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Section: Labour economics and social policy
UDC 331.105.5+331.5.024.54
Solyarchuk N. Y.
Freelance Activity in Ukraine: its State and Problems of State Regulation (p. 284 - 289)

The goal of the article is analysis of results of the study and identification of problems that arise on the way of development of freelance activity in Ukraine and possibilities of use of instruments of state regulation of freelance activity. The article analyses results of questioning of freelancers, conducted abroad, and conducted by the author of the study in Ukraine in order to obtain an objective assessment of freelance activity and development of the freelance market. In the result the article identifies main advantages and shortcomings of freelance under domestic market conditions. The article presents the structure of respondents by a possibility of making agreements for providing freelance services, distribution of Ukrainian freelancers by age and income and also by a combination of freelance with other types of activity at present and with the planned type of activity in 5 years. According to the study data, the article makes conclusions about probability of the further growth of “straight freelancers” in Ukraine and unwillingness to change this type of activity in future. But one of the important problems that arise in the freelance activity and further development of this type of activity in general is insufficient protection by state (inconsistency of legislative acts, absence of social guarantees, non-regulated employment, etc.) and imperfect methods of regulation of freelance activity. Prospects of further studies are identification of specific features of state management of freelance activity and proposals with respect to building a system of legislative acts with the aim of state management of this type of activity.
Keywords: freelance, freelancer, Internet freelance market, non-regulated employment
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 9.

Solyarchuk Nataliya Yu. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management and International Business, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Solyarchuk, Nataliya Yu. (2014) “Freelance Activity in Ukraine: its State and Problems of State Regulation.” Business Inform 4:284–289.

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