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Section: Ecology and Environmental Management
UDC 332.02:338.28
Samojlik M. S.
Complex of Marketing Measures When Organising Industry and Developing Regional Market of Secondary Raw Materials (p. 194 - 200)

The problem of secondary raw material management is one of the most important ecology-economic and social problems of regional development. At the same time, the issue of involvement of secondary resources into economic circulation within the socio-economic policy of a region with the help of formation of a marketing mechanism and its institutes, in particular by means of marketing measures, is insufficiently studied and requires further development. That is why the article develops and scientifically justifies a set of marketing measures when organising industry and developing the regional market of secondary raw materials, which takes into account ecological and educational components, on the basis of balancing interests and actions of all participants of this process and also outlines priority tasks of realisation of the concept of marketing in the market of secondary raw materials. The article identifies prospects of application of various forms and methods of marketing work for improvement of the process of secondary resource management, namely for: increase of the volume of collection of secondary raw materials, development of infrastructure for collection of secondary raw materials, establishment of interrelations between producers of products from secondary raw materials and their consumers; increase of volume of consumption of goods made of secondary raw materials; stimulation of attraction of investments into the sphere of waste management; reduction of losses of raw material, material and fuel-and-energy resources, which are taken now from economic circulation with waste; and creation of new working places, first of all, at small and medium enterprises. Scientific novelty lies in development of the complex of measures of realisation of marketing when managing the secondary raw material market, which, unlike the existing ones, takes into account ecological and educational components when interests of its participants are balanced. The obtained results of the study are directed at creation of grounds for development of a target-oriented programme of organisation of industry and development of the secondary raw material market in the context of synergetic development of a region.
Keywords: solid waste, secondary raw materials, complex of marketing measures, region
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Samojlik Maryna S. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Ecology, Balanced Nature Management and Environmental Protection, Poltava State Agrarian Academy (1/3 Skovorody Str., Poltava, 36003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Samojlik, Maryna S. (2014) “Complex of Marketing Measures When Organising Industry and Developing Regional Market of Secondary Raw Materials.” Business Inform 5:194–200.

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