for the study was used the works by leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists, as well as information and analytical materials of the international rating agencies. To achieve the formulated goal, methods of scientific abstraction, comparative and structural analysis and synthesis, and systematic approach were used. Methods and evaluation components of the country brands in the international rankings have been considered, a comparative analysis of the views of researchers on the definitions of «brand» and «branding of country» was conducted. The criteria for measurement of national brand have been examined. The contemporary methodologies for evaluating the brands of countries have been systematized. Generalizing different approaches to evaluation of national brands, the main components of a successful brand in the country has been determined as: business (export and investment), State government, quality of life, people, culture, tourism. Prospect of further research in this area will be an analysis of Ukraine's place in the international rankings of national brand. The results obtained can be applied in practice as the theoretical basis for deepening of the research issues of international ratings of national brands by enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership, by researchers and students of economic faculties.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Derevianko O. H.
Trends in the Establishing Reputation Capital of the Food Industry Enterprises (p. 384 - 392)

The article reflects the results of an empirical research on the trends in the establishing reputation capital of the food industry enterprises. Reputation potential are the possibilities for successful development of business, with support of stakeholders' audiences; a measure of presence/absence of such support is the dynamics of business value. The author's study of the value of food industry enterprises and trends in its change is built on a combination of two approaches: external valuation (carried out by market experts or by the author by means of the analogues method) and internal valuation (based on indicators of financial statements). With a view to approbation of the author's methodological approaches, a selection of enterprises through choosing four or five major, on the basis of the annual volume of production and sales (net income), enterprises in each sub-sector of the food industry of Ukraine has been substantiated. The following trends in establishing reputation capital of the food industry enterprises and associations have been empirically confirmed: effective brand management policy and application of tools of reputation management contributes to establishing reputation capital as evidenced by the substantial excess of the market capitalization of a number of companies in the domestic food industry over the internal balance assessment of their value; increment of reputation capital significantly affects the dynamics of business value; the effect of «mirror image» significantly complicates the process of providing a realistic market valuation of Ukrainian (subsidiary) enterprises of global corporations with well-known brands, where the reputation component of the global business value often exceeds the immediate value of the assets of its Ukrainian unit.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grosul V. A., Zhyliakova O. V.
Essence and Features of Formation of an Anti-Crisis Strategy of Enterprise in Conditions of VUCA World (p. 393 - 399)

The article substantiates the necessity of formation of an anti-crisis strategy of enterprise. Analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific works by both domestic and foreign scientists have provided for consideration of essence and content of anti-crisis strategy, as well as have helped to highlight the main essential features of this category. The features of formation of an anti-crisis strategy in today's VUCA world, which opens a new phase in the development of enterprises, have been identified. A model of VUCA key staff competences, necessary for the formation and implementation of an anti-crisis strategy of enterprise, has been built. A list of the VUCA anti-crisis competences, a forming element of which is the tolerance for uncertainty, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zakharov V. А.
Operating System of Industrial Enterprise (p. 400 - 405)

The article is aimed at exploring the basic features of a modern operating system of industrial enterprise. The main differences in the concepts and content of both the production and the operating systems have been determined. The approaches to the definition of operating system have been analyzed, the main elements of the operating system of industrial enterprise together with the interrelationship of enterprise subsystems have been identified. On the basis of the data obtained, both composition and elements of the operating system of industrial enterprise have been generalized and improved; creation of a service subsystem, which is responsible for provision of services by the enterprise, has been suggested; a diagram of the operating system of industrial enterprise has been built.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mochona L. G.
Contemporary Tools for Strategic Controlling in the Enterprise (p. 406 - 414)

The article is aimed at studying selection of effective tools for strategic controlling to ensure the effective operation of enterprise in the long term. The author provides its own understanding of nature of strategic controlling and sets its major tasks in the enterprise management system. Information on practical possibilities to apply the tools of strategic controlling has been generalized and systematized. With purpose of a successful implementation of strategic controlling, advantages and disadvantages of the currently available tools have been identified, which should be selected with considering specific characteristics of an individual enterprise. Prospect of further research within the terms of the discussed problem will be an integrated application of the tools for implementation of the strategic controlling of production-economic activities in the industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Butenko N. Y.
Knowledge Management in Corporations (p. 414 - 419)

In modern conditions, knowledge becomes a vital resource for organizations. The specificity of knowledge as management object causes a multitude of problems facing an organization. Multi-level structure of knowledge management in corporations generates the need for differentiated approaches to the use of methods and particular techniques of management. A condition of formation of corporate knowledge is a formalization of individual knowledge, which is saved in the specified format. In the process of knowledge management in corporations one can allocate the theoretical, methodological and practical problems related to the lack of unity in the theoretical aspects of knowledge management; to the imperfection mechanisms for creating, accumulating, transfering and using knowledge, and the absence of a systematic approach in the process of knowledge management in corporations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Polubiedova A. O., Bilokonenko H. V.
Tools for Diagnosing and Selective Management of Development of the Socio-Economic Potential of Industrial Organization (p. 419 - 427)

The article is aimed at defining the characteristics of diagnosing development of the socio-economic potential of industrial organization (in the context of life cycle of the development of its structural elements). The logic of diagnosing the development of socio-economic potential has been described. The main analytical procedures of the updated apparatus for diagnosis have been considered. A tool for evaluating the ability of the management of producing organizations to carry out diagnostics of the development of socio-economic potential has been proposed. Changing views on the development of socio-economic potential has become a prerequisite for updating the methodical approach to diagnosis, the basis of which is the instrumental provision of evaluation of the life cycle stages in the development of structural elements. Methodical provision of diagnosing the subjective component of socio-economic potential has been complemented with personal qualities, which determine the model of commitment, and a description of the factors of influence on the stages of life cycle. The features of selective managerial provision have been determined. Prospects for further research in this area are diversification of tools for diagnosis as well as modeling the development of life cycle of socio-economic potential.

Article is written in English

Krasnokutska N. S., Tikhonchenko R. S.
Lead Generation as a Tool for Developing Customer-Oriented Strategies of Network Enterprises (p. 428 - 433)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the strategic directions of lead generation as a tool for improving the client orientation of network enterprises. On the basis of studying the general principles and methods of lead generation, the degree of attendance of the FMCG online stores for sale of goods, belonging to the Kharkiv market, has been defined; the structure of their client traffic has been examined; the content of the sites of online stores in social networks has been analyzed in terms of formation and implementation of lead generation potential. Based on the results of the analysis, as well as taking into consideration the key indicators of lead generation, an approach to substantiating strategic directions has been proposed with the aim of improving the client orientation of network enterprises based on the coefficient method, factor analysis and sensitivity analysis. In terms of this approach, the sensitivity of the volumes of goods towards changes in conversion rate, structure of traffic, and average check have been determined as the main criteria, by which choice of priorities of lido generation is being carried out. Positioning of directions of lido generation in the system of selected criteria provides to scientifically substantiate the priorities for its implementation, while respecting the principle of customer focus.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pakhtusov M. I., Stankevych I. V.
An Organizational-Economic Mechanism for Management of Advertising Activities of Communication Enterprises: Theoretical Bases of Formation (p. 434 - 438)

The article examines the approaches of scientists to the concept of «organizational-economic mechanism», an own definition has been proposed. The relation between the concepts of «organizational-economic mechanism» and the concept of «economic mechanism» has been determined. Three ways of organizing (own, delegated and combined promotional activities), and two components of the efficiency of promotional activities of enterprise, namely: communicative and economical, have been allocated. A mechanism for carrying out own advertising campaign has been proposed, which includes five phases: 1. Development of advertising strategy and its adjustment with the overall development strategy of enterprise. 2. Development and approval of the advertising campaign. 3. Planning of the advertising campaign. 4. Implementation of the advertising campaign. 5. Evaluation of efficiency of the specific advertising means in terms of advertising campaign and the efficiency of the campaign in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chyzhov V. A.
The Main Directions of Crisis Management in the IT-Sphere (p. 304 - 308)

The article is aimed at analyzing the major directions of crisis management in the IT-sphere. The concepts of «crisis management», «business continuity plan» have been defined. Directions of enterprise management in times of crisis have been considered. The article rejects the approach to defining crisis at enterprise from the point of view of analysis of the economic entity's financial status exclusively, when in the foreground either the actual deterioration in financial performance, or forecast of a declining profitability is presented. It is specified that analysis of crisis at enterprise must be integrated, aimed at the identification and removal of internal factors of the crisis, developing a set of preliminary plans for responding to emergencies and ongoing monitoring together with analyzing external factors of influence on the work of organization. Approaches to the management of IT-structures in crisis period have been considered through optimizing the work of internal IT-structure on the basis of implemented COBIT processes, which supplies business with relevant information timely and with the appropriate level of security, or ITSM processes that are oriented to provide service faster, cheaper and better as the competitors. Also the expedience of transfer of the management of individual processes to outsourcing companies has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kobets S. P.
Methodical Approach to Modeling Managerial Decisions in Terms of Management of Competitive Sustainability of Enterprises (p. 309 - 314)

The article is aimed at developing a methodological approach to modeling managerial decisions in terms of management of competitive sustainability of enterprises. The proposed model determines influence of indicators of competitive sustainability on the integral estimate of competitive sustainability of enterprise, which can be accomplished in the following stages: 1) selection and justification of indicators of competitive sustainability of enterprise; 2) determining the level of competitive sustainability of enterprise; 3) distribution of enterprises into clusters depending on their level of competitive sustainability; 4) analysis of the correlation between the totality of evaluation indicators of the functional components of a competitive sustainability and the integrated estimate; 5) building a correlative regression model of dependence of the integral estimate of competitive sustainability of enterprises in cluster on the totality of indicators and testing its adequacy; 6) development of business models of management that provide a qualitative improvement of all strategic and operational influences at different levels of enterprise management. The proposed methodical approach to developing managerial decisions synthesizes the influence from both quantitative and qualitative components, is based on the distribution of enterprises by clusters, use of multivariate correlation and regression analysis, and represents the basis for elaboration of the strategy and tactics for raising the level of competitive sustainability of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stupina Y. Y.
An Analytical Aspect of Change Management at the Machine-Building Enterprises: the Organizational-Economic Aspect. (p. 315 - 321)

The article is concerned with testing various existing methodologies for detecting the probability of bankruptcy in the process of changes management at the machine-building enterprises in Ukraine. The article's task is to illustrate efficiency of these methodologies, substantiate the necessity for carrying out crisis fiscal analysis in the context of organizational-economic provision of changes management at enterprises of machine-building industry. The essence of the interpretation of the concept of «crisis financial management in the economy» has been disclosed. Various methodologies for determining the probability of bankruptcy have been considered on the example of machine-building enterprises. The calculations obtained by means of different methodologies, which sometimes are opposite in meaning, have been displayed. The necessity for development and adoption of an effective mechanism to implement the changes, with regard to the peculiarities of functioning of the system for crisis management of enterprises' activities, has been substantiated. Special attention is paid to the adjustment of the selected methodologies of calculation, with regard to the specifics of the branch where enterprise is functioning, specifically, machine-building.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yatsenko B. I.
Mechanism for Innovation Management of the Competitive Status of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 322 - 327)

The article is concerned with improving the mechanism for innovation management of the competitive status of machine-building enterprises. It has been found that effective functioning of the mechanism for innovation of the competitive status of machine-building enterprises is based on the agreed, directional innovative action of all structural elements. The process of implementing the specific primary purpose of the mechanism for innovative management of the competitive status of machine-building enterprises should be aimed at addressing the major tasks such as ensuring the optimal capital structure in terms of providing opportunities for effective development in the strategic period as well as the level of competitive status; unchanged solvency and liquidity of enterprise; maximum profitability of the operating, financial and investment activities; correspondence of the amount of capital involved with the amount of needs for emerging assets; balancing the money flows of enterprise; minimal costs to attract loan capital. It is concluded that formation of mechanism for innovation management of the competitive status of machine-building enterprises provides to maximum clearly calculate and evaluate the future profitability indicators as well as the factors affecting them, to draw appropriate conclusions and to adopt strategic measures timely.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rakhman M. S., Bliuherman E. D.
A Marketing Research of Competitive Advantages of Enterprises in the Chemical Solvents Market (p. 327 - 332)

The article is aimed at marketing research of competitive advantages of enterprise for production and sales of petrochemical solvents together with finding ways to improve them. The factors influencing the competitive environment of enterprise have been identified. Methods for evaluating the level of competitiveness as well as ways of its improvement have been specified. An overall characteristic of domestic enterprises of petrochemical industry sector and released products has been provided. The structure for implementation of both wholesale and retail trade has been analyzed. A market research of price competition in terms of products among the domestic and foreign producers, represented in the specialized trading networks, has been conducted. Consumer preferences in the choice of solvents have been determined and the closest competitors have been identified. The competitive advantages of the products by OOO «Matrapak-Ukraiina» in the solvents market have been substantiated. On the basis of the results obtained, measures to improve the competitiveness of producer in the national and foreign markets have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prysakar I. I.
Internet Marketing as a Contemporary Platform for Business Development (p. 333 - 339)

The article is aimed at substantiation of efficiency of using the complex of Internet marketing tools as the platform for development of contemporary business. The basic approaches to the interpretation of the definition of «Internet marketing» by various scientists have been examined and systematized. The analysis of the statistics on Internet usage worldwide and in Ukraine in particular has been conducted, the results of which indicate a strong growth both in the number of Internet audience and time consuming by Internet users as well as rates of network penetration in all spheres of public and economic life. The author has suggested to group Internet marketing tools into four groups: the basic information elements of Internet-commerce; tools used with external activity on the network; tools to increase brand awareness and brand promotion; tools used for active communication with the target audience. Also the current trends in the development of Internet marketing worldwide and in Ukraine have been allocated. Prospects for further research are searching for and testing of innovative personalized Internet marketing tools to meet contemporary trends, demands of time and consumers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rachkovskyi E. A., Shpak S. O.
Generalized Quantification of Market Attractiveness of the Rail Freight Wagons of the Space 1520 (p. 340 - 345)

The article is aimed at demonstration of the quantitative approach to evaluating the attractiveness of markets, which is based on use of multidimensional non-metric scaling methods. The article displays an example of task of generalized evaluating the attractiveness of the major market segments of rail freight wagons of the Space 1520 as part of strategic planning for the restructuring of one of the operating machine-building enterprises. It has been determined that, on the basis of generalized signs of attractiveness of rail freight wagons market, the most promising for the discussed enterprise is the segment of wagons for transportation of chemical goods, while both petrol/gasoline tanks market and open wagons market are futile. It has been displayed that application of methods of multivariate non-metric scaling as a primary tool for comparative evaluation allows to add quantitative certainty to the indicated estimates, provides the ability to simultaneously process a larger number of indicators on different aspects of market attractiveness, which are expressed in interval and/or ordinal scales, makes easier to apply the proposed tools in the management activity of enterprises through the use of standard packages for statistical processing.

Article is written in Russian

Yurchak E. V.
Marketing Communications in Establishing Brands for Networks of Restaurant Business Enterprises (p. 346 - 354)

The article researches efficiency of using marketing communications in the process of establishing brands for restaurant business networks on the basis of interviews with both representatives of enterprises and consumers, which was carried out through social networks. The main communication means, used by enterprises of restaurant business, have been determined. The most popular sources of information for consumers about the establishments and networks of restaurant business have been identified. In addition, indicators of consumer loyalty towards networks' brands of restaurant business enterprises in Ukraine have been identified and evaluated. The analysis of the communication means used to promote corporate networks' brands of restaurant business enterprises in Ukraine was based on a survey of both representatives of enterprises and consumers of restaurant services, conducted in 2015. The study has revealed that the majority of enterprises' communication policies is aimed at stimulating sales and client flows. Half of the enterprises carries out communication activities with a view to creating a positive image as well as level of brand recognition. Less than half of the respondents replied that the aim of communication policy is to develop customer loyalty and their demand for services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malovychko S. V.
Advertising Strategies for Entering the E-Commerce Market of Personalized Products (p. 355 - 362)

The article is aimed at determining advertising strategies for entering the e-commerce market of personalized products. A model of using tools of marketing communications in accordance with the strategic decisions of the FCB matrix (Foote Cone & Belding) has been determined. On the basis of the matrix of strategies in the public relations sphere depending on the phase of public opinion, appropriate strategies for individual personalized products have been identified. The article proposes the developed program of strategic changes (structured in terms of adaptive and proactive events) and a media plan for promoting individual personalized products on the market of electronic commerce. Non-conventional kinds of marketing communications to promote individual personalized products have been recommended for the consumer market of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zyma I. P.
The Definition of the Accounting-Analytical Provision of Corporate Management (p. 306 - 310)

The article is aimed at studying the substance of the accounting-analytical provision of corporate management. The article formulates the task to examine approaches to the accounting-analytical provision and analyze peculiarities of corporate management, which affects information needs, to provide for offering a new interpretation of the concept of «accounting-analytical provision of corporate management». A critical analysis of the approaches to the definition of the accounting-analytical provision of management has been conducted. In particular, it has been found that the definition of the accounting-analytical provision remains debatable. In order to understand the substance of the accounting-analytical provision of corporate management, its key principles and characteristic features should be determined. It is found that the accounting-analytical provision of corporate management is an integrated system for information management, which includes relevant information to meet diverse interests of users within the framework of corporate management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Posokhov I. M.
Analysis of Management Risks in the Quality Management System of Enterprise (p. 311 - 316)

The article is aimed at studying management risks in the quality management system of enterprise, developing major technological features of risks management, basic methods for reduction of risks in the quality management system, and stages of management mechanism. A methodical approach to risks management in the quality management system of industrial enterprise has been developed, which includes: main technological features of risks management; basic methods for reduction of risks in enterprise's quality management system; list of stages of formation of mechanism for risks management in the quality management system of industrial enterprise. A priority direction of industrial enterprises' development has been proposed, targeted towards integration of risk management systems and quality management, i.e. using integrative approach to quality risks management of industrial enterprises. As directions of further research are considered testing and implementation of requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015 «Quality management system», after its final adoption, into practice of quality risks management of domestic industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pasichnyk I. Y.
Theoretical Provisions of the Management of Products Competitiveness (p. 316 - 320)

The article is concerned with expounding theoretical provisions of the management of products competitiveness. In the course of analyzing definitions of the «products competitiveness» has been stipulated that all these concepts are rather systematically-descriptive, not taking into account dynamics of the indicator of competitiveness of production in the short term and possibility of control of competitiveness indicator, and the ability of a manufacturer to adapt its products to external conditions. Therefore the author has suggested its own definition of «products competitiveness», which differs due to consideration of the dynamic nature of the control object in the short term, allowing to substantiate the use of specific methods of modeling in the formation of marketing strategy. In addition, the publication analyzes classifications of factors of products competitiveness and proposes to expand the existing classification with addition of marketing and socio-cultural factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymko O. V.
Consumer Analysis as a Tool to Improve the Efficiency of Functioning of Consumer Market (p. 321 - 326)

The article analyzes consumers of textile products, factors of internal and external influence, which determine consumer behavior, and methods for rendering influence on this behavior. The consumer analysis has been conducted in the direction of three groups of strategic decisions, related to the motivation of consumers, market segmentation and behavior of consumers. The motivations of buying textile products (both rational and emotional) have been analyzed. The specific features of demand creation for these products has been identified. Segmentation of consumers has been carried out by various criteria: on the basis of typology of consumers, income level, status of buyer and consumer. Profiles of consumers of textile products together with positioning strategies for trading consumer-oriented enterprises have been developed, providing establishment of a connection between consumer needs and the conditions of efficient organization of textile trade. Both general and specific approaches to merchandising textile products as a means of influence on decision to purchase have been formulated, which will allow to foresee models of consumer behavior. The factors that cause discomfort in the perception of textile goods in a store have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kalapa T. V.
Improvement of Matrix Method for Selection a Development Strategy for Machine-Building Enterprises Producing Technological Machines (p. 356 - 360)

The article identifies the role of strategy in the enterprise development, which is to harmonize relationships of internal possibilities with transformational changes in the external environment. Varieties of development strategies have been considered. Criteria for development of machine-building enterprises producing technological machines have been determined, to which are included demand (equivalent to transversality) on technological machines and profitability of operating activity of enterprise. Matrix methods for selecting an enterprise strategy has been substantiated. The matrix method for selecting strategy based on the Thompson-Strickland matrix has been improved. Scientific results, conclusions and recommendations of the article improve the strategic management theory. Their practical use will allow to optimize selection of a strategy for development of machine-building enterprises producing technological machines.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Timar I. V.
Scientific-Methodical Approaches to Assessing Image of Enterprises in the Sphere of Hotel Services (p. 361 - 366)

The article is concerned with: studying approaches and methods for assessing enterprise image, proposed by various authors, identifying their strengths and weaknesses; developing methods for assessing conformity of the real image of hotel enterprise with the desired image in terms of a group of consumers of services. Methods for assessing enterprise image were divided into two groups: quantitative and qualitative. It was determined that the best method of assessing enterprise's image is the method of calculation of integral indicator. Peculiarities of techniques, based on the calculation of integral indicator that is proposed by different authors, have been considered. Based on results of the study, methods for assessing the conformity of the real image of hotel enterprise with the desired image in terms of a group of consumers of services have been proposed. The proposed methodology is of applied nature, takes into account specifics of hotel enterprise activities and special role of consumers of services in shaping the image of enterprise. Prospect of further research in this direction is development of methods for determining the grade of sustainability of enterprise image, based on its assessment and analysis in dynamics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bala R. D., Tarnavskyi M. I., Bala O. I.
Indicators for Coaching-Based Estimation of Staff Management (p. 367 - 373)

The article is aimed at developing a system of indicators that helps to determine efficiency of staff management at enterprise, as well as capabilities of using the latest tools of staff management in developing the potential. For purpose of estimation six groups of indicators have been proposed, which reflect the level of using coaching at enterprise. Six groups of indicators have been identified (indicators of HR development, organizational-managerial development indicators, indicators of social development, creative development indicators, indicators of motivational-value development of a coaching user, indicators of efficiency of coaching communication). The article provides economic substance of each indicator, as well as formulas for calculation. The proposed indicators allow to calculate the integral level of coaching management of staff. Prospects for further researches are defining characteristics of influence of the level of coaching management of staff on performance indicators of enterprise as well as calculating dependencies between them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Guo J.
The Main Scientific Approaches to the Definition of the Concept of (p. 373 - 377)

The article, based on the study of foreign and domestic scientific literature, shows the results of analysis of the main scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of "corporate management ". Taking into account the points of view of different scientists it formulates the author's definition of the term as the organization controls (economic entity) to establish a balance in the relationship of corporate governance participants (shareholders, managers, founders, directors, stakeholders), subject to compliance regulations and business rules. These controls are aimed at attracting and rational use of resources in the implementation of management and control to improve the functioning of organization (corporate enterprise), to achieve a high level of socio-economic development of society. Prospect for further research in this direction is to assess the corporate rights of organizations with a State share.

Article is written in Russian

Boldyriev K. O.
Competitive-Motivational Nature of Increasing Competitiveness of the Creative Potential of Qualified Employees (p. 378 - 382)

The article is aimed at studying the need to develop competitive-motivational nature of increasing of the creative potential of qualified employees. In analyzing and synthesizing experience of investment establishment and development of innovative labor market, the article defines investment-innovation sphere of developing competitive-motivational nature of increasing competitiveness of the creative potential of qualified employees, which is represented by segments of qualified workforce in the relevant sectors of employment. As result, investment vector of market profitability of the innovation commercial activities of enterprises, firms and companies of Ukraine in formation of competitive-motivational nature of increasing competitiveness of the creative potential of qualified employees has been allocated, namely, their increased investment in the creation of new, modern as well as modernization of obsolete jobs. Prospects for further researches in this direction are associated with solving the complex problems of innovation formation and development of contemporary economy in Ukraine, as well as its modern labor market.

Article is written in Russian

Korzhenko K. A.
Peculiarities of Developing the Complex of Marketing Communications in Tourism Organizations (p. 383 - 388)

The article is aimed at development of the effective marketing communications complex, based on identifying and substantiating peculiarities of the tourism industry sector. Trends in the functioning of contemporary tourism have been considered, the problems impeding its development have been determined. The main problems are: high degree of uncertainty in the market, domestic and international political instability, seasonal fluctuations in the demand for tourism services, increased competition and a steady trend of alignment in terms of qualitative indicators of services, limited financial, material, human and managerial resources. The special role of marketing communications in ensuring efficient functioning and strengthening of competitive positions of tourism organizations in current conditions of society globalization, both at the domestic and international markets, have been determined. The process of development of the complex of marketing communications has been examined. A two-tier model of communication impact by tourism organizations has been considered. The model of communication process has been improved, taking account of the specificity of tourism service. The basic principles for the process of improving the complex of marketing communications in tourism organizations have been systematized.

Article is written in English


Dzoba O. G., Romashko O. M.
Features of Diversification of Activities of Gas Transmission Operators in the Context of Life Cycle Stages (p. 261 - 268)

The article is aimed at studying the feasibility of implementation of diversification activity, formation of methodical bases for choosing specific directions and diversification strategies depending on the stage of the life cycle of enterprises and the development of managerial decisions, for reviving the gas transportation entrepreneurship in Ukraine on the basis of diversification. The «classic» stages of a life cycle in terms of enterprise, i.e. birth, growth, maturity and decline have been considered from the perspective of the production, marketing and technological diversification. The article specifies purpose, kinds and contents of diversification of the industrial enterprises' activities for different stages of the life cycle of enterprise, as well as proves the need to increase diversification activity in the final stages. It is found that in the process of management, at different stages of life cycle, an insufficient attention was given to the early development and implementation of diversification strategies that led companies to the stage of decline. In order to exit from the critical situation in case of the gas transportation enterprises of Ukraine, a complex of measures to diversify their activities has been proposed, taking into account sectoral specificities and maximum usage of the technological diversification opportunities. Prospect for further research in this area is to develop methodical tools for assessing the efficiency of diversification projects in the gas transportation industry sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moroz N. V.
Methodical Foundations for Implementing the System of Professional Housing Management (p. 269 - 273)

The article develops methodical foundations for implementing the system of professional housing management, which are based on the system approach and require accomplishing a set of the interrelated phases and activities. The stages are: 1) search for and optimized choice of the manager by the association of co-owners; 2) receive-transmit of a multi-compartment building from the condominium's management to the manager's. The first stage includes the following activities: conducting organizational work by the association of co-owners on finding an applicant to perform the duties of manager, choice of the manager, decision by the association of co-owners about involvement of the manager. The second stage involves the following activities: preparation and conclusion of a contract on the provision of management services for object management between the association of co-owners and a professional manager, participation in the work of the commission for receive-transmit of the object to be managed, determining the technical status of the object, drafting and signing of an appropriate act of receive-transmit of the object into management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Laptiev V. I.
Studying the Substance and Constituents of Staff Development (p. 274 - 278)

The article is aimed at studying the substance of such an element of staff management, as staff development. The article considers the process, functional and system approaches to the definition of this concept, taking into account the views of various foreign and domestic scholars and experts in the field of staff management. An analysis of differences in the definitions according to each of the approaches has been conducted, on results of which key components of staff development have been identified, such as: initial preparation, adaptation, vocational training, advanced training and retraining, as well as career planning, etc. It has been determined that the issue of establishing an effective system for staff development requires further studying, which would take into account needs of the enterprise, its goals and objectives, key differences in its activity, as well as principles of staff policy.

Article is written in Russian

Naumenko M. O., Morozova L. V.
Improvement of the Organizational and Functional Structure of the Logistics Provision of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (p. 279 - 284)

The article is concerned with the logistics provision of the Armed forces of Ukraine, which is a complex of closely interrelated procedures and consists in coordination, planning, organization, stimulating and monitoring the use of supply funds, as well as implementing a wide range of specialized and economic services. An improved structure of logistics provision of the Armed forces of Ukraine has been developed and proposed. In accordance with the broad functional volume of logistics, military logistics must be built rigidly, providing a fixated organizational structure and a single control center. The logistics orientation of the strategic development of the Armed forces of Ukraine involves formulation of the relevant logistics objectives, which implementation is provided by formation of special internal and external relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kapustnyk S. K.
Managing the Risk Factor in the Strategic Decisions-Making Process at the Enterprise (p. 284 - 290)

The aim of the article is to define the essence of the risk management process in the context of formation and implementation of the enterprise strategy and develop an algorithm for strategic decisions-making considering the risk factor. The article reveals the essence of the concept of “risk” in the context of elaborating the enterprise development strategy. As a result of the research a definition of strategic risk has been formulated and the process of its identification has been described. On the basis of current trends in risk management and critical analysis of the Standard of Federation of the European Association of Risk Managers (FERMA), there has been proposed a detailed, phased algorithm for enterprise strategic decision-making considering the risk factor, which allows establishing the interrelation between the processes of risk management and elaborating the enterprise development strategy. The obtained results are intended to be used in the perspective of further scientific research to develop a methodical approach to risk management in the context of strategic decision-making at enterprises of machine-building industry of Ukraine.

Article is written in English

Pilipchuk V. P., Dannikov O. V.
Marketing Analysis and Evaluation of the Efficiency of Sales (p. 291 - 296)

The study is aimed at: developing a scientifically sound methodical and practical recommendations for improving the sales management process from the perspective of marketing strategic planning. The authors propose unification as a tool for harmonization of target indicators in accordance with certain criteria in the process of sales management. It is referred to the introduction of a «standard» in the evaluation of development and performance of marketing channel that allows for optimizing the choice of marketing tools to solve similar managerial situations, taking into account specificity of the Ukrainian product market. The result is formalization of business processes, procedures, course for developing approaches to cost analysis of distribution system that will serve as a methodological basis for practical implementation of the strategic management of sales.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Klok O. P.
The Cluster Approach to the Development of Educational Tourism in Ukraine (p. 183 - 188)

The objective of the research is substantiation of use of the cluster approach to the development of educational tourism in Ukraine, aimed at further developing practical measures for its implementation. Views on the category of «tourism cluster», available in the scientific researches, have been considered. The article proposes an approach to identifying the structures, for which it is advisable to create the cluster core, based on the definition of the category of «educational tourism cluster» and taking account of the intensity of linkages in the functioning of educational tourism in Ukraine. The key elements of the process of educational tourism development as well as their role in the system have been identified. A scheme of establishing the educational tourism cluster has been provided, which can serve as a theoretical basis for further project-methodical developments to establish a cluster of educational tourism in Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian

Hubarieva I. O.
Management of the Economic Security of Ukraine in the Conditions of an Activation of Integration Processes (p. 244 - 248)

In view of an activation of integration processes, the issues, related to formation of complex of measures aimed at ensuring the economic security of Ukraine, elaborating ways to confront new external and internal threats, and overcoming the impact of destructive factors, are gaining relevance. As result of a SWOT-analysis of the scenario of Ukraine's integration with the EU Member States has been determined that the activation of integration processes will impact ensuring the security of the Ukrainian economy. From the position of the synergetic paradigm, a concept of formation of economic security of the country has been proposed, consisting of an aggregate of the related regulations, providing possibility for a justified decision, which can be made by Ukraine in terms of integration of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yatsun L. M.
Structural-Functional Synthesis of Management of Enterprises in the Food Industry (p. 248 - 255)

Research materials as to exploring the functions and structures of management of the enterprises in the food industry sector has been provided according to the following criteria: content of tasks of enterprises' activity; their participation in the reproduction process of manufacturing goods; marketing and organization of food consumption and food services. Using the Saaty method, weighting, labor intensity, complexity and compatibility of management functions have been determined. The qualimetric estimate of the functions of both activity and management of enterprises in the food industry has been determined by types of tasks – production, marketing, customer service, personnel management, and others. A scheme of mechanism and organizational structure for enterprises in the food industry sector has been proposed. Stages of formation of the organizational structure of management of the enterprises in the food industry have been determined on the basis of the synthesis of structures and functions of management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolomiyets G. M., Huznenkov Y. G., Hridina H. V., Dotsenko M. Y., Le Minh Huyen
Modern Drivers of Business Development under Crisis Conditions (p. 256 - 263)

The article is aimed to substantiate introduction of complementary services targeted at improving satisfaction of the regular customers as a measure of development under conditions of crisis and resource constraints. As result of a study conducted by means of the interrelated and consistently updated SWOT-analysis, structured monitoring, and survey, expedience of adjusting the strategy for the fitness center «Malibu» has been proved by means of its further differentiation, intensive growth with a focus on regular customers, and expanding the range of additional services. It is determined that implementation of these measures will strengthen the competitive advantages and develop steady relationships with customers, which may serve as the basis for improving the long-term financial condition of fitness center «Malibu» and be of use when evolving the optimal scenario in case of the worst of certain changes in the economic environment. It has been proved that the updating drivers of business practices, based on the integrated application of tools for marketing research, which are consistently focused on substantiating the increase of satisfaction of customers, is becoming an imperative for the development of organization in the conditions of turbulence of economic environment. Prospect for the follow-up research is to identify further ways to activate business by means of the marketing component.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gerasimenko V. M., Chuhlata Z. H.
Organizing the Strategic Management of the Integrated Corporate Structures Using the Balanced Scorecard (p. 263 - 267)

The article considers organizing the strategic management of integrated business structures (IBS) using the balanced scorecard. It has been proven that formation of the specific structures of management of the IBS is a prerequisite for a gradual transformation of these associations into large corporations with more open management structure, as well as with a wider range of products and services. The prospect of further development of the IBS consists in transforming them into large industrial corporations. This process takes place in many developed world countries, for example, in the United States of America, where at a certain stage of economic development the integrated business structures are transformed in the largest companies, based on the principles of corporate management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M.
Diagnostics of the Extent of Conflict Among Co-Workers and Ways to Overcome the Destabilization of Socio-Labor Relations at Enterprise (p. 268 - 273)

The article discloses the essence of the concept of «diagnostics of the extent of conflict among co-workers», which should be understood as the process of assessing the status of conflict situations among co-workers, trends of their course, and forecasting the onset of potential conflicts with a view to ensuring a stable functioning and development of enterprise. It is determined that the business indicators for diagnostics of extent of conflict among co-workers are the following: status of the socio-psychological climate; the number of conflict situations registered; the number of conflict situations resolved; the number of parties to the conflict; terms of resolving a conflict situation; level of the conflict situation impacts; the number of reasons giving rise to the conflict among co-workers. Ways of overcoming the destabilization of socio-labor relations at enterprise, based on the favorable working conditions for personnel and a fair (decent) level of staff remuneration, have been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stolbova M. A.
Management of the Company's Activities: Views in the Scientific Environment (p. 273 - 277)

This article examines the views and approaches to management of company. Both the contents and the essence of management of company have been disclosed. The key postulates of management of company have been determined, management tasks have been characterized, the basic principles and functions of management of company have been considered, their contents have been disclosed. Along with this, the basic types of the organizational structure of company and the principles of building them have been described. Issues of staff management have been considered, motivational factors for improving the efficiency of the production activity of worker have been designated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stefaniuk О. D.
The System for Non-Financial Motivation at Enterprise (p. 277 - 283)

The main purpose of the article is a theoretical substantiation of the processes of non-financial motivation of staff, as well as an evaluation of efficiency of implementing the coaching technology as a tool for motivation of employees at enterprise. An author's technique of developing the non-financial motivation of staff at enterprise through the introduction of coaching technology has been presented. An evaluation of efficiency of introducing the coaching technology as a tool for motivation of employees before and after the introduction of coaching tools in the personnel management has been accomplished. The calculation of indicators of motivation at enterprise was carried out along with evaluating the motivating potential score by J. Richard Hackman that reflects the grade of how much contents of work can motivate an employee. For evaluating the motivating factors were used maps, developed on the basis of the F. Herzberg's motivational factors. The carried out research has shown positive results and has provided to conclude that use of coaching tools at enterprise contributes to the increase of satisfaction and develops the non-financial motivation of staff.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sobolieva T. O., Hudyma O. H.
Transformation of the Marketing of Innovations in the Models of Innovation Process (p. 284 - 288)

The article specifies the need to adapt the marketing activity in the process of developing and introducing new products to the market. An analysis of the transformation process of marketing of innovations in the models of innovation process has been conducted, essence of the category of «marketing innovation» has been explored, which is suggested to be regarded as a subsystem of management of organization, which activity is aimed at developing the concept and the market promotion of new products, services, technologies and practices on the basis of continuous monitoring of marketing information in order to meet the needs of consumers to the maximum. The concepts of «marketing of innovations» and «innovative marketing» have been distinguished as depending on the novelty of the implemented product and the marketing tools used. Evolution of marketing tools when changing models of innovation process has been covered. Emergence of a new concept of marketing, which corresponds to the open innovations management model, has been notified. The new concept is characterized by the use of marketing as a basis for building a business model for a business; transformation of marketing of innovations into innovative marketing; active cooperation and collaboration with external organizations; applying both the digital and the emotional marketing in the innovation process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shabelnyk T. V.
A Classification of the Basic Subjects and Objects of the Contemporary Pharmaceutical Market of Ukraine (p. 289 - 293)

The publication provides an analysis of the existing definitions of the category of «pharmaceutical market». A refinement to the category of «pharmaceutical market» has been done on the basis of an analysis of the existing definitions of the pharmaceutical market according to different approaches (system, functional, economic, and marketing). On the basis of analysis and synthesis of literature, results of research on the management practices of the contemporary pharmaceutical enterprises, the author gives innovative definitions to the categories: «pharmaceutical market», «pharmaceutical products», «dynamic range of pharmaceutical products», «pharmaceutical services», «required complementary pharmaceutical products», «dynamic reserves of pharmaceutical products»; the major groups of the objects of the contemporary pharmaceutical market have been allocated; definitions of types of pharmaceutical companies have been formulated: «pharmaceutical production and trade corporation», «pharmaceutical production and trade holding», «pharmaceutical production and trade enterprise», «production-pharmaceutical enterprise», «network of pharmacies», «pharmacy», «pharmaceutical distributor», as well as their classification by the characteristic of «core business processes» has been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kurdysh R. F., Potapova N. A.
Directions of Improving the Efficiency of Management of the Marketing Activity of Enterprise (p. 293 - 297)

The article is aimed at research and development of both the scientific-theoretical foundations and the practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of the marketing activities of enterprises. The basic principles of the efficiency of marketing activities have been determined, application of methods for evaluation of the marketing efficiency has been substantiated. As result of the research, measures to improve the effective marketing activities of enterprises have been recommended. The findings of the analysis of the efficiency of marketing activities will be used for further research, with a view to identifying reserves for increasing the efficiency of marketing activities of the enterprises in the dairy industry, as well as testing them at the relevant enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ponomarenko T. V.
The Cognitive Essence of Ensuring the Economic Sustainability of Economic Entities (p. 190 - 196)

It has been determined that modern approaches disclose the essence of the economic sustainability of enterprise, directing on achieving the current values of the priority parameters (solvency, profitability, efficiency of resources use, structural integrity, etc.). Questions about the formation of these parameters and preserving them in a prospective period are being covered in the scientific space in a fragmented manner. With this in mind, the main objective of the article is studying the cognitive prerequisites of ensuring the economic sustainability. It is displayed that the current state of sustainability is provided and maintained by the abilities of company's top-management. Specially, the dynamic ability that ontologically is formed by reaction of managerial staff to changes in the objective reality appears as a key factor in ensuring the economic sustainability. In the author's understanding, ensuring the economic stability is a permanent process, based on the cognitive-subjective pattern for formation and modification of the managers' abilities, which define the range of reflexive actions for the turbulence of conditions of management, whether proactive or reactive. The interactive phenomenon of time is revealed in the article through the prism of its monochromaticism, and polichromaticism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M.
Diagnosing the Strategic Competition of Enterprises-Competitors (p. 196 - 201)

The article discloses the essence of the concept of «diagnostics of the strategic standoff of enterprises-competitors in both the domestic and the world markets», which should be understood as evaluation of the level of enterprise's benefits in comparison with competitors, the major developments and future prospects of their build-up aimed at the effective functioning and development of enterprise in a competitive market environment in both the domestic and the world markets. It has been determined that diagnostics of the strategic standoff of enterprises-competitors in both the domestic and the world markets must be conducted using techniques such as strategic analysis, SWOT-analysis and PIMS-analysis. The instrumentarium for system for diagnosing the strategic standoff of enterprises-competitors in both the domestic and the world markets has been provided. It has been determined that constituents of the enterprise environment are: external environment; intermediate environment; internal environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Antonenko I. Y., Melnyk I. L.
The Contemporary Factors of Establishing a Product Strategy of Tourism Enterprise (p. 202 - 206)

The article is aimed at evaluating the theoretical and practical aspects that define a product strategy of tourism enterprise. The necessity to use the structural-value approach in establishing a product portfolio of tourism enterprise based on the grouping of products according to their degree of profitableness and profitability, as well as influence on the result of their general economic activities has been substantiated. The contemporary factors of both the market and the productive nature, defining a product strategy of tourism enterprise, have been identified. It is proved that in the conditions of implementation of the strategy of diversification a product portfolio of tourism enterprise must meet the needs of the target markets. The article analyzes the possible options for managerial decision-making when matching the interests and desires of producers and consumers of a tourism product, as well as when determining the type of strategic behavior of enterprise. The features of work of a tourism enterprise at the national tourism market have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zoidze D. R.
The Main Directions of Crisis Management at the Enterprises of Pharmaceutical Industry (p. 207 - 213)

The article is aimed at studying the basic directions of crisis management at the enterprises of pharmaceutical industry. The basic directions of a comprehensive anti-crisis program for pharmaceutical enterprises ahve been determined. It has been proposed to include the risk management for quality into the anti-crisis measures at the enterprises of pharmaceutical industry. The mechanism for financial stabilization depending on the phase of financial crisis has been considered. A scientific approach to carrying out the re-engineering of the pharmaceutical business has been systematized and generalized. It is recommended to use the domestic and foreign outsourcing as a tool for the restructuring of pharmaceutical enterprise. Benefits of the innovation outsourcing for economic entities in the pharmaceutical market have been clarified. Use of outstaffing as a means to reduce the cost of enterprise in crisis conditions has been analyzed. Prospect for further research in this direction is identifying the factors that hinder the process of crisis management and impede the sustainable economic development of the enterprises of pharmaceutical industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stupina Y. Y., Us Y. V.
The Conceptual Provisions of Formation of the Organizational-Economic Ensuring of Management of Changes at the Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 214 - 219)

The article is concerned with consolidating and synthesizing various scientific approaches to the management of changes at the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine in terms of the organizational-economic ensuring, as well as demonstrating the efficiency and disclosing the substance of an integrated approach to the management of changes. The substance of the conceptual provisions of the organizational-economic ensuring of management of changes has been disclosed. The separate common approaches to management have been considered and compared, their impact on the process of management of changes at the machine-building enterprises has been projected. The necessity of developing and implementing a universal algorithm of formation of organizational-economic management in the process of implementing changes has been substantiated taking into account peculiarities of activity of enterprises. Attention is focused on a combination of approaches and the use of the integrated approach, taking into consideration specifics of the industry sector where enterprise operates, namely the machine-building.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bazaliieva L. V.
Management of Transaction Costs of the Opportunistic Behavior of the Enterprise's Staff on the Basis of the Concept of Internal Marketing (p. 220 - 224)

The article is aimed at developing a methodological support for reducing transaction costs of the opportunistic behavior of the enterprise's staff on the basis of the concept of internal marketing. The types and causes of opportunistic behavior of the enterprise's staff have been identified, providing for identifying the main ways to protect against opportunism; approaches to minimize the opportunism of the enterprise's staff have been substantiated on the basis of the concept of internal marketing and the transaction cost theory, that enables the enterprise to retain the most qualified and valuable staff; a methodical approach to minimize the manifestations of opportunism on the part of the enterprise's staff has been proposed, which in practice will reduce the transaction costs as result of the opportunistic behavior of the enterprise's employees and increase their satisfaction with the work.

Article is written in Russian


Bodaretska O. M., Didyk A. M.
The Informational-Analytical Support of the Managerial Backing for the Innovative Technologies for Staff Motivation in the System for Ensuring the Polyvector Development of Enterprises (p. 215 - 220)

The article is concerned with development of the informational-analytical supporting the managerial backing for the formation and implementation of innovative technologies of staff motivation in the system of polyvector development of enterprises. The article considers differences between the concept of managerial backing of these processes and the concept of motivational mechanism. Place of the informational-analytical support of managerial decision-making in the motivational sphere of enterprises has been characterized. The sub-stages of the informational-analytical support for the formation and implementation of innovative technologies of staff motivation have been discussed in detail. The processes of formation and implementation of innovative technologies for staff motivation have been considered from the position of HR-project management. The article provides peculiarities in substantiating the management concept of these works, as well as diagnosing the existing system of staff motivation, and diagnosing the management system of enterprise as a whole. Prospects for further researches on the topic are concretization of components of the managerial backing of the formation and implementation of innovative technologies for staff motivation in the system of polyvector development of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko S. A.
The Recommendations for Choosing a Complex of Technical Means of the Subsystem for Apocryphal Economic Monitoring in the Functionally Developed Systems for Strategic Regulation of the Regional Structure and the Territorial Organization of Actors in the In (p. 221 - 226)

Projecting the technical support of the subsystem of general (integrated) economic monitoring of the functionally developed systems for strategic regulation of the regional structure and the territorial organization of actors in the industry sphere requires careful substantiation of both composition and performance of the technical means. This calls for a comparative evaluation of the individual devices and methods of using them to select such communication structure of the technical means that would most closely satisfy requirements of the data processing subsystem for the all-side economic monitoring. On the basis of completeness and accuracy of the source data, available to developer of the technical support of the subsystem for uniform (integrated) economic monitoring, as an appropriate can be considered the previous (enlarged) and clarified choice for nomenclature and quantity of the technical means. Among the prospects for further research in this direction of development, of particular relevance is the issue associated with specifics of the organization of type-setting economic monitoring in the functionally developed systems for strategic regulation of the regional structure and the territorial organization of actors in the industry sphere of the State.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Andrieieva L. O., Lysak O. I.
The Methodical Aspects of the Strategic Development of Enterprises (p. 227 - 231)

The article is aimed at studying and scientific generalization of the theoretical-methodological aspects of the process of developing the enterprise strategy and substantiation of recommendations as to its implementation. The commonly accepted stages of the process developing the enterprise strategy have been analyzed. An integrated use of marketing researches at all stages of the solution to the tasks of strategic planning has been proposed. The need to orient the activities of the enterprises' activities exclusively toward the needs of consumers has been identified, which is considered a key success factor. The necessity of calling more attention to the weaknesses of the enterprise activities has been substantiated, an order of their elimination has been suggested. An emphasis has been made on the economic development of the economic sector in which enterprise operates, as the determining factor for the choice of a strategic alternative, because the status of economic factors emerging in the sectoral environment has the greatest influence in the formulation of the strategy of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gulya Y. V., Tsyganok V. M.
A Substantiation for the Marketing Development Strategy of Enterprises in the Poultry Industry Sector Based on the Brand Approach (p. 232 - 239)

The research is aimed at developing the marketing strategy for poultry enterprise based on the branding and co-branding. As a result of the carried out researches, the marketing strategies for the further development of the OOO «Podilskiy broiler» at the regional market of poultry meat have been chosen. As a partner in terms of cooperation and the integration efforts has been chosen the company PAO «Mironivskiy khliboprodukt», which has been proposed a strategy for integrated growth – an alliance with the enterprise-competitor at the regional market. The scientific novelty of the research results consists in the possibility of establishing between the PAT «Mironivskiy khliboprodukt» and the OOO «Podilskiy broiler» a strategic marketing alliance on a co-branded basis, relationships in which should be built on the club basis. The practical significance of the conducted research is that if such an aliance will be created, the poultry enterprise must supplement (or convert) its strategic set of niches with such a follower strategy as the strategy of the integration product: using competitive advantages of both brands with a view to achieving the synergistic effect by the both parties of the strategic alliance.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M.
Diagnostics of the Advertising Efficiency in the Activities of Enterprise (p. 240 - 244)

The article discloses the essence of the concept of «advertising», which should be understood as one of the key communication-informational means of enterprise for presentation of products to consumers and promotion on the market aimed at their merchandising. It has been found that diagnostics of the advertising efficiency in the activities of enterprise is the process of identification, analysis and assessment of the efficiency of advertising, the main trends of its impact on the activities of enterprise with a view to determining the prospects of the enterprise functioning in the market competition environment. Both the conception and the instrumentarium of the system for diagnostics of the advertising efficiency in the activities of enterprise have been provided. It has been found that the key business indicators of the system for diagnostics of advertising efficiency in the activities of enterprise are: indicator of the advertising performance; indicator of the return on advertising spend; indicator of the profitability of advertising; indicator of the advertising capacity; indicator of the percentage of regular customers; indicator of the sales growth. Prospects for further research in this direction are formation of a system for purposes of diagnosing the activities of enterprise in accordance with the partial diagnostic purpose – diagnostics of the advertising efficiency in the activities of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tkachenko S. A.
The Integrated Economic Monitoring in the Context of Functionally Advanced Systems for Strategic Management of the Regional Structure and Territorial Organization of Actors in the Industry Sphere of the National Subsystem of the Country (p. 153 - 163)

The article is aimed to reveal the main sides of the organizational provision to the function of integrated economic monitoring in the current conditions of the functionally advanced systems for strategic management of the regional structure and territorial organization of actors in the industry sphere of the national subsystem of the country. The establishment and implementation of an integrated economic monitoring subsystem is connected with solutions to organizational issues. Creating an organizational subsystem is not only a segregation of functions between man and electronic digital machine, but more clear definition of the functions and tasks of the regulatory staff as well, and in some cases also improving the organizational schemes of the regulatory authorities, carrying out economic-analytical functions. Establishing a subsystem for integrated economic monitoring significantly reduces the complexity of the economic-analytical calculations, while enhancing qualitative characteristics and technical parameters, economic efficiency of regulation at the expense of achieving the deep full coverage, high complexity and operational efficiency of the monitoring functions. Among the prospects for further development is the use of generic methods for establishing a management subsystem, training professionals for branches of the country's economic system, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pedchenko N. S., Iakovenko T. I.
The Scientific-Methodical Approach to the Development and Implementation of Marketing Strategy into Activities of Enterprises in the Advertising Sector (p. 163 - 169)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the scientific-methodical approach to the development and implementation of marketing strategy into activities of enterprises in the advertising sector. The approaches to defining the concept of «marketing strategy», available in the national scientific literature, have been provided. The author's vision as to importance of an integrated approach to marketing strategy in terms of enterprises in the advertising sector has been formulated as a process to develop a marketing strategy, evaluation of the enterprise's readiness to its introduction and substantiation of the corrective measures on the perception of such a strategy. Stages of marketing strategy for enterprises in the advertising sector have been proposed, an evaluation of the readiness for implementation by such enterprises has been carried out. To this end the methods have been used, which are based on both the expert assessments and the level of manifestation of each attribute in the enterprise. A result of a generalized evaluation of readiness to implement marketing strategy by the advertising sector enterprises according to the twelve attributes listed by the authors has been provided, the respective conclusions have been drawn.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khaustova V. Y.
The Theoretic-Methodical Foundations of Composing Road Maps as a Current Tool for Strategic Planning of Socio-Economic Processes (p. 140 - 153)

The article is concerned with generalization of the theoretic-methodical foundations of composing road maps together with development of a methodical approach to their composing. Genesis of the development of road maps as a tool for strategic planning has been researched. Interpretation of the concept of «road map» in the scientific literature has been analyzed and the main features of road maps have been determined. Place of road maps in the system of strategic management has been considered. The classifications of road maps available in the scientific literature have been examined. Both methods and evolution of processes of composing road maps have been analyzed. A general form of road map has been discussed. A methodical approach to composing a road map for implementation of certain process has been proposed, which is based on generalizing the foreign foresight studies on future technologies, using the scenario approach, and determining indicators for assessing the implementation process. An approbation of the proposed methodical approach to developing a technological-production road map for implementation of the program of research and development of a new class of steam-turbine plants in terms of the technology platform «Power engineering in Ukraine» has been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Pawlowski G., Vorobiov V. V.
The Diagnostics of Efficiency of Controlling Business Processes (p. 154 - 159)

The article is aimed at creation of a system for diagnostics of efficiency of controlling business processes based on the developed business indicators. It is found that key business indicators of a system for diagnostics of efficiency of controlling business processes of enterprise are: level of resource capability of enterprise (labor, material, financial and energy); term for accomplishment of business process; level of efficiency of accomplishment of business process; level of efficiency of managerial apparatus (managers of institutional, managerial and technical levels of management), which oversees the accomplishment of business process; percentage of employees (managers, employees of primary and secondary production), which is used to accomplish business process; proportion of the outstanding business processes. Prospects for further research in this direction is creation of a polycriterial system for diagnostics of enterprise activities, taking into consideration efficiency of diagnostics of controlling its business processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mochona L. G.
Defining the Desired Values in the Formation of Strategies at Enterprise (p. 160 - 167)

The article is aimed at defining the desired values of controlled indicators of productive-economic activity, on the basis of which enterprise strategies should be developed. A hierarchy of strategies together with their functional purpose has been presented. It is found that functional strategies impact the formation of corporate and business strategy of enterprise. Functional strategies and their features as to the studied machine-building enterprises have been defined. The author has found the optimal values of indicators on the basis of solving the optimization task, which involves the use of indicators that have the greatest impact on the overall level of the productive-economic activity of enterprises. Also the desired values of indicators of the productive-economic activities in the formation of strategies of enterprises based on the value of the correlation ratios have been determined. Achieving of the relevant values of indicators is recommended to implement through the specific management measures, which are presented in form of diagram. Prospect for further scientific developments will be adjusting the existing strategies of the studied enterprises with a view to achieve the desired values of indicators of their productive-economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovtun V. P.
Reputation Risks of Enterprises in the Market of Non-Alcoholic Beverages in Ukraine (p. 168 - 173)

The article is aimed at identifying and studying reputation risks of enterprises in the market of non-alcoholic beverages in Ukraine. The status of development of Ukrainian market of non-alcoholic beverages has been considered; the largest producers of non-alcoholic beverages have been determined; factors contributing to reputation risks, which influence activities of these enterprises have been identified; problem field of management of reputation risks of enterprises – producers of non-alcoholic beverages has been formed. Experience of functioning of both Ukrainian and foreign companies shows that in the current hard competitive market conditions, where 70-80% of the market value of enterprises is accounted for intangible assets, reputation risk is the matter that acquires strategic significance among non-financial risks and should be considered in selecting efficient and secure strategy for an enterprise. In the context of globalization, positive reputation and gained confidence of shareholders, partners and clients quite often help businesses to survive, an effective work to identify and minimize reputation risks appears to be a key task for further development. Therefore, enhancing efficiency of management of reputation risks should become an extremely topical issue for entrepreneurship and current management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Noga I. M., Skrynkovskyy R. M., Pawlowski G.
The Diagnostics of Efficiency of Applying Information Technology in the Management of Enterprises (p. 241 - 245)

The article is concerned with deepening the theoretical-methodical provisions and formulation of conceptual foundations of diagnostics of efficiency of applying information technology in the management of enterprises. It has been determined that this diagnostics (as a partial diagnostic purpose) is an integral component of any enterprise diagnostics system and focuses on the identification, analysis and evaluation of efficiency of applying information technology in the management of enterprises with a view to adopting sound management decisions (current and prospective), aimed at: a) increasing the level of efficiency (financial, industrial-technological, commercial) of functioning of enterprises, as well as to identify all existing reserves (internal, external) in the face of resource constraints; b) maximizing economic benefits from the use of the information management system, which includes information technology, information resources, technical tools and software. Prospect for further research in this scientific direction will be developing the key business indicators for the system of efficiency of applying information technology in the management of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gapon J. V.
The Methodical Approach to Assessing the Potential of Strategic Changes of Enterprise (p. 246 - 250)

The article is aimed at developing a methodical approach to assess the potential of strategic changes of enterprise. The building of potential occurs in the four stages: initiation of changes, mobilizing leaders, planning new competencies, implementation, coordination and monitoring. The article substantiates the overriding need for assessment of changes of potential exactly in the implementation phase. Methodical approach to assessing the potential contains nine basic steps, provides for the use of expert assessments, the «360-degree method» for conducting surveys, the ordinal Likert scale to process the data received. The main objective of assessment is to determine the actual level of potential, as well as its bottlenecks, and to develop recommendations on setting goals and identifying the key performance indicators; forming the management cascade of changes; risk management in the implementation of strategic changes; standardization of procedures for conducting changes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhaldak H. P., Shulgina L. M.
Prospects for Implementation and Practice of Compliance with Marketing Standards in Ukraine and in the EU (p. 251 - 257)

Prospects of introducing marketing standards have been discussed and practice of of compliance with them in Ukraine and the EU has been examined. Approaches to standardization have been systematized and the main prospects for further integration of Ukraine into the European space have been determined. It has been determined that implementation of marketing standards in the practice of domestic enterprises is connected to the need to develop favorable conditions in the country to participate in the international cooperation, access to international markets, cooperation with foreign investors. Attention has been focused specifically on the marketing standards, which may be an important factor in the process of developing a market model of economy, will contribute to the achievement of sustainable development and to establishment of equivalent relationships between trading partners in the common market. In view of the practice of implementation of marketing standards in the EU, eventuality of barriers to the adoption of the European marketing standards in Ukraine has been analyzed, which is submitted as a SWOT-analysis of the policy of standardization in terms of its adapting to the EU.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tarnavska N. P., Golodniuk O. S.
The Strategic Monitoring of Marketing Innovations in the Model of Innovative Development of Enterprise (p. 257 - 267)

The article is concerned with developing a scientific approach to building a system for strategic monitoring of marketing innovations for receiving strategic information in the preparation of decisions on formation (revision) of the portfolio of such innovations in the process of substantiating new (additional) competitive advantages of enterprise. It has been proved that rapid response to both existing and possible changes in the market for mineral waters in general, as well as to trends of innovation market needs a strategic system for monitoring marketing innovations. It has been displayed that, from the view of the interdisciplinary approach, strategic monitoring aims at establishing favorable for a particular company (or unfavorable) trends of market for mineral waters in Ukraine, as well as external and internal factors environment of developing competitive advantages for the implementation of preventive anti-crisis measures based on the innovative approaches to marketing. As for the conceptual framework for building a system for strategic monitoring, it is proposed to choose the theory of «weak signals». Further research will involve the development (improvement) of methods for the external and internal monitoring of marketing innovations to generate competitive advantages of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gumeniuk A. V., Shkolenko O. B., Demyanyshyna O. A.
Contemporary Marketing as a Core Aspect of Enhancing the Efficient Activity of Vegetable Enterprises (p. 268 - 273)

The article is aimed at studying the formation of marketing of the vegetable enterprises in the current conditions of economic management, as well as disclosure of importance of functioning of marketing service at the enterprises of agrarian sphere. It has been proven that some of the basic components of the efficient activity of domestic vegetable enterprises are: creating the marketing cooperative shops together with formation of marketing service, which will ensure the needs of population in the environmentally-friendly vegetable production and will contribute to increasing the efficiency and competitiveness of its producers, the rural and environment development. A practicable marketing service’s organizational structure has been developed and its basic functions have been substantiated. It is found that the main objective of marketing service is to ensure that enterprise is oriented towards consumer, the corresponding needs and requests, monitoring the competitors, identifying strengths and weaknesses and providing information to other offices of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Skitsko V. I.
The Conceptual Aspects of the Multi-Purpose Multi-Criteria Optimization and Decision-Making with Allowance for Risk in the Sphere of Logistics (p. 353 - 359)

The publication describes the multi-purpose multi-criteria task of procurement, production, distribution (sales), transport, information, electronic, and mobile logistics; the risks that must be taken into consideration in the decision-making process in these functional areas of logistics have been provided; problems that may occur when solving the tasks studied have been specified; the mathematical modeling instrumentarium, which is used to solve the class of the considered tasks, has been provided. In the multi-purpose multi-criteria logistics tasks, objectives may be similar and must conform with the basic goal of logistics, though their criteria are unique for each task. The logistics tasks specified in the publication can depend on each other, the decisions taken in the same functional area can influence decisions in other functional areas of logistics, as has been reflected in the proposed structural diagram.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grosul V. A., Sukacheva-Trunina S. M.
A Methodical Approach to Evaluating the Efficiency of Strategy for Adaptation of Enterprise (p. 360 - 366)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the methodological approach to evaluating the efficiency of adaptation strategy, which is based on an assessment of changes of the enterprise's position in the external environment, internal potential, and performance indicators of economic-financial activity. It is proposed to assess the efficiency of strategies for adaptation by change of the enterprise's position in the external environment, as well as by changes in the internal potential of enterprise, with assistance of the expert point value method; to assess the efficiency of strategies for adaptation by the impact of economic-financial activity on the basis of the comparative indicator of integrated value. The final stage of the evaluation of efficiency of an adaptation strategy will be its generalization based on building a matrix of efficiency that allows to draw the overall conclusion on the efficiency of the chosen adaptation strategy and to identify opportunities and conditions for its implementation. The proposed methodical approach provides a comprehensive assessment of efficiency of adaptation strategies, on the basis of which the informed decisions about the possibility of and the need for a strategy at the enterprise can be made, implications of its implementation can be determined, and a timely adjustment of activities for its implementation can be carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yeliseyeva O. K., Vitka N. Y.
The Methodical Aspects of Evaluation of The Level of Information Transparency as a Component of Competitiveness of Enterprises of the Telecommunications Industry (p. 366 - 370)

The article is aimed at developing the theoretical, methodological provisions and practical recommendations for evaluating the level of information transparency of enterprises of the telecommunication industry, based on the concept of social responsibility of business. Features of network structure for organizing the activities for enterprises of the telecommunication industry have been considered according to the principles of convergence. The improved methods of evaluating the level of information transparency of the activities of enterprises in the telecommunications industry have been proposed, which, unlike the existing, consider the system of criteria for analyzing the information transparency, consisting of the following four blocks: aspect of the internal business processes, accounting and financial aspect, aspect of consumer, and aspect of development. Peculiarities of applying the strategy of Aikido in the formation of international strategic alliances in the telecommunications market have been analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Pawlowski G., Vorobiov V. V.
Diagnostics of Compliance of Enterprise Competitive Strategy with the External Environment (p. 371 - 376)

The article is concerned with formation and development of the theoretical-methodological and methodical foundations of diagnostics of compliance of enterprise competitive strategy with the external environment, taking into consideration the currently available practices. It is found that diagnostics of compliance of enterprise competitive strategy with the external environment is the process of identification, analyzing and evaluating the level of compliance of enterprise competitive strategy with the external environment, taking in consideration the factors-indicators of the external environment of direct action, which both directly and to a large extent depend on the interrelated factors-indicators of the external environment of indirect action in the current conditions of market relations. Prospects for further research in this direction will be development of a system for diagnostics of the enterprise's activity on the basis of selecting and systematizing its diagnostic purposes, taking account of the particular goal – diagnostics of compliance of enterprise competitive strategy with the external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doroshuk G. A., Gratsiotova G. O.
The Methodical Approaches to Evaluating the Readiness in the Management of Changes at Enterprise (p. 377 - 384)

The article is aimed at defining the essence of readiness for changes and creating a model of integrated evaluation of readiness as a preliminary stage of provision of effectiveness and efficiency of changes. In the analysis of approaches to management of changes in the context of various schools of management, the main approaches to determining readiness for changes as well as methods for their evaluation were systematized. The dependence of readiness from the main characteristics and indicators of activity of enterprise has been determined, and the classification of kinds of readiness for changes has been complemented. The concept of primary and general readiness for changes has been introduced. It has been suggested that evaluation of primary readiness is implemented through evaluating factors of readiness for changes, with this purpose a systematization of them was carried out. To evaluate the general readiness a model has been developed, providing a comprehensive evaluation of readiness through the potential of changes, quality of the result expected, speed of changes, adoption of changes on the part of staff, external controllability, and organizational competence in the changes. Prospects for further resaerch in evaluating the readiness will be a quantitative evaluation of factors of readiness, evaluation of the nature of changes, and its components.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Andriushchenko I. S., Tomilov O. V.
Evolving a Strategy of Cost Management for Enterprises of Restaurant Industry (p. 385 - 396)

The article is aimed at studying peculiarities of development and implementation of strategic cost management in enterprises of restaurant industry. The scientific-methodical approach to evolving a cost management strategy, which is based on the structural, the operational and the functional approaches, has been improved. A structural-logical schema of evolving strategy of cost management of enterprise of restaurant industry has been developed. Some variants of the basic strategies depending on possible strategic objectives based on specified criteria have been proposed. In view of provisions of the concept of the values formation chain, a value chain of own production has been built, allowing to predict the impact of both economic processes and functions on the cost optimization, as to the centers of their occurrence. On the basis of SWOT-analysis, a matrix of strategies for cost management has been formed, which provides to choose the most optimized script for generating a strategy, taking account of influence of the factors of both external and internal environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koval T. O., Ponomarenko O. O., Yakhkind V. P.
The Economic Substance and Regularities of Establishing the Marketing Potential of Enterprise (p. 397 - 405)

The article analyzes regularities of establishing the marketing potential of enterprise. A special place in the system of elements of enterprise takes the marketing constituent, the steady increase of significance of which in the conditions of market relations stems from the substance, value and functions of marketing in the economic activity. Marketing potential characterizes, on the one hand, the extent to which certain «capacities» of enterprise are being provided in order to occupy leading positions at the market (in the industry sector), and, on the other hand, whether the enterprise can entirely use the conditions of external environment to create and maintain targeted competitive advantages at a high level. Establishing the marketing potential occurs as result of implementation of the marketing opportunities of enterprise in the conditions of competitive rivalry in projecting, producing, marketing and operating products and services in the open market. Components of marketing potential usually have comparative nature (i.e. relative, not absolute), since implementing certain marketing opportunities can be evaluated only by comparing characteristics that impact the economic efficiency of economic operations, accompanying the functioning of chains of creating the new value, and are tied to specific conditions and reasons.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rozheliuk V. M., Denchuk P. N.
The Historical Background of the Genesis of Management Accounting and its Essence in Ukraine (p. 331 - 339)

The article is aimed at researching the pivotal historical background of emergence of managerial accounting, identification of the existing approaches to delineate the stages of its development both in the international practice and in Ukraine, as well as their comparison. The influence of the historical background of development of management accounting on the effectiveness of activities of economic entities has been analyzed, also the stages of its genesis have been substantiated. Problems of formation of the full-fledged, effective system of management accounting in the Ukrainian enterprises have been considered. The basic prerequisites of development of management accounting in both the global and Ukrainian practice have been determined. Prospects for further researches in this direction are in the plane of activation of the spread of application of managerial accounting, since its essential contents, methods and instrumentarium, after the substantiated resolving issues of organizational nature, will contribute to productive efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tretiak V. P., Bieliai M. S.
Analyzing the Current Status of the Corporate Sector of Ukraine (p. 339 - 344)

The article analyzes both the role and the structure of corporate sector of Ukraine in terms of the organizational-legal forms of economic management. The article has determined the problem areas of the contemporary status of the corporate sector of economy, such as: high level of wear and tear of fixed assets, unprofitableness of a significant part of privatized enterprises, existence of unscrupulous owners and managers. The necessity of innovation activity, corporate social responsibility has been substantiated. Attention is focused specifically on joint-stock companies as the most effective form of implementing the corporate management. The dynamics of the foreign direct investment into the joint-stock companies of Ukraine have been provided. The priority directions of development of corporate relations, which will foster formation of new attitude on the part of the most developed States together with international organizations toward Ukraine in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kopishynska K. O.
Using Agile Management in the Innovation Processes (p. 344 - 349)

In the article essence of agile management, especially its use in various fields of activity, is considered. A definition of agile management has been proposed as a set of principles, methods and forms of management, which creates an opportunity for managers at all levels to plan activities, form teams to implement individual projects, to react quickly and to adapt to changes in the external environment with minimum loss of time and resources. A comparison of possibilities when using both the traditional and the agile management has been provided, based on: terms of use, planning of activity, organization of work, ability to make changes, possibility for introduction of modifications, and possibility for attracting third parties. The key principles in the use of agile management have been substantiated. The main methods of agile management have been analyzed, which include scrum, kanban and lean production, and particularities of their use in the management of innovation processes. A scheme of using agile management in the innovation process has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chyzhov V. A.
The Formation of a System for Crisis Prevention at IT-Enterprise (p. 350 - 354)

The article is aimed at analyzing the major directions of formation of a system for crisis prevention and crisis management at the domestic enterprises of the information technology sphere. Definitions of the notions as crisis at enterprise and plan of operational continuity have been provided. The main tasks of crisis management at enterprise have been determined. The necessity of carrying out diagnostics of crisis processes at enterprise has been substantiated. It has been specified that, as to specifics of their activities, IT-enterprises differ from the classical production structures, and accordingly, require different approaches to the management of crisis processes. With a view to developing an efficient system for crisis prevention at IT-enterprise, the introduction of a plan of operational continuity has been proposed that will combine the classic approaches to diagnosis of crisis at enterprise (threat of bankruptcy), analysis of the impact of non-financial factors on the stability of enterprise, technical threats to interruption of business processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shvindina H. O.
The Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Organizational Changes in Enterprise (p. 354 - 359)

The article is concerned with generalizing views on the organizational changes and a critical study of the current approaches to managing the organizational changes, as well as providing examples of successful changes in the contemporary enterprise. An analysis of the existing approaches to the definition of «organizational change» has been done, the concept by A. Van de Ven and M. Poole has been presented as fundamental for further studying and classifying the organizational changes. Practice of organizational changes has been analyzed, individual models together with the related criticism are presented, role of transformational leadership has been underscored. Prospective directions for further research will be: identifying the forces of organizational changes, taking account of the sectoral specificity of enterprises, as well as evaluations of the impact of both radical and progressive changes on the efficiency of organization, issues as to availability of a certain algorithm of changes and typicality in the development of organizational units.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaloznova Y. S.
The Development of Staff of Enterprises Based on the Principles of Social Responsibility: International Experience and National Practice (p. 359 - 366)

The article is aimed at generalizing both the foreign and the national practices of development of staff and determining directions for improvement of the system of staff management in the domestic enterprises in the context of social responsibility. A comparative analysis of components of the system for management of labor activity of staff has been carried out on the examples of the United States, Japan and Ukraine. An analysis of dynamics of the number of employees who had been trained for new professions and/or had improved professional skills has been conducted by the types of economic activity. Problems of management of staff in the domestic enterprises have been identified. Some ways of development of staff on the basis of social responsibility have been proposed. Prospect for further research in this direction will be development of a complex of measures aimed at development of staff in the context of social responsibility.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lutsiuk I. V.
The Balanced Scorecard as a Tool to Enhance Efficiency of the Control Function of the System for Quality Control of Production (p. 366 - 372)

The article is aimed at substantiation of methods of applying the system of means of strategic control in order to balance the production quality control as well as development of recommendations on the use of tools of the Balanced Scorecard for this purpose. Essence and features of strategic control as a means of achieving the strategic goals of management of the product quality have been disclosed. Expedience of expanding the information base of internal control through the inclusion of non-financial indicators has been substantiated, taking into consideration principles of the quality management along with interests of different groups of stakeholders. It has been proposed to use a model of the Balanced Scorecard for purposes of controlling the formulation and implementation of a quality management strategy at enterprise, which provides an opportunity to evaluate the level of achievement of the strategic objectives and develop a programme of activities for elimination of deficiencies together with minimizing the managerial risks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Solodovnik O. O.
The Strategy for Protecting the Financial and Economic interests of Parties to the PPP: Essence, Content and Procedure for their Formation (p. 373 - 378)

The article is aimed at studying essence, contents, characteristics, and procedure for formation of a strategy for protecting the financial and economic interests of public-private partnership (PPP). Lack of the strategic vision of the problems and contradictions that arise in partnership of the State and business, as well as increasing economic threats, including ones in the financial sphere, all this actualize the problem of strategic protection of the economic interests of parties to the PPP. A study on scientific publications as to development of PPP has provided to specify that there is not any fundamental researches on the strategic management of PPP and on ensuring the financial-economic security of its parties yet. Essence of the concept of «strategy for protection of the financial and economic interests of parties to the PPP» has been considered and a definition for it has been suggested; the main elements of such a strategy have been determined; the organizational approach to its formation and implementation has been developed, contents of its stages and features associated with the specifics of implementation of the PPP have been defined. Prospects for further researches in this direction will be development of theoretical foundations and elaboration of a methodology of formation of the strategy for protecting the financial and economic interests of parties to the PPP.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melushova I. Y., Prokopova O. V., Tverdokhlib K. O.
The Competitive Environment of Enterprise: Essence and Types (p. 379 - 385)

The article discloses the essence of the definition of «competitive environment of enterprise», the mechanism for and peculiarities of its formation from the viewpoint of the domestic authors. In a logical sequence, the article considers essence, characterization, and the basic components of the competitive environment of enterprise. A comparative analysis of the conceptual approaches to the content of the notion of «competitive environment» has been carried out. The major classification attributes for a characterization of the studied category have been identified. Structural elements, the factors influencing the formation of competitiveness of enterprises and raising its level have been specified. The main groups of factors of the competition environment, impacting results of the economic activity of enterprise have been considered in detail. The theoretical aspects of formation of competition environment have been studied, features of competitions in general have been determined. The necessity for carrying out economic diagnostics of the competition environment of enterprise has been proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Yatsenko B. I.
Providing the Innovation Management of the Competitive Status of Machine-Building Enterprises: Organizational-Economic Aspect (p. 386 - 391)

The article specifies that without a detailed elaboration of a model of providing development of the innovation management of the competitive status of machine-building enterprises together with determining the sources for means, any way, even the most attractive one, of financing the investment projects of enterprise, may turn out to be inefficient. It has been determined that implementation of stages to develop a strategy for providing development of the innovation management of the competitive status of machine-building enterprises, as well as its refinements and adjustments, obtaining information about the present situation, and building projections for the future are performed by using special methods for the overall strategy, i.e. ways to achieve its goals and objectives. By using the proposed model, a common strategy can be formed that will provide to achieve the goals set, obtain advantages against competitors, increase the market value of enterprise. It has been concluded that, in accordance with the methodology of formation of the common strategy of enterprises, the innovation management is influenced by micro environment, macro environment, and immediate surroundings.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burzeva E. I., Peftiyeva J. Y.
Planning and Forecasting as a Basis for Managerial Decision-Making: Substance, Classifications and Comparison. (p. 392 - 397)

The article discloses and substantiates the necessity for systematization and definition of stages of the decision-making process. Special attention is paid to sharing of both planning and forecasting, in which forecasting is used as an information base for making the efficient managerial decisions. Result of the study is a systematization of the classification of types of planning and forecasting. The basis of these classifications form principles of rationalization, systemization, and distribution by certain criteria in specific groups. The presented classifications are a development of the existing classifications, which differ by extension of the elements and attributes. This is aimed at applying the appropriate methods, techniques, and ways of processing information and provides to improve efficiency of managerial decisions that are being made.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yermak S. O., Plotnitskaya V. V.
The Innovation Aspects of Development of the Confectionery Market of Ukraine (p. 398 - 403)

The study is aimed at analyzing the status and trends of Ukrainian confectionery industry sector, identifying problems and searching for solutions in the context of innovation development. The rating of TOP-100 of the world's largest producers of confectionery products has been considered, a comparative analysis for the 2014-2015 timeframe has been carried out. Both structure and the present status of the confectionery market of Ukraine have been examined. The main problems of Ukrainian confectionery industry sector have been identified as dependent on the complicated political situation in the country and the economic difficulties, which conditionally were divided into four groups: financial problems; decline in the purchasing power of population; problems related to the internal policy of the State; problems associated with markets. As ways to solve the outlined problems can be considered modernization of production, use of innovative technologies, installation of modern production lines, improving the technological effectiveness and knowledge-intensity of production subject to improvement of legislative framework of Ukraine, orientation to the European market and the product delivery optimization bypassing Russia.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhehus O. V., Mykhailova M. V., Afanasieva O. P.
Evaluating the Marketing Activities of the Restaurant Business Enterprises (p. 403 - 408)

Bearing in mind the necessity to quantify the marketing activities of the restaurant business enterprises, a scientific-methodical approach has been developed, which is based on use of the proposed scoring system for evaluating parameters of the performance data of these enterprises. The practical use of the developed methodical approach has provided to determine that for the most of the studied restaurant business enterprises of city of Kharkov their marketing activity is of average level, and only for 28% of the economic entities of the restaurant business (dominated by restaurants) this activity is fairly high. According to the results of a correlation analysis, the dependency of results of activity of a restaurant business enterprise on the level of its marketing activities has been proved, while direct strong impact is caused by the commodity and communication policy and significant impact is caused by the organizational factors, marketing and communication policy, as well as staff and level of service.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymko O. V.
The Formation of the Assortment Policy of a Commercial Enterprise: Marketing Approach (p. 408 - 413)

The article is concerned with development of a marketing approach to the process of formation of the assortment policy of retail trade enterprises and substantiation of practical recommendations for its placing on the market for textile goods. The assortment policy of retail trade enterprises has been considered as a totality of processes, principles, resources, and purposes of the assortment management. The factors that significantly impact the capabilities of enterprise in the field of assortment management (specific modalities of functioning and tasks that emerge from the viewpoint of different task priorities) have been allocated. Features of consumer demand as the main factor impacting the formation of assortment of textile goods have been considered. The algorithm for the formation of assortment of textile goods has been improved. Some models of the textile goods assortment depending on approaches to pricing, taking into consideration the life cycles of goods and the flow theory have been proposed, usage of which will increase the validity and efficiency of managerial decision-making.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Natorina A. O.
Monitoring Trends and Analyzing Determinants of the Retailers Development in Ukraine (p. 413 - 418)

The article is aimed at monitoring trends and analyzing determinants of development of Ukrainian retailers, detailing specificity of their activities, and substantiating the promising directions of their development. On the results of both monitoring and diagnostics as to development of Ukrainian retailers in the past two years, slightly positive changes in the structure of their networks have been determined, however, despite this, we can say that the paces of expansion of the market of the selected seven segments of retailers in the national market, namely: DIY retailers, drogeries, pharmacy and food retailers, retailers in the sphere of household appliances and electronics, fashion retailers, as well as retailers in other spheres, have been fallen down to the lowest level. The promising directions for intensive development of retailers on the territory of Ukraine have been formulated with a view to increasing the number of their markets and consolidating positions of the current leaders. Prospect for further research in this direction will be identification of the key parameters of ensuring the sustainable innovation development of retailers in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savytska N. L., Polevych K. V.
The Entrepreneurial Marketing on the Social Network Instagram (p. 419 - 424)

The article is aimed at defining both theoretical principles and practical tools for entrepreneurial marketing in the today’s retail making use of the social network platform Instagram. Results of conducted research provide to constate that the core strategy as well as tactics of the market conduct in case of small enterprises and current startups is the entrepreneurial marketing. The contemporary market of online retail was formed as monopolistic-competitive, which results in activities of the major market players, as well as medium and small actors, in its three sectors: B2B, B2C, S2S. The practice of business uses social networks to maintain competitive advantages of the offline commerce, as a communication channel for the attraction, retention and loyalty of customers. Development of the basic functions on Instagram enables businesses to apply its media resources for both the market positioning and the product promotion.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Getman O. O., Titkova J. S.
The HR-Branding as the Innovation Mechanism for the Development of Region (p. 424 - 432)

The article is concerned with substantiation of the innovation approaches to building up the HR-brand of region. It has been found that building up a strong HR-brand is the topical task for any region, which aims to attract highly skilled workers and thus ensure high competitiveness. At the core of branding of territory lies the idea of bringing to the general public perception of its uniqueness. Result of the branding of territory is improving the quality of life of its population. Achieving results contributes to solving the following micro- and macroeconomic tasks: creating an attractive tourism product; formation of investment attractiveness of territory; involvement of labor force and/or reducing the outflow of people to other regions; strengthening the competitiveness of local producers at the national and international markets; creating a positive image of region. The article considers the mechanism of HR-brand on the example of Dnipropetrovsk region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernenko O. V.
The Architectonics of the Marketing Information System in Terms of the Information-Communicative Environment (p. 433 - 440)

The article is aimed at studying the characteristics of marketing information provision of enterprise, which is operating in the information and communication environment. The article allocates the factors under impact of which information processes at enterprise would undergo significant changes: increasing amounts of information, development of network communication channels, increase in the number of terminal devices, development of cloud computing, spread of data mining technology, development of the market of marketing technologies. The architectonics of the marketing information system, which is adapted to the characteristics of the new environment and provides to trace the process of formation, nature and courses of information, has been proposed. In particular, in the structure of marketing information system the communication bus has been allocated that connects each element of the system with all other elements, as well as provides its connection with external environment and performs the functions of search, retrieval, movement and distribution of data and information. Prospects for further research is development of the organizational-economic mechanism for reforming the marketing information system of industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Skrynkovskyy R. M., Pawlowski G., Pyrozhak Y. K., Tomiuk I. M.
The Diagnostics of the System for Strategic Cost Management of Enterprise (p. 248 - 253)

The article is aimed at formation and development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of diagnostics of the system for strategic cost management of enterprise within the framework of theory and practice of economics and management of enterprise. It has been determined that this diagnostics is the process of identification, analysis and assessment of the system for strategic cost management of enterprise based on the business indicators in order to measure, control and accounting costs of enterprise in the conditions of economic alternatives to achieve the desired effect, aimed at ensuring competitive advantages of production with optimal costs. It has been determined that the level of efficiency of innovation costs of enterprise is one of the key business indicators in the sphere of diagnosing the system for strategic cost management of enterprise. Prospect for further research in this scientific direction is development of a system of purposes of the polycriterial economic diagnostics of enterprises taking into consideration the diagnostics of the system for strategic cost management of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lepeyko T. I., Gavaagiyn Batkhuu
The Genesis of Theories of Leadership (p. 254 - 259)

The article considers the dualism of leadership, which is based on consideration of this concept from the perspective of both the dynamic and the static aspects. The article is aimed at carrying out a theoretical review and a systematization of classical and contemporary conceptual approaches to leadership through the prism of dualism. Three stages of development of theories of leadership have been allocated: prescientific, classic and contemporary theories of leadership. In the context of the classical theories, three conceptual approaches have been allocated: dispositional, behavioural and situational. It has been determined that the basis of contemporary concepts is the tendency to consider leadership simultaneously in terms of two aspects: static and dynamic.

Article is written in Russian

Kuchina S. E., Kitchenko O. M.
The Analysis of Common Mistakes in Preparing a Business Plan (p. 260 - 265)

When writing a business plan, there arise a number of unresolved issues related to its consequent implementation, which is of considerable interest and determines the relevance of the study. The need to develop theoretical and methodological support for drafting business plans has determined a range of issues that require immediate resolution at stages of its development, in particular at the stage of creating a new business (“start up”); the stage of compiling financial documents; the stage of risk assessment and developing strategies to overcome them. Based on the analysis and systematization of the existing definitions, the notion of “business plan” is generalized and a methodological scheme of its building is demonstrated. The comparison of a general structure of a business plan proposed by EBRR and UNIDO is considered and presented. It is found that common mistakes that occur at compiling a business plan include: mistakes associated with evaluation of the demand for products; mistakes at setting prices and choosing a further pricing policy; mistakes associated with underestimation of possible risks arising in the course of the business plan implementation should be mentioned. The obtained results can be applied by heads of enterprises and managers in various spheres of business and at making decisions on forming further strategies of the enterprise development.

Article is written in English

Perepeliukova O. V., Kulish N. V.
Studying the Status of the Strategic Knowledge of Enterprise (p. 265 - 269)

The article is concerned with studying the strategic knowledge of enterprise. The main components of the system for strategic knowledge management have been analyzed. Characteristics of three main interrelated components of knowledge have been defined: knowledge infrastructure, knowledge culture, and knowledge technology. Considering the process of efficient management of the strategic knowledge, the process of formation of competences of workers has been determined as such that makes up the knowledge of enterprise. It was found that to ensure the right of enterprise to possess, use and dispose its intellectual asset, as well as for protection against unauthorized use different methods can be applied: patenting of inventions, utility models of the industrial designs; registration of trade marks; licensing agreements; obtaining copyrights. It was found that the main purpose of knowledge management is formation of strategic competitive advantages of organization. It has been determined that the main factor impacting the efficiency of knowledge use by enterprise is the correctly organized system for management of this knowledge.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilchenko N. B.
Management of Business Processes at a Wholesale Enterprise (p. 270 - 279)

The study of theoretical approaches to the essence of the system for management of business processes at an enterprise of wholesale trade is carried out. The author’s approach to the essence of the term “management of business processes of a trade enterprise” is determined with consideration for functional peculiarities of the enterprise activity. The analysis of the development tendencies of the wholesale trade sector in Ukraine is conducted and the problematic issues of statistical investigation of the availability of warehouse space at enterprises are identified. The methodological approach to the control of flow processes at a wholesale enterprise is developed taking into account the functional features of the formation of a complex of interrelated business that are carried out in a certain sequence and are consistent with the overall strategy of the company under conditions of dynamic changes in the market environment in order to meet the needs of consumers. Having considered the process approach to management of business processes, the mathematical model of management of flow processes is developed.

Article is written in English

Klus Y. I.
Managing the Efficient Development of Industrial Enterprise While Forming the Corporate System for Management of Innovations (p. 280 - 285)

The existing conception of efficient development of industrial enterprises has been considered, directions of managing the efficient development of industrial enterprise while forming the corporate system for management of innovations have been examined. The formation of stages of the sequence of strategic management of the efficient development of enterprise based on forming the corporate system for management of innovations has been substantiated. The proposed stages of the sequence of strategic management of the efficient development in the reorientation of enterprise’s activity to the innovative way could be used in the cases when introducing an investment project aimed at implementation of innovations is being planned. A model for determining the goals and tasks of the efficient development of enterprise while forming the corporate system for management of innovations has been developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko V. A.
The Conceptual Model of the Organizational Structure of Management of Health Care Institution in the Context of Introduction of Open Іnnovation (p. 286 - 292)

The article is aimed at developing a conceptual model of the organizational structure of management of health care institution that promotes Open Іnnovation on the basis of systematic approach and taking into consideration the matchings of «factors of impact – skills». The understanding of the concepts of «factors of the environment impact» and «capital of skills» have been deepened. A classification of entities (actors) of the organizational structure of health care institution by the attribute of distance between the project core and partners in terms of four levels has been proposed. A conceptual model of of the organizational structure of management of the innovation-open health care institution has been proposed, in terms of which four levels of externality of entities (actors) have been added, which is based on system approach and applies the matching between the factors of impact and the capital of skills. In the further research it will be necessary to implement the economic-mathematical modeling of the organizational structure of decision-making of health care institution on the basis of the conceptual model, proposed by us.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Yatsenko B. I.
The Strategic Orientations of the Innovation Management of the Competitive Status of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 293 - 298)

The article determines that the main objective of the innovative management of the competitive status of machine-building enterprises in the current conditions is its deepening and developing in accordance with needs of the users of this information, providing the sound managerial decisions on its basis. It has been concluded that the system of strategic orientations is an indispensable element of the system of innovative management of the competitive status of machine-building enterprises, based on the strategic objectives and principles, providing the strategic systemic totality of methods, tools and specific activities for implementation of the policy to increase the competitive status. An exact evaluation of the strategic threats to the innovative management of the competitive status based on the systemic-functional approach, development and implementation of methods of neutralization of the negative influence of these threats require elaboration of an adequate strategic management system. Accordingly, the system of the innovation management of the competitive status represents a complex of organizational-managerial, technological-industrial, technical, prophylactic, and marketing-economic activities, aimed at quantitative and qualitative protection of the strategic interests of machine-building enterprises against the external and internal threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doronina M. S., Syerikov D. O.
Actualization of the Problem of Management Professionalization (p. 299 - 305)

The article identifies the reasons for the actualization of problems of management professionalization and the expediency of creating its national model. There proposed clarification of the terminological support of the research using the interdisciplinary approach. The comparative analysis of the presented in the world literature evolution of management professionalization and domestic experience in improving management of the economy is performed. The research presents the reasons and substantiates the necessity of forming a new conceptual framework of the methodology of management professionalization and its coordination with the developmental of competency of managers at different levels of the management hierarchy. There specified the barriers of management professionalization, principles of its implementation, requirements to its new model. There proved the urgency of elaborating techniques of professional motivation of managers’ development and appropriateness of considering it with regard to provisions of spiral dynamics of consciousness.

Article is written in English

Kochetygova T. V.
Concentration in Economics: the Theoretical Aspects (p. 305 - 312)

The article is concerned with an analysis of the theoretical aspects of the problem of concentration in economics. Both the preconditions for emergence and the spread of processes of concentration were analyzed. Genesis of approaches to interpretation of the concept of «concentration» was considered. Definitions of the concept of «concentration» in the publications by scholars were researched, the main grounds by which they differ were identified. The theoretical foundations for implementation of the concentration processes in the economics were considered. The basic forms of concentration have been determined. On the basis of the allocated terms and forms of concentration, interpretation of the categories of «capital concentration» and «production concentration» have been proposed. A classification of approaches to evaluation of the economy concentration has been provided, considering peculiarities of use of these approaches, the most used approaches have been determined. It has been determined that the system for monitoring the concentration processes in Ukraine is underdeveloped and requires improving.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Palamarchuk N. O.
The Marketing Strategies of TNCs: the Contemporary Features of Formation, Experience of the EU Member States (p. 313 - 317)

The article is aimed at studying the contemporary features of elaboration of marketing strategies for transnational corporations and generalizing experience of the EU Member States on their formation. This study provided to allocate approaches to the definition of the concept of «marketing strategy», systematize both the internal and the external factors of influence, characterize levels of elaboration of the international marketing strategy, allocate the levels of its application and the general orientations for implementation. Based on the analysis of the experience of TNCs in the EU Member States, the following characteristic features of their marketing strategies have been allocated: active support of the existing brands and continuous development of new products with the purpose of ensuring profitability; use of joint entrepreneurship for implementation of various projects and programs; introduction of innovation activity as the basis for ensuring competitiveness; providing the sound financial activity and ensuring the efficient investment activity; ensuring environmental protection and a high level of safety of production; implementation of programs in the sphere of social responsibility of business. Prospects for further research in this direction will be studying the marketing strategies of TNCs in the developed countries and adaptation of their experience for development of TNCs in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tardaskina T. M., Stankevych I. V., Bondarenko О. M.
Defining the Marketing Strategy of Development of the USEPS «Ukrposhta» in the Context of Liberalization of the Postal Services Market (p. 318 - 323)

The article is concerned with substantiation of the marketing strategy of development of the Ukrainian State enterprise of postal service (USEPS) «Ukrposhta», based on an analysis of the existing marketing competitive strategies for enterprise development and their applicability in the context of liberalization of the postal services market. The common trends in the development of the national operator of postal service «Ukrposhta» in the context of liberalization of the postal services market have been determined. The existing possible strategies of enterprise development, aimed at ensuring competitive advantages in the market, in particular marketing strategies, have been examined. It has been found that the most effective nowadays for the national operator is the marketing strategy of leadership. The marketing strategy of development of the USEPS «Ukrposhta» has been substantiated, the main directions of its implementation have been determined, focusing on all the key postal services markets by means of growth of the sales volumes, improving the quality of services and increase of revenues. The organizational and economic foundations for implementing the indicated activities and determining the level of their effectiveness for the national operator will be the aims of further researches.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savytska N. L., Afanasieva O. P., Kurliantseva A. V.
The Marketing Test of the Concept of New Product (Quark Milk Cheese) (p. 324 - 328)

The article is aimed at defining the theoretical foundations and practical instrumentarium for the marketing test of the concept of new wares for various segments of the domestic foods market. Results of the carried out studies suggest that the basis for the strategy and tactics of the enterprise’s acting in the foods market is the marketing of innovations. The carried out studies have provided to allocate and test the concepts of new product – quark with improved composition – along with definition of the socio-demographic characteristics of the target audiences, motives for purchase and consumption of the product, communication purport and visualization to introduce the new product in the market. It has been proposed to reposition the famous product – quark – as a separate product for fitness nutrition and slimming product, as well as raw product for cooking at home. For each strategy a set of attributes of the product policy has been substantiated, feasibility of marketing wares through the networks of grocery and specialized (sports nutrition) shops has been determined. The results obtained can be used to develop marketing strategies for positioning the proposed concepts as to various products.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lukin V. О., Mаliarevskyi Y. D.
The System and the Institutional Approaches to Accounting: a Comparative Analysis (p. 268 - 273)

In the article a comparative analysis of both the system and institutional approaches to studying problems in the accounting is carried out. The system approach was developed intensively in the last decades of the 20th century, and the institutional approach is the leading economic theory in recent time. The results of the carried out analysis suggest that the institutional approach is a particular case of the system approach.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pawlowski G.
The Managerial Diagnostics as a Way to Search Directions for Improving the Management System at Enterprise (p. 285 - 291)

The article is aimed at formation and development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of managerial diagnostics as a way to search directions for improving the management system at enterprise. It has been determined that managerial diagnostics within the management system of enterprise is the process of identifying, analyzing and evaluating internal resources and capabilities of enterprise, directed towards evaluating their availability and compliance with the goals and objectives, evaluating the current status, trends, and prospects for development of enterprise. It has been clarified that managerial diagnostics on the basis of audit in the system of quality management allows to determine the internal resources and opportunities, which help to address the managerial problems and provides to achieve results and effects for the development of enterprise by the business components. The key business indicators of managerial diagnostics in the system of enterprise management have been allocated. Prospect for further scientific and practical research in this direction will be development of a system for polycriterial diagnostics of the prospects for enterprise’s functioning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gadetska S. V., Serhiienko O. A., Matvieieva O. O.
Constructing the Models for Evaluating and Analyzing Efficiency of the Logistics Activities of Enterprises based on the SWOT Analysis (p. 292 - 301)

The article proposes a complex of models for evaluating and analyzing efficiency of the logistics activities of production and economic systems, taking account of the totality of the economic-financial, production processes, and existing subsystems and chains of the enterprise’s logistics system to develop and substantiate the ways of improving the existing logistics system. In order to improve the logistics system of enterprise, a logistics model of management has been proposed, which takes account of an expanded set of indicators of performance efficiency and a tiered structure and is based upon: prevention, urgency and adequacy of response, complexity of solutions, alternativeness of actions, adaptability, prioritization, efficiency. The presented complex of models for evaluating and analyzing efficiency of the logistics activities of enterprises based on the SWOT-analysis can be used in the current management activities of enterprise with aim to minimize the logistics costs, optimize the size of order and selection of supplier, control the transportations. On the basis of the calculated system and integrated evaluation of efficiency of the logistics activities, it is possible to modernize an existing logistics system of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hrushyna A. I.
Analyzing the Development of a System for Strategic Management of Financial Provision of Organizations in the Sphere of Culture (p. 302 - 307)

The article is aimed at exploring the system for strategic management of financial provision of the cultural institutions and the factors influencing its formation. The article analyzes the methods of management of the institutions of culture during the collapse of the Soviet Union and the formation of Ukraine's independence, which allows to conclude that today’s culture management model has undergone some changes. If during the period of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the formation of independence the factor for stable decline was the ideology of the Communist Party, now the main motivators are the processes of the European integration and globalization, which became an overriding factor for development of the cultural sector towards the decentralization. It has been substantiated that the proposed as the primary phase of preparing the local authorities and the cultural institutions themselves for a program of decentralization will allow organizations to form an appropriate development strategy at the local level, considering the basic principles of the basic strategy for the development of culture as well as their own positions as to possibilities and directions of activities. Prospect for further research will be developing a model of strategic management of the financial resources of the cultural institutions, which will be tailored to the specifics of the culture of region and will enable to structure the financial resources for the successful activity in the market conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prodan I. O., Riznyk Y. I.
The Customer-Oriented Approach as Precondition for the Competitiveness of Enterprise (p. 308 - 313)

The article is aimed at exploring the essence of the customer-oriented approach and its interrelation to the competitiveness of enterprise, as well as identification of the key factors in the building an efficient system of customer orientation. The concept of customer orientation and its interrelation to the competitiveness of companies was considered. The basic approaches to substantiation of the concept of «customer orientation» were defined, in particular, approaches from the view of definition of customer orientation as: strategy or the way of doing business; skill, tool or business characteristics; client experience or client evaluation. The means of obtaining additional income resulting from the improved customer orientation of enterprises have been substantiated. Methods for evaluation of the level of customer orientation of company have been analyzed, as well as a set of the fundamental components of a successful implementation of the customer-oriented approach has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bushman T. S.
Substantiating the Choice of Strategy for Providing the Personnel Security of Enterprise (p. 313 - 318)

The article is aimed at developing a methodical approach to the choice of strategy for providing the personnel security of enterprise. Essence, advantages and disadvantages of the most known methods for decision-making in the context of solving the multi-objective tasks were analyzed. Necessity of using the fuzzy sets theory in order to choose a strategy for providing the personnel security has been substantiated. A phased sequence of making choice and substantiating the optimum strategy for ensuring the personnel security at enterprise has been proposed. On the basis of the theoretical generalization of scientific literature and the carried out analysis of the existing strategies of the economic security with a view to provide the personnel security, the following have been chosen: the support strategy, the strategy of strengthening, and the strategy of modification.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Reshetnyak O. I., Davydov D. Y.
The Theoretical Aspects of the Market Valuation of Enterprise in the Process of Its Restructuring (p. 319 - 325)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical aspects of the market valuation of a business and their applicability as to an enterprise in the process of its restructuring. It has been substantiated that restructuring is one of the most effective tools of crisis management, but also can be applied to the regularly functioning enterprises, which are not in the crisis conditions. In the process of restructuring, value of enterprises can fluctuate. A characterization of the basic methods for the market valuation of enterprise is provided, possibility for using them for the purposes of restructuring has been determined. A more objective valuation of enterprise is carried out under condition of the simultaneous application of several methods. Examples of combination of the methods of cost and income approaches is the Edwards-Bell-Ohlson valuation model and the method of calculating the average indicator of value. With a view to improving the calculation of the average indicator of value of a restructured enterprise, the article suggests using the method for analysis of hierarchies (MAH), providing to harmonize the evaluation results obtained by different methods of valuation of enterprise, and to obtain the final cost of the object to valuate, based on the decomposition of the problem of harmonization of results with presenting it in the form of a hierarchical model.

Article is written in Russian

Reshetnyak O. I., Krasnolutsky V. I.
The Organizational-Economic Foundations of the Market Launch of a New Product (p. 326 - 331)

The article is aimed at developing the organizational-economic model for the market launch of a new product. In order to reduce the risks of failure of the market launch of a new article, it is necessary to simulate the decision-making process, which will provide the optimized choice of a new product, as well as strategy and tactics of the product marketing. The article clarifies the concept of the organizational-economic mechanism for the market launch of a new product. In the basis of development of production innovations lies the search for new ideas. The most promising methods for searching ideas currently are: the method based on the morphological analysis, the SCAMPER method, and application of the conception of design thinking in the search for the creative ideas. The authors have proposed an organizational-economic model for the market launch of a new product, which would provide: creation of the organizational-economic conditions for the formation of development of new products in order to diversify the directions of activity of enterprises; stimulating the development of new products of enterprise; reducing the risks associated with the development and market launch of the new products; attracting the additional investment to finance the new developments; adapting the new product to the market conditions.

Article is written in Russian

Tran Thi Thanh T.
Analyzing the Marketing Innovations (p. 332 - 336)

The article is aimed at studying the essence of the concept of «marketing innovation» and its use in the legislation of Ukraine. It has been concluded that the content of the concept of marketing innovation is causing much controversy among scholars, because its definition at the level of legislation is not fully disclosed and does not meet the needs of modern science and practice. The article analyzes the innovative costs of enterprises of Odesa region in the context of other innovative costs for the period of 2013-2015 according to the annual statistical observation form no.1-innovation «Examining the innovation activities of industrial enterprises», provided by the Head department for statistics in the Odesa region. The analysis gives an overall picture of the introduction of marketing innovations in all regions of Ukraine as a whole and in the Odesa region in particular.

Article is written in Russian

Naumik-Gladka K. G.
The Normative Provision of the Marketing Communications in the Tourism Sphere (p. 337 - 341)

The article uses an integrated approach to understanding the marketing communications. Attention is drawn to the fact that the communication tools that have traditionally been used in the independent manner, are now combined in a way that a synergistic effect is achieved, and the resulting communication relationship becomes homogeneous. The marketing communications environment consists of all the actors and forces outside the marketing, which impact the marketing management’s ability, in order to develop and maintain the successful relationships with their target customers. Justifying the conditions impacting the marketing communications, these factors and forces can vary due to the specific organization. They can generally be divided into micro and macro components of the environment. It has been concluded that the legislative framework for regulating the marketing communications in the tourism of Ukraine is being constantly improved. Implementation of the global experience of self-regulation of the marketing communications is still expedient, including the advertising and sales promotion of the European Union Member States.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oklander M. A.
The Essence and the Influence Factors of Advertising Strategy (p. 342 - 346)

The article is aimed at analyzing and giving an updated definition of the category of «advertising strategy». Several approaches to understanding this category have been allocated. The first approach characterizes the advertising strategy from the position of a large-scale program of tools used to achieve the planned impact on the target audience; the second approach localizes it as a strategy which is formed and implemented in order to deliver the advertising messages to the specific consumers; the third approach characterizes the category of «advertising strategy» from the position of the complex of activities, conducted by advertiser in order to achieve the objectives of the advertising strategy. The factors influencing the choice of advertising strategies were analyzed, various approaches were allocated. The first of these approaches is characterized by dividing the factors that influence the choice of advertising strategies into the external and the internal ones. According to the second approach, the influence factors are considered as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grosul V. A., Bubenets I. H., Chatchenko O. Y.
The Formation of a Strategy for Developing the Marketing Potential of Trade Enterprise (p. 347 - 352)

The article is aimed at generalizing the research materials on definition of the basic stages in the formation of an efficient strategy for development of the marketing potential of trade enterprise and identifying the strategic alternatives for its development in a competitive environment. A methodical approach to forming a strategy for developing the marketing potential of trade enterprise has been proposed, which provides for the coherent implementation of the three following stages: 1 – the strategic analysis of the marketing activity of enterprise; 2 – determination of the development strategy of marketing potential; 3 – implementation of the strategy and control. A strategic action plan, directed to improving the performance through the implementation of the marketing potential has been substantiated, which contributes to strengthening the competitive position of enterprise in the market of trading services. A review of the scientific papers on the development strategy of enterprise has enabled the authors to allocate the strategic alternatives for development of the marketing potential of enterprise. It has been proven that specially the type of the chosen strategy for developing the marketing potential determines the possibilities for the successful operation of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danko Y. I., Bliumska-Danko K. V., Halynska A. V.
The Marketing System of Formation of Competitiveness of the Agrarian Enterprises (p. 353 - 357)

The article is aimed at substantiation of theoretical and methodical provisions for development of marketing system of formation of competitiveness of the agrarian enterprises. Peculiarities of formation of the enterprises’ competitiveness were analyzed, the special role of the marketing activities of enterprises in forming the competitive advantages was determined. Peculiarities of the architectonics of marketing system of formation of competitiveness of agricultural enterprise were graphically interpreted. Suggestions on risk management in the implementation of the marketing policy of agricultural enterprises have been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tarnavska N. P., Demkiv I. O.
The Conceptual Provisions of the Enterprise Flexible Management Model (p. 307 - 317)

The article substantiates the basic concepts of construction and development of the enterprise flexibility management system by using the innovative methods of management. Essence of flexibility of enterprise has been defined as a property of maneuver and change the type of market behavior depending on the anticipated changes of the operation environment. The article provides a definition of the enterprise flexibility management system as a complex of measures for the targeted preventive impact on the growth of the market value of enterprise in the face of changes. On the basis of the fundamental provisions of the management theory, innovation, competitive advantages, certain concepts of chaos theory and self-organization of systems, as well as synergetics, the conceptual model of the enterprise flexibility management was built. In terms of the model is shown that evaluation and prediction of the nature of changes is a prerequisite for determining the degree of readiness of enterprise to their perception and formation of mechanism for adequate response with the subsequent formation of a strategic set of types of activities. The conceptual model of the flexibility management of enterprises was approved in the alcohol industry of Ukraine in the process of its transformation from mono-productive into multi-productive.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berezhna N. I.
The Role of Motivation and Incentive in the Economic Development of Contemporary Ukraine (p. 317 - 321)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the necessity of new qualities of motivation and incentive in the light of experience of different world countries in order to accelerate the development of Ukrainian economy. It has been specified that in the current conditions notably incentive contributes to activating and accelerating the development of economy at the account of the main directions – improving the technological level of production and formation of human capital. The country’s other available means of incentive are primarily the same as half a century ago, despite the fact that many of them cause no effect, the majority of moral incentives are no longer impacting the activities of workers and enterprises. There is no doubt that one has to generate own events, forms, and methods of motivation and incentive, taking into consideration the mental features and current status of development of the country. However, experience of other countries may also be useful, adopting which does not require significant material costs, but can nonetheless provide a high effectiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Saukh I. V.
The Formation of the Problem- and Target-Oriented Structure of Organization of the Tourism Enterprise in the Implementation of Strategic Analysis (p. 322 - 330)

The article is concerned with exploring the procedure of organization and conducting strategic analysis at the tourism enterprise and developing the organizational structure, aimed at improving the level of development of its financial potential. It has been determined that, with a view to form the organizational structure of strategic analysis at the tourism enterprise, one must take into consideration the factors impacting its building (volumes of economic activity; its goal; the organizational-legal form of ownership; style of leadership at the enterprise; presence of the enterprise’s development strategy, and adequacy of financial resources). A comparative characterization of the organizational structures of the tourism enterprise has been carried out, where efficiency and effectiveness of forming the problem- and target-oriented model of organization of strategic analysis, an approximate structure of which is offered in the article, have been proven. Also a typical structure of the Provisions on the division of economic analysis (including strategic analysis) has been proposed. For the joint-stock companies of tourism business, usage of operogram has been suggested, which is a form of network planning and helps to optimize the duration of works as well as an efficient distribution of resources by particular works at the stage of implementation of strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pawlowski G.
The Diagnostics of Efficiency of Labor Norming of the Managerial Staff at Enterprise (p. 331 - 337)

The article is aimed at formation and development of the conceptual foundations for efficiency of labor norming of the managerial staff at enterprise. It has been defined that diagnostics here should be understood as a system of methods, actions, and techniques for conducting studies on the efficiency of labor norming of the managerial staff of enterprise based on the identification and assessment of the status of innovations in the system for organization of labor and production. It has been found that labor norming of the managerial staff at enterprise is one of the factors that determine the level of efficiency and effectiveness of a management system. The key business indicators in the system for diagnostics of efficiency of labor norming of the managerial staff at enterprise have been allocated, such as: level of labor intensity, severity of labor, level of fatigue, level of use of time norms, level of labor tension, and level of extensiveness of use of working time. Prospect for further research and practice in this direction will be development of a unified matrix model of diagnostics of the enterprise’s activity, taking into consideration a list of the key business indicators in the system for diagnostics of efficiency of labor norming of the managerial staff at enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pilevych D. S.
The Essence of the Financial and Economic Security of Enterprise and Role of Controlling in its Ensuring (p. 337 - 342)

The article explores the role of controlling in ensuring the financial security of enterprise. Peculiarities of formation of information resource within the terms of functioning of business entities were considered. It has been proposed to organize handling of management information at enterprises making use of controlling as a contemporary management model. The article also emphasizes the significant role of controlling in ensuring the financial and economic security of enterprise, considering its specific tools and opportunities for a properly organized process of collection of various types of information, its processing, and analytical studying.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bazyliuk V. B., Bezpalko I. R.
The Contemporary Approaches to Forming the Methods for Evaluating the Efficiency of Business Process for Producing and Marketing of the Publishing and Printing Products (p. 342 - 346)

The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical and methodical approaches to evaluating the efficiency of key business processes in the publishing and printing activity, on the basis of the fuzzy sets theory. The suggested methodological approach provides for multiple-criteria evaluation and comparative analysis of the implementation of business processes. With a view to enhancing efficiency of the system of basic business processes, an optimization algorithm has been proposed and the main stages of its implementation have been substantiated. Studying the fuzzy sets of business processes with appropriate degree of membership for each of them provides an evaluation from the position of the integrated criteria with obtaining an ordered list of options on their overall efficiency as to implementation of the business-process for producing and marketing of the publishing and printing products. The proposed methodological approach is suitable for computer processing and can be used in creating a system for the multi-criteria analysis of business processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danylenko Y. S.
The Etymological Analysis of the Categories of «Need» and «Motive» in the Context of Managing the Behavior of Consumers in the Market for Sales of Cars (p. 347 - 354)

The article carries out the etymological analysis of the categories of «need» and «motive» in the context of managing the behavior of consumers in the market for sales of cars. It has been found that both concepts are constituents of the process of motivation. The author’s own definitions of these categories have been suggested, which address the causes of needs and motivations, as well as options for their transformation. A special model of the process of motivation of consumers of cars has been developed, which takes into consideration influence of both the external and the internal factors on the human needs and motives, estimation of purchase options and decision-making. The carried out etymological analysis sets up foundations for further study of the complex of purchase motivators, which animate customers when choosing a car.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Raiko D. V., Tseitlin L. M., Drobakha N. O.
Developing the Activities of Informational and Emotional Impact on Target Groups to Improve the Enterprise’s Image (p. 355 - 364)

The article is aimed at developing the activities of informational and emotional impact on target groups to improve the enterprise’s image. A theoretical analysis for the purpose of understanding the contemporary and relevant essence of the term of «enterprise’s image» has been carried out. It has been suggested to consider the interrelationship between image and enterprise’s activity on the basis of marketing as philosophy of business management. It has been emphasized that these activities are both personnel-based and marketing-based, and, therefore, combine elements of both the internal and the external image of the enterprise. In turn, it is expected that informational and emotional impact on the target audience of consumers is carried out by means of a complex of marketing communications, which are divided into two groups: the first are the classic elements of marketing communications, the second – the ones that are based on Internet technologies and social media marketing. Bearing in mind the particular role of the identified group of activities, the process of decision-making for development of the activities to improve the enterprise’s image has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Trokhymchuk V. V.
The Influence of Structure of Joint-Stock Property on the Efficiency of Corporate Management System of Domestic Enterprises (p. 357 - 362)

The article is aimed at exploring and analyzing the structure of joint-stock property of Ukrainian enterprises, as well as evaluating its impact on efficiency of the system of corporate management. By studying the results of the privatization of public enterprises and dynamics of the number of companies in recent years, a tendency towards reduction of their total number has been identified. It has been determined that the structure of joint-stock property of domestic enterprises is characterized by a high degree of its concentration. An analysis of the corporate management system of enterprises comparing with the best international practices has displayed a fairly low level of the corporate management efficiency of domestic companies. It has been determined that in these circumstances, consolidation of property in Ukraine became the tool for protecting enterprises from hostile takeover. Measures to eliminate factors, impeding the formation of effective ownership structure of joint-stock property and the related corporate management system, have been proposed. Prospects for further researches will be monitoring changes in the quality of corporate management and property structure of domestic enterprises, as well as studying the factors that cause them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnyk І. S.
Developing the Instrumentarium for Diagnostics of the Process of Intellectualization of the Systems for Management of Enterprises (p. 363 - 379)

The article allocates and elaborates a number of system indicators for diagnostics of the process of intellectualization of the systems for management of enterprises. The article clarifies the existing and proposes new methods for calculating the intermediary and group indicators of the intellectualization process, their criteria values and trends of possible development. The main group criteria for evaluation of the process of intellectualization of management systems are as follows: knowledge potential of the intelligence carriers; human capital; intellectual and competence level of managerial staff; motivation of the intelligence carriers; development status of management; research capacity; development of information and communication technologies; intellectual-economic activity; formation of intellectual capital; institutional development of management system; formation of knowledge and innovative prospects; complexity of the process of intellectualization. The interpretative matrix of the integral index values of the process of intellectualization of systems for management of enterprises has been developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pawlowski G.
The Development of System for Management of Enterprise: Diagnostic and Anticipative Approaches (p. 380 - 384)

The article is aimed at formation of theoretical and methodical foundations for development of a system for management of enterprise in line with the diagnostic and anticipative approaches. It has been determined that the diagnostic approach is based on the process of identification, analysis and assessment of the enterprise’s status (subject to restrictions on access to information resources) to address the problematic moments and weaknesses of enterprise and/or use chances of functioning modalities and strong positions of enterprise to ensure its development and forming a perspective. At the same time, it has been determined that the anticipative approach is directed to an early warning and response to financial crisis, signaling to directors of enterprises on hazards, risks, and additional chances to increase efficiency and effectiveness of financial-economic activity by means of continuous monitoring of changes, arising in the environment of functioning. Prospect for further research will be developing a diagnostic system, taking into consideration the diagnostics in the enterprise’s management system and the theoretical-methodological foundations for development of system for management of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kunaiev A. Y.
The Diagnostics of Business in the Process of Diagnosing the Efficiency of Management of Machine-Building Enterprise (p. 385 - 393)

The article is aimed at conducting a diagnostics of business in the process of diagnosing the efficiency of management of machine-building enterprise. As the basic approach to diagnosing the efficiency of management of machine-building enterprises has been defined the process approach. The diagnostics of business was carried out by determining the economic efficiency of labor, material, investment, and financial resources. As the criterion of efficiency of management of labor resources has been defined the productivity of labor and material means – use, movement, and level of efficiency of the use of fixed assets. The analysis and evaluation of the efficiency of investment-financial activity of the studied machine-building enterprises were implemented with help of the criteria of outstanding capital investments, investment property, long-term financial investments, current financial and other financial investments with the corresponding values of indicators. The direction for future research should be evaluation of the efficiency of business processes in the system of diagnosing the efficiency of management of machine-building enterprise to complete the integrated diagnosis of the management efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudenko I. V., Harkusha N. M.
The System for Management of Business Activity of Production and Trade Enterprise (p. 394 - 399)

The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical and methodical approaches to the formation of a system for management of business activity of production and trading enterprises in the contemporary conditions of managing. Features of the system approach to management have been determined, a model of the system for management of business activity, taking into consideration specifics of activity of production and trade enterprises, has been developed. A characterization of the common functions of management of business activity has been provided. The place of economic analysis in the system for management of business activity of enterprise has been substantiated. The basic principles of management, which should ensure a growth of business activity of production and trading enterprise, have been suggested. Features of each subsystem for management of business activity have been considered. Prospect for further research in this direction is clarifying the system of indicators for evaluation of the factor interrelationships and methods for research on business activity, which would provide using the results of these calculations as the substantiation criteria for more meaningful managerial decisions, providing more effective practice of production and trade enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Girman A. P., Novikov V. A.
Evaluating the Staff at Enterprise: Several Theoretical and Methodological Aspects (p. 400 - 404)

The article is aimed at generalizing and systematizing various knowledge, related to evaluation of staff, on a common theoretical-methodological basis. Concept, objectives, directions, methods, and indicators for evaluating staff in the contemporary economy were analyzed. The topicality of using the theoretical developments on staff evaluation in actual practice of functioning of enterprises has been substantiated. A new approach to the procedure of evaluation of the total human resource of enterprise, based on the life cycle of organization, has been proposed. On the basis of the proposed scientific algorithmic step-by-step approach to the evaluation of staff, managers of companies can design their own models for staff evaluation, develop its separate elements. Prospects for further researches in this direction involve relation of staff evaluation to the life cycle of employee no less than the life cycle of enterprise. Management of the life cycle of employee represents methods for management of his development that would change the level of the employee’s professional maturity as result of a system impact.

Article is written in Russian

Peniuk V. O.
The Phasing of the Process of Diagnosing the Personnel Potential at Trade Enterprise (p. 405 - 412)

The article is aimed at carrying out phasing of the process of diagnosing the personnel potential at trade enterprise, taking into consideration the possible restrictions of a structural nature. The article determines the main causes for unequal attitude by the directors of differently sized trade enterprises of Ukraine towards diagnosing the personnel potential and personnel evaluation. The author’s vision of the phasing of the process of diagnosing the personnel potential has been submitted. An economic-mathematical model of the optimal implementation of the stages of diagnostics of the personnel potential at trade enterprise has been built. A list of principles has been compiled, along with clarifying their contents, on the basis of which diagnosing the personnel potential at trade enterprise should be carried out. The author’s definition of the concept of «desired status of the personnel potential» for trade enterprise has been formulated. Examples of endogenous and exogenous factors that impact the desired status of the personnel potential of trading enterprise and cause its changing have been provided. Prospects for further research in this direction can be research on the diagnostics of other constituents of the strategic potential of trade enterprise, as well as improvement or development of a new methodological instrumentarium to carry out diagnostics of the personnel potential at enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Honchar M. F.
Stresses as an Object of Management: Essence, Classification, and Factors of Formation (p. 413 - 418)

The article explores the etymology and semantics of the concept of «stress» and suggests its multiaspectual consideration: as a phenomenon that occurs under the influence of extreme factors of internal and external functioning environment; as a system of reactions of either the subject or the object on specific factors of environment; as a state which does not belong to the category of organic and is characterized by significant deviations from such. A generalized comprehensive classification of varieties of stresses by substantive and independent attributes has been compiled, that provides more versatile characterizing stresses and helps to prepare informational ground for identifying their parameters. It has been proved, that the diversity of stresses occurs under the influence of stressors (stress factors), i.e. there are factors that predispose their evolving and progress. A classification of impact of stressors on individual by the semantic attribute has been proposed, allowing to allocate personal, family, institutional, and extaorganizational stressors. In the context of impact on enterprise, it has been suggested to consider stressors from the standpoint of internal and external position environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bezpalko I. R., Bazyliuk V. B.
The Prerequisites for Implementing and Ensuring the Efficiency of Marketing Audit at the Publishing and Printing Enterprises (p. 419 - 424)

The article is aimed at defining the prerequisites for necessity of successful and efficient implementation of the practice of marketing audit at the domestic publishing and printing enterprises. It has been determined that in the highly competitive market of the publishing and printing services, as well as systemic problems of the domestic market, marketing audit can be an efficient tool for analysis and control on the definition of problems in the system for management of marketing activities of the publishing and printing enterprise, preventive identifying non-conformity of their status with requirements of the market environment, as well as developing recommendations on how to reduce such non-conformity. Determining and accounting external and internal factors that cause impact on quality and efficiency of marketing audit of entities in the publishing and printing market is the basis for development of the organizational-economic mechanism for implementation of such audit and possibilities for its active implementation in the domestic market conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yevtyshenko H. I., Kutcenko V. I., Ptashchenko O. V.
The New Paradigm for Improving the System of Management in the Context of Ensuring Economic Development and Social Security (p. 335 - 340)

The article characterizes the importance of formation of the new paradigm for improving the system of management in the context of ensuring economic development and social security. At the same time, the publication specifies that the current social policy in our country is not of a systemic nature, that it has insufficient focus on social security. It is emphasized that efforts to overcome negative results should contribute to formation of the socio-economic stability in the country. There is a need to create a new paradigm for the development of education, whereby the contents and basic orientation of training the personnel, in particular managers, must be subordinated to the worldwide trends of socio-economic, scientific, and cultural development. The basic requirements for managers who, in the opinion of the authors, should have a high level of education, culture and communication, have been disclosed. It has been substantiated that, for this purpose, every educational institution must develop the higher education management. This should be facilitated by intellectualization of the educational environment and transition to the educational standards of a new type. The authors have suggested ways for further improving the system of training the personnel, in particular managers, whose activities would contribute not only to economic growth in the country but to social security as well.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stadnyk V. V., Mukomela-Mikhalets V. O.
The Intangible Resources in the Implementation of the Industrial Corporate Development Strategy (p. 341 - 346)

The advantages of corporations in terms of the ability to accumulate resources for their development have been emphasized. In the light of the globalization tendencies, the issue of efficient use of the intangible resources of industrial corporations has been actualized. The resource potential of an industrial enterprise with the allocation of intangible resources (IR) has been structurized, including the main components. It has been reasoned that their development should be carried out for the implementation of different types of competitive strategies and in accordance with the principles of complementarity and emergence. An authors’ own interpretation of both the resource and market synergies in the context of the corporate strategy has been provided. Activities of domestic actors of innovation activity in the creation of industrial property has been analyzed, leading to the conclusion that existing tendencies in the industrial sector are unfavorable for companies to pursue competitive strategies, based on innovative monopoly. It has been underlined that solution to this problem requires the concerted development of the totality of IR, which will create an organizational space within the company with the high variation capacities in the combination of resources and processes, contributing to the achievement of resource and market synergies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shpak S. O.
The Theoretical Foundations of Strategic Management of Restructuring the Enterprises on the Basis of Potentials (p. 347 - 356)

The article is aimed at developing an internally consistent system of formal strictly defined concepts of the theory of strategic management of industrial restructuring and substantiating, on this basis, appropriateness of an approach to strategic planning for restructuring, based on the monitoring and management of enterprise potentials. It has been shown that restructuring of the production sphere of industrial enterprise is a process of targeted changes in the structure of enterprise, affecting the material-technical supply, production, and marketing subsystems, which are generally managed at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. A comprehensive characterization of the current and future (of the possible) structures of enterprise may be provided by its potentials. The conception of strategic management of enterprises restructuring based on the development of their potentials dictates certain requirements to the composition of tasks to be solved and the methodological tools used for this purpose, among them, priority should be given to the development of potentially promising enterprise structures and the choice of the most promising ones, as well as methods for assessment of potentials.

Article is written in Russian

Zhukovska L. E., Kulchitska М. K.
Developing a Mechanism for Assessment of the Mobile Operator Staff (p. 357 - 364)

The article is aimed at determining and substantiating practical recommendations on improving the assessment of staff of mobile operators based on an analysis of the existing theoretical and methodological foundations of formation and implementation of an effective mechanism for staff assessment and the suitability of their application in the competitive conditions. General tendencies in the development of mobile operators have been determined, existing approaches to assessing their staff have been explored. The article substantiates the need for cooperation and exchange of experts among mobile operators on staff assessment issues, using the assessment center technology and the use of an integrated staff assessment based on the points system, which will provide an objective assessment of each employee and will also contribute to the development of staff assessment technology for all telecommunications companies. The organizational and economic foundations for the implementation of these activities and the determination of level of their performance for mobile operators will be purpose of further researches.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Birbirenko S. S., Puzhakova I. G.
The Impact of an Efficient System for Motivation of the Communications Operator Staff on Improving Its Level of Competitiveness (p. 365 - 369)

The article considers issues of a detailed study and analysis of staff motivation and enterprise competitiveness. It has been determined that in the globalizing business environment along with highly efficient mechanisms to disseminate information about the way firms compete, labor force is what becomes the most important source of competitive advantage in the market. It has been proven that production depends on the quality of labor force, the level of interest in the management of enterprise, and the forms of its use. Staff management is becoming increasingly important as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise. The structural-logical scheme of formation of a system for motivation of the communications operator staff has been proposed for implementing in practice, which is based on the understanding that human resource is the main factor in ensuring the competitive advantages of enterprise that determine the success of the chosen development strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuchumova I. Y.
The Importance of Intangible Incentives to Increasing the Motivation of Enterprise Staff (p. 370 - 375)

The article is aimed at studying different motivation systems that are used by the staff managers and considering recommendations for building an effective system to stimulate the professional development of staff at today’s enterprises. Impact of both the material and the non-material incentive systems on the staff performance was analyzed. It has been noted that, in the rapid development of the modern world, material motivation is no longer sufficient for the constant interest of workers and for their effective stimulation to productive work. Therefore, the main components of the system of non-material motivation of staff have been determined and analyzed. The most common methods of the non-material motivation used by contemporary companies together with the intangible incentives that workers want to receive were analyzed. Efficiency of the management practices associated with the evaluation of performance of each employee has been substantiated, and it has been specified that the effective staff incentives are one of the most significant factors in the competitiveness of today’s enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bazaliieva L. V.
The Methodical Aspects of Formation of Trusting Relationship between Enterprise and Stakeholders (p. 376 - 381)

The article is aimed at developing the theoretical and methodical aspects of formation of trusting relationship between enterprise and stakeholders. An approach to differentiate all parties concerned in the functioning of enterprise in accordance with the criteria of «level of influence/attitude to enterprise» has been suggested, to provide development of effective approaches and methods of formation of the stakeholders’ confidence. Thus, priority should be given to formation of trusting relationship with stakeholders with the highest level of influence. In doing so, in order to form confidence among internal and external stakeholders, it is necessary to use approaches and methods that take account of their particularities. The form of the trusting relationships between enterprise and stakeholders is suggested to be defined on the basis of available and combined attributes of trusting, i.e. related emotions, intentions, and actions. Assessing the level of trust, inherent to the relationships of enterprise with the parties concerned, will form a strategy of developing relationships with them, directed to overcoming information asymmetry, optimizing transaction costs, harmonizing interests, which in turn will ensure increase in the efficiency of economic activity of enterprise in the long run.

Article is written in Russian

Saukh I. V.
The Structure of the Enterprise’s Information Potential in the Context of Carrying out Strategic Analysis (p. 381 - 387)

The article is aimed at studying the structure of the enterprise’s information potential, evaluating its subsystems and the depth of strategic analysis based on the level of strategic uncertainty. It has been proven that information potential as a system includes the subsystem of incoming strategic information; the subsystem of evaluation of the information received; the subsystem for processing and transmission of strategic information. An assessment of the level of information saturation of the external environment together with the extent to which the information potential is used depending on the allocated criteria has beens made. A descriptive model of information potential has been developed, application of which will make possible to assess its level of development in terms of financial, based on external and internal information received, and a methodical approach to determining the depth of strategic analysis, depending on the level of strategic uncertainties in the external environment, using the matrix method (based on assessment of the ratio of impact of the environmental factors and the urgency of strategic decision-making) has been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yeliseyeva O. K., Kutova N. G.
The Incentives in the System of Staff Management of Enterprise (p. 388 - 392)

The article considers essence of the enterprise’s system of staff management, substantiating the scientific approaches to defining its constituents. The features of the enterprise’s system of staff management are covered. The need to improve the staff labor motivation has been substantiated. The main subprocesses of the enterprise’s system of staff management have been identified, on the basis of which the purpose has been defined and the staff incentive tasks have been formulated. The conditions, providing the efficient management of staff, have been determined. Differences and common features between the scientific approaches have been disclosed. The features of the system of staff management such as consistency and complexity of elements have been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Polova V. V.
The Comprehensive Diagnostics of the Organizational Culture: Application Aspects of Improving the Enterprise Competitiveness (p. 393 - 398)

Today, with the emergence of the knowledge economy, a great deal of research by scientists in the search for efficient ways and methods to increase the competitiveness of enterprises is being paid to the non-production factors of employment: intellectual, sociocultural, and human. Studying the development issues of a system of strategic personnel management and formation of an effective organizational culture for enterprise are therefore relevant. The article proposes an author’s own typology of organizational culture from the perspective of behavioral management, with allocating three following types: emergent, acceptual, and vital-organic. As a result of the integrated evaluation, with inclusion of the author’s own methods, the positive and negative features of the organizational culture of the OOO «Izdatelstvo «N» have been identified. The necessary changes that should be made to the enterprise in order to improve the management quality of its organizational culture and enhance its competitiveness have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nifatova O. M.
The Contradictions and Compartmentalizing the Interactions between Integrated Business Structures: Aspect of Branding (p. 399 - 404)

The article is aimed at identifying contradictions and developing a compartmentalizing as to the interaction between integrated business structures, taking into consideration the branding approach to management. The main specific features and contradictions that arise in the process of integration in the domestic market of mergers and acquisitions have been allocated. The contradictions identified were systematized and substantiated at three economic levels: macro-, meso-, and microeconomic. A compartmentalizing of the business units interaction in a merge or an acquisition process has been proposed. This compartmentalizing takes account of the branding aspect through the introduction of «brands interaction» – cluster interaction, circular interaction, holding interaction, linear interaction, which enhances the scientific view of exploring the problem of business units interaction in the process of the formations becoming integrated. The development of a compartmentalizing as to the interaction between integrated business structures, taking into consideration the branding approach to management, would provide a more effective use of the fundamental nature of branding as synergistic force in terms of the system of integration of business structures at the current stage of development of the national economy. Further development of branding issues in this sphere will have a significant impact on the functioning of the integrated business structures with the participation of Ukrainian companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko O. L.
The Branding in the Consumption Society Era (p. 405 - 409)

The article highlights the main aspects of formation and development of brands in terms of consumption society. The features that exist in a given society and their impact on the development of branding have been analyzed. The views of the various authors have been explored and the authors’ own substantiation for the issues indicated has been presented. The main directions for the formation and use of brand as a marketing tool have been outlined, given the social manifestations of consumption society. The relationship between brand and consumer in terms of compartmentalizing products and in the context of consumer choice has been defined. A characterization of possible consumer choice models has been provided. Their impact on the effectiveness of branding has been determined. The importance of the social and psychological factors of branding, which dominate a consumption society, have been displayed and analyzed. The key priorities for building and developing successful brands have been formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Trushkina N. V.
The Service for the Customers of Coal Products in the Context of the Conception of Relationship Marketing (p. 410 - 416)

The article is aimed at developing approaches to the service for various groups of customers of coal products in the context of the conception of relationship marketing. Content of the term of «service of the customers of coal products» has been clarified. An analysis of the dynamics of volume and structure of coal consumption in Ukraine was carried out. It has been proven that in organizing the marketing processes in terms of coal enterprise activities, it is appropriate to apply the conception of relationship marketing, essence of which is formation of a partnership based on a customer-oriented approach to the service for customers of coal products. A feature of this approach, unlike the existing ones, is the allocation of different groups of consumers of coal products, taking into consideration the volume of their annual demand and the specifics identified. It has been suggested that a systemic, process, and functional approaches to the organization of processes of service for the consumers of coal products be used in a single complex through the implementation of management functions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yashkina O. I., Melnyk A. V.
The Online Marketing Research on the Factors of Competitiveness of Enterprises in the Computer Accessory Market (p. 417 - 421)

The article is aimed at identifyng the factors of competitiveness of enterprises in the market for computer accessories (on the example of the «ZONA51» store) and suggesting certain actions as to creating and strengthening competitive advantages. The main competitors of the enterprise, which offer computer accessories, as well as the basic preferences of consumers in choosing the game-oriented computer accessories, have been explored. The study has found that price and active Internet communications are the main factors in the competitiveness of enterprises in the market for computer accessories. It is also important to use communicative channels such as «word-of-mouth marketing» for specific types of goods. The target audience of the products analyzed is young people, so it is also important to advertise resources near the places of youth gatherings to provide active communications. Further studies should consider the factors of competitiveness of Internet shops with different orientation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Derevlev V. L.
The Formation of the Components of a Marketing Adaptation Mechanism for Enterprise Development (p. 422 - 427)

The the article is aimed at studying the nature, structure, tools, and principles of function of the marketing adaptation mechanism for enterprise development. Essence of economic mechanisms for management of enterprise development has been analyzed, importance of the marketing adaptation mechanism in this process has been displayed. The article suggests the definition of the most appropriate marketing adaptation mechanism for management of development as a targeted and advanced response of the internal factors of marketing potential to fluctuations in the external environment, in result of which an enterprise achieves the level of adaptivity, sufficient to maintain the sustainable, dynamic, and continuous development. The author substantiates a structure of building a marketing adaptive mechanism for management of development, consisting of the marketing potential elements (at three levels) along with functional, methodical, and tool-based subsystems. The function of the mechanism itself is implemented through the interaction of the specified subsystems with the external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Us M. I.
The Role of Marketing Research in Improving the Efficiency of Enterprise’s Relationships with Partners (p. 428 - 432)

The article is aimed at analyzing the role of marketing research in the activity of enterprise and determining whether it is possible to improve relationships with partners on the basis of using the results obtained. The main trends and directions of the marketing research on the formation and development of the enterprise's relationships with partners have been defined. The advantages of organizing a comprehensive marketing study by different directions of researching market and its actors were considered. The difficulty in formation of a single overall indicator and a source of efficiency of partnerships is that each actor is aimed at achieving its own efficiency. In turn, achieving the individual efficiency that each partner receives from the interaction, depends on the efficiency of performance of the entire system of partnerships that can be controlled through marketing research. A prospective direction for further research will be defining the characteristics and methods of collecting the primary information necessary for the organization and assessment of the interaction of enterprise with competitors.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Honchar M. F.
The Stress Management in the Enterprise Management System (p. 233 - 239)

The article systematizes the classification of the type of management by a number of attributes: horizon of ambition, priority style of interaction between management and managed systems, level of centralization, orientation, consideration of environmental impact, contents, type of activity, and response to deviation. Within terms of the attribute of response to deviations, place of the stress management is allocated near to the harmonic and the risk management. It has been substantiated that the stress management is the enterprise management system aimed at overcoming unwanted deviations that are significant, extreme, and have a significant negative impact on the operation of enterprise. In the structure of the stress management, the following integral components have been allocated and characterized: crisis, adaptive, reactive, fears, and anticipative.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Velychko V. A.
Developing Directions of Increase in Efficiency of the Information-Analytical Support to Counteract Raiding in the Enterprises of the Fuel and Energy Complex (p. 240 - 244)

The article is concerned with development of recommendations on improving the information-analytical support to counteract raiding in the fuel and energy complex (FEC). In this context, the author has formed the concept of «raiding attractiveness» of enterprises of the FEC; directions for increasing efficiency of the information-analytical support to counteract raiding of enterprises of the fuel and energy complex have been proposed. Of particular importance are the developed directions of improving the efficiency of implementation of the information-analytical support to counteract raiding in enterprises of the fuel and energy complex, based on the results of an integral assessment of the «raiding attractiveness» of enterprises of the FEC, application of the corporate and antiraiding codes, which resulted in the formation of a set of measures to counteract internal and external negative events, as well as unreasonable influence of any concerned person.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fostolovych V. A.
The Modern Elements of the Management System of the Agrarian Business Enterprises (p. 245 - 250)

The article provides an operation mechanism for the integrated management system that is recommended for the introduction at the enterprises of the agrarian business by means of principles, methods and tools of management system. An example of the modern element of the management system of the agricultural enterprises is the software product Soft.Farm. The article considers improving of the organizational structure of enterprises in the direction of formation of clusters of different forms and active implementing of an integrated management system with wide application of its principles (Deming principles, principle of continuous improvement of processes, zero defects principle, principle of collaboration), methods (teamwork method, quality function deployment (QFD), value analysis, failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), SKO, SPC) and structural elements (flowchart, Ishikawa diagram, Pareto chart, column chart, checklists, and control maps).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Veretennikova G. B., Mazhnyk L. O.
The Methodical Recommendations for Determining the Quality of Functioning of the Working Group on Controlling (p. 251 - 257)

The article is aimed at presenting a study on the development of an algorithm to assess the quality of functioning of the working group on controlling, its substance and the system of indicators. Recommendations were suggested to assess the quality of functioning of the working group on controlling, involving a phased assessment in two directions: formation of a managerial decision and its implementation. The proposed system of indicators for assessing quality of functioning of the working group is comprehensive and includes a group of indicators, characterizing the conditions of processes and their results. The quality assessment algorithm requires the necessary formation of a strictly qualitative managerial decision that provides a high (sufficient) level of its implementation. Prospect for further research in this direction will be development of information support for functioning of the working group on the strategic and operational controlling, which will simplify the process of developing of managerial decisions. Further development of the organizational foundations for introduction of controlling in the enterprise would standardize the stages of analysis, accounting, and regulation of the enterprise’s activity as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zdrenyk V. S., Kotys N. V.
Theoretical and Methodological Groundings of the Research of Households as Participants of Logistic Systems (p. 258 - 262)

The article is aimed at determining the nature of households, their role and place in the logistic systems and substantiation of the necessity to use logistic approaches to stimulate the development of households. The article summarizes current approaches to the definition of the concept "household". The essence, role and place of households in logistic systems is characterized. Logistic determinants in ensuring the effective functioning of households are defined and the importance of logistic management in order to encourage their development is proved. Prospects for further research in this direction is scientific search for effective tools to manage development of households, adapted to modern conditions, that will ensure the competitiveness and steady development of all participants of logistic systems, among them households, which should undoubtedly be considered to be their main link.

