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Assessing the Efficiency of Fertilization According to the Schemes of Soil and Foliar Application in the Cultivation of Agricultural Crops
Honcharuk I. V., Hontaruk Y. V.

Honcharuk, Inna V., and Hontaruk, Yaroslav V. (2024) “Assessing the Efficiency of Fertilization According to the Schemes of Soil and Foliar Application in the Cultivation of Agricultural Crops.” Business Inform 11:170–176.

Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 633.854.78:631.5

The aim of the study is to assess the efficiency of various schemes of mineral fertilizer application (soil and foliar) to increase the yield of agricultural crops and minimize costs. An analysis of the scientific literature and experimental studies in experimental fields were conducted. Various schemes of mineral fertilizer application were studied, including soil and foliar fertilization. The yield, quality of products and economic efficiency of various options were assessed. It is determined that optimizing plant nutrition is a key factor in increasing the yield and quality of agricultural products. The choice between soil and foliar fertilization depends on many factors, including soil type, climatic conditions, crop and stage of its development. To increase the productivity of agricultural crops and biofuel production, new technologies have been developed that involve the use of modern fertilizers and growth stimulants. In particular, the effect of the granular fertilizer Eurofertil 51 TOP Phos and foliar feeding with microelements (zinc, magnesium, boron) on the growth and development of corn and sunflower was studied in detail. It is found that the optimal fertilization scheme depends on many factors, including soil type, climatic conditions, crop and stage of its development. The combined use of soil and foliar feeding showed the best results in increasing yield and product quality. Recommendations were developed regarding doses, timing of fertilizer application and their combination for different crops. The developed fertilizer application technology is based on the implementation of the process of full use of nutrients by plants, which involves the development of elements for the application of a complex of alternative types of fertilizers for their cultivation in terms of short-term and long-term action and a basic superstructure of factor assessment of the block of soil fertility conditions, hydrothermal conditions of the territory, resource provision of enterprises, and the ecological state of the region, which ensures indicators of increasing yield, grain quality and preserving soil fertility. The results obtained indicate the need for an individual approach to each crop and specific growing conditions. The proposed fertilizer schemes can be effectively applied in agriculture to increase productivity and reduce negative impact on the environment.

Keywords: mineral fertilizers, soil fertilization, foliar fertilization, yield, product quality, economic efficiency.

Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Honcharuk Inna V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (3 Soniachna Str., Vinnytsia, 21008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Hontaruk Yaroslav V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Management and Marketing, Vinnytsia National Agrarian University (3 Soniachna Str., Vinnytsia, 21008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Honcharuk, I. V., Yemchyk, T. V., and Chikov, I. A. “Avtorske pravo na tvir. Kompiuterna prohrama «Systema pidtrymky pryiniattia rishen u vybori bioorhanichnykh dobryv «DSS BioFertSelect»» («DSS BioFertSelect»)“ [Copyright of a Work. Computer Program "DSS BioFertSelect Decision Support System for Selecting Bioorganic Fertilizers" ("DSS BioFertSelect")]. Avt. svid-vo № 125996 April 25, 2024; zaiav. № s202402810 April 2, 2024.
Honcharuk, I. V., Yemchyk, T. V., and Chikov, I. A.. “Avtorske pravo na tvir. Kompiuterna prohrama «Enerhetychna efektyvnist vykorystannia bioorhanichnykh dobryv «BioFertEnergyIndicators» («BioFertEnergyIndicators»)“ [Copyright of a Work. Computer Program "Energy Efficiency of Use of Bioorganic Fertilizers "BioFertEnergyIndicators" ("BioFertEnergyIndicators")]. Avt. svid-vo № 125997 April 25, 2024; zaiav. № s202402808 April 2, 2024.
Honcharuk, I. V.. “Avtorske pravo na tvir. Kompiuterna prohrama «Otsinka ekonomichnoi efektyvnosti vyrobnytstva biohazu z ahrobiomasy ta silskohospodarskykh vidkhodiv «BioWasteCalc» («BioWasteCalc»)“ [Copyright of a Work. Computer Program "Estimation of the Economic Efficiency of Biogas Production from Agrobiomass and Agricultural Waste "BioWasteCalc" ("BioWasteCalc")]. Avt. svid-vo № 120422 July 10, 2023 r.; zaiav. № c202304174 June 7, 2023.


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