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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 330.341
Koval’chuk N. O., Korbutyak A. G.
Approaches to the Evaluation of the Financial and Economic Safety of the Domestic Enterprises (p. 249 - 255)

The article is aimed at identifying and synthesizing the criteria and methods of evaluation of the financial and economic safety of the domestic enterprises, establishing relationships between them on the basis of an analysis of the existing research approaches in this range of problems. In the analysis, systemization and synthesis of the scientific works of many scientists the existing conceptual framework for identifying the financial and economic safety of the enterprise was considered, as well as the scientific approaches to evaluation of the level of financial and economic security at a macro level were summarized. As a result of the study an author's own interpretation of the financial and economic safety of the enterprise was proposed. The financial and economic safety of one of the largest domestic producers of light industry goods - the SLC «Trembita» was analyzed on basis of a set of indicators for evaluating the financial situation. For the studied enterprise were defined indicators and limits, while the higher (lower) position of the enterprise against these meant a financial crisis threat. The prospect of the further research in this area is related to the question of choice of criteria (indicators) to evaluate the financial and economic safety of the enterprise, the system of indicators, which characterize such safety, and the methodological approaches to determine the level of the economic and financial safety.
Keywords: financial and economic safety, economic and financial safety criteria, approaches to the evaluation of the financial and economic safety
Fig.: 4. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Koval’chuk Natalya O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Assistant, Department of Finance, Bukovina State Finance and Economics University (1 Manfreda Shterna Str., Chernіvtsі, 58000, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Korbutyak Alina G. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Assistant, Department of Finance, Bukovina State Finance and Economics University (1 Manfreda Shterna Str., Chernіvtsі, 58000, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Koval’chuk, Natalya O., and Korbutyak, Alina G. (2014) “Approaches to the Evaluation of the Financial and Economic Safety of the Domestic Enterprises.” Business Inform 10:249–255.

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