Article is written in English

Zaіtseva L. O.
The Staff Development as a Means of Enhancing the Enterprise Competitiveness (p. 263 - 267)

The article is aimed at substantiating the importance of continuous development of staff as a means of enhancing the competitiveness of enterprise. A study on the current experience and issues of dissemination of the standard for HR management at the enterprises in Ukraine and abroad has been provided. The role of HR management in the system of competitive factors has been defined. The staff development strategies that are dependent on analysis of the internal environment and the personnel forecast of enterprise have been outlined. The need to apply both material and moral motivation to employees has been determined. The necessity to match the external conditions and the objectives of enterprise with the methods of labor incentives has been substantiated. Features of employee incentive on the basis of wage have been disclosed. There is a need to assess the quantitative and qualitative results of each employee’s individual work through the additional salaries, including in the form of various fringes, increments, lump sum remunerations, which are of a compensatory nature and allow for a significant individualization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Denysiuk O. V.
The Theoretical and Methodical Foundations of Formation and Development of the Managerial Knowledge of Enterprise (p. 267 - 273)

The article defines the relationship between the concepts of «managerial competency» and «managerial knowledge of enterprise». By generalizing the conceptual provisions, a typology of the enterprise’s competencies has been developed. In order to clarify the contents of the concept of managerial competency, the classification attributes of the managerial knowledge of enterprise have been allocated. The need to use management standards (management of business processes, staff, quality, projects, and production) in the processes of formation and development of the managerial competencies of the enterprise has been substantiated. The composition of the methodical support of formation and development of the managerial competencies of enterprise have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zoidze D. R.
The Outsourcing and Peculiarities of Its Application in the Pharmaceutical Industry Sector (p. 274 - 278)

The article is aimed at studying outsourcing and peculiarities of its application in the management of pharmaceutical enterprises. The content of concept of «outsourcing» has been defined. It has been suggested that outsourcing should be considered a strategy for the company’s anti-crisis management. The advantages and disadvantages of the outsourcing relationships have been explored. The approach to outsourcing in the enterprises of pharmaceutical industry sector has been systematized and generalized. It has been recommended to use «internal outsourcing» as tools for restructuring a pharmaceutical enterprise. Peculiarities and necessity of innovative outsourcing for the economic entities in the pharmaceutical market have been clarified. Establishing the outsourcing relationships in the pharmaceutical industry sector in Ukraine was analyzed. The aim of further research in this direction should be addressing problems that prevent the efficient application of outsourcing in enterprises. A special place among them holds the need to legislate the outsourcing relationships in the domestic market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rakhman M. S.
A Study on the Information and Telecommunication Services of Ukraine as an Export-Oriented Sector of the Economy (p. 279 - 287)

The aim of the article is to study the current status, main problems and prospects for the development of the information and telecommunication services of Ukraine at the domestic and foreign markets as an export-oriented branch of the economy. The statistical indicators of the industry structure in the dynamics at the domestic and foreign markets, the contribution to GDP and employment were analyzed; the matrix and correlation analyses were performed and, on the base of the results, forecast models for the development of indicators for sales, exports and staff costs were constructed. Recommendations on prospective directions of development of IT services and software, use of the key advantages of the industry for the development of the export-oriented sector of the national economy are offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Slipchenko T. O.
The Ukrainian Dental Market: Characteristics of Demand for Services in the Segment of Dental Implantation (p. 288 - 292)

The article is aimed at analyzing the market for dental services in Ukraine in the implantology segment, studying the demand factors for these services and developing a system of measures to manage the demand for dental implantation services. It has been proven that the market for dental services according to a complex of its attributes is more in line with the type of market of monopolistic competition. One of the promising ways of developing the dental market is to transform producers of dental services into the vertically integrated holdings. As one of the specific features of the dental services market is allocated the asymmetry of information, which leads to a conflict between the medical and economic interests of dentists. The price and non-price factors of demand for dental implantation services were determined, the prime cost structure of a dental service was analyzed. The characteristic attributes of a medical service have been defined as consistently defined actions or a complex of actions by medical personnel aimed at prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation, which have a self-contained complete meaning and a certain price.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuznetsova T. V., Sipailo L. G.
The Mechanism of Influence of the Marketing of Innovations on the Competitive Advantages of Enterprise (p. 293 - 299)

The article is aimed at consideration of theoretical approaches and developing practical recommendations on the need to introduce a mechanism for marketing innovations in order to enhance the competitive advantages of enterprise. The conception of marketing innovations is defined as a business philosophy that involves identifying the market opportunities for innovative development of enterprise. Importance of increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise through introducing the marketing of innovations has been proven. The basic principles, functions, and instrumentarium of formation of a mechanism for marketing innovations were considered. A mechanism for implementing the marketing innovations has been proposed that will provide enterprise to retain a sustainable competitive position in the long term. Prospect for further research in this direction will be defining a system of indicators to evaluate the efficiency of impact of marketing activities on the innovation activity of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Solodovnik O. O.
The Risks of Strategic Decisions in the Sphere of Financial and Economic Security of Public-Private Partnership (p. 240 - 244)

The article is aimed at studying and substantiating the theoretical and methodological aspects of development, analysis and assessment of strategic decisions in the sphere of financial and economic security of public-private partnership (PPP) in the context of the risks of their implementation. A study on the essence and characteristics of strategic decisions in the sphere of financial and economic security of PPP has led to the conclusion that each such decision should be considered and assessed in the context of the risks of its implementation, and the risk theory could be seen as the scientific basis for defining strategic alternatives and developing a criteria base for assessing them. The article proposes a list and systematization of the PPP risks that allow to: itemize the risks to the external and internal environment of PPP and to identify the prerequisites and sources of threats to the financial and economic interests of parties to the partnership; analyze and evaluate the strategic alternatives for risk distribution among partners in the context of implications for financial and economic security of PPP; determine the risks of achieving the objectives of the strategy for financial and economic security of PPP and to evaluate alternative strategies in terms of partners; account the potential occurrence and development of systemic risks and threats to the financial and economic security of PPP, as well as the use of complementary protective mechanisms; evaluate the results of a strategy to protect the financial and economic interests of parties to the PPP.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grosul V. A., Ivanova T. P.
The Peculiarities of Identifying the Components of a Business Model of Restaurant Industry Enterprise (p. 244 - 249)

The article substantiates the need for elaborating an efficient business model, implementation of which would enable enterprises of restaurant industry to create sustainable competitive advantages and would contribute to successful development in the long term. The basic scientific approaches to defining the business model components have been allocated. The main emphases and standard elements of a business model of enterprise in terms of each of the scientific approaches have been defined. The basic components of a business model of restaurant industry enterprise have been identified, taking into account the pivotal interrelated management processes: production, sales, consumption organization. The characteristics of each component of the business model of enterprise of restaurant industry have been provided in accordance with objectives of its activity in the context of efficient strategical decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolosok V. M., Tsurkan M. L.
The Development of a Staff Management System for Integrated Holdings Based on Valuation Models (p. 250 - 254)

The article is concerned with theoretical aspects of the formation of staff management systems for integrated holdings on the basis of valuation models. The place and role of the competences model in the staff management system has been displayed. The constituent elements in the staff management of an integrated enterprise as part of a holding have been determined. A characterization of staff management system in modern conditions has been provided and the most significant issues have been defined using the system management model. The methodical instrumentarium and the HR-technologies of formation and implementation of the competence approach in the management of staff have been developed: methodical and practical recommendations on evaluation have been generated. This management system, in turn, increases the likelihood of concluding successful deals, maintaining the necessary business contacts, increasing labor productivity, creating a favorable image of the organization and attractiveness of the organization to investors, shareholders, potential employees, partners, customers.

Article is written in English

Matusova O. M., Andryeyeva V. G.
The System of Economic Monitoring in Corporate Crisis Management (p. 255 - 259)

The article is aimed to analyze system of economic monitoring in corporate crisis management and to clarify its structure in current economic conditions. On the basis of previous scientific studies the essence of economic monitoring and monitoring system is determined. It is found that global financial crisis has changed approaches to corporate crisis management and the value of monitoring system in it. Crises by their nature became large-scale, cross-border and unexpected that led enterprises to the necessity of detecting crises on early stages and predicting their origin. This require from enterprise construction of deliberated monitoring system in crisis management system. The monitoring system is substantiated as a complex of certain elements that, through implementing its ability to find, collect, analyze, use the necessary information, and to provide this information in proper time, reaches the purpose of overcoming or avoiding crisis. The further investigations should be concerned with studying the introduction of monitoring system for enterprises with different stages of crisis situation.

Article is written in English

Skitsko V. I., Huzenko O. Y.
Risks of Mergers and Acquisitions Processes (p. 260 - 267)

Despite structural changes both in the economies of individual countries and in the world at large, the size of the merger/acquisition market is not declining and is tending to grow further. However, uncertainty in the global environment increases the importance of proper analysis, assessment and risk management in merger/acquisition transactions. Using the relevant research and publications by various authors, we have built a general ranking of the significance of merger and acquisition risks according to phases of the indicated process, with comparison of individual risk ratings, based on the publications by authors from Central and Eastern Europe and other countries around the world. The ranking of risks and threats of mergers/acquisitions proposed in this work can be considered one of the most complete for today. Further research needs to focus on the analysis, evaluation, and modeling of merger/acquisition risks, which occupy the top of the ranking, presented by the article.

Article is written in English

Pursky O. I., Moroz I. O., Mazoha D. P.
The Empirical Definition of the Function of Advertising Costs in E-Commerce (p. 268 - 274)

In the publication, an empirical study of the advertising costs in the e-commerce market is carried out. In order to determine the type of functional dependency of advertising costs, dynamics of advertising costs in the e-commerce markets of the US, the world, and Ukraine were researched, followed by an approximation of the series of statistical data on the Internet advertising costs. There is a functional dependency on the Internet advertising costs in the form of a power function with two coefficients that relate to the level of consumer awareness of goods and services in the e-commerce market and the level of saturation of the e-commerce market for advertising investments. The use of the power function of advertising costs has allowed to theoretical definition and statistical confirmation of existence of the effect of saturation of the developed e-commerce markets with advertising, where the growth of investment volumes in the Internet advertising begin with an increase, then peak and start to decline. The optimal level of advertising costs is determined by the condition of the full consumer awareness and the maximum saturation of the e-commerce market with advertising.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hehedosh K. V.
The Theoretical Prerequisites for the Emergence of Interactive Marketing in the System of Management of Cross-Border Economic Cooperation (p. 275 - 280)

The article attempts to characterize the basic theoretical aspects of marketing in cross-border cooperation. It has been found that, in the current context of the IT sector development, it is of substantial relevance to apply the benefits of online marketing together with integrating it into the international regional cross-border economic relations. The author’s own conception of the use of interactive marketing to further improve interaction of the entities of neighbouring countries in various areas of cross-border cooperation (CBC) has been proposed. A layout of web site interface of the interactive cross-border business center has been developed on the example of the euroregional formation of member countries in the Interregional Association «Carpathian Euroregion». One of the main challenges to the development of the CBC today is the lack of a well-functioning mechanism of interaction of «local authorities – regional development agencies – business structures». However, after building a model for development of a cross-border economy based on interactive marketing principles, the border areas on both sides will be able to better develop the regional economy and, consequently, the social well-being of the territory as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoliarchuk H. V., Lutsyshyna Y. V.
The Process Approach to Defining and Classifying the Marketing Costs of Trade Enterprise (p. 280 - 284)

The article suggests the definition of marketing costs based on a process approach, taking into account the innovation component. A detailed analysis of existing approaches to the definition of the term of «marketing costs» has been carried out. It has been found that there is no single scientific-methodical approach to the definition of marketing costs among scientists. Feasibility of using the process approach to the definition of marketing costs has been substantiated. According to the allocated business processes of marketing activity, components of its costs have been provided with account of the costs of innovation. Prospect for further research is development of a system of the indicators for evaluating the efficiency of costs of business processes of marketing activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlashchenko N. M.
The Modern Marketing Communications of Hotel Enterprises (p. 285 - 290)

The article is aimed at studying the features of marketing communications in the hotel industry and developing scientific-practical recommendations to activate their use at the level of domestic hotel enterprises. A classification of the communications of hotel enterprises, with defining the place for marketing therein, has been compiled. A complex of marketing communications of hotel enterprises has been developed, taking account of the current marketing instrumentarium. Objectives for the staff of hotel enterprises in terms of activities in the social networks have been formulated. Recommendations to activate the development of Internet marketing in the sphere of hospitality have been developed. It has been concluded that the special feature of promoting services of a hotel enterprise is the development of personalized relationships with customers.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hodiashchev M. O.
A Study on Analytical Instrumentarium for Management of the Business Activity of Enterprises (p. 241 - 246)

The content of the article is characterized by studying analytical instrumentarium for management of the business activity of enterprises. The place of management of business activity in the overall management system of enterprise has been defined. The key parameters of business activity as a managerial category have been specified by means of analyzing the theoretical, methodical, and practical scientific literature by both domestic and foreign economists. The interrelationship between the business activity of enterprise and its market value has been proven. On the basis of studying the categorical framework of business activity, the need to develop an analytical instrumentarium for controlling this iterativus has been actualized. The difficulty of using the common integrated and aggregated indicators, known from the foreign experience of companies, has been noted. The author has proposed his own multi-functional structure of analytical indicators for management of the business activity of enterprises based on the use of business activity subsystems that can be adjusted to the specialization of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsurkan M. L.
The Management of Staff Development on the Basis of Crowd Technology (p. 246 - 251)

The article is aimed at studying the substance and directions for the use of crowd technologies in the context of large industrial integrated holdings. A range of business tasks that can be successfully accomplished by using crowd technologies (crowdsourcing) has been defined, instrumentarium and stages of the staff working process in line with crowdsourcing technology have been analyzed. A general description and goal of crowdsourcing strategies have been provided. The advantages of crowdsourcing have been determined as follows: minimizing the labor and research costs on accomplishment of emerging tasks; obtaining innovative ideas; determining problem areas; displaying business transparency and willingness to cooperate; increasing consumer loyalty, company value; ability to mobilize additional resources through public platforms, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Liakh I. S.
The Theoretical Aspects of Controlling of Marketing in Enterprise (p. 251 - 256)

The article is aimed at generalizing the theoretical provisions on controlling of marketing in enterprise: to clarify the place of controlling of marketing within the management system, constituents, goals, tasks, and functions. The controlling of marketing was considered in terms of concepts such as management of enterprise, management of marketing, operative management of marketing, controlling, strategic and operational controlling of marketing, and operative management of marketing costs. The constituents and tools of controlling of marketing at the strategic and the operational levels have been defined. The definition of operative controlling of marketing has been revised, which emphasizes managerial decision-making about marketing costs, taking account of current situation and optimality of such costs as to purposes of enterprise. A systematic approach to studying this issue provides a holistic view of controlling of marketing within the enterprise management system. A study on the theoretical aspects of controlling of marketing as a modern management concept will make it possible to approach the issue of decision-making on marketing activity in a holistic manner.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pulina T. V.
The Analysis of Internal Audit Methods to Assess the System of Quality Management in the Government Authorities (p. 259 - 264)

An analysis of the main problems in the implementation, functioning, and causes of the poor performance of the system of quality management (SQM) in the State administration bodies has been carried out. On the results of the analysis, the factors that are specific to the government authorities and cause a noticeable impact on performance and the further development have been identified, in particular: the incorrect approach to developing and implementing the SQM; the «artificial» barriers between divisions; lack of feedback at the stages of provision of public services; low level of involvement of staff in quality work, etc. It has been identified that one of the main reasons for this is imperfection of methods of internal audit (IA). The role of IA in the development of SQM and managerial activity in the State administration bodies has been disclosed, feasibility of use of auditing as a basis for ensuring the stable development of SQM in the government authorities has been substantiated. A comparative analysis of existing approaches to the assessment of SQM in the implementation of IA along with an assessment have been carried out, their advantages and disadvantages have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kostіn D. Y.
The Scientific Approach to Formation of a Mechanism for Material Incentives in the System of Motivation at the Enterprises of Electrical Energy Industry (p. 265 - 270)

The article defines that, in order to continually improve the efficiency of use of managerial staff and to maintain sufficient motivation at the enterprises of electrical energy industry, it is necessary not only to evaluate but also to develop the mechanism for material incentives. In order to provide an efficient functioning of a system for improving the efficiency of managerial staff, it is necessary to form and implement an effective mechanism for management of its development. It has been concluded that the system for control of material incentives in the system of motivation at the enterprises of electrical energy industry indispensably includes: incoming control; ongoing control (in the case of long-term training programs); final control (may have both formal and informal forms); control of the use of acquired knowledge and skills in the working process. Evaluation of the efficiency of training is an important stage in the process of training the managerial staff. The main task of evaluating the efficiency of training is to analyze the information received, use it in preparing similar training programs as well as monitor the outcomes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Umantsiv I. M., Katran M. V.
The Development of the Internal Market for Consumer Goods in Ukraine (p. 271 - 275)

The article is aimed at studying the transformation of the internal market for consumer goods in the context of the intensification of integration processes. The tendencies in the development of internal market for consumer goods in Ukraine, which had been formed under influence of the structural transformations of the national economy, were analyzed. The growth of the internal market size, changes in both the aggregate demand and the supply, characterized by an increase in retail trade with imported consumer goods, have been identified. The main priorities for the development of the internal market for consumer goods have been proposed, which consist in improving the institutional environment for the promotion of competition between domestic producers and importers, thus making a further step towards the level of the European Union Member Countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanenko V. O., Koroliuk N. M., Liakhovych H. І.
The Outsourcing as a Means to Organize the Marketing Analysis (p. 276 - 285)

The article is aimed at substantiating expediency of the use of outsourcing as a means to organize the marketing analysis. The article is concerned with the theoretical-methodical foundations of using the outsourcing marketing analysis, in particular: approaches to interpretation of outsourcing have been considered and the key aspects that characterize it have been allocated; benefits of using the outsourcing marketing analysis have been proven; the main tasks of marketing analysis, which would be expedient to use for outsourcing, have been allocated; the basic criteria for choosing the external professionals when using the outsourcing of marketing analysis have been defined; stages of marketing analysis in terms of using the outsourcing have been proposed, as well as indicators for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the efficiency of outsourcing of marketing analysis; a scale for the proposed coefficient of efficiency of the outsourcing of marketing analysis has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rubakha M. V.
The Theoretical Aspects of Anti-Crisis Management of Economic System (p. 256 - 261)

The article is concerned with an analysis of the mechanism for anti-crisis management of economic system. A comparative analysis and a theoretical separation between the concepts of «anti-crisis management» and of «crisis management» were accomplished. A mechanism for the anti-crisis management of economic system has been proposed and the author’s definition of this mechanism has been provided. A considerable attention has been given to the criteria for the presence of crisis events. The normative, comparative, socio-cultural approaches, and a dynamic model of existing socio-economic tendencies in diagnosing crisis together with the depth of crisis tendencies in economic systems, have been allocated. The possibilities and prospects for implementing mechanisms, technologies and methods of anti-crisis management were analyzed; a number of priority measures for anti-crisis management and directions for reforming the mechanism for anti-crisis management of economic system have been proposed; the factors that reduce the efficiency of the anti-crisis management in Ukraine in the current environment have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Avramenko E. V.
The Directions for Development of Logistics Management in Ukraine (p. 262 - 267)

The article is aimed at defining problems in the development of logistics management in Ukraine and identifying the main directions of the logistics development. The results of evaluation of the logistics efficiency by the World Bank on the LPI integral indicator were generalized, the dynamics of the main criteria for evaluating the efficiency of Ukrainian logistics for 2007-2016 were reviewed. The directions that will facilitate the development of logistics management in Ukraine have been formed according to the research by «Ukrainian Logistics Alliance».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babarytskyi O. V.
The Formation of a Staff Costs Management System: the Project Approach (p. 267 - 272)

The article is aimed at developing a staff cost management system in the context of using the project approach at enterprise. The need to use the project approach to form a staff cost management system has been substantiated. A phased sequence of the formation and implementation of a staff cost management system has been proposed: 1) analysis of the prerequisites for the formation of a staff cost management system; 2) projecting a staff cost management system; 3) implementation of a staff cost management system; 4) adjustment of the staff cost management system. A detailed plan and a timetable for the formation and implementation of a staff cost management system have been presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kostіn D. Y.
The Methodical Aspects of Material Stimulation in the Motivation System at Enterprises of Electricity Industry (p. 273 - 278)

The article improves the methodical aspects of estimating material stimulation at enterprises of electricity industry. It has been determined that the provided taxonomy coefficients synthetically characterize changes in the values of attributes of the groups studied. Their most important advantage is that, in the course of analysis, we can now use only one indicator, which characterizes the direction and scope of changes in the processes described by the set of arbitrary numbers of incoming attributes. The level of material stimulation in the motivation system of enterprises of electricity in 2012–2015 was researched. It has been noted that during the outlined period there has been a general trend towards an increase in the integral indicator. This results from the economic crisis occurrences and the lack of a well-functioning organizational and economic mechanism for managing the motivation system at enterprises of this industry branch. The integrated assessment of enterprises extends the economic essence of the concept of material stimulation in the motivation system at enterprises of electricity industry, allowing it to be used to characterize the enterprise’s ability to return to its equilibrium status, preserve the parameters and move to a new stage of development in the conditions of accidental changes in the external and internal environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matiushenko Y. V.
The Directions to Improve the Staff Motivation to Implement Organizational Changes in the Enterprise (p. 278 - 283)

The article is aimed at building a cognitive map using the method of gradually formalizing the decision making tasks – cognitive modeling to forecast the impact of organizational changes on the emergence of staff resistance to these changes and the use of an appropriate set of incentives to overcome the resistance. The theoretical generalization of existing research on cognitive modeling has led to the development of scenarios reflecting the impact of relevant organizational changes on the respective types of staff resistance and the impact of a particular set of incentives to overcome this resistance. The concepts in the system of «organizational changes – incentives – resistance» have been chosen the types of organizational change, the types of resistance that arise depending on the type of change in enterprise and the incentives to implement organizational changes. In general, 17 development scenarios for development of the system of «organizational changes – incentives – resistance» have been developed, of which 2-3 scenarios are envisaged for each of the organizational changes introduced in spheres such as organizational structure, equipment, technology, organizational culture, enterprise strategy, system of qualifying, hierarchy, standards and norms. Prospect for further research in this direction is the determination of staff readiness to implement organizational changes at the individual and organizational levels, and its evaluation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shvydanenko G. O., Kutsenko I. K.
The Category of Value in the Corporate Management (p. 325 - 329)

The article examines evolution of the category of value and its provisioning with economic arguments, considering the legacy of the modern school of strategic management. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the scientific work of the subject area of the study have led to the identification of some problematic aspects, namely: prevalence of consumerism in disclosing the essence of value and its assessment through the prism of value expression, as well as the lack of a systemic approach that would take into account the multidisciplinary nature of this category. The origins of the definition of «corporate values» have been identified. As result, a classification of the specific manifestations of the values of enterprise are presented, the notions of «values» and «value orientations» are delineated. It has been substantiated that value is the economic category that has a polysemic nature and, accordingly, its ontological essence can be systemically disclosed only in the light of the interests of all stakeholders in business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lehominova S. V.
The Mechanisms to Consolidate Staff Efforts in the Targeting of Increasing the Competitive Potential of Enterprise (p. 330 - 334)

The topicality of focusing efforts to improve the competitive potential of enterprise through intellectualization of its staff, using continuous training in accordance with technological regimes and modern trends, has been rationalized. The author has analyzed the structural features of intellectual capital, determining the need for their efficient interaction to gain competitive value. A combination of behavioristic and cognitive approaches has been proposed, using a holistic model of human resources management in order to ensure efficient management and consideration of specific characteristics of cognitive behavior. It has been proven that the competitive potential of enterprise is directly dependent on the accumulation and diffusion of knowledge, should be of permanent nature, ensuring a stable increase in the competitive potential of enterprise and creating the ground for the formation of leadership positions, thus determining the basic mainstreams of development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Saher L. Y.
The Organizational-Methodical Mechanism for Influencing the Status of Internal Communications of Enterprise (p. 335 - 341)

The article explores the essence of the organizational-economic mechanism, defines the main constituent elements and proposes a structural-logical relations diagram of the mechanism for management of the internal communication processes of enterprises. The basic principles of management are allocated, their hierarchy is provided from a position of grade of influence on the process of internal communications management. A list of management methods within the proposed management mechanism (economic, social-psychological, organizational) is described. It has been determined that the application of one group of methods in the process of managing the internal communications of enterprise without the use of others cannot have a lasting positive effect, because the management process requires an integrated and systemic approach. The author provides a sequence of phases of the internal communications management based on the process of diagnosing the status of the internal communication processes of enterprise and the formation of strategic directions of activity along with the managerial decision-making on its basis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotsiubivska K. I., Hrushyna A. I.
The Strategic Analysis of Enterprise Applying the SWOT Methods (p. 342 - 347)

The article is aimed at forming a list of the following SWOT factors: defining the main factors of influence of the external and the internal environment through an expert survey. The algorithm for conducting an expert survey has been clarified, allocating the main factors that, according to the survey results, have reached the maximum level of consensus among experts. In view of results of the survey conducted, i.e., their mathematical processing, we believe that it is appropriate to highlight the importance of such factors as the efficient management of the enterprise’s capital (including the optimization of its structure), the insufficient amount of financial resources (including the own, budget-based and foreign investment), and unpreparedness to risk on the part of managers. In the case in question, the experts agreed on the importance of the State participation in the overall development of the cultural sector in Ukraine. Prospect for further research will be formation of a SWOT matrix, which will enhance the efficiency of strategic management of financial resources of the enterprises in the cultural area, which will also provide consideration of cultural specificities, give the possibility of structuring the financial resources and allow the successful operation in the market conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkodinа I. V., Lysak V. V.
Branding as a Factor in Increasing the Bank’s Competitiveness in the World Market (p. 348 - 353)

The article discusses the branding of banks in the world market for banking services in the context of fierce competition between financial institutions. The stages of brand formation were researched as a basis for building the bank's commodity policy. The main elements of brand to improve the market position of bank have been identified. The indicators for building strong bank brands have been reviewed and the efficiency of the contemporary marketing strategies has been determined. The most efficient innovative marketing strategies for branding are determined (subscription business models, chat bots, e-commerce, digital targeted advertising) to improve the market position of bank in today’s environment. The need to develop new internet marketing tools, original and risk projects in order to create efficient content and to excel the competitors. Prospects for further research in this direction is to consider e-commerce as an innovation marketing strategy that should become an integral part of branding.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novikov D. F.
The Social Irresponsibility of Enterprises and their Marketing in the Market for Machine-Building Products and its Impact on Financial Indicators (p. 354 - 359)

The article is aimed at a theoretical synthesis and developing scientific-methodical and practical recommendations for the social responsibility of machine-building enterprises and their marketing. The main theoretical provisions on the social responsibility of enterprise and its marketing in the promotion of machine-building products have been considered. The situation of the social irresponsibility the Volkswagen and Daimler AG companies was analyzed. The reasons for machinations in Volkswagen company and their impact on financial indicators are displayed. It has been determined that elimination of social irresponsibility in marketing is possible by improving the effective State regulation in this area.

Article is written in Russian

Koval T. O., Ponomarenko O. O., Yakhkind V. P.
The Strategic Planning in Terms of the Enterprise’s Marketing Potential (p. 360 - 369)

The need to address the economic problem of optimizing the distribution of resources in the midst of uncertainty and unpredictability of changes in the economic environment requires formation of an appropriate strategic approach to the management of enterprise by choosing a specific development strategy, the implementation of which should lead to the achievement of desirable economic outcomes. The article analyzes the regularities of strategic planning in terms of the enterprise’s marketing potential. Solving the complex tasks of improving the use of the enterprise’s marketing potential requires a thorough marketing study of business conditions, definition of the market segmentation characteristics and determining the key advantages that would ensure that producers would be sustainable in the competitive concurrence.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Orlov P. A.
The Quality of the State Regulation and Social Responsibility of Enterprises as Important Factors of Competitiveness of Both Production and Country (p. 441 - 447)

The article substantiates the improvement of the author’s own conception of the competitiveness of production on the basis of the clarification of composition of the main factors, dependent and independent of enterprises. The existence of a close relationship between the quality and competitiveness of produced and/or sold goods, the competitiveness of both enterprises and country, and the quality of life of population in the country has been reasoned. An analysis of consequences of the long-term social irresponsibility (SI) of the German company «Volkswagen» concerning cars with diesel engines has been provided. In such cases, the author proposes to use the concept of «false competitiveness». According to the author’s concept, the SI of enterprises in any country is a consequence of low or insufficient high quality of its economic system, the State regulation of economy; lack of division of power and business; corruption; poor quality of laws and regulations that ensure the orientation of entrepreneurship to social responsibility; lack of strict material and criminal liability for the anti-social irresponsibility of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko V. I., Pohorelov Y. S.
The Model of Enterprise Development as Basis of Its Strategic Choice (p. 448 - 453)

It is shown that one of the elements in methodological basis of enterprise strategic choice concerning its development is the model of enterprise development. There are principle aspects of modeling enterprise development (targets, principles of building, features, characteristics, assumptions and limitations of the model) considered in the article. There is content-context field for the model of enterprise development shown in the article. Such content-context field contains context, content-instrumental and target aspects. Every of such aspects specify content of the model and its characteristics. The task of modeling the enterprise development is solved by building five specific models of enterprise development that are combined into general model of development: model of ability of enterprise for development, model of choosing strategy of development, model of choosing vector of development, model of choosing basis of development and model of result of development. Functional purpose of every model is shown. There are their relationships and content considered in the article. Their place in structure of general model of enterprise development is defined. Their role in strategic choice of the enterprise concerning its development is shown.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chaikina A. O., Kolidub K. M.
The Features of Introduction of Risk Management in Ukrainian Enterprises (p. 454 - 459)

The article defines key features of introduction of risk-management at the Ukrainian enterprises taking into consideration personal characteristics of managers and identifying the main risks that impact entrepreneurial activity. It has been proved that the essence of entrepreneurial activity is reduced to adequate perception of risk by the entrepreneur and to the ability to prevent its occurrence. The authors suggest their own approach to definition of the essence of entrepreneurial risk. In the article, risk management is considered as a system of enterprise management, providing for timely detection (proactive action) and adequate response to the occurrence of risks in the entrepreneurial activity (protective action), the purpose of which is to ensure the seamless operation of the enterprise and its continuous development. The algorithm of implementation of risk-management at enterprise has been developed. The «Top-10 risks of 2017» has been analyzed and it has been concluded that for the Ukrainian enterprises the most significant for today are: changes in the legislation; raising the level of taxes, fees and costs of communal payments; unskilled personnel; loss of the consumer as result of actions of competitors; raider attacks; ATO.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Davydova O. Y.
The Formation of the System of Innovation Management of Development of Enterprises of Hotel-Restaurant Industry (p. 459 - 464)

The article is aimed at elaborating a methodical approach to the formation of the system of innovation management of development of enterprises of hotel-restaurant industry. The main problems of the domestic enterprises of hotel-restaurant industry were considered. An analysis of economic essence of the concepts of: «system», «innovations», «management», «development» was carried out and the interrelation between them was determined. The decomposition analysis of the concept of «innovation management of development of enterprises» has been proposed and it has been defined that for the efficient functioning of enterprises of hotel-restaurant industry in conditions of rigid market competition it would be necessary to implement the system of innovation management of enterprise development, the essence of which is formation of a process, aimed at increasing competitiveness, individuality, adaptability, awareness, improvement, cognition, quality, and other characteristics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Melnyk O. H., Hanas L. M., Nodzhak L. S.
The Place of Management of Production Stocks in the Enterprise Management System (p. 465 - 471)

The article is concerned with the definition of peculiarities of management of production stocks within the management system of enterprise. The article thoroughly researches the essence and peculiarities of the process of management of production stocks as an economic category that, unlike existing interpretations, has allowed to specify semantic and functional content of the concept. Management of production stocks of enterprise is presented as a specific function of management in the enterprise management system, which is being implemented on the basis of planning, organization of work with production stocks, motivation of employees, related to production stocks, control and regulation of production stocks. Also the model of selection of methods for motivation of employees on the basis of criteria of cost and duration of action has been presented; directions, objects and subjects of control of production stocks have been defined; a sequence of control and regulation of production stocks has been formed. The scientific developments can be used by enterprises to improve the process of managing production stocks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iziumtseva N. V., Korshunov R. І.
The Peculiarities of Building Motivational Process in Bank (on the Example of PJSC CB «PrivatBank») (p. 472 - 477)

The article considers the motivational process in bank. The essence of material and intangible component of encouraging employees to work has been disclosed. Attention is paid to the model of staff motivation on the example of PJSC CB «PrivatBank». The main disadvantages of motivational process have been identified and ways of improvement of the existing system of staff motivation have been suggested in favor of obtaining the best labor productivity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mirzoieva T. V.
On the Issue of Formation of Strategy of Enterprises - Producers of the Medicinal Plant Production (p. 477 - 482)

The article is aimed at forming a scientific basis and defining the main directions for development of the strategy of enterprises-producers of medicinal plant production. The basic kinds of production which are made from medicinal vegetative raw materials in the current conditions have been concretized; the main directions of activity in the sphere of medicinal plant production, developed over many centuries, have been revealed and generalized; the separate variants of strategies of the enterprises-producers of medicinal plant production have been outlined and examples of implementation of certain types of strategies in the conditions of practical activity have been provided. A whole of the basic concepts of medicinal plant production, designed by the author, has been presented. Special attention has been given to the presentation of medicinal plant growing as form of a separate sphere of activity, with allocation of its object, subject, purpose, and basic functions. Further scientific researches will be directed to elaboration of an efficient strategy of development of enterprises-producers of medicinal plant production in favor of strengthening positions of the given sphere in the market and securing it a worthy place in the aggregate of branches of national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nifatova O. M.
Substantiating the Conceptual Model of Branding of the Integrated Business Structures (p. 482 - 488)

The article is aimed at researching the theoretical foundations of the concept of branding and forming a conceptual model of branding of the integrated business structures. The concept of branding of IBS is systematized and synthesized by three directions: overview of theories of management of integrated business structures, based on the principle of economic integration; overview of the brand management models based on the principle of brand-oriented management; overview of management approaches, the essence of which is synthesized in the aspect of application to the management of brands of the integrated business structures. Special attention is paid to the factors influencing the efficiency of the process of integration of business structures. Further development of modelling the process of integration branding in the IBS system is of great importance, as the brands of two unifying companies usually have their own identities, unique features within the terms of formation of the brand’s style and philosophy. In such a fundamental issue it is necessary to define the strategy of brand integration, i.e. whether it will be a single brand, a joint brand, a flexible brand or a completely new one.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasyltsiv T. G., Rudkovsky O. V., Rudyk S. A.
Managing the Intellectual-Personnel Provision of the Leadership Development at the Enterprises of Internal Consumer Market (p. 489 - 493)

It has been determined that the strategically important direction of development and increase of efficiency of functioning of domestic enterprises, carrying out activities in the internal market, is use of approaches and principles of leadership. It has been proved that development of leadership requires proper intellectual and personnel provision of enterprises. The article defines the essence of concept of intellectual-personnel provision and provides its structural-functional characterization with components of innovation, technical and technological security, structure of staff, stability of personnel, productivity and efficiency of labor, social security, staff development. It has been proved that in order to form intellectual-personnel provision of enterprises it is necessary to implement such measures as formation, accumulation and effective use of intellectual and personnel capital, development in terms of intellectualization of enterprises. It has been determined that the advancing of intellectual-personnel provision of enterprises needs to improve the securing of enterprises with qualified personnel and intellectual capital, enhancing the stability of staff and increasing efficiency of use of intellectual capital, providing enterprises with effective and productive work, social protection, training and development of staff.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Obolentseva L. V.
The Methods of Formation of a Strategy of Competitiveness Management of the Industrial Complexes of Regions (p. 413 - 418)

The publication defines and generalizes the methods of formation of a strategy of competitiveness management of the industrial complexes of country’s regions. It has been specified that Ukraine presently is in a very difficult situation. On the one hand, industrial development is hampered by: the worn-out condition of technical and technological base of production, high level of turnover of personnel, a small percentage of production of high-tech products, lack of institutions of innovative development, etc. On the other hand – the complexity of processes for financing industrial development. The position of Ukraine in the rating of the world countries according to the index of global competitiveness has been provided. Conditions of development of regional policy of management of competitiveness of industrial enterprises have been defined. In terms of methodology, the author proposes a conceptual scheme for the formation of a regional strategy to manage the competitiveness of enterprises of industrial complex, which consists of four task blocks and gives an indication of the organization of industrial competitiveness management at the regional level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanenko O. O.
A View of the Enterprise’s Strategic Platform in the Context of the Global Tendency Towards Building the Business Ecosystems (p. 418 - 423)

The article is concerned with the issues of forming a strategic platform for ensuring sustainable development of enterprise. The cognitive map of the subject field of the research on enterprise’s strategic platform was designed and an analysis of its main elements was carried out. The basic directions of formation of the strategic platform have been indicated, which in a simplified sense are reduced to a triad of the concepts: «communication – technology – knowledge». The concept of «business-ecosystem» as the main global tendency in the sphere of the inter-firm interaction was researched. A definition of the concept of «business-ecosystem» has been provided, the historical aspects of its development have been considered, the basic conditions of its existence have been described, as well as the functions that can be implemented in these conditions. The necessity of introduction of principles of functioning of business-ecosystems in activity of any enterprise together with formation of its strategic platform has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Honchar M. F.
The Methods of Stress Management and Their Classification (p. 424 - 429)

The article considers the content and classification of methods of stress management, which provides systematization of their varieties by the number of existing (character, time interval of application, direction of impact, period of action, way of account the interests of employees, level of formation, method of substantiation, content) and the allocated new attributes (scale of changes in terms of stress management systems, level of novelty at enterprise, consistency), which allows to choose the appropriate types of such methods in overcoming undesirable deviations that have a significant negative impact on the functioning of economic entities. It has been determined that such methods are formed in the implementing of technology of stress-management; are the result of management activities of the steering subsystem of organization at each level of management; have alternative nature; form an information-management base for the adoption of managerial decisions in terms of the systems of stress administration. It has been specified that, with the assistance of certain methods in terms of stress management systems, managers can track existing and potential problems in the complex and dynamic environment of the organization, identify their relationships, identify «weak signals», adjust goals and tasks of management of critical undesirable deviations, determine indicators and criteria of stress-management, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnostup V. M.
The Essence and Meaning of Cross-Functional Teams in the System of Interaction of Personnel of Enterprises (p. 430 - 434)

The article analyzes preconditions of formation and development of the «cross-functional teams» in the system of interaction of personnel of enterprises. The business philosophy of kaizen which precedes introduction of the cross-functional interaction of personnel was researched. The role and value of the studied category of «cross-functional team» have been defined, the existing interpretations of the definition of its essence have been considered, the obligatory achievement of synergistic effect has been emphasized. The main objectives of formation together with boundaries of functioning of a cross-functional team in the context of using different business technologies have been characterized. Conditions of creation and obstacles of functioning of a cross-functional command have been allocated. It has been determined that companies that aspire to sustainable innovation development should form cross-functional teams to increase their efficiency level and create stable competitive advantages in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaiko T. O., Poplavska O. M.
The Modern Technologies to Reduce Turnover of Company Staff (p. 434 - 439)

The article is aimed at analyzing and substantiating the use in practice of modern technologies to reduce turnover of staff, which do not bear significant financial costs for the company. The authors have proved that non-material measures to reduce staff turnover in companies are becoming predominant nowadays. Among them as the most important are indicated: introduction of flexible schedule (mode) of work, transition to the remote form of employment, and distribution of internal shares, in particular related to the strengthening of cohesion of staff, its team spirit. Also the reasons of transition from material to intangible factors of influence on conduct of workers have been disclosed. The advantages of non-material measures of the staff turnover reduction for both employees and employers were analyzed. For the first ones the most important are motivation and job satisfaction, while for the others it is reduction of staff turnover, formation of the responsible worker, improvement of quality and productivity of work.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lachkova L. I., Lachkova V. М., Mukhina M. M.
The Methodical Provision and Practical Implementation of Anti-Crisis Management at Trade Enterprises (p. 440 - 445)

The article is aimed at substantiating methodical provision and defining practical instrumentarium of anti-crisis management of retail trade enterprises. It has been determined that the issue of methodical provision of the process of anti-crisis management requires further development due to the necessity to use systematic approach to the consideration of trade enterprise as a holistic system, the purpose of which is self-preservation and efficient development, as well as the creation of a strong basis for the adoption of adequate managerial decisions. Depending on the stages of anti-crisis management, the following grouping of existing methods is suggested: methods of projecting and planning; methods and technologies of implementing transformations; methods of organizational provision. The group of methods of anti-crisis management, was considered in more detail, in the part of assessment of its efficiency. It has been proposed to use the following indicators as the quantitative target indicators of implementation of health measures at the enterprises of trade: cost of operating expenses, cost of operating income, amount of debt according to calculations, value of production funds of trade enterprise. Possible operative measures of anti-crisis management of trade enterprises have been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koliesnichenko A. S.
The Components of Accounting-Analytical Provision of the Business Structures Diagnostics in Implementation of Strategic Competencies (p. 446 - 451)

The article is aimed at disclosing the essence of strategic competencies, highlighting their role, identifying the features of formation and embodiment in a real competitive environment, based on decomposition of this economic category. It has been proved that each component of the strategy of business structures allows to implement strategic competencies on the basis of the use of structural-organizational, institutional and diagnostic instrumentarium. The functional purpose of the diagnostic apparatus in the process of implementation of strategic competencies was researched, the role of IFRS and ISA in the system of accounting-analytical provision of diagnostics of economic management of business structures was substantiated. Based on the obtained results, it can be argued that in the future it will be expedient to carry out a deeper study of theoretical and applied aspects of forming the components of accounting-analytical provision of building the strategies of business structures for the formation of the maximum adapted management systems through the use of efficienct accounting, organizational and control mechanisms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko I. P., Kulish N. V.
The Directions of Formation and Development of Organizational Knowledge of Enterprise (p. 452 - 457)

The change in strategic management paradigms has been a consequence of solving the new challenges that are increasingly being faced by management systems of industrial enterprises. So, new control systems should differ from classical ones in dynamism, flexibility, ability not only to react promptly to changes of external environment, but also to change them. In such circumstances, there is a need to develop a comprehensive methodological provision for the formation and development of management potential, which includes organizational knowledge and the ability of the management staff to implement strategic goals.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasovska O. J.
The Essence and Meaning of the Enterprise’s Marketing Assets (p. 457 - 463)

The article carries out a comparative analysis of the most common definitions of the term of «marketing assets». Generalizing the presented approaches, it is proposed to understand marketing assets as the existing intangible resources and products of intellectual activity of the enterprise’s staff, which materialize in goods and services and provide a higher Level of trust, long-term, mutually advantageous relationships and relations with stakeholders, in comparison with competitors. On analyzing the intangible assets of enterprise, it has been concluded that, for the enterprises of food industry, the most essential for ensuring the growth of their value are the marketing and technical-technological intangible assets. For the enterprises of machine-building and metallurgy, both the marketing and the so-called cognitive intangible assets are definitive, because, in order to maintain a stable competitive position of company in the branch, and, accordingly, to increase its capitalization, the determining assets will be: corporate strategy, intellectual capital, experience in the market, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kurhanska M. К.
A Research on the Factors, Influencing the Anti-Crisis Management of the Building Complex of Kharkiv Region (p. 464 - 468)

The publication researches the factors influencing the anti-crisis management of the building complex of Kharkiv region. It is noted that the mentioned building complex has its own history, features, and a powerful production potential. But its financial-economic situation was negatively influenced by insufficient development of production base, inefficient use of material resources, lack of effective energy and resource saving programs, low level of innovation activity of construction enterprises. To determine the factors, influencing the anti-crisis management of the construction complex of Kharkiv region, the author analyzed activities of 11 construction companies-leaders for 2011-2015, with the type of economic activity as defined by the class 45.21 «General construction works». It has been concluded that the companies’ profits could be much higher if their management pays more attention to the anti-crisis financial management. The factors which allow to define possible negative phenomena for the enterprises of building complex of the region have been allocated. The main strategic directions of the anti-crisis management of the building complex of Kharkiv region have been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pavlykivska O. I.
The Features of the Normative-Legal Provision of Socially Responsible Activity (p. 296 - 301)

The article is aimed at researching the features of the normative-legal provision of socially responsible activity and providing recommendations for its improvement. As a result of the analysis of the world tendencies of standardization of socially responsible activity the scientific classification of standards has been suggested, which will allow to structure more effectively and use their information in the process of economic activity. The opinion is expressed that for a comprehensive assessment of socially responsible activity it is necessary to use several standards in combination, taking into consideration specifics of the activity of a particular enterprise. The most applied among them are: standards of social reporting series AA 1000, standard of social responsibility SA 8000, standard for reporting in the field of sustainable development GRI; Standard ISO 26000 «Guide to Social Responsibility». The author’s own definition of social responsibility has been formulated as an activity in which enterprise adheres to the principles of the social doing business, takes account first of all of the needs of stakeholders, has a positive impact on society, facilitates growth of reputation capital, reduces non-financial risks, which, as a result, contributes to maximizing profits for shareholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koiuda V. O., Pasko M. I.
The Business Processes of Today’s Industrial Enterprise (p. 302 - 311)

The article generalizes and systematizes the approaches to the list of components of business processes taking account of the main factors of enterprise activity (subject of activity, features of technological process, specificity of markets, life cycle (LC) of production, LC of enterprise, etc.). The article researches the essence of management of business processes according to the author’s approaches to the description, the content of sequence of operations in the process of transformation of the input parameters into the output parameters as a result of the closed process. In order to ensure efficient management it is recommended to use the systems of business processes according to their key role and the level of production-economic activity of enterprise. The administrative approach to business processes on the basis of their classification has been substantiated, the following suggestions for industrial enterprise have been made: the key business processes according to needs and hierarchies (operational, supporting, administrative, developing); the determining business processes (auxiliary, additional) in relation to the key business processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doronin A. V., Doronin S. A.
The Model of Manager in the New Economy (p. 312 - 318)

The article generalizes the preconditions of building a manager model for the new economy. The necessity of filling such model with personal characteristics, allowing to combine unique qualities of the employee of management system with the creative potential of collective, is determined. The hypothesis is formulated, implying that the combined working force of the collective created on this basis is capable to effectively implement the functions provided by the job instruction, and to find solutions of the unexpected crisis problems during the work. Possibilities of materializing the ideas of development of personal potential of the manager on the interdisciplinary basis were analyzed. A list of personal factors of formation and development of professional mobility of manager has been presented. As a synthesis criterion for the implementation of the labor personal potential of manager, it has been proposed to use the assessment of quality of working life.

Article is written in English

Shtal T. V., Bondarenko L. M., Kuchava K. O.
The Strategic Analysis as a Management Tool to Improve the Performance of National Enterprises (p. 319 - 325)

The publication considers the issue of improving the performance of enterprises, in particular of their international activities. In order to address this problem, the management of development of international activities uses a variety of tools, one of which is strategic analysis, which allows to analyze the overall status of enterprise, as well as determine the directions of improvement of its efficiency. The main methods of strategic analysis, the appropriateness of their use depending on the set goals and objectives were analyzed. Practical application of separate methods in the strategic analysis (such as model by I. Adizes, model of «five forces» of competitiveness according to Porter, analysis of financial indicators and costs, PEST-analysis and SWOT-analysis) is considered on the example of machine-building enterprises, specializing in the production of turbo-expanders. Recommendations on development of their efficiency have been offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boniar S. M., Babyna O. Y., Karpenko O. O.
The Knowledge Potential as a Factor of Formation of Competitiveness of Transport Enterprise (p. 326 - 331)

The article is aimed at substantiating the importance of influence of the knowledge component of potential opportunities on the competitiveness of transport enterprises. The following functions of knowledge management in the transport enterprise are substantiated: stimulation, facilitating the development of cooperation, promotion and use of learning opportunities, attraction and preservation of human capital, increase of productivity, spreading the best experience, increasing the customer satisfaction level, creating a competitive advantage. Elements of the knowledge component of potential possibilities of transport enterprises have been defined as follows: professional knowledge; general knowledge; environmental knowledge; contracting potential; value characteristics of personality; qualities of personality; intuition; ability to logical thinking; communication potential; skill and ability to learn; ability to self-development; ability to work in a team; ability to use integrated knowledge; ability to reframing. The mechanism of influence of the knowledge component of potential opportunities on the competitiveness of transport enterprise has been formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mastiuk D. O.
The Scientific-Methodical Approach to the Choice of Strategies for Managing the Capital Structure of the Energy-Generating Joint Stock Companies (p. 332 - 338)

The article is concerned with substantiation of the scientific-methodical approach to the choice of strategies of management of the capital structure of energy-generating joint-stock companies. Five energy-generating joint-stock companies represented on the Ukrainian energy market: PJSC «Tsentrenergo», PJSC «Kyivenergo», PJSC «DTEK Zakhidenergo», PJSC «Donbasenergo» and PJSC «DTEK Dniproenergo» were used as the research base. The main problems in terms of the process of managing the capital structure of energy-generating joint stock companies have been allocated, it has been determined that the chosen enterprises do not use a clear approach to the choice of strategies. The block-scheme of the choice of strategies for managing the capital structure of energy-generating joint stock companies has been proposed, which allows to reflect the process of strategy selection in a comprehensive manner. Thus, the publication improves the scientific-methodical approach to the choice of strategies of management of the capital structure of power generating joint-stock companies, which, unlike the established ones, is based on the proposed structural-logical block-scheme, taking account of the principles of maximizing profitability, minimizing costs and risks, optimizing the structure of capital and compliance with the corporate development vector.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kiiko S. M., Kozub V. O.
Analyzing the Features of Marketing Provision of the Export Activity of Enterprise (p. 339 - 344)

The article is aimed at substantiating the features and technologies of development and introduction of the marketing provision of export activity of enterprise at its entrance to external markets. The specifics of influence factors and of the barriers of entry to foreign external have been provided. The stages of entry into external markets are defined and generalized considering the characteristics and recommendations at each stage. The main stages of the process of export marketing activity of enterprise have been described. The current technologies of the marketing provision of export activity of enterprise have been presented. The types of interaction with consumers at the external market and the corresponding digital marketing provision, which will help to increase efficiency and success of the international activity of enterprise, have been allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shtal T. V., Kozub V. O., Nakhmetov A. N.
The Formation of International Marketing Strategy of Company’s Entry Into the External Market (p. 345 - 351)

The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical and practical aspects of formation of the international marketing strategy of company’s entry into the external market. The concept of «strategy of the company» was considered in detail on the basis of studying works of the well-known foreign and domestic scientists. The use of terms of «strategic marketing» and of «marketing strategy» in the researches of many domestic and foreign economists was analyzed. The most common marketing strategies of company’s entry into the external markets have been grouped and characterized. Based on the study of a number of statements by the leading Ukrainian scientists on international marketing, a definition of strategy of international marketing has been made. The algorithm of formation of the international marketing strategy of company at the external market has been developed. The stages of the process of forming the strategy of international marketing at the company’s entry into the external market have been generalized. The directions of assessment of the international marketing activity of company according to the efficiency of development of marketing strategies at the external market have been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Davydova O. Y.
The Technology of Introduction of Innovation Methods of Management of Development of the Hotel and Restaurant Enterprises on the Basis of Synergistic Approach (p. 278 - 282)

The article is aimed at formation of technology of introduction of innovation methods of management of development of hotel and restaurant enterprises on the basis of synergetic approach. The following evolutionary stages of innovative management of enterprises’ development are proposed: preliminary (conjugation); existing (relations and bifurcation); perspective (counterdifferentiation). The technology of introduction of innovation methods of management of development of enterprises of hotel-restaurant industry on the basis of synergistic approach has been developed, confirming existence of synergism in the system of increase of activity potential, opening of new directions of innovative management of development of hotel and restaurant enterprises. The indicators of synergistic effect are determined as follows: high level of performance indicators of enterprise of hotel-restaurant industry; adequate response to changes in the external and internal environment; adaptation to predictable and unpredictable crisis phenomena; improving the quality of products and services; creation and improvement of positive image in both internal and external markets, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Feshchur R. V., Shyshkovskyi S. V., Yakymiv A. I.
The Instruments of Management of the Proactive Development of Enterprise (p. 283 - 290)

The article considers the process and develops the conception of management of the proactive development of enterprises. The main instruments of management of enterprises’ development have been allocated on the system, process, and micro-process levels. The economic-mathematical model of formation of the optimal program of enterprise’s development has been built with reflection of interests of the most significant stakeholders and the basic types of projects which are combined in the program of development of enterprise. Taking account of the peculiarities of activity together with the objectives of industrial enterprises’ development, the following groups of projects are selected: technical and technological, providing for the change of the level of technology at the enterprise; productive, aimed at quantitative and qualitative change of production of enterprise, increase of its competitiveness; organizational, leading to changes in the organization, structure, and management of enterprise. The choice of the most acceptable private optimal program of enterprise’s development is carried out using the matrix method. According to this method, the absolute values of indicators of the socio-economic development of enterprises become relative with the subsequent transition to the definition of integral estimates for each program. It is also possible to use the methods of compromise programming that allow to obtain a Pareto-optimal solution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailiuk M. О.
The Applied Aspects of Transposition and Integration of Development Resources in the System of Strategic Management of the Pharmaceutical Industry Enterprises (p. 290 - 295)

The article is aimed at researching the transposition and integration of development resources in the system of strategic management of pharmaceutical enterprises. It has been determined that in the current of market functioning, resources are transformed into development resources. The proposed scheme of transposition and integration of development resources in the system of strategic management of enterprises provides a combination of resource opportunities of company with market conditions and reflects synergistic interaction between two classical theories of strategic management: the M. Porter’s sectoral competition theory and the resource theory. The basic priorities of development of the pharmaceutical industry in the contemporary market environment are defined and trends of activity of pharmaceutical companies are indicated. Enterprises are distributed according to the criterion of introduction of development resources strategy, measures on increase of efficiency of their activity are suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sitnicki M. W.
The University Ratings as Instruments of Development: Experience of Functioning of the Rating Systems of Poland (p. 296 - 303)

The article researches the national system of ranking of research universities of Poland «Perspektywy» («Perspectives»). It is determined that the rating systems of research universities are powerful stimuli for development of these institutions. The article analyzes the scientific idea, tendencies of development of approaches to estimation and development of research of the universities of Poland. It is determined that the most topical questions, which are studied by the leading scientists of Poland, are: relevant definition of the indicators of ratings and their significance; issues related to the evaluation of Polish universities in the lifelong learning sphere; researches on the methodology of evaluating the usefulness of information in the websites of higher education institutions; innovative ways of development of the Polish economy by introduction of results of scientific researches of the universities into business practice etc. The methodological peculiarities of the Polish rating system, which evaluates the activity of research universities, are disclosed. This system is based on evaluation of the seven main rating indicators: prestige; graduates in the labor market; innovativeness; scientific potential; scientific efficiency; training conditions; internationalization of education. The publication will be useful for the heads of research universities and specialists in the field of strategic management development of research universities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skitsko V. I., Voinikov M. Y.
The Supply Chain Risk Management (p. 304 - 313)

The article considers current approaches of risk-management in supply chains, the main steps of the risk management process are analyzed and detailed both for a separate enterprise – participant of supply chain, for the supply chain in general, and for the Beer game, based on the international risk management standards. The article provides a way to assess the risks of the «producer» in the Beer game according to the three strategies of its behavior, which presumably can correspond to different degrees of uncertainty in the decision making. On the example of the Beer game, which is a simplified representation of a real supply chain, it is confirmed that the level of the researched logistical risks associated with the overstocking of warehouse and non-fulfillment of orders depends on the awareness of persons, who make decisions. The results obtained will also be true for real supply chains. In further researches we find it expedient to consider modifications of the Beer game, approaching the real supply chains, with the purpose of studying a wider range of logistical risks, in particular transportation, disruption of supplies for various reasons, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudenko M. V.
The Risk Management of the Agrarian Sector Enterprises (p. 313 - 318)

The article is aimed at developing principles and sequence of risk management processes of modern enterprises of the agrarian sector by determining key elements of the system and their characteristics, taking into account the possible asymmetry of information. It is proved that the process of risk management is carried out by the identification, analysis, evaluation, and processing with the subsequent determination of necessity for leveling the consequences. Each component of the risk management process is detailed and specific actions of the management of agrarian enterprises to minimize the consequences of unexpected situations are proposed. The necessity of development of the internal position (instructions) on risk management with the structure and the form proposed by the author as internal normative document as a standard for enterprise is proved, that will allow to have the documented basis of risk management within a separate economic entity and will strengthen the effectiveness of leveling consequences of occurrence of unforeseen situations. Prospect for further research in this direction is analysis and comparison of methods of general assessment and treatment of risks depending on their types and forms of exposure, with a detailed description of advantages, disadvantages, and possibilities of application at the enterprises of the agrarian sector of economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kobyzskyi D. S.
The Organizational-Economic Provision of Reengineering of Marketing Activity of Ukrainian Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 319 - 325)

The article is aimed at developing an organizational mechanism to provide reengineering of the marketing activities of machine-building enterprise for further development of the appropriate methodical recommendations. The meaning and role of organizational structure in the sphere of reengineering are disclosed, the key aspects and principles of its construction are defined; the key elements, in particular business processes, and their role in organizational structure as well as properties of the organizational system are researched; content of the basic components of the organizational mechanism of the provision, their role and peculiarities of communication between them are analyzed. The new attitude to the principles of construction, functional content and content of the constituents of organization of enterprises allows to realize the wide functional potential of organizational possibilities within the terms of reengineering, as well as to form an organizational mechanism of post-reengineering company. Certain aspects of development of the organizational mechanism create the preconditions and disclose a potential instrumentarium for effective and efficient methodical recommendations as to reengineering of marketing activities of Ukrainian machine-building enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zaitseva O. I., Zhosan H. V., Betina V. O.
The Strategic Adaptation of Enterprise and Analysis of Methodical Approaches to its Evaluation in the Context of Ukraine’s Integration into the European Union (p. 348 - 353)

The article is aimed at researching the theoretical aspects of strategy and adaptation of enterprise with definition of methods for its estimation. The main elements influencing the development of strategic adaptation are analyzed. Practical use of strategic adaptation is substantiated. Methodical approaches of estimation of strategic adaptation are researched, attention is given to formation of strategy of the company. The international scientific researches on the given topic are analyzed and an example of implementation of strategic adaptation is presented. It has been determined that strategic adaptation is a contemporary instrument of the entrepreneurial activity development. The proposed definition together with the methods for estimating adaptation help to understand the nature of the category of economic management. It is determined, that in preparation of strategic adaptation the model of behavior is being considered, which is divided into passive (change of behavior of the company under requirements of environment), active (change of internal and external environment for the purpose of more effective economy management), and conservative (adaptation to the socio-cultural and political-legal conditions).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doroshkevych K. O., Voronovska M. M., Ivasyuk V. V.
The Motivation of Innovation Activity of Employees of Enterprises in Cross-Functional Teams (p. 354 - 358)

The process of motivation is considered, and its importance in the development of innovation activities of employees of enterprises is indicated: in the process of motivation it is possible to induce workers to creative activity, to provide social and technical interaction between team members, as well as their effective communication, etc. Effectiveness of these processes increases in cross-functional groups (teams). For a deeper understanding of the essence of the researched concept, the process of creating cross-functional teams, their typical composition and characteristic features (attributes), principles of functioning, types of tasks to be solved, etc were studied. For the motivation of innovation activity of employees of enterprises in cross-functional teams, it is recommended to combine both the material and the non-material stimulation. For the material stimulation of employees, it is necessary to ensure the use of surcharges and allowances (allowance for the intensity of work, for high achievements in work, for the performance of particularly important work, allowance for the combination of professions (posts)). The non-material stimulation is recommended to be carried out by involving employees of cross-functional teams to management, in particular by applying the «reward for behavior» methodology.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khilukha O. A.
The Self-Learning Corporation: Features and Organizational Forms (p. 359 - 363)

The relevance of solving scientific problems in terms of rationalizing a set of measures to create a self-learning organization capable of raising the level of skills, forming new knowledge, skills, and abilities rises in the conditions of increased competition, significant innovation, technological and technical changes in the corporation’s activities. The article is aimed at researching the peculiarities characteristic of the self-learning corporations, as well as the development of corporate universities in the organizational structure of such corporations. The main peculiarities of the self-learning corporations are cognitive sufficiency, developed innovative component of organizational culture of company, integral organizational capital as the main component of differentiated intellectual capital, system of stimulation, securing the authors’ contribution to the formation and materialization of new ideas, principles and innovations, spreading of the system of formalized knowledge and cognitive technologies in the foreign market, forming leadership as a form of managerial technology. Also the experience of formation of such universities is analyzed, the main tasks, solving of which should be a target to their activity, are allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dzhereliuk I. O.
Analyzing the Components of Providing Both External and Internal Anti-Crisis Stability of Tourism Enterprises (p. 364 - 370)

The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical and methodical provisions concerning the use of system approach when considering the analysis of integral indicator of the level of external and internal anti-crisis stability components in case of a tourism company. According to the proposed aggregate of components for both external and internal anti-crisis stability, an analysis of their tendencies at several tourism enterprises was carried out. The analytical scale of identification of the levels of components of providing both external and internal anti-crisis stability of tourism enterprises has been built. The identification of the levels of components of the external and the internal anti-crisis stability of tourism enterprises is proposed to be carried out both quantitatively and qualitatively. The proposed system approach gives an opportunity to obtain information about the structure, dynamics, orientation, sufficiency, efficiency of the researched enterprise with the purpose of definition of priority directions and development of corresponding management measures to increase the level of components, taking account of the features of the tourism enterprise’s activity. In order to form a general idea of the level of ensuring the anti-crisis stability of tourism enterprises in further researches, it is planned to determine the resultant index of the competitive position on the level of provided anti-crisis stability of the tourist enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Goncharenko M. L.
Franchising as an Integrated Form of Business Organization (p. 370 - 374)

The article is aimed at substantiating the possibilities of using franchising for effective integration of enterprises in the market economy. A study on the essence of franchising relations with consideration of their historical formation and the current legal representation was carried out. Features of such relationships for franchisor and franchisees in the form of two business models of franchising together with different types of payments for franchise have been provided. It has been identified that franchising allows for integrative relations, which are established between the representatives of big and small business over a certain period of time, forming for each party some positive and negative moments of interaction. It is proposed to carry out an analysis of economic problems leading to delays in the formation of franchising schemes at both the State and regional levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Plaksiyenko V. Y., Nazarenko I. М., Oriekhova A. I.
A Scientific Substantiation of Instrumentarium of Controlling in the System of Management of Enterprise’s Economic Potential (p. 375 - 380)

The article is aimed at a scientific substantiation of instrumentarium of controlling in the system of management of economic potential of enterprise. It has been proved that controlling is not only an instrument for managing the cost of business, but it also coordinates other segments of enterprise’s management. The information obtained through the use of operational and strategic controlling instruments allows the enterprise management to better understand the relationship between the individual elements of processes going on at the enterprise. Analyzing and systematizing scientific works of scholars, it is indicated that at the present time the issues of instrumentation of controlling and its connection with the controlling objects are not solved properly. In order to facilitate the selection of an instrumentarium of controlling in the system of management of the economic potential of enterprise, its systematization by elements, which include financial, production, labor, marketing, investment, organizational, managerial and other types of potentials, has been substantiated. It has been determined, that the applied instrumentarium also depends on the analyzed period of activity of the enterprise – either operative or strategic. As a result of the research the classification of controlling instruments with the purpose of management of the economic potential of enterprise has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tarnavskyi M. I.
The Scientific-Methodical Approaches to Interpretation of the Essence and Value of the Staff Management of Enterprises (p. 381 - 385)

The scientific literature on the issues of interpretation of essence of the economic category of «staff» and «staff management» is analyzed with the purpose of definition of their content and role in the process of activity of enterprise. As a result of the carried out research was found out that the category of «staff» reflects the current tendencies and approaches to the management of people in the enterprise to the utmost, because it is based on the transition from the resource, consumer attitude to the humanistic in the relationship between employers and their employees. The economic content of the category of «staff management» has been defined from the standpoint of presenting seven approaches to the interpretation of this phenomenon: «human resources management» as a process, «staff management» as a system, «staff management» as an activity, «staff management» as an influence, «staff management» as an aggregate (of activities, principles, methods, etc.), «staff management» as a control element (component of enterprise management) and «staff management» as a science. Prospects for further research are identification of the main participants in the process of personnel management in the enterprise and the special body that will carry out these processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Raiko D. V., Podrez O. I.
The Formation of Instruments of Management of Industrial Enterprises According to the Theoretical and Functional Approaches (p. 386 - 393)

The article is aimed at the substantiation based on the analysis of the company theories of the basic theoretical provisions on the formation of industrial enterprise management instruments. The article determines that the subject of research in theories is enterprise, the object is the process of management of potential according to the forms of business organization and technology of partnership relations, the goal is high financial results, stabilization of the activity, and social responsibility. The publication carries out an analysis of enterprise theories on the determining of its essence as a socio-economic system in the following directions: technical preparation of production, economic theory and law, theory of systems, marketing-management. As a result of the research, the general set of functions has been identified – the socio-economic functions of enterprise by groups: information-legal, production, marketing-management, social responsibility. When building management instruments, it is suggested to take into consideration the direct and inverse relationships of enterprise at all levels of management – micro, meso and macro. On this ground, the authors have developed provisions on formation of instruments of management of industrial enterprises according to two approaches – theoretical and functional.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zavertany D. V.
Improving the Approaches to Organization of Strategic Process at Enterprises of the Bakery Industry Branch of Ukraine (p. 394 - 399)

Today, both the production and the non-production organizations cannot function efficiently without defining the mission and values that explain why they are in the business, what products they produce, and what consumer market they target. Therefore, it becomes relevant to research the definitions of of the strategic process for the enterprises of bakery industry branch of Ukraine to ensure their sustainable development in the context of globalization and the development of market economy. The purpose of the research is to improve the approaches to organization of strategic process at the enterprises of bakery industry branch of Ukraine. The study was based on the use of such approaches and methods: dialectical, systemic, causal method, theoretical generalization and comparison. The types of strategic process which can be applied by the enterprises of bakery industry branch of Ukraine have been defined. A stable relationship between the external and the internal environments of the strategic process, with the allocation of the functioning elements for each of them, has been determined. It is proved that close interaction of both external and internal environment plays a key role in the formation of organizational design of a bakery enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Polyanskaya A. S., Savka J. V.
Relevance and Peculiarities of Planning in the Current Conditions of Development (p. 400 - 405)

Relevance of planning in the current conditions of development of national enterprises is researched. The essence of category of «planning» has been analyzed from the point of view of various authors, also the authors’ own definition of this category has been proposed. A review of peculiarities of planning of the activities of national enterprises in the historical aspect has been provided. The current concepts of planning based on approaches and methods of accounting the complexity of operating environment of enterprise have been allocated. On the basis of consideration of the levels of planning process – strategic, tactical, operational – a cross-cutting model of planning of the activities of national enterprises has been generalized taking into account the tasks and results of planning at each stage. The basic and specific requirements for the formation of plans of enterprises have been substantiated. The advantages and disadvantages of planning of the enterprise activity have been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danylenko Y. S.
The Characteristics of Decision-Making Factors on the Purchase of Private Cars Taking Account of the Motives and Needs of Customers (p. 406 - 411)

A characterization of decision-making factors on purchase of private cars taking account of the motives and needs of customers is provided. The demographic, macroeconomic, socio-cultural, marketing and technical factors, as well as the motives and needs of customers are considered. According to the author’s classification of needs the influence of factors on different groups of needs is analyzed: obligatory; desirable, but not mandatory; prestigious; trend; class; dominant, etc. The author brings forward the idea that the researched factors evoke a number of emotions in buyers: confusion, doubt, joy, tide of happiness, confidence, reliability, sense of protection, domination, authority, etc. During the purchase of private cars there is a rush of happiness and pleasure in women more often, than in men. But men more likely than women feel satisfied with the purchase, which is based on their simple attitude to money as a mediator of the buying and selling process. Studying the reaction of customers to the influence of various factors provides automakers and dealers with creation of the most favorable conditions for making purchases in their car center.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Ivanets O. O.
The Management of Staff Stresses: Approaches to Understanding and Practics (p. 412 - 417)

The article is aimed at defining the methods of stress management in the organization and providing recommendations on their application. The information on the degree of influence of professional stress on the workers’ health was considered and analyzed. Specific causes of professional stress and existing methods of impacting it at the level of both personality and organization have been determined. It is substantiated that management of stresses in the organization will provide positive socio-psychological climate and efficiency of activity of the enterprise. Analyzing the influence of factors causing professional stress, the ways of prevention and elimination of stress situations by the manager and the employee himself were considered. As a result of sociological research, the concrete reasons of occurrence of professional stress and ways of its overcoming have been allocated. Recommendations based on foreign experience are provided. At the organization level, methods of stress management can be the following: trainings with psychologist, creation of game rooms, lounge areas, transformation of office into creative space.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yurchenko K. Y., Firsova S. H.
Evaluating the Strategic Positions of the Employer’s Brand in the Retail Sector (p. 418 - 424)

Methodical approaches to evaluation of strategic positions of the employer’s brand and its competitiveness are substantiated. Comparative analysis as an approach to the evaluation of the employer’s brand is considered. The advantages of having an employer’s brand in the organization are allocated and the most important elements in the process of forming the employer’s brand are defined. The research on instruments of formation of both internal and external brand of employer for the retail shops network «Prego» was carried out. The employer’s brand strength is evaluated according to the main points of a specialist contact with the employer’s company. An assessment of factors of external and internal brand of employer was carried out. A system of criteria for evaluating the competitiveness of the company’s employer brand has been formed. The strategic positions of the employer’s brand of the «Prego» store chain in the retail sector were evaluated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malikov V. V.
The Classification of Enterprise Services for the Purposes of Practical Application of the CVP-model in Price Determination (p. 425 - 428)

The two-tier classification of enterprise services has been proposed, allowing to consider their peculiarities at application of the CVP-model in practice: 1 level – dividing of services by the attribute of standardity in standard and non-standard; level 2 – dividing of services by the order of price determination. In particular, it is proposed to divide standard services into the services, the price (tariff) for which is set per unit of measurement; the services, the price of which is set for each type of service; the services, the price of which is set for one visit or for the time of its rendering (for example, an hour or a minute); the services for which a subscription fee is charged according to the calculation for a certain period of time (usually a month); the services, the price of which is set as entrance fee. In turn, the author suggests to divide non-standard services in the services, the price of which is determined by using the formula «costs plus profit»; the services for which a fixed price is determined; the services, the price of which is determined depending on the positive effect that the customer receives. The application of the classification proposed by the author will allow to use the principles and methods of the CVP model with maximum efficiency, taking account of the specificity of the range of services provided.

Article is written in Russian

Petrenko N. O.
Using the Innovative Forms of Salary Design (p. 429 - 434)

Innovative forms and methods of salary design have been researched and developed in order to improve the practice of material motivation of staff and to build an efficient system of achieving the enterprise’s goals. It has been determined that in modern conditions of management the most widespread in the financial-economic terms is flexible remuneration of work, allowing to timely and adequately react to change of productivity of work of employee by individualization of his earnings. On the basis of generalization of scientific theoretical provisions and methodological recommendations, the algorithm of building of a fair system of remuneration of employees of enterprise is proposed. In order to improve the practice of material motivation of staff and to build an efficient system to achieve the goals of enterprise, practical recommendations on application of the system of remuneration based on grades, key efficiency indicators, model of competencies and Kaizen have been developed. It has been summarized that the principles that underlie the grades technology, key efficiency indicators, model of competencies, and Kaizen, open up prospective ways of enterprise development. Application of innovative forms of salary design will provide to create a modern efficient system of motivation of staff, management of competencies and career, and will become the basis for creation of an efficient system of management of human resources of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skarha O. O.
The Conceptual Foundations for Ensuring the International Competitiveness of Tourism Company in the Context of Globalization (p. 435 - 442)

The article is aimed at defining the conceptual-strategic principles of ensuring the international competitiveness of tourism enterprise. As result of research the essence and value of management of competitiveness of tourism enterprise in the conditions of globalization were considered. Factors of formation of competitive advantages, and also the reasons determining competitiveness of a tourism product have been determined. The main aspects of formation of quality of services provision have been identified. On the basis of the carried out research, the concept of integrated marketing communications has been formed, which is a combination of traditional ways of communication activity with the only synchronized communication, oriented towards establishing the multichannel relationships with different target audiences, with choosing an own marketing model for each audience. Application of the given concept would allow to optimally choose means of communication and to provide more effective realization of a tourism product at the international market of tourism services that will promote companies’ overgrowing their local status and gaining their self-importance on a global scale.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Liezina A. V.
Substantiating the Managerial Innovations in the Processes of Projects Value Creation (p. 393 - 399)

The article is aimed at approbation of managerial innovations on creation of value of projects in practice of the domestic project-oriented business, namely: in the field of provision of services on power supply. The article contains a brief description of the results of approbation of the conception of projects value management at two enterprises of the sphere of provision of services on power supply, which are carrying out the economic activity in the territory of Kyiv region. Two radically different projects were chosen for introduction of innovations: the commercial – project of electric supply of residential house of physical person in the village of Zazymye (Brovary district, Kyiv region) and the social – project of capital repair of street lighting lines in the Gogolevska street of the village of Shevchenkove (Brovary district, Kyiv region). As a result of implementing of the conception of projects value management, high indices of the degree of providing value parameters for the stakeholders of project were obtained. All value expectations of other interested parties were also considered and created. Thus, it can be stated that the proposed author’s conception of projects value management can be easily integrated into the practice of project management and, presumably, will be the next step in the development of the design management theory.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gavrylenko V. O.
The Indicators of the Evaluation of Anti-Crisis Controlling (p. 400 - 405)

The article is aimed at developing a system of indicators of evaluation of controlling in anti-crisis management to detect weak signals of crisis and to analyze its possible consequences for the strategy of enterprise development. The existing systems of indicators which provide enterprise with information-analytical support at all levels of management for the solving of operative and strategic tasks are analyzed. The author substantiates necessity of development of the system of indicators of evaluation of controlling for solving of the operative and strategic tasks of anti-crisis management. A methodology for evaluation of efficiency of anti-crisis controlling is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lishchynska V. V.
The Strategic Analysis of the External and Internal Environment of Bakery Enterprises (p. 405 - 410)

The article is aimed at researching the existing approaches to strategic analysis of enterprises’ activities, determining the influence of external and internal environment factors on the strategic choice of bakery enterprises, and evaluating their competitive positions in the market of bread and bakery products. Advantages and disadvantages of using both the competitive and the resource models of strategic analysis are defined. The PEST-analysis of the external environment is carried out, the external factors which exert the greatest influence on the operative and strategic activity of bakery enterprises are allocated. An evaluation of the competitive environment of the market of bread and bakery products according to the five competitive forces model of M. Porter is carried out. The key factors of success in the market of bread and bakery products, the main spheres of formation of competitive advantages of bakery enterprises are determined. Prospects for further researches in this direction are analysis of effectiveness of the basic strategies of competition and development of methodical recommendations on formation of individual competitive strategies of bakery enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sysoiev V. V.
The Conceptual Model of the Mechanism for Diagnostic of Enterprise’s Activity (p. 411 - 418)

The article substantiates that diagnostics of activity of enterprise is a necessary condition for implementing of an efficient management of the enterprise, providing the informational support of administrative decision-making and determining ways of influence on different parameters of its activity. The general characterization of the basic components of diagnostics of activity of enterprise is provided, the principles and tasks of diagnostics are defined. The mechanism for diagnostics of activity of enterprise is presented as a set of methods, indicators of estimation, and the methods of diagnostic research, which are determined by goals, tasks, object and subject of diagnostics. Groups of diagnostic methods are allocated and the diagnostic operations performed by them are demonstrated. The basic stages of the general methodology of diagnostics of activity of enterprise and of the procedures executed within each stage of diagnostic research are defined. The developed conceptual model of the mechanism for diagnostics of activity of enterprise unites in one single complex the theoretical, methodological and organizational components of its implementation in their sequence and interconnection.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stokaz Y. M.
The Theoretical Foundations of Formation of Strategic Knowledge of Enterprise (p. 419 - 423)

The article presents the theoretical foundations of research of development processes together with formation of strategic knowledge of enterprise. The article defines the basic provisions of the resource, behavioral and institutional approaches, which comprise the theoretical basis for research of problematics of formation and development of strategic knowledge of enterprise, allocation of their kinds, methodical support for assessment, development, and implementation of the appropriate organizational models. The strategic knowledge of enterprise is represented by experience, competence, skills, and abilities. The key importance among the types of strategic knowledge is contained in the managerial and organizational knowledge of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gavkalova N. L., Babarytskyi O. V.
The Scientific-Methodical Approach to Formation of Strategy of Efficient Management of Enterprise (p. 424 - 429)

The article is aimed at developing a scientific-methodical approach to the formation of strategy of efficient management of enterprise. The importance of considering a quality management of staff costs in the context of strategic planning and management at enterprise is substantiated. A scientific-methodical approach to formation of strategy of efficient management of enterprise is proposed, implementation of which includes certain stages: stage 1 – retrospective analysis of strategies and features of modeling them; stage 2 – formulation of the main objectives and development of forecast models to determine the degree of influence of quality management of staff costs; stage 3 – collection and layout of strategic instruments implemented in the context of building a matrix of positioning of enterprises according to the level of ensuring efficient management and the degree of risk of investing into staff; stage 4 – implementation of the strategy; stage 5 – control and adjustment of the strategy of efficient management of enterprise. Using the proposed approach will mobilize existing resources to retain the achieved indicators of ensuring an efficient management and optimize staff costs in order to accumulate additional resources to lead the enterprise out of an unstable functioning status.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zavidna L. D.
The Formation of Financial Strategy of Enterprise in the Hotel Industry (p. 430 - 435)

The article is aimed at researching the process of formation of the financial strategy of enterprise and its substantiating within the system of enterprise development management. The sequence of stages of formation of financial strategy is presented. It is proved that the financial strategy is the guiding vector of management of enterprise and its production-economic activity in the contemporary globalized, dynamic, and competitive market environment. The mechanism of diagnostics of the financial strategy of enterprise is proposed on the basis of results of an analysis of efficient resource potential management and an assessment of financial status of 21 enterprises in the hotel industry from 10 regions of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv. In order to determine the rehabilitation ability of enterprise in the hotel industry, the Franchon – Romane matrix of financial strategy has been built. The proposed mechanism for diagnostics of the financial strategy of hotel enterprises will provide to integrated assessing of the financial stability of enterprise and the depth of financial crisis, taking into consideration the objectives of functioning and the results of activity according to the following key parameters: liquidity, financial stability, and profitability.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Davydova O. Y.
Estimating the Components of Innovative Management of Development of Enterprises of Hotel and Restaurant Industry: Methodical Aspects (p. 436 - 444)

The article is aimed at formation of methodical approach to estimation of components of innovative management of development of hotel and restaurant enterprises in the current market conditions. An algorithm of methodical approach to diagnostics of innovative management of development of enterprises of hotel and restaurant industry is elaborated, the purpose of which is formation of analytical basis for making effective managerial decisions for overcoming crisis and further adaptive development. Components of innovative management of development of hotel and restaurant enterprises as well as their essence are suggested, their necessary quantity to obtain an efficient result of analysis is determined. An aggregate of indicators of the components for carrying out a complex diagnostics of innovative management of development of enterprises of hotel and restaurant industry is formed and the results of calculations of the general integral indicator of the innovative management of development of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises in 2007–2016 are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Segeda I. V.
The Approaches to Improvement of Development Management of Hotel Industry of Region (p. 445 - 454)

The article is aimed at researching the existing approaches to development management of hotel industry of region. The article substantiates the financial-economic feasibility of the introduction of outsourcing, adaptive room inventory, and provision of residential premises for rent in the activities of large, medium and small hotels together with similar means of accommodation in the Eastern, Western, Southern, Northern, and Central regions of Ukraine. It has been identified that the development of special methodical recommendations concerning the use of one or another form of work organization is a prerequisite for improving the development management of the hotel industry in a particular region taking into consideration possible risks and specificity of hotel services. For this purpose the sequence of actions on choice of the necessary form of organization of activity of hotel activity has been formed, which is based on expert-statistical method and confirms necessity of adaptation of hotel enterprises to contemporary conditions in terms of services for hotel consumers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhuravel O. V., Mikhlyayev M. O.
The Adaptation of Theoretical Bases in the Definition of the Concept of «Quality of Life» to Motivation of Management Staff of Industrial Enterprise (p. 455 - 460)

The article analyzes the adaptability of theoretical bases in the definition of concept of «quality of life» to motivation of management staff of industrial enterprise. Presence of motivational attributes is identified in the considered approaches of scholars to interpretation of the concept of «quality of life». The quality of life of production staff is characterized as a basic condition of ensuring social security of enterprise, which should be reflected in the modern interpretation of the concept. A generalized scheme of transformation and improvement of existing theoretical approaches in defining of «quality of life» has been elaborated, which includes the following basic elements: input data, analysis, transformation, strengthening and intervention, improvement. An improved definition of «quality of life», being an integral motivational concept of interaction between an employee and an industrial enterprise has been proposed as follows: this is an aggregate of individual needs of the enterprise, which it is motivated to receive and develop in the process of interaction with the management of enterprise on the basis of cooperation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ahaverdiieva K. F., Ivanisov O. V., Lebedinska O. S.
The Social Audit in the Theoretical Field of Social Responsibility (p. 461 - 466)

The publication is aimed at substantiating the necessity of carrying out social audit at domestic enterprises. The relevance and necessity of social audit in the context of the social responsibility of business is substantiated. The theoretical substantiation of the concept of «social audit» is researched. The peculiarities of carrying out social audit in certain subsystems of socio-labor sphere are generalized, using the peculiarities of foreign experience. Prospects for further research at the level of analysis is studying of peculiarities of organization of social audit in the implementation of economic activities by modern enterprises. In the applied aspect, specific mechanisms and technologies of social audit remain insufficiently studied.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenchenko A. V., Ahramakova N. V., Pysarevska H. I.
Researching the Relationship between Conflict Situations and Threats to the Enterprise’s Personnel Security (p. 467 - 473)

The article is aimed at studying and classifying risks and threats to personnel security, as well as the subsequent systematization and reflecting of the relationship between conflicts in different spheres of human interaction and the directly arising threats to personnel security. The authors have determined that inter-state conflicts create such threats to personnel security as adverse changes in the political situation; macroeconomic shocks; frequent changes in legislation; undeveloped market infrastructure; damage to houses, premises. At the same time, for example, interpersonal conflicts can result in: violation of the regime of preservation of confidential information; choice of unreliable partners, investors and clients; exclusion of leading specialists and managers; weak organization of the system of staff management and training. The result of this research is improvement of the classification of risks and threats to personnel security, as well as reflection of the relationship between conflicts that arise in the process of labor and economic activity in various spheres of interaction along with the direct threats to personnel security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hryhorieva Y. А.
Segmenting the Market of Buyers of Domestic Cars and Defining the Directions of Media Influence on Them (p. 474 - 478)

The article studies the carrying out of marketing researches on consumer behavior and searching for new approaches to the client in the prevailing conditions to attract and increase consumer demand. Despite the considerable amount of publications on the consumer behavior research, the problem of development and implementation of marketing instruments of influence on consumer behavior suffers the lack of ample attention, which requires further research in this area, particularly with regard to automakers. A marketing research on consumer behavior was carried out, in the framework of which the attitude of consumers to the cars of domestic production was analyzed; the factors determining the choice and belonging to a certain segment depending on the purpose of purchase of a car were identified; the most popular among consumers of automakers’ products kinds of advertising for effective media influence by automakers on the target audience were determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Antoniuk N. A.
The Methodical Approaches to Anti-Crisis Management in Conditions of Decentralization (p. 403 - 407)

The article is aimed at a scientific-methodical substantiation of the anti-crisis management in the conditions of decentralization, exploration of the crisis status of territory, and definition of guidances to strengthen the autonomy of the territorial authorities for the self-development of the territories. As a result of the calculations carried out according to the proposed method, five clusters on the territory of Ukraine have been allocated. The author substantiates the importance of the model of identifying crisis status of territories in the conditions of decentralization, which accounts the availability of potential (resource, labor), social, ecological and economic components of the development of territories, the coefficient of risk of crisis onset and the overall decentralization factor. Prospect for further research is improvement of methodical approaches to management in crisis situations and in conditions of decentralization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Arefieva O. V., Piletska S. T.
The Spatial-Adaptive Approach to Formation of Competitive Strategy of Enterprise (p. 408 - 415)

The article is aimed at forming a competitive strategy of enterprise on the basis of a substantiated spatial-adaptive approach. Relevance of adaptive management in conditions of the market environment with high uncertainty of condition and behavior of its actors is proved. It is specified that adaptive management allows to maintenance of the positions occupied by enterprise and to make managerial decisions on choice of the necessary competitive strategy. The principles of adaptive management of enterprise and its information support are analyzed and complemented. The authors’ own definition of the adaptive-spatial approach in management activity is proposed. On the basis of the spatial-adaptive approach, the principles, functions and stages of formation of competitive strategy are defined, providing development and the basic actions on strategy implementation in a certain segment of the market. The model of formation of competitive strategy is substantiated. Prospect for further researches in this direction is formation of financial provision of competitive strategies of enterprise with use of method of J. Auber-Krier, based on the selection of relevant indicators that characterize the modern aspects of activities of the researched enterprises in aviation industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nasad N. V.
The Ways to Improve the System of Motivation of Human Resources at the Enterprises of Communication (p. 416 - 420)

The article is aimed at researching material stimulation of labor behavior of staff of communication enterprises. It has been determined that efficiency of material stimulation depends on the validity of incentive system. Regretfully, a system of incentives, surcharges and allowances does not always provide adequately necessary differentiation of remuneration of workers, and also does not cause interest in increase of productivity of work. It is proposed to review system of incentives, surcharges and allowances on the basis of an integrated approach, which involves studying of the aggregate of factors and identifying the regularities of enterprise’s activity. Indicators of this system should be determined on the basis of the enterprise’s operating mechanism, take into view parameters of related systems, environment conditions, as well as the linkages between the incentive elements at different levels of management. Formation of market-type workers with motivation towards development of competitiveness should become an integral part of the tasks of market transformations, that is why communication enterprises need to strengthen and improve the organization of training directly at the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maksymova O. S., Temchenko H. V., Bondarchuk O. M.
The Peculiarities of Logistics development in Ukraine at the Current Stage (p. 421 - 427)

The article is aimed at studying the current status of the logistics system in the Ukrainian market. Analyzing the statistical data of the logistics services market, the current status of efficiency of logistics usage in Ukraine was determined. The main components of the logistics system and the main principles of its functioning are considered. The place of Ukraine in the rating of logistics efficiency is determined according to the World Bank’s researches. The current status of transport, postal and warehousing logistics in the national market is analyzed. By means of processing of statistical data, representatives of type of services, volumes of services and tendencies of their development at the present stage are considered. It is substantiated, that increase of efficiency of logistics will allow to increase efficiency and competitiveness of domestic enterprises both in internal, and in foreign markets. Prospect for further research in this direction is definition of measures of improvement of logistics service for the services providing enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ponomarev S. V.
The Strategic Management of Energy Companies (p. 427 - 434)

The article indicates the status and prospects of development of electric power industry of Ukraine. The necessity of application of strategic management instruments in the activity of power supply companies and power transport companies is substantiated. The results of use of methods of strategic segmentation of activity of a power supply company (regional power distribution company) are presented. Analyzing the external environment together with obtaining of reasoned conclusions as to future threats and opportunities is a necessary but not sufficient condition for the formulation of successful business and corporate strategies. The analysis of an external environment should necessarily correspond with an analysis of internal environment, and the whole strategy should be directed towards achievement of the set goals which, in turn, should provide materialization of the company’s mission.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tiurina N. M., Shatailo O. A.
The Anti-Crisis Potential: Essential Characteristics and Structuring (p. 434 - 439)

The essence of the concept of «anti-crisis potential» is researched, the basic fundamental characteristics of this concept are defined as follows: presence of potential opportunities and ability to confront crisis developments. The content, objectives, structure of both the existing and the anti-crisis potentials of enterprise are compared. It is substantiated that potential opportunities of the anti-crisis potential can be formed by transformation, optimization of components of the available potential and adaptation of them to crisis conditions. Variants of possible transformation in the conditions of crisis of constituents of the enterprise potential into an anti-crisis potential for formation of the effective mechanism for confrontation of crisis developments are considered. The author’s own definition of the anti-crisis potential of enterprise is formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolomiyets G. M., Melentsova O. V., Huznenkov Y. G.
The Institutional Reengineering of Risk Management in the Digital Economy (p. 440 - 446)

The comprehensive penetration of digital technologies transforms the economic system. The key to effective management is researching of new regularities of its functioning. The theoretical awareness of significant, accelerated changes necessitates the restructuring of management process in general and risk management in particular. The published updated standards ISO 31000:2018 reflect the latest factors that should be considered by an organization as a whole. At the same time, paradigmal transition to dominance of global processes over national, changes of current structure of risk-bearing factors under the influence of transition to digital economy require significant transformations of risk-management institutions – an institutional reengineering of risk management, proposal of a certain algorithm of its implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sitnicki M. W.
The Model of Strategic Management of Development of Research University (p. 447 - 452)

The article substantiates the author’s own definition of the essence of economic category of «development of research university» as a transition of the management system of research university into a new status under the influence of irreversible, focused and natural changes of technique and technology of organization of educational and scientific activity. This has allowed to put forward and substantiate the hypothesis that the greatest efficiency of development is carried out by the strategy of perfection of priority potentials and spheres of research university at the expense of additional synergistic effect. Also a new management category of «strategic control of development of research university» is introduced and an author’s own definition of it is proposed: a process of formation and implementation of strategic goals and programs to ensure the transition of research university in a new quality as a way to respond to challenges in the internal and external environment to achieve the general mission of the institution. This model provides implementation of process of strategic management and comprehensively develops perspective potentials and spheres of activity of research university. This process is described in six main stages based on the change of the management system of research university at the point of bifurcation, when the old system of research university loses the dominant role under the influence of new attractors that bring the system to a new status of quality change.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dogadina V. Y.
The Components of Staff Management in the Sphere of Educational Services (p. 453 - 458)

The publication defines features of staff management in the sphere of educational services. The author notes that in modern conditions competitiveness of the national economy is largely determined by the level of development of educational activities. The levels of motivation of staff in the sphere of educational services are provided. It is identified that in institutions of higher education (IHE) there is an urgent need in formation of a complex system of management of career process which includes the interrelated purposes, functions, principles, structure, and staffing. A model of monitoring of development of staff is proposed, use of which allows to carry out control of process progress and to manage it. It is proved that monitoring the results of the IHE staff activity creates preconditions for efficient management not only of the effectivity of its activities, but also of the level of its competitiveness in the market of educational services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oriekhova A. I.
The Conceptual Foundations of Controlling in the Management of the Economic Potential of Enterprises (p. 459 - 464)

The article is aimed at a scientific substantiation of conceptual foundations of controlling in the management of the economic potential of enterprises. It is proved that the economic potential of enterprise is a complex system in terms of management, which should be reduced to managing not individual elements of the potential, but their aggregate. Therefore, there is a need to apply approaches and management methods that would meet the complexity and specificity of the enterprises’ activity. As such a means is proposed to use the controlling system, which combines the functions of accounting, analysis, control, forecasting, etc. It is underlined that the value of the conception of controlling consists in the complexity and consistency of information from different areas of the enterprises’ functioning. The conceptual foundations of controlling in the management system of the economic potential are determined, which consist in formation and organization of an interconnection between purposes, subjects and objects of controlling, its instrumentarium, information base, and economic potential in general with the aim to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise’s development, in order to ensure a stable competitive position in the market in terms of changing environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kosolapov A. F.
The Management of Sustainable Development of Enterprise: Evaluating the Level and Strategy of Change (p. 465 - 470)

The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical foundations of management of sustainable development of enterprise, i.e.: development of an economic-mathematical model of the indicator of level of sustainable development of enterprise and definition of types of strategies of managerial influence on the internal system of enterprise in order to achieve the desired level of its sustainable development. The research is aimed at solving the current problem of providing the enterprise’s management with a scientific-practical instrumentarium for decision-making on sustainable development. The results obtained are of practical value, as they allow to quantify the level of sustainable development of enterprise on the basis of cost indicators and to systematically apply the substantiated types of strategies. The article discloses the essence of the indicator of distance to the status of sustainable development of enterprise as an criterion of evaluation of the level of its sustainable development. The conditions of both high and low levels of sustainable development of enterprise are analyzed. Four types of strategies are proposed to overcome the low level of sustainable development of enterprise: «investing in sustainable development», «making money by means of sustainable development», «saving on sustainable development», «sacrifice for the sake of sustainable development».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mazyrenok O. R.
Classifying the External and Internal Factors of Influence on the Activity of Domestic Enterprises in the Conditions of Transformational Changes (p. 470 - 476)

The article is aimed at allocating the main external and internal factors influencing a production enterprise and their classifying in the direction of performance (positive or negative influence) in the period of transformational changes in the enterprise. The importance of classifying the factors influencing the activity of enterprise and the value of their further influence on the enterprise’s profit is substantiated. The own categorical scale of ranking connected with the internal environment of enterprise is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Touzani Tarik
The Formation of Methodical Elements of Management of the Enterprise’s Behavior in the Conditions of Non-Stationary Economy (p. 477 - 482)

The article presents the basic methodical elements which constitute the methodological basis of development of adequate managerial reactions of enterprise to disturbances of the external environment. The correctly formulated methodological apparatus will allow to effectively management of enterprises in the unstable external environment. A comparative analysis of theories (theory of development, evolutionary behavioral theories, theory of systems, systematology, theory of management, theory of active systems, theory of crises, theory of modeling, behavioral theories of modern management) is carried out, resulting in formation of elements of the theoretical basis of management of enterprise’s behavior. According to the results of the comparative analysis, the basic methodical elements of management of enterprises in the unstable environment of functioning are allocated.

Article is written in Russian

Doronina M. S., Doronin A. V.
Strategizing the Development of the Socio-Economic Potential of Enterprise: Problems and Prospects (p. 483 - 488)

The article is aimed at analyzing the theoretical-methodical prerequisites of constructive strategizing in the development of socio-economic potential of enterprise, on the results of which the basis for substantiation of the whole paradigm of this process can be created. According to the results of generalization of a considerable number of scientific works, the main directions of development of researches on the topic are defined. Among them is updating of the terminological support for this scientific direction; formation of reliable technologies of information support and quantitative-qualitative technologies of measurement and modeling of development of the socio-economic potential of enterprise; increasing attention to social aspects of strategizing the development of the socio-economic potential of enterprises. Using the interdisciplinary approach, the essence and content of the concepts of «socio-economic potential of enterprise», «strategic management», «strategizing», «strategy» and «stratagem» have been clarified. Prospect for further researches in this direction is substantiation of a picture of the world together with educational-professional support of construction of practical methods for strategizing the development of the socio-economic potential of enterprise, usage of culturodigmatic ideas and the case-study method to research unique situations.

Article is written in English

Davydova O. Y.
The Scientific Bases of Development and Formation of the Integrated Mechanism for Innovative Management of Development of Hotel and Restaurant Enterprises (p. 489 - 494)

The article is aimed at forming an integrated mechanism for innovative management of the development of hotel and restaurant enterprises in modern market conditions. An analysis of the essence of the concept of «mechanism» is carried out, the author’s own definition of the concept of «mechanism» is provided as an aggregate of measures, methods, approaches and other phenomena influencing economic relations and processes at all levels of management and contributing to the achievement of the goal of economic entities by strengthening their potential and competitiveness. An integrated mechanism of innovative management of development of hotel and restaurant enterprises has been elaborated, the purpose of which is to determine the relationship and interdependence between the components of supporting, the stages of problem solving, and mechanisms for formation of innovative activity of hotel-restaurant enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Gavrylenko A. A.
Manager’s Behavior in Risk Conditions (p. 495 - 499)

The article is aimed at studying the possibilities of managing entrepreneurial risks as one of the most important components of modern management, when it is necessary to make decisions in conditions of uncertainty. Approaches to the essence of risks, their classification and nature are considered and analyzed. The necessity of risk management is substantiated that will allow not only to avoid losses, but also to get additional benefits. The peculiarities of strategic risk management are substantiated, as well as the forms of their management are provided: minimization, diversification, limitation, obtaining of additional information. It is proved that for successful risk management is necessary to observe stages of their management, and also to carry out procedures of estimating the level of risks. The efficient risk management will ensure the financial security of an enterprise in the process of its development and will make it impossible to reduce the market value of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zoidze D. R.
The Benchmarking and Necessity of its Application in the System of Quality Management at the Enterprises of Pharmaceutical Industry (p. 500 - 505)

The article is aimed at researching benchmarking and the need for its application in the management of pharmaceutical enterprises. As a result of generalizing the existing approaches the content of concept of «benchmarking» is defined. It is suggested to consider benchmarking as marketing tool, used by enterprise management. The stages of development of benchmarking are researched. The approach to benchmarking types and algorithm of its application in the enterprise is systematized and generalized. It is recommended to use benchmarking as a mandatory component of the quality management system to achieve sustainable success in pharmaceutical companies. The importance of benchmarking for business entities in the pharmaceutical market is clarified. The establishment and development of the quality system in the pharmaceutical industry of Ukraine are analyzed. The aim of further research in this direction should be solving the issues that prevent the effective use of benchmarking in enterprises. A special place among them is the need to spread the practice of benchmarking among the domestic top management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilchuk V. P., Shpomer T. O.
The Conceptual Approach to Formation of Marketing Complexed Harmonization Mechanism for Financial Provision of Innovative Development of Agricultural Machine-Building (p. 506 - 513)

The article is aimed at improving the conceptual foundations of evolving a marketing complexed harmonization mechanism for financial support of innovative development of agricultural machine-building. The actions to solve problems of financial provision of innovative development of agricultural machine-building are proposed. It is substantiated, that efficiency of innovative development in this sphere depends on the ability to satisfy demand for the expected innovative production by carrying out marketing researches, and demands complex development of all components of the indicated sub-branch of machine-building – production program together with technical-technological base of production. A mechanism for financial support is proposed, which will facilitate a complex innovative development of agricultural machine-building on the basis of coordination of financing volumes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Snisarchuk I. V.
The Management of Marketing Potential of Higher Education Institutions by Means of Forming an Endowment (p. 514 - 521)

The article considers the role of endowment (sustainable fund) in the management of marketing potential of higher education institutions. The article analyzes breadth of use of endowment in Ukraine as a means of management of potential. The educational institutions, which started the practice of using endowment in the Ukrainian educational space, have been identified. The foreign experience of use and management of sustainable fund is studied. The world’s richest universities are analyzed by the extent of endowment, the welfare of universities is ranked according to their belonging to certain countries. The differences between the results of fund raising activity such as charitable aid and an endowment fund are identified, features of use of each of them are covered. Some attention is paid to the issue of outsourcing of endowment management. The scheme of management of marketing potential on the basis of establishing of a sustainable fund is developed. The necessity of formation of endowments for educational space of higher education institutions as a means of preserving competitive positions, creation of a culture of donation in Ukraine, and successful management of marketing potential is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prytychenko T. I., Liakh I. S.
The Psychological Techniques of Marketing Pricing and Their Impact on Consumer Behavior (p. 522 - 528)

The article is aimed at the theoretical substantiating and developing recommendations on the use of psychological techniques of pricing on the basis of a research on their influence on consumer behavior. The psychological techniques of marketing pricing are considered: the concept and the place in marketing activity are clarified. A classification of the psychological techniques of pricing depending on psychological influence (formal, meaningful) is presented. A check of psychological techniques in practice, in the current conditions of activity of domestic economic entities, is carried out. A clustering of respondents by perception of psychological techniques of price fixing is presented. The results of clustering show that consumers have a different attitude to the psychological techniques of pricing. This allows choosing of the most attractive techniques, depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of consumers.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Klymchuk M. M., Ivakhnenko I. S.
The Architectonics of Facilitation-Reflective Methodology of Motivation in the System of Energy Management of Enterprise (p. 369 - 374)

The article is aimed at formation of architectonics of facilitation-reflective methodology of motivation in the system of energy management of enterprise, which will take attention to modern organizational-managerial technologies and is built on the basis of ISO 50001 standard. In the current formations of enterprises development, there is a problem of ensuring their energy efficiency, energy independence and energy security, that it is possible to have solved through introduction of energy management on the basis of ISO 50001. As one of the important structural components of the enterprise’s energy management system we have determined the motivation of staff to energy saving. A content analysis of existing practices of energy saving management on the basis of motivation mechanisms has provided an opportunity to develop a new facilitation-reflective methodology of staff motivation to energy saving. The authors present architectonics of the facilitation-reflective methodology of staff motivation in the system of energy management of enterprise that will allow to introduce measures of energy saving by means of the production-economic system with clear regulation in accordance with ISO 50001.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bolotova O. O.
The Methodical Approach to Determination of Conditions of Organizational-Economic Provision of Efficiency of Staff Management of Enterprise (p. 375 - 380)

The article is aimed at developing a methodical approach to determining the conditions of organizational-economic provision of efficiency of the enterprise’s staff management. Implementation of the proposed methodical approach takes place in the context of four stages. The article substantiates importance of using an alternative approach to determining the level of economic and organizational components of providing the efficiency of staff management, based on simultaneous estimation of a set of classification characteristics using the method of expert estimations, i.e.: sociological examination. Application of this approach will help to determine the priority directions of the enterprise development in the sphere of staff management, to ensure timeliness and effectiveness of managerial decision-making on personnel, to ensure increase in quality of management processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pashkevych M. S., Driha O. P.
Substantiating the Work Time of Project Managers as a Base of Reapportionment of the General Undistributed Costs in the Project-Oriented Calculation of Managerial Accounting (p. 381 - 386)

The article is aimed at substantiating the work time of project teams’ managers as a base for reapportionment of the total undistributed costs between separate projects of social, ecological and economic orientation, in the project-oriented calculation of costs. This is related to solution of the current problem of accounting-information provision of management of sustainable enterprise development on the basis of cost approach. The article analyzes the traditional approaches to calculation of costs and the approach of project-oriented cost calculation, in which the costs of projects of social, economic and environmental activity of the enterprise are proposed to be included into direct costs, currently included in the expenditure period, and the total undistributed costs, which are now also included in the expenditure period. As a base for the reapportionment of total undistributed costs between projects, it is proposed to use the work time fund of the project team managers and it is substantiated that this indicator is the driver of the growth of costs for the preparation, implementation and completion of projects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchepkina N. M.
The Peculiarities of Management of the Personnel Potential of a Modern Organization (p. 387 - 392)

The article is aimed at generalizing the results of researches on peculiarities of management of HR potential of a modern organization. It is identified that the main priority of employers is the potential of an applicant for a position. Observance of basic principles of formation of human potential in Ukraine does not correspond to the practice of the EU, though. The main components of the employees’ potential are identified as: motivation, curiosity, insight, ability to persuade, and determination. The factors providing a sense of belonging to the collective, and also concerning a role of the leader in a modern organization, are formulated. The options for selecting potential candidates for positions by determining their potential are provided. The indicators characterizing quantitative estimation of consequences of management of personnel potential at enterprises are analyzed. Prospects for further researches in this direction are studying of technologies of creation an atmosphere of creativity in collective, and also formation of basic principles of corporate management.

Article is written in Russian

Lysytsia N. M., Bielikova N. V., Martynenko M. V.
Peculiarities of Branding as an Instrument of Strategizing the Socio-Economic Development of Territories (p. 393 - 400)

The article is concerned with features of branding in strategizing of the socio-economic development of territories. The essence and features of using the basic elements of branding in the semantic field of strategizing the socio-economic development of territories are disclosed; an analysis of use of elements of branding in strategies of the socio-economic development of cities and regions of different world countries is carried out; a logical scheme of adaptation of branding to the needs of strategizing the socio-economic development of territories is proposed; a focus-group interview with the inhabitants of Kharkiv is conducted; the potential content («key vocabulary») for strategizing the development priorities of Kharkiv is suggested. The «key vocabulary», according to the results of the survey of residents of Kharkiv, include: active lifestyle, innovativeness; pride, care, confidence, purposefulness, joy, serenity, brightness, hope; development, dynamism, professional and personal self-realization; developed infrastructure, history and culture, architectural monuments, parks, wide streets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhehus O. V.
The Methodology and Results of Diagnostics of Marketing Activity of Higher Educational Institutions in Ukraine (p. 400 - 407)

The article presents the author’s own methodology of diagnostics of marketing activity of higher education institutions, including the developed structural-logical scheme of preparation and carrying out, in the basis of which lays the method of morphological analysis and scoring estimations. Using the presented methodology, a deep and constructive analysis of performance characteristics of marketing activity of higher education institutions along with the subsystems of marketing was carried out, information was obtained to determine initial conditions and to develop appropriate management decisions to improve it. According to the results of the carried out analysis, the national experience of marketing activity of higher education institutions is generalized, defining its level, as well as its peculiarities and problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Berezina S. B.
The Factors and Mechanisms for Formation of Social Risks of Behavioral Type (p. 264 - 272)

The article is aimed at disclosing the essence of factors, prerequisites and mechanisms of occurrence of social risks of behavioral type. It has been determined that the internal factors influencing the risks of behavioral type are intra-personal (individual features of personality caused by its heredity, development, training and upbringing) and motives (the conscious urge to actions caused by the desire to achieve a particular goal). The external factors include: quality of life of individual, people, population, etc.; social factors (living conditions, family, level of education and culture, social policy, media influence, morality and traditions of society); economic factors (standard of living, material security, employment); politico-legal factors (political structure, norms of legal system, social-legal policy, wars, conflicts), as well as global factors based on erasing of borders in various aspects of life of mankind, generating social Inequality. Determination of factors and mechanisms of their influence on behavioral risks will allow to thoroughly approach to the problem of management of social risks, to create effective system of methods directed on their prevention, reduction of probability of their occurrence and anticipating the negative consequences of their oncoming.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doroshuk G. A., Gratsiotova G. O.
The Integral Evaluation of the Efficiency of Management of Changes in Enterprise (p. 273 - 279)

The article is aimed at researching approaches and instruments to evaluate the efficiency of management of changes in enterprise. The concept of management of efficiency of changes is analyzed; three approaches to research the efficiency of changes are allocated – target, system and selective; a classification of types of management of efficiency of changes together with the system of evaluation of management of efficiency of changes is proposed. The basic methods of evaluation of efficiency of management of changes are considered. Indicators of efficiency of management of changes are systematized. It is proposed to use the integrated indicator of evaluation of efficiency of management of changes as the most convenient.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Meshkova N. L., Shchepkina N. M.
The Modern Problems of Management of Business Activity of Industrial Enterprise (p. 280 - 284)

The article is aimed at improving the process of management of business activity of an industrial enterprise on the basis of substantiation of tasks, functions and principles of business activity management. The article considers the issues related to the development of elimination of problems of business activity management. The subject of research is the approach to the management of business activity of an industrial enterprise. As result of research, different approaches to management of business activity of an industrial enterprise are researched, their strengths and weaknesses are identified. The main disadvantage of the researched methodologies is insufficient study of the issues of effective management of business activity of an industrial enterprise. It is proposed to improve the management of business activity of an industrial enterprise on the basis of substantiating tasks, functions, and principles of management.

Article is written in Russian

Yaremko A. D.
The Economic Identification of the Enterprise’s Anti-Crisis Potential (p. 285 - 291)

The article substantiates the content and place of the concept of «anti-crisis potential of enterprise» in the system of economic concepts through the substantiation of its distinctive features and essential content, which allows to identify and to form on this basis managerial decisions, adequate to peculiar situations. This will enable the indicated concept to be integrated into the current system of managerial decisions by means of procedural approaches and road maps. The definitions of the concept of «anti-crisis potential» are analyzed, a group of financially oriented concepts and processes is formed, which focus on financial stabilization of enterprises’ activity. The author defines the possibility of existence of the concept of «anti-crisis potential of enterprise» in the system of strategic management due to independence of the object of research, its characteristics and specific methods of research, which constitutes a basis for development of certain stages of its study and introduction in the managerial decisions. Prospect for further researches is formation of stages of accumulation and materialization of anti-crisis potential of enterprise, and also their introduction in the managerial decision-making.

Article is written in Ukrainian

, Laptiev V. I.
The Conceptual Provisions of Formation of a Problem-Oriented System of Human Resources Management (p. 292 - 297)

The article is aimed at substantiating the conceptual provisions, theoretical basis, principles, approaches to the formation of problem-oriented system of human resources management in the context of ensuring a decent standard of living in the country and achieving of socio-economic development at macro-, meso and micro-levels. The conceptual provisions on formation of problem-oriented system of human resources management are proposed. As a theoretical basis the theories of systems, synergy, paradigm of human resources management are defined, which, in turn, be integrated into the principles of problem-oriented management of human resources. The approaches to formation of problem-oriented system of human resources management are defined as follows: systemic, situational, problem-oriented, complex.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iziumtseva N. V., Keiler E. E.
The Strategy of Organizational Changes Implementation (p. 297 - 301)

The article is aimed at researching the basic strategies of management of organizational changes of enterprise and substantiating changes in the context of the most actual stages of their conducting, and also studying of foreign experience as to implementation of organizational changes in enterprises. However, despite the lack of developed methodological approaches to evaluate the efficiency of the conducted organizational changes, it is clear that the enterprise, which does not develop a strategy of organizational changes, jeopardizes its own strategy in the market conditions of functioning. It has been determined that, under current conditions, for most enterprises in industrialized countries, a strategy of organizational changes is linked to the transition to networked organizational structures, which reflect the links between elements of the external and internal environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Suslov O. P., Galitsyna O. V., Samchenko N. K.
Information Base of Formation of Alternative Variants of Management Decisions (p. 302 - 307)

The article describes the procedures for identification of the main problem, structuring and analyzing of problems of an organizational system in order to create an information base of the process of forming alternative managerial decisions. This base is a prerequisite for the selection of an optimal management solution aimed at solving the problem that arose under the influence of disturbing factors of the external and internal environment of the functioning of the organizational system and cause a violation of its equilibrium status. To identify the main problem of the organizational system, monitoring of its status is built, which includes the following stages: formation of the objective and an information base; analysis and evaluation of the current status of the organizational system; situational analysis of the problem development; diagnostics of the status of the organizational system at the end of the specified period; report on the monitoring results. To structure the problems, the «problem matrix» method is used in conjunction with the plotting of the problem-oriented graph. Possible methods of analysis of the generated problems are characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarova K. O., Hotsuliak V. D.
The Accounting System of the Enterprise’s Business Partnership: the Marketing Approach (p. 308 - 313)

The article discloses the relevance, problems and needs of the accounting system of business partnership of enterprise. The marketing approach to formation of the accounting system of business partnership is presented. The relevance and necessity of an innovative approach to the business partnership of enterprise is proved. The connection of business partnership with its accounting system and marketing is covered. The classification of marketing services which is the basis of marketing approach is presented. The problems and conflicts observed in the current accountance system, which in turn distort the accounting information generated for the users’ needs, are disclosed. The contradictions in the theory and practice of marketing and accounting, which do not allow to obtain objective information about the efficiency of both marketing in general and a separate marketing service, are substantiated. The correlations and contradictions between marketing costs and sales costs are disclosed. The measures as to optimization of the accounting information according to requirements of the business partnership of enterprise are suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bilorus T. V., Firsova S. H.
The Organizational Support for the Formation and Development of an Employer’s Brand (p. 314 - 326)

The article is aimed at developing applied aspects of the process of organizational support to attract internal and external resources of formation and development of the employer’s brand using the instrumentarium of multicriteria analysis. The article considers attributes of potential employer for candidates for positions and value offers of the leading world companies, current and prospective purposes of employer’s branding in leading companies of the world, peculiarities of functioning of labor market in Ukraine, the key factors of attractiveness of employers, the needs of employees and the extent of their satisfaction with employers. The system of criteria is formed and the most expedient alternatives for the companies in terms of attraction of internal and external resources for formation of the employer’s brand are allocated. Prospects for further researches in this direction are analyzing of the basic metrics of the projects of companies-outsourcers on formation and promotion of the brand of employer of the companies of customers, schematizing the decision making process concerning reasonable selection of companies of outsourcers and formation of such a system of criteria for the implementation of the choice, which includes the requirements for both the company-outsourcer and the future project.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sakovska O. M.
Determining Efficiency of Advertising and Marketing Measures on Promotion of a Tourism Product at the Regional Level (p. 327 - 335)

The article analyzes the methodology of determining the efficiency of advertising and marketing activities on promotion of tourism product at the regional level on the example of sanatorium-resort establishments of Odessa region of the tourist-recreational complex of the Southern region of Ukraine. The modern tendencies of formation of the methodology of promotion of tourism product and development of tourism region are researched. An innovative form of estimation of efficiency of advertising-marketing activity is proposed and practical recommendations on increase of efficiency of promotion of tourism product at the regional level are developed with use of the indicators of promotion system and the coefficient of efficiency of advertising activity. The costs for advertising events concerning promotion of sanatorium-resort services in the tourism market of Odessa region are studied. Indicators of efficiency of advertising-marketing activity at the regional level are calculated. The main tendencies of dynamics of tourist streams of the Odessa region are analyzed. The scientific novelty of the research is determining the factors influencing the efficiency of promotion of a tourism product and developing a system of indicators of efficiency of tourism product promotion at the regional level.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mushynskyi B. M.
The Conception of Business Continuity Management: Theoretical and Applied Aspects (p. 185 - 190)

The article is aimed at analyzing all components of the process of business continuity management (BCM) and crisis management, and identifying ways of its practical implementation. This article defines the basic elements of working with Continuity Plans, and allocates the main errors that should be addressed to specialists when introducing the BCM. The research showed that business continuity management ensures the consolidation of all the measures applied at the enterprise in a holistic, adequate towards real threats as well as managed complex, allowing the company to continuously provide services, to avoid impact of emergency situations on the activity and minimize possible damage. The importance of differentiation of Crisis management in a separate integrated direction with its standards and Plans is displayed. This complex consists of many components that must be implemented in the company to ensure the continuity of service delivery and production of products. The author describes each stage with reference to real problems of application and to the best world practices, also mentioning the points, on which it is necessary to pay attention at realization of program of introduction of the BCM.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doroshuk G. A., Gratsiotova G. O.
The Formation and Evaluation of the Potential of Strategic Changes at Enterprise (p. 191 - 197)

The points of view of various domestic scholars concerning the definition of the term of «change» are considered, the concepts of the enterprise potential, potential of changes and potential of strategic changes at enterprise are analyzed. Necessity of formation of potential of strategic changes as a basis of development of enterprise is substantiated. A classification of types of potential of strategic changes depending on the methods of changes is suggested, methods for evaluating the potential of strategic changes are considered. A conceptual scheme of formation of strategic changes potential is elaborated, which defines: types of potential of strategic changes, methods and models of evaluation of potential of strategic changes, stages of formation and instruments for development of potential of strategic changes. The potential of strategic changes is the basis of materialization of enterprise’s ability as to development and is considered as an aggregate of possibilities for transition of the enterprise from the current status to a qualitatively new one, that is provided by using material, financial, innovative, informational, human, organizational resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernobay L. I., Duma O. I.
The Theoretical Foundations of Efficiency of Enterprise Management (p. 198 - 204)

The scientific article is aimed at researching the essence and semantic boundaries of the concept of «efficiency of enterprise management». The scientific article is an element of the research of mechanisms for evaluation of efficiency of enterprise management. The definitions of «efficiency», «management», «effect», «effectiveness», proposed by various scholars, are analyzed. In the process of research interrelation of such qualitative characteristics of management as effectiveness, effect and efficiency is determined. The boundaries of each studied concept are substantiated, and the mutual influence between them in the process of management is defined. The author’s own vision of the essence of enterprise management, efficiency of management of enterprise is submitted, and the essential content of the management concept is suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrova I. L., Vintsi Joe Rosvelt
The Peculiarities of Creating a Set of Competitiveness Strategies within the Framework of Ensuring Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 205 - 211)

The article has identified the relationship between competitiveness and economic security of an enterprise. The research has proved that ensuring of the necessary (optimal) level of economic security of business units can be obtained only within the framework of development and implementation of a set of competitiveness strategies. The paper allocates main features of creating a set of competitiveness strategies within the framework of ensuring economic security of enterprise, which include the aim, tasks, principles, and the procedure of creating both a distinct competitiveness strategy and the complete set of such strategies. Based on the critical research of scientific works by Ukrainian researchers, improved procedures of creating both a distinct competitiveness strategy and a set of competitiveness strategies for Ukrainian enterprises have been suggested for implementation. On the example of agroholdings of Ukraine the influence of different competitiveness strategies on ensuring of desirable level of economic security is disclosed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ovcharuk V. V.
The Typology of Administration Systems in the Management of Enterprises in View of the European Integration Processes (p. 211 - 216)

The article evolves the typology of administration systems in the management of enterprises in view of the European integration processes, providing systematization of their kinds by the number of existing (content, space-time characteristic, peculiarities of formation, integrity level, etc.) and the new characteristics (nature of goals, level of individualization, source of origin, level of formalization, source of the arising need to build and use). According to results of the carried out researches it is suggested to consider such kinds of administration systems in terms of the management of enterprises in view of the European integration processes. It is concluded that there is a variety of administration systems in the management of enterprises in view of the European integration processes. The choice of this or that kind is determined by the set objectives in the analyzed sphere, as well as by the resource provision available. In any case, administration systems are a variation of systems in general with their inherent quantitative parameters and qualitative characteristics, which are determined by numerous factors of internal and external environment of functioning, diagnosis of which should be the prospect of further research in this direction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko V. I., Doronin S. A.
The Organizational Support of Formation of Professional Teams of Management Staff with the Help of Socionics (p. 217 - 224)

The article is aimed at defining possibilities and ways of using socionics to diagnose the prerequisites for the association of employees of the departments of enterprise management system with unique personal perception of working situations in a unique team, capable to react professionally and mobileally to various non-standard events in the working process. According to the results of system analysis and generalization of scientific works, the article provides a definition of personality as a totality of original social properties of individual, which are manifested in the behavior, communication, professional activity, capability to contribute to the formation of a collective workforce. The essence and the content of various organizational forms of labor cooperation are analyzed, substantiating the relevance of being guided in the course of research of professional mobility of management personnel by its cooperation activity in the form of a team. On the example of specific teams with the use of technologies of socionics the algorithm of building the organizational support of formation of mobile teams of management staff has been implemented. Further researches is expedient to concentrate on substantiation of methodical maintenance of the system of educational measures for development of professional mobility of managerial teams.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzma K. V.
The Formation of Management Reports on Commission Operations of Enterprise (p. 225 - 229)

The article researches the essence of the concept of "managerial reporting " in the works of both domestic and foreign scholars. It is defined that among the scholars there is no unambiguous opinion as to the reporting for needs of operational management of enterprise, which carries out commission operations. The author’s own definition of the concept of "managerial reporting at the enterprises carrying out commission operations" is suggested. The formation of managerial reporting at the enterprises carrying out commission operations is examined. It is proved that the formation of information in the managerial reporting depends on the level of management at the enterprise, which carries out commission operations. The author allocates the main criteria on which the efficiency of managerial reporting should be assessed. The directions that are necessary to direct activity of an enterprise with commission operations for increase of efficiency of managerial reporting are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zharska I. O., Kalina M. V.
Developing the Logistics Outsourcing in Ukraine: Improving the Efficiency of Transport Intermediaries in the Odesa Market (p. 230 - 235)

The article is aimed at analyzing the activities of transport intermediaries in the Odesa market, systematizing the main problems of their activities and determining the most effective ways of further development. The results of a marketing study on the quality level of services of the transport intermediaries, presented in the Odesa market are presented. In the course of the study with the help of a 5-point scale the activity of 35 companies-carriers was analyzed. For conducting the rating of intermediaries, the expert method of assessment on the basis of 6 indicators was used: «Technical characteristics», «Reliability», «Quality», «Speed of delivery», «Prices», «Autopark». A detailed assessment scale was developed for each indicator. According to results of the study on the market of transport intermediaries of Odesa, six main problems were identified and ways of their solution were submitted. It is determined, that first of all an increase of efficiency as to activity of transport intermediaries and quality of provided services is connected with more intensive use of modern information systems and technologies along with introduction of new systems of staff motivation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bolotova O. O.
Identifying the Reserves for Improving the Efficiency of Staff Management at Enterprises (p. 236 - 240)

The information-methodical support on identification of reserves of increase of efficiency of staff management at industrial enterprises is developed, including formation of system of regression models for search of latent regularities. The following phasing of the process of monitoring the formation, use and capitalization of the synthesized capital is proposed: preparatory stage – formulation of the purpose of monitoring, definition of the monitoring objects, formation of an expert group, definition of terms for monitoring, and development of instrumentarium of the monitoring procedures; main stage – carrying out periodic measurements of the monitoring objects, implementation of correctional measures; final stage – analysis and coverage of the monitoring results according to the selected indicators; forecasting of use and capitalization of the synthesized capital. Implementation of the proposed measures will help to define weaknesses and identify strengths that can be taken into consideration in the formation of recommendations as to enhancement of performance of managerial functions in order to ensure the efficiency of staff management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vyshnevska K. V.
The Strategic Modeling of Adaptation in the Postindustrial Conditions of Enterprise’s Activity (p. 241 - 246)

The scientific article is concerned with the problem of definition of the specificity of adaptation, acquired in the postindustrial conditions of activity of enterprise. The postindustrial context is characterized by redistribution of the priority of the production factors in favor of information and knowledge, which, coupled with the new technologies and creative nature of the activity, necessitate the formation of new organizational dominants, reflected in the ability to use knowledge. Under such conditions, the driving forces of business development are not so much financial resources, but their combination with ideas, that is, development of not only the markets of capital and labor, but the markets of talents, which are capable to accept and materialize unique business development strategies. On the basis of combination of the theory of organizational changes and the strategy the interrelation of levels of complexity of the environment situation with levels of the strategic process has been argued, which has provided to form models of situational, strategic and scenario adaptation, the distinctive specific features of which constitute the basis for determining the appropriate ways and mechanisms for adaptive reactions. The difference of models according to certain characteristics determines the modern specificity and variety of adaptation under the postindustrial conditions of activity of enterprise and discloses its essence in the object aspect.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gryn E. L.
Creating the Cognitive Scheme of the Essence of Resistance to Organizational Changes at Enterprise (p. 247 - 252)

The article is aimed at detailed analyzing of the content of the concept of «resistance to organizational changes» and building a cognitive scheme of its essence. The importance of research on approaches to determination of resistance to changes, classification of resistance to changes and reasons of occurrence of resistance to changes at enterprise is substantiated for construction of a schematic interpretation structure of this concept. The author defines three basic approaches to the essence of the concept of resistance to organizational changes – psychological, behavioral and managerial, which are substantiated by the morphological analysis. A classification of types of resistance to organizational changes is suggested, the formation of which is based on such criteria as: form of manifestation (open, latent); force of Influence (strong, appreciable, insignificant); level of occurrence (system, group, individual); sphere of occurrence (psychological, logical); duration of existence (situational, long-term). The possible causes of occurrence of resistance to organizational changes, generalized by the following groups of factors: organizational, managerial, resource, socio-psychological, motivational, are analyzed in detail.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Razinkova M. Y.
The Modern Marketing Tendencies and Approaches to the Provision of Tourist Services (p. 253 - 257)

The article is aimed at clarifying the modern marketing tendencies and approaches to the provision of tourist services. The modern marketing trends and approaches in the sphere of tourist services are disclosed. The innovative conceptions of tourism marketing are described, including: assimilation of tourism marketing and marketing of service sphere, that is caused by existence of kinship traits; orientation of tourism marketing towards demand, that is towards needs and wishes of clients; a greater degree of communication between the tourism marketing at the macro and micro Levels. The cases of introduction of marketing types by tourism operators are displayed, a model of implementation of marketing programs of tourism operator during the life cycle is provided. It is determined, that the modern tendencies of tourism marketing can include: changes in behavior of consumers of tourist services, among which should be allocated individualization of demand, ecologization in terms of thinking, change of frequency and duration of travels; spreading of marketing of relation with clientele; inseparability of the modern tourism enterprise from e-marketing; computerization and technologization of tourism business; at the national level there is not enough efficient marketing in terms of tourism promotion in Ukraine, as well as regression of demand for tourist services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kurochkina I. G.
The Features of Development of Territorial Marketing in the Conditions of Digital Economy (p. 258 - 263)

The article is aimed at studying the features of developing the territorial marketing in the conditions of global digitalization. The transformation of the digital space encompassed almost all aspects of human life, society and the State. The expansion of the information society, the active growth of the electronic economy, and the intensification of the information globalization processes, which are caused by the development of digital space, require completely new approaches to management, including in the sphere of territorial marketing. The considered main tasks of territorial marketing in digital space will facilitate a significant promotion of the territorial brand together with an active formation of the region image. In order to achieve competitive advantages in digital space, it has been suggested to use the basic innovative instruments such as: crowdsourcing, digital advertising, SMM-marketing, digital maps. This will have a positive effect resulting from the reducing of transaction costs. It is indicated that the current period of development of territorial marketing is a time of new opportunities and prospects for development of territories on the basis of active use of information technologies and innovative marketing instruments of online promotion of territorial brands and based on the latest digital marketing technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Murenets I. H.
The Technology of Introducing the Methodical Support of Quality of Management at Industrial Enterprises (p. 263 - 268)

The scientific-methodical approach to support of quality of management at industrial enterprises is considered, which is contingent upon constant changes of external environment and allows to optimize activity of enterprise as a whole that will provide the enterprise with obtaining additional profit, which can be directed to further development of entrepreneurial activity. The scientific results obtained in the process of research process in the aggregate solve the important scientific task on support of quality of management at industrial enterprises, namely: improvement of technology of implementation of methodical support of quality of management at industrial enterprises, differing from the existing ones by logic and content of internal components of quality of management at the expense of harmonization of production, marketing, financial, innovative-investment, logistics, personnel activities of the enterprise, as well as determination of the level of influence of factors of external environment on the basis of the global competitiveness Index, which allows to make operational decisions regarding the quality of management at industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Laptiev V. I.
The Methodical Provision of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Human Resources Management (p. 269 - 274)

The article is concerned with the current issue of research on effectiveness of the existing methods for management of human resources. The article is aimed at substantiating stages, principles, methods, approaches to evaluation of tendencies of development of human resources and the status of system of their management in the context of definition of advantages and problems in the human resources management on macro-, meso-, micro-levels and elaboration of directions for providing an effective mechanism for the human resources management on the basis of a problem-oriented approach. The methodical provision of evaluating the effectiveness of human resources management is developed on the basis of problem-oriented approach. The author suggests several constituents of integral evaluation of the effectiveness of human resources management system on the basis of problem-oriented approach, including motivational constituent of evaluation of human resources; the component of «movement of human resources»; the component of social security, and the innovative component.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zubkova A. B., Maihurova D. S., Misiunia R. M.
The Industry 4.0: Competition between Business Models – the New Essence of Competitiveness (p. 201 - 211)

The article is aimed at substantiating the impact of the enterprise’s business model on its competitiveness. In view of the lack of objective importance of the technology itself, it is necessary to determine how the business model through commercialization allows disclosing of the latent value of innovation and proving the company’s ability to compete in the market, using a sustainable business model. Both analysis and generalization of the previous developments in the definition of efficiency of business models and indicators of enterprise competitiveness allowed to allocate 18 metrics. On the basis of data of 10 leading high-tech companies of the world, factorial and correlation analyses on the defined metrics were carried out. The result of the research is allocation of key components of business models that directly impact competitiveness of enterprise. It has been determined that companies that build their business models based on research and development of innovation products with sustainable marketing support of such actions have the best indicators of competitiveness, especially in long-term period. However, in the short term such companies also have a competitive advantage in terms of financial indicators and market share.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bolotina E. V., Fomichenko I. P., Shashko V. O.
The Managerial Technologies of Communicative Management (p. 212 - 219)

A competent building of communications with authorities, and later analysis of communicative technologies, allow to get a qualitative competitive advantage in the modern market, where the struggle for each client is conducted at the micro-economic level. This article is concerned with analyzing of approaches to definition of the concept of «Government Relations» and consideration of GR as a specific form of communicative management, which is now often used by corporate structures in the political aspects of their activities. The authors of the article consider the main types of GR-management communications, which are based on a certain program of actions and are aimed at creation and maintenance of favorable relations with public authorities. The attention is drawn to the fact that GR and PR technologies are insufficiently worked out at the theoretical level, the following number of problems is allocated: distrust of the population towards powers; secrecy of information and lack of necessary explanatory work; weak organizational structure; poorly established public relations; lack of funding. As part of the analysis of the implementation of Government Relations by the authorities, the authors consider the fundamental aspects of the non-institutional structures of public authority on the example of lobbyism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gusarina N. V.
The Competence-Based Model of Readiness of Enterprises for Innovation Activity (p. 220 - 225)

The article is aimed at studying the factors of competence development in the system of management of innovation activity and economic growth of enterprises. The structuring of the basic provisions of the system of staff competency acquisition is considered; views on interactions of the basic knowledge management units are systematized; new directions of components of staff knowledge expansion are defined. It is proved, that at achievement of competences the used information should be not various, but strictly deterministic. The degree of readiness of enterprises for introduction of innovations depends on how the organization of innovative activity is carried out. Prospects for further research are evaluating the necessary volumes of input information to build predictive values of indicators of dynamic series of economic growth. Further development can facilitate an increase of innovation activity of enterprises in conditions of uncertainty.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gryn E. L.
The Scientific-Theoretical Essence of Organizational Changes at Enterprise (p. 226 - 232)

A generalization of existing approaches to understanding of the concept of «organizational changes» is made. Influence of factors of external and internal environment on occurrence of changes is substantiated. The evolutionary nature of organizational changes and their immanence in the enterprise activity are considered, which induces to introduction of the methodology of changes management at each enterprise. A morphological decomposition of the studied concept is presented according to the following components: essence, content (changing object), manifestation (result). On the basis of generalization, the author presents the definition of organizational changes as the process of transition of enterprise to another status, parameters of which depend on the current status, that determines procedures, methods and means of their implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chmyr T. S.
Using the Situational Analysis Methods to Diagnose the Level of Financial Security of Enterprise (p. 232 - 237)

The article is aimed at studying the approaches to defining the concept of «diagnostics of financial security of enterprise», its goals and objectives; substantiating the relevance of using the situational analysis methods for diagnostics of level of financial security of enterprise in conditions of constant change of factors of external and internal environment in terms of the enterprise’s functioning. An interpretation of the concept of «diagnostics of financial security of enterprise» is suggested. The purpose of diagnostics of financial security of enterprise, also its tasks and principles of implementation are defined. Relevance of application of methods of analysis of internal and external environment of organization (methods of situational Analysis: SWOT-Analysis, SNW-analysis, PEST-analysis) for the purposes of diagnostics of financial security of enterprise is substantiated. It is concluded that situational analysis allows to see a picture of the real situation at enterprise; identifies current problems and crises that threaten its development together with the opportunities, using of which would lead to a positive outcome; is a reliable basis for development of measures of protection of business entity from the identified threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Levytska I. V., Klymchuk A. O.
The Mechanism of Formation of Competitiveness of Hotel Enterprises (p. 238 - 246)

The article is aimed at theoretical substantiating, developing of methodical provisions and scientific-practical recommendations on improvement of the mechanism of formation of competitiveness of hotel enterprises. Using results of the carried out researches, tha authors improve the mechanism of formation of competitiveness of hotel enterprises which unites contents and order of implementation of processes of organizational-managerial and economic nature, methodical support of realization of the resource support, directed on increase of competitiveness, quality and development of service culture. The internal organizational-managerial mechanism of formation of competitiveness of hotel enterprises, directed towards performance of managerial functions on increase of quality of hotel services, is improved. Also an internal economic mechanism is developed, which provides for the regulation of the main subsystems of the hotel structure by means of methods and levers (competitive advantages), which helps to increase the competitive ability of hotel enterprises in terms of developing quality strategies for hotel products. It is concluded that among the directions of further research in the field of economics and management of the national economy it is necessary to allocate the development of mechanisms of competitiveness management of hotel enterprises, as well as strategies to increase competitiveness of the hotel industry in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozhanova Y. P., Sierikova T. M.
The Directions of Improvement of Strategic Planning at the Regional Level (p. 247 - 252)

In modern conditions of dynamic development of socio-economic processes on the world level, the role of strategic planning increases. Complication of the problems that are to be solved, rapid change of factors of external environment, considerable cost of resources as to their solving - all this demands careful development of decisions for the future. The article is aimed at defining the essence and principles of strategic planning of regions development along with directions of its further improvement. The essence of strategic planning of development of regions is considered, the authors’ own vision of its definition is proposed. Principles of strategic planning of regional development are indicated. A list of general planning principles is provided and emphasis is placed on the principles inherent in strategic planning of regional development. The proposed principles provide an opportunity to respond proactively to possible threats and develop alternative plans. It is emphasized that in modern conditions it becomes impossible to develop effective strategic plans without observing the principles of alternative, adaptability, flexibility of planning. A further emphasis is also placed on the need to apply a partnership approach to the development of plans, which brings together the interests of the State, the region, and the public. The main advantages of strategic planning of regional development and shortcomings of the practice of their development and implementation in our country are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Martynenko O. O., Shuba M. V.
The International Experience in the Use of Franchising as an Efficient Model of Business Expansion (p. 253 - 258)

The article is aimed at defining the current status of franchising development in different world countries as a model of expansion of existing business. The essence of franchising is considered as a form of business organization on the example of mechanism for application of its individual types. The most common classification is the division of franchising into such varieties as business franchising and traditional, or marketable, franchising. The dynamics of growth of the number of franchising institutions in the world and the branch structure of international franchising are researched. The US franchise market is analyzed. It is determined that the use of franchising model at the international level is a competitive advantage for U.S. exports. The authors explore the market of franchising of the leading exporting countries in this field – Germany and Great Britain.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernoivanova H. S.
The Organizational Provision of Management of the Enterprise’s Innovation Component: Building and Structural Analysis (p. 259 - 264)

The article is aimed at substantiating and developing a theoretical-methodological approach to the building of organizational provision and its structural analysis in management of the innovation component of enterprise. One of the most important components in the management of innovations and innovation activity is an organizational provision. Therefore, the article analyzes elements of this provision subsystem. Conceptual provisions of building an organizational provision in the structure of mechanism for management of innovation component of enterprise on the basis of modern management paradigm are suggested; approaches to the essence of the organizational mechanism and its constituents are analyzed; the author’s own interpretation of the category of «organizational provision» is presented. Elements of organizational provision in the structure of the mechanism for management of the innovation component are defined; approach to structural analyzing of organizational provision of management of the innovation component of enterprise is substantiated; set of instruments of the organizational component of provision of management of the innovation component of enterprise is ordered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Saliuk A. P., Kholodnyi G. O.
The Formation of the Company’s Brand: Factors of Influence and Peculiarities (p. 265 - 271)

The article considers issues of formation of brand of enterprise through the prism of defining the factors influencing this process. The emphasis is placed on the consumer, which is the main goal and around which the marketing strategy concerning the brand is to be built. The branding factors are systematized in two groups: those that are directly dependent on enterprise (subjective), and those on which it can not affect (objective). The general and concrete weight of each of these factors in the process of evolution of a trade mark is defined. The irrational loyalty, which is the result of synergy of subjective-objective factors and represents a weighty element of this system, influencing the consumer’s adherence to a brand, even in crisis periods, is separately indicated. According to the results of the analysis, the optimal set of the main factors is determined and the necessity of increased attention to them by the companies-owners of brands or those who aspire to this status world-wide and, specially, in Ukraine is noted.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Natorina A. O.
The Marketing Commodity Policy of Online-Retailers: Characterization and Trajectories of Development (p. 272 - 277)

The article is aimed at identifying the characteristics of marketing commodity policy of online-retailers on the basis of scientific and methodical approach (clustering), based on the estimates of online buyers, as well as developing proposals as to trajectory of development of marketing commodity policy of online retailers. The automation of calculations was carried out using the software packages «StatSoft Statistica» and «SPSS Statistics». The online customer survey is based on the use of the Google Forms online service. As a result of research, characteristics of marketing commodity policy of online retailers are determined and possible trajectories of development with descriptions in accordance with a certain characterization are suggested. Implementation of the developed offers will allow online-retailers to satisfy ad maximum the needs and preferences of online buyers in the Internet space, including by means of updating the product portfolio.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Salyga K. S., Gutsalyuk A. M.
The Resource-Competence Paradigm of Organization of Management of Corporate Integration Processes in Joint-Stock Companies (p. 369 - 376)

The article presents conceptual provisions concerning the management of corporate integration development of joint-stock companies, based on the authors’ hypothesis as to consideration of integration as some regular process, described in terms of the conception of increasing returns. The application of resource-competence and system-complementary approaches to the management of corporate integration development of joint-stock companies is proposed. The authors propose introduction of an aggregate of corporate mechanisms for integration management, interaction between which is described with the help of the structural-functional instrumentarium for modeling of complex systems. The key importance of ensuring a balanced distribution of corporate control for successful implementation of the strategy of corporate integration development of joint-stock companies is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalchuk T. H.
The Influence of Image and Reputation on the Activity of Enterprise in the Conditions of Globalization (p. 377 - 381)

The article is aimed at defining the concepts of «image» and «reputation», highlighting their similarities and differences, analyzing their impact on the enterprise’s activities, and outlining the main directions of formation of appropriate image and reputation for obtaining of attractiveness in foreign markets. The methodological basis of the research consists of the publications of leading researchers on this problem. The methods of statistical analysis, system generalization, as well as qualitative and quantitative comparison were used in solving the set tasks. It is determined that for enterprise one of the main ways to attract the attention of consumer is to create a positive image together with business reputation. The concepts of «image» and «reputation» are disclosed; their peculiarities are identified; factors of influence are substantiated; further steps on improvement of image and reputation of enterprise are suggested and their influence on results of the activity of enterprise taking into consideration globalization processes is determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karvatska N. S., Tiurina N. M., Nazarchuk T. V.
The Anti-Crisis Management: Meaning, Stages, Implementation Processes (p. 382 - 389)

The profitability and efficiency of organization are impacted by a number of factors that can lead to business failure under certain conditions. In this situation, the company’s management needs to implement a set of actions necessary to restore stability and solvency. The article is aimed at defining the stages of crisis management and the main factors of formation of successful anti-crisis strategy. The process of solvency restoration, presented in the publication, covers all aspects of anti-crisis management, such as: evaluation, diagnostics, planning, management. It is emphasized that anti-crisis management is not just the formation of an effective strategy for the recovery and development of company, but also an integrated implementation of the proposed measures, their constant adjustment, depending on the impact of changes of the external and internal factors. Accordingly, implementation of the proposed process involves the coordination of priority interests of the company and external environment; balancing internal measures to restore economic potential and create conditions for the long-term development of company.

Article is written in English

Kravchenko N. V., Shakhno A. Y.
The Parameters of Formation of Human Capital of Innovative Labor in Conditions of Global Changes (p. 390 - 397)

The article is aimed at the scientific-theoretical substantiation of human capital parameters necessary for the implementation of innovative labor in the conditions of global transformations. The global threats that form a humancentric model of innovation activity are allocated. It is clarified that the resource provision of innovative labor is connected with the formation, development and use of human capital. As a result of application of the competency model of specialist, the qualitative parameters of the human capital necessary for expansion of innovative labor are defined. It is proved that human capital as an open system is constantly under the influence of the external environment, and its estimation combines quantitative-qualitative properties. Tendencies of change of human capital of Ukraine and their influence on the level of ensuring of competitiveness and innovative development are determined. The basic directions of formation of human capital of innovative type are suggested. Prospect for further research in this direction is to find effective methods and instruments to manage the process of human capital circulation in the interests of innovative modernization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova A. О., Pulina T. V., Kutidze L. S.
Introducing the Experience of Japanese System of Staff Management in Ukrainian Enterprises (p. 398 - 403)

In order to improve efficiency and effectiveness of domestic enterprises, the need to introduce in Ukraine instruments and methods of the Japanese system of staff management with an effective adaptation to the Ukrainian realities is proved. The main features, advantages and disadvantages of functioning of the Japanese system of staff management are analyzed. The key elements of the Japanese system of staff management are determined, among which is a very high level of interaction between employees and management. The practice of lifelong hiring also has a significant impact on the level of interaction. In addition, the spread of known concepts «Kaizen» and «Just-in-Тime» contribute to the peculiarities of mentality and value of staff of Japanese enterprises. The status of introduction of Japanese experience in Ukrainian enterprises is researched. The main problems which hinder introduction of Japanese experience of staff management at domestic enterprises are substantiated. The ways of introduction of experience of Japanese system of staff management in activity of the Ukrainian enterprises with the purpose of ensuring their effectiveness and competitiveness are defined and substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Brych V. Y., Tkach U. V.
The Innovative Approaches in the Staff Management of Enterprises (p. 404 - 409)

The article is aimed at studying and systematizing the basic modern theoretical approaches to innovative staff management. The most important innovative approaches in staff management of enterprises presented in the scientific-methodological researches of contemporary scholars are considered and defined. The necessity of scientific substantiation of introduction of innovations in the sphere of staff management by definition of key principles of innovative development of this sphere is identified. The authors also consider the main traditional (administrative, economic, social-psychological) and the innovative methods (innovative selection of staff, providing the use of the newest technologies of search for employees; innovative methods of assessment of activities used at the stage of recruitment and management of personnel to determine the level of conformity of both professional and personal characteristics of staff with both official and internal requirements; innovative career management methods; innovative methods of stimulation and motivation) in the system of modern staff management of enterprises, the most priority aspects of their introduction and implementation are allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lazebnyk I. O., Kulinich D. S.
The Methodical Principles of the Analysis of Efficiency of Use of the Staff Potential at Enterprise (p. 410 - 414)

The article considers and generalizes actual issues of the efficiency of use of the staff potential at enterprise. Basing on the information obtained from scientific sources, assessment of efficiency of use of personnel potential was carried out by means of questionnaire method and by construction of integral indices. The article substantiates the necessity of analyzing of personnel potential of enterprise from the point of view of identification of conformity of qualitative characteristics of enterprise’s personnel with its labor system, and also for forecasting the possibility of expansion of the existing team of workers. As the results of the numerical characterization of the staff potential of the enterprise AltDesign demonstrate, the company has a good integral indicator of personnel potential, but this does not exclude the existing problems identified in the results of questionnairing, which is the reason for suggesting proposals as to methods of improving the situation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korepanov G. S., Shcherbak M. V.
The Building of Personnel Management in the Organization as One of the Factors of its Development (p. 415 - 420)

The article is aimed at researching the possibility of modern organization development by building the efficient personnel management. The concept of personnel management is considered. The essence of this phenomenon is analyzed as a factor of development of modern enterprise. The basic components of personnel management in the organization are provided and analyzed: personnel policy; process of recruiting, adaptation, material and non-material motivation; evaluation of labor activity of employees. The necessity of creation of the uniform universal algorithm on introduction of personnel management at enterprise is substantiated. The main difficulties and potential barriers on the way of introduction of personnel management in the organization are determined. An universal algorithm of introduction of personnel management in the modern enterprise, including stages of definition of a course of development of company together with its personnel component, definitions of goals of introduction of personnel management, adjustment of process of budgeting, building the company’s culture, determining the staff and functions of the department of personnel management, building up all the components of personnel management. The main results that can be achieved by implementing the proposed algorithm are allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Seliutin S. V.
Evaluating the Strategic Development of Restaurant Enterprises (p. 421 - 428)

The article is aimed at studying the fractal elements of organization of the restaurant enterprise, structured according to evolutionary principles, and evaluating the strategic development of restaurants. The level of strategic development is determined by the competitiveness of facilities, which depends on such fractal elements as quality of the production program (menu), quality of the technologies of service and production, degree of compliance of the subject and object of management, degree of compliance of the company’s potential with the market parameters, pace of development of target parameters, compliance with a certain hierarchical place among similar facilities. Method of taxonomic analysis has been chosen to evaluate strategic development. The article presents the results of a study on ten full-service restaurants in the city of Kharkiv. Calculations of taxonomic indicators of strategic development (competitiveness) of restaurants provided to determine the ranks of enterprises and identify the leader and outsider. The results of the calculations will allow the specialists of enterprises, which are lagging behind the leader, to analyze the degree of remoteness for each indicator, and, accordingly, at each hierarchical level of the system of fractal elements of the restaurant enterprise. As a result of the analysis it is possible to form a unique set of measures for each enterprise in order to achieve leading positions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dymchenko O. V., Khailo Y. M., Rudachenko O. O.
The Task of Developing the Managerial Accounting in the Technology of Resource Saving (p. 429 - 435)

The article substantiates directions and ways of improvement of the system of information provision of the water supply and sewerage enterprises, oriented towards the organizational-economic innovations in the course of implementation of resource saving programs. Tasks of further development of managerial accounting as the basic component of analytical function of management are defined. Priorities as to the order of development of modern mechanism for resource saving are suggested, intellectual capital is allocated as the main factor of influence on the process of enterprise development. It is determined that a significant negative contribution to the aggravation of the problem up to the level, when enterprises fall into the unprofitable mode of activity, which tends to persist for a long time, is made through imperfect methods and mechanisms for management of resource use and resource-saving, and this negativity is then complemented with an imperfect information base, which, first of all, needs to be modernized in the system of management accounting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mazorenko O. V.
The Crowdmarketing as a Tool to Promote an Exporting Enterprise in Foreign Markets (p. 436 - 441)

The main purpose of the article is substantiating the expediency of use of crowdmarketing and developing a mechanism for its use to enhance the export activity of enterprise. The marketing aspects of enterprise promotion in the global market are studied. The essence and main tasks of crowdmarketing are defined, its advantages and disadvantages are analyzed and generalized. The application of crowdmarketing has a number of limitations related to its specificity, which led to the development of a mechanism for the implementation of crowdmarketing for its efficient use by exporting enterprises. For realization of tasks of crowdmarketing, the article systematizes various systems and services, allowing to form network communities, where enterprises have possibility of communication with the target audience. The main services of crowdmarketing include: thematic forums, feedback sites, question-answer sites, social networks, trading platforms, blogs and articles in the media. The conclusions on expediency of use of crowdmarketing by enterprises-exporters at entering foreign markets are generalized.

