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Section: Education and Science
UDC 338.46+378.009
Dmytriv A. Y.
Identifying the System Characteristics of Marketing Activities and Structural Trends in Development of the Sector of Higher Education Services (p. 97 - 101)

The article identifies prerequisites for applying marketing tools in both the management of educational activities by higher education institutions and in improving the structure of marketing complex to enhance own competitive advantages. Functions of marketing of higher education services have been defined and divided into two groups: functions arising from elements of the marketing complex; functions of marketing management. An analysis of dynamics in terms of development of market for higher education in Ukraine was conducted, on the basis of which was concluded that high demand for prestigious university education has resulted in the paradoxical situation where against the background of the economic crisis of the 1990es, with reducing the number of existing population and closing enterprises, which had required trained staff, the number of students in Ukraine increased almost threefold. An econometric analysis of the main factors in the development of higher education in both Ukraine and Lviv region was carried out. The influence of pricing policy on demand development at the market for higher education in Lviv region has been examined, it has been determined that education institutions in the region were applying different approaches to pricing.
Keywords: higher education institution, higher education, marketing activity, market for educational services
Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Dmytriv Anna Yа. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Lviv Academy of Commerce (10 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., Lvіv, 79005, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Dmytriv, Anna Yа. (2015) “Identifying the System Characteristics of Marketing Activities and Structural Trends in Development of the Sector of Higher Education Services.” Business Inform 10:97–101.

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