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A Study of Trends in the Development of General Secondary and Primary Education in Ukraine as a Prerequisite for the Formation of an Efficient Policy of Marketing Communications in Educational Institutions
Nebylytsia O. А., Nevedrova M. Y.

Nebylytsia, Olena А., and Nevedrova, Mariia Yu. (2024) “A Study of Trends in the Development of General Secondary and Primary Education in Ukraine as a Prerequisite for the Formation of an Efficient Policy of Marketing Communications in Educational Institutions.” Business Inform 11:110–116.

Section: Education and Science

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The purpose of this article is to study the trends in the development of general secondary and primary education in Ukraine as a prerequisite for the formation of an effective policy of marketing communications in educational institutions. The study noted the relevance and peculiarity of marketing communications in educational institutions. It is emphasized that they become not just a means of promoting educational services, but also a tool for building long-term relationships, creating a positive image and forming the brand of an educational institution. It is noted that this requires educational institutions to change the traditional approach to communications and use new methods such as content marketing, social media, and webinars to engage audiences and communicate their benefits. With the introduction of digitalization, educational institutions are faced with the need to adapt their communication strategies. Thus, the main trends and aspects that affect the educational sector were allocated and summarized, namely: digitalization of education, individualization of learning, improving the quality of education, cooperation with enterprises. An analysis of the market of educational services of primary and general secondary education in Ukraine in the period from the 2000s to the present day has been carried out. It is noted that until 2019, this market had relatively established trends, characterized by active development under the influence of reforms and technological progress. However, the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 significantly affected all spheres of life. Demographic problems, uneven funding, and insufficiency or destruction of infrastructure in remote regions of the country have created some difficulties. On the other hand, the reports that were analyzed also note positive changes related to the integration of new technologies, support for innovative approaches and expansion of the network of alternative educational institutions, which contributes to the intensification of development and improvement of the quality of educational services. Based on statistical analysis of such indicators as the number of applicants for complete general secondary education; the dynamics of the birth rate in Ukraine; the number of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical staff in educational institutions for the analyzed period; change in the number of educational network institutions in the regional context; arrangement of shelters in institutions, the article summarized the main reasons for such changes, among which the main one was the war, which caused demographic shifts and internal and external migration of the population.

Keywords: education, marketing communications, war, pandemic, digitalization.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 10.

Nebylytsia Olena А. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Nevedrova Mariia Yu. – Student, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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