Article is written in English

Chernychko S. F., Borysenko K. V., Hryshan M. M.
The Tendencies and Prospects of Development of the Market of Household Chemical Products in Ukraine and Zakarpatska Region (p. 442 - 447)

The existence of a significant internal unmet demand and the annual growth of needs encourages the research on and consideration in dynamics of indicators of development of the household chemicals market in order to identify trends in development and determine the prospects. The article is aimed at conducting an economic-statistical analysis of dynamics of the market of household chemicals in Ukraine and Zakarpatska region, as well as substantiating of practical recommendations of its stimulation. It is determined that the fastest pace of developing in Ukraine demonstrates the market of fresheners, aerosols and detergents for laundry. It is substantiated that one of the main tendencies of both the international and Ukrainian markets of household chemicals is the transition to more environmentally friendly means. According to results of the analysis of tendencies of household chemicals market in Zakarpatska region it is possible to draw a conclusion about high degree of locality in distribution of enterprises of the industry and their approximation to the main elements of transport infrastructure of the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poliakova Y. O., Nadeina M. V.
The Principles of Formation of the Complex of Marketing Communications of Enterprise in the International В2B Market (p. 448 - 453)

The article is aimed at defining the principles of formation and development of the complex of international marketing communications of enterprise in the B2B market on the basis of integrated approach. According to results of the carried out research it is determined that the main principles of international integrated marketing communications of an enterprise in the B2B market are: inclusion in the communication model of the stage of reasoned choice and gradual replacement of classical means of marketing communications by the communications in the Internet sphere, formation of correspondence between communicative effects of international marketing communications and the stages of sequential behavior on the part of the consumer-mediator. Introduction of the identified principles in the process of formation of the integrated marketing communications complex allows to define both conceptual and situational components of the complex in order to achieve maximization of the integrated effect.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bozhko Y. O.
Assessing the Competitiveness of Enterprise by the Methods of Competitive Intelligence (p. 320 - 326)

The use of competitive intelligence methods in assessing the external and internal environment of enterprises of mechanical engineering enabled to determine the competitive advantages of each of them, to evaluate the possibilities and priority directions of further development. The carried out analysis shows the possibility of conducting competitive intelligence on the basis of the information contained on the Internet. In addition, the carried out analysis provides an opportunity to propose methodological approaches to assessing the activities of competitors and the business environment of the operation of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Garafonova O. I., Tokovenko A. M.
The Innovative Strategy of Enterprise: Special Approaches to Formation in the Current Conditions of Development of the Restaurant Sphere in Ukraine (p. 327 - 332)

The article is aimed at researching the innovative strategy of enterprise and special approaches to formation in the current conditions of development of restaurant sphere of activity in Ukraine. The innovative strategies that are used in different types of restaurant business are defined. The basic instrumentarium used for development of innovative strategy of establishments of restaurant business is analyzed. The authors suggest division of large restaurant enterprises and small firms (cafes) on the used strategic instruments (enterprises using the related diversification; enterprises using the emergent theory; enterprises, using the theory of supporting innovations). The groups of innovative strategies found at the Ukrainian restaurant market (diversification (related and non-relational), hybrid models, strategy of ousting the leader) are defined. The authors’ own definition of innovative strategy in restaurant business is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lisna I. F., Pyvavar I. V., Ponomarenko O. O.
Marketing Research and Marketing Planning at Macro and Micro Levels (p. 333 - 339)

The article analyzes the marketing research and planning of the marketing activities at both the macro- and micro-levels. A substantiation of choice of directions of increase of efficiency in terms of use of marketing potential of enterprise together with the development of corresponding actions as to implementation of these directions necessitates careful marketing research of the conditions of economic activity, definition of peculiarities of the market segmentation and determination of the key advantages that ensure stable positions of producers in the competitive rivalry. The validity of the strategic decisions taken by the enterprise is largely determined by the completeness and reliability of the information used. High labor intensity, complexity of gathering and analytical processing of large amount of various information, the possibilities of obtaining of which are limited, along with absence of necessary competence of the engaged experts, places in question the possibility of carrying out of such works by small enterprises qualitatively and in full volume. Therefore, the article defines the expediency of forming of the specialized information-analytical centers, which are concentrating the necessary information and equipped with various instruments of its strategic evaluation.

Article is written in English

Novikova L. V., Chernyshova L. O.
The Marketing Communications as a Component of the Enterprise’s Marketing Policy in the International Market (p. 340 - 345)

The article is aimed at researching the features of formation of marketing communications as a part of the enterprise’s marketing policy in the international market. The essence of the concept of «marketing communications», the main means of marketing influence of enterprise in the international market are defined. The advantages and disadvantages of means of influence of marketing communications in the international business are allocated. A comparative characterization of the models of estimating the efficiency of marketing communications as important components of the marketing policy of enterprise, which allow to define the level of success of promo-actions, is carried out. The advantages and disadvantages of each model are allocated, depending on the specifics of the enterprise’s activity and the methods of sales promotion that the enterprise uses in the international market. The model of formation of system of marketing communications as a component of marketing policy of enterprise having a multilevel character is proposed. The model allows, in connection with the system of marketing communications, to consider consumer needs of the target audience and to evaluate efficiency of realization of promo-actions in the international market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savytska N. L., Melushova I. Y.
The Marketing Performance Management in the Context of Sustainable Development of Enterprise: The Theoretical-Methodical Aspect (p. 346 - 351)

The article is aimed at defining the theoretical-methodical foundations of marketing performance management in the context of sustainable development of enterprise. The scientific-methodical approach to management of marketing performance on principles of sustainable development of enterprises is suggested, based on the balanced marketing decisions-making on the basis of a complex of target orientations, with attention to interests of business owners, priorities for long-term development of resource provision, production and marketing, as well as social needs of the society and the environmental protection. In contrast to the known, the approach outlined in the article allows to manage the marketing performance on two levels: conquest of the most attractive competitive position of enterprise in the market (due to the planned size of marketing results) and formation of integral performance in the form of increase of business value at the expense of marketing sources. The described approach is conceptual in nature, requires contextualization in accordance with the peculiarities of economic activity of enterprise and the specific market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novikov D. F.
The Social Responsibility of Marketing in the Market of Industrial Enterprises (p. 352 - 356)

The article considers one of the main directions of marketing activity of industrial enterprise – social responsibility of marketing. The distinguishing features of both industrial and consumer markets are presented together with regularities of formation in their activity of social responsibility of marketing. The activity of three enterprises working in the industrial market: engineering company, enterprise for manufacturing of mining enginery, and enterprise for manufacturing of hoisting-transport equipment is analyzed. It is shown that the level of social irresponsibility of marketing at the enterprises working in the industrial market is minimal, and the reasons of irresponsibility at the enterprises of the industrial and the consumer markets are different. None of these enterprises for the last 10 years has paid fines for non-conformity of the claimed quality level of their products, because of valuing the reputation and in view of risking of losing customers. The definition of the «social responsibility of industrial marketing», consisting in necessity of minimization of deviation from the current production technology, is clarified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dubovyk T. V., Gamova I. V.
The Innovations and Business Models in the Marketing Channels (p. 357 - 362)

The article researches innovations in the marketing channels. Collaboration of enterprises in the channels, based on the marketing relations, allowed to consider innovations in the marketing channels in terms of their development in prospects: technological, structural, of interaction. The proposed innovations allowed to research the influence of factors of external environment and of consumer tendencies on the innovative development of enterprises, based on expectations of consumers, problems of industrial development and legal problems, and also identify the innovative challenges and potential solutions. The business models in the channel are considered from the point of view of an integrated presentation of: innovations in the business model; relationship between the customer and the entire business model; resources to carry out activities; customer’s specific context to create client value; relationships and channels between the partners and the customer.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Butenko T. V., Kohan I. V.
The Modern Structure and Efficient Managing of the Economic Methods in Management (p. 406 - 412)

The article is aimed at researching the structure of managing of the economic methods, its essence, characteristics, and efficiency. The scientific works of both foreign and domestic scholars who have thoroughly covered the essence of economic methods of management are analyzed and studied. The main types of economic methods of management, e.g.: planning, commercial calculation, remuneration, bonuses, pricing, financing are considered and their characterizations are given. The basic theoretical and practical positions as to introduction of economic methods of management at enterprise are analyzed. The foreign experience of use of economic methods of management at enterprises is studied. The authors suggest transition to the economic methods of management, which are used by foreign countries at their enterprises. Further introduction of the economic methods of management, which are being used at enterprises in foreign countries, will help domestic enterprises to achieve functional and economic recovery.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mukha S. V.
Modern Ukrainian Corporate Culture (p. 413 - 417)

The article analyses the current status of the modern Ukrainian corporate culture. The main attention is focused on the formation and development of the modern corporate culture of Ukrainian enterprises and is compared to the western experience. The main key characteristics of the modern Ukrainian corporate culture together with its new trends are identified. The modern development directions of the Ukrainian corporate culture are defined. The features of development of the Ukrainian corporate culture at the modern stage of establishment of economy are allocated. The differences in the development of corporate culture of both Ukrainian and foreign enterprises are characterized. The article analyzes the theoretical basis for the development of corporate culture in Ukraine. It is determined that the development of corporate culture contributes to the efficient development of enterprise. It is concluded that any organization that aims to succeed should promote a spirit of unity and common interests and responsibility in order to create a sense of loyalty, solidarity and pride among its employees. One of the main reasons for attracting Western professional managers is that in Ukraine there is still a shortage of local professional managers.

Article is written in English

Drogobytskyi I. M.
Mentality in Management (p. 418 - 424)

Despite the fact that economists and managers have long paid attention to the dependence of management decisions on their hosts, the urgent need to study this dependence appeared at the turn of the millennium with access to the economic arena of the behavioral economy. The latter studies the natural behavior of economic systems in everyday economic life and makes recommendations on how to ensure its continuous improvement, based on the consciousness and subconscious of their active elements (people). At the same time, behavioral economics seeks to adapt the achievements of its predecessors (classical and neoclassical economic concepts) on the evolutionary path of civilizational development and find the best practical application for them. One of the most significant achievements of the neoclassical economy is a model approach to organizational management. It seems that it will take its worthy place in the behavioral economy. In this regard, this article attempts to reveal the composition and content of mental models that will form the basis of model choice in the conditions of behavioral economy. The main difficulty of this idea is that the elements that form the mental models, the relationship between them and the environment are intangible and are not given to us in the sense.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarenko О. M., Rishko Y. I., Tardaskina T. M.
The Advantages of Remote Work as an Efficient Form of Employment of Staff in Modern Conditions (p. 425 - 430)

The article is aimed at researching the theoretical and practical aspects of organization kinds of remote work and considering its advantages as an efficient form of employment of staff. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have a direct impact on the economy through the creation of new jobs and the transformation of the labor force. This transformation has led to a number of atypical forms of employment, one of which is remote work. The categories of employees who are most interested in the remote work form are provided. The advantages and disadvantages of remote work are analyzed for all interested parties: employers, employees, and the State. The emphasis is placed on the fact that, despite certain shortcomings, remote work is demanded and promising in view of tendencies in the development of the labor market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherep A. V., Hryhorovych L. S.
Reviewing the Methods for Evaluation of Efficiency of the Enterprise Management (p. 430 - 434)

The article is aimed at reviewing the existing methods for evaluation of efficiency of the enterprise management. In the course of analysis of works of both domestic and foreign scholars, the authors found a large number of methods, aggravating the choice of managers of enterprise: which one would be the most effective of them. The most common classifications and a brief description of the existing evaluation methods are provided. The result of the research identifies that today no single classification of existing methods of evaluation is well-developed. The publication presents the distribution of methods in view of defining the concept of efficiency. The presence of conditional separation of methods into formalized and informal is indicated and a brief description of each of them is provided. Further researches in this field can be aimed at comparing the existing methods, identifying the most effective or forming a new one that would take into consideration all the shortcomings and advantages of the available ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Piletska S. T., Korytko T. Y.
The System of Adaptive Management of Enterprise in Conditions of a Changing External Environment (p. 435 - 440)

The article concerned with researching the concept of adaptive management. It is determined that adaptive management is a managerial activity, organized as an interconnected set of actions of the subjects of functioning and aimed at supporting the level of competitiveness. The theoretical and methodological bases of development of the system of adaptive management of enterprise are generalized, which includes the main purpose, object, principles of adaptive management and the main mechanisms. The mechanisms of adaptive management of enterprise are defined as follows: organizational, economic and legal. The system of adaptive management of enterprise assumes possibility and ability of the enterprise, depending on changes of environment and internal factors, to maintain stability in the long-term perspective and to provide an appropriate level of competitiveness. The prospect of further research in this direction is formation of an economic mechanism for adaptive management of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kravchuk N. M., Goncharuk A. V.
Management of the Processes of Formation of Labor Resources of Transport Enterprise (p. 441 - 447)

Labor management at the level of a transport enterprise requires the development of methodological provision in the field of defining the goals and directions of development of both the staff system and the individual employee. The theoretical bases of the concept of «labor resources» are defined and methodical approaches to determination of efficiency of labor resources usage are analyzed. Approaches to management of labor resources at the enterprise are explored, the stages and key characteristics of their management are defined. The specifics and sequence of the staff management process in transport enterprises are described, the scheme of formation of labor resources system of transport enterprise is developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuznetsova G. V.
The Modernized Conception of Controlling, Oriented towards the Functions of Anti-Crisis Management of Industrial Enterprises (p. 448 - 452)

The article is aimed at forming the modernized conception of controlling, oriented towards the functions of anti-crisis management of industrial enterprises. A comparative characterization of operative and strategic controlling is carried out. The general scheme of the modernized conception of controlling of industrial enterprise is provided. It is determined that the controlling system is one of the innovative instruments of anti-crisis management, which allows an industrial enterprise to occupy stable positions in the market and be adaptive, relevant and emergent. On the basis of the carried out research, the conception of controlling, oriented towards the functions of anti-crisis management of industrial enterprises is formed. It is concluded that directors of the majority of national industrial enterprises do not use the system of controlling in their own activities due to insufficient awareness. This significantly worsens the performance of industrial enterprises, affects the reduction of their competitiveness and leads to insolvency, illiquidness and unprofitability.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Novikov D. А.
The Methodical Provision of Risks Evaluation in the Management of Personnel Potential of Industrial Enterprise (p. 453 - 459)

The article generalizes the existing approaches and proposes a methodical provision of risks evaluation in the management of personnel potential of industrial enterprise. It has been determined that in the research of personnel potential of industrial enterprise it is necessary to consider all possible risks which can arise at management of the enterprise staff. The risk evaluation in the management of personnel potential of the industrial enterprise is proposed to be carried out with attention to its personnel flows. A classification of risks and the place of risks in the system of management of personnel potential of industrial enterprise are presented. To evaluate the risks of implementation of the strategy of management of personnel potential of the industrial enterprise in terms of personnel flows, a list of risks that may arise in this process is elaborated. The sequence of risks evaluation as to the personnel potential of industrial enterprise is provided. The conclusion is drawn about necessity for industrial enterprises to work towards creation or improvement of the risks management system in the field of implementation of personnel strategies and the general personnel policy in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Golubtsova K. K.
Defining the Directions of Adaptive Management of Enterprises in the Pharmaceutical Sector on the Basis of Experience of the Advanced Countries of the World (p. 460 - 464)

The publication defines the directions of adaptive management of enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector on the basis of experience of the advanced countries of the world. It is specified that the present day pharmaceutical sector needs to attract investments, restructure and diversify the export structure in the direction of increasing the share of knowledge-intensive, high-tech pharmaceutical products, corresponding to the International GMP Standards. Having analyzed the experience of the advanced countries in the field of pharmacy, the author has concluded that the majority of countries apply an integrated model of adaptive management, allowing enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector to increase their production potential and consolidate their positions in the global pharmaceutical market. The integrated model of adaptive management of pharmaceutical enterprise which can be used for enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine is built. It is concluded that adherence to the principles of adaptive management of enterprises in the pharmaceutical sector will ensure the appropriate level of competitiveness of enterprises, stimulate their further economic growth and development and establish an efficient process of managing the resistance towards changes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gavkalova N. L., Tereshchenko L. V.
The Methodical Approach to Evaluation of the Efficiency of Staff Management at Enterprise (p. 465 - 470)

The article is aimed at developing and substantiating of a methodical approach to evaluation of the efficiency of staff management at enterprise. The necessity of using method of dynamic normative for evaluation of the efficiency of staff management is substantiated. The methodical approach to evaluation of the efficiency of staff management at enterprise is suggested, implementation of which includes the following stages: generalizing analysis of existing methods and approaches to evaluation of the efficiency of staff management; defining the initial system of the indicators of analysis of staff management, their substantiation according to the support subsystems; formation of the dynamic normative model structure; calculating the rates of growth of indicators and constructing a graph of the normative ordering; economic interpretation of the results obtained. Using this approach will provide substantiating and concretizing the priority objectives to ensure the efficiency of staff management and compare the different options of the strategic orientation to achieve the planned results by identifying internal reserves for improvement of the performance of staff.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasova V. P., Shelest T. M.
The Proactive Projects Management in the Seamen Training System (p. 471 - 476)

The article analyzes the status of seamen training in Ukraine. The main problems and directions of their solution as to training of seamen in the higher marine educational institutions (HMEI) are defined. The concepts of «proactivity» and «proactive management» are researched, the authors’ own understanding of proactive management in the system of seamen training is presented. In the proactive management, the first priority is the optimal combination of classical maritime education with computer technologies in such a way that the level of training becomes higher, the range of services is expanded, and the cost of provision of the educational services is reduced. According to the authors, the VR- and AR-technologies are at the forefront. It is emphasized that the financial side of implementation of proactive management requires very significant costs, but as a result, all stakeholders win, because these costs will ensure the use of the potential of existing opportunities in the global maritime market. It is determined that the introduction of proactive management in the system of seamen training will be active in case of establishing partnership between the HMEI and the shipping companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Horbal N. I., Ilnytska K. O., Romanyshyn S. B.
The Profession of SMM-Marketer in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (p. 477 - 482)

The article is aimed at researching the peculiarities of the profession of SMM-marketer, demand for it and tendencies of development in the Ukrainian labor market. Opportunities, perspectives, problematic issues and tendencies of development of Internet-marketing, in particular marketing in social networks (Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger, Instargam, etc.) both world-wide and in Ukraine are analyzed. The essence of the profession of SMM-marketer in the system of Internet marketing is described. On the basis of the data of Ukrainian platforms, the authors analyze demand for such specialists in the labor market, the most important characteristics of the potential SMM-marketer, their professional qualities and skills, which must be at hand, the specifics of the profession and wages for today. A number of problems faced by both employers and potential workers in this area are allocated (lack of sufficient knowledge and experience; inflated expectations as to payment and working conditions; inadequate understanding of the role of SMM customers, insufficient level of confidence in this instrument). Features and problems of getting the profession of SMM-marketer in Ukraine today are analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tsal-Tsalko Y. S., Moroz Y. Y.
The Statistical-Accounting Provision of Evaluation of the Quality of Staff Employment at Enterprise According to the Indicator of Value Added (p. 358 - 363)

The article is aimed at substantiating the system of statistical-accounting provision of evaluation of the quality of staff employment at enterprise according to the indicator of value added. It is determined that the main indicator of evaluation of the quality of staff employment at enterprise is labor productivity in the calculating of the created value added. Different views of researchers together with provisions of the normative documents on definition of concepts of productivity and value added are systematized. The status of formation of value added at Ukrainian enterprises is analyzed concerning its dynamics, indicators for evaluation of the quality of staff employment and the level of staff participation at creation of separate structural elements of value added. On the basis of the analysis, the authors identified the existing recession of the real values of labor productivity and expenses for workers in Ukraine after 2013, and also a considerable load on staff in the part of income generated for the needs of the State, territorial communities and owners of enterprises. The authors propose their own approach to calculation of the value added, created at enterprise as the sum of such components as: depreciation, staff income, social spendings, taxes, and the created net profit. The possibilities of information resources of the accountance accounts for calculation of the value added created at enterprise are substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Akymenko N. V., Mamontenko N. S.
The Systemic Motivation of the Enterprise’s Managerial Staff (p. 364 - 370)

The article proposes a scheme of contents of the systemic motivation of managerial staff, which consists of three components: a) system of personal and command responsibility; b) system of material motivation; b) system of non-material motivation. The role of motivation is highlighted in the context of the following components of the management system of enterprise’s staff: subject, object and management functions in the management system of staff. The tasks that be solved through the systemic motivation are defined. The scheme of elaboration of the systemic motivation of managerial staff of enterprise, which consists of five basic stages, is presented. As a methodical basis for introduction of the systemic motivation is offered: first, methodical provisions on calculation of the competitive value of salary of the enterprise’s managerial staff; second, methodical recommendations as to evaluation of the motivation mechanism; third, recommendations on the application of the mechanism for evaluation of motivation. The authors provide the directions of further development of the systemic motivation of the managerial staff of enterprise, namely: 1) geographical – by adaptation of the mechanism for external motivation intended for use in various administrative regions of Ukraine; 2) sectoral – by adapting the methodologies for use in other industries; 3) in public administration – by using the methodologies for research on migration and behavior of the labor resources of problematic regions of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nesterenko R. V.
Evaluating the Economic-Organizational Provision of Machine Building Enterprises as an Objective Basis for Implementation of the Logistic-Oriented Systems (p. 371 - 376)

The article, considering the results of carried out research, suggests a methodical approach to evaluation of the economic-organizational provision of the activity of machine building enterprises as to the objective basis for introduction of the logistic-oriented systems. It is determined that the majority of machine building enterprises are in critical condition with regard to the condition of the basic means of production, level of education of workers, level of introduction of innovations, attraction of investments etc. All this leads to the necessity to introduce the logistic system at machine building enterprises, which will be the means to establish relations between producers, suppliers, consumers, etc. In the modern turbulent conditions of economic management, for an effective development of machine building enterprises it is necessary to carry out constant analysis of their activity, adopt the global experience for their development, improve the economic and organizational activity through the introduction of the logistic system, the essence of which is ensuring an uninterrupted operation at all stages of the production cycle and increasing the level of their competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doroshkevych K. O., Voronovska M. M., Ivasyuk V. V.
The Process of Mentoring Activity at Enterprises in the Conditions of Innovative Development (p. 377 - 382)

The article considers the process of mentoring activity at enterprises in the conditions of innovative development: the concept of «mentoring» is defined more exactly as a system of relations in which one person (mentor) provides support of new knowledge, development and progress of another person (pupil, menti); purposes of the use of mentoring in enterprises, public authorities, educational institutions, scientific institutions, etc. are indicated. The existing stages of implementation of the mentoring activity at enterprises are considered. As a result, their shortcomings are identified as follows: lack of preparatory phase; dependence of the stages of mentoring activity on the applied type or the mentoring model; contractual restrictions; fragmentary nature of feedback. For the purpose of their elimination, the authors recommend an order of the mentoring activity at enterprises in the conditions of innovative development, consisting of three stages: preparatory (all necessary preconditions of the mentoring activity are provided); implementing (implementation of the mentoring sessions, use of motivational measures, acquisition of the desired competencies on the part of menti, stimulation of mentor, etc.) and the final (provides for an evaluation of results of the carried out mentoring, consolidation of the obtained knowledge and its practical application).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chornyi A. V.
The Role of Scrum Master in the Development of Leader Competencies of the Staff of IT-Enterprises (p. 383 - 395)

The article considers the Scrum methodology in terms of project management, together with the methodologies involved in the implementation of teamwork models, issues of group dynamics and leadership, including the leadership-service. The scope of applying the Scrum methodology can be expanded, and efficiency can be raised through the synthesis of the ideas that are presented in the studies addressing the issue of teamwork and team development, leadership and leadership-service. The Scrum methodology is a methodology of teamwork for the teams with a high level of leadership development, in which one of the members (Scrum master) acts according to the principles of leader-servant. The results can be applied to the development of the classical Scrum methodology, allowing to efficiently use the Scrum for the teams with a lower level of leadership compared with the classical form, as well as purposefully develop leader competences among the team members. The models developed in the publication provide to answer the question why an introduction of Scrum methodology is not always efficient, and, therefore, to consider and reduce the degree of influence of the factors that can hinder such an introduction. This publication for the first time carries out a synthesis of Scrum methodology and the related scientific theories and approaches.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzenko O. О.
The Formation of Control Zones in the System of Strategic Controlling of Enterprise (p. 396 - 402)

The article is aimed at analyzing the theoretical and methodical bases of formation of control zones in the system of strategic controlling of enterprise and generalizing the results of researches on their diagnostics at Ukrainian enterprises. On analyzing and synthesizing the relevant scientific and practical developments of Ukrainian and foreign authors is determined that the interactive environment of strategic controlling is the ensuring element of a strategic management system. According to the results of the survey of the sample of Ukrainian enterprises regarding self-identification of strategic assets by the method of descriptive statistics, the control zones in the strategic controlling system are diagnosed for enterprises with various types of economic activity. The research develops the conception of strategic controlling as an institute of the internal company’s consulting managers. Practical implementation of the obtained results will help to establish the business-partnership of manager and controller by avoiding duplication of functions in the strategic process. The originality of the publication consists in developing on the interdisciplinary basis the applied aspects of the modern controlling conception concerning the differentiation of strategic control as a function of strategic management and control as a basic function of strategic controlling.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iefimova G. V., Pashchenko O. V.
The Adaptation of the Organizational-Managerial System of Enterprise to Changes in the Market Environment (p. 403 - 408)

The article is aimed at allocating key elements of evaluation of potential and forming the mechanism for adaptation of the organizational-managerial system of enterprise to changes in the market environment, which would facilitate an improving of the adaptive management of enterprise and its breakthrough to a new quality level of development. The concept and essential features of adaptive management of enterprise are considered. The content of the category of «adaptive potential» and its key elements are defined. For each element the criteria and methods of its evaluation for application in the system of integrated assessment of the potential of adaptation of the organizational-managerial system of enterprise are characterized. The sequence of formation of mechanism for adaptation of the organizational-managerial system of enterprise to changes in the market environment is developed, its basic components are defined, and interrelation between them is determined. Implementation of the proposed approaches to adaptive management will significantly improve the quality of managerial decisions and the ability of the organizational-managerial system of enterprise to adapt to changes in the external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maidaniuk S. I., Palamarchuk V. I.
Remuneration as the Main Component of the Mechanism for Motivation of Managerial Staff in the Field of the Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 409 - 414)

The article researches remuneration of labor as the main component of the mechanism for motivation of managerial staff in the field of the economic security of enterprise. In the course of the research of motivational theories and concepts, the following basic forms of incentives were defined: a) coercion; b) material encouragement; c) moral encouragement; d) self-assertion. The allocation of material needs to a separate research object is substantiated. It is clarified, to which extent the existing methods of calculation of salaries of managerial staff in the field of the economic security, seen as an instrumentarium of motivation of the staff, can be applicable in the current criminogenic-competitive conditions of management. In terms of optimizing the staff costs and increasing the efficiency return for each hryvnia of payroll, patterns of behavior in five situations are described: the first - if the salary of the enterprise is significantly higher than the average in the market; second – if the salary of the enterprise are slightly higher than the average in the market; third – if the salary of the enterprise corresponds to the average offered in the market; fourth - if the salary of the enterprise is slightly lower than the average in the market; fifth – if the salary of the enterprise is significantly lower than the average in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sytnik N. I.
The Features of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (p. 415 - 420)

The article considers features of knowledge management (KM) in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). Knowledge management is a processes management that allows to create, transfer, accumulate and use the organization’s knowledge. The use of knowledge management leads to important benefits for SMEs in business development. Four groups of characteristics of SMEs that distinguish them from large companies and define the features of use of KM in the SME sector have been identified as follows: organizational, economic, social and specificity of the company’s business. The introduction and use of KM depends on the specifics of the company’s business. Comparison of SMEs in traditional industries and the high-tech SMEs showed that the specificity of business determines the needs of companies in KM, awareness of the importance of knowledge resources for business, availability of information and communication technologies, preparedness of employees for use of the KM systems, intensity of use of IT-instruments and specific practices of knowledge management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Svitlychna K. S., Bratishko Y. S.
The Main Tendencies, Goals and Principles of Formation of Integrated Management System at Enterprise (p. 421 - 426)

The article discloses a modern tendency of development of the enterprise management systems, which is based on existing concepts, methods and approaches to ensure compliance of the applied areas of management with the established in the international standards requirements regarding the quality and security of products, ecology, social responsibility, industrial and occupational safety, etc. Functioning of various management systems at enterprise determines the actuality of their integration in the framework of a single integrated management system, which aims to save costs for the development and certification of such a system in comparison with the development and certification of each individual management system, as well as to eliminate duplication of similar processes, documents, positions and functions of the enterprise. Based on the proper interpretation of the requirements of the international standards, which act as the foundation for the formation of a unified management system, the goals that will ensure an effectively functioning integrated management system are allocated. It is defined that the processes of development, introduction and keeping an integrated management system updated should be based on the principles that correspond with the methodology of the international standard ISO 9001, which, in turn, will be fundamental both for the quality management system and for the whole integrated management system, so that the requirements of other special standards can complement it.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Katkova N. V., Tsyhanova О. S.
Classifying the Factors of Influence on Building of a System of Controlling at Industrial Enterprises (p. 427 - 435)

For the efficient functioning of the system of controlling there is a need for certain factors influencing its construction, which can be both positive and negative. The article is aimed at researching, generalizing and supplementing the existing classifications of the main factors influencing the construction and the efficient functioning of systems of controlling at industrial enterprises. In both theory and practice, there are many influences that depend on the external and the internal environment in which industrial enterprises operate. A generalization of these has allowed to suggest a classification of factors of influence on construction of system of controlling, dividing them into external and internal. The external factors should be considered by dividing them into seven groups: technological, economic, market, political, legislative, ecological and social, and the internal factors – by dividing them into five groups: production, strategic, personnel, organizational, financial. Given the above factors, an enterprise will have the opportunity to choose the best option to build a system of controlling, which would be more fully consistent with the operating conditions of an industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko S. О.
The Diagnostics-Forecasting Function of the Anti-Crisis Financial Management of Economic Entity (p. 435 - 439)

The article defines the basic components of diagnostics and forecasting in favor of early warning and overcoming of crisis financial condition, the factors of identification and possibility of development of a crisis condition are researched. The concepts of diagnostics and of analysis of the entity’s crisis condition are differentiated. The factors forming the possibility of developing a crisis are defined as follows: the main negative circumstances, which can decisively influence the potential and change the financial balance of enterprise, by triggering the crisis mechanism. The constituents of the exogenous and the endogenous factors of the system of early warning of crisis condition are formed, allowing to identify, by means of the early warning indicators, the critical factors for survival and development of company. Generalizing the available in the economic literature proposals on the adjustment of a diagnostic system for the internal environment, the author proves the need for systematic analytical work to identify negative impacts that reduce financial mobility and flexibility, as well as determine the level of financial position of economic entity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymko O. V.
Image as an Instrument to Achieve Competitive Advantages of Trading Enterprise (p. 440 - 446)

The article is concerned with solving the theoretical, methodological and applied questions on formation of image of trading enterprises on the basis of a marketing conception in conditions of aggravation of competition and activation of global transformational processes. The essence of the concept of «image of the enterprise», its essential attributes, role and functions are covered. Peculiarities of formation and development of the trade enterprise image as a factor of ensuring its competitiveness are explored. The approaches to positioning as a method of formation of an image of enterprise are generalized. The strategy of positioning is considered in the context of development of a marketing complex. Based on the analysis of different approaches to trade marketing and consideration of features of trade service, a marketing complex is adapted with respect to trade service as an aggregate of seven elements. Influence of the marketing components of image on the consumer loyalty is defined. Approaches to formation of the assortment, price, marketing, communication policies, contributing to the formation of positive image of trading enterprise are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Drobyazko S. I.
The Marketing Technologies of Interaction with Consumers as a Factor of Ensuring the Economic Security of Enterprises (p. 302 - 307)

The article is aimed at researching features of application of the marketing technologies of interaction with consumers in conditions of application of information systems to ensure economic security of enterprises. The stages of carrying out the content analysis concerning the research on the strategy of interaction with consumers on the Internet are defined. The author elaborates the matrix of strategies of interaction with the consumer on the Internet based on the use of two-vector coordinate system: the degree of consumer’s readiness to purchase and the communication environment. The means of promotion are analyzed in accordance with the strategy of interaction with the consumer on the Internet. The mechanisms of targeting and retargeting are considered as sufficiently efficient instruments in the process of implementation of crowdtechnologies in the marketing communications. The KPI-system of performance indicators for communication activity of enterprise’s activity on the Internet on the basis of crowdtechnologies is proposed. The developed matrix of directions of correction of communication policy allows company to determine the further direction of communications on each level of the communication influence. To apply the provisions of the conception of crowdmarketing in the communication activities of enterprises in the market a structural-logical scheme of the formation of marketing communication strategy on the Internet is developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Proskurnina N. V.
The Conception of Transformation of Marketing Functions on the Basis of Innovative Economy (p. 308 - 316)

The article is aimed at building a conception of transformation of marketing functions of retail trade operators on the basis of innovative economy. It is indicated that in the basis of innovative development of retail trade operators lies the construction of such a marketing model of management, which will facilitate the improvement of efficiency and quality of the services provided. The basic principles and characteristics of the national innovation economy are defined. A conceptual scheme of transformation of marketing functions of the retail trade operators is proposed. The transformation of marketing functions in retail trade with application of the business model by A. Osterwalder is considered. The transformation of marketing activity of retail trade operators is suggested as: transformation of marketing environment; transformation of approaches to management; transformation of marketing technologies in accordance with requirements of the innovative economy. The necessity of development of a business model for implementation of the developed conception is substantiated, the basic functional blocks are presented. The modern marketing instruments are proposed to allow retail trade operators to remain competitive and to look ahead towards the needs of consumers. The basic modern tendencies of transformation of functions of marketing in conditions of innovative development of retail trade are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vakar T. V., Moroz I. O., Shtanko O. S.
Opportunism as a Factor in the Branding of Rural Areas (p. 317 - 325)

The article analyzes the socio-economic problems and prospects of development of rural areas of Ukraine. The potential and possibilities of implementation of territorial branding models of such development are substantiated. The key role of the factor of opportunism of the economic agents of the domestic rural territories as restriction of development is defined. The model of typical conflict at implementing a universal project of territorial branding in accordance with the concept of public interest in the interpretation of the Pareto Effect is presented. The contents of brand management is substantiated with use of the istrumentarium of contract theory. The contents of a typical contract agreement at implementing the projects of branding of rural areas is developed. The peculiarity of the above mentioned is the achievement of managerial balance between the functions of planning and organization, motivation, control and sanctions, including self-improvement of contractual relations, as well as formalization of the above specified in terms of the corresponding settlement.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dumanska K. S.
The Innovative Approach to Estimation of the Strategic Adaptation of Company in Conditions of Uncertainty of Volatile Economic Environment (p. 326 - 332)

The article is aimed at developing and approbating the method of system estimation of the degree of strategic adaptation of company in conditions of uncertainty of volatile economic environment. The innovative aspects of the strategic management process and problematics of research on the adaptation processes of industrial companies in the publications of foreign and domestic authors are considered and analyzed. A method of systemic estimation of the degree of strategic adaptation of company is proposed and approbated at the industrial enterprises which are persistent to crisis situations. The aim of the proposed method is to develop the optimal variant of the company’s development strategy in accordance with its internal potential and the conditions of economic environment based on estimation of the strategic adaptation degree.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Feshchur R. V., Kichor V. P., Shyshkovskyi S. V., Gutsulyak V. M.
Multi-Criteriality as a Factor of Project Risk (p. 333 - 339)

The article considers the project risk as a potential danger regarding the achievement of the project’s objectives in the objective impossibility of operating full and reliable information about the status of the environment. The methodical bases of planning of the project-oriented development of enterprise are elaborated taking into view various conditions. The procedure includes the following successive stages: determining the vision and objectives of the enterprise development; analyzing the business processes and determining the directions and risks of development; evaluating the potential and conditions of development to ensure further changes; forming the set of alternative business-projects of the enterprise development; forming the optimal program as to the risk level. It is defined that development of industrial enterprise envisages implementation of project actions for active change of business environment. The instrument of such actions is the development program, which includes groups of projects. The economic-mathematical model of formation of an optimum program of development of enterprise in accordance with the chosen goal and vision of development is elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Podrez O. I.
The Instruments for Management of Sustainable Development of Industrial Enterprise: Theory and Practice of Application (p. 340 - 347)

The article is aimed at defining the theoretical bases of the complex of instruments for management of sustainable development of industrial enterprises. It is identified that there are many disagreements as to types of instruments for management of sustainable development of enterprise and their quantity in the economic literature. The rating of TOP-10 instruments of enterprise management is researched according to the annual data of the consulting company Bain & Company which has allowed to determine the most popular of them with regard to economic entities. At formation of a complex of instruments for management of sustainable development of industrial enterprise, attention is paid to: experience of developed world countries on their use, functions of enterprise (information-legal, production, marketing-management, social responsibility) and directions of its development (social, ecological, energetic, economic). Instruments for management of enterprise is proposed to classify according to the provision methods as information-legislative and analytical-calculative.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuznetsova G. V.
The Anti-Crisis Management of Industrial Enterprises on the Basis of Formation of Mechanism for Strategic Controlling (p. 348 - 353)

The scientific article is aimed at forming a mechanism for strategic controlling, oriented towards the functions of anti-crisis management of industrial enterprises in modern unstable economic conditions. The scientific views of economic scholars as to formation of crisis science are considered. It is determined that this undoubtedly important kind of anti-crisis management activity should be preceded by a system diagnostics of activity of industrial enterprise. The system of factors of occurrence of crisis phenomena at industrial enterprise is formed. On the basis of the carried out research the mechanism for strategic controlling in the system of anti-crisis management of industrial enterprises is developed. It is defined that the essence of strategic controlling in the system of anti-crisis management of industrial enterprises consists in the aggregate of external and internal influences on the financial and economic activity of industrial enterprise, provides restoration and stabilization of its work (if the enterprise is in a crisis condition) or prevention of the decline of production (if there’s a crisis threat to the enterprise) through the use of efficient controlling instruments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burlan S. A., Katkova N. V.
Disclosing the Intellectual Capital Information in the Company’s Reporting (p. 354 - 361)

The article is aimed at researching approaches to the formation and disclosure of intellectual capital information in the reporting of enterprises. The essence of intellectual capital is researched, its basic characteristics are provided. The approaches to structuring intellectual capital are analyzed and its structure, consisting of the elements of human, structural and socio-reputation capital, is proposed for application in the accounting and reporting systems. The basic elements of the intellectual capital components are defined for their reflection in reporting by means of the system of corresponding indicators. The approaches to formation and disclosure of information on intellectual capital in the reporting of enterprises are researched and generalized. Given the impossibility of obtaining full information on the components of intellectual capital in the traditional accounting systems, it is recommended that other management concepts and models be used for its formation and disclosure in the reporting in particular BSC, ARC, Skandia navigator, Іntangle Assets Monitor, Ramboll’s holistic company model, IC dval, Wissensbilanz, Intellectual Capital Rating, MERITUM, DATI. It is determined that provision of information about intellectual capital to users is possible through different ways, which differ in their direction and efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shmatko N. M.
The Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Organization of the Management of Sustainable Organizational Development of Enterprise (p. 365 - 372)

In the current conditions of unification of technological processes and rapid diffusion of innovative knowledge, one of the most important conditions for success in the competitive struggle and ensuring the sustainability of market positions is the continuous implementation of processes of organizational development. Changing the parameters of organization of economic activity or transformation of relations with counterparties with minimal costs can provide a significant increase in the level of implementation of the enterprise potential. In view of this, the author’s hypothesis consists in correlating constituents of the concept of ensuring the sustainability of functioning with the theory of organizational development. As the complexity of realization of this hypothesis is connected with objective inability of enterprise development without loss of sustainability of its economic activity, the article presents theoretical substantiation of directions of solution to this problem. The article is aimed at developing theoretical-methodological provision for the management of sustainable organizational development of an industrial enterprise. The scheme of the subject area of research is defined, which describes the main spheres of implementation of the organizational development processes. The functional model of the enterprise’s life cycle is developed and peculiarities of transformation of the life cycle practices during organizational changes are defined. On the basis of consideration of the main directions and spheres of organizational development, guidelines for their improvement within the developed models of subject area of research and the life cycle of the enterprise are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bezditko O. Y.
The Strategy of Risk Protectability of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 373 - 378)

The article is aimed at developing a strategic risks management plan to ensure the stable income of agricultural enterprises. It is determined that as the methodological principles of the strategy of risk protectability should be considered the following: integration with the general system of enterprise management; complex character of formation of managerial decisions; dynamism of the deviation management; orientation towards the strategic development goals; variants of choice of managerial decisions. It is emphasized that the strategy of enterprise’s risk protectability should be directed towards solving the following main tasks: secured sustainable development of enterprise; secured generation of sufficient amount of resources; creation of conditions for achieving maximum profitability at the permissible level of risk; minimizing the cumulative risk associated with the operation of enterprise; ensuring of a supported economic equilibrium of enterprise in the process of its development. A SWOT-analysis of security of activity of enterprise is carried out. A multi-factor matrix of enterprise’s risk management strategies is built on the example of a particular researched enterprise in Zhytomyr Region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Garafonova O. I., Voronets D. O.
The Strategic Analysis of Industry Branch in the Course of Diversification of the Enterprise’s Activity (p. 379 - 384)

The article presents the content of the basic components of the analytical-methodical provision of the process of strategic analysis of industry branch in the course of diversification of the enterprise’s activity. The developed algorithm of the process of strategic analysis of industry branch aimed at identifying competitive advantages in the course of diversification of the enterprise’s activity is also presented. This process is divided into five stages: gathering information about the industry branch (market) and forming a summary for each enterprise; identification of the key (specific) characteristics of the effective enterprises; formation of quadrants according to the key characteristics of competitors in the branch (quadrant of competitive advantages); building a table of competitive advantages; forecasting the development of industry. The usage of the appropriate analytical-methodical provision of the process of strategic analysis of industry branch in the course of diversification of the enterprise’s activity, considering the most universal components covered by this article, is one of the weighty factors of the successful innovative development of company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Zaets A. I.
Emotional Intelligence in the Staff Management: Development and Approaches to Understanding (p. 385 - 393)

The article is aimed at clarifying the essence and meaning of emotional intelligence, developing recommendations as to its development for managers in an organization. The traditional approaches to the essence and structure of emotional intellect are analyzed. To define the value of emotional intelligence in the management, the authors carried out a sociological study. It is determined that most respondents highly appreciate the importance of emotional intelligence. Also, almost 90% of respondents are familiar with the concept of «emotional intelligence». The authors have developed a model of management of emotional intelligence in the sphere of staff management, which includes the following: self-analysis, self-control, emotional identification, emotional atmosphere. The necessity of usage by staff managers of certain styles of the leadership behavior (idealistic, educational, friendly, democratic), which correspond to the high EQ, is substantiated. The consequences of underdevelopment of emotional intellect, i.e.: worsening of psychological and physical health, impossibility of self-realization, complexity of making weighted decisions, problems in communication with people are indicated. The importance of measures to develop emotional intelligence, including psychological training and cases, psychological counseling, conflict prevention, etc., is specified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holovatskа S. I., Kurak A. I.
Provision of Future Expenses and Payments in the Processes of «Due Diligence» and of Risks Management of Enterprise (p. 394 - 398)

The article is aimed at substantiating the problems of business risks management, the choice of management methods, directed to reducing the impact of risks on the activities of enterprise, achieving goals and positive financial results. The theoretical approaches to understanding the process of «due diligence» are considered and analyzed, the necessity of this procedure in the process of risks management is grounded, components of the risk management system are systematized and the importance of use of accounting instruments is substantiated. It is concluded that this procedure occupies an important place in the process of risks management and in the creation of a provision for future expenses and payments in the accounting. Further researches in this direction should determine the optimal structure of the report on the provision of this service.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korolov D. S.
The Competence Approach in the Company Staff Management: the Definitions (p. 399 - 405)

The article is aimed at harmonizing the terminology apparatus of the subject sphere of the research on «staff management on the basis of competence approach». For the solution of the set task, dependence of competitiveness of company in conditions of innovative economy from the skill level of its workers is emphasized. The article proves the relevance of the presented research of the essence of competence approach to staff management as the basis of ensuring the competitiveness of companies in conditions of unstable business environment of transitive economy and threatening deformations of domestic labor market. The essence of concepts of «qualification», «competence», «competency», «competence approach» is researched and their place and role in the system of concepts in the subject sphere of research are defined. It is substantiated that the basic concept of the subject sphere of research should be considered the concept of «qualification», which is confirmed by the documents on obtaining an appropriate education and forms the core of educational and professional competencies of worker. It is proved that the next one in the hierarchy is the concept of «competence» as a totality of the innate personal and acquired social and professional characteristics of employee. The competence approach is characterized as a modern concept of staff management providing formation of dynamic models of competences as a standard of professional behavior of worker. A structural-logical scheme of interrelation is developed and the hierarchy of key concepts of the subject sphere of research on «company staff management on the basis of the competence approach» is defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boienko O. Y.
The Motivational Basis of Brand Choice: The Psycho-Emotional Aspect (p. 406 - 411)

The article is concerned with the analysis of motivational basis of brand choice in the psycho-emotional context. It is defined that any human activity is conditioned by the presence of certain motives. In marketing, in the context of consumption, a motive is to meet the needs of consumers. This article presents a scheme of the motivational reinforcement of the fact of consumption and characterizes the patterns of consumer behavior in Ukraine: prevalence of consumption over accumulation; increased consumption of premium brands in the low-cost product groups; «anti-brand» moods; lack of prototypes and national advantages. It is clear that the choice associated with the price characteristic may be different, but it always fits into one of the following points: satisfies its own quality requests; demonstrates social status; corresponds to the wishes of relatives and friends; displays the level of material position. It is noted that from the psychological view the purchase of goods often occurs under the influence of factors of situational character. The levels of perception of brand are suggested as follows: cognitive (processing of input information); psychological (definition of own wishes and visualization of images); behavioral (translating internal processes into reality). The author defines the principles, relying on which, it is possible to explain behavior of consumers: principle of expected value; principle of discreetness; principle of fuzzy logic.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Popov O. Y., Shmatko N. M.
Evaluating the Structural Configuration of Corporate Relations in the Context of the Organizational Development of Joint Stock Company (p. 353 - 360)

The article is aimed at substantiating the approach to evaluating the structural configuration and identifying the features of building a corporate relations system in the context of the organizational development of joint stock company. The regularities and the logic of representation in the dynamics of the organizational development of enterprise of both the reflexive perception and the adaptive response to the continuous transformations of the economic environment are defined. The features of changes in the structural configuration and in the content of activities of the enterprises’ administration bodies at different stages of organizational development are considered. It is proved that the dynamics of the organizational development of joint stock company should be directly reflected in the distribution of corporate control, as well as in defining the nature of shareholder representation in the administration bodies, which are characterized by different grade of influence. It is proposed to use a system of indicators for evaluation of the structural configuration of corporate relations in joint stock company, which is reflected through such aspects of the organization of activities of the higher administration bodies: structural; normative; representative; procedural; effective; informational; integration.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Sopilnyk L. I., Hladun V. R.
Improving the Model of Wages Regulation at Industrial Enterprises Depending on the Level of Productivity and Efficiency of Staff Work in the System of Production Management (p. 360 - 365)

The object of the research are details of formation, use and improvement of the economic-mathematical model of wages regulation at industrial enterprises depending on the level of productivity and efficiency of staff work in the system of operational (production) management. The main internal variables of enterprise are considered. It is determined that employees are the most important situational factor in the system model of interconnection of internal variables, and therefore their labor should be valuated properly and be adequately paid for. It is identified that in practice there are problems connected with formation and use of applied mechanisms for regulation of wages at industrial enterprises in accordance with the structurally-functional business model of process of formation of systems of material labor incentives. It is determined that one of the main objectives of the system of material incentives at industrial enterprises is ensuring the correlation between quantity, quality, growth of labor productivity and the received wages. The economic-mathematical model of wages regulation at industrial enterprises is improved depending on the level of productivity and efficiency of staff work in the system of production management.

Article is written in English

Voronenko I. V.
The Relationship Between Public Welfare and Information (p. 366 - 371)

The article is focused on generalization of theoretical positions and approaches to estimate the impact of information on public welfare. There are presented examples of the relationship between welfare and information, namely for the consumer and the manufacturer. There is emphasized that the relationship between welfare and information depends on the time of obtaining reliable information, which sometimes involves carrying out specialized research that is practically inaccessible to the average consumer, as well as its reliability. There is emphasized that the impact of information on welfare is determined in two dimensions: consumer expectations, as well as the degree of uncertainty for information. There is investigated the influence of advertising on welfare, the results of which concluded that information benefits increase with increasing scale of production, and as a consequence, a decrease in marginal costs. There is given a list of indicators that are most often used to assess the welfare. There is concluded that GDP per capita depends most strongly on the Government’s competitiveness index, moreover, the increase of this index per unit leads to an increase the GDP per capita by 18, 900 USD.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Priadko O. M., Olinichenko K. S.
The Modern Tendencies of Development of Digital Marketing in Ukraine (p. 371 - 378)

The article is aimed at analyzing and identifying tendencies in the formation and development of the market of Internet advertising. The world experience of development of the market of Internet advertising together with tendencies of growth of expenses for Internet advertising are considered. Internet advertising instruments and their interaction with each other are characterized; Ukrainian market of Internet advertising, audience of its consumers and users are investigated; preferences regarding the online shopping among Ukrainians are considered. It is identified that the Internet facilitates changes in the balance between the variants of applying the marketing mix. In this case a website can serve as a channel for promotion of articles or services and be a place of sale. Also, based on the concept of «7С», the site is a physical element for interaction with consumers. To identify consumer preferences in the sphere of Internet advertising in terms of trade, as well as the degree of its influence and perception, the authors have carried out several marketing researches. According to the survey data, the respondents’ opinions concerning the place and frequency of purchases are identified; the most significant factors influencing the choice of online shops are defined; the average amount of purchases is defined; attitude of respondents towards different types of Internet advertising. The list of parameters for respondents is selected and it is suggested to allocate the following important parameters of Internet shops: level of prices, site design, navigation convenience, delivery of articles, payment for articles, quality of consultation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chobitok V. I.
Formation of the Staff Assessment System in an Enterprise: Modern Systems and Technologies (p. 192 - 196)

The aim of the article is the formation of the staff assessment system in an enterprise using modern systems and technologies. Methods for assessing the staff in an enterprise are characterized. Based on the conducted research, indicators necessary to comprehensively characterize an enterprise’s staff planning, including: production; age; wages; intellectual capital; staff development; occupational skill structure are singled out. There formed a system of criteria indicators on which assessment of an enterprise’s staff is based, namely: financial and economic, personnel and socio-economic ones. Given the ever-increasing decrease in sources of skilled labor and its growing cost, the task of developing and maximizing the use of the staff available in an enterprise comes to the forefront of the staff policy. Therefore, sufficiency of an enterprise’s staff, its rational use is an important factor in improving production efficiency, while the use of modern systems and technologies in forming the staff assessment system in an enterprise will increase the level of financial, economic, socio-economic and staff indicators, being the basis for improving enterprise competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsymbaliuk S. O., Pinchuk V. O.
Assessment of Competitiveness of the Staff Management System Using Benchmarking Tools (p. 197 - 203)

The aim of the work is to determine the content characteristics of the staff management system, develop guidelines, and assess competitiveness of the staff management system of banking institutions using benchmarking tools. It is proposed to assess competitiveness of the staff management system using benchmarking tools, which involves comparing HR practices of an individual institution with those of its main competitors and determining on this basis the best practices in staff management. The article contains methodological guidelines for assessing competitiveness of the personnel management system using benchmarking tools, which have been tested using as an example banking institutions. According to the results of the comparison of the staff management systems of the banking institution ¬– which is the object of the study – and of leading companies, the competitive positions of the studied bank are determined. Based on the results of the assessment, directions for increasing the attractiveness of the bank in the labor market are indicated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mukha S. V.
Modern Ukrainian Corporate Culture and Transformation of Business Processes (p. 204 - 209)

The article analyzes the current state of the Ukrainian corporate culture. The most common points of view on changes in business processes and their impact on the corporate culture of an enterprise are identified. The main mistakes of Ukrainian entrepreneurs in relation to corporate culture are revealed. The current directions in the development of the Ukrainian corporate culture and stereotypes which hinder it are defined. A comparison of two main points of view on the primacy of changes in corporate culture and changes in business processes is made. The features of the corporate culture of different countries are identified. Some aspects of the corporate culture of developed enterprises which can be introduced in Ukrainian realities are highlighted. It is established that changes in business which lead to changes in corporate culture are necessary under the following conditions: the corporate culture does not meet the strategic goals of the company; there are signs of an unhealthy corporate culture, which prevents the company from achieving positive results; stagnation: all innovations meet strong resistance of employees, which hinders dynamic development; fragmentation and separation of organizational units; mergers or other forms of business restructuring.

Article is written in English

Kohut I. V., Lebid T. V.
Prospects for Implementing Projects for Organization of Production and Sale of Organic Products in Ukraine (p. 210 - 216)

There analyzed the prospects for implementing projects for organization of production and sale of organic products in Ukraine; development trends of the European and domestic market for organic products. The main reasons for the initiation of these projects are investigated with the aim of improving the competitiveness of organic production, increasing the number of jobs and ensuring employment of the rural population, creating awareness and helping to improve the quality of life and consumption culture of the population through the production and supply of healthy and safe organic agricultural products. The basic elements of the concept of projects for organization of production and sale of organic products are presented. The task of justifying the new concept of managing the development of organic agricultural enterprises, which is based on a project-oriented business approach and allows achieving maximum results from using the existing resources, is gaining importance. With the rise in demand for organic products, the number of projects of the kind is growing annually, respectively, the need for qualified project managers increases.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shatailo O. A.
Substantive Characteristics of a Crisis Management System (p. 217 - 226)

The aim of the article is to study and supplement substantive characteristics of a crisis management system. The content and essential characteristics of the concept “crisis management” are determined. There highlighted several approaches to the interpretation of crises management: as a process of general management; as a management system used during a crisis period; as actions aimed at preventing and neutralizing crisis situations; as a mechanism to restore the competitiveness of an enterprise and prevent its bankruptcy. However, as a result of the research it was found out that this type of management is separate from general one and acts as an independent system. It is determined that anti-crisis potential can be a resource support for crisis management. The basic principles of building crisis management in an enterprise are improved. The author’s definition of the concept “crisis management” is formed. A further direction of the research – assessment of anti-crisis potential of an enterprise – is defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernobay L. I., Shyron Y. O.
Emotional Intelligence in the Management System (p. 227 - 232)

The aim of the publication is to determine the essence of emotional intelligence, its place in the process of managerial decision-making at different levels of management, and relationship with the processes of labor activity. The article examines the essence of the concept of emotional intelligence, analyzes approaches of different authors, and proposes its original definition. Taking into account physical processes of brain activity, the algorithm for making management decisions and the role of emotional intelligence in it are clarified. The composition of emotional intelligence is determined, and the essence of the concepts of its main components – emotions and intelligence is revealed. Positive and negative effects of emotions on processes of labor activity are investigated. A matrix of interrelations between subjects of emotional intelligence and processes of labor activity is formed. The essence of the four main areas of emotional intelligence: self-understanding, self-control, empathy and management is determined and described. Examples of the impact of emotional intelligence on activities of companies are given.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hryhorieva Y. А.
Omnichannel Communication Systems for Car Dealers (p. 233 - 238)

The issue of choosing communication channels by car dealers and their impact on performance indicators is investigated. Despite the significant amount of works which concern studying communication companies, the problem of justifying the application of an omnichannel communication system and evaluating communication channels used by dealers is not paid enough attention in the context of specific features of the automotive industry, which requires additional research in this area. Enterprises need a more stable consumer commitment to their products and their brand. From a marketing standpoint, this means that companies must achieve better results by increasing effectiveness of the marketing communication plan and budget. The importance of each communication tool varies depending on the type of consumer and the general pattern of communication used in the market. The omnichannel approach allows reducing the level of a company’s expenses, since omnichannel carefully coordinates and interconnects all communication channels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Us M. I.
Segmentation and Choice of Partners of an Enterprise in the Process of Marketing Activities (p. 239 - 245)

The aim of the article is to justify the need for segmenting and choosing partners of an enterprise in the process of marketing activities. By analyzing, systematizing and summarizing scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, the essence of partnering relationships and their role in implementing marketing activities of an enterprise are determined. Criteria for segmentation of participants in an enterprise’s relationships are identified, and existing matrix models for segmenting and choosing partners are considered. An important step in forming partnering relationships is evaluation of partners. Among the main groups of indicators for evaluating and choosing partners are: production, marketing, organizational, sociocultural, technical and technological, financial (economic) ones, information groups of indicators, which allow to comprehensively assess capabilities and resources of potential partners as well as benefits which can be obtained by the company in the process of cooperation. A promising direction for further research is to determine possible forms and types of relationships with partners which will allow improving effectiveness of marketing activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Trush O. A.
Manipulative Impact of Mass Media: Mechanism, Consequences and Recommendations for Counteracting (p. 246 - 252)

The aim of the article is to study the manipulative impact of mass media, analyze the mechanism of their influence, as well as develop recommendations to counteract this influence. In the course of the study, a survey of 100 respondents on the manipulative impact of the media on public consciousness was conducted. Based on the results of the survey, it is concluded that there is a large number of methods and techniques to manipulate consciousness of population used by the modern media. This is done, as a rule, in order to suppress or distort reliable information. Thus, 76.1 % of respondents expressed their opinion that the listed methods of mind control have a negative impact on mental health. Therefore, almost 70 % of the respondents are trying to subject information provided by the media to rigorous filtering and only 2.1 % unconditionally believe it. The significance of influence of the media is evidenced by the fact that almost every person uses at least one mass medium. Manipulative effects of the media can be resisted with the help of analytical thinking.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovalevskyi V. O., Yushkevych O. O.
The Client-Focusedness of Organization as a Socio-Economic Category (p. 246 - 251)

The article systematizes the views of scholars as to the essence and content of the concept of «client-focusedness» and proposes the conceptual apparatus of client-focusedness of organization as a socio-economic category, necessary for theoretical cognition of phenomena and processes of forming a client-focused management system of enterprise. The content of the concepts of «client» and «consumer» is demarcated in order to choose the right objects for the marketing actions of the enterprise. The client-focusedness of organization is researched depending on the level of development. An evolutionary approach to management of enterprise is applied in terms of transforming the classical marketing into the strategic client-focused management in the following directions: redistribution of responsibility according to results of sales among all structural elements of organization; creating a quality that is visible to client, including, in addition to the marketing instruments, competences of all departments of the enterprise; building the marketing of relationships with the key counterparties. The main reasons for the restrictions on the use of client-focused approach by enterprises are defined. The authors’ own definition of «client-focusedness of organization as a socio-economic category» is proposed, which is based on a systematic approach to meeting and forming the needs of clients at all levels of the enterprise’s management. Prospect for further research in this direction is the formation of a client-focused system of management of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makhova H. V., Panasiuk V. V.
Recruiting in the Consulting Companies in the Context of Generation Change (p. 251 - 258)

The article is aimed at identifying the main problems in the management of staff of consulting companies and defining possible directions to solving them. The stages of recruitment process of employees of a consulting company are described. The factors that influence its effectiveness are defined, among which methods and ways of staff selection are the most important. It is proposed to supplement the selection process with techniques that allow to determine psychological qualities, values and career plans of candidates, taking into account the characteristics of the Generation Z. This will increase the life cycle of employees and avoid the additional costs associated with replacing the resigned staff.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Illiashenko S. M.
The Knowledge Management in the Context of Ensuring the Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 258 - 265)

The article elaborates a conceptual scheme of the organizational and economic mechanism for the knowledge management of enterprise in the context of ensuring its economic security. The role of knowledge in ensuring the proper level of each component of the economic security of enterprise is theoretically substantiated. The sources and instruments of acquiring of knowledge that characterize the status of the economic security of enterprise, as well as the directions of using knowledge to ensure a sufficient level of each component are defined. A larger block scheme of the algorithm of knowledge management in the process of ensuring the proper level of individual components of economic security is developed. The composition of the enterprise’s divisions, which are responsible for the status of certain components of its economic security, is clarified. The functions of these divisions in the knowledge management as a way of ensuring economic security are defined and systematized. The obtained results deepen the theoretic-methodological foundations of knowledge management of enterprise as well as management of the economic security of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voronina O. O.
Financial Monitoring in the System of Strategic Management of Enterprise (p. 265 - 269)

The publication discusses the issues of organization of financial monitoring - a considerably new method of scientific-practical activity, the purpose of which is to obtain and process warning information about the status of enterprise and tendencies of its development. Essence of concepts of «strategy» and «strategic management» is clarified; components of the decision-making cycle in the implementation of the enterprise’s strategy are allocated. It is specified that financial indicators only estimate the economic impact of the measures taken and are the indicators of compliance of the strategy with the overall plan of the enterprise’s development. In these terms the need for carrying out financial monitoring is substantiated together with its objectives and tasks. The organization of financial monitoring (which provides for displaying changes in the financial performance of firm not only regarding their compliance with the previously defined strategic guidelines, but also in creating an operational response mechanism for an efficient management of the long-term development of enterprise) is a direction of further analysis. It is concluded that in order to implement the sustainable development strategy of enterprise, one of the key directions of strategic management should be a regular, effective and flexible financial monitoring mechanism for obtaining an adequate estimate of the financial condition and supporting for the strategic orientation alternatives.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Fedortsova M. S.
The Impression Management: Meaning, Manifestations, Ways of Identifying (p. 270 - 275)

The article is aimed at identifying the current trends in the field of impression management based on sociological research and developing recommendations to managers, employees of services for personnel management. In the course of a sociological survey is identified that 91% of respondents usually try to make a positive impression of themselves. The main reasons for impression managing are the desire: to have good relations with colleagues at work - 71%, to have useful connections - 44%, to get a benefit for one’s self - 33%; to look perfect in the eyes of others - 29% of respondents. It is important that 48% of respondents said that they did manage their impressions to achieve their own goals, and another 13% did not, but would like to know about the strategy of managing impressions. The negative consequences of managing impressions, according to respondents, are the loss of trust in the person, the emergence of a strong desire to stop communicating with the person, as well as the ability to make erroneous managerial decisions. The relevance of learning impression management techniques increases as their use is being spread. Therefore, the elaborated ways to identify them will be needed by specialists to neutralize the negative impact, make the right managerial decisions, form an objective impression of a person.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko P. V.
The Methodical Provision of Assessment of Corporate Security (p. 275 - 280)

The article analyzes the methodical provision of assessment of the level of corporate security. The analytical instrumentarium and methods of assessing the level of economic security of enterprise at the corporate level are systematized. The features of the use of well-known methodologies (Singapore, Germany) for assessing the quality of corporate management are allocated. The results of the assessment of the level of corporate security according to the methodology of the IBI-Rating Agency are presented. The directions are allocated and the key features of the objects of assessment of the level of corporate security are identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Liubchik K. L.
Analyzing the Global Media Market: Institutional-Methodological Bases (p. 280 - 285)

The processes of formation of the world media market date back to the second half of the 20th century and are primarily related to the development in the countries - leaders of the post-industrial model of economic development. In recent decades, the fundamental trends in the development of the media industry have crystallized, such as: formation and build-up of competitive influence on the global media sphere of transnational business structures; dynamic internationalization of media business; synchronization of cycles of the national media markets; scaling up the media exports and international cooperation in the information and communication sphere. At the same time, activities of media sellers, as the external advertising structures, are aimed both at the direct sale of advertising of media and its selling together with the own advertising media departments. At this, functioning of intermediary structures in the person of media sellers, like distributors, also has a significant impact on the key parameters of the global media market and its equilibrium status. Altogether, the main proportions of the global media market, its subject-object and territorial-geographical structures are formed, and their system is characterized by rigid hierarchy, reflecting the degree of creativity of media products.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Fadeyeva I. H., Pyrih A. M.
Analyzing the Risk Environment of the Oil and Natural Gas Enterprises (p. 312 - 319)

The main tasks of the article are systemization and generalization of the points of view of scholars and specialists, concerning the domestic, foreign and own experience in order to characterize risks for enterprises in the oil and gas complex, their classification by the most significant categories in terms of the risk management objectives, and development of a methodical instrumentarium for possible measures to manage the risks of the oil and gas complex in general form. By analyzing both domestic and foreign experience, the main approaches to the definition of a categorical apparatus have been systematized and defined. The categories of «risk», «indeterminacy» and «uncertainty» are delineated, and the main features of each of them are allocated. The concept of «risks of enterprises in the oil and gas complex» is defined and analyzed. The risks of enterprises in the oil and gas complex are classified and divided into external and internal ones. Possible measures to manage the risks of the oil and gas complex depending on the scope of their occurrence are formed and general recommendations on their prevention and elimination are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hlynska A. Y.
The Concept and Essence of the Mental Model of Enterprise in the Era of Social Transformations in Business. (p. 319 - 324)

The article is aimed at researching and formulating the concept of «mental model of business» as an integrating factor of individual perceptions, values and experience of its interest groups. Analyzing the works on psychology, it was found that individual mental models determine the nature of decisions made by an individual. Thus, it was assumed that the performance of enterprise is the result of productivity of the mental models of its participants. The article proposes the concept of mental model of business as an integration of personal beliefs, values and ideas about the activities of the enterprise of all its employees, formed on the basis of their own experience and the influence of social institutions and social thinking paradigms, which leads to the formation of a special culture at the enterprise and determines the quality of the results achieved. The algorithm of forming the mental model of enterprise and its impact on the achieved results is provided, allowing to identify the root cause of an ocurring problem or to find the key to generating new approaches. It was found that the creation of new perspectives is possible due to changes in the mental model. The appropriate methods and instruments for this purpose are offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lishchynska V. V.
Choosing the Optimal Competitive Strategy of Enterprise in the Conditions of Interval Assessments of Performance Criteria (p. 325 - 330)

The article is aimed at developing and testing the model of choosing the optimal strategic alternative to the enterprise’s competitive strategy, based on interval assessments of the performance criteria of the strategy. The mathematical basis of the proposed model consists of the interval analysis. Result of the study is a defined procedure for predicting and evaluating the results of implementation of the strategic alternative, which includes: formation of a set of partial criteria of effectiveness for the strategic alternative; determining the weight coefficients for partial and detailed performance criteria for the strategic alternative; normalization of partial criteria of performance for the strategic alternative; determining an integral indicator of the strategic alternative’s performance. The test of the proposed model is carried out in the process of forming and developing a competitive strategy for a bakery enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kopcha Y. Y.
The Scientific Approach to the Formation of Strategic Guidelines for Managing the Potential of Economic Security of Enterprises (p. 330 - 336)

The article is concerned with deepening theoretical approaches and developing recommendations for forming strategic guidelines for managing the potential of economic security of enterprises. It is noted that most machine-building enterprises, due to the large number of dangers, largely caused by the specifics of national market relations, have to act in situations of high risk, so it is necessary to provide for such measures to ensure the economic security of the enterprise, which could minimize the adverse effects and the negative impact of internal and external threats. The hierarchy analysis method is proposed to model the choice of strategic guidelines for economic security management. It is noted that the strategic guidelines of the enterprise, which are taking into account the status of its economic security potential and are developed on the basis of the choice of the best scenario from the point of view of expedient allocation of resources and counteracting the external and internal factors threatening the enterprise, are very relevant and have applied value for machine-building enterprises. The development of strategic guidelines allows to ensure a balanced pace of permanent growth and safe development of the enterprise, taking into account its protection against changes in internal and external threats for a rather long period of time.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Marchenko O. V.
The Approaches to Defining the Essence of Security of Personnel and of Its Key Characteristics (p. 337 - 344)

The article is aimed at clarifying the essence of security of personnel, as well as defining its main characteristics and tasks. In order to deeper understand the nature of the category of «security of personnel», the essence of the «personnel» and «security» categories is separately analyzed. On the basis of matrix analysis, key characteristics and personnel security tasks are researched and systematized. In view of the carried out research, it can be said that security of personnel, as part of economic security, lies in the organization’s ability to preserve, develop and achieve goals while minimizing the risks associated with personnel (lack of sufficient qualifications, failure or poor performance of the employees’ work responsibilities, etc.). It is determined that security of personnel is the primary subsystem of the economic security of the enterprise, as personnel are associated not only with risks (internal and partially external), but also potential factors of success. Therefore, the activities of this subsystem should be directed to establish such relationships with personnel, which would ensure both the achievement of the enterprise’s goals and the high potential for its future development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malynka O. Y., Formus O. M., Ustenko A. O.
Customer Experience Management Concept and Its Implementation In Orthodontics (Brand “Insignia”) (p. 345 - 350)

The purpose of the article is to review the classical concept of customer experience management, to build the theoretical model of the customer experience management process and to demonstrate in practice, on the example of the brand "Insignia", its implementation in the field of health care – in orthodontic treatment, in particular. We found out that customer experience management is a part of contact marketing that is the system of measures aimed at building close relationships with consumers and strengthening their brand loyalty. Using contact marketing, one can increase the impact of marketing programs on individual consumers and expand the circle of customers who are influenced. In fact, the concept of customer experience management (CEM) implies the process of strategic management of all impressions of a product or company. In business, one can create customer experience and impressions in the way you want at five different levels using the appropriate levers. The author's definition of customer experience management is given. It is the process of planning and organizing the formation of the impression, studying its impact on the customer, supporting and correcting the impression over time. The theoretical model of the process of customer experience management is proposed. It is built on the basis of the systemic approach and consists of the following main subsystems: “X” is target subsystem, “Y” is providing subsystem, “XY” is regulatory subsystem, and “Z” is managing subsystem. Each of these subsystems can be described with its own technical and economic indicators (TEI 1, TEI 2, TEI 3, TEI 4), which are integrated into synthetic criteria of customer experience management (TEI 5). It is demonstrated that in orthodontics, while treating with the Insignia brand bracket system, in particular, the implementation of customer experience management concept allows to increase the inflow of patients through establishing trustworthy relationships, involving secondary associations and maximum satisfaction from the result of treatment. Here, marketing of impressions starts working already at the early stage, because a patient can see the future result of orthodontic treatment before fixing the Insignia bracket system as well as observe the results in time lapse and compare them “Before” and “After.”

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustov M. M.
The Theoretical Aspects of Advertising Campaigns on the Internet (p. 350 - 361)

The article is concerned with researching of the theoretical aspects of advertising campaigns on the Internet. The definitions of the essence of the concept of «advertising» in the legislation and works of scientists are analyzed. The functions of advertising are defined. The kinds and types of advertising are considered. It is specified that at the present stage advertising is closely related to advertising campaigns and is viewed as their component. The definitions of essence of the concept of «advertising campaign» in the works of scientists are analyzed. The evolution of advertising campaign goals is considered. A classification of types of advertising campaigns is analyzed. A general structural-functional model of an advertising campaign is presented. It is proved that the Internet is still growing in popularity for advertising campaigns. The essence and features of advertising on the Internet are analyzed. The dynamics of the development of the Internet advertising market in Ukraine are considered. It is proved that the development of the Internet advertising market in Ukraine reflects global trends and shows stable and positive dynamics. The features of the most common kinds and types of advertising on the Internet are analyzed. It is determined that the choice of the advertising campaign model and the kind of advertising on the Internet depends on the marketing strategy of a company and, accordingly, on the goals of advertising campaign, the targeted product, and the target audience.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shuba T. P., Siladi K. B.
Specifics of Building a Communication (p. 190 - 195)

The article is aimed at explaining the specifics of building a communication in the negotiation process. On analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the work of many scholars, the negotiation is defined and its basic models are considered on the basis of the systemization and generalization of the opinions of scientific practitioners. The latest and most popular negotiating strategies are allocated. The most common types of interlocutors are described on the basis of processing the works of some outstanding scientists; their specific features, which can be found at the beginning of a negotiation process, allowing to correctly determine the future course of development of connections with the opponent, are defined. A list of tactic practices used by experienced negotiators in the negotiation process is provided. This direction is quite prospective because of the increasing importance of global cooperation for both national and foreign enterprises. There is a need to improve the efficiency of international negotiations, the satisfying solutions to which would require a thorough study and successful use of communication instruments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yudenko A. V.
The Strategy of Organizational Development of the Foreign Economic Activities for «Ahrotekhsoyuz» LLC (p. 195 - 202)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical and practical aspects of the organizational development of «Ahrotekhsoyuz» LLC in the sphere of FEA. The subject of research is the formation of a strategy of the organizational development of foreign economic activity for «Ahrotekhsoyuz» LLC. The features of the organizational development of the foreign economic activity of «Ahrotekhsoyuz» LLC are considered, the form of the enterprise’s external economic apparatus is studied, and the need to develop its foreign economic strategy is substantiated. The conducted research suggests that organizational development should be understood as a process of integrated organizational improvement of the system, which aims to adjust the component of economic development along with transforming different parts of the system to maintain long-term work and adapt to environmental changes. In order to obtain the set targets for sales in the international market, a significant attention should be paid to developing a strategy for the company’s communication activity abroad.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kremen O. I., Mosiichuk R. L., Kremen V. M.
A Comprehensive Analysis of Efficiency of the Enterprise’s Assets Management (p. 202 - 210)

The article is aimed at a comprehensively evaluating the efficiency of the enterprise’s assets management using the instrumentarium of integral indicator and Harrington’s desirability function. Modern theoretic approaches to defining the essence of the enterprise’s assets are analyzed and a classification of assets by the following criteria is provided: forms of operation; nature of participation in the economic process; kind of activities; nature of ownership; grade of asset liquidity; risk and price of raising assets. The process of evaluating the efficiency of assets management in terms of enterprise is structured and carried out in six stages: analysis of the assets management; defining the efficiency of assets management; analysis of the results of calculation of the assets management performance indicators; analysis of the factors that influenced the outcome of analysis of the assets management performance; formation of recommendations as to improving the analysis and enhancing the efficiency of the enterprise’s assets management; control over implementation of the recommendations. The calculation of integral indicators for both the current and the non-current assets, as well as their assessment according to the standard Harrington’s scale in the case of one of the food processing enterprises, characterizes the efficiency of assets management at the lower boundary of the range «well». Prospect for future research in this direction is to improve scientific-methodical approaches to making financial and economic decisions on assets management, depending on the received quantitative assessments of the management efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bashynska I. O.
Forming a System of Management of Business Processes of Industrial Enterprise with Identification of Factors and Indicators of Economic Security (p. 211 - 217)

The article is aimed at researching the main aspects of formation of a system of management of business processes of industrial enterprise with the identification of factors and indicators of economic security. Essence of the category of «business processes» is defined, leading to allocation of features of process management for industrial enterprise, suggesting a classification of business processes. This classification allocates managerial business processes - the main (generating the profit of enterprise) and the service-based - the supporting and providing basic business processes (management of human, information, financial resources, creating the property values, management of external relations and improvements, and safety and environment management (EHS)). This structure is a four-level model of the enterprise’s business process standard, regulating the rules of a graphic and detailed presentation of process in order to ensure maximum visibility and informativeness. To address a specific task of managing business processes, a common technology is being developed that covers seven steps, from building an organizational system model to analyzing the efficiency of implementing the modeling results into practice. To describe the activities of the organizational system, to evaluate, with use of the measurement criteria, the level of achievement of the enterprise’s business goals, as well as to solve the task of optimizing the parameters of activity, quantitative models of business processes management are used. In a process-oriented approach, the totality of all statuses of processes from start-to-end is considered as a model of possible statuses of the target organizational system. Processes can be conditioned by local and global constraints due to the interaction nature of the process/internal processes and process/external environment. Such restrictions are management criteria with a focus on security, identification of specific factors and a system of indicators of the economic security of industrial enterprise. An instrumentarium of simulation modeling becomes the basis for identifying the factors and indicators of economic security of enterprise. The system of management of business processes requires special provision by information-technologic means and the use of modern information technologies, which is the direction for further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Peryt I. О.
The Prospects of Introduction of Kanban into the Business Management of the Domestic Economic Entities (p. 218 - 228)

The article is aimed at exploring the prospects of applying the foreign experience of Kanban in the management of domestic business. The study substantiates the theoretical-conceptual essence of business management using the Kanban method. The properties, principles, constituent elements and rules of the Kanban management of business activities are analyzed, emendated and structured. An analysis on the use of service classes and the information visualization tools in the Kanban business management is carried out. A classification of costs and performance indicators of business management of economic entities according to Kanban is considered. Upon the results of the study, the author’s own definition of the term Kanban is presented, and a number of positive and negative characteristics of management using this method are highlighted. The emphasis is on the feasibility of applying the Kanban method in the management of business activities of domestic economic entities of any kind. It is proposed to integrate additional indicators of determination and compliance with the deadlines of production value according to Kanban. It is specified that to manage the intellectual assets of the business, the use of the Kanban method should be combined with the values of Lean and Agile. The scientific value of the study consists in the direction of the results of the research towards solving the problem of finding concepts for the efficient business management in Ukraine, which will be able to provide flexibility and improve financial results of the business and the growth of the economy as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pylypenko A. A., Eremeychuk R. A.
Optimizing the Resource Strategy of Integrated Association of Corporate Enterprises Based on the Resource Saving Criterion (p. 229 - 236)

One of the methods for an enterprise to succeed in competition is to be integrated around the key competencies to jointly promote the value the consumer needs. As part of this integration, the problem of organizing a rational resource provision for the vitality of an association of enterprises is being actualized, which reduces the hypothesis of the study down to the extension of the criterion of resource saving to the optimization of strategic process. The research is aimed at developing the theoretic-methodological basis of the organization of strategic management of the resource conservation of corporate association of enterprises. The methodological basis for the research was the concept of business engineering. Using the Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO) allowed to describe the mechanism of resource conservation using the stakeholder paradigm, when the key stakeholders of the integrated association jointly define the orientations of the mechanism’s function, structured in the context of elements of the resource strategy of an association. Understanding the resource strategy, in turn, has been enhanced by taking into account the system of organizational capabilities of the participants of the integration interaction. The possibility of applying a decentralized approach to the implementation of resource-saving activities by the strategic business units as part of an integrated association within terms of the elaborated and agreed resource-saving policy is described. The system of business rules for the development and implementation of the resource strategy is substantiated, where each of the rules is result of the communication and product acts described with use of the DEMO methodology. The system of indicators of monitoring the implementation of the resource-saving policy has been set in line with the business rules. An object-role model of resource-saving policy of the integrated association of corporate enterprises is developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Toporkova O. V., Akimova N. S., Naumova T. A.
The Strategic Aspects of Risks Management to Ensure the Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 237 - 243)

The article is aimed at researching the most important issues of economic security of enterprises as part of the socio-economic system of Ukraine in general and the «risk management» of trade and production enterprises in particular. The essential and targeted nature of «risk management» is defined, and the objectives of «risk management» in the managerial accounting-analytical information system (MAAIS) are analyzed. Consistency of the financial risk management process and the factors influencing strategic risk management in the activities of trading and producing enterprises are provided. The article substantiates the relevance of creating managerial reports for carrying out economic-mathematical modelling in the process of internal control of risk operations together with the need to form additional account registers for the documentary ensuring of the accounting for risk operations. It is defined that the transformational processes taking place in the economy allow the trade and production enterprises to constantly improve the procedures and elements of the system of «risk management», taking into account the objectives of strategic management according to the MAAIS, changes in the external environment, and the requirements of global risk management practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Trushkina N. V., Rynkevich N. S.
Client-Centricity: the Basic Approaches to Definition (p. 244 - 252)

The article identifies the key prerequisites for establishing and explores the evolution of development of the conception of сlient-сentricity. It is determined that the majority of researchers identify сlient-сentricity with such concepts as: customer сentricity, customer orientation, market orientation, client loyalty, client-oriented approach, management of relationships with clientele, value, culture of service, satisfaction of wants and demands by clientele in general, meeting specific needs of an individual consumer. The scientific approaches to the formulation of the term of «сlient-сentricity» are conventionally systemized according to the following classification groups: strategy or paradigm (modern business management philosophy; strategy or paradigm of conduct of business; paradigm of management; conception of enterprise management; characterization of a business; strategic direction of the enterprise?s activities); instrument (set of instruments for quality logistics service; instrument for management of relationships with clientele); marketing conception (priority of marketing strategy of enterprise; conception of relationship marketing; marketing activity); approach to management of relationships with clientele (evaluation of client loyalty; client experience; degree of compliance of organization with consumer expectations; result of efforts); component of organizational culture (key competence of enterprise; ability of company; skill; part of organizational culture, range of beliefs). On the basis of a theoretical generalization of existing scientific developments as to the conceptual apparatus, the authors? own interpretation of the term of «сlient-сentricity» is suggested as follows: an instrument for transforming the system of management of consumer relationships, an efficient form of the enterprise-to-consumer partnership in the context of the conception of relationship marketing.

Article is written in Russian

Mazorenko O. V.
The Criteria for Choosing an Export Strategy of Enterprise (p. 253 - 258)

The article is concerned with substantiation of the criteria for choosing the enterprise’s export strategy. The enterprise’s entry into foreign markets requires a strategic approach, as such solutions require the use of additional resources, are characterized by different levels of risk and set the trajectory of the enterprise’s development. Therefore, the research is aimed at a theoretical substantiation of the list of criteria for choosing an export strategy and elaboration of a matrix of compliance criteria for the various export strategies of enterprise. The types of export strategies of enterprise are defined, the factors influencing the choice of strategy are considered. As a result of the use of content analysis, the most significant factors for choosing the enterprise’s export strategy are defined. Also, the indicated factors are grouped as external, internal, and factors of export image. The carried out analysis of the factors of choice of the enterprise’s export strategy allowed to form a correspondence of the indicated criteria to different types of export strategies of enterprise, as well as to describe the degree of manifestation of each factor characteristic of one or the other one export strategy. Conclusions on the need to take into account the internal capabilities of enterprise, conditions of the external environment, as well as the features of each export method in the process of deciding on the type of export strategy of enterprise are summarized.

Article is written in English


Kovalevska A. V., Zelenskiy S. V.
Analyzing the Models for Evaluation of Stakeholders: Applied Aspects of the Formation of a Sustainable Urban Development Strategy in Ukraine (p. 299 - 307)

The article is aimed at substantiating the model for evaluation of stakeholders for their active involvement in the process of formation of a strategy for sustainable development of Ukrainian cities. By systematizing and generalizing numerous scientific studies, the authors prove the appropriateness of improving the strategic management system for sustainable urban development on the basis of implementing the provisions of the stakeholder conception; importance and relevance of the task at hand is determined; a list of benefits that can be gained from actively engaging stakeholders in the strategic planning process is suggested. The most common methods for evaluation of stakeholders are systematized and compared, their essence is defined, the specifics of use are demonstrated, the main expected results of the evaluation are presented. It is proposed to use the Mitchell model to evaluate the stakeholders in the urban development, which, along with the awareness of specifics of the territorial community will allow developing the most effective strategies of communication and interaction, to choose efficient management instruments of influence and, as a result, organize a productive process of strategic planning. Prospects for further research by the authors are inclusion of the assessment phase of evaluation of stakeholders in the process of forming a sustainable development strategy for the city; development of both communication and collaboration strategies for each dedicated stakeholder group; testing these provisions in the process of forming strategies for the development of Ukrainian cities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymanovska-Dianych L. M., Rybalko-Rak L. A., Boyko A. S.
Interconnection of Categories of «Efficiency», «Development» and «Quality» in the Process of Evaluating the Activities of Higher Education Institution (p. 308 - 313)

The article explores the interconnection of the categories of «efficiency», «development» and «quality» in the process of evaluating the activities of higher education institutions (HEI) in order to create the prerequisites for improving the methodical approaches to the management of educational Institutions. The process of evaluating the efficiency and level of development of higher education institution requires the management subjects of a HEI to constantly monitor the tactics and development strategies in order to improve competitiveness in conditions of a complex and dynamic external environment. The aim of the research is implemented by means of substantiating the existing approaches to the content and economic essence of the categories of «efficiency of higher education institution», «development of higher education institution», «quality of education», visualization of the interconnectedness of the main categories of this approach. It is proved that modern approaches to evaluating the efficiency and level of development of a HEI are reflected in the normative legal acts of the State, where the main criterion for the efficiency of education is defined by quality, and the main instruments for implementing this approach be the licensing and accreditation procedures. The conclusions about the lack of a universal and perfect method of evaluating the efficiency and level of development of higher education institutions, the results of application of which would reflect all the strengths and capabilities of the organization in a comprehensive and systematic way, are substantiated. The results of the evaluation, their analysis and adjustment are a condition for ensuring the necessary requirements on licensing, accreditation, as well as participation of a HEI in the ratings. The quality of processes, their construction, implementation and monitoring determine the efficiency of higher education institution; level of development depends on the efficiency, which, in turn, is based on the quality of the goal achieved and leads to a qualitatively new level of development of the institution of higher education.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dovbnia S. B., Chabanets T. M.
The Mechanism for Strategic Estimation of the Enterprise’s Competitive Position (p. 313 - 320)

The article is aimed at developing a mechanism for estimating the competitive position of enterprise, which would provide comprehensive objective diagnosis of the industry market factors and the enterprise’s potential. An improved modification of the SPACE analysis method has been developed. When diagnosing the status of enterprise, its financial strength and competitive advantages are considered. In the process of estimating the near environment, the stability and attractiveness of the industry are analyzed. Financial strength, as a complex concept, provides for an estimation of the solvency of enterprise, its financial independence and performance. The competitiveness of enterprise is determined by its competitive market advantages and the efficiency of use of resources. Sets of local indicators for each estimation direction of the enterprise and the external environment are substantiated, including the original, non-widely used ones («performance ratio», «wage competitiveness ratio»). The calculation of integral estimates of the enterprise’s financial strength, its competitiveness, attractiveness and stability of the industry is proposed. A matrix has been developed to interpret the results of analysis and to select a vector of strategic development. This mechanism will ensure an informed decision-making as to the choice of strategy due to: ability to quantify each factor; integrated assessment of the financial strength and competitiveness of enterprise, attractiveness and stability of industry; the recommendations provided in the SPACE analysis matrix. Prospects for further research are to develop methodical approaches to quantifying the individual environmental factors and their impact on the enterprise’s strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Saukh I. V.
Forming a Conceptual Model of the Enterprise’s Strategic Analysis Based on the System-Dynamic Approach (p. 321 - 327)

The article is aimed at the scientific substantiation for application of the method of systemic dynamics in the studies on the strategic analysis of enterprise and the formation on this basis of a conceptual analytical model, followed by an evaluation of its constituents. It is proven that, for objective reasons, modern models of strategic management and economic analysis are unable to fully meet the demands of users in the structured analytical information, as most of them are static, focused on the development of internal components of the enterprise’s potential. Thus, the need to form and test dynamic analytical models is determined, which is connected with the dynamism of external environment and studying the enterprises as open systems that freely interact with the external environment. As result of the research on the theoretical foundations of the strategic analysis of enterprise, a conceptual analytical model based on the use of the system-dynamic approach is proposed; the basic postulates of the conception of strategic analysis are formed; the following subsystems are allocated and characterized: functional (purpose, objectives and principles of strategic analysis), subject-object (subject and object of analysis), and supporting (methodical, organizational, personnel, information and methodological support), the evaluation of interaction of which will strengthen the system constituent of the strategic analysis of enterprise, taking into account the influence of environmental variable factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koleshchuk O. Y.
Consolidation of Information Resources as a Systemic Base for the Strategic Management of the Enterprises’ Innovativeness (p. 328 - 333)

The article is aimed at forming the process of consolidation of information resources as a systemic base for the strategic management of the enterprises’ innovativeness. It is defined that in today’s turbulent economic environment, the consolidation of information resources in ensuring the efficient operation of enterprises and improving their level of development is relevant. It is determined that the consolidation of information resources is an important factor leading to the formation of the value-sense paradigm of the enterprises’ activities. The elemental composition of the essence of the concept of «information» is formed. It is disclosed that information resources are transferred in an oral, written or other way; types of information transmission are allocated. It is identified that each enterprise uses a large amount of information resources in its activities; a classification of them is provided. It is defined that the consolidation of information resources is characterized by the fact that at some stage of task solution an aggregate of new information is present that can be compared with a system of own views, concepts, attitudes and assessments. In the future, this updated information will be understood, structured, formalized and will become the systemic base of the strategic management of the enterprises’ innovativeness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gavkalova N. L., Loba K. O.
A Methodical Approach to Defining an Efficient Leadership Model in the Context of Established Type of Organizational Culture (p. 334 - 339)

The article is aimed at substantiating a methodical approach to defining an efficient leadership model in the context of established type of organizational culture at enterprise. The suggested approach involves a certain consistency: identifying existing leadership models and comparing them with organizational culture types; defining the existing type of organizational culture at enterprise; building a leader’s profile; choosing and substantiating an efficient model of leadership at enterprise in the context of the established type of organizational culture. The essence of leadership is defined, leadership models and types of organizational culture are analyzed, peculiarities of their application at enterprise are identified. The publication proposes to conduct interviews and questionnaires to determine the components of the leader’s efficiency by using Google Docs. The importance of using the fuzzy sets method to choose an efficient leadership model (traditional, bureaucratic, charismatic) is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasenko T. A.
A Methodological Approach to Evaluating the Level of Staff Competence for Implementation of Strategic Changes (p. 339 - 344)

The article defines that a successful implementation of strategic changes largely depends on the timely and adequate managerial decision-making and the correct implementation of the decisions made, and therefore - on the competence of managers and participants in the strategic changes. In this regard, a methodical approach to evaluate the level of staff competence for implementation of strategic changes is suggested and the importance of using the qualimetric method for this assessment is substantiated. The proposed approach be implemented in a step-by-step sequence: selection and substantiation of the method for evaluating staff competence; substantiation of parameters of the model for evaluating the level of staff competence to carry out strategic changes at enterprise; determining the level of staff competence to make strategic changes; interpretation of the data obtained regarding the ability of staff to implement strategic changes. The use of this approach will assist not only identifying the ability of staff to implement strategic changes by determining their level of competence, but also developing advisory measures in order to ensure the staff readiness for strategic changes and leveling possible resistance during the organizational changes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pyvavar I. V., Ponomarenko O. O., Lisna I. F.
A Methodology for Evaluating the Efficiency of the Enterprise’s Marketing Activities (p. 345 - 354)

The article analyzes the methodology for evaluating the efficiency of the enterprise’s marketing activities. The economic effect of marketing activities is the ultimate economic result of the implementation of relevant marketing activities (effect, impact, effectiveness and others), planned and expected for a single actor in the market relations. Economic efficiency is a derivative of achieving a positive result of implementing the marketing solutions at optimal spendings of material and financial resources, taking into account the performance of planned tasks on turnover and profit. Thus, the formation of a marketing information system at enterprise becomes a necessary and imperative condition for planning, implementing and evaluating the efficiency of marketing activities (when applying any of the methodical approaches described), functioning of which should meet the various operational needs of the economic, production-technical, other marketing solutions, but also the development of marketing measures. The article describes two types of designing the economic-mathematical models. First, there is a necessity to be aware of purely economic issues and to have a mastery of statistical methods of information processing, nonetheless the deep special knowledge of the complex mathematical instrumentarium is required. Secondly, in order to identify regularities of the dynamics of changes in the factors under research over a certain period, as well as the nature of influence of these changes on effective estimates, it is necessary to build dynamic series, an obstacle for which often is the limitations of the necessary information, expressed in the absence of large dynamic series. And thirdly, it takes time to create such a model, while the market situation changes quite quickly, that is, it may happen that the factors influencing performance may change, and hence the nature of the relationship between function and argument, when referring to a static model. In practice, when designinig a model, researchers typically select the number of factors and the grade of complexity of the model on the basis of specific requirements (priorities and evaluation criteria).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhehus O. V., Savytska N. L.
Developing the Marketing Instrumentarium to Explore the Interests of Key Stakeholders in the Market of Higher Education Products (p. 354 - 361)

Introducing the marketing conception into the management of higher education institutions necessitates development of a modern instrumentarium to research the actors in the higher education products market. To this end, a scientific-methodical approach is developed to identify the degree of gap in perceptions of the competences of higher education professionals by key stakeholders, based on defining: 1) integral estimates of the importance and satisfaction as of competences (for graduates and employers), the importance and opportunities to acquire competencies (for students and teachers); 2) measures related to gap in perceptions of competence; 3) identification of the degree of competency gap and definition of the type of managerial decision. The results of the carried out research determine significant differences in the perceptions by key stakeholders of the rigid (professional) competences: theoretical knowledge of specialty and practical professional skills; moderate degree of gap in perceptions in the possession of a related profession and the ability to solve professional problems. It is concluded about the inconsistency of training specialists in the higher education institutions to the modern requirements of the labor market and the ongoing transformations. On the basis of the results obtained, practical recommendations on the formation of a unique offer of educational products according to the components of «product», «process», «staff» are elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolomiyets G. M., Melentsova O. V., Shtuchny V. G., Suschenko N. B.
Marketing Transformations in a Digital Economy: Imperatives and Obstacles (p. 362 - 369)

The digital economy is characterized by a fundamental improvement in business processes, the emergence of new business models, due to a significant change in the behavior of economic entities. Efficient transformation of marketing as a demand management activity requires not only awareness of new trends in market changes, but also taking into account the speed of transformation in different target segments. The key in marketing transformations is the principle of derivative changes, the implementation of the latest technologies, depending on the development and application of innovations by clients, the awareness of the gradualness in expanding the transformation framework. The speed of technological change sets the pace for analysis of the digital technologies’ influence on economic processes. Global trends in the digital economy are also evident in Ukraine, but the pace of change is different. Unlike popular views, active use of the Internet, social networks, mobile devices not only reaches young audiences, but also older consumers. The Internet is increasingly becoming the main channel of business communications. A proper build-up of communication plus the possibility of constant communication with the consumer will attract the expected attention of the friendly consumer to the business. In the face of dynamic changes in the way of technology, there are limitations of the subjective order in the transformation of digital technologies into an efficient marketing tool. The consumer choice information base, which includes not only information about a product or service, but already existing consumer experience, increases significantly, and the consumer’s decision-making costs increase. The IT services industry has emerged and is gaining ground for marketing, to optimize business and customer costs, but marketers and IT professionals have different perceptions of how to prioritize it. These trends determine the imperatives and obstacles to marketing transformation in the digital economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chernenko D. I., Korepanov G. S., Parfentseva N. O., Chala T. G.
Formation of a Metadata System for Managing Interaction with Stakeholders (p. 238 - 244)

The article is aimed at studying the international experience and substantiating the feasibility of standardizing the approaches to interaction with stakeholders. It is defined that the introduction in Ukraine of a modern conceptual model for managing interaction with stakeholders requires an unification of approaches to the introduction of the theory of stakeholders in the national management practice and leads to the need of developing and spreading of the metadata system, and above all, standards. The AA1000 AccountAbility series is defined as a standard and framework based on the principles that are used by global businesses, private enterprises, governments, and civil societies. The goal of AA1000AP (2018) is to provide organizations with a practical set of internationally accepted guidelines by which they can assess, manage, improve and communicate their accountability and sustainability. The AccountAbility Principles are: Inclusion, Responsibility, Essentiality, and Influence. A brief description of the basic effective standards of the AA1000 Series is provided. The principles that underlie the practice of applying an approach to attracting stakeholders are specified. It is defined that the process of attracting stakeholders, according to the AA1000SES, includes four stages: planning; preparation; introduction, activity, viewing; improvement. The use of metadata, in particular the standard, is a reliable basis for gaining the competitive advantage of those organizations that together with stakeholders are able to efficiently create added value, improve overall efficiency of the enterprises’ operation and assist the sustainable development of territorial communities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevtsiv L. Y., Nepevna B. O., Shevtsiv A. B.
Theory and Practice of Introducing a Controlling System in the Context of Information Economy (p. 244 - 252)

The article is aimed at studying theoretical and practical approaches to defining the place of controlling in the organizational structure of enterprise, as well as building an algorithm for its introduction in the enterprise. Approaches to the definition of the concept of «controlling» are generalized. The need for application of controlling in industrial enterprises, taking into account internal and external factors in the context of sustainable development, is substantiated. The reasons for the introduction of controlling in Ukraine and the purposes of using its instruments and mechanisms are characterized. The main tasks of operational and strategic controlling are defined. Both German and Ukrainian experience of application of controlling and the advantages of adaptation in the national enterprises are analyzed. The article describes the main problems faced by enterprises in the formation of organizational structure, and later, in the introduction of controlling. It is proposed to build a controlling system based on the developed algorithm of actions. The essence of the three stages of the algorithm is described. The positive and negative aspects of the introduction of controlling are defined. It is concluded that controlling, as a key and effective management element, will facilitate the following: improving the efficiency of the financial and economic activities of enterprises and strengthening their financial situation; formation of modern conceptual foundations for the management of the enterprise among managers; improving the enterprise’s management system by identifying and eliminating bottlenecks and targeting the enterprise's operations. The introduction of controllings based on IT technology and integrated business computerization will provide enterprise management with the accounting-analytical information they need to implement management in the long term.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omelchenko O. I., Tyshchenko V. F.
The System of Evaluating the Company’s Efficiency as a Component of Efficient Management (p. 253 - 259)

The article is aimed at studying the essence and features of efficiency of the company’s management, taking into account the concept of the company’s functioning or the model of organization, as well as substantiating approaches to evaluating the efficiency of the company’s functioning. The works of foreign and domestic scholars on the issues of management of companies, ensuring the efficiency of the company’s functioning, development and improving the instrumentarium of evaluating the efficiency of the company’s functioning are analyzed. The models of the organization of the company’s functioning are generalized, their features are defined, approaches to efficiency evaluation within terms of each model are concretized. Particular attention is paid to considering the efficiency of the company’s functioning as an integral criterion of positive organizational change or a criterion of organizational development. Also generalized are the approaches to defining and evaluating the efficiency of the company’s functioning from the point of view of evolution of scientific thought regarding the management process and organization; a system of evaluation criteria regarding the company’s functioning that characterize both the evolution stages of companies within the time frame of the conceptions themselves and the life cycle of an individual company is defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Filina S. V.
The Conceptual Principles of Process Management Implementation at Consumer Cooperative Trade Enterprises (p. 260 - 265)

The article is aimed at researching the conceptual principles for the implementation of process management, which is conditioned by the need to implement practical measures to build up a mechanism for managing processes that meets modern conditions of functioning of the consumer cooperative (CC) enterprises. Taking into account that the implementation of process management at the CC trade enterprises will provide cost optimization, social and economic effects, the stages of its implementation in the form of a structural and logical scheme are proposed. Following the integration approach to management, it is substantiated that in the economic system, evolving in the current conditions of globalization and European integration, process management should be implemented by optimizing the ratio of activities at the State level and at the levels of the Ukoopspilka and the enterprises. The author analyzes the scientific-methodical approaches to defining the conceptual principles for the implementation of process management at the CC trading enterprises, which complement the effective programs and facilitate improving the level of business process management with purpose of increasing the orientation towards consumer demand; ensuring the efficiency of business processes and the economic development of consumer cooperation. The optimal variant for improving the management of trading enterprises is understood as follows: optimizing the implementation of the functions concerning management and business processes through improving the system of planning, accounting and monitoring of the key performance indicators of enterprise; improving the management of production resources and inventories; improving the management of innovation processes. Prospect for further research in this direction is elaboration of the methodical principles for optimizing business processes as objects of process management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koleshchuk O. Y.
The Structural-Contensive Characterization of the Methodology for Strategic Management of the Enterprises’ Innovativeness (p. 265 - 270)

The article is aimed at formation of a structural-contensive characterization of the methodology for strategic management of the enterprises’ innovativeness in the current conditions of globalization of the economy. The publication defines that modern economic processes in the national enterprises be in a status of an insufficiently high susceptibility to innovation, which requires higher efficiency by increasing the level of production of products and services through creating their own or by using the available creative technologies, which can be involved. It is defined that the main problems of sustainable development of innovativeness of domestic enterprises are: reducing the level of scientific intensity of production; low level of development and implementation of innovativeness; lack of effective government programs to promote innovativeness; low level of use of the partnership mechanism in the implementation of innovative projects; low level of social guarantees for scientists and highly qualified professionals; low level of interaction between business and universities, etc. The stages of adaptive, flexible and active development of enterprises, development of which has involved knowledge during the period under review, are considered. A philosophical view of the formation of the process of innovativeness on the basis of knowledge has been formed and a structural-contensive characterization of the methodology for strategic management of the enterprises’ innovativeness has been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Kolesnik M. S.
The Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Anti-Crisis Financial Management of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 271 - 277)

The publication forms an organizational and economic mechanism of ant-crisis financial management of machine-building enterprises. It is identified that today’s need to introduce anti-crisis financial management mechanisms at many machine-building enterprises is very urgent. Ignoring the need for anti-crisis measures in the field of machine-building, as one of the leading sectors of the national economy, can lead to uncontrolled development of financial crisis, bankruptcy and liquidation of machine-building enterprises. The problems that hinder the sustainable development of Ukraine’s machine-building system are defined. The role and place of finance in the structure of the economy of enterprises are outlined. It is specified that nowadays it is very important to use strategic planning in the implementation of an anti-crisis financial strategy. It is substantiated that formation of an organizational and economic mechanism of crisis management of machine-building enterprises is designed to stabilize the process of activities of business entities; increase flexibility, adaptability and resilience towards changes in the environment and the impacts of negative factors; ensure a more efficient use of available financial resources. It is found out that the organizational and economic mechanism of the anti-crisis financial management of machine-building enterprises involves a combination of organizational and economic measures in the form of methods, instruments and levers aimed at preventing, minimizing, or eliminating external and internal threats to the enterprise’s operations. It is identified that modern management methods and the departure of strategy from the rigid boundaries of planning will enable machine-building companies to introduce an organizational-economic mechanism of the anti-crisis financial management. It is concluded that the formation and implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism of the anti-crisis financial management will help to prevent business-unfriendly phenomena, will eliminate temporary difficulties and save the market positions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burmaka T. M., Zaburdailo A. М.
Substantiation of Managerial Decisions in the Sphere of Staff Motivation (p. 277 - 282)

The article identifies the main approaches to evaluating the performance of employees of enterprises as the main prerequisite for making informed managerial decisions in the sphere of staff motivation. The main directions of implementation of the justified motivational influences are analyzed, the main tendencies of modern motivation regarding remuneration, promotion of employees, their training and development are determined. It is identified that a regular and systematic evaluation of staff is a particularly important factor in the social and economic development, which in turn has a positive impact on staff motivation, its professional development and growth. It is defined that in today’s environment, the choice of personnel evaluation methods for each individual organization is a unique task for the enterprise’s management, which should be solved, among other purpose, with the involvement of professional consultants. Just like the compensation system, the certification system must take into account and reflect a number of factors - strategic goals, status of the external environment, organizational culture and structure, traditions, specific features of staff. Based on the results obtained, it is substantiated that when choosing an evaluation system, it is necessary to pay special attention to its compliance with other staff management systems - compensation, career planning, vocational training, in order to achieve synergies and prevent conflict and contradictions. The proposed approach based on a comprehensive qualimetric factor-criterion evaluation of employees takes into account not only the quality of work, the amount of used time, the complexity of activity, the costs of material work, the beneficial effect, but also the level of labor discipline and personnel turnover, which appears very important for enterprises. The importance of accounting for additional coefficients is that the core activities of the organization depends on the discipline of managers, while training and adaptation of staff due to personnel turnover is very costly. It is concluded that efficient management of modern enterprises is possible on the basis of making informed managerial decisions in the sphere of staff motivation, based on a comprehensive objective assessment of employees according to all important parameters. This approach is the guaranty to the stable operation of enterprise as a whole and of each of its employees.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Schevchenko V. S., Bіda S. S.
Defining the Factors for Development of Managerial Staff as a Means of Increasing Its Efficiency (p. 282 - 288)

The publication forms a model to increase the efficiency of managerial staff. It was found that, in practice, depending on the organization’s situation, one or several consolidated methods can constitute the base for determining certain needs for development. In order to identify the main directions of development of managerial staff and evaluate its efficiency, the authors propose for medium and small organizations the usage of a combination of two informal methods: the method of work and profession and the method of desire of the staff. It is defined that the main task of developing managerial staff should consist in improving the knowledge required by the manager and the professional in the implementation of managerial functions. In this regard, it is important to define what knowledge needs to be developed and improved. The importance of knowledge for certain categories of managerial staff should therefore be defined. This will serve as a basis for developing training programs for the organization’s managers and professionals to increase their competitiveness. It is defined that the main purpose of training through activities is that such a training allows to minimize the time to develop both individual and collective creativity potential of employees, to bring their knowledge and skills closer to practical needs, accelerate their capitalization. The training through activities activates the desire to master ways of solving unique problems on one’s own, as well as formulating the content of these problems. There is another feature of the development of modern education in the organization. It is substantiated that in order for the system of improving the efficiency of managerial staff to function efficiently, an effective mechanism for administration of its development must be formed and implemented in practice. It is identified that the essence of administration of a system of increasing the managerial staff efficiency is a targeted impact on the object of development (managerial staff) that sets a change in its capabilities to fit the needs of the professional experience of the organization. Moreover, the organization may lack a number of elements of the system of administration of professional development - the functions of these elements are delegated to specialized higher education institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khadzhynov I. V.
The Analytical Aspect of the International High-Tech Marketing in Europe (p. 288 - 294)

For many new established companies and those working in the market for a long period of time, improving the efficiency of marketing activities is one of the main tasks on the way to high competitiveness. In such circumstances, there is a choice – increase the cost of promotion and advertising or reorganize the trade group. For high-tech companies, the task of becoming efficient in marketing activities, using the international marketing instrumentarium, often starts from scratch. Such companies tend to draw their initial strength from the innovations that are provided by research and development. In an inthety chaotic and rapidly changing competitive environment, the importance of research and development cannot be overstated. But when a competitive environment becomes more orderly, marketing function also becomes important for high-tech companies. The publication is concerned with the issues of development of the high-tech market and related services in Europe in the time period between 2004 and 2015. The creation of new technologies, their efficient use and market entry are the most important factors in global competitiveness. High-tech sectors and enterprises are key drivers of economic growth and productivity and tend to provide high value-added and well-paid employment of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korepanov O. S., Galushka K. О.
Luxury Brand Management in the Fashion Industry: Basic Conceptions and Models (p. 295 - 300)

The article considers topical issues of brand specifics and luxury brand management in such a dynamic and competitive industry as the fashion industry both world-wide and in Ukraine. The aim of this research is studying the global experience of luxury brand management in the fashion industry, as well as generalizing the methodical and practical aspects of the process of efficient brand management in the enterprise in order to develop a national conception of positioning companies belonging to the luxury segment in this sphere. Based on the information obtained from scientific sources, the efficiency of luxury brand management is assessed using the methods of observation and abstraction plus the comparative analysis method. The need to analyze brand management in the world of luxury to assess the company’s potential in the fashion sphere is substantiated, based on the importance of brands as intangible assets for an efficient competition and as an instrument for building up business reputation. The main categories of luxury brands in the fashion industry are defined as follows: haute couture; ready-to-wear deluxe; ready-to-wear. On the results of the research, two global players are identified and examined in detail: Italian and French businesses. Various instruments are studied to identify the brand’s ethical and aesthetic constants, among which the most common is the Jean-Noel Kapferer’s prism, which provides a more detailed picture of the problem. It is demonstrated how one can use the brand identity prism with the French luxury «Chanel», the key elements of this brand’s identity are identified. In the course of analysis, two main business models of the luxury brand management category: «pyramid» and «galaxy», as well as their practical embodiment on the example of well-known world brands, are examined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Chechetova-Terashvily T. M., Khaustova V. Y.
Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Features and Problems of Development (p. 301 - 317)

The article shows that small and medium-sized entrepreneurship (SME) is the backbone of the economies in many developed and developing countries of the world. At the same time, the problem of the growing role of SMEs in the development of Ukraine’s economy is unresolved and extremely relevant, therefore it requires further research. The article is aimed at defining the features and problems of development of small and medium-sized entrepreneurship in Ukraine. To achieve this aim, the article proposes a structural-logical analytical scheme for the development of SMEs in Ukraine, based on the accounting of three main indicators of the activities of SMEs: the volume of products sold (goods, services); the size by the number of employees; the number of enterprises, and allowing to calculate intermediate relative indicators. A methodical approach to the analysis of the status and tendencies of development of SMEs in Ukraine is elaborated. According to this methodical approach and the analytical scheme of research, the article analyzes for the period of 2010/2011-2015/2016: the ratio of large, medium, small and micro-enterprises in Ukraine; dynamics of the share of small enterprises in the total number of enterprises - entities of entrepreneurial activities; dynamics of the number of individuals-entrepreneurs in Ukraine; dynamics of volumes of the products sold by small and medium-sized enterprises; dynamics of SMEs’ performance; dynamics of the share of employed workers in terms of SME; dynamics of the indicators of net profit (loss) of SMEs in Ukraine; financial results of small and medium-sized enterprises’ activities in Ukraine; dynamics of the main indicators of SMEs’ activities; proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises in Ukraine by type of economic activity (TEA); proportion of the number of employed workers in the small and medium-sized enterprises of Ukraine in terms of TEA and according to the overall employment indicators of employees in economic entities; proportion of the volumes of the products (goods, services) sold by small, medium-sized enterprises and individuals - entrepreneurs in the total volume of Ukrainian economic entities and in terms of TEA. The results of the survey concerning obstacles in the development of industrial SMEs of Ukraine are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bashynska I. O.
Risk Tolerance as a Criterion for Security-Oriented Management of Industrial Enterprise (p. 330 - 336)

The article is aimed at exploring and substantiating the basic provisions of risk tolerance as a criterion for security-oriented management of industrial enterprise. The position of risk tolerance as a criterion for for security-oriented management of industrial enterprise is substantiated. In order to remain competitive in the business environment, industrial enterprises must adhere to two parallel strategies: 1) building dynamic and flexible risk management systems that can anticipate changes that entail long-term success, and preparing the company for such changes; 2) building risk resistance that will allow such systems to mitigate risk events and provide businesses to move towards their goals. Sustainability in conditions of the security-oriented management of industrial and economic systems is the ability of a management system to respond adequately to threats of risk factors, in view of the internal vulnerability, using reserved resources to conduct the core business in a wisely manner. In this case, the first priority is to create conditions that will help shape the capability of the system to change and adapt its risk management infrastructure to respond quickly to changing market conditions, consumer preferences and market dynamics. The enterprise’s risk management requires a system approach. To support the activities of all units and activity directions, it is necessary to create a unified environment of risks management. The introduction of a unified classifier and an individual risk registry will enable conducting analysis and enhancing the flexibility to manage the identified risks or implement changes. For each risk category, an owner is assigned, timing and tasks for risk analysis are defined to take into account the specifics and requirements of each business process. At all levels of management, this approach allows for the formation of responsibility areas and risk monitoring areas and elaboration of the targeted response plans. To introduce security-oriented management and allocate risk sustainability as a criterion for a management system, it is proposed to expand the methodological framework for integrated risk management, including recommendations in terms of business planning and business process risks, financial risk assessments, the monitoring and testing methods. The availability of financial and economic reserves is a prerequisite for sound corporate management, otherwise there is a possibility of loss of economic sustainability. A risk tolerance is provided by a risks management system based on a formalized model that takes into account the internal needs of enterprise. A risk tolerance presupposes that management system acquires real opportunities to localize the harmful effects of risk factors that are achieved through the perceived impact of management at the cost of the reserves provided. At the same time, sustainability indicators provide the necessary conditions of capability and sufficiency for security-oriented management with indication of weak signals of crisis. At that, an enterprise, as a complex organizational system, must acquire the abilities to withstand the destabilization of the business through sustainable processes, control, and risks management means and methods, including a clear corporate structure and a strong market position, which is the hallmark of the risk-tolerant industrial enterprise, which will be the subject of further scientific research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mushnykova S. A.
Convergence as a System Basis for Building the Conception of the Security Management of Industrial Enterprise Development (p. 336 - 342)

The article is aimed at theoretical substantiation of the convergence process as a system basis for building the conception of the security management of industrial enterprise development. It is defined that the convergence in the economy is gaining its spread in the socio-economic relations in the post-industrial period. Researches by scholars are directed at several areas of the convergence process: convergence of economic models of countries; convergent-oriented development of regions and industries; convergent-oriented development of enterprise, and convergent approaches to enterprise management. It is substantiated that the convergence process is fundamental in forming the conception of the security management of industrial enterprise development through the «merging» of the structural components of «development» and «security» into a system of the conceptual bases. Studying the convergence results in defining the essence, purpose, specific and special principles, methods and techniques of managing the security of industrial enterprise development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mezentseva O. O.
Optimizing the Processes of Customer Success Management in the B2B Segment (p. 343 - 348)

The article is aimed at researching measures to optimize the processes of customer success management in B2B companies. The object of research is the processes of customer success management in the company with a SaaS model in the B2B sector. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing current developments in the sphere of applied B2B management in the IT sphere, the definitions and meanings of the concept of «success management» are considered. As result of the carried out research the processes of customer success management were modeled using a unified modeling language. Features of the processes of customer success management in companies operating in the B2B segment are defined, and key indicators of efficiency of this process are analyzed. It is substantiated that the key tasks of optimizing the processes of customer success management are to reduce the time required by a manager to support one customer’s success and to simplify the very process of working with customer. The publication offers a model of managing the customer success in companies in the B2B segment; an information and analytical system is designed that partially automatizes and simplifies these processes. The structure of the processes of customer success management is researched. Prospects for further research in this direction is to expand the base of indicators to evaluate success of company and its management processes. The theoretical component of the concept of the processes of customer success management is little researched today, but has a great practical expression in numerous both foreign and Ukrainian IT companies. Further development and optimization of success management in the B2B-sphere will allow to expand the classic instrumentarium of the management of economic processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenchuk T. B., Sorokun Y. S.
The Instruments of «Lean production» to Improve Operation of Transport Company (p. 349 - 354)

The article is aimed at studying one of the instruments of «Lean production», particularly, carrying out an in-depth study of the practical program of revolutionary transformations at enterprise (PPRTE), or the system of «20 keys», and upon this basis – formating the directions to improve efficiency of transport companies. By systematizing the studies carried out by various scientists, based on the 1982 work by Japanese professor Iwao Kobayashi, it is defined that the «20 keys» program in implementation has a number of advantages towards improving the development of enterprise. It is determined that the PPRTE leads to an increase in the productivity of enterprise, a decrease in the percentage of losses and incomplete production, a decrease in costs and, consequently, to an increase in profits. According to the authors, the introduction of the system of «20 keys» is one of the instruments for implementing the «Lean production» at enterprise and creating the necessary conditions for improving efficiency of operation and sustainable development in the future. As result of the research, the tasks and directions for the use of the PPRTE in the enterprises of transport industry are proposed and grouped. The use of these proposals is designed to improve the productivity, efficiency and operation quality of transport enterprises. Prospects for further research are to develop different approaches and methods, based on the «Lean production» system and taking into account the specifics of transport enterprises, which will lead to an increase in efficiency and quality of operation of transport industry in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iakymchuk I. M., Demochani O. Е.
National and Foreign Experience of the Use of Controlling in Activities of Enterprises (p. 355 - 361)

The article is aimed at studying the national and foreign experience of the use of controlling in activities of enterprises. The features of development of controlling and its use in enterprises of the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Poland are covered. The main problems that arise when implementing the controlling system in enterprises are provided. The main stages, which make it possible to introduce controlling in the enterprise efficiently, quickly and with minimal costs, are considered. It is determined that foreign specialists have been using the controlling system for a long time, and the profitable work of enterprises in most developed countries is a confirmation of the efficiency of implementation of this system, which is a holistic conception of management of the financial-economic process of economic entities. It is identified that in Ukraine the introduction of controlling methods dwells at an early stage, but a gradual introduction of these methods in enterprises is observed. Relevance of the use of controlling means and methods in the management of financial resources of Ukrainian enterprises is substantiated on the basis of studying the experience of foreign colleagues. It is proposed to use foreign experience of the introduction of controlling and its practical development as an efficient instrument to substantiate managerial decisions in the activities of Ukrainian enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yevtyshenko H. I., Moroz O. O.
Staff Management in the Public Service: European Standards (p. 362 - 367)

The article is aimed at disclosing the features of European standards of staff management in the public service with the purpose of their implementation in Ukraine. The main problems that arise in the provision of quality services by the State authority bodies are identified. Two groups of European HR standards are allocated: 1) ISO 9000 Series Standards, TQM (Total Quality Management), EFQM model, CAF model, «Investors in People», SA 8000 «Social Accountability»; 2) standards that define innovative concepts, practices and approaches to the introduction of human resources technologies: management of talent and leadership, knowledge management, recruitment methods, plus: screening, headhunting, recruitment, Executive Search, LAB-profile methodology, flexible staff schedules, etc. The conception of introducing an information system for the management of human resources in the government bodies and a plan of actions to implement it was developed to introduce European standards and ensure an efficient management of human resources in the sphere of public service in Ukraine. The prospect of further research in this direction is to prove the necessity for reforms in other spheres of public administration.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Herashchenko І. M.
Human Resources as a Major Factor in the Enterprise’s Competitiveness and Strategic Planning (p. 368 - 375)

The article is aimed at researching the concept of «competitiveness of human resources» as the main factor of competitiveness of enterprise. The significant impact of the competitiveness of human resources on the formation of an enterprise’s competitiveness necessitates a more detailed study of this concept. The article analyzes a characterization of the enterprises workers’ estimates and determines a list of indicators that should include a survey of experts to examine the competitiveness of human resources. Human resources are the dominant factor in the competitiveness of enterprise, which, on the one hand, ensures their efficient functioning, and on the other hand, is attractive to potential workers in the labor market. The level of competitiveness of employee and the characterization of the enterprises workers’ estimates are substantiated. In order to determine the list of indicators, which should include a survey of experts, scientific sources of domestic and foreign literature are analyzed and it is substantiated what indicators be allocated when assessing the competitiveness of human resources. There is an interrelation of supply and demand in the labor market between a competitive enterprise and a competitive workforce. Competitive enterprises impose high demands on staff, and so in return are the demands of a competitive staff to the enterprises, forming supply and demand in the labor market, the equilibrium on which results in the case of meeting the requirements of the enterprise to staff competence and the staff’s requirements for quality of working conditions, pay and social security. Enterprises and workers in the course of economic activity satisfy each other’s interests, which leads to balancing the supply and demand in the labor market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koleshchuk O. Y.
Intellectualization of the Conceptual-Strategic Thinking in the Management of a Machine-Building Enterprise Using the Chaos Theory (p. 376 - 381)

The article is aimed at studying the process of intellectualization of the conceptual-strategic thinking in the management of machine-building enterprises using the chaos theory in modern economic conditions. It is defined that asymmetry, non-linearity and chaotic environment require strategic management of active, flexible and adaptive intelligent instruments to analyze and respond in a timely manner to internal and external threats and challenges. The art of management consists in the ability to use non-linear, chaotic processes to achieve the goals of a machine-building enterprise. The ability to predict and form the vector directedness of changes, to reveal a destabilization of process is a property of managerial professionalism. The theory of controlled chaos allows us to focus on self-organization of criticality in the potential points of bifurcation from which begins both the destruction of structural ties and the introduction of instant efficient managerial solutions to overcome crisis states. It is defined that the theory of controlled chaos stipulates that in a turbulent world it is impossible to avoid intractable paradoxes. It is also about determining and understanding the factors that condition dynamics, what make it possible to work more accurately on the transformation of any system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pylypenko A. A.
The Financial Mechanism for Logistization of the Activities of Corporate Integrated Associations (p. 382 - 389)

In today’s economic environment, issues of improving the efficiency of the activities of corporate integrated associations of enterprises have been significantly actualized, as this form of management allows to effectively counteract a wide range of threats from the market environment. The author’s hypothesis was the possibility of simultaneously considering the processes of integration and logistization of the activities of corporate association. At this, optimization of the parameters of financial relations was considered, within the terms of the proposed financial mechanism, as a key factor in ensuring the coherence of characteristics of the logistic system, distributed among the various owners of corporate rights. The article is aimed at developing the theoretic-methodical provisions as to formation of a financial mechanism for supporting the logistization processes in the activities of corporate integrated associations of economic entities. Achieving the aim of the article is based on the methodology of describing corporate architecture and using the architectural modeling language ArchiMate. Using this methodological base, the article defines the logic of allocating the impact of the financial mechanism on the logistization processes in the activities of corporate integrated association; a model of communication between elements of the financial mechanism and the mechanism for managing the flow processes of corporate association is developed; a functional structuring of the financial mechanism for logistization of the activities of corporate integrated association is proposed; a system of the operation objectives of the mechanism is defined and specifics of the deployment of the information-analytic provision of its work are substantiated. A separate constituent of the research was a substantiation of the logic with regard to formation of a project to reorganize the financial mechanism of logistization of the activities of corporate association.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Taranishyn O. O., Kaluhina N. A., Sakun H. O.
Improving the Website Activity to Strengthen the Image of Higher Education Institution (p. 390 - 395)

The article examines the role of website and its impact on strengthening the positions of higher education institution (HEI) in the modern market of educational services. The need for an efficient functioning and improvement of website to increase the prestige of the institution is substantiated. The latest scientific researches by domestic and foreign scholars on the use of the web resources of HIA are studied. On the basis of this, the purpose of the publication has been developed, which necessitates further information regarding the process of elaborating an efficient website development strategy to strengthen the image of HEI. To better understand the process of research concerning this activity and to develop concrete ways to improve the competitiveness of HIA through the improvement of its website, the official webpage of the Odesa National A.S. Popov Academy of Communication (ONAC) is chosen as an example. The analytical method of SWOT analysis is used as the main instrument for researching the external and internal environment of the website. The essence of conduct of this analysis is described and the main questions to be answered by the results of the conducted analysis are allocated. Using the SWOT analysis, the strengths and weaknesses of the ONAS website are identified, a list of potential opportunities and external threats to the website in the competitive market of educational services is obtained. With the help of the on-line service Seo Profilink a SEO analysis of the ONAS is carried out. In the course of this, additional information has been obtained about its internal environment, which gives a clearer picture of the technical advantages and disadvantages of the website. An algorithm to build a strategy for development of the website, based on the results of SWOT analysis, has been developed. Using the available examples, the principle of using the above mentioned algorithm is presented, on the basis of which proposals to improve the website to strengthen the image and competitiveness of the ONAS are developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ketova T. B.
The Economic Essence of the Own Trademarks and Their Function (p. 396 - 401)

The article is aimed at presenting results of the study on defining the essence of the own trademarks and their functions. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the interpretations of «own trademark» and «brand», the content of the concept of «own trademark of trade enterprise» is clarified. As a result of generalization of existing interpretations, it is determined that the trade enterprise’s own trademark is a means of identifying the belonging of goods to a particular trading network and differentiating the enterprise. The essential characteristics of the own trademarks are determined, which include: belonging to a retail trade chain, the retailer’s ownership of the trademark, contract production, exclusivity of sales in the stores of a certain network, formation of a certain commodity and price policy for goods under its own trademark. It is substantiated that the main functions of the own trademark are ensuring the price competition of the trading enterprise, reducing dependence on brands of other manufacturers, differentiation from competitors, winning loyalty of consumers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koliada S. P.
Personal Brand as a Manifestation of Leadership in a Digital Society (p. 401 - 406)

The article is aimed at substantiating the need for conscious personal brand formation. The special importance of developing a personal brand is emphasized for those who want to prove themselves as a leader or expert. The importance of this phenomenon is stipulated by the rate of growth of the digitalization of economy and society in general. Personal brand is increasingly becoming the driving force that leads to significant changes in the economy, science, formation of modern views. The difference of the proposed research lies in the orientation of the use of a personal brand in the modern dimension, i.e., digital. The publication presents the paradoxical rule of digital society: People choose People. The most important components of personal brand are analyzed, at the same time the attention is focused on its contradictions and shortcomings. It is found out for what category it is important and why it can lead to a cognitive dissonance. The importance of developing leadership in a digital society through a personal brand is also emphasized in the «Economic Strategy of Ukraine 2030E». Considering Ukraine’s involvement in the third stage of digital revolution - which is the active development of social networks and messengers - the relevance of development of a personal brand is growing. The undeniable economic effect of comprehensive development and implementation of personality soft skills has been proved. The author allocates the aspects that prevent the systematic introduction of modern technologies in all spheres of activity of Ukrainian society. The result of the carried out research is the reasoning of target scenario for the development of Ukraine’s digital economy with support of the concept of lifelong learning as the basis for a substantial personal brand and providing skills and competencies for the rapid adapting to new social processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilchenko N. B., Voynilovych V. Y.
Developing Retail Trade Networks of the Mass-Market Segment of the Fashion Industry in Ukraine (p. 407 - 416)

The article researches the features of development of the national and local retail networks in the mass-market fashion segment in Ukraine, as well as international retail networks in the same segment. The structure of retail turnover of clothing and footwear for the first half of 2019, which are produced in Ukraine and sold through retail trade networks, is analyzed. Accordingly, the distribution is as follows: clothing – 8.4%, footwear – 3.8%. The advantages and disadvantages of mass-market fashion are identified. A pyramid of fashion for the main national and local retail networks, as well as international ones, specializing in the sale of clothes, footwear and accessories in the mass market segment in Ukraine, is built and suggested. It is proved that all trademarks of the fashion industry can be conditionally divided into 5 segments: price, turnover, exclusivity, quality, level of service. The suggested pyramid is illustrative for exclusivity and quality, in the top of this pyramid are placed the retail networks that, in addition to the line of the «high fashion», also propose the lines of ready-to-wear clothes. When comparing the suggested pyramid with the Maslow’s pyramid of needs, it can be stated that this segment corresponds to the need for self-fulfillment. The second segment, which corresponds to the Maslow’s pyramid per se, includes aesthetic needs aimed at defining harmony and beauty. Accordingly, the more expensive the brands, the higher are they towards the top of the pyramid, while at the bottom can be found the brands of the low price segment. The carried out research defines that mass market fashion is more for youth and beauty, the target segment of this group is mainly focused on the 18–30-year-old consumers. It is defined that the fashion industry market is growing rapidly due to the use of digital platforms related to this age category of consumers. It is proved that the big problem in the development of international retail chains of the fashion industry existing on the Ukrainian market is the overpricing of identical goods that are sold in other countries of the world and as a result, this significantly affects the formation of demand.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sevruk I. M.
The Role of Marketing Communication Technologies for Export Promotion (p. 417 - 425)

The article is aimed at researching the marketing communication technologies for promotion of domestic products to international markets, as well as identifying the current development tendencies and features of export promotion of Ukrainian goods to promising foreign markets, particularly, in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as one of Ukraine’s leading foreign economic partners. The level of competitiveness and attractiveness of Ukraine as a foreign partner for the countries of the world has been analyzed and the prospects for promoting the export of certain types of Ukrainian products to international markets have been evaluated. It is defined that when promoting domestic products to international markets, enterprises use mainly classical marketing communication technologies, including advertising, marketing promotion, public relations, direct marketing, personal sales. It is determined that export promotion should be accompanied by a detailed analysis of the marketing environment of the recipient country in order to choose an efficient strategy and form an effective set of marketing communications for a certain foreign market. Taking into account the specifics of the local market of PRC as one of the promising to promote Ukrainian exports, the article recommends the use of marketing technology adaptation strategies by Ukrainian enterprises and presents a complex of marketing communications of enterprise. Prospects for further research in this direction is to find ways to strengthen Ukraine’s competitive positions in the global market of goods and services, to form an image of a reliable partner, as well as to define new, efficient instruments of the complex of marketing communications in promotion of exports of Ukrainian products to foreign markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shtal T. V., Belikov M. P.
The Influence of Marketing on the Forming a Company’s Competitiveness (p. 425 - 433)

The article is aimed at defining the influence of marketing on the formation of the company’s competitiveness at the current stage of development of the world economy. Attention is paid to the theoretical aspects of the company’s competitiveness. After studying the work of many domestic and foreign scholars on the competition and competitiveness of enterprise, the authors concluded that there is no consensus on the interpretation of the terms of «competitiveness of enterprise» and «competitive advantage», therefore, this article presents their own vision of the definition of these economic categories, the main factors of influence on them are systematized. In the course of research, the asymmetry between the growth rate of the world GDP and consumption is identified, which leads to increased competition for the end consumer, which is forced to unfold mainly in the plane of marketing. The article identifies the increasing role of Internet marketing in shaping the competitiveness of enterprise, which is caused by the rapid growth of Internet users and the abandonment of consumers from traditional media in favor of social networks and Internet resources. The problem of high costs to attract a new client has been indicated and a conclusion has been drawn that in the face of fierce competition companies urgently need to focus on building long-term relationships with their customers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhabiak S. A., Kasianova N. V.
Evaluating the Advertising Content on Social Networks (p. 434 - 439)

The article is aimed at forming methodical approaches to assessing the efficiency of advertising brand content on social networks from the point of view of the target audience. A comparative analysis of the perception of advertising content of the Pepsi brand by the target audience is carried out. Measurements of marketing communication targets on the social networks Facebook and Instagram are characterized. Using the statistical analysis method, the task setting of modeling the selection of communication instruments that correspond to the objectives of advertising campaign is described. The criteria for evaluating the efficiency of instruments on social networks have been formed as follows: duration of attraction, coverage and audience displays, advertising costs, ad message handling, etc. The target indicators of the efficiency of communication instruments are estimated from the perspective of the advertiser to achieve the goals of attracting unique users, increasing the degree of customer loyalty and customer retention, image advertising. The principle of the perception of advertising content by the target audience on social networks Facebook and Instagram is substantiated. The effectiveness of the viral, advertising and organic coverage, displays and activity of unique users are analyzed. This study helped to evaluate the impact of selected advertising tools on achieving the goals of an advertising campaign to improve the informative decision-making process for choosing marketing communications. In particular, three rubrics and their statistic indicators were considered, which identified that targeted advertising should be used to increase a brand coverage. The largest audience coverage for the Pepsi brand is achieved only in a paid way, in particular the percentage of targeted advertising coverage is 99.47%, while organic and viral coverage - less than 1%.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zubkova A. B., Rusanova L. D.
International Business Management: Agility Journey for High-Tech Companies (p. 370 - 383)

The purpose of the article is the development of recommendations for the business maturity determination and measurement in the implementation of the agile approach for high-tech companies. Methods of analysis of documents, observation, personal and in-depth interviews, case studies have been used in the research. The findings of the research: Business Agility Journey has been suggested for defining the state of the maturity of the company and conducting express diagnostics of agility. Agile Project Management Journey has been developed for the identification of weaknesses by the companies in the path to agility, as well as for the determination of events for the transition from the traditional to the agile approach. Personal Agility Checklist has been designed for testing the soft skills of employees for the presence of the agile mindset. Research limitations include the study of the maturity of companies in the IT industry. Practical implications are based on the use of suggested Agility Journeys in defining the state of maturity and main problems on the transition path. Also, Personal Agility Checklist will help to check the agility of the future employees. The originality of the article is based on the uniqueness of the Agility Journey that has been developed for the first time. Further research on this topic should be focused on the development of an agile mindset as a prerequisite for the provision of agility in the company.

