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Section: Regional Economy
UDC 332.145
Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Kozyrieva O. V.
An Analysis of the Legislation of Ukraine on the State Support for Development of the Disadvantaged Regions (p. 17 - 27)

The article analyzes the national legislation on the State support for development of the disadvantaged regions. The article is aimed at identifying the main stages of formation and evolution of legislation on the regional development in Ukraine, including support for development of the disadvantaged regions, its objectives and characteristics of the implementation as well as determining the major achievements, challenges and directions of its improvement. The authors have proposed a structural-logic model for studying this problem. An analysis of the Ukrainian legislation on regional development has been carried out within the selected four time periods of its evolution: Stage I – 1991-1999; Stage II – 2000-2004; Stage III – 2005-2013; Stage IV – from 2014 until now. On the basis of the carried out analysis has been proved that by 2016 the main regulatory and legislative provisions guaranteeing this process in the country was established, but it still is characterized by insufficient systemacity, the practical implementation of the adopted documents demonstrates their crudity and improper performance. Some directions of improvement of the national legislation on development of the disadvantaged regions in Ukraine have been proposed with the aim of removing the allocated shortcomings and ensuring the accomplishment of the objectives set.
Keywords: region, development, the State support, legislation, differentiation of the socio-economic development
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 48.

Kyzym Mykola O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Corresponding Member of NAS of Ukraine, Chief research scientist, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Khaustova Viktoriia Ye. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Director, Research Centre for Industrial Problems of Development of NAS of Ukraine (2 floor 1-a Inzhenernyi Ln., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kozyrieva Olena V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Management and Public Administration, National Pharmaceutical University (53 Hryhoriia Skovorody Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kyzym, Mykola O., Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye., and Kozyrieva, Olena V. (2016) “An Analysis of the Legislation of Ukraine on the State Support for Development of the Disadvantaged Regions.” Business Inform 7:17–27.

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