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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 330.101.5
Arefiev S. O.
The Theoretical and Methodological Approach to the Diagnosis of the Needs of Airports for Restructuring (p. 268 - 276)

The article is aimed at the scientific substantiation of priority as to one or another type of restructuring, depending on the economic situation, as well as the development of the integral efficacy indicator of the restructuring strategies implementation. When compiling the success indicators regarding the materialization of the restructuring policy as to various types of restructuring, the author has primarily taken into account that the ultimate goal of any reorganization activities will have an impact on the financial situation rates of the enterprise. Therefore the article reviewed and substantiated the theoretical and methodological approach to identify priority areas for the restructuring of airports and proposed the method for evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the restructuring strategies on the basis of the integral indicator. Depending on the weight of changes of each financial indicator in the overall volatility of the airports' financial situation, the integrated indicator for evaluation of the management effectiveness of the restructuring processes was proposed. Summarizing the obtained results and aiming to substantiate the priority of any type of restructuring, it was identified, that a complex of the restructuring measures must ultimately contribute to all levels of the economic needs of airports, as well as be shown in the positive dynamics of the 16 indicators of their financial situation.
Keywords: types of restructuring, financial ratios, variation of indicators, factor analysis, principal components, integral indicator
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 14.

Arefiev Serhii O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Doctorate Department, Rhine-Main University of Applied Sciences (18 Kurt-Schumacher-Ring, Wiesbaden, 65197, Germany)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Arefiev, Serhii O. (2014) “The Theoretical and Methodological Approach to the Diagnosis of the Needs of Airports for Restructuring.” Business Inform 10:268–276.

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