Article is written in English

Manoilenko O. V., Serhiienko O. A., Kasmіn D. S.
Modeling the Development of Complex Hierarchical Production Systems Based on Process-Functional Management (p. 384 - 395)

The publication proposes an instrumentarium for studying the development of complex hierarchical production systems based on process-functional management as a complex and non-linear active process of the enterprise’s transition of to a new qualitative status. This transition comes at the expense of changes in the organization of business processes aimed at improving the efficiency of use of the financial-economic resources of enterprise, resulting in socio-economic efficiency of its activities and stability regarding the impact of internal and external threats. A model of evaluating the level of resource mobilization relative to the process-functional changes in the complex hierarchical systems as a cumulative integrated assessment, has been proposed, based on the level of business processes organization and the speed at which they are mobilized in connection with the perception of possible changes that ensure the implementation of progressive management-process transformations. As a mathematical instrumentarium for predicting the level of mobilization of resources of complex hierarchical systems in relation to management-process transformations, the apparatus of neural networks is used, based on construction of a generalized regression model of perseptron to develop preventive preventive management measures. Integrated indicators of the intensity of management-process transformations of complex hierarchical production systems, which are based on the assessment of relevant partial indicators that characterize the factors of the internal environment of enterprise, integrated indices of the process and functional components and the aggregated total index, are calculated. A matrix positioning of complex hierarchical systems, depending on the intensity of transformations of the functional and process components in certain ranges of changes, is provided. The authors propose an algorithm for coordinating the measures for the management-process transformations of complex hierarchical systems that ensure the efficiency and flexibility of the management system as a whole and allow for proposals as to coordination of managerial actions in the transformation process based on process-functional management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Svitlychna K. S., Shut O. Y., Kovalenko P. V.
Methodical Approaches to Assessing the Performance of the Integrated System of Pharmaceutical Enterprise Management (p. 396 - 402)

The article defines that one of the promising directions of ensuring the successful functioning of enterprise in the financial, production and social environment is the introduction of the integrated management systems that combine in themselves two or three or more international standards. It is defined that in the context of implementation of the integrated management system there are issues about evaluation of the level of performance of the system’s operation. The complexity of this issue is due to the multidimensionality and multi-levelity of such an evaluation. It is proved that for a pharmaceutical enterprise, the evaluation of the performance of the entire integrated management system should be based on the evaluation of all constituent systems, i.e.: systems to ensure the quality and safety of manufactured medicines (GMP industry rules), quality management systems (international standard ISO 9001:2015) and social responsibility systems (international standard ISO 26000:2010). On this basis, a generalized evaluation system consisting of seven stages is proposed. In the initial stages, the criteria and indicators for their evaluation are defined according to each management system. The formulas for calculating the level of performance of each management system and the overall level of performance of the entire integrated management system are provided. To ensure a qualitative interpretation of the resulting values, a scale has been proposed that reflects the level of stability of the entire integrated management system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulomza D. R., Portna O. V.
Global Experience in Financial Management of Companies: Stakeholders which Increase its Efficiency (p. 403 - 408)

An efficient financial management system is a significant foundation and one of the major conditions for ensuring the profitability and cost-effectiveness of any business. The article is aimed at reviewing the global experience of financial management of companies and identifying stakeholders and their interests in improving the efficiency of financial management. Based on a review of a number of aspects of the global experience of financial management of companies, factors that influence the profitability of different business directions in countries are outlined; stakeholders and their interests in improving the financial management of companies are defined; the global practice of growth points for financial resources and the economic potential of companies is considered; also considered are the models, methods and instruments, using which the global business provides growth of performance and efficiency of financial management of companies. Taking into account the global experience of financial management in companies, generalizations and conclusions have been drawn that both internal and external (micro and macro-economic) factors are important for improving the profitability of the business. A wide range of stakeholders are interested in improving the efficiency of financial management of companies, as the company’s functioning is interconnected with a person, employees, citizens, groups of people, the population, the national authority structures, governments of different countries of the world economy, society, etc., taking into account their own interests. The topical direction of further research is to study the interests of stakeholders of the efficient financial management of companies with the determination of their weight and performance parameters.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolesnyk T. M.
Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Organization’s Competitiveness Management (p. 408 - 414)

An analysis of the factors influencing the management of the organization’s competitiveness is carried out. It is noted that the main conditions for ensuring competitiveness are: application of scientific approaches to strategic management; ensuring unity of development of technical means, technology, economics, management, use of modern research and scientific developments methods (program-targeted planning, decision-making theory, etc.); consideration of the interconnections of the functions of managing any processes at all stages of the object’s life cycle; formation of a system of measures to ensure the competitiveness of various objects. A classification of competitiveness on certain attributes is provided. The components of the external and internal environment of the organization that influences its competitiveness are defined. Endogenous reasons for low competition of national organizations are noted. It is noted that in the absence of an efficient competitive environment and the establishment of civilized market relations, domestic enterprises and organizations do not use most common ways of gaining competitive advantages. Evidence of this is, for example, significant technological backwardness and low innovation activity of Ukrainian producers. Another cause is the self-removal of the State from the proper functions to create favorable conditions for the development of business environment and the poor quality of the State institutions. It is concluded that the analysis of external and internal factors influencing the management of the organization’s competitiveness provides an opportunity to reduce the level of uncertainty and risk in the process of production and economic activities of enterprise, increase the the quality of strategic planning and forecasting of its activities, increase the level of competitiveness of the enterprise and its products, maintain a competitive position and increase the market share owned by the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Volkova M. V., Mahomedova M. А.
Foreign Experience of Using the Organization’s Motivation and Incentive System (p. 414 - 420)

Foreign experience of using the system of motivation and incentive of the organization’s staff has been studied and generalized. It is noted that Ukrainian managers consider motivation as an instrument based on individual payments to each subordinate, which indicates that the process of motivation is limited to material approaches exclusively. Foreign systems of motivation and incentive of workers are studied in detail on the example of German, French, English, Swedish, Japanese and American models. All the main pros and cons of each model are analyzed. Comparison of the Ukrainian incentive system with the systems by other European countries considered was made and it was found that the national system is at a pretty low level. The possibilities of Ukrainian potential to have introduced foreign models are considered. It is noted that today Ukrainian enterprises and organizations need to create a system of values and culture of work to establish the Ukrainian national model of staff management. An exact copying one of the foreign models in Ukraine is impossible. First, it has to do with the mentality of Ukrainians; secondly, with the economic and political situation in the country; thirdly, with the financial condition of enterprises, etc. It is proposed and substantiated to combine elements from the incentive and motivation systems of Germany, the United States, France and some elements from the Great Britain’s. It is concluded that managers need to focus on the optimal combination of material and intangible motivating elements. The system of stimulating the work of staff in Ukrainian enterprises should clearly define the goals, establish the types of incentives in accordance with the results that are achieved, determine the system of assessment, period and timing of remuneration payments. The sooner Ukraine begins to combine various elements of foreign systems of motivation and incentive, the sooner it is possible to improve the competence of employees and their efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozyrieva O. V., Ivanov M. Y.
Theoretical Aspects of Project Risk Management in IT Companies (p. 420 - 425)

The theoretical aspects of project risk management in IT companies are generalized. It is noted that the development of the IT industry stimulates the development of national information infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the world’s leading economies, which have reached the level of V and VI technological modes. Today, it uses modern management technologies to succeed as IT companies. In terms of project management, one of the main challenges facing companies is project risk management, which becomes a very serious obstacle to the successful completion of a project and is assessed using the following indicators: probability of a risk event, the sum of damage (gravity). It is obvious that the presence of risks is present at all stages of the project activity. In this regard, the instrumentarium for project risk management must be constantly improved. Existing definitions of «risk» and «project risk» are generalized and systematized. It is noted that the process of defining, identifying and eliminating risks in IT companies should be constantly monitored and be continuous throughout the life of a project. Risks in the implementation of project may change; they may disappear or take other forms; new types of risks can be discovered. That is, as the project progresses, all risks must be identified, evaluated and eliminated or defeated. It is noted that when modern IT companies develop several projects at the same time, project risk management is becoming complicated and requires the use of more adapted modern risk management instruments. It is indicated that the project activity has always been accompanied by many types of risks, so the choice of risk management method depends on the overall purpose and policy of the company’s management, its financial condition, the status of the company’s risk management and its position in the market of IT industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tomchuk O. V.
The Paradigm of Managing the Human Potential of Territory in the Context of Behavioral Economics (p. 426 - 431)

The article is aimed at substantiating the paradigm of managing the human potential of territory in the context of behavioral economics. The research has determined that the system of human potential management of a particular territory was not in line with its development strategy, which greatly hampered the ability to implement sustainable stabilization programs, revitalization of production and structural adjustment of the economics, improving the quality and competitiveness of domestic products. The results of the study of the concept of «management paradigm» by domestic and foreign scholars have been systematized. The carried out studies helped to develop the conceptual apparatus and to form the author’s own definition of the paradigm of management of the human potential of territory as a scientific picture of the economic reality of the human development of territory, the direct manifestation of which be represented by scientific methodology (methods and research techniques), terminology (categorical apparatus), research topics, ideals and norms of scientific activity. Based on an analysis of scientific developments on human resource management, the following paradigms for managing the human potential of territory are highlighted: technocratic, organic, behavioral and managerial. The emphasis is placed on the behavioral direction of human management evolution and it is proved that it is a priority in the sphere of research on human resources management. Prospects for further research in this direction are identification of elements of the sphere of behavioral economics and the relationships between them in order to improve the process of managing the human potential of territory, as well as the development of mechanism for managing the human potential of territory in the context of behavioral economics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novikov D. F.
Efficient Management of Technologies for Machine-Building Enterprises as an Important Factor in Improving the Quality of their Products, Social Responsibility, Increasing Profits and Competitiveness (p. 432 - 437)

The principles of social responsibility of economic entities and their marketing at machine-building enterprise are considered, their role in the formation of the enterprise’s costs and profits is displayed. It is determined that the basis of compliance with the principles of socially responsible marketing of machine-building enterprise is to ensure the necessary quality of the produced products by strictly fulfilling technical and other requirements, both from the customer and from the regulatory framework. It is proposed to evaluate the quality of produced products using the indicator of quality of products, which covers the ranges of «quality products» and «non-quality products». It is demonstrated that it is possible to gain the biggest profit, ensuring that the principles of socially responsible marketing are respected, when the boundary value of the quality indicator of produced products is achieved in the range of «quality products». In this case, production costs are the lowest and productivity is the highest. On this basis, the author substantiates the expediency for machine-building enterprises in Ukraine to apply new technological and engineering solutions together with modern production equipment. This will provide for making of high-quality competitive products with a significant increase in the productivity and profits of enterprise. Thus, using the principles of socially responsible marketing as a limiting factor as to the quality of produced products, the company is able to provide the maximum level of profit by increasing its competitiveness, achieve an increase in its market share, as well as enter new foreign markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zharska I. O.
The System of Marketing Communications in Higher Education Institution: Combining «Classic» and «Digital» Instruments (p. 438 - 446)

The article is aimed at developing scientific-methodical provisions for the formation of a complex of marketing communications of the State-owned higher education institution. The article analyzes the experience of conduct of communication policy at the Odesa National Economic University (ONEU) during the admissions process of the year 2019. A comparative analysis of the market share of higher education institutions in the market of city of Odesa for economic specialties in 2018 and 2019 is carried out and the impact of ONEU’s communications activities on the dynamics of its market share during the period under review is defined. The efficiency of various instruments of communication mix is defined by interviewing the ONEU first-year students and the principles of forming a system of marketing communications in higher education institutions on the Internet are proposed. The importance of using Telegram-channels as a modern instrument of direct communication with applicants in the communication activities of higher education institutions is substantiated and statistical indicators of publication placement in the Telegram-channel «ONEU-Applicant» during the admissions process of the year 2019 are analyzed. Attention is focused on the need to combine traditional professional orientation activities for applicants with active activities on the Internet and, in particular, in social media networks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shtal T. V., Dmytriyev G. B.
SMM as Modern Marketing Technologies (p. 446 - 452)

The article is aimed at generalizing the theoretical foundations of SMM as modern marketing technologies. The article explores the essence of the concept of «social media marketing» (SMM). It is found out that SMM existed as a part of marketing long before the advent of social media and the Internet. The SMM marketing forms such as social networks, blogs and micro-blogs, forums, social bookmarks and catalogs, photo hosting and video hosting, virtual and multi-player on-line games are considered. The main features of SMM-promotion are examined and it is discovered that the widespread use of social networks in society allows to confidently talk about the emergence of a new way to attract customers in any domestic market. The advantages and drawbacks of SMM are analyzed. One of the main advantages of SMM is the analysis of the study on demand and consumer motivations in the market carried out by marketers. The main drawback is the risk of losing the commitment of customers because of incorrect actions in communications. The need of consumers and businesses in SMM has been researched. Data on the most popular social networks in Ukraine are provided. A number of instruments for activities on various social networks are allocated, which result in promotion of brands, creation of groups of the consumers of certain productions, the audience Internet users is being increased and retained. Thus, the reasons for use of promotion in Facebook, together with its features and methods, are considered. The benefits of usage and the components of the promotion strategy on Instagram are researched, and the main methods of promotion on Instagram are provided. The services for self-promotion on Twitter and LinkedIn are examined. The main tasks and opportunities for promotion on Tеlеgram are described. It is defined that the correct use of social networks increases brand awareness, creates constant contact with the audience, provides prompt information to the audience, forms a circle of loyal users, enhances the attendance of the websites of companies, and therefore increases sales.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chorna M. V., Buhrimenko R. M., Zonwire Austin
The Strategic Maneuvering System for the Enterprises in Retail Trade to Create a New Market Space and Provide Its Economic Security (p. 337 - 344)

The article is aimed at forming a system of strategic maneuvering for the enterprises in retail trade to create a new market space and provide its economic security in the future. Despite the wide range of positions presented in the scientific literature, the main issue on the formation of a comprehensive strategic instrumentarium and a clear methodical approach to its implementation in the activities of retail enterprises remains unresolved. The publication substantiates the feasibility of applying a dual approach to the formation of a strategy to build a non-competitive market space based the on strategies of focus and differentiation. Based on the range of «market lever» values, which reflects the enterprise’s need for market transformation, five main typegroups of strategic positioning of enterprise and the corresponding recommended strategies have been created. Given this positioning, a clear sequence of choosing strategic alternatives is proposed depending on the density of the market environment, and specific strategic actions have been developed for each group. Taking into account the uniqueness and priority of the free market space for competitive enterprises, a system has been developed to assess barriers to entry into the newly created market and provide economic security of the initiating enterprise based on market power indicators.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdanov R. I.
The Basics of Manageability and Projecting of Management Structures in the System of Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 345 - 351)

The article set up a problem of the need to combine the ideology of approaches to ensuring the economic security of enterprise with its properties as a management object, which should become the basis of projecting management structures in the system of economic security of enterprise. The theoretical base for this is to define the principles of economic security manageability as a subject of management in the economic security system of enterprise. The results of theoretical study define that the concept of «management structure» explains an aggregate of elements, the internal structure of which is more important than contensive characteristics. The management structure is an invariant kind of a control structure element that is responsible for the implementation of managerial functions in a particular process. The basic management structure of the enterprise’s economic security system is the economic security service, which implements an aggregate of security functions. The service acts as an object for determining the principles of economic security management and an object for organizational projecting. The direction of solving the scientific problem is to define the fundamental properties and signs of manageability of the economic security of enterprise in the appropriate security system, which becomes an ontological and axiological basis for projecting management structures in this system. The structure of management in the economic security system of enterprise is characterized by many difficult-to-formalize qualities (powers of employees, their responsibility, relationships between them, etc.). Projecting an economic security service is recommended according to the principle of functional distribution of interrelations to ensure economic security, the nature of which within the service is determined by the specifics of the operation of the enterprise. A promising direction of research is projecting the management structures in the economic security system of enterprise, taking into account the formation of institutional relations between of the security service and the external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Portna O. V., Dereza B. P.
The Influence of the Status of the National Economy on the Application of Crisis Management in Enterprises (p. 352 - 359)

The problem of occurrence of crisis phenomena is of systemic nature and is characterized by a number of factors and constituents. Systematizing the factors and constituents influencing the development of the national economy and its subjects, as well as the delineating the financial-economic variables used as analytical benchmarks for efficient managerial decisions, constitute the information basis for the application of anti-crisis management measures. The objectives of the article are considering the current financial-economic status of Ukraine’s national economy, macro- and micro-economic factors and the preconditions of crisis phenomena in enterprises; expansion of macro-economic indicators of crisis phenomena in terms of economic entities. The indicators of the volume of investments in both the material and the intangible assets and GDP, the financial results of Ukrainian enterprises, the profitability of enterprises divided into large, medium-sized, small ones are considered. It is argued that the financial-economic factors of the macro- and micro-environments of enterprises have a relationship and interdependence. The classification of external and internal factors of occurrence of crisis in enterprises is generalized. It is proposed to include into the important macro-economic indicators of crisis phenomena of economic entities, in addition to the analyzed, the following: incomes of the population, solvent demand, consumption volumes, costs structure, inflation rate, savings, population size and the level of unemployment. A relevant direction for further research is the analytical definition of the relationship and interdependence between incomes of the population, solvent demand, consumption volumes, costs structure, inflation rate, savings, population size and unemployment – as the important macro-economic indicators of crisis phenomena and prerequisites for the application of crisis management in enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vitiuk A. V.
Identifying the Content and Importance of Spatial Development of Enterprise (p. 359 - 366)

The article is aimed at defining the theoretical aspects of the content and importance of spatial development of enterprise and determining the main factors influencing this development. The importance and relevance of development of the theory and practice of spatial development of enterprises are substantiated. It is proved that the emergence of spatial development researches is primarily linked to an understanding of resource constraints and an awareness of the need for their optimal use in existing conditions, as determined by specific locations, zones, factors of influence and spatial coordinates of individual economic entities. The essence of the category of spatial development is researched on the basis of studying the category of «space» in the system of understanding in terms of different sciences. The contents of the category of spatial development as a dynamic process of interaction between objects and subjects of reality, which exist under certain conditions in the system of vectors of individual or general interactions in the system, single or chaotic influence of time, are disclosed. The circumstances that actualize the development of spatial topic are identified. The factors of influence on the spatial development of enterprises are determined, which differ depending on the type of economic activity of enterprise, the regulatory and legal conditions in the country, local customs and traditions, moods of local residents, ecology, etc. A number of applied and social problems have been formed, which can be solved by positive tendencies derived from the development of guidelines as to spatial development of enterprises, among which the following can be noted: rational use of production premises and land, release of unused areas, optimal use of engineering communications, unloading of certain territories, reducing operating costs of enterprises, ensuring the efficient organization of the engineering communications system, protecting both the cultural heritage and the environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novikov D. F.
Socially Responsible Marketing in the Management of Quality and Competitiveness of the Machine-Building Products (p. 367 - 373)

The nature of the influence of both inner-State and world crises on the decline in the quality and competitiveness of machine-building products and, accordingly, on the deterioration of activities of national enterprises is considered. It is shown that in the end this leads to the failure to fulfill the principles of socially responsible marketing and to a deterioration of the promotion of the manufactured products in both the domestic and the foreign markets. In this regard, effective ways of developing machine-building enterprises to bring them out of crisis and successfully promote their products to the markets are substantiated. The distinctive features in the strategies for the long-term development of the domestic machine-building enterprises and large global corporations are analyzed. It is displayed that the modernization of production capacities of machine-building enterprises on the basis of the acquisition of modern equipment and training of staff will allow to strengthen the industrial development of the State in the shortest possible time and thus increase the welfare of Ukrainian people. This can be achieved through the higher quality of the output products and its lower cost and price as result of implementation of the principles of socially responsible marketing of enterprise. For the efficient modernization of enterprise, a unified methodology of its planning and conducting has been developed. The application of this methodology will allow the directors of enterprises, even with minimal knowledge and experience of modernization, to implement it with the maximum possible impact and in sum fulfill the principles of socially responsible marketing, providing profit to their enterprises. Based on the generalization of the results of the carried out studies, a definition of the concept of «socially responsible marketing of domestic machine-building enterprises in the industrial market» is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pasko M. I.
The Economic-Philosophical Fundamentals of Management of the Enterprise’s Marketing Activities (p. 373 - 382)

A research on marketing as a unique phenomenon of modern enterprise is carried out. The views on the concept of «marketing activity» are generalized and systematized, the essence and defining elements are allocated, the author’s own definition is proposed. The analytical approach of philosophical vision and understanding of marketing management as a phenomenon is based on the following: subjective cognition of a separate phenomenon – the process of managing the marketing activities of enterprise (MMAE) as a subsystem of the subject of economic management; cognition of phenomenon as an element of the system in which the system of relationships and relationships manifests itself in the process of MMAE; concrete cognition of the MMAE process through real forms, interaction and interinfluence with a volatile external environment. The holistic approach of the economic-philosophical vision of MMAE allowed to substantiate the peculiarities of the marketing philosophy of MMAE as a management concept, which provides for the market-strategic orientation of supply-to-sales activities and a management system coordinated to continuous research on the markets and consumer needs in order to maximize profits. The scientific novelty of the carried out study is in systematizing and generalizing the economic-philosophical perception of marketing management as a basic function of enterprise management in a market environment. The elements of the essence, intensionality and completeness of marketing activities as a phenomenon in the enterprise’s activities have been redefined and supplemented. The unified approach allowed to substantiate the key aspects of the MMAE process in the market environment and to focus on the priorities in the marketing activities of the modern enterprise, which is the foundation of interdependence and interconnectedness of the potential capacities of the production and sales of goods (services) to substantiate the nature, direction and extent of the success of a economic management entity in a competitive environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymko O. V.
Merchandising in the Trading Enterprise Management System (p. 383 - 390)

The article is concerned with solving the theoretical, methodological and applied issues of the use of merchandising in the activities of trading enterprises in the face of increasing competition in the Ukrainian consumer market and the activization of global transformational processes. The economic essence and purpose of merchandising are disclosed, its classification features and types are defined. The motives behind the use of merchandising in the activities of trading enterprises are described. Merchandising as a specific marketing technology is considered in the context of functional zones, which play a specific role in interaction with consumers. The influence of individual elements of the merchandising system on the formation of alleged consumer behavior in the trading hall is characterized. The peculiarities of consumers’ perception of the merchandising space are analyzed. The factors that cause discomfort of perception of goods in the store are allocated. The main tasks of managing the levels and instruments of merchandising, the solution of which will allow a retail company to respond quickly to changes in market conditions and optimally combine the goals and objectives of commercial activity with the consumers’ needs, are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Krasnostanova N. E., Stoian R. G.
The Sustainable Development Goals in the Context of Formation and Development of Human Capital. (p. 422 - 428)

The article is aimed at considering the sustainable development goals in the context of formation and development of human capital. Based on the analysis of approaches to understanding the category of «human capital» the authors generalize its content. Among the levels of definition of human capital it is necessary to allocate not only personal, level of organizations and national level, but also meso-level. This level is important not only for determining the human capital of region, but also in relation to individual territorial communities, which is essential in the context of the implementation of decentralization reform. This will enable us to use the goals of formation, development, use of human capital in the preparation of planning documents and the formation of reports from individual communities. Based on an analysis of scientific approaches, the understanding of human capital at the State level is closer defined, which should not be equated solely with the financial costs of the spheres of education and health care. In addition, it is not appropriate to measure the formation of human capital through the time spent on education. Given the importance of human capital for ensuring the sustainable development of society, the degree of reflection of the goals and objectives of sustainable development recommended by the UNO and directly related to human capital in the domestic government strategic documents is analyzed. The carried out sample found a partial representation of the objectives detailing the goals of sustainable development and related to education, medicine in the government strategic documents. Aside from that, education and science programs do not have appropriate action plans, are assessed only partially or have no indicators for monitoring and controlling at all.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoliaruk K. S.
Career Consulting: Formation and Development in Ukraine (p. 428 - 436)

The article is concerned with researching the prospects for development of services in the sphere of career consulting in Ukraine. The relevance and importance of improving the career competence, in particular with the help of relevant specialists in the public and private sectors of career consulting, has been proven. Thus, during their professional life people face a variety of career problems: career crises, time outs, dissatisfaction with work, professional burnout, etc. On the one hand, this results from imperfection of the system of career orientation, therefore, the suboptimal choice of profession. On the other hand, the dynamism of the modern labor market, caused by economic changes, active processes of automation, robotics and digitalization, forces people to reconsider their professional scenario. This necessitates the development of consulting services in career management. That is why the object of research is the processes of formation and development of the career consulting market in Ukraine. The article presents the results of the research on the readiness of Ukrainians to consult a specialist for career advice; the analysis of the foreign experience of the organization and practice of career consulting, together with the possibilities of applying it in Ukraine, is carried out. This allowed to allocate the key directions of the public and private sectors of these services: on the part of the State (except for the assistance of career advisers in employment centers) - the involvement of education sphere in the issue of ensuring the career competence of young people; on the part of the private sector - help to the people who do not intend to apply to public employment centers for various reasons, but want to get the opportunity to consult an independent expert for career advice. The article also analyzes the prospects for certification of these specialists and the relevance of developing professional standards for providing services in the sphere of career consulting. Foreign approaches to defining the quality of work of career consultants and, in particular, the activities of providers of these services are presented. Thus, the author realizes the goal set - deepening the theoretical and methodological knowledge in the organization of both the public and the private sectors of the national career consulting market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsaruk V. Y.
Transparency in the System of Corporate Governance: the Accounting Interpretation of Development (p. 437 - 444)

The article is aimed at identifying, critically analyzing and studying the features of the spectrum of transparency parameters in the corporate governance system and differentiation of the directions of its development to improve the accounting system of enterprise. The results of the carried out study substantiate the relevance and prove the practical importance of the procedure to ensure transparency of the corporate governance system. Retrospective historical aspects of the need for corporate transparency have been analyzed and differentiated. Transparency of corporate governance is defined as an external factor in the development of the accounting system. Approaches to understanding the essence of corporate transparency in the systems of principles and in the codes of corporate governance are analyzed. The concept of transparency is considered in the context of the concept of good corporate governance. A lack of a general and common understanding of the concept of transparency in the various standards and documents regulating the process of corporate governance is determined. The feasibility of using the internationally recognized accounting standards or best practices that meet regulatory expectations (IAS / IFRS and GAAP US) to ensure transparency of corporate structures is substantiated. The search for the relationship between understanding the concept of transparency of corporate governance and various accounting constructs (accounting principles, qualitative characteristics of financial information, goals and objectives of accounting system, etc.) is actualized, improving which will ensure achieving a higher transparency level in corporate structures. It is determined that a converged conceptual framework of financial reporting should be used to substantiate the concept of corporate transparency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryveshko O. V.
Evaluating the Interdependence of the Main Types of Competitiveness (p. 445 - 451)

The article is aimed at defining the interconnected objects of competitiveness and features of their mutual influence. As a result of analysis of publications of various scholars, a wide range of classification signs of competitiveness division is detected. Among them the author defines the main types and forms of competitiveness. The competitiveness of products and enterprises is allocated at the micro level. The emphasis is placed on availability, depending on the sources of competitive advantages, of external and internal competitiveness. The essence of these types of competitiveness is defined. The world-wide, the State (national), regional and local levels of competition are allocated. Since most enterprises compete not only at the micro level, but also within the industry (meso level) and at the macro level (international markets), the main emphasis is placed on the competitiveness of an enterprise, its products, the competitiveness of an industry and the country, as they are mutually influenced and interdependent. The manifestation of these types of competitiveness for Ukraine and national enterprises is analyzed. Examples of uncompetitive companies with competitive products due to imperfect management systems are provided. It is noted that the competitiveness of the industry and the country are derivative concepts and depend firstly on the level of competitiveness of products, and but secondly – on the competitiveness of the producing enterprise. The interdependence of these types of competitiveness is characterized. The main aspects of this dependence are evaluated. The attention is focused on the existence of problems of Ukraine's competitiveness and perception of it as a supplier of raw materials due to the significant share of natural resources and raw materials in the export structure. In this situation, the possibility of strengthening the competitiveness of Ukraine and national enterprises in the world markets is complicated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Natorina A. O.
A Simulation Model of the Retailer’s Response to Negative Online Buyer’s Reviews and Comments (p. 451 - 457)

The article substantiates that in the conditions of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy, the decision of the online buyer to choose and purchase goods is influenced by reviews/comments on the Internet. It is determined that the successful online activity of the retailer, including a positive image and the desired level of sales, is provided by her/his ability and skills to correctly respond to the reviews/comments of the online buyer. On the basis of the systematized literature sources and a comparative analysis of the results of empirical researches of well-known leading scholars and economists at the national and international levels, the author presents the typology of reviews/comments of the online buyer, which defines the specifics of the retailer’s response. The need and importance of developing alternative patterns of timely response of retailers to reviews/comments of the online buyer in ever-changing realities is proved with arguments. Appropriate recommendations to the retailer regarding an adequate response to the reviews/comments of the online buyer are suggested according to the typology, their differences are interpreted. A simulation model of the retailer’s response to negative reviews/comments of the online buyer with desensitization of the target audience according to the context of the current situation has been developed. In the development of this simulation model, using the «BP Simulator» software to simulate business processes, a relevant low-abstraction approach was applied, taking into account management features at all strategic levels, and providing for the possibility of modifying the model based on the scale and metrics of the retailer’s practical activities. The results of the practical approval of the developed simulation model show the feasibility of its implementation by retailers of different market segments to improve the efficiency of online activities.

Article is written in English

Yatskevych I. V.
Risk Tolerance and Appetite Risk of a Startup: Essence and Assessment (p. 458 - 463)

The article, on the basis of the research on the innovative activity of enterprises in terms of economic activity for 2014-2018, substantiates that the scale and importance of startups increase the competitiveness of the efficiency of innovative products. It is specified that the startup is an effective direction of innovative development of the country due to its advantages (creation of new jobs, development of regions, improvement of living standards of the population, etc.), which is characterized by a high level of risk and which is influenced by a number of factors. It is substantiated that the risk for startups is a multidimensional tangle of interconnected risks, which changes taking into account factors and depending on the stages of the startup life cycle (research, verification, efficiency, scaling, selling/updating). The factors influencing the formation of a methodology for assessing risk tolerance and appetite risk (stage of development of the startup life cycle, the stakeholders’ opinions, accounting and legislative policy factors, probability of fraud, external factors, restrictions on the part of the State, factors depending on the life level of the startup, cultural factor) are defined and systematized. Methodologies of assessing risk tolerance and appetite risk of a startup, which should be «loyal» and constantly updated in case of new risks, as well as take into account the stages of its life cycle, are recommended. It is noted that risk tolerance should be reflected in the startup’s risk registry for further analysis and research. The practical significance of the proposed assessment is that its application will allow the funder to analyze risks at each stage of the startup’s life cycle, subjecting each risk industry to analysis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

, Chobitok V. I.
Intellectualization of the Management of Holistic Development of Enterprises: the Categorical Syllogism (p. 463 - 472)

The article is aimed at forming a categorical syllogism of intellectualization of the management of holistic development of enterprises in modern conditions. It is defined that at the present stage of development there is a problem of intellectualization of the management of holistic development of enterprises, adapting to changes in both the exogenous and the endogenous factors. To address this problem a deterministic optimization apparatus was used. However, it does not take into account the turbulent influence of the external environment, which does not allow to find the best solutions. In this regard, it is necessary that the instrumentarium of intellectualization be used to improve efficiency of the management of holistic development of enterprises and to ensure adaptation to random situations. The carried out research analyzed the scientific directions related to intellectualization, management and development of enterprises, as well as the holistic paradigm that forms the categorical syllogism of intellectualization of the management of holistic enterprises. By this one should understand the process of purposeful and meaningful influence on objects and systems, by means of improving both the qualitative and the quantitative changes, which: proceeds under the influence of both the exogenous and the endogenous factors; is directed to increase the use of intellectual and knowledgeable assets of enterprises; uses information-communication technologies. This process develops new approaches to management in order to achieve goals and maximize the enterprise’s performance, ensuring efficient operation and development of the latter.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lepeyko T. I., Barkova K. O.
Determining the Level of Organizational Culture of Enterprise Using the Survey Method (p. 473 - 479)

The article is aimed at exploring the issue of determining the level of organizational culture using the survey method. First of all, the relevance of this issue was considered and substantiated. This made possible defining the importance of further research and confirming the need for such information. In addition, previous studies were described, providing the necessary basis for the subject of the research. Then, the various methods of assessing organizational culture, which were proposed at different times in the past according to the then-needs, were reviewed and described in detail. This information would be unequivocally of great value for future researches, due to illustration of the sequence of actions that the past researchers went by at one or another time. The presented methods fit for different budget and size of enterprise, though they are not free from certain shortcomings, which are carefully described by the authors. At the same time, an existing questionnaire to identify the level of organizational culture was presented as suitable for low-cost and fairly fast use, the shortcomings of this method were formulated and closely described as well. The authors then proposed an improved questionnaire that included economically and socially improved questions, together with a rebuilt system for counting results. It is concluded that the carried out work is of high practical importance, because in an unstable and competitive environment, it is imperative to control and maintain an orderly level of organizational culture. With regard to further research on the issue, it was suggested that a more detailed survey system for different sectors of the economy would allow the methodology to gain popularity and gain practical value in a more broader sense.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oleshko T. I., Kasirotska K. O.
The Current Status and Prospects for the Development of the Electric Vehicle Market (p. 480 - 485)

Ground transport is one of the main sources of pollution, deterioration of the ecology of the planet. Gases emitted by burning fuel in internal combustion engines contain more than 200 items of harmful substances, including carcinogens. Oil products, remnants from worn tires and brake pads, bulk and dusty cargoes, chlorides, which are used to sprinkle roads in winter, pollute roadside lanes and water objects. Despite the extraordinary relevance of the introduction of environmental transport in Ukraine, this topic was not considered in the context of scientific research. The vast majority of public materials are presented on HEvCars - the information portal of electric and hybrid cars in Ukraine and the world - in the form of popular review articles on the current trends and prospects for the distribution of electric vehicles in Ukraine and Europe, as well as published data on the volume and structure of sales of electric vehicles. This article is concerned with studying of the current status of the electric vehicle market in the world. Contemporary problems in the ecology as the grounds for emergence of the aforementioned market are considered. Statistics from the past few years are provided to help better understand the major tendencies in this area. The major problems of the industry, hindering its development, are considered. The problematics of the automotive industry in the face of the increasing share of electric vehicles are described. The emergence and development of electric vehicles are analyzed, and the actions of the leading countries implementing governmental policies to stimulate the transition of the population to alternative modes of transport are reviewed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kramarev H. V.
A Methodical Approach to Assessing the Competitiveness of Both the Industry and Its Types of Economic Activity in the Country (p. 382 - 391)

The article defines that the competitiveness of industry in the system of management of the national economy is a key guideline, a factor in ensuring the sustainable development of the country. The study is aimed at developing a methodical approach to assessing the competitiveness of both the industry and its types of economic activity (TEA) in the country. To achieve the goal of the article, the existing approaches to assessing the competitiveness of both the industry and its TEA are researched, and it is determined that today in Ukraine and other countries over the world there are no governing documents that would regulate the assessment of competitiveness of both the industry and its TEA. An analysis of the available approaches has defined that they are based on both integrated estimates and systems of partial indicators. At the same time, in assessing the competitiveness of the industry, as in the assessment of individual industry branches, the aggregated private indicators are used the most, which does not allow to take into account the specifics of branches, their importance in the industry, the technological level, as well as to assess structural shifts and their impact on the socio-economic development of the country. To address the shortcomings of the existing approaches, a methodical approach is proposed, based both on a specific composition of components and on the partial indicators of the integrated assessment of the competitiveness of the industry’s TEA, which allows to comprehensively assess the competitiveness of both the country’s industry and its TEA, determine their technological level and importance.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryvdyk V. I.
The Instrumental Provision of Management Technologies in the System of Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 392 - 400)

The article analyzes the dynamics of the change in the level of popularity of management instruments and trends during 2000-2017, presenting 25 of the most popular management instruments and trends as of year-end 2017. The objectives of the use of management instruments and trends in the activities of modern organizations are allocated. In 2017, 48% of respondents used such an instrument as strategic planning. Second place is taken by CRM (Customer Relationship Management), as organizations focus on consumer needs to achieve commercial success. International practices in the use of management technologies and instruments may not always be adequately understood by domestic government entities, and in some cases may provoke organizational resistance as to their practical implementation. However, within the economic security systems of enterprises, responsible persons are constantly trying to introduce new practices into the practical plane of activity. The author’s own definitions of the following concepts are proposed: advanced analytics, agile management, balanced system of indicators, benchmarking, reengineering of business processes, change management, complexity reduction, key competencies, consumer behavior analysis, customer relationship management (CRM), consumer satisfaction systems, consumer segmentation, digital transformation, employee engagement systems, Internet of things, mergers and acquisitions, mission and strategic vision, corporate time management, price optimization models, scenario planning, strategic alliances, strategic planning, supply chain management, total quality management, zero-base budgets. The need to implement technologies and management trends in the system of economic security of enterprise and, when indicated, their adaptation to the conditions of operation is underlined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vremenko L. V., Kondratenko D. V.
Key Competences as the Basis of the Insurance Company’s Competitiveness (p. 401 - 408)

The article is aimed at considering the essence of the concept of «competitiveness of insurance company» and existing approaches to the definition and classification of the company’s key competencies. The results of the analysis of the essence of the concept of «competitiveness of insurance company» are presented, which shows that most scholars consider the competitiveness of the insurer as an ability to create and implement more attractive insurance services, in terms of both price and non-price characteristics. Modern approaches to determining the company’s key competencies are generalized. A classification of the insurance company’s key competencies has been developed, taking into account the needs of consumers and the life cycle of the insurance product, based on the selection of the following classification features: material and intangible; verbal and declared; available and potential; individual and corporate; external and internal; market and resource. It is proposed to define the concept of «competitiveness of the insurance company» as the ability of its key competencies and intellectual capital to implement the company’s strategic policy to create competitive insurance products and services in demand in the market to meet the specific needs of consumers of insurance services. It is substantiated that key competencies are at the core of the company’s strategic architecture. The aggregate of key competencies in their interaction and continuous development allows the insurance company to achieve the synergistic effect and/or effect of emergence and thus ensure its competitiveness and sustainable development. Promising directions for further research are monitoring the resources and capabilities of the insurance company, identifying indicators showing how each competency is implemented and developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaіtseva L. O.
The Theoretical-Methodological Features of the Company’s Sustainable Development Paradigm (p. 409 - 416)

The article is aimed at exploring the theoretical conceptions of sustainable development for further formation of the ways of improving the processes of management of the company’s operation in the economic space. The article, through the «disciplinary matrix» structure, provides an understanding of the paradigm of sustainable development. The author defines the formal apparatus focused on the basic aspects of sustainable development; metaphysical components, which are the contradictions of the development of modern civilization; values (in this context – responsible business). On the basis of system approach, a historical-content model of the company’s development on the theoretical principles of sustainable development is proposed. The model categories reflect the natural process of expanding and deepening elements of the sustainable development paradigm. The author characterizes the elements of the proposed model, covering: the content of the contradiction of the development of modern civilization; transformation of the environment’s resources into social benefits; human development; stages, aspects, factors, principles, imperatives of the conception of sustainable development; features of engaging a businesses in the sustainable development processes; implementation directions, stages of implementation of the conception of sustainable development in the company’s activities; influence factors, potential and results of implementing the company’s sustainable development potential, and their combination with the historical-temporal characteristics. This model allows to highlight the strategic global paradigm of the sustainable development of company and formulate its theoretical-methodological features.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Zaiats O. S.
Improving the System of Indicators for Economic and Statistical Determination of Enterprise Efficiency with Regard to Legal Aspects of Management (p. 416 - 422)

The object of the research is the peculiarities of the formation, use and improvement of the system of indicators for economic and statistical determination of enterprise efficiency with regard to legal aspects of management. It is determined that the enterprise efficiency is the ability of enterprise to provide the efficiency (effect) of process, project, activities, etc., which can be calculated as the ratio of the effect (achieved result in a certain form of manifestation – monetary, material, social, ecological, etc.) to the costs that ensured this result in the system of determining the result of economic activity «information – resource – time – conditions (risk factor, opportunity) – responsibility.» It is identified that in practice there are problems related to the formation and use of the system of indicators for economic and statistical determination of enterprise efficiency, taking into consideration the legal responsibility of business. It is determined that under the legal responsibility of business should be understood the following: 1) duty of managers to respect the legality of actions in achieving the economic goals of the enterprise; 2) five main groups of legal responsibilities of managers: to the owners (board of directors), to the staff (subordinates), to customers, to suppliers, and to competitors of the enterprise. The results of the research improve the system of indicators for economic and statistical determination of enterprise efficiency, taking into account: financial and economic efficiency; production efficiency; commercial efficiency; legal efficiency – depending on the level of compliance with the legality of the actions of managers in achieving the economic goals of the enterprise in the financial, economic, industrial and commercial spheres. All this should be taken into account when improving the system of integrated diagnostics of the enterprise's competitiveness to form and support the process of making and implementing managerial decisions, including checking up effectiveness of these decisions in the management system.

Article is written in English

Chobitok V. I.
The Strategic-Targeted Complex of Intellectualization of Management of the Holistic Development of Industrial Enterprises (p. 423 - 430)

The article is aimed at forming the strategic-targeted complex of intellectualization of management of the holistic development of industrial enterprises. The results of the carried out research show that today the economy operates in a new environment, requiring domestic industrial enterprises to demonstrate their advantages through the use of innovative technologies. Heads of enterprises need to pay more attention to intellectualization of management of the holistic development of enterprises, which is an important vector of their development. Intellectualization of the management process is the basis for the formation of a unified system of implementation of innovations in domestic industrial enterprises through the formation and implementation of the strategic-targeted complexes. Preconditions for the holistic development of industrial enterprise on the basis of intellectualization of management in the modern economy together with a classification of the strategic-targeted complexes of intellectualization of management of the holistic development of industrial enterprises have been formed. It is proved that in order to work effectively, it is necessary to develop the strategic-targeted complexes and adhere to the holistic development strategy based on intellectualization of management. The planning process needs to be implemented in the short, medium and long term. Plans should also be reviewed regularly and adjusted to suit internal and external factors, as well as changes in consumer preferences, legislative and tax policies. A model of making efficient managerial decision to implement the strategic-targeted intellectualization complexes of management of the holistic development of industrial enterprises has been developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rekun G. P., Filina K. V.
The Main Reasons for Fluctuation of Personnel at Retail Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 430 - 436)

The article examines the problem of personnel fluctuation in the retail trade sector, which has traditionally been the leader in fluctuation of personnel worldwide for many years. The monetary cost of finding, hiring employees and then improving their productivity is too high to lose these employees very quickly. Fluctuation of personnel costs organizations time, money and reputation. The article is aimed at identifying the causes and key factors of high fluctuation of personnel in retail trade. The publication presents an analysis of the causes and motives of personnel fluctuation together with its consequences. The main conclusions are: the key factors influencing the fluctuation of personnel at trade enterprises are: wages, working atmosphere, relationships with management, security, stress, career growth, work schedule, workplace infrastructure. In order to reduce financial costs and improve the reputation of company, it is necessary to organize the right approach to finding staff, providing truthful information about the position claimed by applicants. By training employees and providing the prospect of personal and career growth, financially stimulating and providing decent pay, encouraging bonuses and additional bonus payments, a company will be able to manage the fluctuation of personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shelyuzhak I. G., Todoriuk S. I., Kyfyak V. I.
Innovative Methods of Staff Development (p. 437 - 444)

The feasibility of using innovative methods of staff development is substantiated and the specifics of their application at enterprises are analyzed. The most popular methods used by managers and senior management of organizations are allocated, namely: coaching, electronic (remote) education, training, case-study, self-learning, in basket technique, secondment (a kind of «work travel»). It is defined that modern methods of training employees of enterprise depend on the internal policy of the organization, as well as on the sphere of work, desire, and encouraging employees in self-improvement. Coaching is singled out as a fast-paced method used in many organizations to establish a permanent relationship between mentor and employee. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the above-mentioned methods are described in detail, because it can directly affect the development of the employee’s internal potential, as well as the efficiency of enterprise in general. Self-learning is analyzed as an effective method of training in case of high motivation of the employee. The relationship between stimulation, motivation and each individual’s desire to improve itself has been identified. A model of finding the possible potential of a worker is formed and analyzed. The main stages by which managers can stimulate their subordinates in order to disclose their opportunities and improve productivity, financial and economic indicators, socio-economic component of the enterprise have been identified. The authors propose ways of making more efficient use of innovative methods of training workers and choosing the best of them. The potential possibilities of the organization in the sphere of training employees, which can further effectively impact the economic component of the enterprise and increase productivity, work output and other, equally important, financial indicators, are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnykova V. A.
Organizational and Methodological Mechanism for Assessing Project Risks of Enterprises in the Construction Industry (p. 444 - 452)

The article is aimed at developing an organizational and methodological mechanism for assessing project risks of enterprises in the construction industry, as well as improving the methodology for assessing project risks. In order to achieve this goal, a structural scheme has been developed for the functioning of subjects in the organizational and methodological mechanism for assessing project risks, whereby in the perspective uncertainty between the managing and managed subsystems is avoided. The mechanism proposes a quantification assessment of project risks based on a system of quantitative and qualitative parameters that allow identification of the degree of project risks and the level of their threat regarding the failure to implement an investment project on the basis of aggregated quantitative parameters. The article also proposes application of the Shannon method, which provides to determine the degree of entropy, i. e. uncertainty, regarding the possibility of implementing an investment project. As a result of development of the organizational and methodological mechanism, it is determined that the main thing is the identification of all categories and subcategories of risks and a competently planned system of project risk assessment. The developed organizational and methodological mechanism should form a stable system of the process of identifying project risks and determine their level of threats. It should therefore be able to respond quickly to the variability of the external and internal environment; to maintain a dynamic balance between the sources of information, their reliability, timeliness, and the assessment instrumentarium, that will, according to the final results, determine the extent to which the system of implementaton of an investment project can deviate from the status of being ordered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prytys V. I.
Terms of the Security-Oriented Enterprise Management in Response to Existing Threats (p. 453 - 459)

The article analyzes the current operating environment of domestic enterprises and defines the peculiarities of formation of their economic security system with an emphasis on improving management approaches. In order to provide management of the security-oriented enterprises, a list of terms for the implementation of such management is proposed and the importance of taking into account current threats and risks is defined. When considering the economic security, the security-oriented management is proposed to be viewed as a new management approach in the activities of domestic enterprises, which is characterized by an appropriate level of security of interaction. It is defined that there will always be a certain number of conditions for formalizing management processes, which will indirectly or directly influence the efficiency and crucial ability to implement the security-oriented management in the plane of practice. That is, there is a certain totality of terms for the implementation of such management. In principle, they can be divided into two large groups: influenced and uninfluenced at the micro-level. These terms have been fleshed out in the two groups and the specifics of their formation and impact on the economic security of macro-, meso- and micro-levels have been determined. Prospects for further research have been defined in the context of a methodical, organizational and resource-oriented implementation of management of the security-oriented enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalevska A. V., Shalimova D. S.
Market Analysis as a Precondition for Improving the Image-Building Process of Enterprise (p. 459 - 469)

The article is aimed at exploring the market of lighting products, which employs a production-trade enterprise, the domestic manufacturer of lighting solutions – the company «LEDLIFE» to determine the key tendencies and aspects that will be a prerequisite for improving the process of shaping the enterprise’s image. The expediency of analyzing the external conditions of the enterprise in the process of establishing and improving its image is defined and reasoned; specific features of the lighting market are identified; the main trends and tendencies of the change in the market of lighting products are determined; it is proved that the process of image formation should be based on an understanding of the specifics of behavior of different stakeholders. As a result of the research, the key tendencies in the development of the lighting market are defined, namely, the growth of production and, accordingly, consumption; the growing popularity of LED products; increase in the attention on the part of different market segments to complex solutions; an activation of local and the State authorities in the implementation of infrastructure projects, which certainly is related to the processes of energy efficiency. The research allows to suggest that the market for lighting production in Ukraine is competitive, which necessitates improvement of the management of marketing activities of producers, including image-building. It is substantiated that improving the image of «LEDLIFE» LLC will improve the efficiency of advertising and various promotions, facilitate the process of introducing new products to the market, and increase the enterprise’s competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shtanova A. L.
The Cinema Chains’ Loyalty Programs: Experience of Usage (p. 469 - 475)

Due to the growing demand for entertainment services in Ukraine and the world, the film industry continues its development and the market of film demonstrators is growing rapidly. Cinema chains are gaining customers, competing both with related entertainment establishments and among themselves, which encourages to look for new marketing instruments to retain existing customers and attract new ones. The article is concerned with reviewing the loyalty programs of cinema chains operating in the Ukrainian market and the experience of their use abroad. The article is aimed at allocating the specifics of the cinema chain industry in the definition of a «loyalty program» as well as classifying existing approaches to the formation of customer loyalty both in Ukraine and abroad. Scientific sources on the concept of loyalty are analyzed, the views of domestic and foreign scholars regarding the concept of «loyalty» and the implementation of loyalty programs in marketing strategies of enterprises in different industries are studied. To achieve this goal, examples of the validity of loyalty programs of the foreign cinema chains are analyzed. As a result of the study, the system of building up a loyalty program is considered, along with the purpose of its existence in the marketing strategy for a cinema chain, the mechanics of interaction with visitors (in the context of encouraging their re-visiting of cinema theater) using personalized data of the history of visits. The loyalty program cycle and the specifics of collecting information for its further processing are allocated. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the degree of satisfaction of visitors from the use of different types of loyalty programs of cinema chains; identify the reasons for not participating in the loyalty program and finding ways to improve loyalty programs to ensure constant positive interaction with the guests of cinema theater.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bazaliieva L. V.
Factors in the Formation of Trust Relationships in the Network of Stakeholders (p. 392 - 397)

The article is aimed at defining and systematizing the factors in the formation of trust relationships in the network of stakeholders, which will allow to identify effective and efficient ways and instruments to develop trust. The work substantiates the presentation of the key characteristics of the network of stakeholders – the center of the network, its density and structure – in the form of factors in the formation of trust of the first order. In order to improve the efficiency of programs for the formation of trust in the network of stakeholders, the factors in the formation of trust of the first order are specified. Thus, it is proposed to allocate factors of the second order, such as the level of interest of network participants in the relationship, the form of interest of the network participants, the distribution of the forces of stakeholders in the network according to the Model of Mitchell, the ability of the company to appeal to the network participants, the intensity of interactions between the network participants. An approach to determining the level of interest of network members in relationships is proposed, based on an assessment of counter-flows of interest between the network center company and each stakeholder. The proposed approach enables the network centre company to better distribute its efforts and resources directed towards establishing trust relationships. The dominant form of stakeholder interest is allocated, such as engagement in ensuring the long-term and successful operation of the center company or implementing a project to solve the problem of the center of the network. The ratio of two forms of interest to stakeholders – concern and interest – allows to consider it as a complex phenomenon.

Article is written in Russian

Vasylyk A. V., Kravchenko A. Y.
The Current Practices of Developing the Companies’ Staff Engagement (p. 398 - 403)

The engagement of employees as one of the important conceptions of modern human resources management and also as a direction of employer brand management are researched. The article is aimed at researching the essence and components of staff engagement, as well as determining the functions of human resources management professionals, HR processes and progressive practices in terms of formation of high employee engagement in companies. The authors own definition of staff engagement is developed, by which is understood the socio-psychological phenomenon of the relationship between the company and its staff, manifested in the high level of return and productivity of employees, their initiative and emotional attachment to the company, the desire for continuous development and professional growth, increasing their own contribution to the development goals of the company and its competitiveness. In order to study progressive practices in terms of the formation of high employee engagement in companies, an expert survey was conducted, which showed that the level of staff engagement in the researched enterprises is about 85%. The direct role in this case was played by HR specialists, the level of trust in HR managers comprised 81,3%. It is proved that the starting point for determining progressive practices for developing the staff engagement should be evaluation of the current level of employee engagement with identifying bottlenecks, which should be carried out on an ongoing basis with feedback enabled. It is emphasized that all HR processes must in every way be charged with a corporate culture of engagement, and the formation of staff engagement should begin with a mission and HR strategy. The main recommendations for improving HRM policies and practices to develop efficient organizational activities to increase employee engagement are allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Galushka K. О., Davydov D. S.
Modern Marketing Instruments in the Advertising Campaign (p. 404 - 410)

The article considers topical issues of specifics of both marketing and advertising campaigns. The research is aimed at generalizing the methodical and practical aspects of the process of managing marketing instruments in the enterprise. Based on the information obtained from scientific sources, the efficiency of each instrument is evaluated using the method of observation and abstraction, as well as the method of comparative analysis. Different levels of strategy and basic instruments at each level are considered. In addition, key axioms that companies may face in the market when promoting goods and working with consumers have been identified. The need for a model of brand growth for the potential of the enterprise, which is conditioned by the importance of brands as intangible assets for effective competition and as a tool to create an efficient marketing campaign, is substantiated. The analysis also looked at the customer’s path from the search for a product to the acquisition of loyalty, as well as the most efficient modern marketing instruments at every stage. According to the results of analysis of the advertising market in Ukraine with the help of the All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition, the media advertising market tends to increase volume, especially in the context of e-commerce and television. The main indicators of the efficiency of marketing campaigns to identify the subsequent direction for improving their activities are analyzed. The digital instruments have a number of capabilities and threats to the company when implementing any marketing campaign in the digital space that must be considered to minimize possible failures when launching a campaign.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holovchuk Y. O., Serednytska L. P.
Integrating Information and Communication Technologies into the System of Improving the Quality of Cooperation between Companies and Consumers (p. 411 - 417)

The article analyzes features of the HoReCa segment (hospitality industry) and tendencies in the industry and global market in the era of digitalization influencing the implementation of strategic marketing solutions. The key aspects of establishment of targeted marketing and the current status of the HoReCa market are considered with allocating the features of portrait of the new consumer – millennials. The authors analyze the contemporary basic online communications in the hospitality industry aimed at attracting the attention of client. The element of scientific novelty in the publication is consideration of the HoReCa sphere, which creates new information trends, in terms of direct influence on the target audience. The publication parallels the needs of millennials willing to integrate information and communication technologies into life and the need for companies to develop more accurate marketing solutions based on the needs and desires of consumers. The necessity to use information and communication technologies, which can become the basis for designing an up-to-date and effective promotion plan for various market actors, is disclosed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Honcharov A. B., Нoncharova S. Y., Ahramakova N. V.
Formation of the Strategy of a Modern Enterprise in the Socio-Cultural Sphere (p. 418 - 424)

The article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of forming the strategy of a modern enterprise operating in the socio-cultural sphere, taking into account the influence of the main factors of both the external and the internal environment. The influence of the main factors of both the external and the internal environment (part of which is very specific for this sphere and consists mainly of the intangible nature of the product, which is produced, the peculiarities of its perception and evaluation process, the motives of consumption, the basic methods of advertising and promotion, the traditional pricing practices, the considerable potential for generating income from advertising activities and others) on the formation of the strategy of modern enterprises operating in the socio-cultural sphere of Ukraine is researched. In view of these characteristics, an approach to the choice and substantiation of the general strategy, which be most in line with the conditions of economic activity, has to ensure the viability, strengthening of market positions and sustainable development of enterprise in the current conditions of economic crisis and aggravation of competition. Directions and detailed ways of implementation of the main specific competitive strategies, which should ensure the implementation of the general strategy are considered: strategies to create a quality unique product (service) taking into account its specificity, product promotion strategy, financial strategy, strategy for developing the enterprise’s human resources and increasing the efficiency of its use.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Daschenko N. M.
The Socially Responsible Human Resources Management of Enterprise in the Conditions of Digitization of the Economy (p. 424 - 432)

The article is aimed at researching the essence and identifying the features of the socially responsible human resources management in the digitization of the economy. The article defines the essence of the categories of «socially responsible human resources management» and «digitization of the economy», which helped to identify the main tasks of the socially responsible human resources management in the digital economy. It is determined that the socially responsible human resources management is a conception whereby companies integrate social and environmental issues into their business activities and interaction with stakeholders on a voluntary basis. It is determined that the heads of domestic enterprises put a focus mainly on the direct internal responsibility to their employees. By this, at the foreground is to understand the need for internal social responsibility, and next – responsibility to consumers. It is determined that in the period of establishing «Industry 4.0» the company’s most valuable resources are employees, with their knowledge and abilities. It is substantiated that introduction of digital technologies causes significant changes in staffing requirements as well as requirements for specialists. Global digitization has been determined to be an important catalyst for the transformation of personnel policy. Innovative technologies in HR are actively implemented and used not only by IT companies, but also by enterprises of all spheres of activity. Drawing on business experience, 5 features of modern companies that use digital technologies in HR, are allocated. Research on the level of digital development in HR has shown that only 4% of companies have undergone a complete digital transformation and automated all functions of HR management. The obtained results allow to allocate some trends in the field of HR, which nowadays play an important role in shaping the business strategy for HR management for the coming years. Prospects for further research in this direction is to improve cooperation between business, the State and non-profit organizations to reach completely new levels of corporate social responsibility.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaporozhets H. V.
The Theoretical and Methodological Principles of Managing the Investment Resources of an Organization (p. 433 - 439)

The existing theoretical and methodological provisions of the organization’s investment resources management have been generalized, and priority sources of their attraction together with directions of increasing efficiency of their use have been defined. Investment activity has been determined to be one of the most important aspects of any commercial organization’s operation. It allows economic entities to get out of crisis situations, to ensure a certain level of competitiveness and liquidity. When carrying out investment activities, the organization is constantly faced with a necessity of choice of specific investment resources, investment decisions, the level of investment risk, etc. That is, decisions made in the sphere of investment projects are quite tough, because an expert is always responsible for the future return on the funds invested in a project. The emphasis is put on the fact that the management of investment resources of an organization according to management theory is based on the development of a certain strategy for the formation of investment resources (financial, real, innovative investments). Thus, the general need for investment resources that would be necessary for implementation of the investment strategy of organization is determined, and the possibility of forming investment resources at the expense of all possible sources: own, attracted and borrowed is calculated. It is noted that one important aspect of the organization’s investment resources management is uncertainty of the investment project indicators, which is due to certain reasons: uncertainty because of the lack of information on the full list of factors influencing the level of project indicators; uncertainty due to the lack of complete information on the projections of indicators that characterize the impact on the project’s indicators level; uncertainty due to the lack of information on quantitative dependencies between the influence factors and the indicators of investment project. It is concluded that the management of the organization’s investment resources is a complex and labor-consuming process, the implementation of which depends on certain factors, both of internal and external nature. The efficiency and effectiveness of the management of investment resources of the organization depends, on the one hand, on the existence of a scientifically sound theoretic and methodological base, on the other hand – on the ability of management of the economic entity to professionally use the knowledge in practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zoidze D. R.
Smartstaffing as an Innovative Enterprise Management Technology (p. 439 - 446)

The article is aimed at researching smartstaffing as an innovative technology of enterprise management. As a result of generalization of the existing approaches, the content of the concept of «smartstaffing» is defined. It is proposed to consider smartstaffing as an innovative management project-oriented Internet technology, allowing to regulate the supply and demand of the labor resources by providing staff with the necessary competences on schedule or on demand. The model of the smartstaffing relations organization is disclosed. Smartstaffing has been compared with outstaffing and outsourcing. The basic functions of smartstaffing are systematized and summarized. The advantages of smartstaffing for employers, employees and the country’s economy in general are examined. Among the advantages that smatstaffing provides to the management of company are: rational and full use of the labor resources , speeding up the search for staff with the necessary competences, minimizing staff costs, intensification of the company’s development. It is identified that smartstaffing acts as a so-called social platform for a dynamic redistribution of existing labor resources. Sectors of the economy where smartstaffing technology is appropriate are defined as follows: comprehensive audit and consulting; market analysis and forecasting; standardization, metrology and certification; integrated marketing communications. The main drawback of smartstaffing relationships is their absolute conditionality in terms of the existence of information technologies, and, accordingly, dependence on them. The aim of further research in this direction should be solution to the problems preventing the effective use of smartstaffing in enterprises. A special place takes the need for institutionalization of smartstaffing relations in the system of management of domestic enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mushnykova S. A.
The Transdisciplinary Paradigm and Innovative Transformations of the Economic Environment as a Fundamental Basis for Managing the Security of Development of Metallurgical Enterprises (p. 446 - 452)

The article is aimed at the theoretical substantiation and practical application of the transdisciplinary paradigm and innovative transformations of the economic environment as a fundamental basis for managing the security of development of metallurgical enterprises. The publication notes that metallurgical enterprises also experience the conditions of crisis, unpredictability of socio-economic development, volatility of situation at all levels of the national economy. The author has determined that, in order to overcome the current situation, for the secured development of metallurgical enterprises, innovative transformations must take place, first of all in the system of management of an individual enterprise, taking into account the existing corporate culture and using elements of the innovative culture of communication, which is possible only by combining scientific research of various orientations, competencies, qualifications and practical experience of persons on whom the adoption of a particular management decision depends. According to the results of the research, it is determined that the transdisciplinary paradigm is inherently a scientific and philosophical platform for the development and justification of the hypothesis of the research, creating a basis for the formation of communicative management practices of interaction of the attracted social agents representing different socio-economic interests and values. Therefore, the transdisciplinary paradigm of management of the security of development of a metallurgical enterprise, as the integration and differentiation of the sciences of different fields of knowledge for the study of the same object, can be considered as a triangle, the tops of which are: philosophy, humanities and social sciences (sociology, political science, psychology, etc.) and the system of management of the security of development of enterprise in the appropriate period of time, – thus forming a new interdisciplinary instrumentarium for managing the security of development of metallurgical enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kramarev H. V.
Analyzing the Approaches to Evaluation of the Country’s Foreign Economic Security (p. 453 - 463)

The article is concerned with analyzing the approaches to evaluating the country’s foreign economic security. Definitions of the concepts of «foreign economic security» in the works of scholars are explored. Upon the definitions of the essence of the concept of «foreign economic security» and using the method of content analysis, the term of «foreign trade security of the country’s industry» is proposed. The theoretical and practical aspects of evaluation of the foreign economic security are researched. The carried out analysis found that though a wide range of methods and approaches to valuating the country’s foreign economic security were being used, there had not been any of them that were commonly accepted. The advantages and disadvantages of the approaches and methods used have been defined. It is proved that scientists and experts do not take into account the concept of foreign economic relations such as «global value chains» that play a key role in the globalization processes of the modern world economy. The author substantiates relevance of a study on the degree of country’s involvement in the global globalization processes of creating value-added chains, which lead to increased internationalization of the world-wide production of goods and services and, as a result, the emergence of potential threats to the economic security of the country in the process of embedding companies, clusters and industries in these processes. Therefore, to evaluate and forecast this phenomenon, a methodical approach based on the use of a multidimensional approach is needed to explore various aspects of this problem, to provide its continuous monitoring, to develop and take effective, evidence-based measures at all levels to prevent potential threats and reduce existing threats to foreign economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudenko I. V., Kulynych T. V., Nepran A. V.
The Image of Trade Enterprise: Approaches to Its Formation (p. 464 - 471)

The article is aimed at developing approaches to the formation of image in case of trade enterprises. A theoretical analysis of the definitions available in the scientific literature is carried out to understand and closer define the essence of the category of «image» in the context of current tendencies. The opinions of scholars on the interpretation of the concept of «enterprise image» are analyzed, on the basis of which it is concluded that the universal formulation of this category appears to be a complex one. It is justified that the image is a socio-psychological category, which is based on a person’s special sensitivity to the social environment. The authors’ own definition of this concept is proposed, taking into account variability of the current economic situation in Ukraine. The features of the formation of image of trading enterprise are defined, and the feasibility of developing a complex of measures as to forming, supporting and improving the image are substantiated. It is emphasized that the image of trading enterprise is highly sensitive to changes in the business environment and needs to be adjusted to meet the needs of each individual participant. In the article are schematically depicted participants of external and internal business environments, influencing on the image of trading enterprise. An approach to image formation is proposed taking into account the targeted impact of management subjects on business environment participants (stakeholders). Focus is put on the rational (logical) and emotional (psychological) methods of influence of management subjects on the perception of information by different social groups. A mechanism for shaping the image of trade enterprises is developed, which will allow to interact with all participants of the business environment as effectively as possible. Four main sets of measures to improve the company’s image are presented: production and economic, marketing, clientele, personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tiutiunnykova S. V., Shpak I. A.
The Expanded Reproduction of Human Capital as a Factor of Sustainable Development (p. 471 - 478)

Countering the global challenges of habitat destruction and the rise of social conflicts and inequalities necessitate the problem of sustainable development, activating the implementation of the theory of expanded reproduction of human capital. The development of the institution of human capital is logically defined as a matter of paramount importance. In the constantly complexifying environment, the demands on human capital are increasing. The expanded reproduction of human capital is not limited to mere population growth, but includes the development of human potential, its qualities and properties, which are involved in public production, making it more efficient, while human work becomes more productive. Investments in human capital today are not enough to be valuated according to their profitability only. Here’s moreover to a further improving the social and institutional environment, preserving the planet and establishing a sustainable development. Not only is the importance of investments in human capital to be proved, but also the importance of their direction. Enhancing the digital literacy plays a special role as a key factor in a person’s successful adaptation to new realities. This adaptation can be successful if technical and humanitarian knowledge is combined. Armed with such an alloy of knowledge, a person is able to provide a «reasonably managed» socio-economic development. This means that human intelligence will not only recognize problems and challenges, but also offer adequate ways to solve them. The efficiency of expanded reproduction of human capital will be a prerequisite for the sustainable development and a better quality of life.

Article is written in Russian

Feshchur R. V., Shyshkovskyi S. V., Skvortsov D. I., Manila A. A.
The Conception of the Project-Oriented Formation of the Enterprise Development Program (p. 478 - 485)

The conception of the project-oriented formation of the enterprise development program is developed in the article. The definitions of key concepts of enterprise development are considered. The graphical model of visualization of potential of the enterprise is developed. The dual character of the enterprise in the development process, which manifests itself in its understanding as an object of innovative transformations under the influence of internal and external factors, and a subject whose activity is aimed at achieving economic, social, environmental and image results, is determined. The purposes and results of development of the enterprise are determined. The results of activity of economic entities of Ukraine for 2014-2018 are presented. It has been determined that the emergence of economic outcomes is indirectly influenced by social, environmental and image outcomes, at least through preferences from consumer and staff loyalty and partnerships in the business environment. It has been defined that forming an enterprise development program in terms of a multitude of the optimization criteria that reflect the development goal, availability of project alternatives and limited resources is a complex and multifaceted task. The multicriteria optimization model of forming an enterprise development program is constructed, which belongs to a class of linear variables models with discrete variables, which can be solved by standard software tools. The model’s information support consists of the normative data characterizing of the projects and expert evaluations of the results of their implementation. It is determined that solving the problem of polycriteria in the project-oriented formation of the enterprise development program can be reached by finding a Pareto-effective solution by the methods of compromise programming (uniform optimization, concessions, penalty assessments, etc.).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chobitok V. I.
Archetypics of Management System as the Basis for a Holistic Development of Enterprises (p. 486 - 497)

The article is aimed at forming the archetypics of management system as the basis for a holistic development of enterprises. The results of the carried out research demonstrate that the skill of management must have at the heart talent, originality, creativity and courage of personality. The talent of a manager is manifested in his individual traits, non-standard views of thinking, in a broad worldview, using both verbal and non-verbal means of influence and mandatory understanding of the consequences of the own managerial actions. Over the years, at different stages of its dialectical continuous development, mankind has shaped the methods, forms and means of management system. Progress of development of management system is not linear and is the result of interaction of different processes, the purposeful activity of mankind plays a decisive role in this development, because the whole life of a human consists in constant persistent search for truth related to invention of methods of adaptation to a changing environment. It is noted that, despite the influence of internal or external factors, enterprises always need to adapt to these impacts, make timely and effective managerial decisions, take risks, engage in active development, which will serve as the basis for a holistic development of any system. It is defined that one of the most complex management instruments is a managerial decision, which should be based on the informed creative recommendations as to the organization and stimulation of the enterprise’s activity. It is not always possible even for experienced managers who know the methods of management skill to form a managerial idea and succeed in proving its expediency, and therefore it is necessary to look for non-standard, creative solutions to get a positive effect and holistic development of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shpak N. O., Budynskyi R. Z.
The Economic Substantiation for Managing the Business Projects of Enterprises (p. 498 - 504)

The economic substantiation for managing the business projects of enterprises is considered. In particular, it is concluded about allocation of the main cost groups associated with such management, specially: costs of developing a business plan for a project (or a similar document); cost of finding the executors of a business project; costs of preparing documentation related to the management of a business project; costs of implementing a business project; costs of supporting the enterprise based on the results of the corresponding business project; costs of training staff as a result of a business project. Other signs of such a grouping are considered, in particular, by the elements of costs (material costs, labor costs, deductions for social events, depreciation and other operating costs) or by the items of costing (raw materials, semi-finished products, components, fuel and energy for technological purposes, basic and additional wages, etc.). The costs of managing a business project according to the specifics of their implementation has also been structured. The authors also allocated the costs directly related to the management of the business project; costs related to implementing additional business project agreements; costs not directly related to the management of a business project, but incurred by the enterprise to ensure the efficiency of business projecting. In implementing the economic substantiation for managing business projects, the importance of grouping the relevant management costs where it is possible to attribute them to a separate business project is specified (the costs that are directly related to a separate business project (direct costs) and the costs that do not directly relate to a separate business project (indirect costs)). Thus, having information on different types of structuring of the business project management costs, economic entities can diagnose them, form estimates and budgets, expand the lists of places of origin of costs, calculate the costs of alternative business projects, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Avtukhov E. Y., Meshko N. P.
Private Capital Management in the Small and Medium-Sized Businesses of Ukraine in the Economic Crisis (p. 409 - 418)

The article analyzes the economic activity of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). The dynamics of the number of SME enterprises is researched. The capital structure of small and medium-sized businesses is estimated. Sales volumes of products are analyzed. The indicators of efficiency of economic activity of enterprises are compared in terms of net profit and profitability. The movement of private capital in small and medium-sized businesses is evaluated. The volumes of direct investments from Ukraine and into Ukraine, the number of loans provided by financial institutions are studied in the dynamics. The forward-looking calculations are made on the basis of official statistics on the movement of private capital of small and medium-sized businesses. The authors take into consideration the programs for SMEs support in the context of spread of coronavirus. The operation of an enterprise in the crisis is provided on the example of company «Agromat». Scientific novelty consists in the determination of trends in the movement of private capital of small and medium-sized businesses in the conditions of crisis and the prospects of its dynamics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holovchuk Y. O., Serednytska L. P.
Benchmarking in the Strategic Management of the Enterprise’s Innovative Development (p. 419 - 426)

The main aim of the research is to systematize the basics of benchmarking to introduce it as an instrument at enterprises, as well as to identify the role of benchmarking in the strategic management of innovative development and competitiveness of enterprise. The historical prerequisites for the formation of modern benchmarking are considered. The purpose of benchmarking, its theoretical and methodological aspects are analyzed. The structural characteristics of benchmarking and the stages of its implementation are researched and systematized. It is noted that one of the promising methods of obtaining information in innovative development is benchmarking. It is emphasized that with the use of benchmarking can be revealed what position an enterprise takes in a certain area and how this position is won. The forms of benchmarking, which are most often manifested in practice, are studied and their characteristics are presented. The advantages and disadvantages of implementing the instrument of benchmarking at the enterprise are compared. Conclusions are formulated that emphasize that benchmarking of the enterprise allows to understand how well each aspect of the business works, and to identify which spheres need improvement. This process involves analyzing specific indicators and tracking the indicators related to long-term goals. Benchmarking allows businesses to measure progress and make strategic changes. The importance of benchmarking in the strategic management of the enterprise’s innovative development is also underlined. It is stressed that in a highly competitive environment it is necessary not only to have in hand modern instruments of innovative development, such as benchmarking, but also be able to constantly improve these instruments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkurenko O. V., Melnyk Y. Y.
Diagnosis of the Competitive Environment as an Instrument for the Development of River Ports of Ukraine (p. 426 - 436)

The article is aimed at diagnosing the competitive environment of the OJSC «Kyiv River Port» with the use of the model of five competitive forces according to M. Porter to develop proposals for the development of river ports in Ukraine. As a result of the research, it is determined that river transport services play a significant role in the economy of the countries, and, of course, there is a problem of increasing the competitiveness of Ukraine’s river ports, despite the fact that the State has a significant potential of inland waterways. A SWOT-analysis of river transport and ports of Ukraine is carried out, allowing to identify strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is proved that one of the basic instruments for analyzing the competitive environment of enterprise for strategic planning purposes is the model of the five competitive forces according to M. Porter. The factors of influence on the competitive environment of the river port of the OJSC «Kyiv River Port» are allocated, namely: influence from the State; market power of consumers and substitute services; influence from existing and new competitors; influence from suppliers. The emphasis is put on the need for a system approach to the development of the inland waterway transport sector, which is relevant in the context of the integration of communication routes into a system of international transport corridors. Prospect for further research in this direction is substantiation of the development of a management mechanism for the development of river ports of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makoveieva O. V.
The Directions to Improve Efficiency of the Logistic System of Producing Enterprises (p. 436 - 442)

The article is aimed at researching the key directions of improving the efficiency of the logistic system of producing enterprises. It is determined that the logistic system should be formed in the same direction as the mission and objectives of the enterprise. The main components of the operation of logistics are supply, production, marketing, sales, transport facilities, staff. The importance of forming a structural and organizational model of the organization of logistic system at the enterprise is substantiated. It is advisable to include into the structural units of the enterprise the following: supply department; marketing department; sales department; wholesale warehouse or distribution center; transportation department; logistics department. The essence of functioning of the developed structural and organizational model of the logistic system consists in orienting the development of enterprise towards those directions that correspond to its interests and opportunities of organizational and economic development, in improving efficiency and competitiveness by forming up economic potential. Consequently, efficiency of such a system will depend directly on the conditions and completeness of its integration into the production processes of the enterprise on the basis of formation of an appropriate information base. The development of a logistic system will allow more accurate planning of the enterprise’s production and supply activities at the highest and middle levels of management. Improving the competitiveness of producing enterprises depends to a large extent on the efficiency of their logistic activities within the organizational framework of each separate enterprise and in the processes of interaction with partners in the integrated supply chains. This necessitates carrying out constant monitoring of the efficiency of logistic processes and, in general, the efficiency of the logistic system of a complex organizational, economic, technical and technological system, covering the totality of logistic entities involved in it, the implementation of flowing processes, as well as the legal, organizational, management, methodical and informational basis for their interaction. The integrated model of the enterprise’s logistic system to improve efficiency and competitiveness will be the subject of further developments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Protsenko V. M.
The Strategic Controlling Vectors of Intensification of Management of Economic Behavior of the Railway Industry Enterprises in the Conditions of Neo-Industrial Modernization (p. 443 - 451)

The article is aimed at forming the strategic controlling vectors of intensification of management of economic behavior of the railway industry enterprises in the conditions of neo-industrial modernization. It is disclosed that the main instrument for achieving these vectors is a strategy, the choice of which is carried out in the process of strategic controlling positioning and analysis of the internal and external environment of enterprises, including, on the one hand, an evaluation of the level of economic behavior of enterprise, its resource opportunities, and, on the other hand, an evaluation of the obstacles that are formed in the market. The proposed in this article attempt to achieve the targeted strategic controlling vectors of intensification of management of economic behavior of the railway industry enterprises in the context of neo-industrial modernization is expressed within the methodological framework of the attributive concept of the general content of its properties, namely: the link to economic behavior, the desire for rationalism in the intensification of management and the results of practical actions according to the interpretation of market relations in accordance with the requirements of neo-industrial modernization, which is the basis for the efficient development of enterprises in the uncertain market conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chobitok V. I.
The Impact of Risks on the Process of Intellectualization of Management of the Holistic Development of Industrial Enterprises of the Railway Tansport Machine-Building (p. 451 - 457)

The article is aimed at forming a system of risk assessment and neutralization and analyzing their impact on the process of intellectualization of management of the holistic development of industrial enterprises of the railway transport machine-building. The results of the research show that the scale of the economic crisis negatively affects the activities of industrial enterprises of railway transport machine-building, reduces their efficiency of production and increases the level of influence of risks of different etymology of origin under the influence of both the internal and the external factors. The usage of traditional methods and instruments to avoid and neutralize risks in the new economic environment does not produce the desired results. Analysis and assessment of the risk impact do force the industrial enterprises of railway transport machine-building to introduce provisions of modern riskology, which need an active position directed towards comprehensively limiting the risk in their activities. It is possible to assess the optimal level of risk and develop an effective management model through the formation of intellectual-innovative theoretical and practical risk management issues. The proposed scientific-practical approach to reducing and neutralizing risks in the process of intellectualization of management of the holistic development of industrial enterprises of the railway transport machine-building includes the identification of the causes of risks and their types with the aim of constantly monitoring, assessing, analyzing and forming efficient managerial solutions for their maximum neutralization. Risks can be both potential sources of additional profit and carry losses for industrial enterprises of the railway transport machine-building.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ostapchuk T. P., Biriuchenko S. Y.
The Internal Social Responsibility Management: Essence and Efficiency of Implementation (p. 458 - 465)

The article is aimed at studying the essence and the process of managing the internal social responsibility, substantiating the need for its implementation in Ukrainian enterprises. The relevance of the management of social responsibility to establish a system of employment relations between the employee and the employer is substantiated. In analyzing and systematizing the views of scientists regarding the definition of the concept of «social responsibility» were defined the essence and the role of internal social responsibility, its positive and negative aspects for the enterprise. The dependence of social responsibility on the scale and effectiveness of the economic activities of the enterprise is specified. The directions of internal responsibility of the enterprise are defined. The need to manage social responsibility is justified, its main stages and information base are defined. The functions of managing the social responsibility are researched. Within the functions of internal social responsibility management, the planning stages are defined and a list of the internal social programs is provided. The main problematic function is the motivation to implement social responsibility programs in modern enterprises in Ukraine. The methods of assessing and controlling the social responsibility of the enterprise are grouped. The potentialities of the enterprise arising from the implementation of social responsibility directions are substantiated. Prospect for further research in this direction is to determine methods and indicators of evaluation of the efficiency of management of social responsibility of the enterprise for the stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pavlovska L. D., Kaschuck K. M.
The Emotional Intelligence of Managers and Its Valuation (p. 465 - 471)

The article is concerned with researching the role of emotional intelligence in the activities of managers. The authors carried out a study, which consisted of two stages. In the first stage, with the help of the methodology of scientists of the Rotterdam Emotional Intelligence Scale, the level of formedness of emotional intelligence was diagnosed in a group of magistrands studying at the educational institutions of the city of Zhytomyr in the specialty of «Management». In the second stage, by interviewing experts – the directors and managers of enterprises in the city of Zhytomyr – their opinion on the role of emotional intelligence in management activities is researched. According to the results of diagnosing the magistrands, the highest indicator has the identification of their own emotions, the lowest has the use of emotions to achieve the goal, which reflects the insufficient formedness of emotional competence in students in general. The results of the survey of experts at the enterprises showed that they highly valuate the role of emotional intelligence in their activities. At the same time, they are not fully aware of the difference between emotional intelligence and other types of intellectual abilities, as well as the role of its individual structural elements. According to their valuation, emotional intelligence is necessary in solving a wide range of professional tasks, most of which involve the performance of basic functional responsibilities: recruitment, training and motivation of staff. Comparison of the results of the diagnosis of the level of formedness of emotional intelligence in magistrands and the valuation of its role in management practice reveals a significant discrepancy between them. There are two possible explanations for this gap: 1) the high valuation by practitioners of the role of emotional intelligence is based on traditional perceptions of the content and means of management activity; 2) the average level of formedness of emotional intelligence among students is the result of its insufficient development through curricula. The results can be used in professional counseling, in the selection and training of managers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhuravel O. V., Mamontenko N. S.
The Dynamic Controlling System in the Management of the Enterprise’s Foreign Economic Activities (p. 471 - 476)

The dynamic controlling system in the management of foreign economic activity is a type of management activity that determines prospects for development and the future status of the enterprise’s foreign economic activity. The conception of a dynamic controlling system in the management of the enterprise’s foreign economic activities requires the application of automated management analysis methods, which is expressed in the wide use of various economic-mathematical models, taking into account the specifics of a particular enterprise. As part of the proposed conception, the task of the dynamic controlling system in managing the external economic activities of enterprise as a process is to develop a complex of activities in the form of successive organizational-economic stages of development of the management impact necessary to achieve the goals set by the enterprise. These goals include: collecting, processing, interpreting and storing information; elaborating a managerial decision; planning of management impact; transferring the management impact to an object; control over execution; analysis of the results of implementing the decision. A prerequisite for achieving the full efficiency of the controlling system in the management of the enterprise’s foreign economic activities is the qualitative implementation of feedback in the management process, which is achieved by algorithmization and automation of management analysis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chala T. G., Chernenko D. I., Korepanov G. S., Noujeim Peter Antoine
Monitoring the Staff Motivation System in a Network of Grocery Stores (p. 477 - 484)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical bases and practical aspects of organization of the staff motivation system in the network of grocery stores «ATB-market». It is defined that in order to improve the system of motivation of the «ATB-market» staff it is necessary to combine the theoretical provisions of substantive and procedural theories of motivation. The substantive theories of motivation are based on human needs, that is, a feeling of lack of what is difficult for a person to live without, or through which a person feels a certain discomfort. The procedural motivational theories analyze how a person distributes its efforts to carry out different tasks and chooses a particular type of behavior. Two research methods were chosen: interviews and questionnaires, which were to provide the most effective information during the study. The purposes of interviewing and questionnairing is to understand the motivation of workers in the food trade; identify strategic ideas to motivate workers; understanding which remuneration systems should be prevalent. It is defined that the high motivation and comprehensive professional development of the staff of the «ATB-market» grocery stores chain is a huge asset. The main factors that attract and support an employee in the organization include: regular pay increases; availability of a commission; recognition from the leadership; contact with experienced managers; good sociability among the staff; high prospects for promotion through the ranks. Analysis of the carried out interviews and questionnaires allows to conclude that the basic needs of a lower level need to be met before one moves on to meeting the higher-level growth needs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karkovska V. Y.
Aspects of Regulatory and Legal Support of the Personnel Security Mechanisms of Public Authorities (p. 484 - 491)

The article discusses the basic aspects of the regulatory and legal support of the personnel security mechanisms of public authorities. It is noted that the basis of the legal support of the personnel security mechanisms of public authorities is the protection of confidential information through the use of regulatory and legal documents. The legal support of the personnel security mechanisms should be considered and explored at the micro- and macro-levels. A fragment of the regulatory and legal mechanism of the personnel security of public authorities is proposed. It is determined that the legal support is represented by a significant number of regulations, but the main measure to neutralize threats from the part of employee may be the development of the following package of documents: automated systems; protection from unauthorized access to information; indicators of protection from unauthorized access. The number of the carried out full-fledged inspections of the declarations of persons authorized to perform the functions of the State or local government is analyzed. The results of the work of the National Agency for the prevention of corruption are characterized. The analysis of the directed and well-founded conclusions for the specially authorized subjects in the sphere of countering corruption together with the consideration of reports on the possible display of false information in the declarations of the subjects of the declaration in 2018 are carried out. The regulatory and legal support for counteracting cybercrime in Ukraine is analyzed. It is determined that the reason for the regulatory and legal support of the personnel security of public authorities is the ability to respond adequately and promptly to changes in the security of a particular situation, namely, preventing and countering corruption on the basis of the separation of public, government, corporate and private interests; activating the administrative reform; activating the judicial reform towards the establishment of a system of judicial order and judicial procedure in Ukraine; promoting personnel security and legislating its activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanenko L. M., Boienko O. Y.
Developing a Professional Training Model for Marketing Professionals on the Basis of the Competence Approach (p. 492 - 502)

The article is aimed at researching the current requirements of the labor market for marketing specialists, the scientific-methodical aspects of the formation of professional competences of the higher education applicants in the specialty of «Marketing» and the development on this basis of a model of training of marketing professionals. The job advertisements placed on the job search sites are analyzed and the employers’ requirements for the competence and personal characteristics of marketing professionals are diagnosed. A profile of a marketing professional is formed, reflecting the basic competences that employers expect from potential employees in the field of «marketing, public relations, advertising». Analysis of foreign and Ukrainian scientific publications allows to define the following ways of solving the problems of marketing education: developing the meta-skills (critical thinking, ethical decision-making, creative thinking, definition and solving of problems, ability to write in business style and set priorities) in the future marketing specialists; forming abilities in negotiating processes; gaining knowledge about market analysis methods, new product developments, business development and business plans introduction. A scheme of analysis of the professional marketing sphere is proposed, which can be used to determine the degree of compliance of theoretical and practical knowledge of graduates of the specialty of «Marketing» to both the requirements of employers and the standard of higher education. A model of training of marketing professionals is built up on the basis of the competence approach, which includes targeted, methodological, substantial and effective components. The mechanism of gradual development of the learning and cognitive activities of students of the specialty of «Marketing» is defined. On the basis of the mechanism for gradual development of the learning and cognitive activities of students of the specialty of «Marketing» a knowledge base is created, which includes the results of analysis of the content of professional activities and the marketing instruments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Miroshnyk M. V., Kopytsa D. O., Stryuk L. O.
Digital Marketing as an Environment of the Interactive Digital Advertising Technology (p. 503 - 510)

The article is aimed at researching the digital marketing as an environment for the development of digital advertising. The main channels of digital marketing, their instruments, features and trends of contemporaneity are considered. It is detailed that the consumers’ perception of the channels and instruments of marketing communications in the digital environment depends on the age of users, as evidenced by the theory of generations X, Y and Z. It is determined that the volume of digital advertising in the communication market of Ukraine during 2019 has grown by 34%, and, according to the All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition (AAC), the forecasted growth will amount to 31% in 2020. The results of the AAC Advertiser’s Choice study, resulting in a list of the top 10 Ukrainian communication agencies and media agencies, are presented. Sociological studies on the users of digital marketing of the age category of the generation X (35–55 years) regarding their digital advertising preferences are carried out. It is determined that 90% of respondents experience overload from the amount of advertising; their loyalty to distribution channels such as computers and tablets, digital TV, interactive screens and self-service terminals is quite high (8-9 points), but these channels do not enjoy sufficient trust among consumers (5, 6, 6, 7 points respectively). It is defined that 65% of respondents are positive about viewing the branded content, 93% of them are ready to view content with the mention of celebrities. However, only 48% are ready to pay attention to articles (large in volume), even with such interactive elements as images, videos, quotes and infographics. It is concluded that digital marketing is the main focus of marketing development in the context of informatization of society. Digital channels provide the efficiency of information dissemination and become a breeding ground for the development of interactive digital advertising technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grygorenko T. M.
A Classification of Types of Merchandising (p. 511 - 515)

The article is concerned with solving theoretical, methodological and applied issues of use of merchandising in the activities of retail trade enterprises in the face of increased competition in the consumer market of Ukraine. A classification of types of merchandising is systematized, closer defined and supplemented, due to the lack of a unified approach in the scientific literature to the systematization of classification features of merchandising, definition of and study on some of its types. A classification of types of merchandising is developed, which is adapted to the specifics of work and development of the national retail trade facilities and takes into account the peculiarities of functioning of this sub-sector of the market economy. The essence of types of merchandising is defined and a characterization of them is provided. The main instruments inherent in a particular type of merchandising are specified, the use of which will allow the retail trade facilities to respond expedite to changes in market conditions and to optimally combine the objectives and tasks of commercial activities of the trading enterprises with the needs of consumers. The developed classification will contribute to a better theoretical understanding of this marketing technology and will allow more efficient use of modern marketing instruments for sales management, distinguish between the advantages and disadvantages of their application in the retail trade enterprises, will help to increase sales volumes, gain the competitive advantages for retailers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsyganok V. M., Goryk-Chubatyuk M. O., Gulya Y. V.
Presentation as a Method of the Integrated Marketing Communications (p. 516 - 523)

The article explores the main elements of preparation, construction and carrying out presentation events as a constituent part of the integrated marketing communications. The latter actively help to promote commodity items to market, expand the brand recognition and form a brand. The main aspects in the application of marketing integrated communications are modernity of technology, non-standard perception and thinking, innovative technologies, creativity, etc. Marketing presentations are characterized as one of the methods of the integrated marketing communications, which aim to create brand recognition among the potential buyers (representing the characteristics and advantages of products, creating demand and stimulating sales). The marketing presentations have: structure (algorithm of carrying out presentation events, important stages); object (goods, service, brand, representation of strategy, of information, etc.); subject (representative of the organization, speaker); means (the use of modern technologies, means of presentation of information, provision of free samples, etc.). The uniqueness of this article is the content of the description of prospective elements used in the construction of marketing presentations, as well as the description of the typical errors that occur in the development and testing of a presentation scenario, the envision and elimination of which allows to achieve faster efficiency of the carried out activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuchina S. E., Kitchenko O. M., Biloshkurenko N. G.
The Techniques for Attracting Viewer Attention in Advertising (p. 523 - 531)

The currently established situation in the Ukrainian media market suggests a conclusion that no accurate forecasts can be made as to the development of certain directions in the production of advertising, use of which would ensure winning the attention of the consumer. Therefore, there is a need to find ways to attract the attention of consumers to advertising materials. The purpose of the article is to identify ways to attract the attention of consumers to video advertising. Achieving this goal necessitated finding solutions to the following tasks: identifying sources of new ideas; analyzing the basic elements of a quality video advertising; research on human emotions; consideration of the main modern technologies used in the production of video advertising. The use of efficient advertising instruments in order to attract the consumer is possible only after a full understanding of the prospects and specifics of the development of the local advertising market. The publication examines the main tendencies and results of the work of the Ukrainian media market. The main prospects for its further development are analyzed. Certain algorithms to find new ideas for advertising messages are determined: from selecting certain available techniques to using relatively new concepts such as social media. The basic elements that can form a high-quality video content are analyzed. The emphasis is placed on the fact that human emotions are, in terms of the efficiency of advertising, one of the most interesting and complex parts of the process of its creation. The authors review the main modern technologies that are used in the creation of commercials nowadays. Their pros and cons are identified. It is determined that emotional storytelling will become more popular with regard to capturing the attention of the consumer.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shumilo O. S., Rudas D. S., Sukulsky V. M.
The Principles and Methods for Assessing the Competitiveness of Enterprises (p. 291 - 297)

The article is aimed at classifying the principles and researching the existing methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprise, manifestations of their advantages and disadvantages. It is indicated that the enterprise’s competitiveness is a comprehensive comparative characteristic and is expressed through its level. An algorithm for assessing the enterprise’s competitiveness is presented, including the following steps: determining the goal of assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise, which is to assess its level over a certain period of time; selecting the competitors’ businesses to conduct an assessment; formation of an information database, selecting groups of estimates and indicators of competitiveness; calculating the indicators of competitiveness of the enterprise (single, group, general, integral indicator of competitiveness); summing up the calculations and providing conclusions about the level of competitiveness. The principles, assessment rules are substantiated and their classification is proposed. The principles of competitiveness assessment are classified as mandatory and special. The mandatory principles of competitiveness assessment include: purposefulness, complexity, systemacity, continuity, objectivity. Special principles of competitiveness assessment are the following: dynamism, comparability, adaptability, operation efficiency, information support. There are a significant number of theoretical approaches in the scientific literature to assess the competitiveness of enterprise, in which different methods of evaluation are proposed. A classification of methods by the form of presentation of assess,emt results is provided, among which are: graphic, matrix, analytical, expert, combined and complex. Their advantages and disadvantages are researched. The results of the research substantiate the feasibility of a comprehensive approach to assessing competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

But-Gusaim O. H., Kovtunenko K. V.
Digital Management: The Development Problems and Prospects (p. 297 - 304)

The article explores the relevance of digital management, the essence of this concept and the basic approaches that define the concept of digitalization. The article carries out a research of scientific literature, which determines the direction of development of the processes of digitization of management and the importance in this process of the labor force, having a sufficient level of skills and being capable to apply creative and new approaches to problem solving. According to the results of the study, the main strengths of digital management, which can solve a number of problems of modern business, are allocated. At the same time, the problems of digital management are also displayed. These include reducing the importance of the person in the business processes, as the role of the leader becomes less and less defined in the context of automation. There are additional risks that the manager may lose the ability to think critically and set clear goals. It is very important not to overestimate the role of automation, because it should be primarily aimed at assisting, and not at tight management of the activities of companies within the defined templates. With insufficient competence, professionals cannot interact operatively with automated systems, which creates additional management difficulties. The development of digital management technologies is directed towards solving the task of creation of a program of full automation of business processes, which is based on a painstaking analysis of the activities of business processes taking place in past periods. It is important to determine the role of staff, the specifics of formation of the material, financial flows and money flows. In order to implement such software complexes, it will be necessary to create a theoretical, methodological and technological substantiation. The publication identifies the main tasks, the implementation of which will help in compiling the algorithm of the program of integrated digitalization of management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrova I. L., Albdrane Mohamed
Human Resource Management and Corporate Culture in Small Enterprises: Case of Ukraine (p. 304 - 312)

The article deals with the peculiarities of human resources management system in small enterprises in Ukraine, identifies its distinctive features, which reflect in organizational culture and provide unique opportunities of productivity growth in an organization, and on the other hand impede its development. Human resources management system is considered as a complex and multifaceted process, covering the set of organizational practices and activities aimed at efficient and effective utilization of the most valuable resource of an organization – people and at the same time as a dynamic system which should be constantly improved. The specificity of human resource management in small businesses in Ukraine was analyzed and compared with European experience. The authors’ attention was paid to fore key characteristics of human resources management system in small business as staff professional development, using outsourcing and leasing of staff, motivation system as well as improvement of corporate culture. These characteristics show both controversial problems of small enterprises growth and opportunities of their further development. Besides, weakness of Ukrainian small business is evident in limited HR-practices, informal procedures and relations, lack of social protection, uncertainty and unpredictability of doing business, insufficient level of corporate culture. Relying on the results of research suggestions on improvement of human resources management system in small enterprises were made.

Article is written in English

Vonberg T. V., Holovko A. A.
Recruiting Staff in the Age of Digitalization (p. 313 - 318)

The article is aimed at researching digital opportunities in the field of recruiting staff in the modern operating environment of the economy. The relevance of the transition to modern methods used in digital capabilities is substantiated. It is proved that the digital recruitment industry is not sufficiently disclosed in scientific sources, hence, as a result, low awareness of specialists in this sphere. This also leads to a low level of usage of modern instruments. It is specified that Ukrainian companies usually practice the already standardized elements of digitalization: search for candidates on job sites, posting job ads on social networks, etc. The key trending directions of digital recruitment are considered and characterized, in particular: use of artificial intelligence and robots; automation of processes; use of aggregation and uberization; use of social media; alternative ways to attract candidates; application of HR analytics. Based on the estimation of the existing and utilized digital capabilities of most typical Ukrainian companies, a number of measures are proposed to modernize the recruitment process and increase the profits of companies: development of a cloud network; launching an own ATS-system; increasing the use of targeted advertising on social networks and eliminating low-performance sources of job advertisements; automation and control of statistical information; launching an own HR bot. The proposed program of measures to improve recruitment of staff, taking into account the trending directions of digital recruitment, will significantly save the time of the recruiter at each stage, which in the future will significantly affect all indicators of performance of companies. It is proved that companies need to expand their digitalization horizons, because without this they can back down their positions in the market. Using digital instruments will allow recruiters to reach the market as quickly as possible and actively interact with candidates.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoliaruk K. S., Kharenko M. O.
Analyzing the Problems In Search for and Recruitment of the Organization’s Staff (p. 319 - 328)

The article is concerned with a study of the process of search for and recruit the organization’s staff, taking into account two key directions: analysis of channels of search and recruitment of staff; evaluation of the efficiency of the technologies used in searching for and recruiting staff. The mentioned analysis was carried out on the example of a company that specializes in wholesale trade (distribution) of food and non-food product groups. The study identified a number of problems: high fluctuation of personnel; lack of well-established search process standards; significant percentage of temporary deviations in the search and recruitment process; high relevance of the estimates of search channels by the department professionals in the context of presence of shortcomings; the resulting estimates of search channels by professionals differ from actual estimates; sub-optimal choice of staff search technologies; negative and non-progressive dynamics in some indicators of the efficiency of the search process; lack of close human resources department cooperation with educational institutions in the search for young prospective professionals; problems in optimizing search channels in the selection process. The identified problems were diagnosed with the help of the authors’ own instrumentarium of sociological survey of professionals in the search for and recruitment of the staff of the researched enterprise, as well as analysis of performance indicators. The pros and cons of various technologies for finding and recruiting candidates are identified and ranked; the frequency of use of these technologies in the researched enterprise is determined; the time expenditures at different stages of implementation of core technologies are analyzed; a comparative characterization of the time spent on implementing both internal and external ways of finding and recruiting staff is made; the most effective channels for finding candidates are defined. A list of indicators for assessing the search and recruitment process is been formulated and the indicators that have negative dynamics are identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Liakh І. O., Lytvyn O. I.
HR Management by Values as an Innovative Way to Improve Personnel Work (p. 328 - 333)

The article is aimed at generalizing the theoretical and practical foundations of HR management by values, allocating the difficulties of such management. The theoretical studies of Western and domestic scholars on the management by values are analyzed, which, according to the authors of the article, is one of the most effective ways to improve personnel work. Involving staff in the decision-making process is possible in any management model. Values change the behavior of the staff. Each company has its own values, and the behavior of employees is grounded on basic values. As a result of the research carried out on the basis of one of the largest banks in Ukraine - JSC CB «PrivatBank» - five main directions of improvement in motivation of labor are proposed, which are also the main problems of the financial organization, which need to be addressed. An analysis of the bank’s system of motivation showed that HR management is carried out through a combination of administrative, economic and socio-psychological management methods. It is determined that the development and implementation of the values system in the company is as follows: development of key criteria for the value system (for this are created working groups of key employees); interviewing staff to determine the importance of each criterion to them; conducting a survey among employees to determine the extent to which each criterion is implemented in the company; analyzing the employees’ perception of the company’s existing values system based on the data obtained. Recommendations for hiring staff are proposed, as outlined in the checklist to valuate the quality of the candidate as a future employee. The difficulties of management by values at Ukrainian enterprises are substantiated. Based on the authors’ own research, the core values from the employee’s point of view are proposed. Also recommendations to improve the company’s personnel policy in the context of HR value management are proposed.

Article is written in English

Babenko K. Y.
The Semantic Model of the System of Strategic Management for the Economic Development of Territories (p. 334 - 340)

The article is aimed at developing a semantic model of the system of strategic management for the economic development of territories. It is substantiated that the efficiency of semantic identification depends on the correctness in building up the system of relations between concepts. It is identified that the key advantage of semantic modeling methods is the ability to use language computational tools to describe the system under study, as opposed to the means of classical mathematics. It is noted that the process of building up a semantic model involves the implementation of successive stages: detailed analysis of the conceptual-categorical apparatus (identification of the problem); removal and structuring of theoretical knowledge; formalization and implementation of the knowledge base. It is defined that the strategic management of the economic development of territories represents: from the point of view of the implementation aspect - activities with purposeful changes in the conditions of reproduction of economic life support processes in the region in accordance with its mission and established goals; from the target point of view, it is the activities on development and implementation of the mission, the most important objectives and the application of development instruments to improve the structure of the region in line with changes in the external environment. It is identified that the feature of the proposed semantic model is the ability to graphically interpret the elements of the system together with their relationships. It is proved that the theoretical basis of the control subsystem in the proposed model is an aggregate of principles, functions, methods and management instruments that contribute to the managerial impact on the managed subsystem. It is substantiated that the subject of strategic management of the economic development of territories is the managing subsystem, which includes the State-based ministries, departments, institutions, regional and district administrations, local self-government authorities, including the combined territorial communities, regional development agencies, interested parties. It is defined that the identification of strategic priorities of territorial economic entities facilitates the ensuring of a balanced development of the country’s territories, reducing both their asymmetry and their interregional differentiation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalutska K. Y.
Generating the Managerial Impacts to Ensure the Diversification and Integration Vector of the Enterprise’s Development: The Scientific-Practical Aspect (p. 340 - 350)

The article is aimed at substantiating the scientific-practical approach to generating managerial impacts to ensure the diversification and integration vector of the enterprise’s development. The research is carried out with the use of the following methods: generalization, abstract-logical, induction, deduction, systematization, formalization, calculation-constructive. It is determined that modern enterprises operate in conditions of the neo-technological reproduction, as they are influenced by an environment characterized by a high level of technology, which, accordingly, leads to the emergence of such results of the enterprise’s activities (improved, upgraded, radically different), which provide it with greater stability and efficiency in these conditions, that is, requires their certain technical and technological modification. It is proved that the efficient direction of the enterprise’s development in the neo-technological conditions of reproduction is diversification and integration direction, which will allow optimizing the structure and improve the efficiency of enterprise by strengthening the activities of its prospective business units and abandoning the inefficient ones. A scientific-practical approach to the formation and provision of an effective diversification and integration vector of the enterprise’s development is proposed, taking into account the conditions of its operational environment. It is determined that the use of this approach will optimize the structure of the enterprise and form an effective vector of its diversification and integration development by harmonizing the activities of the relevant business units by setting effective relationships between them. The results of the practical application of the approach under consideration are presented, which confirm its efficiency by increasing the values of the performance indicators in case of a particular enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chaika I. P.
Developing a Marketing Mechanism of Cooperation Between Higher Education Institutions and Stakeholders (On the Example of the Sphere of Inbound Medical Tourism) (p. 351 - 357)

The article is aimed at developing approaches to evaluate the efficiency of national higher education institutions from the position of stakeholders. On the basis of analysis, systematization and generalization of modern requirements for the conduct of educational programs of higher education institutions, as well as the results of auditing the efficiency of the use of budget funds appropriated to the Ministry of Health for personnel training purposes, and trends in the national sphere of inbound medical tourism, criteria and indicators of the effectiveness of the marketing mechanism of cooperation between higher education institutions and stakeholders are proposed. A list of criteria and indicators of evaluation of the effectiveness of the marketing mechanism of cooperation between higher education institutions and stakeholders as the basis for the formation of the partner network is elaborated. They are the minimum obligations of the partners necessary for the operation of the affiliate network, can be reviewed and supplemented in accordance with the specifics of the activities of the higher education institution and its stakeholders. The proposed criteria indicate what needs to be done, and performance indicators are an appropriate instrument for this work to achieve the goal set by the participants in the affiliate network. The performance indicators presented here are not intended to definitively determine the results of operation of the affiliate network for its participants and society in general. They are the first stage of such evaluation and the basis for the higher education institution to develop its own sets of indicators, taking into account the specifics of the activity and available resources. A set of indicators and methods of their calculations can be updated where necessary, supplemented with new values, checked for relevance and practicality, their applicability in the activities of a particular higher education institution. Prospect for further research in this direction is the development of a mechanism of cooperation between higher education institutions and stakeholders, as well as the functions of managing this direction of activity in the universities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yancheva L. M., Zhehus O. V., Mykhailova M. V.
Branding as an Instrument for Creating the Attractiveness of Higher Education Institution in Today’s Challenges (p. 358 - 366)

The article characterizes the factors that cause new challenges for higher education institutions. It is substantiated that in the conditions of intense competition, the best opportunities for further development will be given to the higher education institutions, which will improve their attractiveness to applicants and on this basis will provide the necessary amount of student recruitment. Branding is an effective instrument for forming the attractiveness of a higher education institution. The results of the carried out analysis of the national branding practice indicate that the brand of most higher education institutions is formed under the influence of the history of their development and traditions, industry affiliation and poorly reflects the conceptual features of educational products and the conception of training specialists. In order to adapt to the new challenges, higher education institutions need to implement rebranding to increase their recognition and to stand out against competitors. To do this, a structural and logical scheme of the stages of the rebranding process is proposed, also a methodical approach is developed, expressed in the point-scoring assessment of components of the brand, and the instrumentarium of decision-making for each of them. As a result of successful rebranding, the image of the higher education institution and its attractiveness for applicants will improve, which will increase its competitive advantages, allowing to solve the complex problems associated with increasing the number of students.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mital O. H.
Using Eye Tracking Technology in the Neuromarketing Research (p. 366 - 371)

The article aimed at researching the benefits of eye-tracking technology in terms of the market research, product promotion and pricing strategy. The important potentials of using eye tracking technology in the practical marketing activities such as branding, segmentation, product development, pricing solutions, placement strategies, advertising solutions and social marketing are examined. The term «eye tracking» as it is used in neuromarketing means assessing the direction of the user’s gaze. The main area of its commercial application was the study of the perception of the composition of newspaper strips and magazines, design and packaging of products. With the spread of the Internet and the entry of companies into the network space, eye tracking has received a new round of development associated with the study of the perception of websites. Tracking the direction of the consumer’s gaze in the market research can give an idea of the consumers’ habits, even if those consumers do not know that they are being watched. The research using eye tracking technology can help developing new products, improving consumer segmentation, and choosing a good pricing policy. It is displayed that there is a wide range of possibilities of using eye tracking methods in both neuromarketing and market research. A conclusion is drawn that neuromarketing and its eye tracking technology are becoming increasingly popular both in academia and in the business world.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Priadko O. M., Tarasov I. Y.
The Marketing Testing of Market Launch of the New Food Products (Muffins) (p. 372 - 378)

Bringing any new product to market requires some actions with the marketing direction. The first stage of these actions should be the study of consumers, their intentions and expectations, as directly the consumers, their interest in the new product and satisfaction from its use will be the key to the product’s market success and the economic component of the manufacturer’s efficiency. This very research will allow to develop the whole range of marketing actions in the future. The article is aimed at exploring the marketing of innovation as a tool for successful promotion to the domestic market of innovative food products, namely, muffins of increased nutritional value with the addition of mass for formation, which is based on sunflower seeds. The problems associated with the study of the theoretic-methodological and applied aspects of innovation marketing are considered. An algorithm of actions aimed at marketing research (testing) of potential consumers of a new food product is presented, which should precede its entry into the regional market. Consumer attitude to the group of foods – muffins – and prospects of perception of its new variety has been identified. A marketing study is carried out to determine the need of the regional market in the city of Kharkiv in muffins of increased nutritional value. An own searching research is carried out using both testing and survey methods. A questionnaire consisting of 12 interconnected, logically placed questions was developed to study the market of consumers of muffins in the city of Kharkiv. The sample consisted of 402 respondents. Recommendations to bring these products to the regional market are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chemorda P. O.
The Digital Marketing Communication Channels and Barriers to their Implementation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (p. 378 - 384)

This article researches the use of digital marketing communications in today’s environment. The distinctive characteristics of digital marketing in comparison with traditional marketing are substantiated, taking into account the specifics of the workout of its instruments. The main instruments and channels of digital marketing communications are considered; their estimation is presented in the context of development towards interactivity and feedback. The possibility of effectively attracting digital marketing communications at small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of their relatively smaller resources is analyzed. The role of key factors that create inequality between small, medium-sized and large enterprises in digital marketing communications, i.e., environment, financial and technological resources, is explored. It is identified that small and medium-sized enterprises, taking into account the restrictions described above, have significant potential for the development of digital marketing communications. Based on the research, a new perspective on the current status and trends in the development of digital marketing channels is presented. The existing barriers to the introduction of digital marketing communications in small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as the problems of their competition in this sphere with large enterprises, are analyzed and characterized. Given the shortcomings identified in the current strategies for using digital marketing communications in small and medium-sized enterprises, there is a need to further explore the specifics of this line of marketing. Due to the dynamism of development of digital marketing in general and its channels in particular, this vector of research will become even more relevant in the future and will have a significant value in the perspective.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Buzhymska K. O., Tsaruk I. M.
The Management Mechanisms of Enterprise Development: Essence and Structure (p. 278 - 287)

The article is aimed at defining the essence, structure and basic elements of the management mechanism of enterprise development based on a combination of methods of scientific abstraction and systemic approach to the enterprise. As a result of the research it is determined that the management mechanism of enterprise development is an aggregate of combined mechanisms with complex interrelations which include: mechanism of development of development plan; organizational and economic mechanism of development; mechanism of implementation of the development plan; mechanism of control and evaluation of process and results of development; mechanism for adjusting the development plan; mechanism for coordination of the development process and components of the respective mechanism; mechanism for regulating the development process and components of its mechanism; mechanism of motivation of the development process. Each of the allocated mechanisms has its own complex structure, which ensures its effective functioning and interaction with other management mechanisms of enterprise development. An important point is the allocation of mechanisms for adjusting plans for development, coordination and regulation of development process and components that are to provide feedback, flexibility and adaptability to the functioning of all components of the management mechanism of enterprise development. Based on a systemic approach to the development process, the interrelations between its individual mechanisms, systems and management mechanisms of enterprise as a whole are determined. Prospect for further research in this sphere is to study the interrelations and interaction of the mechanisms of management of the development of different hierarchical levels of the economy in order to increase their efficiency and effectiveness by improving the existing and forming new mechanisms adequate to modern conditions of economic management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vonberg T. V., Kudymenko D. M.
Features of Staff Recruiting in IT Companies (p. 287 - 292)

The article is aimed at studying the features of IT recruiting in modern operating conditions of the economy. The relevance of research of recruiting in IT companies is substantiated. The definition of the economic category of «IT recruiting», which is considered as a purposeful and structured process of providing IT company with the staff from the sphere of information technologies, with the knowledge, skills, competencies, qualities corresponding to vacant position and the needs of employer. It is determined that the issue of IT recruiting is not sufficiently covered in scientific sources. It is proved that a feature of IT recruiting are candidates, because each vacant position is essentially unique, and therefore requests an employee of the respective unique. The basic demands concerning the recruiter, looking for the candidates for the IT sphere, are formulated and substantiated. The techniques of IT personnel selection, including headhunting, recruiting and screening, are examined and characterized. It is determined that the headhunting technique is designed for employees of the level of middle+/senior/lead, recruiting technique is for the candidates of the junior/middle level, and screening – for the junior-level, i.e., practicians, probationers. The main channels of attracting candidates are characterized, which are chosen depending on the peculiarities of the company’s profile of future employee. IT is proved that the choice of the engagement channel is the most significant stage of the entire IT recruiting process. The authors consider the use of the IT-recruiting social network for business communication – LinkedIn, as well as specialized sites, services and such types of search as Boolean search and X-ray requests. The procedure of recruiting IT specialists is considered through the prism of search stages, a full cycle comprising 9 steps: request for opening a vacancy; selecting the search channels; searching for candidates; coming into contact; interview; testing; deciding as to filling a vacancy; employment and adaptation of the newly accepted employee.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kohut I. V., Luchko H. Y.
Analyzing Stakeholders of the Projects with Implementation of an Automated System for Recruiting and Attestation of Staff at the Construction Industry Enterprises (p. 293 - 299)

One of the main factors, which slows down the development of the construction industry in Ukraine, is the problems with the companies’ staff. The article determines that the enterprises in the construction industry for their further development need to implement projects, aimed at improving staff, developing systems of its motivation, improving the staff recruitment system. Feasibility of implementation of projects of implementation of automated system of recruitment and attestation employees at the enterprises of construction sphere is substantiated, implementation of which will allow to get business processes going, to improve communication between co-workers, to provide managers with a tool of control over work of own staff and to form the appropriate motivation systems. To increase the implementation efficiency of such projects, the stakeholders of project are analyzed on the basis of the model of Mitchell, Agle and Wood. The main stakeholder groups are defined; their impact on the project along with classifying on the basis of the present attributes of «power», «legality», «urgency of requirements» is carried out. For key stakeholders, appropriate cooperation strategies have been developed, the application of which will allow the management of enterprises in construction industry to establish communication with their own staff and key stakeholders, which will further ensure the success of implementation of such projects in favor of companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mishchuk I. V.
Improving the Methodology for Assessing the Level and State of Security of Personnel Interests of the Enterprise (p. 300 - 309)

The purpose of the article is to improve the methodology for assessing the level and state of security of personnel interests of the enterprise. It has been determined that the basis of the methodology for assessing the security of personnel interests of an enterprise is its differentiation into separate types: security of staffing and security of the effectiveness of the use of personnel. It is shown that the assessment of the level and state of security of personnel interests is characterized by the own methodology. It has been determined that the indicator of the security of the efficiency of the use of personnel is the indicator of labor productivity, and the indicators of the security of staffing are the coefficients of the availability of labor resources. The latter can take on different meanings depending on the specifics of the enterprise, its industry affiliation and other features. It was determined that, as the liminal values of the indicators of labor productivity and the availability of labor resources, it is advisable to use their maximum values among the enterprises of the industry during the assessment period. It is proposed to assess the level of security of personnel interests based on an indicator that takes into account the lack of profit before tax. This shortage is formed when the actual values of the security indicators do not correspond to the liminal ones. It is proposed to assess the state of security of personnel interests using a weighted period of time, during which the actual values of indicators of security of personnel interests of the enterprise - the object of assessment will reach their liminal values. An approbation of the proposed approaches is carried out on the example of mining enterprises. It was identified that the highest level and the best state of security of personnel interests during 2017-2018 were at PJSC «Pivnichnyy Mining and Processing Plant». Other enterprises in the industry need to adjust their policies with regard to an increase in the productivity of workers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fedotova I. V., Shynkarenko V. G.
The System of Viability Management of a Motor Transport Enterprise (p. 309 - 315)

The article is aimed at substantiating the composition of the enterprise’s viability management system based on the use of cybernetic approach to modeling systems. The theoretical principles of enterprise viability management are examined. A cybernetic scheme of a hierarchical contour of the MTE control is suggested, in which four levels of management are allocated. The control system is described as the interrelationship between two cycles: elementary and expanded. The expanded cycle corresponds to the management of a viable enterprise in general, and the elementary cycles are carried out to manage certain processes of the operation of the enterprise that ensure the viability of the enterprise. A three-level model of the viability management system of motor transport enterprise is proposed, determining the composition of management functions at each of the following levels: higher, medium and primary. The control subsystem (management subject) is represented in the form of an administrative cycle, in terms of which the decisive, transforming and information-control blocks (classes) of functions are allocated. The composition of subsystems is formed in such a manner so that their functioning would ensure integration, coordination of the processes of achieving the strategic, tactical and operational goals of the enterprise in the sphere of maintaining its viability. The controlled subsystem (management object) is represented by the process of enterprise operation, executive structure, as well as structures of instruments and labor means. The formed management system has a target-oriented cyclic nature, allows to react in time to changes in internal and external environment of the enterprise, promptly use the obtained information in the management system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalutska K. Y.
The Strategic Pyramid as a Basis for the Business-Adjustment of Achieving the Target Points in the Management of the Diversification-Integration Development of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 316 - 322)

The result of an efficient management of the diversification-integration development of the machine-building enterprise is getting the maximum synergistic effect from the optimum-effective interaction of the necessary perspective business units among themselves. The basis of ensuring an effective grow-up of the synergistic effect of the interaction of business units of the machine-building enterprise are optimally selected strategies for their development at all levels of management. The relationship of strategies of all levels of management forms a strategic pyramid, which reflects the hierarchical subordination of the strategies of these levels. Accordingly, the purpose of the article is substantiation of a theoretical-methodical approach to modeling of alternative combined scenarios for strategic development of a machine-building enterprise on the basis of strategic pyramid. To achieve the purpose of the research, the article applies the following methods: analysis and synthesis; morphological analysis; logical generalization and comparison; formalization. A unified technology for constructing the strategic pyramid of the diversification-integration development of the enterprise is proposed, taking into account the essence and peculiarities of using the strategic pyramid, requirements of the environment for operation of modern enterprises (neo-technological conditions of reproduction) and conditions for applying the diversification-integration development of these enterprises. The essence of strategies of each level of strategic pyramid of the diversification-integration development of enterprise is closer defined. According to the mentioned technology, architectonics of the strategic pyramid is formed, which provides a choice of alternative combined scenarios of the diversification-integration development of the enterprise as the optimally-effective synergistic strategic set of rational achievement of the set goals.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Piatnytska G. T., Shevchun M. B.
The Logistic Processes in Trade: Systematizing Scientific Views and Assessing the Impact on Enterprise Management (p. 322 - 330)

The article is aimed at developing scientific approaches to assessing the impact of logistic processes on the management of trade enterprises. To achieve the goal, general scientific and special research methods were applied. It is determined that there are no separate departments at small trade enterprises of Ukraine that would directly deal with the quality of logistic processes. Whereas in both large and medium-sized trade enterprises and in various kinds of trade associations and networks today special attention is paid to logistic processes. It is found that trade enterprises can cooperate with partner enterprises that provide various specialized logistic services, either by combining within a single company (corporation) and generating in this way synergistic effect, or by building interaction on the basis of outsourcing. The carried out systematization of scientific views on logistic processes in trade and the specifics of their management allowed to combine them into seven data groups. According to the survey of directors and managers of trade enterprises, a matrix of identification of the force of influence of the indicators of logistic processes management on the performance indicators of the general management of the enterprise is built. It is concluded that the proposed scientific approach to assessing the impact of logistic processes on the management of trade enterprises will improve the quality management of their logistic processes. It is identified that the growth of revenues and satisfaction of consumers of trade enterprises is most affected by the quality of logistics, and their profitability – by the efficiency of the costs of logistic processes. It is stated that the results obtained can be used to determine the cause-and-effect relationships to ensure effective management of the quality of logistic processes at the enterprises of trade.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Horodetskyi M. A.
A Digital Model Assessing the Impact of Customer Experience on Profits (p. 331 - 338)

Today, the quality of service is a critical factor in business success. According to researches, quality service significantly increases the level of loyalty of consumers and their desire to pay, which in turn affects the level of sales and profitability of the company. Poor service leads to loss of both the customers and the company share in the market. The conception of customer-based service means the additional value of the product for the client in the form of a service, which also provides for the service in the usage and possession of a product. Formation of such value belongs to the functions of marketing. Provided that the demand for the product is formed, the company forms the usefulness of time and place, which provides logistics service, delivery of the product to the client at a certain time and a certain place, which ensures spatial and temporal materialization of demand. Numerous studies show a positive direct link between automation of processes of the customer relationship management, which ultimately provides control over non-financial performance indicators of interaction with buyers. It is determined that a client-oriented approach is a type of interaction with the buyer, which provides additional profit and flow of customers due to a deep understanding and satisfaction of their needs. Client-orientedness involves the introduction of the conception of customer relationship management (CRM). The article determines that the implementation of a CRM system is part of automation of the conception of the client-oriented approach to doing business. CRM is a business strategy that focuses on understanding and managing the needs of potential customers. This allows to draw the main conclusion: introduction of both the conception of client experience and the standards of customer service requires effective control, the instrument of which is a CRM system, which ensures the measurement of customer loyalty on the basis of the digital business model laid down in its basis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Varuk V. V.
The Impact of the Development Strategy of Smart Specialization on the Level of Welfare of Residents of Amalgamated Territorial Communities (p. 338 - 345)

Improving both the environment and the welfare of citizens is important for the transition to a stable and better future and is the focus while carrying on the transformation of communities. One of the ways of this transition is the introduction of a smart specialization strategy aimed at ensuring comfortable living conditions that characterize the modern development of the welfare of citizens. The purpose of the article is to study and map the general directions of the influence of the smart specialization strategy on the welfare of residents of territorial communities. The impact of the smart specialization strategy to ensure the welfare of residents of territorial communities is determined by analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the work of many foreign and domestic scholars. The research examines different visions of the concept of smart specialization and formulates the main directions of implementation of this strategy. The world experience of smart specialization development is analyzed. A table of influence of the strategies for smart specialization on community welfare has been developed. Prospects for further research in this direction at the conceptual level are to fill a certain scientific vacuum in studying the impact of smart specialization strategy on the welfare of residents of territorial communities, noting the contribution of researchers to the development of the problem.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokhetska A. V.
The Current Trends in Marketing Research (p. 346 - 352)

The article is concerned with a qualitative evaluation of marketing research both in Ukraine and the world in general, as well as the allocation of modern trends of marketing research. The trends of market development of marketing researches are analyzed in two dimensions: international and national. A conclusion is drawn about a significant growth in the international market over the past few years, as well as an increase in the share of the large transnational companies. The structure of revenues of companies in terms of the basing regions is researched. The domestic market of marketing research shows slightly different trends, and significant factors that influence its development are the economic and political situation. The author systematizes and presents information about the largest companies that conduct marketing research in the Ukrainian market. In the article are also systematized the underlying trends that will be observed over the next few years, in particular the development of voice technologies and video analysis technologies; growth of artificial intelligence and its presence in marketing research; improvement of surveys through different channels of information collection; increase of quantitative research among companies. Internationalization of the Ukrainian economy as a whole led to the fact that the largest players in the market have become representatives of international research networks. Overall, the analysis of the international market of marketing research has shown that there is currently a tendency to increase volumes and popularize marketing research, as evidenced by the income data of marketing companies. North America and Europe occupy the largest share among the regions of the world. In relation to the domestic market of marketing research, the analysis showed the negative dynamics of change under the influence of economic and political processes. Among the trends to persist in the next few years are deepening the automation, increasing the standardization and intensive development of artificial intelligence. The key success factors for these systems are easy usage, speed and cost. However, a key element of their success is the ability to use existing brands and reputations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vereskun M. V., Zaharov S. V., Kolosok V. M.
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Different Types of Traffic in the Integrated Internet Marketing System (p. 352 - 358)

The research is aimed at classifying the types of Internet traffic in modern conditions, concretizing the advantages and disadvantages of its main types and developing recommendations as to the use in the system of integrated Internet marketing of Ukrainian enterprises. This article describes the concept of Internet traffic. It is identified that in its work each company uses two main types of traffic: free (search, direct, referral) and paid, or advertising traffic. The main advantages and disadvantages of each type of traffic are specified. It is proved that, in the strategic perspective, the best choice appears to be the active SEO promotion, i.e. investing resources in increasing the flow of unmanageable, but free, traffic. It is noted that advertising (paid) traffic is the most effective tool for rapidly increasing the flow of potential customers at a short time interval. It is found that the proportion of different sources of Internet traffic of the company depends heavily on the type of business that the company is engaged in. The obtained results will allow enterprises in different industries to adjust their Internet marketing strategy taking into account the identified tendencies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mysyk V. M.
The Typology of Events as Objects of Event Management (p. 203 - 210)

The article develops a typology of event types as objects of event management, considered as a separate type of management activity aimed at managing various activities of business nature (business meetings, fairs, exhibitions, conferences, congresses, marketing events, social initiatives, etc.) and of team-building nature, in terms of the activities of economic entities. At the heart of the event management lies an event per se, participated by event organizers, event managers and other event industry actors, at the same time an event represents the object of event management. It is concluded that so far in the scientific literature has not formed a single typology of events as objects of event management. This is largely due to the diversity of interpretation of the concept of event management, as well as its relative novelty as a separate direction of scientific research. Thus, the essence of the existing classification features within the specified typology of events (nature of the event, scale, venue) is covered, supplementing the typology with new items (content, frequency, subject composition of participants, nature of interaction of participants, subject composition of organizers and coordinators, national composition of participants, organizers and coordinators, attachment to the place of venue, level of novelty, form of interaction of participants, time orientation, peculiarities of financing, completeness). The developed typology of events as objects of event management enables managers and event management subjects to more reasonably choose the types of events based on the specified goals, tasks, available resource provision and existing restrictions, as well as to plan such events for the perspective. These developments also make it possible to eliminate a number of discussion provisions relating to both the separation of classification characteristics of events and their respective types within the classification.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalutska K. Y.
The Synergistic Strategic Set of Machine-Building Enterprise as a Providing Management Factor of Cyclicality of the Process of its Diversification and Integration Development in Conditions of Neotechnological Reproduction (p. 210 - 216)

The article is aimed at developing a scientific-methodical approach to the formation of actively adaptive synergistic strategic set, which will ensure the cyclicity of the process of diversification and integration development of machine-building enterprise in conditions of neotechnolgic reproduction. The necessity of obtaining a synergistic effect at each level of management of machine-building enterprise in the process of diversification and integration development through interpenetration of the results of performance of its business units is substantiated. A technological map of conformity and mutual consistence of the synergistic effect with strategies has been formed according to the hierarchy of management. On the basis of the technological map, the scientific-methodical approach to the formation of an actively adaptive synergistic strategic set of management of diversification and integration development of machine-building enterprise is proposed, the implementation of which (with the help of a tactical business set of management innovations) will ensure the achievement of the general goal of enterprise development and create additional effect necessary for its effective functioning in the conditions of neotechnological reproduction. The components of the structure of the synergistic strategic set of management of diversification and integration development of machine-building enterprise are characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnokutska N. S., Podoprykhina T. O.
Analysis of Project Management Methodologies in IT Industry (p. 217 - 222)

The purpose of the article is to study the methodologies of project team management in the field of software development. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing scientific works of scientists and project management standards, world standards and practices were considered, the analysis of implementation of world standards by project managers in Ukraine was performed. Particular attention is paid to software development methodologies used under the conditions of work distributed project teams because this is the most favorable form of labor organization during a pandemic. The methodologies of project management used for the work of distributed project teams in Ukraine are allocated. It is identified that the most popular methodology in the world and in Ukraine in terms of the use of both the distributed teams and the teams working in one location is the Scrum-methodology of software development. It is substantiated that the methodologies used by project managers in Ukraine for their own projects do not differ from world practices and standards, except for a few methodologies such as Lean and Prince 2, which have not become popular among managers in Ukraine. In addition, the significant difference that is observed is 10% of difference between the frequent use of Kanban methodology in Ukraine and in the world. This difference, as we assume, indicates that in Ukraine there is a higher percentage of projects supported by the distributed project teams rather than are developed from scratch, so the percentage of using the Kanban methodology is higher. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the degree of implementation of all the principles of methodologies in the distributed project team in Ukraine and the effectiveness of work of such teams.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Peryt I. О.
Essence and Classification of Factors of Influence on the Entrepreneurial Activity of Households (p. 223 - 230)

The article is aimed at examining the factors of influence of the external and internal environment on the household incomes from business activities in the context of direct and indirect business management, as well as the development of their classification types according to criteria and groups. The methodological basis of the work comprise theoretical conclusions and generalization of economic science and scientific works on the study of factors of influence on business. The publication uses the logical, comparative and complex approaches, as well as the methods of empirical research, comparison and comprehensive analysis. In the course of research the author analyzed and structured the most significant scientific developments concerning the views on the essence and types of factors of influence on the income of private entrepreneurs, providing his own interpretation of the main factors of influence on business income. The factors of influence on business management are proposed to group as the factors of direct management influence and factors of independent influence, within which external and internal, extensive and intensive subgroups are allocated. In the first group at the second level of detailing are additionally determined the production and the non-production subgroups. Also, groups of factors are suggested to be classified on the basis of the degree of manageability, regularity and consequences of influence on business. Also emphasized is the necessity to analyze the factors of influence on business of households in terms of taking into account the interests of the business owner and the degree of the owner’s participation in the management of the related activity. The scientific value of the research is to direct the results of scientific work to find an up-to-date understanding of the essence and classification of factors of influence on the business activity of households, which will allow businesses to be flexible towards changes, increase profitability and financial results, and as a result – to ensure the progressiveness of the domestic economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voskresenska O. Y.
Ways to Increase the Efficiency of the System of Motivation of Labor of Staff at the Sanatorium-Resort Complex (p. 231 - 236)

The article discusses ways to increase the efficiency of the system of motivation of labor of staff at the sanatorium-resort complex «Chaika» of the private multi-utility enterprise «Paritet». It is determined that employees consider the presence of material motivation for the proper and pay more and more attention to the additional incentives offered to them by the management of the enterprise. Both the material and the intangible types of motivation of labor of staff are considered. The motives that encourage a person to work in favor of the enterprise are determined. It is also proved that the use of only material incentives by the management does not automatically lead to good results of the employees’ performance. To achieve the best results, the enterprise’s management is encouraged to use a mixed approach and take into account the individual needs of each employee separately. That is why the article suggests dividing employees into groups according to their needs. Such division is conditional, but it is based on psychological peculiarities of personal development as a whole and allows to satisfy the economic needs, desires, interests of each employee. In order to increase the efficiency of the system of motivation of labor of staff at the sanatorium-resort complex «Chaika» of the private multi-utility enterprise «Paritet», the change in the level of motivation of the enterprise’s staff during a time period is researched. The personal career expectations of the enterprise’s staff members are determined. The employees are conditionally divided into groups, each group is given a brief description and priorities for the career growth of staff. The carried out research allows to conclude that the improvement of the system of motivation of labor of the enterprise’s staff depends on many factors that cause influence on it. When improving the system of motivation, the management of the enterprise should remember that it is impossible to motivate all employees equally. Using the proposed division of employees, the enterprise’s management can develop an individual motivation system for each employee or for a certain group of employees. Efficiency of labor of not only the employee, but also the whole enterprise in general, is the direct consequence of a successful system of motivation of labor.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chmil H. L., Dzhhutashvili N. M.
Digitalization of the Customer Experience Management in the Hotel and Restaurant Industry (p. 237 - 245)

Customer experience is becoming important as the basis (necessary condition) of increasing competitive advantages in the hotel and restaurant industry. In the latest conditions, customers are becoming more demanding and discerning of the hotel’s service product, resulting in the complicated task of managing the customer experience. Therefore, research on the client experience value formation along with the applied instrumentarium of its efficient management in the conditions of digitalization is relevant. The article is aimed at developing a scientific-practical instrumentarium for management of customer experience in the hotel and restaurant industry in the context of digitalization of the economy. The problems of digitalization of customer experience management in the hotel and restaurant industry are researched and a scientific-practical instrumentarium has been developed, which is able to ensure an increased efficiency of the management process. The closed cycle of customer experience value formation is identified as the following sequence: strengthening competitive advantages; increasing customer satisfaction; formation of loyalty; commitment to the hotel and advocacy; attracting new customers. The structural-logical sequence of customer experience management in hotel and restaurant facilities, which integrates the research, analytical and managerial activities into a single range of actions of management personnel, is focused on improving the customer experience. It is emphasized that the formation of strategic alternatives is determined by the style of the client experience management (proactive, reactive) and is provided by a set of relevant methods, in particular: cool-hunting, trend-watching, forsyth researches, benchmarking, design thinking. Digital channels of interaction with customers are researched; an aggregate of 29 enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry were formed, including 14 3-star hotels and 15 4-star hotels located in Kyiv and Kyiv region. A point estimate of the degree of application of digital channels of interaction with customers is provided and it is identified that the leading channel for promoting hotel and restaurant services in the conditions of digitalization remains the official website of the facility, and feedback from customers – representation in TripAdvisor and the work of public pages of the hospitality industry facilities in social networks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhylinska O. I., Horbas I. M., Prylutska T. Y.
Women in Management: Ukrainian Experience and Modern Realities (p. 245 - 250)

The article focuses on the role of women in management. Particular attention is paid to the disproportionate representation of women and men in decision-making and at leadership positions. The article is aimed at covering the problematics of gender inequality in the professional management activities in Ukraine. The objectives of the research are: disclosure of the essence of gender development and gender inequality in the context of human development; study on the status of gender inequality in Ukraine and the world; statistical analysis of gender aspects of employment in the sphere of management; disclosure of modern representation of women at different levels of management both in the public and private sectors. The authors use both general scientific and specific methods of research, in particular: analysis of legislation, scientific and professional literature, generalization, systematization, classification. It is shown that the proportion of women in management in the XXI century tends to parity with the number of men, but female leadership is mostly limited to medium and lower levels of management. It is proven that the distribution of leadership positions between the sexes reflects gender stereotypes about the traditional activities of men and women. The sectors in which female leaders prevail are allocated and the least gender-diversified areas of activity are outlined. It is determined that inequality between women and men in access to institutions of political and economic power and leadership is a manifestation of social disparity and gender imbalance, which is a serious social contradiction, a problem that should now become the basis for further research of scientific and applied nature. It is concluded that ensuring gender equality, parity and women’s empowerment is of fundamental importance for the sustainable development of society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bradulov P. O., Ordynskyi V. I.
The Strategy of Applying Internet Marketing Tools for the B2B Sector (p. 251 - 259)

The article is concerned with the problem of using Internet tools in order to achieve marketing goals. The main directions of use of Internet marketing tools by B2B sector enterprises are researched. The status of application of Internet marketing tools on the B2B market in Ukraine is considered. The features of the use of Internet marketing tools are defined together with the main strategic and tactical steps for the development of Internet marketing in companies in the B2B market. The approbation of recommended tools was carried out at the «Lifecell» LLC. The peculiarities of organization of Internet marketing at enterprises of the B2B sector are disclosed. Using the analysis, the dependence between the number of clients of the enterprise and the number of visitors to the website is determined by means of both organic and advertising search. The main directions of use of Internet marketing tools in the IT enterprises are researched. The specifics of building-up an Internet marketing system in this sphere of business is disclosed in accordance with the specifics of the IT product and the stage of deciding on the purchase which is relevant for the consumer. The research proves that the organization of marketing communications on the Internet using a system approach increases the efficiency of marketing activities of companies due to the synergistic effect arising from the interaction of elements of the built-up system. The main tools of marketing communications on the Internet are considered and their place in the Internet marketing system of the enterprise is considered. It is determined that it is important to use all the possibilities of the Internet to build an effective communication system. It is determined that the use of Internet marketing tools by the companies in IT sphere has its own specifics, which distinguishes it from other spheres of business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lagodiienko V. V., Basyurkina N. Y., Turlenko N. V.
Mechanisms of Formation and Functioning of Regional Agromarketing Systems (p. 260 - 265)

Agromarketing as a modern management system and a tool for overcoming market problems and solving production and marketing problems is necessary for business entities, as it allows to adequately respond to the processes of complicating the methods of operational activities of agricultural producers by expanding the range of products, innovative development of agrosphere production base, change market conditions of agricultural and food products, increased competition. At the same time, the problems of developing mechanisms for the formation and functioning of regional agromarketing systems remain unresolved. The article substantiates the features of agricultural marketing, due to the specifics of the actual agricultural sector and agricultural production. These features make it possible to formulate agricultural marketing as a process of meeting the needs of consumers, through the rational organization of exchange and formation of consumer value of agri-food products. The study found that in the current transformation of the economy, each agricultural enterprise chooses at least two ways of further development: focus on production; market orientation or marketing path of development. It is determined that the process of formation of the marketing system of regional agribusiness begins with the formulation of the goal, which should take place in accordance with the requirements of the concept of creating marketing systems for the goal setting process. Each set goal should be defined qualitatively and quantitatively, and also limited in time of its achievement. The formation of agromarketing systems in the region should be comprehensive. It is expedient not only to create marketing services for agribusiness entities, but also to create conditions for their effective work. The main task of agromarketing is to supply agricultural raw materials and food of the required level of quality to meet the needs of a particular consumer, in the right place, at the right time and in the right quantity. The formation of agromarketing structures at the level of primary links – agricultural enterprises – makes it possible to increase the efficiency of their operations through a clearer focus on meeting the specific needs of customers and market demands. The development of agromarketing structures makes it possible to increase the turnover of agricultural enterprises, the competitiveness of products and increase their market share.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Budnikevich I. M., Blahun I. I., Krupenna I. A., Bokuchava V. B.
Directions of Application of Marketing Innovations in the Communication Policy of Hotel Enterprises (p. 266 - 277)

The article discusses the essence and directions of application of marketing innovations in the communication policy of hotel enterprises. Directions of application of marketing innovations by domestic and foreign hoteliers are closer defined; attention is focused on the importance of innovations in the promotion of a hotel and its services. The practice of leading market actors on the use of tools of «partisan» marketing in their communications with target audiences is generalized. It is noted that marketing innovations must be agreed with the concept of hotel promotion, they must be systematic and be produced constantly. A scheme of implementation of promotions, which are aimed at producing the WOW effect in hotel marketing, is described. The necessity and relevance of the use of digital technologies in the strategies of promotion by the hotel business actors is substantiated; directions of application of digital marketing technologies in the domestic hotel business are defined. It is specified that the transformation of the directions of competitive struggle of hotel enterprises for the attention of the audience has led to the redistribution of advertising budgets in favor of additional marketing tricks – site content, professional shooting, 360-degree video, bright interactive promotional developments, review work, planned SEO, administration of pages in social networks, PR events, contextual promotion. The emphasis is placed on the importance of developing functional landings that will attract attention to a particular service, get more applications, increase the conversion of website and collect a database of contact data for future work. It is determined that marketing innovations are implemented in the direction of personalization, individual marketing experience of the client, development of a CRM-system. The role of messengers and chatbots with artificial intelligence as new channels of attraction of guests to hotel enterprises is considered. The authors pay attention to a number of interesting marketing programs, which include marketing innovations aimed at addressing the challenges for hospitality enterprises caused by pandemics and quarantine measures. It is noted that such programs are developed by marketing firms and industry professionals not only to help hotels, but also to create attractive offers for guests.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kosichenko I. I.
The Strategic Priorities for Developing the Domestic Consulting Business in Modern Conditions (p. 270 - 276)

The systematic integration of Ukraine into the European and global economic space significantly actualizes the issue of bringing to a qualitatively higher stage of development the current system of consulting support of both the business and the public sectors of the economy in the country. Achieving strategic goals involves the implementation of a number of institutional, organizational, economic, and informational measures that can collectively ensure the dynamic development of the domestic consulting business and the implementation of effective mechanisms of tax compliance control in Ukraine. As for the institutional environment of the consulting business activities, it should provide first of all a steady increase in the scale and quality of the conditions of domestic consulting, increase its economic effectiveness and increase the impact on the results. It is worth emphasizing that today the system of institutionalization of the domestic consulting industry is still at the initial stage of its formation. Thus, its institutional and regulatory «framework» is formed mainly by professional consulting associations, marketing unions, management consulting unions, professional general-type organizations, legal associations, etc., while at the national level consulting is not clearly defined. The main reason for this is the lack of consulting in the list of licensed types of economic activity. An evolvement of the developed and highly diversified consulting business in Ukraine is impossible without the implementation of a set of organizational-economic measures. They should be aimed primarily at creating conditions for a stable increase in market demand for consulting services on the part of business structures and government agencies in order to stimulate the spread of innovative technologies in the business activities of economic entities, despite the high risks of business processes implementation and multiplying of the national economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danyliuk V. O., Dashkevych D. R.
The Peculiarities of Sales Management in Business Organizations of Various Industries (p. 276 - 283)

The article is aimed at distinguish the peculiarities of the process of management of sales activities of business organizations working in agriculture, processing industry, engineering, trade, light industry and service sector, and identifying specific aspects arising at the junction of sales management and other functional spheres of business organization management. A number of universal principles for any business organization that should be taken into account in the process of forming a general strategy and planning and implementing sales management is provided. Specific features of construction of channels for distribution of finished products in business organizations of different activities are analyzed. The main aspects of interaction of business organizations with other subjects of sales activity are considered and recommendations on its more effective organization are made. It is defined that the main methods of product promotion to achieve the goals of the sales subsystem in the process of sales management are: advertising, sales incentives and personal sales. The main differences in the work of the sales subsystem of business organizations of different industries are identified and the peculiarities of sales management are singled out. It is shown that a feature of sales activities of business organizations in the service sector is the use of a zero sales channel, but for the vast majority of engineering business organizations it is important to operate a «marketing center» organized on a functional principle, the purpose of which is to interact with all departments of the business organization, and for industrial business organizations in which the supply of products to the place of sale depends on the location of production, it is crucial to comply with such conditions as achieving maximum satisfaction of the consumers’ needs and optimizing the cost of supplying products.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Portna O. V., Tsvar O. O.
The Strategic Changes in Staff Management: Worldwide Experience in the Application of the Stakeholder-Oriented Approaches (p. 284 - 290)

Effective strategic changes in staff management with the application of the stakeholder-oriented approaches in the face of increasing complexity of systems remain an important task for development of business and entrepreneurship. The article is aimed at examining and summarizing the worldwide experience of the effective strategic changes in staff management with the application of stakeholder-oriented approaches and developing practical proposals on the use of this experience in the activities of domestic business and entrepreneurship. In this context, it can be stated that for the development and implementation of positive strategic changes in staff management, it is important to take into account both the interests and contradictions of a number of stakeholders. In practical activity, the interests of almost all groups of staff are most often in contradiction with the interests of management and owners. Hence the elaboration of problematic issues concerning the increase of interest and leveling contradictions becomes significant aspects of cooperation of all stakeholders, despite the different conditions or the countries of operation of a business. Modern world scientific and practical skills in the sphere of human resources management often focus on determining the points of interaction and coincidence of interests of all participants in both the management and the development processes. The proposed algorithm for determining and adopting effective strategic changes in staff management can be used in the realities of domestic business. The topical direction of further research is the definition for all stakeholders of optimally balanced decisions on the basis of minimum costs and maximum profits in the formation and implementation of strategic changes in staff management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Teslenok I. M., Triboy I. A.
Management of Strategic Changes of Enterprises in the Sphere of Health Improvement and Recreation (p. 291 - 297)

The article is aimed at defining the main problems that arise at the stage of managing strategic changes of enterprises in the sphere of health improvement and recreation, elaborating the ways to overcome them. The available publications by many foreign and domestic scholars on the concept of «management of changes» are analyzed; the most accepted definitions of the concepts of «strategic changes» and «management of changes» are highlighted. The main problems that arise in management of changes in the enterprises operating in the sphere of health improvement and recreation are considered. A general scheme of the main stages of implementation of strategic changes is proposed, which consists of six main stages. These stages are the recommended algorithm of the process of implementation of changes at the enterprise operating in the sphere of health improvement and recreation. A SWOT-analysis of the sphere of health improvement and recreation of the country was conducted, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the development of the tourism sector in Ukraine were identified. The most common directions of development of the sphere of health improvement and recreation are determined. The existing changes are researched according to the degree of transformations. The concepts of «program of changes» and «changes plan» are considered and the peculiarities of their composition are defined. Further on, the main essential tasks of developing a project of strategic changes have been formulated. The leading tasks of the program of changes at the enterprise have been defined. A general scheme for developing a strategic change implementation plan is proposed, consisting of three blocks: tasks; steps; terms of fulfillment. The problems in evaluating the results from the implemented changes have been identified and the general principles that should be consistent with assessing the effectiveness of these changes have been determined. The main reasons for resistance to strategic changes are allocated and ways to overcome them are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kaluhina N. A.
An Adaptive Model of E-Commerce Development (p. 298 - 304)

The article is aimed at building up a model of e-commerce development adapted to the realities of our time and peculiarities of the development of infocommunications of the country. The current status of development of infocommunications is analyzed together with related activities of the enterprises, which are using the digital platforms for conduct of business. It is determined that the development of e-commerce is slowed by the inequality of access to modern information and communication technologies and low activity of certain economic actors regarding trade operations through the Internet. An adaptive model of e-commerce development is proposed, which is based on the consideration of the conditions of the external contour of development of enterprise along with the internal contour in the aspect of the existing resource base and potential development opportunities. The model requires an information base of e-commerce development processes, contains methodical principles for analyzing the internal and external contours of e-commerce development, as well as methods of forecasting changes in the external contour and determining the internal potential. The necessary element of the model is determination of the criteria for the possibility of e-commerce development in existing conditions combined with formation of a list of invariant models for different platforms, which would be the most acceptable in the conditions of external contour. The need to take into account existing cyber risks and apply measures to minimize them in the process of e-commerce development is substantiated. It is defined that the development of e-commerce leads to an effect on micro-, meso- and macro-levels, which in the end can lead to emergence of a synergistic effect. The feedback function contained in the model allows to link the stage of determining the results to the formation of invariant models of development, which should be activated in the absence of desirable results according to the selected model of e-commerce development. Further research will be directed to substantiate the criteria that determine the possibility of e-commerce development under the conditions of both internal and external contours.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shulgina L. M., Binda Jacek, Zhaldak H. P.
The Methodical Instrumentarium for Calculating Prospective Volumes of Sales of Tourism Products (p. 305 - 311)

On the basis of the provisions of the product lifecycle conception and the theory of consumer behavior, a methodical instrumentarium for calculating the volume of implementation of the innovative product, as well as the speed of its penetration of the market, is developed. The dependence of sales volumes of innovative tourism products in the domestic market on the level of consumers’ commitment to travel agency and its offers is determined. The method of measuring the level of consumers’ commitment to travel agency and its offers is substantiated. It is displayed that there is a relationship between the structure of target market and its activity in the purchase of tourism products. Thanks to the improvement of the classification of components of the target segments, the segmentation is deepened taking into account the peculiarities of the behavior of individual subsegments. The peculiarities of the following target market subsegments are allocated and described: loyal consumers market, sympathizers market, qualified market, searchers market, serviced market, eventual market, potential market, promising market. Participation of each subsegment of the target market in the intensity of the spread of innovative tourism product on the market is empirically proved. It is found out that the segment of the «Loyal consumer market» is the smallest, and, at the same time, the most difficult to form and maintain. Thus, in order to create a kind of «reserve» for its replenishment, it is necessary to constantly work on expanding the groups «Sympathizers market» and «Searchers market». The volume of the most volatile segment – the «Searchers market» – significantly exceeds the size of other segments and largely depends on the psychographic characteristics of its participants. The «Traditionalists» segment is relatively small, but in number it is almost comparable to the segment «Followers of leaders» (which significantly affects the perception of the market of tourism products), and «Traditionalists» significantly surpass the «Followers of leaders» in demand and commitment to the set priorities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nashchekina O. M., Nwafor Franklin Nnemeka, Tymoshenkov I. V.
Aligning the Interests of Business and Society: Shared Value, Integrated Value, And Corporate Social Responsibility (p. 349 - 361)

The evolution of CSR is largely the history of reconciling economic goals of business and social goals of society. Relatively recent CSR related concepts “creating shared value” (CSV) and “integrated value creation” (IVC) aim at aligning interests of business and society by producing economic and social value simultaneously. The purpose of this article is to compare the CSV and IVC concepts and show their relation to CSR. In particular, we discuss whether CSV and IVC can be regarded as substitutes for CSR, varieties of CSR or completely new paradigms, and come to the conclusion that the positioning of both concepts depends on how broadly CSR is defined. We summarize major criticisms of the CSV concept and provide our own vision of the strengths and limitations of both concepts, showing why at least the CSV concept cannot supplant CSR. Comparing CSV and IVC, we focus on the differences between them and show that IVC represents a more fundamental shift in business philosophy and aims at a deeper and system-wide rather than local and fragmentary integration within society. We maintain that the CSV and IVC ideas can and should be used in strategic planning as inspiration for innovative thinking, as guidelines for increasing business competitiveness and societal well-being. We also point out the need for refining methodological frameworks for the practical implementation of the CSV and IVC ideas.

