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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 330.101
Tsapenko V. Y.
Economic Behavior of Enterprises as the Basis for Managerial Decision-Making (p. 313 - 317)

The article is aimed to clarify the category of «economic behavior» and to estimate the relationship between its types and range of administrative decisions of a strategic and operational character. The most common contemporary definitions of economic behavior were reviewed and analyzed, suggestions about refining this concept has been made. Under terms of the study, such known categories as strategic behavior and strategy with regard to the nature of influence on them of the economic behavior of enterprises were clarified. Based on the evidence of the existing relationship, it is noted that economic behavior represents a specific category, which is characterized by two aspects. The first aspect relates to the variative component of economic behavior, because in this sense it depends on changes in the external environment. The second aspect relates to the consideration, that company management is inclinable to the more or less risky actions. This inclination does not depend on conditions of the operation of company, therefore it can be considered as a stable component of the category of economic behavior. It is the stable component which determines the nature of the effects of the economic behavior on the enterprise's strategy. Thus, in the long-run period this aspect serves as an additional instrumental factor for the development and implementation of the enterprise's strategy. In the short-run period, the variative component of economic behavior affects the change of the managerial decisions of operational character. In the results of research was proved that consideration of such categories, as economic behavior and its constituent aspects in the decision-making process will enhance the efficiency of the company as part of its development strategy.
Keywords: economic behavior, strategic behavior, strategy, types of behavior, variative and stable aspects of economic behavior
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 10.

Tsapenko Valentyna Yu. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Enterprise Strategies, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Tsapenko, Valentyna Yu. (2014) “Economic Behavior of Enterprises as the Basis for Managerial Decision-Making.” Business Inform 11:313–317.

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