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Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy
UDC 330.342.3«714»:33.05-043.86
Klyuchko V. G.
Specific Features of Realisation of the Concept of Sustainable Development in the Transition Economy (p. 62 - 67)

The goal of the article is identification of specific features of the process of transition to sustainable development in countries with transition economy. The article considers ways and main components of the transition process. In particular, it analyses specific features and consequences of such processes as reorganisation and privatisation, liberalisation of prices and reduction of trade barriers, and also reforms of the legislation system. The article considers by means of which factors some countries managed to overcome the first priority problems connected with ensuring economic growth and what tasks countries faced in transition economies after the financial and economic crisis. In the result of the study the article proves that, as of today, formation of mechanisms that ensure sustainable development is important along with formation of new methods and mechanisms of regulation of economic relations. As analysis shows that due to the fact that countries with transition economy differ by the level of their development, available resources and institutional structures, it is difficult to give a general characteristics of the process of transition to sustainable development for this group, however, it is possible to allocate general features of this process. In particular, on the one hand, countries withy transition economy have all necessary pre-requisites for transition to sustainable development, on the other hand, their development depends on the situation in developed countries, requires attraction of a bigger volume of resources and, as a result, re-consideration of the existing model of development. Prospects of further studies lie in identification of specific features of introduction of the concept of sustainable development at national levels.
Keywords: sustainable development, economic growth, economy development, transition economy
Bibl.: 9.

Klyuchko Varvara G. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Theory and economic management methods, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Klyuchko, Varvara G. (2014) “Specific Features of Realisation of the Concept of Sustainable Development in the Transition Economy.” Business Inform 5:62–67.

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