Article is written in English

Tytykalo V. S.
Conceptual Bases of the Formation of Organizational-Economic Mechanism of the Process-Oriented Management (p. 361 - 369)

The article examines the theoretical and instrumental bases of formation of the organizational-economic mechanism. The conceptual model of the process-oriented management of economic potential of enterprise is elaborated, which consists of aim, goals, methods, defining the relationships of subjects, functions and objects of management. The characteristics of these relationships are conditional upon the influence of the external and internal environment, taking into account the relevant hierarchy and management objectives. According to the results of the research, approaches to the formation of the organizational-economic mechanism and the process-oriented management are defined, which is based on general principles (systematicity, dynamicity, complexity, efficiency, purposefulness, scientific validity) and specific principles (completeness of coverage and involvement of economic resources, conformity to plan and budgeting, innovative development, efficiency of use, effective administration, control and coordination). The proposed principles are the main ones for determining the key indicators in assessing the economic potential of the enterprise, fixing to some extent the main stages of its implementation in space and time. The author defines that the organizational-economic mechanism of the process-oriented management is carried out on the basis of the application of management methods, that is, a set of certain techniques of influence on the management object, which contribute to the achievement of the targets. The main objectives of the organizational-economic mechanism of the process-oriented management of economic potential should be: formation of a development strategy on the basis of consistency of economic interests, creation of conditions for the efficient implementation of each component of economic potential, development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of its use, organization of assessment of the effectiveness of management influences. The proposed organizational-economic mechanism is a basic platform for determining the system of elements, the nature of the process of their interaction, and the development of practical recommendations as to activities of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Budnik M. M., Ivanova Y. Y.
Approaches and Models for the Change Management at the Enterprise (p. 370 - 376)

The article is aimed at offering and highlighting the results of the authors’ research on existing approaches and methods for change management, as well as to finding ways to improve the effective implementation of changes at the enterprise. The subject of the research was methodological approaches to the process of change management at the enterprise. The research was carried out by analyzing scientific works of foreign and domestic scholars on the topic of the article. The concept of change management is substantiated, which is based upon the possibility to reproduce the model of successful changes on the basis of specific instruments that allow to effectively implement changes. In the course of the analysis, the main competitive advantages that the enterprise can get in the implementation of effective change management were allocated. The models that allow efficient implementation of changes are defined. The choice of a particular model depends on the nature of the enterprise’s work and its chosen development strategy. It is proposed to classify approaches to change management by the nature of changes and the nature of management. Also noted is the necessity to distinguish between approaches to development management by the nature of planning, organization, management and control at the enterprise. In addition to approaches to change management at enterprises, it is advisable to consider existing models of implementation of changes, taking into account the specific situation and the desired results. The authors developed and proposed the process of managing changes at the enterprise in the form of a specific algorithm. As a result, the direction of further development of classification of approaches to change management is obtained. The authors propose their own vision of the change management process, which is advisable to present in the form of a specific algorithm for implementing and managing changes at the enterprise. Prospects for further research are coverage of applied aspects of change management at domestic enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yukhman Y. V.
The Adaptively Oriented System of Enterprise Management: The Theoretical Aspects (p. 376 - 383)

The article is aimed at a theoretical substantiation of the formation of an adaptively oriented system of enterprise management, taking into account internal and external influences along with new challenges of society. According to the results of the carried out research, the author defines that realities are formed under the influence of economic laws, which leads to an increase in the level of competition in both domestic and foreign markets. Accordingly, in order to effectively function the management of domestic enterprises needs to produce and implement innovative managerial solutions aimed at increasing competitiveness through the operation of an adaptively oriented management system. The principles and functions of formation of an adaptively oriented management system of enterprise are singled out; the stages of its development and implementation are examined. It is determined that the efficient direction of solving this problem is the formation and functioning of adaptive and organizational structures of enterprise management. Vector directions of efficiency of adaptively oriented management system of enterprise are outlined and its models are defined. It is specified that in the development of an efficient management system it is necessary to take into account the requirements of uncertainty and form adaptation mechanisms that will reduce the impacts of risks from crisis phenomena, as well as create opportunities for the development of domestic enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Proskurnina N. V.
Transformation of Business Models of Retail Enterprises in the Conditions of Digitalization (p. 384 - 391)

The article is aimed at generalizing the theoretical and practical principles of transformation of business models of retail enterprises in the digitalization of the economy. The determinants of innovative transformation of retail business models are characterized, which allow, based on internal and external conditions, to critically rethink and adjust the basic principle by which value is created. The need to search for ideas of the latest business models of retail trade, on the basis of which enterprises will be able to be successful and grow rapidly in the conditions of digitalization, is proved. A scientific generalization and systematization of business models of value creation in both off-line and on-line channels is carried out. According to the model of Graf and Schneider, a value chain is defined, which is based on the following primary activities: supply (range, focused on demand); presentation of the product (photo of the product, listing, recommendations, text); marketing and sales (off-line marketing, on-line marketing, sales channels); executing sale and purchase (issue of check, payment methods, risk analysis); logistics (delivery of goods, management of return of goods); customer service (dialogue with the client in social networks, hot-line, chat, on-line self-service). These determinants in the course of value creation can be materialized on the basis of innovative approaches, through multichannel sales, use of brands, pricing management, integration of customers into various processes and shopper marketing (buying marketing), which allows to focus on the decision-making process from the first opinion of the consumer about the purchase of goods and further on, during making the choice. It is noted that the rapid response to changes, the proactive search for new ideas and high readiness for digitalization are triggers of the successful transformation of the business model of retailers in the digital revolution. As the main competencies at the retail enterprises the author defines innovation, digital intelligence and personalization, which must be adequately used to win the competition.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalutska K. Y.
Formation of Combined Scenarios of Diversification and Integration Development of Enterprise: Choosing a Strategic Direction on an Alternative Basis (p. 392 - 399)

The article is aimed at a scientific-practical approaching the formation of strategic combined scenarios of diversification and integration development of enterprise on an alternative basis. To achieve the aim, the research in the article is carried out using the following methods: abstraction, scenarios, grouping, optimization, comparison. A scientific-practical approach to the formation of strategic combined scenarios of diversification and integration development of the enterprise on an alternative basis is proposed. This approach is based on the synchronism of business processes allocated according to the appropriate diversification convergence into certain business units, allowing to quickly take specific managerial actions depending on the chosen scenario. The features and conditions of using this approach are described. Using the main recommendations for the formation of strategic combined scenarios, possible scenarios of diversification and integration development of machine-building enterprises are chosen. It is proved that the selected scenarios contribute to the timely adoption of appropriate managerial decisions, which ensure the necessary effect for the successful strategic development of enterprise in the conditions of neotechnological reproduction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sekirozh Y. V.
The Strategic Positions of Sustainable Development of Machine-Building Enterprises: The Innovative Provision (p. 400 - 407)

The article defines that the implementation of the strategy for managing the innovative sustainable development of machine-building enterprises consists in selecting and using the effective internal mechanisms for crisis neutralization at enterprises. The measures are divided into operational and strategic, defensive and offensive. At the same time, operational measures should be carried out within the terms of the chosen strategy and can be both defensive or offensive, while strategic measures bear offensive nature exclusively. Defensive operational measures do not require significant time spent and raising additional funds for their preparation and conduct and should be carried out as part of a «reduction strategy». Offensive operational measures are advisable to use after defensive ones in the implementation of «strategy of reduced growth». Strategic measures require more than one year to be implemented and do attract significant additional investments. They are the basis of the «growth strategy» and consist in the restoration of equipment, improving the quality of products, improving the organization of production and labor, finding new markets, implementing progressive technologies, developing new types of production, elaborating a common concept of sustainable development of enterprise. It is concluded that the implementation of the strategy of management of innovative provision for sustainable development of machine-building enterprises is carried out, starting with the implementation of the most effective programs through defensive operational measures. If the results of these measures did not allow enterprises to achieve the targets and move to a zone with a lower level of crisis, it is necessary to move to offensive operational measures, and if necessary – to strategic innovation-managerial measures, adjusting the programs taking into account the new position of the enterprise in the matrix of statuses. According to the results of control, the management of machine-building enterprises makes the necessary adjustments aimed at improving the efficiency of strategic management of innovative provision of sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Wang Dongcheng
Global Trends in the Business Processes Management of Enterprise (p. 407 - 412)

The article is aimed at researching and making a generalization of modern world-wide trends observed in the sphere of the business processes management of enterprise. The article stipulates the need to study modern trends in the sphere of the business processes management of enterprise. The dynamics of interest in the sphere of the business processes management and its nature in modern enterprises is examined. The projects that are of more significant interest among entrepreneurs in the sphere of development of management of own business processes are defined. The rating of the most common factors that act as the driving force for the focus of the enterprises’ activity on changing business processes has been built. The costs of managing changes in relation to the total costs associated with the implementation of ERP projects at enterprises are analyzed. The approaches to building up the architecture of business processes used in modern organizations are researched. The modern attitude of companies to the role of process manager in changing the business processes of enterprise is studied. It is determined how the vast majority of business processes management professionals approach to expanding their competencies and researching modern world trends. The generalization of modern world trends in the sphere of the business processes management is specified. The role of the digital revolution and the corresponding emergence of new types of business management technologies have been defined. Examples of the combination of modern digital technologies and business processes management instruments are provided. The essence of the intellectualization of process systems and the introduction of low-code platforms for the elaboration and development of the enterprise’s business processes management system are considered. The directions of possible development of business processes management systems are defined, which will provide the possibility of free combination of a wide range of digital technologies, namely: creation of integrated digital business platforms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Buchna Y. A., Davydov D. S.
Changes in the Advertising Industry in the Context of the Global Lockdown-2020: Economic and Social Issues (p. 413 - 419)

The article is aimed at highlighting major changes in advertising and marketing at the international level as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulted global economic crisis. When carrying out a detailed analysis of scientific articles, the main trends were identified, according to which the modern advertising industry in the world will continue to change, and a vision of possible ways to further develop the situation in the context of the international crisis in the economy has been formed. The key indicators of the economic crisis have been defined and their impact on the decisions of advertising agencies on the choice of means, channels and content of advertising campaigns is highlighted. A new direction has been formed in which advertising agencies implement and promote their own campaigns. The relevance of on-line advertising during the lockdown period is substantiated, namely, advertising on social networks, video resources and streaming platforms; advertising embedded in online games, etc. Benefits of broadcasting advertising through on-line channels compared to traditional advertising methods are allocated and substantiated. Prospect of this direction of research is to determine the most effective methods and topics of on-line advertising in order to reach a new audience and increase the customer base of advertising agencies. For in today’s world information technology occupies the position of the most actual way to move business forward in any sphere, a significant share of investments are made in new ad formats, payment models and technology solutions that meet or surpass global industry standards. Further development of the sphere of digital advertising can lead to even more displacement of the off-line methods of advertising from the market: because the end consumers no longer use a PC in order to go on-line, but more often browse the Internet resources from their portable devices.

Article is written in English

Pasmor M. S., Demchenko S. V., Zaitseva D. V.
Analyzing the Marketing Instruments in the Sphere of Innovative Entrepreneurship and Creative Industries in the City of Kharkiv (p. 420 - 434)

The topic of development and involvement of marketing instruments in business is relevant nowadays. In the era of the Internet, social networks and open information space, it is extremely important for companies and organizations to learn and implement new marketing instruments in order to utilize and fill the communication channels used by modern human in everyday life. Most marketing instruments, applied by the business environment before 2014–2016, are already becoming irrelevant due to the lack of feedback from the younger generation. From the off-line format, the interaction of business – buyer is increasingly moving to the on-line format. Thanks to the rapid development of digitalization in recent years, enterprises have received new channels of communication with their target audience, and, accordingly, new channels of communication and marketing instruments, which are covered in the publication. The article is aimed at theoretical studying the latest marketing instruments and analyzing their introduction into the creative industries of the city of Kharkiv. The latest marketing instruments are analyzed, examples of their use in the modern business environment of Ukraine are provided. Their adaptability is considered and recommendations for their use in commercial structures are made. Systematized and allocated are purely new marketing instruments used by business in the 21st century. The efficiency of their introduction into the activities of companies and organizations is substantiated and proved on specific examples. In addition, special attention is paid to the extended presentation of their use and disclosure of the essence on the example of the public organization «Kharkiv IT Cluster».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko Y. I.
The TNC Marketing Strategy – Balance of the Global and the Local (p. 434 - 442)

Competitiveness of enterprises in the international market of goods and services is one of the main trends in the development of the world economy. In order to preserve and strengthen their competitive advantages, transnational corporations (TNC) are forced to reconsider sometimes conservative approaches to the development and implementation of marketing strategies. The article is aimed at studying the theoretical and practical aspects of the formation of TNC marketing strategies, analyzing the factors that influence the choice and substantiation of these strategies in the context of uncertainty of the global environment. TNC do not use only global or transnational marketing strategy. For the most part, compromise approaches prevail, which can be conventionally defined as standardized adaptation. Reducing the product life cycle (PLC), the use of synchronous expansion of national markets provide TNC leadership on a global scale. Finding the best time to enter foreign markets, rationalizing of marketing strategies and prioritizing the use of marketing mix tools at each stage of the international life cycle is the key to the success of TNC in the competitive struggle for international and national markets. For all TNC, the problem of marketing strategy efficiency remains the main one. Each company experiences a discussion on global and adaptive strategy in different periods of its life cycle. The combination of global thinking and local implementation according to the needs of the market, building a new level of relationships with partner (manufacturer, supplier, consumer, etc.), business processes management and integration of management functions with effective saturation with digital solutions and innovations is not an easy but effective formula for the success of TNC marketing strategies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Proskurnina N. V., Yeresko D. O.
Marketing Activity as a Means of Increasing the Level of International Competitiveness of the Enterprise «Greenpower-Pro» LLC (p. 443 - 450)

The article is aimed at studying the process of ensuring international competitiveness and increasing its level by forming a marketing complex focused on the appropriate task. The essence of the concept of competitiveness is considered, the factors of competitiveness of enterprise are defined. A strong relationship between the level of international competitiveness of enterprise and the effectiveness of its marketing activities is determined. As a result, upon on the basis of these factors, the main methods of assessing the level of competitiveness of enterprise are identified, based on the analysis of indicators belonging to the marketing activity of enterprise. The assessment of the level of competitiveness of enterprise is carried out by the method based on the theory of effective competition elaborated by Joseph Schumpeter. It is found that the competitiveness of «Greenpower-Pro» LLC is at a high level relative to industry competitors. Since it is determined that the key factors of competitiveness formation are indicators of the effectiveness of the marketing activity of the enterprise, on the basis of these observations, a marketing strategy for increasing the level of competitiveness is built, as well as a balanced system of marketing performance indicators focused on increasing the competitiveness of enterprise is proposed. Measures to implement the proposed balanced system of indicators of marketing activity are defined. The main recommendations for improving marketing activity as an instrument to increase the level of international competitiveness of the production enterprise on the example of «Greenpower-Pro» LLC are formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yurchenko N. I.
The Current Trends in Marketing Research in the Tourism Industry (p. 450 - 459)

Currently, the tourism industry continues to outpace the global economy despite deteriorating global economic prospects, tensions in international trade, social worries, geopolitical uncertainty, instability and the COVID-19 pandemic. The article is aimed at identifying modern trends of marketing research as part of the complex of marketing instruments in the tourism sphere. To achieve this aim, the article uses the following research methods: abstract-logical; situational analysis; mean, absolute and relative values; comparison, graphic, sociological; statistical analysis; economic-mathematical; expert surveys and estimations. Based on the data of the World Tourism Organization, the indicators of development of the world market of tourist services are analyzed. Performed were the following: analysis of the dynamics of the number of subjects of tourism activity (tour operators and travel agents) in Ukraine; total average number of full-time employees; income from the provision of tourist services; operating expenses for the provision of tourist services; number of tourists served by tour operators and travel agents in Ukraine. The content of marketing research is disclosed as a multi-stage process, which should include the collection, registration and analysis of data in the sphere of tourism business. Marketing researches should be conducted according to 8 stages: determining the problem; development of the concept of research; cabinet marketing research; field market research; analysis of market conditions (supply and demand); research of foreign markets; simulation modeling; formation of a marketing information system. In order to determine the rating of tour operators of the mass segment of the tourism market in 2020, a questionnaire containing 16 questions is specified. Its results can be used when evaluating tour operators in terms of customer comfort and cooperation with travel agents. It is proved that marketing research in the tourism industry is advisable to be carried out systematically. This will provide for substantiating and elaborating managerial solutions in order to maximize the satisfaction of the needs of consumers of tourist services and solve the problems of significant seasonal fluctuations in demand.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilchenko T. V.
The Role of Marketing Instruments in the Innovative Development of Agrarian Enterprises (p. 460 - 468)

At present, intensification of innovation activity is recognized as the priority direction in the operation of agrarian enterprises. It is determined that this, first of all, requires the formation of a qualitatively new system of marketing provision for innovative development of agricultural producers, introduction of modern information and communication technologies, and the use of digital marketing instruments. Therefore, the research is aimed at substantiating and developing proposals to improve the effectiveness of innovative development of agrarian enterprises with the use of marketing instrumentarium. To achieve the aim, research methods such as analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, statistical analysis, structural and logical method, systematization are applied. The indicators of innovative development of food production enterprises are analyzed in accordance with KVED-2010. The key factors that determine the feasibility of using marketing instrumentarium in the innovative development of agrarian enterprises are identified. The main advantages of using information and communication technologies as an important marketing instrument in the innovative activities of agrarian enterprises are defined. Global trends in the development of the digitalization process in agriculture are examined. The peculiarities of digital channels for the promotion of agrarian products are considered, which include content marketing (SEO, SERM, SMM, PR content, e-mail marketing, ORM); digital advertising (contextual, targeted, media advertising); multichannel promotion; web-analythics. The directions of intensification of innovation activities of agrarian enterprises with the use of marketing instruments are defined, which are conventionally systematized by eight groups: operational response; budget optimization; remote mode and taking care of the team; assistance to agrarian business through the growth of corporate social responsibility and implementation of social initiatives; marketing strategy adjustments; transformation of communication mix and portfolio of innovative products; e-com enhancement, focus on trade marketing.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Polotniak I. G.
Formation of the Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Development and Preservation of the Staff of «Kyivstar» JSC (p. 379 - 384)

The article is aimed at analyzing both external and internal factors of formation of the organizational-economic development and preservation of the staff of company «Kyivstar»; examining the methods and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the employees’ performance, recommendations for implementing measures to improve the human resources management system. Today, the telecommunications company «Kyivstar» is one of the most successful Ukrainian employers due to modern approaches to human resources management and creation of favorable conditions for employee development. The main task of human resources management is to combine its effective training, qualification advancing and labor motivation to develop the skills of employees and encourage them to perform top-level work. The peculiarities of personnel policy of Ukrainian telecommunications company «Kyivstar» are considered; the quality staff composition, system of staff development and motivation are analyzed. The factors that have a direct impact on the development of personnel potential of the enterprise, in particular intrasystem and individual ones, are described. Measures are proposed to improve the system of development and preservation of the company’s staff. A further important direction of research in the field of staff development and preservation is the formation of an automated mechanism for the process of assessing the enterprise’s staff. Modern realities of the national economy to ensure the competitiveness of enterprises require the use of the latest management methods and technologies for the development of professional level of employees, new approaches to the formation of an organizational-economic mechanism of staff management, which necessitates further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Parkhomenko N. O.
A Comparative Characterization of the Strategies for Organizational Development of Business Systems in Global Environment (p. 385 - 392)

The research is aimed at comparing the strategies for organizational development of business systems in the global environment and determining the priorities of their application in the practice of business. When analyzing approaches to strategic management, the peculiarities of application of the strategies for organizational development of business systems are considered, and strategies are systematized into three following groups: non-interference, development, and decline. Considerable attention is paid to development strategies: internal growth; external growth – horizontal and vertical integration, concentric and conglomerate diversification, network structures, strategic alliances, outsourcing. As a result of the research, it is defined that the global environment is characterized by a significant degree of interstate and inter-firm competition. In order to make the most use of market opportunities, to minimize threats, to adapt to changes in a timely manner, taking into account business conditions in different countries, it is proposed to use innovative strategies of organizational development more actively. The strengths and weaknesses of each of the strategies considered are identified. The feasibility of using growth strategies is substantiated, namely, strategies of network structures and strategic alliances for powerful business systems, and outsourcing strategies for medium and small enterprises limited in resources. At the same time, it is proposed to combine various strategies for the organizational development of business systems to achieve various goals. Prospects for further research in this direction are the formation of methodological support for evaluating strategic alternatives in substantiating the choice of a strategy for the organizational development of business systems in global environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepeliuk M. I., Pomazan M. Y.
The Strategy of Sustainable Development of the World Leader in Freight Transportation in the Realities of Modern Business (p. 392 - 397)

The processes of globalization of international trade involve the unhindered movement of resources and goods, which is objectively impossible to carry out without maritime transport. Currently, maritime transport provides sustainable foreign economic transport and production relations between individual countries. Sea transportation occupies about 80% of the world’s cargo turnover, and this percentage increases every year. Sea transportation is the most efficient, reliable and economical way of international transportation of most goods. Corporate social responsibility is an integral part of sustainable development of maritime cargo transportation companies and includes care for the environment, labor rights and human rights, business ethics. In 2018, a strategy directed towards reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions from vessels by 2050 by at least 50% of the total volume compared to 2008 was adopted. The article proposes methods for calculating tracking indicators of the sea transport energy efficiency, basic elements of planning the energy efficiency management of the vessel are allocated. The sustainable development strategy of the Danish company Maersk, specializing in maritime freight transportation and port terminal maintenance, envisages four areas - climate change, inclusive trade, food loss and ship recycling. The Maersk’s partners are international organizations that contribute to the implementation of the UN sustainable development strategy. Since 2019 Maersk reports a 42% reduction in relative CO2 emissions compared to 2008. The company plans to jointly develop carbon dioxide fuel types and sustainable fuel solutions with energy suppliers, as well as with technology developers, researchers, investors and other transportation companies and logistics providers. Thus, Maersk is gradually demonstrating a global commitment to the ecologically sustainable logistics in line with its commitment to reducing carbon emissions across the supply chain. Maersk has taken the initiative to abandon the use of fossil fuels and has set a global goal of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050 in the performance of all its operations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Arefieva O. V., Piletska S. T., Zabolotna D. V.
The Strategic Resources of Ensuring the Economic Potential in the Context of Integration-Diversification Development of Enterprise (p. 398 - 404)

The article is aimed at defining the strategic resources to ensure economic potential in the context of integration-diversification development of enterprise. The relevance of creating favorable economic conditions for sustainable functioning and growth of the level of technological development of enterprises, their provision with necessary resources, which are the integral elements of expanded reproduction in the country, is proved. It is specified that for the effective functioning of enterprise it is necessary to have certain types of resources, their balanced quantitative and qualitative interaction in the real production process on the principles of integration and diversification. As a result of the study, it is determined that the economic potential of enterprise is an aggregate of a certain type strategic resources that ensure the implementation of all activities of the enterprise through the use of its potential capabilities, which provides an aggregate effect allowing them to function effectively and form sustainable competitive advantages on the basis of integration and diversification development. A systemic model of ensuring economic potential on the basis of the integration-diversification development of enterprise is proposed, which in the conditions of formation of post-industrial society solves the main task – introduction of innovations and progressive changes at enterprise. The structure of strategic resources of the economic potential of enterprise is explored, among which special attention is paid to organizational resources, which are resources of the enterprise management system to carry out and coordinate its interaction with objects of both external and internal environment. Prospects for further research in this area are the formation of financial support for the strategy of integration-diversification development of enterprise on the basis of the implementation of the principles of synergetics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalutska K. Y.
The Causal-Determinated Mechanism of Management of Diversification-Integration Development of Enterprises in Conditions of Neo-Technological Reproduction: The Integrated Basis of Construction (p. 404 - 411)

The transformation processes that take place in each sphere of the socio-economic system lead to certain changes in the structure and condition of its individual components, which are characterized by the appropriate level of innovation, technology, creativity, etc. compared to the basic state of the system. A succession of such mutually determined changes leads to the cyclicality of transformational processes, the implementation of which at different levels of the economic system provides the an-order-higher results in terms of technical and technological, innovative, intellectual, etc. characterizations, which is the basis of neo-technological reproduction. In the context of neo-technological reproduction, the efficiency of the enterprises’ functioning is ensured by the effectiveness of their diversification-integration development, which ensures optimal implementation of the business processes of the enterprise through the rationalization of the necessary resources and opportunities for their development and implementation by their own and/or third-party forces of the attractive stakeholders. Since the efficiency of any process depends on the rational mechanism for its management (which will ensure optimal and effective implementation of it, aimed at maximizing the achievement of the set goals), then, accordingly, the article is aimed at forming a causal-demerminated management mechanism for diversifying-integrating development of enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction. The necessity of forming a causal-determinated mechanism for management of diversification-integration development of enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction is substantiated. The components of this mechanism are outlined, the aggregate interconnected implementation of which, within the framework of the selected specific management functions, ensures the efficiency of managerial decision-making, taking into account the conditions of neo-technological reproduction. A more detailed examination of peculiarities of the motivational mechanism as a general one within the structure of the integrated mechanism of management of diversification-integration development of enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction is carried out. It is proved that the use of the causal-determinated mechanism will ensure the formation of an optimally effective configuration of the main subsystems of the enterprise’s functioning and the processes of creating an additional effect, which will lead to the formation of the appropriate competitive advantages of the enterprise necessary for the sustainability of its activities in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zabolotna A. M., Serpukhov M. Y.
Developing Corporate Communication with Stakeholders of IT-Enterprise in the Foreign Market (p. 411 - 417)

Recently, competition has been rapidly increasing in the IT sphere, so a competently constructed system of communications with stakeholders becomes a very important advantage for companies. Depending on the size of the company, the type of business and the scale of activity for each group, it is necessary to choose an individual approach to interaction. The article is concerned with a comprehensive study of the problems of processes of developing corporate communications with stakeholders of IT-industry enterprises. The main groups for external and internal types of stakeholders for the companies in the IT sphere, features of interaction and developing corporate communications with them are examined. To implement positive strategic changes in staff management, it is important to take into account both the interests and contradictions of stakeholders. In practical activity, the interests of almost all groups of staff are most often in contradiction with the interests of management and owners. Hence the elaboration of problems of increasing interest and leveling contradictions becomes significant aspects of cooperation of all stakeholders, despite the different conditions and countries of business operation. It is necessary to interact with stakeholders based on the company’s strategy and competently build an understandable communication strategy with them. The publication involves determining the points of interaction and coincidence of the interests of all participants in the management and development processes. The proposed algorithm for determining and adopting effective strategic changes in communication management can be used in the foreign market. The efficiency of the organization depends on how well the interaction with stakeholders is built. Interaction with stakeholders helps the organization to increase social capital, minimize non-financial risks, and identify new opportunities for the company’s development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Feshchur R. V., Shyshkovskyi S. V., Skvortsov D. I.
Assessing the Development of Economic Entities (p. 418 - 423)

The article reveals the concept of "development of economic entity" and the formation of the concept of "one", "two" and "many" criteria for assessing its development. The development of the enterprise is considered as a process of acquiring new qualitative, quantitative or structural properties that involves changing the parameters of its state. The system is transformed through the growth, activation or structuring of the constituent elements. It is determined that growth (horizontal, vertical, diversified) involves the expansion of the size of the enterprise, its potential and scale of activity. Activation occurs due to the increase of business activity of enterprise, through the establishment and strengthening of communication with the contact audience (suppliers, customers, regional community, etc.). Restructuring is characterized by the rebuilding of relationships in the system and changes in enterprise management, i. e. the choice of a new leadership style, modernization of the organizational structure of management, and so on. The developed conceptual model for assessing the development of economic entity is based on the understanding of development as a threefold essence of potential, functional activity and effectiveness. Changing any of these elements affects development and characterizes it. An inherent property of enterprise development is the advancement of the rate of change of indicators of functional activity in relation to the pace of change of efficiency and potential. Based on the definition of development as a permanent process, which is always associated with the emergence in time of something qualitatively new or a new combination of existing elements, which leads to the formation of a new result, a triangle of development of economic entity is formed. Stages of the enterprise development assessment have been developed. The criteria for assessing the development of economic entity are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ptashchenko O. V.
Features of Corporate Management of Mergers and Acquisitions Processes (p. 424 - 429)

The article examines the main features and identifies the main trends in the global M&A market. The modern development of the economy is characterized by the spread of the processes of globalization, and it can be noted that, one way or another, the latest waves of mergers and acquisitions are tightly related to the flow of these processes. The history of mergers and acquisitions processes in the world economy shows that all surges in mergers and acquisitions agreements were and are accounted for periods of structural changes, industrial rises, technological revolutions, significant organizational restructuring of the world economy. Mergers and acquisitions of companies are one of the most important business development instruments in the market economy. The purposes of these processes are often the growth of company and the use of various kinds of synergies, which is manifested in strengthening its impact on markets and improving business efficiency. Most mergers and acquisitions agreements are concluded by industrialized countries, their role is increasing for developing countries. The dynamics of the M&A processes market will largely depend on the ability of companies to enter into large contracts announced either at the end of the past year or earlier this year. Only then it could it be stated that the growth of activity in the mergers and acquisitions market has become a long-term trend. Many experts believe that a new wave of M&A will inevitably lead to an increase in unemployment, and this, in turn, will lead to an aggravation of the social situation and require additional costs from the budget.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lutsenko I. S., Konovalova I. V.
Improvement of Logistic Processes Management as a Method of Improving the Activity of Enterprise (p. 430 - 435)

The article is aimed at defining the role of improving the management of logistic processes as a method of improving the activity of enterprise. The relevance of application of logistic approach in the management of enterprise and definition of the concept of «management of logistic processes» is explored. The reasons for the relevance of the problem of improving the management of logistic processes of enterprise, especially during the period of instability in all countries of the world because of the COVID-19 pandemic, are allocated; factors influencing the efficiency of the supply chain are defined. The goals of supply processes management and supply chains management for the enterprise and logistic system are indicated. The importance of established communications and transparency of information flows of the logistic system in the process of regulation of activities at different levels of organization of logistic processes is substantiated. It is emphasized that the most common type of organization of logistic processes is outsourcing. A definition of logistics outsourcing is provided, the advantages and disadvantages of using outsourcing in logistics activities are considered, since the cost-efficiency of its use is quite a complex parameter, as is the service itself. The expediency of using a methodical approach in the management of logistic processes is examined, according to which the effectiveness of outsourcing of logistic functions is considered as the difference between the costs of the process. The research showed that improvement of management of logistic processes is of particular importance, since their competent organization is the key to improving the efficiency of production and economic activity of enterprise along with rapid adaptation to a changing environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaichenko Y. O.
The Current State of Human Resources Management at Enterprises: Challenges and Prospects (p. 436 - 441)

HR management provides for the availability of administrative tasks related to hiring and remuneration of employees of the company. As a separate management function, it aims to recruit and maintain the high-quality workforce required by the organization to achieve its goals. The article is aimed at studying the existing experience of development of the human resources management system at enterprises in the conditions of compliance with the principles of corporate social responsibility. In the course of achieving the goal of the study, a number of such tasks were solved, in particular: the directions of research in the sphere of HR management were analyzed; an assessment of existing international framework documents and initiatives in the sphere of HR management was carried out; the changes in the management of activities on work with staff of enterprises were examined; proposals to improve existing HR management trends at enterprises were scientifically substantiated. It is substantiated that the methodological principles of policy development and internal organizational-regulatory documents on HR management and its development require further research. The organization of the manager’s work depends on the organizational structure and type of activity of the enterprise. It is stressed that the responsibility for human rights is a global standard of expected behavior for all enterprises wherever they operate. It exists regardless of the ability and/or willingness of the countries to fulfill their own human rights obligations and does not diminish these obligations. The work of the HR manager is of particular importance at the present stage of implementation of the concept of focus on the creation of human capital as the most valuable asset of enterprise. The main instruments for counteracting the challenges of building up an effective human resources management system at the enterprise are the development of a roadmap of actions with further control over the implementation of the actions and measures; disclosure and transparency of activities to the employees of the enterprise; involving employees in the implementation of certain elements of the human resources management system. The methodological principles of policy development and internal organizational-regulatory documents on HR management and its development require further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ostapenko T. M., Kubetska O. M., Antipova V. P.
Marketing as an Instrument for Managing the Solvency of Trade Enterprises (p. 442 - 447)

The article is aimed at studying marketing, marketing costs and marketing results, its modern instruments used in sales management, providing the achievement of the set goals, that is, meeting the need to generate income (profit) for the sale of goods and ensuring solvency of the enterprise. Marketing services, their importance for trade business in modern conditions of economic development are researched, as well as the main efficient marketing instruments are explored (marketing steps to increase sales), which are actively used by trading enterprises in the conditions of modernity. Significance of marketing, which served as the basis for the systematization of marketing costs in various forms of its organization, is considered. The indicators of performance, effectiveness and evaluation of marketing services (absolute amount of marketing costs, level of marketing costs, profitability of marketing costs, return to marketing costs on turnover of goods, pace of changes in marketing costs, absolute deviation of marketing costs, relative deviation of marketing costs) are generalized. The documentary registration of marketing services by groups (for the organization of marketing events and confirmation of the reality of incurring of costs) is summarized. The purpose, subject, object of marketing according to the managerial approach are defined and described in detail. The objects of marketing in solvency management are revenue centers (shops, other outlets and places of sale), wherein purchase, sale, and supplies are being materialized and positive factors for promoting customer needs, obtaining the highest trade income are being formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Puschkar O. I., Khyl L. P., Bondarenko L. F.
The Role of Marketing Research in Ensuring the Growth of the National Economy (p. 448 - 456)

The article is aimed at substantiating the need and expediency of marketing research in the marketing activities of enterprises as a factor in the economic growth of the national economy. In Ukraine, the topic of the market of marketing research belongs to the sphere of activities of the Ukrainian Marketing Association (UAM), whose purpose is to provide information to market participants on market trends and the real state of affairs. The UAM’s researches rely on data from research companies and expert opinions. The article contains material on the necessity and feasibility of carrying out marketing research by enterprises and organizations and the use of the received data for the implementation of their activities in the conditions of variability and instability of the external market environment. The market of marketing research in Ukraine is analyzed; the tendency of increasing demand for marketing research and the relationship between the growth of their volumes with the increase in financial results in the national economy is identified both in general and by the types of economic activity, as well as by the types of enterprises. But the current economic situation resulting from the global pandemic requires companies carrying out marketing research to use modern methods taking into account the peculiarities of the domestic market. Research companies that carry out marketing research in the Ukrainian market and customers of marketing research are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zubko D. O.
Scientific and Theoretical Content of the Brand Strategy of a Trading Enterprise (p. 457 - 461)

The study notes that the activities of commercial enterprises are constantly becoming more complex, as it is influenced by factors related to economic crises, unstable economic environment, globalization of the economy and digitalization processes. All this causes changes in existing approaches to managing domestic enterprises. In this regard, the expediency of using the brand and brand strategy in the activities of a trading enterprise to ensure its competitiveness and market position is justified. The purpose of the study is to determine the scientific and theoretical content of the brand strategy of a trading enterprise. Approaches to defining the concepts of brand and brand strategy are considered and generalized, as a result of which it is determined that in the scientific literature there is no consensus on their interpretation, due to the semantic ambiguity of the characteristics of these definitions. The features and essence of the brand from the standpoint of subject, functional, emotional, cost-oriented and integrated approach are identified. The author's position on the expediency of defining the concept of brand taking into account the integrated approach is substantiated. The brand strategy is characterized as an orderly set of measures designed for the long term, the implementation of which is aimed at: increasing the popularity, demand for the company's product among consumers by forming an appropriate image, ideas, associations, expectations about it; increasing the value and competitiveness of a product or service; development of the trade enterprise as a whole. The stages of formation of enterprise strategy, creation of brand and brand strategy are generalized, their features in the context of activity of trade enterprise are defined. It is proved that the development and implementation of brand strategies in the framework of strategic management play an important role in the development and formation of the image of a trading company, which requires additional research on practical aspects in the theoretical plane.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koliadenko V. A., Vasylchenko Y. V.
The Applied Principles of Development of the Marketing Program of the Communications Operator PrAT «VF Ukraine» Taking into Account the Impact of Relationship Marketing (p. 462 - 467)

The article is aimed at defining and substantiating the basic principles of the communications operator’s marketing program, taking into account the impact of the conception of relationship marketing, since many communication services companies direct most of their resources to attract new customers. Efforts to keep existing customers are minimal, at least as far as the official marketing program is concerned. This view of marketing is restrictive and potentially useless. The publication defines the mechanism of general action of marketing relations to the enterprise; mandatory trends and accents, which should be taken into account during changes in the marketing program, are specified as follows: service; client orientedness; strong ties with clients on one hand and partners, shareholders, investors, suppliers on the other hand; Internet marketing; branding; development of related applications. The process of implementing the relationship marketing is considered, the main purpose of which is to increase the competitiveness and profitability of the enterprise by meeting the needs of client?le and preserving the existing customers. The existing possible marketing strategies of relationship marketing that can serve as a basis for the company’s marketing program are examined: the main strategy of service; adjustment of relationship; service improvement; pricing of relationships; internal marketing. Taking into account the carried out researches, the necessity to amend the marketing program of the enterprise is substantiated, it is determined that the operator’s application of the specified conception in the marketing of the company increases profitability, brand loyalty, encourages greater differentiation of goods/services, and gaining competitive advantages. To maintain the relationships, a good service is needed – this will become one of the leading benchmarks and priorities as to the changes in the company’s marketing program. To achieve the goal set, it is necessary to improve the existing marketing program of the company in accordance with the new conception.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Serpukhov M. Y., Nesterenko A. O.
Marketing Technologies as an Instrument to Activate the Development of Domestic Enterprises (p. 467 - 472)

The modern Ukrainian marketing environment at the present stage undergoes both changes and introduction of new practical knowledge. But one of the necessary conditions for the effective functioning of any economic entity is the active use of marketing instruments to achieve its own socio-economic goals. The revival of the activation of domestic firms in international markets is a complex process that requires systematic marketing research, determination of potential and creation of sustainable competitive advantages. Therefore, the shortest and fastest way to launch this process is to introduce marketing technologies. This topic is relevant because currently our market does not pay enough attention to the promotion of the latest technologies for Ukrainian enterprises and uses their classic list without observing the stages. The article is aimed at exploring the possibilities of using marketing technologies to activate the development of domestic enterprises. Statistics on the use of marketing technologies in Ukraine are analyzed. Both the classical and the novel marketing technologies are examined, the classic ones being: segmentation, targeting, positioning, analysis, forecasting; the novel being: viral marketing, event marketing, Internet marketing. The concept and essence of these technologies are disclosed in view of practical content. The advantages of modern marketing technologies in competitive rivalry are determined; it is specified, why more and more enterprises prefer marketing technologies when creating new products. The main factors that facilitate the introduction of marketing technologies for Ukrainian enterprises are allocated and systematized. The advantages of each proposed marketing technology are outlined. The stages of introduction of technologies into the market of Ukrainian enterprises are characterized, recommendations on improving approaches to their implementation are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Papp V. V., Blahun I. I., Boshota N. V.
The Role of Marketing in Activating the Activities of Tourism Business Entities (p. 473 - 477)

The article substantiates the role of marketing in the development of the market of tourist services. The authors believe that the commercial success of the company in the tourism market significantly depends on the extent to which it can support the existing structure of the target needs of real and potential customers and form an optimal portfolio of travel services. In these conditions, marketing is a strategic guideline, the purpose of which is to establish long-term relationships at the micro and macro levels. The study substantiates that the expansion of the traditional boundaries of marketing of tourist services is associated with the formation of a new paradigm of relations with contact audiences, based on the formation and maintenance of loyalty to the travel agency and its services. The article examines the structure of the tourism market, identifies the features of marketing in the field of tourism and develops marketing measures for tourism entities (to form a product developed in accordance with the studied demand on the basis of strategic planning of the company’s activities; offer a tourist service in the right place of specific segments of consumers at reasonable prices; provide a service of quality). The study substantiates the priority of the marketing concept for entities that intend to work in the market of tourist services.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nikolaiev M. G., Meshko N. P.
Structural Disparities in the Implementation of Export Strategies of Ukrainian Enterprises (p. 401 - 410)

The strategic development of most large enterprises, as well as successful productions of medium and small businesses is focused on expanding sell markets beyond the national economy. The logic of the research as formed by the authors is based on a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis, which provide an opportunity to identify trends in the implementation of export strategies, allocate clusters of markets on price grounds, and assess the consequences of the implementation of export strategies of Ukrainian companies. The competitive environment of global markets is changing in space and time. It is substantiated that the development of marketing export strategies of companies should be based on the analysis of industry markets taking into account the main competitors – both countries and companies. The method of calculating the country’s participation coefficients in the world market of imported goods on an industry basis is applied. The absolute and relative indicators are analyzed, which in combination give a holistic picture of the current state of implementation of Ukraine’s export potential, as well as the initial data for further actions towards improving the efficiency of the process of internationalization of business. The overall efficiency of the company’s development, in particular the quality of functioning of all systems involved in exports, depends largely on the quality of management, which determines the need to implement certain measures of the organizational and economic support in the sphere of staff, finance, production, and sales at the enterprise. The problems that substantially affect the competitiveness of Ukrainian exports are outlined. At the same time, a significant backlog of global trends in the exports of high-tech goods and services, leading to low profitability of export activity in general, is identified. The analysis of structural shifts in the export activity of Ukrainian enterprises is carried out, the types of price strategies in the practice of promotion to new markets are identified. The practice of conduct of export activity shows that companies use different export marketing strategies both in the developed and in the developing countries. The obtained results of the research should be used by representatives of Ukrainian business for analysis, elimination of shortcomings and disparities, as well as development of new business models of export activity. Recommendations for improving export strategies in the conditions of digitalization of markets are formed. Prospect for future research is to find possible ways to increase the technological efficiency of Ukrainian exports and, consequently, increase the competitiveness of the national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ptashchenko O. V.
The Risk-Oriented System of Financial Provision in the Face of Globalization Changes (p. 411 - 416)

The article examines the main features of the risk-oriented system of financial provision, identifies the groups of risks arising in the business environment of the company, and focuses on the possibility of a risk-oriented system of financial provision in the context of globalization changes. Modern technologies play a crucial role in ensuring positive dynamics of social processes and causing structural changes in the social sphere. Recognition of high-techness as the basis of socio-economic development requires the introduction of modern management methods and instruments, including through the development of effective communication strategies for high-tech enterprises. The procedure for organizing internal control, including the duties and powers of the company’s divisions and employees, is determined by both the nature and the sphere of the company’s activities, the peculiarities of the management system. The basic principle should be: everyone be careful and compare labor costs with the results during the control. It must be noted that the organization and evaluation of the internal control system can be carried out with the participation of the company itself and/or external consultant. Control procedures are an integral part of the company’s business processes, and their goal is to exclude (reduce) the likelihood of risks falling into the scope of checkpoints and to link risk factors of business processes to the company’s strategic goals.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko V. I., Hamiie A. M.
The Instrumental Means of the Strategic Decision-Making in the Business Activities of Industrial Enterprises (p. 417 - 422)

The results of recent studies of the processes of domestic enterprises prove the need to focus on decision-making in conditions of high uncertainty, institutional restrictions and interests of interested groups influencing the adoption of the strategically important decisions. The authors propose to consider the strategic decision as a result of collective choice as to means and actions that meet the principles of corporate management and the interests of the main groups – participants of corporate relations to achieve strategic goals. From such positions, the types of strategic decisions are grouped according to the following signs: purposefulness and content of the issues to make up decisions; organizational model of decision-making; completeness of knowledge and ways of their application by decision-makers. The results of a comprehensive analysis of the state and prospects of enterprise development are presented in order to study the peculiarities of strategic decision-making at the enterprises of the machine-building industry according to their allocated signs. The technology of comprehensive analysis of the strategic decisions of enterprises consists of stages and an evaluation-analytical instrumentarium – indicators and criteria, methods of evaluation, analysis and interpretation of results. The built up system of indicators corresponds to the functional spheres of the enterprise according to the criteria of financial-economic stability, production efficiency, effectiveness of marketing activities and efficiency of use of staff. The defined criteria and indicators act as rational basis for the development, comparison and choice of alternatives to development, substantiation of strategic decisions of enterprise. As a result of the carried out cluster analysis according to the computed generalized performance indicators of 18 machine-building enterprises of Kharkiv region, clusters of enterprises, development strategies and identical strategic solutions for each cluster of enterprises are allocated as follows: technical and technological development (product renewal, expansion of sale markets and search for new ones, restructuring of production capacities) and ensuring the sustainability of the financial-economic condition (through consolidation and movement of capital, saving, costs reduction, search for additional sources of income, recovery of assets).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko I. P., Shkreben R. P., Harnam M. V.
Formation of a Conceptual Model of Management of Financial and Economic Security of Business Processes of Enterprise (p. 423 - 429)

The key idea of the conceptual model of financial and economic security of business processes of enterprise is the viewpoint that economic security is an integral part of the management system of enterprise development and therefore covers the tasks of strategic management and those that are specific to the current management of business processes of enterprise. Economic security management in accordance with development goals is ensured by such principles as: adaptability, achieved by harmonization of interests and goals, reliability of organizational relations with partners, compliance with organizational structure; sustainability, which is created due to competitiveness and stable position in the market, financial and economic condition and efficiency of functional areas of activity; ecological and social responsibility implemented in compliance with social standards and minimization of harmful effects on the environment. The components of this model are the goals, tasks, functions and potential for ensuring the security-oriented development of enterprise. Restrictions on the protection of the enterprise from threats require the financial and economic security management system of the developed information and analytical provision to identify and prevent threats, assess their impact, changes in the financial and economic state of the enterprise, the sufficiency of its resource provision. The most relevant are the analytical methods for assessing possible threats and their consequences, identifying dangerous zones to maintain the sustainability of the financial and economic state of enterprise. Further development of an analytical instrumentarium for assessing economic security be carried out through the construction of more advanced indicators and criteria for quantitative assessment of the adequacy of the level of economic security in order to ensure the sustainable development of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tytykalo V. S.
The Methodological Approach to the Creation of the Conception of Process-Oriented Management of the Economic Potential of Enterprise (p. 430 - 439)

The article discusses the essence and characteristics of process-oriented management of the economic potential of enterprise on the basis of the diagnostics and assessment of methods of economic potential. The research is aimed at developing a methodological approach to creating a conception of process-oriented management of the economic potential of enterprise and identifying the main factors and conditions that contribute to increasing the efficiency of managing the economic potential of enterprise. The results were obtained using the following methods: analysis and comparison, synthesis and theoretical generalization – for the formation of a theoretical and methodological approach to assessing the economic potential of enterprise; grouping, system analysis – to form conclusions from the carried out research; economic, system and comparative analysis – for the formation of theoretical hypotheses on the diagnosis of the economic potential of enterprise; graphic analysis – for visual display of the results of the research. The author has formed a methodological approach to the creation of the conception of process-oriented management of the economic potential of enterprise. The main methods of assessing the economic potential of enterprise are defined and the system of process-oriented management is formed, as well as the factors of environmental impact on enterprise are determined. Also, the model of process-oriented management of economic potential of enterprises has been developed, which will allow to identify approaches to its assessment and will provide an opportunity to analyze its structural elements in the system taking into account interrelations and interdependences as a whole. The elaborated methodological approach to process-oriented management of economic potential on the basis of the developed model will allow to demonstrate the complex and multifad meaning of the concept of «economic potential»; to demonstrate the need for its research in many directions and at different levels of the hierarchy; to build up a system of indicators of the economic potential of enterprises and analyze its structural elements, as well as to obtain econometric forecast models of scenarios for the development of the economic potential of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Mushnykova S. A.
The Coevolution Basis of the Economic Security Management of Enterprises (p. 440 - 445)

The article is aimed at forming an idea of the coevolution process as the basis for managing the economic security of enterprise. It is noted that the current state of development of socio-economic systems, which include enterprises, are at the stage of post-industrial development. The development of any enterprise depends on its ability to adapt to changes in the exogenous factors of influence, which causes rethinking and the novel approaches to managing the economic security of individual enterprises as preventive measures for adaptation. At that, economic security management should be considered taking into account significant changes closely related to the coevolution process, which has its origin in biology and is understood as a mutually agreed action to change the elements that constitute the integrity of the developing system. It is noted that during the end of the XXth century - begin of XXIst century a transformation of the development of socio-economic systems took place, changing from industrial to noosphere, with its central element being the human, and the central scientific platform for research being the economics of knowledge. Under these conditions, coevolution is considered as the basis for managing the economic security of enterprises with the definition of purpose, objects and subjects of economic security management, with specific provision of the management system and the formation of appropriate management principles. The central element of the economic security management system of enterprise is approaches to management on a coevolution basis, the formation of which is based on the synthesis of general-basis and specific management approaches, namely: evolutionary, systemic, resource, resource-functional. The result of the proposed aspects is obtaining a more effective result from the process of managing the economic security of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Wang Dongcheng
Determining the Level of Maturity of the Business Process Management System on the Example of an Agro-Industrial Enterprise (p. 446 - 454)

The article is aimed at determining the level of maturity of the business process management system of an agro-industrial enterprise. The existing common approaches to assessing the maturity of the business process management system are identified, their defining features are determined. A definition of maturity of the business process management system of the enterprise is made. The features of the process and enterprise maturity model (PEMM) developed by M. Hammer are described in detail. Four levels of business processes that form the system according to the Hammer model are characterized. The aspects and directions of research of maturity of the business process management system of enterprise according to the PEMM model by M. Hammer are specified. The scale of assessment of the level of maturity of the business process management system of enterprise according to certain criteria is provided. The procedure for assessing the maturity level of the business process management system of the enterprise under research is described and a scale is provided that helps to determine the current level of maturity of the system from the very low to the very high (five such levels are defined in general). Descriptions of the levels of business processes according to the PEMM model are specified in terms of the aspects of Projecting, Contractors, Process Owner, Infrastructure and Indicators. For each aspect, an assessment of the business process management system of the enterprise under research was carried out. The results are presented both by a separate direction and by each aspect of the assessment of the maturity of the business process management system of enterprise. For each aspect of the assessment of the system maturity, the characteristic features are determined, the main disadvantages and achievements are indicated. On the basis of the determined estimates of the business process management system of the enterprise under research, an assessment of the maturity of the business process management system of this enterprise in view of certain aspects is computed, as well as its current level is defined. To identify the most problematic areas in the business process management system, the existing level of maturity of the system is depicted using a petal chart. The main directions of further improvement of the existing system are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mukhina M. M.
Assessing the Operation Security of Trade Enterprises in the Modern Business Environment (p. 454 - 460)

The article explores the features of assessing the operation security of trade enterprises in the modern business environment. It is proved that the combination of different methods of situational analysis, e. g. SWOT and PEST methods, allows expanding the external and internal factors under research, which can be taken into account within a diverse range of possible management recommendations. Monitoring of key factors of SWOT analysis allows to develop efficient anti-crisis management strategies that ensure the constant readiness of enterprises to the onset of a crisis, and to adjust them in accordance with changes in the external and internal environment. An improved approach to monitoring the internal and external environment of enterprises based on the integrated use of both SWOT and PEST analysis techniques allows timely detection of crisis situations with adjustment of development strategies. It is proved that precisely the innovative factor is dominant in shaping the trajectory of economic development of trade enterprises. This determines the possibility of moving to a qualitatively new level of development, which, in turn, requires conscious and purposeful management of financial security at the enterprise. The matrix of financial stability of the trade enterprises’ activities is constructed. Four areas of the matrix are distinguished: stable operation area; active development area; sustainable development area; unstable operation area. It is recommended to take into account in the areas of the matrix the wear coefficient of fixed assets, due to the eventual situation when the wear coefficient of fixed assets should be reduced to increase stability. This is suggested to be displayed using a vector directed towards the beginning of the coordinates.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepeliuk M. I., Kushchii S. S.
Strategies for the Company’s Interaction with Stakeholders in Ensuring Sustainable Development: The Global Aspect (p. 460 - 465)

The article is aimed at analyzing the social responsibility of «PepsiCo», identifying the main groups of stakeholders, their impact on the company’s activities and strategies for interacting with them. In today’s business world, many enterprises face increased pressure from their competitors, shareholders, and the environment. More and more companies are introducing a vector of socially responsible business into the corporate strategy. As a result, companies continuing their operations need to apply different strategies for long-term sustainability, which maximizes the shareholder value. However, corporate social and ethical responsibilities have become higher expectations. Therefore, the research examines the corporate strategy, management and ethical practices of the successful global company PepsiCo Inc. The article emphasizes and proves the growing role of the conception of sustainable development in the activities of large companies, as well as analyzes the connection, mutual influence and fundamental differences in the interpretation of the concepts of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, and business stability. The PepsiCo’s core stakeholder groups are analyzed; the relevance of the implementation of sustainable development strategies by the company is determined and it is shown how the implementation of sustainable development strategies allows to gain additional advantages in management and quickly respond to changes in both the internal and the external environment. Based on the analyzed data, the company needs a more comprehensive ethical policy to ensure the production of healthier and safer products. The research concludes that PepsiCo should improve its conception of social responsibility, corporate strategy, ethics, and corporate governance policy in order to obtain results that best meet the interests of stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Azarenkova H. M.
The Financial Strategy of Anti-Crisis Management for an Entrepreneur in Modern Conditions of Operation (p. 465 - 470)

The article is aimed at identifying key aspects of anti-crisis management, in particular the choice of its most effective instruments. It is noted that modern economic entities do operate under the conditions of constant impact of crisis factors. Most entrepreneurs suffer the most significant damage as a result of global financial and economic crises, political instability and a new challenge of the present – the COVID-19 pandemic. All these events require business entities to organize a permanent unit of anti-crisis management, the purpose of which is to minimize or eliminate the negative consequences of crisis phenomena. Among the key aspects of anti-crisis management, the leading place is held by the most adequate instruments for overcoming the consequences of the crisis. The article examines a wide range of modern anti-crisis management instruments and determines that one of the most efficient of them be the anti-crisis financial strategy. In this regard, the priority of the financial aspect of anti-crisis management is substantiated and a special place of anti-crisis financial strategy as its key instrument is proved. The «tree of goals» of the anti-crisis financial strategy is built up as a fundamental element in its development. It is specified that in order to build up an efficient anti-crisis financial strategy, first of all, a comprehensive assessment of the valid financial condition of the corresponding entity is required and the most used indicators of such an assessment are proposed in four directions – assessment of financial stability, liquidity, business activity, and profitability.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Piatnytska G. T., Hryhorenko O. M., Piatnytska N. O., Lytvyn N. Y.
Innovative Development of the Organization of Catering of Schoolchildren as an Integral Part of the Management of Modern Institutions of General Secondary Education (p. 471 - 481)

The article is aimed at carrying out a comprehensive analysis and an evaluation of innovative processes that are currently taking place in the organization of school meals of general secondary education institutions (GSEI) of Ukraine and aimed at improving the management of their activities. To achieve the aim, general scientific and special research methods were used. The content essence of some concepts in the theory and practice of catering are closer defined. It is determined that innovations for the development of the organization of catering of schoolchildren in modern GSEI are being implemented in the following directions: updating the collection of recipe dishes for schoolchildren; development of a multi-variant menu of dishes, composed breakfasts and lunches; organization of production of semi-finished products and finished products, new forms of student service; providing new forms of communication between students (their parents) and the head of school canteen production, etc. The assessment of the quality of organization of catering in 10 schools of different districts of city of Kyiv, which have not same level of propensity for innovative changes, is carried out. It is determined that there is a sufficiently strong correlation between the introduction of innovations in the organization of catering in GSEI and the score assessment of the quality of this organization. It is identified that each innovation has certain advantages and probable disadvantages of its implementation, in order to overcome which it is necessary to plan and implement the proposed management measures. Concluding it is substantiated that a system approach to solving a complex of issues related to innovative processes in the organization of catering will increase the efficiency, safety and quality of nutrition of GSEI students and will contribute to improving the management of their activities. It is justified that the presented results are suitable for improving both the management of GSEI and the restaurant facilities organizing meals at the place of study.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y.
Diversification and Integration as the Forms of Ensuring Strategic Guidelines for the Enterprise Development Management (p. 482 - 494)

The article defines that an increase in both the external and the internal instability of enterprise operation imposes new requirements for the choice and substantiation of the strategy and forms of provision of strategic guidelines for managing the enterprise development that can ensure its viability and sustainable development. Thus, the publication is aimed at developing the theoretical-methodical principles of diversification and integration as the forms of ensuring strategic guidelines for the enterprise development management. According to the aim, the author considers the main views on understanding the strategy; the levels of strategic management of the enterprise; the main types of strategies that can be implemented at the enterprise; the classification of types of strategies. The interpretation of the essence of concepts of «goal», «guideline» and «development» is updated. It is substantiated that the main (target) guideline for managing the development of enterprise is to ensure its viability. Achieving this main guideline requires the implementation of a number of basic and specific guidelines, which, together with the target, will make up a system of strategic guidelines. The essence of the concept of «diversification» is closer defined; the motives, factors of the internal environment of enterprise, which should be taken into account when choosing a diversification strategy, are examined; various classifications of diversification types are considered. It is proved that diversification is seamlessly related to integration. It is determined that the formation and implementation of a diversification strategy of enterprise is preceded by substantiating the choice of its types, forms and approaches to implementation. The essence of the concept of «integration» is specified, its forms, types, classifications depending on certain classification characteristics are researched. The place and role of diversification and integration in the strategic management of enterprise, criteria of expediency of choice and implementation of a certain strategy are considered. It is proved that diversification and integration are the most important instruments for enhancing the efficiency of enterprises, which is directed towards increasing their viability and competitiveness, improving the financial condition and investment attractiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Klymchuk M. M., Achkasov I. A., Klymchuk S. A., Poliak O. P.
Influence of Risk Management on the Formation of the Enterprise’s Business Process Management Strategy in the Digital Economy: The International Experience (p. 272 - 278)

The publication is aimed at examining the influence of risk management on the formation of a strategy for the development of enterprise in the digital economy. At this, the instrumental part of the research is based on the integrated theory of IT risk management and the global risk management practice both at the national and international levels. Intensification of the pace of digital transformation at all levels of the economic system, increased competition in the domestic and foreign markets, limited traditional growth resources determine relevance of the problem of ensuring the sustainable development of the production-economic systems. Determining the factors of advancing development, scientists are unanimous in the opinion that the key to economic growth of enterprise is the introduction of digital technologies. That is why the key condition for the development of the production-economic systems is the management of investment in the digitalization. The systematization and generalization of scientific developments of leading domestic and foreign scholars made it possible to distinguish the directions of digital technologies development, the advantages of their incorporation into the production-commercial activities of enterprise, and present the theoretical-instrumental basis for the research on the problems of investing in the digitalization process. The theoretical basis for managing the investment of digital transformations at the enterprise in the context of an integrated approach were the systemic economic theory and the integrated IT risk management theory. The problematics of digital transformation investment management at the enterprise is studied, whereby the instrumental basis is distinguished, which on his part is based on the systemic economic theory and the integrated IT risk management theory, as well as on the complex-system and the spatial-vector approaches. The model of development of recursive-convergence methodology of formation of the strategy of enterprise development on the basis of digital economy is presented. The model of formation of the development strategy of enterprises taking into account the digital economy is proposed, where the concepts of digitalization management and options for financing digital transformations are systematized within the terms of the implementation of four strategies: innovative, investment, market and functional.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Chobitok V. I.
The Organizational and Managerial Provision of Business Processes Reengineering at Enterprise in the Conditions of Digitalization (p. 279 - 285)

The article is aimed at analyzing the organizational and managerial provision of the reengineering of business processes at enterprise in the conditions of digitalization. According to the results of the research, it is identified that in turbulent economy conditions to improve the financial and economic state of business processes at domestic enterprises, there is a need to use innovative and progressive technologies, one of which is the reengineering technology. The main goal of business process reengineering is qualitative improvement of specific spheres of activity of enterprises. The essence of the formation of business processes of enterprise is the development and adaptation of the enterprise management system in accordance with modern challenges in the conditions of digitalization. For each business process, an aggregate of input resources, rules of work and expected results are formed. The digitalization technologies to provide the reengineering of business processes at enterprise allow to organize the most personalized interaction, which is preferred by most customers. Digital communication channels, artificial intelligence, robotics – all this should be implemented by the enterprise to achieve success. The digital transformation of business processes at enterprise is designed to provide conditions for making effective managerial decisions in order to quickly adapt the work to the requirements of our time and meet the needs of consumers. The process of providing the reengineering of business processes at enterprise on the basis of digitalization opens up opportunities for innovative ways of their development, which has become effective due to the large number of the instruments used.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Portna O. V., Chernysh Y. O.
Global Changes in Approaches to Ensuring Financial Criteria for the Development of Enterprises Based on Accounting the Stakeholder Interests (p. 286 - 292)

Ensuring the development of enterprises, its reliable financial basis, stability and intensification of financial-economic relations, attraction and expansion of stakeholder groups are both systemic, complex processes and the result of interaction of all subsystems and elements of the internal and external environment of enterprise. The article is aimed at generalizing the world’s leading trends in ensuring reliable financial criteria for the development of enterprises on the basis of accounting the stakeholders’ interests for the application of systematic approaches to the formation and implementation of strategic and tactical components of business success in the context of global changes. Based on the analysis of advanced world approaches, the components of business growth system are distinguished to ensure reliable financial criteria for the development of enterprise; the formation of the projection of financial-economic interests of stakeholders on business and the possibility of their influence on ensuring stable financial criteria for the development of enterprises is considered; the approach to ensuring business growth, formation and achievement of high financial criteria for the development of enterprise, taking into account the interests of stakeholders, is suggested. Generalization of world approaches to ensuring reliable financial criteria for the development of enterprises makes it possible to determine the increase of significance, along with the financial-economic, as well as social and ecological components and strategic aspects of the functioning and growth of business, taking into account the interests of stakeholders. The actual direction of further research is to determine the weight and financial-economic effectiveness of attracting stakeholders and taking into account their interests in the processes of ensuring high financial criteria for the development of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korepanova K. O.
Methodical Principles of Conflict Management in the Organization (p. 292 - 297)

The article considers topical issues of research and improvement of the conflict management system in the organization. The article is aimed at improving the methodical aspects of conflict management in the organization in order to develop ways and practical recommendations for their solution. The research was carried out on the example of conflict management analysis at PJSC «Kyivstar». According to the results of the research, it is substantiated that in order to determine the level of proneness to conflict in the team and estimate the relationships between managers and subordinates of the organization, it is advisable to conduct regular monitoring on the basis of questionnaires of employees and management of the organization. The proposed method of studying conflicts was tested on the example of PJSC «Kyivstar» on the basis of the use of an online survey of employees from different divisions. The developed questionnaire allowed to analyze how employees themselves valuate the state of conflict problems in the organization and what they see the reasons for their occurrence in their respective divisions. The activities of the organization chosen for research have been analyzed and it is determined that PJSC «Kyivstar» is one of the largest integrated world telecommunications companies – VEON. As one of the components of the company’s success, a clear organizational structure and effective distribution of responsibilities and functions among the company’s employees are allocated. The article provides a brief analysis of the results of the survey of PJSC «Kyivstar» employees and analyzes the behavior style used during the conflict. A study of the influence of the allocated factors on the frequency of conflicts in the organization was carried out. To determine the presence and degree of such an influence, it is proposed to use the cross-tab method based on the building up and analyzing of contingency tables. The use of the chosen method for research is demonstrated by the example of the most influential of the allocated factors, namely: the number of subordinates for an employee and the level of education of a particular employee, as well as their impact on the number of conflicts in the organization. Conclusions on the presence and main causes of conflict situations are formulated, among which are allocated, in particular, the socio-psychological climate in the team and the unfair distribution of privileges.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudenko I. V., Bolotova T. M., Kulynych T. V.
The Diagnostics of Economic Security as an Instrument for Ensuring Efficient Image Management of Enterprise (p. 297 - 302)

The article is aimed at developing methodical approaches to efficient management of the enterprise’s image in connection with the state of its economic security. It was concluded that the issue of the impact of the image on the economic security of enterprise today is paid insufficient attention. It is proved that in the conditions of unstable economic situation in Ukraine, the process of efficient management of the enterprise’s image should be based on the diagnosis of its economic security. A theoretical analysis of opinions in the scientific literature on the functional components of economic security of enterprise and the mechanism of their formation is carried out. The expediency of using the approach to the formation of the corporate image, taking into account the targeted impact of management entities on the participants of the business environment, is accentuated. A structure of economic security of enterprise in the context of modern tendencies is proposed. The functional components of economic security related to both the internal and the external aspects of the enterprise’s activity are studied in detail and their close relationship with the components of the image is determined. During the research, the lack of unity in the methodology of diagnostics of economic security of enterprise was proved. A methodical approach to mutually coordinated management of the image and economic security of enterprise is developed, which is based on the results of diagnostics of economic security levels and assessment of the real level of the enterprise’s image. It is emphasized the need to adhere to a certain sequence of actions directed towards forming a positive image of enterprise and managing it. Schematically depicted are the stages of managing the image of enterprise, taking into account the compliance of the levels of components of economic security of the image. A complex of measures is defined that are recommended to be used to maintain the image of enterprise: personnel, marketing, client and production-economic.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lytvyn N. Y.
Innovative Management of the Strategic Benchmarks of Competitive Advantages (p. 303 - 309)

The article examines the essence of forming competitive advantages of enterprise due to innovative development and management of innovation potential. The factors that influence the level of competitiveness of enterprise are determined. Ensuring competitiveness involves the systematization of all factors that impact it and their further analysis in the context of a separate enterprise. The priority is the allocation of direct action factors that form competitive advantages and, accordingly, the competitiveness of the enterprise. The main principles of innovative enterprise management should be: constant forecasting of the situation in the market of capital, goods and services, planning of actions and anticipation of crisis circumstances; avoidance of technological lagging and, as a result, its prevention; systematic implementation of innovations in all, including the interrelated, spheres of activity of enterprise; continuous investment in human capital, innovations; gaining competitive advantages. It is determined that competitive advantages are the result of interaction of enterprise resources, without which enterprise cannot form its competitiveness. In the system of competitive advantages, it is important to allocate those that are the basis of the advantages of the enterprise as a whole. Ensuring sustainable competitive positions of enterprise should be implemented within the framework of the mechanism of management of its competitiveness, which is a system of instruments, methods, levers and incentives used to form and maintain competitive advantages. The instruments of such management are means to influence the economic activity of enterprise, namely: financial, economic, organizational and technological components. The author suggests the main directions of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises on the basis of innovative management and development. Novel technologies have been identified, the implementation of which will increase the competitiveness of enterprise. The main directions of strengthening the position of enterprises in the market should be cost management, ensuring the innovative and balanced development, substantiation and introduction of the latest technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kharchyshyna O. V., Trushkina N. V.
Features of Organizational Culture of Enterprises in the Sphere of Hotel Services (p. 309 - 319)

The successful development of organizational culture contributes to the improvement of the efficiency of financial and economic activities of enterprises in the sphere of hotel business, the level of competitiveness and investment attractiveness. Therefore, in the current conditions of enterprises operation, the problems of transformation of their organizational culture are becoming increasingly relevant. The article is aimed at empirical exploration of features of the organizational culture of hotel services enterprises. To achieve this aim, the following general scientific research methods were used: analysis and synthesis, expert survey, generalization, systematization, structural-logical method. The article presents the results of the carried out expert survey in order to identify modern problems, barriers, features, trends and ways of development of organizational culture of enterprises in the sphere of hotel services in Ukraine. An evaluation of the efficiency of development of organizational culture of enterprises was made. Calculations show that the surveyed hotel services enterprises have an average level of organizational culture development (0.664), since the integral indicator is in the range of 0.5–0.75. As result of the research, it is determined that the basis of the organizational culture of Ukrainian enterprises in the sphere of hotel business is formed by such key principles as leadership of managers, application of a client-oriented approach, involvement and concern of staff, introduction of digital technologies and information systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lozynska O. I.
Closer Defining of the Content of the Concept of Bank Marketing in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy (p. 320 - 327)

The article is aimed at exploring the evolution of scientific approaches to defining the essence of bank marketing, closer defining the content of the concept of bank marketing in the context of digitalization of the economy, determining the essence and place of digital marketing in the general system of bank marketing. As a result of the research, it is found out that the modern scientific conception of bank marketing is digital marketing, which provides grounds to supplement the periodization of the development of bank marketing in Ukraine with a modern stage that corresponds to the introduction of the conception of digital marketing. It is substantiated that digital marketing coexists in the general system of bank marketing with traditional and Internet marketing and applies to traditional and innovative banking products and services. In this context, a differentiation of bank marketing by two features is proposed: type of bank product/service (traditional/innovative) and the type of bank marketing (traditional, informational, digital). In accordance with the suggested differentiation, it is proposed to develop a portfolio of bank marketing strategies. It is proved that the digital marketing strategy is systematically integrated into the overall strategic marketing planning of banking institutions. It is proposed to consider the stages of formation of the digital marketing strategy in connection with the portfolio of marketing strategies implemented in the bank’s activities. Prospects for further research are the scientific substantiation of strategic, tactical and operational aspects of digital marketing in order to increase its efficiency and effectiveness in promoting the image of the bank, banking services and products, attracting and retaining consumers of financial services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grynevych L. V., Bielikova N. V., Bekker M. L.
Scientific Aspects of the Regional Development Goal Setting as a Component of Territorial Branding (p. 327 - 333)

The article is concerned with substantiating the most important features of development of the system of goals of territorial branding in the context of socio-economic development of territories. The features of territorial branding are researched, which, along with the use of classical branding instrumentarium, uses specific tools and methods, which is due to the peculiarities of its object - the territories of the country. The main components of the territory brand are generalized according to the international ratings WorldBank Ethics Indices, UNDP Human Development Index, CAF World Giving Index, Arcadis Sustainable Cities Index, etc. It is determined that the main components of the brand of the territory are the brand image, which means the overall impression of the brand and its perception by society as a whole and stakeholders in particular; brand identity, as well as infrastructure and marketing components that support the brand and increase its strength. The analysis of scientific approaches to territorial branding has proved that in general they are aimed at determining its various components, but none of them pays enough attention to goal setting as a key element of branding. The logical scheme of the relationship between the elements of the goal setting of territorial branding is proposed. It is proved that the main elements of goal setting of regional development and territorial branding are mission, vision and the system of strategic and operational goals, which are determined taking into account the opinions of experts and residents of the territory. Consistency and interconnection of all elements of goal setting will increase the efficiency of territorial branding. Prospect for further research is to develop methodological support for algorithmization of the territory brand development process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ponomarenko O. O., Pyvavar I. V., Lisna I. F.
Estimating the Marketing Potential of Enterprise and Substantiating the Measures for Its Increase (p. 334 - 345)

The article estimates the marketing potential of enterprise and substantiates the measures to increase it. The economic potential of marketing activity is the final economic result of the introduction of relevant marketing measures, derived from achieving a positive result from the implementation of marketing solutions at optimal costs in therms of both material and financial funds, taking into account the accomplishment of planned tasks. The deployment of processes of international economic integration in the course of globalization of the system of world economic relations causes the inter-penetrating of individual national economies, coordination of government actions in the development of economic policy that corresponds to the interests of all parties involved in the integration process, also with regard to third countries. Integration is ensured by the concentration and intertwining of various capital. Integration processes are rational in nature, gaining the form of associations aimed at achieving the overall economic targets of the participants. Competitive advantages arise as a result of rivalry in the projecting, production, sale and operation of products. Their formation is seriously influenced by the competitive environment: potential and current competitors, consumers of products and suppliers, manufacturers of substitute goods, as well as the State regulation. Under these conditions, the formation of competitive advantages is transformed into the task of active adaptation of the enterprise management system to changes in the competitive environment. Although, real positive results are achieved where this work is brought to the level of management technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sukacheva-Trunina S. M.
Assessing the Tendencies in the Production, Sales and Organization of Consumption of Food Products and Services (p. 308 - 315)

The article is aimed at forming a methodical approach to the assessment of tendencies in production, sales and organization of consumption of food products and services, which includes all the components of the food sector and allows to conduct a comprehensive assessment of tendencies in its development. The proposed methodical approach includes assessment of the status and dynamics of food supply to the population, assessment of the status and dynamics of indicators of agricultural enterprises, food industry, trade in foods, restaurant economy and assessment of the factors that influence the development of the food sector. The use of the proposed methodical approach allows to reasonably make decisions on the development of a strategy for the development of food sector enterprises. The conducted studies have shown that in Ukraine as a whole and in its regions in particular in recent years there have been positive tendencies in the production, sale and organization of consumption of food products and services. At this, sales of foods by enterprises of both agriculture and food industry is much higher than by retail enterprises of food products and restaurant enterprises, which indicates the sufficient provision with food products to the financially reliable demand of the population of Ukraine. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of methodical instrumentarium for assessing the effectiveness of management of food sector enterprises, which will be adapted to modern conditions for the implementation of specific managerial decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryveshko O. V., Kunditskaja G. S.
Problems of Competitiveness of Small Forms of Food Retail in Lviv (p. 315 - 322)

The article discusses the defining competitive advantages of food retail stores. It is defined that the competitive advantages that determine the level of competitiveness of production and trade enterprises do differ. The main competitive advantages of trading enterprises are their location, product range, pricing policy and quality of service. As a result of the analysis of the trade infrastructure of the city of Lviv, it was concluded that there were problems in shaping the competitiveness of small forms of retail trade in food products, which are associated with the active development of national retail chains and the emergence of international trade operators in the market. The classification of stores by the signs of the size and territory of the girth was carried out. The peculiarities of their competitive advantages are determined. It is identified that the emergence of networks of the latest large formats of stores with the possibility of purchasing goods at lower prices was a threat to the functioning of traditional stores «close to home» and the reason for the decrease in their number. A comparative analysis of advantages and disadvantages of small forms of retail and large retail is carried out. The main competitive advantages of small retail stores are the proximity of the location to the buyer and trusting relationships with regular customers. The price, product range and possibilities of implementing loyalty programs are identified as the main strategic competitive advantages of large store formats. The emphasis on these advantages makes it possible to effectively manage the competitiveness of retail.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Portna O. V., Herehiieva H. Y.
Modern International and Domestic Tendencies in the Development of Winemaking Industry as Result of Efficient Interaction of Stakeholders (p. 323 - 329)

The winemaking industry plays a significant role both in the world economy and in the national one, is an important part of the world economy in general and Ukraine in particular, being a significant budget-forming component. The article is aimed at improving, on the basis of the study of modern international and domestic tendencies in the sphere of winemaking, the classification of stakeholders in the development of enterprises of the viticulture and winemaking industry, the effective interaction of which will ensure the active functioning and success of the wine business. Based on the analysis of modern international and domestic tendencies in the development of the winemaking industry, it is specified that the geography of winemaking is gradually expanding throughout the world. The winemaking industry is developing steadily at the world level, the dynamics of international trade in wine is positive and is determined by many players in the international market and leaders around the world. In Ukraine, due to the large number of factors, the winemaking industry is narrowing, imports significantly exceed exports. Under such conditions, the search and introduction of effective principles for improving the efficiency of functioning and development of industry enterprises becomes urgent. Such principles are the definition of stakeholders in the development of industry enterprises for their active involvement in cooperation and effective interaction. Application of stakeholder-oriented approaches in the processes of stabilization and development of enterprises in the winemaking industry will balance the interests of consumers, customers, that is, a wide range of stakeholders, and increase the efficiency of their interaction. Prospects for further research are to determine the threshold values of the stakeholders’ stimulating, neutral and destimulating influences.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Obolentseva L. V., Voronina O. O.
The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Managing the Balance of Interests of Producers and Consumers of Recreational Services in Ukraine (p. 330 - 336)

A study of the theoretical and methodological aspects of balancing the interests of producers and consumers of recreational services in the regions of Ukraine is carried out. It is noted that the development of the recreational and tourist sphere for many countries is a very important task today, since the tourism industry is one of the main sources of income to the budget for them. Ukraine, located in the center of Europe at the crossroads of transport routes, with favorable natural and climatic conditions for the progressive advance of its recreational sphere, as well as significant historical and cultural potential, the necessary human and material resources, significantly lags behind most European countries in terms of development of recreational and tourist services. The factors influencing the price and quality of tourist services are defined. It is determined that the management of the balance of interests between the producer of tourist services (tour operator) and recreational needs of the population should be materialized on the basis of a set of properties and characteristics of products or services that provide them with the opportunity to meet the agreed or predictable needs of consumers. As result of the study, it is concluded that the price and quality of the tour package affect the balance of interests between the tour operator and the recreational needs of the population. To consider the pricing and proper quality, the factors influencing them are analyzed. It is determined that the most influential factor is: the theory of consumer behavior. The formation of the price of tourist services is influenced by the costs of the tour operator, which largely depend on contractors. To increase the balance of interests, it is necessary to better study the tourist demand and offer a variety of services at diversified prices. Managing the balance of interests of producers and consumers of recreational services in Ukraine should be based on the understanding that a tourist product is a specific one, and the quality determination largely depends on the factors of influence: volatility of quality, seasonality, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stankevych I. V., Polishchuk I. I., Borysevych E. H.
Developing the Marketing Research as to Satisfaction of Requirements of Organization’s Stakeholders on the Basis of Methodical Instrumentarium of Quality Management (p. 336 - 345)

The article is aimed at adapting to the use of methodical instrumentarium of quality management for the development of marketing research to identify the satisfaction of stakeholder requirements with the results of the organization’s activities, ensuring thorough managerial decisions in the direction of influencing the behavior of the latter. In the course of researches conducted by the authors, after generalizations of scientific publications in the field of methodical marketing instruments, it is specified that the use of such an instrument of quality management as SERVQUAL provides not only the development of conduct of the marketing research itself, but creates preconditions for the «marketing of relations» of stakeholders with the organization. In accordance with the examplified in the presented article adaptation of the methodical instrumentarium of SERVQUAL to the sphere of educational business, the example of the educational organization illustrates how this instrument can ensure an increase in the level of competitiveness of the higher educational institution by improving various consumer characteristics and differentiating the consumer value of educational services, which, in turn, includes: differentiation of educational services with an orientation to the current unsatisfactory demand and perspective forecast in educational services, that is, the introduction of new differentiation of consumer properties of the existing educational service; differentiation of service sales channels – attracting new categories of stakeholders. The versatility of the proposed methodical instrumentarium of SERVQUAL provides an opportunity to develop marketing research as to satisfaction of stakeholder requirements in the activities of both educational organizations and enterprises along with organizations of various levels, forms of ownership, type and sphere of activity of the national economy, which is the directions of further research by the authors of the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chemorda P. O., Vasiutkina N. V.
Modern Approaches to Formation of a Social Media Marketing Strategy (p. 346 - 351)

The article explores modern approaches to formation of a social media marketing strategy, taking into account the dynamics of their development, peculiarities of functioning and possible goals that can be set by economic actors on the face of such a marketing segment. A modern view on the use of social media as a marketing tool is specified, the specific features and existing approaches to the formation of marketing strategies in this sphere are defined. The current state and specificity of social media for business, marketing and consumer behavior are studied and analyzed. A characterization of the existing approaches to the formation of a social media marketing strategy is provided. The main functions of social media marketing content are allocated and generalized, namely: audience search, engagement, coordination and cooperation, which should become the basis for building up an effective strategy. The peculiarities of each function in the context of their application by different enterprises for various purposes are considered; their specifics are defined and summarized. The specifics of social media marketing work in the context of choosing goals and means of interacting with the audience through content are analyzed, on the basis of which two main approaches to the formation of a content strategy for social media marketing, namely consumer and customer approaches, are summed up and classified. Their role, place and importance in forming the strategy of marketing interaction with consumers, partners and other users of social media are substantiated. A characterization of these approaches in the context of their goals, instruments and means is presented. Based on the carried out research, elements of the problem such as social media content marketing functions, their role in shaping social media strategy are generalized and classified; also generalized and allocated are the approaches to the formation of social media marketing. Based on this information, it is possible to take a more objective approach to the formation of the social media marketing strategy necessary for the goals of an enterprise, and on the basis of the drawn conclusions – to carry out further research in this direction.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhosan H. V.
Adaptive Management and Sustainable Development: The Relationship of Concepts in the Context of Enterprise Management in Conditions of Uncertainty (p. 179 - 187)

The objectives of the article are: study of the definitions of concepts of «adaptation»/«adaptability» and «sustainability»/«development»; analysis of these concepts; allocation of the keywords that disclose the essence of the concepts of «adaptation»/«adaptability» and «sustainability»/«development»; establishing a connection between them in the context of enterprise management in conditions of uncertainty. For a clearer understanding of the essence of the concepts of «adaptation»/«adaptability» and «sustainability»/«development», the author used the method of morphological analysis and carried out a morphological classification of these concepts. It is determined that when defining the concept of «adaptability», scholars use such keywords as property, reaction, ability, characteristics and condition, the process of adaptation to changes. The concept of «adaptability», in fact, equates (up to complete identifying) to the concept of «adaptation». Regarding the concepts of «sustainability»/«development», it is determined that the sustainability of enterprise development is ensured on the basis of taking into account the influence of the external environment and improving management within the enterprise in order to increase the efficiency of its activities and continuous development. For each enterprise, it is important not only to maintain resilience, but also to strive for a state of sustainable development. In order to establish a relationship between concepts, the concept map method was used, which was constructed using concepts, keywords to them and definitions within keyword data. It is established that the keywords of all four categories are interrelated. To determine the most commonly used words in the context of these concepts, the author used semantic analysis and the «frequency cloud» of words. The obtained results confirm both the carried out analysis of concepts and the defined keywords for categories of «adaptation»/«adaptability» and «sustainability»/«development».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kylnytska Y. V., Serhiienko Y. I.
The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Organization of Enterprise Management from the Position of Interaction with Stakeholders (p. 188 - 194)

The article carries out a study on the main provisions of the stakeholder theory and the definition of the concept of «stakeholder». A classification is provided and a scheme of stakeholder groups from the position of their interaction with the enterprise is built up. Stakeholders are divided into internal ones, i.e., those that have a direct impact on strategic and operational activities, and external ones, i.e., those that indirectly influence the activities of enterprise. It is identified that all groups of interested parties that influence the achievement of the goals and results of enterprise are its stakeholders, and their interests must be taken into account in the process of activities and management of the enterprise. The AA1000SES standard (Stakeholders Engagement Standard) is considered and it is determined that the implementation of this standard indicates the readiness of the enterprise to conduct activities on the basis of the principle of transparency, that is: to report to interested parties; have readiness to respond to the stakeholders’ concerns and questions; to comply with legislation, standards, principles, codes and other voluntary obligations. The stages of defining stakeholders and their impact on enterprise in both foreign and domestic practice are considered. International practice of interaction with interested parties is investigated and its similarity with the national one is noted. It is summed up that at foreign enterprises the work is carried out more in terms of key stakeholders, while domestic enterprises try mainly to cover the participants of the «far circle». The scheme of the process of managing relations with interested parties at the enterprise is built up and it is determined that the process of transition from one stage to another is carried out through the implementation of management procedures, i.e., the stages of the process of managing stakeholder relations at the enterprise. The basic principles of the system of management of relations with interested parties are considered and it is established that adherence to these principles makes it possible to improve the process of managing relationships with stakeholders. The practical significance of the obtained results is that they can be the theoretical and methodological basis for further research of the problems of managing the relations between Ukrainian enterprises and stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Tragniuk O. Y.
Improving the Mechanism of Management of Investment Activity of Economic Entities (p. 194 - 201)

The article improves the mechanism of management of investment activities of economic entities on the basis of coordination of the interests of all participants in the investment process through the use of adequate management instruments. It is found out that the management of investment activity is a complex, multilevel process that involves managerial decisions not only at the level of economic entities – investors and participants in investment activities, but also at the State and region levels. It is noted that the enterprise management system should be flexible and respond in time to changes in the modern economic system. An important aspect in the implementation of investment activity should be the process of both attracting and using investment resources, which in the future will ensure an increase in the value of the enterprise. An improved mechanism of management of investment activity of enterprise is proposed, which includes: consistency and method of management; a sequence of processes and stages, appropriate procedures and instruments; a set of institutional and organizational structures and a complex of forms and methods used by them; a sequence of application of various methods. The practical implementation of such a mechanism is possible by aligning the interests of all participants in the investment process through the use of adequate management instruments. It is concluded that the improvement of the efficiency of management of investment activity of enterprise can be achieved only after taking into account all the factors affecting its level both macro and meso (that is, on the part of the State, region and industry sector), and also at the micro level (on the part of the enterprise itself). Only the combination of efforts both by the State and by individual enterprises at different levels will allow the Ukrainian economy to overcome a number of existing problems and attract the necessary amount of funds for economic development and profitable activities of economic entities. Activation of investment processes in Ukraine is possible under the conditions of development of appropriate mechanisms of management of investment attractiveness of economic entities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tiutchenko S. M.
The Model of Organizing of the Compliance Control System at the Enterprise as the Instrument for Improving its Security (p. 201 - 206)

The article substantiates the relevance of the introduction of a new risk management model at enterprises – a compliance control system, the peculiarity of which is that risk management becomes comprehensive and coordinated within the whole company. The article is aimed at developing and substantiating the model of organization of the compliance control system at the enterprise, which is based on the division of risk zones. Methodological scientific approaches to definition of concept and functions of compliance control according to the functional, process, system and effective approaches are analyzed. The model of organization of the compliance control system at the enterprise is proposed, which, unlike existing ones, is based on a clear division of the acceptable risk zone (the maximum level of residual risk that an enterprise can take on without a threat to its existence), which includes risk appetite and risk tolerance (an additional amount of residual risk that the company is ready to take if measures are taken to minimize risk), and an unacceptable risk zone that begins with exceeding the compliance price over compliance losses. In order to make decisions on mitigation of risks at the enterprise, it is proposed a methodology for the formation and implementation of a compliance control system. The developed strategies for each stage of compliance control implementation are effective and can be used at any enterprise in order to reduce risks and increase economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanchenko N. O., Podskrebko O. S., Mazur V. M.
Business Models and Modern Instruments for Improving the Efficiency of Retail Trade Enterprises (p. 207 - 212)

The article is aimed at examining the main components of retail business models, to determine the probable directions in which these models can develop, as well as identifying the factors and tendencies that form the business models used by retail trade enterprises. The current status of retail trade, innovations and changes to the business models of evolutionary nature are analyzed. The need to implement new solutions for store formats, cooperation of distribution channels, changes in the range of products and services offered, as well as the use of machine learning for effective management of retail business is substantiated. Based on observations on the activities of modern retail enterprises, it can be stated that changes that occur in the business environment lead to the need to find and implement effective ways to gain competitive advantages through the use of new business models. The article consistently covers the nature and components of the retail business model, business model development issues, analysis of both external and internal factors that determine changes in business models, as well as defines trends and examples of innovative solutions in the formation of models for retail trade business. It is concluded that in the changing conditions of today, retailers need to constantly modify the business models used and improve the processes associated with the implementation of basic business functions, such as procurement, warehousing, sales and customer service.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotliarovа V. H., Bratishko Y. S.
Metrological Management at an Industrial Enterprise (p. 212 - 219)

Management of metrological activity is an integral component of the management of a modern enterprise. Implementation of effective and high-quality metrological activity at the enterprise is a guarantee that the products manufactured meet the corresponding technical requirements. Therefore, definition of the concept and essence of metrological management is relevant. The article is aimed at defining the concept and essence of metrological management and developing a scheme of its application in the management of metrological activity of enterprise. It is determined that the object of metrological management is the measurement processes at an industrial enterprise; subject – aggregate of technical, technological and organizational means necessary for the implementation of measurement processes. The authors propose the approach to the formation of a metrological management system, which consists of two subsystems: 1) formation of a metrological management system, the purpose of which is to organize methodological and resource provision of measurement processes at the enterprise; 2) operation of the metrological management system, the purpose of which is to ensure the guarantee that the manufactured products meet the corresponding technical requirements. The constituents of the system are interconnected through the relationship of tasks. The scheme of application of metrological management in the management of metrological activity of an industrial enterprise and a methodology for assessing the quality of its operation are developed. The proposed approach will allow enterprises not only to build a system of metrological management, but also to implement it, which will increase consumer confidence in the quality of products and will be the key to a stable market situation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matvieieva O. M., Bondarenko O. M., Duksenko O. P.
Risk Analysis in Managerial Decision-Making Based on Behavioral Approach (p. 219 - 225)

The article is aimed at studying the essence of risk in the process of making managerial decisions, taking into account the behavioral approach and identifying the causes of risk occurrence. The article carries out a risk study structured in accordance with two dichotomies: risk/reliability and risk/danger. At this, the concept of managerial decision risk means a complex set of alternatives, during the analysis of which there is a need to make a decision. The opposite side in each case acts only as a concept of reflection, whose function is to clarify what in a particular case is emphasized in the risk per se: the problem of measuring accuracy in the first case or the degree of responsibility for the damage itself — in the second. As for both differences, it is identified that there is no risk-free managerial decision. It is proved that the concept of risk in the process of making managerial decisions, taking into account the behavioral approach, should be contrasted with the concept of reliability. The scientific approach to determining reliability is presented in the statement that absolute reliability is unattainable. The phenomenon of reasonable risk in the process of making managerial decisions is provided, taking into account the behavioral approach, which is part of the general problem studied by economists and is terminologically recorded as «justified economic activity». An element of such activity is the managerial decision-making. The risks that are likely to arise in the process of managerial decisions taking into account behavioral approach, at both the qualitative and the quantitative levels are studied. It is proved that quantitative study of risks identified at the qualitative level is the main purpose of risk analysis in accordance with the theory of decision-making in the presence of risk.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volkova M. V., Shved A. B.
Improving the Cost Management System at a Construction Enterprise (p. 225 - 231)

The article improves the cost management system of construction enterprise. It is specified that the process of managing costs at a construction enterprise depends on the efficiency of the existing general system of the organization management and the level of use of certain methods and instruments by which effective managerial decisions are made to ensure financial stability. A definition of a system of cost management of construction enterprise is provided, whereby the system of economic interests and management methods of directed influence on the interests of the economic entity in order to coordinate them with different groups of stakeholders to comply with the relevant proportions in the formation of costs is meant. It is noted that today, in the face of stiff competition in the construction industry of Ukraine and negative trends in the country’s economy related to the COVID-19 pandemic, solution to the issues of improving the cost management system should be based on the concept of strategic management, management in terms of special purpose self-cost, target-costing and kaizen-costing as means of achieving the specified construction enterprise costs. It is concluded that the improvement of the cost management system of construction enterprise is possible on the basis of making effective managerial decisions based on the use of scientifically based approaches to analyzing the cost structure, planning the level of costs, planning profits taking into account the amount of expenses made, along with implementation of an effective system of motivation of employees to control and reduce costs, etc. The proposed cost management system of construction enterprise will allow to organize and purposefully implement a policy of comprehensive reduction of the self-cost of construction products, rationally invest in modern construction projects, and implement the set strategic goals.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Honcharenko A. S.
Essence and Content of the Concept of «Quality of the Enterprise’s Capital Structure» (p. 231 - 241)

The article is aimed at exploring the theoretical aspects of the essence of management of capital structure quality. The peculiarities of philosophical, social, technical, engineering, economic and legal approaches to the essence of the concept of «quality» are defined. In the course of the carried out analysis, systematization and generalization of the works of both domestic and foreign scholars, the evolution of approaches to defining the essence of the concept of «quality» was considered. The signs characterizing it are determined as follows: compliance with the goal, degree of customer satisfaction, accuracy in the implementation of the specification project, compliance with norms, degree of perfection. As a result, the author has formed his own vision regarding the essence of quality as an aggregate of characteristics and properties of an object or process that is in full measure capable of satisfying the consumer and fully meeting his needs or expectations. The following instruments for quality management are considered: statistical quality control, possibility of evaluation process, control diagrams. The logic of formation of the essence of quality management based on studying and systematizing the existing concepts, theories and practices of quality management is substantiated. It is determined that quality management is an aggregate of measures directed towards increasing the level of competitiveness of a product, service or organization in the market through continuous training of managers of an economic entity. A morphological analysis of the concept of «capital structure» was carried out, on the basis of which the essence of this concept was defined as the ratio of components of capital formed in accordance with the needs of the enterprise, which ensures the enterprise to obtain the maximum effect from the invested resources, increase in the cost of capital and profitability of activities, reduce risk in the process of achieving strategic goals. It is proved that the enterprise’s qualitative capital structure provides the necessary level of financial sustainability of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mayovets Y. Y., Sokhetska A. V.
Improving the Marketing Communications of Bank in the Context of Digital Transformation (p. 242 - 247)

The article reflects the current trends of digital transformation in the banking sector of Ukraine, due to the introduction of new marketing channels. Banking services in Ukraine and around the world are rapidly changing under the influence of information technologies, which requires the introduction of new standards and communication channels. Traditional marketing communications in banking institutions were based on a number of marketing instruments, namely: advertising, direct marketing, branding, PR activities, publicity, stimulating the sales, loyalty programs, sponsorship, personal sales, presentations of products. Recognition of «digital transformation» by various analytical institutions reflects its role in scaling information processes, increasing economic efficiency and integrating the business processes of different participants on a single open platform. The digital transformation of organizations includes the following stages: digital beginners, digital subscribers, digital innovators, and digital leaders. In Ukraine, the evolution of digital transformation is based on the Fintech Development Strategy in Ukraine until 2025, developed by the NBU. The latter includes the expansion of digital technologies and their integration on open platforms, as well as the use of built-in financing. The article specifies that, despite all the advantages of digital transformation, the banking sector was one of the first to face financial fraud through online communication channels (Viber, WhatsApp, etc.), when the consumer is attacked in an aggressive manner, demanding personal data of bank cards. Such risks require receiving feedback from the client in order to promptly solve the problems of personal data leak and, if necessary, block the client’s card. In the process of evolution, new levels of digital platforms are being formed, which allow not only customers and staff of banks to connect to them, but also providers of various solutions through the BaaS model. Marketing communications provide for the education of financial literacy in customers and the formation of feedback by quickly responding to complaints.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kubetska O. M., Ostapenko T. M.
Communications Policy in Income Management (p. 247 - 253)

The article considers the role of advertising as one of the most efficient means of promoting goods to the market; the main types of Internet advertising are studied, their features are determined. The purpose of the article is to develop practical recommendations for trading enterprises to increase both the number of customers and the commercial income through the formation of a communications policy that is focused on «immediate» profit and involves a combination of traditional and new communication approaches or technologies. In the article, in view of the dynamics for 2017-2019, the proportion of Internet advertising by its types in Ukraine is examined and the largest concentrations of the companies’ investments into in-stream video (advertising that is broadcast in videos) along with banner advertising are identified. The essence of banner advertising is considered, the advantage of which is the maximum coverage of the customer audience, promptness, efficiency, quick memorization of brand, saving the budget, etc. The article investigates the requirements for an advertisement. The formation of communications policy is recommended according to the following technology: determining the goals of measures to promote products; formation of the content of advertisements; use of various, periodically modified means of communication and taking into account the geographical dispersion of customers, their age affiliation; use of non-digital communication channels and Digital communication channels; implementation of free advertising events and budgeting of current advertising events together with capital investments in website or online store; administration of advertising campaigns using application platforms, Google Adwords software, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Look-alike, etc.; registration in numerous social networks and joining social communities; use of crowd marketing; updating the communicative component through guest posts, email newsletters, creating a video channel on YouTube, offers of goods in discount services. When managing the budget of an online store, it is proposed to use service dropshipping.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tardaskina T. M., Hryshchuk T. V.
Features of Use and Development of Cloud Technologies in the Digital Economy (p. 254 - 260)

The article is aimed at exploring the Ukrainian market of cloud technologies and defining its features, as well as the role of telecommunication operators in the development of this market in the modern conditions of the digital economy. The publication determines that the current conditions of the pandemic only accelerated the spread of the introduction of cloud technologies and gave impetus to certain trends in this sphere. Cloud technologies and cloud services have helped meet the need for tools to work in novel conditions. The article analyzes the state of the world and national cloud technology market. In the course of the research work, the main domestic players in the cloud market were studied and the characteristic features of their interaction with consumers were determined, as well as the role of telecommunications operators in the provision of cloud services. On the basis of the conducted research, the features of the use and development of cloud technologies in the digital economy are determined, as well as barriers to further development are specified. According to the results of the research, we can conclude that Ukrainian telecommunications operators in the cloud technology market have a very small share, provider companies are unlikely to weaken their positions and allow traditional operators to win most of the market. Based on the analysis of the Ukrainian cloud market, the most appropriate model for the development of cloud market entities is developed. It is easier to add cloud segment services to large telecommunication companies that already have developed infrastructure in Ukraine. They become intermediaries between providers and users, promoting comfortable interaction between them. This is the 24/7 hotline expert support of clients throughout Ukraine in a known language and with representation in almost every corner of our country; this is the execution of contracts in accordance with Ukrainian legislation, in national currency; this is the storage of data in reliable data centers of the provider, most often in the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Huriev V. O., Dykan V. V.
Features of the Development of a Modern Marketing Strategy of Tourist Destination through Social Networks (p. 260 - 266)

The article analyzes the current tendencies in the development of marketing strategy through social networks, describes in detail the theoretical aspects of the development of modern marketing strategies for tourist destination. Taking into account the fact that the development of society dictates the requirements for the development of the market and the entities that fulfill economic management therein, it can be said that the process of developing a modern marketing strategy requires new approaches to the management of economic entities and the development of an adaptive action plan that will ensure their successful implementation. In particular, we are talking about marketing activity strategies that are developed and implemented in accordance with the general management strategy of an economic entity. In the context of the present day pandemic, the current marketing strategy is one of the main components of the successful functioning of an enterprise or organization. The latest trends in marketing through social networks are considered. Based on the analysis of modern social networks and theoretical information, a marketing strategy for tourist destination is offered. It is concluded that under today’s conditions it is advisable to develop domestic tourism – for the full functioning of the tourism industry in times of crisis. Facebook and Instagram are chosen as the main platforms for promoting the tourist destination, as these networks currently have the largest number of potential customers in Ukraine. A step-by-step plan for the implementation of a marketing strategy has been developed. Also, based on data analysis, as a social media promotion instrument has been chosen targeted advertising that allows to find potential customers and implement a marketing strategy with the main KPI – more potential customers at lower costs.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Matvieiev V. V., Matvieieva O. M., Shchepina T. H.
Behavioral Approach in Management (p. 257 - 261)

The article is aimed at researching the behavioral approach in management, studying the psychological regularities of management activities. The article proves that the behavioral approach in management is aimed at the joint interaction of economic processes and economic thinking of the subject who makes managerial decisions, or groups of subjects, taking into account the factors influencing managerial decisions of both economic and psychological nature. A study of economic thinking of the subject making managerial decisions, or groups of subjects as a structural component of economic consciousness, is presented. The essence of economic consciousness as a higher level of reflection by the subject of economic relations of economic phenomena is analyzed. It is identified that economic consciousness is closely related to economic behavior, acting as a rational basis for subjective mechanisms of such behavior. The perceptive sphere of economic behavior of the decision-making entity or groups of subjects, which is based on his or their professional experience obtained in the a posterior period, is distinguished, which becomes the basis for ensuring a higher level of efficiency of managerial decisions, a new form of economic thinking, unconscious perception in the economy. It is determined that the correct economic thinking ensures rational management of economic activity on the scale of the national economy. It is proved that the behavioral approach in management encourages to abandon the fundamental abstraction of any factors of economic relations of a non-economic nature and thereby attributing all the effect achieved by the economic system to economic relations only.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Yurynets O. V., Doroshkevych K. O., Prokopenko I. V.
On the Issue of Identification of Urgent Instruments of Anti-Crisis Management of Enterprises (p. 262 - 270)

The article examines the urgent anti-crisis management instruments that characterize immediate (urgent) actions aimed at eliminating or reducing the negative impact of crisis phenomena on the enterprise. For the purpose of their identification, carrying out a comparative analysis is recommended, on the basis of the indicators that provide for assessment according to the following criteria: implementation time (time of accomplishing of operations for implementation of the anti-crisis control instrument, time of one operation for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument, the level of time for operations for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument); riskiness (coefficient of possible loss of profitability, Altman’s Z-criterion, indicator of financial sustainability of the enterprise); level of competitiveness (product competitiveness index, assessment of the competitiveness of the enterprise in statistics, multi-factory model of competitiveness); profitability of the enterprise (net profit per 1 UAH of costs for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument, profitability of products, the level of costs for implementation of the anti-crisis management instrument). In the process of identification of the anti-crisis management instruments, the aggregate of the obtained indicators was carried out according to the results of compliance with the established criterion value using Boolean variables. A scale of values is formed; it is determined that the enterprise’s considering the anti-crisis management instrument as the urgent one should take place on the basis of satisfaction of more than 65% of the signs of compliance with the standards for the indicators expressed in the value of the boolean variable. In the process of practical approbation of the recommended method, the urgent instruments for the anti-crisis management of PJSC «Kontsern Khlibprom» are identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klochko V. M., Bogoyavlensky O. V., Postolna N. O.
Values Management as the Main Element of Creating a Corporate Culture of Enterprise (p. 270 - 275)

The article is aimed at examining the peculiarities of development and implementation of values management as the main component of the corporate culture of enterprise in modern conditions of competition in both the world and the domestic markets. The article analyzes the concept of value, also the ideology and civilizational world-view related to the values. An analysis of the concept of corporate culture is made, as well as the basic principles of culture of organizations and enterprises are highlighted. Management levels at enterprises are considered. The main characteristics of values management and corporate culture are highlighted. Bright examples of creating effective, outstanding corporate cultures are given (Zappos and Semco companies). The algorithm for development and implementation of the value system at the enterprise is also provided. Building up a corporate culture and implementing the core corporate values are substantiated on the example of JSC «Kharkivske instrumentalne pidpryiemstvo». To improve the corporate culture, based on the experience of the best world and Ukrainian enterprises, it is proposed to characterize the ideal look of the future enterprise; outline the mission (purpose of the enterprise); decide on the following: values (ideals, convictions, important things, values of the enterprise’s staff); rules, norms of conduct of employees of the enterprise; management manner and personnel policy; rules, traditions, procedures and the order adopted at the enterprise or organization; heroes, myths and history of the enterprise; socio-psychological climate in the team; interaction between employees of the same and different departments; corporate symbols in the form of external paraphernalia.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zoidze D. R., Gubarev O. O.
Evolution of Approaches to Risk Management in Organizations (p. 276 - 285)

The article is aimed at studying the evolution of approaches to risk management in organizations. As result of the carried out study, three existing approaches were identified: the «Three Lines of Protection» model (2013), the «Three Lines» model (2020), and the «Dynamic Risk Management» model (2020). It is proposed to consider the «Three Lines of Protection» model as a transition from non-systemic risk management in organizations to a structured vision of this process with a clear definition of the responsibilities of key participants. The article explains the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. Its advantages include simplicity and clarity in use in practice. Among the shortcomings of the model are the following: an overly structured approach to risk management in organizations; too cautious attitude to possible risks; dubious versatility of the model; imperfection of its structure. Three directions for possible improvement of the model are defined. It is identified that in 2020 there was an updated approach to risk management in organizations – the «Three Lines» model. A comparison of the «Three Lines of Protection» model with the «Three Lines» model was carried out. The main advantages of the new approach are determined. The emergence of an alternative vision of the process of risk management and control in organizations against the background of new social challenges – the «Dynamic risk management» is researched. The advantages of this approach include its priority areas in risk management in organizations, i.e.: risk management taking into account their consequences, risk management based on actions, risk management with an orientation towards digital technologies. The differences between traditional models and the newest approach are specified. It is determined that each of the three principles of the latest approach improves the quality of risk management in organizations as participants in the survey conducted by Gartner company. Purpose of further research in this direction be the institutional registration of coordinated interaction between the two directions of the modern model of risk management and control of the risks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pohorelov Y. S., Kozachenko G. V.
The Instrumentarium for Sustainable Development of an Enterprise in Conditions of Crisis (p. 285 - 293)

Development as a continuous process should be carried out at all stages of the business cycle of an enterprise. Particular attention should be paid to the development at the downturn stages of the business cycle of the enterprise, in particular in the conditions of crisis in its activities. The focus of the article led to the need to disclose the content of the concepts of «crisis», «development», «sustainable development» and «sustainable development of the enterprise in a crisis». At the descending stages of the business cycle of the enterprise, its development should be fully controlled and carefully managed. To ensure control and manageability of the development of the enterprise in a crisis, an appropriate instrumentarium is needed, wherein the central place belongs to the anti-crisis scenarios of sustainable development and its key resources. Anti-crisis scenarios of sustainable development of the enterprise in a crisis are proposed to be developed on the basis of identified and assessed threats to its activities, taking into account the nature of threats, their interconnectedness and interdependence, as well as the stage of development of each of the threats. Because the implementation of threats to the enterprise’s activities can further aggravate its condition: crisis phenomena are transformed into a crisis situation, which, in turn, threatens to develop into a crisis state. In order to develop an anti-crisis scenario for the development of the enterprise in the situation of the probable simultaneous implementation of several threats to its activities, the use of the method of tuples is proposed. A general view of the tuple for the anti-crisis scenario is presented. The role of key resources in ensuring sustainable development of the enterprise in a crisis is disclosed. The problematic aspects of using key resources in ensuring sustainable development of the enterprise in a crisis are displayed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shelest T. M.
Formation of a Management System for the Innovatively Oriented Development of Enterprises: The Theoretical Aspects (p. 294 - 301)

The article is aimed at consolidating the theoretical aspects of formation of a management system for innovatively oriented development of enterprises. According to the results of the carried out research, it is identified that modern industrial enterprises are in a crisis state, which causes the need to develop an economically substantiated program for their reform, focusing on expanding innovation-technological activities and increasing investments in the real sector of the economy, as well as increasing the efficiency of their use. It is defined that the need for research, namely, the formation of a management system for innovatively oriented development of enterprises, is determined by its role in accelerating the growth rate of social production, improving the quality of products and increasing scientific-technological progress, which are the main directions of economic strategy, planning and forecasting of production. The results of the analysis of the economic essence of the concepts of «management», «system», «management system», «innovations», «development» and «innovative development» allowed to define that a management system for the innovatively oriented development of enterprises represents an orderly set of elements interaction, which is directed towards the continuous and comprehensive process of introducing innovations for the formation of efficient activity in the strategic perspective, taking into account the factors of internal and external environment together with the laws of development of social production aimed at concentration, parallelism, adaptability and rhythmicity of the enterprise management system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voloboieva I. O., Kravchuk O. I., Varshava D. V.
The Value Dimension of the Employer Brand: Influencing the Staff Engagement (p. 302 - 309)

The article is aimed at examining the impact of the employer brand on the choice of a job seeker. After studying and analyzing the works of many foreign and domestic scholars, the main approaches to the definition of the concept of «employer brand» are considered and the authors’ definition of this concept is proposed. As result of the carried out research, both the external and the internal elements of the employer brand are systematized; the employer value proposition (EVP), constituting an integral part of the employer brand, is substantiated; a survey of LinkedIn users was conducted in order to identify the influence of the employer brand on the choice of job seekers; the main priority elements of branding are defined. The carried out research allows to conclude that employer branding and the current EVP are among the most priority directions of the company’s activity in attracting the best specialists and preserving talents in the company. The value proposition of the employer should be the strategy of the company, oriented to employees, being consistent with them. To develop a strong brand and increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the organization, the value proposition of the employer must be unique. The EVP should be a real embodiment of the benefits offered by the company to employee, otherwise it will be impossible to retain the employees involved and form loyalty to the company in them. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the degree of influence of digitalization of business on the development of the employer brand, and, at the theoretical level, – a study and closer definition of some components of the employer brand.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tanasiuk I. M., Kirsho S. M.
Formation of Personnel Potential of an Enterprise Through the Development of Creative Abilities of the Staff (p. 310 - 315)

The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical and methodological principles of formation of personnel potential of the enterprise and elaborating practical recommendations for the development of creative abilities of staff. On the basis of systematization and generalization of existing scientific achievements, the concept of personnel potential, features of its formation in modern conditions are considered. The factors that influence the formation of personnel potential of enterprises in Ukraine are analyzed. The problems of formation of personnel potential of companies capable of creative response to changes in the external environment, analyzing large amounts of information, determining the impact and interaction of various factors and anticipating future events in the market are researched. Positive examples of procedures for the formation of personnel potential from the experience of modern enterprises are presented. As a result of the study, it was determined the need to create partnerships between the State and enterprises, so that conditions for the development of creativity can be formed, and it is proclaimed that the development of creative abilities of the enterprise’s staff allows to increase the innovativeness of a company and the country in general. The article defines that the necessity to meet the education of personnel with modern trends requires the organization of lifelong learning, which involves combining and updating the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities in order to adapt to modern processes for the sake of continuous professional development. The methods for development of creativity of the enterprise’s staff aimed at overcoming thinking stereotypes that interfere with the development of creativity in modern conditions are proposed. A special place is given to the problem of maintaining the performance of the enterprise’s staff in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kubetska O. M., Ostapenko T. M., Paleshko Y. S.
Internet Communications Policy (p. 315 - 322)

The article considers the role of the Internet as one of the channels for promoting products. The article is aimed at developing practical recommendations as to the organization of communication policy on the Internet through the creation of an online store, sales via marketplaces, also with the use of cashback. Modern trends of e-business are generalized, characterizations of online trading, its advantages for buyers and sellers are provided. It is proposed to organize interaction with customers in two sectors: marketplace and online store. The main features of the marketplace and the online store (from the point of view of sellers / suppliers) are systematized: the main goal, participants, interaction with buyers, the need to create a website, functionality, creating a profile, control, product range, price regulation, advertising costs, working conditions, earnings, the ability to develop systems of repeated sales, the number of sellers. The main disadvantages in operating a marketplace and an online store (either from the point of view of sellers or from the point of view of buyers) are considered. The article generalizes the procedure for organizing a communicative policy on the Internet (through the store’s website), which envisages: creating an online store, interacting with customers through the online store sales. The procedure for organizing a communicative policy on the Internet (through the marketplace) is described, including: entering the marketplace, selling products to buyers, paying a commission for the products sold and paying a standard monthly fee for using the platform. It is recommended to form a communication policy using the cashback service and the following technology: registration in the cashback service, carrying out the purchase of products through the cashback service catalog (by links), transferring data about the purchase of an online store or marketplace, payment of cashback service commission, payment of cashback to the buyer. The main shortcomings of cashback (from the point of view of sellers and from the point of view of cashback services) are considered, which include the taxation of cashback in the amount of 19.5% for individuals and VAT, provided that both participants of the bonus program are legal entities. The main disadvantages of cashback from the position of buyers are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lifintsev D. S., Blyznyuk T. P., Kokhan M. O.
Prospects for Cross-Cultural Business Cooperation in the Context of Ukraine’s European Integration (p. 371 - 377)

The research is aimed at studying and analyzing the attitude of the Ukrainian generation Z to potential cooperation with partners from the countries of the European Union. The article identifies and analyzes the priority of choosing specific countries for cooperation, as well as the motives of such a choice. To verify the hypotheses formulated in the course of research, empirical data collection was carried out by conducting an online survey using the 403 respondents took part in the survey: 97 boys (24.1%) and 306 girls (75.9%). The respondents were students of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (n = 130), Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (n = 108), Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets (n = 165). The results of the research showed that the vast majority of respondents are positive about cooperation with partners from the European Union countries. The research displayed that Ukrainian students are most interested in cooperation with partners from Germany, Sweden, Austria, France and Italy. It is worth noting that the countries that took the two highest positions in the overall ranking (Germany and Sweden), as well as France, which shared the overall third place with Austria, were in the top 5 according to the survey results in each of the three cities where it was conducted, i.e.: Kyiv, Lviv, Kharkiv. The respondents who have no experience of cross-cultural interaction also expressed a desire to interact with partners from the EU countries. At the same time, the top 5 countries that are interesting for potential interaction, according to these respondents, completely coincide with the overall top five. Among the main motives for choosing countries priority for business interaction, the respondents defined the following: «General positive impression of the country», «High level of economic development of this country», «Reliability of partners from this country», and «High probability of profit from interaction with partners from this country». Ukrainian youth are interested in cooperation with business partners from the countries of the European Union, which is extremely important in view of the European integration of our country. Among the countries that students have identified as priorities for business interaction are both lower-context Germany, Sweden and Austria, and higher-context France and Italy. This once again demonstrates the importance of professional preparation for cross-cultural interaction and the acquisition by Ukrainian students of the competencies of doing business in a global multicultural business environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poplavska O. M., Kononenko T. S.
Motivation and Satisfaction of Employees: Analysis, Risks, Ways of Improvement (p. 378 - 384)

The article examines the state of motivation and the level of satisfaction of employees (on the example of working students and teachers of higher education institutions) in the pandemic and presents the most significant instruments for their strengthening. In particular, the authors, based on the results of a sociological study, define that in the context of the pandemic, the values of employees have changed, which causes the need to strengthen the motivation instruments that provide safe working conditions, help reduce the «toxicity of the environment» and provide a decent level of remuneration. Researching the level of satisfaction and motivation of employees, the following risks of motivation and decrease in employee satisfaction from work for the company are systematized and distinguished: operational, brand (image), productivity, and also well-being. By introducing the concept of «motivational portfolio», by which the authors understand the set of instruments, measures that provide internal and external motivation of employees; the following recommendations are formed to strengthen the efficiency of motivation and increase the level of staff satisfaction: 1) harmonious combination of material and intangible components of motivation; 2) taking into account the value profile of employees; 3) combining and coordinating the goals (tasks) of the employee and the company; 4) strengthening the social component of motivation (improving the social package, involving intangible motives, such as working hours management, labor organization, ensuring decent safe working conditions, recognizing the results of work and its value for society).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matvieieva O. M., Bondarenko O. M., Duksenko O. P.
The Behavioral Approach to Ensuring Economic Security (p. 385 - 389)

The article is aimed at studying the behavioral approach to ensuring economic security during the development of the economy in the pandemic. The role and meaning of managerial decisions is defined, their ability to cause extraordinary reactions in the economic sphere is proved. A critical analysis of the essence of economic security of the State, region, enterprise is carried out. The subjects and objects of economic security of the State, region, enterprise are provided. The authors determine the factors of destabilization generated by the pandemic, which is the cause of emergence and development of crisis situations caused by threats to the economic security of the State, region, and enterprise. The scientific approach to ensuring economic security is presented in the statement that in the complex of measures that form the system of economic security of the State, region, enterprise, the system of prevention of emerging threats, taking into account the conditions of the pandemic, is of greatest importance. From the positions of economic security, it is important to assess and predict the impact of all expected threats, as well as economic and non-economic impacts on their course. It is noted that the strategic management of economic development processes in the pandemic causes an objective need on the part of the State authorities to have a concept of national security, the level of which depends on how effective managerial decisions are both at the enterprise level and at the State level; to what extent experts are able to avoid possible threats and eliminate the negative consequences of certain components of the external and internal environment in the pandemic. It is proved that a relatively insignificant influence of the behavioral approach in management is able to initiate a chain of profound changes in the economic system, and quite often with unpredictable consequences, which causes the need to expertise approved decisions for their economic security, while the powers of management bodies during the pandemic should be a continuation of their functional duties.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kubetska O. M., Ostapenko T. M., Fisunenko N. О.
The Essence and Current Trends of Marketing (p. 390 - 396)

The article is aimed at studying the essence of marketing and generalizing the latest trends in its development. The article considers the essence of the category of «marketing». The authors’ own interpretation of the category of «marketing» is provided, which means the instrument of activity and competitiveness of economic entities, the existence and use of which is determined by the constant study of the needs, tastes and requirements of consumers in any market in order to fully satisfy them and, as a result, make a profit. The trends in marketing development are outlined taking into account the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the crisis and uncertainty generated by it in all sectors of the economy. The main trends in marketing are: emergence of the novel along with expansion of the boundaries and areas of use of the extant type of marketing; expanding the possibilities of the Internet for the purpose of marketing research, communication, sale of ware; departure from standardization and the need for greater adaptation of the marketing complex to narrow market segments, which is caused by increasing competition; establishing partnerships and transitioning to relationship marketing; strengthening the role of strategic planning; priority on providing excellent customer service; use of digital technologies. In conditions of uncertainty, the use of modern technologies that rely on data on the purchase process should be of paramount importance among marketing tools. Personalization of the commercial offer, as well as mobile technologies for prompt contact with the client are suggested. Recommendations are made to strengthen the brand image in the minds of consumers and use of digital marketing, which will obviously dominate in 2021.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalchuk K. V., Podorozhna M. R.
Conceptual Principles of Brand Formation (p. 396 - 401)

The article presents a conceptual basis for the formation of a brand based on the analysis of key ideas of researchers and practitioners engaged in branding issues, business philosophy in market relations, development of trademark and brand, development of marketing strategies, advertising, promotion of goods in the market. According to the analysis of generally accepted conceptions ("Brand capital", "Brand wheel" model, "Theory of image", "Strategic brand management", "4-D Branding", "Maximization of potential shopping brands", "Value-based-Marketing ») and theories of the brand of such scientists as D. Aaker, T. Ged, D. Ogilvi, Y. Ellwood, J.-N. Kapferer was formed the conceptual framework of branding, which includes such concepts as "brand capital", "trademark", "image", "reputation"; the characteristics of the brand are highlighted - leadership, identity, uniqueness, value, advantage; the essence of the brand is defined from the positions of manufacturer, which forms the competitive advantages of the product for the consumer through satisfaction of the functional, social, economic, psychological needs of the latter. Particular attention in the article is paid to the conceptions of brand positioning, where the main "players" of the market are determined as the company, competitors and consumers. The brand’s position provides information on identity through communication tools. The brand’s positioning includes the desire to emphasize its key aspects, and the idea of a positioning strategy is represented by the clear idea of the brand position communicated to the consumer. The brand’s position is disclosed through a set of associations, ideas and expectations that the consumer connects with the brand. This is a relative conception based on a comparison by the consumer of this brand with competing brands. The real confirmation of the use of these conceptions in the formation of the brand of companies is provided by an analysis of the rating positions of such global brands as Apple, Amazon, Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Google, Microsoft.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Luchko H. Y., Kohut I. V.
Leadership Qualities in Project Management (p. 240 - 245)

This article is aimed at researching the phenomenon of leadership, analyzing the qualities of project leaders and defining the key qualities that project managers should have to effectively manage teams and achieve maximum results. The article defines that in order to ensure effective management of the project team with dynamic changes in the external environment, the project manager must be not only a director, but also a leader at the same time. It is precisely the leadership qualities of the project manager, which provide the ability to coordinate the team’s work in such a manner that certain results be achieved, i.e., the expectations of the main stakeholders be fulfilled or exceeded. The article examines the most characteristic traits inherent in leaders, which are highlighted by various researchers of the «traits theory». It is determined that of importance for a project manager is not only certain traits of the leader, but also professional competence. The criteria for assessing the level of competence of project managers in accordance with the ICB4 standard, as well as the necessary skills in relation to the individual competence of «Leadership», are specified. The main qualities and skills of the leader-manager according to the latest version of the PMBOOK project management standard are also considered. The research carried out by the authors resulted in distinguishing the most important qualities of the leader, which, combined with the necessary professional knowledge and skills, will allow project managers to become successful and effective in team cohesion to achieve the best results in project activities. The traits allocated as result of the research, such as responsibility, perseverance, ability to cooperate, kindness and others, will allow project managers to be successful leaders of their teams and to effectively manage projects and programs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk A. O.
A Methodical Approach to the Assessment of Organizational Culture (p. 245 - 250)

The article is concerned with substantiating a methodical approach to the assessment of organizational culture. In today’s business environment, organizational culture plays an important role in the successful work of the organization, serves as the basis for the growth and increase of its effectiveness. The article is aimed at the theoretical generalizing the methods of diagnosis, assessment and analysis of organizational culture and substantiating the methodical approach to its assessment. A theoretical generalization of the main approaches to the assessment of organizational culture was carried out and, based upon its results, it was determined that all existing approaches involve either qualitative or quantitative assessment. Taking into account the variety of approaches and the advantages of quantitative methods, it is substantiated that it is advisable to use a formalized approach (quantitative methods) to assess organizational culture. Also the main approaches to the assessment of organizational culture are systematized, with a special emphasis on quantitative methods. The goals, methods and procedures of various approaches are analyzed, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of individual methods of assessment of organizational culture are described. Thus, for a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of organizational culture, it is advisable to conduct a comprehensive assessment, taking into account the internal and external factors of organizational culture. As result of the study, it is generalized that the parameters of the assessment of organizational culture should include the following groups: communications (C); management (M); motivation and morality (M); work (W); adaptability (A); strategy and mission (S). As a result of the research, a methodical approach to the assessment of organizational culture was proposed, which allows determining the level of organizational culture. The advantages of the proposed approach are that it has an applied character, a high degree of formalization, is quite easy to use, takes into account both the internal and the external aspects of organizational culture.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryveshko O. V.
The Theoretical Principles of Analyzing the Competition in Consumer Markets (p. 251 - 258)

The article considers the types of competition in consumer markets. Most authors when analyzing competition carefully analyze competitor brands. Instead, the author of this article proposes to determine the weight of the influence of related goods, substitutes and indirect competitors. All competitors on the basis of researches of domestic scholars are divided into the following groups: desire-competitors; commodity-kind competitors; commodity-type competitors (substitute goods); competitor brands. Each of these groups is analyzed and it is determined for which types of consumer markets it has a significant impact. In particular, desire-competitors are struggling for the consumers’ costs in the markets of durable goods and luxury goods, but they are not peculiar to social goods and necessities. In addition, it is determined that significant for the product markets is the division of competitors by: market share; presence in a retail network; territorial feature; price level. Market share generally defines the possibilities of influencing consumers and the ability to dictate market conditions. The level of presence of goods in the trading network determines the ease of finding it by the buyer. Increasing the presence in a particular region relatively quickly increases the market share of the corresponding goods in the region. Consumer goods of mass demand are characterized by the presence of not only international and national, but also local competitors. Such competition requires more efforts on the part of both the national and the international producers for studying the market and developing a strategy. In terms of price level, it is necessary to focus, first of all, on those competitors who compete in the same price category. The study of the soft drinks market in the City of Lviv allowed to distinguish in more detail the specific characteristics of competition. The main competitors are allocated. It is noted that over the past 15 years, the number and composition of both the local and the national competitors has changed significantly. On the basis of this, a map of the weight of competitors is developed, which enables the enterprise in the development of competitiveness strategies to concentrate on studying those market participants who are able to distract the attention of consumers to themselves.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bezghinova L. I., Zabrodska L. D., Zabrodska H. I., Nesterenko O. M.
Assessing the Investment Attractiveness of Food Industry Enterprises (p. 259 - 264)

The article is aimed at substantiating the methodological approach to assessing the investment attractiveness of the food industry enterprise, taking into account its industry characteristics. The article describes the specifics of the activities of food industry enterprises, which can characterize the state of their investment attractiveness. The methodological aspects of assessment of investment attractiveness of enterprise are considered. The assessment of the investment attractiveness of a food industry enterprise is proposed to be carried out from the short- and long-term perspective. The methodology for assessing the investment attractiveness of the food industry enterprise is substantiated according to the following stages: formation of an information base of assessment; assessment of investment attractiveness elements and determination of their normative values by groups of financial coefficients; integral assessment of elements of the state of investment attractiveness; ranking of enterprises based on the results of the investment attractiveness assessment. Four groups of financial coefficients are distinguished in accordance with their economic content: liquidity (absolute liquidity ratio, coverage ratio); negotiability (negotiability ratio of total capital, negotiability ratio of current assets); financial sustainability (coverage structure coefficient, ratio of own and borrowed funds); profitability (return on assets, return on equity). The methodology allows, depending on the priorities and policies of the enterprise, its industry affiliation, investment climate, economic development conditions, to choose other criteria and indicators to assess the level of investment attractiveness. A methodical approach to the construction of an integral indicator of the assessment of investment attractiveness of enterprise and a factor map of its interpretation with the allocation of low, medium and high levels are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savchenko M. V., Filipchuk A. S.
The Methodical Instrumentarium for Analysis and Evaluation of Financial Potential of the Fuel and Energy Complex Enterprises (p. 265 - 275)

The article is aimed at substantiating and validating the methodical instrumentarium for analyzing and evaluating the financial potential of the enterprises in the fuel and energy complex, which provides for the diagnosis of existing and the detection of possible financial resources, as well as determining the type of financial potential. As result of the research, it is determined that ensuring the effective functioning of enterprises in the fuel and energy complex requires the development of a methodical approach to evaluating the level of their financial potential. The article systematizes methodical approaches to defining the system of parameters for evaluation of the financial potential of enterprise. The analysis of current methodological approaches helped to draw the authors’ own conclusions and emphasize the shortcomings of using various methods for evaluating the financial potential. The result of the analysis of the current methodological approaches to evaluating the financial potential of the fuel and energy complex enterprises was the conclusions on the need to improve the methodical instrumentarium for analyzing and evaluating the financial potential of enterprise. The article substantiates the stages of evaluation of the financial potential of an enterprise of the fuel and energy complex. On the basis of the proposed approach, the type of financial potential of JSC «Khmelnytskoblenerho» is determined. Prospects for further research in this direction are the substantiation of the evaluation of the financial potential of enterprises in the fuel and energy complex on the basis of a taxonomic approach, also, at the conceptual level there is a need to closer define several concepts and their logical use in practical activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volosnikova N. M.
Features of a System Approach to the Strategy of the Corporate Security System of Industrial Enterprise (p. 276 - 282)

The article is aimed at examining the peculiarity of a system approach to the strategy of the corporate security system of an industrial enterprise as a significant factor directed towards increasing the economic efficiency of the general system. The peculiarity of the system approach to the strategy of corporate security system is examined and the main stages of its (approach) development are disclosed. It is noted that a system approach can be called the approach, in the presence of which management decisions directed towards the competitive direction of strategic development of corporate security are considered in the form of an interrelated and interdependent holistic complex. The goals of the corporate security strategy of the industrial enterprise, which should be subordinated to the general strategy of economic development, and the implementation of the management strategy for the formation of general corporate security, carried out through decision-making, are substantiated. It is concluded that the mechanism of management of the corporate security system must be realized as an integral organizational and economic system, which is an integral part in the overall structure of the mechanism of an industrial enterprise. The main tasks and components of the general corporate security strategy model are identified. In addition, it is noted that the mechanism should be understood as a sequence of measures that are caused by a set of interdependent elements of economic, logistical, personnel, legal, resource, transactional, informational, technological security that form the state and content of processes in accordance with the defined corporate security strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kravchuk O. I., Varis I. O., Tsiopa A. R.
Digitalization of Staff Involvement through Job Portals (p. 282 - 297)

Digitalization of staff involvement stipulates improvement and automation of search and recruitment processes, talent management, etc. Digital instruments for interacting with employment sites are implemented through the vacancies software (JBS). The rapid increase in its use was due to strict restrictions, social distancing and an increase in the number of staff working from home. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, JBS becomes the place of direct prompt interaction between the employer (or recruiting agency) and the job seeker. It is necessary to study the processes of digitalization of staff involvement through job portals and determine their impact on the staff recruitment process; analysis of the activities of job portals in the labor market, the scale of distribution of this method of attracting candidates. The article is concerned with studying the digital technologies of attracting staff through job portals. The trends of development of staff involvement using job search websites are analyzed. The types and features of using the software to work with job ads have been generalized. The specifics of the use of the most popular international job portals are highlighted. The main possibilities of using Ukrainian job portals to attract staff are evaluated and the dynamics and structure of the labor demand and supply on the most popular ones are analyzed. Recommendations for employers on the effective use of job portals to attract staff that can be implemented in the practice of staff management have been developed. Increasing the efficiency of the use of job portals in attracting staff is possible through its digitalization. Opportunities for attracting different categories of staff and prompt closure of company vacancies depend on the labor market segment, which is covered by individual job portals.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Travkina K. V., Shuba O. А.
Features of the Ukrainian M&A Market (p. 298 - 304)

The article is aimed at researching the current state and peculiarities of the Ukrainian M&A market. The market of mergers and acquisitions in Ukraine began to form in the 90s of 20th century, that is, the market is relatively young, but already has its own history, which consists of a consistent four stages: privatization; post-privatization; corporate and speculative. The domestic M&A market is characterized by the formation of a tendency to increase the value of agreements. During the research period (2013–2020), the most expensive M&A agreements in Ukraine were most often concluded in such sectors of the economy as communication and media, financial sector, agriculture. The level of transparency remains low, that is, in Ukraine more than 40% of agreements were concluded without disclosing the cost. Ukrainian investors practically do not participate in the purchase of foreign assets within the framework of mergers and acquisitions agreements. Until 2013, the main investor in the Ukrainian M&A market was Europe, now it is the CIS countries, and the participation of American companies is also growing. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on all countries of the world. Ukraine’s GDP decreased by 4.4%, which was the largest drop since 2013–2014. Also in Ukraine significantly decreased the number of agreements on the M&A market (decreased by 15%, and the total value of agreements decreased by 62%). A negative characteristic feature of the domestic M&A market is the presence of raider seizures, which hinders the development of this market. Using the data of the Unified State Register of Court Decisions, we determined that from 500 to 700 raider attacks are recorded annually in Ukraine. Thus, during the research period (2013–2020), 3,242 raider seizures were recorded in Ukraine. In this regard, the government of the country has developed measures to overcome this phenomenon. Thus, in 2020, the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Countering Raiding» came into force, which will contribute to the improvement of the investment attractiveness of the country, will ensure the growth of the domestic market of mergers and acquisitions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bazaliieva L. V.
Trust Marketing in the Stakeholder Network: Mechanism, Sources and Process of Forming Trust Relationships (p. 305 - 311)

The presented publication is aimed at determining the mechanism and sources of formation of trust relationships in the stakeholder network and closer defining the content of the process of their formation. The article defines the most significant sources of formation and strengthening of trust relations at the microeconomic level, which are: openness and availability of information; solving social problems; ability of each participant in the relationship to express their interests and influence the decision-making; integrity, honesty and competence of managers; clear feedback; stability of contractual relations and partnerships; high reputation and developed organizational culture of companies. Trust in the stakeholder network has a mechanism of occurrence, which consists of an aggregate of trust states of participants in relationships and processes by which these states are formed in them. Determining the sources of trust and the mechanism of its occurrence in the stakeholder network gives grounds for the development and adjustment, if necessary, of the process of establishing and developing trust relationships between network members. The incentive, cognitive, instrumental, practical and final stages of the process of formation of trust relations in the stakeholder network are also allocated, which makes it possible to structure the process of trust formation in the system of relations between the company and stakeholders and harmonize it with the stakeholder analysis and management process.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Piatnytska G. T., Shevchun M. B.
Modeling of Effective Management of а Trade Enterprise’s Logistic Processes (p. 234 - 241)

The article is aimed at building a simulation model of effective management of logistic processes of the trade enterprise. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the research data of both foreign and domestic scholars, a comparative critical and morphological analysis of the existing definitions of «effectiveness» was carried out and an authors' vision of the essence of the concept of «quality management of logistic processes» of the trade enterprise was presented. The application of methods of simulation modeling and graphic-structural description allowed to develop scientific approaches to modeling the effective management of logistic processes at trade enterprises. As a result of the research, a simulation model is developed to ensure the effective management of logistic processes of the trade enterprise, which, unlike existing ones, is focused on improving the quality of logistic processes, provided that logistic costs are optimized. The structural scheme of the automated quality management system of logistic processes of the trade enterprise is built. It is emphasized that in the process of managing logistic processes, managers of a trade enterprise may face the problem of allocating logistical costs, which requires their accounting and detailing. Prospects for further research in this direction can be such developments as: methodological recommendations for accounting logistical costs at enterprises of trade of various sizes; scientific approaches to the creation of special software in order to digitalize the enterprise management system of trade. The results of the research can also be used to improve and further develop both the current and strategic control over the management of logistic processes in enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pidhurska V. O.
Brand Management: Defining the Essence and Place in the System of Related Categories (p. 242 - 247)

This article is aimed at analyzing and systematizing the existing approaches to determining the essence of brand management, as well as its place in the system of related categories of marketing. At that, within the terms of the set goal, the task is to reduce the «conceptual» load on the theoretical base in the marketing sphere by analyzing and structuring current categories, and not creating new ones. During the research, two tangent categories with brand management – «management of brand» and «branding» – were distinguished and their relationship with brand management was determined. Analyzing the theoretical positions of leading specialists in the sphere of marketing, opinions of foreign and domestic scientists, the presence of identifiable concepts of «brand of management» and «management of brand» was specified, which is not true. Management of brand is a component of brand management, which consists in systematic activity using existing and searching for new resources and brand positioning tools. A concise and logical scheme is proposed that reveals the essence of brand management and the main stages of its implementation in the context of this issue. The scheme also reveals the place of branding in the brand management system, namely: at the stages of brand creation and its development /modification. It is determined that brand management directly correlates with the strategy of the enterprise and affects its implementation. The brand development strategy should correspond to the philosophy of the enterprise, its mission and organizational and corporate culture. It is emphasized that brand management is one of the main directions in the strategic management of the enterprise, as it allows to capitalize the value of branded assets and increase its competitiveness. Prospects for further research in this direction are to study the features of modern brand management and tools for its effective implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gavrysh O. A., Gavrysh I. O.
Influence of an Effective Motivation System on Increasing the Competitiveness of Enterprise (p. 247 - 252)

The article examines the essence of staff motivation, analyzes the opinions of scholars on this issue. It is determined that among scholars there is no consensus on the interpretation of the term of «staff motivation». On the basis of extant researches the authors' own interpretation of motivation is proposed. The trends of wage development at Ukrainian enterprises are analyzed and conclusions are drawn based thereupon. One of the most important factors in the successful functioning of enterprise is the motivation of staff, which is the main factor of successful competitiveness. The process of motivation is largely determined by the needs that initiate it. If the needs of individuals coincide with the needs of the enterprise, employees will invest their efforts for their own satisfaction, which will increase productivity, reduce costs and ensure high quality of products, which altogether will increase profits and ensure the competitive position of the company in the market. It is emphasized that in the formation of motivation of staff it is necessary to fulfill the following conditions: study the dynamics of wage level; there should be a direct relation between the level of wages and the number and quality of labor results; the presence of a structure of personal income; material support of available money income, etc. Negative motivation is more effective if it is applied immediately after undesirable actions of the employee. The later the sanctions are applied, the less they affect the behavior of the employee. Due to the skillful use of negative motivation (its fair character and the dosage of the intensity of stimulus, a specific situation), it is possible to achieve a change in the behavior of employees for the better. Methods of improvement of the motivation system, which is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise, have been developed. Staff motivation today is one of the most important factors in the successful functioning of enterprise, so management be very interested in the successful construction of a system that will meet the needs of employees.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danylenko O. A.
The Use of HR-Analytics in the Diagnosis of Staff Management System (p. 252 - 259)

The article delimitates and presents the author's own definitions of the concepts of «diagnosis», «monitoring», «analysis», «evaluation» of the staff management system, «staff audit (staff management),», «HR-analytics». Based on the review of domestic and foreign theoretical and practical studies of the current state of HR-analytics, the understanding of HR analytics is deepened; the possibilities of its implementation in the diagnosis of the staff management system are determined; methodical approaches to this process are described: the object, theme, subject, directions of HR-analytics at the organization level are formulated, stakeholders (interested parties), instruments and examples of the system of metrics/measures (criteria and indicators) operated in HR analytics are defined. It is determined that the diagnosis of the staff management system is a broader concept than HR analytics, which is its main component. HR analytics is based on monitoring and analysis of data with the formation of relevant estimates in conclusions/reports. Preparation of alternative forecasts, improvement of HR processes and staff management system are the final stages of diagnosis of the staff management system. The proposed approach of delimitation of the categorical apparatus of instruments in the sphere of assessment of the effectiveness of human resources use and staff management of an organization with clearly defined structural elements of the process of staff diagnosis will help theorists and practitioners to perform more clearly their work on the analysis and critical evaluation of HR processes with further improvement and alternative forecasting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Trushkina N. V., Shkrygun Y. O.
The Problems and Prospects of e-Commerce Market Development in the Countries of the Latin American Region (p. 259 - 273)

In the current conditions of rapid digitalization of the worldwide space, taking into account global factors, which are being forced, including such «black swans» as the COVID-19 pandemic, the issues of e-commerce development in the context of certain regions are being activated. The article is aimed at studying and identifying the features and trends of e-commerce development in the Latin American region, a detailed analysis of Brazil, Mexico and Argentina as the largest markets in the region. To achieve this aim, the methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, statistical analysis, comparison, structural and logical generalization were used. The article determines that, given the large population of the region with a significant stratification of society, the region has seen a sharp increase in the e-commerce market, including by means of the mass digitalization of the end user to meet the need for remote work and training during the pandemic. Most researchers distinguish the markets of Brazil, Mexico and Argentina as the largest in the region. There is a significant increase in the presence of regional and global platforms, with an emphasis on the problem of disproportionately large volume of Asian products sold by global platforms. The increase in the volume of trading platforms can have a beneficial impact on the improvement of logistics infrastructure in the region, which is currently one of the key problems. Among the existing problems, experts also indicate a low level of penetration of banking services and a high degree of cash circulation. Due to the specifics of the banking sector, not all local cards are valid on international trading platforms, which is one of the deterrent factors for the development of e-commerce. Based on statistical analysis, it is determined that in the current realities of the Latin American region, the process of digitalization of all e-commerce market participants is experienced while maintaining trends in the steady growth of key indicators of Internet commerce. This characterizes the region as promising in terms of increasing market volumes, the number of Internet consumers, the level of Internet penetration, the modernization of the banking sector and changes in legislation. At the same time, it is identified that in the presence of problems of the shadow economy, a low degree of public confidence in the banking sector, the preservation of a significant disparity in the incomes of categories of the population, there is a need to revalue the prospects and conditions for the further development of the e-commerce market in the post-pandemic period.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pashchuk O. B.
Strategic Marketing Instruments for Product Promotion on the Marketplace (p. 274 - 280)

Digital trading places change traditional approaches to product promotion due to the ability to accurately assess market volumes, competitors, choose the most effective promotion strategy and marketing instruments. With the development of digital marketing, online stores are increasingly being used not as an intermediary between the seller and the buyer, but as an online sales platform. This led to the emergence of a new format of trade and the transformation of the traditional e-commerce market, changes in the role of sellers, active participation of the buyer in the formation of supply and marketing. The use of digital instruments for competitive analysis of a potential niche of the product facilitates promotion and allows to evaluate the potential level of income, optimize promotion instruments in the current period. The article is aimed at identifying a set of strategic marketing instruments for promoting the product on the marketplace. The article on the basis of competitive analysis cases discusses practical aspects of using digital instruments to determine sales potential in a particular market. The main strategies for product promotion and the advantages of each strategy are defined. Based on the practical sales case of three types of products using a digital platform and instruments for promoting these products, the efficiency of each instrument has been identified. The effect of promoting each product is evaluated using conversion rates, rating, sales ratio using digital platform advertising campaigns to organic sales of each product. It is proved that thanks to digital platforms, the manufacturer, the seller of the product in real time in the current period has the opportunity to redistribute the costs of various marketing instruments of promotion and ensure sales growth, product rating. The product sales performance indicators (conversion, rating, and volumes) allow to adjust the promotion strategy (update the brand, content, listing) in the current period, which reduces the risk of shortage in sales. The author emphasizes that further research should be directed towards studying practical cases of product promotion on digital platforms for the formation of theoretical and methodological aspects of marketing in the digital environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nezhyva M. O., Mysiuk V. O.
COVID Impact Analysis on the Dynamics of Development of the Cough, Cold and Allergy Remedies Segment in Ukraine (p. 281 - 288)

Creating a competitive medical industry in Ukraine, which is based on economic, market principles of modern management and marketing, which will meet the socio-economic and political changes that have occurred recently in Ukraine and continue to this day is the main goal of modern medicine. It is necessary to create such a system of medical care, the functioning of which in Ukraine, on the one hand, will improve the quality of health care standards, and on the other – will improve the state of the health care system and health workers. The biggest problems in the direction of research are: panic-buying increases sales of cough, cold and allergy (hay fever) remedies despite competition from natural treatment initiative; self-medication will continue, as visiting a doctor is considered a last resort; fragmentation continues with local companies leading through lower prices. The aim of the article is to study the trends of cough, cold and allergy remedies in Ukraine and identify the impact of COVID-19 on such segment development. The article examines the medical field and the impact of COVID-19 on its development. Particular attention is paid to the development of such segments as cough, cold and allergy remedies in Ukraine. It was determined that consumers continued the tradition of self-medication during COVID-19, but the pandemic intensified the growth of panic. Retail prices for coughs, colds and allergy remedies are rising. It has been determined that sales of cough, cold and allergy remedies will increase by 8% of the current CAGR value.

