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Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling
UDC 351
Berezhniuk I. H., Dzhumurat O. V.
Modelling Customs Control Selectivity Processes with Consideration of Main Risk Parameters of Movement of Goods Across the Customs Border (p. 81 - 86)

The article analyses main tendencies of development of customs business in the context of simplification of customs formalities and maximum allowable level of ensuring security of the national economy. The main task of the study is development recommendations on modelling customs control selectivity processes with consideration of main risk parameters of movement of goods across the customs border. The article identifies main goals of use of the proposed model. It develops main requirements to the result of the customs control selectivity model with consideration of main risk parameters of movement of goods across the customs border. It offers requirements to the process of use of the customs control selectivity model. It order to use the model properly the article identifies relevant information support of the modelling process, which takes into account specificity of activity of special software information complexes and existing regulatory and legal provision in the sphere of regulation of the customs control procedures. The article offers specific recommendations on development of the customs control selectivity model with consideration of main risk parameters of movement of goods across the border with the relevant detailed elaboration of stages.
Keywords: customs control selectivity, selectivity model, information support, software information complex, risk parameters
Fig.: 3. Formulae: 15. Bibl.: 10.

Berezhniuk Ivan H. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Director, State Scientific-Research Institute of Customs (13/3 Ternopіlska Str., Khmelnitsky, 29018, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Dzhumurat Olena V. – Postgraduate Student, Ukranian Academy of Customs (8 Rogalyova Str., Dnіpropetrovsk, 49000, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Berezhniuk, Ivan H., and Dzhumurat, Olena V. (2014) “Modelling Customs Control Selectivity Processes with Consideration of Main Risk Parameters of Movement of Goods Across the Customs Border.” Business Inform 4:81–86.

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