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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 338.242.2
Rachkovskyi E. A.
Quantitative Analysis of the Potential Market Segments when Developing the Strategy of Restructuring the Enterprise (p. 253 - 260)

The article is aimed at development and substantiation of a quantitative approach to integral estimation of attractiveness of the potential market segments, the need for which occurs within the framework of the strategic planning of restructuring the industrial enterprises when selecting as the major directions: fundamental change of product range, development of a product, which will be ultimately new for the enterprise, and entry into new product markets. It has been proposed to assess the attractiveness of markets on the basis of a system of indicators, which reflect the status of the three groups of signs: conditions of the market (competitive) environment; state of enterprise; position of competitors, and which characterize, in terms of each of the potential market segments, the grade of favorabilities of the business environment, opportunities to enter the market for enterprise, the expected position of the enterprise among its competitors. A stage-by-stage scheme for building the integral estimate of attractiveness of the markets has been substantiated, which includes selecting and measuring the level of primary signs of the analyzed market segments, construction of the grouped estimates of attractiveness of the main components of these segments, folding of the grouped estimates in the integral estimates of attractiveness of the markets and their ranking by the level of the integral indicator. It has been displayed that an effective tool to address the specified tasks are the multi-dimensional, non-metric scaling methods, which allow comparison of multi-parameter objects whose properties can be expressed in the interval (quantitative) and the serial (qualitative) scales.
Keywords: restructuring of enterprise, target segments of the market, estimation of attractiveness, quantitative approach
Bibl.: 23.

Rachkovskyi Eduard A. – Leading Specialist, RailTransHolding, LLC (10 Varhanova Str., Mariupol, Donetsk region, 87517, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Russian
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Reference to this article:
Rachkovskyi, Eduard A. (2015) “Quantitative Analysis of the Potential Market Segments when Developing the Strategy of Restructuring the Enterprise.” Business Inform 2:253–260.

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