Article is written in English


Atamanchuk Z. A.
Problems and Prospects of the Development of Corporate Management in Ukraine (p. 184 - 189)

The publication is aimed at clarifying the essence of corporate management, studying the peculiarities of the formation of the corporate sector in Ukraine, researching existing problems and outlining promising ways for the development of the corporate management system. The author considers approaches to defining the concept of «corporate management». The article clarifies the role of the corporate management system in the national economy and the peculiarities of the formation of the corporate sector in our country, the basis of which is the inefficient structure of shareholders’ property, the presence of a large number of shares owned by the State and the need to solve the problem of managing the State-owned corporate rights, as well as a powerful tax burden. On the basis of the considered peculiarities of two corporate management systems: insider, in which the property is concentrated in the hands of several persons who own significant shares of corporate property, and outsider, in which joint-stock ownership is sufficiently dispersed, the Ukrainian model of corporate management is substantiated, which at the present stadium is at the stage of its formation and combines elements of both the first and second systems. It is emphasized that, despite the significant problems of modern corporations, they are able to ensure the highest production efficiency, which can be an impetus for the economic progress of our country. Concrete measures have been proposed to improve the functioning of the corporate sector of the Ukrainian economy, in particular: effective regulatory framework; bringing the internal provisions in force at the level of joint stock companies in accordance with the norms of the current legislation; increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian stock market; transformation of the State as the owner of shares into an effective shareholder through the creation of a proper system of the State regulation of the capital market; unshadowing of the corporate sector in order to improve the information disclosure procedure; improvement of the organizational and management structure of joint stock companies through a clear distribution of power, responsibility and accountability; optimization of dividend policy; effective management of corporations; improving the level of corporate culture; formation of an effective corporate control system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khlevytska T. B., Guseva O. Y.
Management of the Financial-Economic Security of Enterprise by Means of Business Processes Reengineering (p. 190 - 196)

The need to ensure the conditions of viability of enterprises through flexibility and adaptability against the modern hard-to-predict changes requires the use of modern, worldwide-recognized instruments and forms of management, the main place among which is reengineering. The expediency of this approach to managing financial-economic security is due to the fact that, on the one hand, financial-economic security is the initial prerequisite for long-term development, and on the other hand, it acts as a criterion for the efficiency of enterprise management. The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical-methodical approach to the use of business process reengineering instruments in ensuring the financial and economic security of enterprises in accordance with its strategic orientation. The basic principles of building a system of financial-economic security are defined. On the basis of the system-structural approach, the classification of types of financial-economic security with the separation of market and interface security was carried out. The system of indicators for monitoring the level of financial-economic security is proposed to be built on the basis of sustainable development with the obligatory separation of ecological, social and directly financial-economic groups of indicators. A definition of the financial-economic security management from the position of strategic management is presented as follows: a set of the most significant decisions directed towards ensuring a programmed level of security of the enterprise. The relationship between the financial-economic security management strategy and the mechanisms of business process reengineering is demonstrated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Guseva O. Y., Sukurova N. M.
Influence of Ethical Components on the Development of Corporate Culture of Telecommunication Enterprises (p. 196 - 203)

The article explains the essence and features of the development of corporate culture of telecommunication enterprises; certain elements of corporate culture are studied, including ethical; the problems of its formation, evaluation and development are generalized. The article is aimed at researching the influence of ethical components on the development of the corporate culture of telecommunication enterprises on the basis of determining the main ethical components of the culture of business entities. It is proved that the main ethical components of the corporate culture of the telecommunication enterprise are: corporate values, ethics code, principles of management, personnel policy, principles of work with personnel. Determination of the impact of these components on the development of corporate culture was carried out on the basis of rating. It is determined that the group of ethical components and, accordingly, the criterion of «ethical norms and principles of management» is one of the four criteria by which the level of the corporate culture of enterprise be evaluated. The carried out computation showed that the level of development of ethical norms in telecommunication enterprises is quite high: the ratio of the value of the level of development of corporate culture to the reference indicator ranges from 0.71-1. The carried out analysis of ethical components of large telecommunication enterprises with a developed corporate culture allowed to identify the tendency of close relationship between these two characteristics. The criteria that indicate the development of corporate culture are substantiated and the idea of the significance and necessity of further development of ethical components for the successful long-term functioning of enterprises in both the domestic and the world markets are formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kosar O. V.
The Theoretical and Conceptual Basis for Managing the Marketing Activities of a Network of Restaurant Business Enterprises (p. 203 - 210)

The article is aimed at forming and substantiating the theoretical and conceptual basis for managing the marketing activities of a network of enterprises according to the proposed elements with the possibility of determining parametric characterizations and their implementation in the practical activities of enterprises, including restaurant business establishments. As a result of thorough research of works of domestic and foreign scholars on the theoretical and methodological principles of formation and development of management of marketing activity, the subject, object and main tasks for the network of enterprises are determined. The defined tasks are proposed to be divided into three blocks, for each of them are distinguished key aspects that the network of enterprises should take into account when managing marketing activities. The theoretical and conceptual basis for managing the marketing activities of a network of enterprises, including restaurant business establishments, is developed, which will strengthen the fundamental foundations of marketing as a science and increase the adaptability of the implementation of management of marketing activities of enterprises to the current conditions of their functioning in the market. As a result of the formed theoretical and conceptual basis, the parameters of marketing management for a network of enterprises that can be implemented in the activities of enterprises of most spheres and types of economic activity, including restaurant business establishments, are determined. Further scientific researches will be concerned with the formation of structured methodological principles for improving the efficiency of the management system of marketing activities of the restaurant business network.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Blahun I. I., Papp V. V., Boshota N. V.
Features of Marketing Activities of Tourism Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 210 - 216)

The article examines the essence, significance and features of marketing of tourism services, outlines its role and significance for tour operating enterprises, identifies the main trends in the development of the national tourism market. The authors have developed and substantiated theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation and development of the conception of marketing in the market of tourism services. The analysis and assessment of the activity of tourism organizations in Ukraine are carried out, the factors of efficiency of marketing strategy of tourism enterprises are researched. The marketing model of management of tourism enterprises is proposed. Approaches to the formation of tourism services on the basis of marketing are defined, strategic directions of development of the tour operating organization on the basis of marketing approaches in the domestic and world tourism markets are offered. Recommendations for the use of the conception of targeted marketing and development of product strategies have been elaborated. The conceptual bases of marketing activity in the market of tourism services are suggested, the special role is defined and advantages of its realization taking into account transformation of socioeconomic relations, branch features of the modern tourism market and complex character of a tourism product are shown. The functional directions of marketing development in the market of tourism services and instruments of their practical realization are presented. The proposed approach provides freedom in the choice of commercial tools of an expanded set of marketing activities, which are a strategic resource to increase competitiveness, which stimulates consumer demand, increases commercial efficiency and overall effectivity of tourism services.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sytnik N. I.
The Сustomer Experience Management as a Strategy For Business Development (p. 216 - 224)

Against the background of rising consumer expectations and increased competition, competence in customer experience management becomes a factor in the survival of modern companies. To achieve sustainable customer commitment, companies have to master the skills of effective interaction with customers and learn how to manage customer experience. This makes a study, concerned with developing a strategy for managing customer experience, relevant. The purpose of the article is to study the strategic aspects of customer experience management, in particular in identifying the sequence of stages of strategy development, defining their essence, instrumentarium, and conditions for implementation in the company’s business processes. The development of a customer experience management strategy is aimed at improving the efficiency of the customer experience value chain, which begins with communications at contact points and results in additional income from the growth of the company’s brand capital. The analytical, organizational, managerial, and control-evaluation measures are distinguished in the structure of the client experience management process. The author suggests a general scheme of development of customer experience management strategy in the form of step-by-step cyclical process consisting of eight consecutive stages: formation of service vision; structuring contact points; defining the needs to improve customer experience; development of an action plan; defining budget and resources; distribution of roles and areas of responsibility of subdivisions; creation of a new brand experience of customers and evaluation of results of its implementation. The tools for collecting and analyzing customer experience and customer service are systematized, specific management measures for their improvement are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zubkova A. B., Maihurova D. S.
Business Modelling in the Strategic Management of International High-Tech Companies (p. 224 - 235)

The article is aimed at analyzing the conception of business model within the terms of enterprise strategic management and substantiating its influence on Ukrainian high-tech enterprises. Taking into account the fact that the conception of business model has long been explored by foreign scholars, it becomes necessary to determine how it is used in the strategic management of Ukrainian high-tech companies. Through the carried out content analysis of strategic management definitions provided by different authors, the main elements are allocated, which most scientists focus on, namely: process of strategy development, goal setting, analysis of the internal and external environment, and creation of value. Creation of value is a particularly important parameter of the high technology market, since the life cycle of such goods is short. Based on these data, it was decided to analyze 50 innovative companies of Ukraine and their business models according to the metrics of «Business Model Canvas», developed by the Swiss business theorist Alexander Osterwalder. The results of a frequency analysis helped to determine that Ukrainian companies have four weak structural elements of business models: clients, relationships with clients, key partners, and cost structure. It has been found that companies use their business models only as a marketing communications tool. But, unfortunately, without understanding the cost structure, clientele and partners for whom value is created, the strategic development of company is impossible.

Article is written in English

Lepeyko T. I., Nazarov N. K.
The Socio-Psychological Factors of Conflicts at Enterprise (p. 236 - 243)

The article is aimed at researching the socio-psychological features of interaction between participants in the labor process, which are factors of conflicts in the social and labor sphere. The article considers conflict as one of the variants for the development of social relations, which arises in case of violation of their balance. It is proved that conflicts arise under the influence of a complex system of factors that have a social and psychological nature. The scholars’ views on the essence of social and psychological factors of conflict are considered. It is proved that the factors, directly related to joint activities and relationships, affecting the proneness to conflict in the staff of an organization, are: organizational culture, socio-psychological climate, leadership (which characterize the social component of interaction); socio-psychological personality traits, orientation and personality type (which characterize the psychological component of interaction). The essence of each factor is considered and its impact on the occurrence and development of conflict is determined. The consequences of both positive and negative impact of socio-psychological factors on the conflict are specified. The publication uses methods of generalization, comparison, analysis and synthesis – to understand the essence of conflict as a certain stage of social interaction, to study the socio-psychological factors of the conflict; graphical method – for clarification of data and schematic representation of the main provisions of the research. The carried out studies will contribute to the development of an efficient strategy and tactics for resolving conflicts, their faster settlement, and the use of effective mechanisms for their forecasting; a system approach to conflict management in order to prevent unconstructive conflict interactions in labor collectives will allow to take into account socio-psychological aspects of interaction between participants in the labor process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Osypenko S. M., Romanchyk T. V., Tesnikov O. M., Kuruch I. O.
The Methodological Recommendations for Improving the Management of Enterprise Competitiveness in the Service Sector (p. 243 - 249)

The relevance of the problem of managing the competitiveness of service sector enterprises in modern conditions of economic management is determined. In a contentual form, the task of managing the competitiveness of enterprises is formulated and a scheme of its implementation is proposed, which includes the following stages: formation of factors that determine competitiveness; substantiation of the competitiveness indicator and its model; computing the competitiveness indicator and its subsequent factor analysis; determination of reserves for growth of the competitiveness index; formation of the task of increasing competitiveness; formation of a list of measures for implementing the task; selection of measures for the implementation; implementation of measures, control and regulation. The procedure for computing the integral indicator of competitiveness, which includes groups of indicators that determine the state of the enterprise and the competitiveness of its products, as well as indicators within each group, is considered. The methodology of economic analysis of the level of competitiveness of the enterprise is proposed, which allows to conduct an overall assessment of its competitive position compared to competitors; determine the influence of factors on the difference in their position from the position of competitors; calculate the reserves of growth of the competitiveness indicator and develop measures for their implementation. In accordance with the competitive strategy of the enterprise and the task of increasing the competitiveness indicator on the basis of the use of the provisions of the theory of economic efficiency, a list of measures is substantiated, the practical implementation of which will allow to perform the task with a minimum amount of resources. Operational control over the implementation of measures and their impact on the competitiveness indicator is envisaged in order to make corrective managerial decisions in a timely manner.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lysytsia N. M., Prytychenko T. I., Kononenko O. I., Martynenko A. O.
Theory and Practice of Organization Rebranding (p. 250 - 259)

In the conditions of current trends of the development of national and world economy, as well as the main directions of the national business development, the issues related to the branding of goods and organizations in the markets become especially important and relevant. The most successful brands today are built not only on quality and reliability. The presence of the necessary attributes of the brand is not a condition for a stable position of the company in the market and direct leadership of the brand among competitors. It is generally accepted that the most effective way to ensure stable demand for a product, especially in the presence of many competing products with similar characteristics, is to create a brand. Although the brand has a special impact on customers, it must constantly adapt to changing external conditions to maintain its competitiveness. The aim of this article is to theoretically substantiate and develop practical recommendations for rebranding the organization. The approaches of various scientists to the interpretation of the brand are studied, the essence of branding and rebranding is revealed, the stages of rebranding are analyzed. The organization was rebranded on the example of the Badminton Federation of Kharkiv region (FBKhR). The existing brand of the organization was analyzed according to the model "Wheel of the Brand", benchmarking was performed and the advantages and disadvantages of the organization in comparison with the main competitors were highlighted. The conclusion was made about the need to reposition the brand and change its visual component. The conducted marketing research allowed us to specify the target audience of FBKhR, define the basic motives of playing badminton, expectations from this kind of sport, define clusters of consumers and characterize them. Based on the obtained results, the positioning strategy of FBKhR was specified and the logo of the organization was updated. The recommendations are the basis for the development of a landing page, an Instagram page and a content plan for promoting FBKhR on the Internet.

Article is written in English

Shpak N. O., Hrabovych I. V.
Tendencies in the Development of Enterprise Marketing Instrumentarium in the Context of Digitalization (p. 259 - 265)

Modern trends in the development of enterprises are formed under the influence of such factors as activation of globalization processes, growth of consumer requirements, unpredictability of the external environment, transformation of the world market conditions under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, strengthening of digitalization and intellectualization processes, development of artificial intelligence, etc. In the context of the formation of Industry 4.0, in order to maintain or strengthen competitive advantages, any enterprise must function taking into account the modern achievements of science and technology, especially in terms of the implementation of digitalization processes in its activities. When implementing digitalization processes, each element of the enterprise’s marketing complex undergoes transformations taking into account the development of digital marketing instruments and technologies. The article researches and analyzes the peculiarities of digitalization of the four main elements of the enterprise marketing complex (product policy, pricing policy, product distribution policy, and promotion policy). The following major trends that influence the formation of the product policy of companies in the context of the implementation of digitalization processes are highlighted and considered: the growing popularity of the digital currency and blockchain technology; digital transformation of banking operations; expansion of the information technology market; development of the network-based production. The advantages of automation and digitalization of the pricing process to accelerate product sales are displayed. It is emphasized that the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has caused the greatest impetus to intensify the implementation of digitalization processes when choosing a product distribution system by the enterprise. In the communication policy, enterprises prefer to organize online marketing activities. The results of the research presented in the article can be useful for enterprises when choosing the most appropriate digital marketing instruments and technologies for each of the four components of the marketing complex, as well as improve future marketing campaigns in accordance with trends in the development of digitalization processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karkovska V. Y., Vishka I. S.
Public Audit: The Essence, Structural Elements and Features of Application (p. 341 - 346)

The article considers the features of interpretation of the term «public audit». On the basis of the researched information (domestic and foreign sources) the authors’ own understanding of the term «public audit» is formed, the features of its use are distinguished. The key structural elements of public audit are formed, which make evident the deviations in the interpretation of the concepts of both public and the State-based audit. The authors have determined, that public audit includes the State-based audit as a indispensable constituent, as far as public audit is carried out by the State, individual business structures, civil society organizations, etc. On the basis of the carried out research, it is specified that subject of implementation of public audit is analyzing and assessing certain areas of activity, namely: activities of public authorities, local governments, and other organizations. For an effective implementation of public audit a proper legal framework as well as a transparent partnership interaction between the civil society and the State administration sector should be formed. In its activities, public audit primarily focuses on the main objects such as social resources (labor, financial, material, natural, intellectual), as well as cultural and social values of citizens. The main purpose of the public audit is to verify the legality, transparency, and, consequently, the efficiency of the activities of the State bodies interacting with civil society which expects such an efficiency. Given this definition, it can be assumed that public audit is a financial instrument for detecting violations, which, in turn, through amendments and recommendations can improve the State administration at all levels, influence the development of institutional structures, achieve a new level of development of social values, optimize the management of the State resources for the benefit of the community.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Garafonova O. I., Giulmagomedov D. O.
The Epistemology of Strategic Management of the Development of Pre-Trial Investigation Bodies (p. 347 - 351)

Strategic management of development is crucial to the organization’s existence in a competitive environment in the long run. Continuous development enables organizations to adapt to the changes that are taking place in society, as well as to identify and develop their own strengths. Among organizations, there are those that do not operate in a competitive environment, but those are relied upon in view of important social tasks. In particular, such organizations include pre-trial investigation bodies, which are designed to ensure security along with law-and-order in society. The lack of a competitive environment for such bodies leads to the weakening of external factors – determinants of institutional development, but in terms of tasks and the role of law enforcement bodies in society, the constant development of law enforcement bodies is no less important than for business organizations. In modern management, sufficient attention is paid to the strategic administration of the development of enterprises, but the issues of strategic management of the development of pre-trial investigation bodies, taking into account the specifics of the tasks of such organizations, as well as their internal and external environment, are not paid any attention in the domestic literature, and it is paid fragmentary attention in the literature abroad. The article provides a theoretical study of epistemology of the concepts of «strategy», «strategic management» and «organizational development» in order to identify the specifics of strategic management of the development of organizations. By analyzing the normative legal acts that determine the main tasks of pre-trial investigation bodies, the strategic goals of such bodies are identified, which should be taken into account during the elaboration of their development strategy. On the basis of the presented material, the authors’ own definition of «strategic management of the development of pre-trial investigation bodies» is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova K. M., Melnyk Y. V.
The Indicators of Strategic Control as a Component of the Digital Management of Enterprise (p. 351 - 357)

The article considers scientific approaches to the formation of indicators of strategic control as an important component of digital management, which can be used to optimize strategic decision-making along with tracking the overall movement of the management object in accordance with the chosen strategic development vector based on their integration into automated management systems. The purpose of writing the article is to systematize scientific views and develop methodical approaches to the formation of a system of indicators for strategic control as an important component of the digital management of enterprise in the current conditions. The essence of digital management is defined as an enterprise management system, wherein managerial decisions, as well as the implementation of management functions, represent a synthesis of digital data generated by the relevant software and managerial experience of the director. It is substantiated that strategic control consists in determining whether further implementation of strategies is possible and whether their implementation will lead to the achievement of goals based on integrated digital data as to the implementation of business processes in real time. The main features of strategic indicators are presented, which are: integratedness, terminity, and objectivity. Methodical approaches to determination of indicators for control of business processes are researched, essence and basic principles of formation of strategic control system in an organization are specified. On the basis of the carried out research, the characteristics of strategic control indicators according to the following classification features are systematized, their characterizations and provided as follows: sphere of influence on the object of management; contents; functional signs and levels of management. The use of the proposed approaches to the classification of strategic control indicators will allow to systematize the process of development of digital systems for monitoring the movement of the enterprise in the direction of the chosen course of strategic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shyshkovskyi S. V.
Key Factors Influencing the Management of the Enterprise’s Development (p. 357 - 362)

The gradual demise of the command-administrative management system determines the relevance of the study of the peculiarities of the development of the methodological basis for managing the development of industrial enterprises in terms of modern management. The article highlights the features of managing the development of industrial enterprises in the context of globalization, as the adoption of the methodology of sustainable development, which is based on the principles of socially responsible activities of enterprises; increasing the weight of management of changes and constraints in the overall management system of enterprise development; increasing the role of informal tools in building a methodology for evaluating directions, as well as methods of strategic forecasting and planning of enterprise development; abandonment of management decisions in the short term in favor of long-term strategic decisions; decentralization of enterprise management and dissemination of collective decision-making methods; improving marketing management as one of the decisive factors in increasing the competitiveness of enterprises, their investment attractiveness. The interpretation of the enterprise’s evolvement as a process of acquiring new qualitative, quantitative or structural properties of the socio-economic system, which involves a change in the parameters of its state and the acquisition of equilibrium, is elaborated. The system is transformed through the growth, activation or structuring of the constituent elements. The author considers relationship between the concepts of «innovation» and «development» as complex categories that need to be clearly delineated and closer defined. The factors limiting the ability of enterprises to increase production include: prices for the raw and expendable materials, cost of energy, tax pressure, lack of working capital, insufficient effective demand of domestic consumers, high competition in the commodity market. The key internal factors that affect the development of the enterprise are its existing potential, functional activity of the organization and the effectiveness of enterprise development. Innovation remains an important sign of development – necessary, but insufficient for its implementation. The key factors influencing the management of enterprise development include the mission, vision, values and policies, plan and program of enterprise development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yatskevych I. V., Maslii N. D.
«Smart Factories» as a Promising Direction for Digitalization of Enterprises (p. 363 - 367)

The work examines the role, problems and prospects of a «smart factory» in the conditions of digitalization of enterprises, taking into account imbalance of the business environment. It is defined that in modern conditions, most enterprises focus on automating business processes and increasing efficiency, and only a minority of them transforms the business model, which is grounded on an insufficient level of maturity for drastic changes. It is substantiated that the so-called «smart factory» is a promising direction for the development of digitalization of enterprises, taking into account the imbalance of the business environment. It is noted that the «smart factory» is an environment wherein machines and equipment can improve processes through automation and self-isolation. At the same time, they are aimed at mass production of articles, while maintaining a maximum production flexibility. These requirements are ensured due to the high level of automation and robotization of the enterprise. Automated control systems for technological and business processes are also widely used due to their consistency at each stage of interaction. The study of the content of the concept of «smart factory» allowed to determine and systematize its functions (planning, logistics, supply chain, product development), advantages (accessibility, optimization, proactivity, flexibility), segmentation, problem groups (personnel, technologies, business process). It is specified that the development and implementation of «smart factories», despite the advantages of the latter, can be difficult and risky. Enterprises that have succeeded with the introduction of «smart factories» can increase production and value by reducing production costs, improving quality and flexibility, as well as reducing the time for the market entrance.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Priadko O. M., Olinichenko K. S.
Using the Modern Marketing Tools to Stimulate Consumer Motivation (p. 368 - 374)

The article is concerned with improving the marketing tools aimed at encouraging consumer motivations of the branded clothing market in the context of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific works of many scholars, theoretical and practical approaches to the process of formation of loyalty and separate aspects of their management at retail enterprises are considered. It is found that in the current market conditions, a competitive marketing strategy involves the implementation of relationship marketing as one of the major functional tools for improving business efficiency. Relationship marketing allows to identify, establish, maintain, strengthen, change and terminate relationships with consumers in order to create value for consumers and ensure the profitability of the company in the current period and perspective. Technologies of promotion of fashion industry brands in crisis market are researched. The activity of the company engaged in retail trade of goods is considered on the example of the seller of branded clothing Polo Ralph Lauren. A marketing study is conducted in order to study the demand for the consumption of branded clothing, recommendations for its promotion are developed. The theoretical and methodical basis of the study is the work of foreign and domestic scientists-economists on the problems of brand promotion, development of the fashion market of branded clothing. The actual research task on theoretical substantiation and improvement of methodological approaches to the formation of customer loyalty in the fashion market of branded clothing has been solved. An online survey of the branded clothing consumers in the city of Kyiv was created on the GoogleForms platform, the results of which determined the significance of the factors for the purchase; it was proved that the key channels of distribution of fashion brands in the current market conditions continue to be shopping centers, with the simultaneous growth of the Internet segment. A marketing instrumentarium for the promotion of branded clothing in social networks Facebook and Instagram has been developed. Recommendations as to the main activities of the marketing complex are presented taking into account the specifics of the target audience.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ponomarenko O. O., Lisna I. F., Pyvavar I. V.
Monitoring the Efficiency of the Use of Marketing Potential of Enterprise in a Changing Economic Policy (p. 375 - 386)

The article analyzes the peculiarities of organization of monitoring the status and efficiency of the use of the marketing potential of enterprise in the conditions of changeable economic policy. It is identified that the main task of carrying out a set of procedures for monitoring the marketing potential of enterprise is to form a proper information provision for the process of strategic management of the enterprise’s marketing activity on the basis of modeling possible alternatives to development and timely identification of the need for changes in economic activity. The main elements of the system of monitoring the marketing potential of enterprise are a certain sum of approaches to determining the essence of this system, methods and methodology of its development, as well as the implementation of measures for its introduction. During the monitoring, the actual financial and economic status is analyzed, the value and trends of deviations from the forecasts that constitute the basis for the plans of economic activity of the enterprise in the formation of competitive advantages are defined. In the future, in accordance with the previously identified patterns and specific dependencies, the consequences of changes for the implementation of the process of monitoring the marketing potential of the enterprise are determined. The results of identifying flaws and shortcomings in the monitoring process are used to assess the level of its organization and determine the efficiency. Errors and shortcomings should be corrected during the next cycle of preparation and use of the monitoring system at the enterprise. To do this, at the end of the accounting period, the main directions of improvement of this system are established, a set of measures is developed to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymko O. V.
Benchmarking as a Marketing Tool to Ensure the Competitiveness of Trading Enterprises (p. 387 - 392)

The article is devoted to solving theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of benchmarking by trade enterprises in the context of globalization of commodity markets and integration of Ukraine into international trade and economic relations. The economic essence and the purpose of benchmarking as a marketing tool for ensuring competitive advantages are disclosed. The main prerequisites, the motives that presuppose the use of benchmarking in the activities of enterprises are considered. The modern approaches to benchmarking management are specified. Classification features are distinguished, types of benchmarking and scope of their use are characterized. The peculiarities of benchmarking of business processes of retail enterprises, the major success factors (assortment and laying out of goods, quality of goods/services, technology of purchase, saving of the buyers’ expenses, interaction with staff, store atmosphere, perception of the store by consumers) and the main management tasks in the process of change management, the solution of which will allow the retail trade enterprise to respond promptly to changes in market conditions and optimally combine goals and objectives of commercial activities with the needs of consumers. The factors that hinder the use of benchmarking by trade enterprises are described, in particular, the weak development of strategic analysis functions, the high cost of benchmarking research, and the deficiency of information field. Prospects for further exploration are determined as research of the mechanism and tools for the formation of information and communication provision of the benchmarking process in order to provide feedback in the processes of planning, control and adjustment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasylyk A. V., Smaliichuk H. V., Luzhko Y. O.
Well-Being of Employees in the Organization: The Essence, Components and Tasks of Personnel Management (p. 419 - 424)

In the current socio-economic conditions, the issue of ensuring the well-being of workers in the workplace is of relevance. The purpose of the research is to generalize the theoretical bases for determining the essence, components and objectives of ensuring the well-being of the organization staff; analysis of the current status of well-being of Ukrainian companies based on the authors’ own sociological research, as well as development of recommendations for maintaining the well-being of staff under the current conditions. It is proved that organisations can reorganize work in such a way that employees not only feel their best, but also work more efficiently, strengthening the connection between the staff well-being and the work outcomes. The role of well-being management is proved through high returns, motivation and efficiency of the staff work; unique value proposition of the employer; involvement and loyalty of staff; employer brand for potential employees; profitability of the business. It is displayed that one of the main directions of development of well-being programs in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic and the associated crisis is the support of emotional and mental health of employees. According to the results of the authors’ own sociological survey, the status and problematic places in ensuring the physical, psychological, social, career, financial well-being of employees in Ukraine are defined, the needs of employees in priority measures on the part of the employer in the sphere of well-being management are identified. According to the results of the research, the main directions of improving the practice of staff management in terms of ensuring all measurements of the employee well-being in the workplace can be summarized. These directions should become elements of well-being strategy in companies and include changing organizational and psychological aspects of the staff work, preventing stress and professional burnout, reducing threats to life at work, maintaining physical, mental and psychological health, career and financial well-being. Well-being of staff in the novel socio-economic conditions should become a new philosophy and culture of management, and HRM should be aimed at preserving and using human potential as best as possible, provided that staff are healthy and well-being.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zubkova A. B., Makarenko A. B., Misiunia R. M., Maihurova D. S., Vodiakhina M. O., Ihnatova A. A.
Sustainable Behavior in International Business: Corporate Social Responsibility for Mimicry or for Business Value? (p. 425 - 439)

The paper is aimed at studying different pillars for the development of long-term and short-term strategies in the field of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. The paper underlines the key differences between the concepts of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, and ecological, social, and corporate governance. The study aims to highlight the key differences between sustainable behavior and mimicry, i.e. masking the results of companies' activity under the global or local trends in corporate social responsibility. The article focuses on studying key systems for measuring the sustainable development level. Therefore, the results of the world's leading companies have been analyzed according to the main ratings of the sustainable development level. The paper presents the empirical study of the activities of the leading Ukrainian companies in sustainable development, compares their results with those of less successful companies, examines the general situation in Ukraine. Despite the relatively high sustainable development level of the leading players in the Ukrainian market, the companies that had a lower position in the sustainability ranking got lower scores by the key components of evaluating the sustainability level. The research emphasizes the complexity of measuring the sustainable development level of enterprises, and also proposes an integrated system for evaluating the sustainable development level of enterprise, based on a combined list of components used by different analytical companies. The expediency of a more detailed monitoring of the Ukrainian companies’ activity, aiming at detecting and counteracting mimicry, is substantiated. The paper proves the necessity to develop a comprehensive measurement system for determining the sustainable development level, which will provide the most accurate evaluation and recommendations for business development.

Article is written in English

Ostapchuk T. P., Biriuchenko S. Y., Lebedynets L. Y., Palii O. V., Sluchich N. V.
Motivation of Staff in the Formation and Development of Personnel Potential of Healthcare Institutions of Ukraine (p. 439 - 446)

Staff motivation is considered as the main element of its development. The theoretical content of the concept of «personnel potential of enterprise» is generalized, features and problems of formation of personnel potential in healthcare institutions are specified. A motivation system which is well-built, optimized and based on the real needs of the staff successfully combines the strategic goals of the institution, the personal interests of employees and the primary needs of the population, served by a healthcare institution. Attention is paid to the constant development of the personnel potential of the institution to ensure its compliance with the conditions of activity, adaptation to the external environment and self-realization. It is proved that motivation of employees is of great importance during the formation and development of personnel potential, both the motivating and the demotivating factors of development are determined. The motivation of the staff of healthcare institutions is considered in the context of its three types: material, intangible (moral), and administrative; a comparative description of these types of motivation in medical institutions abroad is carried out. The authors define labor specifics, which affect the motivation of medical workers, since a significant number of employees of medical institutions face a constant negative assessment of their work, which leads to professional burnout and lack of motivation for further work. This crisis is exacerbated by the insufficient level of financial support for medical workers while constantly strengthening the requirements for the quality of their work. It is proposed to focus the attention of the government together with heads of medical institutions on the combination of material and intangible means of motivation, avoiding demotivation factors to ensure the effectiveness of the formation and development of the personnel potential of medical institution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Troian V. I., Braslavska A. S.
Brand Management Strategies as Components of Brand Management (p. 446 - 451)

The article considers the concepts of brand, trademark, branding, specified by different authors from management positions; the brand management system and its main elements, initial data and brand functioning strategies are discussed. The variability of the business environment, the high level of competition dictates the need to find new opportunities to adapt entrepreneurial structures to the changes that are taking place. Among the main reasons that encourage companies to optimize business processes, one can allocated the need to reduce production costs; requirements made on the parts of consumers and the State; use of management programs; mergers of enterprises. Due to the significance of such an asset of an enterprise as a brand, its exceptional role in ensuring the competitiveness of the company the application of branding from the standpoint of business processes is an effective instrument that contributes to more efficient use of technologies. It is also one of the most effective marketing technologies that increase the competitiveness of the company, assist in the formation and maintenance of consumer demand and loyalty to the products of companies. The high need for marketing management of brands in the market is determined by their considerable range and intensity of goods turnover, the volume of purchases and maximum dependence on the preferences of the consumer. The dependence of the results of the company’s economic activity on brand management decisions for relatively new market segments appears to be especially high. Currently, companies partially implement brand management procedures such as the formation of brand identity, the construction of its architecture, the development of comprehensive brand promotion programs. At this, the problems of positioning the categories of goods, harmonization of brand management in the channels of movement of goods, taking into account the industry specification in brand management, remain essential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Piatnytska G. T., Chudakova Y. I., Kandahura K. S.
Life Cycle: Variability of Scientific Approaches to Definition, Specifics in the Management of Trade Enterprises Development (p. 451 - 460)

The article is aimed at carrying out a comparative analysis of various scientific approaches to determining the stages of the life cycle (LC) of enterprises with an emphasis on the specialization in trade. To achieve the aim, general scientific and special research methods were used. As a result of systematization of definitions of the concept of «life cycle of enterprise», four main scientific approaches to determining its essence are allocated, namely: through changes or variables; through regularities of development or events; through sequence of stages; through time characteristics or time period. It is substantiated that the essence of the LC of enterprise should be considered as an aggregate of stages of its changes. The results of a cross-comparison of the alternative models of LC of enterprises and the classical stages of development of living organisms showed that all of them can be reduced to three or four stages of LC of the latter. Based on the data of the critical analysis of the existing methods of identification of the stages of the enterprise’s LC and own researches of the LC of the operating enterprises, a new approach to determining the stages of the enterprise’s LC i selaborated, which, unlike the existing ones, provides for the calculation of the cost of the enterprise’s LC, taking into account the importance of progressive innovative changes and tasks related to achieving the goals of sustainable development. The systems of interrelations between the parameters of different types of expenses at each stage of the enterprise’s LC are modeled. It is determined that in the field of trade a LC is formed under the influence of formats of both the trade enterprises and the buyers. The conclusion, that is substantiated, is that managers of trade enterprises should constantly increase the number of active buyers, and, at the first signs of a recession, implement innovations. It is concluded that the management of the development of enterprises is a task in which it is necessary to take into account the LC of the particular enterprise, taking into account the sectoral specifics of its activities, the period of entering the market, size, and cross-cultural features. It is indicated that the obtained results can be used for further research of the stages of the LC of enterprises, taking into account the sectoral specifics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumilo O. S., Yevtushenko V. A., Chumak A. V.
The Role of Marketing in Crisis Management under the Current Conditions of Enterprises Functioning (p. 461 - 466)

The article is aimed at supplementing the theoretical provisions on the essence and role of marketing in crisis management and the formation of anti-crisis strategies, as well as proving the relevance of increasing the efficiency of the marketing activities of enterprise during the current transformations of the external environment. The essence of crisis management as a controlled process of either preventing or overcoming the crisis, which corresponds to the goals of the organization and to the objective tendencies of its development, is determined and the statements in which it is displayed are allocated. The essence of the marketing approach to management is considered, the importance of comprehensive application of marketing instruments for specific products and the market along with the development of a scenario of their interaction in order to overcome the bankruptcy of enterprise are specified. In the cycle of marketing activity, the authors distinguish the stages that are relevant during the crisis management, namely: assessment of marketing and market opportunities of the enterprise; singling out the target markets; development and implementation of marketing complex and marketing programs. It is noted that crisis management is inherently a strategic management, where the end result is represented by the development of a marketing anti-crisis strategy. The stages of formation and implementation of the anti-crisis marketing strategy at the enterprise are presented. The instruments for the implementation of the anti-crisis marketing strategy are named as follows: adaptation of pricing policy as a factor of product competitiveness and maintaining a market position; developments in the field of selling products policy on the formation of the assortment and improving the quality of goods; balancing the volume and structure of production of the actual issue to the forecast in the market; improvement of production distribution policy; use of marketing communications to stimulate consumers, etc. The main factors that determine the efficiency of marketing during crisis management are allocated, including: professionalism of marketers and the administration ability on the part of managers; conducting scientific research and forecasting of general market trends and consumption of products; quality of anti-crisis marketing strategies and a range of marketing activities; control over the implementation of marketing activities, etc. It is noted that in order to implement marketing plans and strategies in the enterprise, it is necessary to create a system where the coordinated work of all levels of the marketing system would take place. The existing problems of the contemporary marketing management are highlighted.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gvozd M. Y., Miroshnyk R. O.
Analyzing the Marketing Tools of Higher Education Institutions in the Online Sphere: A Comparative Analysis of the Experience of Ukrainian and Polish Universities (p. 467 - 474)

The purpose of the article is to study and analyze the use of marketing tools by Ukrainian and Polish higher education institutions in the online sphere and compare the activity of higher education institutions of Ukraine and Poland in the social networks Facebook and Instagram by the number of user preferences of active accounts. This will serve as the basis for the development of a marketing strategy for higher education institutions to increase their competitiveness and popularize them in the educational services market. The article reviews the professional literature on the issues under study, which allows to distinguish the interpretation of the term of «marketing of educational services». The relevance of reorientation of higher education institutions in terms of the use of marketing tools from offline to online sphere is substantiated. The activity of higher education institutions of Ukraine and Poland in social networks is analyzed. The rating of the top 10 pages of higher education institutions of Ukraine and Poland on Facebook and Instagram is studied by the number of user preferences of active accounts. It is determined that higher education institutions actively share information on their Facebook and Instagram pages, where they also post information on education, educational process, various activities in higher education institutions. It is concluded that at the present stage of functioning, marketing tools in the online sphere are a key communicator between higher education institutions and consumers of educational services. In view of this, higher education institutions need to focus the main vector of attention on the maximum use of Internet marketing. For higher education institutions, it is proposed to develop social media promotion strategies that will cover both the content plan and the target audience.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rakhman M. S., Trepaliuk Y. O.
A Marketing Analysis of Export Activity of the Agrarian Complex of Ukraine (p. 475 - 482)

The purpose of the article is to study the sphere of foreign trade in agrarian products using statistical methods and analysis of results; identifying business weaknesses in this sector, prospects and opportunities for the development of the agro-industrial sector in Ukraine. The article considers the essence of marketing research in the field of exports of agro-industrial products. The classification of agricultural products and its impact on the formation and activity of the market of agrarian complex are determined. The main commodity groups of agro-industrial products, the contribution of agriculture to the export activities of Ukraine and the role in the international market are identified. A structural analysis of exported products of the agrarian complex and a dynamic analysis on the basis of the export volumes in recent years are carried out, taking into account the division into commodity groups, according to which the progress of the export agribusiness sphere is determined. A dynamic analysis of the number of economic entities in this sphere is carried out, the factors that affect the attractiveness of the agrarian sector for doing business are defined. The commodity structure of agricultural goods is analyzed, determining the main goods in demand and the perspective directions of trade. The geographical structure of exports of agro-industrial goods is analyzed, indicating the main countries participating in the intensive trade. The impact of the COVID-factor on the development and change of agricultural export volumes is indicated. A SWOT analysis of the sphere is carried out, the main problems and possible ways of their elimination in order to further improve international trade in the field of agrarian complex are identified. A forecast of agricultural exports at the end of 2021 and for 2022 is carried out using the extrapolation method.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Priadko O. M., Tarasov I. Y.
Marketing Pretesting of the Introduction to the Market of an Innovative Anti-Anemic Food Product (p. 482 - 487)

The article analyzes, systematizes and generalizes scientific works of scholars; the problems related to the study of the theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of innovation marketing are considered. The article is aimed at studying the current state of the regional market of biscuit semi-finished products and determine the market prospects for a new innovative anti-anemic food product. It is substantiated that in the context of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the issue of healthy and health-improving eating as a means of maintaining immunity and enhancing the capabilities of the human body to resist coronavirus becomes urgent. The presence of chronic illnesses can significantly reduce human immunity and, as a result, increases the possibility for a new disease. The main directions of implementation of health nutrition are presented. To achieve the set aim, the authors’ our own research is carried out using testing and survey methods. To study the market of potential consumers, a questionnaire is developed, which consisted of 13 interrelated questions comprised in a logical sequence. The sample consists of 300 respondents. Consumer attitude to the food group – biscuit semi-finished products with the addition of heme iron dietary supplement – and prospects for perception of its new variety are identified. According to the results of the research, the most significant indicators of product quality are allocated. Certain trends in the market of biscuit semi-finished products are identified. A complex of actions with marketing strategic orientation is proposed to increase the market perspective of a new innovative food product. Recommendations for introducing these products to the regional market are developed, its market and consumer relevance during the COVID-19 pandemic are substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Piatnytska G. T., Hryhorenko O. M.
Evolution of the Conception of Sustainable Development: A Managerial Perspective (p. 250 - 257)

The article is aimed at analyzing the evolution of the conception of sustainable development with the definition and substantiation of the likely prospects for its further changes. To achieve the aim, general-scientific and special research methods were used. As a result of the systematization of scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of «sustainable development» and the identification of three stages of the evolution of the conception of sustainable development, a forecast was made regarding the likely next stage of the evolution of the conception of sustainable development. It is substantiated that the management of sustainable development in the strategic perspective can be associated with the coordination and implementation of social, economic, environmental, and technological development goals. It is emphasized that technological changes will contribute to and emphasize the importance of scientific-technological progress as such and in the context of ensuring social standards and guarantees, improving the quality and safety of life of absolutely all categories of the population, creating appropriate conditions for environmental protection and economic growth. It is assumed that the technological goals of sustainable development will also concern the security of technological changes for the development of mankind related to global digitalization and robotization of the economy and everyday life. The results of the research can be used in further scientific research on the problems of determining strategic benchmarks and sustainable development tasks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhukovska V. M., Mykolaichuk I. P., Marnyalo A. M., Shoma M. S.
Recruitment as a Technology of Effective Attraction and Onboarding of Staff (p. 257 - 262)

The article analyzes the essence and trends in the development of recruitment technology as a technology for attraction and onboarding of staff. The authors’ interpretation of the content of recruitment as a process of attracting, picking up, and selecting staff along with the use of technologies of its involvement in the organization, thanks to the facilitation of a number of positive factors of the working environment and socio-psychological climate, is presented. The article is aimed at theoretical generalizing the methodological approaches to the application of analytical instruments for an effective recruitment and developing proposals for its use in the course of involvement and onboarding of staff at the enterprise. The relationship between recruiting and staff attracting processes is studied. The main differences between the concepts of «picking up», «selecting» and «attracting» staff are characterized. The characterizations of the main trends in the development of modern recruitment technology are provided. Novelties in the strategy of selection, valuation and onboarding of applicants by means of video-chats, HR-bots etc. are analyzed. Prospects for the use of digital recruiting in the practice of staff management are substantiated. It is determined that the prognosis analytic instruments as part of recruitment of international companies are furthermore systematically used in the adaptation training of both soft and hard skills applicants in the context of achieving the company’s business goals. Indicators and criteria for valuating the efficiency and effectiveness of staff recruitment are proposed. The need for further research of recruitment technology based on the experience of foreign countries is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ugolkova O. Z., Zalizna L. V.
Mental Health as the Basis for Motivating Employees to Intellectual Activity (p. 263 - 268)

An important value of each enterprise is its intellectual capital, which is the basis for the production and sale of quality products and obtaining successful financial results from the activities carried out. Mental health is one of the key qualitative characteristics of the state of intellectual capital of the enterprise and the implementation of intellectual activity. Mental health includes the emotional, psychological and social well-being of staff and managers. It affects how they think, feel, act, and also determines how employees cope with stress, treat other employees and make choices. The article is aimed at analyzing the importance of mental health as a factor influencing the intellectual ability of employees and characterizing ways to improve it in order to increase intellectual activity. The publication proves that poor mental health is often the cause of burnout among employees, which seriously affects their ability to effectively perform their professional duties. This is especially true for employees who carry out intellectual activities in the enterprise. In developed countries, there has been a long-time public awareness of the importance of maintaining proper mental health, especially at work. Also in many countries there are the State-based programs to ensure the mental well-being of employees and a significant number of foundations, associations and unions of psychologists who carry out practical activities in this area and help both employees in particular and business in general. It is concluded that human resources have effective tools, the use of which will help to positively affect the mental health of their intellectual workers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Slavenko Y. A., Domuschi V. O., Buzunar A. V.
Features of Recruitment and Adaptation of Staff under the Modern Conditions of Organization Development (p. 268 - 276)

The article reveals the concept of adaptation of staff in a new team. The types of adaptation at enterprises, the main risks of employees and possible problems are considered, adaptation goals are allocated. The article also covers the concepts of recruiting staff and team building. The factors that cause influence on the adaptation of the employee in the organization are allocated and analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the process of adaptation in a new team, namely: each stage of the process is considered in detail. When analyzing statistical data, the reasons for the dismissal of staff in terms of interaction with the manager and the team are determined. Among the methods of adaptation of staff, attention is paid to the following components: instruction, mentoring, training, interaction with management and team, etc. The necessity of forming a holistic system of values of the team of employees and the company under conditions of increased economic and social risk, as well as the organization of the correct interaction between a potential employer and a candidate are substantiated. To date, Ukrainian enterprises face the problem of renovation of outdated recruitment methods, ineffective under the modern market conditions. Classic recruitment fades into the background, the latest technologies displace the previous ones, so we need «flexible», that is, stress-resistant, sociable, ready for constant training and multitasking workers. The increase in the weight of the human factor has led to the emergence of the need for diverse qualitative and quantitative assessments of the qualities of the applicant. That is why it is important that the recruitment of staff is carried out purposefully and taking into account the current theoretical and practical views of scholars on the contemporary processes of quarantine restrictions, online recruiting strategies, rapid reorientation to new rules and conditions of doing business. Modern recruitment and adaptation tools will allow to invent and retain the unique competencies of employees, and their experience, education and motivation, combined with effective teamwork, will expand the boundaries and opportunities for technological, economic and social modernization of business and society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lopatiuk R. I.
Staff Management as an Effective Instrument for Improving the Hospitality Industry (p. 277 - 282)

The article is aimed at studying the issues that determine the relationship between the management function and its instrumental apparatus to improve the efficiency of the functioning of enterprises in the food organization industry. The article analyzes the relationships in the team, which form the basis for staff management in restaurant facilities, since in the conditions of constant socioeconomic changes and dynamic development of market relations, the need for effective and professional management staff increases. Socioeconomic approaches to improving the efficiency of human resource management at the enterprises of catering sector are considered. It is identified that the implementation of managerial decisions is influenced by the following factors: material resource base, training and strategy of the enterprise’s management, as well as support on the part of the staff. It is researched what the motivational component consists of and what is the main goal of motivation; the psychophysical, personal, professional and material motivators of behavior of restaurant chain employees, as well as the main types of motivation and forms of their stimulation, are identified. The essence of the staff management system, which is inherent in the network of restaurants in the city of Vinnytsia «Fayni Spravy», is substantiated; it is determined that restaurants of this network need constant improvement of staff management in order to continue to move forward in accordance with the current market challenges. Also, the management of the network enterprises should reduce the cost of funds and time to find new staff. To do this, it is necessary to establish closer communication with colleges and universities of Ukraine. The main methods of improving the efficiency of staff management, taking into account the concepts of corporate culture, the formation of leadership, the use of positive features of the organizational structure, the characteristic features of this network, are proposed. It is argued that employees should be given the opportunity to acquire new skills and move along the hierarchical structure of the restaurant, along with the policy of stimulating motivation. This will significantly reduce the turnover of staff in the enterprise and ensure its effective functioning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnykova K. V.
Efficiency of Logistic Systems (p. 283 - 287)

The article is aimed at determining external and internal factors influencing the efficiency of logistic systems. The article analyzes the current scientific approaches to determining the essence of the efficiency of logistics activities as one of the most important activities of logistic systems. The efficiency of the logistic system is influenced by many internal and external factors that have their own features for each system. The author generalizes the factors of external and internal influence on the efficiency of logistic systems, taking into account their features. On the basis of the methods existing in the economic literature for analyzing the efficiency of logistic systems, the article provides a sequence of an assessment of efficiency. A classification of internal factors of influence on the efficiency of logistic systems is proposed. Internal factors influencing the efficiency of the logistic system are grouped according to the following characteristics: managers, informational, financial, integral and functional. Identification and grouping of internal factors influencing the efficiency of logistic systems makes it possible to conduct a systematic analysis in various areas of their activities. Taking into account the integrated approach to determining the efficiency of logistic systems, a methodology for calculating their efficiency by the effectiveness of various subsystems is proposed. Determination of internal indicators of influence on the efficiency of logistic systems allows more efficient management of the logistic system, analyze all internal logistic processes and carry out systematic control over the results of logistic systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryvytska O. R., Novoseletska A. O.
The Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Assessing the Competitiveness Management of Insurance Companies (p. 288 - 294)

The article is concerned with consideration of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the management of competitiveness of insurance companies. It is specified that insurance activity belongs to the most profitable and risky types of business. Over the past few years, there has been a tendency to reduce the number of insurance companies in the insurance market, which will strengthen the processes of concentration, monopolization and competition between powerful players in the insurance market. Under such conditions, the issue of determining the level of competitiveness management of insurers, as well as their competitive advantages and factors that form a competitive position in the market, acquires special relevance and urgency. The versatility of the concept and the actualization of the study of the competitiveness of insurance companies in the insurance market of Ukraine, along with the significant achievements of Ukrainian scholars in this area, determine the need to apply a comprehensive methodology for assessing these processes. To analyze the state of competition in a certain segment of the market, it is proposed to focus on the concentration coefficients and on the Herfindahl-Hirschman Index. The next stage of the assessment is the study of the factors of influence and their ranking by the weight of the impact on the final result. A characterization of the quantitative, qualitative, matrix and graphic methods that can be used in the course of assessing the competitive position, competitive advantages and competitiveness of the insurance company are carried out. As the final stage, an analysis of the efficiency of the insurer’s competitiveness management process based on the SIX SIGMA concept is proposed. It is concluded that managing the competitiveness of an insurance company is a complex process that is formed under the influence of a number of changing and dynamic factors and components, and also has immense number of manifestation forms. That is why the assessment of the level of competitiveness management of insurance companies should be based both on the use of existing methodologies and on the introduction of innovative approaches to the analysis of the level of competitive advantages of business entities in the insurance market of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bieloborodova M. V., Zaichenko K. M.
Improving the Efficiency of Enterprise on the Basis of Management of Business Processes (p. 294 - 300)

The article provides key approaches to determining the concept of enterprise efficiency. One of them is the introduction of a process approach and optimization of production business processes. The purpose of the article is the theoretical studying and comprehensive determining the business processes of the enterprise to be optimized to increase its efficiency. The methodological instrumentarium of the study were methods such as retrospective analysis, synthesis, critical analysis, generalization method. In the current economic conditions of development of enterprises there are objective reasons justifying the need to move to the application of a process approach in management. An enterprise that applies a process approach to the organization of business environment management significantly increases the efficiency of economic activity. Economic activity is perceived as a totality of business processes, which aims to implement the mission and goals of the enterprise. It is determined that business processes management is a certain system of development and implementation of managerial decisions to ensure a high level of efficiency, which is reflected in the results of the enterprise. It is proved that the optimization of business processes of the enterprise is an effective instrument for ensuring the efficiency of activities and realizing the potential of the enterprise in the current conditions of uncertainty, as well as contributing to increasing profits and productivity growth, reducing costs, improving the quality of products or services, increasing their compliance with the needs of customers and consumers. For maximum quality of business processes in the enterprise, it is necessary to use optimization methods that will allow establishing a balance between the satisfaction of consumers and competing market forces, on the one hand, and business efficiency indicators on the other. Prospect for further research in this direction is to strategize the activities of enterprises on the basis of a process approach.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenchuk T. B., Husak O. А., Nikolaichuk V. S.
The Theoretical and Methodological Bases for Improving the Mechanism of Management of Transport Enterprises Competitiveness (p. 300 - 306)

The article is aimed at substantiating and developing theoretical and methodological foundations for improving the management of the competitiveness management system of transport enterprises. The dependence of the development of the transport enterprise on the formation and mastering of the competitive advantage of this enterprise is determined. The definition of the competitive advantage of the transport enterprise is formed, namely, the availability of profitability of the enterprise when using labor potential and mastering the available volumes of transportation. One of the most relevant tasks of modern management is the formation of a system for managing the competitiveness of a transport enterprise and the search for modern and new organizational and economic instruments that can ensure its economic development and effective functioning in both the domestic and the foreign markets. It is specified that the solution of this problem depends on an effective system for managing the competitiveness of a transport enterprise. The formation of the existing competitiveness management system allowed to systematize the problem areas of competitiveness management of most transport enterprises. These problems were systematized for functional purposes in management, namely, in terms of each of the three systems: «planning and forecasting»; «motivation, organization and control»; «informational provision». The article substantiates the practical need to improve the mechanism to achieve high competitiveness of the transport enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voskresenska T. І.
The Information and Analytical System of Financial-Economic Diagnostics: Features of Objects Selection (p. 306 - 311)

The study focuses on the fact that the negative impact of some changes in the global financial and economic system, of course, is reflected in the choice of diagnostic objects, which is carried out in order to form an effective information system for the adaptation of economic entities to real conditions of functioning. The features of the selection of diagnostic objects, which are determined by the purpose, goals, objectives set in the design or acquisition of a diagnostic system of a particular economic system, are considered. It is noted that with the objects of diagnostics at the micro level, scholars mainly include the potential of the enterprise together with the appropriate subspecies (financial, personnel, production-technical, economic). Based on the study of the approaches of scientists, as well as the author’s own research on the choice of diagnostic objects, it is argued that these include: amalgamation of States, country, region, territorial community (TG) or amalgamated hromada (AH), industry, enterprise. Also, the carried out research reveals and visually demonstrates the hierarchical subordination of objects for diagnosing economic systems. It is determined that the objects of diagnostics presented in the study are interrelated and can affect each other. The article states that methodical and constructive content (choice of methods, procedures, coefficients, format of submission of results, etc.) of the diagnostic system depends on the choice of the object or groups of objects. It is considered that at each of the stages of diagnostics, to a certain extent, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the object are taken into account, which decisively affect the production of initial information by the diagnostic system and its application in making managerial decisions. It is proved that depending on the selected object of diagnostics, the diagnostic indicators of both internal and external will differ, and so will be their optimal values. It is noted that the indicators of diagnostics of the relevant object should be correlated with each other in order to obtain relevant information for the effective management of the object of diagnostics and forecasting the possible consequences of its change when changing a particular indicator.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tardaskina T. M., Stankevych I. V., Sakun H. O.
Management of a Commercial Bank on the Basis of Client Orientation (p. 373 - 382)

The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical and methodological aspects of managing a modern commercial bank using a client-oriented approach. As a result of the study, the most reliable commercial banks were evaluated according to the National Bank of Ukraine, namely: JSC «Raiffeisen Bank», JSC «UkrSibbank» and JSC «Credit Agricole Bank», among which JSC «Credit Agricole Bank» was identified as the most client-oriented commercial bank. It is a veritably reliable bank with foreign capital that steadily increases its client base and its market share, paying special attention to the categories of clients such as middle-class and agricultural area, effectively managing risk and profit. The authors came to the conclusion that the introduction of a client-oriented strategy ensures sales growth, lower costs for attracting new clients, increasing cross-sales, strengthening market positions, profit growth. The work identifies and substantiates practical recommendations for the formation of a modern client-oriented attractive commercial bank. The study considers such components as: organization structure, format of branches, corporate culture, qualification of staff, its attitude to the client, information and computer support, communication with the client, image, reputation of the bank, quality of services. It is proposed to segment the client base into separate groups of clients, which are the directions of further research by the authors of the article. This approach will allow to assess the possibilities of mutually beneficial cooperation with different groups of clients, define the profile of clients to determine the optimal way to promote a banking product/services, differentiate the price of banking products/services for various clients.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Osypova Y. L.
Adaptive Management of Innovative Development of Transport Enterprises (p. 383 - 390)

The article is aimed at defining the main factors of the external and internal environment of transport enterprises for the formation of recommendations for adaptive management of innovative development. The process of self-development is continuous and complicated by the novel market challenges, since the enterprise as a socioeconomic system exchanges with the environment. This exchange is constantly accompanied by bursts of uncertainty and generates risks that require adaptation measures depending on the stage of the life cycle of the enterprise. The efficiency of adaptive management of business processes depends on the ability of enterprises to respond in advance and rationally to changes and risks through the implementation of adaptation measures. Adaptation processes are accompanied by complexity and multivariate implementation. Therefore, their implementation is based on a clearly defined goal and principles, the type and functional field of adaptation, the definition of methods and approaches to implementation, which guarantees the effectiveness of the application of adaptation measures and, as a result, innovative development. Therefore, the relevant task for transport enterprises is the introduction of adaptive management, in order to ensure the identification, regulation and smoothing of factors, risks and crisis manifestations generated by the environment, which will determine its survival in a highly competitive environment. The key component of the innovative development of transport enterprises is the formation of a logistics chain based on a logistics-outsourcing platform that will provide comprehensive diagnostics on an ongoing basis and the development of the most effective adaptation measures, which will include improving the efficiency of the use of production and labor resources, harmonizing interests with environmental entities, preserving or expanding market positions, which may be accompanied, among other things, with reorganization processes of the enterprise structure.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Luhova V. M., Churkin A. O.
The Directions of Diagnostics of Management Motivation in Accordance with Modern Motivation Theories (p. 390 - 397)

The article is aimed at studying the regularities of labor behavior of the individual and determining the directions for diagnosing the motivation of employees of different levels of management. The article analyzes contemporary theories of motivation: meaningful, process and field theories. The regularities of theories of motivation are determined and directions of diagnostics of personnel motivation are proposed in accordance with the identified patterns. According to meaningful theory of motivation, a person’s behavior is determined by his unmet needs; according to the process theory – one’s expectations and subjective assessments related to a particular situation and the possible consequences of its chosen type of behavior; according to the field theory – one’s personal characteristics and environmental factors (organizational culture, social environment). In this regard, the diagnostic instrumentarium for motivating staff should ensure that information about the list of needs and their hierarchy is obtained; subjective valuations of employees as to the significance and fairness of remuneration, its compliance with the efforts spent, the complexity of work, etc., further the motivational impact of organizational culture and leadership on the labor behavior of personnel be determined. The expediency of using the «Motivational Profile» questionnaire by S. Ritchie and P. Martin to determine the actual needs of the staff is substantiated; an authors’ own questionnaire was developed to obtain assessments of managers regarding the factors of motivation, as identified in the process theories of motivation and theories of the «field». The application of the «Motivational Profile» allows to determine the most significant factors of staff motivation, including the following: material encouragement, recognition, interesting and useful work, self-improvement and the desire for achievements. The authors’ questionnaire made it possible to identify the relationship between effort, result and reward. The results of the performed questionnaire survey of employees show that the system of remuneration of personnel is outdated, labor contributions significantly exceed the remuneration received, the social environment ambiguously affects their motivation. The obtained results helped to determine the problem areas in the motivation of managers, which in the future will allow to form an effective mechanism for motivating management personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kobelіa Z. I., Todoriuk S. I.
Digitalization of HR: The Future of Personnel Administration (p. 397 - 402)

The article is concerned with digitalization in the sphere of HR. The publicatopn provides an overview of digital instruments in the sphere of human resource management, which are implemented in companies. This demonstrates the diversity of automated and digital capabilities in all areas of human resource management: mobile employer; development of corporate social networks; mobile software and applications as the main platforms for HR instruments; studying anywhere and at any time; intellectualization and robotics of HR-sphere documentation processes; personal approach and cognitive technologies. The active development of companies that create products and provide digital services in the HR are specified. The authors carry out an analysis of tendencies in the process of digitalization of the personnel management service, a study of the main opportunities and risks, since there is a need to introduce various digitalization instruments into the activities of the HR service. It is determined that digital HR involves changing the ways of interaction with employees and careful development of personnel strategy – how exactly and by what methods the main stages of HR specialist work will be implemented: recruitment, development, staff retention and dismissal. The formation and development of the Digital strategy integrated with business and HR strategies becomes a prerequisite for ensuring future competitiveness by transforming the business from a traditional to a technology company. The key and most sought-after skills that HR managers need to develop in order to remain a valuable and effective specialist are described. The main requirements for the effective implementation and development of digital technologies in the processes of enterprise management in general and human resource management in particular are considered and generalized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vodianka L. D., Ratushniak D. V., Luste O. O.
Innovative Methods of Personnel Recruitment in the Conditions of Digitalization (p. 403 - 409)

The article studies the characterization of innovative methods of recruitment and their use in modern companies. Since the staff is the main resource of each company, it is important to be able to properly select it. We can note that recruitment is the process of attracting new employees to work in the company. This process is important in the conditions of digitalization, since it largely forms the competitive position of the company itself in the market. Accordingly, companies are increasingly turning to innovative methods that help them find strong and promising workers quickly and efficiently. The study analyzes innovative methods such as headhunting, digital recruitment, screening, executive search, preliminaring, outstaffing, outplacement, and personal leasing. The characterization of each method, advantages and disadvantages of use, as well as their feasibility in different cases are described. It is determined how these methods are used in Ukraine and the world, the prospects for their development and efficiency of use are outlined. It is substantiated which method is the most promising and which is given the greatest attention to the formation of the labor collective. Methods for in-depth and superficial selection are characterized, the probability of closing a vacancy using one or another method is determined. The proportion share of companies using recruitment methods is analyzed, both on formal grounds and on specific grounds, that is, with the use of innovative technologies. In the course of this study, it was determined that there is no universal method of recruitment. The choice should be based on the specifics of the company itself, which searches for personnel, as well as based on the job, position, urgency and situation in the labor market. The main thing is to make a professional recruitment, because personnel affect the reputation and economic situation of the company as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shelyuzhak I. G., Kobelіa Z. I.
Application of Preliminaring Technology in the Search for Personnel of Enterprises (p. 409 - 414)

The purpose of the article is to study preliminaring (involvement in work through practical training and internship of promising young professionals) as the latest method of finding and selecting employees in enterprises. The scientific works of many researchers are analyzed, the main problems faced by managers of organizations in the field of personnel administration are considered, namely: staff shortages in many areas of activity, which leads to the search for new methods of recruitment. Analyzing the most popular technologies for finding personnel, it should be emphasized that, unfortunately, preliminaring is not a popular way of recruiting, as the labor market develops and becomes more saturated, and therefore companies want to lure only qualified workers with many years of experience who can quickly start working. Therefore, as a result of the study, the main advantages and disadvantages of preliminaring are outlined. The key stages of this process are described, as well as the main tasks that preliminaring solves, and the conditions under which it is advisable to use it. The authors determine in percentage terms the use of various recruitment methods by modern enterprises, among which should be highlighted the following: headhunting, direct search, screening, recruiting, and preliminating. The main actions on the part of both enterprises and educational institutions to accelerate the use of preliminating in most organizations are described. Ways to improve the use of preliminaring and prospects for its development are proposed. It is identified that this process is mutually beneficial for students and businesses who have the opportunity to train interns in accordance with their management style. Further development of preliminaring can improve the socioeconomic indicators of society, including the level of employment, wages, quality of life.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shaulska L. V., Hrynkevych R. I.
The Synthesis of Management Practices at a Perfect Innovation-Active Organization (p. 414 - 423)

The article develops an image of a perfect innovatively active organization and tests of its diagnostic capabilities at the enterprises of the machine-building industry. The current conditions of functioning of organizations that actively carry out innovative activities have led to the use of post-neoclassical managerial rationality as a converging epistemic paradigm, which allows to systematically examine the phenomenon of innovative activity. When constructing the image of a perfect innovatively active organization, the existing pool of managerial knowledge, taking into account dynamism, non-linearity, complexity and uncertainty of conditions, was systematized and synthesized on the basis of the use of synergistic approaches, which provided possibilities to form systemic ideas about the characteristics of an organization capable of organic coevolution with the external environment. The hypothesis used for the present study is as follows: the modern market environment is characterized by inequality and dynamic organization, which can be coevoluted only by applying the cognitive potential of a wide social environment. This, in turn, involves an appeal to the mechanisms of self-organization, which are able to create management models of a fundamentally different order of complexity, are sensitive to changes in the external environment, and are able to produce relevant adaptive reactions to these transformations. In the course of the study, the synergistic approach was used to select the congruent properties of a perfect innovation-active organization. The list of progressive management practices of a perfect innovation-active organization is typologized and synthesized. On the basis of the proposed image, a questionnaire is developed, allowing to diagnose the quality of management of innovative development of enterprises of the machine-building industry.

Article is written in English

Vonberg T. V., Smaliichuk H. V., Vasylyk A. V., Bilyk O. M.
Evaluating the Company’s Staff in the Context of the New Socioeconomic Reality: The Implementation of the OKR System (p. 423 - 431)

In the context of the new socioeconomic reality, there is an urgent need for effective instruments for managing labor productivity, because measuring efficiency in order to respond in time and eliminate shortcomings is the basis of most processes. The aim of the article is to study the systems of personnel evaluation: OKR, МВО, KRI, based on the process of targeting; their delimitation, allocation of advantages and features of application. The necessity of transition to more effective instruments for managing labor productivity in the context of the new socioeconomic reality is substantiated. It is proposed to understand by OKR not just a method of evaluating the company’s staff, but rather a certain management system that allows to focus the team’s efforts on distinguishing and implementing the main and most significant individual goals through the prism of the strategic vision of the development plus the goals of the whole company. The main components of OKR are singled out and characterized: strategic vision, individual goals, action element or initiative and key results. The basic principles of the OKR system are formulated as follows: publicity and accessibility, ambition, concentration on the most important goals and objectives, quarterly basis, key results, systematic feedback, lack of attachment to motivation in the company. The advantages of OKR are distinguished from other staff evaluation systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lysa S. S., Kulik A. V.
The Efficiency of SMM as an Instrument of the Sales Policy of Enterprise (p. 432 - 437)

The article is aimed at studying the impact of SMM on the sales activities of enterprise; substantiating the expediency of using SMM as a product promotion tool; grouping and determining the indicators of efficiency of the use of social networks in business activities. As a result of the study, the advantages of marketing in social networks are defined, which include: brand awareness, targeting, complementing PR strategy, expanding the circle of like-minded people, improving customer service and contact with them, etc. At the same time, the following problems in this area are identified: lack of sufficient knowledge in the field of SMM; the risk of inconclusive spending of money and time caused by the incorrect determination of the target audience; the complexity of measuring returns on investment (ROI) in digital marketing in general and in SMM in particular and others. It is determined that the marketing of social networks is an effective instrument for the strategy of enterprise in the conditions of the contemporary doing business. The trends in the development of SMM in the Ukrainian market, after distinguishing the content groups for social networks, and the peculiarities of business development in social networks are characterized. An important trend in the development of marketing in social networks is micro-influencer marketing, agile marketing, the tendency to change content from text to video format, the trend for exclusivity, high quality of service, the trend for live broadcasts. The indicators most often used in assessing the efficiency of social network marketing, which are recommended to be divided into internal and external indicators, are considered. The key performance indicators in SMM and the characteristics of each indicator are determined. The conclusion states that SMM is developing very actively, there are new tools for solving marketing problems, so the issue of assessing the efficiency of SMM remains relevant and has prospects for further scientific research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Obronova A. M., Bondar A. V., Onyshсhenko S. Р.
Monitoring the Quality of Project Management Processes Based on the Entropy Conception (p. 438 - 444)

According to the entropy conception of management, entropy is the main integral indicator of the state of an individual project or an organization as a whole. The need for such a new approach to management is due to significant changes in the conditions of conducting all types of businesses and the implementation of various projects, and, as a result, an increase in uncertainty of both conditions and results of companies or project implementation. The entropy conception of management is universal in terms of the essence of projects or activities, covering both commercial projects and types of activities, as well as non-profit ones in each case and any direction. Therefore, the quality of project management processes according to the entropy conception of management is evaluated using entropy. Quality management in the project is formed from two components: the quality of the project product and the quality of project management processes. In this article, assessment and monitoring of the quality of project management processes is proposed to be carried out on the basis of an entropy conception of management. Accordingly, an indicator of the quality of project management processes is the information entropy of the project, which meaningfully reflects the «confidence» of the management system (project team) in the specific results of a project. Three basic dynamics of the information entropy of the project are considered, including «ideal» dynamics, which provide for a uniform reduction in entropy in the project implementation process. Comparison of the actual entropy of the project and the ideal one is proposed in the form of an appropriate index, the values of which allow to identify the quality of management at a certain stage of the project life cycle. The proposed method is demonstrated on a particular example. The practical use of this method will provide to identify the critical state of project management processes to prevent their negative impact on the success of the project.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanienko V. V., Kovalchuk K. V.
The Marketing Strategies for Forming a Competitive Brand in International Markets (p. 444 - 450)

The article analyzes the essence and features of the application of marketing strategies for the formation of a competitive brand. Both the individual and the distinctive characteristics of the brand are examined. The reasons for the formation of brand relevance are given. It is determined that the brand is an important asset of the company, and the effective development of the company’s strategy should include the determination of the calculation of the trademark capital. A detailed list of components of the brand capital of the enterprise is presented. It is defined that with increasing competition, increasing attention is paid to the activation of the use of the method of promoting goods to the market, the growth of communicative influence on the target segments, an increase in the arsenal of components of the promotion complex through the use of non-standard methods of marketing communications. In the course of the research, the components of the brand are distinguished. A competitive brand is a very important process of the marketing component, bringing the product to the market, creating the face of the company. Given the position of the enterprise in the market and its scale, it is possible to record the growth of brand competitiveness. A research of competitiveness focuses on describing and evaluating component parameters and introducing a competitive advantage among other, existing brands. Branding is a form of diversity of almost identical products in the markets, but with the opposition of individuality. Branding activities are aimed at creating long-term consumer preferences, which include active ways to promote and position a particular product. A competitive brand is a brand that has advantages over other brands in terms of indicators that are characteristics of product competitiveness (quality, price, innovation activity), image and reputation characteristics of products and enterprises, its position in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ihnatenko R. V.
Development of Digital Marketing in the World and in Ukraine (p. 450 - 455)

The article is aimed at studying the main problems and prospects for the development of digital marketing in the world and in Ukraine. The article defines the essence of the concept of digital marketing and analyzes the main areas of its application, such as: market segmentation, influence marketing, analysis of the behavior of Internet users, collaboration, remarketing, advertising in games. The main parameters by which digital marketing differs from online marketing are determined as follows: the format of interaction with the target audience; ways of collecting and transmitting analytical data; promotion channels and instruments. The dynamics of the main indicators of digital marketing development in the world and in Ukraine is examined. It is found that digital marketing and marketing information systems have become widespread in advanced economies, and in Ukraine these instruments are not used properly, which is associated with a low level of digitalization of society. On the basis of the carried out research, the main factors hindering the development of digital marketing in Ukraine are identified, including: the general state and dynamics of economic development; market underdevelopment; information opacity of the market; financial and organizational restrictions within companies, etc. For a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of digital marketing, the author determines its advantages (interaction with a wider audience; a significant impact on customers, which increases the likelihood of product interest; the ability for the consumer to quickly view information about services and goods; globalization; targeted advertising, etc.) and disadvantages (technical complexity of working with digital tools and lack of employees in the market with the required level of digital qualifications; the need for special skills, etc.). It is concluded that the use of digital technologies in marketing activities opens up broad prospects for enterprises and organizations to preserve regular customers and develop long-term partnerships with them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzo N. Y., Kosar N. S., Bukavina A. V.
The Current Trends in the Stationery Market in Ukraine, Marketing Opportunities and Threats to the Development of Domestic Manufacturers in this Market (p. 456 - 462)

The article defines the main trends in the development of the stationery market in Ukraine, which indicate increased competition on the part of foreign manufacturers of stationery and substitute goods, as such can be considered computers, laptops and tablets. It is also determined that along with this, in recent years, the demand for stationery from consumer organizations has been growing in Ukraine due to the opening of new offices. The competitive advantage of stationery manufacturers is provided primarily by modern equipment and the involvement of professional specialists, a wide range of products offered, its original design and a wide sales network. Based on the analysis of the environment of functioning of domestic stationery manufacturers, it is determined that the main opportunities for their further development are the growth of unemployment and restrictions on consumers regarding the purchase of expensive gifts, the emergence of new consumer needs, the growing importance of service in servicing consumer organizations; threats – rising costs for food products and housing-communal services, reducing consumer incomes, increasing the cost of raw materials and energy carriers. The comparison of opportunities and threats of manufacturers of stationery products allowed to determine the feasibility of using intensive and diversification growth strategies by them. In terms of the implementation of the latter, stationery manufacturers need to constantly develop new products, looking for attractive target segments using the algorithm presented in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymko O. V.
Omnichannelty as a Marketing Instrument to Ensure the Competitiveness of Trading Enterprises (p. 462 - 468)

The article is concerned with studying the peculiarities of omnichannelty as a specific marketing strategy that allows to form the resource, technological, innovative, partnership, competitive advantages and take a stable competitive position in the market and, as the experience of developed countries shows, is a real mechanism for the successful development of trading enterprises in the context of digitalization of the economy, changes in consumer behavior and growing uncertainty of the external environment. The economic essence of omnichannelty as an integrated system of sales channels is disclosed. The author systematizes and expands approaches to its interpretation as one of the tools for managing the trade process, sales model, marketing sales strategy, means of integrated communication, directly integrated marketing, marketing instrument for ensuring competitive advantages. The main trends, problems and prospects for the development of omnichannel trade in the consumer market are considered. The concept of mono-, multi- and omnichannel trade is examined, attention is focused on their differences. The factors contributing to the development of omnichannel sales in retail trade are identified. The advantages and risks of implementation of the omnichannel strategy in the activities of domestic trading enterprises are determined. The main directions of transformation of business processes of retail companies and the business model of offline stores under the conditions of introduction of instant marketing are characterized. Prospects for further research are determined as follows: study of the mechanism and instruments for the formation of information-communication support for the process of managing the omnichannel sales in order to provide feedback in the planning, control and adjustment processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lukashevskyi Y. O.
The Main Characteristics of Citizen Participation in Local Self-Government (p. 112 - 117)

The article provides a theoretical analysis of the essence of the process of citizen participation in local self-government. It is determined that public participation in local government should be understood as: independent participation of citizens (general public) in local self-government, in the forms of direct democracy; legalization of the activity of local self-government bodies by citizens through the exercise of suffrage and control rights; proper participation of citizens, social actors in decision-making and performance of the State tasks, including services, by local self-government bodies in the field of local, territorial or regional affairs, as well as the State affairs. It is noted that the existing scientific developments and the carried out analysis allowed to concludeaboutthe need to study public participation in local self-government based on the specification of key characteristics, namely the levels, forms and mechanisms of participation. The the groups of levels of public participation in local self-government and the hierarchy of the process of public participation depending on the level of public influence are interpreted according to the Sherry Arnstein classification. The practices of democratic countries regarding community participation in local affairs and direct participation in local self-government are analyzed and singled out. It is determined that one of the main tasks in this issue is the cooperation of citizens with the authorities to address pressing issues of national and local importance, which can be achieved through the introduction of direct forms of citizen participation in local self-government. Ukraine is actively transforming democratic processes and gradually forming a strong and active civil society. One of the main tasks in this issue is the cooperation of citizens with the authorities to address pressing issues of national and local importance, which can be achieved through the introduction of direct forms of citizen participation in local self-government. The key characteristics of the implementation of citizen participation in local self-government are given.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stankevych I. V., Borysevych E. H., Klikich S. D.
Developing the IT Project Management Models of Bank on an Innovation Basis (p. 117 - 125)

The aim of the article is to elaborate theoretical approaches and develop practical recommendations on the bank’s IT project management models on an innovative basis. In the course of the research, it is defined that the innovative activity of banks provides new opportunities for their progressive development, but at the same time increases pressure on the part of traditional and new competitors, which requires the development and adoption of non-standard, quick decisions related to the strategy of development of banks. So, in order not to lose competitive advantages, banks must improve their operations and services, introduce more advanced management structures that would allow them to respond in a flexible manner to the variability of external conditions of functioning, as well as ensure high quality of banking activities, cost control and efficiency. The main feature of modern banking business is the active introduction of new services and products addressed to specific groups of customers, specially: large enterprises, small firms and certain categories of individuals, which is possible only on the basis of the introduction of certain innovative IT projects. The implementation of such projects today is based on the development of project management methods that allow calculating risks through the phased implementation of parts of the project together with returning to past stages. While doing so, there is no necessity in spending additional funds, since the SCRUM team performs partial implementation of a project, within a specified period, which allows correcting past mistakes without large financial costs. The universality of the proposed SCRUM methodology provides the possibility of its application for the process of IT project management in the activities of enterprises and organizations of various levels, forms of ownership, type and sphere of activity of the national economy, which are the directions of further research of the authors of the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Danylevych N. S., Tsiopa A. R.
Quality of Working Life: Analysis, Evaluation, Prospects (p. 126 - 131)

The purpose of the article is to study the essence of the quality of working life as a method of managing a company; comparison of the quality of working life in Ukraine and South Korea; coverage of modern approaches to its development. As a result of the study, it is emphasized that the quality of working life, as a method of managing a company, is aimed at designing and creating a comfortable working environment for employees at all levels. The quality of working life is associated not only with satisfied employees, but also with the best business results. The latter are associated with the intellectual capabilities of employees. When the quality of work and life is stable, productivity surely will be increased, too. A comparison of approaches to the quality of working life in Ukraine and South Korea is made, allowing to conclude about the common and the different. It is defined that a very big difference lies in the attitude of personnel to work and etiquette rules between the staff in Ukraine and in South Korea. Korea has the highest rate of aging population among countries that are members of the OECD. At the same time, not only employees need to change, but also employers should develop a holistic well-being strategy for the future. Not taking this into account in the country’s social policy will slow economic growth, exacerbate inequality and weaken welfare, and call into question the sustainability of public finances and social well-being. The standard of quality of working life at Korean enterprises is supported by laws. Domestic employers, as a rule, introduce disparate and unsystematic measures that meet only the current needs of employees. It is determined that the COVID-19 crisis has provoked increased attention to the protection of the most vulnerable workers. It is concluded that the development of social protection of the population has contributed to a more gradual transition from the protection of jobs to the protection of workers, which, together with the enhanced active policy of the labor market, supports employment and productivity growth. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the degree of influence of mental and physical health of an individual on the quality of working life.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gruzina I. A.
Developing Scientific Approaches to the Study of the Organization (p. 132 - 139)

The complexity of the organization as an object of study, due to the human presence as the main element, makes it impossible to study its essence and features within the same scientific approach. There is no theory that would fully encompass all the types, kinds, forms of organizational structures and processes that occur in them. A variety of interpretations that reflect a wide range of generally accepted ideas contributes to the research and understanding of the organization, but at the same time actualizes the need for additional analysis and generalization for a deep understanding of the term, which is the purpose of the presented article. With the help of the historical method, methods of morphological and content analysis, scientific approaches to the study of the organization are generalized and systematized, their content is disclosed in connection with the object, instrumentarium and the result of the study. The necessity of studying the organization as a system and a process to reflect the range of interconnections, dependencies and coherences is substantiated. Taking into account the multifactorial nature of the organization, the expediency of applying an integrated approach to its study is proved, the possibility of using a traditional set of research methods with purposeful adaptation in accordance with the object and subject of research leading to their modification is specified. Paying attention to the fact that the value of knowledge lies in the extent to which their effective use in purposeful activities be possible, the need for the study of the organization of close interconnection and constructive interaction of scientific and practical activities is substantiated, because they provide a methodological basis for the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills. Prospects for further research are the application of these approaches to the study of the essence of a competent organization, defining the features of its formation and functioning, adapting them to specific relevant tasks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maksymov S. B.
Formation of an Adaptive Strategic Planning Mechanism for Transport Enterprises (p. 139 - 145)

The distorted idea of entrepreneurs about the essence and significance of the application of strategic planning leads to the lack of development of effective mechanisms for its implementation. This issue is especially acute for transport enterprises that depend on production-technological and marketing changes occurring not only in transport, but also in other sectors of the national economy. The presence of a significant arsenal of strategic planning tools developed by Western scientists requires their adjustment, adaptation and modification for use by Ukrainian enterprises. The article draws attention to the fact that the issue of the mechanism of strategic planning at the enterprise, being a socioeconomic unit, becomes topical in the present day reality. It is mainly covered at the level of hromadas, regions or the State as a whole, but is rarely considered in the plane of enterprises. The analyzed approaches of domestic scientists to the formation of the mechanism of strategic planning at enterprises indicate a limited use of the existing strategic planning tools, which focuses on the use of one method and the absence of the necessary components of the mechanism with a certain interoperability and interconnection among them. Such an approach is non-rational and ineffective given the difficult and changing conditions of operation of enterprises. With attention to the above, an adaptive strategic planning mechanism for transport enterprises has been formed, which is designed to coordinate the stages of strategic planning and determine the instruments to take into account the maximum number of factors, as well as form directions on the way to ensuring competitive activities, increase financial stability, overcome insolvency and stagnant processes in the activities of the enterprise taking into account environmental changes. The main components of the proposed mechanism are the strategic planning process itself, based on the principles, components and objectives of strategic planning and taking into account the prerequisites for the occurrence of threatening situations; comprehensive monitoring of the company’s activities, covering system analysis, determination of strategic priorities and influence of factors of the external and internal environment; defining the horizon of strategic planning, which provides for the development of medium, long-term and two-term plans; calculation of forecast indicators according to the indicator system and their adjustment in case of changes in the influence factors; evaluation of the efficiency of the strategic plan. The presence of these components is the key to successful strategic planning and implementation of strategic programs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Aleksandrova V. O., Manoilenko O. V.
Methodological Provisions for Determination of the Factors of Influence on the Efficiency of Reorganization of Activity (p. 146 - 152)

The main theoretical approaches to the formation of a system of the indicators that determine the generation of economic value added, as the main indicator that reflects the efficiency of the economic entity and its reorganization, are considered. To determine the factors that have the greatest impact on the generation of economic value added, a provisional list of the most used indicators (both dynamic and static) applied to assess and analyze the performance of activity of an economic entity is comprised. Among the indicators are identified those that are correlation-independent (key), based on the generation of a reliable sample when calculating the efficiency and performance of economic entities in the industrial sector. On this grounds, a simulation modeling was performed, which results were indicated feedback paths, covering the key characteristics of the activity of economic entity. It is determined that the factors, influencing the generation of value added the most, are related to ensuring financial stability, efficiency of return on investment, the structure of fixed assets, the structure of financing the activities of the economic entity. The carried out analysis of the identified relations helped to allocate the key factors, which have the greatest impact on the efficiency of activities, and, accordingly, determine the directions of reorganization of the economic entity. Making use of this approach allows to determine at the empirical level the most appropriate combinations of management technologies with the financial and economic instrumentarium for carrying out a reorganization of the economic entity and forecasting the consequences of their application. The necessity of using the indicator of economic value added as a target criterion for assessing the operation and development of an economic entity is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yakymets M. M., Karkovska V. Y.
Features of Change Management in the Private and Public Sectors (p. 102 - 108)

The issue of the efficiency of the functioning of any organization depends on the pace of development and stability of its activities. One of the main influence levers on increasing functionality efficiency of an economic entity is the process of change management. This study aims to present the general conceptual basis and show the specifics of public sector change management in relation to private sector change management. The article observes the specifics and tendencies of change management in private sector and the possibility of its adaptation for the State authorities. A critical review of the main theories and approaches to change management is carried out as an important step towards effective public sector reformation through the prism of the private sector. The external and internal reasons and motives for changes in the authorities are distinguished. It is determined that the visualization of each stage and evaluation of the results is a necessary factor. This will not only strengthen the impression that the proposed changes are realistic to be implemented, but will also become a substantiation of some of the costs for implementing the reforms. Changes, on the one hand, complicate the functioning of the authority, on the other hand determine its survival, further development and formation of a successful strategy. The implementation of changes must be a well-thought-out and comprehensively grounded process. That is why there is a need for deeper empirical studies of the process of changes. In particular, research should provide detailed information on change measures, as well as the roles and behaviors of those involved in change processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stepanova O. V., Stupak O. M.
Intellectual Capital Management Algorithm (p. 108 - 112)

The aim of the article is to develop a new approach to the management of intellectual capital of the enterprise. Achieving this goal requires solving the following tasks: analysis of the theoretical foundations of intellectual capital management (IC); development of an algorithm and structural scheme of intellectual capital management based on the assessment of IC using the additive utility function; economic and mathematical formulation of the problem of optimizing the cost of resources in the course of management of intellectual capital; choice of model and method of resource cost optimization. Intellectual capital is a priority type of capital. Intellectual capital management is presented as a multilevel dynamic open system. This system includes human, organizational and consumer capital, which should be considered as subsystems of management. Systemic and program-targeted approaches were used to study the intellectual capital of the enterprise. The concept of goal management is used in the work. An additive utility function is proposed as a criterion for optimality in achieving the goal in the process of intellectual capital management. An algorithm and a structural scheme of intellectual capital management of the enterprise have been developed. The developed algorithm of intellectual capital management on the basis of its estimation with use of function of utility allows planning, controlling and regulating a state of this system. To optimize the cost of resources associated with achieving high efficiency of intellectual capital, the problem is set and a mathematical model of the «backpack problem» is proposed. The proposed approach to the allocation of funds for activities that bring the real state of the intellectual capital management system to the planned state, allows for optimal use.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zubko S. V., Karkovska V. Y.
Organizational Culture and Its Importance in the Public Administration Sector (p. 113 - 119)

The article analyzes the results of the studies by domestic as well as foreign scientists concerning the importance of organizational culture for the public administration sector. The links of organizational culture are distinguished, which indicates its indissolubility with the processes of both the organization’s activities and the effectiveness. Culture helps to overcome the organizational ambiguity of employee behavior and contributes to their effective behavior. The main characteristics inherent in organizational and corporate cultures are disclosed. It is determined that the difference between organizational culture and corporate culture relates to so-called «politics», that is, in the way public officials interact with politics and society as a whole. It is proved that most cultural studies focus on private organizations, and only a small number of them pay attention to the public sector. It is noted that any study of the organizational culture of the public sector should take into account its external context, that is, its relationship with politics and society as a whole. The external context may relate to the attitude of public officials to politics, relations of public officials with citizens and civil society. In the internal context, the ratios of public officials may differ in specific characteristics, such as distance from power, avoidance of uncertainty, leadership in decision-making and employee preferences. Attention is focused on the parameters of organizational culture, various points of view of scientists are analyzed. The profiles of organizational culture, serving to the quantifying purposes, are characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Priadko O. M., Tarasov I. Y.
New Whipped Dessert Products: A Marketing View of the Consumer Aspect (p. 119 - 125)

The article analyzes, systematizes and summarizes scientific works of scholars with consideration of the issues related to the study of theoretical-methodological and applied aspects of promoting new innovative food products to the market. The article is aimed at studying the prospects of promoting to the regional market of restaurant enterprises a new whipped dessert, of the type of sambuc, with the addition of a modern additive «Nutrio-gem», which exhibits a wide range of effects: antioxidant, sorption, bacteriostatic, complex-forming, emulsifying, moisture-containing, moisture-binding, stabilizing, structural-forming properties. It is substantiated that in the context of the consequences of both the global pandemic and the hostilities in Ukraine, the issue of healthy and healing nutrition as a means of maintaining immunity and increasing the ability of the human body to withstand the negative impact of the environment becomes topical. To identify the potential demand for an innovative product and its possible perception by potential consumers, a marketing study was conducted in the form of a survey of respondents using the Google Forms platform. The goal was: to study the needs of buyers; carry out an analysis of compliance of product characteristics with the relevant requirements; selection of market segments for a new dish. In order to implement this work, a questionnaire was developed, consisting of interrelated, posed in a logical sequence questions. The sample size was 303 people. The time frame of the study: November – December 2021. The carried out work allowed to develop recommendations for bringing these products to the regional market and substantiate its market and consumer relevance in the current conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sokolovska N. S.
A Model of Integration of the Operational Risk Management into the Bank’s Decision-Making System (p. 130 - 137)

Among banking risks, operational risk is the most difficult to predict, it poses the threat of unexpected and significant losses for banks. The operational risk of a bank is associated with shortcomings or errors in the organization of internal banking processes, intentional or unintentional actions of bank employees (other persons), failures in the work of the bank’s information systems or it may arise due to external factors. In conditions of high turbulence of the external environment, in which banks are increasingly engaged in preventing losses instead of maximizing profits, it is of paramount importance to ensure the effectiveness of operational risk management and, simultaneously, continuous activities of the bank either under the influence or in the materialization of any threats of operational risk. The materialization of operational risk brings along potential or actual losses, which in some cases may call into question the functioning of the bank. In this regard, compliance with the risk capacity, which is ultimately acceptable to the bank, is of great importance for the bank, taking into account the level of its capital, the adequacy and effectiveness of the risk management system, as well as taking into account regulatory restrictions. Operational risk directly affects financial and economic stability and sometimes acts as a significant undermining not only in the local sense (at the bank level, national level, etc.), but also on a general scale (internationally and globally). The assessment of the bank’s operational risk during any decision-making should protect the bank from extreme manifestations of losses from operational risk events. The article examines the possibility of integrating operational risk management into the bank’s decision-making system and proposes an appropriate model. Testing the model in practical banking activity will improve operational risk management and increase the efficiency of operational risk management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Baliuk Y. S.
Modern Strategies of the Export-Import Activity of Industrial Enterprises, a Substantiation (p. 100 - 107)

The relevance of solving the problem of choosing an export-import strategy is explained by the introduction of a new economic strategy in Ukraine, which is based on six programs of irrevocable grant support for small and medium-sized businesses. A contemporary definition of both the company’s strategy and strategy of export-import activity are proposed. The article substantiates the strategic set of a modern industrial enterprise. The logic of the stages of formation of the strategy for the development of export-import activities of an industrial enterprise, which contains the following stages, is recommended: analysis of the external environment and determination of its main factors that influence export-import activities; analysis of the internal environment and determination of its major and most influential factors of export-import activities; determination of the problem of functioning and the general purpose of export-import activities; determination of the competitive environment of the enterprise and the position of the enterprise therein; development of alternative strategies based on scenarios of unfolding of events (optimistic, pessimistic and most reliable); selection of an export-import strategy among alternative strategies; substantiation of the information-analytical provision for the development of strategy; analysis of sustainable, inertial processes of export-import activities of the enterprise and its development; substantiation of the organization of implementation of the strategy for the development of export-import activities of the enterprise; formation of medium-term and operational plans for the implementation of the strategy for the development of export-import activities of the enterprise. The article also proposes a multifactor regression model of dependence of relative growth rates of the effective indicator on the relative monthly growth rate of factors. The advantage of this model is the ability to determine the impact of the growth rate of factors on the growth rate of effective indicators.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tytykalo V. S.
A Scientific-Practical Approach to the Implementation of Reflexive Spatial and Process Management of Components of Economic Potential in Enterprises (p. 108 - 118)

The article considers the prerequisites for the implementation of spatial and process management of enterprises, taking into account modern development trends. It is determined that the implementation of enterprise potential management processes is possible in spaces that ensure effective functioning in the external environment. The developed scientific-methodological approach to the assessment of its components on the basis of a structural and logical model of strategy formation in the conditions of spatial and process management of economic potential of enterprises in the process of structural transformations is presented. The reasons and components that led to the change of the external environment are substantiated, with influencing which the enterprise can efficiently manage its own internal changes, constantly be committed to innovation and thereby ensure strong competitive positions. The assessment of their level of influence is carried out in accordance with the proposed stages. A structural and logical model for the formation of a strategy for managing the economic potential of enterprises in the process of structural transformations depending on the level of economic potential, the form of financial provision and the influence of the external environment, on the basis of the proposed cube of strategies, was developed, which allowed to form an aggregate of functional strategies. The positioning of machine-building enterprises in the cube of strategies was carried out in order to form a strategy for managing economic potential depending on the form of financing, the level of economic potential and the impact of the external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kramarenko A. О.
Effective Decision-Making: From Theory and Methods to Strategy and Leadership (p. 118 - 125)

Since the decision-making process is becoming more multifactorial and multidimensional, determined by the type of problem being solved, leadership style, limiting factors, external and internal environment of the company, it is quite logical that the materials of the article are focused on identifying the most effective decision-making tools. In the course of the study, the basic theories of decision-making were classified into 3 groups: problem-oriented theories; solution-oriented theories; role-oriented theories. It is emphasized that the dominance of theoretical approaches to decision-making determines the choice of appropriate decision-making methods, which are divided into qualitative (evaluative, expert-analytical, mixed) and quantitative (methods in conditions of certainty and methods in conditions of uncertainty). The complex of approaches and methods used forms the basis for a key decision–making strategy - analytical, heuristic or expert. The carried out content analysis of the survey results of company executives organized by McKinsey allows to identify the most common leadership styles – Catalyst, Adapter and Guardian. The correspondence between such leadership styles as Adapter and Guardian, problem-oriented theories, analytical strategies and quantitative methods of decision-making has been established. The most popular methods are methods of game theory, scenario method, Delphi method, combining expert assessments, qualitative analysis and reasonable comparison of various alternatives. The most promising directions for improving the decision-making system for business are the scientific approach, the use of mathematical and statistical analytics, the establishment of clear criteria for decision-making and measuring theresults, the maximum possible involvement of stakeholders in the discussion, high responsibility and attachment to financial results, as well as orientation to a high level of professionalism of managers and owners of companies.

Article is written in English

Bondarenko О. M.
Self-Management as a Factor in Student Performance in the Context of the Current COVID-19 Pandemic (p. 126 - 133)

The article discusses the peculiarities of students’ perception of their own self-management in difficult conditions of transition to distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and hostilities in Ukraine. An analysis of research and publications of domestic and foreign scholars on the problems and trends in the development of higher education during and after the COVID-19 pandemic was carried out. The publication is aimed at studying the self-management of students as a factor in their effectiveness in the conditions of distance education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The object of research is the process of improving the self-management of students during distance learning. The subject of the study is the self-management of students during distance learning. The article provides the results of a survey in which students of full-time and correspondence departments of the specialties «Economics» and «Management» of the Faculty of Business and Social Communications of the State University of Intellectual Technologies and Communications took part. The study was conducted during the 2021/22 academic year, using a Google survey. The study involved 124 students of both budget and contract forms of education. According to the results of the survey, conclusions were drawn about the perception of distance learning by students, their valuation of their own effectiveness, the level of personal self-management and its impact on academic success. Most students believe that it was easy for them to switch to distance learning to varying degrees, with a fairly large percentage of students adapting to a new form of education insufficiently, as evidenced by a large percentage of students with a reduced educational performance, compared to previous results. The majority of respondents feel quite effective in the new conditions, which indicates that they are capable of self-management at a level that satisfies them. It is noteworthy that almost all respondents positively valuated their own self-management. The emphasis is placed on the importance to introduce the methods created to increase the level of self-management of students at the higher education institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boiko N. O.
Peculiarities of Application of Internet Promotion Tools in the B2B Market (p. 133 - 137)

The aim of the article is to determine the differences between Internet marketing in the B2C and B2B sectors, analysis of the most trendy tools of Internet marketing in the B2B sector in order to determine their effective impact on marketing activities and enterprises operating in the B2B market as a whole. It was reasonable to assume that Internet marketing tools are more adapted to the field of B2C. Many industrial companies have ignored the use of modern Internet promotion tools, thus losing market share and potential buyers, giving way to those who quickly adapt to new trends. However, when implementing methods and tools of Internet marketing, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the sale of industrial products in the field of B2B. The article proposes methods and tools of Internet marketing, recommended for use taking into account the characteristics of industrial products and the sphere of B2B. The study highlighted the most promising and effective tools of Internet marketing in the B2B segment, and also argued that the effect of using these tools will use knowledge about customer needs and strengthen the company's position in the new competitive field of goods and services. It is concluded that previously it was considered that Internet marketing tools are the most adapted to the field of B2C. Many industry companies have ignored the use of modern online promotion tools. For the most part, the use of Internet marketing in B2B companies was complicated by the lack of relevant theoretical framework and practical recommendations. However, Internet marketing gives the opportunity to conduct successful activities on the Internet not only to companies in the field of B2C, but also to companies in the field of B2B, selling industrial products.

Article is written in English


Serikova O. M.
Corporate Social Responsibility of Business in the Context of War in Ukraine: The National and Global Dimensions (p. 94 - 100)

The article studies the features of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which were formed in face of the challenges of the war between Russia and Ukraine, resulting in humanitarian and socioeconomic problems. The Russian-Ukrainian war changed the reality of life, including economic activities, which manifested itself in a decline in economic operation of enterprises, bankruptcy events, rising unemployment, a decrease in the level of income of the population. In this regard, the article defines the role and importance of CSR in the context of war for the economy of Ukraine. The article examines the main manifestations of CSR and its modifications in both the national and the global dimensions in the new realities that subsequently have formed new directions and criteria such as financial assistance, humanitarian aid to the population; support with medicines, medical equipment and medical services; assistance in evacuation and accommodation of the population from areas of active hostilities; organization of shelter facilities for the population; assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and territorial defense; payment of taxes in advance; information campaign to spread the truth about the war; promoting staff retention; business relocation; IT support in form of providing free access to information resources. It is also important for the company to be aware of the responsibility to employees and partners who continue to work, often changing their usual duties and switching to work 24/7. At the same time, attraction, focus on human capital, corporate volunteering have become the principles of CSR of business. The development of CSR against the challenges of war contributes to social sustainability. To strengthen the cohesion of Ukrainian society, it is proposed to develop such CSR practices as: social marketing, corporate volunteering; social sponsorship; social entrepreneurship; social investments, which in wartime conditions acquire special importance and form a positive image of business in accordance with new social values.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalyuzhna N. H., Mamitko Y. S.
Clustering of Countries According to National Cultural Features as a Tool for Developing the Corporate Culture of International Companies (p. 100 - 108)

The article is concerned with the arrangement of countries according to national cultural features based on cluster analysis and the determination of directions for adapting the corporate culture of Ukrainian companies to the conditions of cooperation with companies of different country clusters. It is substantiated that corporate culture is one of the key success factors for an international company. It is proved that Ukrainian companies should concentrate on implementing global standards of corporate culture into management practice, which are based on taking into account national cultural characteristics. The influence of national culture on the corporate culture of companies of different country clusters is analyzed based on the Hofstede 6-D model. The peculiarities of the corporate culture of Ukrainian international companies are considered and the significance of national cultural differences between the companies of Ukraine and typical countries of various clusters, namely the countries of Asia, Northern Europe, German Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and Anglo-American countries, are assessed. It is shown that the corporate culture of Ukrainian international companies is most easily adapted to Turkish companies, and the most difficult to American and Swedish companies. It was determined which areas of corporate culture adaptation Ukrainian international companies should pay attention to in order to effectively cooperate with international companies from Japan, the USA, Germany, Sweden, Argentina and Turkey. It is proved that the presented recommendations will contribute to obtaining an effective combination of the corporate culture of the Ukrainian company with the original culture of the partner company. It is emphasized that despite the importance of the influence of national cultural characteristics on the corporate culture of international companies, the impact of globalization should not be underestimated, which to a certain extent over time smooths out sharp cultural differences and minimizes the requirements for cultural adaptation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Smerichevskyi S. F., Arefieva O. V., Piletska S. T.
Formation of Strategic Decisions in the Management of Changes in the Enterprise (p. 108 - 117)

It is noted that the strengthening of the dynamics and uncertainty of the external environment significantly increases the requirements for the management of enterprises that represent complex socioeconomic systems. The purpose of the study is to define the directions for managing changes in enterprises and forming strategic decisions as to improving the efficiency of activities based on resource saving. The methodological basis of the article are methods of scientific knowledge that allow identifying the nature of change management in enterprises, the basic laws of modeling strategic scenarios for managing changes at enterprise. The used methods include: analysis, synthesis, systematization – to identify factors that determine the need to model strategic scenarios for managing changes in enterprises; abstraction – in order to form a theoretical generalization and conclusions. As result of the study, it is proved that enterprises need to initiate and implement changes in order to meet market requirements, increase value, maintain stability and provide a balanced economic growth along with further development. The algorithm for modeling the balance structure within terms of change management is substantiated. It is proposed, for the choice of strategy and the ability to develop scenarios for its implementation, to apply the J. Aubert-Krier’s method, according to which, in order to diagnose financial prerequisites, it will be advisable to assess the rationality of the structural distribution of assets and liabilities of the enterprise, which from the standpoint of movement and participation in the production and commercial process allows to evaluate the important elements of ensuring the activities of the enterprise. Consequently, the methodological support for the substantiation of the directions of change management at the enterprise on the basis of strategic decisions on the use of resources is improved, which will increase the effectiveness of activities and the related resource saving.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepeliuk M. I.
Conceptual Principles of Forming a System of Enterprise Strategies (p. 117 - 121)

The article considers the features of the formation of a system of enterprise strategies. The views of scholars on the concept of «strategy» and its constituent elements are analyzed. On the basis of classical, complex, philosophical, organizational-managerial, system, and rational-proactive approaches to the classification of strategies and the schools of strategies of H. Mintzberg, the author proposes possible options for approaches to forming a system of enterprise strategies. The concepts of «strategy systems» and «formation of a system of strategies» are defined along with the constituent elements. The defined aspects of the formation of the enterprise’s system of strategies are as follows: competition, goal determination, training, cultural, analysis, change, choice, decision-making. Based on the analysis of definitions from the theory of strategic management, such key concepts as «strategic decisions», «strategic goals», «strategic alternatives», «strategic choice» and «strategic instrumentarium» were identified, upon which further research be built. A proactive approach to forming a system of strategies focuses on planning for the future. The basis of these strategies is to anticipate threats, challenges and opportunities in the business environment. Based on the analysis of H. Mintzberg’s strategy schools, attention was focused on three of the listed schools, on the basis of which the basic components for the formation of a system of enterprise strategies were identified – these are culture, knowledge, and the external environment. It can be argued that a unique culture is a unique resource of the organization. Culture contributes to obtaining unique results, it is characterized by causal uncertainty, which makes it difficult for understanding and copying. The presence in the organization of a complex of knowledge and technologies determines the uniqueness of this organization and its ability to engage in a specific type of activity at a certain level of quality. The external environment prepares the organization to adequately respond to external rapid changes and driving forces, to adapt to them, and to qualitatively overcome the hostility of the environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tutova A. S.
Economic Stimulation of Labor of Strategic Level Management Workers Based on the Results of Performance (p. 122 - 129)

The article examines the feasibility of stimulating the work of employees of the strategic level of enterprise management, taking into account the achieved economic results of enterprises’ performance. The existing proposals for the selection and application of criterion indicators, for the achievement of which top managers are stimulated by enterprises, are generalized, and the conclusion drawn is that they are insufficiently substantiated. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to closer define the theoretical and methodological provisions of stimulating the work of employees of the strategic level of enterprise management on the basis of an objective assessment of the results of performance of economic entities concerning the use of economic resources. The objectives of the article are: a closer defining of the theoretical provisions of stimulating the work of employees of the strategic level of management; substantiation of influential indicators of the enterprise’s performance, according to which it is advisable to stimulate the work of top managers; formation of a methodological approach to stimulating the work of top managers on the basis of an objective assessment of the results of performance of economic entities concerning the use of economic resources. The object of the study is the process of stimulating the work of top managers of enterprises. The subject of the study are the theoretical and methodological provisions of stimulating the work of top managers of enterprises. The main research methods are methods of theoretical generalization, analysis, synthesis, structural-logical analysis, theoretical-logical analysis, canonical analysis, multidimensional factor analysis, method of analysis of factor loads in the equations of latent factors. The main results of the article are presented as follows. The theoretical provisions of labor stimulation of top managers are closer defined, the content of which is to allocate the dual nature of stimulation: objective – regarding the achieved economic results of enterprises and subjective – regarding the perception by top managers of valence and sufficiency of incentives, which constitute two aspects of the study of the process of labor stimulation. Methodological approach to substantiation of indicators of economic performance of the enterprise, for the achievement of which it is advisable to stimulate top managers, is formed using canonical analysis and multidimensional factor analysis according to statistical data of 19 industrial enterprises of the Kharkiv region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Beztelesna L. I., Malchуk M. V., Vasyliv V. B.
Features of the Implementation of Educational Programs Sales Management by Higher Education Institutions (p. 129 - 137)

The purpose of the article is to reflect the features of the implementation of sales management of educational programs by higher education institutions (HEIs) of Ukraine. It is noted that Ukrainian HEIs in their activities have faced a number of challenges and are forced to act as business structures in the market of educational services, selling educational programs (EPs). It is shown that an educational program is the result and product of joint innovation-investment management activities of the administrative-managerial staff and the scientific-pedagogical staff of HEIs, all interested persons (stakeholders), and the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (NAQA). The article reflects and classifies factors on the basis of the influence of the external environment on the sales management of educational programs. The external ones include those that HEIs cannot influence, but only take them into account and transform activities with a focus upon them. The internal factors are the result of the functioning of the management system of higher education institutions. It was determined that the sales management of educational programs of HEIs is the management of ensuring the implementation of tactical marketing tasks, and the initial element is the sales funnel, which was projected. The stages of work with potential consumers of EPs were formed. The sales conversion for EP «Marketing» of bachelor’s level in the local market is calculated. It is proved that sales conversion illustrates the process of conveying value to the consumer, working with objections, motivating its implementation, the work of both sales managers and marketers. It is determined that the sales management of educational programs of HEIs requires the implementation of intra-university policy, a list of tasks that need to be implemented within its terms has been formed. Methodological approaches to forecasting and planning the sale of educational programs are reflected. It is proposed that HEIs use the conception of marketing 3.0 in sales management of educational programs and apply integrated marketing communications.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdan N. M., Pysarevskyi I. M., Ivanova O. M., Pokolodna M. M.
Innovative Communication Instruments of Marketing Activity of Enterprises in the Tourism and Hotel Business (p. 137 - 142)

The article examines the marketing communications used by enterprises of the travel industry. The purpose of the article is to study the latest marketing communications and develop directions for their application in the enterprises of the tourism and hotel business. The necessity of formation and implementation of marketing communication policy that meets the specifics and goals of the enterprise in order to achieve a high level of competitiveness and desired result of activity is substantiated. The features and structure of the complex of marketing communications of tourism industry enterprises containing the following elements: advertising, sales promotion, personal sales, public relations, and direct marketing are determined. The necessity of introducing the latest technologies in this sphere is proved, since in the modern world of global computerization it is simply necessary to use modern technological resources, in particular the Internet, especially in such a sensitive and competitive industry. According to the results of the analysis and generalization of the study of Travelport company, which is one of the outstanding providers of electronic distribution services in the travel industry, a rating of marketing communications used in the tourism and hotel business is compiled. Based on the results of the study, the need for an integrated approach to the planning and implementation of communication processes, based on the consistency of actions of all means of marketing communications within a single strategy to achieve the set marketing goals, is established. As an innovative marketing communication instrument, enterprises of the tourism and hotel business are offered the use of integrated marketing communications (IMC), which are holistic communication systems and allow to cover all aspects of the marketing complex, which further contributes to the most effective action on the consumer. So, depending on the direction of activity, the availability of human resources and financial condition, the company chooses a way to present itself in social networks through the most effective communication instrument, tailored to suit the market needs.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kostіn Y. D., Shvedkyi V. A.
Supplier Companies in the Energy Market of Ukraine: Competition of Strategies (p. 191 - 196)

Liberalization of Ukrainian energy markets provides end consumers with the possibility to deliberately choose an energy supplier. Consequently, companies selling natural gas and electric energy have entered into a stiff competition. Since the specifics of the product sold in these markets do not imply opportunities for its improvement, the emphasis in competitive strategies was placed on price and improvement of customer services. There is a competition of strategies in the market: a large number of suppliers are trying to create and maintain competitive advantages in various ways. The purpose of the study is to allocate the basic competitive strategies that supplier companies adhere to in the Ukrainian energy market, compare the efficiency of these strategies, as well as determine further prospects for their implementation. Depending on what advantages the suppliers are guided by, the following ones were allocated: predatory strategy (the desire to obtain a monopoly rent); resource strategy (the desire to obtain a Ricardian rent); intellectual leadership strategy (the desire to obtain a Schumpeterian rent); grid strategy (the desire to obtain the rent of relationship); imitation-parasitic strategy (the desire to obtain a fraudulent rent). In its pure form, these strategies do not exist, as a rule, a symbiosis of several strategies is used. Although market leaders are companies with resource strategies (heirs to former natural monopolists), they are confronting an eager pressure on the part of the energy suppliers, focused on Schumpeterian rent and rent of relationship. Since innovations are available to all energy traders in customer services, those companies that become intelligent leaders in business models and processes are likely to win the competition. Both the predatory and the imitation-parasitic strategies cause numerous negative consequences for all market participants – consumers, generation, independent suppliers, the regulator, therefore they meet with significant resistance from these groups. Consequently, the potential for their use is limited.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogma O. S., Silakova H. V., Vialets O. V.
The Impact of European Integration on the Marketing Security of Domestic Business (p. 197 - 202)

In modern conditions of the economic management, ensuring the marketing component of economic security, which is responsible for the demand for products in the market and the possibility of successful market activities of enterprises, is extremely important, especially in the context of activation of the process of the European integration of Ukraine, which will have huge transformational consequences for both the country and its business. The purpose of the article is to systematize the positive and negative consequences of the influence of the European integration process on the marketing component of the economic security of business in Ukraine as the central link of the national economic system. In the theoretical and methodological plane, the interpretation of the marketing component of the economic security of an enterprise from the point of view of individual authors was studied, which made it possible to formulate the authors' own elaboration as to the definition under study. Based on the use of the system approach, the possibilities and threats of the European integration of Ukraine regarding the impact on the marketing security of domestic enterprises in the context of the main elements of the marketing conception “4P” are considered: product, price, place (place in the market), and promotional. The opportunities and threats of European integration for the marketing security of domestic business in the context of the people element (people, consumers, and staff) are considered, and the advantages of market activity by domestic enterprises through the implementation of the European integration strategy by Ukraine are studied. The need for further implementation of pro-European reforms by Ukraine is determined for full-range use of the advantages of the European integration process by domestic business. A promising direction for further research is the improvement of marketing strategies and tactics used by domestic business in the conditions of functioning “up to European standards”.

Article is written in English

Mylyanyk R. V.
Innovative Approaches to the Formation and Development of Managerial Competencies (p. 203 - 210)

Modern approaches to the formation and development of managerial competencies should be oriented towards the main components of the model of competencies of managers (professional and corporate, managerial, transprofessional, digital competencies, personal efficiency of the leader), principles, goals of their development, and the company’s activities in general. In today’s extremely difficult conditions (crises, pandemics, wars), managers at their level of responsibility must implement and acquire new abilities to support the functioning of a company, structural unit, project, or line of activity, withstand new threats, ensure the sustainability of the company’s activities and resistance to crisis processes. The purpose of the article is to clarify the features and to systematize the effective innovative approaches to the formation and development of managerial competencies of specialists and managers. Improvement of managerial competencies should take place on the principle of continuity of education and self-development of the head, and the choice of approaches and tools for the development of competencies should be carried out in accordance with the needs and goals of the company. Important in today’s network-digital world is the use of a wide range of digital and online tools, the potential of the environment, and professional interaction. The means of forming managerial competency are: involvement in project activities, mentoring and/or consulting, coaching, action training, basket method, etc. From the point of view of the formation of managerial competencies, various methods of informal, informational training along with self-education are also extremely relevant and in demand. Moreover, in this case, informal training can be considered as a response to the need to acquire managerial competencies at different stages of building own managerial career, which can be experienced by people of different professions. The expediency and efficiency of specific instruments and methods for the development of managerial competencies, their features may become the subject of further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Novikova M. M., Borovyk M. V., Ternova I. A.
Specific Features of the Principles and Methods for Evaluating the Efficiency of Managerial Decisions at Industrial Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 210 - 217)

The article defines the specific features of the principles and methods for evaluating the efficiency of managerial decisions at industrial enterprises of Ukraine. It is noted that the improvement of the economic situation in Ukraine under martial law and hostilities on its territory today is possible only on the basis of the integrated use of principles and methods for assessing the efficiency of managerial decisions, the quality of which determines the viability of domestic industrial enterprises and the preservation of the national economy as a whole. It is noted that the efficiency and effectiveness of managerial decisions is determined by many factors of a technical, organizational, economic and socio-psychological nature, the impact of which is manifested at different stages of the process of developing and implementing solutions. The influence of external and internal factors on the activities of managers of industrial enterprises is defined. It is determined that industrial enterprises in order to adapt as effectively as possible to changes in the factors of the external and internal environment, should develop programs to evolve the potential of managers, its improvement, which include the effect of a complex, long-term and costly research along with the implementation programs. The implementation of these measures should be based on the use of formal and informal management methods based on processes of constant change and improvement. It is concluded that one of the important conditions for the quality and efficiency of managerial decision-making for industrial enterprises of Ukraine is the creation of a high-quality information base and the selection of highly qualified personnel in the field of management, since the level of education and experience of a modern manager is an important factor in the development of an economic entity. Regarding the evaluation of the efficiency of decision-making and the professional activities of manager, it is concluded that the industrial enterprises of Ukraine should develop programs for the development of the potential of managers, its enhancement and improvement, which in turn should consist of a set of long-term studies and operational training plans.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kirik T. M., Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Ivanova O. A.
The Directions to Improve the Quality of Business Plans (p. 217 - 228)

Studying the directions to improve the quality of business plans appears very significant, since the practice of business planning highlights the shortcomings of planning processes and the quality of domestic business plans themselves. A study of shortcomings that cause negative influence on the quality of business plans is of theoretical and practical value for improving the quality of business planning in general as a process, and of business plan as its result. It depends on increasing the level of doing business in Ukraine, its efficiency. Therefore, the issue of ensuring the quality of business plans plays an important role for internal business processes and for investment communication in order to find external investments for further development. The purpose of the article is to identify promising directions for improving the quality of business plans and requirements for practice in this sphere. The publication proposes a general approach to the definition of promising directions based on the study of the main definitions substantial for determining the category of «quality of business plan», identifying factors for the formation of the quality of business plans, revealing the essence and features of the methodological foundations for the formation of the quality of a business plan. The methodical basis of the article is the following: a review of the literature, analysis and estimation of the practical shortcomings of business plans in terms of compliance with the technology of development and substantiation, which ensures the quality of a document. The main directions of improving the quality of business plans are identified, in particular: compliance with the technology of development and substantiation; improvement of methodical recommendations based on the study of problems of practical business planning; training of specialists who are proficient in the methodology of developing a business plan for an investment project, substantiation of managerial decisions; development of planning process at enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepeliuk M. I.
The Methodological Approach to the Formation of a System of Enterprise Strategies (p. 228 - 233)

The article considers methodological approaches to the management of strategic transformations and analyzes existing approaches to the formation of a system of enterprise strategies. In a constantly changing environment, an effective approach to managing strategic transformations in the enterprise is requested, which has become one of the most acute and urgent problems of management. The methodological basis of the presented study is formed by systemic, process, institutional, behavioral, cognitive approaches. The systemic approach based on the principles of integrity, consistency, balance in goals and objectives, complementarity of an instrumentarium – focuses on instruments as a way of action, methods of making and implementing strategic decisions in the formation of a system of enterprise strategies. The process approach focuses on on the timeliness of strategic decision-making, the effectiveness in terms of achieving goals. The institutional approach is based on the quality of corporate governance, information transparency, social and environmental responsibility. The behavioral approach – on the formation of staff readiness to implement a strategy, the competitive advantages of the enterprise. The cognitive approach is based on the quality of strategic thinking and the use of knowledge, experience as a unique strategic resource, on the active search for opportunities and their use in the process of forming a system of strategies. The carried out analysis shows a large number of approaches that can be used taking into account the dynamic external environment and the development of information technology. Currently, thanks to the development of information technology and digitalization, there are prerequisites for the development of more modern approaches to the process of forming a system of strategies based on statistical data on indicators of internal business diagnostics of the enterprise along with environmental forecasts, taking into account the dynamics of changes in these factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Salashenko T. I.
Assessing the Electricity Market Performance in Ukraine (p. 234 - 246)

Ukraine obliged to implement the European electricity market model and introduce the European principles of the competition policy therein. One of the tasks is the introduction of permanent and quality market monitoring. However, the basis of such monitoringis still missing. Therefore, the article proposes a methodical approach to assessing the electricity market performance as a monitoring tool, which is based on key performance indicators and allows the regulator to timely identify and control disruptions, and market participants to make effective managerial decisions aimed at achieving the overall objective of its reforming. Assessment of the electricity market performance should be based on 12 local indicators distributed over 4 components, such as balance, variability, dynamism, and proportionality. Market research can be feasibly carried out by its segments (bilateral market, day-ahead market, intraday market and balancing market), as well as by different load modes (basic, peak, off-peak). The performance level can be determined based on the radar chart by comparing the area of the obtained figure with the area of the reference one. The database of this approach is the open-source data of the transmission system operator, the market operator, and other professional participants. In the article this approach was tested in the Ukrainian electricity market for the October 2021, which revealed the following: the overall performance of the Ukrainian electricity market was at a satisfactory level, including such segments as the bilateral market, the day-ahead market and the intraday market, while the performance of the balancing market was at the low level. The strongest components were dynamism and balance, while variability and proportionality were its weakest components.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Luchko H. Y.
Project Management to Increase Customer Loyalty (p. 173 - 179)

The purpose of this article is to study tendencies in the behavior of Ukrainian consumers in the market after the onset of Russia’s military invasion, to define the factors that influence the level of the consumers’ loyalty to the products (services) of companies, and to develop recommendations for effective management of projects to increase the loyalty of the companies’ customers. The article stipulates that Russia’s large-scale military invasion of Ukraine significantly affected the existence and functioning of the majority of domestic companies, which have just begun to restore the performance indicators of their own business and adapted to work in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the level of purchasing power of consumers. The state of Ukrainian business and trends in changes in consumer behavior in the market in conditions of war are considered. It is determined that entrepreneurs need to make every effort to retain their clientele and attract more new customers, and for this they need to develop and implement comprehensive loyalty programs that will allow building a long-term effective partnership with their target audience. The level of loyalty is the main indicator of the effectiveness of the company’s interaction with its consumers. The author has researched and proposed a classification of currently relevant factors influencing customer loyalty, account of which will contribute to the transition of regular customers of the company to the category of loyal. The expediency of implementing special projects for the development and implementation of loyalty programs in the company is substantiated. It is defined that the application of the project management methodology will contribute to their successful implementation in compliance with all restrictions: time, content, cost, and quality, as well as reduce risks and avoid or level numerous deviations in the project that arise as a result of changes in the external and internal environment. To implement projects, a team of highly qualified specialists must be formed. The success of implementing a program to increase customer loyalty depends on the competent management of the project by a professional project manager. Successful application of knowledge of project management methodology and professional management of a team of specialists will contribute to the effective management of projects to increase customer loyalty and achieve strategic goals in the company’s development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shkreben R. P., Kvashyna Y. A., Polozkov Y. Y.
The Theoretical Basis of Financial-Economic Security Management of Business Processes of Enterprise (p. 114 - 120)

The article presents the theoretical provision of the management of financial-economic security of business processes of enterprise from the standpoint of the conception of security-oriented development, resource-based and process approaches. The resource-based approach is considered traditional in world practice, where the financial-economic security of enterprise is considered as a state of efficient use of the resources of a business entity to prevent threats and destabilizing factors. The results of these studies create a methodological basis for building a system for managing the financial-economic security of enterprise, which forms a managerial response to certain risks and threats due to specific functions and analysis, accounting, diagnostics. A comprehensive study of the state of economic security of an enterprise is impossible without taking into account the provisions and principles of the process approach – distinguishing the characteristics of the financial-economic security of business processes, localized assessment of their levels and the impact on current financial-economic results, the implementation of strategic goals. The financial-economic security of business processes is ensured by the formation of such properties of business processes as: financial-economic stability; organizational adaptability; functional efficiency; innovative activity; managerial competence. The solution of these problems is impossible without the use of a strategic instrumentarium for managing the financial-economic security of business processes of enterprise development. According to the results of the analysis of studies of the characteristics of types of business processes, the criteria for the financial-economic security of business processes of enterprise are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova M. І., Tryfonova O. V., Varianychenko O. V., Ivanova О. O.
Planning of Exhibition Business as a Component of Successful Administration in the Context of Military Aggression in Ukraine and the Global Pandemic (p. 120 - 128)

The article is aimed at defining the role of administration in the planning of the exhibition business in the context of military aggression in Ukraine and the global pandemic. Over the past four years, Ukraine has been facing problems that have inevitable force and directly affect all spheres of activity. Firstly, the COVID pandemic, which paralyzed business not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world, and secondly, military aggression by the Russian Federation, which increased the risk of carrying out any type of economic activity due to shelling, occupation of territories and hostilities in our country, along with an increase in migrants to many countries of Europe, Asia and America. Modern administration of organizations is based on two main components: firstly, it is the activity of the top management of the organization and, secondly, it is the science and art of business management in the dynamic business environment and intense competition. At this, general scientific and special methods of system-structural analysis and synthesis were used to isolate the exo- and endogenous pandemic risks that manifest themselves at the enterprises of the exhibition business, and systematize additional opportunities for participants of the interactive dialogue-based conference; SWOT analysis to identify factors that affect activities and to determine the factors taken into account when planning a dialogue-based interactive conference. According to the results of the literature review, the stages of organizing a dialogue-based interactive conference were distinguished. An approbation of the theoretical research was implemented on the basis of the results of the activities of LLC «Firm «Metal-Courier», specialized in publishing activities and holding conferences during the organization of exhibitions. An analytical research showed that the effect obtained through the administration of a dialogue-based interactive conference can be used as a target indicator in the administration of the exhibition activities of an enterprise. Further research in this direction is the search and analysis of promising world markets for conducting the dialogue-based interactive conferences.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Piletska S. T.
Formation of a Competitive Strategy of the Airport in Conditions of Uncertainty (p. 193 - 198)

The article states that airports as part of the transport system are the most important component of the national, regional and local infrastructure. It has been proven that the basis of the airport's competitive strategy is the need to ensure its effective operation by adapting to the uncertainty of the external environment; is a tool for the formation and maintenance of competitive advantage, the basis of optimal distribution and effective use of resources. The purpose of the study is to develop a system approach to the formation of a competitive strategy of airports in conditions of uncertainty of the influence of the external environment. It is proved that the system of forming the competitive strategy of the airport is presented in the form of the following subsystems: information support for forming the competitiveness of the airport; airport competitiveness management; planning and forecasting the airport's competitive strategy; complex adaptability to changing operating conditions. It is substantiated that the competitive strategy of the airport: determines the direction of development of the airport as a system, its mission, goals, main tasks, forms and content of activity; establishes a uniform system of priorities for the airport and determines directions for their implementation; is the basis for making decisions in the field of transport policy and the growth of airport capitalization, the development of target programs for the development of the infrastructural component; is considered as a basis for developing a unified vision of the airport's modern role and prospects for its development, interaction with executive and legislative authorities of various levels, business, and users of air transport services. Further developments are aimed at developing a mechanism for forming a competitive strategy of airports in conditions of uncertainty.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shyshkovskyi S. V.
The Current Tendencies of the Development of Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 199 - 205)

In the conditions of permanent changes caused by instability as a result of the war and an increase in the uncertainty of the business environment, the development of enterprises is changing dramatically. The article elaborates an interpretation of the development of enterprise as a process of quantitative, qualitative and structural changes in its state (potential) and functional activity to achieve the established vision and goals (effectiveness), which are determined by an immanent tendency to improve, in conditions of permanent changes in the business environment. The concepts of both innovation and development are considered. The main tendencies in changes in macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine are analyzed. When analyzing the balance of enterprises, it was noted that the rapid deterioration of non-current assets at enterprises is caused by unsatisfactory depreciation of fixed assets. Problems with the sale of products lead to an increase in the share of current assets in the balance of enterprises. The unsatisfactory state of the balance of enterprises leads to a slowdown in the development of industry in Ukraine. The level of wages in industry branches is not the same, differing from the type of activity. The development of the economy and society are in constant interaction and interconnection. The carried out study of domestic practical experience of industrial production indicates a high intellectual and human potential, while the number of enterprises implementing innovations in 2020 amounted to only 14.9% of the total number of industrial enterprises, which is 4 times less than in developed countries. It is determined that the main problems affecting the development of the industrial complex of Ukraine are associated with: insufficient innovative activity of enterprises; loss of established markets for products; technical obsolescence and poor product quality; insufficient internal funding; inefficient use of depreciation funds by enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zharska I. O.
Modern Trends in the Logistics of Sustainable Development (p. 206 - 211)

The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of Ukrainian and international companies in using the conception of sustainable development in the implementation of their activities. The article discusses the main events and changes in supply chain management associated with the transition to the conception of sustainable development separately by elements of the logistics system, such as supply, transport, packaging. Examples of legislative changes in Ukraine and the EU countries aimed at ensuring wider introduction of the conception of sustainable development are provided. In particular, the environmental restrictions for sea vessels introduced by the European Commission are analyzed; amendments to the German packaging law requiring e-commerce representatives and importers to register with the Central Packaging Register (ZSVR) and declare the use of various types of container and packaging; The Law of Ukraine No. 1534-IX on automatic fixation of violations of the dimensional and weight parameters of vehicles and increasing the responsibility of road carriers for exceeding the weight-size norms established by law. The experience of individual companies participating in the logistics market in implementing the conception of sustainable development in their activities is considered. As result of the study, it is proved that the conception of sustainable development occupies an important place in building business models of leading participants in the global logistics market. Cooperation with socially responsible suppliers, reducing carbon emissions during the transportation of goods, switching to environmentally friendly packaging, participating in socially important projects and promoting the development of the local community play altogether an important role in shaping the brand of a socially responsible company, which, in turn, allows the company to gain additional competitive advantages in the market and maintain its position in the competition. In further research, it is planned to develop a methodology for assessing the efficiency of the introduction of sustainable development principles when building individual supply chains.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Shved A. B.
Modern Technologies for Managing the Innovative Potential of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 212 - 218)

The article defines modern technologies for managing the innovative potential of industrial enterprises and the conditions for their use. It is noted that the current state of innovation activity in Ukraine is unsatisfactory. It is characterized by a small proportion of innovative products in the total volume of the product output by domestic manufacturers; inability of enterprise management to adapt to the volatile external environment and the consequences of the global financial crisis. For Ukraine, the main problem in the innovation sphere is the rejection by many industrial enterprises of changes and «rules of the game» in the modern business environment. It is found out that in order to solve the issues of improving the efficiency of management of the innovative potential of industrial enterprises of Ukraine, it is necessary to use a complex of progressive technologies of general management, which will positively affect the innovative sphere of activity of any economic entity. It is noted that the tasks that are solved by modern technologies for managing the innovative potential of industrial enterprises should take into account: availability, quantity and quality of resources; market condition; competitive environment; technological level of the enterprise. In particular, the tasks are determined for the long and short term, where the criteria and parameters for managing innovative processes at an industrial enterprise are established. It is concluded that one of the important conditions for the effective management of the innovative potential of industrial enterprises in Ukraine is the use of modern management technologies, which are based on five approaches: target, process, functional, resource, and competitive. The proposed methodological approach to determining the reserves for improving the efficiency of innovation activities of an industrial enterprise makes it possible to assert that the calculation of efficiency indicators of innovation activity should be carried out on the basis of the actual results of the enterprise’s activities at regular time intervals.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novikova M. M., Borovyk M. V., Bubyrov Y. A.
The Theoretical Aspects of Organizational Change Management at the Enterprise (p. 219 - 225)

The article studies the theoretical aspects of the introduction of organizational changes in the management of organizations and the definition of the essence of managing organizational changes in the activities of domestic enterprises and organizations. It is defined that changes are an integral part of the activities of domestic enterprises and organizations and most often consider external, internal and organizational changes. An analysis of theoretical approaches to the definition of the concept of «organizational changes» revealed the absence of a single generally accepted approach to the definition of this concept and made it possible to establish the main positions from which this concept is considered. It is determined that organizational changes characterize changes that occur in the activities of enterprises and organizations and are associated with the introduction of new forms and methods of management, taking into account the influence of factors of the external and internal environment, and are aimed at achieving the established goals of their activities. A generalizing classification of organizational changes is proposed, which: allows defining the substantial content of organizational changes; ensures the manageability of all processes for the implementation of organizational changes; creates opportunities for controlling organizational changes and serves as the basis for building a system for managing organizational changes in the management of the organization and is the starting point for understanding and developing levers of influence on resistance to organizational changes on the part of staff. It is defined that the management of organizational changes is a complex and multifaceted process that concerns all areas and directions of activities of enterprises and organizations. It is proposed to consider the management of organizational changes as a set of purposeful managerial actions in the organization’s management system aimed at transferring it from one state to another (desired state), which are carried out in accordance with certain development goals in conditions of variability of the external and internal environment. The purpose, main task, subject and object of management of organizational changes are defined. The positive results that domestic enterprises and organizations can obtain from the introduction of organizational changes in their activities are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bannikov V. B.
Foresight as a Strategic Management Tool in the ICT Industry (p. 225 - 230)

Foresight, as one of the most effective tools of strategic management, logically fits into the system of strategizing, which determines the relevance and actuality of the presented study. The desire to exchange traditions and management practices, along with consideration of scale, also contribute to the development of strategic management, in particular, foresight management. The purpose of the publication is to identify the essence of the available foresight studies and the possibilities of introducing their results in practice, in particular at the enterprises of the ICT industry. To achieve the purpose, general and special methods were used, such as methods of system analysis, analysis and synthesis, empirical methods of comparison and generalization, case method. The task is set as follows: studying the practice of application of foresight methodology in the ICT industry. The article considers the content and features of foresight as a tool of strategic management of enterprise development used to ensure their competitiveness. The purpose of the practical application of foresight is the implementation of strategic long-term forecasting, which is formed on the basis of expert opinions, analyses of factors, identification of stakeholders, displaying alternative trends in the development of enterprise, allowing to form development scenarios and implement the chosen strategy. Its main advantage consists in the maintenance of the provision of competitive advantages for a long time. Standard methods can also be used when conducting a foresight, the best practices and achievements of other enterprises can be implemented as well. The main steps of foresight management are substantiated. The efficiency and prospects of its application are determined. The positive and negative aspects of the application of foresight methodology in the enterprises’ projects were analyzed. The conclusions and results of the article can be of advantage in the educational-scientific process of the economic faculties of higher educational institutions. It is expedient to transfer them for practical use in the management of enterprises in order to increase their efficiency on an innovative basis.

