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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 339.13
Lahotska N. Z.
Specification of Essence and Actual Principles of the Enterprise Sales Policy (p. 302 - 306)

The goal of the article is specification of essence and identification of actual principles of the enterprise sales policy. Analysis of definitions of the sales policy that are found in specialised literature allows drawing a conclusion that researchers are not quite clear in interpretation of this category along with other close terms overlooking the key essence of each of them. That is why, the article gives definition of the sales policy notion, which should be understood, first of all, as a behavioural philosophy or general principles of activity, which a firm plans to stick to in the sphere of development of channels of distribution of their goods and movement of goods in time and space. Critical review of theoretical and applied developments in the sphere of sales activity allows systemising a wide spectrum of decisions that are made in the sphere of the sales policy and allocation of the following main directions of its realisation: development and introduction of the distribution strategy; selection of the strategy of product movement through a distribution channel; ensuring processes of marketing logistics; and motivation of sales personnel. Pursuant to the tendencies of development of the sales sphere and with consideration of the general target orientation of the enterprise sales activity, the author identifies the following actual principles of the sales policy: economic efficiency, integration into the general corporate policy of an enterprise, subordination to marketing goals, strategic direction, systemacy and technological effectiveness, flexibility and adaptability, innovation, partner interaction, inter-cultural level and ethical behaviour.
Keywords: sales policy, sales, sales activity, distribution channels, sales policy principles
Bibl.: 12.

Lahotska Nataliya Z. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of International Management and Marketing, Ternopil National Economic University (11 Lvіvska Str., Ternopil, 46020, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Lahotska, Nataliya Z. (2014) “Specification of Essence and Actual Principles of the Enterprise Sales Policy.” Business Inform 5:302–306.

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