Article is written in English


Podra O. P., Horoshko Y. V.
Circular Models of Business Development Management: Problems and Prospects in Ukraine (p. 231 - 236)

The purpose of the article is to study circular models of business development management, in particular, problems and prospects in Ukraine. Based on a research of scientific papers of domestic and foreign scholars, the essence of the circular economy and business model was defined. The article analyzes the basic principles of the closed-circle economy of 3R (reduction, reuse, processing) and the principles of its functioning, presents the detailed analysis of 5 basic circular business models (goods as a service; circular supply chain; the processing of resources; prolongation of the life cycle (LC) of goods; design without waste) and provides a graphic interaction of them. In addition, the main aspects of their functioning are substantiated, which include three levels: level of doing business and costs, market value, and ecosystem level. Examples of enterprises operating on the EU territory and effectively implementing the presented business models in their activity thus proving the effectiveness and practicality of their implementation by domestic enterprises are given. Also, the main problems and risks during the implementation of circular management models such as ecological, social, and economic are determined. In order to neutralize and minimize the impact of identified problems and risks on the activities of economic entities, measures are proposed to ensure a smooth transition of domestic enterprises from a linear to a circular economy. It is found that due to the introduction of business models in the stages of production, companies manage to save a significant part of resources, increase their income and even create additional jobs. It should be noted that the article presents a small part of examples on the realization and use of business models of a closed cycle; therefore the prospects for further research can be outlined in the direction of studying other examples of their application and developing effective measures to simulate the transition to a circular economy at the State level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Novikova M. M., Volkova M. V., Moskalenko E. S.
The Problems and Prospects of Improving the Management of the Development of Insurance Companies in Ukraine (p. 237 - 243)

The article identifies the problems and prospects for improving the management of the development of insurance companies in Ukraine. The need to make strategically effective decisions that maximize the adaptation of insurance companies to the external environment, the formation of tactical tasks on their basis, is detected. It is noted that, like any economic activity, insurance requires the introduction of a quality management system. Hence, the overall efficiency of insurance company management consists of the levels of efficiency of managing individual subsystems: financial resources, marketing, sales, etc. In the existing structural and process model of an insurance company, the boundaries between structural levels are not clearly defined. Some elements of structures equally belong to different structural groups, in which case often one structure overlaps or intersects with another. It is found that government regulation of insurance companies should be based on principles that will ensure its efficiency, adequacy and transparency, promote the development and profitability of insurance providers and protect consumers of insurance services. It is concluded that one of the important conditions for effective management of the development of insurance companies in Ukraine is the use of modern management technologies and government support in the form of regulation of their activities, based on certain principles that ensure its efficiency, adequacy and transparency, will contribute to the development and profitability of insurance workers and protect consumers of insurance services. A methodical approach to determining the efficiency of managing the development of insurance companies is proposed, which is based on the use of the following coefficients: uncertainty of management activities; concentration of functions; accumulation of dysfunctions by the organizational structure; rationalization of the use of elements; concentration of elements; complexity of the organizational structure of management, which allows to establish the differences between the existing and the desired state of the basic indicators of the efficiency of the development management system of an economic entity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lebid T. V., Pundor A. M.
The Prospects for Implementation of IT Projects in the Field of Beekeeping in Ukraine (p. 244 - 250)

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the expediency, determine the prospects, and present the conception of implementing IT projects in the field of beekeeping in Ukraine based on the study of the domestic beekeeping market. The article analyzes the state, trends and problems of the modern market of honey and beekeeping products. It is noted that beekeeping is an important component of the agrarian complex of Ukraine, and the development of information technology has not bypassed this sphere. Existing IT products that are used in beekeeping have been examined. In order to determine the needs of producers of honey and beekeeping products and the problems faced by beekeepers in carrying out economic activities, a survey of apiary owners is conducted and the results are presented. Taking into account the prospects of the industry and the interest of the surveyed beekeepers, for instance the conception of developing a mobile application is described, which will allow to unite all market participants (buyers, sellers, intermediaries, manufacturers, etc.) to obtain information as well as assistance in carrying out sales transactions. Innovative solutions in the sphere of beekeeping should be aimed at: increasing the competitiveness of apiaries; increase in productivity and reduce in the cost of keeping bees and producing honey and other related products. The business model of the proposed IT product is presented in the form of Osterwalder's business model. The main idea of the application is to enable market participants to buy or sell the goods necessary to meet the needs of the enterprise and fulfill other contracts related to their activities, and to receive a percentage of the concluded agreement. The process of creating a mobile application is presented in the form of stages of the project life cycle. Prospects for further research in this direction are the introduction of innovative development projects in beekeeping, which will allow to realize the high potential of the honey market of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsymbaliuk S. O., Kovtun O. A.
«Green» Human Resources Management: The Impact of Environmental Practices on the Organization’s Activities (p. 250 - 256)

In recent years, business has been increasingly interested in social responsibility, in particular in its environmental component. To implement environmental programs, organizations need employees who have «green» knowledge, share «green» values and have a worldview on protecting the environment, which requires the implementation of green practices in human resource management. The purpose of the study is to assess the impact of the practices of «green» human resource management on various aspects of the organization. The results of the study showed that the vast majority (95.1%) of respondents share the idea of the need to implement green practices in human resource management. The introduction of «green» human resource management practices has the greatest impact on the organization’s reputation and the employer’s brand. In this regard, when positioning the organization in the labor market and the market for goods (services), it is important to focus on environmental practices and sustainable corporate culture. The results of the study also justified the positive impact of the practices of «green» human resource management on the formation of environmentally responsible behavior of employees, the implementation of sustainable development goals, motivation and loyalty of employees, and labor results. The study justified the need for organizations to develop policies and strategies for «green» human resource management, the introduction of green practices at different stages of human resource management, the formation of a sustainable corporate culture. The results of the study can be used by organizations to substantiate the feasibility of introducing green practices in human resource management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumilo O. S., Mangushev D. V., Polyshchuk O. A.
Formation of the Marketing Management System of the Enterprise (p. 257 - 262)

The purpose of the article is to study the essence of the marketing management of the enterprise and the formation of its management system in order to ensure the sustainable functioning of the enterprise in the market. It is noted that the successful functioning of the enterprise in the modern market in the conditions of growing competition, the development of technologies depends on the use of marketing tools in activities that will contribute to the development and adaptation of the enterprise to volatile market conditions. Marketing management is considered as an innovative approach to enterprise management, allowing to achieve optimal economic performance and positive social effect at the same time, coordinating the different interests of owners, managers, employees, partners, consumers, and society. The application of an integrated approach to marketing management is substantiated, namely: the need to form a marketing management system in an enterprise with a significant number of interrelated structural components that differ in their goals, act autonomously, while integrating management functions and aiming at achieving a single goal – ensuring the stability of all areas of the enterprise in modern market conditions and transforming consumer needs into enterprise revenues. It is proposed, taking into account the provisions of the general theory of systems and management theory, to consider the marketing management system as a cybernetic system capable of transforming information. It is further noted that the marketing management system of an enterprise is an open system that is subject to the influence of the marketing environment, where the components are macro- and microenvironment. It is proved that the factors of the external (macro-) environment form the impact on marketing programs and on the marketing activities of enterprise, and the factors of the internal (micro) environment determine the marketing activity of the enterprise. Objective tendencies in the development of the marketing environment are defined. The model of the marketing management system as a logical-structural scheme is proposed, on the basis of which the algorithm for optimization and management of marketing activities is provided, where the interrelations and relationships of elements (in accordance with the functions of marketing management) are presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yevtushenko O. V., Нaponenko H. I., Shamara I. M.
Analyzing the Influence of Neuromarketing Components on the Behavior of Consumers of a Tourism Product (p. 262 - 270)

The purpose of the article is to determine the degree of influence of neuromarketing tools on the consumer of the tourism product. The influence of neuromarketing on the human senses, the so-called internal factors, is analyzed. A human has five main senses: eyes (sight); tongue (taste); ears (hearing); nose (smell) and skin (touch). The most important sense organ for marketers is sight. Most advertising campaigns are aimed at that. In second place in importance is hearing. There are four main types of neuromarketing: aroma marketing, atmosphere marketing, sensory marketing, and sound design. Sensory marketing is the most effective tool for influencing the human subconscious with the help of color and images. The speed at which a person receives information through the unconscious perception is 11 million bits per second, while the productivity of conscious perception is only 40 bits per second. Therefore, the most successful tourism advertising is advertising in the specialized industry publications. It is from there that a person receives the greatest amount of information that he remembers for a long period of time. The color scheme of tourism advertising material is also of great importance. The most effective is the one that uses blue-violet, dark blue, turquoise and intense lemon in its pictures and photos. It is the color that is in the first place among all other components of the presentation of the tourist enterprise. In second place is a detailed description, followed by music. It is important to use a beautiful aroma in the premises of the tourism enterprise. The most advisable are the aromas of fresh herbs, peppermint and grapefruit, sandalwood, geraniums and cinnamon, which should be placed in the hotel rooms, toilet, lobby, elevator and corridor. Smells are directly related to memory: having felt a certain aroma, a person’s brain reproduces everything connected with the stimulus. So, neuromarketing is a very important science, the use of which will allow travel companies, large brands, destinations, hotels, etc. to attract more customers, develop their products depending on their needs and make greater profits by conducting research on consumers of their services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bubenets I. H., Slomintsev D. M.
The Current Aspects of Digital Marketing: Key Performance Indicators (p. 271 - 276)

Due to the fact that new digital technologies are rapidly developing in the world, the process of digitalization of society, business and the State is actively underway, the present-day issue of digitalization of marketing activities of enterprises in order to timely adapt business to new challenges and ensure competitive advantages in the market is of relevance. The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of determining the essence of digital marketing, features of the use of channels, digital marketing technologies, analytical indicators, and instruments for its effective use. In the analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific works of many scholars, the practical aspects of digitalization of marketing were considered, the views of researchers on the definition of the concept of «digital marketing» were systematized. As a result of the study, modern digital marketing instruments and channels are allocated. The possibilities of digital marketing and the dynamics of its development are defined. It is noted that, in addition to communication channels, digital marketing involves the use of modern online technologies to process the necessary information and creates a strategic asset of the enterprise – a database. Based on data analysis, management and marketing decisions are made. Accordingly, an important component for the digitalization of the marketing activity of the enterprise is business analytics, which is formed and obtained using web analytics. It is substantiated that the effect of the introduction of digital marketing instruments and channels will allow to use knowledge about the necessary web analytics systems and key performance indicators that reflect the effectiveness of digital marketing. The prospect of further research in this direction is the development of digital marketing strategies for various business areas, taking into account the results of the analysis of the main performance indicators of digital marketing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Protsenko V. M., Protsenko A. V.
Digital Marketing in the Development of Pharmaceutical Companies: The Current Aspects and Perspectives (p. 277 - 283)

The article studies the modern aspects and prospects of using Digital marketing in the development of pharmaceutical companies. Digital marketing in the pharmaceutical industry has been found to help reach an expanded global customer base, providing multiple opportunities to enhance the promotion and sustainability of a pharmaceutical company. It was found that the practical tools of digital marketing are e-mail, electronic data detailing, augmented and virtual reality, the use of which reduces the costs of pharmaceutical companies. It was determined that due to modern conditions, pharmaceutical companies intensively use social network platforms for the promotion and branding of medicinal products. It was determined that such Digital marketing tactics as content marketing, search engine optimization, e-mail marketing, social media marketing, etc., are considered effective tools for the promotion of medicinal products. Digital marketing has been found to generate valuable information that has a significant impact on the pharmaceutical sector, so pharmaceutical companies build consumer satisfaction through phone applications and online networks, allowing the pharmaceutical company to increase sales and profits. It has been found that pharmaceutical companies are increasingly using social media as target customers increase public awareness of their drugs and services and seek more effective opportunities to engage with target audiences. It has been found that for pharmaceutical companies, the e-commerce platform is the foundation of their digital presence, and improving the customer-centric infrastructure with well-integrated systems will help ensure proper customer interaction. It has been determined that the benefits of social media and online marketing are particularly important for pharmaceutical companies, as they are crucial to ensure more effective digital marketing. It was established that following the results of January-June 2022, the pharmaceutical companies "Farmak", "Darnytsia" and "Acino" took the leading positions in terms of sales of medicinal products.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalchuk V. M.
Analyzing the Communication Environment of Higher Education Institutions (p. 284 - 292)

The article analyzes the communication environment of higher education institutions (HEIs). It was found out that the development of the communication environment of higher education institutions should be aimed at increasing the share of students involved in academic mobility programs, which will allow to obtain in the future highly qualified specialists with international experience. It is specified that the current level of integration of digital technologies into the working and personal space of everyone, its daily growth puts forward new requirements for the mass communication means. One of the most influential factors in the level of communication of higher education institutions is the active promotion of all web resources of HEIs on the Internet, taking into account the specifics (professional, age, gender, etc.) of the target audience. Under these conditions, the relevance of the analysis of the communication environment of higher education institutions is growing. It is noted that the analysis of communication contacts of universities, academies, institutes with students, applicants and their parents and stakeholders using social networks indicates that all HEIs have pages on social networks Instagram and Facebook. The social network Twitter was not so popular with universities for communication. However, Ukrainian universities, which are considered «flagship ones», add all the possibilities to communication, which is why each of them has a sufficient number of followers in all popular social networks. It is concluded that today there is an unconditional relationship between the number of subscribers of HEIs in social networks and its rating indicators. Comparison of the quantitative characteristics of social network activity in the three separated groups of HEIs leads to the further conclusions. Leading universities in Ukraine do not ignore the possibilities provided by the latest technologies, the total number of followers in all social networks of each of them amounts to tens of thousands. The highest rates are in Kharkiv National University named after Karazin (over 20000 Instagram and Facebook and nearly 1000 on Twitter). The number of subscribers of all other HEIs differ insignificantly and is largely due to the number of students of the relevant institutions and in most cases does not exceed the mark of 3000-5000 participants.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Reshetnyak O. I., Samilkina A. V., Nesterenko A. O.
The Modern Methods of Promoting Restaurant Services (p. 292 - 297)

Restaurant enterprises should strive to constantly adapt to customer needs and ever-changing market conditions, offering appropriate services, identifying adequate methods of communication and promotion. The article is aimed at studying modern methods of promotion and determining the most appropriate restaurant services for this in wartime. The article discusses the essence and directions of application of modern methods of promotion. It is proved that promotion methods are very important both during the COVID-19 pandemic and during the war, and the variability of the market environment necessitates the innovative orientation of the restaurant business. The relevance of the creation and use of modern methods of promotion in restaurant facilities is substantiated. The definitions of the essence of the concepts of «promotion», «traditional forms of promotion» have been improved. Promotion of restaurants is one of the mandatory directions of successful business. It is determined that the pandemic and martial law have significantly changed the conditions of existence of the restaurant business in Ukraine, but the current trends in the development of promotion methods can improve the state of this area, i. e.: automation, which has become a key trend in visitor service procedures – from receiving orders to calculating visitors; personalization – the possibility of the visitor feeling of interest on the part of the institution to his preferences in food and service, special needs, etc.; playing on the feelings and emotions of visitors – the main share of the content; influencer marketing, that is, using the authority of popular bloggers, sites and pages in social networks of famous people, which allows creating and conveying to the target audience the content that is better remembered due to its emotional component; charity and volunteering that help raise the image of the restaurant. Complete and reliable information about customers and their preferences plays a significant role in promotion. The main modern methods of promotion are highlighted, with the help of which the enterprise will not only earn decent money, but also become popular in the city. Each of these methods is unique and requires the attention of marketers, you also need to have a specific strategy on how to use each method. The modern consumer has become more demanding both to the product itself and to the ways it has to be presented. Therefore, the more unique the method of providing information, the more successful the advertising will be.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kononov O. I.
Formation of Complex Value of Enterprise Based on Digital Marketing: The Theoretical Aspects (p. 250 - 257)

The purpose of the article is a theoretical substantiation of the process of forming the complex value of an enterprise based on digital marketing in the current conditions of economic management. According to the results of the carried out study, it was found that it is necessary to generalize the approaches to defining the essence of the value category that exist in various international standards, compare them with the interpretation of value in accordance with domestic standards, and on this basis lay the foundations for determining the complex value of the enterprise, which takes into account generally accepted concepts and reflects the domestic features of the formation of enterprise value based on digital marketing under market development conditions. In this article, it is proposed to define the complex value of the enterprise as an estimated value equal to the amount of money formed taking into account marketing factors, the value of the enterprise by tangible assets and the potential of the intellectual marketing capital of the enterprise. The conception of forming the complex value of an enterprise based on digital marketing involves the selection of key value factors. After all, digital marketing is not an alternative to «traditional», but new opportunities that allow to achieve impressive results. And the combination of factors and their gauges, transformed into a marketing function, is called the intellectual marketing capital of the enterprise. It is proposed to include the following ones to the marketing factors for the formation of the complex value of the enterprise: brand and trust in it; reputation as a result of the application of digital marketing; marketing information system that uses the capabilities of Big Data; marketing strategy based on the use of digital marketing tools; customer loyalty based on trusting relationships. Thus, the study considers the conception of forming the complex value of an enterprise based on digital marketing and provides a scheme for its formation, which involves the selection of key value factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanenko V. O., Kaschuck K. M., Botsian T. V., Klimova I. O.
Menu Analysis as an Effective Marketing Tool for Increasing the Restaurant Establishments’ Profitability (p. 258 - 263)

The realities of today and the increasing turbulence of the external environment force economic entities to respond quickly to market pulsations. Accordingly, marketing is an effective tool for the growth of the restaurant business and determines the philosophy of its management, and timely marketing analysis of the menu ensures strengthening of positions in the market and victory in the competition. The purpose of the study is to further develop the methodological provisions for the restaurants’ menu analysis in order to increase the profitability level of such establishments. The article substantiates the relevance of using ABC analysis of the menu as one of the most effective marketing tools in the restaurant business, the results of which change prices, exclude items that are not sold from the menu, or vice versa, new products are introduced, the implementation of dishes that are most profitable for the restaurant is activated. Taking into account the specifics of restaurant facilities, it is proposed to carry out a classic ABC analysis not by one, but by three effective indicators: volume of sales, revenue, and gross profit, which allows for a multidimensional analysis of the menu by determining for each dish a combination of three letters denoting the selected parameters (AAA, ABA, ABC, BBC, SSS, etc.). Recommendations for 27 possible combinations of selected parameters have been formed and directions for increasing sales volumes, increasing prices and reducing the cost of dishes are outlined. So, ABC analysis allows identifying «leader dishes» and «outsider dishes» in the menu, as well as to make a decision about the assortment of dishes on the menu: identify dishes that need to be more actively promoted; identify dishes that need to be worked on in terms of cost reduction; adjust pricing in the menu in the direction of decreasing or increasing the selling price; justify the expediency of spending on certain types of raw materials, in particular, on those positions with low sales volumes; identify dishes that overlap in the composition of ingredients; identify menu groups that need to be expanded, as well as positions that can be safely replaced with new ones or simply removed from the menu.

Article is written in English


Vostriakova V. I.
Bioeconomy as a Complex System of Ensuring the Country’s Sustainable Development (p. 167 - 177)

Bioeconomy is a complex economic system, the functioning of which leads to the emergence of a synergy effect due to the effective combination of natural resources and technologies along with the market-based, social, and political components. In a bioeconomic system, established links are formed between traditional industries based on the use of fossil natural resources and modern ones that have not previously intersected. As a result, one industry uses by-products of another industry as raw materials, thus forming a closed production cycle. The purpose of the article is to develop an author’s vision of the conceptual foundations to substantiate the sustainability of the bioeconomic system, taking into account its specific characteristics, modern challenges and potential of the country. The article reveals the features of transformations of socioeconomic systems into a complex adaptive bioeconomic system in a dynamic perspective. The complexity and complicacy of transformation management lies in the relationship and interaction of the elements of the system, as well as between the very system and its environment. A theoretical analysis of the evolution of the concept of «bioeconomy» is carried out and its basic properties are determined. The interpretation of the bioeconomy as a complex adaptive system that ensures the achievement of sustainable development goals is substantiated. Based on empirical data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the European Commission, potential sectors of the bioeconomic sector of Ukraine have been identified, and the dynamics of the contribution of potential sectors of Ukraine’s economy to the national economy has been analyzed according to the main indicators: generation of value added and creation of jobs. Based on the theoretical and analytical research, it is proved that bioeconomy, as a complex system combining several sectors of the economy, can adapt to changes occurring in the environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumska H. М.
Elaborating the Directions for Ensuring the Effectiveness of Public Administration as a Basis for Socioeconomic Development of Ukraine (p. 177 - 184)

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the leading directions of ensuring the effectiveness of public administration in Ukraine, which will allow achieving sustainable socioeconomic development of the country and ensuring the provision of quality services to its population. The importance of effective activity of public authorities to ensure the stable operation of the system of public management and administration in the context of reforms and martial law in Ukraine is proved. The author, on the basis of a thorough study of the quality of service provision to citizens, an evaluation of the efficiency of the work of government bodies, as well as in face of the need to increase the level of professional competence of their staff, identified a significant number of unresolved issues and novel problems in the activities of public authorities that have worsened in the process of implementing reforms in Ukraine. Based on the assessment of the answers of respondents from different regions of Ukraine regarding the level of performance of tasks in the main areas of responsibilities of public authorities, in the course of an online telephone survey areas in which difficulties often arise and areas where solving these difficulties is problematic are identified as follows: the provision of administrative services, human resource management, and human resource management policies. The analysis of factors that influence the increase in the efficiency of public authorities made it possible to identify the main directions of improving their activities: increasing the level of competence of the staff of public authorities and introducing new procedures in the activities of public authorities, in particular quality management systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015. It is substantiated that the introduction of a quality management system into the overall management system of public authorities will allow to most fully meet the requirements of citizens for the provision of services and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of government bodies. It is revealed that the use of trainings has a positive effect on increasing the level of professional competence of government personnel and on the efficiency and effectiveness of public authorities in general. Therefore, in order to ensure the efficient and effective activities of public authorities and increase the effectiveness of team interaction between the staff of these bodies, it is proposed to conduct team-building trainings using modern information technologies. Conducting these trainings will improve the skills of teamwork of public authorities to provide quality services to citizens, create a positive socio-psychological climate in the team and, as a result, ensure the improvement of the activities of public authorities. The proposed directions will ensure an increase in the effectiveness of the public administration system in Ukraine and will allow achieving sustainable socioeconomic development of the country and providing quality services to its population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rybalko-Rak L. A., Bilan L. P., Derzhii R. V., Kyzhel N. L.
The Decision-Making Procedure Regarding the Choice of Modern Information Technologies in the Conception of the Process Approach to Enterprise Management (p. 184 - 190)

The business environment of economic entities is complex, dynamic and changeable, so management entities must respond quickly to such changes, in particular through the introduction of the process approach to management, allowing the enterprises to remain competitive. The study of the considered issues indicates the need to introduce the latest technologies for optimizing and managing the enterprise processes through the use of information technologies. The purpose of the article is to develop an algorithm for making a decision on the choice of modern information technologies in the conception of the process approach to enterprise management. The article proves the relevance of the process approach to enterprise management at the present stage of development of society; an analytical review of modern software platforms was carried out, the use of which significantly increases the efficiency of the process approach to enterprise management; an integrated approach to the establishment of successive stages of the choice of tools for supporting information technologies in the process management of an enterprise for each specific case is substantiated. The aim of the study was achieved with the help of the applied methodology, which included general scientific techniques and research methods, in particular analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction (in order to clarify the essence and characteristics of the object and subject of study); scientific abstraction, logical analysis (in order to establish the causes, factors of influence, consequences for the object and subject of study); both the integrated and the system approaches (in order to build an algorithm for deciding on the choice of modern information technologies in the conception of the process approach to enterprise management). Further scientific research on the proposed issues will be determined by the consideration that the rapid development of modern technologies, in the conditions of progressive informatization of society, requires a revision of the basic principles of process management at the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymko O. V.
Integration of Risk Management Into the Quality Management System of Trading Enterprise (p. 191 - 196)

The article is aimed at studying the features of the risk-oriented approach in the context of the development of quality management systems as an instrument for management of trading enterprises to solve the problems of increasing their competitiveness, ensuring risk resistance and risk protection. The economic essence of risk as an integral element of the economic and financial activity of the enterprise, which in its manifestation poses a threat to the achievement of the established goals of this activity in conditions of uncertainty and lack of complete information at the time of making decisions on planning, management, coordination, control of the enterprise’s activities, is covered. The list of risks inherent in the activities of commercial enterprises is considered. The classification of risks depending on the type of trade object, group of goods, functional divisions of the trading enterprise and the subsystems has been improved, which allows to deepen research in this direction and objectively determine the areas in which the degree of risk corresponds to the characteristics of the activity. The content and sequence of the main stages of risk management in a trading enterprise are characterized. The article considers features of various approaches to risk management: adaptive, functional, system, process-oriented. It is argued that the lack of an integrated risk management policy of a trading enterprise aimed at implementing strategic development goals leads to: insufficient coordination of individual managerial decisions in this area of various functional services; low level of implementation and use of modern methods and tools for identification and assessment of risks; insufficient substantiation of risk management models in various operations of the trade and technological process; use of inefficient forms of control over the result of the chosen risk solution. A conception of implementing the risk management in the quality management system of a trading enterprise, implemented in accordance with ISO 9001: 2015, is proposed. This conception will provide integrated management of material, financial, information, service flows in business processes between the functional areas of procurement, transportation, warehousing, production, implementation in the performance of management functions of analysis, planning, organization, coordination, motivation, control in compliance with the principles of consistency, efficiency, continuity, cyclicality, variateness, adaptability, mutual consistency, as well as the completeness of the functions of such management and the use of a unified approach to the mechanism of enterprise management. The normative-methodological base of risk management within the documented quality management system of the enterprise is considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Guseva O. Y., Zakharzhevska A. A.
Diagnostics of the Development of Risk Management of Telecommunications Enterprises (p. 196 - 202)

The article provides an in-depth diagnosis of the development of risk management of telecommunications enterprises, taking into account the existing level of organization of risk management and the level of the enterprises’ economic stability in the context of digitalization of business processes. Thus, the imperatives for diagnosing the efficiency of risk management development are substantiated; a typology of clusters of telecommunication enterprises has been formed to determine the level of development of risk management; a system of indicators for assessing the level of organization of risk management of telecommunication enterprises and for determining the level of economic stability of the enterprise, taking into account risk factors, is proposed. Based on the proposed scientific-methodological approach, the coefficients of efficiency of risk management development are calculated and the level of efficiency is determined. It is found that the leading telecommunication enterprises of Ukraine, namely, PJSC «Kyivstar», PJSC «VF Ukraine», LLC «lifesell» and PJSC «Ukrtelecom» have a fairly high (above average or average) level of risk management development. The highest level of risk management development and the least «radical» focus of changes in risk management strategy is provided by Kyivstar PJSC. This enterprise has a progressive level of organization of risk management and the highest level of economic stability among the studied enterprises. PJSC «VF Ukraine» (2nd place after PJSC «Kyivstar») and LLC «lifesell» (respectively – 3rd place) have a sufficiently high (on the scale of «above average») level of risk management development. It is determined that at the present stage these enterprises have a standard, with elements of progressive, level of development of risk management and are sufficiently prepared for the use of innovative risk reduction mechanisms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zakharova N. Y.
Risk Management in the Enterprise: The Essence, Approaches, and Methods (p. 203 - 209)

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the features of risk management at the enterprise in conditions of uncertainty of the situation to increase its adaptive capabilities and maneuverability, as well as to outline the basic principles and methods allowing to quickly respond to existing and potential threats and to limit the negative impact of risks on the activities of the enterprise. The author identifies the transformation of the approach to the formation of a risk management system from financially-oriented to personnel-oriented. It is found that in the process of risk management, a register of risks along with a risk map should be formed and appropriate management measures should be worked out, which should not formally, but actually improve the quality of management. Based on the changing circumstances of business functioning, the basic principles of risk management in the enterprise are identified, including the following: systematicity, integratedness, comprehensiveness, efficiency, dynamism, prevention, consistency, multi-variateness. The stages of risk management in the enterprise are allocated, the quality of which affects the overall result that will be obtained in the end. Approaches to risk management in the enterprise are substantiated and attention is focused on the need for their regular review and adaptation to the conditions, which will ensure compliance with the requirements of dynamism and flexibility of business decision-making. The methods of risk management in the enterprise are systematized. It is proved that the methods can be applied both at the stage of preliminary elaboration of risks and managerial decision-making regarding them, and in the process of their transformation consequently to a certain level of uncertainty inherent in both the external and the internal environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Poplavska O. M., Danylevych N. S., Gula A. V.
Internal Corporate Communications in the Digital Environment (p. 229 - 235)

The purpose of the article is to study the features of building the digitalized internal corporate communications. Digitalization has affected the economic activities of enterprises, institutions, organizations, as it has altered the «costs – profits» flows. At the same time, this was reflected in the relations of employees between themselves, also between employees and management, that is, in the internal corporate communications. The grade of importance of internal corporate communications as part of the company’s activities is determined by the practical tasks that are solved with their help: increasing the involvement and productivity of employees, organizing the information support, transferring care for employees, informing employees about the activities and development of the company, the employees’ understanding of business priorities, ensuring the efficiency of setting tasks, uniting staff in difficult situations, managing change, simplifying intercultural communications, brand promotion, etc. Internal processes in the banking sector have the greatest potential for digitalization. Therefore, it has been suggested that the results of assessing the quality of internal corporate communications in banks can be assigned to their quality in the digital environment. According to the results of the survey of employees of the banking sector, the quality of internal corporate communications in the digital environment is high and amounts to 90-100%. At the same time, bank staff also pointed to the potential for their improvement, in particular: overcoming management’s detachment from staff needs, reducing the risk of spreading rumors, increasing satisfaction with means of communication.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokhan I. V., Popovskyi V. H.
Formation of Competitive Advantages as the Foundation of Strong Competitiveness of Enterprises (p. 236 - 241)

The purpose of the article is to provide a definition for the «sustainable competitive advantage», outline the different types of advantages and highlight the factors that should be considered when forming such a definition. It is identified that a sustainable competitive advantage is something that a company does better than its competitors for a long period. An advantage can be a company asset, a value, quality, or a characteristic that others find difficult to reproduce. As a result, the advantage factor allows the company to stand out in the market and rise above competitors. Presence of this competition factor helps the company increase sales, increase brand awareness, or make a bigger profit compared to other similar businesses. Several factors affecting an organization’s sustained advantage are allocated, including resource factor, variable cost structure, distribution network, customer service, and intellectual property. The formation of competitive advantages in building a market strategy for the development of a company consists in understanding and successful manipulation with external and internal factors of influence, subject to limited resources and unlimited opportunities. Resources can be combined and developed into abilities, which in turn creates key competencies. Opportunities is a firm’s ability to turn resources into competitive products and processes. They are difficult to document as procedures, and therefore difficult to copy. Intangible resources, as a rule, are the main source of unique strategic opportunities. In turn, capabilities are a more likely source of unique core competencies that create sustainable competitive advantages. The essence of the strategy is to choose actions that differ from competitors – a company can outperform competitors only if it can establish a difference that it will be able to maintain.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pererva I. M.
Leadership Styles and Their Place in Managing the Enterprise Activities (p. 241 - 248)

The development and efficiency of the enterprise’s activity in modern conditions directly depend on the style and efficiency of management activities. In view of this, the purpose of the study is to generalize scientific opinions on the interpretation of the concept of «leadership style», to closer define the essence and content of this term; systematization of scientific views on the selection of management styles according to behavioral and situational approaches. As a result of the study, it was found out that the definition of «leadership style» is reduced to a set of techniques, methods, mechanisms of influence for solving management problems. A style generates a stable behavior of the manager according to his individual psychological characteristics. Using the method of classification and the system approach, scientific views on the selection of management styles in accordance with behavioral and situational approaches are systematized. It is emphasized that with a behavioral approach, effective management depends not so much on the individual characteristics of the manager as on the compliance of his behavior with a certain situation, the level of his qualifications and the actions taken. Proponents of the situational approach point out that different situations and circumstances require different leaders with qualitatively different traits, resulting in team members who have the most necessary qualities for certain circumstances and will show themselves as leaders. The article proposes to single out separately such a leadership style as «chaos management». The main factors influencing the choice of leadership style are identified: personal and emotional composition; educational and cultural levels; the level of maturity of the team and its cohesion; circumstances that have developed; experience and cultural level of the manager, etc. Prospects for further research can be aimed at analyzing the features of chaos management and developing practical recommendations for changing this management model to more efficient ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ovcharenko P. Y.
Applying the Non-Parametric Methods for Assessing the Efficiency of Primary Health Care Institutions (p. 248 - 257)

The medical reform carried out in Ukraine in recent years has led to the emergence of a number of managerial problems faced by the heads of health care institutions. Now they are forced to perform the entire scope of management functions, including the assessment and analysis of performance of the headed institutions. The article poses the problem of inconsistency of the arrays of primary data for assessing and analyzing the efficiency of health care institutions and secondary economic and statistical models of processing these data in order to useful information support regarding the actions of the management of institutions. The structure and content of primary data do not fit any model of further processing due to the non-compliance of the system for collecting arrays of primary data with the key requirements and principles of forming such arrays. The purpose of the article is to identify, on the basis of the calculation experiment, the key problems of domestic approaches to the formation of primary data for the use of non-parametric models for assessing the performance of health care institutions and to develop recommendations for solving these problems. To solve the tasks set, the world experience on the effective application of non-parametric models for evaluating the effectiveness of health care institutions was analyzed, the appropriate factual material was selected and a calculation experiment was carried out to establish a simple causal relationship between the indicators of evaluation of health care institutions, which are components of statistical accounting indicators approved by the State in this sphere. It is found that currently a very large number of indicators are used for evaluation, with excessive use of cost effectiveness indicators, while the statistical relationship of the behavior of indicators against each other is insignificant or absent altogether because the dominant principle of the selection of indicators is statistical availability and regularity of initial data. The main directions of solving the indicated problem are: changing approaches to the formation of primary indicators for the activities of health care institutions in general, necessarily basing not on the simplicity of their calculation, but on the requirements of models of further economic and statistical processing; structuring of the primary information base according to the directions of institutional interaction at the local level and uniform filling with appropriate and adequate assessment indicators by each of the directions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Budnik M. M., Dronova D. S.
Time Management and Modern Technologies (p. 257 - 262)

The purpose of the article is to illuminate the results of authors’ research on the use of modern technologies in time management of enterprises, namely, in the management of working time and the prevention of loss of working time, which significantly affect the efficiency of the entire enterprise. The subject of the study were methodological approaches to the process of time management at the enterprise. The theoretical and methodological basic of the research constituted modern technologies and methods of automating the accounting of working time at the enterprise, quoted in the scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists concerning the topic of the article. The authors’ own concept is formulated as follows: «Time management is one of the means of achieving success, which is a direction of management aimed at the rational distribution of one’s own time using various technologies.» The methodology of effective and rational use and accounting of time at the enterprise through the use of modern time management technologies has been further developed. In the course of the analysis, several available modern information and analytical systems were considered. The choice of a specific information and analytical system depends on the nature of the enterprise, development strategy, the needs of the manager and each individual employee. During the implementation of automated systems, it is worthwhile to analyze the existing use of working time and determine the desired results. The authors propose various information and analytical systems that are the most versatile and convenient to use. Prospects for further research are coverage of the use of information and analytical systems by Ukrainian enterprises and assessment of the effectiveness of the existing level of automation of working time management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chukurna O. P.
Tools of Ecological Marketing in the Price Policy of the Enterprise in the Conditions of Sustainable Development (p. 263 - 270)

The article substantiates the relevance of taking into account ecological marketing solutions in the price policy of the enterprise in the conditions of sustainable development. Sustainable development involves focusing on the ecological factor as one of the key aspects of the strategy of sustainable development of enterprises. In this context, the marketing decisions in the part of the price strategy of the enterprise become relevant, since it is the price factor that is the most influential in creating additional value. The purpose of the article is to study the influence of factors of ecological marketing decisions on the formation of the price policy of enterprises in the conditions of sustainable development. That is an influential factor influencing the formation of the general strategy of sustainable development of the enterprise, as a reserve for the creation of added value. As a result of the conducted research, the strategy of price differentiation based on the environmental properties of the product was substantiated. It was proposed the formation of the price on the basis of an additional price premium for markets with a high level of demand for ecologically safe goods. A matrix of price differentiation strategies based on the ecological properties of the product is developed. The evolution of approaches to ecological innovations is improved, taking into account the purpose of pricing. Prospects for further research should be the determination of mutual coordination of all sustainable development goals when making marketing decisions in terms of influence on the formation of a general marketing strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koberniuk S. O.
Digital Technologies in Agrarian Marketing (p. 270 - 277)

This article is aimed at studying the current directions of application of digital technologies in agrarian marketing. The purpose of the article is to define current trends in the development of digital technologies in order to evaluate their potential, problems of use, adaptation of opportunities to improve the efficiency of marketing activities of agro-industrial enterprises. The article defines digital trends in the global economy and economy of Ukraine, analyzes the dynamics of the e-advertising market in Ukraine, identifies priority platforms for the development of digital marketing by business entities in the agrarian sector. The main theoretical approaches to substantiating the feasibility of using digital instruments by agricultural enterprises are revealed. The key advantages of using social networks, e-commerce, mobile applications as platforms to improve the efficiency of agribusiness are defined. The main conceptual task in building a marketing strategy of the company is a combination of tactics, operational means, mechanisms for implementing innovative ideas for brand formation, winning leading competitive positions, overcoming development barriers and contradictions in the organization of interaction with market entities. The practice of using digital instruments, such as e-commerce, social networks, search engine optimization of sites (SEO, SMO), mobile applications and others, has proven their high performance and leading role in the rapid processing of market data, building effective communications, reducing costs, mastering new consumer segments. The world’s leading marketers insist on this processes, describing them in modern conception of «marketing 4.0» and «marketing 5.0». Attention is also paid to the analysis of the problems that companies may face in the process of implementing digitalization projects for marketing activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chobitok V. I., Kononov O. I.
The Impact of Intellectual Marketing Capital on the Complex Value of Industrial Enterprises (p. 278 - 284)

The purpose of the article is a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the scientific-practical process of diagnosing the influence of the intellectual marketing capital of the enterprise on its complex cost in modern conditions of economic management. According to the results of the study, it is found that in modern conditions, intellectual marketing capital can undoubtedly be a competitive advantage. Its influence and evaluation are important instruments for the capitalization of the enterprise, by means of which it is possible to create an attractive corporate image, from a marketing point of view, and increase the complex value of the enterprise. Based on the analysis of different approaches, intellectual marketing capital can be considered as: an aggregate of values; the process of transforming knowledge and intangible assets into resources; the result of the enterprise’s efforts to form, use and increase it. Therefore, intellectual marketing capital should be understood as a system of intellectual values (knowledge, experience, creativity, skills), information, organizational capabilities, information channels, which in the process of their reproduction create intellectual advantages of the enterprise in the market. The main function of intellectual marketing capital is to significantly accelerate the growth of profit by forming and implementing the systems of knowledge, things and relations necessary for an enterprise, which, in turn, ensure highly efficient business activities taking into account the conditions of digital technologies. The article proposes a scientific-practical approach to diagnosing the intellectual marketing capital of an industrial enterprise, which includes five stages, and a model of the impact of the intellectual marketing capital of an industrial enterprise on its complex value, in the context of which it is advisable to study both financial and non-financial indicators, since not all components of intellectual marketing capital can be expressed in monetary terms. The practical significance of the results obtained is that the proposed models allow for a more accurate assessment of intellectual marketing capital, which will increase the efficiency of its use at different levels of management and increase the complex value of the enterprise. The results of the research allow further consideration of a strategic approach to the formation of the complex value of an industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hladkova O. V.
Implementing the Lean Management Tools in the Management of a Health Care Institution (p. 145 - 152)

The article is aimed at developing proposals for introducing lean management tools in the management of a health care institution. It is proved that lean management is a modern managerial philosophy that allows to increase the efficiency of the process execution in an organization. It should be considered as a style of both leadership and management system. Today, lean management is being actively implemented in the healthcare sector of foreign countries and, using its tools, it is possible to achieve cost reduction while improving the quality of patient care, in particular, reducing waiting times for examinations, procedures and operations. The publication outlines the main losses that are characteristic of health care institutions, and notes that before introducing the appropriate lean management tools in the activities of the selected health care institution – a communal non-profit enterprise, it is necessary to search for problem areas of activity that reduce its efficiency. On the example of the selected communal non-profit enterprise, the following problem areas were disclosed, their ranking was carried out, on the basis of which a two-dimensional ABC matrix was built – the importance/urgency of eliminating problem areas. With its help, problem areas that need priority elimination have been identified. In order to solve the issue, such a tool of saving production as value stream mapping was used, and with its help, also using the «Why – Why?» technique, an updated patient path map was proposed in the outpatient department of health care institutions, which will minimize the loss of time for receiving medical services, increase attention to the patient and ensure the growth of the overall consumer quality of medical services. The next stage in improving the management process of health care institutions on the basis of saving production should be the development of solutions to overcome the problem areas of activities of health care institutions – communal non-profit enterprises by developing appropriate instructions and standard operating procedures, as well as further training of personnel in order to improve their professional skills.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mozgova H. V., Yevtushenko V. A., Sierkova N. V.
A Theoretical Substantiation of Features of Formation and Development of Management of Foreign Economic Activity of the Enterprise (p. 152 - 157)

The article is aimed at theoretical substantiation of features of formation and development of management of foreign economic activity of enterprise. With the help of research of scientific works of contemporary scientists, the causes and advantages of the development of foreign economic activity, the main rules and principles of its implementation at the enterprise generally accepted by the legislation of Ukraine and society, were systematized. Further, the most important methods and measures for the formation of sustainable and effective development are defined. Successful implementation of foreign economic activity involves research and passing through the stages presented in the article. Enterprises that are not familiar with the basic principles of management often face the problem of organizing the management of foreign economic activity, because the presence of a quality product does not guarantee success in the international market. Of great importance is management that uses modern technologies and provides the ability to adapt to any conditions in order to achieve the best result. It is noted that it is important to select a qualified and experienced manager who is capable of constant improvement and of using the latest methods and technologies for the successful activities. Prospects for further research in this direction are the search for new management methods that help to adapt the enterprise to modern changes in the international market and strengthen competitiveness. Further development of foreign economic activity management opens up many opportunities and prospects and is a factor in supporting the economy of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Herashchenko І. M.
Planning the Enterprise Strategy by Provision of Consistency in the Levels of Competitiveness of Human Resources and Enterprises (p. 157 - 166)

To ensure the expected effectiveness of the labor process, human resources – through the formation and development of the necessary competencies, along with employing enterprises – through the creation of favorable conditions of work and a decent pay to ensure the necessary quality of working life – should be competitive in the labor market. There are many participants in the labor market who offer the ability to work (employees), the labor consumers (employers), the labor intermediaries (recruitment agencies), the authorities that set the rules for regulating relations between these participants (the State, acting indirectly through the employment centers). Their interests, preferences, requirements and relationships are often not consistent with each other, the reason for which is the influence of many factors. As an instrumentarium for this stage of research, the method of fuzzy sets was chosen, the essence of which is that it is impossible to clearly define the quantitative parameters of the object under study, but it is possible to more accurately describe its characteristics using linguistic variables such as «good», «medium», «high», etc. The stage of implementation of the fuzzy inference method is the phasefication of the initial linguistic variable «the degree of consistency of the levels of competitiveness of human resources and enterprises in the labor market». At the next stage of the methodological approach to providing consistency of the levels of competitiveness of human resources and enterprises in the labor market, a set of standard measures is being developed to ensure mutual compliance of the requirements of employers and employees to their competitiveness, which can be used: by employers in the formation of requirements for the competencies of employees; by employees – when determining employment opportunities and assessing their own competence level; by educational institutions – when creating curricula and plans; by employment centers – when analyzing and monitoring the labor market, developing vocational training programs for the unemployed and fulfilling the employers’ applications to fill existing vacancies. The proposed methodical approach allows moving from a multi-parametric problem in conditions of different types of parameters to solving the problem using the values of the function of belonging to a fuzzy set of levels of competitiveness. The obtained results allow, on the basis of a quantitative criterion, to formulate the level of already working personnel at the enterprise and to determine for it potential competitors in the labor market from the position of attractiveness of a certain employer.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voit B. R.
The Essence of Enterprise Communications and Their Role in the Process of Enterprise Management (p. 166 - 171)

The purpose of the article is to analyze, along with further improvement and adaptation, the essence and importance of communications to the management system of enterprises and organizations in the current conditions of their functioning. The article analyzes and shows the role of communications in the functioning of enterprises depending on a particular type of enterprise activity. The analysis of existing studies allowed to identify the approaches from which scholars consider the concept of communication, namely: philosophical, social, linguistic, economic, and psychological. Among the most relevant definitions of «communication» for today’s events in Ukraine, the study chose the most appropriate interpretation of the concept of communication as a process by which we provide and transmit meaning in an attempt to create a common understanding. This process requires a huge set of skills. This interpretation helps to adapt the definition as accurately as possible to the events currently taking place in our country and in business, when it is necessary to reflect a common understanding of the situation. Also, based on the analysis of current definitions of the concept of «communication», the author has proposed his own vision of this concept and defined communication as an opportunity to unite like-minded people whose goal is to solve a certain problem with the possible further maintenance of relations to maintain a common understanding of a situation or event. In general, the results of the analysis show that the understanding of the content of communication in the management system of enterprises and organizations has certain peculiarities depending on their activities and the approach used for analysis. Managers at enterprises should take a more balanced approach to understanding the communication process, as this will ensure the formation of an internal microclimate in the team, successful interaction both within the organization and externally, and, ultimately, will help to increase the efficiency of the management process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolodiazhna T. V., Kylnytska Y. V.
Business Plan in the Economic Entity’s Activity Planning System (p. 171 - 175)

The article examines the essential characteristics of business planning and business plans, defines their role in the system of enterprise planning, the functional purpose and place of business plans in the process of preparing and promoting business projects. On the basis of theoretical studies of the concept of "entrepreneurship", it was determined that practically all activities of any commercial structure (organization whose purpose is to make a profit) in the market economy represent entrepreneurship. It was concluded that in order to build a clear system of enterprise plans, the term "business planning" should be used only in the context of developing business plans and consider it (business planning) as an independent type of technical and economic planning, along with tactical and strategic planning. The article examines the essence and relationship of the categories of "project", "business project" and "business plan". Various points of view regarding the important differences between a business plan and a business project are analyzed. A classification of business plans for business objects is given. The conducted analysis showed that the development of business projects largely determines the effectiveness of business planning as a tool for ensuring the economic security of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova M. І., Shvets V. Y., Sannikova S. F., Varianychenko O. V., Bardas A. V.
Social Responsibility as a Key Competence for Ensuring Sustainable Development of Enterprises (p. 176 - 186)

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the relevance of forming an effective partnership between business and public organizations to ensure sustainable development, using the concept of social responsibility (CSR) as a key competence. The competencies of modern companies allow shaping the strategic development of an enterprise as an open system, taking into account the impact of environmental, social and economic factors in compliance with the concept of social responsibility, which positively affects consumer loyalty, corporate reputation, satisfaction and trust of business partners, ensures the implementation of a sustainable development strategy. The study used general scientific and special methods of system-structural analysis and synthesis to determine the relationship between sustainable development, sustainable development strategy, social responsibility and CSR; method of comparison – to determine the motives of business in CSR and the factors that contribute to the attractiveness of public organizations (POs) in relation to business expectations; and systematization method – to determine the benefits that business receives from cooperation with POs. Based on the results of the literature review, the author distinguishes the levels of social responsibility (personal, enterprise, public, national, global); goals and objectives of corporate social responsibility and its relationship with the sustainable development strategy. It is found that the highest level of CSR is charitable activity. The research has shown the feasibility and necessity of partnership between business and public organizations. When selecting partners for cooperation in the implementation of socially important initiatives, it is advisable to rely on the research of the ESG transparency index of Ukrainian companies and choose partners with a higher level of information disclosure according to the criteria of «CSR Policy» and «Integration of Sustainable Development Goals into the CSR strategy/company goals (commitments)». Partnership cooperation between business and public organizations helps to speed up the decision-making process and gives more confidence that their support will be used properly. Prospects for further research include assessing the effectiveness of the implementation of the enterprise’s CSR strategy and adapting the use of ecological, social and governance (ESG) sustainability assessment indicators to the conditions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaminich S. Y., Sokol P. M., Hordiichuk S. M.
Evaluating the Success Factors of Logistics Companies in a Modern Business Environment (p. 187 - 192)

The aim of the article is to study the main factors influencing the success of logistics companies in the current economic environment. The authors analyze current trends in the logistics industry, consider the main strategies used by logistics companies to achieve success. The main success factors are illuminated, such as: efficient supply chain management, use of modern technologies and innovations, development of partnerships with customers and suppliers, as well as the ability to respond quickly to changes in the market environment. The authors discuss the problems faced by logistics companies in the current economic environment: increased competition, increased customer demands, volatile fuel prices and other factors that may adversely affect the activities of logistics companies. Despite these challenges, logistics companies have great potential for development and expansion of their operations. Among the prospects for development are the increased use of new technologies such as drones and autonomous vehicles, improved supply chain management, and the development of environmentally friendly solutions. The authors of the article also draw attention to the importance of human resource management, maintaining a high level of employee motivation, ensuring the quality of services, assessing and managing risks, managing costs, and improving the efficiency of business processes. It is substantiated that the development of the logistics industry will take place in the direction of strengthening the integration of technologies, increasing the quality of services and improving risk management. Recommendations for improving the work of logistics companies are proposed, and it is concluded that the success of logistics companies depends on an integrated approach to management, as well as flexibility and adaptability to changing market conditions. The results of the study can be useful both for managers of logistics companies and for those interested in developing in this area. The article is an important study that allows us to better understand current trends in the logistics industry, as well as to identify problems and prospects for its development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rybchuk A. V., Lapchuk Y. S., Palasevych M. B., Zinkevych V. I.
The Methodological Instrumentarium for Managing Business Processes in an Organization (p. 193 - 199)

The article analyzes the essence and content of business processes in a broad sense: as a structured sequence of actions to perform a certain type of activity at all stages of the life cycle of the subject of activity – from the creation of a conceptual idea through design to implementation and obtaining results. It is noted that there is no standard list of business processes – each organization must develop its own «architecture» of such processes. Concerning the aforesaid, the experience of implementing the process management has testified to the advisability of identifying and classifying the business processes by a specially formed team, which must include: the owners of the organization, top managers, and specialists who know the problems and technologies of the company. It is emphasized that process management helps to optimize the use of resources, reduce financial costs, increase the efficiency of the organization and the quality of work, increase customer and employee satisfaction, while process modeling and analysis allow to develop the organization, improve the efficiency and quality of its functioning. It is shown that in practice, business processes are usually determined based on the needs of customers, and it is important to ensure the smooth execution of the process, which, in turn, will allow the organization to increase added value and maximize the usefulness and value of products and services for its customers. The authors prove the need to use business process reengineering as a special approach to reforming the organization’s activities, which consists in a fundamental redesign of work processes in the organization in order to improve key indicators, reduce costs and, ultimately, increase profits.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dybach I. L., Golikova Y. K.
The Analytical Aspects of Personnel Management in the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise (p. 199 - 205)

The article is aimed at studying the analytical prerequisites for efficient management of enterprise personnel as human capital in the context of activation of economic activity of enterprise in foreign markets. The article specifies that the contemporary category of «human capital» has several definitions and is constantly being updated. Thus, it was defined that nowadays the human capital of an enterprise represents a set of qualitative characteristics of a person, an object of investment, part of the total capital, a stock or a set of individual potentials of a person, and can also be considered as an opportunity to use the knowledge and skills of employees. During the study, it was emphasized that today it is the company’s personnel that allows building competitive advantages and achieving results in the professional activities of the enterprise. The authors summarize that this issue is especially relevant for enterprises operating in international markets, since the qualification of an employee should allow timely response to drastic changes that are characteristic of markets of such scale and be responsible of making effective business decisions. The article highlights the currently relevant methods and criteria for analyzing human capital in an enterprise. In particular, the main goals and stages of analyzing the state of the personnel of a company which has a foreign economic vector, are identified. Attention was focused on the difference in the assessing and accounting of personnel (human capital) in national and foreign practices and noted that there is no specific set and uniform indicators for assessing human capital at the enterprise level. In continuation of this statement, the article considers quantitative and qualitative indicators in the context of a comprehensive assessment of human capital of an enterprise – subject of foreign economic activity. In the course of the study, the main quantitative indicators (coefficients) of the impact of human capital on the development of the enterprise were analyzed: the coefficient of seniority, the stability coefficient, the health coefficient, the coefficient of professional growth, the coefficient of personnel education. In accordance with the normative values of such indicators, the necessary managerial decisions and actions in each of the simulated situations were interpreted. As a result of the study, the importance of taking into account the quality of personnel (human capital) for making managerial decisions at enterprises – subjects of foreign economic activity was emphasized.

Article is written in English

Grynevych L. V., Bielikova N. V.
Directions for Resumption of Marketing Activities and for Transforming Consumer Behavior Patterns in the Post-War Period: The Issues of Considering the Regional Aspect (p. 205 - 210)

The purpose of the article is to summarize the problems and identify the priority directions for resumption of marketing activities and for transforming consumer behavior patterns in the post-war period, taking into account the uneven socioeconomic losses of Ukrainian regions. The article reviews the main currently available data on the negative consequences of the Russian invasion for the Kharkiv region, summarizes the national and regional differences in the reduction of marketing activities and the transformation of consumer behavior patterns in the context of wartime and post-war recovery. It is proved that the prospects for the resumption of marketing activities in the most affected regions of Ukraine depend on the success of the situation at the front line and the terms of resolving the military conflict. The basic principles of resumption of marketing activities of enterprises in a situation of war and post-war recovery are generalized, such as finding ways to attract additional financial assistance from international donors, governments of other countries and non-governmental organizations; participation of enterprises in the economic recovery projects at the level of individual territorial communities; establishing a mechanism for reimbursement of costs (at least part of them) for business recovery and launching new business initiatives on the basis of both the State and the local budgets; search for new methods of promoting goods and services that more fully meet the needs of consumers changing under the influence of war; intensification of the use of non-classical types of marketing, implying lower costs with a sufficiently significant return; adaptation of marketers to reduce and reorient demand, as well as the transformation of traditional models of consumer behavior. It is noted that the usual models of consumer behavior, especially in the most affected regions of Ukraine, have undergone a significant transformation, and their gradual recovery will depend on the growth of incomes and living standards of the population and the formation of effective demand, as well as on the efforts of marketers aimed at finding new, more effective and less costly communications.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Arefieva O. V., Arefiev S. O.
Managing the Integrated Value of an Enterprise through Digital Marketing Tools (p. 211 - 220)

The article studies the essence of management of the enterprise’s integrated value, taking into account the peculiarities of using digital marketing tools, based on the basics of building a strategy for enterprise development. The structure of the enterprise’s integrated value by certain stages is formed, the basic principles and components are allocated. The features of the modern use of digital marketing in the context of artificial intelligence development are considered. The authors define and substantiate their own vision of the concept of integrated value of an enterprise through a strategic approach to business management, based on determining and optimizing the cost of all elements of business processes, according to which, when producing goods or providing services, an enterprise should take into account all costs associated with this process, including the cost of materials, labor force, energy, equipment and other resources. It is noted that the main advantages of digital marketing are that it allows reaching a larger audience using Internet technologies and provides an opportunity for effective interaction with potential and existing customers. It is proved that increasing the value of an enterprise is possible on the basis of expanding the trajectory of development and business renewal on the basis of an innovative model. Analytical tools for digital marketing that help to collect and analyze data on user behavior are allocated, including: SEO tools, content marketing tools, e-commerce tools, e-advertising tools. The functional structure of the mechanism for managing the integrated value of an enterprise with the use of digital marketing is developed and proposed for application, which includes functional strategies, market development strategies, meaningful steps of managing the integrated value of an enterprise, and digital marketing tools.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bubenko P. T., Soboleva G. G.
The Conception of Marketing of Territorial Market Systems (p. 220 - 225)

The article is aimed at studying the scientific issues related to the acceleration of economic develop-ment of the spatial economy; determining the degree of influence of innovations on the nature of the territorial organization of economic activity; provision of a theoretical basis for the formation of zones of innovative growth of individual territories (regions). The main goal is to identify the features and contradictions of the current state of the system of territorial organization of marketing activities and to accelerate the pace of socioeconomic development of a particular territory on this basis. The carried out systematization of literature sources on the subject of the study shows that modern economic science pays insufficient attention to the studies on the nature and impact of the marketing component, in its broadest sense, both on the quality of the system of territorial organization itself and on the dy-namics of economic development. This is directly the reason for its unconditional relevance. The issues of spreading the diffusion of the marketing component of spatial development was studied from the viewpoint of presenting and positioning a separate territory (region) as a subject of economic relations, as a multifunctional and multi-aspectual economic system, and not as a place of concentration of means of production and labor strictly. The further development, symbiosis of the theory of regionalistics, in particular the spatial organization of production, with the theory and practice of innovative en-trepreneurship is the substantiation of the feasibility of creating and spreading territorial poles of inno-vative growth. It is proved that effective marketing activity in a particular economic space of activity should be based on the functional properties of the forms of spatial organization of production, on the one hand, and the location of productive forces, on the other. The article reflects the authors’ vision of the modern conception of marketing of territorial market systems in relation to their spatial organiza-tion. The advantages of the network model of organization (clustering) of the territorial (regional) eco-nomic system are revealed. The theory of clustering as one of the modern forms of organization of economic activity in terms of a certain territory has been further developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolosov A. M., Kucherenko S. K., Iakovenko V. S.
Positioning of Automobile Brands in the Ukrainian Car Market in Anticipation of Its Post-War Recovery (p. 226 - 235)

Despite the fact that Russia's war against Ukraine, which led to a significant destruction of the Ukrainian car market, is still ongoing, there are urgent tasks to study the ways of post-war recovery of Ukraine, in particular, its car market. Against the background of a fall in the gross domestic product (GDP) of Ukraine for 2022 by no less than 40%, the car market of Ukraine decreased by the number of car sales even more, by 61.3%. In anticipation of the beginning of the post-war recovery of Ukraine, the question arises as to how the recovery of the Ukrainian car market will proceed – by simply reproducing previously achieved sales volumes, or by reforming the structure of the car market by individual car brands, countries of production, supply, etc. Expected data on the structure and volume of sales of cars by well-known car brands are of such great importance that they must be taken into account when creating the necessary conditions for the effective activity of people in the process of post-war recovery of Ukraine, which puts forward as an urgent task the monitoring of the state of positioning of car brands on the car market of Ukraine. It is shown that the line of automobile brands that developed in the pre-war years as a result of the interaction of factors of consumer preferences of Ukrainian car buyers can become a decisive factor in the structure of the car market in the process of its revival. According to the results of the conducted research, it is obvious that it is necessary to expect vehicles of the Toyota, Renault, Kia, ?koda, Hyundai and Volkswagen brands to be the leaders of the reviving car market, which in all cases will occupy the first places in terms of new car sales, including Volkswagen, Renault and ?koda remain leaders also in the market of secondary sales.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuchechuk L. V.
The Digital Marketing Features of Spa Industry Establishments (p. 236 - 240)

In recent years, the spa industry has reached a new stage of development, entering the daily lives of many people. The widespread use of the Internet, in turn, has actualized the issue of using digital marketing especially to promote spa services. This article is aimed at identifying the features of digital marketing of spa industry establishments. To achieve the goal of the study, general scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, systematization, comparison, abstract-logical method. The article analyzes the data for 2022 presented in the Global Digital 2022 report, which proves a significant spread of Internet users around the world, which actualizes the use of digital marketing. The author highlights the most relevant and used digital marketing tools for the spa industry. This publication considers the highlighted digital marketing tools efficiently used for spa establishments precisely. The main sections necessary for the website of a spa establishment are proposed. The importance of using SEO-promotion and contextual advertising for the efficiency of the spa establishment website is noted. The main sections and topics for the effective management of social networks of spa industry establishments are proposed. It is also proposed to use crowd marketing, which allows to create a positive image of the company in specialized forums, services and social networks. Content marketing is a leading component in the Internet promotion of spa industry enterprises, because its products are used in most other promotion tools. It is noted that the skillful use of email marketing can give a positive result in the case of using the formed base of interested consumers. The necessity of using mobile marketing, namely: such tools as creating a mobile version of the website of a spa establishment, using text messaging, creating own application, is emphasized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Liakh І. O., Hryhaluinas D. V.
The Problems and Prospects for the Development of Advertising Campaigns in Ukraine (p. 241 - 246)

The aim of the study is to diagnose problems in the development of advertising campaigns in Ukraine and propose new approaches to their formation. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were performed: the concept, essence and principles of formation of the advertising campaign of the enterprise are generalized; the structure, stages of formation and objectives of the advertising campaign are considered; the novel advertising campaign tools are proposed. The practical significance of the publication is that the proposed tools can be used to improve the advertising campaign of almost any enterprise, this purpose is also underpinned by the formulated proposals for the application of certain marketing tools and techniques, taking into account the impact of business digitalization. An advertising campaign is a plan that helps a business stay in the market. Before you start developing a campaign, you need to have a clear understanding of what kind or classification is exactly needed for the enterprise. It is necessary to carefully analyze competitors, market, product or service, your own company, related markets and companies, in order to have a clear idea of the desired result. An advertising campaign has a long way of formation, including various stages of development. For a certain market and the situation in which the company is found, an individual advertising campaign is recommended. To improve their individual advertising campaigns, businesses should apply not only traditional methods and tools, but pay more attention to the developments on the social network. The key to the success of advertising campaigns will be a more active introduction of digital marketing. Digital tools will help you better understand the clients and find a special approach to every one of them. Based on the analysis of the state of advertising campaigns in Ukraine, the following directions for improving activities are proposed: use of novel technologies; creation of a system of communication with own customers; modernization of traditional methods; creating a unique advertising campaign.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rozhko V. I.
Using the Modern Marketing Technologies for Promoting Goods and Services (p. 246 - 252)

In the face of the present-day situation, Ukrainian economy is going through difficult times. The efficiency of domestic enterprises was rather destructively affected by martial law. In order to realize their goals, enterprises are forced to adapt to changing crisis conditions and find new ways to promote goods and services. High competition forces enterprises to fight for consumers. There is also a problem of finding new effective methods of communication with customers to promote goods and services. Further, there is an increase in people’s dependence on the online space due to restrictions in communication. Therefore, most domestic enterprises have found methods of promotion and marketing through the use of the Internet. Today, use of the Internet for enterprises is one of the most effective forms of communication with consumers. The online space is used by enterprises to optimize their marketing activities. Traditional marketing is no longer as effective compared to the use of modern digital technologies. This article is aimed at substantiating the necessity of using marketing technologies in the activities of domestic enterprises. The article considers existing Internet technologies and identifies specifics of their application in the information society. The essence of the concept of «Internet marketing» is closer defined. The advantages of its use to attract consumers are substantiated. The main marketing processes when using Internet marketing are defined. The existing types of Internet technologies for promoting goods and services in the online space are considered and systematized. The current state of the problem of introduction of marketing technologies in crisis conditions is disclosed. It is shown how the use of marketing technologies affects the improvement of promotion of goods and services on the example of enterprises in the sphere of postal services. It is found that the use of marketing Internet technologies contributes to more intensive promotion and marketing of goods and services even in crisis conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherniaieva A. O.
The Necessity of Financing the Marketing Services of Business Structures in Ukraine (p. 253 - 261)

The article is aimed at studying the issues of assessing the state of development and determining the basic regularities of the necessity of financing the marketing services of business structures in Ukraine. When analyzing, systematizing and summarizing scientific works of many scholars, it was stated and proved that cooperation between marketing and finance is important for business growth. According to the results of the study, it is revealed and found that the terms «marketing services» and «marketing» in some regulatory documents are synonymous. The object of the study was economic entities specializing in the provision of marketing services and belonging to section M «Professional, scientific and technical activities» in accordance with the established requirements of the Classifier of Types of Economic Activity DK 009: 2010 regarding the maintenance of statistical information, section 73.2 «Advertising activities and market research», class 73.2 «Market research and public opinion revealing». Assessing the dynamics and structure of economic entities in the sphere of advertising activity and market research, as well as the number of employees involved and the relationship of the relevant indicators with the dynamics of GDP, it is concluded that not the numerical growth in the number of economic entities engaged in the sphere of marketing services leads to an improvement in macroeconomic indicators, but on the contrary – the improvement of welfare in the country stimulates the emergence of new economic entities that provide consumers with marketing services. Given the dynamics and structure of capital investments in advertising along with the market conjuncture research in 2012–2021, it is worth noting the renewed interest in market conjuncture research and public opinion revealing. It is exactly concerning this sector that there is an increase in additional activity, which has led to the emergence of large enterprises in the sphere of marketing research, which until 2021 were not observed in the industry at all. Regarding the level of financing of economic entities in the studied sector of the economy, it should be noted both the tendency to implement tax planning measures in the form of increasing use of such organizational form of business activity as individual entrepreneurs, and the urgent need for equity. Comparing the volume of investments in the sphere of advertising activities and market research with the volume of total capital used by it, the author came to the conclusion that investments are not the main source of financing this business, and a certain part of it remains in the «shadow». In view of the aforesaid and given the significant amount of involvement of employees in this sphere of activity in the form of registration of individual entrepreneurs, the country’s government should once again think about initiatives to reform the country’s tax system by eliminating the simplified business taxation system, as this may have negative consequences for the entire economy of the country. Instead, it is necessary to provide additional incentives for investing in the market research and public opinion revealing sector, as well as creating additional jobs in this sphere of activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Proskurnina N. V., Chala A. A.
The Theoretical Foundations of the Enterprise Strategic Management System (p. 150 - 155)

The concepts, theories, and practices of strategic management have become very important in the modern management literature. This has become evident due to the complex, ambiguous, and dynamic nature of modern corporate management, which has been a concern for scholars in this field. The main purpose of this article is to review strategic management with an emphasis on its conceptions, theory, and connection with the resource-based philosophy of a firm’s competitive advantage. The authors analyzed the relevant literature establishing the relationship between the theory of strategic management and the competitive advantage of a firm on the grounds of the resource-based philosophy. It is specified that the resource-based model is one of the main theories of strategic management, which helps to explain the effectiveness of an organization. The main strategies for entering the external market are considered, namely: SWOT analysis; Porter’s Five Forces model; the Balanced Scorecard; Blue Ocean strategy; Agile strategy; PESTEL analysis. Each of the considered strategies for a firm’s entry into the external market has its own disadvantages and undoubted advantages, which should be considered, first of all, in the context of the product features. In the course of the study the key components of strategic management and the stages of strategic analysis are identified. Studying the competitive advantage of an organization from this school of thought allows organizations to measure the value of their internal resources and capabilities, in particular, to achieve competitive advantage. It is argued for that that the purpose of a system analysis of the external environment consists in identifying the future opportunities that a company can safely rely on, as well as to in detecting threats that may arise and which need to be prevented or reduced, also in determining the position of the enterprise opposite to competitors in the field of input factors and production. It is also proved that the advantages possessed by an enterprise should play a decisive role in choosing a strategy.

Article is written in English

Lozova O. V., Tymoshenko I. S.
A Proactive Conduct of an Enterprise in the Current Conditions of Economic Management (p. 155 - 160)

The article analyzes the essence and content of proactivity and proactive conduct of enterprise. In conditions of limited solvent demand, fierce competition and constant increase in the production volume of various goods and services, the company’s management must use qualitatively new approaches to management to ensure stable functioning and efficient development of the company. One such approach is proactive management. The use of the conception of proactive management as real time by managers of organizations is the key to the survival of their enterprise today, when «business at the speed of thought» has ceased to be the privilege of individual companies. The achievements of foreign and domestic scientists in the sphere of proactive conduct of enterprise are outlined and the main directions for further research are defined. It is determined that an important factor influencing the employee’s proactive conduct is the own factor, which includes three aspects: individual trait, individual motivation, knowledge and abilities. International companies with proactive conduct are examined and it is identified how this conduct manifests itself today. Domestic enterprises that promote themselves as companies with proactive conduct are selected and their main development strategies are emphasized. Proactive conduct is closely related to the individual characteristics of a person. Existing studies has found that individual characteristics mainly include proactive personality, sense of responsibility, neuroticism, purposefulness, and other factors that influence proactive conduct. The main advantages and disadvantages of proactive conduct of enterprise are determined. It is studied what actions of management will be able to show proactivity in employees and help to form a single competitive team.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zvonovskyi R. A.
The Development of the Process of Human Capital Formation through the Development of a Dual Education System (p. 160 - 167)

The article is aimed at substantiating the process of formation of human capital through the development of the dual system of education. The article analyzes the main factors that affect the development and formation of human capital of an agricultural enterprise. The accumulation of human capital through the formation of an effective system of training, material and moral stimulation and motivation of staff, which gives the enterprise an advantage in the relevant market segment, is substantiated. The issue of the place of the individual in the development of the strategy of human capital formation is considered both in the individual development trajectory and at the enterprise level. In this regard, the main factors of innovative development of economy in the current conditions of economic management are analyzed. The efficiency of the dual training system is calculated through the analyzed standard methods for assessing human capital and it is revealed that this system is influenced only by wages. Therefore, it is proposed to take into account other costs incurred by the enterprise, such as the «social package» – the compensation provided to the employee, except for wages. Indicators of efficiency of human capital of enterprise are proposed, with the help of which managers can constantly monitor and increase the level of human capital, which will result in an increase in the value and income of enterprise. The issue of public-private partnership in the field of vocational education, which the State should use, was raised. The costs of forming human capital in such a partnership are distributed between the individual, enterprises and the State, where everyone assumes a certain share of risks. The main task is the transition of education from the public sphere to the public-private sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boniar S. M., Kharcuk O. G.
Features of the Functional Tasks of the Office Manager for the Strategic Development of Enterprise (p. 167 - 172)

The article is aimed at disclosing the features and types of managerial decision-making, depending on the tasks assigned to office managers. It is defined that the office manager is the main element of interaction between the management and the entire office team as a whole, which belongs to the tactical level of management. As a result of the study, various functional responsibilities of a professional administrator are disclosed, where the main ones include operational management and ensuring the activities of managerial personnel of an organization. It is substantiated that the main functions of an office manager, on which about 70% of the successful work of the office depends, are the managerial, administrative, economic and control functions. It is determined that the office manager constantly makes managerial decisions, which is an intervention in the problem, or in the situation, in order to solve them, and also develops forecasts for the successful development of the organization in the future. The stages of managerial decision-making are considered, namely: identification of problems in management, development of stages of decision planning and implementation of the decision. The concept of intuitive decision, which is made on the basis of a person’s feeling that his/her choice is correct, has been defined. Prospects for further research in this direction are to identify problems in management that can be identified during the «informal exchange of information and intuitively». It is noted that the important tasks at the office are documentary support of management, since for decision-making it is necessary to perform a large amount of office work of the same type. Further consideration of the classification of managerial tasks in the office according to the degree of intelligence, complexity and classification of employees of the organization in accordance with the tasks performed will make it possible to quickly respond to changes in the reaction of the enterprise in a particular situation and develop plans and tasks for making an effective managerial decision for the future strategic development of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vorkunova O. V., Yarovа N. V., Yarovyi V. I., Kotsiubenko K. O.
A Strategy for the Implementation of the Compliance System in the Activities for Maritime Transport Enterprises (p. 173 - 182)

The article considers foreign experience of implementation of compliance programs for maritime transport enterprises. The important role of analysis is explained by the ability to evaluate the results and develop a strategy and tactics for the development of the enterprise, anticipate risks and prevent eventual bankruptcy. Strategy is a complex and powerful weapon with which a modern firm can withstand the conditions of a changing environment; this is a tool that can provide a serious help to an enterprise caught in conditions of instability. Therefore, strategy deserves the most serious attention as a management tool. Compliance control ensures the protection of the economic interests of the enterprise from potential risks in the early stages, which simplifies the neutralization of such risks. The compliance program of a stevedoring company includes a code of conduct, anti-corruption policies, as well as other documents and procedures necessary for the company to achieve its compliance goal (compliance documents). The company’s compliance program (Compliance System) is a universal recognized international system of threats counteraction and risk management, which ensures compliance of the company’s activities with the requirements of the State bodies, self-regulatory public and other organizations, compliance with the rules, recommendations and standards governing the company’s activities. The compliance program includes many compliance measures to ensure the achievement of the goals of the compliance program. Compliance measures represent a management and control system in an organization related to ensuring that the organization’s activities and personnel comply with the requirements of legislation, normative regulations, rules and standards of supervisory authorities, industry associations and self-regulatory organizations (codes of conduct, etc.). Work on creating a compliance program for maritime transport enterprises must necessarily lead to an understanding of the company’s own development strategy and to success, as it forces to answer strategically important questions, such as: identification of external and internal factors affecting risks; legal restrictions and regulations; court decisions; voluntary verification of compliance with relevant industry standards. The main requirements of compliance – business transparency, adherence to the legal and ethical norms and regulations – must be implemented by a management system (compliance program) that can be built and implemented in practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rybchuk A. V., Protsyshyn O. R., Zinkevych V. I.
A System Analysis of Approaches to Managing the Competitiveness of Products of Enterprises (p. 183 - 188)

The article analyzes a set of approaches to organizing effective management of competitiveness of various types of products of enterprises, which are widely used in the practice of analysis of economic activity and strategic management. It is justified that management of competitiveness of products can be considered through the prism of basic approaches. First, comprehensive approach, which allows developing the necessary managerial decisions aimed at improving product efficiency, maintaining its quality and competitiveness. Second, reproduction-evolutionary approach, aimed at the constant reproduction of the production of goods with the lowest cost per unit of beneficial effect compared to the best analogue as result of evolutionary market transformations. Third, functional approach, which in practice is often used through a substantive approach to management, in which efforts are aimed at improving existing products, taking into account scientific and technological progress. Fourth, system approach, where management is considered the most effective, since it combines the activities of various functional divisions of the enterprise to create a competitive product. Fifth, innovative approach, according to which competitiveness management involves the introduction of scientific and technical advantages of new products at the enterprise. Sixth, the approach of affiliate marketing, marketing dialogue, which will attract consumers to create competitive products. It is worth noting that the major ones for the formation of a system for managing the competitiveness of enterprise products in the conditions of competition development is marketing approach in combination with the system and process approaches.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Varis I. O., Kravchuk O. I., Zaytseva P. O.
Gamification of Business Processes of HR Management (p. 189 - 196)

The article is aimed at studying modern HRM systems on availability of gamification function in the context of the HR business processes. Business technologies have changed the way companies do business. Companies have to adapt to changing technologies and market fluctuations, but they can’t succeed if they have an unmotivated team that doesn’t want to change. Gamification is an effective way to increase staff productivity. In addition, it has a positive effect on attracting and retaining employees, most of whom do not like routine processes, but they enjoy playing games. Gamification of the HR processes and procedures can turn a boring experience into an immersive game that takes employees to the next level. The article defines that gamification is based on many game attributes and strategies that it applies to a wide range of real business processes, transforming non-gaming experience to motivate staff actions and achieve company goals. Gamification is rapidly transforming businesses around the world, creating new ways to engage employees, expand relationships, and increase loyalty and encouragement, and leverage the motivations and desires that are natural in everyone. The existing HR processes of modern companies are analyzed and the most gamified ones are identified. Taking into account the large number of HRM systems for the needs of any company, the best ones that offer elements of the game for use in the implementation of HR processes are examined. The functioning of gamification in modern HRM systems can help increase the efficiency of the employee development process, reduce training costs and increase involvement in these training programs. The success of gamification implementation depends on the correct choice of methods and tools, as well as on the organizational culture and approach to HR management. Companies should study their own needs for new technologies, which, of course, causes close cooperation with developers of HRM systems. The analysis of scientific papers and practical activities of companies shows that the main gamified HR processes are selection, training, adaptation, motivation, performance management and staff evaluation, but there are others that require creative innovations and solutions, which actualizes further research in this direction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mao Rong, Kharchenko T. M.
Personnel Development Management in the Future Competition of Enterprises (p. 197 - 202)

With the continuous development of science and technology, information technology has promoted the development of knowledge economy, advanced science and technology has become an important development in the era of knowledge economy. In this era, knowledge workers are at the core competitiveness, and knowledge compound talents have become the pivotal resources. In order to enhance the enterprise market competitiveness, daily work efficiency and technological innovation and development, one is bound to try to improve and innovate in the enterprise human resource management. The main aim of the article was to substantiate and prove the importance of personnel development management for the competitiveness of enterprises using the example of human resources in China. To achieve the goal, the following main tasks were formulated: in the personnel management system, the place of the personnel development management system is determined and its structure is formed; in accordance with the obtained structure, a conceptual model for managing the development of personnel of enterprises is elaborated, adapting the classification of types of training of personnel in working conditions, forming a system of professional development of personnel at the enterprise, clarifying the meaning of the concept of «personnel development management». The methodological basis of the study was the basis of dialectical logic, attributive and system approaches to the study of the processes of managing the development of personnel of enterprises.

Article is written in English

Popova I. A., Demchenko N., Shved A. B.
Trends in the Development of the Pharmaceutical Market of Ukraine in the Conditions of Martial Law (p. 203 - 209)

The article identifies the problems and trends in the development of the pharmaceutical market under martial law. The influence of martial law on the development of the pharmaceutical market is studied. The dynamics of pharmacy sales of medicines and the structure of the related sales are determined. The problems that have arisen in the pharmaceutical industry in the current conditions are outline. The current state of the pharmaceutical market is analyzed, the factors that impede its development are identified. It is proved that in the context of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, especially at the first stage, the problem of providing the population with medicines, medical devices and other types of parapharmaceutical products has significantly aggravated. The authors emphasize the peculiarities of marketing of pharmaceutical goods and services during martial law. The main directions of development of the pharmaceutical industry under martial law are defined. It is proved that at the beginning of the war, the purchase of medicines online was suspended due to the lack of courier delivery and supply of electricity in the regions where active military actions took place. However, despite the martial law situation, Ukrainian pharmaceutical companies continue to develop, create new medicines, provide jobs and, most importantly, provide the population with important medicines. The authors present the areas of the State support for the development of the pharmaceutical market. It is proved that the existing production and research facilities and qualified personnel allow rapid expansion of the range of medicines within the terms of public-private partnerships and government orders, which will increase the resilience of the health care system in the context of emergencies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Proskurnina N. V., Bilousko V. I.
The Trends of Quality Management to Improve the Competitiveness of an Enterprise in the International Market (p. 209 - 214)

This article discusses the importance of quality management in improving the competitiveness of organizations in the international market and increasing profitability. A tendency towards an increase in the number of companies in the world is revealed. The article covers various trends in quality management, including Total Quality Management (TQM), Lean Six Sigma (LSS), international standardization systems and implementation of modern technologies. The authors provide an overview of each trend, its meaning, using, and benefits. There has been an increasing interest in the Universal Quality Management system as a continuation of the development of Total Quality Management which is more useful for international companies. Combining lean manufacturing and Six Sigma into a more complete Lean Six Sigma system has been considered as the one which helps to increase efficiency and decrease the number of defects. The article describes the growing interest in the international standardization system on the example of ISO 9001. The number of the ISO 9001 certificates by countries in 2020 was analyzed. The activity of Ukrainian companies in obtaining a quality certificate has been studied. Modern technologies are described, the need for improving quality control, the technologies in use and prospective cases are considered. The authors emphasize the need for organizations to adopt modern trends in the quality management system to remain competitive in the global market and obtain other advantages. The steps that organizations can follow to effectively implement the quality management trends are provided. The article highlights the importance of quality management in improving organizational performance and competitiveness in the global market. This article is relevant to managers, quality professionals and people interested in improving the quality of products and services in the international market.

Article is written in English

Kalyuzhna N. H., Khoma V. M.
Typifying the Corporate Cultures of International Companies on the Basis of the OSAI Method (p. 214 - 222)

The article’s purpose is the implementation of typification of corporate cultures of well-known international companies on the basis of the method of Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OSAI). It is substantiated that the processes of formation and development of the corporate culture of an international company should take place taking into account the factor of the country of origin and industry affiliation of the company, which will help determine rational ways of optimizing them. The OSAI method as a tool for assessing corporate cultures of companies, which allows identifying the type and state of company culture by building a framework structure of competing values, is considered. A characterization of types of culture according to the OSAI method, which include adhocratic, clan, hierarchical, and market culture, is provided. Based on the logical assumption about the need for an equivalent combination of characteristics of different types of culture (i.e. paying attention to all aspects – technologies, employees, leadership, structuring of activities), the type of corporate culture of leading international companies has been determined and the priorities of its development are substantiated, taking into account industry specifics. Using the OCAI online resource, the results of the analysis are visualized in the form of framework constructions of competing values of companies. The characterizations of activity of international companies are systematized and generalized in order to determine common features between companies with the same type of corporate culture. Attention is focused on the fact that the results of using the OSAI method can serve as the basis for developing recommendations for improving corporate culture, taking into account the specifics of activities, goals and regional space, including for Ukrainian companies seeking to explore international markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolmakova O. M., Lysenko B. S.
The Theoretical Aspects of Management of Procurement Business Processes at a Construction Enterprise (p. 222 - 229)

The article is aimed at theoretical definition of new aspects of optimization of business processes of procurement of a construction enterprise, which arose as a result of evolutionary transformations in this sphere. A theoretical analysis of business procurement processes at a construction enterprise is carried out; the main evolutionary transformations of the procurement system have been allocated. Evolutionary transformations, in turn, encourage changes in the activities of construction enterprises, create new «rules of the game». The procurement system must fully comply with the strategic management of the enterprise and be synchronous with it. The enterprise’s strategy contains the foundations for strategic partnerships with suppliers of materials, a system of stable economic relations is being formed. At the tactical level, the management of business procurement processes and the formation of stocks is being worked out in detail. The formation of warehouse systems for storing construction materials requires the formation of delivery schedules for a diverse range of these materials. That is why the stages of formation of the supply chain include: the formation of a procurement decision; formation of a decision-making model; implementation of models of formed solutions, their monitoring and optimization. The main tool for optimizing business procurement processes in Ukraine is the national electronic platform ProZorro. The implementation of the proposed scheme for managing business procurement processes using the ProZorro system will simplify the submission and processing of documents, reduce procedural time. In addition, it can be integrated with other systems such as warehousing software products, logistics systems, etc. This will be useful when taking into account the specific needs of construction enterprises and optimizing the business procurement processes. A supply chain optimization begins with a detailed analysis and evaluation of all elements of the supply chain. It is also important to select a list of suppliers. The improvement of all business processes that make up the procurement system contributes to the optimization of the procurement system. The procurement system must be constantly improved to meet the needs and requirements of the business. The rapid development of technology affects the means of conducting procurement procedures. New tools and software allow to automate more processes, improve speed and efficiency, and provide better transparency of activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panova I. O., Zernenkova D. S.
Methods for Assessing the Competitiveness of Enterprises in the Restaurant Industry (p. 229 - 234)

The restaurant business is one of the most competitive industries, where many businesses struggle for the attention and loyalty of customers. Over the past few years, competition in the restaurant industry has increased significantly, due to the growth in the number of restaurants and cafes, as well as because of changes in the taste preferences of customers. In this regard, increasing the competitiveness of a restaurant enterprise is becoming an increasingly important task for restaurant owners and managers. Increasing competitiveness can help attract new customers, increase turnover, profits, and customer loyalty, maintain a high reputation of the restaurant among customers and competitors. In addition, increasing competitiveness is an important condition for the stable development of the restaurant business in the face of growing competition. Successful restaurants are constantly looking for new ways to improve the quality of service, develop menus and innovative services, which gives them an advantage in the market and helps maintain their market position. So, the chosen topic is very relevant and important for restaurateurs, managers and restaurant owners who seek to preserve and strengthen their business. The subject of research in the article are methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises. The aim is to study methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises in the restaurant industry and identifying their practical value. The objective is to explore methods for assessing the competitiveness of restaurant industry enterprises. General scientific methods that are used: evaluation method and descriptive method to highlight the mechanisms of competitiveness of enterprises in the restaurant industry. The following results were obtained: the key factors influencing the competitiveness of restaurant enterprises are identified, in particular: the quality of food and drinks; pricing strategy; customer service; marketing strategy; reputation and innovativeness. The following conclusions are drawn: effective methods for assessing competitiveness can help restaurant enterprises identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as make informed decisions towards improving their competitiveness. It is revealed that the key factors of competitiveness of restaurant enterprises are the creation of a unique and recognizable brand, ensuring high quality of products and services, effective use of marketing strategies, and ensuring customer satisfaction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Husak O. А.
The Mechanism of Strategic Management of the Development of Transport Enterprise (p. 235 - 241)

The article is aimed at substantiation, formation and implementation of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise. The meaning of categories of «mechanism», «strategy of enterprise development» is disclosed. The concept of «mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise», which takes into account external changes in the market segment, necessary in conditions of uncertainty, growing rapid variability of the environment and the need for instant response, is studied in detail. The article forms, substantiates and improves the content and essence of the components of the mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise. Having studied the existing interpretations, the author of the article offers his own vision of the concept of «mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise», i. e.: as a comprehensive set of tools, methods and processes aimed at planning, developing, implementing and controlling a strategy for the development of a transport enterprise in order to achieve its goals and success in the long term. The differences in strategy formation for enterprise in general and transport enterprise in particular are considered, taking into account the specificity of the sphere of its functioning. One of the most relevant tasks of modern management is the formation of a mechanism for strategic management of the development of transport enterprise, which is able to provide an economic and social effect, the search for new, modern instruments for its implementation. It is determined that the solution of this problem depends on the timely formation of an action map for implementing the mechanism of strategic management of the enterprise’s activity. A mechanism of strategic management of the development of transport enterprise is formed by improving the extant instruments for making managerial decisions, based on internal potential (taking into account incentives and motives for enterprise development), in order to obtain economic and social effects with the possibility of feedback to adjust the strategy of the transport enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Duginets G. V., Novak O. V.
Holistic Marketing Approach in the Global Fashion Industry: The Features of Post-COVID Development (p. 241 - 247)

In the era of digital transformations, successful business activities require a rethinking of traditional marketing concepts in order to introduce more integrated approaches to promote their own goods and services. In the XXI century, a paradigm shift towards holistic marketing, which, among other things, recognizes the new scale and complexity of marketing and seeks to harmonize old approaches with innovative ones, is being established. The COVID-19 crisis that developed in 2020-2021 negatively affected the fashion industry, primarily because of a decrease in demand and, accordingly, in production volumes. Taking into consideration the matter that in Ukraine in the last decade the fashion and textile industries have become a socioeconomic stimulus for the economic development of the country, it is relevant to identify the features of the post-COVID development of the world fashion industry in order to further substantiate what can be used to restore the Ukrainian fashion industry in the post-war period. The aim of the study is to identify the spread of the concept of holistic marketing as one of the features of the development of the worldwide fashion industry in the post-COVID period. The study was carried out using the methods of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, which made it possible to define the risk factors of the COVID-19 pandemic for business, as well as to substantiate the peculiarities of spreading the concept of holistic marketing in the global fashion industry in the post-COVID period. As result of the analysis of factual material, approaches to understanding holistic marketing in the worldwide fashion industry through identification of its components (internal and integrated marketing, relationship marketing, as well as socio-ethical marketing) have been generalized. It is proved that the practices of using holistic marketing, namely, its socio-ethical component, can be considered as a means of introducing a sustainable model of design and production of fashionable products in the post-COVID period. Thus, in the post-COVID period, the global fashion industry should try to better support educational programs for workers, socially responsible sewing workshops, give priority to local traditions and social entrepreneurship in each region where elements of the production chain are located. It is substantiated that in order to develop the Ukrainian fashion industry, it is necessary to introduce a systemic, organizational, and managerial models of holistic marketing that meets the challenges of the XXI century. Future research in this scientific area is planned to focus on the development of a holistic marketing approach system, based on the differentiated needs of domestic subjects of the fashion industry in the post-war period, taking into account significant differences compared to the post-COVID period of activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanenko L. M., Boienko O. Y.
An Analysis of Consumers of the Distance Education Market of Marketing Direction (p. 247 - 257)

The main purpose of this article is to compile a consumer profile of online marketing courses and develop recommendations for strengthening the position of Ukrainian educational platforms specializing in online learning and, in particular, in online marketing courses. The publication relates to the study of the market of distance education of marketers, the definition and description of consumer profiles of this market. An analysis of online education of marketing students is carried out, the attitude of higher education applicants towards the distance educational platforms offering marketing profile courses, along with their personal interests in finding information and choosing online courses are determined. The following most important attributes of the online courses of distance educational platforms are determined: competence and popularity of lecturers, course price, convenience of the interface, ability to download files and tasks in the offline format, realism of business cases. Having chosen UAH 1500 as the thre-shold level of the price of the online course, two main segments of consumers of online marketing edu-cation are identified. The representative of the first segment is a graduate student of primary courses of the higher education degree of «Bachelor», who is interested in general marketing issues in order to get acquainted with the future specialty of a marketer. Her interests also include personal development and learning foreign languages. A typical representative of the second segment is an applicant for a higher education degree «Master», who is already working in the specialty and is interested in obtaining prac-tical knowledge in a narrow direction of marketing. It is specific that the representative of this segment much more often uses the Internet for professional activities, visiting thematic forums, shopping, spend-ing leisure time playing computer games. The product of the carried out study is recommendations for the further development and improvement of distance learning platforms that offer marketing training courses. A general recommendation on distance platforms with marketing courses is given as follows: improving the quality of distance education, improving the content of courses, the convenience of the platform, its compliance with consumer needs and an individual approach to each participant – a con-sumer of the online course.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mangushev D. V., Nesen M. A.
Marketing Consulting as a Means of Effective Operation of Enterprises (p. 257 - 262)

The article is concerned with studying the development of marketing consulting in Ukraine and in the world, as well as its impact on the efficiency of modern business after its actual introduction. The aim of the study is to analyze the results of conduct of marketing consulting in companies, identify problems and development prospects, as well as develop ways to achieve maximum effect during the conduct. The article describes how marketing consultants add value to the brand and marketing activities, as well as how their expert vision helps prevent possible mistakes to owners and save money in the future. The necessity of this tool for adding brand value and improving marketing activities is disclosed. The impor-tance of regular updating of tactics of interaction with consumers and regular analysis of the target au-dience by segments to cover the entire category is considered. The relevance of studying the theoretical aspects of marketing consulting and the importance of these consulting services as a separate tool for improving the work of organizations and divisions are substantiated. The importance of building a mar-keting foundation for accelerating the development of a company is characterized. The main problems that the marketing consulting service solves are indicated. The results are summarized and ways to im-prove the implementation of marketing consulting in the functioning of organizations through the use of these measures are proposed. The answer to questions about what marketing consulting is, how it can help the company and how to use it to achieve maximum results is provided. So, the article helps to un-derstand how marketing consulting can be useful for the development of modern business and im-provement of marketing strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolodizieva T. O.
Prospects for Implementing Blockchain Technology in Transport Logistics and Supply Chain Management (p. 184 - 190)

The article, based on the account of features, advantages, varieties of blockchain, highlights its weaknesses and strengths in terms of implementation in transport logistics and supply chain management. The study of the external environment of the introduction of blockchain in the logistics industry has revealed the opportunities and threats that accompany this process in the modern economy of countries and may arise in the future. Based on structuring the research results on the strengths and weaknesses of blockchain technology, opportunities and threats of its implementation in the logistics industry, a SWOT analysis of this technology was carried out in terms of its use in transport logistics and supply chain management. As strategies that allow taking advantage of blockchain and taking into account the possibilities of the external environment, the development of intelligent transport systems (ITS) using blockchain together with its use in rail, sea and air international cargo transportation has been determined. Nine main strategies for the use of blockchain were allocated, which determine long-term benchmarks of activity at different institutional levels of the economy: micro, meso and macro levels. The proposed strategies are relevant in the context of using blockchain in the areas of urban and humanitarian logistics; logistics of meta- and meso-logistic systems of supply chains formed in the process of international trade; logistics of macro-logistic systems of countries and sectors of their economies; information logistics; financial and smart logistics and related to sectors of economies B2B, B2C, C2C, G2B, G2C, B2G. An integrated approach to the implementation of blockchain in the transport industry and supply chain management based on certain strategic benchmarks will allow the most measured implementation of the basic principles of the logistics management concept, such as transparency, efficiency, reduction of overall costs, confidentiality, trust, authentication, cooperation, integration, and optimization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mangushev D. V., Babenko N. M.
The Importance of Consulting for the Ukrainian Market for Sales of New Passenger Cars (p. 191 - 196)

The article is aimed at studying managerial consulting as a business and an effective method of sales and profitability of a firm, considering the importance of consulting in the passenger car market. The difference between the terms «managerial consulting» and «consulting» is considered. The characteristic features of managerial consulting for enterprises are identified. Consulting is considered on the example of passenger car sales and their growth rates during 2018–2022. The article describes what problems specialists and companies face in their work. It is found which brands of cars and in what quantity were sold during the specified years. It was further considered which car brands were sold the most, especially for such public structures as the National Police of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine, the State Bureau of Investigation of Ukraine, and the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, also purchase of cars by the aforementioned agencies in the terms of quantity and amount. The article analyzes which car brands according to Prozorro are among the five most popular in sales among government bodies. The article allocates the factors (political, economic, social, technological, ecological, etc.) to influence the managerial consulting and what exactly can influence a decision to buy a passenger car. The article describes what functions a consultant should perform in his work, and what skills in psychology the consultant should have a good command of. The prospects of development of managerial consulting in the future are allocated, taking into account the current trends.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ostapenko T. M., Kubetska O. M.
Improving the Management of the Effectiveness of the Enterprise Functioning (p. 196 - 202)

The article considers the issue of development of enterprise, its current status, and role of performance management of its activity. It is determined that the effectiveness of enterprise is measured through a number of certain indicators: the result (profit), achievement of the set goals, effective work according to a number of other indicators (fixed assets, current assets, etc.), that is, the achievement of high/sufficient indicators of functioning. Apart from this, the article does not aim to obtain the complete list of these performance indicators. The study moreover consisted in the development of modern recommendations for enterprises, as business units, to improve the management of the effectiveness of their functioning. More precisely, effectiveness can be achieved through effective management of the operating system, that is, financial, labor, material and other resources, based on a skillful current and strategic planning, forecasting, monitoring, diagnostics, analysis of activities, and making the right managerial decisions. Therefore, the article among managerial measures proposes the use of financial planning, which is a key prerequisite for achieving high results regarding the enterprise’s activities. It is also proposed to improve performance through a number of the following implementations/improvements: use of both traditional and novel communication approaches and technologies; introduction of quality management principles into the system of management of effectiveness of the enterprise. The next logical step to improve the proposed management is the development of a balanced management system, which should include the following main subsystems: strategic planning; monitoring the implementation of the strategic course; attraction of resources; use of organization resources; coordination of business processes; control in all areas of the enterprise’s activities; goal-orientation of the enterprise; decision-making; staff motivation; delegation and distribution of responsibility; evaluation of the enterprise’s performance; forecasting the enterprise’s activities; staff training. These systems are proposed to be updated periodically. The article proposes to introduce interim management, which is aimed at achieving a positive result in business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Slobodianiuk N. O., Bidnova O. Y.
Modeling the Cost Management System at the Enterprise: The Theoretical and Methodological Aspect (p. 202 - 209)

The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical and methodological foundations of modeling the enterprise cost management system and determining the effect of its practical introduction. Based on the analysis of literary sources, semantic signs of costs have been allocated. It is determined that, in accordance with the system approach, costs are the object of management and a component of the general information and analytical system, further on, costs are subject to identification, analysis, evaluation, optimization in order to find reserves for the growth of profitability indicators of enterprise while observing the reduction in the level of cost of output, other things being equal. The article substantiates, examines and specifies the methodical bases of modeling the cost management system of the enterprise, consisting of the following mandatory elements: the subject and object of cost management of the enterprise; managerial-functional and economic-functional subsystem of enterprise cost management; organizational and economic mechanism; external and internal environment of the enterprise, and feedback information. The practical necessity of classification of costs in order to specify the object of management, according to organizational-managerial, financial-economic and accounting-analytical criteria respectively, is proved. Methods of enterprise cost management are systematized and their non-universality in practical application is noted. The management measures to reduce the costs of enterprise depending on the complexity of their implementation are presented. The article substantiates the effect of introduction of cost management system in enterprise activity as follows: improving the efficiency of cost management on the basis of timely assessment of changes in the cost of production; control of the level of costs in accordance with the norms of consumption by responsibility centers; obtaining reliable, relevant and economically feasible information on cost reduction reserves; correlation and assessment of the impact of costs on indicators of the financial condition of the enterprise and the profitability of its activities as a whole. The authors see further scientific research directions in substantiating the features of the practical application of the enterprise cost management system depending on the industry affiliation and the structure of production of the enterprise, taking into account the ISO 9001 standards.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalutska K. Y., Hnat I. A., Stefantsov D. V.
The Process of Strategic Management of Enterprise with Account of the Peculiarities of Its Interaction with Stakeholders (p. 209 - 215)

The today’s conditions of operation of enterprises are characterized by limitation of certain types of resources, loss of part of markets and suppliers. This, in turn, reduces the possibilities of development of enterprises in the current period, and even more so, planning their activities for the future. Accordingly, the issue of effective determination of planned development indicators and selection of effective strategic measures to achieve them, taking into account a detailed analysis of the internal possibilities of enterprise development and favorable external factors of such development, becomes of considerable relevance. Since the possibilities of enterprise development in certain areas of its activity are limited, it is advisable to consider them through integration with attractive stakeholders for building the optimal constituents of the potential. The article specifies the process of forming a strategy for integrated development of enterprise by including in its structure the stages necessary to determine the integration capabilities of enterprise and the corresponding types of integration. The necessity of including in the proposed stage of the process of formation and implementation of the strategy of development of enterprise the following elements is substantiated: estimated indicators; risks; stages of the life cycle of the direction of activity (product, business structure, etc.); types of effects. This will allow to model the development of the enterprise under different types of integration together with scenarios for the use of integration opportunities, and it will contribute to the specification of the types and content of the integration development strategy by building various options for the relationship of the enterprise with stakeholders. The construction of such models will contribute to the effective implementation of the chosen integrated development strategy owing to a clear definition of the results and development opportunities (strategic reserves) of various options for integration entities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vishtak I. V.
The Theoretical Aspects of Technology Transfer: Essence, Effectiveness, Approaches to Management (p. 215 - 221)

The article is aimed at highlighting some basic concepts of technology transfer and indicators of its effectiveness in the paradigm of «observation – orientation – decision – action» in the process of functioning of industrial enterprises on the basis of a systematic approach to management. The scientific novelty of the research results is the consideration of technology transfer on the basis of process and system approaches in the context of management with outlining the theoretical aspects of the effectiveness of technology transfer as a process. It is determined that technology transfer is a process that involves not only the transfer of knowledge, but also the transformation of this knowledge into a certain innovative technology with the active participation of the «source» of this technology and the end user of the product manufactured using this technology. This process needs to be managed. It is noted that technology transfer management is a purposeful set of managerial actions for technology transfer in order to increase the level of technological development and competitiveness of enterprise. The use of process and system approaches allows considering the technology transfer as a complex of interrelated processes that interact with each other as elements of a whole (a certain system). It is determined that the use of process approach to management of technology transfer makes it possible to obtain a holistic view of this process and ensure its compliance with the general objectives of enterprise. It is noted that the system approach allows technology transfer to be considered as a complex of interrelated actions (processes) that are parts of the whole (certain system). It is emphasized that the process of technology transfer should be not only effective (characterize not only the qualitative side of the process), but also effective; the effectiveness of the process of technology transfer in the context of a systematic approach should be calculated on the basis of a system of indicators of the components of this effectiveness on the basis of modeling.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Luchko H. Y.
Implementation of CSR Projects by Companies in Ukraine (p. 151 - 158)

The article is aimed at analyzing different approaches to interpretation of the concept of «social responsibility», highlighting the benefits of introducing social responsibility in the activities of domestic companies and developing recommendations for effective management of implementation of CSR projects in Ukraine. The introduction of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of modern management systems of companies over the world, it is an instrument that provides companies with a competitive advantage in the market. The article considers interpretation of the concept of «social responsibility» by different researchers and focuses on the importance of introducing CSR programs in the activities of domestic companies. The advantages of introducing CSR in the context of obtaining internal and external effects are also allocated. The kinds of social responsibility of business and directions of CSR implementation are considered. It is noted that, although the development of social responsibility of Ukrainian business intensified during the wartime, the implemented measures, unfortunately, are not systemic in nature and in no way provide sustainable competitive advantages to companies in either domestic or foreign markets. The article further notes that in order to obtain a long-term effect from the implemented social measures, companies need to approach this comprehensively and develop CSR programs, the implementation of which will contribute to their effective development in accordance with public expectations, which will help to improve their reputation and image, more effectively manage risks, and establish effective relationships with stakeholders. It is proved that the professional application of modern project management tools in the implementation of CSR projects will significantly increase their efficiency and ensure the achievement of the planned goals. To plan and successfully implement their own CSR projects, companies are invited to involve qualified project managers, as well as increase the level of knowledge of employees in the field of project management. Competent use of modern project management tools in the implementation of CSR projects will contribute to the achievement of strategic goals of the development of companies and the formation of socially responsible business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenchuk T. B., Osypova Y. L., Topoliuk H. Y.
Formation of the Organization’s Information and Communication Management (p. 158 - 164)

The article is aimed at studying and substantiating information and communication links and managing them in an organization, i. e. systematizing the entire communication space relating to enterprise management and promotion of goods and services. The article describes the meaning, value and place of information and communication management of organization as a process of making managerial decisions and promoting goods and services. As a result of all relevant research, the article forms a mechanism of information and communication management of organization, which allows to effectively manage information resources and communication processes at enterprise, which, in turn, provides improvement of productivity, efficiency, and competitiveness. The systematization of the classification of communications, which is presented in the article, depending on the type, environment of application and characterization of each of them, allows more effective use of all information and communication processes for the formation of a general organizational mechanism of communication links. The authors, after a thorough study of domestic and foreign opinions of scholars on information and communication management, provide their own vision of this category as an area of activity that studies, develops and implements strategies, methods and technologies for effective management of information resources and communication processes in an organization or enterprise. For formation of the mechanism of information and communication management, the article identifies the main aspects of formation of communication space of enterprise, namely: collection and processing of information; providing access to information and information security; communications management; information technology management; analysis and implementation of the latest solutions. Improving the information and communication management in enterprises can play an important role in improving the efficiency and productivity of the organization. Therefore, the article considers the main processes that will improve information and communication management at enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Рopelo O. V., Ivanova N. V., Dubyna M. V.
Efficiency of Corporate Governance in the Context of Evaluation of Business Processes of Enterprise (p. 164 - 175)

In the article, the authors substantiate the essence, approaches to evaluation and further improvement of business processes within the framework of corporate governance. A theoretical distinction has been made between the definitions of «corporate governance» and «corporate management», which are interrelated concepts, but they have different levels, orientation, and scope of application. Corporate governance establishes a common framework and strategy, while corporate management deals with specific governance functions and operational management. Corporate management focuses on managing resources, completing tasks and achieving the internal effective functioning of an organization. The article discloses, on the basis of the process approach, essence of business processes which are considered by the authors as the main units of governance of corporation activity, covering various functions, processes and tasks necessary for creating a product or providing a service, maintaining production, sales, customer service. Particular attention is paid to evaluating the efficiency of corporate governance business processes, allowing to determine how efficiently and productively they are implemented and identifying possible areas for improvement of this sphere. The authors detail the components of the mechanism for evaluating the efficiency of business processes: stages, indicators, evaluations, methods, and results of improvement. The sequence of stages is proposed as follows: definition of business processes to be evaluated; collection of data on business processes; analysis of the obtained data; identification of opportunities for improving business processes; implementation of measures as to improving business processes. The authors have proposed groups of indicators for evaluation, have identified prospects for improving business processes, these include: increasing the efficiency and productivity of business processes; improving the quality of products and services; cost reduction of all kinds; improving customer service; increasing competitiveness and reducing risks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. O., Kadykova I. M.
Modern Technologies of Communication Management in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine (p. 175 - 181)

The article identifies problems and prospects of using modern technologies of communication management in higher education institutions of Ukraine. It is noted that the main manifestation of crisis phenomena in Ukrainian higher education has certain socioeconomic features associated with insufficient response to the influences of external environmental factors, lack of quality information, adoption of ineffective managerial decisions, and inconsistency of communication support of higher education institutions (HEIs) with world standards. It is noted that today information and communication technologies: cloud computing, automation and robotics, the Internet, artificial intelligence, data analytics, etc. have created new opportunities for higher education students, scientific and pedagogical workers and identified new tasks for HEIs in the field of educational management. Based on this, the technology of communication management in HEIs in general terms presents a set of techniques, means, tools, forms and methods of influencing the managed subsystem of their activities, with the aim of achieving the planned results of financial, economic, social, and professional development. This management technology is regulated by special regulatory and methodological documents, i. e.: norms, regulations, job descriptions, regulations, activity standards, document management systems. It is concluded that one of the important conditions for the formation of an effective communication management system in HEIs is the dissemination of modern digital learning technologies, improving the efficiency of educational management, acquiring digital literacy skills which today are priority conditions for success in the modern labor market. The proposed directions of using modern communication management technologies in HEIs provide for the complexity of solving problems at all levels of management, optimizing activities and creating comfortable learning conditions for higher education students in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Trushkina N. V.
Strategic Management of Agrocluster Structures Development: The Foreign and National Practice (p. 182 - 197)

Modern economic conditions require the intensification of partnership, cooperation and network interaction based on the creation of cluster structures in various spheres of economic activity; association of small enterprises for the proper execution of contracts (cooperation); joint activities of two or more companies and different groups of stakeholders to achieve a common goal and synergistic effect (collaboration). The article studies and generalizes foreign experience of formation of cluster structures in the agrarian sector, which are a powerful means and opportunity for structural institutional changes in the national economies of different countries of the world. A statistical analysis of the dynamics of the main indicators of activity of economic entities in the agrarian sector of Ukraine is carried out. The correlation coefficients of Pearson, Spearman and Fechner are computed to determine the correlation between gross value added and agricultural output; volumes of produced and sold agricultural products; value added by production costs and volume of capital investment in agriculture. Based on the carried out analysis, the key obstacles to the development of the agrarian sector associated with russia’s full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine have been identified. It is substantiated that in order to remove the above barriers, it is expedient to form an appropriate infrastructure support for the domestic development of the agro-industrial complex on the basis of creating a cluster structure. A structural and logical diagram of the process of strategic management of development of agrocluster structures in Ukraine has been built. It is found that an effective implementation of the mechanism of strategic management of agrocluster structures development necessitates the creation of appropriate institutional, organizational, logistical and financial conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustov M. M.
Startups: Essence, Classification, Role in the Economies of the World (p. 198 - 211)

The article defines that startups in the modern economy, being the first stage of the life cycle of innovations, become one of the main engines of scientific progress. The purpose of the study is to determine the essence, classification, and role of startups in the economies of the world. Within the framework of this goal, the main approaches to defining the essence of startups are considered; a content analysis of the concept of «startup» is carried out; a closer definition of the concept is proposed. The main characteristics of «startups» and «small businesses» are also compared; the key features that allow a business project to be considered a startup are identified; the types and kinds of startups are studied. It concerns the following: low-tech, high-tech, and deep-tech innovations; startups by type of activity; depending on the stage of their life cycle; according to the main trends within which the startup will develop; by the method of occurrence (i. e., the nature of the action in the market); depending on their cost, etc. A generalized classification of types of startups by various attributes is proposed. Trends in the development of the startup movement are studied, viz.: rating by the share of startups in key topics; number of startups in the leading countries; the world-wide distribution of startups based on the industry of their implementation and their respective percentage of the total number. It is proved that the present-days processes of creating startups in the world are developing dynamically and will be of particular importance in those areas of the economy where structural transformation is central to the realization of not only economic but also broader social goals. It is determined that Ukraine cannot stay aside from these processes, which will require the use of various national policy instruments, the formation and development of the startup ecosystem, and the relevant institutional environment. This will create a basis for economic growth, which is extremely important for Ukraine in the context of the post-war economic recovery.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhehus O. V., Illiashenko O. V.
Marketing Analytics in Ensuring the Recovery and Development of Businesses in Ukraine (p. 212 - 219)

Given the unprecedented nature of the events taking place in Ukraine, business entities need management tools and methods that are would be adequate to modern challenges. Of particular importance in the process of making managerial decisions is marketing analytics, the key role of which is to promptly generate information on the consequences and changes under the influence of processes and phenomena occurring in the external environment. The article substantiates a new focus of marketing analytics on the search for prospects and opportunities for business survival now and in the future, in the post-war development. The article develops the theoretical foundations and provides applied tools for using marketing analytics to determine the strategic vector of business development. The authors characterize the prerequisites for the emergence of new business management tasks in the context of the ongoing military aggression, which form new requirements for marketing analytics. As changes become more dynamic and dramatic, the survival and development of business in the face of modern shocks depend on the speed of reaction to the processes and phenomena taking place, awareness of the new reality, and promptness of managerial decision-making in terms of initiating actions and measures to implement changes in the company. It is strategically important for businesses to try to manage uncertainty, project the future, and take the initiative, which means acting proactively. This requires critical thinking and high-quality marketing analytics that are able to provide identification and initiation of necessary/desired changes in the company aimed at breakthrough, revolutionary, progressive, radically new transformations in the business model, business processes, organization, technologies, processes, products, services, marketing, strategies of the business entity. Attention is focused on the fact that, along with the crisis, there are also positive processes, which are mainly associated with the fast development of new technologies, the rapid pace of digital transformation, changes in consumer behavior patterns, the introduction of the principles of sustainable development, according to which it is necessary to identify and/or create new opportunities for business development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poita I. O., Mosiichuk I. V., Kalinichenko O. O.
Digital Marketing: The Current State and Prospects for Development in Ukraine (p. 219 - 224)

The article is aimed at studying and evaluating the current trends in digital marketing, as well as defining prospects for its development in Ukraine. The article analyzes the current state and perspective directions of development of digital marketing in Ukraine. The theoretical bases of digital marketing are considered; the use of its instruments is analyzed; the main trends and peculiarities of their implementation are examined. The application of marketing complex (4P) in the Internet is studied and analyzed. It is found that the level of efficiency and flexibility of development of digital marketing largely depends on how quickly an enterprise adapts to changes in the external environment and uses its internal potential. It is determined that enterprises and organizations, regardless of their size, form of ownership and sphere of activity, are forced to move to the online plane of doing business in order not to lose competitive positions in the market, develop connections, effectively promote their products and communicate with their real and potential consumers. The article analyzes the methods of optimization of enterprises in different spheres of activity, which have actively begun to develop their channels of digital promotion. The advantages of using digital marketing are given, including: priority of obtaining information; attracting a wide audience; repetitiveness of advertising information; low costs compared to other marketing instruments; the ability to analyze financial income and expenses. Enterprises are invited to abandon the traditional approach to marketing in favor of speed and efficiency of decision-making, use of social networks, timeliness of obtaining information, all this is possible when using digital marketing. Conclusions are drawn about the rapid development and transformation of digital marketing with the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and onset of the war in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Logvynenko D. V., Podorozhna M. R.
The Strategic Instruments for Formation and Positioning of a Brand in International Markets (p. 225 - 231)

The modern market is filled with a variety of products to suit every taste. Behind each of these products is present a certain organization that is trying to promote its product into the deeper market. So in order to promote your product, you need to understand the difference between a trademark and a brand, a brand and branding, etc. From a legal point of view, a brand is a unique trademark that is subject to patent protection. In accordance with the consumer (psychological) approach, a brand is understood as the impressions that the buyer has of an almost elusive vibe associated with a product. The concept of a brand combines a list of conceptions, unique solutions, feelings of perception, and value properties associated with a product or service of a particular organization. In order for a company’s product to become a brand, it needs to be formed. Brand formation is a complex and time-consuming process that includes market analysis, positioning, logo and name creation, and the development of a plan for further brand improvement and modernization. However, despite that the brand formation is one holistic process that includes positioning, it can be presented as a separate process. After all, positioning accompanies all stages of brand formation, since any missed or unaccounted-for detail of this process creates a brand’s inconsistency with the criteria of the market in which it is represented. Brand positioning is, on the one hand, the definition of its market position, its difference from competitors, and, on the other hand, the definition of its place in the minds of consumers. Before you are in the hands of the consumer, you first need to be in his head. Therefore, positioning can be defined as a figurative shell, a way to broadcast brand ideas using various means and techniques. Positioning should be felt at every point of contact between the brand and the consumer: in the name, visual image, advertising campaigns, social networks. It is also necessary to pay attention to the matter that an important principle of brand formation and positioning is its socialization, which is aimed at reducing the harmful impact of goods/services on the environment, ensuring compliance of production processes with quality norms and standards. From such a standpoint, organizational and managerial techniques, methodologies, methods of market actions, development of a brand platform, naming are strategic instruments for the effective implementation of the formation and positioning of a brand in world markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasyltsiv T. G., Biletska I. M., Rudkovska T. O.
The Directions for Streamlining the Public Policy of Improving the Quality of Medical Care for the Population in Ukraine (p. 275 - 280)

The article emphasizes the urgency of forming and implementing a public policy of improving the quality of providing medical services to the population. The purpose of the study is the scientific substantiation of the methodological and applied principles of the streamlining of the public policy of improving the quality of medical care of the population in Ukraine. It is shown that carrying out the medical reform in Ukraine actualizes the problem of improving the quality of medical care for the population, especially at the local level; for territorial communities, this means, first of all, the formation of an integral system of medical care, which will cover its primary and secondary links and will allow to simplify the access of residents of the territory of the community to quality medicine. The development strategies of the regions of the Ukrainian Carpathians were analyzed, and on this basis it was proved that in Ukraine, at the regional and local levels, quite significant attention within the framework of public policy is paid to medicine in general and, in particular, to the improvement of the quality of medical care of the local population. The modern processes of transformation of the domestic system of providing medical services to the population are characterized, namely trends that reflect the fact that the health care system began to noticeably lose its stability during the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the unfolding of the full-scale Russian war on Ukraine, it experienced colossal shocks due to the transfer of part of medical workers to serve the needs of the army, migratory losses of personnel, increased burden on the industry due to a large number of injured civilians and military personnel, as well as a new wave of forced migrants. The directions of the public policy of improving the quality of medical care for the population in Ukraine were defined and substantiated, namely, the initialization of the infrastructural part of the health care reform; creation of a single coordination center based on the center of emergency medical care and disaster medicine; development of regulations regarding vulnerable population groups, including IDPs, in the context of obtaining the necessary medical and rehabilitation assistance; activation of work with international funds; ensuring rotation of medical and social workers at meeting points for IDPs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hrytsenko L. L., Kozhushko I. O., Chepurko V. O., Perepelitsyn H. B.
Risk-Oriented Management in the System of Economic Security of a Corporate Enterprise (p. 281 - 288)

The article is devoted to the actual topic of ensuring the economic security of domestic enterprises in a dynamic and unpredictable environment. In order to determine a possible way for economic entities to predict and counteract the negative impact of risks, the concept of economic security of the economic entity and its main constituent elements were studied and the most important functions were also highlighted. The methodological principles of managing the economic security of the enterprise and risk management are compared, taking into account that the methodological principles of risk-oriented management in the process of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise have been developed. The developed conception includes, in particular, the coverage of all types of economic entity activity, balance, complexity and continuity. A process of the integration of risk-oriented management into the system of economic security of the enterprise and the main tasks in each of the stages are presented. It is determined that this process becomes effective only under the condition of continuous analysis of the system and monitoring of the main objects of the internal and external environment. In addition, the authors identified a number of limitations that arise in the process of integrating risk-oriented management into the economic security system of the enterprise. The main measures aimed at improving the efficiency of risk-oriented management are proposed. The theoretical value of the conducted research lies in the expansion of scientific views on risk-oriented management of the enterprise’s economic security system. The practical value lies in the formation of recommendations on the integration of risk-oriented management of economic security into the general hierarchical system of enterprise management in order to ensure the stability of functioning in the conditions of a dynamic external environment. We consider it appropriate to direct further research into the development of methodical approaches to assessing the efficiency of risk-oriented management of the enterprise’s economic security system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrenko O. I.
The Role of Staff in the Implementation of the Conception of «Lean Production» at a Transport Enterprise (p. 288 - 294)

The aim of the article is to study the features of the role of staff in the transport enterprise on the basis of «lean production» as a component of the success of implementation. The article uses general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, deduction, grouping, structural and system analysis. The main attention is paid to the role of staff in the successful implementation of the conception of «lean production». In today’s world, in the face of resource scarcity and global economic instability, business strives to minimize costs as much as possible. This leads to the introduction of advanced technologies that allow to effectively solve business tasks and quickly respond to changes in the market environment. However, the growing role of the human factor also requires competent, motivated, dedicated employees with great adaptive potential. To function successfully, companies need not only to reduce production costs, but also to increase the efficiency of staff. The new requirements encourage the study of the management experience of the world’s leading countries and the possibilities of its implementation, taking into account the national mentality, the realities of Ukrainian business and the political situation. The role of staff within the framework of the system of «lean production», which is implemented in order to achieve a balance between reducing costs and maintaining high quality of products, where human resources are one of the main sources of improving the efficiency of transport enterprise, has been studied. It is analyzed that the main components of the success of the implementation of the concept of «lean production» are as follows: top management, training and education, employees, work culture, and motivation of staff. The staff motivation system should be simple and understandable to everyone, further is should be transparent and public. An efficient system of remuneration (compensations and bonuses) plays a significant role in staff management, namely, in attracting, motivating and retaining highly qualified employees. It is noted that the role of staff in the introduction and implementation of the concept of «lean production» is a key factor of success, especially for transport enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Minkovska A. V., Molchanov A. S.
The Theoretical Aspects of Innovative Management in Increasing the Efficiency of Agricultural Enterprise (p. 295 - 300)

The aim of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of innovation management in order to improve the efficiency of an agricultural enterprise. The article emphasizes that innovative development is necessary for the efficient operation of enterprise, as it contributes to ensuring competitiveness, increasing efficiency, expanding market opportunities, as well as adapting to changes in the social and economic environment. It is noted that the relevance of innovation management lies in its ability to provide enterprises with competitiveness, adaptation to changes, development of talents, use of new technologies and achievement of sustainable development. A definition of the concept of «innovation management of an agrarian enterprise» has been proposed, which is an approach to management aimed at creating and implementing innovative solutions, processes and strategies in an agricultural enterprise in order to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of an enterprise in agriculture. It is determined that innovation management in the agricultural sector can contribute to improving the efficiency of enterprise with the help of the following main components: development and implementation of new technologies; innovative approaches to production; application of new production methods; innovations in the product portfolio; development of new products or improvement of the existing ones; management of innovative projects; fostering a culture of innovation. The introduction of innovation management allows the enterprise to maintain competitiveness, meet market requirements and efficiently use resources, which as a result contributes to increasing its efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhehus O. V.
Marketing of Opportunities as a Modern Concept for Business Development under the Conditions of Global Challenges (p. 300 - 308)

The dynamic and global changes have led to the evolution of marketing as a modern theory of the firm’s behavior at the market along with the business philosophy. Taking into account the new challenges, the conception of marketing of opportunities, based on a new approach to business thinking, has been proposed and characterized. As a result of the changes that are taking place, a completely new reality is being formed, so the uncertainty is growing even more, fears and stupor are emerging, and the reaction of business is slowing down due to lack of experience and the misapprehension of how to proceed. Taking into account the inability of traditional management practices to solve business problems in new circumstances, a new model of business thinking has been formed, which provides for the speed of reaction to events and awareness of changes; optimism and a bold look into the future; inspiration and search for new opportunities; readiness and initiation of changes, proactivity of actions. Such a model is able to provide opportunities for regeneration and further development of the business, strengthen its resilience in any difficulties and further changes. In the context of marketing of opportunities, the transformation of the main principle of marketing «customer orientation» into «customer-centricity», and then into personification and individual approach is substantiated. Marketing is considered as an activity to create consumer value for the formation of a new customer experience to better meet individual needs, requests, interests, expectations of consumers, and solution of their life problems. The priority is the transition from standard solutions expected from the market to breakthrough ones, which in the near future are able to provide competitive advantages that go beyond the existing patterns and stereotypes, and are distinguished by tangible and obvious novelty. The conception of marketing of opportunities is aimed at creating a new or significantly updated, most importantly – unique product, service, brand in accordance with new consumer demands, challenges and achievements, able to provide leadership and business development prospects now and in the near future.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumilo O. S., Ievtushenko G. V., Karetin D. O.
The Theoretical Principles of Marketing Management of Enterprise (p. 309 - 315)

The article carries out a study of the theoretical foundations of marketing management of enterprise. The stages of development of marketing management have been studied, its three stages have been specified. A comparative analysis of the scientific definitions of the concept of «marketing management» is carried out, while it has been determined that there is no single understanding of the essence of the concept. Marketing management is understood as: a component of the overall management process at the enterprise; the process of analysis, planning, implementation and control; the process of identifying target markets in order to implement pricing policies, promote and distribute ideas, products, and services; the process of coordination and formation; planning process; social process; the process of achieving goals, managing all functions of the enterprise; a dynamic system with modern features and trends in development. The components of marketing management have been defined as follows: management, marketing, economics. It is noted that marketing management is manifested in the management of the enterprise’s activities, in demand and function. It is proved that the interconnection of management and marketing functions occurs in the process of functioning of enterprise through the implementation of marketing management functions. Methods of marketing management are classified into economic; organizational and administrative, social. The subject, object and main tasks of marketing management are defined. It is noted that marketing management is based on a certain group of principles: general (on which any management is based) and specific (belonging only to marketing management). It is also noted that the essence of marketing management is disclosed in its goals, which are divided into qualitative (formed in accordance with the company’s activities in order to satisfy the consumer) and quantitative (which are set to achieve the financial results of the enterprise, they are indicators of performance).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarenko O. S.
Holistic Marketing and Digital Technologies in the Fashion Industry (p. 316 - 321)

The aim of the article is to study the features of the integration of holistic marketing and digital technologies, allowing to transform the fashion industry and provide brands with the opportunity to find novel ways to express their identity and interact with their audience. Generalizing scientific approaches to defining the essence of the concepts of «holistic marketing» and «digital marketing», the article determines the relevance of integrating these two concepts as used in the fashion industry, which should foster the improving of the quality of goods and services, reinforcing the interaction between brands and consumers, thus increasing their role in the implementation of the conception of holistic marketing. It is substantiated that digital marketing allows fashion brands to increase their online presence through a variety of channels. Social media and other digital platforms allow brands in the fashion industry to interact directly with their audience through comments, messages, and reviews, thus providing manufacturers of clothing and accessories with additional opportunities to receive feedback from consumers and improve their assortment. Digital marketing allows fashion brands to reach an international audience and expand their global presence without significant infrastructure costs, a promotion can even be more cost-effective compared with traditional advertising. At the same time, the closure of some stores of foreign brands for security reasons, the change of seasons and the growing popularity of the domestic range of goods «made in Ukraine» created opportunities for the recovery of the fashion business in Ukraine. Digital platforms are used to convey information about a brand’s commitment to sustainable and ethical practices, which attracts the attention of socially conscious consumers. For example, the social project Under Sirens, organized in Europe, aims at drawing the world’s attention to the russian-led war going on in Ukraine. The fashionable Ukrainian brands labels incorporate soundtracks and, making use of augmented reality, turn into air raid sirens very alike to the alarms that howl in Ukrainian cities every now and then.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Luchko H. Y.
Formation of High-Performance Project Teams (p. 249 - 254)

The aim of the article is to develop recommendations for the formation and development of highly productive project teams through the implementation of an effective motivational influence on their participants and the creation of a favorable project environment. In spite of difficult living conditions, Ukrainian entrepreneurs can ensure an effective operation of a company through the implementation of projects that allow to proactively influence the needs of society and ensure rapid adaptation to changes in the environment. The successful implementation of one’s own ideas through the implementation of projects significantly depends on the professional application of project management tools and on the effective work of the project team. The article examines the importance of transforming a group of people involved in the implementation of a project into a highly productive team. It is noted that one of the key points in the formation and management of high-performance project teams is the motivation of team members, since the success of the entire project will significantly depend on the level of interest of the participants in the implementation of the tasks. The interpretation of the concept of «motivation» is considered and the definition of motivation in the management of project teams is proposed. It is proved that in order to form a high-performing team, it is important to establish effective relationships between the project manager and all members, as well as to build an open communication environment within the team. It is important for a project manager to find individual motivation factors for each team member, to understand their needs and values in order to develop an effective motivation system. Factors that can be valuable for team members are highlighted. The article also proposes methods of motivation of team members, which a project manager, taking into account an individual approach, can use in order to form and develop high-performance teams. The factors that will contribute to the creation of a favorable environment that will allow teams to maximize the potential of each member are allocated. Active communication with each team member, effective motivational influence in accordance with the motivation factors of each participant and the creation of a favorable project environment will allow the project manager to form a high-performance team that will ensure the successful implementation of the particular project.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hubarieva I. O., Marushchenko O. O., Koss A. V.
Status and Trends of Research in the Field of Project Risk Management (p. 255 - 262)

The aim of the article is to determine the contextual and temporal regularities of the development of the presentation in the scientific literature of research in the field of project risk management using bibliometric analysis. To achieve this aim, this study analyzed the following: the trend and structural patterns of publication activity of scholars around the world; the geographical structure of affiliation of scientists; the topics of the most cited articles on project risk management, also a bibliometric analysis using the instrumentarium of VOSviewer v. 1.6.10 as the research tools for analyzing relevant literature from the Scopus database on project risk management. A bibliometric analysis with the central category of «project risk» made it possible to identify eight clusters of scientific research on project risk management: the first cluster is focused on risk management methodology, investment and innovation risk, development and implementation of an innovative product, startup; the second – on project risk management in the field of information technology, information systems, software, identification of risk factors and evaluation of project efficiency; the third – on the optimization of risk management, modeling, the use of methods and instruments in the risk management system (hierarchy analysis method, fuzzy logic method); the fourth – on the assessment of risk probability, cost and complexity of the project; the fifth – on the assessment of the quality of the project, substantiation of the management strategy; the sixth – on the peculiarities of the product life cycle, project infrastructure, management of specific project risks (stakeholders, political situation, technology development); the seventh – on the practical application of standards, algorithms, and models of project risk management; the eighth cluster is based on substantiating the choice of the project, setting risk limits, developing algorithms, and using artificial intelligence. A promising area of management is risk management in the field of information technology, namely: risk management of IT projects and software; development and implementation of startups and innovative products; the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozlova I. M., Velyka О. Y.
The Methodological Support for Diagnosing Strategic Capabilities of Enterprises (p. 262 - 268)

The article discusses the main methods and approaches to diagnosing the strategic capabilities of enterprises. On the basis of the carried out study, it is found that today three approaches to performing diagnostics of enterprises have become the most widely used. The choice of one or another of these approach depends on many factors (the purpose of diagnostics, information and analytical provision of the activities of enterprises, industry affiliation, etc.). The paper summarizes the characteristics of diagnostics as a process consisting of purpose, subject, object, tasks and methods. It is substantiated that the process of diagnostics should include the state of an economic entity for a certain period of time, as well as forecasting conditions that can affect both positively and negatively its development in the future. The main directions of diagnostics of strategic capabilities of enterprises are allocated. It is determined that there are various methods for diagnosing the state of development of enterprises, the basic ones would be statistical, economic-mathematical, and special methods. On the basis of the generalization of research on the available diagnostics of enterprise development, an algorithm has been formed, which would be expedient when carrying out diagnostics. The presented algorithm consists of three stages, each of them comprising tasks, the solution of which would foster the achievement of the maximum result of a particular research. It is proved that in order to obtain reliable and high-quality diagnostic results, it is important to form an array of data that would meet the requirements for information, have an appropriate time range, completeness of information on the issues of the phenomenon under study. It is substantiated that the correctness of the obtained results of diagnostics and the concluding diagnosis determines an effective establishment of the existing crisis phenomena, identifying the causes of their occurrence, and ways of eliminating them in the future. It is found that the strategic opportunities for the development of enterprise should be brought through the prism of implementation of individual strategies according to the certain directions, with the determination of the effectiveness of implementation of each of the strategies, which will allow to assess the most attractive vectors of development for the enterprise and to strengthen the weaker sides. Such a comprehensive assessment contributes to the establishment of the correct diagnosis, identification of strengths and weaknesses, interaction of influencing factors, which allows managers to develop effective managerial decisions on the strategic development of enterprises in the future.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Husakovska T. O., Sviatnyi L. O., Sereda O. O.
The Essence and Structure of the Intellectual Capital of an Organization (p. 269 - 275)

The aim of the article is to analyze the existing approaches to determining the essence of the intellectual capital of an organization and its structure. According to the results of the carried out analysis of interpretations of the category of «capital of enterprise», it is determined that such a capital is considered as resources (financial, material, intangible) that, in turn, form the enterprise’s assets; the accumulated values in the form of fixed assets, intangible assets, marketable securities, inventory assets; the accumulated values both in the form of money and the tangible, intangible and financial components. The results of the further study of the interpretation of the category of «intellectual capital» by domestic and foreign researchers showed the existence of the following basic approaches to the consideration of intellectual capital: as the sum of knowledge of employees that can be assessed and can bring additional profit to the enterprise; as a result of employees’ intellectual work – intellectual products together with resources of the enterprise; as intangible assets of the enterprise; as economic relations that arise in the process of both formation and use of the intellectual resources of the enterprise. The authors draw the conclusion that the category of «intellectual capital» acquires a fairly broad meaning. It includes the human capital of the organization, which is its most dynamic and complex component and provides the basis for the formation of structural capital. In other words, intellectual capital means all the intellectual resources and capabilities of the enterprise, which constitute the source of the future income and represent a factor in terms of the growth of market value. Prospects for further research in this direction are consideration of intellectual capital in the context of its impact on the formation of enterprise potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chobitok V. I., Shepelenko S. M.
Transformation of Processes of Development of Intellectual Potential: The Historical and Philosophical Aspects (p. 276 - 282)

The aim of the article is to provide a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the historical and philosophical aspects of the transformation of the processes of development of intellectual potential. According to the results of the carried out study, it is found that the problems of globalization in modern science began to be studied relatively recently. The science of globalization (globalistics) has been transformed into one of the most dynamic scientific directions, which is not only an integral system of knowledge, but also the most important element of the contemporary academic field. Globalization is a problem of great practical importance, since in the modern world no country can develop gradually and efficiently if there is no clear and substantiated strategy of behavior that affects the transformation of the development of intellectual potential. The demographic problems of globalization have been understudied, even though the issue of «globalization and human population» is on the agenda of regularly organized UN conferences on population and development, as well as meetings on human development, which are the basis for the formation of intellectual potential. Some aspects of this set of problems are studied within the framework of international scientific programs, individual scholars also consider certain elements of this globalization. However, in most studies, human potential is perceived as something passive. The decrease in the number of able-bodied and professionally active population of the country can be largely compensated by improving the quality of human resources. The current stage of development of society has set new tasks, the main of which are the qualitative renewal of society and, above all, of the person himself. It is about increasing the level of his or her professional, moral, spiritual and aesthetic education, as well as health promotion and physical improvement. The current trend towards depopulation of the professionally active members of the public will have the most negative impact on the country’s economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yavorskyi R. T., Shyshkovskyi S. V., Tymoshchuk M. R.
The Basic Models of Enterprise Development Management (p. 282 - 289)

In the context of permanent changes caused by instability due to the ongoing war and an increased uncertainty in the business environment, the conditions for the development of enterprises are changing dramatically. The article elaborates an interpretation of enterprise development as a process of quantitative, qualitative, and structural changes in its status (potential) and functional activity to achieve the established vision and goal (effectiveness), which are caused by an immanent tendency to improvement. The concept of development of a socioeconomic system is considered. The interaction of the main elements of the development of the socioeconomic system is analyzed. Both the conceptual and the basic models of enterprise development management have been elaborated. Studies have shown that in the current economic conditions, business activity is a decisive factor in the economic performance of an enterprise. At the same time, business activity is a defining characteristic of the company’s position in the market. Thus, the growth of business activity of an economic entity in the capital, goods, and labor markets, aimed at improving the effectiveness of its activities, becomes the primary task of the economic development of the enterprise. It is determined that the results of activity characterize the degree of achievement of the goal of development of enterprise, which is described by an aggregate of indicators. Changes that may occur during the implementation of a certain conception of development primarily affect such functional characteristics as capital, sufficient costs of production, output. Estimates of such changes can be obtained based on the results of experimentation with the corresponding searching (working) models. On the basis of the above and taking into account the best practices of project management, strategies and models of enterprise development are considered, including strategies for growth, activation, transformation and creation. These strategies provide elemental, mixed, and system types of development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalutska K. Y., Stefantsov D. V.
A Typologization of the Interconnections between Enterprise and Stakeholders in the Process of their Strategic Development (p. 290 - 295)

Correctly identifying and outlining the circle of the most important stakeholders is the basis for the effective strategic development of an enterprise, since the reliability and stability of interaction with them fosters ensuring the effectiveness and optimization of the enterprise’s business processes. This, in turn, makes it possible to increase the competitiveness and stability of the enterprise in the strategic period. Since the implementation of business processes requires clarity, consistency of their implementation, which depends on the efficiency of ensuring their implementation by certain types of resources, then, accordingly, proper relationships with stakeholders are a guarantee of their effective implementation. Therefore, the issue of typologization of the interconnections between the enterprise and stakeholders is relevant. The research was carried out using the following methods: historical; logical; comparison; analogy; analysis, synthesis; concretization; abstracting. The article allocates and characterizes the types of relations between the enterprise and stakeholders in accordance with their participation in the implementation of the enterprise’s business processes. According to this, the following types of interconnections are distinguished: dependent; independent; business; development; interpersonal; securing; general. The allocated types of interconnections between enterprise and stakeholders are characterized, which helped to clarify the criteria for dividing stakeholders into separate groups to ensure effective strategic development of enterprise. Such criteria are the following: the level of value for the enterprise; the level of value of the enterprise; prospects for development; the level of correspondence of the results of interaction to the set goals. The parameters of attribution of stakeholders to a certain group of influence in relation to the selected types of interconnection (interaction) are described. Recommendations for building a methodology for allocating groups of influence of stakeholders on the activities of enterprise are provided, using the proposed criteria (parameters) of division.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panchenko O. P.
Rationalization of the Company's Personnel Management Policy: The Aspects of Staff Planning (p. 295 - 301)

The article emphasizes the relevance of new research in the field of personnel management, namely the expediency of improving methodical approaches to planning the company's workforce. Accordingly, the purpose of the study is to improve the theoretical and methodological principles of staff planning in the system of rationalization of the company's personnel management policy. The existing and the differentiated approaches to planning the number of different categories of personnel of the enterprise are proposed. It is shown that when forming the staff of the enterprise, this task is solved according to the criterion of the minimum time required for the execution of the production program. The linear model determines the optimal number of employees of each specialty, taking into account certain restrictions. The main tasks of enterprise staff planning are defined as follows: increasing the efficiency of the production process and labor, increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions, in particular, achieving maximum profit; ensuring high social efficiency of team functioning. It is proved that the work on planning the number and structure of the company's staff should be built based on the interpretation of the content of this process and should include a number of additional components. It is determined that the organizational structure of the personnel planning system is a set of interdependent divisions of the personnel management system together with officials. At this, divisions perform the role of personnel management functions bearers, they can be considered, in a broad sense, as a personnel management service. It is established that the specific place and role of the specified service in the general system of management of the enterprise's activities should be determined by the place and role of each specialized personnel management division and also by the organizational status of its direct manager. It is concluded that such an organizational status should be a confirmed set of powers and responsibilities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnokutska N. S., Koray Adiguzel
Integrating Blockchain in Various Organizational Models Pave the Path to Sustainable Development Goals (p. 301 - 311)

Blockchain is considered one of the most significant technological advances integrated into the Business Process Management (BPM) systems of various organizations over the past decade. The introduction of blockchain technologies is changing the way traditional supply chains are managed. In this sense, blockchain technologies have the potential to revolutionize complex supply chains in stability, traceability, and accountability. Since Blockchain technology has fostered the development of trust between many different parties, not just leaders and followers, it is assumed that Blockchain will give its adapters revolutionary characteristics. Upon a systematic bibliometric review that determined the impact of introducing Blockchain technology into the BPM, on the basis of previous research and scientific papers published in academic journals, it was found that most of the studies highlight the significance of Blockchain and its impact on the supply chain and financial sectors. However, this article aims to identify new characteristics of Blockchain’s impact on the BPM in various other sectors, especially in the telecommunications, non-governmental organizations, industrial, and banking sectors. The statistical analysis of the collected data examines the intermediate variables of the introduction of Blockchain technology (trust, immutability, transparency, and cost reduction) and its impact on increasing sustainability (economic, ecological, and social resilience) as a dependent variable. As a result of the study, the authors concluded that Blockchain has the potential to enhance the revolutionary characteristics of trust, immutability, cost reduction, and reliability in a business process model, accelerating the path to achieving sustainable development.

Article is written in English

Sviderska S. Y., Kukhta P. V.
Trends in the Global and Ukrainian Markets of Cosmetics Products (p. 311 - 318)

The article aims at disclosing and summarizing the current trends in the development of cosmetics products markets, determining their volumes, dynamics and potential; analyzing the impact of global market conditions on the reactions of domestic players to crisis conditions. The research is relevant due to the peculiarities of the current conditions of development of the Ukrainian cosmetics products market. It is currently undergoing transformation due to government regulation affecting one of the largest market players. This opens up opportunities for small businesses, local and international investors to further develop, strengthen their market presence and attract additional investment. The methodological basis of this study is formed by general scientific methods, the complex combination and use of which made it possible to obtain important practical results. The cosmetics products markets, analyzed in the article, are defined as sustainable, stable-growing, and adaptive toward crisis occurrences. Overall, the industry that has undergone a transformation towards self-care, health and naturalness under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic, accelerating the development of omnichannelness and innovations. Technological advances are crucial, influencing product development, customer interaction, marketing, etc. In particular, the development of e-commerce in the cosmetics products market is changing the way consumers think about the way they shop, facilitating the prior experience of finding the right product and providing the basis for more informed, yet faster, purchasing decisions. These facts are underlined by numerous statistical studies that support forecasts of the sustainability of development of e-commerce in this market in the future. In such circumstances, analyzing global trends in the cosmetics products industry helps to understand the dynamics of the local market and the behavior of players during crises. It is vital for local market players to adapt to global market rules and formulate effective strategies. It is summarized that, in addition to the generally recognized shifts in the cosmetics products market, such as the post-pandemic and the growth of e-commerce, it is important to consider trends that influence consumer choice and purchases, such as the need to personalize the consumer experience, the growth of the face and body care segment, the propensity to consume organic products, and the requirements for sustainable business development.

Article is written in English

Bielikova N. V., Yurchenko O. K.
Specifics of Marketing Activities for the Development of a Startup (p. 319 - 324)

The problems of promotion in international sales markets are especially acute for companies in high-tech industries, in particular for high-tech startups. The need for reasonable development and use of international marketing strategies by high-tech startups at the stage of growth and scaling of their activities is grounded upon: the difficulty of conveying the value of the offer to the end consumer; accelerated development of scientific and scientific-technological progress, which leads to the emergence of new technologies and innovative products; constant intensification of competition in world markets; gaps in the socioeconomic development of individual countries. The aim of the study is to determine the specific features of international marketing activities for the development of a high-tech startup. The article examines the theoretical aspects of international marketing; the article considers approaches to the definition of the essence of the concept of «international marketing», features of the modern market of high-tech products, the essence of a startup, in particular a high-tech one, the startup life cycle. It is substantiated that the directions of marketing activities vary depending on the stages of the startup life cycle. The main trends within which startup marketing will develop, and the approaches and models on which the marketing strategy of a startup can be based are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Chobitok V. I.
The Strategic Development of Startups in an Innovative Environment (p. 325 - 330)

The aim of the article is a theoretical and methodological substantiation of the scientific and practical process of the strategic development of startups in the innovative environment in the current conditions of economic management. According to the results of the carried out study, it is found that the successful development of the economy of any contemporary country is directly related to the level of innovative development and access to the markets of advanced technologies. The process of generation and implementation of innovations is the basis for successful transformation into a modern knowledge-intensive and dynamically developing market economy. One of the key factors ensuring the effectiveness of this process is the creation of an innovation infrastructure, an important element of which is startups as the most operational and flexible market of participants. It is generally accepted that the evaluation of a startup is a sign of success. This indicates progressive development and attractiveness for involving financial sources. However, unlike the valuation of the State-owned companies, the process for private companies is opaque and often based on assumptions made after the announcement of late investment rounds. This approach does not allow for an objective evaluation of a startup. The shares issued at later stages are more expensive – not only because of the objective success of the company, but also because of specific preferences. The article discusses the advantages of creating startups, identifies trends in increasing innovative development and proposes long-term development of a startup at all life cycles. It is determined that the reorganization of the innovation infrastructure for supporting startups includes solving the current and strategic tasks related, first of all, to investment support for the generation of innovation. Taking into account the complexity of the structural composition of the elements involved in the processes of creation and development of innovative infrastructure to support startups, and the strategic orientedness of the tasks they solve, the development of the organizational structure and economic mechanism of interaction between startups is the basis for the development of innovation infrastructure, contributing to the effective organization of information exchange between the elements of the innovation infrastructure.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Trushkina N. V., Patlachuk T. V.
The Scientific and Methodological Provision of the Formation of a Consumer Relationship Management System in the Digital Space (p. 331 - 345)

One of the modern challenges of the organization of marketing activities is the rapid development of digital technologies and information systems as effective tools for promoting products and e-commerce. Therefore, enterprises pay considerable attention to the technological component of business digitalization based on the modernization of IT infrastructure, the introduction of cloud software, and the formation of digital channels using information technology. The key vector of digital transformation should be aimed at increasing the requirements for the level of logistics services, the emergence of new criteria for the quality of logistics services, that is, the formation of a customer-oriented approach to customer relationship management. In view of this, the purpose of this study is to develop scientific and methodological provision of the formation of a system for managing relationships with consumers, taking into account the challenges of the digital environment. To achieve the set goal of the study, the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, expert questioning, statistical analysis, structural and logical generalization were used. In the article, the system of management of relationships with consumers is considered as an interrelated set of objects and subjects of management through the implementation of the entire list of functions of management of consumer service processes on the basis of the use of mechanisms of information, organizational and logistical support. The level of use of information and communication technologies in the organization of consumer service processes at Ukrainian enterprises is analyzed. A structural and functional scheme of formation of a system for managing relationships with consumers has been built. The expediency of applying a system approach to the digital transformation of the consumer relationship management system based on the use of information tools and digital channels is substantiated; formation of a qualitatively new culture of marketing communications and omnichannel information environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dovbnia S. B., Ponomarenko R. V.
Development of Strategic Planning: Historical Stages and Modern Features (p. 321 - 328)

The aim of the article is to study the evolution of strategic planning, due to the strengthening of the influence of the external environment on the activities of enterprises, and to substantiate the directions of its further development in the conditions of the turbulent modern stage. The development of strategic planning under the influence of the external environment is considered: from the origin at the beginning of the twentieth century in the form of budgeting and to its modern innovative stage. Three chronological periods of development of strategic planning and, accordingly, its three types have been allocated: competitive, systemic, partnership. Their allocation is carried out on the basis of changes in the essence, methods and results of strategic planning, which occurred under the influence of the dynamics of the external environment, as well as the views and reactions of the enterprise to it. The main features of each of the types are characterized. The competitive type of strategic planning refers to the period of growth of production volumes and stiffening of competition and is aimed at the formation of competitive advantages of the enterprise and strengthening its market position. The systemic type is distinguished by the development and systematization of methods of strategic planning and the formation of the process of this activity. The main attention is paid to the modern (partnership) stage and its characteristic features, which include: the need for a timely response of economic entities to the acceleration of the pace of changes in the external environment; innovativeness; comprehensive digitalization; priority of human capital development; orientation towards the principles of sustainable development and socially-oriented management; and, of course, the growing importance of partnerships. Digitalization is considered both from the standpoint of its external impact on the activities of the enterprise (external digitalization) and internal manifestation (internal digitalization). External digitalization encourages the company to develop information competencies. Internal digitalization ensures an increase in the efficiency of the enterprise, the creation of competitive advantages, and the development of innovations. The factors of external and internal digitalization have been identified and systematized. The main ways of building partnerships with the subjects of the external environment are defined. The main directions of development of methodical tools of strategic planning at the present stage are formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yavorskyi R. T., Shyshkovskyi S. V.
Formation of a Flexible Management System (p. 329 - 333)

In the context of permanent changes, the development of flexible management methodologies becomes an urgent necessity. The main factors influencing the effectiveness of modern management are the following: validity and flexible variability of managerial decisions, availability of a vision of the ways of development of the organization, high efficiency of organizational processes, competence and agility of employees. The article considers the essence of the concepts of «flexibility of the system» with the further extension of these definitions to «flexibility of the system of organization and management of the economic system». Flexibility is proposed to be understood as the ability of a system, which is subject to random influences of internal and external factors, to change its state or trajectory of movement (development) within the limits that are due to the critical values of the main parameters, after which irreversible changes in the integrity of the system occur. The definition of the concept of «dexterous worker» as a competent specialist, who has all the properties of dexterity developed at a high level (ingenuity, liveliness, energy, interest, intelligence, dexterity) is presented. The features of the formation of flexible teams are considered, taking into account the typology of employees. In a flexible team, employees have the right to express and defend their own point of view in a controversial situation, but not to block each other. In a flexible team, a change in personal assessment of the situation drives, not disappoints. This is the «secret» of the effective work of a flexible team. An important component in building a flexible team is mentoring. The starting point of mentoring is managerial self-awareness as an awareness of one’s own strengths, weaknesses and personality traits. Mentoring refers to management methods aimed at the development of an individual by sharing a vision of a problem and choosing effective tools for solving it based on personal experience or best practice of other managers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnykova K. V.
Designing Logistics Systems with International Outsourcing Companies in Commercial Logistics (p. 334 - 340)

Designing logistics systems in commercial logistics is the process of developing and creating a set of logistics procedures, infrastructure, processes and strategies aimed at optimizing the movement of goods and services from suppliers to end customers. This process includes the development of strategies for managing the international supply chain, warehousing, transportation, supplier relationship management and other logistics aspects of commercial activities. The purpose of the article is to provide a theoretical substantiation of the process of designing logistics systems and directions for improving the efficiency of international logistics systems through the use of outsourcing companies in commercial logistics. The article considers and defines the conceptual apparatus for designing logistics systems with regard to cooperation with outsourcing companies in international commercial logistics. The article generalizes stages of designing the organizational structure of management of the process of interaction "logistics system - outsourcing company", identifies goals and tasks of each stage of designing a logistics system. The article offers an algorithm of actions on designing an organizational system of management of the process of interaction "logistic system - outsourcing company" in commercial logistics. The conducted research and the presented results allow managers to design a logistics system taking into account the interaction with international outsourcing companies that can perform logistics operations more efficiently and more economically, taking into account the peculiarities of commercial logistics in international supply chains.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ishcheykin T. E., Pavliy O. V.
A Mechanism for Management of Strategic Changes of an Enterprise (p. 340 - 346)

The aim of the article is to develop methodical and practical principles for the formation of a mechanism for managing strategic changes at a domestic enterprise in modern economic conditions. The article analyzes the factors that give rise to strategic changes in the enterprise. The types of strategic changes and their impact on the strategic management of enterprise have been allocated. The stages of the process of management of strategic changes of enterprise are considered. The author’s own approach to the formation of a mechanism for managing strategic changes in enterprise has been proposed. Four levels at which this mechanism is formed have been allocated: general, process, functional, and instrumental. The main elements of each level are differentiated. It is emphasized that at the general level it is important to determine the driving element, input, object of control and the desired result (output). The constant influence of the external environment on the process of managing strategic changes of enterprise is emphasized and it is noted that external changes do not require management and do not depend on the enterprise itself, and therefore the latter can only adapt to them. Internal strategic changes are manageable, although they often depend on the external environment. The functional level provides for the allocation of components of the process of managing strategic changes of the enterprise, and the process level – specific stages of the change management process, which depend on the complexity of the changes carried out and the characteristics of the enterprise itself. The instrumental level involves the selection of a set of tools and methods for managing strategic changes. The relationship between all levels of the mechanism for managing strategic changes of enterprise is emphasized and a set of indicators is defined, with the help of which it is possible to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the presented mechanism. It is concluded that the mechanism for managing strategic changes for each company can have an individual composition of elements and components, although there is a classic minimum set, for want of which the process of change management cannot be carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rybalko-Rak L. A., Opryshko V. I., Bilan L. P., Derzhii R. V.
An Organizational Approach to the Assessment of the Reengineering of the Enterprise’s Business Processes (p. 347 - 352)

In the context of constant aggravation of competition, when the speed of response of all subsystems of the enterprise along with the efficiency of activities are of particular importance, one of the effective instruments aimed at improving the functioning of the enterprise is the reengineering of business processes, since it radically changes the existing process model of business to an innovative model that is more adaptive to the existing realities of an economic entity. Effective use of technologies and instruments for reengineering of business processes allows the enterprise to become more flexible and adaptive to changes in the external environment, and as a result, more competitive in the business environment. Therefore, the study of the scientific problem of the application of the conception of reengineering and its implementation by enterprises in today’s conditions is an urgent task of both scientists and practitioners. The aim of the article is to develop an algorithm for evaluating the process of reengineering of the enterprise’s business processes. The article proves the relevance of the conception of reengineering of the business processes of enterprise by analyzing the evolution, formation, and the current development of this sphere of knowledge; the importance of information technologies in the management of the system of processes and modeling of the business processes of enterprise is determined; the stages of the procedure for reengineering of the business processes of enterprise are substantiated and the role and status of personnel in these changes are determined; an integrated organizational approach to assessing the process of reengineering of the the enterprise’s business processes has been substantiated. The purpose of the research was achieved with the help of a system of methods, in particular analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction – to determine the essence and features of the object and subject of research, scientific abstraction, logical analysis, comparison – to establish the causes, factors, and consequences of influence on the object and subject of research; integrated and system approach – to assess the process of reengineering of the business processes of the enterprise. Further scientific research on the subject of research will be based on the rapid development of modern technologies with the progressive informatization of society, which will lead to new conceptions and approaches both to the organization of reengineering and to the evaluation of its results.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zalutska K. Y., Hnat I. A.
Features of Strategic Potential as the Basis of the System of Strategic Management of Enterprise Competitiveness (p. 353 - 358)

An important condition for the effective strategic development of an enterprise is a well-formed and properly implemented strategic management system. Moreover, the main condition for the effectiveness of the existing system should be not only the ability to achieve as fully as possible the goals of enterprise development, but also timely identified opportunities for building up sustainable competitive advantages. Since the basis of sustainable competitive advantages are the existing and/or potential capabilities of enterprise, it is proposed to select the components of its strategic potential as the basic elements of the system of strategic management of enterprise competitiveness. Concretizing the components of the strategic potential of enterprise as components of the system of strategic management of its competitiveness requires a closer definition of the essence and content of this concept. Accordingly, the aim of the article is to define as close as possible the essence and content of the concept of «strategic potential of enterprise» as a necessary condition for its rational division into components – the basis for the formation of a system of strategic management of enterprise competitiveness. To achieve this aim, the study of the existing interpretations of the concept of «strategic potential», presented by various scholars, was carried out using the methods of analysis, synthesis and abstraction; allocation of common features and allocation of directions of interpretation of the concept of «strategic potential» – using the methods of comparison, grouping, component analysis; closer definition of the concept of «strategic potential» – using the structural-system method. A critical analysis of the existing interpretations of the concept of «strategic potential» in the scientific literature contributed to the allocation of directions of their typologization, taking into account the main characteristic features of these interpretations. The characteristic features of the studied concepts are outlined in accordance with the parameters that determine the long-term competitive advantages of enterprise. The obtained results allowed to closer definition of the content of the concept of «strategic potential» and to allocate types of strategic potential of enterprise, which are justified to use as the basis of the system of strategic management of the enterprise competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vishtak I. V.
Digitalization at Industrial Enterprises as a Component of Their Innovative Development: The Advantages and Disadvantages in the Context of Management (p. 359 - 365)

The article outlines some aspects of the digitalization process at industrial enterprises in the current conditions. It is emphasized that digitalization is a process that should lead to the improvement of communication links and increase the efficiency of industrial enterprises, but this process needs to be managed. It is noted that the relevance of the study of digitalization in the aspect of innovations necessitates constant diagnostics of the key processes of its penetration into the activities of industrial enterprises. The aim of the article is to study the content of the concept of «digitalization» as a component of innovative development of enterprises, to determine the positive and negative aspects of the digitalization process, and the main tasks are to systematize the opinions of scholars on the essence of the concept of «digitalization» and to outline its advantages and disadvantages. The scientific novelty of the results of the study is a closer definition of the essence of the concept of «digitalization» as a component of the innovative development of enterprise in the context of management for the effective operation of industrial enterprises. The results of the research made it possible to establish that digitalization is the process of digitization of information, the use of information and communication technologies for the transformation of business processes, the introduction of digital innovations in the development of industrial enterprises to ensure strategically effective actions in future changes (development) of their activities and in the management of these processes. Innovative development of enterprise means the process of directed regular change of its state, which depends on the innovative potential of the enterprise and the source of which is innovation that creates qualitatively new opportunities for further competitive functioning of the enterprise in the market through the implementation of new solutions, ideas, etc., under the influence of synergistic influence of factors of the both internal and external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Reshetnyak O. I., Danko N. I., Yurchenko O. K.
Risk Management of IT Projects: The Essence and Features of the Application of the PMBoK and AGILE Approaches (p. 366 - 374)

Recently, the relevance of risk management of IT projects has increased significantly, which is associated with their rapid development and a high level of uncertainty in the external environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of risk management of IT projects on the basis of modern theory and practice of project management. The paper analyzes the essence of the concept of «IT project», as well as identifies its features, including: non-standard life cycle; mobility and ambiguity of some areas in the IT field; high level of uniqueness of the project; dependence on other IT projects and technologies; low level of project expertise due to the uniqueness of the technologies on which the project is based; high level of project complexity and uncertainty. The essence of the concept of «IT project risk» is also defined, the main types of risks are characterized. The features of using the PMBoK (Project Management Body of Knowledge) methodology in project risk management are analyzed. A characterization of the stages of risk management in IT projects based on the PMBoK approach is provided, including: risk planning; risk identification; qualitative and quantitative risk assessment; planning a risk response strategy; monitoring and control of risks. It is determined that risk management of IT projects using the PMBoK approach has significant shortcomings if used in conditions of a high level of uncertainty and novelty of the project. The article also provides a characterization of flexible risk management of an IT project based on the Agile methodology, which in turn is based on an iterative approach, continuous risk assessment and the development of measures for their adaptation. A comparative characterization of the approaches of PMBoK and Agile to risk management of IT projects is provided: their strengths, weaknesses, and areas of application are identified. It is noted that the choice between PMBoK and Agile approaches should be based on the specific needs of the project and the organizational context. PMBoK will be appropriate for large, long-term projects, as well as in situations where predictability, adherence to the plan are crucial, while Agile is best suited for innovative projects that are implemented in an uncertain or dynamic environment and require flexibility, quick adaptation, and customer focus. A significant number of project managers in the IT field prefer a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of both methodologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaitseva A. S.
A Socioeconomic Approach to Assessing the Formal and Active Levels of Transparency in the Development of Industrial Enterprises (p. 374 - 382)

It is determined that the recent conditions for the functioning of industrial enterprises be characterized, on the one hand, by the complexity of assessing the level of transparency of their development, determining perspective directions of their activities and strengthening competitive positions and, on the other hand, by insufficient provision of resources to achieve their main goal, changes in a significant number of economic parameters, which is due to the influence of factors of a socioeconomic nature on the financial, industrial, social, organizational, technological, technical, informational and other spheres of activity of enterprises. The article proposes a scientific and practical approach to the formation of managerial decisions on the activation of investment positions of enterprises, which is based on the assessment of formal and active levels of transparency in the development of industrial enterprises as an initial parameter for measuring the convergence of investment processes in the business environment. This allows to most fully determine all areas of assessment of the level of transparency of development, to detail the processes of change management at enterprises, as well as to form a justified conception of managerial decision-making on purposeful changes in the level of transparency of development. The combination of adaptive managerial influences, which are adjusted on the basis of determining the rank-aggregate criterion of the structural elements of the formal and active levels of transparency in the development of industrial enterprises, makes it possible to build mechanisms and strategic-reactive instruments for rapid response to external and internal factors and at the same time take into account all complex conditions that determine the trajectory of the life cycle of enterprise by phases of viability, which is the initial parameter of measurement activity of investment processes of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Slastianykova K. I.
Formalization of Risks of IT Companies: The Managerial Aspect (p. 382 - 388)

Risk management is an important process for the success of an IT project. Risk management provides significant benefits for companies, projects, and stakeholders associated with project implementation. This cannot be achieved without introducing risk management at every level of the business. Risk management becomes a management instrument that is essential for the project manager to increase the chances of success and solve problems before risk becomes a major problem that can threaten project goals. IT projects are characterized by a high level of risk and can have different approaches to risk management. IT projects (in the terms of software) have risks and uncertainties. Risks can be mitigated, managed, and maintained in accordance with planning and assessment. Common risks can be: user requirements, project complexity, planning and control, team, organizational environment, technology, and financial risk. The presence of risk management and risk manager influences the success of the project, risk management (especially risk analysis and monitoring and control of risk response) that is related to the subjective effectiveness of IT projects. There is a link between risk management and the success and subjective effectiveness of IT projects. A project is considered successful if its result is appropriate or better than determined during planning. Risk management can lead a project to success and achieve its subjective effectiveness only if the risks and ways to control them in the project were identified before it started. Conversely, proper risk management does not affect costs, schedules, and cost overruns, as these are three interrelated and defined positions in project planning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koval V. V., Mihno I. S., Metil T. K.
The Complex Project Risk Management Technologies in IT Companies (p. 389 - 396)

The article deals with the problem of increasing the risk for modern national projects, actuated in the field of information technologies. The purpose of the article is to deepen and expand the theoretical and practical knowledge of complex enterprise management in conditions of increased risk for companies working in the field of information technologies. The main problems that arise during the operation of the project, the peculiarities of the information sphere and additional risks for the companies that continue to work under martial law are analyzed. It is concluded that the main reason for the deviation from the planned goals of the project is the lack of comprehensive qualified project management and the low level of audit in companies at all stages of project implementation. In order to improve the current situation, a general increase in the informational education of Ukrainians, an increase in the number of training programs for project participants, and an increase in wages to maintain a qualified staff of employees who would promptly respond to existing risks and contribute to the optimization of all processes in the project are proposed. The main areas of efficiency improvement for the Ukrainian IT enterprise were analyzed and recommendations for its improvement were provided, the basis of which is the use of modern ERP systems, artificial intelligence, Gartner's magic quadrant and the constant creation of tables of possible risk factors for the enterprise with calculations of the strength of their influence and prompt creation of alternative scenarios.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hovsieiev D. D.
The Essence, Elements and Components of Social Responsibility of Enterprises (p. 397 - 403)

The aim of the article is to study and generalize the theoretical provisions on the social responsibility of enterprises in the context of dynamism and uncertainty of the environment. When analyzing and summarizing the scientific works of many scholars, it was determined that the social responsibility of the enterprise is aimed at creating a positive impact on the socioeconomic environment of the enterprise and can lead to various positive results, including financial success, improving reputation and creating a favorable image in the market. As a result of the study, approaches to the formation of the concept of corporate social responsibility, which can coexist and complement each other, are analyzed. The main characteristics of social responsibility are defined, including: the social nature of responsibility; dependence on the social qualities of the individual and social norms and values, their integration into the social system. The features of legal and non-legal social responsibility of enterprises are characterized and their components are defined. The main types of companies that determine trends in the sphere of social influence have been allocated, and it has been substantiated that «social innovators» can act as catalysts for further development of the sphere of social responsibility, since such enterprises set themselves the task not only to comply with the standards of social responsibility, but also to be active leaders in the development of innovative approaches and solutions to solve social problems. The article also analyzes the features of the world’s largest initiative in the field of corporate social responsibility – the UN Global Compact, which is designed to promote the creation of more sustainable and ethical corporations that not only generate profit, but also benefit society and the environment. It is substantiated that social responsibility can be a competitive advantage, strengthening the reputation of enterprise and stimulating innovative solutions. Prospects for further research lie in the field of studying the features of introduction and implementation of the strategy of corporate social responsibility of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boienko O. Y., Petrenko D. S.
A Methodical Approach to Assessing the Marketing Potential of the Enterprise in the Context of Marketing Management (p. 404 - 412)

Modern economic conditions, characterized by the processes of globalization, increased competition, interconnection of scientific-technical and information-analytical spheres of activity, put the enterprise in front of the need to solve such a vital problem as the development of marketing potential. In a market environment, an enterprise cannot take stable positions for a long time without assessing its marketing potential. The aim of the article is to develop a methodical approach to assessing the marketing potential of enterprise through the prism of marketing management. In the process of carrying out the study, general scientific and special methods were used: analysis and synthesis, scientific abstraction, classification, structural analysis, grouping, expert analysis, the method of hierarchies, and graphical methods. The article substantiates the necessity of formation of a system of marketing management of enterprise. The authors’ own definition of marketing management as a holistic concept of system management of enterprise on the basis of marketing with the use of strategic and tactical measures to ensure maximum customer satisfaction and maximum profit is presented. Three approaches to defining the definition of «marketing potential» have been analyzed and allocated: resultant, resource, and targeted. Among the main approaches to assessing the marketing potential, the following were allocated: effective, diagnostic, and comprehensive. The carried out analysis of approaches allowed to substantiate the need to develop a methodical approach to assessing the marketing potential of enterprise in the context of marketing management, which, on the one hand, is comprehensive, and on the other hand, it is not informationally overloaded. The proposed methodical approach to assessing the marketing potential is implemented in several stages: assessment of both generalized and partial indicators; qualitative assessment of indicators according to a 9-point scale; calculation of the integral assessment of the marketing potential of the enterprise and interpretation of the results of the calculation. Approbation of the methodical approach to assessing the marketing potential in the context of marketing management was carried out for the fuel and energy complex enterprise located in the western region of Ukraine. According to the results of marketing potential calculations, the company had the average, close to high (2020) and high (2019 and 2021) levels of potential. Prospect for further research in this direction is the development of a strategy for the development of enterprise in the context of marketing management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vovk V. A., Havrylchenko O. V., Cherkaskyy O. Y.
The Marketing Management of Intellectual Resources of Enterprise (p. 412 - 419)

The aim of the article is to form a system of marketing management of intellectual resources of enterprise on the basis of the use of the conception of intra-organizational marketing. The marketing approach to the management of intellectual resources of enterprise is substantiated, which involves taking into account the interests of the management of the enterprise, the carrier of intellectual potential itself, as well as direct consumers of products. The intellectual resources of the enterprise are considered as an aggregate of individual intellectual potentials of the employees of the enterprise, capable of causing a synergistic effect of increasing the competitiveness of the organization in the process of its transformation into intellectual capital. The main directions of formation of the system of marketing management of intellectual resources of enterprise on the basis of the use of the conception of intra-organizational marketing are proposed: collection of information on the existing intellectual potential; determination of the feasibility of attracting additional intellectual resources; directing the most qualified specialists to solve problems in the priority areas of the enterprise; conducting a mandatory assessment of the internal and external feasibility of investing in the development of intellectual resources; organization of training processes for the company’s employees in order to develop and improve previously acquired knowledge; creation of conditions for the fullest disclosure of individual intellectual potentials of employees of enterprises. The role of the intra-organizational marketing in the management of intellectual resources of enterprise has been identified as a method that allows to coordinate the needs of external consumers with the needs of the internal consumer, that is, the company’s employees, providing in the process of formation of intellectual capital additional competitive advantages of enterprise due to mutual loyalty of economic entities. The allocated marketing instruments for managing the intellectual resources of the enterprise create conditions for the reproduction of the intellectual potential of the company’s employees, and also directly affect the process of its transformation into intellectual capital.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Firsova S. H.
Bringing New Cosmetic Products to the Market: The Experience of the International Company L’Oreal Group (p. 419 - 426)

The aim of the article is to summarize the experience of an international company – the world leader in the perfumery and cosmetics industry – on the applied aspects of an effective combination of innovation activities and the introduction in practice of a comprehensive step-by-step system of managerial decision-making on the introduction of new products to the market. The article examines the effective combination of marketing and innovation activities in the L’Or?al Group, summarizes the practical experience of applying the strategy of diversification of the brand portfolio in the L’Or?al Group to develop and introduce new products to the market. It is proved that diversification is carried out in the assortment, geographical, distribution directions, allowing to create a unique model of research and innovation in the cosmetic industry, in which the main developments and research are carried out in research centers located in different parts of the world. It is noted that in research activities, L’Or?al Group experts are especially vigilant in five areas: human health, environmental protection, ethics, fair trade, and attention to the social and public impact of innovations, which creates an additional image advantage of the company over competitors. As a result of the study, it is determined that the organizational structure of the international company L’Or?al Group is built on the basis of allocation of four main subdivisions: consumer products; professional products; active cosmetics; luxury products, that creates unique competitive advantages for the company when introducing new products to the market. It is proved that a hundred years of experience in the commercialization of innovations, intensive activities on updating existing products and developing new ones have made it possible to create in the international company L’Or?al Group a step-by-step standardized plan for the launch of new products, which is used by each subdivision of the company, in each of its branches. It is substantiated that a clear step-by-step process of introducing new products to the market, taking into account both global trends in the formation of consumer demand and regional features of meeting consumer needs in each country, is a carefully planned complex process, in which the leading departments of the company play their role at a certain stage.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuchechuk L. V., Moiseyenko V. Y.
Digital Marketing Features of the Company as Leading internet Tourist Accommodation Reservation System (p. 427 - 432)

Due to the rapid development of technology and the availability of the Internet, many companies, including, are actively using digital channels to market and sell their services. The aim of the article is to analyze the digital marketing activities of the company. To achieve the goal of the study, general scientific methods were used: analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, system-based, comparative, experimental and statistical, as well as SWOT analysis. The results of the carried out study show that digital marketing is a powerful instrument for promoting residential properties through an online platform, and uses a wide range of special tools, such as targeted advertising, content marketing, social media, email marketing, affiliate marketing, and SEO optimization, to attract customers and increase its competitiveness. A SWOT analysis of the digital marketing tools of the company is carried out. The features of the work of the company in the Ukrainian market are considered. The traffic to the websites of the company and their main competitor – the AirBnb company is analyzed. As a result, it is concluded that the ability of to adapt and develop its marketing strategies in accordance with changes in consumer behavior and technological advancements has allowed it to remain competitive in today’s housing booking market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnykova K. V.
International Commercial Logistics Systems in Global Supply Chains (p. 286 - 291)

International commercial logistics systems in global supply chains play a critical role in ensuring the efficient movement of material, information, financial flows and services. It has been shown that these systems allow integration and synchronization of all links in the supply chain, from the primary supplier to the final consumer. International commercial logistics systems are becoming a strategic component of the global business environment, helping enterprises to compete in the world market. The purpose of the article is to define the essence of international commercial logistics systems, peculiarities of provision of their services, and to summarize the advantages and disadvantages of their use in supply chains. The article considers and defines the conceptual framework of the essence and peculiarities of functioning of international commercial logistics systems in global supply chains. The list of basic services in commercial logistics provided by international logistics systems in global supply chains is generalized. The article identifies the main advantages and disadvantages of using international commercial logistics systems in global supply chains. Examples of successful modern international commercial logistics systems operating in various industries and business areas are presented. The main services that international logistics companies provide to international supply chain participants in global supply chains are identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Parfentieva O. H.
The Integrated Eco-Social Management of Sustainable Inclusive Development (p. 291 - 304)

The aim of the article is to develop proposals for improving the model of management of economic development, which is based on taking into account ecological, social and managerial criteria and ensures the achievement of synergistic effects in conditions of complex, non-linear and radical uncertainty. The ways of influence of factors of sustainable development on the economic, in particular financial, parameters of the company’s activity are studied. The ways in which ecological, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors affect money flows, profits and value creation are demonstrated. The spheres of integration of the conception into the management system are considered. The relationship of ESG parameters with corporate social responsibility, investment analysis, financial indicators, non-financial advantages, risk management, and resilience is revealed. The essence of the concept of resilience as the ability of a dynamic socioeconomic system to quickly and successfully adapt to a new environment and recover in conditions of complex, non-linear and radical uncertainty, showing resistance to unpredictable events and destructive phenomena (adversity, failures, crises, shocks) is disclosed. A conceptual vision of management in the context of sustainable development has been formed, taking into account the prospects and challenges. A model of an integrated eco-social management has been proposed in the form of a balanced set of supplementing areas of application of ESG (investment and business financing, corporate social responsibility, risk management, ensuring resilience), the complementary implementation of which ensures the achievement of synergistic effects on the way to sustainable inclusive development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhaldak H. P., Tokarska S. P.
The Problems and Prospects of Development of Pharmaceutical Industry Enterprises on a National and Global Scale (p. 305 - 313)

The aim of the article is to identify the problems and prospects for the development of pharmaceutical enterprises under the current trends in the industry on a domestic and global scale. The article analyzes the current state of the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine and the world. It has been found that the burden on pharmaceutical enterprises in the course of aggravation of geopolitical conflicts increases at a high pace. The impact of russia’s war against Ukraine on the activities of domestic pharmaceutical companies is analyzed. It is determined that the openness of the dialogue between the State and enterprises made it possible to quickly adapt to the conditions of martial law. In the course of the study, the main characteristics of the pharmaceutical market have been identified. The change in the volume and structure of demand for medicines in accordance with the current trends in the external environment is substantiated. It is determined that the structure of demand for medicines is sensitive to external shifts: during the pandemic, sales of antibacterial drugs prevailed, while during the ongoing war, anti-inflammatory, cardiological drugs, and analgesics are more actively bought. It is found that the global demand for medicines is growing at a high rate, which is caused, in particular, by the aging of the population and military conflicts. As a result of the analysis and systematization of the main characteristics of the pharmaceutical market, the problems and prospects for the development of enterprises in the industry have been allocated. Under modern conditions, the innovativeness of drug production is rapidly increasing, the digitalization of all business processes of pharmaceutical companies is developing, the interest of companies in mergers and cooperation with foreign partners is increasing, which provides prospects for development. However, a number of economic and political shifts impede such development. It is determined that under modern conditions it is important for pharmaceutical companies to increase the level of sustainability and flexibility of business, for this purpose it is worth focusing on effective supply chain management, partnership projects and reputation, as well as digitalization of activities. Thus, prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the mechanism for developing effective development strategies by pharmaceutical companies, in particular at the international level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rozhko V. I., Yahudina A. F.
Information Technologies in Scientific Activities (p. 313 - 318)

Information technology (IT) has become an integral part of the modern scientific process, influencing all its aspects. However, there are numerous problems and challenges that arise in connection with the use of IT in scientific activities. The article is aimed at disclosure of the essence and analysis of information technologies (IT) in the field of scientific activity. The study solves the main problems, including the description of the concept of «information technology», the allocation of their categories and the study of the possibilities of their application in science. It is allocated that the classification of information technologies is carried out by the method of implementation in the information system; by the class of implemented technological operations; by the degree of coverage of management tasks; by type of user interface; by subject area. The article highlights the current aspects of the use of IT, emphasizing their contribution to the improvement of scientific research. Various options for the use of information technologies are analyzed, their role in improving the efficiency and in development of the scientific process is emphasized. The study confirms that IT is an effective tool for collecting, analyzing, and processing data in various industries, such as economics, education, medicine, law enforcement, and engineering. The authors of the article focus on the universality of the use of IT in scientific experiments. According to the results of the study, it is found that the use of information technologies in scientific activities includes the use of computers, software, information systems, electronic databases, Internet technologies and other means for collecting, processing, analyzing and exchanging scientific information. Information technologies in scientific activity contribute to the improvement of research efficiency, faster data exchange between scientists, as well as the development of new methods and approaches to solving scientific problems. It is noted that in order to maximize the benefits of IT in scientific activities, further improvement of infrastructure is needed, in particular the development of effective systems for collecting and processing data, as well as increasing the level of cyber protection to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dodukh V. M.
The Transformational Changes of Oil and Gas Companies in the Context of Decarbonization as a Topical Management Problem (p. 319 - 324)

Climate change is an important global problem caused by human activity that has negative consequences on the state of the biosphere. In this regard, there was a need for decarbonization (reduction of carbon dioxide emissions) for enterprises and entire sectors of the world economy in order to minimize the anthropogenic impact on the environment. In response to the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement, many oil and gas companies have set targets and committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This article considers the process of decarbonization of oil and gas companies and the related transformational changes of enterprises as an important problem of today. It is substantiated that the study of strategic planning and the process of implementing changes in oil and gas companies in connection with decarbonization is a relevant topic for research. There are constant technological, economic and other changes that affect the achievement of sustainable development and require constant analysis and study. Three areas of coverage of greenhouse gas emissions according to the Greenhouse Gases Protocol Corporate Standard are considered in the context of the oil and gas industry. The main measures for decarbonization of enterprises in the industry, including those planned for implementation in Ukraine, are analyzed. The materials of the latest domestic and foreign publications related to the topic of this article are also analyzed. The transformation of the production process of oil and gas production towards improving energy efficiency and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the transformation of oil and gas companies by diversifying the production of various types of energy, are aimed at achieving carbon neutrality by enterprises in the industry. Effective and scientifically based implementation of changes will contribute to the achievement of the climate goals of the Paris Agreement, the sustainable development of the energy sector and the global economy, together with the successful functioning of enterprises. The significant potential of large oil and gas companies can allow them to play a major role in transforming the global energy sector while remaining efficient and profitable enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Blahun I. I.
Development of the System of Operational Management of Enterprises in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy of Ukraine (p. 325 - 331)

The article considers the main aspects of development of operational management as a direction of enterprise competitiveness. The necessity of separation of operations by type and directions depending on the type of production has been proved. The main tasks of operational management in the production process of enterprise are formed. The process of functioning of operational management is considered, which should be viewed as a system that has an input and an output that ensures the achievement of the set goal. The basic principles of functioning of operational management have been allocated, which has allowed to form the basic principles of development of the organization’s management. The main approaches to the formation of operational management at the enterprise are studied. On the basis of the carried out studies in terms of approaches to management, it is substantiated that today the most adaptive and flexible is the organizational approach, which is based on the optimization of managerial decision-making processes. It is proved that the choice of one or another approach or principles of operational management is implemented on the basis of the use of the method of «decision tree». It is determined that for effective interaction between all links of operational management, it is important to provide feedback between all units that are interconnected. It is substantiated that the restoration of damaged objects should take place according to the new principles of innovative development and on the basis of digitalization of spheres of public life. Under the new conditions, the distribution of operational processes will be carried out according to new principles and have different deadlines for certain operations due to changes in the technological processes of manufacturing products and services. The main advantages of the introduction of operational management on the basis of digitalization are highlighted. The features of the development of operational management in the digital economy are studied, which allowed to form strengths and weaknesses in the functioning of the production process. It is substantiated that not all technological processes need to be automated due to the discrepancy between costs and profit from the introduction of such technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasiutkina N. V., Selemonka H. M.
Formation of a Model for Building a Strategic Management System at the Enterprise (p. 332 - 339)

The aim of the study is to systematize the models of strategic management, determine the optimal set of key elements of the strategic management system, their consistency and interaction, as well as develop a combinatorial composition of the model of the strategic management system, which is the most effective in the current conditions of functioning of enterprises. The article analyzes a number of models of strategic management, developed by both foreign and domestic authors. The main stages of their formation and key elements of ensuring their implementation are outlined. The clarity of the outlined elements of strategic management made it possible to come to the conclusion that the construction of the strategic management system is carried out on the basis of a certain model, with specific, depending on the circumstances, stages and elements. In the course of the study, it has been found that any system of strategic management has similar constituent elements and, accordingly, its construction is carried out on the basis of the basic model, which includes three stages: strategic planning, strategic organization, strategic control and regulation. To achieve the goals in which the enterprise does not have to change its general strategy of activity, it is necessary to apply the methods that have been analyzed and systematized in the work. Attention is focused on the importance of evaluating and controlling the constituent elements of the strategic management system at each stage of the development of such a system. If it is necessary to introduce changes, it is proposed to create a project group and develop a plan for the formation of the system based on the expansion of the number of iterations in the basic model of strategic management at the second stage. An algorithm of combinatorial composition of the basic model of the system of strategic management at enterprise is proposed. It is recommended to change the combinatorics of the elements of the second and third stages during the diagnostics of the strategic management system. A detailed view of the implementation of the stages of the combinatorial composition of the formation of the strategic management system reveals the process of mutual consistency of elements, in particular goals, functions, tasks, resources, management, which helps to better adapt to changes and, in case of consistency in the introduction of changes in the strategy, to implement them in the model of strategic management in accordance with the requirements of the environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shepelenko S. M.
The System Conceptions for Assessing the Intellectual Potential of Enterprises (p. 340 - 346)

The aim of the article is to form system concepts for assessing the intellectual potential of enterprises in modern economic conditions. According to the results of the carried out study, it is found that in today’s dynamic-transformational conditions, where one technology quickly displaces another, and products and services lose their relevance in a short period of time, only those enterprises that constantly produce new knowledge and implement it in new technologies and products achieve success. The most valuable asset in this process is the intellectual potential of enterprises, allowing them to form strong competitive advantages in the changing market of commodity competition and adapt to future competitive changes. Assessment of the intellectual potential of an enterprise is important for measuring its capabilities and determining vector directions for further improvement. The intellectual potential of the enterprise forms the strengths of the enterprise and produces innovative solutions to reduce the level of weaknesses, creates the basis for making sound management decisions and implementing the necessary measures to improve the overall efficiency of enterprise development. An assessment of intellectual potential can help in identifying areas where investment in human capital development, technology, and innovation can be made. By assessing the intellectual potential of an enterprise, management can develop strategies for using its intellectual assets and gaining a competitive advantage in the market. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the fact that for a thorough and detailed assessment in order to effectively use the intellectual potential, it is necessary to consider other methods and approaches that exist in various forms of systems for assessing the potential of enterprise. In scientific research, as a rule, three main approaches to evaluation are considered: cost, performance, and comparative. Since these approaches were used in the assessment of intellectual capital, intellectual property rights and various forms of enterprise potential (including labor potential), it is appropriate and scientifically correct to consider them when assessing the corresponding intellectual potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skok P. O., Sotnyk Y. P.
Formation of a Competitive Strategy of the Enterprise During the Wartime (p. 347 - 352)

The article discusses the key aspects of competitiveness of enterprises in the context of the military conflict with Russia, which has left a significant mark on the economic landscape of Ukraine. The results of the analysis indicate serious destruction of the country’s economy, especially given the impact of the war on various sectors of the economic management. Measuring the competitiveness of enterprises can be represented by three main indicators: market efficiency, innovation potential, and intangible assets. The consequences of the war, which is still going on, have determined the risks and challenges that have become decisive factors for business. The destruction of economic infrastructure, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical changes have become key factors driving the need for strategic transformations to ensure survival and overcome the wartime challenges. The article emphasizes the need for active adaptation of enterprises during the wartime: rapid response to changes in the business environment, search for alternative markets and suppliers, investments in new technologies. These strategies become crucial for maintaining and increasing competitiveness during the wartime. Opportunities to expand markets, change suppliers and resources can reduce the vulnerability of economic entities. In times of uncertainty, it is important to invest in innovative technologies and approaches. This not only helps to stay competitive, but also creates new opportunities for growth in a challenging environment. An important element of long-term success is the development and implementation of strategic risk management plans. This involves identifying and minimizing potential threats, as well as being prepared to respond effectively to unforeseen circumstances. The conditions of war require businesses to actively cooperate and join forces. On the basis of the carried out analysis, the key stages of formation of an effective competitive strategy of enterprise have been proposed. These steps will not only contribute to the survival of companies during the wartime, but will also open up new opportunities for sustainable development and increased competitiveness in the long run.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sheptukha O. M., Tokhtamysh T. O.
The Features of the Marketing Policy for Promoting Goods in the Frozen Berries Market (p. 353 - 359)

The aim of the article is to determine the features of the marketing policy for promoting goods in the market of frozen berries. The article analyzes the current state of the domestic and world market of frozen berries. It is determined that the market of frozen berries in Ukraine began to develop rapidly and actively in 2015. It is found that Ukraine today has a significant potential for berry growing and can ensure full domestic consumption of fruits and vegetables (including in winter) and send products for export. The article determines that the area of plantations of organic raspberries, blueberries and garden strawberries in 2022 increased by more than 2 times compared to 2021, in terms of the volume of plantations, the area of organic raspberries have increased the most. It is noted that in 2022, the importers of Ukrainian organic raspberries were Poland, Germany, the Czech Republic and Serbia. A study of respondents’ perception of innovative products – organic frozen berries – was carried out and recommendations for the formation of marketable products for a new product in the market of frozen fruits and berries have been developed. The authors also conducted a study on the varieties of frozen berries and fruits, packaging and price segments. According to the results of the carried out survey, it was found that 31% of respondents buy frozen berries and fruits from «Arti» LLC. According to the results of the formation of the Ansoff matrix for the development of «Arti» LLC, it was determined that among the possible directions of development of the enterprise is the supply of a new product (production of organic fruit and vegetable products with a full cycle) to the markets of the EU countries. It is concluded that it is expedient for «Arti» LLC to supply its products to the market of the EU countries not in the form of raw materials, but as a finished product of frozen organic raspberries. In order to bring this idea to life, it is necessary to certify the land and the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vostriakova V. I.
A Scientific and Methodological Substantiation of the Conceptual Model for Studying the Factors of Perception of Bioeconomic Transformation in Management (p. 336 - 345)

The introduction of the conceptual foundations of the bioeconomy in the process of economic transformations contributes to sustainable development, ensuring the achievement of environmental, social, and economic goals. Despite the fact that numerous domestic and foreign scientists position the bioeconomy as a key sector of sustainable transformation, there is still a lack of a comprehensive set of factors that characterize the sustainable management of an organization in the sector of bioeconomy. Our research is directed towards developing a methodological approach to identifying the factors influencing the introduction and implementation of sustainable management business strategies in the bioeconomic sector. The aim of the article is to develop a comprehensive methodology and a conception for studying the factors of perception of bioeconomic transformation by the management of organizations in the bioeconomic sector using triangulation of research methods. Within the framework of the carried out study, the choice of the studied industries and sectors of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine, also their characteristics that are important for bioeconomic transformation, are substantiated. The studied sectors include five main areas: agricultural engineering; food industry; storage and sale of finished products of the agro-industrial complex (in the part of packaging); bioenergy; scientific and scientific-technical activities. The selected sectors cover all components of the agri-food supply chain to the consumer. A methodological approach to assessing the perception of bioeconomic transformation at the managerial level has been developed and the conceptual model for empirical studying of the perception of bioeconomic transformation of enterprises in selected sectors of the agro-industrial complex in the inter-raw material and inter-sectoral contexts has been proposed. The proposed methodology forms a conceptual framework for determining the priority factors influencing the choice of appropriate business strategies in the bioeconomy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

But-Gusaim O. H.
Improvement of the Theoretical Foundations of the Formation of the Strategy of Business Structures (p. 346 - 356)

The study focuses on a detailed analysis and evaluation of the key elements that foster the development of more effective and adaptive business strategies. The study found that the process of creating business strategies reflects a variety of approaches, ranging from traditional methods to modern innovative solutions. The main approaches are divided into: business value creation, targeted planning and integrated measures. It is revealed that modern business strategies are evolving, taking into account a wide range of important aspects, including environmental and social benchmarks of sustainable development. It is also noted that the development of information technology contributes to approaches to business strategies, forcing companies to be more flexible and quickly adapt to changes. It is found that the development and selection of business strategies are fundamental to the success of each company, requiring a thorough analysis of external and internal factors that affect its opportunities and risks. It is noted that the external environment affects the availability of resources and determines the competitive position of an enterprise, while the internal environment determines the internal capabilities and potential of an organization to implement strategic plans. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of a strategy is ensured by continuous collection of information about the external and internal environment, evaluation of results and making adjustments to the strategy in accordance with changes in the external and internal environment of the enterprise. It is emphasized that understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders, such as customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, government and the local community, is key to creating effective strategies that contribute to the achievement of the company's goals. It is indicated that the choice of a particular strategy largely depends on stakeholders and resources. It is also emphasized that in the context of strategic planning, the resources of enterprises need to be transformed, in particular, staff – into intellectual capital, current assets – into innovations, capital investments – into sustainable development technologies, and information – into interaction. The practical significance of the topic is to improve the process of forming effective business strategies, which contributes to the competitive advantage and sustainable development of the company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oliinyk T. I., Krupska K. A.
The Methodical Aspects of the Formation of the Anti-Crisis Strategy of Metallurgical Enterprises (p. 357 - 363)

The article examines the current state and trends in the development of the metallurgical industry of Ukraine during the wartime. The structure of import-export operations of the metallurgical industry is studied. The behavior of key countries – players in the world market of metallurgical products is analyzed. The theoretical basis of the study was the scientific developments of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, whose works allowed to systematize and propose the structure of procedures, approaches, mechanisms, and an algorithm for developing an anti-crisis strategy for metallurgical enterprises. By means of systematization, the authors propose a number of stages in the development of an anti-crisis strategy, namely: analysis of internal factors; analysis of external factors; formation of an anti-crisis strategy; implementation and control. The factors for the formation of the anti-crisis strategy are determined, which include six groups, while each of the groups is divided into additional elements. Taking into account these factors ensures the adaptability of the enterprise to modern external and internal challenges and ensures its sustainable growth. It is proposed to use the mechanism for developing an anti-crisis strategy, which consists of eight blocks, reflecting the directions of proactive activity to study and overcome crisis phenomena that arise both inside and outside the enterprise. The aspects of developing an anti-crisis strategy for metallurgical enterprises have been systematized and updated, forming the basis of an adaptive mechanism, thanks to which the enterprise will be able to maintain a positive performance of its main activity and respond in a timely manner to changes and challenges, and most importantly – to take preventive measures to avoid such circumstances and build its own activities on the principle of prevention. This study will be useful for theorists and practitioners of crisis planning, management and control, development of strategies and behavior of enterprises in a changing environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmynchuk N. V., Liashevska V. I., Butenko M. K.
Improving the Management of Foreign Economic Activity and Competitiveness of Enterprises (p. 363 - 368)

Improving the management of foreign economic activity for enterprises in Ukraine is an urgent task due to modern trends in globalization and the competitive environment in international markets. Adaptation to the conditions of globalization and overcoming competitive challenges requires from enterprises systematic measures aimed at increasing their competitiveness and success in international business. Internal and external factors identified in the study indicate the need to improve strategies for managing foreign economic activity. In particular, the recommendations are aimed at creating a favorable environment, modernization and innovative approaches. Creating a favorable environment involves the development and implementation of effective legal and regulatory mechanisms that promote the development of export-oriented enterprises. Modernization and innovation are becoming key factors for increasing competitiveness, as they allow for the improvement of production processes, expand the range of products and ensure high quality of products. The recommendations also focus on attracting highly qualified staff and implementing an effective management approach. Highly qualified staff is a crucial resource for innovating and achieving high quality standards. Thus, investing in personnel development and educational programs are becoming strategic tasks. An effective managerial approach includes the introduction of modern management methods, taking into account international standards and norms, as well as continuous improvement of internal processes to ensure the flexibility and adaptability of the enterprise to changes in the market. Thus, the strategy of success of enterprises in international arenas requires an integrated approach focused on creating a favorable environment, using modern technologies, attracting highly qualified staff and effective management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivchenko A. H.
The Security-Oriented Development of the Enterprise: Vectors, Opportunities, Threats (p. 368 - 378)

The article examines that the orientation of enterprise development to its security is caused by a high level of uncertainty, especially of the external environment of its activity. The content of the concept of «security-oriented development of enterprise» is disclosed, its distinctiveness from the development of enterprise is shown. The vectors of security-oriented development of enterprise (product, technological, market and organizational) are analyzed and their place in the architecture of security-oriented development of enterprise is shown. The security-oriented development of an enterprise is possible in the presence of certain prerequisites that lay down its initial provisions, assumptions, and prerequisites. The prerequisites for the security-oriented development of an enterprise are divided into two groups by their nature – opportunities and threats. The contents of the concepts of «opportunities for security-oriented development of enterprise» and «threats to security-oriented development of enterprise» are disclosed, their general lists are provided. Opportunities and threats to the security-oriented development of enterprise are divided into real, potential, and unpredictable. The probabilistic nature of potential and unforeseen opportunities and threats to the security-oriented development of enterprise is shown. The similar nature of opportunities and threats to the security-oriented development of enterprise is disclosed and their common feature – dynamism, due to which they do not remain static, but are constantly changing, is revealed, which should be taken into account in decisions on the development of enterprise and ensuring its security. The features of solving the issue of the priority of choosing the vector of development with the subsequent formation of a set of necessary changes in the activities of an enterprise or the formation of a set of possible changes as the basis for choosing a vector of its development are shown. It is noted that in order to overcome the limitations of qualitative assessment of opportunities and threats to the security-oriented development of enterprise it is necessary to find ways to quantify them, which, although quasi-quantitative, will be a more objective assessment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volyk S. V.
Scientific and Theoretical Principles of Determining the Place of the Competitiveness Potential in the Structure of the Economic Potential of Agrarian Enterprises (p. 378 - 383)

The article is devoted to the substantiation of methodological provisions regarding identifying the potential of competitiveness in the structure of the economic potential of agrarian enterprises. Identifying the potential of competitiveness is a strategic tool for managing an agrarian enterprise, which helps achieve sustainable success in the target market. The potential of business entities as a complex economic system is considered. The characteristics of the development of potentials, in particular their complexity, dynamism, and the impact of globalization, are substantiated. The attributes of economic systems, such as integrity, complexity, communicativeness, and hierarchy, are considered. Attention is focused on the need to study individual aspects of the potential using models, such as functional or economic-mathematical, depending on the purpose of the study and the available information base. It is determined that the development sources of economic potential, as a single economic system, can be the growth of investment and innovative attractiveness and activity, competition; various forms, methods, and ways of forming and implementing system processes. It is substantiated that the processes of forming the economic potential of business entities require a scientifically based approach and consideration of various aspects. At this, the following scientific approaches should be used: system, marketing, functional, innovative, regulatory, complex, integration, dynamic, optimization, administrative, behavioral, situational, and structural approaches. Applying these approaches allows enterprises to effectively use their potential to achieve strategic and tactical goals in the conditions of market competition. It is proved that, in turn, the following approaches are used in managing the competitiveness potential of agricultural enterprises: functional, instrumental, and process. The combination of these management approaches has helped to create a holistic conception aimed at developing the competitiveness of agrarian enterprises through innovative and investment tools.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novikova M. M., Shved A. B., Bratash M. A.
The Organizational Mechanism for Managing the Quality of Services Provided by Railway Transport Enterprises (p. 384 - 390)

The article forms an organizational mechanism for managing the quality of services provided by railway transport enterprises. It is noted that today the active development of globalization processes requires a change in the quality management systems that exist at domestic railway transport enterprises. One of the progressive directions of such changes is the formation of effective mechanisms for managing the quality of services provided by railway transport enterprises that meet modern requirements for quality management. It is observed that the organizational mechanism for managing the quality of services provided by railway transport enterprises consists of a number of sequential procedures that exert a comprehensive managerial impact on all management objects involved in the economic activities of the railway industry, and ensure the optimization and efficient use of economic resources. It is noted that for the implementation of the proposed mechanism, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. This approach affects the use of resources through the improvement of the technology of service provision, the development and mastering of innovations, the intensification and increase of production efficiency. It is concluded that one of the important conditions for the formation of an organizational mechanism for managing the quality of services provided by railway transport enterprises is the use of modern management technologies in combination with the introduction of appropriate State policy both at the macroeconomic level and at the level of economic entities. The application of the organizational mechanism for managing the quality of services provided by railway transport enterprises should be combined with the development of a program for the development of the transport industry. This program should include the implementation of priority areas of activity, the provision of scientific, technical and personnel measures, as well as the State support for railway transport enterprises within the frameworks of individual investment projects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zvarych O. I., Kohut N. O.
Evolution of Personnel Management Models: From Theory to Practice in Modern Entrepreneurship (p. 390 - 396)

This article is devoted to the evolution of personnel management models from their emergence to their use in practice. Making use of system and synergetic approaches, methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, historical, comparative and content analysis, it is found that the study of the development of models allows to understand their impact on organizational culture and management efficiency. It also helps to single out the key features of these models and tendencies in their development. The present study makes it possible to form more effective approaches to organizational management in the modern economic environment. Also, it is determined that personnel management is an integral part of the general theory of management of modern enterprises, because it appears not as a separate function, but as the main element of a successful management strategy. Thus, considering the views of different scientific schools on the role of a person in the economic system, including in a company, it is possible to distinguish three approaches to scientific research of the phenomenon of management: humanitarian, economic, and organizational. To clarify these processes, this paper analyzes the three most well-known models of personnel management: American, European, and Japanese, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses and disclosing the impact of these systems on human resource management. The authors of the article try to identify possible synergies between these models, given that each of them has a number of strengths. Given that these models are different, the article allows us to understand how they stimulate the professional development of employees and increase the success of the enterprise. Furthermore, this study can be useful for those who form a strategy for management of staff in various sectors of the economy, thereby increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise and its stable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shepelenko S. M.
The Dichotomous Influence of the Globalization Process on the Development of Labor Potential of Enterprises (p. 397 - 403)

The aim of the article is to study the dichotomous influence of the globalization process on the development of the labor potential of enterprise, also to find directions to reduce the negative impact of this influence. The article emphasizes that for competitive existence under the influence of globalization factors, modern industrial enterprises need to use new approaches to the development of labor potential. The existing approaches to determining the essence of the labor potential of enterprises are analyzed and it is found that the main attention of researches was paid to the influence of internal or external factors. Instead, the author has proposed to consider the definition of labor potential from the point of view of the dichotomous influence of the globalization process with the subsequent search for ways to reduce the negative impact of this influence. The processes of formation and development of the labor potential of enterprise are singled out and detailed with the help of comparative characterization. I. e.: it is determined that the formation of labor potential is a continuous process that lasts throughout the entire period of functioning of the labor force and covers the qualitative and quantitative aspects of its formation. Simultaneously, the process of development of labor potential means the acquisition of new characteristics and properties that contribute to its optimization and increase in efficiency. It is determined that the use of labor potential can be carried out in two ways: intensive – which affects the qualitative characteristics of the potential, or extensive – which is aimed at increasing the number of employees or changing the organizational structure. The regularities of development of labor potential are considered, which indicate its constant changes in a progressive or regressive direction, such as: development of one component of labor potential affects its overall development or initiates it; progress of the basic elements of labor potential determines the development of derivative components; development of individual elements of labor potential creates conditions for the emergence of new elements; emergence of a new element in the labor potential changes its characteristics; replacement of one element of labor potential with another leads to its change; quantitative, qualitative, and structural changes in labor potential lead to changes in its quality; changes in individual elements of labor potential can occur in the direction of both improvement and degradation, while the vectors of changes in different elements can be different too. It is proposed to conditionally consider the process of formation of labor potential at the macro-, meso- and micro-levels, because at each of them there are certain factors and different information on the analysis of existing problems, and the process of development of labor potential will be considered from the standpoint of three interrelated directions: quantitative, qualitative, and structural changes. The practical significance of the publication lies in the possibility of optimal formation and development of the labor potential of domestic enterprises, which will allow them to provide competitive advantages in the available markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lemeshchuk R. V., Tabachuk A. Y., Vader T. M.
An Analysis of the Tools for Assessing the Efficiency of the System of Staff Adaptation in Ukrainian Business (p. 404 - 411)

Adaptation of new employees is an important component of personnel management in Ukrainian business. The introduction and optimization of staff adaptation systems are a necessary link in ensuring the long-term stability and success of the company. In recent years, it has become clear that there is a need not only to attract talented employees, but also to successfully integrate them into the corporate culture. The carried out analysis of tools for assessing the efficiency of the staff adaptation systems in Ukraine allows to identify the main trends and highlight prospects for further research in this direction. It should be noted that the concept of adaptation goes beyond formal procedures and covers issues of interpersonal relationships, development of key skills and ensuring the psychological comfort of new employees. In the course of the study, it was found that the success of adaptation is directly related to the quality of the assessment tools used. Training programs, questionnaires, employee satisfaction and soft skills development become the basic tools on which the stability and efficiency of human resources are based. In particular, training programs become a midpoint for the transfer of not only professional knowledge, but also corporate values and culture. Questionnaires and feedback collection determine the current needs of employees and the effectiveness of the introduced changes, and the development of soft skills takes into account the human factor, which is essential for successful adaptation. The main idea is for business leaders and executives to understand that investing in proactive and innovative approaches to staff adaptation leads to real positive results and changes in the company. This is not just a strategy to prevent the loss of talents, but also to recognize human capital as a key resource for achieving business goals. The development and improvement of the adaptation system is an ongoing process that should be taken into account in the organization’s development strategy. Effective staff adaptation is not only a means of preventing the outflow of talents, but also an investment in the stability, development and success of the company in the long run.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krupa O. V.
The Conceptual and Categorical Apparatus of the Conception of «Security» as the Basis for Its Effective Management at the State Level (p. 412 - 417)

The State security management is an extremely complex process, the consequences of inefficiency of which can even be the loss of territories or statehood in general. The importance of the issues of ensuring State security also necessitates increased attention to the theoretical and methodological basis of its construction, which, especially in times of aggravation of a wide range of threats to State security, requires updating the conceptual and categorical apparatus of security. In this aspect, the improvement of the applied conceptual and categorical apparatus on the basis of detailing the semantic aspects and the etymological basis of the concepts under study is of key importance, which determines the relevance of the proposed topic. That is why the main purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the content aspects and composition of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the conception of «security» as a basis for its effective management at the State level. In the course of the study, the key results of the latest scientific developments and publications on the issues of substantiation or improvement of the applied conceptual and categorical apparatus in the field of State security management were considered. The main content aspects of the category of «security» in their diversity are examined and the characterizations of key approaches to the interpretation of its essence in scientific sources are provided. A critical analysis of the existing approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the term «security» in the context of its substantiated semantic aspects made it possible to conclude that it is necessary to understand it as the state of security of a particular object in a certain period of time in a specific situation under certain conditions. It is determined that under the key elements of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of security, according to the given approach, for each constituent element of State security, the following should be considered: object (objects) of security; subject (composition of subjects) of security; hazards, threats and risks (by types, groups); conditions (criteria) for the security of the object; parameters (criteria) of undesirable reactions, changes, transformations of the security object.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. M.
The Theoretical Bases for Assessing the Social Security of Regions in the Strategic Period (p. 418 - 423)

The article is devoted to the disclosure of theoretical bases for assessing the social security of regions, taking into account the specifics of their life activity in the current conditions of the wartime period in Ukraine. The aim of the article is to closer define the theoretical proposals for understanding the content of the concept of «social security» and to assess its level for the regions of Ukraine for making strategic decisions on ensuring social security, taking into account the regional characteristics of its state. The article observes that social security characterizes the ability to resist the influence of negative factors that reduce the social protection of different subjects located in the same territory, in this case – in the region. The main aspects of social security are substantiated as follows: economic, market-labor, socio-infrastructural in relation to health care and education, and ecological, according to which a primary system of partial indicators of its assessment is proposed. The article proves expediency of applying the proposed sequence of stages for assessing the social security of regions, which goes as follows: substantiate the main aspects of assessing the social security of regions by means of methods of systematic and comprehensive analysis, which would take into account the relevant factors influencing its status and directions of strategic development; form by means of the method of analysis and synthesis a system of partial indicators for assessing the social security of regions according to its selected aspects; using the multidimensional factor analysis, clarify the composition of the primary system of partial indicators of social security, identify the most significant of them in terms of factor loads of more than 0.7 and determine the priority aspects for the state and strategic development of social security of regions using the criterion indicator of cumulative variance of the data spread, which should be at least 70%; using the additive convolution method, calculate the integral indicators of social security for each aspect, and combine them into a comprehensive integral indicator of social security by region using the coefficients of significance of partial indicators and aspects; identify the quantitative values of the calculated integral indicators of social security of regions plus the complex integral indicator by qualitative levels specified for the economic conditions of Ukraine by the universal Harrington scale; determine the strategic gaps in ensuring the social security of the regions, the ranking of which from maximum to minimum will allow to substantiate the priority sequence of directions (by aspects) and measures (by values of indicators) of the strategic plan for ensuring the growth of social security of regions, taking into account the specifics of the state of each of them. The practical use of the proposals of the article will ensure the validity of strategic plans for the development of social security at the regional level to improve the quality of life of the population and the cohesion of society in the difficult wartime period.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bushuyev S. D., Andrievska V. O., Onyshсhenko S. Р.
Assessing and Balancing the Value of Artificial Intelligence Products in the Digital Age (p. 424 - 430)

The digital age provides, on the one hand, extraordinary opportunities for modern information technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) products; on the other hand, it creates new problems for humanity, for example, of a legal and ethical nature. In addition, AI products can be highly effective and attractive from a commercial point of view; and from the point of view of humanity as a whole, they can signify a huge problem. Thus, there is a need to balance the value of these products, taking into account their multiaspectual nature. The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual approach to assessing and balancing the value of AI products. Balancing involves assessing the value of AI products, comparing it to some standards, and adjusting it based on the identified inconsistencies. It is found that balancing the value of AI products should take into account three areas of view and evaluation – individual, business, society (humanity). Such an integral view will provide coverage of the main levels that are affected by AI products. A method for assessing the value of AI products has been proposed, which takes into account the multiaspectual nature of product consideration for each area (individual, business, society) and the priority of each aspect. It is also proposed that in the future, it is artificial intelligence that should provide this assessment of the value of AI products, taking into account a significant amount of necessary information. A conceptual scheme has been formed that links the increase in the level of development of AI products with the level of their responsibility, especially for those products that are designed to evaluate and determine the necessary areas of harmonization and balancing of value. This will ensure the development and commercial use of AI products with risk minimization from various perspectives. It is evident that these results are only a conceptual approach, on the basis of which it is possible to develop specific algorithms for evaluating and balancing the value of AI products.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zavalii T. O., Sakhnevych D. O.
The Willingness of Representatives of Gen Z to Buy Eco-Products and Support Sustainable Business Practices (p. 430 - 439)

The article examines the problem of the readiness of typical representatives of the Ukrainian generation Z, who are currently from 10 to 24 years old, to buy eco-products and support sustainable business practices. The basis for the relevant conclusions was the results of a Google Forms survey of students of the Scientific Lyceum at Zhytomyr Polytechnic and students of Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University (N = 174). Based on the analysis of the answers, the most common characteristics of the product were systematized, according to which a typical representative of gen Z determines that it is an eco-product (green color, packaging, energy efficiency, environmental label, relatively higher price, shelf life, does not harm the environment, includes no plastic, made from recycled resources, made from natural biodegradable materials). Attention was also drawn to certain characteristics of eco-products («the possibility to return packaging (glass)», «the product is not tested on animals», «the product is not disposable», «if I am familiar with the manufacturer from past experience», «support for sustainable production», «sign (labeling – green crane)», «minimum packaging», «waste minimization»), which can also set trends in this area in the future. Based on the confirmation of the hypotheses put forward (1. Representatives of the generation Z are insensitive to the higher level of costs (the product is more expensive) associated with the purchase of eco-products and support for businesses that position themselves as sustainable; 2. Representatives of the generation Z practice sustainable practices in everyday life; 3. Representatives of the generation Z support the production of eco-friendly goods and the involvement of business in sustainable development practices) – it was verified that a typical representative of the generation Z is characterized by: insensitivity to the higher level of costs associated with the purchase of eco-products and support for businesses that position themselves as sustainable; implementation of sustainable practices in everyday life; supporting the production of eco-friendly goods and involving businesses in sustainable development practices. A further direction for research is the need to develop an integrated approach to the creation of digital educational content for the marketing purposes of a business that professes sustainable practices and sells eco-products.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rozhko V. I., Tatarko D. Y.
Marketing Logistics in Electronic Commerce (p. 439 - 446)

This article examines the role of marketing logistics in e-commerce. Marketing logistics covers the entire life cycle of a product, from production to delivery to the customer, and is therefore an important component of digital enterprises. Marketing logistics includes such elements as inventory management, order processing, packaging, delivery and rotation of goods. In addition, data analysis and analytics are important components in helping companies understand demand, customer responce, and market trends. This helps to optimize the range of products, pricing and marketing campaigns. Furthermore, the article delves into the significance of data analysis and analytics in enhancing the efficiency of marketing logistics within the e-commerce landscape. In the dynamic realm of digital enterprises, leveraging data-driven insights becomes crucial for informed decision-making. The integration of data analytics allows companies to gain a deeper understanding of various aspects, including revenue patterns, customer preferences, and emerging market trends. Optimizing the product range, pricing strategies, and marketing campaigns becomes more precise when supported by comprehensive data analysis. This strategic use of data empowers businesses to align their offerings with customer demands and market dynamics, ultimately leading to improved customer satisfaction and competitive advantage. The article emphasizes the interconnectedness of marketing logistics and data analytics, highlighting how these elements work in tandem to drive success in the e-commerce sector. As digital enterprises continue to evolve, a holistic approach that integrates logistics management with robust data-driven strategies becomes essential for staying ahead in the highly competitive online marketplace. The article also underscores the adaptability aspect of marketing logistics in response to real-time data. In a rapidly changing digital environment, businesses that can swiftly analyze and respond to emerging market trends gain a competitive edge.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kondratenko N. O., Volkova M. V.
Features of Strategic Management of the Competitiveness of Life Insurance Companies (p. 338 - 344)

The article defines the features of strategic management of competitiveness of life insurance companies (LICs). It is specified that the development of insurance and the need to protect people from the increasing impact of various risks associated with their livelihood, such as loss of income as a result of loss of human ability to work or the death of a family breadwinner, have led to the emergence of life insurance companies. It is noted that any decisions aimed at ensuring competitive advantages are risky, since they are based on the inability to accurately predict how the competitive environment will affect the company’s actions. The competitiveness management strategy of a LIC should take into account how likely its relationship with the competitive environment is, as this significantly increases the level of uncertainty in the management process and creates a risk that the company will lose in competition. A model of strategic management of the competitiveness of a LIC has been developed, which is closely related to the managerial qualities of its activities, that is, it provides for a certain complex that has: components of management, strategic goals, tactical tasks of management. An algorithm for assessing the level of management of the competitiveness of LICs has been proposed, which is based not only on the assessment of the competitive position through the efficiency of management, but also reflects the effectiveness of the insurance company’s activities in the formation of competitive advantages in the process of struggle for effective demand, taking into account the conditions of the insurance market and the needs of consumers. It is concluded that one of the important conditions for effective strategic management of competitiveness of life insurance companies is the study of the insurance market and determination of the competitive status of the company in it. Assessment of the level of competitiveness of a LIC is mandatory for all market participants who seek to maintain their place or increase their competitiveness. It is proved that managing the competitiveness of a life insurance company is a priority direction of the organization’s management, since it determines the company’s ability to exist in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnokutskyi Y. S.
A Methodological Approach to Assessing the Level of Quality Management of Services of Railway Transport Enterprises (p. 345 - 354)

The article develops a methodical approach to assessing the level of quality management of services of railway transport enterprises. It is specified that the introduction of a modern system for managing the quality of services of railway transport enterprises requires the development of methodological approaches to assessing the level of management, taking into account that the main element of this system is the focus on the quality of products and services, the development of new technologies, flexible pricing policy and a high culture of service, taking into account the specific requirements and expectations of consumers. It is emphasized that expert evaluation is based on intuitive and logical analysis under conditions of significant uncertainty of the environment or characteristics of the object under study. It is well-grounded that the comparative analysis of statistical characteristics made it possible to form a matrix of advantages and allocate the most influential indicators in each group of factors: 1) scientific and technical factors – modernization of existing equipment and automation and modernization of production processes; 2) organizational factors – improvement of the system of material and technical provision and the work of linear enterprises; 3) economic factors – increasing the level of investment attractiveness and the level of business activity of railway transport enterprises; 4) social factors – improvement of mechanisms of material incentives for employees and recruitment. A conclusion is made about the level of influence of individual indicators in each group of factors on the level of quality management of services of railway transport enterprises, namely: the sum of ranks, average rank, average value in points, moda and median, range of series, normed assessment. Identification of priorities, according to experts, will allow to form a strategy and directions for improving the efficiency of quality management of services of railway transport enterprises. The obtained normed estimates of each indicator open up the possibilities of economic and mathematical modeling, forecasting changes in the overall level of service quality depending on the change in each indicator. Assessment of the generalized degree of consistency of experts’ opinions according to the calculated concordance coefficients indicates a high level of such consistency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burennikova N. V., Gordiychuk A. P.
Updated Approaches to Risk Management in the Context of Modeling the Effectiveness of the Functioning of Enterprises on the Basis of SEE- Management (p. 354 - 362)

The aim of the article is to reveal the essence and outline the methodology of risk management as a means of increasing the efficiency of the process of functioning of enterprises as complex systems on the basis of the author’s models and indicators of the components of effectiveness on the basis of SEE-management. The results of studies of some aspects of risk management at industrial enterprises in the process of their functioning contributed to the clarification of the main issues regarding its essence on the basis of the effectiveness of certain processes in such functioning in the context of risk management, which is one of the key concepts of such management based on SEE-management using SEE-analysis. It is noted that risk management is the process of making decisions and taking measures aimed at changing risk. These measures can be the proposed SEE-actions in the process of SEE-management. The conception of risk management is considered on the basis of the use of the SEE-management methodology, which contributes not only to the identification of risks and assessment of their impact on the functioning of enterprises as systems, but also to the use of the instruments of this management (indicators of the components of the effectiveness of certain processes, the results of SEE-analysis with the search for SEE-risks and the development of measures to prevent them), both system and process approaches to risk management. It is proposed to consider the SEE-risk of the processes of functioning of complex systems as the probabilistic failure to obtain the desired compared to the expected levels of scale, efficiency, effectiveness, which leads to errors and/or errors in SEE-management. The implementation of the SEE-management methodology on the provided example of the process of formation of gross income of a real operating enterprise has shown that it can be applied in practice in order to make scientifically sound managerial decisions at the micro-level in the context of risk management, and, if necessary, at the meso- and macro-levels by appropriately linking certain processes with the help of a set of models of the components of effectiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymko O. V., Demydyuk S. M.
Modern Trends in the Development of Franchising as a Business Strategy (p. 363 - 368)

The article is devoted to the study of features of franchising as a strategy of business development, which allows to form resource, technological, innovative, partner competitive advantages and take a stable competitive position in the market and, as the experience of developed countries shows, is a real mechanism for successful development of small business in the long term. The economic essence of the classical model of franchising and the socioeconomic conditions that determined its evolution are disclosed: changes in consumer behavior; strengthening customization and individualization trends; change in franchisee’s expectations of entrepreneurial initiative; rapid development of information and communication technologies; increase in franchisors’ costs for franchisee support; the economic crisis, which contributes to the growing popularity of budget conceptions; growing uncertainty of the external environment. Based on the systematization of the parameters of differences (the fact of brand transfer, features of the regulation of key processes, the possibility of registration of joint ownership of the franchise, standardization of external elements and assortment, as well as the specifics of the process of innovation transfer) alternative models of franchising are characterized: customized franchising of the business format, quasi-franchising and branchising. Knowledge of modern trends in the organization of entrepreneurial activity on the basis of franchising will allow entrepreneurs to choose for business the direction that is in demand at a particular point in time in a certain territory for a specific segment of consumers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Husakovska T. O., Sviatnyi L. O.
Intellectual Property Audit as a Component of the Management Process of the Objects of Organization’s Intellectual Property Portfolio (p. 369 - 374)

The aim of the article is to define the essence of the process of auditing the intellectual property of an organization and to study its features in the context of business development. It is determined that the main purpose of an intellectual property audit is to collect information about what intellectual property (IP) has been created or acquired and what steps have been taken to protect it. It is also necessary to analyze the procedures for documenting and protecting intellectual property used in the enterprise. The main tasks of the intellectual property audit are noted as follows: inventory of all issued patents and patent applications pending consideration; cataloging license agreements; analysis of the consistency of the intellectual property strategy with the corporate strategy of the enterprise; cataloging documents related to previous litigation, disputes, analysis, or research; review of intellectual objects of property (IPO) portfolio management plans and the company’s policy on intellectual property strategy. The carried out research allowed to conclude that the implementation of the IP audit allows the management of the organization to determine the existing intellectual products, submitted applications and already received IPO, their commercial potential in the context of the organization’s development strategy. In addition, in accordance with the development strategy, the audit of the organization’s IPO allows you to determine the need to obtain external IPOs, as well as to review the strategy for managing the IPO portfolio. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development and improvement of methodological instruments for the process of auditing objects of intellectual property of an organization as a component of the process of managing the IPO portfolio.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrenko T. O.
Project Management Office Motivation Instruments (p. 375 - 382)

The modern project management environment is becoming more and more volatile under the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors. The key factor in this context is motivation, which has the potential to increase its application in project management. The aim of the article is to analyze the motivation strategies that can be implemented by the project management office to increase the success of projects. The importance of motivation in the context of project management is considered, with an emphasis on how motivational strategies can affect the productivity and effectiveness of teams. The importance of the project management office in the development of team motivation to achieve success in project management in conditions of increased volatility of the business environment is emphasized. According to McKinsey, 37% of situations leading to the failure of a project are due to changes in its goals, which directly or indirectly affects motivation. Various methods of motivation used by the project management office, including intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and their impact on the behavior of employees are considered. Attention is paid to the psychological aspects of motivation, the role of cultural and individual differences. Particular attention is paid to the use of metrics for quantitative project management, which provides a more structured and objective approach to evaluating and improving various aspects of the project, including motivation. An analysis of the importance of creating a favorable environment for motivation and the use of a strategic approach to the implementation of motivational strategies is carried out. The proposed research can be useful for professional analysts and researchers, companies, non-profit organizations and authorities who seek to strengthen the motivation component of the project management office. Prospects for further research include the development of a KPI system taking into account the main organizational goals and, on the basis of their construction, a motivation system by the project management office.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lirko T. V.
Integration of Risk-Oriented Project Management into Modern Business Models (p. 383 - 391)

The purpose of the study is to determine the essence of risk in project management and improve risk management methods in projects in accordance with the modern paradigm of risk-oriented thinking. The terminology in risk management has remained unchanged for many years. The definitions change depending on the field of activity, the stage of project development or the model of cooperation. Approaches, methods and tools are changing dramatically. An important driver of change is the impact of technology on society, its progress, and the need for a product. Analyzing and systematizing the scientific works of various scientists, the meaning of the concept of risk and risk-oriented thinking is clarified, the meaning of various business models and the probable threats encountered when working with each of these models are examined and explained. As a result of the study, methods and tools that should be used in risk-oriented project management are identified. The positive result of the use of updated means in the fight against threats is substantiated. The main steps in project management that will help to effectively set up the process of dealing with risks are identified. The main thesis of the risk-oriented paradigm is continuous training, analysis of the environment, consolidation of efforts and systematic introduction of new approaches and methods in project management. The integration of the new risk management system takes place at all levels of the project, the integration is systemic and considers all types of either threats or opportunities. A proactive approach to risk management in project management helps the manager to analyze data efficiently and in advance. The availability and fast processing of information in the modern world plays a crucial role. That is why one should be well versed in the business models and domain areas of your project. Therefore, after registering project risks, the key step is to monitor them and mathematically calculate their priority. Risk management remains a promising area of project management and requires further research. Living in conditions of uncertainty, it is important to quickly analyze, systematize, and integrate updated risk management methods into current projects. Studies and surveys show that there are still quite large gaps in this area, and even if organizations have already started implementing risk management in their projects, in many cases the processes are not properly adjusted. Consistency and a proactive approach are important elements of the successful integration of a risk-oriented approach into project management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrukha N. M., Petrukha S. V., Hudenko B. O., , Hudenko O. D.
The Policy of Heroes – A New Philosophy of Veteran Business (p. 392 - 404)

The article highlights a new approach in the field of veteran business, which is called the «policy of heroes» and is the quintessence of the new Ukrainian doctrine, that is, a new vision and philosophy of what a successful Ukraine should be like after the victory. The article discusses the institutional and regulatory tendencies and empirical trends of the veteran entrepreneurial community and the role played by veterans in the development of modern Ukrainian society in general and business in particular. The general trends of veteran business are typologized, the key role of modern grant instruments of the State support (assistance) in the formation of a common mental space between society and veterans for their speedy reintegration into economic life, ensuring their full participation in the creation of the economic front of the State is substantiated. The purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of the russian-Ukrainian war on the dynamics of the formation of the veteran community, to carry out a typology of key challenges and, on their basis, a substantiation of the need for further strategizing of individualized and comprehensive reintegration of veterans into civilian life in order to ensure their successful and sustainable adaptation to the new socioeconomic realities of doing business. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the study of the «policy of heroes» in the paradigm of the new Ukrainian doctrine as a new phenomenon in the architecture of the institution of veteran business, its conceptualization through the prism of endo- and exogenous threats (risks) generated by the russian-Ukrainian war in the institutional and regulatory coordinates of adaptation of veterans to starting and running a business, including in rural areas. The article proves that the «policy of heroes» of the new Ukrainian doctrine strategizes and determines the vector of further institutional and regulatory progress in the system of the State incentives for business reintegration of veterans into civilian life. It is proved that the experience gained by veterans during their service in the institutional centers of the Security and Defense Forces forms unorthodox contours of anti-crisis inertia during both the initiation and further functioning of veteran business under the legal regime of martial law, providing the development process with signs of sustainability and predictability, taking into account the post-war context of the reconstruction of the national economy and the directives of the Ukraine Facility Plan for 2024–2027. This is fostered by the modernization and Europeanization by the State of tools to support veteran business through the system of grants. This system actually «stitches» the vision of the President of Ukraine regarding the «policy of heroes» declared in the vision of the new Ukrainian doctrine, with the current and future needs of veterans and the capabilities of the State, which, in particular, are determined by the need to accelerate the process of reintegration of veterans into public life.

Article is written in English

Hoi N. V., Vader T. M., Medynska T. I.
The Role of Brand Management in Shaping the Image of Ukraine as a Business Partner: Impact on International Perception (p. 404 - 410)

The aim of the article is to study the role and significance of brand management as the basis for the development of State values in the market. In modern marketing and in the conditions of competition in the market, topical issues are the development of the brand as an important marketing tool that plays a leading role for companies and the State in general in the Ukrainian and international markets. The visual appeal of products and services makes a primary impression on consumers, and therefore the priorities of the brand development strategy are obvious. Understanding the terms «brand» and «brand management» allows you to effectively apply these marketing tools in practice. In the new global digital economy, brands, in cooperation with management, make up a large part of the value of the company itself and a significant source of income. The brand is a challenge of the present and the future and is a mechanism for managing several areas at once: marketing, social, and economic. In today’s international environment, the interaction of brand and management is developing intensively, adapting to rapid changes in the world market and the introduction of information and communication technologies. For the effective functioning of marketing and development of Ukrainian companies that are focused on the market and influence the economy, it is necessary to consider in detail the issue of the functioning of the brand as an innovative tool both at the theoretical and practical levels. In particular, important components are the direct implementation of this mechanism, the list and content of the main stages of application, signs and types, the use of the dynamics of growth of indicators in both the domestic and the international markets. This study presents the features of the use of an innovative brand tool, which are the needs of modern companies, their specifics, overall impact, and also makes forecasts for the future. The use of brand management has a positive effect on the functioning and presentation of Ukraine in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Borovyk M. V., Troian V. I., Ostrohliad O. H.
Trends in the Development of Management in the Field of Subsoil Use in the World and in Ukraine (p. 411 - 417)

The article discusses current trends in the field of subsoil use and management, which affect the global and national economy. The study is based on the analysis of world experience and discussions with leading scientists in this field. In particular, the main problems faced by modern enterprises in the context of efficient use of subsoil are considered, and ways to solve these problems are proposed, taking into account global trends and the specifics of the Ukrainian situation. The proposed study emphasizes the need to introduce innovative approaches to resource management and identifies key areas for the development of management in the field of subsoil use. The modern world is facing complex challenges related to the efficient use of subsoil resources. Reasonable management of these resources is a key element in ensuring sustainable development, especially in the context of increasing demands on energy and industry. However, multinational corporations and states face difficulties in conducting this process, which require new approaches in the field of management. The main trends in the field of subsoil use and management are studied, world experience is analyzed and its impact on the Ukrainian economy is determined. A general analysis made it possible to identify the key areas of management development in the field of subsoil use. For the practical implementation of the research results, it is recommended to focus on the integration of innovative approaches and technologies into the process of subsoil resources management, as well as on cooperation between government agencies, business and research institutions to elaborate and implement effective development strategies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vaskiv O. M., Borshchuk I. V.
The Role of ChatGPT in Automating HR Industry Tasks (p. 418 - 425)

The purpose of the article is to outline the HR industry and describe the role of ChatGPT in HR automation. Automation with the help of additional programs that make life easier for recruiters and HR specialists will never be superfluous, and given that ChatGPT is planned to be developed, you need to try to master the bot right now. Then, in the future, you will already have developed use cases – the so-called use cases, and it will be easier for you to navigate the brave new world. As an employer who strives to follow trends, it is worth trying to make life easier for your employees – especially if the program can write something for them. Another task of the article was to consider, investigate and prescribe the tasks of HR industry specialists. As a result of the study, the stages of the HR analytics process, tools and technologies for ensuring its functioning are outlined. It is also worth noting that metrics are a modern tool for evaluating the effectiveness of HR marketing and other processes in HR analytics. Research has shown that with ChatGPT, businesses can now automate many of these tasks, allowing HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives. Prospects for further research in this direction are the use of ChatGPT by HR managers, which can be very useful from effective and accurate communication with employees to personalized employee support, optimized onboarding, training and development, data-driven insights, employee feedback, and compliance with corporate culture and personnel policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khalatska I. I., Koval Z. А.
A Review of Introduction of Automated and Robotic Systems for Optimization of Logistic Processes within Projects and Programs (p. 425 - 430)

In today’s world, innovations in project management are becoming a determining factor for achieving competitive advantages. This article discusses the topical issue of innovative methods of process management in projects and programs, focusing on their impact on logistical aspects. The main goal is to unleash the potential of automated and robotic systems to optimize and increase the efficiency of logistics processes in projects. The article highlights the key aspects of the implementation of automation in logistics processes, in particular the speed and accuracy of tasks, optimization of routes and planning, reduction of errors and costs, as well as ensuring continuity of work. It is noted that these aspects can significantly improve the productivity and efficiency of logistics processes, contributing to the achievement of the set goals of projects and programs. Examples of successful implementation of automated and robotic systems in real projects are provided. In particular, the implementation of a tracking system in the company SystemGroup is considered, automation of warehouse operations in Forstor Industry and the use of automated vehicles in logistics networks. These examples illustrate the concrete benefits and successes that can be achieved through the latest technologies in logistics projects. However, it is emphasized that the benefits of using automation and robotics include increased productivity, reduced errors, and increased logistics management capabilities. Innovative methods of process management in projects and programs, especially taking into account logistical aspects, are becoming an important factor in achieving high efficiency and competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chumak O. V., Levina M. V., Oleksiienko B. M.
Optimization of Business Processes of Enterprises in the System of Strategic Management of Innovative Activities (p. 430 - 436)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the methodological support for optimizing the business processes of enterprise in the system of strategic management in the context of the use of innovations under unstable conditions of development. The content of the term «innovation activity of enterprise» has been analyzed and it has been found that for the most part it is considered as a complex characteristic of its activity, in particular as the degree of intensity of the ongoing innovative transformations and their timeliness. The relationship between the processes of strategic management and management of innovation activity of enterprise, based on the data of the information field, is generalized. The main elements of the strategy for the application of technological innovations have been allocated. Emphasis is placed on the need for monitoring of the results of strategy of introduction of technological innovations. The algorithm of activation of information processes of industrial enterprise on the basis of monitoring and controlling data of business processes in order to optimize them is substantiated. The main characteristics of conceptual approaches and methods of optimization of business processes are considered. An analysis of the categorical apparatus of the concepts of «engineering» and «reengineering» has been carried out. The prerequisites for the practical application of methods for optimizing business processes in complex unstable situations in order to improve the efficiency of activities are generalized. The experience of integration of processes of strategic management of enterprise and management of its innovation activity is considered. The features of the procedure for developing a strategy for the application of technological innovations are characterized and a fragment of the strategic management system in terms of optimizing the business processes of enterprise, taking into account the innovation component, is presented. It is recommended to integrate these proposals and classical tools for the formation of functional strategies, incorporating them with each other, on the basis of which a synergistic effect will be obtained and, accordingly, to achieve the strategic goal in the optimal way in the system of strategic management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudakova S. H., Shchetinina L. V., Danylevych N. S., Burlachenko O. O.
Evaluating the Influence of Individual and Psychological Qualities of Employees on the Nature of Interpersonal Relations (p. 437 - 444)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the importance of individual psychological qualities in the interaction between employees and evaluate their impact on the nature of interpersonal relations. The importance of certain individual psychological qualities for the emergence of sympathies between participants in the interaction is substantiated, namely: empathy; communication skills; tolerance for differences; ability to cooperate; responsibility. A methodical approach to assessing the presence of these qualities in team members has been developed. It involves identifying the most common manifestations of individual psychological qualities important for relationships, as well as assessing the degree of their expression in employees. A methodology for assessing the potential for improving interpersonal relations in an organization has been proposed. To determine the potential, the percentage of employees who chose the «no» option is multiplied by +1, and the percentage of employees who chose the «difficult to answer» option is multiplied by +0.5. Further, the results of the calculation for all questions about the nature of interpersonal relations are summed up and the percentage by which the nature of interpersonal relations can be improved is determined. According to the results of a survey of employees of one of the domestic research organizations, the most relevant areas of their improvement have been identified as follows: firstly, it is necessary to develop such qualities of employees as: empathy, communication skills and the ability to cooperate, and maintain all other qualities at a high level; secondly, to create conditions for informal communication; thirdly, to develop the ability to resolve conflicts between employees; fourthly, to promote employees’ understanding of their own contribution to the work of the organization; fifth, establish change management processes in the organization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iankovets T. M.
Digital Marketing and Content Strategy in Creating Impressions of Brands’ Customers (p. 444 - 454)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the system and strategic approaches to content marketing as a digital marketing tool, as well as to systematize the stages of content strategy, taking into account the planning of target customer impressions by stages of the consumer journey. The analysis of research by domestic and foreign scientists shows the lack of a system approach to content marketing and content strategy, the limitation of the possibilities of using content marketing, the not taking into account of the stages of the consumer journey in content marketing, the lack of focus on creating customer impressions of brands in the development of a content strategy. As a result of the study, system and strategic approaches to content marketing are substantiated. The types of content and its components are characterized. The stages of formation of the content strategy of the brand are allocated, which is defined as a comprehensive plan (program of actions) for the preparation, creation, distribution and expansion of valuable content for customers to create impressions, which ensures the attraction of new customers, increasing the loyalty of regular customers, growing defenders and promoters of the brand and, accordingly, achieving the goals of content marketing, digital marketing of the brand and business in general. The author allocates the place of the brand’s content strategy in its strategic set, which is subordinated to the business strategy, digital marketing strategy and communication strategy. It is proved that the formation of these strategies, taking into account the influence of environmental factors, is based on brand identity and has an impact on the brand image. For the effective implementation of the content strategy, the goals, content formats and relevant KPIs are systematized, recommendations for the use of content formats depending on the stages of the consumer journey are provided. Sections of the content plan are proposed and requirements for the development of effective content to create positive impressions of brand customers are formulated. Prospects for further research in this direction are systematization of brand content by spheres of identification of customer impressions (by types of economic activity).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nosach I. V., Vodolazska N. V.
The Efficiency and Features of Marketing Management in Enterprises under the Martial Law Conditions (p. 455 - 460)

The aim of the article is to study the efficiency and features of management of marketing activities in enterprises. Analyzing the latest research and publications of scholars, the general theoretical foundations of the features of management of marketing activities at enterprises are considered. The article highlights and theoretically substantiates the efficiency and features of management of marketing activities of enterprise, taking into account the conditions of martial law. In the context of the introduction of market relations in Ukraine, there is a need for a new business culture, one of the carriers of which is marketing. Due to the fact that competition in the market is increasing, entrepreneurs must organize economic activities in such a way that the highest results are achieved, and the relevant costs are the lowest possible. Business conditions have become much tougher, commercial activity is significantly reduced, and consumer interest in shopping is significantly reduced. Because of this, it is necessary to adapt in time and deal with the challenges that entrepreneurs face every day. That is why adaptation on the basis of marketing is one of the most important ways to continue your own business. In this regard, a modern enterprise should primarily focus on economic effectiveness. This can be achieved only by prioritizing the interests of the consumer. However, it should be remembered that only copying the experience of marketing activities of Western countries cannot bring the expected results within the framework of domestic realities. In addition, we should not forget that there is a war going on in the country, and all this has a significant impact on marketing activities. Undoubtedly, people are trying to save more and analyze their purchases more carefully, dividing them into what you can and cannot do without. That is why it is worth offering only high-quality products that are currently popular. It should be noted that in the conditions of crisis, only those enterprises that act actively and apply a set of measures to manage the enterprise on the basis of marketing, using marketing tools, survive and function.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Savytska N. L., Pakhucha E. V.
Market Resilience of Business: A Theoretical Construct (p. 244 - 257)

The aim of the article is to study the development and change of the conception of resilience of socioeconomic systems in the modern turbulent world, as well as to create a theoretical construct for the market resilience of business. The conception of BANI of the world, which demonstrates the chaotic and unpredictable nature of modern society and technological environment, is studied, so business organizations must not only be resistant to stress, but also ready for change and even successfully function in conditions of uncertainty and instability in order to adapt to the new reality. Thus, the central theme of world economic thought is the study of «resilience» in general, as well as its various aspects and potential ways to guarantee the sustainability of social, economic and ecological systems. Resilience is considered as an economic category, which is inherent in the subject of economic activity at the micro-, meso- and macro-levels. The main methodological approaches to resilience are proposed, which contain the following key components: crisis management of the socioeconomic system; change and innovation management; organizational culture and leadership; staff resilience. A new approach that changes the attitude to resilience as an economic category – the paradigm of Industry 5.0 – is considered. In the context of resilience, this paradigm aims to create viable, flexible and resilient systems that can adapt to different challenges. The types of resilience of different levels of the socioeconomic system are examined and systematized. The authors concluded that these kinds intersect, interact and complement at different levels, which is an important aspect of ensuring the stability and adaptability of this system. A definition of the concept of market resilience has been proposed, which is a characteristic of a business organization, which determines its ability to create new opportunities for sustainability, survival and development in conditions of total uncertainty, non-linear and unpredictable changes in the internal and external environment. The key elements of the formation of market resilience of a business entity are systematized and characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Firsova S. H., Perevozchykova A. A.
Using the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Multi-Criteria Analysis Methodology for Selecting the Optimal Strategy for Creating a Production Alliance (p. 258 - 264)

The aim of the study is to adapt the method of multi-criteria analysis of alternatives SAW (simple additive weighing), as considered in both domestic and foreign publications, for the possibility of creating a production alliance of «Chumak» PJSC; to carry out an assessment of the prospects for the use of such a methodology in domestic practice; further, an identification of its strengths and weaknesses; outlining the main aspects of using strengths and minimizing weaknesses in Ukrainian business practice. The article is devoted to the issue of creation of production alliances among Ukrainian enterprises in order to overcome the consequences of russian aggression, stimulate innovative processes in the management of operational activities of enterprises and further creation of strategic alliances for mutual promotion and sale of goods and services, i. e. affiliate marketing. The methodology of multi-criteria analysis of alternatives SAW (simple additive weighing) was used stage by stage to select the optimal strategy for creating a production alliance. For this purpose, the problematic issue of advanced analysis has been identified, a system of alternatives, criteria for evaluating alternatives and a system for determining assessments of criteria based on qualitative and quantitative indicators has been formed. An integrated grading scale has been developed. A quantitative assessment of alternatives according to the proposed criteria has been carried out. The Altman model and the financial stability coefficient are applied as criteria for alternatives. A matrix of decisions has been built, its normalization has been implemented by certain weighting coefficients of criteria. Based on the calculations, a possible order of alternative options for creating a production alliance between «Chumak» PJSC and enterprises operating in the food market of Ukraine has been derived. The relevance of the problem of forming a strategic alliance is attested, given the presence of different approaches to choosing partners and the impossibility of allocating a single correct approach to determining groups of criteria without adapting to each individual industry.

Article is written in English

Baidatskiy M. V.
Analysis of Scientific Approaches to Understanding the Risk Management of Logistics Systems (p. 265 - 271)

The purpose of the study is to systematize the views of foreign and Ukrainian scholars on the risk management of logistics systems and to develop the author’s approach to understanding the concept of logistics system. The article defines that the use of risk management instruments is due to a number of advantages, in particular, the following: improvement of strategic planning at the enterprise; improving the efficiency of the production and economic system of the enterprise; optimization of the use of material resources of the enterprise; improvement of communication channels between employees and management of the enterprise; identification of risks that adversely affect the operation of the enterprise; development of a methodology for identifying risks that impact the operation of the enterprise. To determine the instruments for risk management of logistics system, foreign experience in studying this issue is analyzed. The features of the new paradigm in comparison with traditional approaches to risk management are highlighted as follows: continuous management process, coordination of management decisions by the head of the enterprise, a wide range of analyzed risks. Approaches to the definition of the concept of logistics system are analyzed and the author’s own vision of this concept is proposed in the following wording: it is a complex of enterprise structures, processes, infrastructure elements and information flows aimed at planning, coordinating and managing the movement of material and information flows in order to ensure the efficiency and competitiveness of business, which includes such aspects as inventory management, warehousing, transportation, management of supply and distribution, as well as information processing and supplier and customer relationship management in order to ensure optimal use of resources, minimization of costs, ensuring high quality of customer service and timely supplies. Risk management of a logistics system is a complex, multifaceted process that is aimed at ensuring efficient, productive, stable and reliable operation of the logistics system by identifying, assessing and managing risks that affect the performance of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tymchyk A. M.
Features of Managing the Logistic Processes of e-Commerce of the Enterprise (p. 272 - 278)

In the context of the rapid development of digital technologies and increasing consumer demands, the efficiency of logistic processes is becoming a decisive factor in the success of electronic trading platforms. The aim of the article is to identify ways to improve the logistics management system in the e-commerce sector in Ukraine for integration into the modern exogenous and endogenous contexts of online platforms. The main challenges faced by e-commerce companies in the integration of innovative logistics solutions, as well as strategies for optimizing supply chains in the context of a digitalized environment, are considered. Attention is focused on the importance of adapting logistics systems to the dynamic context of the e-commerce sector, taking into account the automation of ordering processes, inventory management, and improving delivery methods. The impact of digitalization on logistic operations is analyzed, including the use of artificial intelligence and big data to forecast demand and optimize delivery routes. The importance of adapting logistics strategies to constantly changing market conditions is emphasized. The importance of use of an integrated approach when solving logistic problems of e-commerce is emphasized. The key necessary changes in the management of logistic processes in e-commerce have been identified. A number of recommendations for Ukrainian e-commerce companies seeking to optimize their logistics in a digitally globalized environment have been allocated. It is underlined that the integration of modern technologies and flexible supply chain management are key to meeting consumer expectations and ensuring the efficiency of activities in online trade. The article may be useful for analysts and researchers in the field of logistics systems, e-commerce companies. Further research provides for the formation of a system for implementing changes at the strategic and operational level to the logistics management of Ukrainian e-commerce companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gruzina I. A.
Conceptual Foundations for Creating a Competent Organization in the Conditions of Intensification of the European Integration Processes in Ukraine (p. 279 - 288)

The obvious transformation of the world economic space puts forward new requirements for the adaptive properties of Ukrainian organizations in the context of their adaptation to new threats and challenges. Of critical importance is the creation and development of organizations that, due to their internal characteristics, are able to gain the status of competent both in the European and post-war Ukrainian markets. The aim of the article is to develop a conception for the creation and functioning of a competent organization, which consists of a set of interrelated provisions, which will allow to develop methodological support for this process, taking into account the specific characteristics of each stage of the organization’s life cycle. The article characterizes the procedure for carrying out scientific research of a competent organization at the metatheoretical level of cognition, which harmoniously combines the use of methods of empirical and theoretical levels, combining them into a group of general scientific ones. The necessity of adopting a synergetic paradigm of research, which provides an opportunity to study competent organizations as systems that are difficult to describe with a small number of variables and almost impossible to measure empirically, to identify the synergetic effect of their functioning, while developing ways to enhance it, is substantiated. The expediency of integrating the provisions of various organizational theories, the formation of a system of scientific principles as a methodological basis for research, the choice of a set of cognitive methods for an in-depth study of the problem has been proved. The formation of the methodological foundations of scientific research has become the basis for the development of the conception of creation and functioning of a competent organization, which is based on the construction of a system of interrelated provisions and allows taking into account the specifics of organizational activities at different stages of the life cycle of an organization. Further research will be aimed at determining the necessary components of organizational competence to solve priority management tasks at each stage of the life cycle, identifying those that require additional development, which will allow Ukrainian organizations to increase the level of their own competence in the modern market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulyk A. V.
The Stages and Instruments for Managing Strategic Changes in Enterprises During Crisis Situations (p. 289 - 296)

In the current conditions of doing business in Ukraine, the importance of adapting the system of strategic change management to the complex socioeconomic conditions faced by Ukrainian enterprises is sharply increasing. Accordingly, the way in which enterprises can effectively respond to exogenous (external) challenges, in particular to crisis situations that require prompt and flexible strategic decisions to ensure their survival and further development, is of particular relevance. The aim of this article is to substantiate the theoretical provisions of management of strategic changes in the enterprise and, on this basis, to develop effective instruments for managing them in crisis situations at enterprises. Various approaches to change management are analyzed, which can be used to plan and implement the necessary changes in the strategy and operational activities of domestic enterprises in the context of combating and overcoming the crisis. Particular attention is paid to the aspects of leadership and corporate culture as key factors in successful adaptation to change. The importance of involving employees in the change management process, the need to create effective communication within the organization and the introduction of a flexible, adaptive corporate culture that promotes innovation are emphasized. In the context of the Ukrainian economy, attention is focused on the specifics of management during the crisis, taking into account the military, political, social and economic instability in the country. An instrumentarium of strategic change management, adapted to Ukrainian realities, including analysis of the existing crisis business environment, strategic planning, prompt implementation of changes and monitoring of results, has been proposed. It is emphasized that flexibility, forecasting and rapid adaptation to changes are key to ensuring the stability and development of enterprises in Ukraine in conditions of unpredictability and crises. The proposed research can be useful for researchers in the field of strategic change management, analysts, business associations, enterprises in Ukraine and abroad. Further research in this direction will be aimed at the development of methods for managing strategic changes in enterprises, which are based on the observation of rapid changes in the exogenous and endogenous environment of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Husak Y. S., Fedoskin V. V.
Sociopsychological Ensuring of the Sustainable Development of Enterprise (p. 297 - 302)

Today's realities of economic development are associated with the strengthening of globalization, as well as innovation and integration processes, therefore the global society can be complementary characterized by an orientation towards ensuring sustainable development, which involves the harmonization of its economic, social and psychological components. International experience shows that, taking into account the conception of this process that should be aimed primarily at people and be carried out as a result of social and labor activities using their resources, sustainable development is possible only if there is a direct impact on work and the sociopsychological potential of society. The aim of the article is to study the principles, methods and tools of ensuring the sustainable development of the enterprise, using a sociopsychological complex of methods and techniques to ensure the professional activity of specialists at an optimal level, maintaining their functional state and capacity for work throughout the long working cycle. The set aim is achieved by consistently solving problems using dialectical, historical and logical approaches. The article presents the essence and parametric characteristics of the sustainable development of enterprise, with the aim of determining the level of efficiency of its functioning in accordance with modern development criteria. The contentual components of the conception of "sustainable development of enterprise" are defined through the prism of generally recognized components of sustainable development. Aspects of mutual coherence and effectiveness of enterprise functioning are considered through the prism of assessment, the sociopsychological aspectivity of the parametric characteristics of sustainable development. The practical significance lies in the formulation of proposals to ensure sustainable development of enterprise, primarily by means of the comprehensive use of a complex of social and psychological methods of ensuring a high level of professional activity, which is directly aimed at the specialist, his/her mental and physical health.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Domchuk O. M., Bоhuslаvskа S. І.
The Impact of Modern Trends in Medical Management on the Selection and Development of Management Personnel: Analysis and Perspectives (p. 303 - 313)

The modern healthcare environment is subject to rapid transformations due to technological progress, the introduction of electronic management systems, changes in the funding structure, etc. These aspects significantly affect medical management and require appropriate personnel to effectively manage these changes. The dynamic nature of the development of the medical field makes it necessary to improve the qualifications of medical personnel at all levels. Management in the field of healthcare requires specific knowledge and skills. The growing volume of work and the constant challenges associated with the treatment of new diseases require qualified managers who can effectively cope with various tasks. The introduction of conceptions such as the patient-centered model or other innovative approaches may require a review of the structure and management strategies of healthcare organizations. As a result, staff are needed who can effectively adapt to the new realities. With the emergence of new technologies such as telemedicine, artificial intelligence in diagnostics, and the development of medical applications and management systems, managers need to be innovation-oriented and ensure that innovations are implemented in medical practice. Technological innovations in the healthcare sector are closely linked to globalization and the exchange of experience. The growing global interdependence of the healthcare industry requires managers to understand not only national but also international aspects of healthcare management. This approach allows to reveal current problems, propose effective strategies for responding to challenges and identify key areas for the development of management personnel in healthcare management. The purpose of the article is to identify current trends in various forms of personnel policy in medical management, their advantages and disadvantages, and to consider innovations in this area aimed at optimizing personnel management in a modern medical enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarov N. K., Semenov A. O.
The Genesis of Conceptions of Human Capital in Economic Theory (p. 314 - 323)

The aim of the article is to study the evolution of scientists’ views on the category of human capital and to reproduce the genesis of this scientific category. Human capital is considered in the article as a multifactorial intellectual system that explores the emergence, development, formation and improvement under the influence of objective and subjective factors. The article analyzes the history of the development of economic thought and the evolution of the theory of human capital. A study of the system of scientific tools of representatives of mercantilism, the school of physiocrats, classical political economy, marginalism, neoliberalism, neoclassical theory, Keynesianism, institutional school and neo-institutionalism is carried out and the possibilities of its application in the global context of human development are determined. The objective economic, organizational, historical, scientific-technical, social and institutional prerequisites for the formation of the conception of human capital are defined. The conception of human capital is a new socioeconomic paradigm, the basis for the formation of which was the transition from the traditional economic system of development to the modern or innovative system. Within the framework of the theory of human capital, a person is considered through the prism of economic processes: social production, reproduction, economic activity. This was the basis for the rapid formation and spread of the theory of human capital. Objective reality emphasizes the importance of the formation and effective use of human capital, and significant scientific achievements on this issue confirm the long process of evolutionary development and relevance regardless of time intervals. The directions for further research include the development of methods for assessing human capital, in particular on the basis of the Human Development Index, a powerful tool for analyzing global processes and transformations in society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rozhko V. I., Duna N. G.
Improved Business Communication of Credit and Financial Institutions (p. 324 - 332)

The aim of the article is the theoretical substantiation and development of measures to improve the business communications of a credit and financial institution. The paper examines the state of information support and strategic orientation of business communications, marketing orientation of a credit and financial institution; an analysis of the results of business communications management is carried out; an integrated approach to the communication policy of a credit and financial institution has been proposed. The study considers such features of development as the complexity of problems and the need to study them in unity; increasing the complexity of objects of interaction, the dynamism of situations; the need to forecast future needs for information and communication. The article proposes measures for managing business communications using an integrated approach, which makes it possible to fully take into account the expectations of different groups of the public in order to obtain competitive image-based advantages. The use of business communication tools allows the company to manage its reputation (among potential and real customers, partners and investors), prevent crisis situations or help in their elimination, achieve strategic business goals, solve marketing problems, and optimize relations within the team itself. Management of business communications should be comprehensive, take into account the expectations of different groups of the public in order to obtain competitive image advantages of domestic enterprises, including in the international market. The study identifies the features of the banking services market that affect the process of managing business communications of modern banks, and finds that the stage of assessing the situation is a key one in the overall process of managing business communications. The place of business communications in the marketing activities of modern enterprises is determined. It has been defined that the marketing goals of enterprise have a significant impact on the management of business communications, determining their strategic orientation. Four main stages of the business communications management process have been allocated: evaluation of the situation, planning and programming, action and communication, and program evaluation. It is determined that the stage of assessment is a key, because an objective assessment of the environment in which the enterprise operates, as well as its strengths and weaknesses, is the foundation for other areas of the process of solving problems facing the company. The features of the market of banking services, influencing the management of business communications of modern enterprises, are considered: the use of individual communication channels for each target audience; positioning of the enterprise, not the product; the preference for personal contacts over mass ones; the ratio of business communication tools used depends on the goals and capabilities of the enterprise. The use of these results in the practical activities of banks will increase the efficiency of their marketing activities and competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozyr B. S.
Social Networks in the Management of Socio-Cultural Activities (p. 332 - 338)

Social networks play an important role in the modern management of socio-cultural activities. Due to the widespread use of the Internet and the growing popularity of social media, these platforms have become an important tool for communication, information sharing, promotion of cultural events, and public engagement in cultural and socio-cultural initiatives. Social media provides an opportunity for organizations and cultural institutions to engage audiences through advertising campaigns, content marketing, viral marketing, and other methods. This allows you to draw attention to cultural events, exhibitions, performances, concerts and attract more spectators and participants. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the use of social networks in the management of socio-cultural activities, as well as to analyze the practical experience of using social networks in the socio-cultural sphere and to develop recommendations for the optimal use of social media in the management of socio-cultural activities. The methods: analysis of literary sources, synthesis, system analysis, generalization, analysis of social network data, content analysis. It is found that social networks make it possible to preserve, popularize and talk eloquently about cultural heritage. Cultural organisations can share stories, photographs, videos and other materials that reveal national and cultural identity. It is researched that social networks facilitate interaction between cultural organizations, creators, and audiences. They create a fertile ground for cooperation and partnership, allowing organizations to co-host cultural events and engage the target audience. It is determined that social networks provide tools for tracking the efficiency of cultural events and analyzing audience data. It helps cultural organizations customize their programs and events to suit the interests and needs of their audiences. Social media has been found to allow for the creation of communities and forums where people can discuss topics related to culture, art, traditions, and more. This helps to keep the community active and share ideas. It is noted that the use of social networks by the management of socio-cultural activities also has its own challenges and risks. For example, the possibility of disseminating inaccurate information or negative reviews can negatively affect the reputation of cultural organizations. Therefore, it is important to be attentive and skillful in the management of social networks in order to achieve a positive impact on socio-cultural activities. Nowadays, social networks serve as a virtual social space for the interaction of individuals, resulting in the formation of a complex multi-level network of civic ties. Internet technologies form a new sphere of information interaction, which leads to the emergence of new types of social relations that unfold the social potential of citizens. Social networks become a favorable environment for civic activity, being a platform for communication between individuals and groups in the political, cultural, and social spheres.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Olinichenko K. S., Chmil H. L., Priadko O. M.
Transformation of Communication Policy to Ensure Resilience of Retail Trade Enterprises (p. 338 - 345)

The communication policy of a trade enterprise always depends on the general goals of the enterprise, but it is impossible to consider the communications of a trade enterprise as a permanent component. Communication policy is a moving thing, it is constantly influenced by internal and external factors, which gives impetus to the company’s marketers to constantly adjust it to modern market requirements. The aim of the article is to determine the resilience of marketing strategies of trade enterprises in relation to communication and advertising activities under the influence of macro factors. We include the following macro factors: the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale military aggression of the russian federation from 24.02.2022 onward. We analyzed the relevant literature and found that the impact of general macro factors on the marketing strategy of trade enterprises is mostly incomprehensible and unpredictable, which requires new approaches to marketing activities. In particular, modern open sources and scientific literature do not sufficiently examine the methods and technologies of retailers in the communication strategy under the influence of stress and crisis. The study of contemporary behavior in the communication policy of trade enterprises in the market, including the growth of online commerce, has led to a shift in emphasis to digital advertising, which promotes sales via the Internet. Advertisers are actively working to promote products and services that can be purchased online. The pandemic has created many uncertainties, and advertisers have proven to be more flexible and ready to adapt quickly to changes in economic and social conditions. Particular attention should be paid to the advertising activities of trade enterprises during the wartime, that can become a significant challenge and require a careful approach. The warime creates its own unique challenges for businesses and marketers, and it is important to consider ethical and social aspects in advertising campaigns. We have summarized the aspects of the influence of external factors on the advertising activities of trade enterprises during the wartime. Since most retail sales still take place offline, trade marketers are reviewing the in-store experience, trying to combine the reach of physical retail with the involvement of digital channels, actively implementing in-store media communication. An effective in-store retail media strategy isn’t as simple as adding advertising around the store. This strategy requires technology to collect and analyze customer data, including where the customer went to in the store (particular departments), how much time they spent and what they did in there. It is necessary to thoroughly work out a map of buyer behavior. In the course of the study, the key components of advertising technologies in stores were identified, which should be considered in order to collect high-quality marketing information on consumer behavior, and subsequently – to convey advertising information to them at a specific point of sale. It is concluded that in the future, it will be extremely important for stores to apply a seamless omnichannel customer experience at the point of sale. Numerous studies demonstrate the positive impact of technology in retail on the customer journey to the store, as well as the customer journey in the store, from product selection to payment for purchase. Further development of communication strategies of retail trade enterprises envisages the use of modern technologies, the involvement of artificial intelligence and the improvement of customer service methods in trading floors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarenko О. M., Striy L. O.
The Impact of Modern Digital Communications on Consumer Behavior (p. 346 - 355)

The article discusses the features of the influence of modern digital communications on consumer behavior. An analysis of research and publications of both domestic and foreign authors on the problems and trends of the impact of digitalization of society and the development of digital communications on consumer behavior is carried out. It is pointed out that, in general, the digitalization of society and the development of digital communications lead to a change in consumer behavior, requiring companies and marketers to adapt to new conditions and use modern technologies and methods of communication. Considering this, it is necessary to clearly understand the features of digital communication tools and their impact on consumer behavior, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The aim of the research is to study the impact of modern digital communications on consumer behavior and consider the advantages and disadvantages of the main tools of modern digital communications. The object of the research is the impact of modern digital communications on consumer behavior. The subject of the research is digital communication tools. In the course of the research, the methods of questioning, structural and logical analysis, comparison and generalization of the findings were used. The methodological and informational basis comprise scientific works, materials of periodicals, Internet resources. The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of tools for influencing consumer behavior, such as: banner advertising, paid search advertising, video advertising, teaser advertising, SEO, external links, content optimization, SMS messaging, E-mail newsletters, mobile applications, price aggregators, social media marketing (SMM). Emphasis is placed on the statement that digital communications play an important role in shaping behavior of consumers, providing the latter with access to information, the ability to compare goods and services, interact with brands. All this helps companies attract new customers, retain existing ones, and increase sales.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrovskyi O. O.
Imperatives of the Conception of Socially Responsible Marketing of Enterprise (p. 355 - 362)

The article is devoted to the study of the foundations of the conception of socially responsible marketing of enterprise. It is defined that currently there are a large number of approaches to understanding the essence of socially responsible marketing, and therefore it can be considered through the prism of the general conception of marketing or from the point of view of a certain type of activity of enterprise. A study is carried out between the spheres of activity of the enterprise, among which are allocated the production activity, marketing, commodity and communication policy, marketing pricing policy and relations with partners within the terms of social responsibility, arising in this sphere. Among the specific features of the conception of socially responsible marketing, the idea of ESG, compliance, transparency and ethics of marketing behavior, etc., are highlighted. In the course of the study, it was found that along with the classical set of marketing functions, an enterprise that is aimed at perspective development, should be guided in its activities by specific functions of socially responsible marketing, which combine the following functions: regulatory, social security, and system-transformative. The author systematizes the principles of socially responsible marketing, which are an important component of the conception of its implementation. It is proved that there are direct and inverse links between the elements of socially responsible marketing, such as socially responsible climate, social receptivity of the enterprise, socially responsible policy of the enterprise, socially responsible marketing strategy and corporate sustainability. The carried out research made it possible to allocate separate zones of socially responsible marketing, to propose methods of implementation and tools of influence in each of them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chobitok V. I., Kibets A. M.
Efficiency of Using E-Commerce Tools in the Development of Marketing Activities of Enterprises (p. 363 - 369)

The aim of the article is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the use of e-commerce tools in the development of marketing activities of enterprises in turbulent economic conditions. According to the results of the carried out study, the volume of e-commerce trade is identified. Global e-commerce turnover amounts to approximately $6 trillion. This is 20-odd percent of the world’s total retail trade. Due to the different level of development (penetration) of information technology in each of the European countries, taken into consideration the data of the European E-Commerce Report 2023, it is worth noting that the share of online sales has increased significantly. The main factors influencing the difference in the number of sales between countries in the e-commerce segment are: development and application of e-commerce tools; integration of banking technologies into e-commerce; development of a network of logistics delivery centers; legal safeguards to protect consumers. The speed of updates of technologies and methods of their application in the field of e-commerce is high, so there is a necessity for constant monitoring of the functionality and experience in the implementation of innovative products. In order to save money on marketing activities of enterprises in Ukraine, it is recommended to increase the CRR (Customer Retention Rate). The main tools (directions) for improving efficiency in e-commerce are e-mail marketing, messenger marketing, remarketing campaigning using Google Ads, Facebook Ads and other advertising platforms.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Husakovska T. O., Voit B. R.
The Communication System of Enterprises and Organizations: The Main Components and Features of Functioning (p. 323 - 328)

The aim of the article is to study the communication system of enterprises and organizations, to define its main components, interconnection and interaction, as well as its role in the process of ensuring an effective management process. In modern conditions, the effective functioning of enterprises and organizations is impossible without an established system of information and communications management. The performance of managerial functions is accompanied by information exchange both within the organization and externally. It is determined that the organization’s communication system contains subsystems of internal and external communications that provide information exchange within the organization and outside of it. Within these subsystems, social, technical, information and managerial subsystems, their constituent elements and characteristics are allocated. The internal communication system of the enterprise is designed to provide access to information in the process of making managerial decisions, while maintaining the optimal level of information protection. In addition, its further purpose is to create a favorable psychological climate in the team, increase the degree of staff involvement and loyalty, and overcome resistance to changes in the organization. The system of external communications is designed, first of all, to ensure the possibility of communication influence on external stakeholders, as well as effective circulation of information flows and information security of the enterprise. A conclusion is made regarding the need to take into account the influence of all factors and conditions of the internal and external environment, the formation of a complex of information transfer methods and tools, the optimization of communication channels, which will allow the most effective communication influence on target audiences.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ostapenko T. M., Kubetska O. M., Sidorov O. A.
Formation of the Human Capital of the Enterprise in Terms of Recruiting (p. 329 - 335)

The article summarizes the important elements of recruiting, which demonstrates to business entities the current state of personnel recruitment and will be practical advice for enterprises (firms) that are just thinking about modern methods of personnel selection and recruitment. The aim of the article is to generalize the experience of hiring personnel from the standpoint of recruiting (both at the level of employer enterprises and at the level of agencies, i. e. recruiting companies). The authors summarized the essence of the recruiting (recruitment) process, subject composition, significance for the enterprise, modern popular options for recruiting personnel, modern recruiting technologies, areas of business that serve recruitment, methods (tools) of recruitment. Recruiting in its general form is a set of actions to provide the enterprise (employer) with personnel with the necessary competencies – quantitative and qualitative provision of the enterprise’s workers. The subject composition of recruiting includes: re-cruiters (they represent recruiting companies, personnel agencies, funds and centers, State structures for the selection of candidates to fill vacancies); employees of the personnel department, heads of divi-sions in which there are vacancies, psychologists, polygraph examiners, handwriting experts, experts and other personnel recruitment specialists (they represent relevant divisions of the enterprise or pro-fessional structures (agencies)). The advantages and disadvantages of internal and external sources of personnel recruitment are presented. Common options for job search and personnel selection are: direct application to the employer, publication of vacancies, personal recommendations, internal personnel reserve, niche resources for mass recruitment. Recruiting services (external recruitment) are used by various areas of business: pharmaceutical, IT, finance, banking, etc. If we distinguish between the announcement and closing of vacancies by the State-owned recruiting structures (State employment service bodies) and private recruiting companies, then the State recruiting structures mainly serve or-ders (vacancies) of the State-owned enterprises, organizations, and private companies – orders (vacan-cies) of private economic entities. Regardless of the type of recruiting (internal, external), the same methods (tools) are used: traditional, additional and innovative. Knowing how to apply recruiting me-thods (tools) helps HR managers to select the best job candidates. The principles of classical recruiting are considered as the most important from the point of view of overcoming unemployment and per-sonnel selection: systematization, democratization, individualization, informatization, goal orientation, delegation. The priority directions for improving recruiting activity are summarized (improving the quality of hiring, or recruitment efficiency); speeding up hiring (recruitment); increasing the flow of quality candidates for vacant positions; automating recruiting procedures; increasing employee reten-tion rates (i. e., reducing turnover and increasing employee commitment); ensuring diversity in hiring (recruitment of employees by ethnic indicators, gender, age, experience, etc.). An analysis of the quali-fication characteristics of managers, specialists, and workers was carried out, which made it possible to determine the main components of the required human capital from the point of view of the division of employees into professional groups: management personnel (intellectual component , motivational, cultural, social, economic, creative, educational, professional, environmental, social, informational, use of time); personnel from production activities (demographic component, health, educational compo-nent, professional (activity) component).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mamonova H. V., Starina E. I.
The Trajectory of Social Media Development (p. 336 - 344)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the history of the development of social media. The aim of the article is understanding of their economic and social significance in the process of transformation of the modern paradigm of communications and their interaction in advertising. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of many experts, the definition of «social media network» was considered, which reflects various approaches and interpretations of this concept in the context of modern communication technologies. As a result of the study, the powerful evolution of communica-tion technologies that took place during the last decades is outlined. The authors demonstrated that social networks enable individuals, companies, organizations and governments to interact with large audiences, which, in turn, opens up wide opportunities in promoting a product to the market. This study examined the history of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and others, as they are or were among the most popular social networks among Internet users. Brand promotion in social networks is an integral tool that opens up prospects for businesses and individuals in creating a positive image, inte-raction with consumers and instant spread of information, quick response to changing market condi-tions. The study also notes the variety of types of ad integration, ranging from traditional banner ads to more specialized forms such as targeted ads. This study will allow entities interested in advertising their products and services to understand the existing relationship between the development of social media and Internet marketing strategies, which, in turn, will help business structures to adapt to changes in consumer habits and technological trends. Prospects for further research in this direction can be seen in the analysis of the efficiency of the implementation of marketing strategies in social media.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bezruk D. I.
Digitalization of Business Processes of «Epicenter K» LLC as an Instrument for Their Im-provement (p. 344 - 352)

The article is devoted to the relevant topic of development and improvement of the enterprise’s business processes. The aim of the article is to study the practical aspects of improving business processes using the example of «Epicenter K» LLC through the implementation of digital technologies. It is clarified that there is a significant improvement in the field of business process classification. The article offers the author’s view of their division into development processes, main business processes, management processes and auxiliary business processes. The directions of development of the «Epicenter K» LLC group of companies within each of the groups were considered. The main business processes, which were improved by the company «Epicenter K» LLC, have been considered. The main methods of improvement and optimization of business processes of «Epicenter K» LLC have been determined. Examples of the use of modeling and description of business processes are provided: benchmarking, process engineering, and business process reengineering. It is determined that the main instrument for improving the business processes of «Epicenter K» LLC is their digitalization and digitization. It is clarified that the company is actively using digitalization to improve its business processes and to meet the needs of customers in both food and non-food products and services to the maximum extent. Examples of digitalization of business processes of «Epicenter K» LLC are provided: communications, trade process, work of employees of trade departments, document flow and production process. It is concluded that «Epicenter K» LLC is a leading domestic company in the field of retail and production, which every year more and more applies the strategy of diversification and optimization of its business processes, allowing to maximally satisfy customer requests in quality goods and services. The main directions of the company’s development in the field of digitalization and digitization of business processes are outlined in order to ensure profitability, reduce costs and increase labor productivity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rozhko V. I., Brazhnik D. O., Didenko A. O.
Promotion of the Enterprise Brand in Social Networks (SMM) (p. 353 - 363)

The domestic economy is going through the most difficult period in its history. Martial law has significantly reduced the productivity and overall efficiency of Ukrainian enterprises, which are already in a difficult position after the COVID-19 pandemic. Domestic companies are forced to adapt to modern conditions and look for ways to survive. Effective business management is impossible without constant adaptation to changes in the market. Even before the start of the pandemic, most companies actively used social networks to spread information about the brand and attract new customers; the beginning of the introduction of quarantine measures, the self-isolation regime, forced companies that previously did not use social networks as a tool to promote their business, to review their approach and rethink their strategy. This became necessary in order to adapt to the realities of the time, where access to customers and the market proved to be difficult due to the limitation of physical contact. Some companies that previously ignored social media have been forced to re-establish or create a presence in these networks, as it has become a strategic necessity to stay in touch with their customers and provide appropriate promotional support for their products or services. Thus, the lockdown became a catalyst for the activation of the presence of companies in social networks, which helped them adapt to new conditions and increase their online activity in order to support business. The experience that the companies acquired during the pandemic became one of the foundations of the successful functioning of domestic enterprises during the period of active hostilities. The purpose of the present study is to out-line the theoretical and practical foundations of promoting the company’s brand in social networks (SMM) using modern information marketing tools. An analysis of scientific research by foreign and domestic economists has been carried out. The current position of SMM as a tool for enterprise promotion in the information space is analyzed. The expediency of promoting a business brand in social net-works using the example of an express delivery company is revealed. It is found that the use of social networks as a tool for brand promotion is one of the most attractive and promising ways of developing the marketing activities of enterprises. Promotion of the company’s brand in social networks will con-tribute to increasing the company’s competitiveness, as well as help to develop new sales markets. Al-so, promoting the brand in social networks provides the company with advantages in the form of: minimization of possible negative variables during the pricing process; consolidation of social opinion regarding the individuality and uniqueness of the service provided or the product produced. The article examines the essence of the brand as a grouped reflection of entrepreneurship in the social and informational environment. The need to actively maintain official pages in social networks in order to in-crease the efficiency of the company’s activities is argued. The need to analyze the external conditions of the company’s activity in the process of developing marketing measures has been determined and substantiated. It has been proven that in today’s world, the developed and active presence of an enterprise in the social networks becomes a guarantee of the client-oriented direction of the enterprise. It is substantiated that the activation of the enterprise in social networks allows to raise the general image of the company, and therefore to increase the efficiency of advertising measures for the promotion of a product or service.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Postnikov O. O., Smerichevska S. V.
Central Procurement Organizations as an Instrument for Countering Corruption and Violations in Public Procurement (p. 260 - 266)

The article is aimed at analyzing the public procurement system in Ukraine in 2019–2023 and substantiation of the role of central procurement organizations (CPOs) as an effective instrument for countering corruption and violations in this area. The research methodology is based on the analysis of statistical data on the volume and features of public procurement in Ukraine for the specified period. As a result of the study, the structure of violations in the process of organization of public procurement in Ukraine is analyzed. The essence, advantages and foreign experience of functioning of central procurement organizations are considered. The results of the study show that the public procurement system needs to be improved due to the high level of violations, in particular in the procedures for considering tender proposals and drawing up tender documentation. A shortage of highly qualified personnel in public procurement management has been identified, especially in the regions. The role of CPO as specialized institutions for centralized procurement is substantiated. The main advantages of the CPO are defined as follows: saving budget funds, increasing professionalism, unification of approaches, reducing the administrative burden on customers, the possibility of concluding long-term agreements. The positive experience of the leading CPO of Great Britain – Crown Commercial Service, which provides effective transparent public procurement, achieves significant discounts due to the consolidation of demand, has a team of specialists in various fields, applies standard procedures and contracts, online catalogs, cost analytics, is analyzed. The organizational models of the CPO in the EU countries in accordance with Directive 2014/24/EU are studied. It is substantiated that the active development of the conception of the CPO in Ukraine, taking into account the positive world experience, strengthening human resources, improving legislation in this area and eliminating typical violations, are of particular importance for improving the public procurement system and countering corruption. Prospects for further research are related to the study of specific ways to implement the best world practices of central procurement organizations in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymko O. V., Demydyuk S. M.
Risk-Oriented Approach to Service Enterprise Management (p. 267 - 274)

The article is devoted to the study of features of the introduction of a risk-oriented approach in the context of the development of quality management systems, which ensures the integration of risk management with the mechanism of enterprise management in compliance with the principles of consistency, economy and coherence of business processes to solve the problems of ensuring their risk tolerance and competitiveness. The article discloses economic essence of risk as an integral part of each business process in activity of an enterprise in the service sector under conditions of uncertainty and its essential characteristics – negative consequences, optional nature of occurrence and the impossibility of their complete exclusion. The features of the manifestation of risks of service enterprises, the main aspects of the process approach in quality management systems and its integration with the business processes of service enterprises, the implementation of risk management in the quality management system of service enterprises, introduced in accordance with ISO 9001:2015, are considered. The practical significance of the obtained results of the study lies in the possibility of using the proposed risk-oriented approach to management and its integration into the quality management system of an enterprise in the service sector through the allocation of responsibility centers for risk management within the framework of the implementation of the main groups of business processes of the Quality Management System in the context of the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Patlai A. I.
An Adaptive Approach to Scaling the Company’s Activities (p. 274 - 284)

In the conditions of the modern market economy, which is constantly transforming and changing, it becomes obvious for any enterprise to maintain its position in the market, ensure the proper level of competitiveness, its own economic potential, and expand the scope of its activities. The production and economic activities of enterprises should be constantly adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the external environment. This need is mainly due to the fact that changes in environmental factors will lead to a certain disproportion and imbalance between the enterprise and its operating environment. In order to minimize the negative impact of environmental factors and ensure positive dynamics of growth vectors, the enterprise, regardless of its current state, must adapt to the requirements of the existing market conditions and timely implement necessary structural changes in its activities. The aim of the article is to disclose and substantiate the essence of the adaptive system for managing the development of enterprise activities. For a timely response to changes in the external and internal environment, the measures taken by the enterprise in order to preserve the system of production and economic management, ensure the appropriate level of competitiveness, its own economic potential and expand the scope of activity in the market are to be determined. The factors of minimizing the occurrence of changes unfavorable for the current activities of the enterprise be identified. The formation of the enterprise’s own scale of activity, taking into account the components of the adaptive management system, is a complex and multi-level process. The scale of activity is a synthetic characteristic of the enterprise’s activity, therefore, in order to understand the deep essence of the relevant economic category, it is expedient to consider the components of the formation of the scale of activity by enterprises, which are also elements of the system of adaptive management at the enterprise. Prospect for further research in this direction is the development of a conceptual approach to the formation of the scale of enterprise activity, taking into account the components of the adaptive management system, which is due to the development of the main vectors and priority areas of economic activity of enterprise, the introduction of original innovative product conceptions, non-standard operational managerial decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skibska K. O., Starikov V. H.
Information Management in Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (p. 284 - 290)

The current state of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine depends on the stability of the economic situation, the availability of a favorable tax and regulatory environment, the availability of financing, competition in the business environment, the pace of technological development and the sufficiency of qualified personnel in the labor market. The aim of the article is to study the role and analyze the impact of information management to support small and medium-sized businesses. On the basis of the carried out research, the main objectives of information management have been allocated and characterized, the influence of each factor on the indicators of efficiency and productivity of enterprise has been considered. It has been established that proper work with information is a crucial element for the success and sustainability of any organization or enterprise. Information problems can have serious consequences for a business’s operations, so it is important to pay due attention to information management and ensure that data is processed and protected effectively. This process contributes to effective management, informed decision-making, increased competitiveness, and information security. The article develops recommendations for further elaboration of information systems at small and medium-sized enterprises related to ensuring security and data protection, optimizing internal processes and improving the system of data collection and processing. The future development of information management will be characterized by the introduction of advanced technologies, improved data protection and privacy, real-time analysis, and the provision of mobility and teamwork.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yermakov M. A., Karpenko I. O.
Mechanism of Actuation of Socially Responsible Activity of Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 290 - 299)

The aim of the article is to develop a mechanism for intensifying socially responsible activity (SRA), which can be used by enterprises to ensure sustainable development of both each individual enterprise and Ukraine as a whole. The article allocates the signs of social responsibility: a social phenomenon endowed with a specific historical content; conscious fulfillment of a person’s duty to society; execution is a dictate of the subject’s conscience; failure to fulfill the duty implies condemnation on the part of society; contains an initiative nature; a trade-off between the public interest and individual goals; people’s behavior in the context of social responsibility. The subjects of institutional stimulation of the principles of socially responsible activity are identified as follows: legislative bodies; executive bodies; interstate structures; civil society; international and local associations of enterprises; trade unions and professional associations of workers. The directions of SRA of enterprises in Ukraine are defined as follows: support of social initiatives and projects; charitable activities; effective involvement of the public in charitable activities; improving working conditions with the help of recent achievements; creating opportunities for learning and development of the younger generation; introduction of alternative energy sources in production; improvement of medical care. Potential incentives for the SRA programs of enterprise are studied as follows: tax reduction; reduction of administrative pressure; proposals for the implementation of social responsibility programs; expansion of the bank of social and information programs; media coverage; closer ties with non-profit organizations. The following constituent elements of the process of actuation of the SRA of enterprises are proposed: motivation and stimulation. The prerequisites that ensure the effective implementation of the mechanism for actuating the enterprise’s SRA are analyzed: a clear understanding of the purpose and role of the developed mechanism; forms of assistance (informational, legal and regulatory); tools to ensure the operation of the mechanisms, capable of actuation of SRA of the enterprise; resource support for the implementation of mechanisms for actuating the enterprise’s SRA. A mechanism for actuating the SRA of an enterprise in Ukraine has been developed, which consists of two parts: the theoretical foundations of the mechanism for actuating the SRA of an enterprise and the practical implementation of this mechanism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mahdysiuk S. V.
Risks of the Country's Critical Infrastructure (p. 300 - 306)

The aim of the article is to improve the classification and systematization of risks of the country's critical infrastructure based on the study of world experience. Analyzing and summarizing the world's scientific and practical achievements regarding approaches to the classification and systematization of critical infrastructure risks, it was found that, despite slightly different approaches to their classification and systematization, a certain similarity is also traced, but still, taking into account the growth in the number and variety of risks, their classification and systematization need to be improved. As a result of the study, a classification and systematization of risks of the country's critical infrastructure has been proposed, which includes a number of features: by the level of occurrence; by belonging to critical infrastructure facilities and services; by the nature of the impact; by source of origin; by sector of occurrence. The classification and systematization of risks is necessary in order to better design, plan and implement measures and investments that will limit, neutralize or avoid negative consequences (energy, social, economic, etc.) arising from the impacts of risks. Prospects for further research in this direction are approaches to assessing the financial, economic and social consequences of possible and real risks to the country?s critical infrastructure, taking into account the cascading nature of modern risks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kucherenko S. K., Kolosov A. M.
Topical Issues of Diagnostics of Enterprise Management Systems in the Process of Post-War Recovery (p. 307 - 314)

The inevitable end of the war will require enterprise management systems to change their paradigm of activity under martial law to post-war recovery. The relevance of diagnostics of management systems of Ukrainian enterprises is dictated by the need not only to establish the state of their efficiency according to the selected criteria, but also to determine the directions of their improvement. The schematic diagram of diagnostics of enterprise management systems should consist in checking the presence in the arsenal of enterprise management of the necessary elements that meet the requirements for the use of modern tools of anticipative management, strategic management. A generalized feature of the correspondence of enterprise management systems to the current conditions of their activity in the process of diagnostics should be the measure of their ability to perform the entire management cycle. An approach to assessing the readiness of management systems of enterprises to carry out management in modern conditions is proposed on the basis of an analysis of the availability of the necessary management bodies (blocks) and the ability to use modern management tools. A schematic diagram of diagnostics of the state of enterprise management systems is needed not only to establish the efficiency of the enterprise management system and compliance with the requirements of modern management, but also to identify the missing or insufficiently developed elements of modern enterprise management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanenko L. M., Smerichevska S. V., Ivanenko V. I.
An Integrated Approach to the Logistics of Supply, Production and Distribution Based on the Formalization of Logistic Business Processes (p. 315 - 325)

The article considers the problem of integration of logistic business processes of supply of resources (logistics), production and distribution at an industrial enterprise. The aim of the article is to develop an integrated system of logistic management of a production enterprise on the basis of a study of the mechanism for managing the material flow. As a result of the study, the principles of building a logistic system for integrated management of purchasing, production and distribution logistics of enterprise have been formulated and an integrated management scheme has been elaborated, in which complexes of tasks at certain levels of management have been allocated. At the upper level of management is the distribution of the quarterly production program by months, taking into account production capacities based on the principle of specialization of production in time. At the middle level of management – drawing up interrelated plans and schedules of logistics, manufacture and shipment of finished products. At the lower level of management – the compilation of shift-daily tasks on the basis of operational planning of the work of workshops, sites and individual workplaces. When drawing up interrelated calendar plans-schedules for the release and shipment of products, decisions are made that simultaneously meet the requirements of production and the conditions for the sale of products. These decisions are the basis ones for further specification of them by production units of the enterprise. The proposed scheme provides for communication along a closed loop of the logistic system of integrated management: planning, accounting, control, regulation. To solve problems at all levels of enterprise management, it is advisable to use modern software systems, such as SAP ERP, Oracle Supply Chain Management, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management, Infor SCM, Plex Manufacturing Cloud.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarov N. K., Stepanova E. R.
Modern Approaches to Adaptation and Retention of Staff in the Period of Crisis Transformations in Business (p. 325 - 331)

The aim of the article is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and modern approaches to adaptation and retention of staff in the period of crisis transformations in business. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of many scholars, approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of «adaptation» and «onboarding» were considered, the main goals of staff adaptation were presented, and modern approaches to carrying out adaptive measures at domestic enterprises were presented. Thus, in modern business, onboarding approaches are classified into three types: optical, army, and partnership. As a result of the study, a list of measures to ensure the effective adaptation of employees in the crisis period of business development has been allocated. A list of key methods by which it is expedient to assess the effectiveness of adaptive measures in crisis periods of domestic business has also been formed. These are the following methods: eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score); Q12; 360-degree method; matrix method; evaluation of the effectiveness of communication; assessment of the fulfillment of tasks/achievement of goals; method of incentive assessments; DISC methodology; HOGAN methodology. The criteria of the modern system of adaptation are defined, in particular: reducing the cost of finding new personnel; reducing staff turnover in the first or second month and in the first year of operation, given the fact that since the beginning of the russian full-scale invasion, businesses have mostly focused on short-term results; reducing the time to reach the point of profitability for new employees; reducing the number of conflict situations and tension in teams. A list of measures has been formed that are designed to help optimize the procedure for staff adaptation and retention during the crisis in the economy. A list of recommendations for business regarding staff management under martial law is provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Peniuk V. O.
Adaptation as a Component of the Staff Onboarding Process (p. 332 - 338)

The purpose of the article is to define the differences between the concepts of «onboarding» and «adaptation», the tasks and methods of onboarding, as well as to define the concept of onboarding as a process that ensures the effective adaptation of new employees. Nowadays, modern business is impossible without human resources. The labor market, acquaintances, interviews – all this facilitates the rapid search for new employees who can take a certain place in the organization. But can a new employee quickly adapt to a new environment and start performing tasks without financial losses for the organization during the adaptation period of the employee himself/herself? Experience shows that some employees who are on probation or have just started working cannot agree to the conditions and resign only because of difficulties in the process of adapting to the new environment. That is why both small organizations and large companies should pay attention to the importance and role of onboarding in retaining new employees for a long period of time. Some HR specialists and part of the scientific community equate onboarding with adaptation. We have identified the differences between these concepts, because, in our opinion, adaptation is a component of the staff onboarding process. The processes associated with onboarding are preboarding, offboarding, and crossboarding. The period when after the final interview and before the «newcomer» begins to perform functional duties is called preboarding. If the onboarding process still fails at the enterprise, the HR team prepares for the offboarding (dismissal) process. And if new opportunities open up for the «newcomer», then the process of crossboarding is irreversible, which ensures the successful adaptation of the employee in a new position, but within the same enterprise. Well-defined tasks and methods for implementing onboarding make it possible to reduce staff turnover among «newcomers» to enterprises. And its essence substantiates the expediency and effectiveness of onboarding in the process of personnel management in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shepelenko S. M.
Adhocratic Mechanism of Formation of the Happiness Index and Its Impact on the Development of Enterprises (p. 338 - 347)

The aim of the article is to formate an adhocratic mechanism for compiling the happiness index and determining the level of influence of the intellectual potential of employees on the development of enterprises. The article emphasizes that at the present stage of development, the principles of social management, which ensure the search for ways to qualitatively improve the living conditions of a person, are of great importance. Therefore, the desire to improve living conditions encourages people to focus not on quantitative economic growth, but on the qualitative determination of indicators that form the happiness index. The main feature of economic development under the influence of globalization transformations will be competition between countries for the quality of life of the population. That is, each person determines the quality of his happiness index, how the person feels physically, emotionally, how satisfied the person is with his well-being, work, friends, family and State policy. In the modern world, every person, in order to provide oneself and the loved ones with the necessary means of subsistence, must work hard and fruitfully physically or intellectually. However, everyone wants to receive not only sufficient income from their activities, but also moral satisfaction, which forms the happiness index. For many centuries, people have not found an accurate and unambiguous understanding of the concept of «happiness» and the factors that form it. Scientists who conduct research in this area are still trying to find its causes both for the individual and for society as a whole. Therefore, studies have confirmed that a person’s happiness largely depends on the right choice of profession and enjoyment of the internal and external environment. The purpose of the effective work of the management staff of the enterprise is to create conditions for the active development of the intellectual potential of employees at the enterprise through continuous training and the use of a system of material and moral incentives. The article proposes an adhocratic integrated mechanism for managing the intellectual potential of enterprises in the context of global transformations, formed on the basis of adhocracy and the human happiness index, and determining the level of its influence on the development of enterprise. On the basis of the carried out survey, it is determined what factors influence the formation of the human happiness index and on the basis of which the socioeconomic paradigm for the development of intellectual potential in the context of global transformations is formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhehus O. V.
Marketing Management in Ensuring Resilience of Business in the Conditions of the BANI World (p. 348 - 359)

The article develops the theoretical foundations of marketing management to ensure business resilience in the BANI world. The relevance of this area of research is due to the events and transformations that take place in the world and cause evolutionary changes in all spheres of life. The unstable VUCA world was replaced by a more complex, fast, turbulent BANI world, the consequences of which caused destabilization, disorder, spontaneity and cardinal changes. Business adaptability, which was the goal of management in the VUCA world, has been transformed into the need to ensure its resilience in the BANI world. In connection with the formation of new conditions and rules in the external environment, entrepreneurs, managers, and marketers faced an extremely difficult task to ensure the recovery of business after losses and increase its resilience to new shocks in the future. To solve it, the need to introduce new methods of marketing management has been determined. The conception of opportunity marketing is proposed, the basic principles of which are defined on the basis of the BANI-method, which includes components (creation of the new, optimism and audacity, non-standard approaches, awareness of reality), which are peculiar responses to the features of the BANI-world (fragility, anxiety, nonlinearity, incomprehensibility). The necessity of adhering to the following principles is substantiated: speed, proactivity, optimism and positive thinking, creativity, critical thinking; this will allow you to change the focus of the company, which has lost its relevance, to define a new strategic vision; identify and/or purposefully create new opportunities for business development; initiate innovation and implement changes to improve the product, processes, technology, service, communications, brand. Marketing management based on the principles of the conception of opportunity marketing will ensure the resilience of the business, in particular its ability to withstand the challenges and threats of the BANI world, and find new opportunities for further development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Porsiurova I. Р., Botin M. S.
Marketing Researches as a Tool for Innovative Development of Restaurant Business Establishments (p. 360 - 366)

The aim of the article is to determine the tools of marketing research for the introduction of marketing innovations in the restaurant business. The authors analyze publications of leading domestic scholars, which are devoted to the issues of introduction of marketing innovations in the restaurant business, allocation of their main directions of development, in particular regarding the conceptions of establishments, pricing policy, promotion, interior design, commodity policy of the restaurant. The article allocates the types of marketing research of innovations in the restaurant business, namely, outlines the following blocks: analysis and development of websites and mobile applications, automation in messengers; analysis and distribution of restaurants on social networks Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, etc.; analysis of blogging and creation of user-generated content; evaluation of the use of QR code and Wi-Fi in restaurant business establishments; analysis of the use of visual merchandising; development of an interactive menu; analysis of consumer preferences. In addition, the authors have developed and schematically presented a model of the relationship between the introduction of marketing innovations and research tools, where it is determined that, depending on the environment of innovation, different marketing research tools can be used. Thus, accordingly, for internal innovations (created within the establishment, aimed at improving the efficiency of its activities), it will be optimal for evaluation, analysis and implementation of the use of consumer research and advertising methods, social networks, sales promotion systems, etc. For the introduction of external innovations (created outside the establishment, but directly related to it), the use of the following methods is relevant marketing research: research and analysis of the external market; research of competitive advantages and opportunities of restaurant business enterprises; other studies of the external environment of the restaurant business, etc. On the basis of this, it is concluded that the information obtained in the process of marketing research contributes to the effective introduction of innovations and the development of establishments in the restaurant industry. Directions of innovative development of enterprises of the restaurant business have been proposed, which will contribute to the implementation of marketing pricing policy, achievement of strategic management decisions on the implementation of research and implementation of technologies to attract consumers, and, accordingly, increase competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rozhko V. I., Chyzhova A. R., Kuzub A. Y.
Toolkit of the Company's Internet Marketing Strategy (p. 366 - 372)

In today’s business environment, it is important to have effective tools to develop and maintain a successful online marketing enterprise. Strategic use of online resources can significantly increase sales, increase brand awareness, and improve interaction with the audience. Tools for analyzing, planning, and implementing online marketing strategies are becoming key factors in ensuring the competitiveness and sustainability of enterprises in the digital age. This article explores the modern tools of the Internet marketing strategy, highlighting its key components and impact on the successful operation of enterprises in the modern digital world. The article demonstrates the use of Internet marketing on the example of a company specializing in the production of modern facing and insulation materials for facade and interior decoration. It is highlighted that the use of marketing in the Internet environment cannot be a universal template strategy, since each enterprise forms its own strategy by analyzing the target audience, assessing the competitive landscape and taking into account its own business goals. It is found that the definition of an effective Internet marketing strategy is the result of a unique approach of each enterprise to solving its own tasks and meets its specific needs and conditions. In addition, this paper examines the essence of the concept of "Internet marketing", considers various options for interpreting this definition offered in scientific sources. The importance of continuous improvement of marketing strategies for the successful operation of an enterprise in a rapidly changing information environment, introduction of new technologies and increased competition for consumer attention is emphasized. It is noted that this process is continuous and critical for achieving success in modern business.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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